## Changelog ### v0.6.6 * Fix browser build not updated to latest bits (#82) ### v0.6.5 * Fix schema bug with type "integer" and keywords "maximum" and/or "minimum" (#74) * Fix broken required field validation when schema contains properties, but no sub-schema for required property (#81) ### v0.6.4 * `minLength` and `maxLength` keywords now properly calculate character length of Unicode surrogate pairs (#58) * Add support for scope dereferencing with the `id` keyword (#70) * Add support for remote schema references specified in the `schemas` option (#69) * Enable full unit test support in the browser and add testling badge (#71) * Improve performance - code generation and compiled validator execution (#73) * Fix broken path values in error objects for some property names (#72) ### v0.6.3 * Add support for `build({ additionalProperties: 'always'})` (#60) * Add `error.additionalProperties` that specify forbidden property keys (#54) * Add support for NetSuite (#63) * Fix schema validation gives a false positive when the type keyword does not specify a valid type string (#52) * Fix validation error with arrays and oneOf (#55) * Fix validation error when using the additionalProperties keyword (#56) * Fix requiredMessage doesnt work when referencing external schema files (#51) ### v0.6.1 * Fix various RegExp escaping issues in node v4.0 and above (#47) * Fix build() function doesn't apply default values or remove additional properties when using 'allOf' keyword (#40) * Make $ref resolving conform strictly to JSON Pointer spec (#49) * Fix errors resolving nested $refs (#50) ### v0.6.0 * Add an option to ignore missing references (#37) * Performance improvement (#35) ### v0.5.0 * Add greedy mode (#32, #33) ### v0.4.1 * Fix recursive calls to the same cached $ref validator resets the errors array (#30) ### v0.4.0 * Add external schema references (#20) * Fix cloning Date objects is broken in Firefox (#26) * Fix broken tests under IE9 (#27) * Fix `npm test` command to run mocha from the local node_modules ### v0.3.2 * Add in-browser support out of the box (#23) * Fix broken inlining of regular expressions containing forward slashes when running in the browser (#25) ### v0.3.1 * Add support for IE8 ### v0.3.0 * Add support for default value population (#10) * Add support for custom messages per keyword (#18) ### v0.2.0 * Add support for custom format validators (#8, #9) * Add support for validating javascipt Date objects (#17) ### v0.1.2 * Fix cannot dereference schema when ids change resolution scope (#14) ### v0.1.1 * Fix broken inlining of regular expressions containing slashes (#15) * Fix code generation breaks when object properties in schema are not valid identifiers (#16) ### v0.1.0 * Custom error messages defined in the schema * Append the required property name to the path in the error object for `required` and `dependencies` keywords (#7) * Fix protocol-relative URIs are marked invalid (#13) * Update [JSON-Schema-Test-Suite](https://github.com/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite) tests (#12) ### v0.0.5 * Improve generated validation code (#4) * Fail fast (#4) * Error reporting (#5) * Reduce the performance impact of logging validation errors (#4) ### v0.0.4 * Fix `multipleOf` doesn't validate data for decimal points (#1) ### v0.0.3 * Optimize performance of runtime code generation * Optimize performance of generated code