# IconPark Icons > Pure SVG Icons for IconPark ## Introduction ### Features * Provide more than 2000 icons * Provide 4 themes: * outline * filled * two-tone * multi-color ### More Please visit [IconPark Website](http://iconpark.bytedance.com) * Copy SVG * Copy React Icon component * Copy Vue Icon component * Download PNG * Download SVG ## Getting Started ### Install ``` npm install @icon-park/svg --save ``` ### Include Component Import an icon from `@icon-park/svg` and then call it: ``` import {Home} from '@icon-park/svg'; // examples const svg = Home({theme: 'outline'}); console.log(svg); ``` ### Global Config You can use the static methods `setConfig` in `@icon-park/svg` to set the default config globally: ```typescript import {setConfig} from '@icon-park/svg' setConfig({ theme: 'outline', size: '1em', strokeWidth: 4, strokeLinecap: 'round', strokeLinejoin: 'round', outStrokeColor: '#000', outFillColor: '#2F88FF', innerStrokeColor: '#FFF', innerFillColor: '#43CCF8' }) ``` ### Import on Demand You can use [babel-plugin-import](https://github.com/ant-design/babel-plugin-import) to import icons on demand. Set config like this: ```json { "plugins": [ [ "import", { "libraryName": "@icon-park/svg", "libraryDirectory": "es/icons", "camel2DashComponentName": false } ] ] } ``` ### Embed IconPark in your project If you need to use additional information such as icon name, author, category, label and creation time, you can use the `icons.json` file located in the root directory of each NPM. ## Props | prop | description | type | default | note | | ---------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | theme | Theme of the icons. | 'outline' | 'filled' | 'two-tone' | 'multi-color' | 'outline' | | size | The width/height of the icon | number | string | '1em' | | spin | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | | fill | Colors of theme | string | string[] | 'currentColor' | | strokeLinecap | the stroke-linecap prop of svg element | 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'round' | | strokeLinejoin | the stroke-linejoin prop of svg element | 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'round' | | strokeWidth | the stroke-width prop of svg element | number | 4 |