/* Scoreboard Module by Burey requires the following scripts/links in HTML head: requires your own firebase account see https://code.sololearn.com/Wb3UALD0atIG/ for tutorial if changing options, DO NOT REMOVE EXISTING options, just leave the {} brackets empty default options: var options={ // customize the following: // syntax is like css, but make sure: // key and value are both strings! "scoreboardWidth":"auto", //recommended "scoreboardHeight":"400", // recommended "submitDialogWidth":"auto", //recommended "submitDialogHeight":"auto", // recommended burey:{ // Scoreboard Module By Burey text "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-style":"italic", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "color": "#9910ff", "background-color":"white", "border-radius": "25px" }, dialogTitle:{ // dialogs title bar "font-family":"Times New Roman", "background":"black", "color":"#9910ff" }, scoreboardContainer:{ // scoreboard container dialog "background-color":"black" }, tableHeader:{ // # Name Score Time "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "#9910ff" }, scorePosition:{ // # "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "#9910ff" }, scoreName:{ // name of user "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "#9910ff", "word-wrap": "break-word", "max-width":"110px" }, scoreValue:{ // score value "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-size": "15px", "color": "#9910ff" }, scoreTime:{ // time + date "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-size":"12px", "color": "#9910ff" }, newScoreContainer:{ // submit new score dialog "background-color":"black" }, scoreYourScoreLabel:{ // 'Your Score:' text in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "#9910ff" }, scoreValueLabel:{ // score value in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "#9910ff", "margin-right":"25px" }, scoreErrorLabel:{ // error label in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "red" }, scoreboardButtons:{ // scoreboard dialog buttons "font-family":"Times New Roman", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "background":"black", "color": "#9910ff", "display":"none" // remove button }, newScoreButtons:{ // new score dialog buttons "font-family":"Times New Roman", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "background":"black", "color": "#9910ff" }, loaderOptions:{ // scoreboard loading animation "border-bottom": "16px solid #888", "border-top": "16px solid #888", "border-right": "16px solid #9910ff", "border-left": "16px solid #9910ff", "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "auto" } } usage example: var scoreboard = new Scoreboard(options); scoreboard.showScoreBoard(); // opens the scoreboard scoreboard.submitNewScoreDialog(scoreValue); // open score submit dialog (allow entry of name) */ ///////// CODE STARTS HERE ///////// var markdown = { // taken from Michael Ermishin's Markdown module htmlEntitiesMap: { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', ' ': ' ' }, specToEntities: function(text) { var pattern = new RegExp('[' + Object.keys(this.htmlEntitiesMap).join('') + ']', 'g'); //return text.replace(pattern, k => this.htmlEntitiesMap[k]); return text.replace(pattern, function (m) { return markdown.htmlEntitiesMap[m]; }); } }; var optionsMap = { // mapping of option name to actual element burey:"#by_burey", dialogTitle:".ui-dialog-titlebar", scoreboardContainer:"#container_scoreboard", tableHeader:"#tbl_header", scorePosition:".score_pos", scoreName:".score_name", scoreValue:".score_value", scoreTime:".score_time", newScoreContainer:"#container_submit_score_dialog", scoreYourScoreLabel:"#lbl_your_score", scoreValueLabel:"#lbl_best_score_submit", scoreErrorLabel:"#lbl_best_score_name_error", scoreboardButtons:".buttons_scoreboard", newScoreButtons:".buttons_new_score", dialogButtonPanels:".ui-dialog-buttonpane", sortDropDownList:"#container_sort", loaderOptions:"#loader" }; var defaultOptions = { // customize the following: // syntax is like css, but make sure: // key and value are both strings inside each option! "scoreboardWidth":"90%", //recommended "scoreboardHeight":"400", // recommended "submitDialogWidth":"auto", //recommended "submitDialogHeight":"auto", // recommended burey:{ // Scoreboard Module By Burey text "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-style":"italic", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "color": "green", "background-color":"white", "border-radius": "25px" }, dialogTitle:{ // dialogs title bar "background":"black", "color":"white" }, scoreboardContainer:{ // scoreboard container dialog "background-color":"#97B5F5" }, tableHeader:{ // # Name Score Time "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "black" }, scorePosition:{ // # "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "blue" }, scoreName:{ // name of user "font-family":"'Press Start 2P', Times New Roman", "font-size":"10px", "color": "red", "word-wrap": "break-word", "max-width":"110px" }, scoreValue:{ // score value "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-size": "15px", "color": "green" }, scoreTime:{ // time + date "font-family":"Times New Roman", "font-size":"12px", "color": "yellow" }, newScoreContainer:{ // submit new score dialog "background-color":"#97B5F5" }, scoreYourScoreLabel:{ // 'Your Score:' text in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "green" }, scoreValueLabel:{ // score value in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "blue", "margin-right":"25px" }, scoreErrorLabel:{ // error label in new score dialog "font-family":"Times New Roman", "color": "red" }, scoreboardButtons:{ // scoreboard dialog buttons "font-family":"Times New Roman", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "background":"red", "color": "white" }, dialogButtonPanels:{ "font-family":"Times New Roman", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "background":"#97B5F5", "color": "red" }, sortDropDownList:{ "font-family":"'Press Start 2P', Times New Roman", "font-size":"20px" }, newScoreButtons:{ // new score dialog buttons "font-family":"Times New Roman", "text-shadow": "5px 2px 4px grey", "background":"black", "color": "white" }, loaderOptions:{ // scoreboard loading animation "border-bottom": "25px solid #888", "border-top": "25px solid #888", "border-right": "25px solid green", "border-left": "25px solid green", "width": "80px", "height": "80px", "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "auto", "margin-top": "20px" } } function initializeDefaultCSS(){ // adds default CSS to the scoreboard dialog var KeyFrame = { // add spin keyframe rule to page init: function(){ if(!KeyFrame.check){ //set the style and append to head var css = $('').appendTo('head'); //make sure you don't carriage return the css inline statement, or else it'll be error as ILLEGAL //so u don't keep appending style to head KeyFrame.check = true; } } }; KeyFrame.init(); loaderOptions={ // default loader options // set loader colors, size, placement and animation "border-bottom": "16px solid #888", "border-top": "16px solid #888", "border-right": "16px solid #66ccff", "border-left": "16px solid #66ccff", "border-radius": "70%", "width": "50px", "height": "50px", "animation": "spin 1s linear infinite" }; // apply the default loader options $('#loader').css(loaderOptions); scoreboardDialogOptions={ // default scoreboard dialog options // makes the "Scoreboard Module By Burey" text static (unscrollable) "position": "absolute", "left": "10px", "top": "0", "z-index": "10", "width": "90%", "padding": "0.5e" }; // apply the default scoreboard dialog options $('#by_burey').css(scoreboardDialogOptions); // add margin to the scoreboard display area $('#scoreboard').css({"margin-top":"1.5em"}); } function Scoreboard(options){ var _score = 0; // private score variable var _sortMethod = 'score'; // set initial sort method to 'score' var _previousSortMethod = 'score'; // set previous sort method to 'score' (first load) var SCORES_TO_LOAD = 100; // might need to add to a different div, depends on the code, it must be on topmost layer! // add div container for the scoreboard dialog $("body").children().last().prepend("
Scoreboard Module By Burey
"); try{ initializeDefaultCSS(); }catch(err){} // add div container for the new score dialog $("body").children().last().prepend("

"); if(options === undefined){ // default options: will be used if no options were passed as a paramater options = defaultOptions; } var applyStyling = function(){ // apply CSS rules to elements for(var option in options){ try{ $(optionsMap[option]).css(options[option]); }catch(err){} } } // force websockets to prevent XMLHttpRequest console log firebase.database.INTERNAL.forceWebSockets(); // get database reference var dbRef = firebase.database(); var loadData = function(snapshot){ // load data from snapshot into a list scoresList = []; snapshot.forEach(function(child) { scoresList.push({ name: markdown.specToEntities(child.val().name), score: child.val().score, time: child.val().time }); }); // refresh the UI if(scoresList.length>=0){ refreshUI(scoresList); applyStyling(); } } var onError = function(err){ console.log("Firebase 'on' error: "+err); } // add listener to database changes (any changes whatsoever) var bindDatabase = function(sortMethod){ dbRef.ref("scores").orderByChild(sortMethod).limitToLast(SCORES_TO_LOAD).on("value", loadData, onError); } Number.prototype.pad = function (n,str){ return Array(n-String(this).length+1).join(str||'0')+this; } var timeToDateString = function(time,sep){ // converts time from integer to HH:MM:ss - DD/MM/YYYY format var date = new Date(time); var dateString = (date.getHours().pad(2)+":"+date.getMinutes().pad(2)+":"+date.getSeconds().pad(2)+sep+date.getDate()+"/"+(date.getMonth()+1)+"/"+(date.getYear()+1900)); return dateString; } var refreshUI = function(list){ // clears and re-populates the scoreboard table // remove all rows except the headers if(_sortMethod === 'name') list.reverse(); $("#scoreboard").find("tr:gt(0)").remove(); $('#loader').show(); // find the table with the id scoreboard var scoreTable = $("#scoreboard"); // cool crown for top player :) var crown = "👑"; // add scores for(i = list.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ var newRow = ""+crown+(list.length-i).toString()+""; newRow+=""+list[i].name+""; newRow+=""+list[i].score+""; newRow+=""+timeToDateString(list[i].time,"\n")+""; scoreTable.append(newRow); crown = ""; } $('#loader').hide(); } var addScore = function(data){ // add score to the database try{ dbRef.ref("scores").push({ name: data.playerName, score: data.score, time: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP }); }catch(err){ console.log(err); } } this.showScoreBoard = function(){ // open scoreboard dialog $(document).ready(function() { $('#container_scoreboard').dialog('open'); }); } this.submitNewScoreDialog = function(score){ // set the module private score var _score = score; // open score submission dialog $(document).ready(function() { $('#container_submit_score_dialog').dialog('open'); }); } var verifyData=function(){ // verifies submit score dialog data and close the dialog once verified and submitted var name = $('#name_submit_new_score').val(); if(name===''){ $('#lbl_best_score_name_error').text("Please Enter Name!!!"); } else if(name.length>30){ $('#lbl_best_score_name_error').text("Name Too Long!!!"); } else{ var data={playerName:name,score:parseInt(_score)}; addScore(data); $('#lbl_best_score_name_error').text(""); $('#container_submit_score_dialog').dialog('close'); $('#tbl_best_scores_container').dialog('open'); } } $(document).ready(function() { // initialize dialogs $('#container_scoreboard').dialog({ // scoreboard dialog settings modal:true, //Not necessary but dims the page background autoOpen:false, width:options.scoreboardWidth, height:options.scoreboardHeight, position:"top", show: { effect: "blind", duration: 1000 }, hide: { effect: "slide", duration: 1000 }, open:function(){ //$(this).html(''); }, buttons:[ { text:'Close', 'class':'buttons_scoreboard', click:function(){ $('#container_scoreboard').dialog('close'); } } ], create: function() { var menuHTML='

'+ '
'; $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonpane").append(menuHTML); }, }).scroll(function() { // set the #by_burey div as the top scroll element $('#by_burey', this).css({top: $(this).scrollTop()}); }); $('#container_submit_score_dialog').dialog({ // score submission dialog settings modal:true, //Not necessary but dims the page background autoOpen:false, width:options.submitDialogWidth, height:options.submitDialogHeight, show: { effect: "slide", duration: 1000 }, hide: { effect: "blind", duration: 1000 }, open:function(){ //$(this).html(''); $('#lbl_best_score_submit').text(String(_score)); }, close:function(){ // function is fired when dialog is closed }, buttons:[ { text:'Scoreboard', 'class':'buttons_new_score', click:function(){ $('#container_scoreboard').dialog('open'); } }, { text:'Submit', 'class':'buttons_new_score', click:function(){ verifyData(); } } ] } ); // attach onchange listener to sort by dropdown list document.getElementById("select_sort").onchange = function(){ _sortMethod = document.getElementById("select_sort").value; // get selected dropdown list value dbRef.ref(_previousSortMethod).off(); // detach previous database listener _previousSortMethod = _sortMethod; // set previous sort method to current bindDatabase(_sortMethod); // bind new database listener } bindDatabase(_sortMethod); // initial binding of database listener applyStyling(); // apply initial CSS styling }); }