'; return array( 'name' => 'Form Creator', 'description' => 'Plugin for creating fillable forms to be send as PM or to be created as a new thread

Although this plugin is completly free donations are greatly appreciated to keep the plugin updated. ' . $donate . '

', 'website' => 'https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=975', 'author' => 'S. Lenders (burnacid)', 'authorsite' => 'http://lenders-it.nl', 'version' => '2.6.5', 'compatibility' => '18*', 'codename' => 'formcreator'); } function formcreator_get_templates(){ $templatearray = array( '' => " {\$mybb->settings['bbname']} {\$headerinclude} {\$header} {\$form} {\$boardstats}
{\$footer} ", 'container' => '
{$errors} {$formcontent}
', 'field' => ' {$fieldname}{$fielddescription} {$fieldoutput} ', 'field_html' => ' {$fieldoutput} ', 'field_header' => ' {$fieldoutput} ', 'field_submit' => ' {$fieldoutput} ', 'field_captcha' => ' {$fieldoutput} ', 'field_seperator' => '
{$fieldoutput} ', 'thread_button' => '{$lang->post_thread}', 'thread_newreply' => '{$lang->new_reply} ', 'thread_newreply_closed' => '{$lang->thread_closed} ', 'thread_newthread' => '{$lang->post_thread} ', 'captcha' => '
{$lang->verification_note} {$lang->image_verification}
', 'nocaptcha' => '
', 'recaptcha' => '
', "summary_buttons"=>'
'); return $templatearray; } function formcreator_activate() { global $db, $mybb; $templatearray = formcreator_get_templates(); change_admin_permission('config', 'formcreator', 1); $group = array('prefix' => $db->escape_string('formcreator'), 'title' => $db->escape_string('Form Creator')); // Update or create template group: $query = $db->simple_select('templategroups', 'prefix', "prefix='{$group['prefix']}'"); if ($db->fetch_field($query, 'prefix')) { $db->update_query('templategroups', $group, "prefix='{$group['prefix']}'"); } else { $db->insert_query('templategroups', $group); } // Query already existing templates. $query = $db->simple_select('templates', 'tid,title,template', "sid=-2 AND (title='{$group['prefix']}' OR title LIKE '{$group['prefix']}=_%' ESCAPE '=')"); $templates = $duplicates = array(); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $title = $row['title']; $row['tid'] = (int)$row['tid']; if (isset($templates[$title])) { // PluginLibrary had a bug that caused duplicated templates. $duplicates[] = $row['tid']; $templates[$title]['template'] = false; // force update later } else { $templates[$title] = $row; } } // Delete duplicated master templates, if they exist. if ($duplicates) { $db->delete_query('templates', 'tid IN (' . implode(",", $duplicates) . ')'); } // Update or create templates. foreach ($templatearray as $name => $code) { if (strlen($name)) { $name = "formcreator_{$name}"; } else { $name = "formcreator"; } $template = array( 'title' => $db->escape_string($name), 'template' => $db->escape_string($code), 'version' => 1, 'sid' => -2, 'dateline' => TIME_NOW); // Update if (isset($templates[$name])) { if ($templates[$name]['template'] !== $code) { // Update version for custom templates if present $db->update_query('templates', array('version' => 0), "title='{$template['title']}'"); // Update master template $db->update_query('templates', $template, "tid={$templates[$name]['tid']}"); } } // Create else { $db->insert_query('templates', $template); } // Remove this template from the earlier queried list. unset($templates[$name]); } // Remove no longer used templates. foreach ($templates as $name => $row) { $db->delete_query('templates', "title='" . $db->escape_string($name) . "'"); } // Add stylesheet $tid = 1; // MyBB Master Style $name = "formcreator.datepicker.css"; $styles = file_get_contents(MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/formcreator/jquery-ui.css'); $attachedto = "form.php"; $stylesheet = array( 'name' => $name, 'tid' => $tid, 'attachedto' => $attachedto, 'stylesheet' => $styles, 'cachefile' => $name, 'lastmodified' => TIME_NOW, ); $dbstylesheet = array_map(array($db, 'escape_string'), $stylesheet); // Activate children, if present. $db->update_query('themestylesheets', array('attachedto' => $dbstylesheet['attachedto']), "name='{$dbstylesheet['name']}'"); // Update or insert parent stylesheet. $query = $db->simple_select('themestylesheets', 'sid', "tid='{$tid}' AND cachefile='{$name}'"); $sid = intval($db->fetch_field($query, 'sid')); if ($sid) { $db->update_query('themestylesheets', $dbstylesheet, "sid='$sid'"); } else { $sid = $db->insert_query('themestylesheets', $dbstylesheet); $stylesheet['sid'] = intval($sid); } require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . '/inc/functions_themes.php'; if ($stylesheet) { cache_stylesheet($stylesheet['tid'], $stylesheet['cachefile'], $stylesheet['stylesheet']); } update_theme_stylesheet_list($tid, false, true); // includes all children } function formcreator_deactivate() { change_admin_permission('config', 'formcreator', -1); } function formcreator_install() { global $db, $mybb; if (!$db->table_exists('fc_forms')) { $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "fc_forms` ( ".formcreator_generate_table_fields("fc_forms")." PRIMARY KEY (`formid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; "); } if (!$db->table_exists('fc_fields')) { $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "fc_fields` ( ".formcreator_generate_table_fields("fc_fields")." PRIMARY KEY (`fieldid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; "); } if (!$db->table_exists('fc_formusage')) { $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "fc_formusage` ( ".formcreator_generate_table_fields("fc_formusage")." PRIMARY KEY (`formid`,`uid`,`ref`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; "); } } function formcreator_generate_table_fields($table) { require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_formcreator.php'; global $fields; $formcreator = new formcreator(); $fields = $formcreator->formcreator_fields; $output = ""; foreach($fields[$table] as $field){ $output .= "`".$field['Field']."` ".$field['Type']; if($field['NULL'] == 1){ $output .= " DEFAULT NULL"; }else{ $output .= " NOT NULL"; } if($field['AI'] == 1){ $output .= " AUTO_INCREMENT"; } $output .= ",\n"; } return $output; } function formcreator_check_database() { require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_formcreator.php'; global $db; $formcreator = new formcreator(); $fields = $formcreator->formcreator_fields; $errors = 0; if($db->table_exists('fc_fields') && $db->table_exists('fc_forms') && $db->table_exists('fc_formusage')){ $query = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."fc_forms"); while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)){ $cols_db[$row['Field']] = $row; } foreach($fields['fc_forms'] as $field){ if($cols_db[$field['Field']]['Type'] != $field['Type']){ $error++; } } $query = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."fc_fields"); $cols_db = array(); while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)){ $cols_db[$row['Field']] = $row; } foreach($fields['fc_fields'] as $field){ if($cols_db[$field['Field']]['Type'] != $field['Type']){ $error++; } } $query = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."fc_formusage"); while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)){ $cols_db[$row['Field']] = $row; } foreach($fields['fc_formusage'] as $field){ # Catch mariaDB timestamp type $typesplit = explode(" ",$cols_db[$field['Field']]['Type']); if(count($typesplit) > 1){ $dbtype = $typesplit[0]; }else{ $dbtype = $cols_db[$field['Field']]['Type']; } if($dbtype != $field['Type']){ $error++; } } if($error == 0){ return array(true); }else{ return array(false,"The table structures have changed. It is adviced to create an export of your forms and reinstall the plugin!"); } }else{ return array(false,"The database structure doesn't contain the needed tables. Please repair the plugin by reinstalling"); } } function formcreator_is_installed() { global $db; // If the table exists then it means the plugin is installed because we only drop it on uninstallation return $db->table_exists('fc_fields') && $db->table_exists('fc_forms'); } function formcreator_uninstall() { global $db, $mybb; if ($mybb->request_method != 'post') { global $page; $page->output_confirm_action('index.php?module=config-plugins&action=deactivate&uninstall=1&plugin=formcreator', "Are you sure you want to uninstall Form Creator? This will delete all existing forms!", "Uninstall Form Creator"); } // This is required so it updates the settings.php file as well and not only the database - they must be synchronized! rebuild_settings(); // Drop tables if desired if (!isset($mybb->input['no'])) { $db->drop_table('fc_forms'); $db->drop_table('fc_fields'); $db->drop_table('fc_formusage'); // Delete template groups. $db->delete_query('templategroups', "prefix='formcreator'"); // Delete templates belonging to template groups. $db->delete_query('templates', "title='formcreator' OR title LIKE 'formcreator_%'"); } } $plugins->add_hook('admin_load', 'formcreator_admin_load'); function formcreator_admin_load() { global $page,$lang,$templatearray; $lang->load('config_formcreator'); require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_formcreator.php'; $formcreator = new formcreator(); $error = formcreator_check_database($formcreator); if($error[0] == false){ $page->extra_messages[] = array("type" => "error", "message" => "Form Creator: ". $error[1]); } $missing = check_missing_templates(); if($missing != 0){ $page->extra_messages[] = array("type" => "error", "message" => "Form Creator: ". $lang->fc_error_missing_template); } } $plugins->add_hook('admin_config_menu', 'formcreator_admin_config_menu'); function formcreator_admin_config_menu(&$sub_menu) { $sub_menu[] = array( 'id' => 'formcreator', 'title' => 'Form Creator', 'link' => 'index.php?module=config-formcreator'); } $plugins->add_hook('admin_config_permissions', 'formcreator_admin_config_permissions'); function formcreator_admin_config_permissions(&$admin_permissions) { $admin_permissions['formcreator'] = "Form Creator: Can edit forms?"; } $plugins->add_hook('admin_config_action_handler', 'formcreator_admin_config_action_handler'); function formcreator_admin_config_action_handler(&$actions) { $actions['formcreator'] = array( 'active' => 'formcreator', 'file' => 'formcreator.php', ); } $plugins->add_hook('admin_tools_get_admin_log_action', 'formcreator_admin_tools_get_admin_log_action'); function formcreator_admin_tools_get_admin_log_action() { global $lang; $lang->load('config_formcreator'); } $plugins->add_hook("build_friendly_wol_location_end", "formcreator_location_end"); function formcreator_location_end(&$plugin_array) { require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_formcreator.php'; if (preg_match("/form\.php/", $plugin_array['user_activity']['location'])) { $url = explode("?", $plugin_array['user_activity']['location']); $get_data = explode("&", $url[1]); $get_array = array(); foreach ($get_data as $var) { $keyvalue = explode("=", $var); $get_array[$keyvalue[0]] = $keyvalue[1]; } $formcreator = new formcreator(); if ($formcreator->get_form($get_array['formid'])) { $plugin_array['user_activity']['activity'] = "Form"; $plugin_array['location_name'] = "Form: " . $formcreator->name . ""; } } } $plugins->add_hook("forumdisplay_get_threads", "formcreator_forumdisplay_get_threads"); function formcreator_forumdisplay_get_threads() { global $foruminfo, $fpermissions, $mybb, $db, $newthread, $lang, $templates; $query = $db->simple_select("fc_forms", "*", "fid=" . $foruminfo['fid'] . " AND overridebutton=1"); if ($db->num_rows($query) == 1) { $form = $db->fetch_array($query); $formid = $form['formid']; if ($foruminfo['type'] == "f" && $foruminfo['open'] != 0 && $fpermissions['canpostthreads'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] == 0) { eval("\$newthread = \"" . $templates->get("formcreator_thread_button") . "\";"); } } } $plugins->add_hook("showthread_threaded", "formcreator_showthread_buttons"); $plugins->add_hook("showthread_linear", "formcreator_showthread_buttons"); function formcreator_showthread_buttons() { global $forum, $thread, $forumpermissions, $mybb, $db, $newthread, $newreply, $lang, $templates; $query = $db->simple_select("fc_forms", "*", "tid=" . $thread['tid'] . " AND overridebutton=1"); if ($db->num_rows($query) == 1) { $form = $db->fetch_array($query); $formid = $form['formid']; if ($forum['open'] != 0 && $forum['type'] == "f") { if ($forumpermissions['canpostthreads'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1) { eval("\$newthread = \"" . $templates->get("formcreator_thread_newthread") . "\";"); } // Show the appropriate reply button if this thread is open or closed if ($forumpermissions['canpostreplys'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1 && ($thread['closed'] != 1 || is_moderator($forum['fid'], "canpostclosedthreads")) && ($thread['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'] || $forumpermissions['canonlyreplyownthreads'] != 1)) { eval("\$newreply = \"" . $templates->get("formcreator_thread_newreply") . "\";"); } elseif ($thread['closed'] == 1) { eval("\$newreply = \"" . $templates->get("formcreator_thread_newreply_closed") . "\";"); } } } } $plugins->add_hook("showthread_end", "formcreator_showthread_end"); function formcreator_showthread_end() { global $thread, $forumpermissions, $db, $quickreply; $query = $db->simple_select("fc_forms", "*", "tid=" . $thread['tid'] . " AND overridebutton=1"); if ($db->num_rows($query) == 1) { $form = $db->fetch_array($query); $formid = $form['formid']; //Remove quick reply if override is enabled $quickreply = ""; } } function get_usergroup($gid) { global $db; $query = $db->simple_select("usergroups", "*", "gid = " . intval($gid)); if ($db->num_rows($query) == 1) { return $db->fetch_array($query); } else { return false; } } function get_usergroup_users($gid) { global $db; if (is_array($gid)) { $additionwhere = ""; foreach ($gid as $groupid) { $additionwhere .= " OR CONCAT(',',additionalgroups,',') LIKE '%," . intval($groupid) . ",%'"; } $query = $db->simple_select("users", "*", "usergroup IN (" . implode(",", $gid) . ")" . $additionwhere); } else { $query = $db->simple_select("users", "*", "usergroup IN (" . intval($gid) . ") OR CONCAT(',',additionalgroups,',') LIKE '%," . intval($gid) . ",%'"); } if ($db->num_rows($query)) { while ($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $userarray[$user['uid']] = $user; } return $userarray; } else { return false; } } function reArrayFiles(&$file_post, $current = 0) { $file_ary = array(); $file_count = count($file_post['name']); $file_keys = array_keys($file_post); for ($i=0; $i<$file_count; $i++) { foreach ($file_keys as $key) { $file_ary[$i + $current][$key] = $file_post[$key][$i]; } } return $file_ary; } function check_missing_templates(){ global $db; $templatearray = formcreator_get_templates(); $group = array('prefix' => $db->escape_string('formcreator'), 'title' => $db->escape_string('Form Creator')); // Query already existing templates. $query = $db->simple_select('templates', 'tid,title,template', "sid=-2 AND (title='{$group['prefix']}' OR title LIKE '{$group['prefix']}=_%' ESCAPE '=')"); $templates = $duplicates = array(); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $existingtemplates[] = $row['title']; } $missing = 0; $templatetitles = array_keys($templatearray); foreach($templatetitles as $key){ if(!(in_array($group['prefix']."_".$key,$existingtemplates) || (empty($key) && in_array($group['prefix'],$existingtemplates)))){ $missing++; } } return $missing; } ?>