library("shiny") library("shinyAce") library("shinyBS") library("meta") library("metafor") #library("metamisc") library("MAd") library("MAc") library("quantreg") library("ggplot2") library("") library("SCMA") library("SCRT") library("weightr") library("irr") #library("metaSEM") shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { options(warn=-1) bayoption1 = FALSE q <- observe({ # Stop the app when the quit button is clicked if (input$quit == 1) stopApp() }) <- reactive({ dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", n1i=N1, n2i=N2, m1i=M1, m2i=M2, sd1i=SD1, sd2i=SD2, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL list(dat = dat) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "mdes") { df <- (dat$N1 + dat$N2) - 2 j <- 1 - (3/(4 * df - 1)) g <- j * dat$d dat$ES <- g dat$SV <- (((dat$N1+dat$N2)/(dat$N1*dat$N2))+((dat$ES*dat$ES)/(2*(dat$N1+dat$N2)))) list(dat = dat) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <- escalc(measure=input$cormeasures, ni=N, ri=r, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$FZ <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL list(dat = dat) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "or") { dat <- escalc(input$dichotomousoptions, ai = upoz, bi = uneg, ci = kpoz, di = kneg, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL list(dat = dat) # To be used later } }) # Fixed effects model to be used later FE.est <- reactive({ if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", n1i=N1, n2i=N2, m1i=M1, m2i=M2, sd1i=SD1, sd2i=SD2, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi dat$vi <- NULL FE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method="FE", data=dat, slab=paste(Veri)) list(FE.res = FE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "mdes") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") df <- (dat$N1 + dat$N2) - 2 j <- 1 - (3/(4 * df - 1)) g <- j * dat$d dat$ES <- g dat$SV <- (((dat$N1+dat$N2)/(dat$N1*dat$N2))+((dat$ES*dat$ES)/(2*(dat$N1+dat$N2)))) FE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method="FE", data=dat, slab=paste(Veri)) list(FE.res = FE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure=input$cormeasures, ni=N, ri=r, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$FZ <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL FE.res <- rma(FZ, SV, data=dat, method = "FE", slab=paste(Veri)) list(FE.res = FE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "or") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(input$dichotomousoptions, ai = upoz, bi = uneg, ci = kpoz, di = kneg, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL FE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method="FE", data=dat, slab=paste(Veri)) list(FE.res = FE.res) # To be used later } }) RE.est <- reactive({ if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", n1i=N1, n2i=N2, m1i=M1, m2i=M2, sd1i=SD1, sd2i=SD2, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi dat$vi <- NULL RE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method=input$model, data=dat, knha=input$khadjust, slab=paste(Veri)) list(RE.res = RE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "mdes") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") df <- (dat$N1 + dat$N2) - 2 j <- 1 - (3/(4 * df - 1)) g <- j * dat$d dat$ES <- g dat$SV <- (((dat$N1+dat$N2)/(dat$N1*dat$N2))+((dat$ES*dat$ES)/(2*(dat$N1+dat$N2)))) RE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method=input$model, data=dat, slab=paste(Veri)) list(RE.res = RE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure=input$cormeasures, ni=N, ri=r, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$FZ <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL RE.res <- rma(FZ, SV, data=dat, method =input$model, slab=paste(Veri)) list(RE.res = RE.res) # To be used later } else if (input$type == "or") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(input$dichotomousoptions, ai = upoz, bi = uneg, ci = kpoz, di = kneg, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL RE.res <- rma(ES, SV, method=input$model, data=dat, slab=paste(Veri)) list(RE.res = RE.res) # To be used later } }) data <- reactive({ dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", n1i=N1, n2i=N2, m1i=M1, m2i=M2, sd1i=SD1, sd2i=SD2, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- round(dat$yi, 3) dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- round(dat$vi, 3) # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL cat("\n","ES = Etki büyüklüğü [Hedges's g]", "\n", "SV = Örneklem varyansı [kök(OV) = Std hata]", "\n", "\n" ) # ," W = Inverse variance weight", "\n", "\n" cat("---","\n") print(dat) } else if (input$type == "mdes") { df <- (dat$N1 + dat$N2) - 2 j <- 1 - (3/(4 * df - 1)) g <- j * dat$d dat$ES <- round(g, 3) dat$SV <- round((((dat$N1+dat$N2)/(dat$N1*dat$N2))+((dat$ES*dat$ES)/(2*(dat$N1+dat$N2)))),3) cat("\n","ES = Etki büyüklüğü [Hedges's g]", "\n", "SV = Örneklem varyansı [kök(OV) = Std hata]", "\n", "\n" ) # , " W = Inverse variance weight", "\n", "\n" cat("---","\n") print(dat) } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <- escalc(measure=input$cormeasures, ni=N, ri=r, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$FZ <- round(dat$yi,3) dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- round(dat$vi, 3) # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL cat("\n","FZ = Fisher's Z", "\n", "SV = Örneklem varyansı [kök(OV) = Std hata]", "\n", "\n") cat("---","\n") print(dat) } else if (input$type == "or") { dat <- escalc(input$dichotomousoptions, ai = upoz, bi = uneg, ci = kpoz, di = kneg, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi # SV=sampling variances dat$vi <- NULL cat("\n","ES = Etki büyüklüğü [Hedges's g]", "\n", "SV = Örneklem varyansı [kök(OV) = Std hata]", "\n", "\n" ) # ," W = Inverse variance weight", "\n", "\n" cat("---","\n") print(dat) } }) ################################################ # FE & RE model result ################################################ fe <- reactive({ if (input$type == "mdms") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res cat("Bir FE modeli K sayıda çalışmanın betimlemesidir. (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") cat("---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor ', detail = 'Sabit etki modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) FE.res } else if (input$type == "mdes") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res cat("Bir FE modeli K sayıda çalışmanın betimlemesidir. (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n", "---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Sabit etki modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) FE.res } else if (input$type == "cor") { # Using different function here. dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") FE.res <- metacor(dat$r, dat$N) withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Sabit etki modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) FE.res } else if (input$type == "or") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res cat("Bir FE modeli K sayıda çalışmanın betimlemesidir. (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") cat("---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Sabit etki modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) FE.res } }) re <- reactive({ if (input$type == "mdms") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res cat("Rassal etkiler modeli, mevcut K sayida çalışmanın","\n") cat(" Geniş bir çalışma evreninden örneklemdiğini varsayar (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") cat("---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Rassal etkiler modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) RE.res } else if (input$type == "mdes") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res cat("Rassal etkiler modeli, mevcut K sayida çalışmanın","\n") cat(" geniş bir çalışma evreninden örneklemdiğini varsayar (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") cat("---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Rassal etkiler modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) RE.res } else if (input$type == "cor") { cat("Yukarda hem FE hem RE sonuçları verilmiştir.","\n","\n") cat("---","\n") cat("Bir FE modeli K sayıda çalışmanın betimlemesidir.","\n") cat("Rassal etkiler modeli, mevcut K sayida çalışmanın","\n") cat(" geniş bir çalışma evreninden örneklemdiğini varsayar (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") } else if (input$type == "or") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res cat("Rassal etkiler modeli, mevcut K sayida çalışmanın","\n") cat(" geniş bir çalışma evreninden örneklemdiğini varsayar (Kovalchik, 2013).","\n") cat("---","\n") withProgress(message = 'Hesaplıyor', detail = 'Rassal etkiler modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) RE.res } }) makefePlot <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res forest(FE.res) } else if (input$type == "cor") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res forest(FE.res, transf=transf.ztor) } else if (input$type == "or") { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res forest(FE.res) } } output$fePlot <- renderPlot( { withProgress(message = 'sunuyor', detail = 'Diyagram - Sabit etki', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(makefePlot()) }) makerePlot <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res forest(RE.res) } else if (input$type == "mdes") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res forest(RE.res) } else if (input$type == "cor") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res forest(RE.res, transf=transf.ztor) } if (input$type == "or") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res forest(RE.res) } } output$rePlot <- renderPlot( { withProgress(message = 'Sunuyor', detail = 'Diyagram - rassal etkiler', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(makerePlot()) }) ####################################### NZ start cat2 <- reactive({ rawirrdat <- read.csv(text=input$text5, sep="\t") irrdat <- rawirrdat[,3:dim(rawirrdat)[2]] #uyum yüzdesi agree(irrdat) -> agg2 #2 puanlayıcı için kappa kappa2(irrdat) -> kap2 list(agg2 = agg2, kap2 = kap2) # To be used later }) output$cat2.out <- renderPrint({ cat2() }) cat3 <- reactive({ rawirrdat <- read.csv(text=input$text6, sep="\t") irrdat <- rawirrdat[,3:dim(rawirrdat)[2]] #uyum yüzdesi agree(irrdat) -> agg3 #Kappa described by Fleiss (1971) kappam.fleiss(irrdat) -> kap3Fleiss #"Light's Kappa equals the average of all possible combinations of bivariate Kappas between raters." kappam.light(irrdat) -> kap3Light list(agg3 = agg3, kap3Fleiss = kap3Fleiss, kap3Light = kap3Light) # To be used later }) output$cat3.out <- renderPrint({ cat3() }) cont2 <- reactive({ rawirrdat <- read.csv(text=input$text7, sep="\t") irrdat <- rawirrdat[,3:dim(rawirrdat)[2]] #correlation meancor(irrdat) -> cor2 #intraclass correlation of raters icc(irrdat) -> icc2 list(cor2 = cor2, icc2 = icc2) # To be used later }) output$cont2.out <- renderPrint({ cont2() }) cont3 <- reactive({ rawirrdat <- read.csv(text=input$text8, sep="\t") irrdat <- rawirrdat[,3:dim(rawirrdat)[2]] #correlation meancor(irrdat) -> cor3 #intraclass correlation of raters icc(irrdat) -> icc3 list(cor3 = cor3, icc3 = icc3) # To be used later }) output$cont3.out <- renderPrint({ cont3() }) ######################################### NZ stop ####################################### 3DM start cat3DM <- reactive({ raw3DMdat <- read.csv(text=input$text3DM, sep="\t") res <-, vi, random = ~ 1 | D3ID/D2ID, data=raw3DMdat) result3D=summary(res) W <- diag(1/raw3DMdat$vi) X <- model.matrix(res) P <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W Isq=100 * sum(res$sigma2) / (sum(res$sigma2) + (res$k-res$p)/sum(diag(P))) sepIsq=100 * res$sigma2 / (sum(res$sigma2) + (res$k-res$p)/sum(diag(P))) list(result3D = result3D,Isq=Isq,sepIsq=sepIsq ) # To be used later }) output$cat3DM.out <- renderPrint({ cat3DM() }) ######################################### 3DM stop ################################################ # Funnel plot removed trimfillplot UI input ################################################ makeFunFixPlot <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "mdes") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "cor") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "or") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { FE.res <- FE.est()$FE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(FE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} } output$FunFixPlot <- renderPlot( { withProgress(message = 'Sunuyor', detail = 'Huni grafik - sabit etki', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(makeFunFixPlot()) }) makeFunRandPlot <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "mdes") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "cor") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} else if (input$type == "or") { if (input$contourenhancedbox == TRUE) { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), level=c(90, 95, 99), shade=c("white", "gray", "darkgray"), refline=0, yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) } else { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res metafor::funnel(trimfill(RE.res, estimator=input$trimfillopt), yaxis=input$regtestpredictor) }} } output$FunRandPlot <- renderPlot( { withProgress(message = 'Sunuyor', detail = 'Huni grafik - rassal etki', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(makeFunRandPlot()) }) ################################################ # Test of asymmetry & Fail-safe N ################################################ asy <- reactive({ dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") if (input$type == "mdms") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res regt <- regtest(RE.res, model=input$regtestmodeltype, predictor=input$regtestpredictor,$regtestfullmodel) rankt <- ranktest(RE.res) value <- fsn(y = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, type=input$filedraweranalysis) return(list(' p > .05 ise yayın yanlılığı yok (Nonsignificant)' = regt, 'Yüksek bir korelasyon huni grafiğinin simetrik olmadığına işaret eder, bunun sebebi yayın yanlılığı olabilir.' = rankt, 'File drawer analizleri' = value)) } else if (input$type == "mdes") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res regt <- regtest(RE.res, model=input$regtestmodeltype, predictor=input$regtestpredictor) rankt <- ranktest(RE.res) value <- fsn(y = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, type=input$filedraweranalysis) return(list('p > .05 ise yayın yanlılığı yok (Nonsignificant)' = regt, 'Yüksek bir korelasyon huni grafiğinin simetrik olmadığına işaret eder, bunun sebebi yayın yanlılığı olabilir.' = rankt, 'File drawer analizleri' = value)) } else if (input$type == "cor") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res regt <- regtest(RE.res, model=input$regtestmodeltype, predictor=input$regtestpredictor) rankt <- ranktest(RE.res) value <- fsn(y = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, type=input$filedraweranalysis) return(list('p > .05 ise yayın yanlılığı yok (Nonsignificant)' = regt, 'Yüksek bir korelasyon huni grafiğinin simetrik olmadığına işaret eder, bunun sebebi yayın yanlılığı olabilir.' = rankt, 'File drawer analizleri' = value)) } else if (input$type == "or") { RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res regt <- regtest(RE.res, model=input$regtestmodeltype, predictor=input$regtestpredictor) rankt <- ranktest(RE.res) value <- fsn(y = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, type=input$filedraweranalysis) return(list('p > .05 ise yayın yanlılığı yok (Nonsignificant)' = regt, 'Yüksek bir korelasyon huni grafiğinin simetrik olmadığına işaret eder, bunun sebebi yayın yanlılığı olabilir.' = rankt, 'File drawer analizleri' = value)) } }) ################################################ # Weight-Function Model for Publication Bias # This uses the weightr package # ################################################ wfm <- reactive({ dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") if (input$type == "mdms") { steps <- c(as.numeric(input$steps),1.00) RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res wfmodel <- weightfunct(effect = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, steps=steps) return(wfmodel) } else if (input$type == "mdes") { steps <- c(as.numeric(input$steps),1.00) RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res wfmodel <- weightfunct(effect = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, steps=steps) return(wfmodel) } else if (input$type == "cor") { steps <- c(as.numeric(input$steps),1.00) RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res wfmodel <- weightfunct(effect = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, steps=steps) return(wfmodel) } else if (input$type == "or") { steps <- c(as.numeric(input$steps),1.00) RE.res <- RE.est()$RE.res wfmodel <- weightfunct(effect = RE.res$yi, v = RE.res$vi, steps=steps) return(wfmodel) } }) output$wfm.out <- renderPrint({ wfm() }) ################################################ # Moderator analysis ################################################ modAnalysis <- reactive({ #if (input$moderator == 1) { if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", n1i=N1, n2i=N2, m1i=M1, m2i=M2, sd1i=SD1, sd2i=SD2, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi dat$vi <- NULL fixed <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "fixed") random <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "random") cat("---", "\n", "Sabit etki modeli:", "\n") print(fixed) cat("\n", "\n", "---", "\n", "Rassal etkiler modeli:", "\n") print(random) } else if (input$type == "mdes") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") df <- (dat$N1 + dat$N2) - 2 j <- 1 - (3/(4 * df - 1)) g <- j * dat$d dat$ES <- g dat$SV <- (((dat$N1+dat$N2)/(dat$N1*dat$N2))+((dat$ES*dat$ES)/(2*(dat$N1+dat$N2)))) fixed <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "fixed") random <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "random") cat("---", "\n", "Sabit etki modeli:", "\n") print(fixed) cat("\n", "\n", "---", "\n", "Rassal etkiler modeli:", "\n") print(random) } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(measure=input$cormeasures, ni=N, ri=r, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$FZ <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi dat$vi <- NULL dat$var.z <- var_z(dat$N) # Fixed effects fixed <- MAc::macat(FZ, var.z, mod = Moderator, data=dat, ztor = TRUE, method= "fixed") z.fixed <- MAc::macat(FZ, var.z, mod = Moderator, data=dat, ztor = FALSE, method= "fixed") # Accurate z and p # Random effects random <- MAc::macat(FZ, var.z, mod = Moderator, data=dat, ztor = TRUE, method= "random") z.random <- MAc::macat(FZ, var.z, mod = Moderator, data=dat, ztor = FALSE, method= "random") # Accurate z and p cat("---", "\n", "Sabit etki modeli:", "\n") print(fixed) cat("\n", " z ve p :", "\n") print(z.fixed$Model[8:9]) cat("\n", "\n", "---", "\n", "Rassal etkiler modeli:", "\n") print(random) cat("\n", "z ve p:", "\n") print(z.random$Model[8:9]) } #} else { #cat("No moderator (subgroup) analysis is conducted.","\n") #} else if (input$type == "or") { dat <- read.csv(text=input$text, sep="\t") dat <- escalc(input$dichotomousoptions, ai = upoz, bi = uneg, ci = kpoz, di = kneg, data=dat, append=TRUE) dat$ES <- dat$yi dat$yi <- NULL dat$SV <- dat$vi dat$vi <- NULL fixed <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "fixed") random <- MAd::macat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data=dat, method= "random") cat("---", "\n", "Sabit etki modeli:", "\n") print(fixed) cat("\n", "\n", "---", "\n", "Rassal etkiler modeli:", "\n") print(random) } }) ################################################ # Categorical Moderator Graph ################################################ ModFixGraph <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "fixed", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "mdes") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "fixed", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(FZ, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "fixed", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "or") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "fixed", modname= "Moderator") } } output$ModFixGraph <- renderPlot({ withProgress(message = 'Sunuyor', detail = 'Kategorik moderator - sabit etki modeli', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(ModFixGraph()) }) ModRandGraph <- function(){ if (input$type == "mdms") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "random", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "mdes") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(ES, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "random", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(FZ, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "random", modname= "Moderator") } else if (input$type == "cor") { dat <-$dat MAd::plotcat(FZ, SV, mod = Moderator, data = dat, method= "random", modname= "Moderator") } } output$ModRandGraph <- renderPlot({ withProgress(message = 'Sunuyor', detail = 'Kategorik moderator - rassal etki', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) Sys.sleep(0.05) } }) print(ModRandGraph()) }) ################################################ # Effect Size Calculators ################################################ sliderValues <- reactive ({ n1 <- as.integer(input$nx) n2 <- as.integer(input$ny) data.frame( n = c(n1, n2), Mean = c(input$mx, input$my), SD = c(input$sdx, input$sdy), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) }) difference <- reactive({ nx <- input$nx mx <- input$mx sdx <- input$sdx ny <- input$ny my <- input$my sdy <- input$sdy if (input$varequal) { df <- nx+ny-2 v <- ((nx-1)*sdx^2+(ny-1)*sdy^2)/df diff <- round((mx - my), 3) diff.std <- sqrt(v * (1/nx + 1/ny)) diff.lower <- round(diff + diff.std * qt(0.05/2, df),3) diff.upper <- round(diff + diff.std * qt(0.05/2, df, lower.tail = FALSE),3) } else { stderrx <- sqrt(sdx^2/nx) stderry <- sqrt(sdy^2/ny) stderr <- sqrt(stderrx^2 + stderry^2) df <- round(stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx - 1) + stderry^4/(ny - 1)),3) tstat <- round(abs(mx - my)/stderr,3) diff <- round((mx - my), 3) cint <- qt(1 - 0.05/2, df) diff.lower <- round(((tstat - cint) * stderr),3) diff.upper <- round(((tstat + cint) * stderr),3) } cat("Farkların ortalaması [95% Güven aralığı] =", diff, "[", diff.lower,",", diff.upper,"]", "\n") }) es <- reactive({ nx <- input$nx mx <- input$mx sdx <- input$sdx ny <- input$ny my <- input$my sdy <- input$sdy mes(mx, my, sdx, sdy, nx, ny) }) ttest <- reactive({ nx <- input$nx mx <- input$mx sdx <- input$sdx ny <- input$ny my <- input$my sdy <- input$sdy if (input$varequal) { df1 <- input$nx+input$ny-2 v1 <- ((input$nx-1)*input$sdx^2+(input$ny-1)*input$sdy^2)/df1 tstat1 <- round(abs(input$mx-input$my)/sqrt(v1*(1/input$nx+1/input$ny)),3) diff <- round((input$mx - input$my), 3) P1 <- 2 * pt(-abs(tstat1), df1) cat("Bağımsız t test (eşit varyans varsayımı)", "\n", " t =", tstat1, ",", "df =", df1, ",", "p-value =", P1, "\n") } else { stderrx <- sqrt(input$sdx^2/input$nx) stderry <- sqrt(input$sdy^2/input$ny) stderr <- sqrt(stderrx^2 + stderry^2) df2 <- round(stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(input$nx - 1) + stderry^4/(input$ny - 1)),3) tstat2 <- round(abs(input$mx - input$my)/stderr,3) P2 <- 2 * pt(-abs(tstat2), df2) cat("Welch t-testi (eşit varyans varsayımı yok)", "\n", " t =", tstat2, ",", "df =", df2, ",", "p-value =", P2, "\n") } }) vartest <- reactive({ if (input$vartest) { nx <- input$nx sdx <- input$sdx vx <- sdx^2 ny <- input$ny sdy <- input$sdy vy <- sdy^2 if (vx > vy) { f <- vx/vy df1 <- nx-1 df2 <- ny-1 } else { f <- vy/vx df1 <- ny-1 df2 <- nx-1 } p <- 2*pf(f, df1, df2, lower.tail=FALSE) dfs <- c("num df"=df1, "denom df"=df2) cat(" eşit varyans testi", "\n", " F =", f, ",", "num df =", df1, ",", "denom df =", df2, "\n", " p-value = ", p, "\n" ) } else { cat("eşit varyans testi seçildiyse sonuçlar verilir.") } }) # Show the values using an HTML table output$values <- renderTable({ sliderValues() }) # Show the final calculated value output$difference.out <- renderPrint({ difference() }) output$es.out <- renderPrint({ es() }) output$ttest.out <- renderPrint({ ttest() }) output$vartest.out <- renderPrint({ vartest() }) ################################################ # ANCOVA F-statistic to Effect Size ################################################ a.fesoutput <- reactive({ a.fes(input$ancovaf, input$ancovafn1, input$ancovafn2, input$anovafcovar, input$anovafcovarnum) }) output$ancovaf.out <- renderPrint({ a.fesoutput() }) ################################################ # Mean Values from ANCOVA F-statistic to Effect Size ################################################ a.mesoutput <- reactive({ a.mes(input$ancovamean1, input$ancovamean2, input$ancovameansd, input$ancovameann1, input$ancovameann2, input$ancovameancovar, input$ancovameancovarnumber) }) output$ancovamean.out <- renderPrint({ a.mesoutput() }) ################################################ # Chi-Squared Statistic to Effect Size ################################################ chisquaredes <- reactive({ chies(input$chisquaredstat, input$chisquaredn1) }) output$chisquared.out <- renderPrint({ chisquaredes() }) ################################################ # Outcome Measures for Two-Group Comparisons ################################################ twobytwogroups <- reactive({ escalc(measure=input$twoxtwovalue, ai=input$ai, bi=input$bi, ci=input$ci, di=input$di, add=1/2, to="only0", drop00=FALSE, vtype="LS", var.names=c("Etki büyüklüğü tahmini","Örneklem varyansı"), add.measure=FALSE, append=TRUE, replace=TRUE, digits=4) }) output$twobytwogroups.out <- renderPrint({ twobytwogroups() }) ################################################ # Outcome Measures for Individual Groups ################################################ divari1 <- reactive({ escalc(measure=input$divari1, weights=input$ni, xi=input$xi, ni=input$ni, add=1/2, to="only0", drop00=FALSE, vtype="UB", var.names=c("Etki büyüklüğü tahmini","Örneklem varyansı"), add.measure=FALSE, append=TRUE, replace=TRUE, digits=4) }) output$divari1.out <- renderPrint({ divari1() }) ################################################ # Proportions to Effect Size ################################################ propes1 <- reactive({ propes(p1 = input$propp1, p2 = input$propp2, n.ab = input$propnab, = input$propcd, level = input$proplevel) }) output$prop.out <- renderPrint({ propes1() }) ################################################ # Failure groups to Effect Size ################################################ # failes1 <- reactive({ # failes(input$failB, input$failD, input$failSS, input$failCSS) # }) # # output$fail.out <- renderPrint({ # failes1() # }) ################################################ # Correlation coefficient (r) to Effect Size ################################################ corrcoeff1 <- reactive({ res(r = input$corrcoeff, n = input$corrcoeffn, level = input$corrcoefflevel) }) output$corrcoeff.out <- renderPrint({ corrcoeff1() }) ################################################ # p-value to Effect Size ################################################ pvaluees <- reactive({ pes(input$pvaluenum, input$pvaluen1, input$pvaluen2, tail = input$pvaluetail) }) output$pvaluees.out <- renderPrint({ pvaluees() }) ################################################ # Single Case Design - Effect Size ################################################ SCDES <- reactive({ ES(design = input$SCDtype, ES = input$SCDes, data = read.csv(text=input$SCDdata)) }) output$SCDES.out <- renderPrint({ SCDES() }) ################################################ # Single Case Design - Graph ################################################ SCDGRAPH <- reactive({ SCRT::graph1(design = input$SCDtype, data = read.csv(text=input$SCDdata), xlab= input$SCDXAXIS, ylab= input$SCDYAXIS) }) output$SCDGRAPH.out <- renderPlot({ SCDGRAPH() }) ################################################ # R session info ################################################ info <- reactive({ info1 <- paste("Analiz tarihi ", format(Sys.time(), "%A, %B %d %Y at %I:%M:%S %p"), ".", sep = "") info2 <- paste(strsplit(R.version$version.string, " \\(")[[1]][1], " kullanıldı.", sep = "") info2a <- paste(" ") info3 <- paste("Paket versiyon:") info3a <- paste(" ") info3b <- paste("Kullanılan paketler:") info3c <- paste("", packageVersion("")) info4 <- paste("ggplot2", packageVersion("ggplot2")) info5 <- paste("MAc", packageVersion("MAc")) info6 <- paste("MAd", packageVersion("MAd")) info7 <- paste("meta", packageVersion("meta")) info8 <- paste("metafor", packageVersion("metafor")) # info8a <- paste("metaSEM", packageVersion("metaSEM")) info9 <- paste("quantreg", packageVersion("quantreg")) info9a <- paste("SCMA", packageVersion("SCMA")) info9b <- paste("SCRT", packageVersion("SCRT")) info9c <- paste(" ") info9d <- paste("Grafik paketleri:") info9z <- paste("irr", packageVersion("irr")) info9x <- paste("weightr", packageVersion("weightr")) info10 <- paste("shiny", packageVersion("shiny")) info11 <- paste("shinyAce", packageVersion("shinyAce")) info12 <- paste("shinyBS", packageVersion("shinyBS")) cat(sprintf(info1), "\n") cat(sprintf(info2), "\n") cat(sprintf(info2a), "\n") cat(sprintf(info3), "\n") cat(sprintf(info3a), "\n") cat(sprintf(info3b), "\n") cat(sprintf(info3c), "\n") cat(sprintf(info4), "\n") cat(sprintf(info5), "\n") cat(sprintf(info6), "\n") cat(sprintf(info7), "\n") cat(sprintf(info8), "\n") # cat(sprintf(info8a), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9a), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9b), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9c), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9d), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9z), "\n") cat(sprintf(info9x), "\n") cat(sprintf(info10), "\n") cat(sprintf(info11), "\n") cat(sprintf(info12), "\n") withProgress(message = 'sunuyor', detail = 'Oturum bilgisi', value = 0, { for (i in 1:10) { incProgress(1/10) } }) }) ################################################ # R citation info ################################################ # cite <- reactive({ # cite1 <- paste("This analysis was performed on ", format(Sys.time(), "%A, %B %d %Y at %I:%M:%S %p"), ".", sep = "") # cite2 <- paste(strsplit(R.version$version.string, " \\(")[[1]][1], " was used for this session.", sep = "") # cite3 <- paste("Package citation infomation for this session:") # cite4 <- paste("ggplot2", citation("ggplot2")) # cite5 <- paste("MAc", citation("MAc")) # cite6 <- paste("MAd", citation("MAd")) # cite7 <- paste("meta", citation("meta")) # cite8 <- paste("metafor", citation("metafor")) # cite9 <- paste("quantreg", citation("quantreg")) # cite10 <- paste("shiny", citation("shiny")) # cite11 <- paste("shinyAce", citation("shinyAce")) # cite12 <- paste("irr", citation("irr")) # # cat(sprintf(cite1), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite2), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite3), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite4), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite5), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite6), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite7), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite8), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite9), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite10), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite11), "\n") # cat(sprintf(cite12), "\n") # }) ################################################ # PDF Download Test ################################################ # makePlot <- function() { # plot(1:input$n123, 1:input$n123) # } # # asy.test <- renderText ({ # print(asy) # }) # # output$myPlot <- renderPlot({ # makePlot() # }, height=400, width=800) # # output$downloadPlot <- downloadHandler( # filename = function() { # 'report.pdf' # }, # content = function(file) { # pdf(file, onefile=T, width=8.5, height=11) # makePlot() # SCDGRAPH() # asy.test() # # }, # contentType = 'application/pdf' # ) ################################################ # server.R and ui.R connection ################################################ output$model.out <- renderPrint({ input$model }) output$cormeasures.out <- renderPrint({ input$cormeasures }) output$dichotomousoptions.out <- renderPrint({ input$dichotomousoptions }) output$trimfillopt.out <- renderPrint({paste("Metod:", input$trimfillopt )}) output$regtestpredictor.out <- renderPrint({paste("yordayıcı:", input$regtestpredictor )}) output$filedraweranalysis.out <- renderPrint({ paste("Metod:", input$filedraweranalysis) }) output$height.out <- renderPrint({paste(input$height,"px", sep ="")}) output$info.out <- renderPrint({ info() }) output$cite.out <- renderPrint({ cite() }) output$data.out <- renderPrint({ data() }) output$fe.out <- renderPrint( { fe() }) output$re.out <- renderPrint({ re() }) output$asy.out <- renderPrint({ asy() }) output$modAnalysis.out <- renderPrint({ modAnalysis() }) output$downloadfePlot <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste('fePlot', Sys.Date(), '.pdf', sep='') }, content = function(FILE=NULL) { pdf(file=FILE) print(makefePlot()) } ) output$downloadrePlot <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste('rePlot', Sys.Date(), '.pdf', sep='') }, content = function(FILE=NULL) { pdf(file=FILE) print(makerePlot()) } ) output$downloadFunFixPlot <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste('FunFixPlot', Sys.Date(), '.pdf', sep='') }, content = function(FILE=NULL) { pdf(file=FILE) print(makeFunFixPlot()) } ) output$downloadFunRandPlot <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste('FunRandPlot', Sys.Date(), '.pdf', sep='') }, content = function(FILE=NULL) { pdf(file=FILE) print(makeFunRandPlot()) } ) })