this is a modified fork of the [iOpener] package. ### python38/ST4 With newer versions of sublime text One can use the python38 interpreter that includes the typing library. With LSP installed this helps developing quite a bit. So I refactored the code to be more or less statically typed. This however makes the package not compatible with earlier versions of sublime (not even ST3). And I therefor dropped the different tests for sublime versions. ### Restructured the project `` -> ``, `` I extracted the tab-completion stuff into a separate module so it is "easy" to use it for other things than opening a file. **PathBoxMove** command will rename the **path** of the currently open file. *i.e* move it. Using the same UI. If a directory needed doesn't exist it will get created. **PathBoxOpen** command is similar to iOpener, it will also create necessary directories when it is used to open a non-existing file. *i.e* creating a new file. If a directory is opened it gets added to the current project. Worth noting is that by making the more general module ``, I decided to drop support for history. With iOpener when multiple completions is available when `tab` was pressed, an additional `tab` press was needed to show the completions. With PathBox completions are shown after the first press instead. ### preferences If the setting `"use_project_manager"` is set to **true**, new project will get created using the [ProjectManager] package if it is installed. New projects is in that case created when a folder is opened with `path_box_open` in a empty project. You have to enable keybindings yourself, personally i use: ```JSON { "keys": ["ctrl+o"], "command": "path_box_open" }, { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "path_box_move" }, ``` [iOpener]: [ProjectManager]: