// QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP auto splitter (by mczolly & spectralplatypus) // Automatically splits every time the snitch is caught. // The run autoresets if you quit to main menu from the opponent selector screen (typical reset situation) state("QWC") { byte snitchCaught : "QWC.exe", 0x0020E904; int location: "QWC.exe", 0x0020EA94; byte tutorialLevel : "QWC.exe", 0x00C18F98; } startup { settings.Add("snitch", true, "Split every time the snitch is caught."); settings.Add("passing", true, "Split after the passing tutorial."); settings.Add("tackle", true, "Split after the tackle & shoot tutorial."); settings.Add("seeker", true, "Split after the seeker tutorial."); settings.Add("bludger", true, "Split after the beaters & bludgers tutorial."); settings.Add("special", true, "Split after the special moves tutorial."); settings.Add("combos", true, "Split after the combos tutorial."); } split { // checking for catching the snitch if (old.snitchCaught == 0 && current.snitchCaught == 1) { return settings["snitch"]; } // checking if the passing tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 1 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { return settings["passing"]; } // checking if the tackle & shoot tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 2 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { return settings["tackle"]; } // checking if the seeker tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 3 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { if (settings["snitch"] == false) { return settings["seeker"]; } } // checking if the beaters & bludgers tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 4 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { return settings["bludger"]; } // checking if the special moves tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 5 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { return settings["special"]; } // checking if the combos tutorial level has been passed if (old.tutorialLevel == 6 && current.tutorialLevel == 0) { return settings["combos"]; } } reset { if (old.location == 81920 && current.location == 0) { return true; } }