English | **[简体中文](README-zh.md)** # serialization-check-plugin ## Feature If a class implements the `java.io.Serializable` interface and one of it's fields does not implement the `java.io.Serializable` interface, it will crash when deserializing the this class. ```java public class Foo implements Serializable { private Data data; } public class Data { } ``` This plugin is used to detect such improper code. 👆 ## Usage ```groovy classpath "com.bytedance.android.byteX:serialization-check-plugin:${plugin_version}" ``` ```groovy apply plugin: 'bytex.serialization_check' SerializationCheck { enable true // don't detact those class in whitelist. // (class's full name#(field's name) whiteList = [ "com/ss/android/ugc/aweme/profile/model/User#userHonor" ] // Only check the classes under those package onlyCheck = [ "com/ss/android/ugc/" ] } ```