VNC-CLIENT ---------- Vnc-server inside container is run on port 5900 1. Run docker-android: ``` docker run -d -p 5900:5900 -e EMULATOR_DEVICE="Samsung Galaxy S10" --device /dev/kvm --name android-container budtmo/docker-android:emulator_11.0 ``` 2. Connect docker-container using vnc-client Environment variables that can be passed to docker container for vnc configuration: |Environment Variable |Description |Example| |:---|:---|:---| |VNC_PASSWORD|protect vnc connection with password|docker run ... -e VNC_PASSWORD=thisissecret ...| VNC-WEB ------- Vnc-web inside container is run on port 6080 Environment variables that can be passed to docker container for vnc configuration: |Environment Variable |Description |Example| |:---|:---|:---| |WEB_VNC|access inside of the container through web-ui|docker run ... -p 6080:6080 -e WEB_VNC=true ...| |WEB_VNC_PORT|access inside of the container through web-ui on given port (default port 6080)|docker run ... -p 6081:6081 -e WEB_VNC=true -e WEB_VNC_PORT=6081 ...| Possible endpoints if WEB_VNC is activated: |Endpoint |Description |Example| |:---|:---|:---| |autoconnect|access web-ui of vnc direclty|http://localhost:6080/?autoconnect=true| |view_only|give only view access|http://localhost:6080/?autoconnect=true&view_only=true| |password|access web-ui of vnc directly with protected password|http://localhost:6080/?autoconnect=true&password=thisissecret| LOG-SHARING ----------- The user has possibility to access log-files through web-ui: |Environment Variable |Description |Example| |:---|:---|:---| |WEB_LOG|access log-files through web-ui|docker run ... -e WEB_LOG=true ...| |WEB_LOG_PORT|access log-files through web-ui on given port (default port 9000)|docker run ... -e WEB_LOG=true -e WEB_LOG_PORT=9001 ...| EMULATOR -------- Possible environment variable to configure the Emulator: |Environment Variable |Description |Example| |:---|:---|:---| |EMULATOR_NAME|give emulator name (default name is a combination between Device name and Android version)|docker run ... -e EMULATOR_NAME=my_emu ...| |EMULATOR_DATA_PARTITION|set data partition on emulator (default value 550m)|docker run ... -e EMULATOR_DATA_PARTITION=900m ...| |EMULATOR_NO_SKIN|deploying emulator without skin|docker run ... -e EMULATOR_NO_SKIN=true ...| The user can also pass needed arguments to android emulator through environment variable ***EMULATOR_ADDITIONAL_ARGS***. Please check [this page]( for possible arguments that can be passed. [<- BACK TO README](../