#!/bin/bash # # This is the installer for the Buildkite Agent. # # For more information, see: https://github.com/buildkite/agent set -e COMMAND="bash -c \"\`curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/buildkite/agent/master/install.sh\`\"" echo -e "\033[33m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | (_) | | | | (_) | | | | |__ _ _ _| | __| | | ___| |_ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ | |_ | '_ \| | | | | |/ _\` | |/ / | __/ _ \ / _\` |/ _\` |/ _ \ '_ \| __| | |_) | |_| | | | (_| | <| | || __/ | (_| | (_| | __/ | | | |_ |_.__/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|_|\_\_|\__\___| \__,_|\__, |\___|_| |_|\__| __/ | |___/\033[0m" echo -e "Finding latest release..." SYSTEM=$(uname -s | awk '{print tolower($0)}') MACHINE=$(uname -m | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [[ ($SYSTEM == *"mac os x"*) || ($SYSTEM == *darwin*) ]]; then PLATFORM="darwin" elif [[ ($SYSTEM == *"freebsd"*) ]]; then PLATFORM="freebsd" else PLATFORM="linux" fi if [ -n "$BUILDKITE_INSTALL_ARCH" ]; then ARCH="$BUILDKITE_INSTALL_ARCH" echo "Using explicit arch '$ARCH'" else case $MACHINE in *amd64*) ARCH="amd64" ;; *x86_64*) ARCH="amd64" # On Apple Silicon Macs, the architecture reported by `uname` depends on # the architecture of the shell, which is in turn influenced by the # *terminal*, as *child processes prefer their parents' architecture*. # # This means that for Terminal.app with the default shell it will be # arm64, but x86_64 for people using (pre-3.4.0 builds of) iTerm2 or # x86_64 shells. # # Based on logic in Homebrew: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/pull/7995 if [[ "$PLATFORM" == "darwin" && "$(/usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64 2> /dev/null)" == "1" ]]; then ARCH="arm64" fi ;; *arm64*) ARCH="arm64" ;; *armv8*) ARCH="arm64" ;; *armv7*) ARCH="armhf" ;; *armv6l*) ARCH="arm" ;; *armv6*) ARCH="armhf" ;; *arm*) ARCH="arm" ;; *ppc64le*) ARCH="ppc64le" ;; *aarch64*) ARCH="arm64" ;; *mips64*) ARCH="mips64le" ;; *s390x*) ARCH="s390x" ;; *riscv64*) ARCH="riscv64" ;; *) ARCH="386" echo -e "\n\033[36mWe don't recognise the $MACHINE architecture; falling back to $ARCH\033[0m" ;; esac fi if [[ "$BETA" == "true" ]]; then RELEASE_INFO_URL="https://buildkite.com/agent/releases/latest?platform=$PLATFORM&arch=$ARCH&prerelease=true&system=$SYSTEM&machine=$MACHINE" else RELEASE_INFO_URL="https://buildkite.com/agent/releases/latest?platform=$PLATFORM&arch=$ARCH&system=$SYSTEM&machine=$MACHINE" fi if command -v wget >/dev/null; then LATEST_RELEASE=$(wget -qO- "$RELEASE_INFO_URL") else LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s "$RELEASE_INFO_URL") fi VERSION=$(echo "$LATEST_RELEASE" | awk -F= '/version=/ { print $2 }') DOWNLOAD_FILENAME=$(echo "$LATEST_RELEASE" | awk -F= '/filename=/ { print $2 }') DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo "$LATEST_RELEASE" | awk -F= '/url=/ { print $2 }') function buildkite-download { BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_TMP_FILE="/tmp/buildkite-download-$$.txt" if command -v wget >/dev/null then wget "$1" -O "$2" 2> $BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_TMP_FILE || BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_EXIT_STATUS=$? else curl -L -o "$2" "$1" 2> $BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_TMP_FILE || BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_EXIT_STATUS=$? fi if [[ $BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_EXIT_STATUS -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\033[31mFailed to download file: $1\033[0m\n" cat $BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_TMP_FILE exit $BUILDKITE_DOWNLOAD_EXIT_STATUS fi } echo -e "Installing Version: \033[35mv$VERSION\033[0m" # Default the destination folder : ${DESTINATION:="$HOME/.buildkite-agent"} # If they have a $HOME/.buildkite folder, rename it to `buildkite-agent` and # symlink back to the old one. Since we changed the name of the folder, we # don't want any scripts that the user has written that may reference # ~/.buildkite to break. if [[ -d "$HOME/.buildkite" && ! -d "$HOME/.buildkite-agent" ]]; then mv "$HOME/.buildkite" "$HOME/.buildkite-agent" ln -s "$HOME/.buildkite-agent" "$HOME/.buildkite" echo "" echo "======================= IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE ==========================" echo "" echo "Hey!" echo "" echo "Sorry to be a pain, but we've renamed ~/.buildkite to ~/.buildkite-agent" echo "" echo "I've renamed your .buildkite folder to .buildkite-agent, and created a symlink" echo "from the old location to the new location, just in case you had any scripts that" echo "referenced the previous location." echo "" echo "If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: keith@buildkite.com" echo "" echo "~ Keith" echo "" echo "==========================================================================" echo "" fi mkdir -p "$DESTINATION" if [[ ! -w "$DESTINATION" ]]; then echo -e "\n\033[31mUnable to write to destination \`$DESTINATION\`\n\nYou can change the destination by running:\n\nDESTINATION=/my/path $COMMAND\033[0m\n" exit 1 fi echo -e "Destination: \033[35m$DESTINATION\033[0m" echo -e "Downloading $DOWNLOAD_URL" # Create a temporary folder to download the binary to INSTALL_TMP=/tmp/buildkite-agent-install-$$ mkdir -p $INSTALL_TMP # If the file already exists in a folder called releases. This is useful for # local testing of this file. if [[ -e releases/$DOWNLOAD ]]; then echo "Using existing release: releases/$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME" cp releases/"$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME" $INSTALL_TMP else buildkite-download "$DOWNLOAD_URL" "$INSTALL_TMP/$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME" fi # Extract the download to a tmp folder inside the $DESTINATION # folder tar -C "$INSTALL_TMP" -zxf "$INSTALL_TMP"/"$DOWNLOAD_FILENAME" # Move the buildkite binary into a bin folder mkdir -p "$DESTINATION"/bin mv $INSTALL_TMP/buildkite-agent "$DESTINATION"/bin chmod +x "$DESTINATION"/bin/buildkite-agent # Copy the latest config file as dist mv "$INSTALL_TMP"/buildkite-agent.cfg "$DESTINATION"/buildkite-agent.dist.cfg # Copy the config file if it doesn't exist if [[ -f $DESTINATION/buildkite-agent.cfg ]]; then echo -e "\n\033[36mIgnoring existing buildkite-agent.cfg (see buildkite-agent.dist.cfg for the latest version)\033[0m" else echo -e "\n\033[36mA default buildkite-agent.cfg has been created for you in $DESTINATION\033[0m" cp "$DESTINATION"/buildkite-agent.dist.cfg "$DESTINATION"/buildkite-agent.cfg # Set their token for them if [[ -n $TOKEN ]]; then # Need "-i ''" for macOS X and FreeBSD if [[ $(uname) == 'Darwin' ]] || [[ $(uname) == 'FreeBSD' ]]; then sed -i '' "s/token=\"xxx\"/token=\"$TOKEN\"/g" "$DESTINATION"/buildkite-agent.cfg else sed -i "s/token=\"xxx\"/token=\"$TOKEN\"/g" "$DESTINATION"/buildkite-agent.cfg fi else echo -e "\n\033[36mDon't forget to update the config with your agent token! You can find it token on your \"Agents\" page in Buildkite\033[0m" fi fi # Copy the hook samples mkdir -p "$DESTINATION"/hooks mv $INSTALL_TMP/hooks/*.sample "$DESTINATION"/hooks if [[ -f "$INSTALL_TMP/bootstrap.sh" ]]; then mv "$INSTALL_TMP/bootstrap.sh" "$DESTINATION" chmod +x "$DESTINATION/bootstrap.sh" fi echo -e "\n\033[32mSuccessfully installed to $DESTINATION\033[0m You can now start the agent! $DESTINATION/bin/buildkite-agent start For docs, help and support: https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3 Happy building! <3 "