Docker-Android-Pro ------------------ Docker-Android-Pro is a sponsor based project which mean that the docker image of pro-version can be pulled only by [active sponsor]( After donation, please send email [here]( with following format on subject email: ```--``` e.g. ``````. The script will validate everything and it will send the access token to that email within 48 hours to be able to pull the pro version of docker-android image. Contact [@budtmo]( if you dont get access token after donation. The access token will be removed as soon as the user become inactive sponsor. The differences between normal version and pro version are: |Feature |Normal |Pro |Comment| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |user-behavior-analytics|Yes|No|-| |proxy|No|Yes|Set up company proxy on Android emulator on fly| |language|No|Yes|Set up language on Android emulator on fly| |root-privileged|No|Yes|Able to run command with security privileged| |headless-mode|No|Yes|Save resources by using headless mode| |Selenium 4.x integration|No|Yes|Running Appium UI-Tests againt one (Selenium Hub) endpoint for Android- and iOS emulator(s) / device(s)| |multiple Android-Simulators|No|Yes (soon)|Save resources by having multiple Android-Simulators on one docker-container| |Google Play Store|No|Yes (soon)|-| |Video Recording|No|Yes (soon)|Helpful for debugging| List of Docker-Images --------------------- |Android |API |Type |Image with latest release version |Image with specific release version| |:---|:---|:---|:---|:---| |9.0|28|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_9.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_9.0_| |10.0|29|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_10.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_10.0_| |11.0|30|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_11.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_11.0_| |12.0|32|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_12.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_12.0_| |13.0|33|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_13.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_13.0_| |14.0|34|Normal|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_14.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_14.0_| |9.0|28|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_9.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_9.0_| |10.0|29|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_10.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_10.0_| |11.0|30|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_11.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_11.0_| |12.0|32|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_12.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_12.0_| |13.0|33|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_13.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_13.0_| |14.0|34|Headless|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_14.0|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:emulator_headless_14.0_| |-|-|Selenium|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:selenium|budtmo2/docker-android-pro:selenium_| ***Note: Headless mode does not have any Web-UI*** You can always pull the latest image tag. In case you want to see the release version that has been built with a changelog note and use that specific release version, the information will be sent to you as well. List of Devices --------------- Type | Device Name ----- | ----- Phone | Samsung Galaxy S10 Phone | Samsung Galaxy S9 Phone | Samsung Galaxy S8 Phone | Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Phone | Samsung Galaxy S7 Phone | Samsung Galaxy S6 Phone | Nexus 4 Phone | Nexus 5 Phone | Nexus One Phone | Nexus S Tablet | Nexus 7 Proxy ----- You can enable proxy inside container and Android emulator by passing following environment variables: - HTTP_PROXY="http://\:" - HTTPS_PROXY="http://\:" - NO_PROXY="localhost" - EMULATOR_PROXY_URL="http://\:" - EMULATOR_PROXY_USER="\" - EMULATOR_PROXY_PASS="\" Language -------- You can change the language setting of Android Emulator on the fly by passing following environment variable: - EMULATOR_LANGUAGE="\" - EMULATOR_COUNTRY="\" Selenium -------- Pull and run image that contains Selenium with Appium urls and its capabilities which is stored inside node.json file: ``` docker run -t --rm --name selenium -p 4444:4444 -v $PWD/pro-example/node.json:/home/seleniumusr/selenium_node_config/node.json budtmo2/docker-android-pro:selenium ``` [<- BACK TO README](../