package import com.pusher.client.Pusher import com.pusher.client.PusherOptions import* import com.pusher.client.connection.ConnectionEventListener import com.pusher.client.connection.ConnectionState import com.pusher.client.connection.ConnectionStateChange import com.pusher.client.util.HttpAuthorizer import io.reactivex.BackpressureStrategy import io.reactivex.Completable import io.reactivex.Flowable import io.reactivex.Single import import* class ReactivePusher { private var pusher: Pusher constructor(apiKey: String) { pusher = Pusher(apiKey) this.channels = mutableListOf() } constructor(apiKey: String, authorizationUrl: String) { val options = PusherOptions().setAuthorizer(HttpAuthorizer(authorizationUrl)) pusher = Pusher(apiKey, options) this.channels = mutableListOf() } private val channels: MutableList fun observeConnection(): Flowable { return Flowable.create({ pusher.connect(object : ConnectionEventListener { override fun onConnectionStateChange(connectionStateChange: ConnectionStateChange) { it.onNext(mapConnectionState(connectionStateChange.currentState)) } override fun onError(message: String?, code: String?, exception: Exception?) { it.onError(ConnectionError(message, code, exception)) } }) }, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST) } fun observeConnection(vararg filterBy: ConnectionState): Flowable { return Flowable.create({ pusher.connect(object : ConnectionEventListener { override fun onConnectionStateChange(connectionStateChange: ConnectionStateChange) { it.onNext(mapConnectionState(connectionStateChange.currentState)) } override fun onError(message: String, code: String, exception: Exception) { it.onError(ConnectionError(message, code, exception)) } }, *filterBy) }, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST) } fun getChannel(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: Channel? = null try { channel = pusher.getChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel) } else { it.onError(ChannelError(ErrorMessages.CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND)) } }) } fun getPrivateChannel(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: PrivateChannel? = null try { channel = pusher.getPrivateChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel) } else { it.onError(ChannelError("That channel couldn't be found, please try another!")) } }) } fun getPresenceChannel(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: PresenceChannel? = null try { channel = pusher.getPresenceChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel) } else { it.onError(ChannelError("That channel couldn't be found, please try another!")) } }) } fun isChannelSubscribed(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: Channel? = null try { channel = pusher.getChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel.isSubscribed) } else { it.onError(ChannelError("That channel couldn't be found, please try another!")) } }) } fun isPrivateChannelSubscribed(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: Channel? = null try { channel = pusher.getPrivateChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel.isSubscribed) } else { it.onError(ChannelError("That channel couldn't be found, please try another!")) } }) } fun isPresenceChannelSubscribed(channelName: String): Single { return Single.create({ var channel: Channel? = null try { channel = pusher.getPresenceChannel(channelName) } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { it.onError(ChannelError(e.message)) } if (channel != null) { it.onSuccess(channel.isSubscribed) } else { it.onError(ChannelError("That channel couldn't be found, please try another!")) } }) } fun triggerEvent(channelName: String, eventName: String, data: String): Completable { return Completable.create({ val channel = pusher.getChannel(channelName) as PrivateChannel if (channel.isSubscribed) { channel.trigger(eventName, data) it.onComplete() } else { it.onError(TriggerEventError(ERROR_TRIGGERING_EVENT)) } }) } fun unsubscribeFromChannel(channelName: String): Completable { return Completable.defer { pusher.unsubscribe(channelName) Completable.complete() } } fun subscribeToChannel(channelName: String, vararg events: String): Flowable { return Flowable.create({ pusher.subscribe(channelName, object : ChannelEventListener { override fun onEvent(channelName: String, eventName: String, data: String) { it.onNext(ChannelEvent(channelName, eventName, data)) } override fun onSubscriptionSucceeded(p0: String) {} }, *events) }, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST) } fun subscribePrivateChannel(channelName: String, vararg events: String): Flowable { return Flowable.create({ if (!channels.contains(channelName)) { channels.add(channelName) pusher.subscribePrivate(channelName, object : PrivateChannelEventListener { override fun onAuthenticationFailure(p0: String?, p1: java.lang.Exception?) { } override fun onSubscriptionSucceeded(p0: String?) { } override fun onEvent(channelName: String, eventName: String, data: String) { it.onNext(ChannelEvent(channelName, eventName, data)) } }, *events) } }, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST) } fun bindPrivateChannelEvent(channelName: String, event: String): Flowable { return Flowable.create({ if (!channels.contains(channelName)) { channels.add(channelName) pusher.subscribePrivate(channelName).bind(event, object : PrivateChannelEventListener { override fun onAuthenticationFailure(message: String, exception: java.lang.Exception) { it.onError(AuthenticationError(message, exception)) } override fun onSubscriptionSucceeded(p0: String?) { } override fun onEvent(channelName: String, eventName: String, data: String) { it.onNext(ChannelEvent(channelName, eventName, data)) } }) } }, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST) } private fun mapConnectionState(connectionState: ConnectionState): ConnectionStatus { when (connectionState) { ConnectionState.CONNECTING -> { return ConnectionStatus.CONNECTING } ConnectionState.CONNECTED -> { return ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED } ConnectionState.DISCONNECTING -> { return ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTING } ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED -> { return ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED } ConnectionState.RECONNECTING -> { return ConnectionStatus.RECONNECTING } else -> { return ConnectionStatus.ALL } } } }