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The Peschito Syriac New Testament Mod2Zef (5) ZefToOsis 1.0.0 2010-02-21 The Peschito Syriac New Testament by J.W. Etheridge, comprising: The Syrian Churches: their Early History, Liturgies, and Literature. With a literal Translation of the Four Gospels, from the Peschito, etc. 1846 and The Apostolical Acts and Epistles fromt he Peschito or Ancient Syriac: to which are added, the remaining epistles and the Book of Revelation, after a later syrian text, etc. 1849. Bible Etheridge http://www.peshito.com/ en provide the bible to the nations of the world Public Domain Bible
THE RECORD of the generation of Jeshu the Meshicha, the son of David, son of Abraham. Abraham begat Ishok, Ishok begat Jakub, Jakub begat Jehuda and his brethren, Jehuda begat Pharets and Zoroch from Thomar. Pharets begat Hetsron, Hetsron begat Arom, Arom begat Aminodob, Aminodob begat Nachshun, Nachshun begat Salmun, Salmun begat Booz from Rochab, Booz begat Ubid from Ruth, Ubid begat Ishai, Ishai begat David the king; David begat Shelemun from the wife of Uria; Shelemun begat Rehebaam, Rehebaam begat Abia, Abia begat Asa, Asa begat Johushaphat, Johushaphat begat Jurom, Jurom begat Uzia, Uzia begat Juthom, Juthom begat Ahaz, Ahaz begat Hezakia, Hezakia begat Menasha, Menasha begat Amun, Amun begat Jushia, Jushia begat Jukania and his brethren at the exile of Bobel. And after the exile of Bobel Jukania begat Shalathiel, Shalathiel begat Zurbobel, Zurbobel begat Abiud, Abiud begat Aliakim, Aliakim begat Ozur, Ozur begat Zoduk, Zoduk begat Akin, Akin begat Aliud, Aliud begat Aliozar, Aliozar begat Mathan, Mathan begat Jakub, Jakub begat Jauseph, husband of Mariam, of whom was born JESHU who is called the Meshicha. Thus all the generations from Abraham to David (were) fourteen generations; and from David to the exile of Bobel, fourteen generations; and from the exile of Bobel to the Meshicha, fourteen generations. NOW the nativity of Jeshu the Meshicha was thus: While Mariam his mother was betrothed to Jauseph, before they could be consociated, she was found to be with child from the Spirit of Holiness. But Jauseph her husband was just, and, not willing to defame her, meditated privately to release her. But while (on) these (things) he reflected, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said to him, Jauseph, son of David, fear not to take Mariam thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is from the Spirit of Holiness. She shall give birth to a son, and thou shalt call his name JESHU; for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that what was spoken from the Lord by the prophet might be fulfilled: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth the son, and they shall call his name Amanuel; which is interpreted, With us (is) our Aloha. Then Jauseph, when he had arisen from his sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took unto him his wife; and knew her not until she had given birth to her son, the firstborn; and she called his name Jeshu. NOW when Jeshu was born in Beth-lechem of Jehuda, in the days of Herodes the king, there came Magians from the East to Urishlem: and they said, Where is the king of the Jews who is born? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him. But Herodes the king heard, and was troubled, and all Urishlem with him. And he assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people, and anxiously inquired of them where the Meshicha should be born. But they said, In Beth-lechem of Jehuda; for so it is written in the prophet: Also thou, Beth-lechem of Jehuda, wast not the least among the kings of Jehuda; for from thee shall come forth the king who shall be as a shepherd to my people Isroel. Then Herodes privately called the Magians, and learned from them at what time the star appeared to them: and he sent them to Beth-lechem, and said to them, Go and inquire diligently concerning the child; and when you have found him, come, show me, and I also will go and will worship him. But they, when they had heard the king, went forth; and, lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, proceeded before them, until it came and stood over against where the child was. Now when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy. And they entered the house, and beheld the child with Mariam his mother; and they fell down, and worshipped him. And they opened their treasures, and offered unto him oblations; gold, and myrrh, and frankincense. And it was shown to them in a dream, that they should not return unto Herodes; so, by another way, they went unto their place. AND when they were gone, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream unto Jauseph, and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and flee into Metsreen, and there be until I tell thee; for it will be that Herodes will seek the child, that he may destroy him. Then Jauseph arose, took up the child and his mother, and fled by night into Metsreen, and was there until the death of Herodes. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken from the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Metsreen have I called my son. Then Herodes, when he saw that he had been deluded by the Magians, was greatly wroth, and sent (and) killed all the children of Beth-lechem, and all its limits, from two years and under, according to the time which he had inquired from the Magians. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Eramio the prophet, who said, A cry was heard in Rometha; weeping and great lamentation; Rochel weeping for her children, and not willing to be comforted, because they are not. BUT when Herodes, the king, was dead, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Jauseph in Metsreen, and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Isroel; for they are dead who sought the life of the child. And Jauseph arose, (and) took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Isroel. But when he heard that Arkelaos was the king in Jehud, instead of Herodes his father, he was afraid to go thither: and it was shown to him in a dream, that he should go into the region of Galila. And he came and dwelt in a city which is called Natsrath. So would be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, that a Nazarene he should be called. NOW in those days came Juchanon the Baptizer preaching in the desert of Jehud, and saying, Repent! the kingdom of heaven hath drawn nigh. For this is he of whom it was spoken by Eshaia the prophet: The voice which crieth in the desert, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths plain. But this Juchanon, his clothing was of the hair of camels, with a loins-belt of leather upon his loins; and his food was locusts and wilderness-honey. Then went forth to him Urishlem, and all Jehud, and the whole country about Jurdan; and were baptized of him in Jurdan, the river, while they were confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharishee and Zodukoyee coming to be baptized, he said to them, Generation of vipers, who hath showed you to escape from the wrath that cometh? Work, therefore, fruits which are suitable to repentance. Neither ruminate and say within yourselves, that Abraham is father to us; for I say to you that Aloha is able from these stones to raise up sons unto Abraham. But, behold, the axe lieth at the root of the trees; every tree, therefore, which maketh not good fruit is cut down and falleth into the fire. I, indeed, baptize you with water unto repentance; but He who cometh after me is mightier than I; he, whose sandals I am not worthy to bear,-he baptizeth you with the Spirit of Holiness and with fire. He (it is) whose fan is in his hand, and, purifying his floors, the wheat he gathereth into his garner, but the chaff he burneth with the fire that is not quenched. Then came Jeshu from Galila unto Jurdan to Juchanan to be baptized of him. But Juchanon prohibited him, and said, I need from thee to be baptized, and hast thou come unto me? But Jeshu answered and said unto him, Permit now; for thus it becometh us to accomplish all righteousness. And then he permitted him. But when Jeshu was baptized, he immediately ascended from the waters; and the heaven was opened unto him; and he saw the Spirit of Aloha, who descended, like the dove, and came upon him. And, lo, the voice from heaven, which said, This (is) my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted. THEN Jeshu was led by the Spirit of Holiness into the desert, that he should be tempted by the Accuser. And he fasted forty days and forty nights; but afterward he hungered. And he who tempteth approached and said, If the Son thou art of Aloha, say that these stones shall become bread. But he answered and said, It is written that not by bread alone liveth the Son of man, but by every word which proceedeth from the mouth of Aloha. Then the Accuser taketh him to the holy city, and caused him to stand on the pinnacle of the temple; and said to him, If the Son thou art of Aloha, throw thyself down; for it is written that his angels he shall command concerning thee, and upon their hands they shall bear thee, that thou strike not against a stone thy foot. Jeshu said to him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha. Again the Accuser took him to a mountain which is exceeding high, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and said to him, These all to thee will I give, if thou wilt fall and worship me, Then said Jeshu to him, Away with thee, Satana! for it is written that the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only thou shalt serve. Then the Accuser left him, and, behold, the angels drew nigh and ministered unto him. BUT when Jeshu heard that Juchanan was perfected, he removed into Galila. And he left Natsrath, and came and dwelt in Kaphar-Nachum by the sea-side on the borders of Zabolon and of Naptholi. That the thing might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Eshaia, who said, The land of Zabolon, the land of Naptholi, the way of the sea beyond Jurdan, Galila of the peoples. The people who sat in darkness the great light hath seen; and they who have sat in the region and shadow of death, the light has arisen upon them. From that time began Jeshu to preach, and to say, Repent! for the kingdom of heaven hath drawn nigh. And while he walked by the sea of Galila, he saw two brethren, Shemun who was called Kipha, and Andreas his brother, who were casting their nets into the sea, for they were fishers. And Jeshu said to them, Come after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. And they immediately forsook their nets and went after him. And when he had passed thence, he saw two other brethren, Jakub-bar-Zabdai and Juchanan his brother, in a vessel with Zabdai their father, repairing their nets: and Jeshu called them; and they forthwith left the vessel and their father, and went after him. And Jeshu perambulated all Galila, and taught in their synagogues, and preached the announcement of the kingdom, and healed all disease and affliction in the people. And his fame was heard in all Suria; and they brought to him all those who were grievously affected with various diseases, and those who were pressed down by strong pains, and demoniacs, and lunatics, and the paralysed; and he healed them. And there went after him great gatherings from Galila, and from the ten cities, and from Urishlem, and from Jehud, and from beyond Jurdan. BUT when Jeshu saw the multitudes, he ascended a mountain; and when he had sat down, his disciples drew near to him; and he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: BLESSED (are) the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed the mourners, for they shall be comforted. Blessed the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed they who hunger and thirst unto righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed the merciful, for upon them shall be mercy. Blessed they who are pure in their hearts, for they shall see Aloha. Blessed the makers of peace, for the children of Aloha shall they be called. Blessed they who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they treat you with reviling, and persecute you, and say concerning you every evil word, for my sake, in falsity. Then be glad and exult, for your reward is great in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you. You are the salt of the earth: but if it happen that salt become tasteless, with what shall it be seasoned? It goeth for nothing but to be thrown without and trodden down by men. You are the light of the world: It is not possible that a city which is built upon a hill can be hidden. Nor do they kindle a lamp and place it beneath a measure, but on a candlestick, and it enlighteneth all who are in the house. So let your light shine before the sons of men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Think not that I came to loose the law or the prophets: not that I might loose, but that I might fulfill. For, Amen I say unto you, that until heaven and earth shall pass away, one yod, or one point, shall not pass from the law, till all be done. Every one, therefore, who shall set loose one from these least commandments, and shall so teach the children of men, the least shall he be called in the kingdom of heaven: but every one who shall do and teach, this shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness shall abound more than that of the scribes and the Pharishee, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. YOU have heard that it was said unto them who were before, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill is obnoxious to the judgment. But I say unto you, that he who is angry against his brother rashly, is obnoxious to the judgment; and he who shall say to his brother, Thou empty one! is liable to the council; and every one who shall say, Thou fool! is liable to the gihano of fire. If it occur, therefore, that thou bring thy oblation to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother retaineth some enmity against thee; leave there thy oblation at the altar, and go, first be reconciled with thy brother, and then come and offer thy oblation. Be at one with thine adversary quickly, while thou art with him in the way; lest thy adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the exactor, and thou fall into the house of the bound. And, Amen I say unto thee, that thou shalt not come forth from thence till thou hast rendered the last shamuna. You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say to you, that every one who beholdeth a woman so as that he shall desire her, already committeth adultery in his heart. But if thy right eye cause thee to offend, root it out and cast it from thee: it is better to thee that one of thy members should perish, than that thy whole body should fall into gihano. And if thy right hand cause thee to offend, cut it off and cast it from thee; for it is better to thee that one from thy members should perish, rather than thy whole body should fall into gihano. It hath been said, that he who looseth his wife should give her a writing of divorcement. But I say unto you, that whosoever looseth his wife, except on account of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery; and whosoever taketh her who is sent away, committeth adultery. Again, you have heard it was said to those beforetime, Thou shalt not lie in thine oaths, but shalt fulfil thine oaths unto the Lord. But I say unto you, Swear not at all: not by heaven, for it is the throne of Aloha; nor by earth, for it is the foot-stool beneath his feet; neither by Urishlem, for it is the city of the great king. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, for thou canst not make a single hair in it either black or white. But let your discourse be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these is from the evil. You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, that you shall not rise up against evil: but if any one strike thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any one will contend with thee to take away thy tunic, leave him thy mantle also; and if a man compel thee one mile, go with him twain. Give to him who asketh from thee, and him who would borrow from thee refuse not. You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies; bless them who execrate you; do that which is good to him who hateth you; and pray for them who lead you with a chain, and persecute you. That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who causeth his sun to arise on the good and on the evil, and who sendeth showers on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those (only) who love you, what reward have you? do not even the tribute-gatherers this? And if you wish peace to your brethren only, what more do you than they? do not also the tribute-gatherers this? Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father who is in heaven is perfect! SEE that in your almsgiving you do it not before men, so as that you may be observed by them; otherwise no reward is for you with your Father who is in heaven. When, therefore, thou art doing alms, sound not a trumpet before thee, as do the assumers of faces in the assemblies and streets, so that they may be praised from men; and, Amen I say to you, they receive their reward. But thou, when thou art doing thy alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms may be in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall recompense thee in openness. And when thou prayest, be not as the face-takers, who love to stand in the assemblies and at the corners of the streets to pray, that they may be seen of men; and truly I say to you that they receive their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy secret chamber, and shut thy door, and pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee in openness. And when thou art praying, be not wordy, like the profane; for they think that in much speaking they are heard. Be you not like them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you before that you ask him. Thus pray: Our Father who art in the heavens! be sanctified thy Name. Come thy kingdom. Be done thy will, as in heaven, also in earth. Give to us the bread of our need to-day; and forgive us our debts, as also we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory to the age of ages. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Father who is in heaven will forgive you also. But if you will not forgive men, your Father also forgiveth not your trespasses unto you. WHEN, too, you fast, be not morosely sad as the assumers of faces, for they defile their countenances so as that they may appear unto men to fast: and, Amen I say unto you, they receive their reward. But thou, when thou art fasting, wash thy face and anoint thine head, that it may not appear to men that thou art fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret, he shall reward thee. Lay not up for yourselves treasures in the earth, a place where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves dig through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where no moth and no rust corrupt, and where thieves do not dig through and steal. For where your treasure is, there also your hearts are. The lamp of the body is the eye: if thine eye therefore be perfect, thy whole body will be illuminated; but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be dark. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, what will thy darkness be? No man can serve two lords; for the one he will hate, and the other he will love, or the one he will honour, and the other he will neglect: you cannot serve Aloha and riches. WHEREFORE I say unto you, Let not your souls be anxious what you shall eat and what you shall drink, and for your bodies what you shall wear. Is not the life more excellent than food, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the heaven; they sow not, neither do they reap, nor collect into granaries; yet your Father who is in heaven nourisheth them: are you not far more considerable than they? But who among you by being anxious can add to his stature one cubit? and concerning raiment why are you anxious? Look upon the lilies of the wilderness how they increase; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say to you, Not even Shelemun in all his glory was covered like one from among these. But if the herb of the field, which to-day exists, and tomorrow falleth into the oven, Aloha thus clotheth, how much more you, little of faith? Be not anxious, therefore, nor say, What shall we eat, or, What shall we drink, or, How shall we be covered? For after all these things do the people of the world inquire: but your Father who is in heaven knoweth that also by you are required these all. But seek first the kingdom of Aloha and his righteousness, and all these shall be added unto you. Be not therefore anxious for to-morrow; the morrow shall care for its own: the evil of to-day is enough for it. JUDGE not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment that you judge, you shall be judged; and with the measure that you mete, it shall be measured to you. But why dost thou look at the rod that is in thy brother's eye, while the rafter that is in thine own eye thou dost not consider? Or how sayest thou to thy brother, Permit that I draw forth the rod from thine eye, and, behold, there is a rafter in thine own eye? Hypocrite! draw forth first the rafter from thine own eye, and then thou wilt see to draw forth the rod from thy brother's eye. Give not the holy unto dogs, and throw not your precious stones before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one who asketh receiveth, and he who seeketh findeth; and to him who knocketh it is opened. Or what man from among you, who if his son shall ask bread, will reach forth a stone to him? if a fish he shall ask of him, a serpent will he reach forth to him? If, therefore, you who are evil know to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? All therefore that you will that men shall do unto you, so also do you unto them: for this is the law and the prophets. ENTER in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and spacious the way, that conducteth to destruction; and they are many who go therein. How small is the gate, and narrow the way, that leadeth unto salvation; and they are few who find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but within are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do they gather from thorns grapes, or from briers figs? So every good tree maketh good fruits; but an evil tree maketh evil fruits. A good tree cannot make evil fruits, nor an evil tree make good fruits. Every tree that maketh not good fruits is cut down, and falleth into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. Not every one that saith to me, My Lord, my Lord, entereth into the kingdom of heaven; but he who doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Multitudes will say to me in that day My Lord, my Lord, in thy name have we not prophesied, and in thy name ejected devils, and in thy name performed many mighty works? And then will I confess to them, I never knew you; go far from me, ye workers of iniquity. Every one therefore who heareth these my words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a wise man, who built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the torrents came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, but it fell not, for its foundations were placed upon the rock. And every one who heareth these my words, and doeth them not, shall be likened to a man who built his house upon sand. And the rain descended, and the torrents came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell, and the ruin of it was great. And when Jeshu had finished these words, the multitudes wondered at his doctrine. For he taught them as one having power, and not as their scribes and the Pharishee. WHEN he had descended from the mountain, great multitudes clave to him. And, behold, a certain leper came (and) worshipped him, and said, My Lord, if thou art willing, thou canst cleanse me. And Jeshu extended his hand, and touched him, and said, I am willing: be clean; and in that very hour his leprosy was cleansed. And Jeshu said to him, See that thou tell no man, but go, show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation that Musha required for their testimony. Then when Jeshu had entered into Kapharnachum, a certain centurion approached him, and besought of him, saying, My Lord, my child is lying in the house, paralysed and grievously tormented. Jeshu saith to him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and saith, My Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come beneath my roof; only speak in a word, and my child shall be healed. For I also am a man under authority, and under my hand there are soldiers. I say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to the other, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth. When Jeshu heard this, he was moved with admiration, and said to those with him, Truly I say to you, that in Isroel I have not found faith like this. But I tell you, That many shall come from the east, and from the west, and shall recline with Abraham, and Is'hok, and Jakub, in the kingdom of the heavens; but the children of the kingdom shall go forth into outer darknesses; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jeshu said unto the centurion, Go; as thou hast believed, it shall be to thee. And his child was healed in that very hour. AND Jeshu came to the house of Shemun, and saw his mother-in-law lying, a fever having seized her. And he touched her with his hand, and the fever left her; and she arose and ministered to them. And when it was evening, they brought before him many demoniacs, and he cast out their devils by a word; and all those who were heavily afflicted he healed. So was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Eshaia, who said, That he should take our griefs, and bear our infirmities. Now when Jeshu saw the great multitudes which encompassed him, he commanded that they should go to the opposite shore. And a certain scribe approached him, and said, Rabi, I will come after thee to the place whither thou goest. Jeshu saith to him, The foxes have their dens, and the fowls of heaven a bower, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. And another from his disciples said to him, My Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father. But Jeshu said to him Come after me, and leave the dead ones burying their dead. AND when Jeshu had ascended into the ship, his disciples ascended with him. And, behold, a great commotion was made on the sea, insomuch that the vessel was covered by the waves; but Jeshu himself was asleep. And the disciples approached him, that they might awake him, saying to him, Our Lord, deliver us, we are perishing! And Jeshu said to them, Why are you fearful, you little in faith? Then he arose, and forbade the wind and the sea, and there was a great calm. But the men were struck with wonder, saying, What (being) is this, to whom the winds and the sea are obedient? And when Jeshu came to the other side, to the region of the Godroyee, there met him two demoniacs, who came forth from the place of sepulchres, exceedingly malignant, insomuch that no man could pass by that way. And they shouted, saying, What to us, and to thee, Jeshu, son of Aloha? Hast thou come hither before the time, to torment us? Now there was at a distance from them a herd of many swine feeding. Those demons, therefore, supplicated from him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go into the herd of swine. Jeshu saith to them, Go: and immediately they went forth, and entered into the swine; and the whole herd rushed directly over the rock, and, plunging into the sea, perished in the waters. And they who tended them, fled, and went into the city, and showed every thing that was done, and what concerned these demoniacs. the whole city came forth to meet Jeshu himself; and when they beheld him, they besought from him that he would remove from their coasts. And he ascended (into) the ship, and went over, and came to his city. And they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed; and Jeshu saw their faith, and said to the paralytic, Be comforted, my son, thy sins are forgiven thee. But men from among the scribes said within themselves, This blasphemeth. But Jeshu knew their reasonings, and said to them, Why reason ye evil in your hearts? For which is easier, to say, Forgiven are thy sins, or to say, Arise, walk? But that ye may know that authority hath the Son of man in the earth to remit sins, he saith to him-the paralytic,-Arise, lift up thy bed, and go to thy house: and he arose (and) went to his house. When the assembly saw this, they feared, and glorified Aloha who had given such power as this unto men. AND when Jeshu had passed thence, he saw a man who was sitting at the place of the tribute-takers, whose name was Mathai; and he said to him, Come after me; and he arose and went after him. And while he reclined in the house, there came to him many tribute-gatherers and sinners, and reclined with Jeshu and with his disciples. And when the Pharishee saw (it), they say to his disciples, Why doth your master eat with tribute-takers and sinners? But Jeshu, when he heard (it), said to them, The healthful have no need for the physician, but they who are diseased. Go, learn what that is:-" I require mercy, and not sacrifice; " for I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners. Then drew nigh to him the disciples of Juchanon, and said, Why do we and the Pharishee fast much, and thy disciples fast not? Jeshu said to them, Neither can the sons of the marriage-chamber fast while the bridegroom is with them: but the days are coming when the bridegroom shall be taken up from them, and then shall they fast. No man inserteth a piece of new cloth upon an old garment, lest he should take away its fulness from that garment, and the rent be greater. Neither do they pour new wine into old bottles, that the bottles may not be broken, and the wine be spilled, and the bottles perish. But they pour new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved. WHILE he spake these words with them, a certain chief came, drew near, worshipped him, and said, My daughter is now dead; but come, lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live! And Jeshu arose, with his disciples, and went after him. And, behold, a woman whose blood had flowed twelve years, came behind him, and touched the edge of his vestment. For she was saying within herself, If I touch but his garment, I shall be healed. But Jeshu turned and seeth her, and said to her, Be comforted, my daughter, thy faith hath saved thee. And the woman was healed from that very hour. And Jeshu came to the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the crowds which were making a tumult. And he said to them, Retire; for the damsel is not dead, but asleep. And they laughed at him. And when he had put forth the crowds, he entered, and took her by the hand; and the damsel arose. And the rumour of this went forth through all that land. AND when Jeshu had passed thence, two blind men clave to him, and besought him, and said, Have compassion on us, Son of David! And when he had come into the house, these blind men were brought to him. Jeshu saith to them, Believe you that I am able to do this? They say to him, Yes, our Lord! Then he touched their eyes, and said, As you believe be it to you. And immediately their eyes were opened. And Jeshu forbad them and said, Beware lest any man know. But they went forth and spread the report of it through all that land. And when Jeshu went forth, they brought to him a dumb person in whom was a demon. And when the demon had gone out, the dumb spake; and the multitudes were astonished, and said, Never was it thus seen in Isroel. But the Pharishee said, By the chief of the devils he casteth out devils. And Jeshu itinerated in all their cities and villages, and taught in their assemblies, and preached the gospel of the kingdom, and healed all diseases and all pains. BUT when Jeshu saw the multitudes, he had compassion upon them, because they fainted and were dispersed as sheep that had no shepherd; and said to his disciples, The harvest is great, and the labourers few. Ask, therefore, from the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth labourers into his harvest. And he called his twelve disciples, and gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out, and to cure every disease and infirmity. Now, of the twelve apostles the names are these: the first of them, Shemun who is called Kipha, and Andreas his brother, and Jakubbar-Zabdai, and Juchanon his brother, and Philipos, and Bar-Tholmai, and Thoma, and Mathai the tribute-gatherer, and Jakubbar-Chalphai, and Labi who was surnamed Thadai, and Shemun the zealous, and Jihuda S'carjuta, he who betrayed him. These twelve Jeshu sent, and commanded them and said, In the way of the heathens go not, and into the city of the Shomroyee do not enter; but go rather unto the sheep which have perished from the house of Isroel. And as you go, proclaim and say that the kingdom of heaven hath drawn near. The diseased heal, the lepers cleanse, the dead raise, and the demons cast forth. Freely you have received, freely give. Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor a wallet for the road; neither two tunics, nor sandals, nor staff: for worthy is the workman of his meat. And into whatsoever city or town you enter, inquire who is worthy in it, and there be till you depart. And when you enter into the house, invoke peace for the house; and if the house be worthy, your peace shall come upon it; but if it be not worthy, your peace upon yourselves shall revert. But whosoever doth not receive you or hear your words, when you depart from that house, or that town, set free the dust from your feet. And, Amen, I say unto you, that for the land of Sadum and of Amura it will be more tolerable, in the day of the judgment, than for that city. LO, I send you forth as sheep among wolves: be you, therefore, wise as serpents and guileless as doves. But beware of the sons of men; for, delivering you to the house of judgments, in their synagogues they will scourge you, and before governors and kings bring you, on my account, for the testimony concerning them and the gentiles. But when they deliver you up, be not solicitous how or what you shall speak; for it is given you in that hour what you shall speak. For it is not you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking in you. But the brother shall deliver his brother unto death, and the father his son; and the sons shall rise up against their fathers, and shall slay them. And you shall be abhorred by all men on account of my name: but he who shall persevere until the end, he shall be saved. When they persecute you in this city, escape to the other; for, Amen I say unto you, that you shall not have completed all the cities of the house of Isroel, till the Son of man shall come. The disciple is not greater than his master, nor the servant than his lord. It sufficeth the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If the master of the house they have called Beelzebub, how much more his house-sons! You shall not fear, therefore, from them; for there is nothing covered which shall not be revealed, nor secret which shall not be known. Whatsoever I say to you in darkness, declare you in the light; and whatsoever you have heard in your ears, proclaim upon the roofs. And fear not them who kill the body, but the soul cannot kill; but fear rather One who the soul and the body can destroy in gihano. Are not two sparrows sold for an asor? yet one of them, without your Father, doth not fall upon the earth. But of you, also, the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; than many sparrows more precious are you. Every man, therefore, who shall confess me before the sons of men, I myself will confess him also before my Father who is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before the sons of men, I also will deny him, I, before my Father who is in heaven. EXPECT not that I have come to send forth peace on the earth; I have not come to send forth peace, but the sword. For I have come to cause a man to separate from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law; and the adversaries of a man (to be) his own house-sons. Whosoever loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy (of) me; and whosoever loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy (of) me. And every one who taketh not his cross and cometh after me, is not worthy of me. Whosoever will find his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it. Whosoever receiveth you, receiveth me; and whosoever receiveth me, Him who sent me he receiveth. Whosoever entertaineth a prophet in the name of a prophet, the reward of a prophet receiveth. Whosoever entertaineth a just man in the name of a just man, the reward of the just man he receiveth. And whosoever only giveth one of these little ones a cup of cold (waters) to drink in the name of a disciple, Amen, I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. AND it was that when Jeshu had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he removed from thence to teach and preach in their cities. But Juchanon, when he heard in the house of the bound the works of the Meshicha, sent by his disciples, and said to him, Art thou He that cometh, or another are we to expect? Jeshu answered and said to them, Go, recount to Juchanon these things which you hear and see; (that) the blind see, the lame are walking, the lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead arise, and the poor are evangelized; and blessed is he who shall not be offended with me. But when they were gone, Jeshu began to speak to the assembly concerning Juchanon: What went you forth into the waste to see? a reed that by the wind was shaken? And if not, what went you forth to see? a man clothed in soft vestments? Behold, they who are softly clothed are in the house of kings. And if not, what went you forth to see? a prophet? I tell you, Yes; and more than a prophet. For this is he concerning whom it is written, Behold, I send my angel before thy face, to prepare the way before thee. Amen I say to you, there hath not arisen among them born of women who greater than Juchanon the Baptizer: yet, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. But from the days of Juchanon the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of the heavens by violence is taken, and the violent ones seize it. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until Juchanon; and if you are willing, receive, that he is Elia who was to come. Whoever hath ears to hear, he shall hear. BUT to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children who sit in the public place, and cry to their companions, and say, We have sung to you, and you have not danced; we have wailed unto you, and you have not mourned. For Juchanon came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, See a man a devourer, a wine-drinker, a friend of tribute-takers and of sinners. But justified is wisdom by her servants. Then began Jeshu to reproach those cities in which were done many of his miracles, and which did not repent, saying, Woe to thee, Korazin! woe to thee, Bethtsaida! for if in Tsur and in Tsaidon those miracles had been done which have been performed in you, they would a while ago in sackcloth and ashes have repented. But I say to you, that for Tsur and Tsaidon it shall be more tolerable in the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Kaphernachum, who unto heaven art exalted, unto Shiul shalt be brought down; for if in Sadum had been done those miracles which have been done in thee, it would have stood until this day. But I tell you that for the land of Sadum it shall be more tolerable in the day of judgment than for thee. IN that time Jeshu answered and said, I praise thee, my Father, the Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that thou hast concealed these (things) from the wise and prudent, but hast revealed them unto little children. Yes, my Father, for thus was it pleasing before thee! All things are delivered to me from my Father; and no man knoweth the Son but the Father; also the Father no man knoweth, except the Son, and he (to) whom the Son pleaseth to reveal (him). Come unto me, all you (who) are wearied and bearing burdens, and I will give you rest. Bear my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am peaceful and lowly in my heart, and you shall find repose for your souls. For my yoke is kindly, and my burden is light. At that time Jeshu was walking on the sabbath among the grain; and his disciples hungered, and began to pluck the ears and to eat. But when the Pharishee saw them, they say to him, Look, thy disciples do something which is not lawful to be done on the sabbath. But he said to them, Have you not read what David did when he hungered, and they who were with him? how he went to the house of Aloha, and the bread of the table of the Lord did he eat,-that which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for them who were with him, but for the priests only? Or have you not read in the law that the priests in the temple profane the sabbath in it, and are without blame? But I say to you, that (one) greater than the temple is here. Moreover, if you knew what that (meaneth), " I desire mercy and not a sacrifice," you would not have condemned them who are not faulty. For the Lord of the sabbath is the Son of man. AND Jeshu passed thence, and came into their synagogue. And a certain man was there whose hand was withered. And they questioned him, saying, Is it lawful on the sabbath to heal? that they might accuse him. But he said to them, What man is there among you that hath one sheep, (who), if it fall into a pit on the sabbath-day, doth not take and lift it up? How much more precious is a child of man than a sheep! Wherefore it is lawful on the sabbath-day to do that which is good. Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand! and he stretched forth his hand, and it was restored like the other its fellow. And the Pharishee went forth and took counsel against him, how they might destroy him. But Jeshu knew, and passed from thence; and great crowds went after him, and he healed them all. And he forbad that they should make him known. That what was spoken by the prophet Eshaia might be fulfilled, who said, Behold my servant, in whom is my pleasure: My beloved, in whom my soul delighteth. My Spirit will I put upon him, And judgment to the peoples shall he preach. He shall not contend nor cry, And no man shall hear his voice in the street. A bruised reed he will not break, And a flickering lamp he will not extinguish, Until he bring forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the gentiles hope. THEN they brought to him a certain demoniac who was dumb and blind; and he healed him, so that the dumb and blind could speak and see. And all the multitude were amazed, and said, Is not this the Son of David? But the Pharishee, when they heard, said, This (man) doth not cast forth demons unless by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. But Jeshu knew their reasonings, and said to them, Every kingdom that is divided against itself is destroyed; and every city which is divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then standeth his kingdom? And if I by Beelzebub cast forth demons, your sons, by whom do they cast them forth? On this account they shall be your judges. But if I by the Spirit of Aloha cast forth demons, the kingdom of Aloha hath come nigh upon you. Or, how can one enter the strong one's house, and spoil his goods, unless he first bind the strong one? and then can he spoil his house. He who is not with me is against me; and he who gathereth not with me, in scattering scattereth. Wherefore, this I say to you: That all sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven unto the sons of men; but the blasphemy which is against the Spirit shall not be forgiven to the sons of men. And every one who shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but every one who against the Spirit of Holiness shall speak, it shall not be forgiven to him, neither in this world nor in the world to come. Or make the tree good, and the fruits (will be) good; or make the tree evil, and the fruits (will be) evil: for by the fruits the tree is known. Brood of vipers! how can you speak good who are evil? For from the abundancies of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man from the good treasuries bringeth forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasuries bringeth forth evil (things). But I tell you, that for every useless word which the sons of men shall speak, they must give the answer for it in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. THEN answered certain from the scribes and Pharishee, and said to him, Teacher, we would wish to see a sign from thee. But he answered them and said, A generation depraved and adulterous requireth a sign; but a sign shall not be given to it, but the sign of Jaunon the prophet; for as Jaunon was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so the Son of man shall be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. The men of NinevoĆ«. shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jaunon; and, behold, a greater than Jaunon (is) here. The queen of the south shall arise in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it; for she came from the confines of the earth that she might hear the wisdom of Shelemun; but one more excellent than Shelemun is here. When the unclean spirit shall have gone forth from a child of man, he wandereth through places that have no waters in them, and seeketh repose, but findeth (it) not. Then he saith, I will return unto the house from whence I came forth; and coming, he findeth it untenanted, cleansed, and decorated. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits, than himself more wicked, and they enter and dwell in him. And the end of that man is worse than his beginning. So shall it be with this wicked race! While he spake to the assembly, his mother and his brethren came, standing without, and seeking to speak with him. And a man said to him, Thy mother and thy brethren are standing without, and are requesting to speak with thee. But he answered and said to him who spake to him, Who is my mother, and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, and said, Behold my mother, and behold my brethren! For every one who doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and my sister, and my mother. IN that day Jeshu went forth from the house and sat by the sea-side; and great multitudes gathered near him, so that he went up and sat in a vessel; and all the multitude were standing on the shore of the sea. And he discoursed largely to them in parables, and said: Behold, there went forth a sower to sow; and as he sowed, some fell by the road-side, and the fowl came and devoured it. Another (portion) fell upon the rock, where there was not much soil; and immediately it sprung up, because there was no depth of earth. But when the sun was risen, it burned, and, because it had no root, it withered away. And another fell among the thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked it. And another fell into good earth, and gave fruits, this a hundred, another sixty, and another thirty. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear. And his disciples approached, saying to him, Why dost thou speak to them in parables? He replied and said to them, Because unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it is not given. For unto him who hath, it shall be given, and it shall be increased to him: but to him who hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken from him. On this account I speak to them in parables. Hence they see, and (yet) see not; and they hear, and (yet) hear not, neither understand; and accomplished in them is the prophecy of Eshaia, who said, that hearing they should hear, but not understand, and seeing they should see, but not know. For the heart of this people is become gross, and with their ears they have heard heavily, and their eyes they have shut, that they may not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, nor understand with their hearts, and be converted, and I heal them. But blessed are your eyes which see, and your ears which hear: for, Amen I say unto you, that many prophets and just ones have desired to behold what you see, and have not beheld, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard. You, then, attend to the comparison of the seed: (When) any one who heareth the doctrine of the kingdom doth not understand it, there cometh the evil (one), and snatcheth away the doctrine that was sown in his heart: this is what by the road-side was sown. But that which was sown upon the rock is he who heareth the word, and at once with joy apprehendeth it. Yet hath he no root in him, but is (only) for a time; and when affliction or persecution occurs on account of the doctrine, he is quickly offended. That sown the place of thorns, is he who heareth the word, but the anxious thought of this world and the illusions of riches stifle the word in him, and he is without fruits. But that which upon good ground was sown is he who heareth my doctrine, and understandeth (it), and giveth fruits, and produceth, whether a hundred, or sixty, or thirty fold. ANOTHER comparison he allegorized unto them, and said: The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man who sowed good seed in his field. And while men slept, came his adversary, and sowed zizania among the wheat, and went. And when the plant sprang up and produced fruit, then appeared the zizania. And the labourers of the house-lord drew near and said to him, Our lord, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? From whence then is the zizania in it? But he said to them, A foeman hath done this. The labourers say to him, Art thou willing that we go and gather them? But he said to them, (No,) lest, when ye gather the zizania, you root out with them the wheat also. Leave (them), that both may grow together till the harvest; and in the season of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather first the zizania, and bind them (together in) bundles, that they may burn; but the wheat collect into my barns. Another comparison allegorized he to them, and said: The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard, which a man took and sowed in his field. This is less than all other seeds; but when it has grown, it is greater than all herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the fowl of the heavens come (and) build in its branches. Another parable he spake to them: The kingdom of heaven resembles that leaven which a woman took and hid in three satas of meal, until the whole was leavened. All these spake Jeshu in parables to the multitude; and without a parable he did not speak with them. That there should be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet, who said, I will open my mouth in comparisons, and pour forth things hidden from before the foundation of the world. Then Jeshu dismissed the multitudes, and came into the house; and his disciples drew near him, and said to him, Expound to us the comparison of the zizania of the field. He answered and said to them, He who sowed the good seed is the Son of man. The field is the world. Now, the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the zizania are the sons of the evil one. The adversary who sowed them is Satana; the harvest is the consummation of the world; the reapers are the angels. As, therefore, the zizania are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the completion of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall collect from his kingdom all those who cause offence, and all (who) work iniquity, and shall throw them into a furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the just shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure which was hidden in a field, (and) which a man found and concealed, and from joy went and sold all that he had, and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man a merchant, who sought goodly pearls; but who, when he had found one pearl of exceeding price, went, sold all that he had, and bought it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, which was thrown into the sea, and from every kind collected. And when it was full, they drew to the shore, and sat down, and selected; and the good they threw into vessels, and the bad they cast without. Thus shall it be at the consummation of the world. The angels shall go forth, and separate the evil from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth! Jeshu said to them, Have you understood all these? They say to him, Yes, our Lord. He saith to them, On this account every scribe who is learned in the kingdom of heaven, is like to a man a house-lord, who bringeth forth from his treasuries the new and the old. AND when Jeshu had finished these parables, he passed from thence, and came to his city, and taught them in their synagogues, so that they were astounded and said, Whence hath he (Whence to him) this wisdom and these powers? Is not this the son of the carpenter? Is not his mother called Mariam, and his brothers, Jakub, and Josi, and Shemun, and Jehuda? and his sisters, all, are they not with us? Whence to this one all these? And they were offended with him. But Jeshu said to them, No prophet is contemned except in his own city, and in his own house. And he did not many miracles there on account of their unbelief. In that time Herodes Tetrarka heard the rumour concerning Jeshu; and he said to his servants, This is Juchanon the Baptizer: he hath risen from the house of the dead, therefore powerful works are wrought by him. For he, Herodes, had seized Juchanon, and bound him, and cast him (into) the house of the chained, because of Herodia the wife of Philip his brother. for Juchanon had said to him, It is not lawful that she should be to thee a wife. And he would have killed him, but he feared the people, because as a prophet they held him. But at the birth-day of Herodes, the daughter of Herodia danced before those who reclined, and she pleased Herodes; wherefore with an oath he sware to her to give her whatever she should demand. Then she, because instructed by her mother, said, Give me here in a dish the head of Juchanon the Baptizer. And the king sickened, yet, on account of the oath and the guests, he commanded that it should be given to her. And he sent cut off the head of Juchanon in the house of the chained. And his head was brought in a dish, and given to the girl, and she carried it herself to her mother. And his disciples came near, took up his corpse, buried (it), and came and showed Jeshu. Then Jeshu, when he heard, removed from thence by ship to a desert place by himself; and when the multitude heard it, they came after him on dry land from the cities. And Jeshu came forth, and saw great multitudes, and felt compassion for them, and healed their diseases. BUT when it was eventide, his disciples approached him, and said to him, The place is desert, and the time passed over; send away these multitudes of men, that they may go to the villages, and buy for themselves food. But he said to them, It is not needful that they should go; give you them to eat. They said to him, We have nothing here but five cakes and two fishes. Jeshu said to them, Bring them hither to me. And he directed the multitudes to recline upon the ground; and he took the five loaves and two fishes, and looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples themselves placed (it) before the multitudes. And all did eat, and were satisfied; and they took up, of the abundance of the fragments, twelve baskets when full. Now those men who had eaten were five thousand, besides women and children. And immediately he constrained his disciples to ascend into the bark, and proceed before him to the other shore, while he was dismissing the crowds. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up to a mountain by himself, to pray. AND when it was dark, he alone was there. But the vessel was distant from the land many stadia, being greatly beaten with the waves, for the wind was against them. But in the fourth watch of the night, Jeshu came to them, walking upon the waters. And the disciples beheld him walking on the waters, and they were troubled, saying, That it was a spectre; and from fear they cried out. But Jeshu at once spoke to them, and said, Take courage, I am, fear not! And Kipha answered, and said to him, My Lord, if it be thou, command me to come to thee upon the waters. Jeshu said to him, Come. And Kipha descended from the ship, and walked on the waters to go to Jeshu. But when he saw the furious wind, he feared, and began to sink; and he lifted up his voice, and said, My Lord, deliver me! And immediately our Lord reached forth his hand, and seized him, and said to him, Little of faith, why art thou divided (in mind)? And when they had ascended into the ship, the wind was tranquil. And they who were in the ship, came and adored him, and said, Truly the Son thou art of Aloha. And they rowed, and came to the land of GenĆ©sar; and the men of that country recognized him, and sent to all the villages that were about them, and they brought to him all those who were grievously afflicted, and besought from him that they might touch only the border of his mantle; and those who touched were healed. THEN came to Jeshu Pharishee and Sophree, who were from Urishlem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders, and wash not their hands when they eat bread? Jeshu answered, and said to them, Why also do ye transgress the commandment of Aloha for the sake of your tradition? For Aloha hath said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and whoso curseth his father or his mother, to die he shall die: but ye say, Every one who shall say to a father, or to a mother, (It is) my oblation whatever thou wouldst be profited by me, and shall not honour his father or his mother (shall be guiltless). Thus you have abolished the word of Aloha for the sake of your tradition. Ye hypocrites! rightly prophesied concerning you Eshaia the prophet, and said, This people with the lips honour me, but their heart (is) very far from me. But in vain they reverence me, while they teach the doctrines of the commandments of men. And he called to the multitudes, and said to them, Hear, and understand: It is not that which, entering the mouth, contaminates a man; but that which shall come from the mouth, that contaminates a man. Then drew near his disciples, saying to him, Knowest thou that the Pharishee who heard this word were offended? But he answered, and said to them, Every plantation which my Father who is in heaven hath not planted shall be rooted up. Leave them: they are blind leaders of the blind; but if a blind man shall lead a blind man, both shall fall into the ditch. And Shemun Kipha answered and said, My Lord, expound to us this parable. But he said to them, Do you also not yet understand? Know you not that whatsoever entereth the mouth, goeth into the belly, and from thence in purification it is cast without? But whatsoever from the mouth shall come forth, from the heart cometh forth, and this contaminates a child of man. For from the heart proceed evil thoughts, adultery, murder, fornication, robbery, false witness, blasphemy. These are they which defile a man; but if any one eat when his hands are not washed, he is not defiled. AND Jeshu went forth from thence, and came to the borders of Tsur and Tsaidon. And, beheld, a Canaanite woman from those coasts came forth crying, and saying, Have mercy upon me, my Lord, son of David! my daughter is grievously possessed with the demon! But he did not return her an answer. And the disciples approached and requested from him, saying, Dismiss her, for she crieth after us. But he answered and said to them, I am not sent but to the sheep which have wandered from the house of Israel. Then she came, worshipped him, and said, My Lord, help me! Jeshu said to her, It is not proper to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. But she said, Even so, my Lord; yet the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the tables of their masters, and live. Then said Jeshu to her, O woman, great is thy faith! be it to thee as thou wilt! And healed was her daughter from that hour. And Jeshu passed from thence, and came near the sea of Galila; and he ascended the mountain and sat there. And there drew near to him great gatherings (of people), and with them there were the lame, and the blind, and the dumb, and the mutilated, and many others; and they cast them at the feet of Jeshu, and he healed them. So that those multitudes were astounded as they beheld the dumb speaking, and the mutilated made whole, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the Aloha of Isroel. BUT Jeshu himself called his disciples, and said to them, I have pity for this multitude, who, behold, for three days have continued with me, but there is nothing for them to eat; and to send them away fasting, I am unwilling, lest they should faint in the way. The disciples say to him, Whence can we have bread in the wilderness, that we may satisfy this whole multitude? Jeshu saith to them, How many loaves have you? They say to him, Seven, and a few small fishes. And he directed that the multitudes should recline upon the ground. And he took those seven loaves and the fishes, and offered praise, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes; and they all did eat and were satisfied: and they took up of the abundance of fragments seven baskets full. And they who had eaten, were four thousand men, besides women and children. And when he had dismissed the multitudes, he ascended into a ship, and came to the coasts of Magodu. And there came Pharishee and Zadukoyee, tempting him, and demanding that he would show them a sign from heaven. 3But he answered and said to them, When it is evening, you say, It will be serene weather, for the heaven hath reddened. And in the early morning you say, To-day will be tempestuous, for the heaven hath reddened gloomily. Hypocrites! the aspect of the heaven you are skilful to discriminate, (but) the signs of this time you know not how to distinguish. A depraved and adulterous race requireth a sign, but a sign shall not be given to it, save the sign of Jaunon the prophet; and he left them, and went away. And when his disciples had come to the opposite, they had forgotten to take bread with them. But he said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharishee and Zadukoyee. But they thought within themselves, saying, (It is) because bread we have not taken. But Jeshu knew, and said to them, Why reason you within yourselves, little in faith, because bread you have not brought? Have you not yet understood? Do you not remember those five loaves for the five thousand, and how many panniers you took up? Or those seven loaves and the four thousand, and how many baskets you took up? Why do you not understand that it was not concerning bread I spoke to you, but that you should beware of the leaven of the Pharishee and of the Zadukoyee? Then they understood that he did not say that they should beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharishee and of the Zadukoyee. NOW when Jeshu had come to the place of Cesarea of Philipos, he questioned his disciples, saying, What do men say concerning me who am the Son of man? They said to him, Some say that thou art Juchanon the Baptizer, but others Elia, and others Eramia, or one from the prophets. He saith to them, But you, whom say you that I am? Shemun Kipha answered and said, Thou art the Meshicha, Son of Aloha the Living. Jeshu responded and said to him, Blessed art thou, Shemun-bar-Jona; because flesh and blood have not revealed (this) to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. Also I say unto thee, that thou art Kipha, and upon this rock will I build my church, and the gates of Sheul shall not prevail against her. To thee will I give the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. Then he commanded his disciples that no man they should tell that he was the Meshicha. AND from that time began Jeshu to show to his disciples that it was to be that he should go to Urishlem, and suffer much from the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and the third day arise again. Then Kipha took him (apart?) and began to expostulate with him, and said, Far be it from thee, my Lord, that this should be to thee! But he turned and said to Kipha, Get thee behind me, Satana! thou art a stumbling-block to me, because thou thinkest not from Aloha, but from the sons of men! Then said Jeshu to his disciples. Whosoever willeth to come after me, let him deny himself, and let him take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever willeth to save his life, shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it. For what shall a man be profited, if the whole world he shall acquire, and his soul shall perish? or what equivalent shall a man give for his soul? For it is to be, that the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his holy angels, and then shall he render unto every man according to his works. AMEN, I say unto you, There are men standing here who shall not taste death, until they shall have seen the Son of man coming in his kingdom. And after six days, Jeshu took Kipha, and Jakub, and Juchanon his brother, and led them to a high mountain by themselves. And Jeshu was changed before them; and his countenance shone like the sun, and his vestments were resplendent as the light. And there were seen with them Musha and Elia talking with him. Then answered Kipha, and said to Jeshu, My Lord, it is good for us to be here; and if thou art willing, we will make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Musha, and one for Elia. But while he spake, behold, a bright cloud overspread them, and the voice was from the cloud, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted: to him attend. And when the disciples heard, they fell upon their faces and feared greatly. And Jeshu approached them and touched them, and said, Arise, fear not. And they lifted up their eyes and saw no man, except Jeshu by himself. And while they were descending from the mountain, Jeshu charged them, and said to them, Before no man declare this vision, until the Son of man be risen from the dead. And the disciples asked and said to him, Why therefore say the scribes that Elia must come first? Jeshu answered and said to them, Elia cometh first that he may fulfil every thing; but I say to you, that, behold, Elia hath come, but they knew him not, and have done to him as they would. So also is the Son of man to suffer from them. Then understood the disciples that concerning Juchanon the Baptizer he spake to them. AND when they came to the multitude, a man approached him and kneeled upon his knees, and said to him, My Lord, have mercy on me! my son is lunatic and grievously afflicted; for often he falleth into the fire and often into the water. And I brought him to thy disciples, but they could not heal him. Jeshu answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation! how long shall I be with you, how long shall I bear with you? Bring him hither to me. And Jeshu rebuked him, and the demon went forth from him, and the youth was healed from that hour. Then came the disciples to Jeshu by himself, and said to him, Why were we not able to heal him? Jeshu saith to them, Because of your unbelief; for assuredly I tell you, if there were in you faith as a grain of mustard, you should say to this mountain, Pass hence, and it would pass away; and nothing should overcome you. But this kind goeth not forth but by fasting and by prayer. WHEN they had returned into Galila, Jeshu said to them, It is coming that the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and in the third day he shall arise. And it grieved them exceedingly. And when they came to Kapher-nachum, they who took the two zuzis, the head-silver, approached Kipha and said to him, Your master, doth he not give his two zuzeen? He saith to them, Yes. And when Kipha entered the house, Jeshu anticipated him, and said to him, How doth it appear to thee, Shemun? the kings of the earth, from whom do they take custom and headsilver, from their children, or from aliens? Shemun saith to him, From aliens: Jeshu saith to him, Then the children are free. But that we may not offend them, go to the sea, and cast the hook; and the fish that first cometh up, open his mouth; and thou shalt find a stater, that take and present for me and thee. IN that hour the disciples came near to Jeshu, saying, Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jeshu called a child, and made him stand in the midst of them, and said, Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become as children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore humbleth himself as this child, he shall be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whosoever shall receive as like this child in my name, he receiveth me. And every one that shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, to him it had been better that the mill-stone of an ass were hung to his neck, and himself plunged into the depths of the sea. Woe to the world from causes of offence! for it is unavoidable that causes of offence will come; but woe to the man by whom the causes of offence shall come! If, then, thine hand or thy foot shall be a cause of offence to thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee; for it is good for thee that thou enter into life lame or mutilated; and not that, having two hands or two feet, thou fall into the fire of eternity. And if thine eye be a cause of offence to thee, dig it out, and cast it from thee; good (it is) for thee that with one eye thou enter into life; and not that, having two eyes, thou fall into the gihĆ¢na of fire. See that you contemn not one of these little ones: for I say unto you that their angels in all time are beholding the face of my Father who is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which had perished. How doth it appear to you? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them shall wander from them, doth he not leave the ninety and nine on the mountain, and, going, seek that which had wandered? And if he shall find it, assuredly I tell you that he rejoiceth in it more than (in) the ninety and nine which wandered not. So it is not good before your Father who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. NOW if thy brother offend against thee, go, and argue (the matter) between thyself and him alone; and if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he hear thee not, take with thee one or two, that upon the mouth of two or three witnesses may be established every word. And if, also, he will not hear them, tell the church; but if he will neither hear the church, let him be to thee as a publican and as a heathen. And, Amen I say unto you, that whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, that if two of you shall consent on earth concerning every thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are assembled in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Then Kipha came near to him, and said to him, My Lord, how many times, if my brother offend me, shall I forgive him; until seven times? Jeshu said to him, I say not to thee, Until seven, but, Until seventy times seven and seven. THEREFORE is the kingdom of the heavens likened to a royal person who would take the account from his servants. And when he began to receive, they brought to him one who owed a myriad talents. And when he had nothing to pay, his lord commanded that they should sell (both) himself, his wife, and his children, and all that he had, and to pay. And that servant fell and worshipped him, saying, My lord, be patient of spirit toward me, and all things I (will) pay thee. And the lord of that servant had mercy, and absolved him, and forgave him his debt. Then went forth that servant, and found one of his fellows who owed him a hundred pence; and he seized him, strangling, and saying to him, Give me what thou owest to me. His fellow-servant fell at his feet, beseeching him, and saying, Be patient of spirit towards me, and I (will) pay thee. But he would not, but went and threw him into the house of the chained until he should have rendered him what he owed him. When their fellow-servants saw what was done, they were greatly grieved, and went and declared to their lord all that was done. Then his lord summoned him and said to him, Evil servant! all that debt did I forgive thee, because thou didst entreat me. Oughtest thou not to have been as gracious to thy fellow-servant as I was gracious unto thee? And his lord was indignant, and delivered him to the tormentors, until he should have paid all whatsoever he owed to him. Thus will your heavenly Father deal with you unless you forgive each his brother from your heart his trespasses. AND it was that when Jeshu had finished these words, he removed from Galila and came into the confines of Jehud beyond Jurdan. And great multitudes came after him, and he healed them there. And the Pharishee approached him, and, tempting him, propounded to him whether it was lawful for a man to send away his wife for every cause. But he answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who created from the beginning, male and female hath made them? And he said, On this account a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Wherefore they were not two, but one body. That, therefore, which Aloha hath conjoined, man shall not separate. They said to him, Why then did Musha direct that he should give a writing of dismissal and send her away? He said to them, Musha, on account of the hardness of your heart, permitted you to send away your wives; but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you that whosoever shall forsake his wife who is not adulterous, and take another, committeth adultery; and whosoever taketh the deserted one, committeth adultery. His disciples say to him, If thus be the case between the man and the woman, it is not expedient to take a wife. But he said to them, Not every man is sufficient for this doctrine, but he to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs who from their mother's womb are born so; and there are some eunuchs who by men are made eunuchs; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs on account of the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever is capable of receiving (this), let him receive (it). Then they brought to him children, that he should put his hand upon them and pray. And his disciples forbad them. But Jeshu himself said, Suffer children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of those who are as these, is the kingdom of heaven. And he put his hand upon them, and went thence. AND one came and approached and said to him, Good teacher, what of good shall I do, that I may have the life of eternity? But he said to him, Why dost thou call me good? none is good but one, Aloha. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He said to him, Which? Jeshu answered him, Thou shalt not kill, neither commit adultery, nor steal, neither shalt thou witness false testimony; and honour thy father and thy mother, and love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith to him, These all have I kept from my childhood: how am I deficient? Jeshu saith to him, If thou wilt become perfect, go, sell thy possession and give to the poor, and there shall be for thee a treasure in heaven: and come after me. But he, the young man, heard this word, and went away with sadness, for he had great property. But Jeshu said to his disciples, Amen I say unto you, that it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, that it is easier for a camel to enter through the aperture of a needle, than the rich to enter into the kingdom of Aloha. But the disciples when they heard were greatly hurt, saying, Who then can be saved? Jeshu, beholding them, said, With the sons of men it is not possible; but with Aloha every thing is possible. THEN answered Kipha and said to him, Behold, we have abandoned every thing, and have come after thee: what then shall there be for us? Jeshu saith to them, Amen I say to you, that you who have come after me, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory, you also shall sit upon twelve seats, and shall judge the twelve tribes of Isroel. And every man who hath relinquished houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, on account of my name, shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall inherit the life of eternity, Many however are first who shall be last, and the last first. FOR the kingdom of heaven is like a man, a house-lord, who went forth in the early morn to hire labourers for his vinery. And he bargained with the labourers for a denarius a day, and sent them into his vinery. And he went forth in three hours, and saw others who were standing in the public place and unemployed. And he said to them, Go also you in the vinery, and what is suitable I will give you. Then went they. And he went forth again in six and nine hours, and did the same. And about eleven hours he went out, and found others who were standing and unemployed; and he said to them, Why are you standing all the day unemployed? They say to him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith to them, Go also you into the vinery, and whatever is suitable you shall receive. But when it was evening, the lord of the vinery said to the chief of his household, Call the workmen and give to them their wages; and begin from the last unto the first. And they came who (had wrought) from eleven hours; and they received each a denarius. But when the first came, they expected to take more; but they also received each a denarius. And when they had received, they murmured against the house-lord, and said, These last have wrought one hour, and thou hast made them equal with us, who have borne the burden of the day and its heat. But he answered and said to one of them, My friend, I am not unjust towards thee: didst thou not bargain with me for a denarius? Take what is thine and go: I will unto these last to give as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me that whatsoever l am willing, I may do with mine own? Is thine eye evil because I am good? Thus the last shall be first, and the first last; for many are the called, but few the chosen. NOW Jeshu was about to go up to Urishlem, and he took his twelve disciples by themselves in the way, and said to them, Behold, we go up to Urishlem, and the Son of man is betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes, and they shall condemn him to the death; and they shall consign him to the Gentiles, and they shall mock him, and scourge him, and shall crucify him, and on the third day he shall arise. Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zabdai, she and her sons, and worshipped him, and supplicated a certain thing of him. But he said to her, What wilt thou? She said to him, Declare that these my two sons shall sit, one at thy right hand, and one at thy left, in thy kingdom. Jeshu answered and said, You know not what you ask: are you able to drink the cup of which I am about to drink, or with the baptism with which I am baptized will you be baptized? They say unto him, We are able! He saith to them, My cup you shall drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized you shall be baptized: but that you may sit at my right hand, and at my left, is not mine to give, unless to them for whom it is prepared by my Father. And when the ten heard it, they were indignant against those two brothers. And Jeshu called them, and said to them, You know that the princes of the Gentiles are their lords, and their great ones exercise power over them; but it shall not be so among you; but whoever among you willeth to be great, let him be minister to you. And whoever among you willeth to be first, let him be to you the servant. So, the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life the redemption for many. AND when Jeshu went forth from Jirichu, a great multitude cometh after him. And, behold, two blind men were sitting by the side of the way; and when they heard that Jeshu was passing, they gave voice, saying, Be merciful upon us, my Lord, Son of David! But the crowds rebuked them that they should be silent; but they lifted up their voice the more, saying, Our Lord, be merciful upon us, O Son of David! And Jeshu stood and called them, and said, What will you that I should do for you? They say to him, Our Lord, that our eyes may be opened. And he had compassion on them, and touched their eyes, and immediately their eyes were opened, and they went after him. AND when he drew nigh to Urishlem, and had come to Beth-phage, at the mount of Olives, Jeshu sent two of his disciples, and said to them, Go to this village which is over against you, and you shall at once find an ass tied, and her colt with her; loose and bring (them) to me. And if any one say ought to you, say to him that it is requested for our Lord, and immediately he will send them hither. But all this was done that there should be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet, who said, Tell you the daughter of Tsheum, Behold, thy king cometh to thee, lowly, and riding on an ass, and on a colt the foal of an ass. Then the disciples went, and did as Jeshu had commanded them; and brought the ass and the colt, and laid upon the colt their clothes, and Jeshu rode upon him. And many of the crowds spread their vestments in the way; and others cut down branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way. But the throngs who went before him, and came after him, cried out and said, Ushana to the son of David! blessed be He who cometh in the name of the Lord! Ushana in the heights! And when he had entered Urishlem, the whole city was commoved, and said, Who is this? But the multitude answered, This is Jeshu, the prophet who is from Natsrath of Galila. And Jeshu went into the temple of Aloha, and cast out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of those who sold doves; and said to them, It is written, that my house shall the house of prayer be called, but ye have made it a den of thieves. And there came to him in the temple the blind and the lame, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and Pharishee saw the wondrous things which he did, and the children who were crying in the temple, and saying, Ushana to the son of David, they were displeased with them, saying to him, Hearest thou what these say? Jeshu saith to them, Yes: have ye not read, that from the mouth of children and of babes thou hast prepared praise? AND he abandoned them, and went forth without the city to Bethania, and lodged there. But in the early morn, as he returned to the city, he hungered: and he saw a certain fig-tree in the way, and came to it, but found nothing thereon but leaves only; and he said, Let there be no fruit upon thee again for ever. And immediately that fig-tree withered. And the disciples saw, and were astonished, saying, How in a moment is the fig-tree withered! Jeshu answered and said to them, Amen I say to you, that if faith were in you, and you did not hesitate, you should not only do (as) to this fig-tree, but also were you to say to this mountain, Be thou lifted up and fall into the sea, it should be done. And whatsoever you shall ask in prayer and shall believe, you shall obtain. And when Jeshu came to the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people approached him, while he taught, saying to him, By what authority doest thou these things, and who gave thee this authority? Jeshu answered and said to them, I will also ask you one word; and if you will tell me, I will also tell you by what authority I do these (things). The baptism of Juchanon, whence is it, from heaven or from men? But they thought within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven, he saith to us, Why did ye not believe him? And if we shall say, From men, we fear from the crowd; for all have regarded Juchanon as a prophet. And they answered, saying to him, We know not: Jeshu saith to them, Also I tell not you by what authority I do these (things). BUT how doth appear to you? a certain man had two sons; and he came to the elder, and said to him, My son, go to-day work in the vinery. But he answered and said, I am not willing: yet afterwards he relented, and went. He came to the other, and said likewise. He answered and said, I (will), my lord; yet went not. Which of these two did the will of his father? They say to him, The elder. Jeshu saith to them, Amen I tell you, the tribute-takers and harlots go before you into the kingdom of Aloha. For Juchanon came to you in the way of righteousness; and you believed him not. But the tribute-takers and harlots believed him: but you neither when you saw (him, nor) afterwards, repented, that you might believe him. Hear another comparison: A certain man was a house-lord; and he planted a vinery, and surrounded it with an hedge, and dug a wine-press in it, and built in it a tower, and had it taken by labourers, and journeyed. And when the time of fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might send him of the fruits of his vinery. And the husband-men took his servants, and beat some, and stoned some, and killed others. And again he sent other servants more than the first, and they acted towards them likewise: last, he sent to them his son, saying, Now will they be ashamed from my son. But the husbandmen, when they saw the son, said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and take the inheritance. And they seized and cast him without the vinery, and killed him. When the lord of the vinery, therefore, cometh, what will he do to these husbandmen? They say to him, Most miserably will he destroy them, and the vinery will he cause to be held by other labourers, (even) such as will give him the fruits in their seasons. Jeshu saith to them, Have you not read in the scripture, that the stone which the builders rejected, this is become the head of the corner? By the Lord was this done, and it is wondrous in our eyes. On this account I tell you, that the kingdom of Aloha is taken from you, and shall be given to a people who will yield fruits. And whosoever shall fall upon this stone shall be broken; but every one upon whom it shall fall, it will scatter (him). And when the chief priests and Pharishee heard his comparisons, they knew that concerning themselves he had spoken. And they sought to apprehend him, but feared the people, because as a prophet they regarded him. AND Jeshu answered again by comparisons, and said, The kingdom of heaven resembles a royal person who made a feast to his son; and he sent his servants to call the invited ones to the feast, but they were not willing to come. And again he sent other servants, and said, Tell the invited ones, Behold, my dinner is prepared, my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready; come to the feast. But they despised (it), and went, one to his domain, and another to his business. But the rest took his servants and shamefully treated and killed (them). But when the king heard, he was wroth; and sent his forces and destroyed those murderers, and burned their city. Then said he to his servants, The feast is prepared, and those who were invited were not worthy. Go therefore into the outlets of the highways, and every one whom you find call to the feast. And those servants went forth into the highways, and assembled all whom they found, the bad and the good; and the place of feasting was filled with guests, And the king entered to see the guests, and he saw there a man who was not dressed in the garments of a festival. And he said to him, My friend, how didst thou enter here, when thou hast not the vestments of the feast? But he was silent. Then said the king unto the servitors, Bind his hands and his feet, and cast him forth into the darknesses without: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are the called, but few the chosen. THEN went the Pharishee and took counsel how they might ensnare him in discourse. And they sent to him their disciples with (certain) of the household of Herodes, saying to him, Doctor, we know that thou art resolutely true, and (that) the way of Aloha in truth thou teachest; neither carriest thou fear for man, for thou acceptest not the person of men. Tell us then, how doth it appear to thee? is it lawful to give head-money unto Cesar or not? But Jeshu knew their malice, and said, Why do you tempt me, you hypocrites? Show me the denarius of the head-silver. And they presented to him a denarius. And Jeshu said to them, Whose are this image and inscription? They say, Cesar's. He saith to them, Give then (the things) of Cesar unto Cesar, and (the things) of Aloha unto Aloha. And when they heard, they wondered, and left him, and went. IN that (same) day came the Zadukoyee, affirming to him, (that) there is no life for the dead. And they questioned him, saying to him, Doctor, Musha has said to us that if a man die having no children, his brother shall take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother. But there were with us seven brethren: the eldest (of whom) took a wife, and died. And because he had no children, he left his wife unto his brother. So also did he who was second, and he who was the third, and unto the seventh of them. But the last of all the woman also is dead. In the resurrection, therefore, of whom from these seven shall she be the wife? for all had taken her. Jeshu answered and said to them, You do err, because you understand not the scriptures nor the power of Aloha. For in the resurrection of the dead, they take not wives, neither are wives to husbands; but as the angels of Aloha in heaven are they. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which has been spoken to you by Aloha, who said, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Is'hok, the God of Jakub? But Aloha is not of those who are dead, but of those who are alive. And when the multitudes heard, they were wonder-struck at his doctrine. BUT when the Pharishee heard that he had silenced the Zadukoyee, they gathered together. And one from them, who was skilful in the law, questioned him, tempting him, Doctor, which commandment is greatest in the law? Jeshu said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy Aloha with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind. This is the commandment, the great and the first. And the second is like unto it, That thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang the law and the prophets. while the Pharishee were gathered together, Jeshu questioned them, and said, What say you concerning the Meshicha,-whose son? They say to him, Son of David. Saith he to them, And how doth David in spirit call him THE LORD? For he said, that the Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I put thine adversaries beneath thy feet. If, then, David calleth him the Lord, how is he his son? And no man could give to him the answer; nor did any man dare again from that day to question him. Then Jeshu discoursed with the multitudes and with his disciples, and said to them, Upon the chair of Musha sit the scribes and the Pharishee. Every thing, therefore, which they tell you to observe, observe and do; but after their practices do not act; for they say, and do not. And they bind heavy burdens, and lay them on the shoulders of men, but they with their fingers are not willing to touch them. And all their works they do that they may be seen of men; for they widen their tephillin, and lengthen the fringes of their waving vestments, and love the chief reclining-places at evening feasts, and the highest seats in synagogues, and the shaloma in public places, and to be called of men RĆ¢bi. But be you not called RĆ¢bi: for One is your Master; but all ye are brethren. And call no man AbĆ¢ to you upon earth: for One is your Father, who is in heaven. Neither be ye called Medabronee: for One is your Guide,-the Meshicha. But he who is great among you, let him be your servitor. For whosoever will exalt himself shall be humbled; and whosoever will abase himself shall be exalted. Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you hold the kingdom of heaven closed before the children of men; for you will not enter in yourselves, and them who are entering you will not permit to enter. WOE to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you devour the houses of widows, with the pretext of prolonging your prayers; on account of which you shall receive the greater judgment. Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you go over sea and dry (land) to make one proselyte; and when you have done it, you make him doubly more a son of gihana than yourselves. Woe to you, ye blind guides, who say, That who sweareth by the temple, it is nothing; but if he swear by the gold which is in the temple, he is liable! You senseless and blind! for which is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? And (that) whoever sweareth by the altar, it is nothing; but he swear by the oblation which is upon it, he is liable. You foolish and sightless! for which is greater, the oblation, or the altar that sanctifieth the oblation? He therefore who sweareth by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things that are upon it. And he who sweareth by the temple, sweareth by it, and by whatever abideth in it. And whosoever sweareth by heaven, sweareth by the throne of Aloha, and by Him who sitteth thereon. Woe to you, scribes, Pharishee, hypocrites! because you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and omit the more grave of the law,-justice, benignity, and faithfulness. For these you should have done, and those not omitted. You blind guides, who strain out gnats and swallow camels. Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! who cleanse the outside of the cup and dish (which) within are full of rapine and injustice. Sightless Pharishee! cleanse first the inside of the cup and the dish, that their outside also may be clean. Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! for you are like whited sepulchres, which without appear beautiful, but within are full of the bones of the dead and all impurity. So you also from without appear to the sons of men as righteous, but within you are full of unrighteousness and hypocrisy. WOE to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you rebuild the tombs of the prophets and beautify the sepulchres of the just; and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been with them partakers in the blood of the prophets: thus bearing witness against yourselves, that you are the sons of them who killed the prophets. And you also,-complete the measure of your fathers. Serpents, birth of vipers! how will you escape from the judgment of gihana? On this account, behold, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; (some) of these you shall kill and crucify; and (some) of these you shall scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city. So that there shall come upon you all the blood of the just which hath been shed upon the earth; from the blood of Habil the righteous, unto the blood of Zakaria-bar-Barakia, whom you slew between the temple and the altar. Amen I say unto you, that all these shall come upon this generation. Urishlem, Urishlem! who killest the prophets, and stonest them who are sent unto her, what times would I have gathered thy children, as gathereth the hen her young ones beneath her wings, and you would not! Lo, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, That you shall not see me from henceforth, until you shall say, Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. AND Jeshu went forth from the temple to depart: and his disciples approached him, showing him the building of the temple. But he said to them, See you not all these? Amen I say to you, There shall not be left here a stone upon a stone which shall not be destroyed. And while Jeshu sat upon the mount of Olives, his disciples drew near and said between themselves and him, Tell us when these things shall be; and what is the sign of thy coming and of the consummation of the world. Jeshu answered and said to them, Beware that no man cause you to err; for many will come in my name and will say, I am the Meshicha; and many will be deceived. But it will be for you to hear wars and the noise of battles; (yet) see that you be not perturbed; for all these will take place, but not yet is the end. For people will rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and plagues, and earthquakes in various places. But these are all the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you to affliction, and shall kill you; and you shall be hated of all peoples on account of my name. Then shall many be offended, and shall hate one another, and betray one another. And many lying prophets shall stand up, and shall delude the multitudes. And because of the abounding of iniquity, the love of many will languish. But he who shall persevere unto the end,-he shall live. And this annunciation of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony for all nations; and then will come the end. But when you see the unclean sign of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, that it standeth in the holy place;-he who readeth let him understand!- then let those who are in Jehud escape to the mountain. And let not him who is on the roof descend to take what his house; nor he who is in the field turn back to take his vestment. But woe to those who are with child, and to those who give suck in those days! But pray that your flight may not be in the winter, nor on the shabath. For then shall be the great affliction, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be (again). And unless those days be cut short, none could live of all flesh: but on account of the chosen those days shall be cut short. Then if any one shall say to you, Lo, here is the Meshicha, or there; believe them not. For there shall arise false Meshichas and prophets of untruth; and they shall give forth magnificent signs, so as to seduce, if possible, the chosen also. (observe! I have told you before,) If therefore they shall say to you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: or, Behold, he is in the inner chamber; believe not. As the lightning cometh forth from the east, and is seen unto the west, so shall be the advent of the Son of man. But where the body shall be, there will be assembled the eagles. But immediately after the affliction of those days, the sun will become dark, and the moon show not her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven be commoved. And then shall be seen the standard of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the generations of the earth shall wail, and they shall see the Son of man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory. And he shall send his angels with the great trumpet, and they shall gather the chosen who are his from the four winds and from the ends of heaven. But from the fig-tree learn a parable: As soon as her branches are soft, and they put forth her leaves, you know that summer draweth nigh. So also, when all these are seen, you know that it cometh to the door. Amen I say to you, that this race shall not have passed away until all these shall take place. Heaven and earth shall pass away; but my words shall not pass away. BUT concerning that day and concerning that hour, no man knoweth; neither the angels of heaven, but the Father only. But as the days of NĆ»ch, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. For as before the deluge they were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving to husbands, until the day that NĆ»ch went into the ark; and knew not till the deluge came, and carried them all away; so shalt be the advent of the Son of man. Then two shall be in the field; one shall be taken, and one be left. Two shall be grinding in the mill; one is taken, and one is left. Be wakeful therefore, because ye know not in what hour cometh your Lord. But this know; that if the master of the house knew in what watch the thief would come, he would have been watching, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Wherefore be ye also prepared, because in the hour that ye expect not shall come the Son of man. WHO is the servant faithful and wise whom his lord shall appoint over the children of his house, to give every one his meat in his time? Blessed is that servant, who, when cometh his lord, shall be found doing so. Amen I say to you, that he will establish him over all that he hath. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord withholdeth to come; and shall begin to beat his fellow-servants, and shall be eating and drinking with drunkards; the lord of that servant shall come in a day that he computeth not, and in an hour which he doth not know, and shall sunder him, and set his lot with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. THEN shall be likened the kingdom of heaven unto ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom and the bride. But five of them were wise, and five foolish. And those foolish (ones) took their lamps, but did not take with them the oil: but those were wise who took oil in vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom withheld, they all dozed and slept. And in the dividing of the night there was the cry, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go forth to his meeting. Then all the virgins arose, and prepared their lamps. But those foolish ones said to the wise, Give to us from your oil; for, behold, our lamps are gone out. But the wise ones answered them, saying, Lest it should not suffice for us and for you; but go to those who sell, and buy for you. And while they were gone to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were prepared entered with him into the house of festivity, and the gate was shut. At last came also those other virgins, saying, Our Lord, our Lord, open to us! But he answered and said to them, Assuredly I tell you, I know you not. Be wakeful therefore, for you know not that day nor the hour. FOR as a man who journeyed called his servants, and delivered to them his property: To one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, each man according to his faculty; and forthwith went away. But he who had received five talents went and traded with them, and gained five others. Likewise he who (had received) two by trading gained two others. But he who had received one went, dug in the earth, and hid the money of his lord. After a long time the lord of those servants came, and received from them the account. Then he drew near who had received the five talents, and brought five others, and said, My lord, five talents thou gavest me: behold, five others I have gained by them. His lord said to him, It is well, good and faithful servant; over a little thou hast been faithful, over much I will establish thee: enter into the joy of thy lord. And he of the two talents approached, and said, My lord, two talents thou gavest me: behold, two others I have gained by them. His lord saith to him, It is well, servant good and faithful; over a little thou hast been faithful, over much will I establish thee: enter into the joy of thy lord. But he also drew near who had received the one talent, and said, My lord, I knew thee, that thou wast a hard man, reaping where thou hadst not sowed, and gathering together from whence thou hadst not dispersed. And I feared, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: behold, thou hast thine own. His lord answered, Thou evil and slothful servant, thou didst know me that I reap where I have not sowed, and collect from whence I have not dispersed. Did it not behove thee to cast my money upon the table, that when I came I might require mine own with its increase? Take therefore from him the talent, and give it unto him who hath ten talents. For unto him who hath shall be given, and it shall be added to him; but he who hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken from him. And the indolent servant cast forth into the darknesses without; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. WHEN the Son of man cometh in his glory, and all his holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats. And he shall cause the sheep to stand upon his right hand, and the goats on his left. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand, Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom which was to be for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat; I thirsted, and you made me to drink; I was a stranger, and you received me; I was naked, and you covered me; I was sick, and you cared for me; and I was in prison, and you came to me. Then shall say unto him those righteous, Our Lord! when did we see that thou wast hungry, and fed thee, or that thou didst thirst, and we gave thee drink? and when did we see thee a stranger, and received thee, or naked, and covered thee? and when did we see thee sick, or in prison, and came to thee? And the King shall answer and say to them, Amen I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it unto one of these my least brethren, unto me you did it. Then shall he say also unto them on his left hand, Go from me, accursed, into the fire of eternity, which was prepared for the accuser and for his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me not to eat; and I thirsted, but you made me not to drink; and I was a stranger, and you received me not; and naked, and you clothed me not; and I was sick, and in prison, and you visited me not. Then shall they also answer and say, Our Lord! when saw we thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer and say to them, Amen I say unto you, that inasmuch as you did it not unto one of these little ones, you did it not to me. And these shall go away into the torment which is eternal, and the just into the life which is eternal. AND when Jeshu had finished all these discourses, he said to his disciples, You know not that after two days is the Petzcha, and the Son of man is delivered up to be crucified. Then assembled the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, in the hall of the chief of the priests, who was called Kaiapha. And they held counsel concerning Jeshu, how that by artifice they might apprehend and kill him. And they said, Let it not be on the festival, lest there be a tumult among the people. And when Jeshu was at Bethania, in the house of Shemun the leper, there drew near to him a woman who carried a vase of aromatic balsam, great of price, and she poured it upon the head of Jeshu as he reclined. But his disciples saw and were displeased, and said, For what is this destruction? For this could have been sold for much, and given to the poor. But Jeshu knew, and said to them, Why grieve you the woman? a good work hath she wrought upon me. For in all time the poor you have with you, but me you have not in all time with you. For this (woman) who hath poured this balsam upon my body, as unto my funeral hath done . And Amen I say unto you, Wheresoever this my Gospel shall be proclaimed, in all the world, this also which she hath done shall be told for her memorial. Then went one from the twelve, named Jihuda S'carjuta, unto the chief priests, and said to then, What are you willing to give me, and I will deliver him to you? But they settled to him thirty of silver. And from that time he sought to him opportunity to betray him. BUT in the first day of the (Phatiree) unleavened-bread days, the disciples came to Jeshu, and said to him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? But he said to them, Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, Our master saith, My time hath come! with thee will I perform the passover with my disciples. And the disciples did as Jeshu had commanded, and prepared the passover. And when it was evening, he reclined with his twelve disciples. And while they were eating, he said, Amen I say unto you, that one from you betrayeth me. And they were very sad, and began to say to him, one by one of them, My Lord, is it I? But he answered and said, One who dippeth his hand with me in the dish, he shall betray me. And the Son of man goeth as it is written concerning him; but woe to him, to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! Better had it been for that man if he had not been born. Then Jihuda the traitor answered and said, Am not I (he), Rabi? Jeshu replieth to him, Thou hast said! But while they were eating, Jeshu took the bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and said, Take, eat, this (is) my body. And he took the cup, and offered thanks, and gave to them, and said, Take, drink of this all of you: this (is) my blood of the new covenant, which for multitudes is shed for the remission of sins. But I say to you, that I will not drink from henceforth of this product of the vines, until the day in which I shall drink it with you new in the kingdom of Aloha. And they sang praises, and went forth unto the mount of Olives. THEN said Jeshu unto them, You all shall be offended in me this night; for it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and scattered shall be the sheep of his flock. But after that I am risen I am before you in Galila. Kipha answered and said to him, Though every man should be offended in thee, I never will be offended in thee. Jeshu saith to him, Amen I say to thee, that in this night, before the cock shall crow, three times thou wilt deny me. Kipha saith to him, If I am to die with thee, I will not deny thee. The same also all the disciples said. Then cometh Jeshu with them unto the place which is called Gedsiman; and he said to his disciples, Sit here while I go and pray. And he took Kipha and the two sons of Zabdai; and he began to be sorrowful, and to be vehemently agonized. And he said to them, My soul is afflicted unto death; wait for me here, and watch with me. And he removed a little, and fell upon his face, praying, and saying, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not as I will, but as thou. Then he came to his disciples, and found them sleeping; and he said to Kipha, How, could you not for one hour watch with me? Be watchful and pray, that you enter not into temptation. The spirit is ready, but the body is infirm. Again he went the second time, and prayed, and said, My Father, if it be not possible for this cup to pass, unless I drink it, be done thy will! And he came again, and found them asleep; for their eyes had become heavy. And he left them, and went again, and prayed the third time, and said the same word. Then he came to the disciples, and said to them, Sleep on now, and be at rest; lo, the hour cometh, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Arise, let us go: behold, he cometh who betrayeth me. And while he was speaking, behold, Jihuda the traitor, one from the twelve, came, and a great multitude with him, with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and elders of the people. And Jihuda the traitor had given to them a sign, and said, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he: take him. And immediately he approached Jeshu, and said, Peace, my master! and kissed him. But he, Jeshu, said to him, (Is it) for that thou hast come, my companion? Then they came on, and laid their hands upon Jeshu, and took him. And, behold, one from those who were with Jeshu stretched forth his hand, and unsheathed a sword, and struck a servant of the high priest, and took off his ear. Then said Jeshu to him, Return thy sword to his place; for every one of them who take swords, by swords shall die. Or thinkest thou that I cannot request from my Father, and he shall appoint to me now more than twelve legions of angels? (But) how, then, would the scripture be accomplished, that thus it ought to be? In that hour Jeshu said to the multitudes, As against a robber are you come out, with swords, and with clubs, to seize me? Every day with you in the temple I sat and taught, and you did not apprehend me. But this was done that what is written in the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples all deserted him, and fled. And they who apprehended Jeshu led him unto Kaiapha, chief of the priests, where the jurists and elders were assembled. But Shemun Kipha went after him from afar unto the court of the chief of the priests, and entered and sat within with the attendants, that he might see the end. But the chief priests, and the elders, and the whole assembly, sought against Jeshu witnesses, that they might put him to death; but they found not (any). And many witnesses of falsehood came. But, last, two came near, declaring, This said, I can destroy the temple of Aloha, and in three days rebuild it. And the chief of the priests arose, and said to him, Dost thou return no word? What are these witnessing against thee? But Jeshu was silent. And the chief of the priests answered and said to him, I swear thee, by Aloha the Living, that thou declare to us whether thou be the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha? Jeshu saith to him, Thou hast said: but I say to you, That hereafter ye shall see him, the Son of man, sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven. Then the chief of the priests tore his robes, and said, Behold, he hath blasphemed! what further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now we have heard his blasphemy. What will you? They answered saying, He deserves death. Then did they spit in his face, and smote him; and others struck him, saying, Prophesy to us, Meshicha! Who is he that smiteth thee? But Kipha was sitting without, in the hall, and a certain female domestic approached him, saying to him, Thou also wast with Jeshu Natsroia. But he denied before all, and said, I know not what thou sayest. And when he had gone out into the vestibule, another saw him, and said to them, This also was there with Jeshu Natsroia. And again he denied with oaths, I know not the man. But, after a little while, they who were standing drew near, and said to Kipha, Assuredly thou art of them; for thy speech also makes thee known. Then began he to imprecate and to swear, I know not the man! And in that hour the cock crowed. And Kipha remembered the word of Jeshu, who had said to him, That before the cock shall crow, three times wilt thou have denied me. And he went without, and wept bitterly. BUT when it was morning, the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jeshu, how they should put him to death. And they bound him, and led him away, and delivered him to Pilatos the governor. Then Jihuda the traitor, when he saw that Jeshu was condemned, repented him, and went hastily, and returned those thirty of silver unto the chief priests and elders, and said, I have sinned, for I have betrayed the innocent blood. But they said to him, To us? what to us? Thou knowest,-thou! And he cast down the silver in the temple, and passed away, and went and strangled himself. But the chief priests took up the silver, and said, It is not lawful that we throw it into the place of offering, because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel, and bought with it the field of the potter, for the burial-place of strangers. Wherefore that field has been called, The field of blood, until this day. Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet, who said, And I took the thirty (pieces) of silver, the price of him who was precious, whom the sons of Isroel bargained for; and gave them for the field of the potter, as the Lord commanded me. But Jeshu himself stood before the governor. And the governor questioned him, and said to him, Thou art the king of the Jihudoyee? Jeshu said to him, Thou hast said. And while the chief priests and elders were accusing him, he returned not a word. Then said Pilatos unto him, Hearest thou not what they witness against thee? But he gave him no answer, no, not in one word; and upon this (Pilate) marvelled greatly. Now at every festival the governor was accustomed to release one of the bound unto the people, whomsoever they would. But there was (then) bound a notorious prisoner who was called Bar-aba. And when they were assembled, Pilatos said to them, Whom will you that I release unto you, Bar-aba, or Jeshu who is called the Meshicha? For Pilatos knew that from malice they had delivered him. But while the governor sat upon his tribunal, his wife sent to him saying, Let there be nothing between thee and that Just One; for much have I suffered in a dream to-day on his account. But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that he should release to them Bar-aba, that they might destroy Jeshu. And the governor answered and said to them, Whom will you that I shall release to you of these two? Then they said, Bar-aba. Pilatos saith to them, And to Jeshu who is called the Meshicha, what shall I do with him? They all said, Let him be crucified. Pilatos saith to them, Why, what evil hath he done? But they clamoured the more, and said, Let him be crucified! Then Pilatos, when he saw that nothing availed, but that the tumult became greater, took waters (and) washed his hands before the assembly, and said, I am expiated from the blood of this Just One. You shall know. And all the people answered and said, His blood upon us, and upon our children! THEN he released to them Bar-aba; and scourged Jeshu with thongs, and delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jeshu to the Praetorium, and the whole cohort gathered against him. And they stripped him, and invested him with a cloak of crimson. And they interwove a crown of thorns, and set it upon his head, and a cane in his right hand: and they kneeled upon their knees before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, king of the Jihudoyee! And they did spit in his face, and took the cane, and struck him upon his head. And when they had derided him, they stripped him of the cloak, and clothed him with his own garments, and led him away to be crucified. And when they had gone forth, they found a Kurinean man whose name was Shemun: this (man) they compel to carry his cross. And they came to a place which is called Gogultho, which is expounded, The skull. And they gave him to drink vinegar mingled with gall: and he tasted, but was not willing to drink. And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments by lot: that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. And they sat down and watched him there. And they placed over his head the occasion of his death, in the writing, This (is) Jeshu, the King of the Jihudoyee. AND they crucified with him two thieves, one on his right hand, and one on his left. But they who passed by railed against him, moving their heads, and saying, Destroyer of the temple, and builder of it in three days! deliver thyself, if thou art the Son of Aloha, and come down from the cross. Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders and Pharishee, saying, He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Isroel, let him now descend from the cross, that we may see and believe in him. He trusted upon Aloha; let him liberate him now, if he delighteth in him; for he said, I am the Son of Aloha. Likewise also the robbers who were crucified with him reviled him. BUT from the sixth hour there was darkness upon all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jeshu cried with a high voice, Aloha! Aloha! why hast thou forsaken me? But certain of them who stood there, when they heard, said, This hath cried unto Ilio. And forthwith ran one from them, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and set it upon a cane, and gave him to drink. But the rest said, Let alone, we will see whether Ilio (will) come to deliver him. But he, Jeshu, again cried with a high voice, and dismissed his spirit. And at once the veil of the temple was rent in twain from above to beneath; and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were riven. And the house of the buried was opened; and the bodies of many of the saints who had been asleep arose, and came forth, and after his resurrection went into the holy city, and were seen by many. But the centurion and those with him, who guarded Jeshu, when they saw the commotion and those (portents) which took place, feared greatly, and said, Assuredly this was the Son of Aloha. (And) many women were there, beholding from afar; those who had come after Jeshu from Galila, and had ministered unto him. One of them was Mariam Magdolitha, and Mariam the mother of Jakub and of Josi, and the mother of the sons of Zabdai. BUT when it was evening, there came a rich man from Rometha, whose name was Jauseph, who himself also was a disciple of Jeshu. This went unto Pilatos, and begged the body of Jeshu. And Pilatos commanded that the body should be given to him. And Jauseph took the body, and wound it round in a cloth of pure linen, and laid it in a new house of burial of his own, which was hewn out in the rock. And they rolled a great stone, and heaved it against the door of the sepulchre, and went. Now there were there Mariam Magdolitha and the other Mariam, who were sitting over against the sepulchre. BUT the day which was next after the preparation, the chief priests and Pharishee came together unto Pilatos, saying to him, Our lord, we remember that that impostor said while alive, That after three days I will arise. Command therefore that they watch the sepulchre till (after) the third of the days; lest his disciples come, and steal him away by night, and tell the people that from the house of the dead he has risen, and the last delusion be worse than the first. Pilatos saith to them, Ye have guards; go, watch diligently, as ye know how. So they went, and set a watch (about) the sepulchre, and sealed the stone along with the guards. FROM the evening (end) of the sabbath, when the first (day) in the week was lightening, Mariam Magdolitha and the other Mariam came to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and drew near, rolled the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His aspect was like lightning, and his raiment was white as the snow. And with fear of him they who were watching were shaken, and became as the dead. But the angel answered and said to the women, Fear not ye; for I know that for Jeshu who was crucified you are seeking. He is not here: for he is risen, even as he said. Come, see the place in which our Lord was laid: and go with speed, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the house of the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galila. There shall you see him. Lo, I have told you. And they went quickly from the sepulchre, with fear and with great joy, and ran that they might tell his disciples. And, behold, Jeshu met them, and said to them, Peace to you! And they approached, held him by the feet, and adored him. Then said Jeshu to them, Fear not; but go tell my brethren, that I will go into Galila, and there they shall see me. But while they went, there came certain from those guards into the city, and told the chief priests every thing that had been done. And they assembled with the elders, and took counsel; and they gave money not a little to the guards, telling them, Say you that his disciples came (and) stole him away in the night, while we slept. And if this be heard before the governor, we will persuade him, and make you without care. But they, when they had received the money, did as they had instructed them; and that saying went forth among the Jihudoyee until to-day. But the eleven disciples went into Galila, unto the mountain where Jeshu had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him; but from them some had doubted. And Jeshu drew near, and discoursed with them, and said to them, There is given unto me all power in heaven and in earth. As the Father sent me, so also I send you. Go therefore, disciple all nations, and baptize them in the name (of) the Father, and (of) the Son, and (of) the Spirit of Holiness. And teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days, until the consummation of the world. Amen.
THE beginning of the Gospel of Jeshu Meshicha, the Son of Aloha. As it is written in Eshaia the prophet: Behold, I send my angel before thy face, Who shall make straight thy way. The voice which crieth in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, Make level his paths. Juchanon was in the desert, baptizing, and proclaiming the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. And all the region of Jehud and all the sons of Urishlem went out to him; and he baptized them in Jurdan the river, while they were confessing their sins. But Juchanon himself was clothed with a garment of the hair of camels, and engirded with a belt of leather upon his loins; and his food was locusts and wilderness honey. And he proclaimed and said, Behold, (One) cometh after me, who is mightier than I; he, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to bow myself to unloose. I have baptized you with waters; but he shall baptize you with the Spirit of Holiness. And it was in those days that Jeshu came from Natsrath of Galila, and was baptized in Jurdan by Juchanon. And as soon as he had ascended from the waters, he saw the heavens part asunder, and the Spirit, as a dove, descend upon him. And the voice was from the heavens, Thou art my Son, the Beloved: in thee I have delighted. And immediately the Spirit led him forth into the desert. And he was there in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satana: and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him. BUT after Juchanon was delivered up, Jeshu came to Galila, and proclaimed the annunciation of the kingdom of Aloha. And he said, The time is complete; the kingdom of Aloha cometh: repent, and believe the gospel. And while he walked about the sea of Galila, he saw Shemun and Andreas his brother, who were casting nets into the sea: for they were fishers. And Jeshu said to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of the sons of men. And at once they forsook their nets, and went after him. And when he had passed on a little, he saw Jakub bar Zabdai and Juchanon his brother; and they also were in a vessel, preparing their nets. And he called them; and forthwith they left Zabdai their father with the hirelings, and went after him. And when they were come to Kapher-nachum, he forthwith taught on the sabbaths in their assemblies. And they wondered at his doctrine; for he taught them as having power, and not as their Sophree. And there was in their assembly a man who had an unclean spirit: and he cried and said, What to us and to thee, Jeshu Natsroya? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of Aloha. And Jeshu restrained him, and said, Close thy mouth, and come forth from him. And the impure spirit threw him down, and cried with a high voice, and went forth from him. And all wondered, and questioned one with another, Who is this? and what is this new doctrine? because with authority he commandeth the impure spirits, and they obey him. And his fame soon went out through all the region of Galila. And he proceeded from the assembly, and came to the house of Shemun and Andreas with Jacub and Juchanon. And the mother-in-law of Shemun was lying in a fever; and they told him concerning her. And he approached, took her by her hand; and she arose, and at once the fever left her, and she served them. Then in the evening at sun-setting they brought to him all those who were grievously affected and demoniacs. And the whole city was assembled at the gate: and he healed multitudes who were grievously affected with various diseases, and cast out many demons, and would not permit the demons to speak; for they knew him. AND in the morning he arose long before (day), and went into a solitude, and there prayed. And Shemun and (they) who (were) with him sought for him; and when they had found him, they said to him, All men are seeking thee. He said to them, Proceed you to the neighbouring towns and cities; for there also I will preach, because for this am I come. And he preached in all their assemblies in all Galila, and cast out devils. And a leper came to him, and fell at his feet, and besought him, and said to him, If thou wilt, thou canst cleanse me. And Jeshu had compassion on him, and stretched forth his hand, touched him, and said, I will, be clean. And in that very hour his leprosy went from him, and he was cleansed. And he restrained him, and led him forth, and said to him, See lest thou tell any one; but go, show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation for thy purification as Musha commanded for their testimony. But he, when he was gone forth, began to announce it much, and so divulged the matter as that Jeshu could not go openly in the city, but was without in a solitary part: and they came to him from every place. AND Jeshu entered again into Kapher-nachum for some days. And when they had heard that he was in the house, many were gathered together, so that it could not contain them, nor yet (the space) before the gate; and he spake with them the word. And they came to him, and brought him a paralytic borne between four. And when they could not approach him for the crowd, they ascended to the roof, and took the covering from the place where Jeshu was, and let down the couch on which the paralytic lay. When Jeshu saw their faith, he said to the paralytic himself, My son, forgiven to thee are thy sins. But some of the Sophree and Pharishee were there, who sat and reasoned in their heart, Who is this uttering blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but One, Aloha? But Jeshu knew in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, and said to them, Why reason you these things in your heart? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, Forgiven are thy sins, or to say, Arise, lift up thy couch, and walk? But, that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, he said to the paralytic, To thee I say, Arise, take up thy couch, and go to thy house. And he arose at once, and took up his couch, and went forth before them all; so that all wondered, and glorified Aloha, saying, Never saw we thus. AND he went forth again to the sea; and the whole multitude came to him, and he taught them. And when he had passed, he saw Levi bar Chalphai sitting among the publicans: and he said to him, Come after me; and arising, he went after him. And while he reclined in the house, many publicans and sinners reclined with Jeshu and with his disciples; for they were many, and they followed him. And the Sophree and Pharishee, when they saw him eat with publicans and with sinners, said to his disciples, Why with publicans and with sinners doth he eat and drink? But when Jeshu heard, he said to them, The healthy have no need of the physician, but they who are sorely affected: I have not come to call the righteous but the sinners. Now the disciples of Juchanon and of the Pharishee fasted. And they came and said to him, (While) the disciples of Juchanon and of the Pharishee fast, why do not thy disciples fast? Jeshu said to them, Can the sons of the marriage-chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? No; but the days shall come when the bridegroom shall be taken up from them: then shall they fast in those days. No man inserteth a new piece, and seweth it upon an old vestment; lest that new should take away its fulness from the old, and make the rent the greater. And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; lest the wine rend the bottles, and the bottles perish, and the wine be spilled: but they put new vine into new bottles. AND it was that, as Jeshu went among the grain, his disciples walked and plucked the ears. And the Pharishee said to him, See how on the shabath they do what is not lawful. Jeshu saith to them, Have you never read what David did, when he needed and was hungry, he, and they (who were) with him? how he entered the house of Aloha, when Abiathar was high priest, and did eat the bread of the table of the Lord, that which it is not lawful except for the priests to eat, and gave also to those who were with him? And he said to them, that the shabath on account of the Son of man was made, and not the Son of man on account of the shabath. The Son of man, therefore, is the Lord also of the shabath. And Jeshu again entered the congregation: and a certain man was there whose hand was withered; and they watched him whether he would cure him on the shabath, that they might accuse him. And he said to him, the man with the withered hand, Stand up in the midst. He said also to them, Is it lawful on the shabath to do good, or (that) which (is) evil? to save life, or to destroy it? But they were silent. And he beheld them with indignation, while it grieved him on account of the hardness of their hearts. And he said to the man, Stretch out thy hand. And he stretched (it); and his hand straightened. And the Pharishee went out immediately, and took counsel against him, how they might destroy him. And Jeshu with his disciples went towards the sea: and many people joined him from Galila, and from Jehud, and from Urishlem, and from Edum, and from beyond Jurdan, and from Tsur, and from Tsaidon; great multitudes, who, having heard all that he had done, came to him. And he spoke to his disciples to bring a vessel for him, that the crowds might not oppress him; for he had healed multitudes, until they were falling upon him to touch him. And they who were troubled with impure spirits, when they saw him, fell down, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of Aloha. And he strongly prohibited them to make him known. AND he ascended a mountain, and called those whom he willed; and they came to him. And he chose twelve to be with him, and to send them to preach, and to have authority to heal diseases and to cast out devils. And he named to Shemun the name of Kipha; and upon Jacub bar Zabdai, and Juchanon the brother of Jacub, he set the name of B'nai-regesh, which is, (B'nai-rĆ¢mo,) Sons of thunder. And Andreas, and Philipos, and Bar-Thulmai, and Mathai, and Thoma, and Jacub bar Chalphai, and Thadai, and Shemun the Zealous, and Jihuda S'carjuta,-he who betrayed him. And they came to the house: and the assemblies gathered again, so that they could not eat bread. And his relatives heard, and came forth to take him; for they said, He hath gone out of himself. And the Sophree, they who had come down from Urishlem, said, Belzebub is in him, and by the prince of devils he casteth out devils. And Jeshu called them, and by similitudes said to them, How can Satan cast out Satan? For if a kingdom against itself be divided, that kingdom cannot stand; and if a house against itself be divided, that house cannot stand; and if Satan rise against Satan, and be divided, he cannot stand, but his end is. No one can enter into the house of the strong, and spoil his goods, unless first the strong one he bind; and then his house he may destroy. Amen I say to you, That all sin and blasphemy which the sons of men blaspheme may be remitted them; but whosoever shall blaspheme against the Spirit of Holiness hath no remission for ever, but is condemned to the judgment that is eternal. Because they had said that an unclean spirit was in him. AND there came his mother and his brethren, standing without; and they sent to call him to them. But the congregation sat about him. And they say to him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without inquire for thee. And he answered, and said to them, Who is my mother, and who are my brethren? And looking upon those who sat with him, he said, Behold my mother, and behold my brethren: for whosoever shall do the will of Aloha, he is my brother, and my sister, and my mother. And he began again to teach by the sea-side: and great assemblies were gathered to him; so that, ascending, he sat in a bark on the sea, and the whole multitude stood on the land, by the edge of the water. And he instructed them by many parables, and said in his teaching, Listen: Behold, a sower went forth to sow; and as he sowed, some fell by the way-side, and the fowl came and devoured it. And other fell upon the rock, so that it had not much earth; and it soon came up, because it had not depth of earth: but when the sun arose, it became hot; and inasmuch as it had no root, it dried up. And other fell in a place of thorns; and the thorns sprang up, and choked it, and it gave no fruits. But other fell upon good ground; and it came up, and grew, and gave fruits, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred. And he said, Whoever hath ears to hear, let him hear. And when he was alone, they who were with him along with his twelve inquired of him that parable. And Jeshu said to them, To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of Aloha; but to those without every thing is in parables: that while seeing they may see, and not see; and while hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest they should be converted, and their sins be forgiven them. And he said to them, Do you not know this parable? how will you know all parables? The sower who sowed, the word sowed. These which were by the way-side, these are they in whom the word is sown; and when they have heard, immediately cometh Satana, and taketh up the word which was sowed in their heart. And these who upon the rock are sowed, these are they who, when they have heard the word, at once with joy receive it: but they have no root in themselves, but are (only) for a time; and when there is affliction or persecution on account of the word, they are soon offended. And these who in the place of thorns are sown, these are they who hear the word; and the care of this world, and the deceptiveness of wealth, and the remainder of other lusts, entering, choke the word, and it is without fruits. And these who in good ground are sowed, these are they who hear the word, and receive, and give fruits, thirty, and sixty, and a hundred. And he said to them, A lamp never cometh to be put under a measure, or under a bed: is it not set upon a candlestick? For nothing is hid which shall not be revealed; nor is there any thing in secret which is not to be manifested. If any man hath ears to hear, let him hear. AND he said to them, Consider what you hear. With that measure which you mete, you shall have measured to you; and there shall be, added to you those which you hear. For whosoever hath, unto him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken from him. And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as a man who shall cast seed into the earth; and shall sleep, and rise up by night and day, and the seed shall increase, and become long, while he knoweth not, For the earth yieldeth him fruit; and first is there the plant, and after it the ear, but lastly the completed corn in the ear. But when the fruit is mature, immediately cometh the sickle, because the harvest is come. And he said, To what may we compare the kingdom of Aloha? and with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard, which, when sown in the earth, is smaller than all seeds which are in the earth: and when it is sown, it springeth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and maketh great branches; so that in its shadow the fowl can dwell. In parables such as these spake Jeshu with them, in parables such as they could hear. And without parable did he not speak with them: but to his disciples, between him and them, he explained all. AND he said to them that day, in the evening, Let us pass to the opposite shore. And they sent away the assembles, and took him into the vessel; and other vessels were with him. And there was a great commotion and wind, and the waves fell upon the vessel, which was nigh being filled. But Jeshu upon a pillow slept in the after-part of the vessel, and they came and raised him, saying to him, Raban, hast thou no care that we are perishing? And he arose, and restrained the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be silent. And the wind ceased, and there was a great stillness. And he said to them, Why feared ye? how is it ye have no faith? And they feared with great fear, and said among themselves, Who is this, to whom the winds and the sea are obedient? AND they came to the other side of the sea, to the region of the Gadroyee. And when he had come from the vessel, there met him from the place of tombs a man who had an unclean spirit, and he dwelt in the place of tombs; and with chains no man could bind him: for, so often as with shackles and chains he had been bound, the chains he had broken, and the shackles he had burst asunder; and no man could subdue him. And at all time, by night and by day, he was in the place of tombs, and in the mountains, crying out, and bruising himself with stones. But when he saw Jeshu from afar, he ran, worshipped him, and cried with a high voice, and said, What to me and to thee, Jeshu, Son of Aloha the Most High? I adjure thee by Aloha, that thou torment me not! For he had said to him, Come forth from the man, unclean spirit! And he questioned him, How is thy name? And he said to him, Legion is our name, because we are many. And he besought him much that he would not send him out of the region. Now at the mountain there was a great herd of swine feeding. And the devils besought him, saying, Send us into those swine, that into them we may enter. And he suffered them. And those unclean spirits went forth and entered into the swine; and that herd ran to the rock, and plunged into the sea, as two thousand, and were drowned in the waters. And they who kept them fled, and told in the city, and also in the hamlets; and they came forth to see what was done. And they came to Jeshu, and saw him who (had had) the devils, sitting, clothed, and sane; him, who had had in him the legion and they were afraid. And they who had seen, related to them what had been done to him who had had the devils, and also concerning those swine. And they began to beg of him to go from their coast. And when he had ascended the vessel, he in whom had been the devils besought him that he might be with him. But he permitted him not; but said to him, Go to thy house, to thy men, and show them what the Lord hath done for thee, and (how he) hath had mercy on thee. And he went, and began to preach in the ten cities what Jeshu had done for him: and all marvelled. AND when Jeshu had passed in the vessel to the opposite side, there were again congregated unto him great gatherings, while he was upon the shore of the sea. And there came one whose name was Jorosh, one of the masters of the synagogue; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, and besought him much, saying to him, My daughter is greatly afflicted; come, lay thy hand upon her, and she will be healed, and live. And Jeshu went with him; and a great multitude adhered to him, and oppressed him. But a certain woman, who had a defluxion of blood twelve years, who much had suffered from many physicians, and had expended all whatever she had, and was nothing helped, but also the more afflicted, having heard of Jeshu, came in the press of the crowd behind him, and touched his vestment. For she said, If I but touch his vestment, I shall live. And immediately the fountain of her blood was dried; and she felt in her body that she had been healed from her plague. But Jeshu at once knew within himself that power had gone forth from him, and he turned to the crowd, and said, Who touched my garments? His disciples say to him, Thou seest the crowds that oppress thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? And he looked round to see who this had done. But the woman herself, fearing and trembling, because she knew what had been done for her, came, fell before him, and told him all the truth. But he said to her, My daughter, thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace, and be healed from thy plague. And while he was speaking, there came some of the house of the master of the synagogue, saying, Thy daughter is dead: for what then art thou wearying the Teacher? But Jeshu heard the word which they spake, and said to the master of the synagogue, Fear not, only believe. And he did not permit any one to go with him, except Shemun Kipha, and Jacub, and Juchanon, brother of Jacub. And they came to the house of that master of the synagogue, and he saw how they made a tumult, and wept and bewailed. And he entered, and said to them, Why make you a tumult, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but asleep. And they derided him. But Jeshu put them all forth, and took the father of the damsel, and her mother, and those who were with her, and went in where the damsel was lying. And he took the hand of the damsel, and said to her, Damsel, arise. And forthwith the damsel arose, and walked; for she was a daughter of twelve years. And they wondered with great admiration. And he charged them greatly that no one should know this, and spake that they should give her (somewhat) to eat. AND Jeshu went forth from thence, and came to his city; and his disciples adhered to him. And when it was shabath, he began to teach in the house of the congregation: and many who heard wondered, and said, Whence to him are these? and what is this wisdom which hath been given him, that miracles such as these by his hands should be done? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mariam, and the brother of Jacub, and of Josi, and of Jehuda, and of Shemun? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended with him. And Jeshu said to them, No prophet is despised, unless in his own city, and among his kinsfolk, and in his own house. And he could not do there any miracle, except that upon a few sick he laid his hands, and healed them And he wondered at the defectiveness of their faith. AND he itinerated through the villages, teaching. And he called his twelve, and began to send them two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out. And he instructed them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff only; not a wallet, nor bread, nor brass in their purses; but be shod with sandals, and not to be clothed with two tunics. And he said to them, Into whatsoever house you enter, there be until you go forth from thence. And every one who will not receive you, nor hear you, when you are going out from thence, beat off the dust that is beneath your feet for their testimony. And Amen I say to you, That it shall be more tolerable for Sadum and for Amura in the day of the judgment, than for that city. And they went forth, and preached that they should repent. And many devils they cast out, and anointed with oil the sick, and healed many. AND Herodes the king heard concerning Jeshu, for his name had become known; and he said, Juchanon the Baptizer hath risen from among the dead; therefore works of power are wrought by him. Others said, He is Elia; and others, A prophet as one from the prophets. But when Herodes heard, he said, It is Juchanon whom I beheaded; he hath risen from among the dead. For Herodes had sent and had taken Juchanon, and had cast him into the house of the bound, on account of Herodia, wife of Philipos his brother, whom he had taken. For Juchanon had said to Herodes, It is not lawful to thee to take the wife of thy brother. But Herodia herself was adverse to him, and wished to kill him, but she could not. For Herodes feared Juchanon, because he knew that he was a man righteous and holy, and he protected him, and was many (times) hearing him, doing, and hearing him favourably. And there was a notable day when Herodes, in the house of his nativity, (b'beth yaldeh,) made a feast to his chiefs and kiliarchs and the heads of Galila; and the daughter of Herodia came in (and) danced; and she pleased Herodes and them who reclined with him. And the king said to the damsel, Ask of me whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee. And he sware to her, Whatever thou shalt ask (of) me, I will give thee, unto the dividing of my kingdom. Then went she out and said to her mother, What shall I ask of him? She saith to her, The head of Juchanon the Baptizer. And immediately she entered with solicitude unto the king, and saith to him, I will this hour that thou give me, upon a dish, the head of Juchanon the Baptizer. And greatly grieved was the king; but, for the sake of the oath, and the sake of the guests, he could not deprive her. But the king despatched at once a sentinel, and commanded that he should bring the head of Juchanon. And he went and cut off the head of Juchanon in the house of the bound, and brought (it) in a dish and gave to the damsel, and the damsel herself gave to her mother. And his disciples heard and went, took up his corpse, and laid it in the place of the buried. AND the disciples gathered unto Jeshu, and told him all whatever they had done, and whatever they had taught. And he said to them, Come and let us go into the desert alone, and rest a little while; for there were multitudes going and coming, (so that) they had not space even to eat; and they went to a wilderness district in a vessel by themselves. And many saw them as they went, and knew them; and into the waste ran they from all the cities, and were there before him. And Jeshu coming forth beheld the great assemblies, and had compassion upon them, they being like sheep which had no shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. And when much time had passed, the disciples came to him and said to him, This place is waste, and the time is great; send them away to go to the farms around us and into the villages, and buy for themselves bread, for they have nothing to eat. But he said to them, Give you them to eat. They said to him, Shall we go and buy bread for two hundred dinoreen, and give them to eat? But he said, Go see how many loaves you have here; and when they had seen, they said to him, Five loaves and two fishes. And he directed that they should make them all recline in companies upon the herbage; and they reclined in companies, by hundreds and by fifties. And he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the bread, and gave to his disciples to set before them: and those two fishes they divided among them all, and they all did eat and were satisfied. And they took up the broken pieces, twelve baskets full, and from the fishes. Now they who had eaten bread were five thousand men. And immediately he constrained his disciples to ascend into the bark, and to go before him across to Beth-tsaida, while he dismissed the assemblies; and when he had sent them away, he went to a mountain to pray. BUT when it was eventide, the bark was in the midst of the sea, and himself alone upon the land. And he saw them that they were distressed with rowing; for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night Jeshu came to them walking upon the waters, (as though) he willed to pass by them: but they beheld him walking upon the waters, and thought it was a spectre, and they cried out; for all saw him and were afraid. But he immediately spoke to them and said to them, Take heart, I am, fear not. And he ascended to them into the ship, and the wind was still: and they wondered greatly, and were astonished among themselves. For they understood not from that bread, because their heart was gross. And when they had crossed over, they came to the land of Genesar. And when they had gone forth from the bark, the men of the place at once recognised him. And they ran throughout all that land, and began to bring those who were greatly afflicted, bearing them on couchettes, to where they heard that he was. And wherever he entered, into villages and cities, they placed the sick in the streets, and besought from him that they might touch only the edge of his mantle; and all they who touched him were healed. AND there gathered to him Pharishee and Sophree, who had come from Urishlem; and they saw some of his disciples eating bread with their hands not washed; and they complained. For all the Jihudoyee and Pharishee, unless they carefully wash their hands, do not eat, because they hold the tradition of the elders; and (coming) from the market, unless they lave, they eat not. And many other of those (things) there are which they have received to observe, (as) the baptisms of cups, and of measures, and of brasen utensils, and of beds. And the Sophree and Pharishee questioned him, Why do not your disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders; but, while their hands are not washed, eat bread? But he said to them, Well prophesied concerning you Eshaia the prophet, you hypocrites; as it is written, This people with their lips honour me, but their heart is very far from me. But in vain do they reverence me while they teach the teachings of the commandments of men. For you have abandoned the commandment of God and hold the tradition of men, as the baptisms of cups and measures, and many things like these. He said to them (moreover), You decently suppress the commandment of God, that you may establish your tradition. For Musha hath said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and whosoever curseth father and mother, the death he shall die. But you say, If a man shall say to his father, or to his mother, My oblation, (be that) whatever from me thou mayest profit; and you permit him not to do any thing for his father and his mother. But you reject the word of Aloha for the sake of the tradition which you have delivered: and many similar (observances) to these you practise. And Jeshu called the whole multitude, and said to them, Hear me, all of you, and understand: It is not that which is without the man, and which entereth into him, that can defile him: but that which proceedeth from him, that defileth a man. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear. But when Jeshu had gone into the house (apart) from the multitude, his disciples asked him concerning that parable. He said to them, How dull are even you! Know you not, that nothing from without that entereth a man can defile him, because it entereth not into his heart, but into his belly, and is cast out in the purgation which all food purgeth? But that which proceedeth from a man, that polluteth a man. For from within, from the heart of the sons of men, go forth evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, robbery, murder, rapacity, malice, fraud, obscenity, an evil eye, blasphemy, vain-glory, folly; all these evils come from within, and they defile a man. FROM thence Jeshu arose and went to the confine of Tsur and of Tsaidon, and entered into a certain house: and he was unwilling that any man should know of him, but he could not conceal. For immediately heard a certain woman concerning him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit; and she came, (and) fell before his feet. But that woman was a Gentile of Phuniki of Suria, and she prayed of him to cast out the demon from her daughter. But Jeshu said to her, Let the children first be filled; for it is not well to take the bread of the children and cast it to the dogs. But she answering said to him, Yes, my Lord, yet the dogs also from beneath the table eat the crumbs of the children. Jeshu saith to her, Go; on account of that word, the demon hath gone forth from thy daughter. And she went to her house, and found her daughter lying on the couch, and the demon had gone out from her. Jeshu again departed from the confine of Tsur and of Tsaidon, and came to the sea of Galila, on the confine of the Ten Cities; and they brought to him a blind man, a stammerer, and besought him to lay upon him the hand. And he took him aside from the crowd by himself, and put his fingers in his ears, and spat, and touched his tongue. And he looked up to heaven, and sighed, and said to him, Be opened: and in that hour his ears were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plainly. And he charged them that to no man they should tell this. But so much as he charged them, they the more proclaimed it; and they were exceedingly astonished, and said, He doeth every thing well; the deaf he maketh to hear, and them who spoke not, to speak. BUT in those days when the multitude was great and there was nothing for them to eat, he called his disciples, and said to them, I have compassion on this multitude, for behold three days have they continued with me, and there is nothing which they may eat. And if it be that I send them away fasting to their houses, they will faint in the way; for some of them come from afar. His disciples say to him, Whence can any one here in the wilderness satisfy with bread all these? And he asked them, How many loaves have you? They say to him, Seven; and he directed the multitudes to recline upon the ground, and he took those seven loaves, and blessed and brake and gave to his disciples that they should set, and they set before the assemblies. And there were fishes, a few: and also over them he blessed, and said that they should set them. And they all ate and were satisfied, and took up the abundancies of the fragments, seven panniers. Now the men who had eaten were about four thousand: and he dismissed them, and immediately ascended into a vessel with his disciples, and came to the region of Dalmanutha. AND there came forth Pharishee, and began to question with him, and they demanded of him the sign from heaven, tempting him. And he groaned in his spirit, and said, Why seeketh this generation the sign? Amen I say to you, There shall not be given the sign unto this generation. And he left them, and ascended into the ship, and went to that overland. And they had forgotten to take with them bread, and but one cake was with them in the ship. And he counselled them, and said to them, Look and beware of the leaven of the Pharishee, and of the leaven of Herodes. And they reasoned one with another, saying, Because we have no bread. But Jeshu knew, and said to them, Why reason you because you have no bread? do you not yet know nor under stand? is your heart still hard? and eyes have you, and not see? and ears have you, and not hear? neither remember you? When those five loaves I brake to five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said to him, Twelve. He saith to them. And when seven to four thousand, how many panniers of fragments when filled took you up? They say, Seven. He saith to them, How do you not yet understand? And he came to Beth-tsaida; and they brought to him a blind man, and prayed of him to touch him. And he took the hand of the blind man, and led him forth without from the village; and spat in his eyes, and laid (on them) his hand, and inquired whether he saw. And he looked, and said, I see the sons of man as the trees, walking. Again he laid his hand upon his eyes, and he was restored, and he saw every thing clearly. And he sent him to his house, and told him to go not into the village, nor to inform any man in the village. And Jeshu went forth and his disciples into the villages of Kesarea of Philipos, and he interrogated his disciples by the way, saying to them, What say men concerning me that I am? But they answered, That (thou art) Juchanon the Baptizer; and others, that (thou art) Elia; and others, one from the prophets. Jeshu said to them, But you, what say you concerning me that I am? Shemun Kipha answered and said to him, Thus art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha the Living. And he charged them that to any one they should not tell concerning him. And he began to teach them, that it was to be that the Son of man should suffer much, and be rejected by the elders, and by the chief priests, and by the Sophree, and be killed, and that the third day he should arise! And he spake the word with them fully. And Kipha took him, and began to chide him. But he turned, and, beholding his disciples, reprehended Shemun, and said, Get thee behind me, Satana, for thou thinkest not that which is of Aloha, but that which is of the sons of men. AND Jeshu called to the assemblies with his disciples, and said to them, Whoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and come after me. For every one who willeth to save his life shall lose it; and every one who shall lose his life on account of me and on account of my gospel, shall save it. For what is a man profited, if the whole world he gain, and his soul be lost? Or what shall a son of man give (as) the compensation for his soul? For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this generation, sinful and adulterous, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. AND he said to them, Amen I say to you, There are some who are standing here, who shall not taste death, until they shall have seen the kingdom of Aloha come with power. And after six days Jeshu took Kipha, and Jacub, and Juchanon, and led them up to a high mountain by themselves. And he was altered before their eyes: and his raiment shone, and became exceeding white as the snow; as the sons of man on earth could not make white. And there were seen with them Musha and Elia discoursing with Jeshu. And Kipha said to him, Rabi, it is good for us here to be: and let us make three tabernacles; for thee one, and for Musha one, and for Elia one. But he knew not what he said, for they were in fear. And there was the cloud, and it shadowed over them: and the voice was from the cloud, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, him hear. And instantly, while the disciples looked, they saw no man, but Jeshu alone with them. And while they were descending from the mountain, he charged them to tell no man what they had seen, until the Son of man should have arisen from the dead. And they held discourse among themselves, and inquired what was this word, when he should have arisen from among the dead. And they asked him, saying, How then say the Sophree that Elia must come before? He said to them, Elia doth come before, to restore all things; and how it is written concerning the Son of man, that much he should suffer, and be rejected. But I tell you, Elia hath also come, and they have done to him whatever they would, as it is written concerning him. AND when he came to his disciples, he saw with them a great crowd, and the Sophree questioning with them. And immediately all the crowd saw him, and wondered, and ran to salute him. And he inquired of the Sophree, What dispute you with them? And one from the company answered and said, Malphona, I had brought my son to thee, because he hath a spirit which speaketh not; and when he seizeth him, he dasheth him, and teareth and grindeth his teeth, and he becometh dry. And I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out, but they could not. Jeshu answered, and said to him, O generation that believeth not! how long shall I be with you? how long shall I tolerate you? bring him to me. And they brought him unto him: and when the spirit saw him, he immediately dashed him, and he fell upon the ground; and was convulsed, and was torn. And Jeshu asked the father, How long is it from the time from which it was thus? He saith to him, Behold, from his childhood. And many times he casteth him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but whatever thou canst, help me, and have mercy upon me. Jeshu saith to him, If thou canst believe, every thing can be to him who believeth. And in a moment the father of the youth cried out, weeping and saying, I am believing; help the defect of my faith. But when Jeshu saw the people running together, and assembling to him, he rebuked the unclean spirit, and said to him, Spirit, deaf and unspeaking! I command thee, come forth from him, and enter not into him again! And that devil cried greatly, and crushed him, and went forth. And he became as the dead; as that many would say, He is dead. But Jeshu took him by the hand, and raised him. But when Jeshu had gone into the house, his disciples inquired of him by themselves, Why could not we cast him out? Jeshu said to them, This kind with nothing can be cast out, but by fasting and prayer. And when he had gone forth from thence, they passed into Galila: and he was not willing that any man should know of him. And he taught his disciples, and told them, That the Son of man would be delivered into the hands of men, and they would kill him; and that when he was slain, on the third day he should arise. But they understood not his word, and feared to ask him. AND they came to Kapher-nachum: and when they had entered the house, he asked them of what they had argued in the way among themselves. But they were silent: for they had contended in the way one with another, who should be greatest among them. And Jeshu sat, and he called the twelve, and said to them, Whoever wills to be the first, shall be the last of all, and the servant of all. And he took a certain child, and made him stand in the midst: and he took him upon his arms, and said to them, Every one who receiveth (one who is) as this child in my name, me he receiveth: and whoever me receiveth, not me he receiveth, but Him who sent me. Juchanon said to him, Rabi, we saw a man casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he did not adhere to us. Jeshu saith to them, Forbid him not; for no man who doeth powerful works in my name, can soon speak of me that which is evil. He therefore who is not against you is for you. For every one who shall give you only a cup of waters to drink in the name that you are of the Meshicha, Amen I say to you, He shall not lose his reward. And every one who shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it had been better for him that an ass-millstone had been set to his neck, and he had been cast forth into the sea. But if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: better for thee mutilated to go into life, than having two hands to go into gihana; where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: better for thee to go into life lame, than having two feet to fall into gihana: where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched. And if thine eye offend thee, root it out: better for thee that with one eye thou enter the kingdom of Aloha, than having two eyes to fall into the gihana of fire: where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched. For every (thing) with fire is salted, and every victim with salt shall be salted. Good is salt: but if the salt shall (become) insipid, how shall it be salted? Let there be in you salt, and in peace be one with another. AND he arose from thence, and came to the borders of Jehud on the other side of the Jurdan: and great multitudes went thither to him; and he taught them again as he was accustomed. And the Pharishee drew nigh, tempting him, and demanding whether it were lawful for a man to dismiss his wife. He saith to them, What hath Musha prescribed? But they say, Musha permitted us to write a writing of dismissal, and to send away. Jeshu answered and said to them, On account of the hardness of your heart he wrote for you this commandment. But from the beginning the male and the female Aloha made them. For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they two shall be one flesh: henceforth they are not two, but one flesh. What Aloha therefore hath conjoined, man may not separate. And his disciples asked him again in the house concerning this (matter). And he said to them, Every one who shall send away his wife, and take another, adulterizeth. And if the wife shall leave her husband, and shall become another's, she adulterizeth. And they presented unto him children, that he should touch them: but his disciples rebuked those who presented them. But Jeshu, when he saw, was displeased, and said to them, Permit the children to come to me, and forbid them not: for of those who are as these is the kingdom of Aloha. Amen I say to you, That whoever shall not receive the kingdom of Aloha as a child, shall not enter into it. And he took them on his arms, and laid his hand upon them, and blessed them. AND as he journeyed in the way, one ran, fell upon his knees, and asked him, saying, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Jeshu said to him, Why callest thou me good? none is good but one, Aloha. Thou knowest the commandments, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not witness false testimony, Thou shalt not injure, Honour thy father and thy mother. But he answered and said to him, Malphona, these all have I kept from my childhood. And Jeshu beheld him and loved him, and said to him, One thing is wanting to thee: go, sell all whatever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have a treasure in heaven: and take up thy cross and come after me. But he was grieved at that word, and went away sorrowful: for he had great riches. And Jeshu beheld his disciples, and said to them, How hard to those who have riches to enter the kingdom of Aloha! But his disciples were astonished at his words. And Jeshu answered again, and said to them, My sons, how hard (is it) for those who trust on their riches to enter into the kingdom of Aloha! It is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle, than for a rich to enter into the kingdom of Aloha. And they were the more astonished, and said among themselves, Who can be saved? Jeshu beheld them and said to them, With the sons of men this is not possible, but with Aloha: for every thing is possible with Aloha. THEN began Kipha to say, Behold, we have forsaken every thing, and have cleaved to thee. Jeshu responded and said, Amen I say to you, There is no man who forsaketh houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, on account of me, and on account of my gospel, who shall not receive a hundred-fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecution; and in the world which cometh the life that is eternal. But many (are) first who will be last, and last (who will be) first. Now when they were going up in the way to Urishlem, Jeshu himself preceded them; and they were amazed, and came after him, fearing. And he took his twelve, and began to tell them what it was which was to happen to him. Behold, we go up to Urishlem; and the Son of man (will be) betrayed to the chief priests, and to the Sophree; and they shall condemn him to the death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles; and shall mock him, and scourge him, and spit in his face, and kill him: and the third day he shall arise. AND Jacub and Juchanon, sons of Zabdai, approached him, saying to him, Malphona, we would that whatever we ask thou wilt do for us. He saith to them, What will you that I should do for you? They say to him, Give us that one may sit at thy right hand, and one at thy left, in thy glory. But he said to them, You know not what you ask: can you drink the cup that I drink? and (with) the baptism that I am baptized (with) can you be baptized? They say to him, We can. Jeshu saith to them, The cup that I drink you shall drink; and (with) the baptism that I am baptized (with) you shall be baptized: but that you sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, except for those for whom it is prepared. And when the ten heard, they began to murmur against Jacub and Juchanon. And Jeshu called them and said to them, You know that they who are considered the princes of the Gentiles are lords of them; and their great ones exercise power over them: but not thus shall it be among you. But if any one among you willeth to be great, let him be to you the servant; and whoever of you willeth to be the first, he shall be the labourer for all. For even the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life the ransom for many. And they came unto Jirichu. And as Jeshu went forth from Jirichu, he and his disciples and a great multitude, Timai bar Timai, the blind man, was sitting by the side of the way begging. And he heard that it was Jeshu Natsroia; and he began to cry out, and to say, Son of David, have mercy on me! And many rebuked him, that he should be silent: but he cried out the more, saying, Son of David, have mercy on me! And Jeshu stood, and commanded that they should bring him. And they called the blind man, saying to him, Be of heart, rise, he calleth thee. But he, the blind, loosed his garment, and rose up, (and) came to Jeshu. Saith to him Jeshu, What wilt thou that I do for thee? And he, the blind, said to him, Rabi, that I may see. And Jeshu said to him, SEE: thy faith hath saved thee. And instantly he saw, and he went in the way. AND when they drew nigh to Urishlem, against Bethphage and Beth-ania, at the mount of Olives, he sent two from his disciples, and said to them, Go to that village which is over against you; and forthwith as you enter it, you will find a colt tied, which no man hath ridden; loose, bring him. And if any man shall say to you, Why do you this? say to him, Because for our Lord it is requested, and at once he will send him hither. And they went, and found the colt tied at the gate without in the street. And as they were loosing, some of those who were standing said to them, What are you doing that you loosen the colt? But they said to them as Jeshu had instructed them; and they permitted them. And they brought the colt to Jeshu, and threw upon him their garments; and Jeshu rode upon him. But many spread their vestments in the way, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them in the way; and these who went before him, and these who came after him, cried, saying, Save now! and blessed be the coming kingdom of our father David: Save now, in the heights! And Jeshu entered Urishlem, into the temple, and surveyed every thing. And when it was the time of the evening, he went forth to Beth-ania with the twelve. And the day after, when he went from Beth-ania, he hungered. And he saw a certain fig-tree from afar which had leaves on it, and he came to it, if he might find upon it somewhat; but when he came, he found on it only the leaves, for the time was not for figs (to have been ingathered). And he said to it, Henceforth and for ever man from thee fruit shall not eat. And his disciples heard. And they came to Urishlem. And Jeshu went into the temple of Aloha, and began to cast forth those who sold and bought in the temple, and he overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them who sold doves: and he would not suffer any man to carry goods through the temple. And he taught, and said to them, Is it not written, That my house the house of prayer shall be called of all nations? but you have made it a den of thieves. And the chief priests and Sophree heard it, and inquired how they might destroy him; for they feared from him, because all the people admired his doctrine. AND when it was evening, they went without from the city. And in the morning, while they passed by, they saw that fig-tree that it was dry from its root. And Shemun remembered and said to him, Rabi, behold, that fig-tree which thou didst curse hath dried. And Jeshu answered and said to them, Let there be in you the faith of Aloha. Amen I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be lifted up, and fall into the sea, and shall not be divided in his heart, but shall believe that that thing which he speaketh is, he shall have the thing that he saith. On this account I tell you, that every thing whatever you supplicate and ask, believe that you receive, and it shall be unto you. And when you stand to pray, forgive whatever you have against any man; and your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, your Father who is in heaven will also not forgive you your transgressions. And they came again to Urishlem: and as he walked in the temple, the chief priests and the Sophree and the elders came to him, and said to him, By what authority these things doest thou? and who gave thee the authority to do them? But Jeshu said to them, I also will ask you one word, that you may tell me, and I tell you by what authority I these things do. The baptism of Juchanon, from whence was it? from heaven, or from the sons of man? Tell me. And they reasoned among themselves, and said, If we say to him, that (it was) from heaven, he saith to us, And why did you not believe him? And if we should say, From the sons of man, there is fear from the people; for all have held Juchanon that he was truly a prophet. And they answered, saying to Jeshu, We know not. He saith to them, I also do not tell you by what authority I these things do. And he began to discourse with them in parables. A certain man planted a vinery, and surrounded it with an enclosure, and dug in it a wine-press, and built in it a tower, and gave it to be held by husbandmen, and journeyed. And he sent to the husbandmen his servant in the time to receive the fruits of the vinery. But they beat him, and sent him away empty. He sent to them again another servant; and also that one they stoned, and bruised him, and sent him away with dishonour. And he sent again another, and him they killed; and many other servants he sent, and of them they beat, (and) of them they killed. But at last having one son, the beloved, he sent him to them; for he said, Now will they be confounded by my son. But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours. And they took and killed him, and cast him without from the vinery. What therefore shall the Lord of the vinery do? He will come, destroy those labourers, and will give the vinery to others. And also that scripture have you not read, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner? from the Lord is this done, and it is wondrous in our eyes. And they sought to apprehend him, but feared from the people: for they knew that concerning themselves he had spoken this parable. And he left them, and went. And they sent to him men from the Sophree and from the house of Herodes, that they should ensnare him in discourse. And they came and questioned him: Malphona, we know that thou art true, and that thou bearest not care for man: for thou regardest not the person of the sons of man, but in truth the way of Aloha thou teachest: Is it lawful to give headmoney to Caesar, or not? shall we give, or shall we not give? But he knew their deceit, and said to them, Why do you tempt me? bring me the dinara, (that) I may see it. And they brought it to him. He said to them, Of whom (is) this image and writing? And they said, Of Caesar. Jeshu said to them, Of Caesar give to Caesar, and of Aloha to Aloha. And they were astonished at him. AND the Zadukoyee came to him, those who say that (there is) no resurrection; and they questioned him, saying, Malphona, Musha has written for us, That if the brother of a man die, and leave a wife, and leave not children, his brother shall take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother. Seven brethren there were. The first took a wife, and died, and left not seed. And the second took her, and died, and he also left not seed: and the third likewise. And the seven of them took her, and did not leave seed: last of all died also that woman. In the resurrection therefore, whose from them shall she be the wife? for the seven of them had her. Jeshu saith to them, Do you not on this account err, because you know not the scripture, nor the power of Aloha? For when they rise from the dead, they take not wives, neither are wives (given) unto husbands; but as the angels that are in heaven are they. But concerning the dead, that they rise: have you not read in the book of Musha, how from the bush Aloha said to him, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Ishok, and the God of Jacub? And Aloha is not of the dead, but of the living. You therefore do greatly err. AND one from the Sophree approached and heard how they disputed, and, perceiving that he had well rendered to them the answer, inquired of him, Which is the first commandment of all? Jeshu saith to him, The first of all the commandments (is), Hear, Israel, The Lord our Aloha is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second, which is like it, (is) that thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Another commandment greater than these there is not. That Sophra said to him, Well, Rabi, and truly hast thou spoken: for One there is and no other than He: and that a man love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and that he love his neighbour as himself, is better than all burnt-offerings and sacrifices. Jeshu, seeing that he had wisely returned the word, answered and said to him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of Aloha. And no man dared again to question him. And Jeshu answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the Sophree that the Meshicha is son of David? For David himself saith by the Spirit of Holiness, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I set thy adversaries a footstool beneath thy feet. David therefore himself calleth him My Lord; and how is he then his son? And all the multitude heard him gladly. And in his doctrine he said to them, Beware of the Sophree, who will to walk in long robes, and love the shaloma in public places, and the chief seats in the congregations, and the head couches at suppers: they who devour the houses of widows, and for the occasion prolong their prayers: they shall receive the greater judgment. AND as Jeshu sat before the house of treasure, he beheld how the multitude cast money into the place of treasure; and many rich threw in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and threw in two menin, which are a shemona. And Jeshu called to his disciples, and said to them, Amen I tell you, That this poor widow more than all the men who throw hath thrown into the house of treasure. For all they from what is (super)abundant to them have thrown (in), but this from her deficiency all whatever she had; she hath thrown in her whole possession. And as Jeshu went forth from the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Malphona, behold, see those stones and those buildings? But Jeshu said to him, Seest thou these great buildings? There will not be left here a stone upon a stone which (will) not be destroyed. And while Jeshu sat on the Mount of Olives before the temple, Kipha and Jacub and Juchanon and Andreas asked him by themselves, Tell us when (these events) shall be, and what is the sign when these all draw nigh to be accomplished. But he, Jeshu, began to say to them, See that no man deceive you. For many will come in my name, and will say, I am (He); and many will be deceived. But when you hear of battles and the rumour of wars, fear not: for it is that they are to be; but not yet is the end. For people shall rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom; and earthquakes will he in various places; and there will be famines and convulsions. These are the beginning of sorrows. But look (to) yourselves; for they will deliver you to the judgments; and in their assemblies will they scourge you, and before kings and governors you shall stand on account of their testimony. But first will be preached my gospel among all the nations. But when they lead you to deliver you up, be not previously anxious what you shall say, nor premeditate; but that, whatever is given you in that hour, that say. For it is not you speaking, but the Spirit of Holiness. But the brother will betray his brother to the death, and the father his son; and children will rise up against their fathers, and shall put them to death; and you will be hated by all men on account of my name: but he who shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved. But when you see the unclean sign of desolation, that which is spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (he who readeth, let him understand!) then let those who are in Jehud flee to the mountain And he who is upon the roof, let him not descend nor enter in to carry any thing from his house; and he who is in the field, let him not turn back to take up his garments. But woe to those who are with child, and to those who give suck, in those days! But pray that your flight may not be in the winter: for in those days shall be affliction such as hath not been from the beginning of the creation which Aloha created, and until now, nor shall be. And unless the Lord cut short those days, no flesh would live; but on account of the elect whom he hath chosen, those days he hath cut short. Then, if any man shall say to you, Behold, here is the Meshicha! and, Behold, (he is) there! believe not. For there will arise false Meshichas and prophets of a lie, and will give forth signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, the elect also. But you, beware. Behold, I have told you every thing before. But in those days after that affliction the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give forth her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be moved. And then will they see the Son of Man coming in the cloud with great power and with glory. And then will he send his angels, and will assemble his chosen ones from the four winds, from the extremity of the earth to the extremity of the heavens. But from the fig-tree learn a parable. When her branches are tender, and she shoots forth her leaves, you know that the summer draws nigh: so also you, when you see that these things are done, understand that it is near, (even) at the door. Amen I tell you, That this race shall not pass until these all shall be. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and of that hour man knoweth not, nor the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Look: be watchful and pray; for you know not when the time is. For as a man who hath journeyed, and left his house, and hath given authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and the door-keeper he hath instructed to be watchful; (so) watch you, therefore, because you know not when cometh the Lord of the house,-in the evening, or in the dividing of the night, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning; lest he should come suddenly, and find you sleeping. But what to you I say, that unto all I say, Be watchful. BUT after two days was the Petscha of unleavened cakes: and the chief priests and the Sophree sought how with guile they might apprehend and kill him. And they said, Not on the festival, lest there be a commotion among the people. And when he was at Bethania in the house of Shemun the leper, as he reclined, there came a woman who had with her a vase of the balsam of the choicest nard of great prices; and she opened it, and poured it upon the head of Jeshu. But there were men of the disciples who were displeased among themselves, and said, Why make destruction of this balsam? for it could have been sold for more than three hundred dinoreen, and given to the poor. And they were angry with her. But he, Jeshu, said, Let her alone; why do you trouble her? A good work hath she wrought upon me. For in all time you have the poor with you, and, when you will, you can do them good; but I am not at all time with you. (With) that which was hers she hath done this, and beforehand as for the funeral she hath anointed my body. And Amen I say to you, That wheresoever my gospel shall be preached in the whole world, this also which she hath now done shall be told in memorial of her. But Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray Jeshu to them: and they when they had heard rejoiced, and promised silver to give him. And he sought to him opportunity to betray him. And the first day of the unleavened bread, in which the Jihudoyee sacrifice the Petscha, the disciples say to him, Where wilt thou that we go to prepare for thee to eat the Petscha? And he sent two of his disciples, and said to them, Go to the city, and, observe, a man meeteth you bearing a vessel of waters. Go after him; and when he hath entered, say to the house-lord, Our Master saith, Where is the place of feasting, where I can eat with my disciples the Petscha? And, behold, he showeth you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us. And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had told them: and they prepared the Petscha. And when it was evening he came with his twelve. And as they reclined and ate, Jeshu said to them, Amen I tell you, That one of you who eateth with me shall betray me. But they began to be sad, and said to him one, one, Is it I? But he said to them, One of the twelve who dippeth with me in the dish. And the Son of man goeth, as it is written concerning him; but woe to that man by whom is betrayed the Son of man! It had been better for that man if he had not been born. And while they were eating, Jeshu took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them, and said to them, Take; this is my body. And he took the cup, and praised and blessed, and gave to them; and they drank of it, all of them. And he said to them, This is my blood of the new Covenant, which for many is shed. Amen I say to you, That again I will not drink from the fruit of the vine till that day in which I will drink it newly in the kingdom of Aloha. And they praised, and went forth to the mount of Olives. AND Jeshu said to them, All of you will be offended with me in this night: for it is written, I will strike the Shepherd, and scattered shall be his sheep. But when I have arisen, I go before you into Galila. Kipha saith to him, If all shall be offended with thee, yet I (will) not. Jeshu saith to him, Amen I tell thee, That thou, to-day, in this (very) night, before the cock shall crow, three times wilt deny me. But he the more said, If I shall die with thee, I will not deny thee, my Lord. And so also all of the disciples said. And they came to the place which is called Gedsimon; and he said to his disciples, Sit here until I have prayed. And he took with him Kipha and Jacub and Juchanon, and began to be sorrowful and agonized. And he said to them, My soul is afflicted unto death; wait for me here, and be watchful. And he removed a little, and fell upon the earth, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, Father, my Father, thou canst (do) every thing, cause to pass from me this cup: but not my will, but thine. And he came and found them sleeping: and he said to Kipha, Shemun, dost thou sleep? couldst thou not one hour watch? Be wakeful and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing and ready, but the body is infirm. And he went again, prayed, and said that word. And he turned again, came and found them sleeping, because their eyes were made heavy, and they knew not what to say to him. And he came three times (the third time), and said to them, Sleep on, and be at rest. The end approacheth, and the hour cometh, and, behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Arise, we will go; behold, he draweth nigh who betrayeth me. And while he was speaking, Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the Sophree and the elders. And the traitor who betrayed had given to them a sign, and said, He whom I shall kiss is He: take him carefully and lead him. And immediately he approached, and said to him, Rabi, Rabi, and kissed him. Then they laid on him their hands and seized him. But one of those who stood drew a sword, and struck the servant of the high priest, and took off his ear. But Jeshu answered and said to them, As against a robber are you come out against me, with swords and with staves to apprehend me? Every day with you was I teaching in the temple, and ye did not take me; but to fulfil the scriptures this is done. Then his disciples forsook him and fled. But a certain youth followed him, and he was covered (with) a linen cloth, naked; and they laid hold on him: but he left the linen cloth, and escaped naked. And they led Jeshu to Kaiapha, chief of the priests: and were gathered together to him all the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. But Shemun from afar came after him, until within the court of the chief of the priests: and he sat with the servants, and warmed (himself) at the fire. But the chief priests and all the assembly of them sought against Jeshu testimony to put him to death, but they found not. For when many bore witness against him, their testimonies were not equal. But men rose up against him, witnesses of falsehood, and said, We heard him say, I dissolve this temple which is made with hands, and in three days I build another not made with hands. But neither so was their testimony equal. And the chief of the priests arose in the midst, and questioned Jeshu, and said, Returnest thou no answer? what witness against thee these? But Jeshu was silent, and answered him nothing. And again the chief of the priests demanded, and said, Art thou the Meshicha, the Son of the Blessed? And he, Jeshu, said to him, I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven. Then the chief of the priests tore his robe, and said, Why now seek we witnesses? Behold, from his own lips you have heard the blasphemy: how is it seen by you? And they all judged that he was guilty of death. And some began to spit on his person, and they struck him on his face, and did buffet him, saying, Prophesy! and the servitors struck him upon his cheeks. And Shemun being below in the court, there came a certain damsel of the chief of the priests. She saw him as he warmed (himself), and knew him, saying to him, Thou also wast with Jeshu Natsroia. But he denied, and said, I know not what thou sayest. And he went without into the vestibule; and the cock crew. And again that damsel saw him, and she began to say to those who were standing, This man is also of them. But he again denied. And after a little while those who stood said to Kipha, Assuredly thou art from them, for thou art also a Galiloia, and thy speech is similar. But he began to imprecate and to swear, I know not this man of whom thou speakest. And in the hour the cock crew the second time. And Shemun remembered the word that Jeshu had spoken to him, That before the cock should crow twice, three times thou shalt deny me. And he began to weep. AND forthwith in the morning the chief priests with the elders and with the scribes and with the whole congregation made council; and they bound Jeshu, and led him and delivered him to Pilatos the governor. And Pilatos asked him, Art thou the King of the Jihudoyee? And he replied and said to him, Thou hast said. And the chief priests accused him of many (things): but he, Pilatos, asked him again and said to him, Returnest thou not an answer? see how many are witnessing against thee. But he, Jeshu, did not give any answer; so that Pilatos admired. But he was accustomed at every festival to release to them of the bound one whom they requested; and there was one who was called Bar-aba, who was bound with the makers of sedition, they who murder in the sedition had committed. And the people cried out and began to demand, that as he was used he would do to them. But Pilatos answered and said, Will you that I release to you the King of the Jihudoyee? For Pilatos knew that for envy the chief priests had delivered him. But the chief priests the more incited the multitude, that Bar-aba he should release to them. But he, Pilatos, said to them, What then will you that I do to this, whom ye call King of the Jihudoyee? And they again cried, Crucify him! Pilatos said to them, Why? what evil hath he done? And they the more exceedingly cried, Crucify him. But Pilatos was willing to serve the will of the people, and released to them Bar-aba, and delivered up to them Jeshu, scourged, to be crucified. And the soldiers led him into the court which is the praetorium, and called the whole band; and they robed him in purple, and twisted and set upon him a crown of thorns, and they began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jihudoyee! and they struck him upon the head with a cane, and spat in his face, and kneeled upon their knees and worshipped him. And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple, and clothed him with his own vestments, and led him forth to crucify him. AND they constrained one who was passing, Shemun Kurinoia, who was coming from the field, the father of Alexander and of Rufus, to bear his cross. And they brought him to Gogultha, a place which is interpreted A skull. And they gave him to drink wine which was mixed with myrrh; but he would not receive. And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, and cast for them lots who should take them. And it was the third hour when they crucified him. And there was written the occasion of his death in the inscription, This is the King of the Jihudoyee. And they crucified with him two thieves, one on his right and one on his left; and was accomplished the Scripture which said, That with the wicked he was reckoned. AND they also who passed by blasphemed against him, wagging their heads and saying, Ho, undoer of the temple and builder of it in three days, deliver thyself and come down from the cross! And so also the chief priests laughing one with one, and the Sophree, and saying, Others he saved, himself he cannot save. The Meshicha King of Isroel, let him descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe on him; and they also who were crucified with him reviled him. AND when it was the sixth hour, there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And in the ninth hour Jeshu cried with a high voice and said, Il, Il, Lamona Shabaktoni! Which is, Alohi! Alohi! why hast thou forsaken me? And certain who heard, of them who were standing, said, Elia he calleth; but one ran and filled a sponge with vinegar, and bound it on a rod that he might drink. And they said, Let alone, we will see if Elia cometh to take him down. But he, Jeshu, cried with a high voice, and completed: and the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. But when that centurion who stood near him saw that he cried thus, and ended, (he) said, Assuredly this man was the Son of Aloha. And there were women from afar who were beholding; Mariam Magdalitha, and Mariam mother of Jacub the less and of Josi, and Shaloom; those who, when he was in Galila, adhered to him, and ministered to him, and many others who went up with him to Urishlem. AND when it was evening of the preparation which is before the shabath, came Jauseph, he who was from Rometha, an honourable counsellor, who also himself waited for the kingdom of Aloha. And he took courage, and went in to Pilatos and requested the body of Jeshu. But Pilatos wondered if he were now dead; and he called the centurion and asked him whether before the time he was dead: and when he had learned, he gave the body to Jauseph. And Jauseph bought linen, and took him down and wrapped him in it, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn in the rock, and rolled a stone against the door of the sepulchre. But Mariam Magdalitha and Mariam, she who was (the mother) of Josi, beheld where he was laid. And when the shabath had passed Mariam Magdalitha and Mariam, (the mother) of Jacub and Shaloom, bought aromatics, and came to anoint him. BUT in the morning of the first day in the week, they came to the sepulchre when the sun had risen, and they said between themselves, Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the sepulchre? And they looked and saw that the stone was rolled away, for it was very great. And they went into the sepulchre, and saw a youth sitting on the right. And he was clothed in a white robe. And they were astonished. But he said to them, Fear not! Jeshu Natsroia you seek, he who was crucified, he has risen; he is not here. Behold the place where he lay. But go, tell his disciples and Kipha that, behold, he goeth before you into Galila; there shall you see him as he told you. And when they had heard, they fled, and went forth from the sepulchre, for astonishment and tremor had seized them; and they said nothing to any one, for they were afraid. But in the morning of the first day of the week he arose, and was first seen by Mariam Magdalitha, she who had seven devils cast out from her. And she went and declared to them who were with her, who mourned and wept. And they, when they had heard what they told, that he lived and had appeared to them, believed them not. After these things he appeared to two of them in another fashion as they walked and went to a village. And they went and told the rest, neither did they believe. BUT afterward he appeared to the eleven as they reclined, and he reproved the littleness of their faith and the hardness of their heart, because those who had seen that he had arisen they had not believed. And he said to them, Go into all the world, and proclaim my gospel to every creature: He who believeth and is baptized is saved; and he who believeth not is condemned. And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they shall cast out devils, and with new tongues shall they speak; and serpents they shalt take up; and if the poison of death they drink, it shall not hurt them; and their hands shall they lay upon the sick, and they shall be healed. But Jeshu our Lord, after he had spoken with them, unto the heavens ascended, and sat on the right hand of Aloha. And they went forth and preached in every place, and our Lord helped them, and confirmed their words by the signs which they wrought.
BECAUSE many have willed to record histories of those transactions of which we are persuaded, according to that which they have delivered to us, (they) who from the first were eye-witnesses and ministers of his doctrine; it appeared also to me, that having been intimately near to them all, I should record every thing in its order for thee, illustrious Theophile, that thou mayest know the truth of those doctrines in which thou hast been instructed. THERE was in the days of Herodes, king of the Jihudoyee, a certain priest whose name was Zakaria, of the service of the house of Abia, and his wife (was) of the daughters of Aharun; her name was Elishaba. And they were both just before Aloha, and walked in all his commandments, and in the righteousness of the Lord, without blame. But they had no son because Elishaba was barren, and both had become many in their days. But it was while he was acting-as-priest in the order of his ministry before Aloha, according to the custom of the priesthood he came to set on incense, and entered into the temple of the Lord. And all the congregation of the people were praying without at the time of incense. And there appeared to him, to Zakaria, the angel of the Lord, standing on the right hand of the altar of incense. And Zakaria trembled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him. And the angel said to him, Fear not, Zakaria, for thy prayer is heard, and thy wife Elishaba shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name Juchanon. And to thee shall be joy and exultation, and many shall rejoice in his birth: for he shall be great before the Lord, and wine and strong liquor shall he not drink, and with the Spirit of Holiness shall he be filled, from the womb of his mother. And many of the sons of Isroel shall he convert to the Lord their Aloha. And he shall go before him in the spirit and the power of Elia the prophet, to turn the hearts of the fathers unto the children, and those who believe not to the knowledge of the righteous, and to prepare for the Lord a perfect people. And Zakaria said to the angel, How shall I know this? for I am old, and my wife many in her days. And the angel answered and said to him, I am Gabriel, I stand before Aloha, and I have been sent to speak with thee and to announce to thee these things. From henceforth thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be able to speak, till the day when these things shall be done, because thou hast not believed these words, which shall be fulfilled in their time. But the people were standing, and expecting Zakaria. and were wondering at his delay in the temple. But when Zakaria had come forth, he could not speak to them; and he made them understand that he had seen a vision in the temple, and signing he signed to them, and remained dumb. And when the days of his service were fulfilled, he came to his house. And it was after those days Elishaba his wife conceived, and she secluded herself five months. And she said, These things hath the Lord done for me in the days of my desolation, to take away my reproach from among the children of men. BUT in the sixth month Gabriel the angel was sent from before Aloha to Galila, to a city whose name (is) Natsrath, unto a Virgin espoused to a man whose name was Jauseph, of the house of David, and the name of the Virgin was Mariam. And the angel entered to her, and said to her, Peace to thee, full of grace! our Lord is with thee, thou blessed among women! But she, when she saw, was troubled at his words, and reasoned what this salutation was. And the angel said to her, Fear not, Mariam, for thou hast found favour with Aloha. For, behold, thou shalt conceive, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jeshu. He will be great, and the Son of the Most High shall he be called, and Aloha the Lord shall give unto him the throne of David his father. And he shall reign over the house of Jakub for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. And Mariam said to the angel, How shall this be, because a man is not known to me? The angel answered and said to her, The Spirit of Holiness shall come, and the Power of the Most High shall shadow over thee; on account of this He who (shall be) born from thee is the Holy, and the Son of Aloha shall be called. And behold, Elishaba thy kinswoman, she also beareth a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month to her,-to her who is called the barren. For nothing is difficult to Aloha. And Mariam said, Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me as thou hast said. And the angel went from her. AND Mariam arose in those days, and went with haste to the mountain to a city of Jehud; and she entered into the house of Zakaria, and saluted Elishaba. And it was that when Elishaba heard the salutation of Mariam, the infant leaped in her womb. And she was filled with the Spirit of Holiness; and she cried with a loud voice, and said unto Mariam, Blessed art thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb! Whence unto me is this, That the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as fell the voice of thy salutation on my ears, For great Joy leaped the infant in my womb. And happy is she who hath believed, For there is a fulfilment of those things which have been spoken to her from the Lord. And Mariam said: My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit rejoiceth in Aloha my Saviour, Who hath looked upon the lowliness of his handmaid: For, behold, from now all generations shall give blessedness to me. Because he hath done for me great things, he who is mighty, And holy is his name. And his grace is for ages and generations Upon those who fear him. He hath wrought victory with his arm; He hath scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He hath overturned the mighty from their thrones, And hath exalted the humble. The hungry he hath satisfied with good things, And the rich he hath sent away empty. He hath helped Isroel his servant, And hath remembered his mercy; As he spake with our fathers, With Abraham and with his seed for ever. And Mariam stayed with Elishaba three months, and returned to her house. BUT to Elishaba had come the time that she should give birth, and she gave birth to a son. And her neighbours and the sons of her family heard that Aloha had magnified his grace upon her; and they rejoiced with her. And it was the eighth day, and they came to circumcise the child; and they called him by the name of his father, Zakaria. And his mother answered and said to them, Not so; but he shall be called Juchanon. And they said to her, No man in thy kindred is called by this name. And they signed to his father (to show) how he willed they should call him. And he requested a tablet, and wrote, and said, Juchanan is his name. And every man wondered. And immediately his mouth and his tongue were opened, and he spake, and blessed Aloha. And there was fear upon all around them; and in all the hill country of Jehud were these things spoken. And all who heard reasoned in their hearts, and said, What is this child to be? And the hand of the Lord was with him. And Zakaria his father was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and he prophesied, and said: Blessed be the Lord, the Aloha of Israel; For he hath visited his people, and wrought for him redemption, And hath raised up for us the horn of redemption In the house of David his servant; As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, Who have been from of old, That we should be delivered from our adversaries, And from the hand of all who hate us; To perform his grace with our fathers, And to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to Abraham our father,- That to us he would grant That, being delivered from the hand of our adversaries, Without fear we might serve before him All our days in righteousness. And thou, child, the Prophet of the Most High Shalt thou be called; For thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, And thou shalt prepare his way; To give the knowledge of salvation to his people In the forgiveness of their sins, Through the compassions of the grace of our Aloha; Whereby the morn-splendour shall visit us from on high, To illumine those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. And to direct our feet into the way of peace. And the child grew, and was strong in the spirit, and was in the desert till the day of his manifestation unto Isroel. NOW it was in those days that there went forth a mandate from Augustus Caesar to enrol the people of his dominion. This enrolment was first made under the government of Qurinos in Suria. And every man went to be enrolled in his city. And Jauseph also went up from Natsrath of Galila, unto Jehud, to the city of David, which is called Beth-lechem, because he was of the house and of the family of David, with Mariam his espoused while with child, there to be enrolled. And it was that while they were there, the days were fulfilled that she should give birth: and she brought forth her son, the first-born, and wrapped him in bandages, and laid him in the manger; because there was no place for them where they stayed. But there were shepherds in the country who were staying there, and keeping watch by night over their flocks. And, behold, the angel of Aloha came to them, and the glory of the Lord shone upon them; and they feared with great fear. And the angel said to them, Fear not; for, behold, I announce to you great joy, which shall be to all people: for there is born for you to-day the Redeemer, who is the Lord the Meshicha, in the city of David. And this is to you the sign, You shall find the infant wrapped in bandages, and laid in a manger. And instantly there were seen with the angel many hosts of the heavens, glorifying Aloha, and saying, Glory to Aloha in the heights, and upon earth peace and good hope for the sons of men. And when the angels were gone from them into heaven, the shepherds spake one with another, and said, Let us go unto Beth-lechem, and see the thing which the Lord hath made known to us. And they came with speed, and found Mariam, and Jauseph, and the infant who was laid in the manger; and when they saw, they showed the word which had been spoken to them concerning the child. And all who heard wondered at those (things) which were told them by the shepherds. But Mariam kept all these words, and compared them in her heart. And those shepherds returned, glorifying and praising Aloha for all that they had seen and heard as they had been spoken to them. AND when the eight days completed to circumcise the child, his name was called Jeshu, for he was so called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb And when were completed, the days of their purification according to the law of Musha, they carried him up to Urishlem, to present him before the Lord: (as it is written in the law of the Lord, That every male openeth the matrix the holy to the Lord shall be called:) and to offer the sacrifice as it is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtle-doves, or two of the young of pigeons. But there was a certain man in Urishlem, whose name was Shemun; and this man was just and righteous, and he had waited for the consolation of Isroel, and the Spirit of Holiness was upon him. And it was said to him from the Spirit of Holiness, that he should not see death, until he had seen the Meshicha of the Lord. Behold, this man came in the Spirit to the temple, and when his parents brought in Jeshu the child, to do for him as it is commanded in the law, he took him upon his arms and blessed Aloha, and said, Now dismiss thy servant, my Lord, according to thy word, in peace; For lo, mine eyes have seen thy grace, Which thou hast prepared in the face of all the nations; A light for the revelation of the peoples, And the glory of thy people Isroel. But Jauseph and his mother wondered at these words which were spoken concerning him. And Shemun blessed them, and said to Mariam his mother, Behold, this child is set for the ruin and uprising of many in Isroel, for the sign of contention. And through thine own soul shall pass a spear, that may be revealed the reasonings of the hearts of many. NOW Chana, the prophetess, (was) the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher; she was aged also in her days, and seven years with her husband had lived from her virginity. And she was a widow as of years eighty and four, and she removed not from the temple, and with fasting and with prayer she worshipped in the day and in the night. And she also arose in that hour and confessed the Lord, and discoursed concerning him with all who were expecting the redemption of Urishlem. And when they had fulfilled every thing according to the law of the Lord, they returned unto Galila, to Natsrath their city. But the child grew, and was strengthened in spirit, and was filled with wisdom; and the grace of Aloha was upon him. And his relatives every year went unto Urishlem at the feast of Petscha. AND when he was a son of twelve years, they went up, as they were used, to the festival. And when the days (were) fulfilled, they returned. But Jeshu, the child, remained in Urishlem, and Jauseph and his mother knew not. For they thought that he was with the sons of the company; and when they had gone the journey of one day, they sought him with the men and with any who knew him. And they found him not: and they returned again to Urishlem, and sought him. And after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them and questioning them. And all of them were astonished, as they heard him, at his wisdom and at his answers. And when they saw him, they wondered; and his mother said to him, My son, why hast thou done with us thus? for, behold, I and thy father with great anxiety have sought thee. He saith to them, Why have you sought me (elsewhere)? Knew you not that (in) the house of my Father it behoveth me to be? But they did not comprehend the word that he spake to them. And he went down with them, and came to Natsrath, and was subject to them. But his mother kept all these words in her heart. But Jeshu increased in his stature, and in his wisdom, and in favour with Aloha and men. NOW in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberios Cesar, in the government of Pontios Pilatos in Jehud, Herodes being chief of the Fourth in Galila, and Philipos his brother chief of the Fourth in Ituria and in the region of Trakona, and Lusania chief of the Fourth of Abilini; in the high priesthood of Chanan and of Kaiopha, was the word of Aloha unto Juchanon bar Zakaria in the desert. And he came into the whole country about the Jurdan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. As it is written in the book of the words of Eshaia the prophet, who said, The voice which crieth in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, And make straight in the plain the highways for our Aloha. All valleys shall be filled, And all mountains and heights be brought low, And the mound shall be a level (place), And the rough place a plain, And all flesh shall see the salvation of Aloha. And he said to those multitudes who came to him to be baptized, O brood of vipers, who hath showed you to flee from the wrath that cometh? Work therefore fruits which are worthy of repentance. And begin not to say within yourselves that Abraham is father to us; for I tell you, that from these stones Aloha is able to raise up sons unto Abraham. But, behold, the axe is laid at the root of the trees. Every tree therefore which good fruit maketh not, is cut down and into the fire falleth. And the assemblies inquired of him, saying, What then shall we do? He answered and said to them, Whoever hath two tunics, let him give to him who hath none; and whoever hath food, so let him do (likewise). The publicans also came to be baptized, and they said to him, Malphona, what shall we do? But he said to them, Demand not any thing more upon what is prescribed to you to require. And the military servants asked of him and said, What shall we also do? And he said to them, Molest no man, oppress no man, and let your wages satisfy you. But while the people thought concerning Juchanon, and all of them reasoned in their hearts whether he were the Meshicha, Juchanon answered and said to them, Behold, I baptize you with waters, but there cometh after me He who is mightier than I; He, the latchet of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose; He shall baptize you with the Spirit of Holiness and with fire: He who, holding the fan in his hand, and cleansing his floors, gathereth the wheat into his garners, and the chaff he will burn in the fire which is not quenched. But many other things he also taught and preached to the people. But Herodes Tetrarka, because he was reproved by Juchanon concerning Herodia the wife of Philipos his brother, and concerning all the evil things which he had done, added this also upon all, and shut up Juchanon in the house of the chained. But it was when he had baptized all the people, and also Jeshu he baptized. And while he prayed, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of Holiness descended upon him in the bodily likeness of a dove: and the voice was from the heavens, which said, Thou art my Son the Beloved One, in thee I have delighted. NOW Jeshu himself was as a son of thirty years, and was considered the son of Jauseph bar Heli, bar Mattath, bar Levi, bar Malki, bar Jani, bar Jauseph, bar Mattha, bar Amuts, bar Nachum, bar Chesli, bar Nagi, bar Math, bar Matath, bar Shemri, bar Jauseph, bar Jihuda, bar Juchanon, bar Rosa, bar Zurbobel, bar Shelathiel, bar Niri, bar Malki, bar Adi, bar Kusam, bar Elmudod, bar Ir, bar Jose, bar Eleazar, bar Juram, bar Mathitha, bar Levi, bar Shemun, bar Jihuda, bar Jauseph, bar Jonam, bar Eliakim, bar Malia, bar Mani, bar Mattha, bar Nathan, bar David, bar Jeshi, bar Ubid, bar Boos, bar Salmon, bar Nachshun, bar Aminodob, bar Aram, bar Chetsrun, bar Pharets, bar Jihuda, bar Jakub, bar Ishok, bar Abraham, bar Tarach, bar Nachur, bar Soruk, bar Aru, bar Pholeg, bar Ebor, bar Shaloch, bar Kainan, bar Arphakshad, bar Shim, bar Nuch, bar Lamek, bar Mathushalach, bar Chanuk, bar Jared, bar Mahloleel, bar Kainan, bar Anush, bar Sheth, bar Adom, who was from Aloha. BUT Jeshu, being full of the Spirit of Holiness, returned from the Jurdan, and the Spirit led him into the desert, to be tempted forty days by the accuser. And he ate nothing in those days; and when they were fulfilled, afterwards he hungered. And the accuser said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, tell this stone to become bread. Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, It is not by bread alone that the son of man liveth, but by every word of Aloha. And Satana carried him up into a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth in a little time. And the accuser said to him, To thee will I give all this power and the glory of it, which to me is delivered; and to whomsoever that I will, I give it unto him. If therefore thou wilt worship before me, thine shall be all. But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, That the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only shalt thou serve. And he caused him to be at Urishlem, and to stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, throw thyself from hence beneath: for it is written, His angels he shall charge concerning thee to keep thee, and upon their arms to bear thee up, that thou strike not thy foot against a stone. But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is spoken, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha. And when the accuser had accomplished all his temptations, he removed from him for a time. AND Jeshu returned in the power of the Spirit into Galila, and there went forth a report concerning him in all the region about them, and he taught in their assemblies, and was glorified of every one. And he came to Natsrath where he had grown up; and he went out, as his custom was, into the synagogue on the day of shabath, and he stood up to read. And there was given to him the book of Eshaia the prophet, and Jeshu opened the book and found the place where it is written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he hath anointed me to evangelize to the poor, And hath sent me to heal the contrite in heart, To proclaim to the captives release, And to the blind, vision, And to assure the contrite by remission, And to proclaim the year of acceptance of the Lord. And he rolled the book, and gave it to the minister, and went and sat down; but the eyes of all them in the synagogue beheld him. And he began to say to them, Today is fulfilled this scripture which is in your ears. And all witnessed him and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded from his mouth. And they said, Is not this the son of Jauseph? Jeshu said to them, You will perhaps say to me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself; and all that we have heard that you have done in Kapher-nachum do also here in your own city. But he said, I tell you assuredly, There is no prophet who is received in his (own) city. For I say to you the truth, that many widows were in the house of Isroel in the days of Elia the prophet, when the heavens were shut up for three years and six months, and great famine was in all the land; and to none of them was Elia sent, but to Sarephath of Tsaidon, unto a woman a widow: and many lepers were in the house of Israel, in the days of Elisha the prophet, and not one of them was cleansed only Namon the Aramian. And when they heard these things, they who were in the synagogue were all of them filled with anger, and they arose, forced him without from the city, and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built to throw him from the rock: but he passed through them and went. AND he went down to Kapher-nachum, a city of Galila, and instructed them on the shabath. And they were astonished at his doctrine, for with power was his word. And there was in the synagogue a man who had the spirit of an unclean devil, and he cried with a high voice, and said, Leave me, what to us and to thee, Jeshu Natsroia? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of Aloha. And Jeshu rebuked him, and said, Close thy mouth, and come forth from him. And the devil cast him down in the midst, and came forth from him, and hurt him not any thing. And wonder seized on every man, and they spake with each other and said, What thing is this? for with authority and with power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they go forth. And there went out the fame concerning him into all the region which surrounded them. And when Jeshu had gone forth from the synagogue, he entered into the house of Shemun; and the mother-in-law of Shemun was afflicted with a great fever, and they besought him on behalf of her; and he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her, and she rose up at once and ministered to them. But at the setting of the sun all they who had diseased ones, who were diseased with various diseases, brought them to him, and he upon every one of them laid his hand, and healed them. And he cast forth also devils from many, (they) crying out, and saying, Thou art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha. And he rebuked them, and suffered them not to speak, for they knew that he was the Meshicha. And at the dawn of day he departed, and went to a desert place; and the people sought him, and came to him, and held him, that he should not go from them: but Jeshu said to them, To other cities also must I go to announce the kingdom of Aloha, for concerning this I have been sent. And he preached in the synagogues of Galila. AND it was while the assembly gathered upon him to hear the word of Aloha, he stood upon the bank of the sea of Genesar; and he saw two vessels standing by the sea-side, and the fishermen who had gone up from them, and were washing their nets. And one of them was of Shemun Kipha; and Jeshu ascended, sat in it, and directed that they should take it a little from the land into the waters; and he sat, and taught the multitudes from the vessel. And when he was silent from his discourses, he said to Shemun, Lead into the deep, and cast forth your nets for a draught. Shemun answered and said to him, Rabi, the whole night we have laboured and nothing have we taken; but at thy word I throw the net. And when they had this done, they enclosed great multitudes of fishes, and their net brake. And they signed to their companions, who were in another vessel, to come and help them. And when they had come, they filled those two vessels, so that they were nigh to be swallowed up. But when Shemun Kipha saw, he fell before the feet of Jeshu and said to him, I pray from thee, my Lord, remove thee from me, for I am a man a sinner. For amazement had seized him, and all who were with him, on account of the draught of fishes which they had taken. Even so also Jacub and Juchanon, sons of Zabdai, who were partners of Shemun. But Jeshu said, Fear not, from henceforth the sons of men shalt thou catch unto life. And they brought the vessels to land, and forsook every thing, and went after him. AND when Jeshu was in one of the cities, there came a certain man who was wholly filled with leprosy; he saw Jeshu, and fell upon his face, and prayed of him, and said to him, My Lord, if thou art willing, thou canst make me clean. And Jeshu extended his hand, touched him, and said to him, I am willing; be clean. And in an instant his leprosy went from him. And he commanded him, Tell no man, but go show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation for thy cleansing, as Musha ordained for their testimony. And the fame concerning him went forth the more, and much people were gathered together to hear him and to be healed from their diseases. And he passed away into the desert, and prayed. And it was on one of the days, while Jeshu was teaching, (certain) Pharishee and doctors of the law were sitting. And they had come from all the villages of Galila and of Jehud, and from Urishlem: and the power of the Lord was (there) to heal them. And some brought on a couch a certain man a paralytic; and they sought to enter, that they might set him before him. And when they found not how to bring him in because of the multitude of people, they ascended to the house-top, and sent him with his couch from the roof into the midst before Jeshu. And when Jeshu saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, Man, forgiven to thee are thy sins. And the Sophree and Pharishee began to reason and to say, Who is this who speaketh blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but Aloha only? But Jeshu knew their reasoning, and said to them, What reason you in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, Forgiven to thee are thy sins; or to say, Arise, walk? But that you may know that authority hath the Son of man in the earth to forgive sins,-he saith to the paralytic,-To thee I say, Arise, take up thy couch, and go to thine house. And immediately he arose before them, and took up his couch, and went to his house, glorifying Aloha. And amazement held every man; and they glorified Aloha, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen today wonders. After these things Jeshu went forth, and saw a tribute-taker, whose name was Levi, sitting at the house of tribute. And he said to him, Come after me: and he left every thing, and arose, and went after him. And Levi made in his house a great feast; and there was a large company of tribute-takers, and of others that reclined with them. And the Sophree and Pharishee murmured, saying to his disciples, Why with tribute-takers and sinners eat you and drink? Jeshu answered and said to them, The whole do not require the physician, but they who are grievously ill. I am not come to call the just, but the sinners, to repentance. But they say to him, Why do the disciples of Juchanon constantly fast, and pray also as the Pharishee, but thine eat and drink? But he said to them, How can you make the sons of the chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken up from them: then shall they fast in those days. He spake to them a parable: No man cutteth a piece from a new material, and fasteneth it upon an old garment; lest he rend the new, without completing the old with the piece that is new. And no man poureth new wine into old bottles; lest the new wine burst forth, and the wine be shed, and the bottles perish. But they pour new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved. And no man, drinking old wine, immediately asketh new: for he saith, The old is softer. IT was on the shabath, while Jeshu was walking among the corn, and his disciples gathered the ears, and rubbed in their hands and ate (them). But some of the Pharishee said to them, Why do you a thing which it is not lawful on the shabuth to do? Jeshu answered and said to them, And this have you not read, what David did when he hungered, and they who were with him? that he went into the house of Aloha, and the bread of the table of the Lord he took, ate, and gave to them who were with him, that (bread) which was not lawful to eat, except by the priests only? And he said to them, That the Lord of the shabath is the Son of man. And it was on another shabath (that) he entered into the synagogue, and taught. And there was a man whose right hand was dried: and the Sophree and Pharishee watched him, if he would heal on the shabath, that they might accuse him. But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man whose hand was dried, Rise (and) come into the midst of the assembly. And when he had come and stood, Jeshu said to them, I ask you which is lawful to do on the shabath, good or evil, life to save or to destroy? And he beheld them all, and said to him, Stretch forth thine hand: and he stretched it forth, and his hand was restored as its fellow. But they were filled with envy, and spake one with another what they should do with Jeshu. BUT it was in those days that Jeshu went forth into a mountain to pray; and there remained he all night in the prayer of Aloha. And when the day brake, he called his disciples, and chose from them twelve, those whom he named Apostles, Shemun, he whose name was Kipha, and Andreas his brother, and Jacub, and Juchanon, and Philipos, and Bar Tholmai, and Mathai, and Thoma, and Jakub bar Chalphai, and Shemun who was called the Zealous, and Jihuda bar Jakub, and Jihuda Scaruta, he who was the traitor. And Jeshu descended with them, and stood in the plain, and a great assembly of his disciples and a multitude of people from all Jehud, and from Urishlem, and from the sea-coast of Tsur and Tsaidon, who had come to hear his words, and to be healed of their diseases; and they who were vexed by unclean spirits, and they were healed. And all the multitudes sought to approach to him, for the power went forth from him, and all of them he healed. AND he lifted up his eyes upon his disciples, and said, Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of Aloha. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when the sons of man hate you, and separate you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of man. Rejoice in that day, and exult, for your reward is great in heaven; for thus did they to your fathers the prophets. But woe to you (who are) rich, because you have received your consolation. Woe to you (who are) full, for you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall weep and lament. Woe to you when the sons of men shall speak well of you, for so did to the prophets of falsity their fathers. But I say to you who hear, Love your adversaries, and do good to those who hate you, and bless those who execrate you, and pray for those who lead you by violence. And to one who striketh you on your cheek, offer to him the other: and whosoever taketh your cloak, forbid him not your coat also. To every one who asketh of you give; and from him who taketh of yours demand not (again). And as you will that the sons of man should do to you, so do you also to them. For if you love them who love you, what is your grace? for sinners also love those who love them. And if you do good to those who benefit you, what is your grace? for the sinners also thus do. And if you lend to them from whom you expect to be recompensed, what is your grace? for sinners also lend to sinners, that they might be profited. But love your adversaries, and do good to them, and lend, and cut not off the hope of any one; and great shall be your reward, and you shall be the children of the Most High; for he is benign to the evil and to the ungrateful. Be you therefore merciful, as also your Father is merciful. JUDGE not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned; release, and you shall be released; give, and it shall be given to you; in good measure, compressed, redundant, shall they pour into your bosoms. For in that measure you mete, it shall be measured to you. And he spake to them a parable: How can the blind lead the blind, and not fall into the ditch? The disciple than his master is not greater; but every man who is perfect shall be as his master. For why behold you the rod that is in the eye of your brother, but the rafter in your (own) eye is not seen by you? Or how can you say to your brother, My brother, permit (that) I pull out the rod that is in your eye, and behold the rafter in your own eye is not seen by you? Hypocrite! first take out the rafter from your own eye, and then shall you see to take out the rod that is in the eye of your brother. A good tree maketh not evil fruits; also an evil tree maketh not good fruits: for every tree by its fruits is known. For how gather they from thorns figs? neither also from the bramble do they gather in grapes. The good man, from the good treasures which are in his heart, bringeth forth good things; and the evil man, from the evil treasures which are in his heart, bringeth forth evil things; for from the adundancies of the heart the lips speak. Why call you me, My Lord, my Lord, and the things which I say do not? Every man who cometh to me and heareth my words, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man who built a house, and digged deep, and laid the foundations upon the rock: but when there was an inundation, the inundation beat against that house, and it could not shake it, for its foundations were set upon a rock. And he who heareth and doeth not, is like a man who built his house upon the dust, without a foundation: and when the river beat against it, it immediately fell, and the ruin was great of that house. AND when he had finished all these words in the hearing of the people, Jeshu entered into Kapher-nachum. But the servant of a certain centurion, who was valued by him, was sick, and nigh unto dying. And he heard of Jeshu, and sent to him the elders of the Jihudoyee, and besought him to come (and) save his servant. And they, when they came to Jeshu, besought of him earnestly, saying, He is worthy that thou do this for him; for he loveth our people, and also a synagogue he hath built for us. And Jeshu went with them. But when he was not greatly distant from the house, the centurion sent to him his friends, saying to him, My Lord, labour not, for I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter beneath my roof. Wherefore I was not worthy to come to thee; but speak by a word, and my youth shall be healed. For I also am a man who am subjected under authority; and there are under my hand soldiers, and I say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth. Now when Jeshu heard these (words), he admired, and turned and said to the company who came after him, I tell you, that not also in the house of Isroel have I found faith like this. And they who had been sent, returned to the house, and found the servant who had been sick now well. AND it was the day after, that he went to a city whose name was Nain, and his disciples with him, and a great multitude. And as he approached the gate of the city, he saw (them) following (one) dead, who was the only born of his mother, and she his mother was a widow: and a great multitude of the people of the city were with her. And Jeshu beheld her, and had compassion upon her, and said to her, Weep not. And he went and touched the bier; and they who were carrying it stood. And he said, Young man, to thee I say, Arise. And the dead sat up, and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother. And fear seized all men; and they glorified Aloha, saying, A great prophet hath arisen among us, and Aloha hath visited his people. And this word concerning him went forth into all Jihud, and into the whole region around them. And the disciples of Juchanon showed him all these. AND Juchanon called two from his disciples, and sent them to Jeshu, saying, Art thou He who cometh! or another should we expect? But in that very hour he healed many from diseases, and from plagues, and from evil spirits; and to many blind he gave to see. And Jeshu answered and said to them, Go tell Juchanon every thing you have seen and heard: that the blind see, and the lame walk, and the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, and the dead arise, and the poor are evangelized; and blessed is he whosoever is not offended in me. But when the disciples of Juchanon were gone, Jeshu began to speak to the people concerning Juchanon: What went you forth into the wilderness to see? a reed from the wind shaken? If not, what went you forth to see? a man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they who are clothed in bright vestments, and are (living) in pleasures, are in the house of kings. If not, what went you forth to see? a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet: he, concerning whom it is written, Behold, I send mine angel before thy face, Who shall prepare the way before thee. I tell you, that no prophet among those born of women (hath been) greater than Juchanon the Baptizer. Yet the least in the kingdom of Aloha is greater than he. (And all the people that heard him, and the tribute-gatherers also, justified Aloha, because they were baptized with the baptism of Juchanon. But the Pharishee and Sophree rejected against themselves the will of Aloha, because they were not baptized of him.) With what therefore shall I compare the men of this generation, and to what are they like? They are like children sitting in the public place, and crying to their companions, and saying, We have sung to you, and you have not danced; we have wailed to you, and you have not wept. For Juchanon the Baptizer came, neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, A devil is in him. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and you say, Behold a man a devourer and a drinker of wine, and a friend of tribute-takers and of sinners! But justified is wisdom of her sons. NOW there came one of the Pharishee requesting of him to eat with him: and he entered into the house of the Pharisha, and reclined. And a woman, a sinner, was in that city; and when she knew that in the house of the Pharisha he reclined, she took a vase of ointment, and stood behind him at his feet and wept, and began with her tears to bedrop his feet, and with the hair of her head to wipe them, and she kissed his feet, and anointed (them) with the ointment. But when the Pharisha who had invited him saw (this), he thought within himself and said, Were this a prophet, he would know who this is and what is her report, for this woman is a sinner who toucheth him. But Jeshu answered and said to him, Shemun, I have somewhat to say to thee. He said to him, Say, Rabi. Jeshu said to him, A certain creditor had two debtors: the one owed him five hundred dinoree, and the other fifty dinoree. And when they had nothing to pay, he forgave them both. Which, therefore, of them the most would love him? Shemun answered and said, I think he to whom much was forgiven. Jeshu said to him, Thou hast judged rightly. And he turned to that woman, and said to Shemun, Thou seest this woman: I entered thy house; waters for my feet thou gavest me not; but this with her tears hath bedropped my feet, and with her hair hath wiped them. Thou didst not kiss me; but, behold, this from (the time) I entered hath not ceased my feet to kiss. Thou with ointment my feet didst not anoint, but this with ointment of balsam my feet hath anointed. Therefore I tell thee, That forgiven to her are her many sins, because she hath loved much. For he to whom little is forgiven, little loveth. And he said to her, Woman, forgiven to thee (are) thy sins. But they who reclined said among themselves, Who is this who also sins forgiveth? But Jeshu said to that woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. AND it was after these things that Jeshu itinerated among the cities and villages, and preached and announced the kingdom of Aloha, and his twelve with him, and those women who had been healed from infirmities and from evil spirits, Mariam who was called Magdalitha, she from whom he had cast out seven devils, and Juchana the wife of Kusa, chief of the household of Herodes, and Shushan, and many others, who ministered unto him from their possessions. And when a great multitude had assembled, and from all the cities had come to him, he discoursed in parables. A sower went forth to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the road-side; and it was trodden down, and the fowl devoured it. And other fell upon the rock; and it immediately sprang up, and, because it had no moisture, it withered. And other fell among thorns, and they sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell into ground good and fair, and sprang up, and made fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these (words), he cried, Whoever hath ears to hear, let him hear. And his disciples asked him, What is (the signification of) this parable? But he said to them, To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Aloha; but to those who are the rest in similitudes is it spoken; that while seeing they may not see, and while hearing they may not understand. But this is the parable: The seed is the word of Aloha. Now they by the road-side are they who hear the word; and the adversary cometh, and taketh up the word from their hearts, that they should not believe and be saved. But those who fell upon the rock are those who, when they hear, with joy receive the word; yet root they have not, but for a time is their faith, and in the time of temptation they are offended. But that which fell among thorns are they who hear the word, and by the cares, and by the riches, and by the lusts of the world, they are choked, and fruit they give not. But that which (was) in good ground are they who, with hearts humble and good, hear the word and retain, and give fruits with perseverance. NO man lighteth a lamp, and covereth it with a measure, or setteth it under a bed; but setteth it upon a candlestick, that every one who cometh in may see the light of it. For there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed, and nothing secret that shall not be known and come into openness. Take heed how you hear: for unto him who hath, it shall be given; and from him who hath not, that also which he thinketh that he hath shall be taken from him. Now came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not speak with him on account of the assembly. And they said to him, Thy mother and thy brethren are standing without, desiring to see thee. But he answered and said to them, These are my mother and my brethren, they who hear the word of Aloha, and do it. NOW it was on one of the days that Jeshu ascended and sat in a vessel and his disciples: and he said to them, Let us pass to the other side of the water. But as they went, Jeshu himself slept. And there became a storm of wind on the water, and nigh was the vessel to be swallowed up. And they approached (and) awoke him, saying to him, Our master, our master, we perish! But he arose and rebuked the winds and the waves of the sea; and they quieted, and there was a calm. And he said to them, Where is your faith? But they, afraid, wondered, saying one with another, Who is this that also commandeth the winds, and to whom the waves and the sea are obedient? And they went forward and came to the country of the Godroyee, which is over against Galila. And when he had gone forth to the land, there met him a certain man from the city, who had a devil in him a great time, and (who) wore no clothes, and in a house dwelt not, but in the place of the buried. But when he saw Jeshu, he cried out, and fell before him, and said in a high voice, What to us and to thee, Jeshu, son of Aloha Marima? I beseech of thee, torment me not. For Jeshu commanded the unclean spirit to come forth from the man. For long was the time that he had been enthralled of him; and (when) bound with chains, and kept with fetters, he had burst asunder his bonds, and had been driven by the demon into the waste. And Jeshu demanded of him, What is thy name? He saith to him, Legion: because that many devils had entered into him. And they besought from him that he would not cast them out to go into the abyss. Now there was there a great herd of many swine which fed on the hill: and they besought from him that he would permit them to enter into the swine. And he permitted them. And the demons went forth from the man, and entered into the swine; and the whole herd went directly to the precipice, and plunged into the waters, and were suffocated. And when the herdmen saw the thing that was done, they fled, and made known in the city and in the villages. And the men went forth to see the thing which was done. And they came to Jeshu, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, clothed, sober, and sitting at the feet of Jeshu. And they feared. And they who had seen it showed to them how the man of the demon had been healed. And the whole multitude of the Godroyee besought of Jeshu that he would go from them, because great fear had taken them. And he, Jeshu, ascended the ship, and returned from them. But he, the man from whom had gone forth the demons, besought of him that he might be with him. But Jeshu dismissed him, and said to him, Return to thine house, and show what Aloha hath done for thee. And he went and proclaimed in every city what Jeshu had done for him. WHEN Jeshu returned, a great multitude received him: for they were all expecting him. And a certain man whose name was Jorush, head of the synagogue, fell before the feet of Jeshu, and besought him to enter into his house; for he had an only daughter, as a daughter of twelve years, and she was nigh unto death. And as Jeshu went with him, the great multitude pressed him. And a certain woman whose blood had gushed forth twelve years, she who among the physicians had spent all her substance, but could not be healed by any one, approached him from behind, and touched the border of his garment, and immediately stood the flowing of her blood. And Jeshu said, Who touched me? And when all denied, Shemun Kipha and those with him said, Raban, the crowd straiteneth and presseth thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? But he said, Some one hath touched me, for I know that power hath gone forth from me. And she, the woman, when she saw that she was not hid, came trembling and fell (and) worshipped him. And she told before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how at once she had been healed. But he, Jeshu, said to her, Be comforted, my daughter: thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace. And while he was speaking, there came a man from the chief of the synagogue and said to him, Thy daughter is dead, weary not the Malphona. But Jeshu heard, and said to the father of the damsel, Fear not, only believe, and she lives! But Jeshu came to the house, and he suffered no man to enter with him, save Shemun, and Jakub, and Juchanon, and the father of the damsel, and her mother. And they were all weeping and wailing for her; but Jeshu said, Weep not, for she is not dead, but asleep. And they laughed at him, for they knew that she was dead. But he put every man forth without. And he took her by the hand, and called and said, Damsel, arise. And her spirit returned, and she arose. And he directed that they should give her to eat. And her parents were astonished; but he cautioned them that no man they should tell what he had done. AND Jeshu called his twelve, and gave them power and authority over all demons and diseases, to heal. And he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of Aloha, and to heal the diseased. And he said to them, Take nothing for the way, neither staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor silver; nor two tunics shall you have. And into whatever house you enter, there be, and from thence go forth. And whoever will not receive you, when you depart from that city the dust also from your feet shake off as a testimony against them. And the apostles went forth and itinerated in the villages and the cities, and evangelized and healed in every place. But Herodes, Tetrarka, heard all that was done by his hand, and was astonished; for men said that Juchanon had risen from the house of the dead. But others said that Elia had appeared, and others that a prophet from the former prophets had risen. And Herodes said, The head of Juchanon I have cut off; but who is this of whom I hear these (things)? And he willed to see him. And when the apostles returned, they showed Jeshu all that they had done. And he took them by themselves to a desert place of Bethtsaida. But the multitudes, when they knew it, went after him, and he received them, and discoursed to them concerning the kingdom of Aloha. And those who had need of healing he healed. BUT when the day began to decline, the disciples drew near and said to him, Send away the multitudes, that they may go to the villages and hamlets that are around, to lodge in them and to find for themselves victuals, because we are in a desert place. Jeshu said to them, Give you them to eat. But they said, We have nothing more than five loaves and two fishes, unless we go and buy food for all this people: for they were about five thousand men. Jeshu said to them, Make them recline in reclining companies, fifty men in a company. And the disciples did so. And they all reclined. And Jeshu took those five loaves and two fishes, and looked up to heaven and blessed and brake and gave to his disciples, that they should set before the multitude. And all did eat and were filled. And they took up fragments which abounded, twelve baskets. AND as he was praying alone, and his disciples with him, he asked them and said, What say concerning me the multitude, that I am? They answered and say to him, Juchanon the Baptizer; and others that (thou art) Elia; but others that a prophet from the former prophets hath arisen. He saith to them, But what do you say that I am? Shemun answered and said, The Meshicha of Aloha! But he forbade them and cautioned them that this they should tell no man. And he told them how it was to be (that) he the Son of man should suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and Sophree, and (that) they would kill him; and that on the third day he would arise. And he said before all, Whoever willeth to come after me, must deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and come after me. For whoever willeth to save his life, loseth it; but whoever (is willing) to lose his life, for my sake, he saveth it. For what is helped a son of man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul, or perish? For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man will be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. THE truth I say to you, that some who are standing here shall not taste death, until they have seen the kingdom of Aloha. And it was after these words about eight days, that Jeshu took Shemun and Jakub and Juchanon, and went up into a mountain to pray. And while he prayed, the appearance of his countenance was changed, and his garments became white and shone. And, behold, two men talked with him, who were Musha and Elia, who appeared in glory; but they spake concerning his going forth which should be accomplished at Urishlem. And Shemun, and they who were with him, had been heavy with sleep, and were scarcely awaked when they saw his glory and those two men who stood with him. And when they began to depart from him, Shemun said to Jeshu, Rabi, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; for thee one, and for Musha one, and for Elia one. But he knew not what he said. And as he spoke these (words) there was a cloud which shadowed over them, and they feared when they saw that Musha and Elia entered into the cloud.i And the voice was from the cloud, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, Him hear. And when the voice had been, Jeshu was found alone. And they were silent, and told no man in those days what they had seen. AND the day after when they had descended from the mountain, a great multitude met them. And a certain man from the multitude cried and said, Malphona, I beseech thee, turn unto me; (there is) my son, my only one, and a spirit passeth upon him, and he suddenly crieth, and gnasheth his teeth, and lacerateth, and hardly removeth from him when he hath bruised him. And I besought thy disciples to cast him out, but they could not. Then Jeshu answered and said, Ah generation unbelieving and perverse! how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring thy son hither. And as they brought him near, the devil cast him down and bruised him: and Jeshu rebuked that unclean spirit and healed the youth and gave him to his father. And they all wondered at the majesty of Aloha. And while every one wondered at all which Jeshu did, he said to his disciples, Treasure these words in your ears; for the Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men. But they understood not that saying, because it was hidden from them that they should not know it: and they feared to ask of him concerning that saying. And there entered among them the thought, Who should be greatest among them? But Jeshu knew the thought of their heart; and he took a child and made him stand with him. And he said to them, Every one who receiveth a child like this in my name, receiveth me. And whosoever receiveth me, he receiveth Him who sent me. For he who is least among you, he shall be greatest. And Juchanon answered and said, Raban, we saw a man who was casting out demons in thy name, and we forbade him, because he came not with us after thee. Jeshu saith to them, Forbid him not; for he who is not against us, he is for us. AND it was that when the days were fulfilled for his Assumption, he directed his face to go to Urishlem. And he sent messengers before his face, and they went and entered into a village of the Shomroyee, so as to prepare for him. And they would not receive him, because his face unto Urishlem was set to go. And when Jacub and Juchanon his disciples saw it, they say to him, Maran, art thou willing that we call fire to descend from heaven to consume them, as Elia did? But he turned and reproved them, and said, You know not of what spirit you are: for the Son of man is not come to destroy lives, but to save. And they went to another village. And while they went in the way, a certain man said to him, I will follow thee to the place whither thou goest, my Lord. Jeshu saith to him, The foxes have holes and the fowls of the heaven a shadow, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. And he said to another, Come after me. But he said to him, My Lord, permit me first to go bury my father. Jeshu said to him, Leave the dead burying their dead; and thou, go and preach the kingdom of Aloha. And another said to him, I will come after thee, my Lord, but first permit me to go to salute the sons of my house, and I will come. Jeshu saith to him, No man putting his hand upon the coulter of the yoke, and looking behind him, is fit for the kingdom of Aloha. AFTER these Jeshu separated from his disciples seventy others, and sent them by two and two before his face to every place and city whither he was himself to come. And he said to them, The harvest is great, but the labourers (are) few; pray therefore from the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into his harvest. Go; behold, I send you as sheep among wolves. Take with you neither purses, nor bags, nor sandals, neither with the salutation (shaloma) shall you salute any man in the way. But into whatever house you enter, first say, Peace to the house! And if a son of peace be there, your peace shall descend upon him; but if not, your peace upon you shall return. But in that house be, eating and drinking of theirs: for worthy is the labourer of his hire. And remove not from house to house. And into whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat such things as are set to you. And heal those who are sick, and say to them, There hath drawn nigh upon you the kingdom of Aloha. But if any city which you enter will not receive you, go you out into the street and say, Even the dust which cleaveth to our feet from your city we shake off against you; nevertheless know this, that hath come nigh upon you the kingdom of Aloha. I tell you that for Sadum it shall be more tolerable in that day than for that city. Woe to thee, Kurazin! woe to thee, Bethtsaida! for if in Tsur and Tsaidon had been wrought the miracles which were wrought in you, now long since in sackcloth and in ashes would they have repented. Nevertheless for Tsur and for Tsaidon it shall be more tolerable in the day of the judgment, than for you. And thou, Kapher-nachum, which unto heaven art lifted up, unto Shiul shalt thou be abased. He that you heareth, me heareth; and he who you rejecteth, me he rejecteth; and he who me rejecteth, he rejecteth him who sent me. And the seventy whom he had sent, returned with great joy, saying to him, Our Lord, the demons also are subjected to us through thy name. Then he said to them, I saw him, Satana, when he fell as lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and all the strength of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the demons are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. In that hour Jeshu exulted in the Holy Spirit, and said, I praise thee, my Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and the intellectual, and hast revealed them unto children. Yes, my Father, for so was thy will. And he turned to his disciples, and said to them, Every thing is delivered to me by my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is but the Father; and who the Father is but the Son, and he to whom the Son willeth to reveal. And he turned to his disciples by themselves, and said, Blessed are your eyes because they see what you see; for I tell you that prophets many and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard. AND, behold, a certain Sophra stood up to try him, saying, Malphona, what shall I do to inherit everlasting life? But Jeshu said to him, In the law how is it written, how readest thou? He answered and said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy Aloha with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself, Jeshu said to him, Thou hast said correctly. This do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said to him, And who is my neighbour? Jeshu saith to him, A certain man went down from Urishlem to Jerichu, and fell among robbers, who stripped him and wounded him, and left him with little life subsisting in him, and went. And a certain priest happened to go down by that way, and he saw him and passed over. And likewise also a Levoia, being come to that place, beheld him, and passed over. But a man, a Shomroya, while he journeyed, came where he was, and saw him, and had compassion on him, and went near, and bound up his wounds, and poured in upon them wine and oil, and set him upon his ass, and brought him to the inn, and was anxious for him. And on the morning of the day, he took out two dinoreen, gave to the host, and said to him, Take care of him; and if more thou layest out, when I return I will give to thee. Which therefore of these three doth it appear to thee was neighbour to him who fell into the hands of the thieves? And he said, He who had compassion on him. Jeshu saith to him, Go thou also and do likewise. AND it was that as they went in the way, he entered into a certain village, and a woman whose name was Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister whose name was Mariam, and she came, sat at the feet of our Lord, and heard his words. But Martha was occupied with much serving. And she came and said to him, My Lord, carest thou not that my sister leave me alone to serve? Tell her to help me. Jeshu answered and said to her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and disturbed about many, but (there) is the one that is needed. And Mariam the good portion hath chosen, that which shall not be taken from her. AND it was that while he was praying in a certain place, when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, Our Lord, teach us to pray as also Juchanon taught his disciples. Jeshu said to them, When you pray, thus be saying, Our Father who (art) in the heavens, be sanctified thy name. Come thy kingdom. Be done thy will as in the heavens also upon earth. Give to us the bread of our need every day, and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive all who are indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. And he said to them, Who of you that has a friend, and shall go to him at midnight, and shall say to him, My friend, lend me three loaves, because a friend has come to me from the way, and I have nothing to set to him? and that friend from within shall answer and say unto him, Disturb me not, for the door is shut, and my children are with me in bed: I cannot rise and give to you. I tell you if for friendship's sake he will not give him, (yet) because of importunity he will arise and give him as many as he needeth. I say also to you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asketh receiveth, and who seeketh findeth, and who knocketh hath it opened to him. For what father (is there) among you who, if his son shall ask bread, will reach to him a stone? or should he ask a fish, how instead of a fish will he reach to him a serpent? or if an egg he shall ask, will he a scorpion reach to him? And if you, who are evil, know to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from the heavens give the Spirit of Holiness to those who ask him! AND he was casting out a demon which was dumb; and when he had cast out the demon, the dumb spake, and the multitudes wondered. But some from them said, By Beelzebub, the prince of the devils, he casteth out devils; while others, tempting him, the sign from heaven demanded of him. But Jeshu, who knew their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom which is divided against itself will be desolated; and a house that against its own self is divided falleth; and if Satana against himself be divided, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. But if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, your sons, by what do they cast (them) out? On account of this they shall be your judges. But if by the finger of Aloha I cast out devils, there hath drawn nigh upon you the kingdom of Aloha. When the strong one armed keepeth his court, his possession is in peace; but if a stronger than he shall come, he shall overcome him; all his armour he taketh on which he depended, and he divideth his spoils. He who is not with me is against me; and he who does not collect with me, by scattering he scattereth. The unclean spirit, when he hath gone out from a son of man, goeth about through regions which have no waters in them, because he seeketh to him rest. And when he cannot find it he saith, I will return to my house from whence I went out. And when he cometh he findeth it swept and ornamented. Then he goeth, taketh seven other spirits who are more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last of that man is worse than his first. AND while he spake these words, a certain woman lifted up her voice from the crowd, and said to him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the breasts which thou hast sucked! He said to her, Blessed are they who hear the word of Aloha and keep it. And when the assemblies had gathered together, he began to say, This evil generation requireth a sign; but no sign shall be given to it save the sign of Jaunon the prophet. For as was Jaunon a sign to the Ninvoyee, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation. The queen of the south shall rise in judgment with the men of this generation, and shall condemn them; for she came from the confines of the earth to hear the wisdom of Shelemun, and, lo, a greater than Shelemun is here. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jaunon, and, lo, a greater than Jaunon is here. No man lighteth a lamp and setteth it in a secret (place) or under a measure, but upon a candlestick, that they who enter may see the light of it. The lamp of thy body is thine eye; when therefore thine eye is simple, thy whole body also will be illuminated; but if it be evil, thy body also will be darkness. Beware, therefore, lest the light that is in thee become darkness. But if thy whole body be illuminated, and no part whatever in it be darkness, the whole will be light, as when a lamp with its flame enlighteneth thee. AND as he was speaking, a certain Pharisha requested of him to dine with him, and he went in to recline. But he, the Pharisha, when he saw him, wondered that he had not first washed before his dinner. But Jeshu said to him, Now you Pharishee cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, but within you are full of rapine and wickedness. Wanting in understanding! did not he who made that which is without, make also that which is within? But of whatever there is, give in alms, and, behold, every thing is clean to you. But woe to you, Pharishee! for you tithe mint, and rue, and every herb, and pass by judgment and the love of Aloha. These hath it behoved you to do, and those not to have omitted. Woe to you, Pharishee! for you love the chief seats in the assemblies, and the salutation in the public places. Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! for you are like tombs that are not known, and men walk upon them, and do not know. And one of the Sophree answered and said to him, Doctor, while you say these things, you vilify us also! But he said, Also unto you, Sophree, woe! because you lade men with heavy burdens, and you with one of your fingers will not touch those burdens. Woe to you! for you build the tombs of the prophets whom your fathers killed: thus you bear witness that you consent in the deeds of your fathers; for they killed them, and you build their sepulchres. ON this account also Wisdom saith, Behold, I will send to them prophets and apostles; and of them they will persecute and kill; that the blood of all the prophets which hath been shed from the creation of the world may be required from this generation. From the blood of Habil unto the blood of Zakaria who was killed between the temple and the altar: yes, I tell you, It shall be required of this generation. Woe to you, Sophree; for you have taken away the key of knowledge; you enter not in (yourselves), and they who are entering you prohibit. And while he spoke these (words) to them, the Sophree and Pharishee began to be displeased, and they were wrathful, and controverted his words, and enticed him on many (points), seeking to lay hold on something from his mouth that they might be able to accuse him. AND when (there) had gathered (by) myriads great assemblies, so that they would have trodden upon one another, Jeshu began to say to his disciples, Beware for yourselves before all things of the leaven of the Pharishee, which is hypocrisy. For nothing is hidden which shall not be revealed, and nothing secreted which shall not be made known. For all that you say in darknesses in the light shall be heard, and what you whisper in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed on the housetops. But I say to you, my beloved ones, Fear not them who kill the body, and who afterward can do nothing more; but I will show you whom you shall fear; Him who, after he hath killed, hath power to cast into gihana, yes, I say to you, Fear this (one). Are not five sparrows sold for two asorin; and one of them is not forgotten before Aloha. But of you, the numbers of the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; than many sparrows more precious are you. But I tell you that every one who shall confess me before men, the Son of man will also confess him before the angels of Aloha. But he who denieth me before men, I will deny him before the angels of Aloha. And every one who shall speak a word against the Son of man, it may be forgiven him; but whoever against the Spirit of Holiness shall blaspheme, it shall not be forgiven him. And when they bring you into the synagogues, before heads and authorities, be not anxious how you shall express yourselves, or what you shall say; for the Spirit of Holiness will teach you in that hour what you ought to say. AND a man from the assembly said to him, Malphona, tell my brother to divide with me the inheritance. But Jeshu said to him, Man, who established me over you a judge and a divider? And he said to his disciples, Beware of all avarice: for life is not in the abundance of riches. And he spake a parable to them: The ground of a certain rich man produced him much provisions. And he thought within himself, and said, What shall I do? for I have not where to collect my provisions. And he said, This will I do: I will destroy my house of stores, and will build and enlarge it; and there will I collect all my provender and my good things: and I will say to my soul, My soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years: be at ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But Aloha said to him, Reasonless (man)! this night thy soul they shall require of thee; and then, (the things) which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be? So is he who layeth up to himself treasures, and towards Aloha is not rich. And he said to his disciples, Therefore I tell you, Be not anxious for yourselves, what you shall eat; neither for the body, how you shall dress: for the soul is more precious than food, and the body than raiment. Consider the ravens, which sow not nor reap, which have no chambers or barns, yet Aloha feeds them. How much, therefore, are you better than the fowls! And which of you by being anxious could add to his stature one cubit? But if indeed you are not capable of (that which is) the least, why concerning the rest are you anxious? Consider the lilies, how they grow, which toil not nor spin; but I tell you that even Shelemun in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if the herbage, which today is in the field, and to-morrow is cast into the furnace, Aloha thus clothes, how much more you, little in faith! And seek you not what you shall eat, and what you shall drink; nor let your mind be distracted for these: for all these the nations of the world seek; but to you also your Father knoweth that these are needful. But seek the kingdom of Aloha, and these all shall be added to you. FEAR not, little flock; for your Father hath willed to give you the kingdom. Sell your substance, and give alms: make to you bags which become not old, and a treasure which is not transient, in the heavens, where the thief does not approach, and the moth destroys not. For where your treasure is, there will be also your heart. Let your loins be bound, and your lamps be burning, and be you like men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the place of festivity, that, when he hath come and knocked, immediately they may open to him. Blessed those servants who, when their lord shall come, shall be found watching. Amen I tell you, He will gird his loins, and make them recline, and will come over and serve them. And if in the second or the third watch he shall come and find them thus, blessed will be those servants. But this know, that if the lord of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have permitted his house to be dug through. Also you, be you therefore ready: for, in that hour that you think not, cometh the Son of man. Shemun Kipha said to him, Our Lord, to us speakest thou this parable, or to all men also? Jeshu said to him, Who then is that steward, faithful and wise, whom his lord hath established over his service, to give the portion in its time? Blessed that servant whom, when his lord shall come, he shall find so doing. Assuredly I tell you, He will establish him over all his substance. But if that servant shall say in his heart, My lord withholdeth to come, and shall begin to beat the servants and the handmaids of his lord, and shall begin to eat and to drink and be drunken; the lord of that servant will come in a day when he thinketh not, and in an hour which he knoweth not; and shall sunder him, and set him his portion with those who are not faithful. And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself according to his will, shall be beaten with many But he who knew not, and did that which was worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For every one to whom much is given, much will be required from him; and to whom much is committed, the more will they require at his hand. FIRE have I come to send forth upon the earth, and I would that it already burned: and I have a baptism (wherewith) to be baptized, and greatly am I pressed till it be completed. Suppose you that peace I have come to send forth on the earth? I tell you, not (peace), but divisions. For from henceforth there will be five in one house, who (will be) divided, three against two, and two against three. For the father will be divided against his son, and the son against his father; the mother against her daughter, and the daughter against her mother; the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law. And he said to the assembly, When you see a cloud arisen from the west, immediately you say, The rain cometh; and it is so: and when bloweth the south, you say, It becomes heat; and it is so. You hypocrites, the aspect of the sky and of the earth you know to distinguish; but this Time how do you not distinguish? But why of yourselves judge you not the truth? When thou art going with thine adversary to the magistrate, while in the way, negotiate, and be freed from him; lest he bring thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the exactor, and the exactor cast thee into the house of the bound; and Amen I tell thee, Thou wilt not be delivered from thence till thou shalt have given the last shomona. NOW at that time came some and told him of the Galiloyee, they whose blood Pilatos had mingled with their sacrifices. Jeshu answered and said to them, Think you that these Galiloyee were sinners more than all the Galiloyee, that thus it was (with) them? No; but I tell you that all of you also, if you repent not, will thus perish. Or those eighteen on whom fell the tower in Silucha, and killed them; think you that they were sinners above all men who dwell in Urishlem? No; but I tell you that, if you repent not, all of you likewise shall perish. And he spake this parable: A man had a fig-tree which was planted in his vinery: and he came and sought fruits on it, but did not find. And he said to the husbandman, Behold, three years come I seeking fruits from this fig-tree, but I have not found: cut it down; why maketh it the ground useless? The husbandman saith to him, My lord, suffer it also this year, until I tend it and manure it: and if it produce fruits, (well): but if not, then afterwards I will cut it down. AS Jeshu was teaching on a shabath in one of the synagogues, a woman was there who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years; and she was bowed down, and could not be straight at all. But Jeshu saw her, and called her, and said to her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hand upon her; and at once she was made straight, and glorified Aloha. But the chief of the synagogue answered, being angry that Jeshu had healed on the shabath, and said to the congregation, Six days there are in which it is lawful to work: in them come and be healed, and not on the day of shabath. But Jeshu answered and said to him, Hypocrite, doth not any one of you on the shabath loose his ox or his ass from the manger, and going giveth to drink? But this daughter of Abraham, whom, behold, the Accuser hath bound eighteen years, is it not lawful to loose from this binding on the day of shabath? And as he said these things, ashamed were all they who had risen up against him; and all the people rejoiced in all these wonders that were done by his hand. Jeshu said, What doth the kingdom of Aloha resemble, and to what shall I compare it? It resembles a grain of mustard, which a man took (and) cast into his garden: and it grew, and became a great tree; and the fowl of the heaven built in its branches. Jeshu said again, To what shall I compare the kingdom of Aloha? It is like leaven which a woman took; (and) hid in three satas of meal, until all had leavened. And he journeyed, teaching in the villages and in the cities, and going forwards to Urishlem. ONE had demanded (of) him if they are few who are saved. But Jeshu said to them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for I say to you that many will seek to enter in, but shall not be able. From the hour that the Lord of the house shall have risen up and have shut the door, you may stand without, knocking at the door, and may begin to say, Our Lord, our Lord, open to us! But he will answer and say, I tell you that I know not whence you are. And you shall begin to say, Before thee we have eaten and drunk, and in our streets thou hast taught. And he shall say to you, I know you not whence you are: depart from me, workers of falsity. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Ishok and Jakub and all the prophets in the kingdom of Aloha, but you be cast forth without. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the south, and from the north, and shall recline in the kingdom of Aloha. And, behold, there are last who shall be first, and there are first who shall be last. In that day came men from the Pharishee, saying to him, Remove, go from hence, because Herodes desireth to kill thee. Jeshu saith to them, Go, tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils and perform cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third day I am perfected. Nevertheless it behoveth me to-day and to-morrow to work and the (day) after I shall go; because it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Urishlem. Urishlem, Urishlem! killing the prophets, and stoning them that are sent to her, what times would I have gathered thy sons as the hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and you willed not! Behold, left to you is your house a desert; for I say to you, that you will not see me until you shall say, Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. AND it was that while he went into the house of one of the chief Pharishee to eat bread, on the day of shabath, they watched him. And, behold, a certain man who had gathered waters was before him. And Jeshu answered and said to the Sophree and the Pharishee, Is it lawful on the shabath to heal? But they were silent. And he took him, and healed him, and dismissed him. And he said to them, Who from you, whose son or his ox hath fallen into a pit on the day of shabath, doth not at once bring him forth? And they could not give him the answer concerning this. And he spoke a parable to them who had been invited there, forasmuch as he had observed them, that they chose the chief places of reclining: When thou art invited by one into the house of festivity, go not to recline on the principal seat, lest there be invited thither one more honourable than thou; and he come who thyself and him had called, and say to thee, Give place to this; and thou be ashamed as thou arisest to take another place. But when thou art invited, go, recline thee in the last (seat), that when he who called thee cometh, he may say to thee, My friend, ascend and recline above, and thou shalt have honour before all of them who recline with thee. For every one who exalteth himself shall be humbled; and every one who humbleth himself shall be exalted. And he said to him who had called him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, thou shouldest not call thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours, lest they also call thee, and thou have this recompence. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and thou shalt be blessed, because they cannot recompense thee; for thy recompence shall be in the resurrection of the just. But when one of those who reclined heard these (words), he said to him, Blessed he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of Aloha! Jeshu saith to him, A certain man made a great supper, and called many. And he sent his servant, at the time of the supper, to say to them who were called, Behold, every thing is prepared for you, come. And every one of them began to excuse himself. The first said to him, I have bought an estate, and am constrained to go forth to see it: I beseech thee, permit me to be excused. Another said, Five yoke of oxen have I bought, and I go to prove them: I beseech thee, permit me to be excused. Another said, A wife have I taken, and therefore I cannot come. And the servant came and told his lord these things. Then the lord of the house was angry, and said to his servant, Go into the streets and outskirts of the city, and bring hither the poor, and the afflicted, and the lame, and the sightless. And the servant said, My lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is place. And the lord said to his servant, Go forth into the ways, and among the hedges, and constrain them to come in, that my house may be filled: for I tell you, that not one of those men who were called shall taste of my supper. AND while great multitudes were going with him, he turned and said to them, Whoever cometh with me, and doth not hate his father and his mother, and his brethren and his sisters, and his wife and his children, and himself also, a disciple he cannot be of mine. And whoever doth not take up his cross and come after me, a disciple he cannot be of mine. For who of you that willeth to build a tower, and doth not first sit down and reckon the expense of it, whether he have (wherewith) to finish it? lest, when he shall have laid the foundation, and shall not be able to finish, all who see shall deride him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Or, what king, going to war with a king his neighbour, doth not first consider, whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him who cometh against him with twenty thousand? and if not, while he is distant from him, he may send legates, and pray for peace. So every one of you who doth not leave all his possession, cannot be unto me a disciple. Salt is good; but if the salt also shall become insipid, with what shall it be seasoned? Not for the earth, nor for the dunghill, it goeth. They cast it out. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Then drew near to him the publicans and sinners to hear him. And the Sophree and Pharishee murmured, and said, This (man) receiveth sinners, and eateth with them. And Jeshu spake to them this parable: What man of you, who hath a hundred sheep, if he shall lose one from them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and, going, seeketh that which was lost until he shall have found it? And when he hath found it, he rejoiceth and carrieth it upon his shoulders. And, coming to his house, he calleth his friends and his neighbours, and saith to them, Rejoice with me; for I have found the sheep which was lost. I say to you, that thus shall there be joy in heaven over one sinner who repenteth, more than over the ninety and nine just ones who have no need of repentance. Or, who is the woman that hath ten zuzis, and shall lose one of them, (and) does not light a lamp and sweep the house, and seek it diligently, until she shall have found it? And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours, and saith to them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my zuzi that I had lost. I say to you, that so shall there be joy before the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. AND Jeshu said to them again, A certain man had two sons; and his minor son said to him, My father, give to me my division of the goods of thy house. And he divided to them his substance. And after a few days the minor son gathered together his all whatsoever, and went into a distant country, and there dispersed his substance in living profusely. And when every thing he had was finished, there was a great famine in that country; and he began to want. And he went and joined himself to one of the sons of the city of that place; and he sent him into the field to tend the swine. And he had a desire to fill his belly with those karubs which the swine did eat; and no man gave to him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hirelings are there now in my father's house, who have abundance of bread, and I here with hunger am perishing! I will arise, go to my father, and say to him, My father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy thy son to be called: make me as one of thy hirelings. And he arose, (and) went to his father. And while he was (yet) afar, his father saw him, and had compassion upon him, and ran, fell upon his neck, and kissed him. And his son said to him, My father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am not worthy thy son to be called. But his father said to his servants, Bring forth the first robe to clothe him, and put a ring upon his hand, and let him be, shod with sandals, and bring, kill the calf that is fat, and let us eat and be glad; for this my son was dead, and he is alive; he was lost, and is found. And they began to rejoice. But he, the elder son, was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard the voice of music; and he called one of the youths, and asked him what this was. He said to him, Thy brother hath come, and thy father hath killed the calf that was fat, because he hath received him well. And he was angry, and would not go in. And his father came forth and besought him. But he said to his father, Behold, how many years have I wrought thee service, and never have I transgressed thy commandment: yet never hast thou given me a kid, that I might feast with my friends. But this thy son, when he hath wasted thy substance with harlots, and hath come, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf. His father saith to him, My son, thou in all time art with me, and every thing that I have is thine. But to rejoice it behoves us, and to be glad, because this thy brother was dead, and is alive; and was lost, and is found. AND he spake a parable to his disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a house-chief; and he was accused to him that his substance he wasted. And his lord called him, and said to him, What is this that I hear of thee? give me the account of thy house-headship; for thou canst no longer be house-chief unto me. And the house-chief said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh from me the house-headship. I cannot dig, and to beg I am ashamed. I know what I will do, that when I shall be put out of the house-headship, they may receive me into their houses. And he called one by one from the debtors of his lord, and said to the first, How much owest thou to my lord? And he said to him, An hundred metres of oil. He saith to him, Take thy book, and sit down quickly, and write fifty metres. And he said to another, And thou, how much owest thou to my lord? He saith to him, An hundred kureen of wheat. He saith to him, Take thy book, and sit down, write eighty kureen. And praised our Lord the house-chief who was unjust, in that he had done wisely; for the sons of this world are wiser than the sons of light in this their generation. Also I say unto you, Make to you friends from this wealth of unrighteousness, that, when perfect, they may receive you into the tabernacles of eternity. Whoever in the little is faithful, in the great also is faithful; and he who in the little is unjust, in the great also is unjust. If, therefore, in the wealth of unrighteousness you have not been faithful, the truth to you who will confide? And if in that which is not yours you are not found faithful, your own who will give to you? No man can serve two lords; for either the one he will hate, and the other he will love; or the one he will honour, and the other despise. You cannot serve Aloha and wealth. But the Pharishee, when they heard all these things, because they loved money, derided him. But Jeshu said to them, You are they who justify yourselves before the sons of men; but Aloha knoweth your hearts. For, what is exalted among men, before Aloha is abominable. The law and the prophets were until Juchanon; from thenceforth the kingdom of Aloha is preached, and every one presseth to enter. But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than one letter from the law to pass away. Every one who looseth his wife, and taketh another, committeth adultery; and every one who taketh the dismissed, committeth adultery. NOW there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in byssos and purple, and every day feasted gaily. And there was a certain poor man, whose name was LoĆ³zar; and he lay at the gate of him who was rich, bruised with wounds, and desired to fill his belly with the crumbs which fell from the table of that rich. And also the dogs came and licked his wounds. Now that poor man died, and angels conducted him to the bosom of Abraham: but that rich man also died, and was buried. And, tormented in shiul, he lifted up his eyes afar, and seeth Abraham, and LoĆ³zar in his bosom. And he cried with a high voice, and said, My father Abraham, have compassion upon me, and send LoĆ³zar, that he may dip the top of his finger in waters, and moisten my tongue; for, behold, I am tormented in this flame. Abraham said to him, My son, remember that thou didst receive thy goods in thy life, and LoĆ³zar his evils, and now, behold, he reposeth here, and thou art tormented. And with all these, there is a great void set between us and you, that they who would pass from hence unto you are not able, nor they also who would pass from thence to us. He said to him, I pray thee, then, my father, to send him unto my father's house: for five brethren have I; let him go and testify unto them, that they also come not to this place of torment. Abraham said to him, They have Musha and the prophets, let them hear them. But he said to him, No, my father Abraham, but if one from the dead shall go unto them, they repent. Abraham saith to him, If Musha and the prophets they hear not, neither, if one from the dead should rise, would they believe him. AND Jeshu said to his disciples, It cannot be that offences should not come, but woe to him by whom they shall come. It were better for him that an ass-millstone were hanged on his neck, and he be cast into the sea. Woe (to him) who shall offend one of these little ones! Take heed to yourselves; if thy brother transgress, reprove him, and if he repent, forgive him. And if seven times in the day he shall trespass against thee, and seven times in the day return to thee and say, I repent, forgive him. And the apostles said unto our Lord, Increase to us faith. He saith to them, If you had faith as a grain of mustard, you should say to this mulberry tree, Be rooted up and planted in the sea, and it would obey you. Which of you, having a servant who leadeth a yoke (of oxen) or who tendeth the flock, and when he cometh from the field, saith to him at once, Pass on and recline thyself? but (rather) saith to him, Prepare me something that I may sup, and gird thy loins, serve me until I have eaten and drunk, and afterwards thou also shalt eat and drink. Does that servant receive thanks because he hath done what was required of him? I consider not. Thus also you, when you have done all those things which are required of you, have said, We are unprofitable servants, because what we were obligated to do, (that) have we done. AND it was that as Jeshu was going to Urishlem, he passed among the Shomroyee from Galila. And as he drew near to enter a certain village, there met him ten men, lepers, and they stood from afar, and lifted up their voice and said, Our Lord Jeshu, have mercy upon us! And when he saw them, he said to them, Go show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was cleansed, returned to him, and with a high voice glorified Aloha. And he fell upon his face before the feet of Jeshu, and thanked him. And, behold, this was a Shomroya. And Jeshu answered and said, Were not they who were cleansed ten? Where are the nine? None have separated to come (and) give praise to Aloha, but this, who is from a strange people. And he said to him, Arise, go; thy faith hath saved thee. AND when Jeshu was questioned from the Pharishee, When cometh the kingdom of Aloha? he answered and said to them, The kingdom of Aloha cometh not with watchings: nor say they, Behold, it is here! and, Behold, it is there! for the kingdom of Aloha is within you. And he said to his disciples, The days will come, when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and you will not see. And if they say to you, Behold here, and, Behold there, go not. For as the lightning lighteneth from heaven, and illuminateth all beneath the heaven, so shall be the Son of man in his day. But first it will be that he shall suffer many (things), and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Nuch, so will it be in the days of the Son of man; when they ate and drank and took wives and gave to husbands, until the day when Nuch entered into the ark, and the deluge came, and destroyed every one. So also as it was in the days of Lut; they ate and drank, and bought and sold, and planted and builded; but in the day that Lut went forth from Sadum, the Lord rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Thus will it be in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed. In that day, he who is on the roof and his garments in the house, let him not go down and take them. And he who is in the field, let him not turn his back. Remember the wife of Lut. Whoever willeth to save his life shall lose it, and whoever is willing to lose his life shall save it. I tell you, that in that night two shall be in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two shall be grinding together, one shall be taken and the other left. Two shall be in the field, one shall be taken and the other left. They answered and said to him, Where, our Lord? He saith to them, Where the body is, there will be assembled the eagles. AND he spake also a parable to them, that in all time (men) should pray and not weary. There was a judge in a certain city who of Aloha was not afraid, and of men was not regardful. But a certain widow was in that city, who came to him, saying, Avenge me of my adversary. And he was not willing long time; but afterward he said within himself, If of Aloha I am not afraid, and of men am not regardful, yet, because this widow wearies me, I will avenge her, that in all time she come not molesting me. And our Lord said, Hear what saith the unrighteous judge. But shall not Aloha do vengeance for his chosen, who cry to him by day and by night, and prolong his spirit towards them? I tell you he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man shall come, will he find faith upon the earth? And he spake this parable against some who trusted in themselves that they were just, and despised all (men): Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisha, the other a publican; and, behold, the Pharisha stood (and) within himself these words prayed: Aloha, I thank thee that I am not as the rest of men, rapacious and unjust, and adulterers; nor as this publican. But I fast twice in the week, and tithe whatever I possess. But that publican stood from afar, and would not even his eyes lift up to heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, Aloha, be merciful to me a sinner! I tell you that this one went down justified to his house, rather than that Pharisha. For every man who exalteth himself shall be humbled, and every one who humbleth himself shall be exalted. Then they brought to him infants, that he should touch them: and the disciples saw it, and rebuked them. But Jeshu called them, and said to them, Suffer children to come to me, and forbid them not; for of those who are as these, of them is the kingdom of heaven. Amen I say to you, That whoever does not receive the kingdom of Aloha as a child, shall not enter into it. AND one of the rulers asked him, saying, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Jeshu saith to him, Why callest thou me good, and none is good but one, Aloha? The commandments thou knowest, Thou shalt not kill, and, Thou shalt not commit adultery, and, Thou shalt not steal, and, Thou shalt not witness false testimony, Honour thy father and thy mother. He saith to him, These all have I kept from my childhood. But when Jeshu heard this, he said to him, One thing is lacking with thee; go, sell whatever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come after me. But he, when he heard these words, was grieved; for he was very rich. And when Jeshu saw that he was grieved, he said, How difficult is it to those who have riches to enter into the kingdom of Aloha! It is easier for a camel into the aperture of a needle to enter, than the rich into the kingdom of Aloha. They who heard said to him, And who can be saved? But Jeshu said, Those (things) which with the sons of men are not possible, with Aloha are possible to be done. Shemun Kipha said to him, Behold, we have forsaken every thing, and have come after thee. Jeshu saith to him, Amen I say to you, That no man who leaveth houses, or fathers, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of Aloha, and shall not receive by two-fold (as) many in this time, and in the world that cometh the life that is eternal. AND Jeshu took the twelve, and said to them, Behold, we go up to Urishlem, and shall be fulfilled all (things) that are written in the prophets concerning the Son of man. For he will be delivered to the Gentiles; and they will deride him, and spit in his face, and will scourge him, and maltreat him, and kill him; and the third day he shall arise. But not one of these understood they: for this word was hidden from them, and they knew not those sayings which were spoken with them. And as he drew nigh to Jirichu, a certain blind man was sitting by the road-side, and begging. And he heard the voice of the multitude as it was passing, and asked what was this. They say to him, Jeshu Natsroya passeth. And he cried and said, Jeshu bar David, have mercy on me! And they who went before Jeshu rebuked him, that he might be silent: but he cried out the more, Son of David, have mercy on me! And Jeshu stood, and commanded that they should lead him unto him. And when he, approached him, he asked him and said to him, What wilt thou I shall do for thee? And he said, My Lord, that I may see. And Jeshu said to him, See! thy faith hath saved thee. And in an instant he saw, and came after him, and glorified Aloha: and all the people, when they saw, gave praise to Aloha. And as Jeshu entered and passed through Jirichu, there was a certain man whose name was Zakai; he was rich and chief of the publicans: and he wished to see Jeshu, who he was, and could not for the crowd, because in his stature Zakai was small. And he ran before Jeshu, and ascended a wild fig-tree to see him, because so he was about to pass. And when Jeshu came to that place, he saw him, and said to him, Be in haste, descend, Zakai; for to-day I must be at thy house. And he was in haste, and descended, and received him rejoicing. But when they all saw (this), they murmured, and said that with a man a sinner he hath gone in to abide. But Zakai stood, and said to Jeshu, Behold, my Lord, the dividing of my wealth give I to the poor; and to every man, whatever I have wrongfully taken, fourfold I restore. Jeshu saith to him, To-day is there salvation to this house, because this (man) also (is a) son of Abraham. For the Son of man came to save that which was lost. And when they had heard these things, he added to speak a parable; because he had drawn nigh to Urishlem, and they expected that in that hour would be revealed the kingdom of Aloha. And he said, A certain man of a noble house went into a distant country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and gave to them ten minin, and said to them, Trade till I come. But his citizens hated him, and sent messengers after him, saying, We are not willing that this should reign over us. And having received the kingdom and returned, he spake to call to him those servants to whom he had given the silver, that he might know how every one of them had traded. And the first came and said, My lord, thy mani ten minin hath gained. He saith to him, Well, good servant: because in a little thou art found faithful, thou shalt have rule over ten towns. And the second came and said, My lord, thy mani five minin hath made. He saith also to this, Thou also shalt have rule over five towns. And the other came and said, My lord, behold thy mani which I have had with me, laid up in a napkin. For I feared thee, because thou art a hard man, taking up what thou hadst not laid down, and reaping what thou sowedst not. He said to him, From thy own mouth I will judge thee, evil servant: thou didst know that I was a hard man, taking up what I had not laid down, and reaping what I sowed not: why (then) gavest thou not my silver upon the table, that when I came I might require it with its increase? And to those who stood before him he said, Take from him the mani, and give to him who hath the ten minin. They say to him, Our lord, he hath ten minin. He saith to them, I tell you, that to every one who hath (it) shall be given; and from him who hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken. But those adversaries who would not that I should reign over them, bring them, and slay them before me. AND when Jeshu had said these things, he went forward to go to Urishlem. And when he came to Bethphage and Beth-ania, at the mount that is called the Place of Olives, he sent two from his disciples, and said to them, Go to the village over against us; and as you enter, behold, you will find a colt tied, whereon no man hath ridden: loose and bring him. And if any man demand why you loose him, thus say: It is requested by our Lord. And they who were sent went and found as he had told them. And as they were loosing the colt, the owners of him said to them, Why loose you the colt? And they said to them, Because by our Lord it is requested. And they brought him to Jeshu; and they cast upon the colt their garments, and Jeshu rode upon him. And as they went, they spread their clothes in the way. And when he had come nigh to the declivity of the Mount of Olives, the whole assembly of the disciples began to rejoice, and praise Aloha with a high voice, for all the mighty acts which they had seen: and they said, Blessed be the King who cometh in the name of the Lord! Peace in the heavens, and glory in the highest! But some of the Pharishee from among the multitudes say to him, Rabi, rebuke thy disciples. He saith to them, I tell you, if these should be silent, the stones would cry out. AND when he approached, and saw the city, he wept over her, saying, If thou hadst known these things which are for thy peace, and in this thy day! But now they are hidden from thine eyes. But the days will come to thee when thine enemies shall encompass thee and straiten thee on every side, and they shall overthrow thee, and thy children within thee, and not leave in thee one stone upon another, because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. And as he went into the temple, he began to cast out those who bought in it and sold, and said to them, It is written that my house is the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves. And he taught every day in the temple; but the chief priests and the scribes and the elders of the people sought to destroy him, but could not find what they might do to him; for all the people hung upon him to hear him. AND it was on one of the days, while he taught the people in the temple and evangelized, the chief priests and scribes with the elders rose up against him, and said to him, Tell us by what authority thou doest these, and who is he who gave thee this authority? Jeshu answered and said to them, I will also ask of you a word, and tell you me: the baptism of Juchanon, from heaven was it, or from the sons of men? But they reasoned within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven, he saith to us, Why did you not believe him? But if we shall say, From men, all the people will stone us; for they are persuaded that Juchanon was a prophet. And they said to him, We know not from whence it is. Jeshu saith to them, Nor tell I you by what authority I do these. And he began to speak to the people this parable: A certain man planted a vinery, and let it to husbandmen, and removed for a great time. And at the season he sent his servant to the husbandmen that they should give him of the fruit of the vinery. But the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. And he added and sent another servant; but they beat him also, and maltreated him, and sent him away empty. And he added and sent a third; but they also wounded him, and cast him out. The lord of the vinery saith, What shall I do? I will send my son, the beloved; now will they see him and reverence him. But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours. And they cast him out of the vinery, and killed him. What therefore shall the lord of the vinery do to them? He will come and destroy those husbandmen, and will give the vinery to others. But when they heard, they said, May this not be! But he beheld them, and said, And what is that which is written, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner? And every one who shall fall upon this stone shall be broken; and every one on whom it shall fall it will scatter him. But the chief priests and Sophree sought to lay hands on him in that very hour; but they feared the people, for they knew that concerning them(selves) he had spoken this parable. And they sent to him spies, who should resemble just men, that they might take him in discourse, and deliver him to the judgment and to the authority of the governor. And they asked him, and said to him, Doctor, we know that thou speakest and teachest rightly, neither dost thou deceive, but with integrity thou teachest the way of Aloha. Is it lawful for us to give head-silver to Cesar or not? But he understood their subtilty, and said, Why tempt you me? Show me a dinara. Of whom upon it is the image and the inscription? But they said, Of Cesar. Jeshu saith to them, Give then of Cesar's to Cesar, and of Aloha's unto Aloha. And they could not take hold of his words before the people; and they wondered at his answer, and were silent. BUT some of the Zadukoyee approached, they who say that there is no resurrection; and they questioned him, and said to him, Doctor, Musha wrote to us that if a man's brother die having a wife who hath not children, his brother shall take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. But there were seven brethren; and the first took; a wife, and died without children. And the second took his wife, and he died without children. And the third also took her; and so also the seven of them: and they died and left no children. Died in the end also the woman. In the resurrection therefore, whose of them shall she be the wife? for the seven of them had taken her. Jeshu saith to them, The sons of this world take wives, and women become (the wives) of men: but they who of that world are worthy, and of the resurrection which is from among the dead, take not wives, neither do women become (the wives) of men. Neither again can they die, for they are as the angels; and the children are they of Aloha, because they have become the children of the resurrection. But that the dead arise, Musha also showeth; for he commemorateth at the bush, while he saith, The Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Ishok, and the God of Jakub. But he was not the God of the dead, but of the living: for they all live unto him. And some of the Sophree answered and said to him, Doctor, thou hast well said. And they dared not question him again of any thing. AND he said to them, How say the Sophree concerning the Meshicha, that he is the Son of David? And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I put thine adversaries beneath thy feet. If David therefore calleth him Lord, how is he his son? And while all the people heard, he said to his disciples, Beware of the Sophree, who will to walk in stoles, and love the shaloma in public places, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the chief reclining-places at evening feasts; who devour the houses of widows, and for the occasion prolong their prayers: these shall receive the greater judgment. Jeshu looked at those rich (persons) who were throwing into the house of treasure their oblations. And he saw also a certain poor widow who threw in two shomonee. And he said, Truth I say to you, That this poor widow hath thrown in more than every one: for all those from what abounded to them have thrown into the house of the oblation of Aloha: but this from her penury all that she possessed hath she thrown in. AND as some spake of the temple, (with) what beautiful stones and gifts it was adorned, Jeshu said to them, These that you see, the days shall come (when) of them there will not be found a stone upon a stone that shall not be destroyed. And they inquired of him, and said, Malphona, when shall these be? and what is the sign that these are nigh to be? But he said to them, Beware lest you be seduced: for many will come in my name, and will say, I am the Meshicha; and the time hath drawn nigh: but go not you after them. And when you hear of wars and commotions, fear not: for these are first to be; but not yet cometh the end. For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and great earthquakes will be in divers places, and famines, and plagues; and there will be portents, and terrors, and great signs from the heavens will appear, and great tempests shall there be. But before all these, they will lay hands upon you, and persecute you, and deliver you up to the synagogues, and to the house of the bound. And they will bring you before kings and governors on account of my name. And it shall be to you for a testimony. But lay it up in your hearts that you may not be learned for the answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries cannot stand against. But your fathers, and your brethren, and your kinsfolk, and your friends will betray you, and some of you they shall put to death. And you will be hated of all men on account of my name: yet a hair of your head shall not perish, but in your perseverance you shall possess your souls. But when you see Urishlem encompassed by an army, then know that its destruction hath drawn nigh. Then let them who are in Jihud escape to the mountain, and they who are within her escape, and let not them who are in the country places enter into her. For those (will be) the days of retribution, that all which is written may be fulfilled. But woe to those who are with child and to those who suckle in those days! for there will be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into every place, and Urishlem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until shall be fulfilled the times of the Gentiles. And there will be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and on earth distress of nations, and smiting of hands from astonishment at the voice of the sea, the commotion hurrying forth the souls of the sons of men from fear of what is about to come upon the earth; and the powers of the heavens shall be commoved. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with power and great glory. But when these things begin to be, take courage, and lift up your heads, because your redemption hath drawn nigh. AND he spake to them a parable, Behold the fig-tree and all the trees; when they bud forth, immediately from them you know that summer hath drawn nigh. Thus also you, when you see that these are, know that nigh is the kingdom of Aloha. Amen I say to you, That this race shall not pass away till all these things shall be. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But take heed to yourselves, that at any time your hearts be not heavy with excess and drunkenness, and the care of the world, and unawares shall come upon you that day. For as a net it will overtake all them who dwell upon the faces of the whole earth. Be therefore wakeful at all time, and pray that you may be worthy to escape from those things that are about to be, and that you may stand before the Son of man. So in the day (time) he taught in the temple, and at night he went forth and lodged in the mount which is called the Place of Olives. And all the people were early with him at the temple to hear his word. BUT the feast of the Phatiree, which is called Petscha, drew on. And the chief priests and the Sophree sought how they might kill him; for they feared from the people. But Satana entered into Jihuda called Scarjuta, who was of the number of the twelve. And he went, and spoke with the chief priests, and the Sophree, and the chief authorities of the temple, how he would deliver him to them. And they were glad, and confirmed to give him silver. And he promised to them, and sought him opportunity to betray him apart from the multitude. And the day of unleavened bread came, on which it was the custom to slay the petscha. And Jeshu sent Kipha and Juchanon, and said to them, Go prepare for us the petscha, that we may eat. But they said to him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? He saith to them, When, you have entered into the city, a man meeteth you, bearing a pitcher of waters; go after him, and when he hath gone in, say to the lord of the house, Our Master saith, Is there a dining-place where I may eat the petscha with my disciples? And he will show you a certain large upper chamber which is furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had told them: and they prepared the petscha. And when it was time, Jeshu came and reclined, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said to them, With desire have I desired to eat this petscha with you before I suffer: for I tell you that from henceforth I shall not eat it, until it shall have been fulfilled in the kingdom of Aloha. And he took the cup, and praised, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: for I tell you that I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of Aloha shall have come. And he took bread, and praised, and brake, and gave to them, and said, This is my body which for you is given: this do in my memory. And thus also respecting the cup, when, after they had supped, he said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which for you is shed. Nevertheless, the hand of him who betrayeth me is on the table. And the Son of man goeth, as he was set apart: nevertheless woe to that man by whom he is betrayed! And they began to inquire among themselves, who it was of them who this should do. But there was also a contention among them, who of them was the greatest. And Jeshu said to them, The kings of the Gentiles are their lords; and they who exercise authority over them, doers of good are called. But you, not so: yea, he who is great among you, let him be as the least; and he who is chief, as one who serveth. For who is greatest, he who reclineth, or he who serveth? Is not he who reclineth? But I am among you as he who serveth. You are they who have remained with me in my temptations. And I promise to you, as hath promised to me my Father, a kingdom; that you may eat and drink at the table in my kingdom, and may sit upon thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Isroel. AND Jeshu said to Shemun, Shemun, behold, Satana, demandeth to sift thee as wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith may not fail: and thou also, in the time that thou art converted, confirm thy brethren. But Shemun said to him, My Lord, with thee I am prepared, and for the house of the bound, and for death. Jeshu saith to him, I tell thee, Shemun, that the cock will not crow to-day, till three times thou hast denied that thou knowest me. And he said to them, When I sent you without purse, or scrip, or shoes, was any thing wanting to you? They say to him, Nothing. He saith to them, Henceforth, he who hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip also; and he who hath not a sword, let him sell his garment and buy a sword. For I tell you also, that what is written must be fulfilled in me, that with the transgressors he was numbered: for all which concerns me must be accomplished. And they say to him, Our Lord, behold, here are two swords. He saith to them, They suffice. And he came forth, and went, as he was used, to the mount of the Place of Olives; and his disciples also went after him. And when come unto the spot, he said to them, Pray that you enter not into temptation. And he removed from them as (about the distance of) a stone's throw, and bowed the knee, and prayed, and said, Father, if thou wilt, let this cup pass: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. And an angel appeared to him from heaven, who strengthened him. And being in terror, more vehemently he prayed, and his sweat was as drops of blood, and fell upon the ground. And he arose from prayer, and came to his disciples, and found them asleep, from sorrow. And he said to them, Why sleep you? arise and pray, that you enter not into temptation. And as he was speaking, behold a multitude, and behold him who was called Jihuda, one of the twelve, coming before them, and he came nigh to Jeshu, and kissed him: for this was the sign he had given to them, He whom I shall kiss is he. Jeshu saith to him, Jihuda, with the kiss betrayest thou the Son of man? But when they who were with him saw what was done, they say to him, Our Lord, shall we strike with the sword? And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, and took off his right ear. Jeshu answered and said, It sufficeth until this; and he touched his ear which he had struck, and healed it. And Jeshu said to them who had come against him, the chief priests, and elders, and the chiefs of the forces of the temple, As against a thief are you come forth against me, with swords and clubs to take me? Every day with you have I been in the temple, and you did not stretch forth upon me (your) hands; but this is your hour and the power of darkness. And they took (and) brought him to the house of the chief of the priests; and Shemun came after him from afar. Now they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were sitting around it, and Shemun also sat with them. And a certain damsel saw him as he sat by the fire, and, looking at him, she said, This also was with him. But he denied, and said, Woman, I know him not. And after a little while, another saw him, and said, Thou also art of them. But Kipha said, I am not. And after one hour another contended and said, Assuredly this also was with him, for he is also a Galiloya. Kipha saith, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And at once, while he was speaking, the cock crew. And Jeshu turned, and looked upon Kipha; and Shemun remembered his word which our Lord had spoken to him, that before the cock shall crow thou wilt have denied me three times. And Shemun went without and wept bitterly. And the men who held Jeshu mocked him, and veiled him, and they struck him upon the face, saying, Prophesy, who struck thee. And many other things they blasphemed and spake against him. AND when it dawned, the elders and chief priests and the Sophree came together, and took him into the house of their assembly; saying to him, Art thou the Meshicha? tell us. He saith to them, Should I tell you, you would not believe me; and were I to ask you, you would not return me a word, nor release me. Henceforth the Son of man sitteth at the right hand of the power of Aloha. Then said they all, Thou art, then, the Son of Aloha? Jeshu saith to them, You say that I am. They say, Why yet need we witnesses? for we have heard from his mouth. And the whole assembly of them arose, and brought him to Pilatos. And they began to accuse him, saying, We have found this who deludeth our people, and forbiddeth that tribute unto Caesar we should give, saying of himself that he is the King Meshicha. But Pilatos asked him, and said to him, Art thou the king of the Jihudoyee? He saith to him, Thou hast said. And Pilatos said to the chief priests and to the assembly, I find no occasion against this man. But they cried out and said, He commoveth our people while he teacheth throughout all Jihud, beginning from Galila unto this place. Pilatos, however, when he heard the name of Galila, asked if the man were a Galiloya. And when he knew that he was from the limit of the jurisdiction of Herodes, he sent him unto Herodes, because that in Urishlem he was in those days. And Herodes, when he saw Jeshu, was very glad; for he had desired to see him of a great time: for he had heard concerning him many things, and hoped that some sign he should see from him. And many words he asked him; but Jeshu gave him no answer whatever. And the chief priests and scribes stood and strenuously accused him. Then Herodes and his soldiers treated him as a fool; and when he had derided him, he dressed him in a robe of crimson, and sent him to Pilatos. And in that day Pilatos and Herodes were friends with each other; for before there had been enmity between them. And Pilatos called the chief priests and the rulers of the people, and said to them, You have brought to me this man as a perverter of your people; and, behold, I have examined him in your sight, and have found no cause in this man of all that you accuse him: nor also Herodes; for I sent him unto him, and, behold, nothing worthy of death is done to him: I will therefore chastise him, and dismiss him. For a custom had he to release to them one at the festival. But all the multitude cried out, saying, Take this, and release to us Baraba; he who, for insurrection and murder which had been done in the city, had been thrown into the house of the chained. But Pilatos spake with them again, being willing to release Jeshu. But they cried out, saying, Crucify him! Crucify him! He the third time also said to them, Why, what evil hath this done? Cause whatever that is worthy of death, I find not in him: I will therefore chastise him, and dismiss him. But they were urgent with a high voice, demanding that they might crucify him; and theirs and the voices of the high priests prevailed. And Pilatos commanded that their requirement should be done. And he released to them him who, for insurrection and murder, had been thrown into the house of the chained, whom they had asked: but Jeshu he delivered to their will. AND as they led him away, they laid hold on Shemun Kurinoya, who was coming from the country, and they laid on him the cross, that he might bear (it) after Jeshu. And there followed him much people, and those women who mourned and wailed for him. And Jeshu turned to them, and said, Daughters of Urishlem, weep not for me, but for yourselves weep, and for your children. For, behold, coming are the days in which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs which have not borne, and the breasts that have not suckled. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us! and to the heights, Cover us! For if to the tree which is good they do these things, unto the dry what shall be? And there went with him two others, workers of evil, to be put to death. And when they came to a certain place called Karkaphtha, there they crucified him, and those workers of evil, one on his right hand, and one on his left. BUT Jeshu himself said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they divided his garments, and cast for them lots. But the people stood beholding, and the rulers also, mocking him, and saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he be the Meshicha, the Chosen of God. And the soldiers also, deriding him, approaching him, and offering to him vinegar, said to him, If thou art the King of the Jihudoyee, save thyself. And there was also an inscription which was written over him in Greek and Roman and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JIHUDOYEE. And one of those workers of evil who were hanged with him, blasphemed against him, saying, If thou art the Meshicha, deliver thyself, and deliver us also. And his companion rebuked him, and said to him, Dost thou not fear (even) Aloha? for thou also art in this judgment. And we righteously, forasmuch as we have been deserving, and as we are punished for that which we have done; but this hath done nothing that is abominable. And he said to Jeshu, Remember me, my Lord, when thou art come into thy kingdom! Jeshu saith to him, Amen I say to thee, That to-day with me thou shalt be in Paradise. NOW it was about six hours, and there was darkness over all the earth until nine hours. And the sun darkened, and rent was the vail of the temple through the midst of it. And Jeshu cried with a high voice, and said, My Father, in thy hands I place my spirit. This he said, and completed. But when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified Aloha, saying, Assuredly this was a just man. And all the multitude, they who were assembled to see this, when they saw what was done, returned, smiting upon their breasts. And there were standing afar off all the acquaintances of Jeshu, and those women who came with him from Galila; and they saw these things. BUT a certain man, whose name was Jauseph, a senator from Rometha, a city of Jehud, a man (who) was good and just: (this had not consented to the counsel and deed of them; and he was waiting for the kingdom of Aloha:) this approached Pilatos, and begged the body of Jeshu; and he took it down, and wrapped it in a cloth of linen, and laid it in a hewn sepulchre, in which no one had hitherto been laid. And it was the day of the preparation; and the shabath had lighted. And the women also drew near, they who had come with him from Galila; and they saw the sepulchre, and where the body was laid; and, returned, they prepared balsams and aromatics, and on the shabath rested, as it is commanded. But on the first (day) in the week, in the morning, while yet dark, they came to the sepulchre, and brought those aromatics which they had prepared; and with them there were other women. And they found the stone rolled from the sepulchre, and entered, but found not the body of Jeshu. And it was that while they were amazed at this, behold, two men stood over against them, and whose raiment shined; and they were in fear, and bowed their faces to the earth. And they said to them, Why are you seeking the living with the dead? He is not here, he is risen. Remember what he spake with you while he was in Galila, and (when he) said, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of men of sins, and he will be crucified, and (in) the third of the days he will arise. And they remembered his words, and returned from the sepulchre, and told all these (things) unto the eleven, and to the rest. Now it was Mariam Magdalitha, Juchanon, and Mariam his mother, and Jacub, and the rest who were with them, who told these (occurrences) to the apostles. And these words appeared in their eyes as dreams, and they believed them not. But Shemun arose, and ran to the sepulchre, and, looking in, he saw the linen clothes lying apart; and he went away, wondering in himself at what was done. AND, behold, two of them in that day went to a village whose name was Emaos, and distant from Urishlem sixty stadia. And they talked one with the other of all these (events) which had happened. And while they discoursed and investigated one with the other, Jeshu himself came and went with them, and walked with them. And their eyes were holden, that they should not know him. And he said to them, What are these words that you speak with each other, as you walk and are sad? And one of them answered, whose name was Kleopha, and said to him, Art thou only a stranger from Urishlem, who knowest not what hath been done in it in these days? He saith to them, What? They say to him, Concerning Jeshu, who was of Natsrath, a man who was a prophet, and mighty in word and in deed before Aloha, and before all the people. And the chief priests and elders delivered him to the judgment of death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that it was he who shall redeem Isroel; and, lo, three days (have passed) since all these things were done. But women also of us have astonished us; for they were before at the sepulchre; and when they found not his body, they came and told us that angels they had seen there, and (that) they had said concerning him that he was alive. And some also of us went to the sepulchre, and found even as the women had said, but him they saw not. Then said Jeshu to them, O wanting in understanding, and hard of heart to believe all the things which the prophets have spoken! Was it not to be that these the Meshicha should suffer, and enter into his glory? And, beginning from Musha and all the prophets, he explained to them concerning himself from all the scriptures. And they drew near to that village to which they were going; and he made them suppose that to a more distant place he was going. And they constrained him, and said to him, Abide with us, because the day now inclines to darken. And he went in to remain with them. And it was that, while he reclined with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them. And at once their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he was taken from them. And they said one to the other, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he spake with us by the way, and explained to us the scriptures? And they arose in the same hour, and returned to Urishlem, and found the eleven, who were assembled, and they who were with them, saying, Assuredly our Lord is risen, and hath appeared unto Shemun. And they also declared those things which had happened in the way, and how he was made known to them while he brake the bread. AND while they were discoursing, Jeshu stood among them, and said to them, Peace be with you! I am; fear not. And they were troubled, and were in fear; for they thought they beheld a spirit. Jeshu saith to them, Why are you perturbed, and why arise thoughts in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I: feel me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see that I have. And while these words he spake, he showed them his hands and his feet. And while they as yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said to them, Have you here somewhat to eat? And they gave to him a portion of broiled fish, and of the comb of honey; and he took (and) did eat before their eyes. And he said to them, These are the words that I spoke with you while I was with you, that every thing must be fulfilled which is written in the law of Musha, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me. Then opened he their minds, that they might understand the scriptures. And he said to them, that so it is written, and so it was just, that the Meshicha should suffer, and should rise from among the dead in the three days, and that in his name should be preached repentance and the forgiveness of sins among all nations, and that the commencement should be from Urishlem. And you are the witnesses of these. And I will send upon you the promise of my Father. But await you in Urishlem the city until you be clothed with power from on high. And he brought them out unto Bethania, and lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it was that while he blessed them, he was separated from them, and he ascended to the heavens. And they worshipped him, and returned to Urishlem with great joy. And at all time were they in the temple, praising and blessing Aloha. Amen.
IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word himself was with Aloha, and Aloha was the Word himself. This was in the beginning with Aloha. Every thing by his hand was made; and without him also was not one thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life is the light of the sons of man; and the Light himself in the darkness shineth, and the darkness perceived him not. There was a man who was sent from Aloha, his name (was) Juchanon. He came for the testimony, to testify concerning the Light, that all men might believe through his ministry. He was not the Light himself, but came to testify concerning the Light. For that was the true Light that enlighteneth every man who cometh into the world. In the world was he, and the world by his hand had been made, and the world knew him not. He came to his own, and his own received him not. But they who received him, he gave to them power, that the sons of Aloha they should become, to those who believe in his name. These, not from blood, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of man, but from Aloha, are born. And the Word flesh was made, and tabernacled with us; and we saw his glory, the glory as of the one-begotten who (was) from the Father, full of grace and truth. Juchanon testified concerning him, and cried, and said, This is he of whom I said, that he cometh after me, and was before me, because he is anterior to me. And from his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace. For the law by the hand of Musha was given; but the truth and the grace were by Jeshu Meshicha. ALOHA no man hath ever seen: the one-begotten God, he who is in the bosom of his Father, he hath declared him. And this was the testimony of Juchanon, when the Jihudoyee sent to him from Urishlem priests and Levoyee to demand of him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not, but confessed, I am not the Meshicha. And they asked him again, What then? art thou Elia? And he said, I am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he said, No. And they said to him, And who art thou? that we may give an answer to those who sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? He saith, I am the voice which crieth in the wilderness, Make plain the way of the Lord, as said Eshaia the prophet. But they who were sent were from the Pharishee. And they demanded and said to him, Why then baptizest thou, if thou art not the Meshicha, nor Elia, nor the Prophet? Juchanon answered and said to them, I baptize you with waters; but he standeth among you whom you know not: he it is who cometh after me, and he was before me; he, the latchets of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose. These things were done in Bethania, at the passage of the Jurdan, where Juchanon was baptizing. AND the day after, Juchanon seeth Jeshu, who was coming to him; and he said, Behold the Lamb of Aloha, who beareth the sin of the world! This is he concerning whom I said, After me cometh a man, and he was before me, because he is anterior to me. And I knew him not, but that he should be made known unto Isroel, therefore have I come with waters to baptize. And Juchanon testified and said, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven as a dove, and it remained upon him. And I knew him not: but he who sent me to baptize with water, he said to me, He upon whom thou seest the Spirit descend and remain, this baptizeth with the Spirit of Holiness: and I saw, and bare witness that this is the Son of Aloha And the day after Juchanon stood, and two of his disciples; and, contemplating Jeshu as he walked, he said, Behold the Lamb of Aloha! And his two disciples heard him as he spake, and they went after Jeshu. And Jeshu turned (himself), and saw them coming after him, and said to them, Whom seek you? They say to him, Raban, where dwellest thou? He saith to them, Come and see. And they went and saw where he dwelt; and they were with him that day: and it was about the tenth hour. Now one of those who heard Juchanon and went after Jeshu, was Andreas, the brother of Shemun. This saw first Shemun his brother, and said to him, We have found the Meshicha; and he brought him to Jeshu. And Jeshu saw him, and said, Thou art Shemun bar Jona; thou shalt be called Kipha. AND the day following Jeshu willed to go forth into Galila. And he found Philipos, and said to him, Come after me. Now Philipos was from Beth-tsaida, from the city of Andreas and of Shemun. Philipos found Nathanael, and said to him, Him of whom Musha in the law, and the prophets, did write we have found, (and) that Jeshu (is) he, the son of Jauseph who is from Natsrath. Saith to him Nathanael, From Natsrath can any good thing be? Philipos saith to him, Come and see. And Jeshu saw Nathanael as he was coming to him, and said of him, Behold truly a son of Isroel who hath no guile in him. Nathanael saith to him, Whence knowest thou me? Jeshu saith to him, While yet Philipos had not called thee, while thou wast under the fig-tree, I saw thee. Nathanael answered and said to him, Rabi, thou art the Son of Aloha himself, thou art the very King of Isroel. Jeshu saith to him, Upon my telling thee that I saw thee under the fig-tree, believest thou? Greater things than these thou shalt see. He saith to him, Amen, amen, I say to you, Hereafter you shall see the heavens opened, and the angels of Aloha ascending and descending unto the Son of man. AND on the third day there was a feast in Kotna, a city of Galila; and the mother of Jeshu was there: and Jeshu and his disciples were called to the feast. And the wine failed, and his mother saith to him, to Jeshu, They have no wine. Jeshu saith to her, What (is it) to me and to thee, woman? Not yet hath come mine hour. His mother saith to the servitors, Whatever he telleth you, do. Now there were six waterpots of stone set there, unto the purification of the Jihudoyee, which contained each two quarantals or three. Jeshu saith to them, Fill these water-pots with waters; and they filled them to the top. He saith to them, Draw now, and carry to the chief of the guests. And they carried. And when that chief of the guests had tasted those waters which were made wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the servitors knew, who had filled them with waters,) the chief of the guests called the bridegroom, and said to him, Every man at first the good wine produceth, and when they are satisfied, then that which is inferior; but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This is the first sign that Jeshu wrought in Kotna of Galila, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him. AFTER this he went to Kapher-nachum, he and his mother and his brethren and his disciples. And they were there a few days. And the petscha of the Jihudoyee was nigh, and Jeshu went up to Urishlem. And he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sitting. And he made him a scourge of cord, and drove them all from the temple, and the sheep and the oxen and the money-changers; and he shed their money, and their tables he overturned. And to those who sold doves he said, Take these hence; make not the house of my Father a house of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thy house hath devoured me. The Jihudoyee answered and said to him, What sign showest thou to us, as these things thou doest? Jeshu answered, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it. The Jihudoyee say to him, Forty-and six years was this temple being built, and wilt thou in three days raise it? But he spake of the temple of his body. But when he was risen from the house of the dead, his disciples remembered that this he had said; and they believed the scriptures, and the word which Jeshu had spoken. WHILE Jeshu was in Jerusalem at the petscha, at the feast, Many believed in him who saw the signs which he wrought. But he, Jeshu, did not confide himself to them, because he knew every man, and needed not that any should testify to him concerning any man, because he knew what is in man. But there was one of the Pharishee whose name was Nikodimos, a ruler of the Jihudoyee: this came to Jeshu in the night, and said to him, Rabi, we know that from Aloha thou art sent a teacher; for no man can these signs perform which thou doest, unless Aloha be with him. Jeshu answered and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to thee, Except a man be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of Aloha. Nikodimos said to him, How can an old man be born? Who can again the womb of his mother the second time enter, and be born? Jeshu answered and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to thee, That if a man be not born of waters and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of Aloha. Whatever is born of the flesh, is flesh; and whatever is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Wonder not that I have said to thee, that it behoves you to be born anew. The wind bloweth where she willeth, and her voice thou hearest; but thou knowest not whence she cometh, nor whither she goeth: so is every man who is born of the Spirit. Nikodimos answered and said to him, How can these things be? Jeshu answered and said to him, Art thou Malphona of Israel, and these knowest not? Amen, amen, I say to thee, What we know we speak, and what we have seen we testify; but our testimony you receive not. If of (what is) on earth I tell you, and you believe not, how if I tell you of (what is) in heaven, could you believe me? AND no man hath ascended into heaven, but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man, he who is in heaven. And as Musha elevated the serpent in the wilderness, so is to be elevated the Son of man, that every man who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. For Aloha sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might live by him. He who believeth on him is not judged, and he who believeth not is judged already, because he believeth not in the name of the only-begotten Son of Aloha. And this is the judgment, that the light hath come into the world, and the sons of men have loved darkness rather than the light, for their deeds have been evil. For every one who doeth abominable things hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he who doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his works may be known that in Aloha they are wrought. AFTER these came Jeshu and his disciples into the land of Jihuda, and there conversed with them and baptized. But Juchanon also was baptizing in Ein-yon, near Sholim, because the waters were there many; and they came and were baptized; for not yet was Juchanon cast into the house of the bound. But there was a question with some of the disciples of Juchanon (and) a certain Jihudoya, upon purification. And they came to Juchanon, and said to him, Raban, he who was with thee at the passage of Jurdan, (and) concerning whom thou didst give witness, he also baptizeth, and many come to him. Juchanon answered and said to them, A man cannot receive of his own will any thing, unless it be given to him from heaven. You bear me witness that I said, I am not the Meshicha, but I am an apostle before him. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who standeth and attendeth him, with great joy rejoiceth on account of the voice of the bridegroom: this my joy therefore, behold, is complete. To him it must be to increase, and to me to decrease. For he who from above hath come, is above all; and he who is from the earth, is of the earth, and of the earth speaketh: he who from heaven hath come, is above all. And what he hath seen and heard he testifieth, and his testimony no man receiveth. But he who hath received his testimony, hath sealed that the true Aloha is he. For he whom Aloha hath sent, the very words of Aloha speaketh; for it was not in measure that Aloha gave the Spirit. The Father loveth the Son, and every thing hath he given into his hands. He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him. But when Jeshu knew that the Pharishee had heard that he had made many disciples, and baptized more than Juchanon, (though it was not Jeshu himself baptized, but his disciples,) he left Jihuda, and came again into Galila. AND he needed that in going he should pass through among the Shomroyee; and he came to a city of the Shomroyee which is called Shokar, nigh to the field which Jakub gave unto Jauseph his son. And the fountain of water of Jakub was there. But Jeshu was wearied with the labour of the way, and sat by the fountain; and it was six hours. There came a woman from Shomreen to draw waters, and Jeshu said to her, Give me waters to drink. Now his disciples had gone into the city to buy for them meat. The woman, the Shomroytha, saith to him, How (canst) thou who art a Jihudoya ask drink of me who am a woman, a Shomroytha? For the Jihudoyee have no accommodation with the Shomroyee. Jeshu answered and said to her, If thou hadst known the gift of Aloha, and who He is who hath said to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he had given thee living waters. That woman saith to him, My Lord, thou hast no vessel, and the well is deep; whence hast thou living waters? Art thou greater than our father Jakub, he who gave us this well, and himself drank of it, and his children, and his flocks? Jeshu answered and said to her, Every one who shall drink of these waters again will thirst; but every one who shall drink of the waters that I will give him shall never thirst; but those waters that I shall give him shall be in him a fountain of waters, that shall spring forth to the life of eternity. That woman saith to him, My Lord, give me of those waters, that I thirst not again, nor come to draw from hence. Jeshu saith to her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. She saith to him, I have no husband. Jeshu saith to her, Well hast thou said, I have no husband; for five husbands hast thou had, and this whom thou now hast is not thy husband; this hast thou said truly. That woman saith to him, My Lord, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers in this mountain worshipped, and you say that in Urishlem is the place where it behoves to worship. Jeshu saith to her, Woman, believe me that the hour cometh when neither in this mountain, nor at Urishlem, you shall worship the Father: you worship something you know not; but we worship whom we know; for salvation is from the Jihudoyee. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also requireth worshippers such as these. For Aloha is a Spirit; and they who worship him, in spirit and in truth must worship. That woman saith to him, I know that the Meshicha cometh; and when he hath come, he will teach us all things. Jeshu saith to her, I am (he), I who speak with thee. And as he spoke, his disciples came, and they wondered that with the woman he spoke; but no man said, What inquirest thou? or, Why speakest thou with her? The woman left her water-pot, and went into the city, and saith, Come, see a man who hath told me every thing that I have done: is not this the Meshicha? And the men went out of the city, and came with her. Between these things his disciples entreated of him, saying to him, Raban, eat. But he said to them, I have food to eat of which you know not. The disciples say among themselves, Has any man brought him somewhat to eat? Jeshu saith to them, My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to accomplish his work. Say you not, that after four moons cometh harvest? Behold, I tell you, Lift up your eyes, and see the lands which have become white for the harvest already. And he who reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal; and the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together. For in this is the proverb true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that (for) which you did not toil; for others toiled, and you have entered upon their labour. Now of that city many Shomroyee believed in him, because of the saying of that woman, who testified, He told me every thing that I have done. And when those Shomroyee came to him, they besought him to be with them. And he was with them two days, and many believed through his word. And they said to the woman, Now not through thy word believe we in him; for we have heard and known that this is truly the Meshicha, the Saviour of the world. AND after two days Jeshu went forth from thence, and came into Galila; for he himself testified, that a prophet in his own city is not honoured. But when he came to Galila, the Galiloyee received him, because they had seen all the signs which he had done in Urishlem at the feast; for they also went to the feast. So Jeshu came again into Kotna of Galila, where he had made the waters wine. And there was at Kapher-nachum the servant of a certain king, whose son was ill. This (man) heard that Jeshu had come from Jihuda into Galila; and he came to him, and besought him that he would come down and heal his son, for he was near to die. Jeshu saith to him, If signs and wonders you do not SEE, you will not believe. The servant of the king saith to him, My lord, come down ere my child die! Jeshu saith to him, Go, thy son liveth. And the man believed in the word which Jeshu had spoken to him, and went. But as he was going down, his servants met him, and gave him good news, saying to him, Thy son liveth. And he asked at what time he was healed. They say to him, Yesterday, at seven hours, the fever left him. And his father knew that in that hour it was in which Jeshu said to him, Thy son liveth; and he believed, and all his house. This is again the second sign (which) Jeshu did when he had come from Jihuda into Galila. AFTER these there was a feast of the Jihudoyee, and Jeshu went up to Urishlem. Now there was there in Urishlem a certain place of ablution, which was called in Hebrew Bethchesda, and having in it five porticoes. And in these were many infirm people, blind and lame and withered, awaiting the moving of the waters. For an angel at times descended to the pool and moved the waters; and he who first descended after the movement of the waters was healed of whatever disease he had. But a certain man was there who for thirtyand-eight years had been in a disease. Jeshu saw this (man) as he lay, and knew that for a long time he had (been thus), and said to him, Art thou willing to be healed? The diseased man answered and said, Yes, my Lord; but I have no man who, when the waters are moved, shall cast me into the pool: but while I am coming, another before me descendeth. Jeshu saith to him, Arise, take up thy bed, and walk. And in the instant that man was healed, and, arising, he took up his bed, and walked: and that day was the shabath. And the Jihudoyee said to him who had been healed, This is the shabath: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed. But he answered and said to them, He who made me whole, he said to me, Take up thy bed, and walk. And they said to him, What man is this who told thee to take up thy bed, and walk? But he who had been healed knew not who it was; for Jeshu had retired among the great multitude which was in that place. After a time Jeshu found him in the temple, and said to him, Behold, thou art healed: sin not again, lest there be to thee that which is worse than the first. And that man went away, and told the Jihudoyee, that it was Jeshu who had healed him. On account of this the Jihudoyee persecuted Jeshu, and sought to kill him, because these things he had done on the shabath. But he, Jeshu, said to them, My Father until now worketh, I also work. But on this account the more sought the Jihudoyee to kill him, not only because he had loosed the shabath, but also that of Aloha he had said that he was his Father, and had made himself equal with Aloha. BUT Jeshu answered and said to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, The Son cannot do any thing from the will of himself, but that which he seeth the Father do. For those which the Father doeth, these also the Son likewise doeth. For the Father loveth the Son, and every thing that he doeth he showeth him; and greater than these works he showeth him, that you may wonder. For as the Father raiseth the dead, and quickeneth, so also the Son quickeneth those whom he willeth. For the Father judgeth no man, but all judgment he hath given to the Son; that all men should honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father who sent him. Amen, amen, I say to you, He who heareth my word and believeth on him who sent me, hath the life that is eternal, and into condemnation he cometh not, but hath passed from death unto life. Amen, amen, I say to you, That the hour cometh and also now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Aloha; and they who hear shall live For as the Father hath life in his person, so hath he given also to the Son to have life in his person, and hath empowered him also to execute judgment. Because he is the Son of man, marvel not at this; for the hour cometh when all they who are in the sepulchres shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they who have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they who have done evil unto the resurrection of condemnation. I CANNOT of the will of myself do any thing; but as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just; for I seek not my will, but the will of Him who sent me. If I should witness concerning myself, my testimony would not be (regarded as) truth: there is another who witnesseth of me, and I know that true is his testimony which he hath witnessed of me. You sent to Juchanon, and he witnessed of the truth. But I do not from man (only) receive testimony. But these (things) speak I that you may be saved. He was a lamp that burneth and shineth, and you were willing to glory for the hour in his light. But I have a testimony which is greater than that of Juchanon; for the works that the Father hath given me to accomplish, these works that I do testify of me that the Father hath sent me. And the Father who hath sent me, he testifieth of me: but his voice you have never heard, nor his appearance seen. And his word abideth not in you, because in Him whom he hath sent you do not believe. Investigate the scriptures; for in them you think you have the life that is eternal, and they testify of me. And you will not come to me that the life that is eternal you might have. Glory from the sons of men I receive not. But I know you, that the love of Aloha is not in you. I have come in the name of my Father, and you have not received me. If another should come in his own name, him you would receive. How can you believe, who glory one from another are receiving, and the glory which is from one, Aloha, you seek not? How think you that I will accuse you before the Father? There is one who accuseth you, Musha himself, in whom you hope. For if in Musha you had believed, you would also have believed in me; for Musha of me hath written. But if his writings you believe not, how my words will you believe? AFTER these Jeshu went over the Sea of Galila of Tiberios, and great multitudes went after him, because they had seen the signs which he wrought on the diseased. And Jeshu ascended a mountain, and there sat with his disciples. Now the feast of the petscha of the Jihudoyee drew nigh. And Jeshu lifted up his eyes, and saw the great assembly which had come to him; and he said to Philipos, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? But this he said trying him; for he knew what he was about to do. Philipos saith to him, Two hundred dinoreen of bread is not sufficient for them, that a little every one of them may take. Saith to him one of his disciples, Andreas, brother of Shemun Kipha, There is here a certain youth, who hath with him five cakes of barley and two fishes; but these what are they for these all? Jeshu saith to them, Make all the men recline; for there was much herbage in that place. And the men reclined, in number five thousand. And Jeshu took the bread, and blessed, and divided unto those who reclined, and likewise also of the fishes, as much as they willed. And when they were satisfied, he said to his disciples, Gather the fragments that abound, that nothing be lost; and they gathered and filled twelve baskets of fragments, those which abounded unto them who had eaten of the five loaves of barley. But those men, when they had seen the sign which Jeshu had wrought, said, Truly this is the Prophet that cometh into the world. But when Jeshu knew that they were about to come to seize him and make him the King, he passed away to a mountain alone. AND when it was eventide, his disciples went down to the sea. And they sat in a vessel, and went over for Kapher-nachum. And it was dark, and Jeshu had not come to them. But the sea had risen against them, because a great wind blew. And they had led stadia twentyfive or thirty, and they saw Jeshu walking upon the sea, and drawing nigh to the vessel; and they feared. But Jeshu himself said to them, I am, fear not. And they willed to receive him into the vessel, and soon that vessel was at that land to which they were going. The day after the people that stood on the opposite shore of the sea saw that there was not another vessel there except that into which the disciples had ascended, and that Jeshu had not entered with his disciples into the vessel; but there came other boats from Tiberios near the place, where they did eat bread when Jeshu had blessed. And when that company saw that Jeshu was not there nor his disciples, they ascended into those boats, and came to Kapher-nachum. And they sought Jeshu; and when they had found him on the opposite side of the sea, they say to him, Raban, when camest thou hither? Jeshu answered and said to them, Amen, amen, I tell you, You seek me, not because you considered the signs, but because you did eat the bread, and were satisfied. Work not (for) the food which perisheth, but (for) the food that endureth unto the life that is eternal, which the Son of man shall give to you: for this hath the Father sealed, (even) Aloha. They say to him, What shall we do that we may work the works of Aloha? Jeshu answered and said to them, This is the work of Aloha, that you believe in Him whom he hath sent. THEY say to him, What sign doest thou that we may see, and believe in thee? What performest thou? Our fathers manna did eat in the desert, as it is written, that bread from heaven be gave them to eat. Jeshu saith to them, Amen, amen, I tell you, That Musha gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven: for the bread of Aloha is He who hath descended from heaven, and giveth life to the world. They say to him, Our Lord, at all time give us this bread. Jeshu saith to them, I am the bread of life: he who cometh to me shall not hunger, and he who believeth in me shall not thirst, for ever. But I have told you that you have seen me, and have not believed. Every one whom the Father hath given me, unto me will come; and him who unto me shall come, I will not cast out. I descended from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of Him who sent me. But this is the will of my Father who sent me, that of all whom he hath given me I shall lose not of him, but shall raise him at the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that every one who seeth the Son and believeth on him, shall have the life that is eternal, and I will raise him at the last day. But the Jihudoyee murmured against him because he said, I am the bread which hath descended from heaven. And they said, Is not this Jeshu bar Jauseph, he whose father and mother we know? and how saith this, From heaven I have descended? Jeshu answered and said to them, Murmur not one with another. No man can come to me unless the Father who sent me shall attract him, and I will raise him at the last day. It is written in the prophet, that they shall be all taught of Aloha: every one, therefore, who hath heard from the Father and learned of him, cometh unto me. There is no man who hath seen the Father, but he who is from Aloha, he hath seen the Father. AMEN, amen, I say to you, Whosoever believeth in me hath the life which is eternal. I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead: but this is the bread which hath descended from heaven, that man may eat of it, and die not. I am the bread of life that from heaven hath descended; and if man shall eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give is my body, which for the life of the world I give. The Jihudoyee contended one with another, saying, How can this his body give to us to eat? And Jeshu said to them, Amen, amen, I tell you, That unless you eat the body of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eateth of my body, and drinketh of my blood, hath the life which is eternal, and I will raise him at the last day. For my body is truly food, and my blood is truly drink. He who eateth my body, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the Father the Living (one) who hath sent me, and I live by the Father, even so he who shall eat me, shall live, too, by me. This is the bread which hath descended from heaven. Not as was the manna that your fathers ate, and are dead; he who eateth of this bread shall live for ever. These things he spake in the synagogue, as he taught in Kapher-nachum. And many of his disciples who heard said, A hard word is this: who can hear it? BUT Jeshu knew in himself that his disciples murmured concerning this; and he said to them, Does this stumble you? If you shall see then the Son of man ascend up to the place where he was from the first? It is the Spirit that maketh alive, the body profiteth nothing: the words which I have spoken to you, they are spirit and they are life. But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jeshu knew from the first who they were who believed not, and who it was who would betray him. And he said to them, On account of this I told you that no man can come to me, unless it be given him of my Father. On account of this word many of his disciples went back, and walked not with him. Jeshu said to the twelve, Do you also will to go? Shemun Kipha answered and said, My Lord, unto whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life; and we believe and know that thou art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha the Living. Jeshu saith to them, Have I not chosen you twelve, and from you one is Satana? He spake concerning Jihuda bar Shemun Scarjuta; for he it was who would betray him, one from the twelve. AFTER these Jeshu walked in Galila; for he would not walk in Jihuda, because the Jihudoyee had sought to kill him. And the feast of tabernacles of the Jihudoyee drew nigh. And his brethren said to Jeshu, Remove thee hence, and go into Jihuda, that thy disciples may see the works which thou doest. For there is no man who doeth any thing in concealment, and willeth himself to be in openness: if these things thou doest, show thyself to the world. For neither did his brethren believe in him, in Jeshu. Jeshu saith to them, My time until now cometh not, but your time is always ready. The world cannot hate you: but me it hateth, because I bear witness against it that the works of it are evil. Go you up to this feast: I do not ascend now to this feast, because my time is not yet complete. These things said he, and remained in Galila. But when his brethren had ascended to the feast, then also he ascended; not in openness, but as in concealment. But the Jihudoyee sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he? and there was great murmuring concerning him among the people; for some said that he was good, and others said, No; but he deceiveth the people. But no man openly spoke of him, for fear of the Jihudoyee. But when the days of the feast divided, Jeshu ascended to the temple, and taught. And the Jihudoyee wondered and said, How knoweth this man the scripture, when he hath not learned? Jeshu answered and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his who sent me. Whosoever willeth to do his will understandeth my doctrine, if it be from Aloha, or (if) from the will of myself I speak. He who from the will of his (own) mind speaketh, the glory of himself seeketh; but he who the glory of him who hath sent him seeketh, is true, and no iniquity is in him. Did not Musha give you the law? But no man of you keepeth the law. Why seek you to kill me? The people answered, saying, Thou hast a demon: who seeketh to kill thee? Jeshu answered and said to them, One work have I performed, and all of you wondered on this account. Musha gave you circumcision, not because it was from the fathers, and on the shabath you circumcise a man. But if a man is circumcised on the day of shabath because the law of Musha may not be broken, why against me do you murmur, because I have altogether healed a man on the day of shabath? Judge not with acceptance of persons, but righteous judgment judge you. And some of Urishlem said, Is not this he whom they seek to kill? and, behold, openly he discourseth, and nothing say they to him. Do the elders know that this is truly the Meshicha? Yet of this we know from whence he is; but when the Meshicha cometh, no man knoweth from whence he is. Jeshu lifted up his voice as he taught in the temple, and said, You know me, and from whence I am you know: and of myself I am not come; but true is he who sent me, he whom you know not. But I know him who am from him; and he hath sent me. And they sought to apprehend him; but no man laid hands on him, because not yet was come his hour. But many of the multitude believed in him, and said, When the Meshicha is come, will he exceed the miracles which this doeth? The Pharishee heard the assembly, that they said these things of him, and the chief priests sent officers to apprehend him. Jeshu said, Yet a little while am I with you, and I go unto him who sent me: and you will seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am you cannot come. The Jihudoyee say among themselves, Whither is this about to go, that we cannot find him? To the countries of the nations is he to go, and to teach the Heathens? What is this word he hath said, You shall seek me, and not find me; and where I am you cannot come? BUT in the great day, which was the last of the feast, stood Jeshu and cried, and said, If (any) man thirst, let him come unto me and drink; for whosoever believeth in me, as have said the scriptures, rivers of living waters shall flow from his belly. But this he spake of the Spirit which they should receive who believe in him. For not yet was the Spirit given, because not yet was Jeshu glorified. Now many of the assemblies who heard his words said, This is truly the Prophet. Others said, This is the Meshicha. Others said, How from Galila cometh the Meshicha? Hath not the scripture said, That from the seed of David, and from Beth-lechem the town of David, cometh the Meshicha? And there was a division concerning him among the assemblies; and there were men of them who would have apprehended him; but no man laid hands on him. AND those officers came to the chief priests and the Pharishee; and the priests said to them, Why have you not brought him? The officers say to them, Never so spake a son of man as speaks this man! The Pharishee say to them, Are you also deceived? Have any of the heads, or of the Pharishee, believed in him? But if this people who know not the law (believe in him), they are accursed. One of them, Nikodimos, he who came to Jeshu by night, saith to them, Does our law condemn a man unless it shall hear from him first, and know what he hath done? They answered and said to him, Art thou also of Galila? Investigate, and see, that the Prophet from Galila ariseth not. BUT again spake Jeshu with them, and said, I am the Light of the world: he who followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall find the light of life. The Pharishee say to him, Thou of thyself testifiest: thy testimony is not the truth. Jeshu answered and said to them, Though I testify of myself, my testimony is the truth: because I know from whence I am, and whither I go. But you know not from whence I am, nor whither I go. You judge carnally; but I judge no man. Yet if I judge, my judgment is true: because I am not alone, but I and my Father who sent me. So in your law it is written, that the testimony of two men is truth: I am (one) who testify of myself, and my Father who sent me testifieth (also) of me. They say to him, Where is thy Father? Jeshu answered and said to them, You know neither me, nor my Father; for if me you had known, my Father also would you have known. These words spake Jeshu in the house of treasure, as he taught in the temple: and no man apprehended him; for not yet had come his hour. Jeshu said again, I go, and you will seek me, and will die in your sins; and where I go you cannot come. The Jihudoyee say, Will he kill himself then? for he saith, Whither I go you cannot come. And he said to them, From beneath are you; but I am from above: you are of this world; but I am not of this world. I said to you, that you will die in your sins: for if you believe not that I AM, you will die in your sins. The Jihudoyee say, Who art thou? Jeshu saith to them, The same that I began to tell you. Much have I against you to say and to judge: but he who hath sent me is true; and those (things) which I have heard from him these speak I in the world. But they knew not that of the Father he spake to them. JESHU saith to them again, When you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know that I am (he), and (that) nothing from myself I do; but as the Father hath taught me, so I speak. And he who sent me is with me: my Father hath not left me alone; for whatever is pleasing to him I do at all time. And as these (words) he spake, many believed on him. And Jeshu said to those Jihudoyee who believed on him, If you persevere in my doctrine, you shall be truly my disciples; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall liberate you. They say to him, We are the seed of Abraham, and never service to man have we performed; how sayest thou that we shall be sons of freedom? Jeshu saith to them, Amen I tell you, Whoever doeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not for ever in the house, but the Son for ever abideth. If He therefore, the Son, shall liberate you, truly shall you be sons of freedom. I know that you are the seed of Abraham; but you seek to kill me, because in my word you do not concur. That which I have seen with my Father I speak, and that which you have seen with your father you do. They answered and said to him, Our father is Abraham. Jeshu saith to them, If you were the sons of Abraham, the works of Abraham you would do. But now you seek to kill me, the man who the truth has spoken with you, which I have heard from Aloha. This Abraham did not. But you do the deeds of your father. They say to him, We from fornication are not; one Father have we, Aloha. Jeshu saith to them, If Aloha were your Father, you would love me; for I from Aloha came forth, and I came not of myself, but he sent me. Wherefore my word do you not acknowledge? Because you cannot hear my word. You are from your father the accuser, and the desires of your father you are willing to do. He from the beginning was the killer of men, and in the truth he stood not; therefore the truth is not in him. And when he speaketh a lie, of his own he speaketh, because of falsity he is also the father. But I (speak the truth, and) because the truth I speak, you believe me not. Who of you convicteth me of sin? Yet if the truth I speak, why do you not believe me? He who is of Aloha the words of Aloha heareth: therefore you hear not, because you are not of Aloha. The Jihudoyee answered and say to him, Did we not well say, Thou art a Shomroya, and hast a devil? Jeshu said to them, I have no devil; but my Father I honour, and you debase me. But I seek not my own glory; He is, who seeketh and judgeth. Amen, amen, I say to you, That he who my word keepeth, death shall not see for ever. The Jihudoyee say to him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, that he who thy word keepeth, death shall not taste for ever. Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who is dead; and than the prophets, who are dead? What makest thou thyself? Jeshu said to them, If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing: it is my Father who glorifieth me; he, of whom you say that he is your God. But you know him not; but I know him: and should I say that I know him not, I should be a liar like you. But I know him, and keep his words. Abraham, your father, desired to see my day, and he saw, and was glad. The Jihudoyee said to him, Yet the son of fifty years thou art not, and Abraham hast thou seen? Jeshu saith to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I AM. And they took up stones to stone him; but Jeshu concealed himself, and went from the temple, and passed among them, and went. AND as he was passing, he saw a man blind from the womb of his mother. And his disciples asked him, saying, Raban, who sinned, this or his parents, that blind he should have been born? Jeshu saith to them, Neither he sinned, nor his parents; but that there might be seen in him the works of Aloha. Me it behoveth to do the works of Him who sent me, while it is to-day: the night cometh when man cannot work. So long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world. And when he had said these things, he spat upon the ground, and formed clay from his spittle, and rubbed upon the eyes of the blind, and said to him, Go, wash in the pool of Shilucha. And he went, washed, and came seeing. But his neighbours, and they who had seen (him) aforetime as he begged, said, Is not this he who sat and begged? Some said, It is he; and some said, It is not, but one like him; but he said, I am he. They say to him, How were thine eyes opened? He answered and said to them, The man whose name is Jeshu made clay, and rubbed upon mine eyes, and said to me, Go, wash in the waters of Shilucha; and I went, washed, and received sight. They say to him, Where is he? He saith to them, I know not. They brought him who from the beginning was blind to the Pharishee. Now it was shabath when Jeshu made the clay and opened his eyes: and again the Pharishee questioned him, How didst thou receive sight? He said to them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and received sight. And some of the Pharishee said, This man is not from Aloha; for the shabath he keepeth not. But others said, How can a man, a sinner, perform these signs? And there was a division among them. They say again to the blind, What sayest thou concerning him, because he hath opened thine eyes? He saith to them, I say that he is the Prophet. But believed not concerning him the Jihudoyee that blind he had been and made-to-see, until they called the parents of him who had been made to see, and asked them, If this is your son who, you say, was born blind, how now doth he see? His parents answered and said, We know that this (is) our son, and that blind he was born. But how he now seeth, or who hath opened his eyes, we know not. He also hath entered on his years, ask him: he for himself shall speak. These words said his parents, because they feared the Jihudoyee; for the Jihudoyee had determined that if any man should confess him that he was the Meshicha, they would cast him out of the synagogue: on this account said his parents, He hath entered on his years, ask him. And they called the second time the man who had been blind, and said to him, Glorify Aloha: for we know that this man is a sinner. He answered and said to them, Whether he be a sinner, I know not; but one (thing) I know, that I have been blind, and now, behold, I see. They say to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he to thee thine eyes? He saith to them, I told you, and you heard not: what will you hear? Are you also willing disciples to him to become? But they reviled him, and said to him, Thou art the disciple of him; but we are the disciples of Musha. And we know that with Musha Aloha spake; but for this, we know not whence he is. Answered the man and said to them, At this then we must wonder, that you know not from whence he is, and (yet) mine eyes he hath opened! But we know that Aloha the voice of sinners heareth not; but if any man fear him and do his will, him he heareth. From of old it hath not been heard that a man hath opened the eyes of one born blind. If this were not from Aloha, he could not this have done. They answered and say to him, Thou altogether wast born in sins, and art thou teaching us? And they cast him without. Jeshu heard that they had cast him without, and he found him, and said to him, Dost thou believe on the Son of Aloha? He who had been cured answered and said, Who (is he), my Lord, that I may believe in him? Jeshu said to him, Thou hast SEEN him, and He who talketh with thee is He. He said, I believe, my Lord! And, falling, he adored him. Jeshu said to them, For the judgment of this world am I come, that they who see not may see, and they who see may be made blind. And some of the Pharishee who were with him heard these (words), and they said to him, Are we blind also? Jeshu saith to them, If blind you were, you would have no sin; but now you say, We see: therefore your sin is confirmed. AMEN, amen, I say to you, Whosoever entereth not by the door into the fold of the flock, but ascendeth by another place, he is a thief and a robber. But he who entereth by the door, he is the shepherd of the flock. And to him the keeper of the gate openeth the gate, and the flock heareth his voice, and his sheep he calleth by their names, and he leadeth them forth; and when his flock hath gone forth, he goeth before it, and his sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But after a stranger the flock goeth not, but it fleeth from him; for it knoweth not the voice of a stranger. This parable spake Jeshu to them, but they knew not what he said with them. Jeshu saith to them again, Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate of the flock; and all those who have come were thieves and robbers, but the flock heard them not. I am the gate; by me if any man enter, he shall live and shall come in, and go out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and destroy: I am come that they may have life, and that which is more. I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd his life layeth down for his flock. The hireling who is not the shepherd, and whose the sheep are not, when he seeth the wolf coming, leaveth the flock and fleeth; and the wolf cometh ravaging and destroying the flock. But the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling, and careth not for the flock. I am the good shepherd, and know my own, and am known of my own. As my Father knoweth me (and) I know my Father, and my life I lay down for the flock. But I have other sheep also which are not of this fold; and these also it behoveth me to bring, and they will hear my voice, and all shall become one flock and one shepherd. On this account my Father loveth me, because I lay down my life again to take it. No man taketh it away from me, but I lay it down from my will; for I am able to lay it down, and I am able to take it again; for this commandment have I received from my Father. And there was again a division among the Jihudoyee because of his words: and many of them said, He has a devil, and is altogether insane, why do you hear him? But others said, These words are not of a demoniac: how can a devil open the eyes of the blind? IT was the feast of the renovation at Urishlem, and it was winter. And Jeshu walked in the temple in the portico of Shelumun. And the Jihudoyee surrounded him, saying to him, How long takest thou our souls? If thou art the Meshicha, tell us openly. Jeshu answered and said to them, I have told you, and you believe not. The works that I do in the name of my Father, these witness for me. But you believe not, because you are not of my sheep, (even) as I told you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give to them the life which is eternal, and they shall not perish for ever, and no man shall snatch them from my hands. For my Father who gave them to me than all is greater; and no man from the hand of my Father can snatch them. I and my Father are One. And again the Jihudoyee took up stones to stone him. Jeshu saith to them, Many good works from my Father have I showed you: on account of which of these works do you stone me? The Jihudoyee say to him, Not on account of the good works do we stone thee, but because thou blasphemest; thou, being a son of man, making thyself Aloha. Jeshu saith to them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Alohee? If them he calleth Alohee, because with them was the word of Aloha, and the scripture cannot be loosed, to him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, say you, Thou blasphemest, because I have said to you, I am the Son of Aloha? And if I do not the works of my Father, believe me not; but if I do, though you believe not me, the works believe, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and (that) I (am) in the Father. And they sought again to apprehend him; but he went forth from among their hands: and he went beyond Jurdan, to the place where Juchanon at first had baptized, and was there. And many came to him, and said, Juchanon did not one sign; but every thing which Juchanon said concerning this man was true. And many believed in him. BUT a certain man was sick, Loozar, of the village Bethania: (he was) the brother of Mariam and of Martha. It was that Mariam who anointed with balsam the feet of Jeshu, and wiped (them) with her hair, whose brother this Loozar was who was sick. And his two sisters sent unto Jeshu, saying, Our Lord, he whom thou lovest is sick. But Jeshu said, This sickness is not of death, but for the glory of Aloha, that the Son of Aloha may be glorified on account of it. But Jeshu loved Martha and Mariam and Loozar. And when he heard that he was sick, he remained in the place where he was two days. And afterwards he saith to his disciples, Come, we will go again into Jihud. His disciples say to him, Raban, now have the Jihudoyee sought to stone thee; and again goest thou thither? Jeshu saith to them, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If a man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world; but if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because no light is in him. These spake Jeshu; and afterwards he said to them, Loozar our friend reposeth; but I go to awake him. His disciples say to him, Our Lord, if he sleep he is healed. But Jeshu spake concerning his death; and they thought that concerning the repose of sleep he spake. Then said Jeshu to them explicatively, Loozar is dead. And I am glad I was not there for your sakes, that you may believe. But let us walk thither. Thoma, who is called the Twin, saith to his fellow-disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him. And Jeshu came to Bethania, and found that he had been four days in the house of burial. Now Bethania was nigh to Urishlem, being a distance from it of about fifteen stadia. And many of the Jihudoyee had come to Martha and Mariam, that they might speak to their hearts concerning their brother. Then Martha, when she heard that Jeshu had come, went forth to meet him; but Mariam sat in the house. And Martha said to Jeshu, My Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But even now know I that whatsoever thou wilt ask of Aloha, he giveth to thee. Jeshu saith to her, Thy brother ariseth. Martha saith to him, I know that he ariseth in the resurrection at the last day. Jeshu saith to her, I am the Resurrection and the Life; and (he) who believeth in me, although he will die, shall live. And every one who liveth and believeth in me, for ever shall not die. Believest thou this? She saith to him, Yes, my Lord; I believe that thou art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha, who cometh into the world. And when she had said these, she went, called Mariam her sister in secret, and said to her, Our Master hath come, and calleth for thee. When Mariam heard, she arose quickly, and came to him. But Jeshu himself had not yet come into the village, but was in that place where Martha met him. But those Jihudoyee who were also with her in the house to console her, when they saw that Mariam rose up hastily to go forth, went themselves after her; for they thought that to the sepulchre she went to weep. But she, Mariam, when she was come where Jeshu was, and saw him, fell down at his feet, saying, If thou hadst been here, my Lord, my brother had not died. But Jeshu, when he saw her weeping, and those Jihudoyee who came with her weeping, he was moved in his spirit, and was troubled, and said, Where have you laid him? And they said to him, Our Lord, come and see. And the tears of Jeshu came. And the Jihudoyee said, See how he loved him! But some of them said, Could not this who opened the eyes of that blind have caused also that this should not have died? Jeshu, groaning within himself, came to the house of burial; and that house of burial was a cave, and a stone was laid at the gate of it. And Jeshu said, Take up this stone. Martha, the sister of him (who was) dead, saith to him, My Lord, he now stinketh; for four days are to him. Jeshu said to her, Said I not to thee, that if thou wilt believe, thou shalt see the glory of Aloha? And they took up the stone. And Jeshu lifted his eye upward, and said, Father, I give thanks to thee that thou hast heard me; and I know that at all times thou hearest me: yet, because of this assembly which standeth, I say these (words), that they may believe that thou hast sent me. And when he had said these (words), he cried with a high voice, Loozar, come without! And he, the dead, came forth, his hands and his feet being bound with bandages, and his face in a linen cloth. Jeshu saith to them, Release him, and let (him) go. And many of the Jihudoyee who came with Mariam, when they saw the thing which Jeshu did, believed on him. And some of them went to the Pharishee, and told them every thing that Jeshu had done. AND the chief priests and Pharishee assembled, and said, What shall we do? because this man doeth many signs; and if we leave him thus, all men will believe on him, and the Rumoyee, coming, take away our country and our people. But one of them, whose name was Kaiapha, was the high priest of that year; and he said to them, You know not any thing, nor reason that it is expedient for us that one man die for the people, and not all the people perish. But this from himself he spake not, but because he was high priest of that year, he prophesied that Jeshu should die for the people, and not only for (that) people, but also that the children of Aloha who are dispersed he should gather into one. And from that day they determined to kill him. But Jeshu himself walked not openly among the Jihudoyee, but went from thence to the region near the wilderness, to a region which was called Ephrem, and there conversed with his disciples. NOW the petscha of the Jihudoyee drew nigh; and many went up from the country places to Urishlem before the festival, to purify themselves. And they sought for Jeshu, and said one to another in the temple, What think you, that he cometh to the feast? But the chief priests and Pharishee had commanded that if any man knew where (he was), he should declare it to them, as that they might apprehend him. But Jeshu six days before the petscha came to Bethania, where Loozar was, he whom Jeshu had raised from among the dead. And they made him there a supper and Martha served, and Loozar was one of those who reclined with him. But Mariam took a vase of balsam of the finest nard, great in price, and anointed the feet of Jeshu, and wiped with her hair his feet, and the house was filled with the fragrance of the balsam. And Jihuda Scarjuta, one of his disciples, he who would betray him said, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred dinoreen, and given to the poor? But this he said, not because for the poor he had care, but because he was a thief, and the purse was with him, and whatever fell into it he carried. But Jeshu said, Let her alone. For the day of my burial had she kept it. In all time the poor you have with you; but me you have not at all time. And a great company of Jihudoyee who were there heard Jeshu. And they had come not on Jeshu's account only, but also to see Loozar, he whom he had raised from among the dead. But the chief priests were minded to slay Loozar also, because many of the Jihudoyee on account of him had gone and believed in Jeshu. THE day after, a great gathering of those who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jeshu was coming to Urishlem, took branches of palms, and went forth to meet him. And they cried out, saying, Aushana! Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. And Jeshu caused to be found an ass, and sat upon him; as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Tseun: behold, thy King cometh to thee, and riding on a colt, the foal of an ass. But these the disciples knew not at that time; but when Jeshu was glorified, the disciples remembered that these were written concerning him, and (that) these (things) they had done unto him. But the assembly that was with him when he called Loozar from the sepulchre, and raised him from among the dead, bare witness. And on account of this, great multitudes went forth to receive him; for they had heard that this sign he had done. But the Pharishee said one to another, See you that you do not profit any thing! For, behold, the whole world is gone after him. Now there were also from the Gentiles men who had ascended to worship at the feast. These came and drew near to Philipos, who was of Beth-tsaida of Galila; and they requested of him, and said to him, Mari, we desire to see Jeshu. And Philipos came and told Andreas, and Andreas and Philipos told Jeshu. BUT Jeshu answered and said to them, The hour hath come that the Son of man may be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you, That a grain of wheat if it fall not and die in the earth remaineth alone; but if it die, it bringeth much fruits. He who loveth his life shall lose it; and he who hateth his life in this world shall keep it to the life which is eternal. If any man serve me, let him come after me; and where I am, there shall be also my servant: whoever serveth me, him will my Father honour. Now my soul, behold it is commoved; and what shall I say? My Father, deliver me from this hour: but on account of this have I come unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. And the voice was heard from heaven, I have glorified, and again I glorify. And the company who stood, heard, and they said there was thunder. But others said, An angel spake with him. Jeshu answered and said to them, Not on my account was this voice, but on your account. Now is the judgment of this world; now is the ruler of this world cast out. And I, when I have been lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. But this he said to show by what death he should die. The people said to him, We have heard from the law that the Meshicha for ever abideth: how sayest thou that the Son of man is to be lifted up? Who is this Son of man? Jeshu saith to them, A little further time is the light with you. Walk while you have the light, that the darkness overtake you not. And whoever walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While you have the light, believe in the light, that the sons of light you may become. These spake Jeshu, and went (and) concealed himself from them. Yet though all these signs he had done before them, they believed not in him: that the word of the prophet Eshaia might be fulfilled, who said, My Lord, who hath believed our report, And the arm of the Lord, to whom hath it been revealed? Because of this they were not able to believe: Wherefore again Eshaia had said, He hath blinded their eyes, And darkened their heart, That they should not see with their eyes, And understand with their heart, And be turned, and I should heal them. These said Eshaia when he saw his glory, and spake concerning him. Yet of the chiefs also many believed in him: but because of the Pharishee they did not confess, that they might not be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the glory of men more than the glory of Aloha. But Jeshu cried and said, He who believeth in me, believeth not in me, but in him who sent me. And he who seeth me seeth him who sent me. I the light am come into the world, that every one who believeth in me might not abide in darkness. And he who heareth my words, and doth not keep them, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejecteth me, and receiveth not my word, hath that which judgeth him: the word which I speak, that judgeth him in the last day. For I of myself have not spoken, but the Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandments are life everlasting: these therefore which I speak, as said to me my Father, so I speak. NOW before the feast of petscha, Jeshu knew that his hour was come, and that he should pass from this world unto his Father, and he had loved his who were in this world, and unto the end he had loved them. And when was the supper, Satana had cast it into the heart of Jihuda bar Shemun Scarjuta to betray him. But Jeshu himself, because he knew that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that from Aloha he had come forth, and unto Aloha he was going, riseth from supper, and setteth his garments apart, and took a towel, (and) bound (it) upon his loins; and he poured water into a basin, and began to wash the feet of his disciples, and wiped (them) with the towel that he had bound upon his loins. But when he came to Shemun Kipha, Shemun said to him, Dost thou, my Lord, wash my feet for me? Jeshu answered and said to him, What I do, thou knowest not now; but afterward thou shalt know. Shemun Kipha saith to him, Never shalt thou wash for me my feet. Jeshu saith to him, If I do not wash thee, thou hast with me no part. Shemun Kipha saith to him, Then, my Lord, not only my feet shalt thou wash for me, but also my hands, also my head. Jeshu saith, He that hath bathed needeth not but his feet only to wash, for all of him he hath cleansed: also you are clean, but not all of you. For Jeshu knew who was betraying him; therefore he said, Ye are not all of you clean. But when he had washed their feet, he took up his garments and reclined, and said to them, Know you what I have done for you? You call me Our Master, and Our Lord; and well say you, for I am. If I then, your Lord and your Master, have washed for you your feet, how much more ought you to wash the feet of one another? For this pattern have I given you, that as I have done to you, you also should do. Amen, amen, I say to you, The servant is not greater than his lord; nor (is) the apostle greater than he who sent him. If these you know, happy are you if you do them. Not of all of you do I speak; for I know those whom I have chosen; but that the scripture might be fulfilled, that he who eateth bread with me hath lifted against me his heel. Now I tell you before it shall be, that when it is done you may believe that I am. Amen, amen, I say to you, Whoever receiveth him whom I send receiveth me; and whoever receiveth me receiveth him who sent me. These said Jeshu, and was agitated in his spirit, and testified, and said, Amen, amen, I say to you, That one of you shall betray me. But the disciples looked one on the other, because they knew not concerning whom he spake. Now there was of his disciples one who reclined on his bosom; he whom Jeshu loved. To this signed Shemun Kipha that he would ask of whom it was that he spake. And that disciple fell upon the bosom of Jeshu, and said to him, My Lord, who is this? Jeshu answered and said to him, He to whom I give the dipped bread. And Jeshu dipped the bread and gave it to Jihuda bar Shemun Scarjuta. Then after the bread Satana entered into him. And Jeshu said to him, What thou doest, do with speed! But this no man knew of those who reclined of what he spake to him. For some of them thought that as Jihuda had the purse, he had instructed him to buy something that should be required at the feast, or that he should give somewhat to the poor. But he, Jihuda, received the bread and immediately went out: and it was night when he went out. AND Jeshu said, Now is glorified the Son of man, and Aloha is glorified in him. And if Aloha is glorified in him, Aloha shall glorify him in himself, and at once doth glorify him. My sons, a little longer I am with you, and you will seek me; and, as I said to the Jihudoyee, Whither I go you cannot come, so to you say I now. A new commandment give I to you, that you should love one another; as I have loved you, so do you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if love be in you one for another. Shemun Kipha said to him, Our Lord, whither goest thou? Jeshu said to him, Whither I go, thou canst not now come after me; but at the last thou shalt come. Shemun Kipha saith to him, My Lord, why cannot I come after thee now? My life for thee lay I down. Jeshu saith to him, Dost thou lay down thy life for me! Amen, amen, I tell thee, That the cock will not crow, until thou shalt have denied me three times. LET not your heart be troubled: believe in Aloha, and in me believe. Many are the mansions of my Father's house: and if not, I would have told you; for I go to prepare for you a place. And if I go to prepare for you a place, I will come again and take you with me, that where I am you also may be. And whither I go you know, and the way you know. Thoma saith to him, Our Lord, we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way? Jeshu saith to him, I (am) the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto my Father unless by me. But if me you had known, my Father also would you have known: and henceforth you know him and have seen him. Philipos saith to him, Our Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jeshu saith to him, All this time have I been with you, and hast thou not known me, PhilipƩ? He who me seeth, seeth the Father; and how sayest thou, Show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in my Father and my Father in me? And these words that I speak, I speak not from myself, but my Father who dwelleth in me, he doeth these works. Believe that I am in my Father and my Father in me; and if not, even on account of the works, believe. Amen, amen, I say to you, That whosoever believeth in me, these works that I do shall he do also; and more than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, I will do for you, that the Father may be glorified in his Son. And if you shall ask (of) me in my name, I will do. IF you love me, keep my commandments; and I will pray of my Father, and another Paraclete will he give you, who will be with you for ever, the Spirit of truth, he whom the world cannot receive, because it doth not see him, nor know him. But you know him; for with you he dwelleth, and in you is. I will not leave you orphans; for I will come to you a little after. And the world seeth me not, but you shall see me; for because I live, you also shall live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. He who hath my commandments and keepeth them is he who loveth me; and he who loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest to him myself. Jihuda saith to him, (it was not Scarjuta,) My Lord, how to us wilt thou manifest thyself, and not to the world? Jeshu replied, and said to him, He who loveth me, my word keepeth, and my Father will love him, and unto him we come, and a dwelling-place with him we make. But he who loveth me not, keepeth not my word. And the word that you hear is not mine, but of the Father who sent me. These have I spoken with you while I am with you. But he, the Paraclete, the Spirit of Holiness, whom the Father sendeth in my name, he shall teach you every thing, and he shall remind you of all that I have said to you. PEACE I leave with you; my peace I give to you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor be afraid. You have heard what I have told you, that I go, and come to you (again). If you had loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to my Father; for my Father is greater than I. And now, behold, I have told you while it is not done, that when it has been you may believe. Henceforth I will not speak with you much; for the ruler of the world cometh, and in me hath he nothing. But that the world may know that I love my Father, and as my Father hath commanded, so I do. Arise, let us go hence! I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch which in me giveth not fruits he taketh away; and that which giveth fruits he cleanseth, that more fruits it may give. Now are you clean because of the word which I have spoken with you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot give fruits of itself if it abide not in the vine, so also cannot you, if you abide not in me. I am the vine, and you the branches. Whoso abideth in me, and I in him, this produceth much fruits, because without me you cannot do any thing. But if a man abide not in me, he is cast without, as a withered branch; and, gathering, they cast it into the fire to burn. But if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, all whatever you will to ask shall be unto you. IN this is glorified my Father, that much fruit you give, and be my disciples. As my Father hath loved me, so I have loved you: continue in the love of me. If my commandments you will keep, you shall abide in my love; as I have kept the commandments of my Father, and abide in his love. These have I spoken with you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you. Love which is greater than this is not, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do all that I command you. No more I call you servants, for the servant knoweth not what doeth his Lord; but my friends have I called you; wherefore all that I have heard from my Father, I have made known unto you. You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and placed you, that you also may go (and) yield much fruit; and your fruit shall remain, because all that you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give to you. These I command you, That you love one another. And if the world hate you, know that, before you, it hated me. And if of the world you were, the world its own would have loved; but you are not of the world, for I have chosen you from the world; on which account the world hateth you. Remember the word which I spake with you, That there is no servant who is greater than his lord. If me they have persecuted, you also will they persecute; and if my word they had kept, yours also would they keep. But these all will they do to you on account of my name, because they know not Him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken with them, they had not had sin; but now have they no pretext for their sins. He who hateth me, my Father also hateth. And if the works I had not done before their eyes which no other man hath done, they had not had sin; but now they have seen and hated both me and my Father; that the word may be fulfilled which is written in their law, They hated me undeservedly. But when the Paraclete cometh, He whom I will send unto you from my Father, the Spirit of Truth, He who from my Father cometh forth, He shall testify of me. You also testify, because from the beginning are you with me. These have I spoken with you, that you may not be offended. They shall cast you out from their synagogues; and the hour cometh when every one who shall kill you will think that a sacrifice he offereth unto Aloha. And these will they do, because they have not known either my Father or me. THESE have I spoken with you, that when their time hath come you may remember that I told you. But these at first I did not tell you, because with you I was. But now I go unto Him who sent me; and no man of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? For I have told you these, and sorrow hath come and filled your hearts. But I the truth say to you, That it is needful for you that I go; for if I go not, the Paraclete cometh not to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he hath come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. Of sin, because they believe not in me; but of righteousness, because unto my Father I go, and you see me not again; but of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I have yet much to tell you, but you cannot now apprehend; but when the Spirit of Truth hath come, he will lead you into all the truth; for he will not speak of himself; but all that he shall hear he will speak, and the things to come will he make known to you. He will glorify me, because of mine he will take and will show you. All whatever that the Father hath is mine: on this account I have said to you, That of mine he will take, and will show you. A LITTLE (time), and you will not see me; and again a little, and you shall see me, because I go to the Father. And the disciples said one to another, What is this that he saith to us? A little (time), and you will not see me; and again a little (while), and you shall see me, and because I go to my Father. And they said, What is this little (time of) which he hath spoken? We know not what he saith. But Jeshu knew that they sought to ask him; and he said to them, Concerning this do you inquire together that I told you, A little (time), and you will not see me; and again a little, and you shall see me? Amen, amen, I tell you, That you will weep and lament, and the world will rejoice; and to you shall be sorrow; but your sorrow shall become joy. A woman, when she travaileth, hath sorrow, that the day hath come for her giving birth; but when she hath borne a son, she remembereth not her anguish, for joy that a child of man hath been born into the world. You also now have sorrow; but again I will see you, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. And in that day you will ask me nothing. Amen, amen, I tell you, That whatsoever you shall ask my Father in my name, he will give you. Hitherto you have not asked any thing in my name: ask, and receive, that your joy may be full. These in parables I have spoken with you; but the hour cometh when I will not speak with you in parables, but manifestly; and I will announce to you concerning the Father. In that day you shall ask in my name; and I say not to you that I will ask of the Father for you; for the Father himself loveth you, because you have loved me, and have believed that from the Father I came forth. I came forth from the Father, and came into the world; and again I leave the world, and go unto the Father. His disciples say to him, Behold, now openly speakest thou, and not one parable hast thou spoken. Now know we that every thing thou knowest, and thou needest not that any man should ask thee. By this we believe that from Aloha thou hast come forth. JESHU saith to them, Believe! Behold, the hour shall come, and now cometh, that you will be dispersed (every) man to his place, and you will have left me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These have I said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress; but be of heart, I have conquered the world. These spake Jeshu; and, uplifting his eyes to heaven, he said, My Father, the hour hath come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee. As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that to all whom thou hast given him he should give the life which is eternal. But this is the life which is eternal, that they know thee, who art the true Aloha, and Him whom thou hast sent, Jeshu Meshicha. I have glorified thee on the earth; the work which thou didst give me to do, I have finished it. And now glorify thou me, my Father, with thyself, in that glory which I had with thee before the world was. I have made known thy name unto the sons of man; those whom thou gavest me from the world: thine they were, and to me didst thou give them; and they have kept thy word. Now have they known that whatsoever thou hast given me is from thee. And the words that thou gavest me I have given them, and they have received, and have known assuredly that from thee I came forth, and have believed that thou didst send me. And for them I pray; not for the world I pray, but for them whom thou hast given me, because they are thine. And every thing of mine is thine, and thine is mine, and I am glorified in them. Henceforth I am not in the world; but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them through thy name, that (name) which thou hast given to me, that they may be one as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them through thy name: those whom thou gavest me I have kept, and a man of them is not lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled. BUT now I come to thee, and these (things) I speak in the world, that they may have my joy completed in themselves. I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Not that thou wouldest take them out of the world do I pray, but that thou wouldest keep them from the evil; for they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Father, sanctify them through thy truth; for thy word is truth. As me thou hast sent into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated for the truth. Nor for these do I pray only, but also for those who shall believe in me through their word; that they all may be one, as thou, my Father, (art) in me, and I in thee, that they also in us one may be; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou hast given me have I given unto them, that they may be one as we are one; I in them, and thou in me, that they may be perfected in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and that thou hast loved them, as me also thou hast loved. Father, those whom thou hast given I will that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see that glory of mine, which thou hast given to me; for thou lovedst me before the foundations of the world. My righteous Father, the world hath not known thee; but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have made known unto them thy name, and I make it known that the love itself, wherewith thou hast loved me, may be in them, and I may be in them. THESE said Jeshu, and went forth with his disciples over the ford of Kedrun, where there was a garden, which he entered with his disciples. But Jihuda, the traitor, also knew that place, because many-a-time had Jeshu there with his disciples convened. Jihuda then took a band, and from the chief priests and Pharishee he took officers, and came thither with lanterns and lamps and arms. But Jeshu, who knew every thing that should come upon him, went forth and said to them, Whom seek you? They say to him, Jeshu Natsroia. Jeshu saith to them, I am. And Jihuda the traitor was also standing with them. And when Jeshu had said to them, I am, they went backward and fell upon the ground. And Jeshu again asked them, Whom seek you? Then they said, Jeshu Natsroia. Jeshu saith to them, I have told you that I am; and if me you seek, let these go. That the word might be fulfilled which he spake, Of those whom thou hast given me I have not lost even one. But Shemun Kipha had a sword upon him, and he drew it, and smote the servant of the high priest, and took off his right ear. And the name of the servant was Molek. Jeshu said to Kipha, Put up the sword into its sheath; the cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it? Then the band and the captains and the officials of the Jihudoyee took Jeshu and bound him, and brought him unto Chanan first, because he was father-in-law of Kaiapha, he who was the high priest of that year. Now it was Kaiapha, he, who had counselled the Jihudoyee that it was expedient that one man should die for the people. But Shemun Kipha, and one of the other disciples, came after Jeshu. And that disciple knew the chief of the priests, and went in with Jeshu into the hall. But Shemun stood without at the door. And that other disciple, who knew the chief of the priests, went out and told the keeper of the door to admit Shemun. But the damsel keeping the door said to Shemun, Art thou also of the disciples of this man? He saith to her, No. And the servants and officials were standing, and they had set a fire to warm them, because it was cold; and Shemun stood also with them and warmed himself. And the high priest questioned Jeshu concerning his disciples, and concerning his doctrine. And Jeshu said to him, I openly discoursed with the people, and, at all time, taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where all the Jihudoyee assemble. And nothing in secret have I spoken. Why askest thou me? Ask them who have heard what I have said with them. Behold, they know every thing that I have said. And as these (words) he spake, one of the officers who stood (by) struck Jeshu upon his cheek, and said to him, Thus givest thou the answer to the chief of the priests? Jeshu replied and said to him, If wickedly I have spoken, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why hast thou struck me? But Chanan had sent Jeshu bound unto Kaiapha, chief of the priests. And Shemun Kipha stood and warmed (himself), and they say to him, Thou art also one of his disciples? And he denied and said, I am not. One of the servants of the chief of the priests said to him, the brother of him whose ear Shemun had cut off, Did not I see thee with him in the garden? And again Shemun denied. And in the same hour the cock crowed. NOW they led Jeshu from Kaiapha into the praetorium, and it was early. But they would not enter the praetorium, that they might not be defiled, until they should have eaten the petscha. But Pilatos came forth to them without, and said to them, What accusation have you against this man? They answered and said to him, If he were not a worker of evils, we would not to thee have delivered him. Pilatos saith to them, Take you him, and judge him according to your law. The Jihudoyee say to him, It is not lawful for us to put any one to death. That the word that Jeshu spake might be accomplished, when he declared by what death he should die. But Pilatos entered the Praetorium, and called Jeshu, and said to him, Art thou the king of the Jihudoyee? Jeshu saith to him, Of thyself sayest thou this, or did others tell thee concerning me? Pilatos saith to him, Am I a Jihudoya? The sons of thy people and the chief priests have delivered thee to me: what hast thou done? Jeshu saith to him, My kingdom is not from this world. If from this world were my kingdom, my servants would have fought, that I should not have been delivered to the Jihudoyee. But now my kingdom is not from hence. Pilatos saith to him, Then thou art a king? Jeshu saith to him, Thou hast said that I am a king. For this am I born, and for this I came into the world, to testify of the truth. Every one who is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilatos said to him, What is the truth? And when he had said this, he went forth again to the Jihudoyee, and said to them, I find not one cause in him. But you have a custom that one I should release to you at the petscha. Will you, therefore, that I release to you this King of the Jihudoyee? And they all cried and said, Not this, but Bar Aba. Now this Bar Aba was a robber. Then Pilatos scourged Jeshu. And the soldiers entwined a crown of thorns, and set it on his head; and they covered him with robes of purple, and said, Hail to thee, King of the Jihudoyee! and struck him upon his cheeks. And Pilatos came again forth, and said to them, Behold, I bring him to you forth, that you may know that I find nothing against him, nor one cause (of death). AND Jeshu came forth, having on him the crown of thorns and the robes of purple. And Pilatos said to them, Behold the man! But when the chief priests and officials saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him! Pilatos saith to them, Take you him and crucify him; for I find in him no cause. The Jihudoyee say to him, We have a law, and, according to our law, he is guilty of death, because he made himself the son of Aloha. When Pilatos heard that word, he the more feared. And he entered again the praetorium, and said to Jeshu, Whence art thou? But Jeshu gave him no answer. Pilatos saith to him, With me speakest thou not? Knowest thou not that I have power to release thee, and power to crucify thee? Jeshu saith to him, Thou against ME hast no power, no not any, unless it hath been given to thee from above: wherefore he who delivered me to thee hath a sin greater than thine. On this account Pilatos willed to release him: but the Jihudoyee cried out, If this (man) thou releasest, thou art not the friend of Cesar: for whosoever maketh himself a king is the adversary of Cesar. But when Pilatos heard that word, he brought Jeshu without, and sat down upon the tribunal in the place which is called the Pavement of Stones, but in Hebrew it is called Gaphiphtha. And it was the preparation for the petscha. AND it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jihudoyee, Behold your king! But they cried out, Take him away, take him away! crucify him, crucify him! Pilatos saith to them, Your king shall I crucify? The chief priests say to him, We have no king but Cesar. Then delivered he him to them, that they might crucify him. And they took Jeshu, and led him forth, bearing his cross to a place which is called A Skull, but in Hebrew is Gogultha: there they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jeshu in the midst. And a tablet also wrote Pilatos, and set it on the cross; and it was thus written, This is Jeshu Natsroya, King of the Jihudoyee. And this title many of the Jihudoyee read; for nigh to the city was the place where Jeshu was crucified; and the writing was in Hebrew and Greek and Roman. And the chief priests said to Pilatos, Do not write that he is king of the Jihudoyee, but that he said, I am the king of the Jihudoyee. Pilatos saith, That which I have written, I have written. BUT the soldiers, when they had crucified Jeshu, took his vestments and made four parts, a part unto each one of the soldiers: but his tunic was without seam, from the top woven all of it. And they said one to another, Let us not rend it, but play for it by playing, (to decide) whose it shall be: and fulfilled was the scripture which had said, They divided my garments among them, And upon my raiment did they cast the lot. These things did the soldiers. But there stood by the cross of Jeshu his mother, and the sister of his mother, and Mariam, she who was (the wife) of Cleopha, and Mariam Magdalitha. Jeshu seeth his mother, and that disciple whom he loved, standing; and he said to his mother, Woman, behold thy son! and he said to that disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple received her to be with him. After these Jeshu knew that every thing would be accomplished, and, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said, I thirst. And a vessel was set (there) filled with vinegar: then they filled a sponge from the vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and offered it to his mouth. And when Jeshu had taken the vinegar, he said, Behold, it is finished! And he bowed his head, and delivered up his spirit. THE Jihudoyee, because it was the preparation, said, Let not these bodies remain-all-night upon the cross, because the shabath has lighted: for a great day was the day of that shabath. And they besought of Pilatos that they should break the legs of those (who had been) crucified, and take them down. And the soldiers came, and brake the legs of the first, and of that other who was crucified with him; but when they came unto Jeshu, they saw that he was dead already, and they brake not his legs. But one of the soldiers struck him in his side with the lance, and forthwith there came out blood and water. And he who SAW testifieth, and the truth is his testimony; and he knoweth that the truth he hath said, that you also may believe. For these things were done, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which said, that A bone shall not be broken in him. And again another scripture which said, They shall look upon him whom they pierced. After these Jauseph, he who was of Rometha, begged of Pilatos, for he was a disciple of Jeshu, but secretly for fear of the Jihudoyee, that he might take the body of Jeshu: and Pilatos permitted. And he came and took the body of Jeshu. And Nikodimos also came, he who at first had come to Jeshu by night, and he brought with him a condiment of myrrh and aloes, as a hundred lithreen. And they took the body of Jeshu, and wrapped it in cloths and in balsams, as is the manner of the Jihudoyee to bury. Now in that place where Jeshu was crucified was a garden, and in the garden a new sepulchre where one yet had not been laid. And they laid there Jeshu, because the shabath was coming in and the sepulchre was near. BUT in the first in the week came Mariam Magdalitha in the early-morn, (while it was) yet dark, unto the house of burial. And she saw the stone that it was taken from the sepulchre. And she ran, and came to Shemun Kipha, and to that other disciple, whom Jeshu loved, saying to them, They have taken away our Lord from that house of burial, and I know not where they have laid him. And Shemun went forth, and that other disciple, and they came to the house of burial. And they ran both of them together; but that disciple ran before Shemun, and came first to the house of burial. And looking, he saw the cloths lying, but entering he entered not. But Shemun came after him, and went into the house of burial, and saw the cloths set, and the napkin that had been bound upon his head, not with the cloths, but folded up, and laid apart in one place. Then went in also that disciple who came first to the house of burial, and he saw, and believed. For not yet knew they the scriptures, that he was to rise from the dead. And those disciples went again to their place. But Mariam stood at the sepulchre weeping: and while weeping, she looked into the sepulchre, and saw two angels in white, who were sitting, one at his pillows, and one at his feet, where the body of Jeshu had lain. And they say to her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith to them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. This said she, and turned herself back, and saw Jeshu standing, and knew not that it was Jeshu. Jeshu saith to her, Woman, why weepest thou? and whom seekest thou? But she thought he was the gardener, and said to him, Sir, if thou have taken him away, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will go (and) take him away. Jeshu saith to her, Mariam. She turned and saith to him in Hebrew, Rabuni, which is saying, Malphona. Jeshu saith to her, Touch me not; for not yet have I ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend to my Father, and to your Father, to my God, and to your God. Then went Mariam Magdalitha, and announced to the disciples that she had seen our Lord, and (that) these (words) he had spoken to her. WHEN it was the evening of that day which (was) the first in the week, and the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jihudoyee, came Jeshu, stood among them, and said to them, Peace (be) with you. This he said, and showed them his hands and his side. And the disciples rejoiced when they saw our Lord. Then said Jeshu unto them, Peace (be) with you: as my Father sent me, I also send you. And when he had said these, he breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Spirit of Holiness: if you forgive sins to a man, they shall be forgiven to him; and if you retain (the sins) of a man, they are retained. But Thoma, one of the twelve, he who was called the Twin, was not there with them when Jeshu came. And the disciples say to him, We have seen our Lord. But he said to them, Unless I see in his hands the places of the nails, and put into them my fingers, and extend my hand into his side, I believe not. AND after eight days again within were the disciples, and Thoma with them. And Jeshu came, while the doors were shut, stood in the midst, and said to them, Peace (be) with you. And he said to Thoma, Bring thy finger hither and see my hands, and bring thy hand and thrust it into my side, and be not unbelieving but believing. And Thoma answered and said to him, My Lord, and my God! Jeshu saith to him, Now that thou hast seen, thou hast believed: blessed are they who have not seen me, and have believed. But many other signs did Jeshu before his disciples: those are not written in this record; but these are written, that you may believe that Jeshu is the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha, and that when you have believed you may have in his name the life which is eternal. AFTER these Jeshu again showed himself to his disciples at the sea of Tiberios; and he showed (himself) thus. There were together Shemun Kipha, and Thoma who was called the Twin, and Nathanael, he who was of Kotna of Galila, and the sons of Zabdai, and two other of the disciples. Shemun Kipha saith to them, I go to net fishes. They say to him, We also go with thee. And they went forth and ascended into a vessel; and through that night they netted nothing. But when it was morning Jeshu stood on the sea shore; but the disciples knew not that it was Jeshu. And Jeshu said to them, Children, have you any thing to eat? They say to him, No. He saith to them, Cast your net on the right side of the vessel, and you shall find. And they cast (it), and could not draw the net for the multitude of fishes which it held. And that disciple whom Jeshu loved said to Kipha, This is our Lord. But Shemun, when he heard that it was our Lord, took his tunic, and threw it over his loins, for he was naked, and cast himself into the sea to come to Jeshu. But the other disciples came in the vessel, for they were not far from the land, but as two hundred ameen, and they drew that net of fishes. Then when they had ascended the land, they saw coals laid, and fish laid upon them, and bread. And Jeshu said, Bring of the fish which you have now caught. And Shemun Kipha went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: yet for all this weight that net was not broken. And Jeshu said to them, Come, dine. But one of the disciples did not dare to ask him, Who is he? for they knew that it was our Lord. And Jeshu drew near, and took bread, and fish, and gave to them. This is the third time that Jeshu was seen by his disciples when he had risen from among the dead. WHEN they had dined, Jeshu said to Shemun Kipha, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him, Yes, my Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me? He saith to him, Yes, my Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my sheep. Jeshu saith to him again the third time, Shemun bar Jona, lovest thou me? And it grieved Kipha that he said to him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said to him, My Lord, all things thou understandest, thou knowest that I love thee. Jeshu saith to him, Feed my sheep. Amen, I say to thee, When thou wast young, thou didst gird thy loins and walk whithersoever thou willedst; but when thou art old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another will bind thy loins, and conduct thee whither thou willest not. But this he said, to show by what death he was to glorify Aloha. And when he had said these, he said to him, Come after me. AND Shemun turned, and saw the disciple whom Jeshu loved following; he, who leaned at the supper upon the bosom of Jeshu, and said, My Lord, who is he that betrayeth thee? This when Kipha saw, he said to Jeshu, My Lord, and this, what? Jeshu saith to him, If I will that this wait until I come, what (is that) to thee? Come thou after me. And that word went forth among the brethren, that that disciple dieth not. But Jeshu did not say, He dieth not, but, If I will that this (man) wait until I come, what (is that) to thee? This is the disciple who hath testified of all these, and hath also written them: and we know that the truth is his testimony. There are also many other things which Jeshu hath done, those that if one by one they were written, not the world also itself, as I think, would suffice for the books that could be written.
THE former writing, O Theophilus, I wrote concerning all those (things) which our Lord Jeshu Meshiha began to do and to teach, until that day in which he was taken up, after that he had instructed those apostles whom he had chosen by the Holy Spirit: to whom also he showed himself alive, after he had suffered, with many signs, for forty days, appearing to them, and discoursing on the kingdom of Aloha. And when he had eaten bread with them, he directed them that from Urishlem they should not remove; but await the promise of the Father, which, you have heard from me. For Juhanon baptized with waters, but you shall be baptized with the Spirit of Holiness after days not many. But they when assembled asked him, and said to him, Our Lord, at this time wilt thou restore the kingdom to Israel? He saith to them, This is not yours to know the time or the times which the Father hath reposed in his own authority: but when the Spirit of Holiness hath come upon you, you shall receive power to be made unto me the witnesses, in Urishlem and in all Jehud, and also among the Shomroyee, and unto the confines of the earth. And as these he said, while they beheld him, he was taken up, and the cloud received him, and he was covered from their eyes. And while they looked to the heavens as he went, two men were found standing with them in white vestments; and they said to them, Men, Galiloyee, why stand you looking to the heavens 3? this Jeshu who is taken up from you into the heavens will so come as you have seen him ascend into the heavens. And afterward they returned to Urishlem from the mount which is called the place of Olives, which is over against Urishlem, and distant from her as seven stadias. And after they had entered, they ascended to that upper room in which were Petros, and Juhanon, and Jakub, and Andros, and Philipos, and Thoma, and Mathai, and Bar Tolmai, and Jakub bar Halphai, and Shemun the Zealous, and Jihuda bar Jakub. These altogether persevered in prayer with one soul, with the women, and with Mariam the mother of Jeshu, and with his brethren. AND in those days arose Shemun Kipha in the midst of the disciples;-now there was there an assembly of men as an hundred and twenty;-and said, Men, brethren, it was right for that scripture to be fulfilled which the Spirit of Holiness had before spoken, by the mouth of David, concerning Jihuda, who was the leader of them who took Jeshu. For he had numbered with us, and had part in this ministry. This is he who obtained the field with the wages of sin, and fell upon his face on the ground, and was severed in his middle, and all his bowels were shed forth. And this hath been known of all who dwell in Urishlem; and so is called that field in the language of the country Hakel-damo, the interpretation of which is, A field of blood. For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let his habitation be desert, And no inhabitant be therein, And his ministry let another take. There needeth therefore one from these men who have been with us in all this time in which our Lord Jeshu hath come in and gone out among us, which went forth from the baptism of Juhanon until the day that he was taken up from (being) with us, to be with us a witness of his resurrection. And they set up two: Jauseph, who is called Barshaba, who is surnamed Justus, and Mathia. And praying, they said, Thou, Lord, (who) knowest the hearts of all, show the one whom thou choosest of these two, that he may receive the part in the ministry and the apostleship from which Jihuda separated, to go unto his place. And they cast the lots, and it came up unto Mathia; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. AND when the days of pentecost were fulfilled, while they were assembled all together, there was suddenly from heaven the voice as of a mighty wind, and all that house in which they were sitting was filled with it; and tongues that were divided like fire appeared to them, and sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in several tongues as the Spirit gave them to speak. But there were men dwelling in Urishlem who feared Aloha; Jihudoyee, from all the peoples who are under heaven. And when that voice was made, the whole people assembled and were perturbed, because every man of them heard as they spoke in their (several) tongues. (And) they were all astonished, and wondered, saying one to another, These all who speak, behold, are they not Galiloyee? How hear we (then) each in his own tongue in which we were born? Parthoyee and Medoyee and Alanoyee, and they who dwell in the Place of Rivers, Jihudoyee and Kapadukoyee, and of the region of Pontos and of Asia; and from the land of Phrygia and of Pamphylia and of Metsreen, and the regions of Lybi neighbouring upon Kyrine, and those who come from Rumi, Jihudoyee, and Proselytes, and from Krete and Arabia, behold, we hear them speaking in our tongues the wonders of Aloha. But all of them were amazed and admired, saying one to another, Of whom is this thing? But others mocked them, saying, These have drunk new wine, and are inebriate. And afterwards arose Shemun Kipha with the eleven apostles, and lifted up his voice and said to them: Men, Jihudoyee, and all who dwell at Urishlem, be this known to you, and hearken to my words. For not as you suppose are these drunken; for, behold, until now are three hours. But this is that spoken of by Joel the prophet: It shall be in the last days, saith Aloha, I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your youths shall see visions, And your elders shall dream dreams: And upon the servants and upon the handmaids Will I pour my Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy. And I will give signs in heaven, And mighty (deeds) on earth; Blood and fire and clouds of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before shall come the day of the Lord, great and fearful; And every one who shall call the name Of the Lord shall be saved. MEN, sons of Israel, hear these words; Jeshu Natsroya, the man who from Aloha appeared with you, with powers and mighty acts, which Aloha wrought among you by his hand, (even) as you know, This, who was separated thereunto by the foreknowledge and by the will of Aloha, you delivered into the hands of the wicked, and crucified and slew. But Aloha raised him, and loosed the bands of Shiul, because it was not possible that he should be holden in Shiul. For David said concerning him, I have foreseen my Lord at all time, Who is at my right hand that I should not be moved; Wherefore my heart is glad, And my glory rejoiceth: And also my body shall sojourn in hope; For thou wilt not leave my soul in Shiul, Nor give thy Saint to see corruption. Thou wilt reveal to me the way of life, Thou wilt fill me with joy with thy presence. Men, brethren, suffer me to speak openly with you concerning the chief-father David, that he is dead and also buried, and his sepulchre is with us till this day. For he was a prophet, and knew that the oath Aloha had sworn to him, Of the fruit of thy loins I will cause to sit upon thy throne: And he foresaw and spake concerning, the resurrection of the Meshiha, that He would not be left in Shiul, nor would his body see corruption. This Jeshu hath Aloha raised, and we all are his witnesses. And he it is who at the right hand of Aloha is exalted, and hath received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and hath shed forth this gift, which, behold, you see and you hear. For David hath not ascended into heaven, because he himself hath said, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand Until I place thine adversaries the stool of thy feet. Assuredly, then, let all the house of Israel know, that Lord and Meshiha hath Aloha made this Jeshu, whom you crucified. AND when they heard, they were pierced in their heart, and said to Shemun and to the rest of the apostles, What shall we do, brethren? Shemun saith to them, Repent, and be baptized, every man of you, in the name of the Lord Jeshu, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all them who are afar off, whom Aloha himself shall call. And with many other words he testified to them and entreated of them, saying, Save (yourselves) from this perverse generation. And some of them eagerly received his word and believed and were baptized, and there were added in that day as three thousand souls. And they were faithful in the doctrine of the apostles, and participated in prayer and in the breaking of the eucharist. And solemnity was on every soul; and many signs and mighty acts were done by the hand of the apostles in Urishlem. And all those who believed were together, and every thing they had was in common. And they who had property sold it, and divided to each according to that which he needed. And every day they continued in the temple with one soul, and in the house they brake the bread, and took their food rejoicing and in the cleanness of their hearts, praising Aloha, (and) given (to be) in favour before all the people. And our Lord added daily them who were saved into the church. AND it was that as Shemun Kipha and Juhanon ascended together to the temple at the time of prayer, which is the ninth hour, behold a certain man lame from the womb of his mother, (whom) they carried, who were used to bring and set at the gate of the temple which is called the Beautiful, to beg alms of those who entered into the temple. He, when he saw Shemun and Juhanon entering the temple, prayed of them to give him alms. And Shemun and Juhanon beheld him, and said to him, Regard us. But he regarded them, expecting to receive from them somewhat. Shemun saith to him, Gold and silver I have not, but what I have I give thee: In the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, rise and walk. And he took him by his right hand and raised him: and instantly his feet strengthened and his heels. And he leaped and arose and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and glorifying Aloha. And all the people saw him walking and glorifying Aloha. And they knew that it was he, the beggar, who had sat daily and asked alms at the gate which is called the Beautiful. And they were filled with wonder and astonishment at what had been done. AND as he held Shemun and Juhanon, all the people ran wondering unto them to the portico which is called Of Shelemun. And when Shemun saw, he answered and said to them, Men, sons of Israel, why wonder you at this? or why gaze you at us, as by power of ours, or by our (own) authority, we had done this, that this (man) should walk? The God of Abraham, and of Ishok, and of Jakub, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jeshu, him whom you delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilatos, when he had justified (him) and would have released him; but you the Holy and the Just denied, and demanded for you the man the murderer to be given to you. And Him the Prince of life you killed, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead; and we all are his witnesses. And by faith in his name, this, whom you see and know, he hath strengthened and healed; and faith which is in him hath given to him this soundness before you all. Now, however, my brethren, I know that through delusion you did this, as also did your princes; and Aloha, according to that which he had before proclaimed by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Meshiha should suffer, hath fulfilled this. Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that the times of repose may come to you from before the presence of the Lord; and he may send to you Him whom he hath ordained for you, Jeshu Meshiha, whom the heavens must receive until the completion of the times of all those which Aloha hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, who (have been) from of old. For Musha hath said, A prophet shall the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like to me; him hear in all (things) which he shall speak with you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that prophet, perish shall that soul from his people. And the prophets, all of them from Shamuel and they who were after him, spake and proclaimed concerning these days. You are the sons of the prophets; and the covenant which Aloha set with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, In thy seed shall be blessed all the generations of the earth, with you from the first he hath established; and Aloha hath sent his Son, blessing you, if you will return and repent of your iniquities. AND while they spake these words to the people, the priests, and Zadukoyee, and the governors of the temple, arose against them, being angered against them because they taught the people, and preached through the Meshiha the resurrection from the dead. And they laid upon them hands, and kept them unto the day after, because the evening had drawn nigh. And many who heard the word believed; and they were in number as five thousand men. And the day after, the rulers, and elders, and sophree, assembled, and also Hanan chief of the priests, and Kaiapha, and Juhanon, and Alexandros, and they who were of the race of the chief priests. And when they had made them stand in the midst, they questioned them, By what power, or in what name, have you done this? Then Shemun Kipha was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and said to them, Rulers of the people, and elders of the house of Israel, hear: If we this day are judged of you concerning the good which has been done to the infirm man, insomuch that he is cured; be this known to you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, whom you crucified, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead, through this Himself, behold, this (man) standeth before you well. This is the stone which you builders rejected, and he is become the head of the corner. And in no other one is redemption: for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind, by which we must be saved. And when they heard the words of Shemun and of Juhanon, which they had confidently spoken, they perceived that they knew not literature and were common-men, and wondered at them; and they recognised them, that with Jeshu they had been conversant. And they saw that the lame man who had been healed was standing with them, and they could not say any thing against them. Then they commanded that they should lead them from their assembly, and said one to another, What shall we do with these men? For, behold, a conspicuous sign which hath been done by their hands to all the inhabitants of Urishlem is known, and we cannot deny. But that this report may not go forth more, we will threaten them that again they shall not speak in This Name to any man. And they called them, and commanded them that not at all they should speak and teach in the name of Jeshu. SHEMUN KIPHA and Juhanon answered and said to them, If it be right before Aloha that you we obey rather than Aloha, judge you. For what we have seen and heard we cannot but speak. And they threatened them, and dismissed them; for they could not find cause to lay upon their head, because of the people; for every one glorified Aloha for that which had been done. For a son of more than forty years was that man in whom had been wrought this sign of healing. And when they were dismissed they came to their brethren, and made known to them whatever the priests and elders had said. And they, when they had heard, with one accord lifted up their voice unto Aloha, and said, Lord, thou art God who hast made heaven and earth and the seas, and all that is in them: And thou art he who hast spoken by the Spirit of Holiness in the mouth of David thy servant: Why rage the Heathen, And the peoples imagine vanity? The kings and powers of the earth arise And counsel together against the Lord, And against his Meshiha. For verily they are assembled in this city against thy holy Son Jeshu, whom thou hast anointed,-Herodes and Pilatos with the Gentiles and the synagogue of Israel, to work whatsoever thy hand and thy will have signified before should be done. And now also, Lord, behold and see their threatenings, and give unto thy servants with boldness to preach thy word, while thy hand thou outstretchest unto healings and mighty works which they shall do in the name of thy holy Son Jeshu. And as they prayed and supplicated, the place in which they were assembled was moved, and they were all filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and they spake with openness the word of Aloha. BUT to the assembly of the men who believed there was one soul and one mind; and no man of them said of the goods which he possessed that they were his own, but all whatever they had was in common. And with great power did those apostles testify concerning the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha, and great grace was with all of them. And no man of them had want; for they who possessed fields and houses sold, and brought the prices of whatever was sold and laid at the feet of the apostles, and there was given to each according to that which was needed. But Jauseph, who was entitled Bar Naba by the apostles, which is interpreted, A son of consolation, a Levoya from the Isle of Kypros, had a field, and he sold it, and brought its price and laid before the feet of the apostles. AND a certain man whose name was Hanania, with his wife whose name was Shaphira, sold a field, and took from its value and concealed, while his wife consented, and brought of it silver and laid before the feet of the apostles. And Shemun said to him, Hanania, how hath Satana thus filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie to the Spirit of Holiness, and conceal from the silver of the price of the field? Was it not thine own until it should be sold? and when it was sold thou hadst yet power over the price of it. Why hast thou laid up in thy heart to do this thing? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto Aloha! And when Hanania heard these words he fell and died. And there was great fear upon all those who heard. And they who were young men among them arose and composed him, carried him forth and buried him. And after there had been three hours, his wife also entered, not knowing what had been done. Shemun said to her, Tell me if for these prices you sold the field? But she said, Yes: for these prices. Shemun said to her, Why have you agreed to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Lo, the feet of the buriers of thy husband are at the door, and they will carry thee out! And at once she fell before their feet and died. And those young men entered and found her dead, and they laid her out, and brought her forth and buried her by the side of her husband. And there was great fear upon all the church and in all them who heard. AND by the hand of the apostles were done great signs and mighty works among the people: and all gathered together at the portico of Shelemun. And from the others not a man dared to come near them; but the people magnified them. And the more were they who believed added to the Lord, an assemblage of men and of women; so that into the streets they brought forth the diseased lying on beds, that, when Shemun should come, even his shadow might overshadow them. But there came many to them from the other cities round about Urishlem, bringing the diseased and those who had unclean spirits: and they were healed, all of them. And the chief of the priests, and they who were with him, who were of the doctrine of the Zadukoyee, were filled with envy, and they laid hands on the apostles, and apprehended and bound them in the house of the bound. Then in the night the angel of the Lord opened the gate of the house of the bound, and brought them forth, and said to them, Go stand in the temple and speak to the people all these words of salvation. And they went forth in the time of morning, and entered the temple, and taught. But the chief of the priests and they who were with him arose (and) convoked their associates and the elders of Israel, and sent to the house of the bound to bring the apostles. And when they who were sent from them went, they found them not (in) the house of the bound; and they returned, and came, and said, We found the house of the bound shut carefully, and the keepers standing at the gates: and we opened, but no man found we there. And when the chief priests and rulers of the temple heard these words, they were astounded by them, and reasoned, what this was. And one came and declared to them, Those men whom you shut up in the house of the bound, behold, they are standing in the temple and teaching the people. Then went the rulers with the satellites to bring them, not with violence, for they feared lest the people should stone them; and when they had brought them they made them stand before all the assembly, and the chief of the priests began to say to them, Did we not commanding command you, that you should teach no man in this name? But, behold, you have filled Urishlem with your doctrine, and you will to bring upon us the blood of this man! SHEMUN answered with the apostles and said to them, Aloha must we obey rather than men. The God of our fathers hath raised up Jeshu whom you killed and hanged on the tree. Him hath Aloha constituted a Prince and a Saviour, and elevated him at his right hand, to give repentance and remission of sins unto Israel. And we are witnesses of these words, and the Spirit of Holiness himself, whom Aloha hath given to them who believe in him. And when they heard these words they were transported with rage, and were mindful to kill them. And one of the Pharishee arose, whose name was Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, and honoured by all the people, and commanded to take the apostles without a little time. And he said to them, Men, sons of Israel, beware of yourselves, and consider what it behoves you to do concerning these men. For before this time arose Thuda, and said of himself that he was something great, and there went after him four hundred men: and he was slain, and they who went after him were scattered and became as nothing. Afterward arose Jihuda Galiloya in the days when men were enregistered for the head-silver, and tempted much people after him; and he died, and all they who went after him were scattered. And now I say to you, keep aloof from these men, and dismiss them; for if from men be this imagination and this work, it will be dissolved and end; but if it be from Aloha, there is no power in your hands to bring it to an end: lest you should be found to have arisen against Aloha. And they were persuaded by him, and called the apostles, and scourged them, and commanded them that they should not teach in the name of Jeshu, and loosed them. And they went out from before them, rejoicing to be worthy for the sake of the Name to be ill treated. And they ceased not daily to teach in the temple, and in the house, and to preach concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. AND in those days the disciples being many, the Javnoyee disciples murmured against the Ebroyee because their widows were slighted in the daily ministration. And the twelve apostles called all the assembly of the disciples and said to them, It is not fit that we should leave the word of Aloha, and serve tables. Look out therefore, brethren, and choose seven men from you who have testimony concerning them, and are full of the Spirit of the Lord and wisdom, and we will appoint them over this matter. And we will be constant in prayer, and in the ministration of the word. And this saying was pleasing before all the people; and they chose Estephanos, a man who was full of faith and the Spirit of Holiness; and Philipos, and Prokoros, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmena, and Nikolos, a proselyte of Antiokia. And these they set before the apostles: and while praying they laid upon them the hand. And the word of Aloha increased, and the number of the disciples increased in Urishlem greatly: and much people of the Jihudoyee were obedient to the faith. But Estephanos was filled with grace and power, and wrought signs and miracles among the people. And men arose from the congregation which was called Libertinu, Kyrainoyee, and Aleksandroyee, and from Cilicia, and from Asia, and disputed with Estephanos, and were not able to stand against the wisdom and the spirit which spake in him. Then they sent men and instructed them to say, We have heard him speak words of blasphemy against Musha and against Aloha. And they stirred up the people and the elders and the sophree, and came and rose upon him, and carried him away and brought him into the midst of the assembly. AND witnesses of falsehood arose, and said, This man ceases not from speaking words contrary to the law and against this holy place. For we have heard him say that this Jeshu Natsroya shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Musha delivered unto us. And all they who sat in the assembly looked upon him, and saw his face as the face of an angel. And the chief of the priests demanded if these (things) were so? But he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hear! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was between the rivers, he had not yet come to dwell in Charan, and said to him, Go forth from thy country and from (being) with the sons of thy family, and come to the land that I will show thee. Then went forth Abraham from the land of the Kaldoyee, and came and dwelt in Charan: and from thence, his father being dead, Aloha caused him to pass into this land in which you dwell to-day. And (yet) he gave him no inheritance in it, nor a place of the feet, but he promised to give it to him for an heritage to himself and to his seed, while as yet he had not a son. And Aloha spake with him, telling him that his seed should be a sojourner in a strange land, and that they would enslave and ill-treat them four hundred years. And the nation whom they will serve (in) bondage will I judge, saith Aloha: and afterward they shall come forth and serve me in this place. And he gave to him the covenant of circumcision. And then begat he Ishok, and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Ishok begat Jakub, and Jakub begat our twelve fathers. And these our fathers were incited against Jauseph, and sold him into Mitsreen. And Aloha was with him: and he delivered him from all his afflictions, and gave him grace and wisdom before Pherun king of Mitsreen, and he appointed him prince over Mitsreen, and over all his house. AND there was a famine and great affliction in all Mitsreen, and in the land of Kenaan, and our fathers had nothing to satisfy them. And when Jakub heard that there was corn in Mitsreen, he sent forth our fathers before. And when they had gone the second time, Jauseph made himself known to his brethren, and the family of Jauseph were made known unto Pherun. And Jauseph sent and brought his father Jakub and all his family, and they were in number seventy and five souls. And Jakub went down into Mitsreen and died there; he and our fathers. And he was removed to Shechem, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought with silver from the B'nai Chamur. And when was come the time of that which Aloha promised with an oath unto Abraham, the people had multiplied and increased in Mitsreen until another king had arisen over Mitsreen, who knew not Jauseph, and he dealt fraudulently against our kindred, and shamefully entreated our fathers, and commanded that their children should be cast away, that they might not live. In that time Musha was born, and was beloved of Aloha, and was brought up three months in the house of his father. And when he was outcast from his people, the daughter of Pherun found him, and brought him up unto her for a son. And Musha was instructed in all the wisdom of the Mitsroyee, and was excellent in words (and) also in deeds. And when he became a son of forty years, it arose upon his heart to visit his brethren the sons of Israel. And he saw one of the sons of his tribe treated with violence, and he avenged him, and did him justice, and he killed the Mitsroya who had offended him and hoped that his brethren, the sons of Israel, would understand that Aloha by his hand would give them deliverance; but they understood not. And the day after he appeared to them while they strove one with another: and he persuaded them to be pacified, saying, Men, you are brethren; why offend you one the other? But he who had offended his neighbour removed himself from him, and said to him, Who appointed thee over us a prince and a judge? Seekest thou to kill me as thou killedst the Mitsroya yesterday? And Musha fled at that word, and became a sojourner in the land of Median, and there were to him two sons. AND when forty years were there fulfilled to him, there appeared to him in the desert of Mount Sinai the angel of the Lord in a flame that burned in a bush. And while Musha looked, he wondered at the sight. And as he drew near to gaze, the Lord spake to him with the voice: I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham and of Ishok and of Jakub. And Musha, trembling, dared not look upon the sight. And the Lord said to him, Loose thy sandals from thy feet: for the ground on which thou standest is holy. Seeing I have seen the affliction of my people who in Mitsreen, and his groaning I have heard, and I have descended that I may deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Mitsreen. This Musha whom they denied, when they said, Who appointed thee over us a prince and a judge? this, sent Aloha unto them a prince and a deliverer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him at the bush. This brought them out, when he had wrought signs and wonders and mighty deeds in the land of Mitsreen, and at the Sea of Suph, and in the desert forty years. THIS is that Musha, who said to the sons of Israel, A Prophet will Aloha the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like me; him shall you hear. This is he who was with the congregation in the desert, with the angel himself who spake with him and with our fathers at the mountain of Sinai; and he it was who received the words of life to give (them) to us. And our fathers willed not to give heed to him, but left him, and in their hearts turned back to Mitsreen, saying to Aharun, Make us alohee that may go before us, because this Musha, who brought us forth from the land of Mitsreen, we know not what is become of him. And he made them the calf in those days, and they sacrificed sacrifices to idols, and were delighted with the work of their hands. And Aloha turned, and delivered them up to be worshippers of the hosts of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, Forty years in the desert Victims or sacrifices did you offer to me, Sons of Israel? But you took up the tabernacle of Malkum, And the star of the god of Raphan, Images you have made to worship them; I will remove you beyond Babel. BEHOLD, the tabernacle of testimony of our fathers was in the desert, as He who spake with Musha had commanded to make it after the pattern which he had seen. And this tabernacle also our fathers bringing brought in with Jeshu to the land which Aloha had given to them, an inheritance from those peoples whom he had expelled from before them, and it was carried until the days of David; who found favour before Aloha, and asked to find a tabernacle for the God of Jakub. But Shelemun builded the house. But the Most High dwelleth not in the work of hands, as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, And earth the footstool beneath my feet: What house will you build me? saith the Lord: Or what is the place of my rest? Hath not my hand made all these? O, hardened of neck and uncircumcised in your hearts and in your hearing, you at all times against the Spirit of Holiness stand up; as your fathers, so you also. For which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and slain? they who before announced the coming of the Righteous; him whom you delivered up and slew. And you have received the law by the precept of angels. and have not kept it. AND when they heard these they were filled with wrath in themselves, and they gnashed their teeth upon him. And he, being full of faith and of the Spirit of Holiness, looked up to heaven, and saw the glory of Aloha, and Jeshu standing at the right hand of Aloha. And he said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of Aloha. And they cried with a high voice, and stopped their ears, and rushed upon him, all of them, and seizing they brought him out of the city and stoned him. And they who witnessed against him laid their garments before the feet of a certain young man named Shaol. And they stoned Estephanos, (he) praying and saying, Our Lord Jeshu, receive my spirit. And kneeling down, he cried with a high voice, and said, Our Lord, let not this sin arise against them. And when this he had said, he slept. But Shaol willed to take part in his killing. And there was made in those days a great persecution against the church that was in Urishlem; and they were all dispersed in the country of Jihud and also among the Shomroyee, excepting only the apostles. And faithful men laid Estephanos in his tomb, and mourned over him greatly. BUT Shaol persecuted the church of Aloha, going to the houses, and drawing men and women delivered them to the house of the bound. And they who were dispersed went about and preached the word of Aloha. But Philipos descended to a city of the Shomroyee, and preached concerning the Meshiha. And when they heard his word, the men who were there attended to him, and were persuaded of all that he said: for they saw the signs that he wrought. For many whom unclean spirits possessed cried with a high voice, and they came out from them; and others, palsied and lame, were healed: and great joy was in that city. But a certain man was there whose name was Simon, who had dwelt in that city much time, and with his sorceries had deceived the people of the Shomroyee, magnifying himself, and saying, I am the Great. And all inclined to him, great and small, and said, This is the great Power of Aloha. And they were persuaded by him, because that much time by his sorceries he had astonished them. But when they believed Philipos, who evangelized the kingdom of Aloha in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, they were baptized, men and women. And Simon also himself believed, and was baptized, and adhered to Philipos. And when he saw the signs and great works which were done by his hands, he wondered and was astonished. AND when the apostles who were at Urishlem heard that the people of the Shomroyee had received the word of Aloha, they sent to them Kipha and Juhanon. And they went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Spirit of Holiness: for he was not upon one of them yet; but they were only baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu. Then they laid upon them the hand, and they received the Spirit of Holiness. And when Simon saw that by the hand-laying of the apostles the Spirit of Holiness was given, he offered to them silver, saying, Give also to me this power, that he on whom I shall lay the hand may receive the Spirit of Holiness. Shemun Kipha said to him, Thy silver go with thee into perdition, because thou thoughtest that the gift of Aloha with the possessions of the world might he obtained. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this faith, because thine heart hath not been right before Aloha. Nevertheless, repent of this thy wickedness, and pray of Aloha, that the guile of thy heart may haply be forgiven thee; for in bitter gall and in the bonds of iniquity I see that thou art. Simon answered and said, Pray you on my behalf, of Aloha, that not any of these things which you have spoken may come upon me. But Shemun and Juhanon, when they had testified and taught the word of Aloha, returned to Urishlem, and evangelized in many villages of the Shomroyee. AND the angel of the Lord spake with Philipos, and said to him, Arise, go to the south, in the desert way which goeth down from Urishlem to Gaza. And arising he went. And there met him a certain eunuch who had come from Cush, an officer of Kandak, queen of the Cushoyee; and he was officer over all her treasure. And he had been to worship at Urishlem; and while returning that he might go, he sat in the chariot and read in Eshaia the prophet. And the Spirit of Holiness said to Philipos, Approach, and join the chariot. And being near, he heard that he read in Eshaia the prophet; and he said to him, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I understand, unless one teach me? And he prayed of him, of Philipos, to ascend and sit with him. But the section (phosuka) of the scripture in which he was reading is this: As a lamb to the slaughter was he led; And as a sheep before the shearer is silent, So opened not he his mouth in his humiliation. From oppression and from judgment was he led; And his age who shall recount? For his life is taken from the earth. That eunuch said Unto Philipos, I pray thee, of whom speaketh this the prophet? of himself, or of another man? Then Philipos opened his mouth and began, from that very scripture, preaching to him concerning our Lord Jeshu. And as they went in the way they came to a certain place which had water in it, and that eunuch said, Behold the water; what is the hinderance that I should be baptized? And he commanded that the chariot should stand; and they descended both of them to the water, and Philipos baptized that eunuch. And when they had ascended from the water, the Spirit of the Lord rapt away Philipos, and the eunuch again saw him not; but he went on his way rejoicing. But Philipos was found at Azotos, and from thence he itinerated and evangelized in all the cities until he came to Cesarea. BUT Shaol was yet full of threatenings and murderous wrath against the disciples of our Lord. And he demanded letters from the chief priests which he should give at Darmsuk to the synagogues, that if he found (any) who walked in this way, men or women, he might bind and bring them to Urishlem. And as he went and began to come nigh to Darmsuk, suddenly there shone forth upon him a light from heaven; and he fell upon the earth, and heard a voice which said to him, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me? It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks. He answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord? And our Lord said, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest; but arise, go into Darmsuk, and there it will be spoken with thee concerning what thou must do. And the men who went with him in the way stood astonished, because the voice alone they heard, but a man was not seen by them. And Shaol arose from the earth, and could not see any thing when his eyes were opened. And they took him by his hand and brought him into Darmsuk; and he saw not for three days, neither did he eat or drink. But there was in Darmsuk a certain disciple whose name was Hanania. And the Lord said to him in a vision, Hanania. And he said, Behold me, my Lord. And our Lord said to him, Arise, go to the street which is called the Straight, and inquire in the house of Jihuda for Shaol, who is from Tarsos the city. For, behold, while praying, he hath seen in a vision a man whose name is Hanania, who entered and laid upon him the hand that his eyes might be opened. And Hanania said, My Lord, I have heard from many concerning this man, of how much evil he hath brought upon thy saints in Urishlem. And behold, here also he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all those who invoke thy name. And the Lord said to him, Arise, go; for a vessel is he to me, chosen to bear my name to the nations, and to kings, and to the house of the sons of Israel. For I will show him what he is to suffer on account of my name. Then Hanania went to the house unto him, and he laid upon him the hand, and said to him, Shaol, my brother, our Lord Jeshu hath sent me; He who appeared to thee in the way while thou wast coming, that thine eyes may be opened, and thou mayest be filled with the Spirit of Holiness. And instantly there fell from his eyes something which was like to scales; and his eyes were opened, and, arising, he was baptized. And he took food and was strengthened, and was (certain) days with those disciples who were in Darmsuk. And at once he preached in the synagogues of the Jihudoyee concerning Jeshu, that he is the Son of Aloha. And all they who heard him wondered, and they said, Is not this he who persecuted all those who call upon this name in Urishlem? And behold, also, hither upon the self-same (object) was he sent to bind and take them to the chief priests. BUT Shaol was the more strengthened, and moved those Jihudoyee who dwelt at Darmsuk, while he showed that this is the Meshiha. And when days were many to him there, the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him to kill him. But their treachery was showed to Shaol, which they sought to do to him; and that they kept the gates of the city day and night to kill him. Then the disciples set him in a pannier, and dismissed him from the wall by night. And he went to Urishlem, and willed to be attached to the disciples. And all of them were afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. But Bar Naba took him and brought him to the apostles, and recounted to them how in the way he had seen the Lord, and what he had spoken with him; and how in Darmsuk with boldness he had spoken in the name of Jeshu. And he went in with them and went out in Urishlem. And he spake in the name of Jeshu with boldness, and disputed with those Jihudoyee who knew Greek; but they were wishful to kill him. And when the brethren knew, they brought him by night to Cesarea, and from thence sent him to Tarsos. Nevertheless, in the church which was in Jihud, and in Galila, and Shomreen, there was peace, while (it) was edified; and going forward in the fear of Aloha, and in the consolation of the Spirit of Holiness, was multiplied. And it was that while Shemun itinerated among the cities, he went down also to the saints who dwelt in Lud the city. And he found a certain man whose name was Ania, who had lain upon a bed paralyzed eight years. And Shemun said to him, Ania, Jeshu Meshiha healeth thee; arise, and make thy bed. And instantly he arose. And all who dwelt in Lud and in Sarona saw him, and turned to Aloha. BUT there was a certain disciple in Joppa the city, whose name was Tabitha. This was rich in good works and in alms which she had done. But she became afflicted in those days, and died. And they washed her and laid her in an upper room. And the disciples heard that Shemun was in Lud the city, because it is over against Joppa, and they sent to him two men, who should pray of him not to delay to come among them. And Shemun arose and went with them. And when he was come, they brought him up to the upper room, and assembled (and) stood around him all the widows, weeping, and showing him those vestments and mantles which Tabitha had given them, while living. But Shemun put forth all the men without, and fell upon his knees and prayed; and he turned towards the corpse and said Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes; and when she beheld Shemun, she sat. And he reached his hand and raised her, and called the saints and widows, and gave her to them living. And this was known to all the city, and many believed in our Lord. And he was in Joppa days not a few, sojourning in the house of Shemun the tanner. BUT in Cesarea was a certain man, a centurion, whose name was Cornelius, of the cohort which was called the Italic. And he was just, and feared Aloha, he and all his house: he did much alms among the people, and in all time prayed of Aloha. This saw an angel of Aloha in a vision manifestly about the ninth hour of the day, who came in to him, and said to him, Cornelius! And he beheld him, and feared, and said, What, my Lord? And the angel said to him, Thy prayers and thy alms have ascended for a memorial before Aloha. And now send men to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha: behold, he sojourneth in the house of Shemun the tanner, which is hard by the sea. And when the angel who had spoken with him had gone, he called two from the sons of his house, and a certain soldier who feared Aloha (and) who was obedient to him; and he made known to them every thing he had seen, and sent them to Joppa. AND the day after while they went on the way, and drew nigh to the city, Shemun ascended to the roof to pray, at the sixth hour. And he hungered, and desired to eat: and while they were preparing for him, there fell upon him an entrancement, and he saw the heavens opened, and a certain vessel bound at the four corners, and like to a great sheet, and it was let down from heaven upon the earth: and in it were all animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven. And a voice came to him, which said, Shemun, arise, slay, and eat. And Shemun said, Not so, my Lord: for never have I eaten any thing that is profane and unclean. And again the second time was to him, Those (things) which Aloha cleanseth make not thou profane. This was three times done: and the vessel was elevated to heaven. And while Shemun wondered in himself for what (was) the vision he had seen, those men came who had been sent by Cornelius, and inquired for the house where Shemun sojourned, and they came and stood at the gate of the court. And they called there, and inquired, whether Shemun who was called Kipha there sojourned. And while Shemun thought on the vision, the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men seek thee: arise, descend and go with them, not being divided in thy mind: for I have sent them. Then Shemun descended to those men, and said to them, I am he whom you seek: what is the occasion on which you have come? They said to him, A certain man whose name is Cornelius, a centurion, who feareth Aloha, and of whom all the people of the Jihudoyee give witness, hath been told in a vision by an holy angel to send and bring thee to his house, and to hear words from thee. And Shemun brought them in, and received them while they tarried; and he arose the day after, and went forth, and proceeded with them; and certain of the brethren of Joppa went with them. And the next day they entered Cesarea: but Cornelius was waiting for them, while all the sons of his family, and the friends and beloved ones whom he had, were assembled with him. AND when Shemun entered Cornelius met him, and fell and worshipped at his feet. And Shemun raised him, and said to him, Arise, I also am a man. And while speaking with him he entered, and found many who had come thither. And he said to them, You know that it is not lawful for a man a Jihudoya to attach to a foreign man who is not a son of his tribe. But me hath Aloha showed that I should not declare any man unclean or profane. Wherefore I the more diligently came when you sent for me. But I ask you, on what account you have sent for me? And Cornelius said to him, Four days are unto this from when, behold, I am fasting; and at nine hours, while praying in my house, a certain man stood before me clothed in white. And he said to me, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thy alms have made memorial before Aloha. But send to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha; behold, he abideth in the house of Shemun a tanner, which is by the sea; and he will come and speak with thee. And immediately I sent to thee, and thou hast well done to have come. And, behold, we are all before thee, and desire to hear every thing that hath been commanded thee by Aloha. BUT Shemun opened his mouth, and said, In truth I comprehend that Aloha is no respecter of persons: but in all nations whoever feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him. For (this is) the word which he hath sent to the sons of Israel, and hath announced to them peace and repose through Jeshu Meshiha,-this is the Lord of all. And you also know by the word which hath been in all Jihud (which began) from Galila after the baptism which Juhanon preached, concerning Jeshu who was of Natsrath, whom Aloha anointed with the Spirit of Holiness and with power: he who went about and healed those who were worn out with evil, because Aloha was with him. And we are his witnesses of all which he did in the land of Jihud and of Urishlem. This (one) himself did the Jihudoyee hang upon the tree and kill; and him did Aloha raise up on the third day, and gave him to be seen openly; yet not to all the people, but to us who by Aloha were chosen to be unto him the witnesses, who ate with him and drank after his resurrection from among the dead. And he commanded us to preach and to testify to the people that this is he who hath been separated by Aloha (to be) the Judge of the living and of the dead. And of him all the prophets testify, that whoever believeth in his name shall receive remission of sins. And while Shemun spake these words the Spirit of Holiness overspread all who heard the word. And the circumcised brethren who had come with him were astonished and amazed, because upon the Gentiles also the gift of the Spirit of Holiness was poured out. For they heard them speaking with tongues; and they magnified Aloha. And Shemun said, Can any one forbid waters that they should not be baptized, they who, behold, have received the Spirit of Holiness as well as we? Then he commanded them to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And they prayed of him to remain with them (certain) days. And the apostles and brethren who were in Jihud heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of Aloha. AND when Shemun had gone up to Urishlem, they who were of the circumcision contended with him, saying, that unto men uncircumcised he had entered, and had eaten with them. And Shemun put forth in order to say to them, That while praying in Joppa I saw a vision; a certain vessel descended which was like to a sheet, and bound at the four corners: and it came down from heaven and came unto me. And gazing at it I beheld in it animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven. And I heard a voice which said to me, Shemun, arise, slay, and eat. And I said, Not so, my Lord; for nothing hath entered my mouth that is unclean or profane. And again the voice said to me from heaven, What Aloha hath cleansed make not thou to be polluted. This was done three times, and every thing was taken up into heaven. And at that moment three men, who had been sent to me by Cornelius from Cesarea, came and stood at the gate of the court where I was sojourning. And the Spirit said to me, Go with them without doubting. And there went also with me these six brethren, and we entered into the man's house. And he related to us how he had seen in his house an angel, who stood and said to him, Send to the city Joppa, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha, and he will speak with thee words by which thou wilt be saved, thou and all thy house. And when I proceeded to speak there, the Spirit of Holiness overshadowed them, as upon us from the beginning. And I remembered the word of our Lord, who said, Juhanon baptized you with waters, but you shall be baptized with the Spirit of Holiness. If then Aloha equally hath given the gift to the Gentiles who have believed in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha as we, who was I, that I should be sufficient to prohibit Aloha? And when these words they had heard they were silent, and they praised Aloha, and said, Now also unto the Gentiles Aloha hath given repentance unto life. BUT they who had been dispersed by the tribulation that was concerning Estephanos went unto Punika, also to the region of Kypros and to Antiokia, but with any one not speaking the word unless only with the Jihudoyee. But of them were men of Kypros and of Kyrine; these entered into Antiokia, and discoursed with the Javnoyee, and evangelized concerning our Lord Jeshu. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed, and were converted unto the Lord. And this was heard by the ears of the sons of the church which was at Urishlem, and they sent Bar Naba to Antiokia. And when he came thither, and beheld the grace of Aloha, he rejoiced, and entreated them with all their heart to cleave to our Lord. For he was a good man, and full of the Spirit of Holiness and of faith, and there was added much people to our Lord. And he went forth to Tarsos to seek for Shaol; and when he had found him he brought him with him to Antiokia. And a whole year together they assembled in the church, and taught much people: from thence first in Antiokia the disciples were called Christianee. And in those days there came from Urishlem thither prophets. And one of them arose whose name was Agabos: and he made known to them by the Spirit that a great famine would be in all the land. And that famine was in the days of Claudios Caesar. Therefore the disciples, according as each of them had, determined to send for the service of those brethren who dwelt in Jihud; and they sent by the hand of Bar Naba and Shaol to the presbyters who were there. BUT at that time Herodes the king, he who was surnamed Agripos, stretched forth hands upon some who were in the church, to ill-treat them. And he killed with the sword Jakub the brother of Juhanon. And when he saw that this pleased the Jihudoyee, he added to apprehend also Shemun Kipha. And they were the days of the Phatiree. And he apprehended him and cast him into the house of the bound, and delivered him to sixteen soldiers to keep him, that after the Petscha he might deliver him to the people of the Jihudoyee. And while Shemun was kept in the house of the bound, constant prayer was offered by the church on his behalf unto Aloha. And in that night of the coming morning when he should be delivered up, while Shemun slept between two soldiers, and bound with two chains, and the others were watching the gates of the house of the bound, the angel of the Lord stood over him, and light shined in all the house. And he smote him on his side, and said to him, Arise quickly. And the chains fell from his hands. And the angel said to him, bind thy loins, and put on thy sandals. And he did so. And again he said to him, Wrap thy mantle, and come after me. And he went forth, and came after him; not knowing that what was done by the hand of the angel was reality, for he thought that he saw a vision. And when he had passed the first and second guard, they came to the gate of iron, and it was opened to them of its own accord. And when they went forth and had passed one street, the angel departed from him. Then acknowledged Shemun, and said, Now know I in truth that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me from the hand of Herodes the king, and from that which the Jihudoyee had calculated against me. And when he had understood, he came to the house of Mariam the mother of Juhanon, he who is surnamed Markos; because many brethren were assembled there and praying. And he knocked at the gate of the court, and there came forth to answer him a damsel whose name was Roda. And she knew the voice of Shemun; and for joy she opened not the gate, but returned with running, and said to them, Shemun, behold, stands at the gate of the court. And they said to her, Thou art altogether moved. And she contended that it was so. And they said, It may be that it is his angel. And Shemun knocked at the gate; and they went forth, and seeing him they were astonished. And he beckoned to them with his hand to be silent; and entered, and showed them how the Lord had brought him out from the house of the bound. And he said to them, Show these to Jakub and to the brethren; and he departed and went to another place. And when it was morning there was made a great tumult among the soldiers concerning Shemun, what was become of him? But Herodes when he inquired and found him not, condemned the guards, and commanded that they should die. And he went forth from Jihud and came to Cesarea. And because he was angry with the Tsuroyee and with the Tsaidonoyee, they gathered together and came to him by persuasion of Blestos the chamberlain of the king, and prayed of him that peace should be to them, because the sustenance of their country was from the kingdom of Herodes. But upon a public day Herodes was clothed with the robe of royalty, and sat upon the tribunal, and he discoursed to an assembly. But all the people exclaimed, and said, These are the words of a god, and not of a man. And on this account, because he gave not the glory to Aloha, in that hour the angel of the Lord smote him, and he was corroded with worms, and died. And the gospel of Aloha was proclaimed, and was great. BUT Bar Naba and Shaol returned from Urishlem to Antiokia after they had accomplished their ministry; and they took with them Juhanon who was called Markos. But there were in the church of Antiokia prophets and teachers, Bar Naba and Shemun who was called Niger, and Lukios who was from the city of Kyrene, and Manael, a fosterbrother of Herodes Tetrarka, and Shaol. And as they fasted and supplicated Aloha, the Spirit of Holiness said to them, Separate to me Shaol and Bar Naba for the work to which I have called them. And after they had fasted and prayed, they laid upon them the hand, and dismissed them. And they, being sent by the Spirit of Holiness, went down to Selukia, and from thence proceeded by sea to Cyprus. And when they had entered the city Salamina, they preached the word of our Lord in the congregations of the Jihudoyee, and Juhanon ministered to them. And when they had itinerated through the whole island unto the city Paphos, they found a man, a certain sorcerer, a Jihudoya, who was a false prophet, whose name was Bar Shuma. This adhered to a wise man who was proconsul, and was called Sergius Paulos. And the proconsul called Shaol and Bar Naba and requested to hear from them the word of Aloha. But this sorcerer, Bar Shuma, whose name interpreted is Elymos, stood against them, because he desired to avert the proconsul from faith. But Shaol, he who is called PAULOS, was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and beheld him, and said, O full of all deceits and all wickednesses, thou son of the devil, and adversary of all righteousness, ceasest thou not to pervert the right ways of the Lord? And now the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, and not see the sun until the time. And in the hour there fell upon him obscurity and darkness, and he went about asking some one to hold him by the hand. But when the proconsul saw what had been done, he wondered, and believed in the doctrine of the Lord. BUT Paulos and Bar Naba went on by sea from the City Paphos, and came to Perga, a city of Pamphylia; and Juhanon separated from them, and went to Urishlem. But they went forth from Perga, and came to Antiokia, the city of Pisidia. And they entered the synagogue, and sat on the day of shabath. And after the law and the prophets had been read, the presbyters of the synagogue sent to them, and said, Men, brethren, have you a word of exhortation to say to the people? And Paulos arose, and signed with his hand, and said to them: Men, sons of Israel, and those who fear Aloha, hearken! The God of this people elected our fathers, and exalted and magnified them, when they were sojourners in the land of Metsreen, and with uplifted arm brought them out therefrom And he nourished them in the desert forty years. And he destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, and gave them their land an inheritance. And four hundred and fifty years he gave them judges, until Shamuel the prophet; and then prayed they for themselves a king; and Aloha gave to them Shaol-bar-Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, forty years. And he took him, and raised unto them David the king, and testified of him, and said, I have found David, the son of Jeshai, a man according to my heart; he will perform all my will. From the seed of this (man) the God of Israel, as he had promised, raised up Jeshu the Redeemer. And he sent Juhanon to proclaim before his coming the baptism of repentance to the whole people of Israel. And while Juhanon accomplished his ministry, he said, Whom think you that I am? I am not (he), but, behold, he cometh after me, he, the latchet of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose. MEN, brethren, sons of the race of Abraham, and they among you who fear Aloha, unto you is sent the word of life. For they, the inhabitants of Urishlem and their princes, have not consented thereto, nor also to the writings of the prophets which are read on every shabath; but condemned him, and accomplished all that was written. And while they found not any cause of death, they requested Pilatos that they might kill him. And when they had fulfilled every thing that was written concerning him, they took him from the cross, and laid him in a sepulchre. But Aloha raised him from among the dead. And he was seen days many by those who had come up with him from Galila to Urishlem, and they are now his witnesses unto the people. And we also, behold, we preach to you that that promise which was made to our fathers, behold, Aloha hath fulfilled it to their children, (in) that he hath raised up Jeshu; as it is written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son; This day have I begotten thee. And thus did Aloha raise him from among the dead, that again he should not return thither to see corruption; as he had said, I will give you the sure grace of David. And again he hath said in another place, Thou hast not given thy Saint to see corruption. For David in his generation served the will of Aloha, and slept, and was added to his fathers, and saw corruption. But This whom Aloha raised saw no corruption. Know then, brethren, that through This himself is preached to you the remission of sins; and from all (from) which we could not by the law of Musha be justified, through This all who believe are justified. Beware, then, lest there come upon you that which is written in the prophets: Behold, despisers, and wonder, and perish: For a work I work in your days Which you will not believe if one should declare it to you. And when they had gone out from among them, they besought of them that the next shabath they would speak to them these words. And when the congregation was dissolved, many Jihudoyee went after them; and also the proselytes who worshipped Aloha. And they discoursed (with) and persuaded them to cleave to the grace of Aloha. AND on the next shabath the whole city gathered to hear the word of Aloha. And when the Jihudoyee saw the great assemblage, they were filled with envy, and arose against the words which Paulos spake, and blasphemed. But Paulos and Bar Naba said to them openly, To you it behoved first to speak the word of Aloha; but because you repel it from you, and determine against yourselves that you are not worthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. For so hath our Lord commanded, as it is written, I have set thee a light to the Gentiles, To be for salvation to the ends of the earth. And when the Gentiles heard, they rejoiced and glorified Aloha; and they believed who were disposed unto eternal life. And the word of Aloha was spoken in all that region. But the Jihudoyee excited the principal men of the city and rich women, who with them feared Aloha, and raised a persecution against Paulos and against Bar Naba, and cast them out from their bounds. And as they went forth, they shook off against them the dust of their feet; and they came to Ikanon, a city. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Spirit of Holiness. And they came and entered into the synagogue of the Jihudoyee, and so spake with them as that many believed of Jihudoyee and of Javanoyee. But Jihudoyee, of those who were not persuaded, excited the Gentiles to ill-treat the brethren. But they much time were there, and openly discoursed concerning the Lord; and He testified of the word of his grace by the signs and the wonders which he wrought by their hands. And all the society of the city was divided: of them some were with the Jihudoyee, and of them (some) adhered to the apostles. But there was made a movement by the Gentiles and by the Jihudoyee and their chiefs to maltreat them, and to crush them with stones. And when they knew, they passed away, and escaped to the cities of Lykania, Lystra, and Derbe, and the villages which surround them, and there evangelized. AND a certain man dwelt in the city of Lystra who was afflicted in his feet, lame from the womb of his mother, (and) who had never walked. This heard Paulos discourse. And when Paulos saw him, and knew that there was faith in him to be saved, he said to him with a high voice, To thee I say, in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, Stand upon thy feet. And leaping, he stood and walked. And the assembly of the people, when they saw what Paulos had done, lifted up their voice in the language of the country, and said, Gods in the likeness of men have come down unto us. And they named Bar Naba, lord of the gods; and Paulos, Hermis, because he was foremost in discourse. And the priest of the lord of the gods, who was without the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates of the court of the place where they dwelt, and willed to sacrifice to them. But Bar Naba and Paulos, when they heard, rent their garments, and sprang up, and came out to the crowd. And they cried, and said, Men, what do you? We also are children of men liable to sufferings like you, (and) who preach to you that from these vanities you should turn unto Aloha the living, who made heaven and earth, and the seas, and all that is in them: who in former generations left all nations to walk in ways of their own; yet leaving not himself without witness, while he did them good from heaven, and sent down rain, and multiplied the fruits in their times, and filled with food and gladness their hearts. And when these they had said, they scarcely restrained the people that some one should not sacrifice to them. But there came thither Jihudoyee from Ikanon and from Antiokia, and stirred up against them the people; and they stoned Paulos, and dragged him out of the city, because they thought that he was dead. And the disciples gathered to him, and, arising, he entered the city. AND the day after he went forth from thence with Bar Naba, and came to Derbe the city. And when they had preached to the sons of the city, they discipled many. And they returned and came to Lystra the city, and to Ikanon, and to Antiokia, confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to persevere in the faith. And they said to them, that through much tribulation it behoveth to enter the kingdom of Aloha. And they constituted for them in all the churches presbyters, having fasted with them and prayed, and commended them to our Lord in whom they had believed. And when they had gone through the country of Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia, and when they had preached in the city Perga the word of the Lord, they went down to Atalia, and from thence voyaged by sea and came to Antiokia, because from thence they had been commended to the grace of the Lord for the work which they had accomplished. And when all the church had convened, they recounted every thing which Aloha had done with them, and that he had opened the door of the faith unto the Gentiles. And much time were they there with the disciples. But men from Jihud came down and taught the brethren, If you be not circumcised after the custom of the law, you cannot be saved. And there were great agitation and disputation for Paulos and Bar Naba with them; and it was that Paulos and Bar Naba, and others with them, went up to the apostles and presbyters who were in Urishlem on account of this question. And conducting, the church dismissed them; and they went through all Punika, and also among the Shomroyee, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. AND when they came to Urishlem, they were received by the church, and by the apostles, and by the presbyters. And they recounted to them how much Aloha had done with them; but (that) certain had arisen who had believed from the doctrine of the Pharishee, and said, It behoved you to circumcise them, and require them to keep the law of Musha. But the apostles and presbyters assembled to consider this doctrine. And when there had been much investigation, Shemun arose, and said to them, Men, brethren, you know that from the first days from my mouth did Aloha choose that the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. And Aloha, who knoweth what is in the hearts, testified of them, and gave them the Spirit of Holiness, as to us. And nothing distinguished between us and them, because he had purified by faith their hearts. And now why tempt you Aloha, that you would lay a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which nor our fathers nor we could bear? But by the grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, we believe that we shall be saved, as they. And all the assembly were silent. And they listened to Paulos and Bar Naba, who related how Aloha had done by their hands signs and mighty works among the Gentiles. AND after they were silent, Jakub arose, and said, Men, brethren, hear me: Shemun hath related to you how Aloha hath begun to elect from the Gentiles a people to his name. And with this accord the words of the prophets; as when it is written, After these I will return, And raise the dwelling of David which hath fallen; And I will build that which hath fallen from it, And will raise it up: That the residue of men may seek the Lord, And all the Gentiles, on whom my name is called, Saith the Lord, who doeth all these. Known from eternity are the works of Aloha. On this account I say, that we should not molest those who from the Gentiles have been converted unto Aloha; but that we send to them, that they shall separate from the uncleanness of (idol) sacrifice, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood. For Musha from former generations in all cities hath had preachers in the synagogues who on all shabaths read him. Then the apostles and presbyters, with all the church, elected men from them, and sent to Antiokia with Paulos and Bar Naba Jihuda, who was called Bar Shaba, and Shilo, men who were chief among the brethren. AND they wrote an epistle by their hands, thus: The apostles and presbyters and brethren, to those who are in Antiokia and in Syria and in Cilicia, the brethren who are of the Gentiles; peace. It hath been heard by us, that men from us have gone forth and disturbed you with words, and have subverted your souls by saying, that you should be circumcised and observe the law, whom we have not commanded. On account of this we have deliberated, all being assembled, and have chosen men and sent them to you, with Paulos and Bar Naba, our beloved; men who have delivered their lives for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And we have sent with them Jihuda and Shilo, that by word they may tell you the same things. For it hath been the will of the Spirit of Holiness, and also of us, not to lay upon you greater burden beyond these things which are constraining; that you abstain from that which hath been sacrificed (to idols), and from blood, and from that which is strangled, and from fornication; and while you keep yourselves from these, you will be well. Be confirmed in our Lord. Now they who were sent came to Antiokia, and they assembled all the people and gave the epistle. And when they had read, they rejoiced and were comforted. And by the word the brethren were the more strengthened, and Jihuda and Shilo established them because they were prophets also. And when they had been there a time, the brethren dismissed them with peace unto the apostles. BUT Paulos and Bar Naba remained in Antiokia, and taught and preached, with many others, the word of Aloha. And after (certain) days Paulos said to Bar Naba, Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we have preached the word of Aloha, and see what they do. But Bar Naba willed to take Juhanon, he who is surnamed Markos. But Paulos willed not to take him with them, because he had forsaken them when they were in Pamphylia, and had not come with them. On account of this contention they separated one from the other; and Bar Naba took Markos, and they went by sea and came to Cypros. But Paulos chose for him Shilo, and went forth commended by the brethren to the grace of Aloha. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. And he came to Derbe the city, and to Lystra. BUT a certain disciple was there whose name was Timotheus, the son of a certain Jihudoytha, a believer, and his father an Aramoya. And all the disciples who were of Lystra and Ikonia testified concerning him. This Paulos willed to take with him; and he took and circumcised him because of the Jihudoyee who were in the place; for they all knew his father that he was an Aramoya. And when they had gone into the cities they preached and instructed them to keep those statutes which the apostles and presbyters who were in Urishlem had written. So were the churches confirmed in the faith, and multiplied in number every day. But they went through the countries of Phrygia and Galatia; and the Spirit of Holiness forbad them, that they should not preach the word of Aloha in Asia. And when they came to the region of Mysia they willed to go from thence to Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jeshu permitted them not. AND when they had gone forth from Mysia they came to the region of Troas. And in a vision of the night, Paulos saw as a certain man, a Makedonoia, who stood and besought him, saying, Come unto Makedunia and help me. But when Paulos had seen this vision, he immediately willed to go forth to Makedunia, for he understood that our Lord called us to evangelize them. And we went from Troas and proceeded directly to Samuthracia, and from thence the day after we came to Neapolis the city, and from thence to Philippos, which is the head of Makedunia, and is a colony. But we were in that city certain days. And we went out on the day of shabath without the gate of the city to the bank of the river, because there was seen a house of prayer; and sitting down we discoursed with the women who assembled there. And a certain female, a seller of purple, who feared Aloha, her name was Lydia, of Theatira the city, (was there,) whose heart our Lord opened, and she heard that which Paulos spake. And she was baptized, she and the sons of her house. And she besought us and said, If it be that you truly think that I have believed in our Lord, come, remain in my house; and she constrained us much. AND it was while we went to the house of prayer, a certain damsel met us in whom was a spirit of divination, and she had produced her lords much gain by her divination. And she came after Paulos and after us, and cried and said, These men are the servants of Aloha the Most High, and announce to us the way of salvation. And this she did many days. And Paulos was indignant, and said to that spirit, I command thee in the name of Jeshu Meshiha to come out of her. And in that hour it came out. And when her lords saw that the hope of their gain had gone from her, they laid hold on Paulos and Shilo and drew them to the public place, and brought them unto the prefects and to the chiefs of the city, and said, These men are troubling our city, because they are Jihudoyee, and are preaching to us those rites which it is not permitted us to receive and perform, because we are Rumoyee. And a great gathering assembled against them. Then the prefects rent their vestments, and commanded to scourge them. And when they had scourged them much, they cast them into the house of the bound, and commanded the keeper of the house of the bound to keep them watchfully. But he, having received this command, brought in and shut them in the inner house of the house of the bound, and fastened their feet in the stocks. And in the dividing of the night, Paulos and Shilo prayed and glorified Aloha, and the chained-ones heard them. And suddenly there was a great trembling, and the foundations of the house of the bound trembled, and at once the doors of all were opened, and the chains of all were loosened. And when the keeper of the house of the bound awoke, and saw that the doors of the house of the bound were open, he took a sword and sought to kill himself, because he thought that the chained-ones had fled. And Paulos cried with a high voice and said to him, Do thyself no harm, for we are all here. And he kindled for himself a lamp, and sprang, and came, perturbed, and fell at the feet of Paulos and of Shilo: and he brought them without, and said to them, My lords, what behoveth me to do that I may be saved? And they said to him, Believe in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spoke with him the words of the Lord, and with all the sons of his house. And in the same hour of that night, he took and washed them from their stripes, and was forthwith baptized, and all the sons of his house. And he took and brought them up into his house, and set for them the table, and exulted, he and the sons of his house, in the faith of Aloha. And when it was morning the prefects sent to the bearers of rods to say to the chief of the house of the bound, Loose those men. AND when the chief of the house of the bound heard, he entered and spoke that word to Paulos, that the prefects have sent that you might he dismissed; and now go forth (and) proceed in peace. Paulos saith to him, They scourged us in the eyes of the world, (we) being innocent, (and) Roman men, and threw us into the house of the bound; and now would they bring us forth secretly? No, indeed, but they shall come and bring us out. And the bearers of rods went and told the prefects these words which had been spoken to them. And when they heard that they were Rumoyee, they feared. And they came to them, and besought them to come forth and depart from the city. And when they had gone forth from the house of the bound, they entered with Lydia, and there saw the brethren, and consoled them. And they went forth and passed by Amphipolis and Apolonia, cities, and came to Thessalonika, where was a synagogue of the Jihudoyee. AND Paulos entered, as his custom was, with them, and three shabaths spoke to them from the scriptures, expounding, and showing, That Meshiha was to suffer and to rise from the house of the dead, and he is Jeshu the Meshiha whom I preach to you. And men of them believed and adhered to Paulos and Shilo, and many of the Javnoyee who feared Aloha, and distinguished women not a few. And the Jihudoyee envied, and joined to them evil men from the public place of the city, and made a great multitude, and conturbed the city. And they came and stood at the house of Jason, and demanded that they should bring them out from thence and deliver them to the multitude. And when they could not find them there, they drew Jason and the brethren who were there, and brought them to the chiefs of the city, crying, These are they who have troubled the whole land; and behold again have they come here; and their receiver is this Jason; and all these against the commands of Cesar are risen, in saying that there is another king, Jeshu. And the chiefs of the city and all the people were troubled when they heard these things; and they took pledges from Jason and also from the brethren, and then dismissed them. But the brethren immediately in that night dismissed Paulos and Shilo unto Beroa the city; and when they were come thither they entered into the synagogue of the Jihudoyee: for more noble were those Jihudoyee who were there than those Jihudoyee who were in Thessalonika; and they heard from them the word daily with joy, while they decided from the scriptures whether these things were so. And many of them believed, and so also of the Javnoyee, men many, and distinguished women. And when those Jihudoyee who were of Thessalonika knew that the word of Aloha was preached by Paulos in Beroa the city, they came there also, and ceased not to move and trouble the people. And the brethren dismissed Paulos that he should go down by sea; and Shilo and Timotheos remained in that city. AND they who accompanied Paulos came unto Athinos the city; and when they departed from the midst of it they took from him an epistle to Shilo and Timotheos, that they should speedily come to him. But he, Paulos, while he waited in Athinos, was embittered in his spirit, (for he) saw how the whole city was filled with idols. And he spake in the synagogue with the Jihudoyee, and with those who worshipped Aloha, and in the public place with those who met there daily; and the philosophers also who were of the doctrine of Epikuros, and others who were called Estoiku, disputed with him. And some of them said, What willeth this accumulator of words? And others said, He preaches foreign gods; because Jeshu and his resurrection he preached unto them. And they took him and brought him to the house of judgment which is called Arios-pagos, saying to him, Can we know what this new doctrine is which thou art preaching? for thou sowest foreign words in our hearing, and we desire to know what these things are. But all the Athinoyee, and those foreigners who are there, of no other thing are careful, but to say and to hear something new. AND as Paulos stood on Arios-pagos he said, Men of Athinos, I observe you that in all (things) you exceed in the worship of demons. As I walked about and saw the place of your worship, I found a certain altar on which was inscribed, To GOD THE HIDDEN: him then whom while not known you worship, This I declare to you. For ALOHA who made the world and all that is in it, and is himself the Lord of heaven and of earth, in temples made with hands resideth not. Neither is he served by the hands of men, nor needeth he any thing, for it is he who giveth to every man life and soul. And of one blood hath he made the whole world of men to dwell upon the face of all the earth, and he hath distinguished the times by his decree, and set the limits of the dwelling of mankind, that they should seek Aloha and inquire, and from his creatures find himself, because he is not far from every one of us. For in him we live, and are moved, and are; as also one of your sages hath said, From him is our descent. Men, therefore, whose descent is from Aloha, should not think that gold or silver or stone sculptured by the art and skill of man is like the Divinity. For the times of error Aloha hath made to pass away; and in this time he commandeth all men, that every man in every place should repent; because he hath set a day in which he will judge the whole earth in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained; and he will convert every man to the faith of him in having raised him from among the dead. And when they heard of resurrection from among the dead, (some) of them mocked, and (some) of them said, At another time we will hear thee concerning this. And so Paulos went forth from among them. And certain of them adhered to him and believed: but one of them was Dionosios of the judges of Arios-pagos, and a certain woman whose name was Damaris, and others with them. AND when Paulos had gone forth from Athinos, he came unto Kurinthos. And he found there a certain man, a Jihudoya, whose name was Akilos, who was from the country of Pontos, (and) who at that time had come from the country of Italia, himself and Priskila his wife, because Klaudios Cesar had commanded that all the Jihudoyee should go out from Ruma; and he drew near to them: (and) because he was a son of their art, he dwelt with them and wrought with them: but in their art they were tentmakers. And he discoursed in the synagogue every shabath, and persuaded the Jihudoyee and the Heathens. And when from Makedunia Shilo and Timotheos had come, Paulos was constrained in his speech, because the Jihudoyee arose against him and blasphemed, while he testified to them that Jeshu is the Meshiha. And he shook his garments and said to them, From now I am clean: I go unto the Gentiles. And he went forth from thence, and entered into the house of a man named Titos, who worshipped Aloha; and his house adjoined the synagogue. And Krispos, master of the synagogue, believed in our Lord, he and all the sons of his house. And many of the Kurinthoyee heard and believed in Aloha, and were baptized. And the Lord said in a vision unto Paulos, Fear not, but speak and be not silent; for I am with thee, and no man can do thee harm; and I have much people in this city. But he abode a year and six months in Kurinthos, and taught them the word of Aloha. AND when Galion was proconsul of Akaia, they gathered together against Paulos, and brought him before the tribunal, saying, This (man) part from the law persuadeth men to worship Aloha. And when Paulos sought to open his mouth and speak, Galion said to the Jihudoyee, If it were concerning some thing of evil, or of wickedness, or of abomination, you would complain, O Jihudoyee, it would be proper for me to receive you; but if they be questions concerning language and names, and concerning your law, let them be known among yourselves; for I am not willing to be a judge of these matters. And he drove them from his tribunal. And all the Heathens seized Sosthenis the presbyter of the synagogue, and beat him before the tribunal. And Galion was careless of these. And when Paulos had been there many days, he gave the salutation to the brethren, and proceeded by sea to go to Syria: and Priskila and Akilos went with him, when he had shaved his head at Kankreos, because he had vowed a vow. And they came to Ephesos. And Paulos entered the synagogue and discoursed with the Jihudoyee; and they requested of him to tarry with them; and he was not willing; for he said, It behoveth me faithfully to perform the feast which cometh at Urishlem; and if Aloha willeth, I will come again to you. And Akilos and Priskila he left at Ephesos; and he voyaged by sea and came to Cesarea: and he went up and wished the peace of the sons of the church, and went unto Antiokia. And when he had been there certain days, he went forth and itinerated successively through Phrygia and Galatia, confirming all the disciples. And a certain man whose name was Apolu, a Jihudoya, who was by family of Aleksandria, and erudite in speech, and accurate in the scriptures, came to Ephesos. This was discipled in the way of the Lord, and was fervid in spirit, and he spake and taught freely concerning Jeshu, while knowing not any thing but the baptism of Juhanon. And he began boldly to speak in the synagogue. And when Akilos and Priskila heard him, they brought him to their house, and fully showed to him the way of the Lord. And when he willed to go to Akaia, the brethren were careful of him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. And when he had gone he helped much, through grace, all the believers. For he disputed forcibly against the Jihudoyee before the assemblies, while he showed from the scriptures concerning Jeshu, that he is the Meshiha. AND while Apolu was in Kurinthos, Paulos itinerated through the upper countries unto Ephesos; and he asked those disciples whom he found there, Have you received the Spirit of Holiness from that you believed? They answered and said to him, It hath not been heard by us whether there be the Spirit. He saith to them, And into what were you baptized? They said, Into the baptism of Juhanon. Paulos saith to them, Juhanon baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe in him who was coming after him, who is Jeshu Meshiha. And when they heard these (words), they were baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And Paulos laid on them the hand, and the Spirit of Holiness came upon them, and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. But all the men were twelve. And Paulos entered the synagogue, and discoursed boldly three months, and persuaded concerning the kingdom of Aloha. And men of them were obdurate, and contended, and reviled the way of Aloha, before the assembly of the people. Then Paulos removed and separated from them the disciples, and every day discoursed with them in the school of a man whose name was Tyranos. And this was done two years, until all who dwelt in Asia, Jihudoyee and Aramoyee, had heard the word of the Lord. And great power-works wrought Aloha by the hand of Paulos; so that they brought even from the garments that were upon his body napkins or wrappings, and laid them upon the sick, and the diseases went from them; and demons also went forth. BUT men, Jihudoyee, also, who went about and adjured demons, willed to adjure in the name of our Lord Jeshu over those who had unclean spirits, saying, We adjure you in the name of Jeshu whom Paulos preacheth. There were seven sons of a man, a certain Jihudoya, chief of the priests, whose name was Skeva, who did this. And that evil demon answered and said to them, Jeshu I acknowledge, and Paulos I know; but who are you? And the man in whom was the evil spirit sprang upon them, and was strong against them, and threw them, and they, naked and wounded, fled from that house. And this was known to all the Jihudoyee and Aramoyee who dwelt in Ephesos: and fear fell upon them all, and the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha was exalted. And many of those who believed came and acknowledged their sins, and confessed whatever they had done. Many also of the magicians collected their writings and brought and burned them before all men; and they reckoned the price of them, and it ascended to silver five myriads. And thus with great power prevailed and increased the faith of Aloha. But when these were fulfilled, Paulos set in his mind to itinerate throughout all Makedunia and Akaia, and to go into Urishlem. And he said, When I shall have gone thither, it behoveth me Ruma also to see. And he sent two men of those who ministered to him to Makedunia, Timotheos and Aristos; but he remained a time in Asia. BUT there was made at that time a great tumult on account of the way of Aloha. For there was a certain worker of silver there whose name was Dimitrios, who made shrines of silver of Artemis, and he produced for the sons of his art great gains. This (man) assembled all the sons of his art and those who wrought with them, and said to them, Men, you know that all our merchandise is from this work; and you also hear and see, that not only the sons of Ephesos, but also many of all Asia, this Paulos persuadeth, and hath perverted them, saying, that there be no gods which by the hands of men are made. And not only is this business defamed and brought to an end, but also the temple of Artemis the great goddess is reputed as nothing, and she also, the goddess of all Asia, and (whom) all the nations worship, is despised. And when they heard these (words) they were filled with wrath; and they cried, and said, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee. And the whole city was perturbed, and they ran together and came to the theatre; and seizing, they led with them Gaios and Aristarkos, men of Makedunia, companions of Paulos. AND Paulos willed to enter the theatre, and the disciples restrained him. And the chiefs of Asia, because they were his friends, sent, praying of him not to deliver himself by going into the theatre. But the crowd who were in the theatre were greatly commoved, and others cried other things; for many of them knew not on what account they were assembled. But the people of the Jihudoyee who were there appointed of them a man a Jihudoya, whose name was Aleksandros; and when he stood (forth) he signed that he would apologize to the people. And when they knew that he was a Jihudoya, all of them cried with one voice, as two hours, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee! And the chief of the city stilled them, saying, Men, Ephesoyee, who is there of mankind who knoweth not that the city of the Ephesoyee is a votaress of the great Artemis, and of her image which descended from heaven? Therefore, since no man can contradict this, it behoves you to be silent, and to do nothing in haste. Yet have you brought these men who have neither spoiled temples nor blasphemed our goddess. But if this Dimitrios and the sons of his craft have strife with any man, behold, the proconsul is in the city, (and) there are officers: let them go nigh and judge one with another. And if you require other (procedure), in the place which is given by the law for an assembly it shall be resolved. For now also are we standing in peril of being accused as disturbers, because we cannot make excuse for the concourse of this day, inasmuch as we have met uselessly, and have made a tumult without cause. And when these he had said, he dissolved the assembly. And after the tumult had stilled, Paulos called the disciples and consoled them and kissed them, and going forth went unto Makedunia. And when he had itinerated those regions, and had consoled them with many words, he came into the country of Hales, and was there three months. But the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him, when he was about to go into Syria, and had thought to return into Makedunia. And (there) went forth with him into Asia Supatros who was from Berula, the city; and Aristarkos and Sakundos, who (were) from Thessalonika; and Gaios, who was from Derbe the city; and Timotheos, who was from Lystra; and from Asia, Tukikos and Trophimos. These went before us, and waited for us in Troas. But we went forth from Philipos, a city of the Makedunoyee, after the days of the Phatiree, and voyaged by sea and came to Troas in five days, and there were we seven days. AND on the first day in the week, when we were assembled to break the eucharist, Paulos discoursed with them, because the day following he was to depart; and he prolonged his discourse until the dividing of the night. And there were many lamps of fire in the high-room where we were assembled. And a certain youth whose name was Eutikos sat in a window and heard. And he had sunk into a heavy sleep while Paulos prolonged his discourse, and in his sleep he fell from the third floor, and was taken up as dead. And Paulos descended, and fell upon him and embraced him, and said, Be not agitated, for his life is in him. When he had gone up, he broke bread and tasted, speaking with them until the morning arose; and then went he forth to proceed by land. And they brought the young man alive, and rejoiced over him greatly. But we went down to the ship, and voyaged to the port of Thesos, because there we were to receive Paulos, for thus he had instructed us, while he himself would proceed by land. But when we had received him from Thesos, we took him up into the ship and came to Mitylene. And from thence the day after we voyaged over against Kios the island, and again the day after we came to Samos; and we tarried at Trogalium, and the day after we came to Militos: for Paulos had decided with himself to pass by Ephesos, that he might not be hindered there, because he hastened, that, if it were possible, on the day of the Pentecost in Urishlem he might work. AND from Militos he sent to bring the presbyters of the church of Ephesos; and when they came to him, he said to them: You know, that from the first day that I entered Asia, how I was with you all time, serving Aloha in much lowliness and with tears, and in those temptations which passed upon me through the devices of the Jihudoyee. Neither neglected I any thing that was profitable for your souls, that I might preach to you and teach in public places and in houses, while I testified to Jihudoyee and to Aramoyee concerning repentance that is toward Aloha, and faith which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And now I, bound in the Spirit, go to Urishlem; not knowing what I shall know in her. Nevertheless, the Spirit of Holiness in every city testifieth to me and saith, that bonds and afflictions are for me. But by me my life is reckoned nothing, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry I have received from our Lord Jeshu, to bear witness concerning the gospel of the grace of Aloha. And now, I know that again my face you will not see, you, all, among whom I have gone about, preaching to you the kingdom of Aloha. I testify to you this very day, that I am pure from the blood of you all. For I have not shunned to make known to you all the will of Aloha. Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to the whole flock over which the Spirit of Holiness hath constituted you the bishops; to pasture the church of the Meshiha which he hath purchased with his blood. For I know that after I shall have gone, there will enter with you furious wolves which will not spare the flock. And also from you, of yourselves, will men arise speaking perverse things to turn away disciples to go after them. On account of this be watchful, and remember, that for three years I ceased not by night and by day with tears to instruct every one of you. And now I commend you to Aloha, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance with all the saints. Silver, or gold, or raiment have I not coveted; and you know to the necessity of myself, and of those who are with me, these hands have ministered. And I have shown you every thing, (that) so it behoveth to labour, and to be careful of those who are infirm, and to remember the word of our Lord Jeshu, that he said, He is blessed who giveth, more than he who receiveth. And when these he had said, he kneeled on his knees and prayed, and all the men with him. And there was a great weeping with all of them, and they embraced him and kissed him; but most agonized (were they) by that word which he had spoken, that again they were not to see his face. And they accompanied him to the ship. And we separated from them and voyaged directly unto Ko the island, and the day after we came to Rodos, and from thence to Patara; and we found there a ship which was going to Punike, and we ascended into her and voyaged. And coming near Kypros the island, we left it on the left hand and came unto Syria, and thence came we to Tsur: for there was the ship to relieve from her burden. And having found disciples there, we sojourned with them seven days. And these said daily unto Paulos in the Spirit, That he should not go unto Urishlem. And after those days we departed to go on the way. And they accompanied us, all of them, they and their wives and their children, till without the city, and kneeled upon their knees on the sea shore, and prayed. And we kissed one another, and we ascended to the ship, and they returned to their homes. But we voyaged from Tsur, and came to Aku the city, and gave the salutation to the brethren who were there, and abode among them one day. And the day after we departed and came to Cesarea; and we entered and abode in the house of Philipos the preacher, he who was of the seven. And he had four virgin daughters who prophesied. And when we had been there many days, there came down from Jihud a certain prophet whose name was Agabos. And he came in to us, and took the loins'-girdle of Paulos, and bound his own feet and his hands, and said, Thus saith the Spirit of Holiness, So the man the master of this girdle will the Jihudoyee bind in Urishlem; and they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. And when we heard these words, we and the sons of the place entreated of him not to go unto Urishlem. THEN answered Paulos and said, What do you, weeping and bruising my heart? For not to be bound only am I prepared, but also to die in Urishlem, for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And when he would not be persuaded by us, we desisted, and said, The will of our Lord be done. And after those days we prepared and went up to Urishlem. And there went with us men, disciples, from Cesarea, who conducted with them a certain brother of the first disciples whose name was Mnason, and he was from Kypros, to receive us into his house. And when we were come to Urishlem, the brethren received us joyfully. And the day following we entered with Paulos to Jakub, while all the presbyters were with him. And we gave them salutation. And Paulos recounted to them in order what Aloha had done among the Gentiles by his ministry. And when they heard, they glorified Aloha. And they said to him, Thou seest, our brother, how many myriads there are in Jihud who believe, and all of them are zealous for the law. But it hath been said to them of thee, that thou teachest all the Jihudoyee who are among the Gentiles to remove from Musha; telling them that they should not circumcise their sons, nor walk in the customs of the law. On this account, when they hear that thou art come hither, do that which we tell thee. We have four men who have a vow to be purified. Take them, and go, purify with them, and lay out upon them the expenses, that they may shave their heads; and it will be known to every man that what hath been said against thee is false, and that thou fulfillest and keepest the law. Concerning those of the Gentiles who believe, we wrote that they should keep themselves from sacrifices, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood. Then Paul took those men the day after, and was purified with them. And he entered and went into the temple, making known to them the fulfillment of the days of the purification, so that an oblation might be offered for each man of them. And when the seventh day was come the Jihudoyee who were from Asia saw him in the temple, and stirred up against him all the people. And they lifted their hands against him, crying out, and saying, Men, sons of Israel, help! This is the man who contrary to our people teacheth every where, and contrary to the law, and against this place. And also Aramoyee hath he brought into the temple, and profaned this holy place. For they had before seen with him Trophimus the Ephesian in the city, and supposed that with Paulos he had entered the temple. And the whole city was commoved, and all the people assembled, and they laid hold of Paulos, and dragged him without from the temple; and instantly the gates were shut. And while the multitude sought to kill him, the tribune of the cohort heard that the whole city was agitated. And forthwith took he a centurion and many soldiers and ran upon them; and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they desisted from beating Paulos. And the tribune drew near and took him, and commanded them to bind him with two chains. And he asked concerning him who (he was), and what he had done? And men from the crowd cried against him variously, and because of their crying he was not able to know what was the truth; and he commanded that they should lead him to the fortress. And as Paulos came to the stairs the soldiers carried him, on account of the violence of the people: for after him was much people; and they cried, and said, Away with him! And as they came to enter into the fortress, Paulos himself said to the tribune, May I be permitted to speak to the people? But he said to him, Javanith knowest thou? Art thou not that Metsroya who before these days stirred up and led forth into the waste four thousand men workers of evils? Paulos said to him, I am a man a Jihudoya from Tarsos of Cilicia, an illustrious city in which I was born: I pray you permit me to speak to the people. And when he had permitted him, Paulos stood upon the stairs, and signed to them with his hand; and when they had ceased, he spoke to them in Hebrew, and said to them, Brethren and fathers, hear the defence which I make to you. And when they heard that Hebrew he was speaking with them, the more they ceased; and he said to them, I am a man a Jihudoya; and I was born in Tarsos of Cilicia, but was brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and instructed perfectly in the law of our fathers. And I was zealous for Aloha, even as all of you are also. And this way I persecuted unto the death, while I bound and delivered to the house of the bound both men and women; as the chief of the priests can testify of me, and all the elders, that from them I received letters to go to the brethren who were in Darmsuk, that also them who were there I should bring to Urishlem bound, that they might be fined. And as I went, and began to approach Darmsuk in the dividing of the day, suddenly from heaven there shone upon me a great light, and I fell upon the earth, and heard a voice, which said to me, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me? But I answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord? And he said to me, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest! And the men who were with me saw the light, but the voice they understood not which spake with me. And I said, What shall I do, my Lord? And he said to me, Arise, go into Darmsuk, and there shall it be told thee of whatever it is commanded thee to do. And while I could not see because of the glory of that light, they who were with me took me by my hands, and I entered Darmsuk. And a man, one Hanania, righteous in the law, as the Jihudoyee who were there testified of him, came to me, and said to me, Shaol, my brother, open thine eyes. And in a moment my eyes were opened, and I beheld him. And he said to me, The God of our fathers hath appointed thee to know his will, and to see that Just One, and to hear the voice from his lips, that thou mayest be a witness to all men of all that thou hast seen and heard. And now why delayest thou? Arise, baptize, and be washed from thy sins, while thou callest his Name. And being returned, I came hither to Urishlem. And I prayed in the temple. And I saw him in a vision, when he said to me, Hasten, and remove thee from Urishlem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. And I said, My Lord, they know also how I delivered to the house of the bound, and smote in all the synagogues, those who have believed in thee. And when the blood of thy martyr Estephanos was shed, I also stood with them, and fulfilled the will of his murderers, and kept the garments of them who stoned him. And he said to me, Go: for I send thee far away to preach to the Gentiles. And when they had heard Paulos until this word, they lifted up their voice, and cried, Take from the earth one like this; for he ought not to live. And as they shouted and cast their garments and threw dust to the heaven, the tribune commanded that he should be brought into the fortress, and commanded him to be questioned by scourging, that he might know for what cause they cried against him. And as they exposed him with thongs, Paulos said to the centurion who stood near him, Is it allowed you to scourge a Roman man who is not condemned? And when the centurion heard, he approached the tribune, and said to him, What doest thou? For this is a Roman man. And the tribune approached him, and said to him, Tell me, art thou a Roman? He said to him, Yes. The tribune answered, and said to him, I with much money purchased the Roman-right. Paulos said to him, But I was born in it. And immediately those who had sought to scourge him desisted from him; and the tribune feared when he learned that he was a Roman, because he had bound him. AND the day after he willed to know truly what was the accusation which the Jihudoyee brought against him. And he ordered him and commanded the great priests and all the synagogue of their rulers to come; and he took Paulos and brought (him) down, and stood him among them. And Paulos, looking upon their assembly, said, Men, brethren, I in all good conscience have conversed before Aloha, unto this day. And Hanania the priest commanded them who stood by him to smite Paulos upon his mouth. And Paulos said to him, It will be that Aloha will smite thee, (thou) whitened wall: thou sittest to judge me according to the law, while thou transgressest the law, and commandest that they smite me! And they who stood there said to him, The priest of Aloha revilest thou? Paulos said to them, I knew not, my brethren, that he is the priest; for it is written, Of the chief of thy people thou shalt not speak evil. And when Paulos knew that (part) of the people were of the Zadukoyee and (part) of it of the Pharishee, he cried in the assembly, Men, my brethren, I am a Pharisha, the son of Pharishee; and for the hope of the resurrection of the dead am I judged. And when he had said this, the Pharishee and the Zadukoyee fell on one another, and the people was divided. For the Zadukoyee say that there is no resurrection, nor angels, nor spirit; but the Pharishee confess all these. And there was made a great noise. And certain sophree of the choice of the Pharishee arose and contended with them, and said, We have not found any thing of evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken with him, what is there in this? And when there was a great commotion among them, the tribune feared lest they should tear Paulos in pieces, and he sent to the Rumoyee to come and carry him away from the midst of them, and take him into the fortress. And when it was night our Lord appeared unto Paulos, and said to him, Be strong: for as thou hast testified of me in Urishlem, so is it to be that thou also in Ruma shalt testify. AND when it became morning, men of the Jihudoyee gathered and bound a vow upon themselves, that they would not eat or drink till they had killed Paulos. But there were of those who established by oath this compact more than forty men. And they drew nigh to the priests and to the elders, and said, A vow we have vowed upon us, that nothing will we taste until we have killed Paulos. And now do you and the princes of the synagogue request from the tribune to bring him to you, as if you sought to investigate more truly his work, and we are prepared to kill him while he shall come to you. And the son of the sister of Paulos heard this plot, and he entered the fortress and informed Paulos. And Paulos sent (and) called one of the centurions, and said to him, Bring this youth to the tribune, for he has somewhat to tell him. And the centurion conducted the youth, and introduced him to the tribune, and said, Paulos the prisoner called me, and requested of me to bring this youth to thee, because he hath somewhat to tell thee. And the tribune took the youth by his hand, and led him on one side, and asked him, What hast thou to tell me? And the youth said to him, The Jihudoyee have determined to request of thee to send down Paulos, tomorrow, to their synagogue, as if willing to learn somewhat more from him: thou therefore yield not to them; for, behold, more than forty men of them watch for him in ambush, and have bound a curse upon themselves, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and, behold, they are ready, and wait thy promise. And the tribune dismissed the youth, when he had admonished him, Let no man know that these thou hast informed me. And he called two centurions, and said to them, Go, prepare two hundred Romans to go to Cesarea, and seventy horsemen and right-handed spearmen two hundred, to go forth at the third hour of the night; but provide also a beast to carry Paulos, and escape to Felix the governor. And he wrote a letter, and gave it to them, which was thus: Klaudios Lusios unto Felix the victorious governor, peace. The Jihudoyee had seized this man to kill him; and I arose with the Romans and rescued him, when I had learned that he is a Roman. And when I sought to know the occasion of which they accused him, I brought him down to their synagogue. And I found that concerning questions of their law they accused him; and a cause worthy of bonds or of death was not in him. And when it was told me of the treachery of a plot which the Jihudoyee wrought against him, I straightway sent him to thee; and I have commanded his accusers to come and speak with him before thee. Farewell. Then the Rumoyee, as they had been commanded, took Paulos by night, and brought him to Antipatros the city; and the day after the horsemen sent away their foot-companions to return to the fortress. And they came to Cesarea. And they gave the letter to the governor, and made Paulos stand before him. And when he had read the letter, he asked him from what province he was. And when he had heard that (he was) from Cilicia, he said to him, I will hear thee when thy accusers have come. And he commanded that they should keep him in the pretorium of Herodes. AND after five days Hanania the great priest came down with the elders, and with Tartelos a rhetor, and informed the governor against Paulos. And being called, Tartelos came forth to accuse him, and said, For many years have we dwelt (in peace) through thee, and many reformations have been made for this people in the bearing of thy office; and all we in every place receive thy bounty, victorious Felix. But, not to weary thee with many (words), I pray thee to hear our humbleness with brevity. For we have found this man to be a destroyer, and an exciter of agitation among all the Jihudoyee, and in all the land: for he is a chief of the doctrine of the Natsroyee, and he willed to pollute our temple; and having apprehended him, we sought to judge him according to our law; but Lusios the tribune came, and with great force transferred him from our hands, and hath sent him unto thee, and commanded his accusers to come to thee; and thou canst by questioning him learn from him concerning all these things of which we accuse him. The Jihudoyee themselves also contended against him, saying, that so these things were. And the governor signed to Paulos to speak. And Paulos answered, and said, For many years I know that thou hast been the judge of this people, and on this account I joyfully make defence for myself; while thou shouldst know that it hath not been more than twelve days since I went up to Urishlem to worship. Neither found they me speaking with any man in the temple, neither have I gathered an assembly in their synagogue nor in the city; nor is it in their power to demonstrate before thee any thing of what they accuse me. Nevertheless, this do I confess, that in that very doctrine of which they speak, in it serve I the God of my fathers, believing in all that is written in the law and in the prophets, and having hope in Aloha that which they also hope: that there shall be a resurrection from the house of the dead, of the just and of the evil. Because of this also I labour to have a good conscience before Aloha and before men, continually. But after many years I came to the sons of my people to bestow alms, and to present an oblation. And these found me in the temple being purified, not with a concourse nor with tumult; but men Jihudoyee who had come from Asia raised a tumult; (and) these it behoved to stand with me before thee, and to accuse of that whatever they have (against me). Or let these themselves declare, what crime they found in me, when I stood before their assembly, unless for this one word which I proclaimed while standing in the midst of them, For the resurrection of the dead am I judged this day before you. But Felix, because he knew this way fully, delayed them, saying, When the tribune comes I will hear between you. And he commanded the centurion to keep Paulos in quietude, and that none of his acquaintances should be hindered from ministering to him. And after a few days Felix, and Drusilla his wife, who was a Jihudoytha, sent and called Paulos, and they heard from him concerning the faith of the Meshiha. And as he discoursed with them of righteousness, and of holiness, and of the judgment which is to come, Felix was filled with fear, and he said, Now go, and when I have opportunity I will send for thee. For he hoped that a bribe would be given him by Paulos, and on this account he continually sent to bring him, and to speak with him. And when two years were fulfilled to him, another governor came in his place, who was called Porcios Festos. But Felix, as to do a favour to the Jihudoyee, left Paulos bound. And when Festos came to Cesarea, after three days he went up to Urishlem. And the chief priest and elders showed him concerning Paulos, and besought from him, asking of him this favour, that he would bring him to Urishlem, while they would act treacherously in the way by killing him. And Festos returned the word, That Paulos was kept in Cesarea, and I am hastening to proceed; let those therefore of you who are able, go down with us, and accuse him of whatever guilt there is in the man. And when he had been there eight days or ten, he went down to Cesarea. And the day after he sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring Paulos. And when he had come, the Jihudoyee who had come down from Urishlem surrounded him, and accusations many and hard brought against him, which they were not able to prove; while Paulos put forth the mind, that he had not offended in any thing, neither against the law of the Jihudoyee, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar. But Festos, because he willed to accord a favour to the Jihudoyee, said to Paulos, Art thou willing to go up to Urishlem, and there concerning these things to be judged before me? Paulos answered, and said, At the tribunal of Caesar stand I. There it is right for me to be judged. Not any thing have I transgressed against the Jihudoyee, as also thou knowest; and if a crime I have committed, or any thing worthy of death, I ask not (to be exempted) from death. But, if there be nothing in me of which these accuse me, no man shall give me to them as a gift. I invoke the appeals of Caesar. Then Festos, having spoken with the sons of his council, said, The appeals of Caesar hast thou invoked? To Caesar goest thou. AND when days had been, Agripos the king and Bernike came down to Cesarea to salute Festos. And when they had been with him (some) days, Festos recounted to the king the judgment of Paulos, saying, A certain man has been left bound by Felix; and when I was at Urishlem, the chief priests and elders of the Jihudoyee informed me against him, and begged that I would do for them judgment against him. And I told them, it was not the custom of the Romans to give any man as a gift to be killed, until his adversaries have come and accused him to his face, and there be given him place to defend himself against that of which he is accused. And when I had come hither, without delay, the day after I sat on the tribunal, and commanded to bring the man to me. And his accusers stood up with him, but could not find any evil accusation to prove against him, (such) as I had expected, but (had) various questions with him regarding their worship, and concerning Jeshu, a man who was dead, of whom Paulos said that he was alive. And because I stood not upon the investigation of these (matters), I said to Paulos, Dost thou require to go to Urishlem, and there be judged concerning these? But he required to be kept unto the judgment of Caesar; and I commanded that he should be kept until I may send him to Caesar. And Agripos said, I would hear this man. And Festos said, To-morrow thou shalt hear him. And the day after came Agripos and Bernike with great pomp, and entered the house of judgment, with the tribunes and the chiefs of the city. And Festos commanded, and Paulos came. And Festos said, King Agripos, and all men who are with us, concerning this man whom you see have all the people of the Jihudoyee taken me at Urishlem and here, crying, that This ought not further to live; but I perceived not that he had done any thing worthy of death. And because he required to be reserved for the judgment of Caesar, I have commanded that he should be sent. But (as) I know not what to write of him unto Caesar, therefore have I willed to bring him before you, and especially before thee, king Agripos, that, having inquired into his case, I may find what to write. For it is not fit when we send a man bound, not to record his transgression. And Agripos said to Paulos, It is permitted thee to speak for thyself. Then Paulos stretched forth his hand and made defence, and said, Of all that I am accused by the Jihudoyee, king Agripos, I consider myself happy, that before you I (have to) make defence. Especially because I know that you are conversant with all questions and laws of the Jihudoyee; therefore, I pray you with patient mind to hear me. For the Jihudoyee themselves-if they would testify-know my manners from my youth, which were mine from the beginning among my people at Urishlem; because they of a long time were assured of me, and they know that in the high doctrine of the Pharishee I lived. And now, concerning the hope of the promise that was made to our fathers by Aloha, stand I, and am judged. And for this hope (to which) our twelve tribes, with diligent prayers by day and night, are expecting to come, for this very hope am I accused by the Jihudoyee, king Agripos! What judge you; ought we not to believe that Aloha will raise the dead? For I, at the first, proposed in my mind to do many things against the name of Jeshu Natsroya. This I also did in Urishlem. And many holy ones I cast into the house of the bound, by the authority which I had received from the great priests; and when they were killed by them, I participated with those who condemned them. And in every synagogue I was furious against them, while I constrained them to blaspheme the name of Jeshu; and, being filled with great wrath against them, I went forth unto other cities also to persecute them. And while going on this account to Darmsuk, with authority and permission from the great priests, at the dividing of the day, in the way, I saw from heaven, O king, shining upon me and upon all who were with me, a light which (was) more excellent than the sun. And we fell all of us upon the earth; and I heard a voice that said to me in Hebrew, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me? It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks! And I said, Who art thou, my Lord? And he said, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest. And he said to me, Stand upon thy feet, because for this I have appeared to thee, to appoint thee a minister and witness of that (for) which thou hast seen me, and (for) which thou shalt see me. And I will deliver thee from the people of the Jihudoyee, and from the other nations to whom I send thee, to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Aloha, and receive the forgiveness of sins, and a lot with the saints through faith, which (is) in me. Wherefore, king Agripos, I withstood not with perversity the heavenly vision, but preached, at first to them who were in Darmsuk, and to them who were at Urishlem, and in all the districts of Jihud, and also to the Gentiles have I preached, that they should repent, and turn to Aloha, and do works worthy of repentance. And for these things the Jihudoyee seized me in the temple, and would have killed me; but Aloha hath helped me until this day; and, behold, I stand and testify to the small and to the great, yet nothing beyond Musha and the prophets do I speak, but those things which they said should come to pass; that the Meshiha should suffer, and should be the chief of the resurrection from the house of the dead, and should preach light to the people and to the nations. AND as Paulos was thus making defence, Festos cried with a high voice, Thou art mad, Paulos; much learning hath made thee mad! Paulos said to him, I am not mad, victorious Festos, but words of truth and righteousness I speak. And king Agripos also, especially, knoweth concerning these things; and therefore speak I with openness before him; because not one of these things I think have been hidden from him; for they were not done in secrecy. Believest thou, king Agripos, the prophets? I know that thou believest. King Agripos said to him, (Within) a little thou persuadest me to become a Christian. And Paulos said, I would from Aloha that in little and in much, not only thou, but also all who hear me to-day, were as I am, except these bonds. And the king arose, and the governor, and Bernike, and those who sat with them: and when they were removed thence they spake one with another, and said, Nothing that is worthy of death or of bonds hath this man done. And Agripos said to Festos, This man could have been dismissed, if he had not called the appeal of Caesar. And Festos commanded concerning him that he should be sent unto Caesar in Italia. And he delivered Paulos, and other prisoners with him, to a certain man, a centurion of the band of Sebaste, whose name was Julios. And when he would proceed, we went down to a ship which was from Adramantos the city, to go to the region of Asia. And Aristarkos, a Makedonoya who was of Thessalunike the city, entered the ship with us. And the day after we came to Tsaidon. And the centurion behaved with kindness towards Paulos, and permitted him to go to his friends and be refreshed. And from thence we voyaged; and because the winds were contrary we made a circuit unto Cypros. And we went through the sea of Cilicia and of Pamphulia, and came to Mura, a city of Lukia. And the centurion found there a ship from Aleksandria which was going to Italia, and he placed us in her. And because she sailed heavily, (after) many days we had scarce come over against Knidos the island, and as the wind did not permit us to go directly, we went round by Kreta against Salmona the city; and hardly voyaging we passing around it came to the place which is called the Fair Havens. AND it was nigh to the city named Lasia. And we were there much time, until the day when the day of the fast of the Jihudoyee had also passed, and there had become danger for one to voyage by sea. And Paulos counselled them and said, Men, I perceive that with distress and much loss we are to voyage, not only to the burden of the ship, but also to our own lives. But the centurion hearkened to the governor and to the lord of the ship rather than to the counsel of Paulos. And because that haven was not convenient to winter in, many of us desired to proceed thence, and if possible to come and winter in a certain harbour in Kreta, called Phoniks, and which looked to the south. And when the wind of the south blew, and we thought we could come as we desired, we sailed round Kreta. And after a little there came forth against us a blowing of the tempest which is called Tuphonikos Euroklidon; and the ship was carried away, and could not stand against the wind, and we gave her into its hand. And when we had passed a certain isle that is called Cyra; we could scarcely take up the boat. And when we had uplifted her, we girded and strengthened the ship. And because we feared lest we should fall into the precipitancy of the sea, we brought down the sails, and so went forward.i And while there rose against us the hard tempest, the next day we threw the goods into the sea. And the third day the things of the ship itself we cast forth. And when the storm had held more days, and neither the sun was seen, nor the moon, nor stars, the hope that we should be saved at all was cut off. And while no man had taken any food, then stood Paulos among them, and said, Men, if you had been persuaded by me, you would not have voyaged from Kreta, and we should have been exempted from loss, and from this distress. Yet now I counsel you to be without anxiety; for not one of you will perish, but the ship only. For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve. And he said to me, Fear not, Paulos, for thou art to stand before Caesar; and, behold, Aloha hath given thee the gift of all who voyage with thee. Therefore, men, take courage; for I believe Aloha, that so it shall be as he hath told me. Nevertheless, upon a certain island we have to be cast. AND after fourteen days (in) which we had wandered and been beaten in the sea of Hadrios, in the dividing of the night, the mariners thought that we drew nigh to land. And they cast the lead, and found twenty cubits; and again a little they proceeded, and found fifteen cubits. And fearing lest we should be found in a place in which were rocks, they cast forth from the hinder part of the ship four anchors, and prayed that it would become day. But the mariners sought to escape from the ship, and lowered from her the boat into the sea, on the pretext that they would go in her, and bind the ship to the land. And when Paulos saw, he said to the centurion and to the soldiers, If these in the ship remain not, you cannot be saved. Then cut the soldiers the cable of the boat from the ship, and let her drive. But Paulos himself, until it was morning, persuaded all of them to take food, saying to them, To-day it is fourteen days (in which) from danger you have tasted nothing. Wherefore I beseech you receive meat for the establishment of your lives; for a hair of the head of one of you will not perish. And when these he had said, he took bread, and praised Aloha before them all, and he broke and began to eat. And they were all comforted, and received food. But we were in the ship two hundred and seventy and six souls. And when they were satisfied with food, they lightened the ship, and took up the wheat and sent it into the sea. And when it was day, the sailors knew not what land it was; but they saw along the coast a certain inlet of the sea, (into) which they purposed if possible to drive the ship. And they cut the anchors from the ship, and left them in the sea, and they loosed the bands of the oars, and raised a small sail to the wind which blew, and went forward to the face of the land. And the ship struck on a high place between two depths of the sea, and infixed herself in it; and her forepart stood upon it, and was immovable, but her afterpart was loosed from the violence of the waves. And the soldiers would have killed the prisoners, lest they should cast forth to swim, and escape from them; and the centurion restrained them from this, because he was willing to save Paulos. And those who could cast forth to swim he commanded to be the first to swim, and to pass to the land. And the rest, on boards, and on other timbers of the ship, passed; and thus all of them escaped to land. AND afterwards we learned that Melita was called that island. And the Barbaroyee who dwelt in it many kindnesses showed us. And they kindled a fire, and called all of us to warm, because there was great rain and cold. And Paulos took many sticks and placed upon the fire; and there came forth a viper from the heat of the fire, and bit (him) in his hand. And when the Barbaroyee saw it hang upon his hand, they said, Perhaps this man is a murderer, whom, though he is escaped from the sea, justice suffereth not to live. But Paulos shook his hand, and cast the viper into the fire, and nothing of evil befell him. But the Barbaroyee expected that he would immediately have swelled and fallen dead upon the ground; and when they had for a great while expected and saw that nothing of evil befell him, they changed their words, and said he was a god. But there were possessions in that place (belonging) to a certain man whose name was Publios, who himself was the chief of the island; and he cheerfully received us into his house three days. But the father of Publios was ill in a fever, and a disease of the bowels. And Paulos went in to him, and prayed and laid his hand on him, and healed him. And when this was done, the rest also of them who were diseased in the island came to him and were cured. And with great honours they honoured us; and when we went forth from thence they supplied us. But we went forth after three months and voyaged in an Alexandrine ship which had wintered at the island; and she had upon her the sign of the Twins. And we came to Sarakosa the city, and remained there three days. And from thence we went round and came to Regium the city. And after one day the south wind blew, and in two days we came to Putialos, a city of Italia. And we found there brethren, and they prayed of us, and we were with them seven days, and then went we unto Ruma. And when the brethren who were there heard, they came forth to meet us unto the street that is called Apios Foros, and unto the Three Taverns. And when Paulos saw them he thanked Aloha, and was strengthened. And we entered Ruma. And the centurion allowed Paulos to sojourn where he willed, with the soldier, him who guarded him. And after three days Paulos sent to convoke the principal men of the Jihudoyee; and when they were assembled, he said to them, Men, brethren, I, who in nothing have risen against the people, nor the law of our fathers, in bonds was delivered from Urishlem into the hands of the Rumoyee. And they who examined me willed to dismiss me, because they found not in me any fault worthy of death. And when the Jihudoyee had risen against me, I was constrained to call the appeal of Caesar; (yet) not as though I had in any thing to be the accuser of the sons of my people. Wherefore I have besought you to come, that I might see you, and declare to you these things; for on account of the hope of Israel am I bound with this chain. They said to him, We have not received letters concerning thee from Jihud, and none of the brethren who have come from Urishlem have spoken any thing evil of thee. But we are willing to hear from thee what it is that thou thinkest; for we know that this doctrine is by no man received. AND they appointed him a day; and many assembled and came where he sojourned; and he explained to them concerning the kingdom of Aloha, testifying and persuading them concerning Jeshu, from the law of Musha and from the prophets, from the morning until the evening. And some of them were persuaded by his words, and others were not persuaded. And they removed from him, while not agreeing together. And Paulos said to them this word, Well spake the Spirit of Holiness, by the mouth of Eshaia the prophet, against your fathers, saying, Go unto this people, and say unto them, Hearing, you will hear and will not understand. And you will see, but not discern: For stupified is the heart of this people, And their hearing they have made heavy, And their eyes have they closed, Lest they should see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their hearts, And be turned unto me, and I should forgive them. Be this therefore known to you, that to the Gentiles is sent this redemption, for they will also hear it. And Paulos hired his own house, and was in it two years, and received there all those who came to him. And he preached concerning the kingdom of Aloha, and taught with confidence concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, none forbidding.
PAULOS, a servant of Jeshu Meshiha, called, and an apostle, who hath been separated unto the gospel of Aloha, which from of old he had promised by the hand of the prophets, in the holy writings, concerning his Son, who was born, according to the flesh, of the seed of the house of David, and is known (to be) the Son of Aloha by power, and by the Holy Spirit, who raised him from among the dead, Jeshu Meshiha our Lord: by whom we have received grace and apostleship among all nations, that they should become obedient unto the faith of his name: and you also are of them, called in Jeshu Meshiha: To all who are in Ruma, beloved of Aloha, called and saints; peace and grace be with you from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. First, I praise my God through Jeshu Meshiha on behalf of you all, that your faith is heard (of) in all the world. For a witness unto me is Aloha, whom I serve in the spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing at all time I remember you in my prayers. And I pray that from now there may be opened unto me the way, by the will of Aloha, to come to you. For I greatly desire to see you, and to impart to you the gift of the Spirit, that thereby you may be established, and that together we may be comforted by your faith and mine. BUT I will that you know, my brethren, that many times I have willed to come to you, and have been hindered until this; that among you also I may have fruit as among the rest of the nations of the Javnoyee and Barbaroyee, the wise and the foolish, because to every man am I obligated to preach; and so am I urged to evangelize unto you also who are in Ruma. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Aloha for the salvation of all who believe in him, whether of the Jihudoyee first, or of the Aramoyee: for the righteousness of Aloha in it is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, The righteous by faith shall live. For the wrath of Aloha is revealed from heaven against all the unrighteousness and depravity of the sons of men, who the truth in unrighteousness detain. Because the knowledge of Aloha is revealed in them; for Aloha revealed it in them. For the occult things of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. For when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they understood not. And while thinking in themselves that they were wise, they were fools. And they changed the glory of Aloha the Incorruptible into the likeness of the image of corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and of four-footed (beasts) and of reptiles of the earth. Because of this Aloha delivered them up to the unclean lusts of their hearts, that they would debase their bodies among them. And they changed the truth of Aloha into a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures rather than their Creator, to whom be praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen. WHEREFORE Aloha delivered them up to passions of vileness: for their females changed the use of their nature, and to what is not natural were used. And also their males likewise left the natural use of their females, and were inflamed with concupiscence one with another, and male with male wrought shamefulness, and the just retribution for their perverseness in themselves received. And as they did not decide in themselves to know Aloha, so did Aloha cause them to be delivered up to a mind of vainness, and to do what is not fit; being filled with all wickedness, and uncleanness, and rancour, and malice, and rapacity, and envy, and murder, and contention, and deceit, and evil imaginings, and murmurings, and slanders, and hating of Aloha: vilifiers, inflated ones, boasters, inventors of evil things, mindless, disobedient to parents, (men) to whom a compact is nothing, and (who) neither love peace nor (have) mercy in them; who, knowing the judgment of Aloha, that they who these things do, unto death are condemned, (yet) not only do them, but also participate with those who do them. Wherefore thou hast no excuse, O man, who judgest thy neighbour; for in that for which thou judgest thy neighbour, thou condemnest thyself; for in those which thou judgest, thou also art conversant. AND we know what is the judgment of Aloha in truth against them who in these things converse. But thinkest thou, O man, who judgest them who in these converse, while thou also conversest in them, that thou wilt escape the judgment of Aloha? Or upon the riches of his goodness, and upon his long-suffering, and upon the space he giveth thee, presumest thou? and knowest not that the goodness of Aloha unto repentance leadeth thee? Yet, through the hardness of thy unrepenting heart, layest thou up the treasure of wrath for the day of wrath, and the revelation of the just judgment of Aloha, who rendereth to every man according to his works. To them who seek, in perseverance of good works, glory and honour and incorruption, he giveth eternal life; but to them who are rebellious, and obey not the truth, but unrighteousness obey, he will render wrath and indignation and affliction and distress, upon every man who worketh evils; to Jihudoyee first, and to Aramoyee; but glory and honour and peace to every one who worketh good, to the Jihudoya first, and also to the Aramoya; for there is no acceptance of faces with Aloha. For they who without the law have sinned, without the law also will perish: and they who in the law have sinned, by the law will be judged. For not the hearers of the law are righteous before Aloha, but the doers of the law are justified. FOR if the Gentiles, who have not the law, from their nature shall perform the law, these, while not having the law, unto themselves become a law. And these show the work of law written upon their hearts, and their conscience testifieth of them, while their reasonings accuse or excuse one another; in the day when Aloha judgeth the secrets of men according to my gospel by Jeshu Meshiha. But if thou (who) a Jihudoya art called, and reposest on the law, and boastest in Aloha, because thou knowest his will, and distinguishest the things that are fitting, because thou art learned from the law; and confidest upon thyself that thou art a guide of the blind, and a light to those who are in darkness, and an instructor of the wanting-in-mind, and a teacher of children, and hast a type of knowledge and of truth in the law: Thou, then, who teachest others, dost thou not teach thyself? and who preachest that men should not steal, dost thou steal? and who sayest they should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? And thou who condemnest idols, dost thou despoil the sanctuary? And thou who boastest of the law, in this that thou transgressest against the law, Aloha himself despisest thou? For the name of Aloha through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles, as it is written. For circumcision profiteth, if thou accomplish the law; but if thou transgress the law, thy circumcision is become uncircumcisedness. But if the uncircumcision shall keep the commandment of the law, is not uncircumcisedness reckoned to him (as) circumcision? And the uncircumcision, who by nature accomplishes the law will judge thee, who with the scripture and with circumcision, transgressest against the law. FOR it is not in outwardness that he is a Jihudoya nor is that which is seen in the flesh circumcision: but he is a Jihudoya who is one in inwardness; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not from the sons of men, but from Aloha. What then is the excellence of the Jihudoya, and what the profit of circumcision? Much in every thing: primarily that they had intrusted (to them) the words of Aloha. For if some of them believed not, would their unbelief abolish the faithfulness of Aloha? Not so: for Aloha is true, and every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mayest be just in thy words, And triumph when they judge thee. But if our iniquity the righteousness of Aloha establisheth, what shall we say? Is Aloha evil, who bringeth his wrath? As a man do I speak. Not so; otherwise how shall Aloha judge the world? For if the truth of Aloha is promoted by my lie unto his glory, why then am I judged as a sinner? Or why, as certain blaspheme concerning us, affirming that we say, Let us do evil, that good may come? they, whose condemnation is reserved by justice. What then, have we attained excellence? (No.) For before we decided of the Jihudoyee and of the Aramoyee that they are all under sin; as it is written, None is righteous, not one. None understandeth or seeketh Aloha. All have declined together and are reprobate, And there is none that doeth good, not one. Open sepulchres are their throats, Their tongues have deceived, And the venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness, And their feet are swift to shed blood. Crushing and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known; And the fear of Aloha is not before their eyes. BUT we know that whatever the law saith, to them who are under the law it saith: that every mouth may be shut, and all the world be guilty unto Aloha. Because by the works of the law no flesh is justified before him; for from the law sin is known. But now, without the law the righteousness of Aloha is revealed, and the law and the prophets (themselves) testify of it. But the righteousness of Aloha is by faith of Jeshu Meshiha, unto all and also upon all who believe in him. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned, and have failed of the glory of Aloha; and all are justified by grace freely, and (that) through the redemption which is in Jeshu Meshiha, whom Aloha before ordained (to be) a propitiation through faith in his blood for our sins which from the first we had sinned, within the space which Aloha hath given to us in his patience, unto the manifestation of his righteousness which (is) in this time: that he might be just, and might justify in righteousness him who is in the faith of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Where, then, is boasting? It is abolished. By what law? of works? No, but by the law of faith. We comprehend, therefore, that by faith man is justified, and not by the works of the law. Is Aloha of the Jihudoyee only, and not of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also Because one is Aloha, who justifieth the circumcision by faith, also the uncircumcision by the same faith. Do we therefore the law abolish by faith? Not so, but the law itself we establish. What then say we of Abraham, the chief of the fathers, that he found in the flesh? For if Abraham by works was justified, he had cause for boasting; but not with Aloha. For what saith the scripture? That Abraham believed Aloha, and he reckoned it to him for righteousness. But to him who worketh, his wages are not reckoned to him as of favour, but as that which is owing to him: but to him who worketh not, but believeth only in him who justifieth sinners, his faith is reckoned to him for righteousness. As also David hath spoken concerning the blessedness of the man to whom Aloha reckoneth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquity is forgiven, And whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom Aloha reckoneth not his sin. Is this blessedness, then, upon the circumcision (only), or upon the uncircumcision (also)? Now we have said, that his faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. When, then, was it reckoned to him? In circumcision or in uncircumcision? It was not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. For he received the sign of circumcision (as) a seal of the righteousness of his faith, which (was his) in uncircumcision, that he should be the father of all them who believe of the uncircumcision; that it might be accounted also to them for righteousness: and the father of the circumcision, not of them who are of the circumcision only, but of them who pursue the footsteps of the faith of uncircumcision of our father Abraham. FOR not through the law was the promise unto Abraham and to his seed that he should be the heir of the world, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they who are of the law were heirs, faith would be vain, and the promise be abolished. For the law is the worker of wrath. For where there is no law, there also is no transgression of the law. Therefore it is by faith, which is through grace, that we are justified, that the promise might be firm unto all his seed; not to that which is of the law only, but also to that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all: (as it is written, I have ordained thee the father of many nations before Aloha, in whom thou hast believed, who maketh alive the dead, and calleth those who are not as though they were:) and who, without hope, unto hope believed that he should be the father of many nations, as it is written, that " so shall be thy seed." Nor was he weak in his faith, while considering his body dead, (for he was the son of an hundred years,) and the dead womb of Sara; and at the promise of Aloha he wavered not as deficient in faith, but was strong in faith, and gave glory to Aloha; and was sure that what he had promised to him Aloha could fulfil. Wherefore it was reckoned to him for righteousness. And not for his sake only was this written, that his faith was reckoned for righteousness, but for our sake, because it should be reckoned to us also who believe in Him who hath raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead; who was delivered for our sins, and rose that he might justify us. BECAUSE, then, we are justified by faith, we have peace with Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And by him we have been admitted through faith into this grace in which we stand, and exult in hope of the glory of Aloha. And not thus only, but also in afflictions we exult; for we know that affliction perfecteth patience in us, and patience experience, and experience hope: but hope maketh us not ashamed, because the love of Aloha is shed forth upon our hearts by the Spirit of Holiness who is given to us. But if the Meshiha on account of our infirmity in this time for the wicked hath died: for hardly for the wicked one dieth; for on account of the good one may perhaps dare to die. Nevertheless Aloha hath manifested his love for us, in that, when we were sinners, the Meshiha for us died: how much more, then, shall we be now justified through his blood, and by him be delivered from wrath? For if, while we were adversaries, Aloha was reconciled with us through the death of his Son, how much more, then, in reconciliation with him, shall we be saved by his life? And not thus only, but we also exult in Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by whom we have now received the reconciliation. As by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death, so death hath passed upon all men through this, that all have sinned. For until the law, sin, while it was in the world, was not reckoned sin, because the law was not; yet death reigned from Adam until Musha on them also who had not sinned after the manner of the transgression of the law of Adam, who was the type of him who was to be. But not as was the fall, so is the gift; for if, on account of the fall of one, many died, how much more the grace of Aloha, and his gift, for the sake of one man, Jeshu Meshiha, in many will abound? And not as the transgression of one, so is the gift; for the judgment that was by one was unto condemnation, but the gift (which saves) from many sins was unto righteousness. For if because of the transgression of one death was made to reign, much more (shall) they who receive the abundance of the grace and of the gift and of righteousness, reign in life by one, Jeshu Meshiha. As then on account of the transgression of one was the condemnation of all men, so, on account of the righteousness of one shall there be acquittal unto the life of all men. For as on account of the disobedience of one man many became sinners, so also on account of the obedience of one many became righteous. But the entrance which was of the law, (made) sin to increase; and where sin increased, there grace hath abounded: that as sin hath reigned in death, so grace might reign in righteousness unto the life which is eternal, by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. WHAT, then, shall we say, Let us remain in sin, that grace may abound? Not so. For how shall they who are dead to sin live yet in it? Or do you not know, that they who have been baptized into Jeshu Meshiha, into his death have been baptized? For we are buried with him by baptism into death; that as Jeshu Meshiha arose from among the dead by the glory of his Father, so also we in a new life shall walk. For if together we have been planted with him in the likeness of his death, so also in his resurrection shall we be. For we know that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be abolished, that more we should not serve sin. For he who is dead is set free from sin. If then we are dead with the Meshiha, we believe that with him, with the Meshiha, we shall live: for we know that the Meshiha rose from among the dead, and no more dieth, nor hath death dominion over him. For he who died on account of sin died once, and he who liveth liveth unto Aloha; so also reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin, and alive unto Aloha by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Let not sin then reign in your dead body, as that you may obey the lusts of it: nor prepare your members the instruments of iniquity unto sin, but prepare yourselves for Aloha, as men who from the dead have been made alive, and your members instruments to be for the righteousness of Aloha. For sin shall not rule over you; for you are not under law, but under grace. What, then, shall we sin, because we are not under law, but under grace? Not so. Know you not, that to whomsoever you prepare yourselves to obey him unto service, of him you are the servants, of him whom you obey; whether of sin, or of the hearing of the ear of righteousness? But praise to Aloha that you were the servants of sin, but have obeyed from the heart the form of doctrine to which you have been delivered. And when you were made free from sin, you became obedient to righteousness. As among men I speak, because of the infirmity of your flesh, that as you have prepared your members for the service of uncleanness and of iniquity, so also now prepare ye your members for the service of righteousness and of holiness. For when you were the servants of sin, you were free from righteousness. And what product had you then from that of which to-day you are ashamed? For the end of it is death. And now made free from sin, and become servants to Aloha, you have holy fruits, of which the end is the life of eternity. For the wages of sin is death; and the gift of Aloha the life of eternity by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. BUT know you not, my brethren, for to those who know the law I speak, that the law has authority over a man as long as he liveth? as a woman who is bound in law to her husband as long as he liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is freed from the law of her husband. But if, while her husband lives, she adhere to another man, she becometh an adulteress; but if her husband shall die, she is freed from the law, and is not an adulteress, though she become (the wife) of another man. And now, my brethren, you also are dead to the law, through the body of the Meshiha, that you should be married to another, (namely, to) him who rose from the dead, that you may render fruit unto Aloha. For while we were in the flesh, the affections of sin, which are against the law, wrought powerfully in our members to yield fruits unto death; but now we are loosed from the law, and are dead to that which held us, that we might serve henceforth in the newness of the spirit, and not in the oldness of the writing. What then, say we the law is sin? Not so. But sin I had not learned (to know) but by the law: for I had not known concupiscence (to be sinful), but (by) the law, which hath said, Thou shalt not covet. And by this commandment sin found for itself an occasion, and completed in me all concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. But I was alive without the law formerly: but when the commandment came, sin lived, and I died. And that commandment of life was found to me (to tend) unto death. For sin, by the occasion it found through the commandment, deceived me, and thereby killed me. The law therefore is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. The good, then, unto me, unto death was made? Not so. But sin, that it might be seen what sin is, by the good (law) effected death in me, that sin might be the more condemned by the commandment. For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, and sold unto sin. For what I work, I know not; and not that which I will, I do; but what I hate, that I do. And if the thing that I would not, I do, I witness of the law that it is good. But now it is not I who work this, but sin which dwelleth in me. For I know that in me, but that is in my flesh, good dwelleth not; because to will the good is easy to me, but to perform it I find not. For the good that I will to do, I do not; but the evil that I will not to do, that do I. And if the thing that I will not I do, it is not I who do it, but sin which dwelleth in me. I find then a law which accordeth with my mind, that willeth to do good, because evil is near to me. For I rejoice in the law of Aloha in the interior man; but I see another law in my members, which warreth against the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members. I give thanks to Aloha! (it is) by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Now then, I in my mind am the servant of the law of Aloha, but in my flesh I am the servant of the law of sin. Hence, there is no condemnation to them who do not walk according to the flesh, in Jeshu Meshiha. For the law of the Spirit of life, which is in Jeshu Meshiha, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death. Because the law was weak through the infirmity of the flesh, Aloha sent his Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin, on account of sin to condemn sin in his flesh; that the righteousness of the law might in us be fulfilled, who walk not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. For they who are in the flesh, of that flesh are mindful; and they who are of the Spirit, of that Spirit are mindful. For the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit life and peace. Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject, for it cannot be; and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha. But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if truly the Spirit of Aloha dwelleth in you. But if a man have not the Spirit of the Meshiha, this (man) is not his. And if the Meshiha be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead dwell in you, he who raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead will also make alive your dead bodies, on account of his Spirit who dwelleth in you. Now, my brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, that according to the flesh we should walk. For if after the flesh you live, you must die: but if, after the Spirit, the habitudes of the body you mortify, you live. For they who by the Spirit of Aloha are led, they are the sons of Aloha. For we have not received the spirit of servitude again unto fear, but we have received the Spirit of the adoption of sons, by whom we cry, Father, our Father! And the Spirit himself witnesseth with our spirit, that we are the sons of Aloha. And if sons, heirs also; heirs of Aloha, and the sons of the inheritance of Jeshu Meshiha. For if we suffer with him, with him also shall we be glorified. For I consider that the sufferings of this time are not equal to that glory which is to be revealed in us. For the whole creation hopeth and waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of Aloha. For the creation hath been subjected to vanity, not willingly, but on account of him who subjected her, upon the hope that the creation herself also shall be made free from the servitude of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the sons of Aloha. For we know that all creatures groan and travail until this day; and not only they, but we also who have in us the first-fruit of the Spirit, groan within ourselves, and wait for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we live: but hope that is seen is not hope; for if we see it, why hope we for it? But if we hope for that which is not seen, in patience we wait. So also the Spirit helpeth our infirmity: for what to pray for as we ought we know not; but the Spirit himself prayeth on our behalf in groanings unspoken. But he who searcheth the hearts, he knoweth the mind of the Spirit, who, according to the will of Aloha, prayeth for the saints. BUT we know that those who love Aloha, in every thing he helpeth them for good; them whom he set before that they might be called. And from the first he knew them, and signified them in the likeness of the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born of many brethren. But whom he before signified, them he called; and whom he called, them he justified; and whom he justified, them he glorified. What then shall we say of these? If Aloha be for us, who is against us? And if his Son be spared not, but for all of us delivered him up, how will he not with him give us all things? Who is against the chosen of Aloha? Aloha justifieth. Who condemneth? The Meshiha hath died and arisen, and is at the right hand of Aloha, and prayeth for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Meshiha? Affliction, or sorrow, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? As it is written: For thee all the day long are we killed, We are reckoned as sheep for the slaughter. But in these we all are victorious by the hand of him who hath loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor authorities, nor powers, nor things subsisting, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of Aloha which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. I say the truth in Meshiha, and lie not; my conscience witnesseth for me in the Spirit of Holiness, that I have great grief, and (that) the sorrow of my heart ceaseth not. For I could pray that I myself might be one accursed from Meshiha instead of my brethren and my kinsmen who are in the flesh; who are the sons of Israel, and whose was the adoption of sons, and the glory, and the covenants, and the law, and the ministry, and the promises, and the fathers; and from whom appeared the Meshiha in the flesh, who is Aloha over all: his be praises and benedictions to the age of ages. Amen. FOR the word of Aloha hath not really fallen: for not all who are of Israel are Israel; neither also are they who are of the seed of Abraham all children; because it was said, In Ishok shall be called unto thee the seed: but that is, the children of the flesh are not the children of Aloha, but the children of the promise are reckoned the seed. For the promise is this word, In this time I will come, and a son shall be unto Sara. And not this only, but also Raphka when with one, our father Ishok, she had association, before her sons were born, and had not wrought good or evil, the (choice) of Aloha was (made) known before that it should remain: not by works, but by him who called: for it was said, The elder shall be servant to the less; as it is written, Jakub have I loved, and Isu have I hated. What then say we? Is there iniquity with Aloha? Not so: behold, also, he said unto Musha, I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. Therefore it is not by him who willeth, nor by him who runneth, but by Aloha the Merciful. For it is said in the scripture to Pherun, For this I have raised thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. Then upon whom he willeth he is merciful, and whom he willeth he hardeneth. Perhaps thou wilt say, Of what then doth he complain; for who shall arise against his will? Who then art thou, O man, who givest answer against Aloha? Will the mass say to him who formeth it, Why thus hast thou formed me? Or, hath not the potter power over his clay, that from the (same) mass he might make vessels, the one to honour, and the other to vileness? BUT if Aloha, willing to reveal his wrath, and to make known his power, in his much patience bore with the vessels of wrath who were perfected for destruction, and poured his mercy upon the vessels of mercy who were prepared of Aloha for glory, who are we, (ourselves) the called, not only of the Jihudoyee, but also of the Gentiles: so also in Husha he said, I will call them my people who were not my people, and on those on whom I was not merciful, will I be merciful: for it shall be in the place where they were not called my people, there shall they be called the children of Aloha the Living. But Eshaia proclaims of the sons of Israel: Though the number of the sons of Israel were as the sand which is on the sea, the residue of them shall be saved. The Lord hath decreed and determined the word, and will perform it upon the earth. And as that which Eshaia had said before: Unless the Lord of sebaoth had left to us a residue, as Sedum should we have been, and to Amura have been likened. WHAT then shall we say? That the Gentiles who have not followed after righteousness have attained righteousness, but that righteousness which is of faith: but Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness, unto the law of righteousness have not attained. For why? Because it was not by faith, but by the works of the law: for they stumbled at the stone of stumbling; as it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling And a rock of offence; And whosoever in him shall believe Shall not be ashamed. My brethren, (it is) the wish of my heart, and my prayer to Aloha concerning them, that they may be saved. For I testify of them that they have zeal for Aloha, but not in knowledge. But the righteousness of Aloha they know not, but seek the righteousness of themselves to establish, and on this account to the righteousness of Aloha they have not become subject. For the end of the law is the Meshiha unto righteousness in all who believe in him. FOR Musha thus describeth the righteousness which is of the law, that he who doeth these things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is by faith thus speaketh, Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend into heaven, And bring down the Meshiha? And who shall descend into the deep of Sheul, And bring up the Meshiha from among the dead? But what saith it? Nigh thee is the word of thy mouth and of thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. And if thou wilt confess with thy mouth our Lord Jeshu, and wilt believe with thy heart that Aloha hath raised him from among the dead, thou shalt be saved. For the heart which believeth in him is justified, and the mouth which confesseth him is saved. For the scripture saith, that every one who believeth in him shall not be ashamed. And in this he hath not distinguished nor the Jihudoya nor the Aramoya; for one is the Lord of them all, who is rich toward every one who calleth on him. For every one who shall invoke the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they invoke him in whom they have not believed? Or how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Or how shall they hear without a preacher? Or how shall they preach if they are not sent? As it is written, How beautiful the feet of them who evangelize peace, And who evangelize good things! But all of them have not obeyed the preaching of the gospel: for Eshaia saith, My Lord, who hath believed our voice? Therefore faith is from the hearing of the ear, and the hearing of the ear from the word of Aloha. But I say, Have they not heard? Behold, in all the earth their voice hath gone forth, And to the ends of the world their words! But I say, Hath not Israel known? First, Musha thus speaketh, I will provoke you by a people who is not a people. And by the disobedient people will I make you angry. But Eshaia is bold, and saith, I am beheld by them who have not sought me, And found of them who for me have not inquired. But of Israel he saith, I have stretched out my hands all the day To a contentious and disobedient people. BUT I say, Hath Aloha put away his people? Not so. For I also am of Israel, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benyamen. Aloha hath not put away his people whom from before he knew. Or know you not what he saith in the scripture concerning Elia, when he cried unto Aloha against Israel, saying, My Lord, thy prophets have they killed, and thy altars overthrown, and I alone am left, and they seek my soul? And it was said to him by revelation, Behold, I have left to myself seven thousand men, who upon their knees have not kneeled nor worshipped Baal. So also, at this time, a residue is left by the election of grace. But if by grace, it is not of works; otherwise grace is not grace. But if by works, it is not of grace; otherwise work is not work. What then, That which Israel sought he hath not found; but the election hath found: but the rest of them are blinded in their hearts. As it is written, Aloha hath given them the spirit of trouble, And eyes that see not, and ears that hear not, until the present day. And David again saith, Let their table become a snare before them, And their reward be for a stumbling-block: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, And their back at all times be bowed; But I say, Have they stumbled so as to fall? Not so: but, by their stumbling was salvation to the Gentiles, unto their zeal. And if their stumbling were wealth to the world, and their condemnation wealth to the Gentiles, how much then will their fulness be? To you, Gentiles, I speak, I, who am apostle of the Gentiles, in my ministry I glory, if I may provoke my fleshly kindred, and save some of them. For if their rejection was the reconciliation of the world, what (will) their conversion (be) but life from the dead? For if the first-fruits be holy, (so) also (will be) the mass; and if the root be holy, (so) also the branches. And if the branches were cut off, and thou who art a wild olive art engrafted in their place, and hast a participation of the root and fatness of the olive, boast not against the branches: but if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root beareth thee. And perhaps thou wilt say, The branches were cut off, and I in their place am engrafted: Well, they on account of unbelief were cut off, and thou by faith standest: be not exalted in thy mind, but fear. If Aloha spared not them who were branches by nature, (take heed) lest he spare not thee. Behold, then, the goodness and the severity of Aloha: towards them who fell, severity; but towards thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; if not, thou also wilt be cut off. And they, if they continue not in their want of faith, they also shall be engrafted; for Aloha is able again to engraft them. For if thou who art of the wild olive which is thy nature, wast cut off, and, which was not thy nature, art engrafted into the good olive, how much more they, if they are engrafted into the olive of their nature? But I would have you know, my brethren, this mystery, that you may not be wise in your own mind,-that blindness of heart for a little space is unto Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be brought in: and then all Israel shall be saved. As it is written, The Redeemer shall come from Sion, And turn iniquity from Jakub; And then shall be to them my covenant, When I have forgiven them their sins. But, in (regard of) the gospel, they are enemies on your account; and, in the election, they are beloved on account of the fathers. For Aloha turneth not in his gift and in his vocation. For as you also were not obedient unto Aloha at the first, and now have received mercy through their disobedience; so also these are now disobedient for the mercy that is upon you, that upon them also might be mercy. For Aloha hath included them all in disobedience, that upon all he might show mercy. O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of Aloha, whose judgments man searcheth not, and whose ways are inscrutable! For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, that so he should receive from him? For all is of him, and all in him, and all by him. To him be praises and benedictions unto the age of ages. Amen. I BESEECH then of you, my brethren, by the mercies of Aloha, that you present your bodies a sacrifice, living and holy and acceptable unto Aloha, in a rational service. And be not likened unto this world, but be changed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the will of Aloha, good, and acceptable, and perfect. But I tell you all through the grace which is given to me, that you are not to think beyond what it is proper to think; but that you think with sobriety, every man as Aloha hath divided to him faith in measure. For as in one body we have many members, and as all the members have not one work, so also we who are many are one body in the Meshiha; but we are each of us members one of another. But we have various gifts according to the grace that is given to us: is it prophecy? (let him who has received it) prophesy according to the measure of the faith. Hath (another the gift) of ministry? (let him be employed) in his ministry; he who is a teacher, (let him labour) in his teaching; he who is an exhorter, in his exhorting; as he who giveth, (let him give with simplicity;) and he who presideth, (let it be) with diligence; and he who (is engaged in works) of mercy, with cheerfulness. And let not your love be guileful; abhor things evil, cleave to the good. Be tender to your brethren, and love one another, being forward to honour one another. Be diligent, and not slothful, be fervent in spirit, be serving your Lord. Rejoice in your hope, sustain your afflictions, be constant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of the saints. Be kind to strangers. Bless your persecutors; bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them who rejoice, and weep with them who weep. And what you think of yourselves, (that) also think of your brethren; nor think with a high mind, but incline to them who are humble; and be not wise in the conceit of your own mind. And repay to no man evil for evil, but be careful to do good before all men. And if possible, as much as is in you, with all men make peace. And avenge not yourselves, my beloved, but give place unto wrath; for it is written, that if thou execute not judgment for thyself, I will execute thy judgment, saith Aloha. And if thy adversary hunger, feed him; and if he thirst, give him drink: and if these things thou do unto him, coals of fire thou wilt heap upon his head. Let not evil overcome you, but overcome evil with good. LET every soul to the powers of dominion be subject. For there is no power that is not from Aloha, and the powers that be, of Aloha are they instituted. Whoever then riseth up against the power, against the institution of Aloha he riseth; and they who arise against them will receive judgment. For judges are not a terror to the workers of good, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do good, and thou shalt have praise from him. For he is the servant of Aloha, but to thee for good: and if thou do evil, fear; for not in vain is he girded with the sword; for he is the servant of Aloha, and the dispenser of wrath to them who do evil. And because of this are we bound to be subject, not for the wrath only, but also because of conscience. On this account also give we tribute to them; for they are the servants of Aloha over these things constituted. Render therefore to every man as is due to him: to whom tribute (is due,) tribute; and to whom custom, custom; and to whom reverence, reverence; and to whom honour, honour. And to no man owe any thing, but one another to love. For whoever loveth his neighbour fulfilleth the law: for that also which it hath said, Thou shalt not kill; and, Thou shalt not commit adultery; and, Thou shalt not steal; and, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, in this word it is accomplished, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love unto his neighbour evil worketh not: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. AND also this know, that the time is, and the hour is, when we should be awake from our sleep; for now hath drawn nearer to us our salvation than when we believed. The night now passeth away, and the day hath drawn nigh; put we away then from us the works of darkness, and let us clothe with the arms of light. And as in the day, let us walk decorously, not with the song, nor with drunkenness, nor in the unclean chamber, nor in envy and in contention; but let (every one) clothe himself with our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and care not for your flesh unto the lusts (thereof). But to him who is weak in the faith give the hand, and be not divided in your thoughts. For there are some who believe that one may eat every thing, and he who is weak; eateth (only) the herb. But let not him who eateth despise him who eateth not; and he who eateth not, let him not judge him who eateth; for Aloha hath received him. Who art thou that judgest a servant who is not thine? who, if he stand, unto his Lord he standeth, and if he fall, falleth unto his Lord. But standing, he standeth; for there is power in the hands of his Lord to make him stand. There is who distinguisheth day from day, and there is who judgeth all days (to be alike); but let every man in the conviction of his (own) mind be confirmed. He who thinketh of the day, to his Lord he thinketh; and every one who thinketh not of the day, unto his Lord he thinketh not (of it). He who eateth, to his Lord he eateth, and to Aloha giveth thanks; and he who eateth not, to his Lord he eateth not, and giveth thanks to Aloha. For there is no one of us who to himself liveth and no one who to himself dieth. For if we live, to our Lord we live; and if we die, to our Lord we die: and if we live, then, or if we die, our Lord's are we. Because of this also the Meshiha died and lived and arose, that he might be Lord of the dead and of the living. But thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Or thou, also, why despisest thou thy brother? For we shall all stand before the tribunal of the Meshiha: as it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, unto me every knee shall bow, and to me shall every tongue confess. Therefore, every one of us the answer for himself shall give unto Aloha. Then judge not one another, but this determine rather, to lay not a stumbling-block for thy brother. For I know, and am persuaded in the Lord Jeshu, that a thing which is unclean from itself is not (so); but to him who judgeth of any thing that it is polluted, to him only it is polluted. But if on account of meat thou grievest thy brother, thou walkest not in love: destroy not by thy meat him on account of whom the Meshiha died. Let not our good (things) be blasphemed. For the kingdom of Aloha is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Spirit of Holiness. For who in these things serveth the Meshiha pleaseth Aloha, and before men is approved. Now, after peace let us pursue, and after the edification of one another, and not for the sake of meats undo the work of Aloha. For each thing is pure, yet evil is it to the man who eateth with offence. It is well not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing by which our brother is offended. Hast thou confidence? In thyself retain it before Aloha. Blessed is he who condemneth not himself in what he distinguisheth. For he who doubteth and eateth is made guilty, because he eateth not with confidence. For every thing that is not of confidence is sin. WE then, the strong, are obligated to bear up the infirmities of the weak, and not ourselves to please. But let every one of us please his neighbour in good things as unto edification. Because the Meshiha also pleased not himself; but as it is written, The reproach of thy reproachers hath fallen upon me. For every thing that hath before been written for our instruction was written, that by the patience and consolation of the scriptures we might have hope. But the God of patience and of consolation give to you that with impartiality you may think one of another in Jeshu Meshiha, that with one mind and with one mouth you may glorify Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Therefore, receive and bear with one another, as also the Meshiha hath received you, to the glory of Aloha. But I say that Jeshu Meshiha ministered the circumcision, on behalf of the truth of Aloha, that he might confirm the promise of the fathers, and the Gentiles might glorify Aloha for his mercy that was upon them. As it is written, I will confess thee among the Gentiles, And to thy name will I sing. And again he hath said, Be glad, ye Gentiles, with his people. And again he hath said, Praise the Lord, all (ye) Gentiles; Let all peoples praise him. And again, Eshaia hath said, There shall be a root of Jeshai, And he who shall arise shall be the chief of the peoples; And upon him will the Gentiles hope. But the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, through faith, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Spirit of Holiness. BUT I am persuaded also concerning you, my brethren, that you are also full of good, and filled with all knowledge, and able also to instruct others. But I have somewhat boldly written to you, my brethren, as that I may put you in remembrance, through the grace which is given to me from Aloha, to be a minister of Jeshu Meshiha among the Gentiles, and to labour in the gospel of Aloha, that there may be an oblation of the Gentiles, acceptable and holy through the Spirit of Holiness. I have, then, exultation in Jeshu Meshiha with Aloha. For I dare not speak any thing which the Meshiha hath not done by my hands, unto the obedience of the Gentiles, in word and in deeds, with the power of signs and miracles, and with the power of the Spirit of Aloha; as that I have itinerated from Urishlem unto Illyrikum, to fulfil the preaching of Meshiha; being anxious to preach, not where the name of Meshiha had been called, that I might not build upon another foundation, but as it is written, They to whom it hath not been told of him, they shall see him; and they who have not heard shall be persuaded. On this account I have been hindered many times when I would have come to you. But now, because I have no place in these countries, and have desired for many years to come to you, when I go into Ispania, I hope to come and see you; and you shall lead me thitherward, when I shall in some measure have been gladdened with the sight of you. But now I go to Urishlem to minister to the saints. For they in Makedunia and in Akaia have desired that a communication should be made from themselves with the poor and the saints who are at Urishlem. They have desired (this), because they also are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have participated with them in the Spirit, they are indebted to serve them in the flesh. This, then, when I have accomplished, and have sealed to them this fruit, I (intend to) pass by you into Ispania. And I know that when I come to you, with the plenitude of the blessing of the gospel of Meshiha I (shall) come. Now I entreat of you, my brethren, by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and by the love of the Spirit, to labour with me in prayer on my behalf, with Aloha, that I may be delivered from them who believe not in Jihud, and (that) the service which I bear to the saints may be well received, and I may come to you with joy in the will of Aloha, and be rested with you. The God of peace be with all of you. Amen. I COMMEND to you Phebe our sister, who is a deaconess of the church of Kancreos, that you receive her in the Lord, as is right for saints; and, in every thing which she requests from you, assist her; because she also hath assisted many, and myself also. Ask for the peace of Priskela and Akulos, labourers with me in Jeshu Meshiha; for they themselves for my life have given their necks; and not only do I praise them, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. And give salutation to the church which is in their house. Ask the peace of Epenetos, my beloved, who was the first-fruits of Akaia in the Meshiha. Ask the peace of Maria, who hath laboured much with you. Ask for the peace of Andronikos and Junia, my kindred, who were captives with me, and are known among the apostles, and in Meshiha were before me. Ask for the peace of Ampleos, my beloved in our Lord. Ask for the peace of Urbanos, a labourer with us in Meshiha, and of Estakos my beloved. Ask the peace of Apella, chosen in our Lord. Ask for the peace of the sons of the house of Aristobulos. Ask the peace of Herodion, my relative. Ask for the peace of the sons of the house of Narkisos, who are in our Lord. Ask for the peace of Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in our Lord. Ask for the peace of Parsis, my beloved, who much hath laboured in our Lord. Ask for the peace of Rufus, the chosen in our Lord, and of his mother and mine. Ask the peace of Asynkritos, and of Phlegun, and of Arma, and of Patroba, and of Herma, and of the brethren who are with them. Ask the peace of Philologos, and of Julia, and of Niros, and of his sister, and of Olympa, and all the saints who are with them. Ask for the peace one of another with the holy kiss. All the churches of the Meshiha ask for your peace. But I beseech of you, my brethren, beware of them who make divisions and scandals apart from the doctrine which you have learned; and be distant from them. For they who are thus serve not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, but their bellies; and with sweet words and benedictions seduce the hearts of the simple. But your obedience is known to every one; I rejoice therefore in you, and I wish you to be wise unto good (works), and pure with regard to evil. But the God of peace will soon bruise Satana beneath your feet. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you! Timotheos, a labourer with me, and Lukios and Iason and Sosipatros my kinsmen ask for your peace. I, Tertios, who have inscribed this epistle in our Lord, ask for your peace. Gaios my entertainer, and of all the church, asketh for your peace; (as do) Erastos steward of the city, and Quartos a brother. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you all. Amen. TO ALOHA, who is able to confirm you in my gospel which is proclaimed concerning Jeshu the Meshiha, through revelation of the mystery, which from the times of the ages was hidden, but is revealed in this time by means of the scriptures of the prophets, and by the commandment of the Everlasting Aloha is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith; (to Him) who alone is wise, BE GLORY BY JESHU MESHIHA, UNTO THE AGE OF AGES. AMEN.
PAULOS the called, and the apostle of Jeshu Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and Sosthenis a brother, to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, the called, and the saints who in Jeshu Meshiha are sanctified; and to all them who invoke the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in every place, theirs and ours: Grace be with you and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. I give thanks to Aloha at all times on your behalf for the grace of Aloha which is given to you through Jeshu Meshiha, because in every thing you are enriched in him in all utterance and in all knowledge, according to the testimony of the Meshiha, which is confirmed in you. That you may not be deficient in one of his gifts, but be expecting the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who will confirm you to the end, that you may be without fault in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Faithful is Aloha, by whom you have been called to the fellowship of his Son Jeshu Meshiha our Lord. But I beseech of you, my brethren, in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that you have all one doctrine, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfect in one mind and one sentiment. For they of the house of Kloƫ have sent to me concerning you, my brethren, that there are contentions among you. For this I say, that there are some of you who say, I am of Paulos; and some who say, I am of Apollo; and some who say, I am of Kipha; and some who say, I am of the Meshiha! Is the Meshiha divided? Or was Paulos crucified for you? Or in the name of Paulos were you baptized? I thank Aloha that no man of you I have baptized, but only Krispos and Gaios; lest any man should say, that in my name I have baptized. But I baptized also the house of Estepana; beyond (these) I know not that any other man I have baptized. For the Meshiha sent me not to baptize, but to preach; not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of the Meshiha should be nullified. FOR the doctrine of the cross to those who perish is foolishness, but to us who are saved it is the power of Aloha. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And I will take away the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Or where is the disputer of this world? Hath not . Aloha made foolish the wisdom of this world? For inasmuch as in the wisdom of Aloha, the world by wisdom hath not known Aloha, it hath pleased Aloha, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them who believe. For the Jihudoyee demand signs, and the Aramoyee require wisdom; but we preach the Meshiha crucified, a scandal to the Jihudoyee, and to the Aramoyee foolishness; but to them who are called, Jihudoyee and Aramoyee, the Meshiha is the power of Aloha, and the wisdom of Aloha. For the foolishness of Aloha is wiser than men, and the weakness of Aloha is stronger than men. For you see also your calling, my brethren, that not many among you are wise after the flesh, and not many among you are powerful, and not many among you are of noble birth; but Aloha hath chosen the simple of the world, to shame the wise, and he hath chosen the weak of the world, to shame the mighty, and he hath chosen those of low birth in the world, and the outcasts, and those who are nothing, to bring to nothing those who are; that no flesh may boast before him. But you are of him in Jeshu Meshiha, who hath been made unto us wisdom, of Aloha, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption; according as it is written, He who boasteth, in the Lord let him boast. And I, my brethren, when I came to you, not with grandeur of speech, nor with wisdom, did I evangelize to you the mystery of Aloha. And I considered myself among you as not knowing any thing unless Jeshu Meshiha, and him also as crucified. And I in much fear and trembling was with you. And my speech and my preaching were not with the persuasion of the words of wisdom, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith might not be through the wisdom of men, but through the power of Aloha. But we speak wisdom among the perfect: not the wisdom of this world, nor the authorities of this world, which are abolished; but we speak the wisdom of Aloha in the mystery which was hidden, and which Aloha predetermined from before the worlds unto our glorification; which not one of the authorities of this world hath known; for if they had known it, the Lord of glory they would not have crucified. But as it is written, The eye hath not seen, Nor the ear heard, Nor the heart of man hath risen (to), That which Aloha hath prepared for those who love him. BUT unto us hath Aloha revealed, by his Spirit. For the Spirit all things searcheth, also the depths of Aloha. For what man knoweth what is in man, save the spirit of a man which is in him? so also that which is in Aloha man knoweth not, but only the Spirit of Aloha. But we not the spirit of this world have received, but the Spirit who is from Aloha, that we might know that the gifts from Aloha are given unto us; which also we speak, not with the learning of words of wisdom of men, but with the learning of the Spirit; and with spirituals the spirituals we compare. For the man who is animal receiveth not spirituals, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot know them, because they by the Spirit are judged of; but the spiritual judgeth of every thing, and he of man is not judged. For who hath known the mind of the Lord to teach him? But we have the mind of the Meshiha. AND I, my brethren, could not speak with you as with the spiritual, but as with the carnal, and as with babes in the Meshiha. I have sustained you with milk, and have not given you meat; for as yet you could not, nor can you now, (bear it). For as yet you are in the flesh. For while there are among you envy and contentions and divisions, are you not carnal, and walking in the flesh? For while some of you say, I am of Paulos, and another, I am of Apollo, are you not carnal? For who is Paulos, or who Apollo, but ministers by whom you have believed and each as the Lord gave to him? I have planted, and Apollo watered, but Aloha made to increase. He then who planteth is not any thing nor he who watereth; but Aloha who maketh to increase. But he who planteth and he who watereth are one, (and) each according to his labour his recompence receiveth. For with Aloha we work; and the work of Aloha and the edifice of Aloha are you. And according to the grace of Aloha which is given to me, I have laid the foundation as a wise architect; but another hath built upon it. But let every man beware how he buildeth upon it. For another foundation besides this which is laid no man can lay, (that, namely,) which is Jeshu the Meshiha. And if any man build upon this foundation gold, or silver, or precious stones; or wood, or hay, or stubble; the work of every one shall be revealed, for that day shall reveal it; for by the fire shall it be revealed, and the work of every man as it is the fire shall distinguish. And he whose work which he builded shall abide, will receive his recompense; and he whose work shall be burned, shall fail; but he (himself) shall be rescued, but so as from fire. KNOW YOU not that you are the temple of Aloha, and (that) the Spirit of Aloha inhabiteth in you? Whoso destroyeth the temple of Aloha, him will Aloha destroy for the temple of Aloha is holy, which you are. Let no man deceive himself. Whoever among you supposeth himself wise in this world, let him become foolish, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with Aloha; for it is written, He hath taken the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. On this account let no one boast in men: for every thing is yours; whether Paulos, or Apolo, or Kipha, or the world, or life, or death, or things standing, or things to be; every thing is yours, and you are of the Meshiha, and the Meshiha of Aloha. Thus let us be accounted of you as ministers of the Meshiha, and stewards of the mysteries of Aloha. So now is it required of a steward that he be one found faithful. But to me it is a little thing to be Judged by you, or by any man; neither do I judge myself, for of nothing in myself am I conscious; but not by this am I justified, but my judge is the Lord. Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the thoughts of hearts. Then will there be praise to each man from Aloha. BUT these things, my brethren, for your sakes I have applied to the person of myself and of Apolo, that through us you may learn not to think of us beyond what is written; and that one above his neighbour may not be exalted on account of any thing. For who distinguisheth thee? Or, what hast thou which thou hast not received? And if thou hast received, why dost thou boast as if thou hadst not received? Now you are satiated, and are rich, and without us have reigned. But I would that you did reign, that we might also reign with you! But I consider that us, the apostles, Aloha hath set last, as unto death, to be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men, We are fools for the sake of the Meshiha, but we are wise in the Meshiha; we are the weak, but you are the mighty; you are glorified, and we abased. Until this hour we hunger and thirst, we are naked and beaten and have no fixed dwelling; and we labour, working with our hands. They revile us, and we bless; they persecute us, and we endure; they maltreat us, and we pray for them; as the refuse of the world are we made and the execration of all men until now. Not as to shame you write I these things, but as my beloved children I admonish (you). For if you have ten thousand teachers in the Meshiha, yet not many fathers; for in Jeshu Meshiha I have begotten you through the gospel. I entreat then of you that you be like me. WHEREFORE I have sent to you Timotheos, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, that he may remind you of my ways in the Meshiha, according to that which I teach in all the churches. But as if I were not coming to you, some of you are inflated. But if the Lord will, quickly come I unto you; and I will know not the words of them who exalt themselves, but their power. For the kingdom of Aloha is not in word, but in power. How are you willing? with a rod shall I come to you, or with love and with the spirit of kindliness? Fornication is commonly reported among you; and such fornication as is not heard among the Heathens, that the son should take the wife of his father. And you are inflated; but should you not rather sit in grief that he who hath wrought this work might be put away from you? But I, while distant from you in body, am near you in spirit, and now judge, as if near you, him who hath done this; that in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha all of you be assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and you deliver this (man) to Satana for the destruction of his body, that in spirit he may be saved in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. MY brethren, your boasting is not seemly. Know you not that a little leaven the whole mass leaveneth? Purge from you the old leaven, that you may be a new mass; so that you may be (as) unleavened bread. For our Pascha is the Meshiha, who hath been slain for us. Therefore, let us perform the festival, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of wickedness and animosity, but with the unleavened bread of purity and of holiness. I have written to you by epistle, not to be mixed with fornicators; but I do not say with fornicators who are in this world, nor speak I concerning the covetous, or the rapacious, or the servers of idols; otherwise you would be obligated from the world also to go forth. But this which I have written to you, Be not mixed, (is,) If any one who is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or a worshipper of idols, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or rapacious, with one who is such as he not to eat bread. For what had I to judge those who are without? But you judge those who are within; but those who are without, Aloha judgeth: and put away the wicked one from among you. DARE any of you, having a suit with his brother, to litigate before the evil, and not before the saints? Or know you not that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world by you is judged, are you not worthy to judge small matters? Know you not that you are to judge angels? How much more those (matters) which are of this world? But if you have matters to be judged regarding the world, those who are little-esteemed in the church make you to sit in judgment. But to your reproach am I to say to you, So there is not among you even one wise man, who is able to adjust between a brother and his brother? But a brother with his brother litigates, and, moreover, before those who are unbelievers! Now, therefore, you make yourselves guilty while you have litigation one with another. For why do you not bear injury? and why do you not suffer fraud? But you injure, and you defraud, also your brethren! Or, know you not that the unjust the kingdom of Aloha cannot inherit? Do not err; neither fornicators, nor the servers of idols, nor adulterers, nor corrupters, nor liers with men, nor the oppressive, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor the rapacious, the kingdom of Aloha can inherit. And these were some of you but you are washed, and sanctified, and justified in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and by the Spirit of our God. ALL (food) is lawful to me, but all is not expedient for me. All is lawful to me, but over me no one shall have power. Food is for the belly, and the belly for food; but Aloha will abolish them both. But the body was not for fornication, but for our Lord, and our Lord for the body. And Aloha hath raised up our Lord, and us will raise by his power. Know you not that your bodies are members of the Meshiha? Shall one take a member of the Meshiha to make it a member of a harlot? Never! Know you not that whosoever attacheth to a harlot is one body? For it is said, The two shall be one body. But, he who attacheth to our Lord is with him one spirit. Flee from fornication: for every sin which a man committeth is without his body; but he who committeth fornication against his own body sinneth. Or, know you not that your body is the temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who dwelleth in you, (even) Him whom you have received from Aloha? And you are not your own, for you are bought with the price; therefore glorify Aloha in your body and in your spirit, which are of Aloha. BUT concerning those (questions) of which you wrote to me, It is well for a man unto a woman not to come nigh; but, because of fornication, let a man take his wife, and let a woman take her husband. And let a man render the love that is due unto his wife; so also the wife to her husband. For the wife hath not authority over her body, but the husband; so also the man hath not authority over his body, but his wife. Defraud not then one the other, unless you both agree for a time, that you may humble yourselves by fasting and by prayer; and return again unto the same will, that Satana may not tempt you on account of the desire of your bodies. But this I speak as to the infirm; (and) not from commandment. For I would that all men were as I am, in chastity. But every man hath the gift given to him from Aloha, this one thus, and the other thus. But I say to those who have no wives, and to the widows, that it is expedient for them to remain as I do. Yet, if they persevere not, they should marry; for it is better to take a wife than to burn with concupiscence. But those who have wives I command, yet not I, but my Lord, that the wife from her husband separate not. Yet, if she separate, let her remain without a man, or unto her husband be reconciled. And let not a man put away his wife. But to the rest I say, not my Lord, If a brother hath a wife who is not a believer, and she be willing to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And any woman who has an husband unbelieving, and he willeth to dwell with her, let her not put away her husband. For the man who believeth not is sanctified by the wife who believeth; and any wife who believeth not is sanctified by the husband who believeth; otherwise their children would be unclean; but now are they clean. But if he who believeth not separate, let him separate; a brother or a sister is not in servitude to these: unto peace Aloha hath called us. For how knowest thou, wife, whether thou mayest save thy husband? Or knowest thou, man, if thy wife thou mayest save? But (according as) the Lord hath distributed to every one, as Aloha hath called, so let him walk; and thus in all the churches, so I direct. If a man circumcised hath been called, let him not turn to uncircumcision; and if in uncircumcision he hath been called, let him not be circumcised. For circumcision is not any thing, nor uncircumcision, but the observances of the commandments of Aloha. Let every man in the calling in which he hath been called remain. If a servant thou wast called, be not careful, but, if also thou canst be made free, choose that thou shouldest serve. For he who a servant is called in the Lord, is the freeman of Aloha, so he who as a son of freedom is called, is a servant of the Meshiha. With a price are you bought; you will not be servants of men. Every one in that in which he was called, my brethren, in it let him remain unto Aloha. BUT respecting virginity, a commandment from Aloha I have not received; but I give counsel as a man who hath had grace from Aloha to be faithful. And I consider that this is good, on account of the necessity of the time, that it is expedient for a man so to be. Art thou bound to a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. Yet, if thou takest a wife, thou sinnest not; and if a virgin shall be to a husband, she sinneth not. Yet affliction in the body will be to them who are such; but I am sparing over you. And this I say, my brethren, that the time now becomes contracted; and they who have wives should be as not having them; and they who weep, as not weeping; and they who rejoice, as not rejoicing; and they who buy, as not possessing; and they who use this world should not exceed the just use; for the fashion of this world passeth away. Wherefore I would that you be without anxiety; for he who hath not a wife thinketh of the things of his Lord, that so he may please his Lord; and he who hath a wife is anxious for the world, that so he may please his wife. But there is a distinction between the wife and the virgin. She who hath no man is thoughtful of the things of her Lord, that she may be holy in her body and in her spirit; and she who hath a husband is thoughtful of the world, that so she may please her husband. But this for your own profit speak I; not to throw a snare over you, but that you may be constant towards your Lord in a comely manner, while not thoughtful of the world. But if a man consider it to be dishonourable toward his virgin, who hath passed her time, that he hath not given her to the man, (and) that it is proper that he should give her; as he willeth let him act, he sinneth not: let them marry. But he who hath firmly decided in his own mind, and nothing constraineth him, and (who hath) power in his will, and thus judgeth in his heart, that he will keep his virgin, doeth well. And he then who giveth his virgin doeth well, and he who giveth not his virgin doeth better. The wife, so long as her husband liveth, is bound by the law; but if her husband shall die, she is free, that she may do what she willeth, only in our Lord. But it is good if thus she remain, according to my own mind. But I think also that the Spirit of Aloha is in me. RESPECTING the sacrifices of idols, we know that in all of us there is knowledge; and knowledge inflateth, but love buildeth up. But if a man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as it behoves him to know: but if a man love Aloha, this (one) is acknowledged of him. Concerning the meat of the sacrifices of idols, then, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. For there are also who are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, as that there are gods many and lords many: but to us our One is Aloha the Father, of whom are all, and we in him; and one Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by whom are all, and we by him. But not in every man is this knowledge; for there are some who in their conscience until now (believe) that, with respect to idols, as of that which hath been sacrificed we eat. And because of weakness their conscience is defiled. But meat doth not bring us nigh to Aloha. For if we eat, we excel not; nor if we eat not, are we deficient. But beware that this your power become not a stumbling-block to the infirm ones. For if a man shall see thee in whom is knowledge reclining in the house of idols, will not his conscience, because he is weak, be confirmed to eat that which is sacrificed, and he will perish through thy knowledge? he who is weak, and on account of whom the Meshiha died. And if so you transgress against your brethren, and wound their weak consciences, do you not transgress against the Meshiha? On this account, if meat cause my brother to stumble, I will never (more) eat flesh, that I may not cause my brother to stumble. Am I not a son of freedom? am I not an apostle? or have I not seen Jeshu Meshiha our Lord? or are not you my work in my Lord? And if to others I be not an apostle, yet am I (such) to you; and the seal of my apostleship are you. My apology to them who judge me is this: Have we not authority to eat and to drink? or have we not authority a sister, a wife, to lead about with us, as the rest of the apostles, and as the brethren of our Lord, and as Kipha? Or have I only, and Bar Naba, not authority to forbear from labour? Who serveth at service at the expenses of himself? or who planteth the vinery, and from the fruits thereof eateth not? or who pastureth sheep, and from the milk of the flock eateth not? Do I as a man speak these things? Behold, the law also saith these things. For it is written in the law of Musha, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out (the corn). But of oxen is Aloha careful? But it is evident that on our account this is said; for on our account it is written, because that in hope it behoveth the ploughman to plough, and him who thresheth, in hope of provision (to thresh). If we of the spirit have sown among you, is it a great thing if we from you of the body shall reap? And if others have this power over you, much more have we. But we are not used in this power; but we bear all, lest in any thing we should hinder the gospel of the Meshiha. KNOW you not that they who serve in the sanctuary from the sanctuary are sustained? And they who at the altar serve share with the altar? So also our Lord hath commanded, that they who his gospel preach, by his gospel shall live. But I am not used in one of these; nor on this account have I thus written, that so it should be done unto me: for it were better for me that dying I should die, than that any man my glorying should make void. Yet also in preaching I have no cause to glory: for necessity lieth upon me; for woe to me unless I preach! For if with my will I do this, I have a reward. But if without my will, (yet) a stewardship is confided to me. What, then, is my reward? That while preaching without expenses I may perform the annunciation of the Meshiha, and not abuse the power that is given to me in the gospel. For while free of all men, to all men I subject myself, that the many I may gain. And I become with the Jihudoyee as a Jihudoya, that the Jihudoyee I may gain; and with them who are under the law, I become as one under the law, that them who are under the law I may gain; and to those who have not the law I become as one without law, while I am not unto Aloha without law, but in the law of the Meshiha, that them also who have not law I may gain. I become with the weak as weak, that the weak I may gain. To all men all become I, that every man I may save. But this I do that I may be a participator in the gospel. Know you not, that they who run in the course, run all, but one taketh to him the victory? So run, that you may take hold. For every man who contendeth from every thing (besides with) holdeth his mind; and they who run (do it) that they may receive a crown that is corruptible, but we one that is incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as about a thing unknown; and so smite I, as not smiting the air; but my body I subdue and make subservient, lest when to others I shall have preached, I my very self shall be rejected. BUT I would that you know, my brethren, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all of them in the sea were baptized, and all by Musha were baptized in the cloud and in the sea, and all of them ate one spiritual food, and all of them drank one spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock which went with them,-but that Rock was the Meshiha himself. But not with many of them was Aloha pleased; for they fell in the desert. But these became an example for us; that we should not desire evils, as they desired; nor also be servers of idols, as some of them served; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play; nor commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell, in one day, twenty and three thousand; nor tempt the Meshiha, as also (some) of them tempted, and perished by serpents. Neither murmur you, as some of them murmured, and perished by the hand of the destroyer. For all these which happened to them were unto us an example, and were written for our instruction, upon whom come the ends of the world. Whoever then thinketh he standeth, let him beware that he fall not. Temptation cometh not (upon) you but what cometh on mankind; but faithful is Aloha, who will not permit you to be tempted more than you are able, but will make to your temptation a departure, that you may be able to endure. WHEREFORE, my beloved, flee from the worship of idols. As to the wise I speak; judge what I say. The cup of thanksgiving which we bless, is it not the participation of the blood of the Meshiha? And the bread that we break, is it not the participation of the body of the Meshiha? As, then, one is that bread, so are we one body: for all we that one bread receive. Consider Israel who are in the flesh: are not they who eat of the sacrifices participators of the altar? What then do I say? that an idol is any thing, or (that) the sacrifice of an idol is any thing? No: but that which the Heathens sacrifice, unto demons they sacrifice, and not unto Aloha. But I would not that you be participators with demons! You cannot drink the cup of our Lord, and the cup of demons; and you cannot participate in the table of our Lord, and in the table of demons. Or, do we provoke the Lord? are we stronger than he? Every thing is lawful for me, but every thing is not expedient; every thing is lawful, but every thing doth not edify. Let no man seek his own (only), but every man also (the profit) of his neighbour. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles eat, without inquiry on account of conscience: for the earth is the Lord's, and its fulness. But if a man of the Heathens invite you, and you be willing to go, whatever is set before you eat, without inquiry on account of conscience. But, if one tell you, This is of a sacrifice, eat not, for his sake who hath told you, and on account of conscience; but I say, the conscience, not yours, but his who told you. But why is my liberty to be ruled by the conscience of others? But if I use (these things) by grace, why am I calumniated concerning that for which I give thanks? Whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of Aloha. Give no offence to Jihudoyee, or to Aramoyee, or to the church of Aloha. As also I in every thing please all men, not seeking what is expedient for myself, but what is expedient for the many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, as I am of the Meshiha. But I commend you, my brethren, that in every thing you remember me; and that as I have delivered to you precepts, you hold them. But I would that you know that the Meshiha is the head of every man; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of the Meshiha is Aloha. Every man who prayeth or prophesieth having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. And every woman who prayeth or prophesieth having her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head, for she is similar to one whose head is shaven. For if a woman be not covered, let her be shorn; but if it be shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man is not obligated to cover his head, because he is the likeness and the glory of Aloha; but woman is the glory of man. For the man is not from woman, but the woman is from man. Neither was the man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man. Because of this the woman is a debtor, that the power shall be upon her head, on account of the angels. Nevertheless man is not without woman, neither is woman without man, in our Lord. For as a woman is from man, so is man by woman; but every thing is from Aloha. Judge among yourselves, Is it comely for a woman with her head revealed to pray to Aloha? Does not nature itself teach you, that when a man's hair standeth, it is a disgrace to him? But when a woman increaseth her hair, it is a glory to her; because her hair for a covering was given to her. But if any man contendeth about these things, we have no such usage as this, neither the church of Aloha. But this I prescribe not as praising you, because you go not forward, but to the less you descend. For, first, when you are assembled in the church, there are divisions, (as) I hear, among you, and in some measure I believe. For it is to be that contentions be among you, that they who are approved with you may be known. When then you are assembled, not as befitteth the day of the Lord you eat and drink, but each man his own supper before eateth, and one is hungry, and one drunken. What? have you not houses (in) which to eat and drink? Or do you despise the church of Aloha, and shame those who have nothing to eat? What do I say to you? Do I praise you in this? I praise you not. FOR I received from our Lord that which I have delivered unto you: that our Lord Jeshu in that night when he was betrayed took bread; and he blessed and brake, and said, Take, eat, this (is) my body which for you is broken: so do to my remembrance. Likewise after they had supped he gave also the cup, and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood; so do, whensoever you shall drink (it) to my remembrance. For whensoever you eat this bread, and drink this cup, the death of our Lord you commemorate until his advent. Whoever then eateth of the bread of the Lord, and drinketh of his cup, and is not worthy of it, is guilty of the blood of the Lord and of his body. On this account a man should prove himself, and then eat of this bread, and drink of this cup. For whoever eateth and drinketh of it while not worthy, condemnation to himself he eateth and drinketh, because he hath not distinguished the body of the Lord. On this account many among you are sick and infirm, and many who sleep. For if we judge ourselves, we shall not be judged. But when we are judged of our Lord, we are chastised, that not with the world we might be condemned. Wherefore, my brethren, when you assemble to eat, wait for one another. But whoever hungereth, in his (own) house let him feed; that you may not assemble unto condemnation. Concerning the rest, when I come I will direct you. BUT concerning spirituals, my brethren, I wish you to know that you were Heathens, and unto idols which have no voice you were led without discernment . I therefore make known to you, that there is no man who by the Spirit of Aloha speaketh, and saith that Jeshu is accursed; and no man also can say that Jeshu is THE LORD unless by the Spirit of Holiness. Now, there are distributions of gifts, but one is the Spirit; and there are distributions of ministries, but one is the Lord; and distributions of powers, but one is Aloha, who worketh all in every man. But to each is given (such) a revelation of the Spirit as is profitable to him. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, but to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; and to another, faith by the same Spirit; and to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; but to another, powers; to another, prophecy; to another, the discernment of spirits; but to another, kinds of tongues; and to another, the interpretation of tongues. But all these one Spirit effecteth, and divideth unto every man as he willeth. For, as the body is one, and in it are many members, but all the members of the body, though many, are one body; so also is the Meshiha. For we all by one Spirit into one body are baptized; whether Jihudoyee or Aramoyee; whether servants or sons of freedom; and all of us have imbibed one Spirit. For the body also is not one member, but many. For if the foot should say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body itself, would it therefore not be of the body itself? And if the ear should say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body itself, would it therefore not be of the body itself? For if the whole body were the eye, where would be the hearing? And if the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? But now hath Aloha set all the members severally in the body as he willed. But if all were one member, where would be the body? But now the members are many, but the body one. The eye is not able to say to the hand, Thou art not needful to me; nor is the hand able to say to the feet, You are not needful to me. But those members which are considered to be feeble, of them is the more especial need; and those which we consider contemptible in the body, to these the more we increase the honour; and on those which are of shame we bestow the greater decoration. But those members that are honourable in us have no need of adornment: but Aloha hath contempered the body, and given the more honour to the member which is inconsiderable; that there should be no divisions in the body, but all the members equally one of the other should have care: as that when one member shall be diseased, all may suffer; and if one member be glorified, all the members may be glorified. But you are the body of the Meshiha, and members in your place. FOR Aloha hath placed in the church, first, apostles; after them, prophets; after them, teachers; after them, workers of miracles; after them, gifts of healing, and helpers, and leaders, and kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues, or do all interpret? But if you are emulous of great gifts, I will yet show you a way more admirable. Though in every tongue of men and of angels I spoke, and had not love, I should be as brass which soundeth, or a cymbal which giveth voice. And though there were in me prophecy, and I knew all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though there were in me all faith, as that I could remove the mountain, and love were not in me, I should be nothing. And if all I have I make to feed the poor, and I deliver my body to burn, and love be not in me, I profit nothing. LOVE is patient and benign; love envieth not; love is not tumultuous, nor inflated; it acteth not with unseemliness, nor seeketh its own; it is not angry, nor thoughtful of evil; it rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. It endureth every thing, believeth every thing; it hopeth all, endureth all. Love never falleth; for prophecies shall be abolished, and tongues be silent, and knowledge be abolished: for it is a little of much that we know, and a little of much we prophesy; but when the perfection shall have come, then shall be abolished that which is little. When I was a child, as a child I spake, and as a child I thought, and as a child I reasoned; but when I had become a man I abolished these things of childhood. But now as in a mirror we see in a figure; but then- the face before the face. Now I know a little of much; but then shall I know even as I am known. For these are the three that remain, faith and hope and love; but the greatest of these is love. Follow (then) after love, and be emulous of the gifts of the Spirit, but especially that you may prophesy. For whoever speaketh in a tongue speaketh not to men but to Aloha; for man heareth nothing that he speaketh but in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries. But he who prophesieth speaketh to men, edification and encouragement and consolation. He who speaketh in a tongue himself edifieth, and he who prophesieth the church edifieth. But I would that all of you could speak with tongues, but especially that you could prophesy. For greater is he who prophesieth than he who speaketh with tongues, unless he interpret. But if he interpret, he edifieth the church. And now, my brethren, if I come to you and speak with you in tongues, what do I profit you, unless I speak with you, or by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophecy, or by doctrine? For those also which have no life in them, and give voice, whether pipe or harp, if distinction be not made between a tone and its fellow, how can it be known what is sung, or what is played? And if the trumpet call a voice which is not distinguished, who will prepare for the battle? So you also, if you speak the word in a tongue, and there be no interpretation, how will it be known what you say? Will you not be as if speaking with the air? For, behold, there are many kinds of tongues in the world, and not one of them hath not signification; but if I do not know the power of the voice, I become as a barbarian to him who speaks, and he also who speaks is a barbarian to me. So also you, while you are emulous of the gifts of the Spirit for the edification of the church, seek that you may excel. And let him who speaketh with tongues pray that he may interpret. For if I am praying in a tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my mind is without fruit. What shall I do then? I will pray with my spirit, and I will pray with my mind; and I will sing with my spirit, and I will sing with my mind. Otherwise, if thou bless with the spirit, how shall he who filleth the place of the unlearned say Amen to thy thanksgiving? for he knoweth not what thou sayest. For thou blessest well, but thy neighbour is not edified. I praise Aloha that more than all of you I speak with tongues; but in the church I would rather speak five words with my mind, that others also may learn, than ten thousand words in a tongue. MY brethren, be not children in your minds, but in evils be you babes, and in your minds be perfect. In the law it is written, In a strange language and in another tongue Will I speak with this people; Yet so will they not hear me, saith the Lord. Hence, tongues are appointed for a sign, not to the believing, but to those who believe not: but prophecy, not for those who believe not, but for those who believe. If then all the church be assembled, and all of you speak with tongues, and the ignorant, or those who believe not enter, will they not say you are insane? And if all should prophesy, and there come in to you the ignorant, or of those who believe not, he is convicted by you all, and reproved by you all; and the secrets of his heart are revealed; and then will he fall upon his face and worship Aloha, and say, Truly Aloha is in you. I say then, my brethren, that when you are assembled, if any one of you hath a psalm, let him speak; and (so too) he who hath doctrine, and he who hath a revelation, and he who hath a tongue, and he who hath the interpretation: let all be done unto edification. And if with a tongue any one speak, two shall speak, or at most three, and each shall (separately) speak, and one interpret. And if there be no one who interpreteth, let him who speaketh with a tongue be silent in the church, and between himself and Aloha let him speak. Let the prophets speak, two or three, and let the rest discern. And if to another be revealed while sitting, let the first be silent. For one by one you can all prophesy, that each may learn, and each be edified. For the spirit of the prophets to the prophets is subject. Because Aloha is not of tumult, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. LET your women in the church be silent; for it is not permitted to them to speak, but to be subject, as also saith the law. But if any wish to learn, in their houses let them ask their husbands; for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church. Was it from you that the word of Aloha went forth? Or did it come only to you? But if any man of you think that he is a prophet, or that he is spiritual, let him acknowledge these which I write to you to be the commandments of our Lord. But if any man know not, let him not know. Be emulous, therefore, my brethren, to prophesy, and to speak with tongues forbid not; but let every thing be done with decency and in order. BUT I make known to you, my brethren, the gospel which I have announced to you, and you have received, and in which you stand, and by which you are saved; of which, the word I have preached to you, you are mindful, unless you have vainly believed. For I delivered to you from the first, according as I had received: That the Meshiha died for our sins, as it is written; and that he was buried, and arose the third day, as it is written. And he was seen of Kipha, and after him, of the twelve, and after them, he was seen of more than five hundred brethren together, many of whom survive till now, and some of them have slept. And afterward he was seen of Jakub, and after him of all the apostles: but last of them all, as of an abortion, he was seen also of me. I am the least of the apostles, and am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of Aloha: but by the grace of Aloha I am what I am; and his grace in me was not in vain; but more than all have I laboured, (yet) not I, but his grace which is with me. Whether I then, or they, so we have proclaimed, and so have you believed. But if the Meshiha is proclaimed that he rose from the dead, how are there among you some who say that there is no life for the dead? And if there be no life for the dead, (then) neither hath the Meshiha risen. And if the Meshiha hath not risen, vain is our proclamation, and vain also your faith. But we are also found false witnesses of Aloha; for we have testified of Aloha that he hath raised the Meshiha, while he hath not raised (him). For if the dead rise not, Meshiha also hath not risen and if Meshiha hath not risen, your faith is made void and you are still in your sins. And already have they too who have slept in Meshiha perished. And if in this life only we hope in the Meshiha, more miserable are we than all men. BUT now hath the Meshiha risen from among the dead, and become the first-fruits of those who sleep. And as by man was death, so also by man is the life of the dead. For as in Adam all men die, so also in the Meshiha are all made alive: every one in his order: the first-fruits was the Meshiha; afterward they who are of the Meshiha at his coming. And then will be the end, when he delivereth the kingdom unto Aloha the Father; when he abolisheth every head, and all authority and all powers. For it is to be that he shall reign until he hath set all his adversaries beneath his feet, and the last enemy be abolished, (which is) death. For every thing he subjecteth beneath his feet. But when he saith that every thing is subjected to him, it is evident that (it is) with the exception of him who hath subjected to him all. And when all shall have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subjected to him who had made subject to him all, that Aloha may be all in all. Else what shall they do who are baptized for the dead, if the dead arise not? Why are they baptized for the dead? And why also every hour are we standing in peril? I asseverate, by your glorying, my brethren, which is mine in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that daily I die! If as among men I have been thrown to beasts at Ephesus, what have I profited if the dead do not arise? Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die. Mistake not; for Evil narrations corrupt well-disposed minds. AWAKEN your hearts rightly, and sin not; for there are some who have not the knowledge of Aloha; to your shame I say it. Some one of you will say, How arise the dead, and with what body come they? Fool, the seed which thou sowest, unless it die, lives not: and that thing which thou sowest is not the body that is to be, but thou sowest naked grain, of wheat, or of barley, or of the rest of seeds; but Aloha giveth it a body as he willeth, and to each of the seeds a body of its own nature. For every body is not alike: for there is one body of man, and another of the beast, and another of the fowl, and another of fishes. There are heavenly bodies, and there are earthly bodies; but one is the glory of the heavenly, and another of the earthly. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; and star excelleth star in glory. So also is the life of the dead. They are sown in corruption, they arise without corruption. They are sown in baseness, they arise in glory. They are sown in weakness, they arise in power. It is sown an animal body, it ariseth a body spiritual. For there is a body of the animal, and there is a body of the spirit; as also it is written, Adam the first man became a living soul, and the last Adam a life-giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first, but the animal; and then the spiritual. The first man who is of the earth is dust, the second man the Lord from heaven. As was he who was dust, so also are they who are dust: as is he who is from heaven, so also are the heavenly ones. And as we have worn the likeness of him who was dust, so shall we wear the likeness of him who is from heaven. But this I say, my brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; nor doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you the mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed: suddenly, as in the twinkling of the eye, at the last trumpet, while it calleth; and the dead will arise without corruption, and we shall be changed. For this which is corruptible shall put on incorruption, and likewise (this) which dieth shall put on immortality. But when this which is corruptible shall put on incorruptibleness, and this which dieth, immortality, then shall be done that word which is written, Death is swallowed up in victory! Where is thy sting, Death? and where is thy victory Shiul? But the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to Aloha, who giveth us the victory by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Wherefore, my brethren, my beloved, be steadfast, be not moved, but be abounding in all time in the work of the Lord, while you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. BUT concerning what is collected for the saints, as I have instructed the churches of Galatia, so also do you. On each first day of the week let every one of you at his own house lay by and keep something of that which cometh unto his hands, lest when I come there be then collections. And when I come, those whom you shall choose, them will I send with an epistle, that they may take your bounty to Urishlem. But if it be a fit work that I too go (thither), they also shall go with me. But I will come to you when I shall have passed (round) from Makedunia: for I pass unto it, unto Makedunia. And perhaps also I may remain with you, or I may winter with you, that you may lead me on to the place to which I shall go. For I will not now see you as I pass the way; for I hope to abide a time with you, if my Lord permit me. For I remain at Ephesos until the Pentecost. For a great door is opened to me, which is full of labours, and the opposers are many. But if Timotheos come among you, see that he may be with you without fear; for he doeth the work of the Lord, as I . Wherefore let no man despise him, but conduct him in peace, that he may come to me; for I wait for him with the brethren. But of Apolo, my brethren, I begged much to come to you with the brethren; nevertheless it was not his will to come to you; but when there shall be opportunity he will come to you. WATCH, and stand in the faith; be manful and be strong. And let all your affairs be done in love. But I entreat of you, my brethren, for the house of Stephano, because you know they are the first-fruits of Akaia, and have disposed themselves for the service of the saints, that you be submissive to such as they, and to every one who laboureth with us and helpeth. But I am glad of the coming of Stephano, and of Fortunatos, and of Akaiakos, because your deficiency with me they have fulfilled. For they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Wherefore acknowledge those who are such. All the churches of Asia ask for your peace; Akilos and Priskila, with the church which is in their house, ask for your peace greatly in our Lord. All the brethren ask for your peace. Ask the peace of one another with the holy kiss. Peace, by the writing of my hand, of PAULOS. Whosoever loveth not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, let him be accursed. Our Lord cometh. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you. And my love be with you all in the Meshiha Jeshu Amen.
PAULOS, apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the will of Aloha; and Timotheos a brother: to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, and to all the saints who are in all Akaia. Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Blessed be Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation, who consoleth us in all our afflictions, that we may be able to console those who are in all afflictions by that consolation by which we are consoled of Aloha. For as the sufferings of the Meshiha abound in us, so, through the Meshiha, our consolation aboundeth also. But if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and for your salvation that we be afflicted: and if we are consoled, it is that you may be consoled, that there may be in you perseverance to endure those sufferings which we also suffer. And our hope concerning you is steadfast: for we know that if you participate in the sufferings, you also participate in the consolation. FOR I would have you to know, my brethren, of the affliction that befell us in Asia: for we were greatly pressed beyond our strength, until our life was nigh to be dissolved, and because of these we had concluded (for) death; that we should not have hope in ourselves, but in Aloha, who raiseth the dead: who from deaths of violence delivered us, and who will again, we trust, deliver us, through the help of your prayers for us; that his gift towards us may be a benefit effected for many, and many may praise him on our behalf. For our glorying is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and purity, and by the grace of Aloha, we are conversant in the world; and not with the wisdom of the flesh, and especially with you yourselves. For we write no other (things) to you than those which you know and acknowledge, and which I am confident you will acknowledge unto the end: even as you have in part acknowledged that we are your glorying, as you also are ours in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And in this confidence I have willed from the first to come to you, that doubly you may receive benefit, and that I may pass by you to Makedunia, and again from Makedunia I may come to you, and you may lead me forth unto Jihud. This then that I have purposed, have I purposed boastingly? or are they things of the flesh that I purpose, that I should have in them Yes, yes, or No, no? Faithful is Aloha that our word with you was not Yes and No. For the Son of Aloha, Jeshu Meshiha, who by us hath been preached unto you, by me and by Sylvanas and by Timotheos, was not Yes and No, but it was Yes in him. For all the promises of Aloha in him, in the Meshiha, are Yes; for which by him we give Amen to the glory of Aloha. But Aloha himself confirmeth us with you in the Meshiha, who himself hath anointed us, and hath sealed us, and given us the earnest-pledge of his Spirit in our hearts. BUT I testify to Aloha on my soul that because I am sparing of you, I have not come to Kurinthos. Not because we are lords of your faith, but are helpers of your joy; for by faith you stand. But I have determined this in myself, that I will not with sorrow again come to you. For if I grieve you, who shall refresh me, but he whom I had grieved? And I have written to you this very, lest when I come they grieve me, they who ought to refresh me. But I confide in you, that my joy is that of all of you. And from great affliction and anxiety of heart I wrote those things to you with many tears, not that you might grieve, but (also) that you might know the abundant love I have towards you. But if any one hath caused grief, he hath not grieved me (only), but a part of you all: that the word may not weigh upon you. But sufficient for him was this chastisement, which was from many. And now on the other hand it behoves you to forgive him and console him, lest he who is such an one be swallowed up of excessive grief. Therefore I entreat of you to confirm to him your love. On this account also I have written, to ascertain by experiment whether in every thing you will obey me. But to whom you forgive, I also. For I, too, what I have forgiven, have on your account forgiven in the presence of the Meshiha: lest Satana get the advantage of you; for we know his devices. WHEN, in preaching the gospel of the Meshiha, I had come to Troas, and a door was opened to me by the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit because I found not Titos my brother. But leaving them, I went forth to Makedunia. But thanks unto Aloha, who in all time maketh us a triumph in the Meshiha, and maketh manifest by us the perfume of his knowledge in every place. For we are a fragrant perfume in the Meshiha unto Aloha in those who are saved, and in those who perish. To these as a perfume of death unto death, and to those as a perfume of life unto life. And unto these who is equal? For we are not as the rest who commix the word of Aloha; but as in truth, and as from Aloha, before Aloha in the Meshiha do we speak. Do we begin again anew to show who we are? or do we need as others to write epistles of commendation to you concerning ourselves, or that you should write to commend us? But you yourselves are our epistle, written in our hearts, and known and read of every man. For you know that you are an epistle of the Meshiha, who hath been ministered by us; written, not with ink but by the Spirit of Aloha the Living; not on tablets of stone, but on the fleshly tablets of the heart. BUT such confidence we have through the Meshiha toward Aloha. For we are not sufficient to think any thing as of ourselves; but our power is from Aloha, who hath made us fit to be ministers of the new covenant, not in the writing, but in the spirit. For the writing killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive. But if the ministry of death in the writing engraven on stones was with glory, as that the sons of Israel could not look on the face of Musha because of the glory of his face which is abolished, how much more then doth not the ministry Of the Spirit excel in glory? For if the ministry of condemnation was glorious, how much more doth not the ministry of justification excel in glory? For that which was glorified had no glory, in comparison of this excelling glory. For if that which was abolished was with glory, how much more shall that which endureth be with glory? Therefore because we have this hope, we speak the more boldly, and (are) not as Musha, who threw the veil upon his face, that the sons of Israel might not look upon the End of that which was to be abolished. But they are blinded in their minds unto this day. For when the old covenant is read, that very veil standeth upon them, nor is it apparent (to them) that in the Meshiha it hath been abolished. And unto this day, when Musha is read, the veil is thrown upon their heart. And when any one of them is converted unto the Lord, the veil from him is uplifted. But the Lord himself is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord, (there) is liberty. But we all with disclosed faces behold the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, and into the resemblance of it are changed from brightness to brightness, as by the Lord the Spirit. ON this account we have not weariness in this ministry which we have received, according to the mercies that are upon us. But we have rejected the secrets of shamefulness; and walk not with craft, nor deal deceitfully (with) the word of Aloha; but by the revelation of the truth make we ourselves manifest to the minds of all men before Aloha. But if our gospel is hid, to those who perish is it hid: (to) them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them. For we preach not ourselves, but the Meshiha, Jeshu our Lord; but ourselves that we are your servants for the sake of Jeshu. For Aloha, who said, Let light arise from darkness, hath arisen in our hearts; that we should be illuminated by the knowledge of the glory of Aloha in the face of Jeshu Meshiha. BUT we have this treasure in a vase of earth, that the greatness of the power might be from Aloha, and not from us. But in every thing we are afflicted, yet not strangled; we are beaten, yet not condemned; persecuted, yet not forsaken; cast down, yet we perish not. In all time the dying of Jeshu in our bodies we bear, that the life also of Jeshu might in our bodies be revealed. For if we, the living, unto death are delivered on account of Jeshu, so also will the life of Jeshu be revealed in this our body of death. Now death in us worketh earnestly, but life in you. We then also who have one spirit of faith, as it is written, I have believed, and therefore also spoken; we believe, therefore also we speak. And we know that He who raised up our Lord Jeshu, will by Jeshu raise us also, and will present us with you unto himself. For every thing is for your sake, that grace, abounding by many, may multiply praise to the glory of Aloha. For this cause we have not weariness; for if our outward man is wasted, yet the interior man is renovated day by day. For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us. While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity. FOR we know that if our earthly house of this body were dissolved, we have nevertheless a building that is by Aloha; a house which is not made with hands, in the heaven, eternal. For concerning this also we groan, and long to put on our house which is from heaven, if, when that we have clothed, we may not be found naked. For now while we are in this house, we groan from the weight of it: yet are we not willing to cast it off, but to be clothed upon of it, that its mortality might be swallowed up in life. And he who prepareth us for this is Aloha, who hath given to us the earnest-pledge of his Spirit. For therefore do we know and are persuaded, that so long as we remain in the body we are in pilgrimage from our Lord. For by faith we walk, and not by sight. On this account we confide, and long to pass away from the body, and to be with our Lord. We give diligence, that whether we are pilgrims or inhabitants, we may be pleasing unto Him. For we are all to stand before the tribunal of the Meshiha, that every man may be recompensed in his body (for) that which is done in it, whether of good or of evil. THEREFORE, because we know the terror of our Lord, we persuade men; and to Aloha we are manifest; but I hope that to your minds also we are manifest. For we commend not ourselves again to you, but we give you cause to be boastful of us to them who in appearance boast, but not in heart. For if we be beside ourselves, (it is) unto Aloha; and if we be right, (it is) unto you. For the love of the Meshiha constraineth us, because we judge this, That if one for every man hath died, then (was) every man dead. And for every man he died, that they who live should not live to themselves, but to him who on their behalf died and arose. And henceforth we no man know according to the flesh; and if we have known the Meshiha according to the flesh, yet from now we know not. Whoever therefore is in the Meshiha is a new creature; the old things have passed, and every thing hath become new from Aloha, who hath reconciled us to himself in the Meshiha, and given to us the ministry of reconciliation. For Aloha is in the Meshiha, who hath reconciled the world with his greatness; and he hath not reckoned unto them their sins, and hath put in us the word of reconciliation. WE are ambassadors then for the Meshiha, and as if Aloha himself besought you by us: instead of the Meshiha, therefore, we beseech, Be you reconciled unto Aloha. For Him who knew not sin, on our account hath he made sin, that we might be in him the righteousness of Aloha. And as helpers, we beseech of you that the grace of Aloha which you have received be not made ineffectual in you. For he hath said, In the time acceptable I have heard thee, And in the day of salvation I have helped thee. Behold, Now is the time acceptable; behold, Now is the day of salvation. Nor in any thing give to any man occasion of stumbling, that no blemish may be upon our ministry; but in every thing will we demonstrate ourselves that we are the ministers of Aloha; by much patience, by afflictions, by necessity, by imprisonments, by stripes, by chains, by tumults, by labour, by watching, by fasting, by purity, by knowledge, by prolonging the mind, by benignity, by the Spirit of Holiness, by love without deceit, by the doctrine of truth, by the power of Aloha, by the arms of righteousness for the right hand and for the left, by glory and by shame, by praise and by abuse; as deceivers, and true; as unknown, and yet we are known; as dead, yet, lo, we live; as chastened, yet we die not; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet many making rich; as having nothing, yet possessing every thing. OUR mouth is opened to you, Kurinthoyee, and our heart expanded. You are not constrained in us, but you are constrained in your own bowels. But as unto (my) children, I say to you, Render to me my gains which are with you, and expand your love towards me. And be not sons of the yoke with them who believe not. For what participation hath righteousness with iniquity? Or what commixture hath the light with darkness? Or what concord hath the Meshiha with Satana? Or what portion hath the believer with the unbeliever? Or what union hath the temple of Aloha with (that) of demons? For you are the temple of Aloha the living; as it is written, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; And I will be their God, And they shall be to me a people. Wherefore come out from among them, And be separate from them, (saith the Lord,) And the impure touch not; And I will receive you, And I will be to you a Father, And you shall be to me for sons and daughters, Saith the Lord, who holdeth all. Because then we have these promises, my beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of Aloha. Bear with us, my brethren; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have injured no man. I speak not to your condemnation; for I have said already, that you are laid up in our hearts to die together and to live. GREAT is the freedom I have with you, and great in you is my glorying; I am full of consolation, and my joy greatly aboundeth in me in all my afflictions. When, also, we had come into Makedunia, no repose had we for our body, but in every thing were we afflicted; without fighting, and within, fear. But Aloha, who consoleth the humble, consoled us by the coming of Titos; and not only by his coming, but also by his refreshment wherewith he had been refreshed among you. For he told us of your love toward us, and of your lamentation and your zeal on our behalf. And when I heard, my joy was great. For though I grieved you in an epistle, I repent me not, though I did repent. For I perceive how that epistle, though for an hour, did make you sorry; but now I exercise joy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow hath brought you to repentance. For you were sorry towards Aloha; so that in nothing will you suffer loss from us. For the sorrow that is for the sake of Aloha worketh soul-penitence, which turneth not and converteth, unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death. For, behold, (in) this very (case) that you were made contrite for the sake of Aloha; what carefulness it wrought in you, and vindication, and displeasure, and fear, and love, and zeal, and punishment! And by every thing have you shown yourselves to be pure in this matter. But, it was for this we wrote to you; not on account of the injurer, nor on account of the injured one, but that you may know before Aloha our carefulness over you. For this cause we were consoled, and with our consolation more abundantly did we rejoice in the joy of Titos; because his spirit had been refreshed with you all. Because in whatever I had boasted to him concerning you, I have not been ashamed; but, as of every thing we had spoken truth with you, so also our boasting unto Titos hath been found in truth. And his affection is greatly enlarged toward you, when he remembers your obedience; because with fear and with trembling you received him. I rejoice that in every thing I can confide in you. BUT we make known to you, my brethren, the grace of Aloha which hath been given to the churches of Makedunia; that in the great trial of their affliction there hath been an abounding of their joy; and the depth of their poverty hath been exceeded by the riches of their simplicity. For I testify, that according to their power, and more than their power, in the willingness of their soul, they besought of us, with much supplication, that they might participate in the beneficence of the ministry for the saints. And not as we had supposed, but they gave themselves up first to the Lord, and also to us by the will of Aloha. For we would request of Titos, that as he had begun, so he would carry into accomplishment this beneficence among you also. But as you have excelled in every thing, in faith, and in doctrine, and in knowledge, and in all diligence, and in our love toward you, so also in this beneficence may you excel. Not as though commanding I command you, but, from the diligence of your companions, the truth of your love would I put to the test. FOR you know the beneficence of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that for your sake he became poor, though he was rich, that you through his poverty might be enriched. But counselling I counsel you this which helpeth you; because from the last year you began not to will only, but also to do. But now accomplish in work that which you willed, that as there hath been an incitement to will, so accomplish it in work from what you have. For if there be the will, according to what one hath, so is (he) accepted, and not according to what he hath not. Neither must there be to others ease, and to you anxiety, but in equality be you at this time; that your abundance may be a supply to their want, that also their abundance may be for to your want, that there may be equality. As it is written, He who took up much had no superfluity, and he who took up little was not deficient. But praise to Aloha who in-gave this solicitude for you to the heart of Titos. For our request he accepted; and because he had great concern, of his own will he hath come forth among you. But we have sent with him our brother, whose praise in the gospel is in all the churches; who hath, moreover, been chosen by the churches to go forth with us with this bounty which is ministered by us to the glory of Aloha himself, and unto our cordiality. For we are precautious in this, that no one should lay upon us any imputation with regard to this great bounty which is to be administered by us. For we are careful for the things which are comely, not only before Aloha, but also before men. But we have also sent with them our brother, whom we have often proved in many to be diligent; but now still more diligent from the great confidence he hath concerning you. Whether, then, (you regard) Titos, he is my companion and helper among you, or the other brethren, they are the apostles of the churches of the glory of Meshiha. Wherefore the demonstration of your love, and of our boasting concerning you in these, make manifest in the sight of all the churches. BUT concerning the administration of the saints, I do more (than enough) if I write to you. For I know the goodness of your mind, of which I boasted of you to the Makedunoyee, that Akaia was ready since last year, and your zeal hath stirred up many. But I have sent the brethren to you, that our boasting which we boasted of you may not in this affair be vain; but, as I have said, you may be ready: lest, if the Makedunoyee should come with me, and find you not ready, we be shamed-that I may not say, you be shamed-of the boasting which we have boasted. For this cause I have been careful to entreat of these brethren to go before to you, to make ready that blessing of which you have caused to be heard before; that it may be prepared, so as that it may be a blessing, not as avarice. But this, He who soweth with scantiness, with scantiness also reapeth; and he who soweth with blessing, with blessing also shall reap. Every man as he hath in his mind: not as of vexation or as of constraint; for a cheerful giver the Lord loveth. For it is in the power of Aloha to increase in you every good, that you may always have every thing sufficient, and that you may abound in every good work. As it is written, He hath dispersed and given to the poor, And his righteousness standeth for ever. But may He who giveth seed to the sower and bread for food, himself give and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, that in every thing you may be enriched in all simplicity, which worketh out through us, thanksgiving to Aloha. For, on account of the performance of this service, we not only supply the deficiency of the saints, but also cause many thanks givings to abound unto Aloha. For on account of the proof of this service we glorify Aloha, because you are subject to the confession of the gospel of Meshiha, and you have communicated in simplicity with them and with every man. And prayer they offer on your behalf in great love, on account of the greatness of the grace of Aloha which is upon you. But thanks to Aloha over his gift which is unspeakable. BUT I Paulos beseech of you by the peacefulness and humility of the Meshiha, (I) who also in presence am humble with you, but while far off am confident over you, beseech of you, that when I come I may not be constrained with the confidence I have to be bold, as I think, over those men who imagine that we walk in the flesh. For if we walk in the flesh, yet we war not according to the flesh. For the armour of our warfare is not of the flesh, but of the power of Aloha; and by it we cast down the strong-holds of rebels, and demolish reasonings and every lofty thing that is exalted against the knowledge of Aloha, and captivate all thoughts unto the obedience of the Meshiha. And we are prepared to execute the punishment of those who obey not, when your obedience shall be fulfilled. Do we regard persons? If any man confide in himself that he is of the Meshiha, let this one know of himself, that as he is of the Meshiha, so also are we. For if I should boast somewhat more of the authority which our Lord hath given me, I should not blush; because for your edification he gave it to me, and not for your destruction. But I insist not, that I may not be considered as one who would terrify you by my epistles. For there are men who say, His epistles are weighty and forcible; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. But he who after this manner speaks, shall conclude that what we are by the word of our epistle when absent, so are we in the deed when we are present. For we dare not value or compare ourselves with those who glorify themselves; but because they compare themselves with themselves, they do not understand. For we do not boast beyond our measure, but in the measure of the boundary which Aloha hath apportioned to us, that we might come also unto you. For it is not as not reaching to you we extend ourselves; for unto you we come with the gospel of the Meshiha. Neither boast we beyond our measure in the labour of others; but we have hope, that with the increase of your faith, we shall be enlarged according to our measure; and be progressive also beyond you to evangelize. Not as within the measure of others in the things that are prepared will we glory. But let him who glorieth glory in the Lord. For it is not he who glorifieth himself who is approved, but he who is glorified of the Lord. BUT I could desire that you could tolerate me a little that I may speak foolishly. Nevertheless tolerate me, for I am zealous towards you with the zeal of Aloha; for I have betrothed you to one man, a pure virgin, whom I would bring unto the Meshiha. But I fear lest, as the serpent deceived 'Hava by his guile, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is toward the Meshiha. For if he who hath come to you shall preach to you another Jeshu, whom we have not preached, or you receive another Spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted, you would have been well persuaded. For I consider that I am nothing inferior to those apostles who are most excellent. For if I am rude in my speech, I yet am not in my knowledge; but in every thing we are manifest among you. Or, offending have I offended in humbling myself that you may be exalted, and have gratuitously preached to you the gospel of Aloha? And other churches have I despoiled, receiving of them expenses, for your service. And being come among you, I burdened no man of you; for my want the brethren who came from Makedunia supplied: and in every thing have I kept myself, and will keep, that I may not be burdensome to you. The truth of the Meshiha is in me, that this boasting shall not be abolished respecting me in the regions of Akaia. Why? because I love you not? Aloha himself knoweth! But I do this, and also will do it, to cut off the occasion of them who seek an occasion, that in the thing in which they boast they may be found as we are. For these are apostles of falsehood and workers of deceits, assimilating themselves to the apostles of the Meshiha. Nor in this may we wonder, if Satana himself be transformed into an angel of light. Nor is it a great thing if his ministers also are transformed into ministers of righteousness;-whose end will be according to their works. BUT I say again, Let no man think of me as a fool; or if otherwise, let him receive me as a fool, that I also may boast a little. The thing which I (now) speak, I do not speak in our Lord, but as in foolishness in this place of boasting. Because many boast in the flesh, I also will boast. For you are content to listen to the feebleminded, you yourselves being wise. For you are ruled by one who subjugates you, and by one who devours you, and by one who takes away from you, and by one who exalts himself over you, and by one who smites you on your faces! As in abasement I speak; as though we were weak through defectiveness of mind, I speak. In whatever any man dareth, I also dare. If they are Ebroyee, so am I; if they are Isroloyee, so am I; if they are the seed of Abraham, so am I; if they are ministers of the Meshiha,-I speak with defectiveness of mind,-I exceed then! In labours I exceed them, in stripes I exceed them, in chains I exceed them, in deaths many times. From the Jihudoyee, five times, forty (stripes) wanting one have I devoured; three times with staves have I been beaten, once was I stoned, three times have I been in shipwreck, a day and a night without a ship have I been in the sea. In journeys many, in danger of rivers, in danger of robbers, in danger from my own race, in danger from the Gentiles; I have been in danger in cities, I have been in danger in the waste, in danger by sea, in danger from false brethren; in labour and weariness, in much watching, in hunger and thirst, in much fasting, in cold and in nakedness; besides the aboundings and the gathering which are upon me daily even my care which is for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is offended, and I burn not? If I must boast in my infirmities, I will boast. Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Blessed for ever and ever, knoweth that I lie not. In Darmsuk the great force of Aretos the king kept the city of the Darmsukoyee to apprehend me. And from a window in a basket they sent me from the wall, and I was delivered from his hands. I might boast, but it is not expedient; for I come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in the Meshiha fourteen years ago, -whether in the body, or out of the body, I know not, Aloha himself knoweth, -who, this one himself, was rapt unto the third of heaven. And I know this man himself,-but whether in the body, or out of the body, I know not, Aloha himself knoweth, -and he was rapt into paradise, and heard words which are not uttered, those which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of this I boast; but of myself I will not boast, except in my infirmities. Yet if I willed to boast, I should not be a fool, for I say the truth; but I spare, lest any one think of me beyond that which he seeth me (to be), and what he heareth of me. And that I might not be exalted by the abundance of revelations, there was delivered to me a stimulus of my flesh, an angel of Satana to buffet me, that I might not be exalted. Concerning this three times I entreated of my Lord that it might be removed from me. And he said to me, My grace sufficeth thee; for my power in weakness is perfected. Gladly therefore will I boast in my infirmities, that the power of the Meshiha may overshadow me. For this cause I am willing in infirmities, in reviling, in affliction, in persecutions, in distresses, for the sake of the Meshiha; for when I am weak, then am I strong. Behold, I have been deficient in mind in my boasting, because you have constrained me; for you were debtors to bear witness concerning me; because in nothing am I less than those apostles who are the most eminent, nevertheless I am not any thing. The signs of the apostles I have wrought among you in all patience, and with mighty acts and miracles and with powers. For in what have you been less than the other churches, except in this, that I have not burdened you? Forgive me this offence. Behold, this is three times that I prepare to come to you, and not to burden you; for I seek not yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay up treasures for the parents, but the parents for their children. But I gladly the expenses will spend, and also myself will I give for the sake of your souls: though, while the more I love you, you the less love me. And, perhaps, (though) I did not burden you, yet (it may be said), as a crafty man with deceit I have robbed you. By any other whom I have sent to you have I made prey of you? Of Titos I requested, and sent with him the brethren. In any thing has Titos made prey of you? Have we not walked in one spirit, and in the same steps? DO you again consider that we apologize to you? Before Aloha in the Meshiha do we speak; and all, my beloved, for the sake of your up-building. For I fear lest, when I come to you, I should not find you as I wish, but should find you what you would not wish: lest there be contention and envy, and wrath and angry talk, and accusations and murmurings, and pompousness and agitation: and lest, when I come to you, my God may humiliate me, and I may have to lament over many who have sinned, and have not repented of the uncleanness and of the fornication and of the lasciviousness which they have committed. This is the third time that I prepare to come to you; and in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. I have foretold you, and again I foretell you; as also twice while I was with you I told you, (so) now also being distant I write to those who have sinned, and to the rest of the others; that if I come again I will not spare. Inasmuch as you demand the proof of the Meshiha who speaketh in me, (of) Him who is not weak among you, but is mighty among you: -for though he was crucified in weakness, yet he liveth with the power of Aloha:-so also we are weak with you, but we live with him through the power of Aloha which is among you. Prove yourselves, whether in the faith itself you stand; try yourselves. Are you not assured that Jeshu the Meshiha is in you, if you be not reprobates? But I trust you will know that we are not reprobate. But I implore of Aloha that there may not be any thing in you that is evil, that our proving may be seen; but that you may do good, and that we may be as unproved. For we are not able to do any thing against the truth, but for the truth. For we rejoice when we are weak, and you are strong: but this also we pray, that you may be perfect. Therefore while distant I write these (things), that when I am come I may not act severely, according to the power which my Lord hath given me for your edification, and not for your destruction. Wherefore, my brethren, rejoice, and be perfect, and be comforted, and let agreement and peace be among you; and the God of love and of peace shall be with you. Salute one another with the holy kiss. All the saints ask for your peace. THE PEACE OF OUR LORD JESHU MESHIHA, AND THE LOVE OF ALOHA, AND THE COMMUNION OF THE SPIRIT OF HOLINESS, BE WITH YOU ALL. AMEN.
Paulos, an apostle, not from men, nor by men, but by Jeshu the Meshiha, and Aloha his Father, who raised him from among the dead, and all the brethren who are with me, to the churches which are in Galatia: Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from this evil world, according to the will of Aloha our Father: to whom be glory to the age of ages. Amen. I am amazed how soon you have been turned from the Meshiha himself, who called you by his grace, unto another gospel, which it is not; but there are men who disturb you, and (who) wish to remove you from the gospel of the Meshiha. But if we also, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you other than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As I have said before, and now again say to you, If any man preach to you other than what you have received, let him be accursed. For now do I persuade men, or Aloha? or do I seek to please men? For if until now I had pleased men, I should not have been the servant of the Meshiha. But I make known to you, my brethren, that the gospel which is preached by me was not from man: for neither from man had I received it and taught it, but by the revelation of Jeshu the Meshiha. For you have heard of my former manners in Judaism, that I exceedingly persecuted the church of Aloha, and made it desolate. And I excelled in Judaism more than many of the sons of my years who were of my kindred, and was exceedingly zealous for the doctrine of my fathers. But, when He willed who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I should preach among the nations, immediately I did not disclose to flesh and to blood; neither went I to Urishlem, to the apostles who were before me, but I went into Arabia, and again returned unto Darmsuk. And after three years I went unto Urishlem, that I might see Kipha, and I remained with him days fifteen. But others of the apostles I saw not, only Jakub, the brother of our Lord. But these which I write to you, behold, before Aloha, that I lie not. And after these I went to the regions of Syria and of Cilicia. Neither did the churches of Jihud which are in the Meshiha know me by face. But this only they had heard, that he who had formerly persecuted us, behold, now preacheth he that faith which he beforetime had overthrown. And in me they glorified Aloha. Again, from fourteen years I went up to Urishlem with Bar Naba, and took with me Titos. But I went up by revelation; and I disclosed to them the gospel which I proclaim among the nations; and I showed it to those who were considered to be somewhat between myself and them, lest in vain I had run or should run. Titos also who was with me, who was an Aramoya, was not constrained to be circumcised. But on account of false brethren, who entered upon us that they might espy the liberty which we have in Jeshu Meshiha as that they might bring me into subjection; yet not for the space of an hour did we cast ourselves down to be subject to them; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. But, they who were considered to be somewhat,---but what they were I care not, for Aloha accepteth not men?s faces,---they themselves added nothing unto me; but otherwise: for seeing that I was intrusted with the gospel of the uncircumcision, as Kipha was intrusted with the circumcision; ---for he who wrought effectually with Kipha for the apostleship of the circumcision, wrought effectually also with me for the apostleship of the Gentiles; ---and knowing the grace which had been given to me, Jakub and Kipha and Juchanon, who were considered to be pillars, the right hand of fellowship gave to me and to Bar Naba, that we (should preach) among the Gentiles, and they among the circumcision: only (requiring) that of the poor we should be mindful; and I have been solicitous to do this same thing. But when Kipha had come to Antiokia, I rebuked him to his face, because they were offended by him. For until certain men came from Jakub, he had eaten with the Gentiles; but when they were come, he withdrew himself and separated, because he was afraid of those who were of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jihudoyee also were thrown with him in this, so that Bar Naba also was led away by their partiality. And when I saw that they were not walking rightly in the truth of the gospel, I said to Kipha in the presence of them all: If thou who art a Jihudoya live as an Aramoya and not Judaically, why forcest thou the Gentiles to live Judaically? If we who by our nature are Jihudoyee, and are not of the Gentile sinners, because we know that man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jeshu Meshiha, also in him, in Jeshu Meshiha, have believed, that from the faith of the Meshiha we may be justified, and not from the works of the law; because from the works of the law shall no flesh be justified: ---If, while we seek to be justified through the Meshiha, we also ourselves are found sinners, is Jeshu Meshiha therefore the minister of sin? It cannot be. For, if those things which I destroyed I build again, I make it manifest of myself that I transgress the commandment. For I by the law to the law am dead, that unto Aloha I may live: and with the Meshiha am I crucified, and from henceforth I live not, but in me liveth Meshiha; and this that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of Aloha, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not deny the grace of Aloha; for if righteousness is by the law, the Meshiha died in vain! O deficient-minded Galatoyee, who bewildereth you? For, behold, as if depicted before your eyes, hath Jeshu the Meshiha been crucified. This only would I know from you: Through the works of the law received you the Spirit, or through the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish that having begun in the Spirit you are now finishing in the flesh? And all these have you borne in vain? But would it be in vain? Then, he who imparted to you the Spirit, and wrought miracles among you, (did he so) through the works of the law, or through the hearing of faith? As Abraham believed Aloha, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness, know therefore that they who are of faith are the children of Abraham. For Aloha who knew before that he would justify the Gentiles through faith, evangelized before unto Abraham; as saith the holy scripture: In thee all the nations shall be blessed: therefore believers are blessed with Abraham the believer. For they who are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one who doeth not all that is written in this law. But that man is not justified by the law before Aloha, this maketh manifest: because it is written, The just by faith shall live. But the law is not of faith: but he who doeth those things that are written in it shall live by them. But us hath the Meshiha bought from the curse of the law, and hath been made a curse instead of us: for it is written, Accursed is every one who is hanged on the wood: in order that upon the nations there might be the blessing of Abraham in Jeshu the Meshiha, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. My brethren, I speak as among men: That a covenant of man because confirmed no one rejecteth, or changeth in any thing. But to Abraham was promised the promise, and to his seed. And he did not say to him, Unto thy seeds, as of many; but, To thy seed, as of one, him, (namely,) who is the Meshiha. But I say this, that the covenant which was confirmed before by Aloha, in the Meshiha, the law which was after, four hundred and thirty years, cannot nullify, nor (can it) abolish the promise. But if the inheritance was by the law, it could not have been by the promise; but Aloha gave it unto Abraham by promise. Wherefore then was the law? It was added on account of transgression, until the Seed should come, he, of whom was the promise; and the law was given by angels into the hand of a Mediator. But a Mediator is not of one; but Aloha is one. Is the law therefore against the promise of Aloha? Impossible: for if a law had been given which could make to live, certainly righteousness would have been by the law. But the scripture hath included all under sin, that the promise through faith of Jeshu Meshiha might be given to them who believe. But until (the dispensation of) faith came, the law kept us, as shut up unto the faith which was to be revealed. The law therefore was our conductor to the Meshiha, that we might be justified by faith. But faith being come, we are not under the conductor. For you are all the children of Aloha through the faith of Jeshu the Meshiha. For they who into the Meshiha are baptized have been clothed with the Meshiha. Jihudoya or Aramoya is not; the slave or the free is not; male or female is not; for you are all one in Jeshu Meshiha. And if you are of the Meshiha, therefore are you the seed of Abraham, and heirs by the promise. But I say that what time the heir is a child, he differeth not from a servant, though he be lord of all, but is under curators and stewards until the time which his father appointeth. So we also, while children, under the principles of the world were subjected. But when the fulness of the time had come, Aloha sent his Son, and made from a woman, and made under the law, that them who were under the law he might redeem, and we might receive the constitution of sons. And because you are sons, Aloha hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, who crieth, Father, our Father. Therefore you are not servants, but sons; and if sons, heirs also of Aloha, through Jeshu Meshiha. For, while not knowing Aloha, you served them who by their nature are not gods: but now that you have known Aloha, and especially that you have been acknowledged of Aloha, turn you again to those diseased and beggarly principles, and will to be subject to them afresh? Days, and months, and times, you observe. I am afraid, lest vain in I have laboured among you. Be you as I am, for I am as you are, my brethren, I beseech you. In nothing have you injured me. For you know that in infirmity of my flesh I preached to you at the first. And the temptation of my flesh you did not despise nor execrate; but as an angel of Aloha you received me, and as of Jeshu Meshiha. Where then is your happiness? For I testify of you, that had it been possible, your eye you would have plucked out and given to me. Have I become your adversary, because I have preached to you the truth? They are emulous of you not for good; but they would shut you in, that you might be emulous of them. But it is well to be emulous in good things at all time, and not only when I am with you. My children, with whom I travail afresh until the Meshiha be formed in you, I would be with you now, and change the sound of my voice, because I am astonished at you. Tell me, you who are willing to be under the law, do you not hear the law? For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, one of the bondmaid, and one of the free. But he who was of the bondmaid was born according to the flesh, and he who was of the free was by the promise. But these are parables of the two covenants: the one which was from Mount Sinai bringing forth into bondage, which is Hagar: for Hagar is Mount Sinai which is in Arabia, and answers to this Urishlem, and serves in bondage, she and her children. But she, Urishilem the high, is the free, who is our mother. For it is written, Be glad, O barren, who hast not borne; Exult and cry, thou who hast not travailed; Because multiplied are the sons of the desolate, More than the sons of the married wife. But we, my brethren, as Ishak, are the children of promise. And as then he who was born of the flesh persecuted him who was after the Spirit, so also now. But what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondmaid and her son; for the son of the bondmaid shall not inherit with the son of the free. We therefore, my brethren, are not the children of the bondmaid, but the children of the free. Stand therefore in that liberty with which the Meshiha hath freed you, and be not enthralled with the yoke of bondage. Behold, I, Paulos, tell you, that if you be circumcised, the Meshiha profiteth you nothing. But I attest again to every man who is circumcised, that he is obligated to fulfil the whole law. You have ceased from the Meshiha who are justified by the law, and from grace you have fallen. But we through the Spirit, who is from faith, expect the hope of righteousness. For, in the Meshiha Jeshu, circumcision is not any thing, nor uncircumcision, but faith which is made perfect by love. Well did you run; who hath impeded you, that to the truth you should not be in obedience? Your persuasion is not from him who called you. A little leaven the whole mass leaveneth. I am confident of you in our Lord, that no other thing you will think; and he who disturbeth you shall bear judgment, whoever he is. But I, my brethren, if yet I have preached for circumcision, why have I been persecuted? Hath the scandal of the cross ceased? But I would that they who disturb you were even cut off. But you have been called unto liberty, my brethren: only let not your liberty be for an occasion of the flesh; but in love be subjected one to another. For all the law in one word is fulfilled, in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest one by another you be consumed. But I say to you, Walk in the Spirit, and the desires of the flesh you will not work. For the flesh desireth that which is repugnant to the Spirit, and the Spirit desireth that which is repugnant to the flesh; and the two are adverse one to the other, that not any thing that you will you may do. But if by the Spirit you are led, you are not under the law. For the works of the flesh are known, which are (these), fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, the worship of idols, sorcery, enmity, contention, ambition, wrath, calumny, divisions, rendings, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelling, and all that are like these; and they who do them, as I told you before, so now I tell you, the kingdom of Aloha do not inherit. But the fruits of the Spirit are, love, joy, peace, prolonging of the spirit, benignity, goodness, fidelity, meekness, patience; against these the law is not set. But they who are of the Meshiha have crucified their flesh, with all its passions and its lusts: live we therefore in the Spirit, and let us not be vain-glorious, contemning one another, envying one another. My brethren, if a man of you be overtaken by a fault, you who are in the Spirit, regain him, in the spirit of meekness, and beware lest you also be tempted. And bear the burden of one another, and so fulfil the law of the Meshiha. For if a man consider that he is something, while he is not, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his work, and then in himself he shall exult, and not in others. For every man shall bear his own burden. But let him who heareth the word, communicate to him from whom he heareth it, in all good things. Do not err. Aloha is not mocked: for whatever a man soweth, that he reapeth. He who in the flesh soweth, from the flesh corruption reapeth; and he who in the Spirit soweth, from the Spirit the life that is eternal shall reap. And while we do that which is good, let it not weary us; for the time will be when we shall reap, and it will not weary us. Now, therefore, while the time is ours, let us do good unto every man, and especially to the sons of the house of the faith. You see these letters which I have written to you with my hands. They who would glory in the flesh would constrain you to be circumcised; only lest for the cross of the Meshiha they might be persecuted. For neither do these who are circumcised keep the law; but they will that you be circumcised, that in your flesh they may glory. But to me let it not be that I shall glory except in the cross of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by which the world is crucified unto me, and I am crucified to the world. For circumcision is not any thing, nor uncircumcision, but the new creature. And they who this pathway accomplish, peace be upon them and mercy, and upon the Israel of Aloha. Henceforth upon me let no man throw a burden; for the signatures of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in my body I bear. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen.
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha by the will of Aloha, to those who are in Ephesos, saints and believers in Jeshu Meshiha: peace be with you, and grace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Blessed be He, Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who hath blessed us with all blessings of the Spirit in heaven, in the Meshiha; as he before elected us in him, from before the foundations of the world, that we should be saints, and without blemish before him, and in love predesignated us unto himself, and constituted us children in Jeshu Meshiha, according to the pleasure of his will; that the glory of his grace might be glorified, that (grace) which he hath poured upon us by the hand of his Beloved: in whom we have redemption, and by his blood the remission of sins, according to the riches of his grace which he hath made to abound in us in all wisdom and in all understanding of the Spirit; and hath made known to us the mystery of his will, which before he had determined in himself should be done: that in the dispensation of the fulness of the times, every thing from the first might be renovated in the Meshiha, in heaven and in earth. And by him we have been chosen, even as he predesignated and willed, who worketh all according to the mind of his will; that we who first hoped in the Meshiha, should be to the honour of his glory. In whom you also heard the word of truth, which is the gospel of your salvation; and in whom you believed and were sealed with the Spirit of Holiness who was promised; who is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of those who are saved, and unto the praise of his majesty. ON account of this, behold, I also, since I heard of your faith in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and your love to all the saints, have not ceased to give thanks on your behalf, and to remember you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Father of glory, would give to you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in his knowledge, and would enlighten the eyes of your hearts to know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance for the saints, and what is the inheritance of his power in us who believe, according to the operation of the might of his power, which he wrought in the Meshiha, and raised him from among the dead, and set him at his right hand in heaven, above all the principalities, and powers, and mighty ones, and rulers, and above every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in (that) to come; and subjected every thing beneath his feet: and Him who is over all he hath given to be the head of the church, which is His body, the completeness of Him who all in all completeth. You also who were dead in your sins and in your transgressions, in which from the first you walked according to the worldliness of this age, and according to the will of the prince of the power of the air, of that Spirit who urgeth in the sons of disobedience; in those works in which we also walked from the first in the lusts of our flesh, doing the will of our flesh and of our mind, and were the sons of wrath fully as the rest. BUT Aloha, who is rich in his mercies, for his great love wherewith he loved us while we were dead in our sins, made us alive with the Meshiha, and through his grace delivered us, and raised us with him, and made us to sit with him in heaven in Jeshu the Meshiha, that he might show to the ages to come the greatness of the riches of his grace and his goodness, which hath been upon us in Jeshu the Meshiha. For by his grace are we saved through faith, and this was not of you, but is the gift of Aloha, not of works, that no man should glory. For we are his creation, who are created in Jeshu Meshiha unto good works, which Aloha hath prepared before, that in them we should walk. Wherefore be mindful, that you Gentiles at first were carnal, and were called the Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision, and is the work of the hands in the flesh; and were at that time without the Meshiha, and were aliens from the polity of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of the promise, and, without hope, were without Aloha in the world. But now, by Jeshu the Meshiha, you who before were far off, are brought nigh by the blood of the Meshiha. For he is our peace, he who hath made the two one, and hath destroyed the wall which stood in the midst, and the enmity, through his flesh; and the law of prescriptions, with its requirements, he hath abolished, that of the two he might create in himself one new man, and make peace; and hath reconciled the two in one body with Aloha, and by his cross hath slain the enmity. And coming, he preached peace to you, to the far off, and to the nigh; therefore, through Him there hath been made for us both an access by one Spirit unto the Father. THEREFORE are you no more strangers and sojourners but sons of the city of the saints, and sons of the house of Aloha; and you are builded upon the foundation of the apostles and of the prophets, and Jeshu the Meshiha himself is the chief corner of the building; and in him is the whole building increased and enlargeth into a holy temple in the Lord, while you also in him are being builded the dwelling of Aloha by the Spirit. On account of this I, Paulos, am bound for Jeshu Meshiha for the sake of you Gentiles: if you have heard the dispensation of the grace of Aloha which was given me for you; that by revelation he made known to me the mystery, as I have written to you in few (words); so that while you read you are able to understand my knowledge of the mystery of the Meshiha, which in other generations was not known to the sons of men, as it hath now been revealed to his holy apostles and to his prophets by the Spirit; that the Gentiles should be sons of his inheritance and partakers of his body, and in the promise which is given concerning him by the gospel, of which I am made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of Aloha, which he hath given me by the operation of his power. To me, who am the least of all the saints, is given this grace, that I should preach among the Gentiles the riches of the Meshiha, which are not searched; and to bring to light unto all men what is the dispensation of the mystery which was hidden from the ages in Aloha, who created all: that through the church might be made known the wisdom of Aloha, which is full of diversities, to the principalities and powers who are in heaven, that which he prepared from of old, and which he hath executed by Jeshu our Lord, by whom we have freedom and access with the confidence of the faith of him. WHEREFORE I pray that I may not weary in my affliction, which is on your account, for this is your glory; and I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, from whom is named the whole family who are in heaven and in earth; that he would give to you, according to the riches of his glory, with power to be confirmed by his Spirit in your interior man; that the Meshiha may dwell by faith in your hearts in love; your root and your foundations being confirmed, that you may be able to follow out with all the saints, what the height, and depth, and the length, and breadth; and know the grandeur of the love of the Meshiha, and be filled with all the fulness of Aloha. But to Him who is able with power beyond all to do for us above what we ask or conceive, according to his power which worketh in us, to Him be glory in his church, by Jeshu Meshiha, in all ages, for ever and ever. Amen. I BESEECH of you, therefore, I, the bound one for our Lord, that you walk as is worthy of the calling wherewith you are called, in all lowliness of mind, and composedness, and long-suffering; and be patient towards one another in love. And be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, that you may be in one body and in one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. For one is the Lord, and one the faith, and one the baptism; and one is Aloha, the Father of all, and over all, and by all, and in us all. But unto each of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of the Meshiha. Wherefore it is said, He ascended on high; He led captive captivity, And gave gifts unto men. But he who ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the low places of the earth? He who descended, is he who also ascended above all the heavens, to fulfil all. And he gave some who (are) apostles, and some who (are) prophets, and some who (are) evangelists, and some who (are) pastors, and some who (are) doctors; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the (church of the) Meshiha, until we be all one in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of Aloha, and one man perfect in the measure of the stature of his completeness; and that we be no children, agitated and altered by every wind of fraudulent doctrines of men, which in their craftiness they fabricate deceptively in order to seduce, but be confirmed in our love, that whatever is ours may increase in the Meshiha, who is the head, by whom the whole body is increased and compacted in all the limbs, according to the gift which is given in proportion to every member for the increase of the body itself, that in love its structure might be completed. BUT this I say and testify in the Lord, that from henceforth you may not walk as the rest of the Gentiles, who walk in the vanity of their minds, and are darkened in their understandings, and are alienated from the life of Aloha on account of their ignorance, and on account of the blindness of their hearts; who are cut off from their hope, and have delivered themselves up to lasciviousness and to the working of all uncleanness in their greediness. But you have not thus learned the Meshiha, if really you have heard him and learned as the truth is in Jeshu; but that you put from you your former habitudes, the old man who is corrupt in deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and wear the new man, who by Aloha is created in righteousness and in the sanctity of truth. WHEREFORE let lying cease from you, and speak the truth every man with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be angry and sin not, and let not the sun set upon your wrath, and give no place to the accuser. And let him who hath stolen henceforth steal not, but labour with his hands and do good, that he may have to give to him who needeth. Let no hateful word come out of your mouth, but that which is comely and useful for edification, that it may communicate grace to those who hear. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of Aloha, by whom you have been sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and heat, and anger, and clamour, and scandal be taken from you, with all malice; and be gentle one with another, and affectionate, and forgive one another, even as Aloha in the Meshiha hath forgiven us. Be therefore imitators of Aloha, as beloved children; and walk in love, as the Meshiha also loved us, and delivered himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to Aloha of a fragrant smell. BUT fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness, let them not be even heard among you, as it becometh the saints; neither filthiness, nor words of folly, or of jeering, or fables, which are not necessary, but, instead of these, thanksgiving. But this know, that any man who is a fornicator, or impure, or covetous, or an idolater, hath no inheritance in the kingdom of the Meshiha and of Aloha; lest any man deceive you with vain words; for because of these cometh the anger of Aloha upon the sons of disobedience. Be not, therefore, participators with them. For you were before darkness, but now you are light in our Lord. As the sons of light, then, so walk. For the fruits of the light are in all goodness and rectitude and truth. And be discerning of that which is good before our Lord. And have no communion with the works of darkness, which have no fruits, but reprove them. For that which in secrecy they do it is execrable even to mention. For every thing is exposed by the light, and is revealed, and whatever revealeth is light. Wherefore it is said, Awake thou who sleepest, And arise from the dead, And the Meshiha shall enlighten thee. See then that you walk vigilantly, not as fools, but as the wise who redeem their opportunity, because the days are evil. On account of this, be not wanting in mind, but understand what is the will of Aloha. And be not drunk with wine, in which is intemperance, but be filled with the Spirit. And discourse with yourselves with psalms and with hymns and with songs of the Spirit, singing with your hearts unto the Lord. And give thanks always on behalf of every man in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto Aloha the Father. And be subject one to another in the love of the Meshiha. WIVES, be subject to your husbands as to our Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as the Meshiha is the head of the church, and he himself is the Saviour of the body. But as the church is subject to Meshiha, so also (should) wives be unto their husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, as also the Meshiha loved his church, and gave himself for her, that he might sanctify her and purify her in the laver of waters and by the word, and that he might constitute her a church unto himself, being glorified, and not having blemish or wrinkle or any thing like these; but to be holy and spotless. So it becometh husbands to love their wives, as their own bodies. For he who his wife loveth, himself he loveth. For no man ever hated his own body, but nourisheth it, and taketh care of it; so also the Meshiha (taketh care) of the church. For we are members of his body, and of his flesh are we, and of his bones. Because of this a man leaveth his father and his mother, and cleaveth unto his wife, and they two become one flesh. This mystery is great; but I speak of the Meshiha and of his church. Nevertheless let every one of you so love his wife as his own self; but let the wife reverence her husband. Children, obey your parents in our Lord, for this is right; and this is the first commandment which promiseth. Honour thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and thy life be prolonged upon the earth. Parents, make not your children angry, but make them to grow in the discipline and in the doctrine of our Lord. Servants, be subject to your masters who are according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, and with simplicity of heart, as unto the Meshiha: not in the sight of the eyes, as if you were pleasing men (only), but as the servants of Meshiha who do the will of Aloha. And serve them from all your soul, in love, as unto our Lord, and not as unto men; knowing that whatever good a man doeth he is rewarded by our Lord, whether he be a servant or a son of freedom. So you, masters, do likewise to your servants; forgiving them a fault; for you know also that your Master is in heaven, and there is no respect of persons with him. HENCEFORTH, my brethren, be strong in our Lord, and in the power of his strength. And clothe you in all the armour of Aloha, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the accuser. For your wrestling is not with flesh and blood (only), but with princes, and with powers, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits who are under heaven. Wherefore clothe you with all the armour of Aloha, that you may be able to meet the evil one, and being prepared in every thing you may stand. Stand, therefore, with your loins strengthened with the truth, and wear the breastplate of righteousness, and let your feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; and with these take to you the shield of faith, that therewith you may be empowered with strength to extinguish all the burning shafts of that evil one; and put on the helmet of salvation, and take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of Aloha. And with all prayers, and with all supplications, pray at all times in the Spirit, and in that prayer be watchful in all seasons, praying constantly and invoking on behalf of all the saints; and for me also, that the word may be given me with openness of my mouth, that I may boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may speak with freedom, as it behoveth me to speak it. But that you may know also what relateth to me, and what I am doing, behold, Tykikos, a brother beloved, and a faithful minister of our Lord, will make known to you; whom I have sent to you on account of this, that he may make you acquainted with what relateth to me, and may comfort your hearts. Peace be with the brethren, and love with faith from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Grace be with all them who love our Lord Jeshu Meshiha incorruptibly. Amen.
PAULOS and Timotheus, servants of Jeshu the Meshiha, to all the saints who are in Jeshu Meshiha at Philipos, with the presbyters and deacons. Grace be with you and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. I offer thanks unto Aloha upon the remembrance of you constantly, in all my prayers on your behalf; and while rejoicing, I pray, for your fellowship which is in the gospel from the first day until now; because I am confident of this, that he who hath begun good workings in you will himself make perfect until the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For so it is right for me to think concerning you all, because you are laid up in my heart; and in my bonds, and in the defence of the truth of the gospel, you are partakers with me in grace. For Aloha is my witness how I love you with the bowels of Jeshu Meshiha. And this I pray, that your love may still increase and abound in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding; that you may distinguish those things that are proper, and may be pure and without offence in the day of the Meshiha, and filled with the fruits of righteousness which are in Jeshu Meshiha, to the glory and the honour of Aloha. BUT I wish you to know, my brethren, that my business tendeth the more to the forwarding of the gospel. For so also my bonds are manifest for the Meshiha in the whole palace, and unto all besides. And a multitude of brethren who are in our Lord are strengthened on account of my bonds, and have dared the more fearlessly to speak the word of Aloha. Some preach from envy and contention, but some from good-will, and in the love of the Meshiha; for they know that for the defence of the gospel I am appointed. But those who preach the Meshiha from contention do it not sincerely, but think to add affliction to my bonds. Yet in this I have rejoiced, and do rejoice, that in every way, if for an occasion, or if in truth, the Meshiha shall be preached. For I know that these things shall be found unto my life by your prayers, and by the gift of the Spirit of Jeshu Meshiha; even as I hope and expect, that in nothing I shall be confounded, but manifestly, as at all times, so also now, the Meshiha shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. For my life is the Meshiha; and if I die, it is gain to me. But if in this life of the flesh there be also fruit to me from my works, I know not what to choose. For these two straiten me. I desire to be set free, that I might be with the Meshiha, and this is greatly preferable to me; but also to remain in my body is the thing which constraineth me on your account. For I know this confidently, that I am to remain and tarry for your joy and for the increase of your faith: that when I come again to you, your glorying which is in Jeshu Meshiha alone shall abound in me. As it becometh the gospel of the Meshiha, so have your conversation; that if coming I see you, or absent, I may hear of you, that you stand in one spirit and in one soul, conquering together for the faith of the gospel; in nothing moved by them who stand against us, to the forthshowing of their perdition, and of our salvation, And this from Aloha hath been given to you, not only believing to believe in the Meshiha, but also for his sake to suffer, and to sustain a conflict, as you have seen in me, and now hear concerning me. IF, therefore, you have consolation in the Meshiha, and if there be comfort in love, and if communion of the Spirit, and if compassions and mercies, complete my gladness by having one sentiment and one love, and one soul and one mind. And do nothing in contention or vainglorying, but in meekness of mind let a man consider his neighbour as better than himself. And let no one care for himself (only), but every one for his neighbour also. And feel this in yourselves, which Jeshu the Meshiha (did) also: who, when he was in the form of Aloha, considered this not to be robbery, (this, namely,) that he was the co-equal of Aloha: yet emptied he himself, and took the form of a servant, and was made in the form of men; and in fashion was found as a man, and humbled himself, and was obedient unto death, but the death of the cross. Wherefore also Aloha greatly exalted him, and gave him a name that is more excellent than all names, that at the name of Jeshu every knee should kneel, of those in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jeshu the Meshiha is the Lord, to the glory of Aloha his Father. WHEREFORE, my beloved, as you have all time obeyed, not while I am near you only, but now that I am far from you, the more with fear and trembling work the work of your salvation; for Aloha himself effectuates in you also to will, also to do, the thing which you will. Do every thing without murmuring and without division; that you may be perfect and without spot, as the pure children of Aloha, who dwell in a generation depraved and perverse; and be manifest among them as luminaries in the world, to be unto them for a place of salvation, for my exultation in the day of the Meshiha, that I may not have run in vain, nor laboured to no purpose. But, also, offered on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad, and rejoice with you all; so also you be glad and rejoice with me. But I hope in our Lord Jeshu to send Timotheos to you soon, that I also may have quietness when I learn concerning you. For I have no other who is so as my (own) soul, who will diligently take care for yours. For all are seeking what is theirs, and not what is of Jeshu Meshiha. But the proof of this you know, that as a son with his father, so hath he wrought with me in the gospel. Him, therefore, I hope to send to you speedily, when I shall have seen what with me. And I confide on my Lord, that I also speedily shall come unto you. But now the matter hath pressed me to send to you the brother Epaphroditos, who is a helper and labourer with me, but your messenger and minister to my necessity; for he desired to see you all, and was anxious, because he knew that you had heard that he was sick. Yes, he was sick, unto death; but Aloha had mercy upon him; but not upon him only, but upon me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. Urgently, therefore, have I sent him to you, that when you have seen him again you may rejoice, and that I may have a little breathing. Receive him, then, in the Lord with all joy; and those who are such, hold in estimation: because for the work of the Meshiha he had come nigh unto death, and was disregardful of his life, that he might accomplish that which you had wanted in the service which concerned me. HENCEFORTH, my brethren, rejoice in our Lord. To write the very same (things) to you, to me is not weariness, because they make you cautious. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the cutting of the flesh. For the circumcision are we, who serve Aloha in the spirit, and glory in Jeshu the Meshiha, and confide not on the flesh. Yet I may have confidence on the flesh. For if any one consider that his confidence is in the flesh, I more than he. Circumcised the son of eight days, of the family of Israel, of the tribe of Benyomin, Ebroia of Ebroyee; in the law, Pharisha; in zeal, a persecutor of the church; and in the righteousness of the law, without fault have I been. But these things which were my gain, I have reckoned loss for the Meshiha; and I also (still) reckon them all loss, for the grandeur of the knowledge of Jeshu Meshiha my Lord; for whose sake I have lost all things, and have reckoned as dung, that the Meshiha I may gain, and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is by the faith of the Meshiha, which is righteousness that is from Aloha: that in it I may know Jeshu, and the power of his resurrection, and have fellowship in his sufferings, and be conformed into his death, that any how I may be able to come to the resurrection which is from among the dead. I have not yet received, nor (am I) yet perfected; but I run, that so I may lay hold on that for the sake of which Jeshu the Meshiha hath laid hold on me. MY brethren, I think not concerning myself that I have laid hold (of the final prize); but one (thing) I know, that what is behind me I forget, and to that which is before me I stretch, and run towards the sign, to obtain the victory of the high vocation of Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha. Let those, then, who are mature consider these things; and if otherwise you consider, this also will Aloha reveal to you. Nevertheless, that to this we may attain, in one way let us proceed, and with one consent. Be like me, my brethren, and consider them who so walk according to the pattern you have seen in us. For there are many who walk otherwise, of whom many times I have told you, but now weeping I tell you, they are adversaries of the cross of the Meshiha; they, whose end is perdition, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame; they, whose mind is in the earth. But our employment is in heaven, and from thence we expect the Saviour, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who will change the body of our abasement to make (it) in the fashion of his glorious body, according to his great power, by which all is subjected unto him. Wherefore, my brethren, beloved and tenderly-regarded, my joy and my crown, so stand in our Lord, my beloved. Of Evhodia I beseech, and of Syntika, that one mind they have in our Lord. Also of thee I beseech, my true yokefellow, to be helpful to those who are labouring with me in the gospel, with Klimis, and with the rest of my helpers, whose names are written in the book of life. Rejoice in our Lord in all time, and again I say, Rejoice. And let your meekness be known unto every man: our Lord is near. For nothing be anxious; but in all time, with prayer and with supplication, let your requests be made known before Aloha: And the peace of Aloha, which is greater than all knowledge, shall keep your hearts and your minds, through Jeshu Meshiha. FINALLY, my brethren, those (things) which are true, and those which are honest, and those which are just, and those which are pure, and those which are lovely, and those which are laudable, and those (which are) works of praise and of celebration, these consider. These which you have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these perform; and the God of peace will be with you. But greatly do I rejoice in our Lord, that you have begun to care (again) for me, as also you were careful, but you have not had ability. But I have not spoken because I have had need; for I have learned to make sufficient to me that which I have had. I know (how) to be abased, I know also how to abound in all; and in every thing I am trained with sufficiency and with hunger, with abundance and with destitution: for every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me. Nevertheless, you have done well to communicate unto my afflictions. Know also, you Philipisoyee, that in the commencement of the gospel, when I went forth from Makedunia, not one of the churches communicated to me in the account of receiving and giving, but you only. For also to Thessalonika one time and twice to my necessity you sent. Not because I seek the gift, but I seek that fruit may multiply unto you. But I have received every thing, I abound; and am full; and I have accepted all that you sent me by Epaphroditos, a sweet fragrance and a sacrifice, acceptable, which pleaseth Aloha. And my God shall supply all your necessity, according to his riches in the glory of Jeshu Meshiha. To Aloha our Father be praise and glory to the age of ages. Amen. Ask for the peace of all the saints who are in Jeshu the Meshiha. The brethren who are with me ask for your peace. All the saints ask for your peace, especially those who are of the house of Caesar. The grace of our Lord Jeshu the Meshiha be with you all. Amen.
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu the Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and the brother Timotheos, to those who are in Kulosos, the holy brethren and believers in Jeshu Meshiha: peace be with you, and grace from Aloha our Father. We give thanks to Aloha the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in all time, and pray on your behalf, even from our hearing of your faith in Jeshu Meshiha, and of your love to all the saints; for the hope which is kept for you in heaven, which at the first you heard through the word of the truth of the gospel, which is preached to you, as also to all the world, and increaseth and giveth fruits, as also in you from the day that you heard, and knew the grace of Aloha in truth, as you learned from Epaphra our beloved companion, who is himself for you a faithful minister of the Meshiha, and who hath made known to us your love, which is in the Spirit. ON account of this also we, from the day that we heard, have not ceased to pray for you, and to supplicate that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will of Aloha in all wisdom and in all spiritual understanding, and may walk according to that which is just, and may please Aloha in all good works, and may yield fruit, and increase in the knowledge of Aloha; and in all power be empowered according to the greatness of his glory in all patience and prolongedness of spirit: and with joy may give thanks to Aloha the Father, who hath fitted us for a portion of the inheritance of the saints in light, and hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins: who is the image of Aloha the unseen, and the first-born of all the creatures. And by him was every thing created that is in heaven and in earth; all that is seen, and all that is unseen, whether thrones or dominions, or princes or powers; all things by his hand and through him were created; and he is before all, and every thing by him subsisteth. And he is the head of the body of the church, (he) who is the chief and first-born from among the dead, that he should be preeminent in all. For in him (the Father) hath willed all fulness to dwell; and by him to reconcile all things to himself, and to make peace through the blood of his cross, (even) by him, whether they be inhabitants in earth or in heaven. YOU also, who before were aliens and adversaries in your minds by your evil works, hath he reconciled now in the body of his flesh and through his death, to constitute you saints before him without spot and without blame; if you continue in your faith, your foundation being firm, and be not moved from the hope of the gospel which you have heard, and which is proclaimed to every creature who is under heaven, of which I, Paulos, am made a minister. I rejoice in the sufferings which are on your account, and fulfil the void of the afflictions of the Meshiha in my flesh for the sake of his body, which is the church; of which I am made a minister according to the dispensation of Aloha, which was given to me for you, to accomplish the word of Aloha; that mystery which was hidden from ages and generations, but now hath been revealed unto his saints. To whom Aloha hath willed to make known what is the opulence of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is, The Meshiha, who in you (is) the hope of glory; whom we proclaim, and (concerning whom) we teach and inform every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Jeshu Meshiha; for which also I labour and contend, according to the help of the power which is given to me. But I wish you to know what an agony I have for you and for those who are in Laodikia, and for the rest who have not seen my person in the flesh; that their hearts may be comforted, and that they may approach in love to all the riches of assurance, and to the understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of Aloha the Father and of the Meshiha, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. But this I say, Let no man deceive you with the persuasion of words. For though in the flesh I am far from you, yet in the spirit I am with you; and I rejoice to behold your order, and the firmness of your faith in the Meshiha. As, then, you have received Jeshu Meshiha our Lord, (so) in him walk, your roots strengthened, and you builded in him, and established in that faith which you have learned, that you may abound therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man strip you by philosophy and by vain deceit, according to the teaching of men, and according to the principles of the world, and not according to the Meshiha, in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And in him also you are complete; for he is the head of all principalities and powers. And in him you have been circumcised with the circumcision which is not with hands, by the putting away of the flesh of sins, (even) by the circumcision of the Meshiha. And you have been buried with him by baptism, and in him have risen with him, who have believed in the power of Aloha who raised him from among the dead. And you who were dead in your sins, and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he hath made alive with him, and forgiven us all our sins; and hath blotted out in his mandates the writing of our debts that was against us, and hath taken it from the midst, and affixed it to his cross; and by the yielding up of his body he hath prostrated principalities and powers, and hath shamed them openly by himself. LET no man therefore judge you in meat and in drink, or in the distinctions of festivals, and of new moons, and of shabeths, which are shadows of those to come, but the body is the Meshiha. And lest any man wish by abasement of mind to fetter you to be subject to the worship of angels, intruding upon that which he hath not seen, and vainly inflated in his fleshly mind; and not holding the Head, from whom all the body is composed and constituted in joints and limbs, and increaseth (with) the increase of Aloha. For if you are dead with the Meshiha from the principles of the world, why as if you lived in the world are you judged? as that you are not to touch, nor to taste, nor to handle? For these are of perishable use, and are ordinances and doctrines of men; and appear to have in them a reason of wisdom, with the look of humility and the fear of Aloha, (as) not sparing the body, (yet) not in that which is (really) of value, but in those (things) whose use pertains to the flesh. IF, then, you have risen with the Meshiha, seek (the realities) which are on high, where the Meshiha sitteth at the right hand of Aloha. Think of that which is on high, and not of that on earth. For you are dead, and your life is hid with the Meshiha in Aloha; and when the Meshiha, who is our life, shall be manifested, then also will you be manifested with him in glory. Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, and passions, and evil desires, and covetousness, which itself is idolatry. For on account of these cometh the anger of Aloha upon the sons of disobedience. In these also you walked aforetime, when you were conversant in them. But now cease you from all these; anger, wrath, malice, reviling, impure speech: and lie not one to another, but put off the old man with all his manners, and wear the new, who is renovated by knowledge in the image of his Creator, where there is not Jihudoya and Aramoya, nor circumcision and uncircumcision, nor Javanoya and Barbaroya, nor slave and freeman, but the Meshiha is all and in all. Wear, therefore, as the chosen of Aloha, saints and beloved, compassions and tenderness, and benignity, and lowliness of mind, and composure, and patience. And bear with one another, and forgive one another, if any man have a complaint against his neighbour; even as the Meshiha hath forgiven you, so also forgive; and with all these charity, which is the girdle of perfection. And let the peace of the Meshiha direct your hearts, for to it you have been called in one body; and give thanks to the Meshiha, whose word shall dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom. And teach and admonish yourselves in psalms and in hymns and in songs of the Spirit, and with grace sing with your hearts unto Aloha. And whatsoever you do, either in word or work, do (it) in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and with thanksgiving through him unto Aloha the Father. WIVES, be subject to your husbands, as it is right in the Meshiha. Men, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in every thing, for so it is pleasing before our Lord. Fathers, exasperate not your children, that they be not discouraged. Servants, obey in every thing your masters according to the flesh, not in the sight of the eye (only), as those who please men, but from a simple heart, and in the fear of the Lord. And all that you do, from all your heart do (it), as to our Lord, and not as to men. And know that from our Lord you receive the reward in the inheritance; for the Lord the Meshiha you serve. But he who injureth is recompensed as he had injured, and there is no acceptance of persons. Masters, do equity and justice to your servants, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. In prayer be constant, and be watchful in it, and (in) giving thanks; praying also for us, that Aloha may open to us the gate of the word, to speak the mystery of the Meshiha, for the sake of which I am bound, that I may fully make it manifest, as it behoveth me. In wisdom walk towards the outward ones, and redeem your opportunity. And let your speech at all time be with grace as sprinkled with salt, each one knowing how it becometh him to return the answer. What concerneth me will Tykikos, a beloved brother and faithful minister, and our companion in the Lord, make known to you: whom I have sent to you for this, that he may know how it is with you, and may comfort your hearts; with Onesimos, the faithful and beloved brother who is of you. These will make you know what concerneth us. Aristarchos, a captive with me, asketh for your peace, and Markos, the nephew of Bar Naba, regarding whom you are directed, that if he come to you, receive him, and Jeshu who is called Justos: these are of the circumcision, and these only have helped me in the kingdom of Aloha, and these have been a consolation to me. Epaphra, who is of you, asketh for your peace; a servant of the Meshiha, who is always labouring on your behalf in prayer, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of Aloha. For I testify of him that he hath a great zeal for you and for those in Laodikia and in Iropolis. Lukos our beloved physician, and Dima, ask for your peace. Ask the peace of the brethren who are in Laodikia, and of Nymfa, and of the church which is in his house. And when this epistle shall have been read to you, cause it also to be read in the church of the Laodikoyee; and that which is written from the Laodikoyee, read you it. And say to Arkipos, Be vigilant in the ministry which thou hast received in our Lord, that thou fulfil it. This salutation with the hand of me, PAULOS. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen.
PAULOS, and Sylvanos, and Timotheos, to the church of the Thesalonikoyee which (is) in Aloha the Father, and in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Grace be with you and peace. We give thanks to Aloha at all time for you all and are mindful of you in our prayers constantly, and remember before Aloha the Father the works of your faith, and the labour of your love, and the perseverance of your hope, which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For we know your election, my brethren, beloved of Aloha, because our preaching was not in words only with you, but with power, and with the Spirit of Holiness, and with the persuasion of truth. Also you know how we were among you, on account of you; and you became imitators of us and of our Lord, and you received the word in great affliction, and with the joy of the Spirit of Holiness, and became an example to all the believers who are in Makedunia and in Akaia. For from you was made to be heard the word of our Lord, not only in Makedunia and in Akaia, but in every place your faith which is in Aloha was made to be heard, so that we have no need to say of you any thing. For they learned what an entrance we had unto you, and how you turned to Aloha, from the fear of idols, to worship Aloha the living and the true; awaiting his Son from heaven, Jeshu himself, whom he raised from among the dead, and who delivered us from the wrath that cometh. And you know, my brethren, that our entrance unto you was not in vain, but having suffered before and been shamefully treated, as you know, in Philipos, and then (even) in great conflict we spoke with you with the confidence of our God the gospel of the Meshiha. For our exhortation was not from deceit, nor from uncleanness, nor from guile; but as approved of Aloha to be intrusted with his gospel, so speaking as not to please men, but Aloha who trieth our hearts. For never have we used flattering speech, as you know, nor for an occasion of covetousness, Aloha witnesseth. Neither have we sought glory from men, either from you or from others, though we could have been honoured ones, as the apostles of the Meshiha; but we were humble among you, and, as a nurse who loveth her children, so also we loved, and were desirous to impart to you, not only the gospel of Aloha, but also our life, because we loved you. Remember, therefore, my brethren, how we laboured and toiled in the work of our hands by night and by day, that we might not be a burden on one of you. You witness and Aloha, how we preached to you the gospel of Aloha, purely and justly, and were without blame with all the faithful. As you know how every one of you, as a father his children, we exhorted, and spoke with your hearts; and (now) we testify to you how you should walk worthy of Aloha himself who hath called you to his kingdom and to his glory. WHEREFORE we also give thanks constantly unto Aloha, that the word of Aloha which you received from us, was not as the word of man (that) you received (it), but, as it is truly, the word of Aloha, which in operation worketh (alike) in you and in all them who believe. But you, my brethren, have become like the churches of Aloha which are in Jihud, who are in Jeshu Meshiha, because you likewise suffer from your fellow-country-men, as they also from the Jihudoyee; who killed our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and the prophets who were of them, and ourselves have persecuted, and Aloha have not pleased, and have acted adversely to all men; who forbid us to speak with the Gentiles that they might be saved; to fill up their sins for all time: but upon them cometh the wrath unto the end! BUT we, my brethren, having been bereaved-ones of you the time of an hour, as to our presence, but not in our heart, have been the more solicitous to see your faces with great love, and have wished to come to you (even) I, Paulos, one time and two; but Satana hindered me. For what is our hope and our joy, and the crown of our glorying, but you, before our Lord Jeshu at his coming? For you are our glory and our joy. And because we could not endure, we were willing to be left at Athinos alone, and to send to you Timotheos our brother, a minister of Aloha and our helper in the gospel of the Meshiha, to fortify you, and inquire of you concerning your faith, that none of you should be slain through these afflictions; for you know that to this we are set. For while also we were with you, we foretold you that we were to be afflicted, as you know that it hath been. On account of this also, I, not enduring until I had sent to know your faith, lest the tempter should tempt you, and we should have laboured in vain; but now when Timotheos came to us from among you, and gave us intelligence of your faith and of your love, and that you have a good remembrance of us in every season, and desire to see us as we also (to see) you; on this account we were comforted in you, my brethren, in all our anxieties and our afflictions because of your faith. And now we live, if you are established in our Lord. For what thanks giving can we render on account of you to Aloha, over all the joy with which we rejoice on your behalf, unless before Aloha we supplicate exceedingly by night and by day to see your faces, and to perfect what is wanting to your faith? But Aloha himself, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, will make straight our way to you, and he will cause your love to increase to one another, and to every man, even as we love you; and will establish your hearts without blame in holiness, before Aloha our Father, at the advent of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha with all his saints. HENCE then, my brethren, we pray of you, and beseech of you by our Lord Jeshu, that as you have received of us how it behoveth you to walk and to please Aloha, the more to increase. For you know those precepts we gave to you in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For this is the will of Aloha, your sanctification; and that you be distant from all fornication; and that every man of you know to possess his vessel in sanctification and in honour, and not in the passions of concupiscence, as the rest of the Gentiles who know not Aloha. And that you dare not transgress, and defraud the one man his brother in this matter, because our Lord is the avenger of all these, as we have also before told you and testified. For Aloha hath not called us to uncleanness, but unto sanctification. Therefore, whoever despiseth, not man he despiseth, but Aloha, who hath ingiven you his Holy Spirit. But concerning the love of the brethren, you need not (that I) write to you; for you yourselves are taught of Aloha to love one another. And so do you to all the brethren who are in all Makedunia; but I beseech of you, my brethren, to excel . And study to be quiet and be occupied with your own employments, and work with your hands, as we have admonished you; that you may walk becomingly towards the outward-ones, and of man you may not need. BUT I wish you to know, my brethren, that for those who are asleep you should not have sorrow, as the rest of men, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jeshu died and arose, so also Aloha those who have slept in Jeshu will bring with him. But this we say to you by the word of our Lord, that we who remaining at the coming of our Lord, who live, will not precede those who have slept. For our Lord himself with the mandate, and with the voice of the chief of angels, and with the trumpet of Aloha, will come down from heaven, and the dead who are in the Meshiha will arise first; and then we who remaining alive, shall be rapt with them together in clouds, to the meeting of our Lord in the expanse; and so always with our Lord shall we be. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. But of the times and the seasons, my brethren, you need not that I write to you; for you truly know that the day of our Lord as a thief in the night so cometh. While they shall be saying, Peace and tranquillity, then unawares will destruction arise against them, as distress upon the child-bearer, and they shall not escape. But you, my brethren, are not in darkness, that that day as a thief should overtake you. For all of you are sons of light, and sons of the day; and are not sons of the night, nor sons of darkness. Sleep we not, therefore, as the rest; but be wakeful and sober. For they who sleep, in the night sleep; and they who are drunken, in the night are drunken. But we who are sons of the day must be wakeful in our minds, and wear the mail-coat of faith and of love, and put on the helmet of the hope of salvation. For Aloha hath not appointed us to wrath, but to the possession of salvation in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who died on our behalf, that, whether we wake or sleep, together with him we may live. Wherefore comfort one another, and edify one another, as also you do. BUT I entreat of you, my brethren, to know them who labour among you, and stand before your faces teaching you, that they be esteemed by you in abundant love; and on account of their work be at peace with them. And I entreat of you, my brethren, (to) admonish the offenders, and encourage the little of soul, and bear the burden of the weak, and prolong your spirit toward every man. And beware, lest any of you evil render for evil; but always follow after (those things which are) good (pl.) toward one another, and toward every man. Be joyful always, and pray without ceasing, and in every thing give thanks; for this is the will of Aloha in Jeshu Meshiha concerning you. The Spirit quench not. Prophecy do not despise. Prove every thing, and what is good retain. And from every evil thing flee. But the God of peace himself will sanctify perfectly all of you; and your whole spirit, and your soul, and your body will he keep without fault, to the coming of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Faithful is he who hath called you, who himself will do it! My brethren, pray for us. Ask the peace of all our brethren, with the holy kiss. I adjure you, by our Lord, that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you. Amen.
PAULOS, and Sylvanos, and Timotheos, to the church of the Thesalonikoyee, which is in Aloha our Father, and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Grace be with you, and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. To give thanks we owe to Aloha at all time on behalf of you, my brethren, as it is proper; because your faith greatly increaseth, and the love of you all, of every man toward his neighbour, enlargeth; as that we also boast of you in the churches of Aloha, of your faith and of your patience, in all your persecution and your affliction which you endure; for a demonstration of the just judgment of Aloha, that you may be worthy of his kingdom, for the sake of which you suffer; and whether it is (not) righteous to render afflictions to them who afflict you. And you who are afflicted will he save with us, at the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from heaven, with the host Of his angels, when he executeth the punishment, with burning of fire, on them who have not known Aloha, and on them who have not acknowledged the gospel of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For these in the judgment will be punished (with) the perdition of eternity, from the presence of our Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he cometh to be glorified in his saints, and to show his wonders in his faithful ones, that our testimony that was concerning you may be believed in that day. On account of this at all time pray we for you, that Aloha may make you meet for your calling, and complete in you all the will of good (things), and the operations of faith with power; that the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha may be glorified in you, and you also in him, according to the grace of Aloha and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. But we beseech of you, my brethren, as it regards the coming of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and our assemblage with him, that you be not soon moved in your minds, nor perturbed, nor by word, nor by spirit, nor by letter, which (may be) as (if it were) from us, that, Behold, the day of our Lord cometh! Let no one deceive you by any one of the methods, because unless there shall come first the rebellion, and there be revealed the man of sin, the son of perdition; He who is the adversary, and is exalted over all who is called God and Venerable; so that also in the temple of Aloha as Aloha he will sit, and will make manifest of himself as that he is Aloha. Do you not remember, that, when I was with you, these I told you? And now you know what holdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already beginneth to be effective; only if that which now holdeth be taken from the midst, then will be revealed that evil one, whom our Lord Jeshu will consume by the spirit of his mouth, and will abolish by the revelation of his advent. For the coming of that (wicked one) is the working of Satana, with all power, and (with) signs and false miracles, and with all unrighteous deception which is done in them who perish, because they have not received the love of the truth by which they might have been saved. Wherefore Aloha will send them the working of deception, that they will believe the lie, and all of them will be judged who have not believed in the truth, but have had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks unto Aloha at all time for you, our brethren, beloved in our Lord, because Aloha hath chosen you from the beginning unto salvation, by sanctification of the Spirit, and by the belief of the truth. For unto these Aloha called you by our preaching, that you should be the glory of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Wherefore, my brethren, stand fast, and persevere in the precepts which you have been taught, whether by word, or by our epistle. But our Lord Jeshu Meshiha himself, and Aloha our Father, who hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation, and a good hope through grace, will comfort your hearts, and establish in every word and in every work of good. Henceforth, my brethren, pray for us, that the word of our Lord may run and be glorified in every place, as among you. And that we may be delivered from wicked men and perverse; for every man hath not faith. But the Lord is faithful, who will keep you and deliver you from evil. But we confide concerning you in our Lord, that what we have commanded you, you have done, and also are doing. And our Lord will direct your hearts to the love of Aloha, and to the patience of the Meshiha. But we command you, my brethren, in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that you remove from every brother who walketh wickedly, and not according to the precepts which he hath received from us. For you know how it behoveth to imitate us who walked not wickedly among you. Neither did we eat bread for nothing from any one of you; but with labour and weariness by night and by day we wrought, that upon no one of you we might be burdensome. Not because we had not power, but because in ourselves we would give you an example, that you may imitate us. For while we were with you, this we commanded you, that every one who willeth not to work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some among you who walk wickedly, and nothing work, unless vain things. But these we command, and entreat of them by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that with quietness they work, and eat their (own) bread. But you, my brethren, be not weary in doing what is good. And if any man hearken not to these our words in the epistle, let this be separate from you, and be not mixed with him, that he be shamed. Yet, not as an enemy hold him, but admonish him as a brother. But the Lord of peace himself will give you peace always, in every thing. Our Lord be with you all. Salutation, by the writing of my hand, I, PAULOS, have written; which is the sign in all my epistles, so I write. The grace of Jeshu Meshiha be with you all, my brethren. Amen.
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the commandment of Aloha our Saviour, and of Jeshu Meshiha our hope; to Timotheos, my true son in the faith: grace and mercy and peace from Aloha our Father and Jeshu Meshiha our Lord. I requested of thee, when I would go into Makedunia, to remain at Ephesos, and instruct certain men that they teach not various doctrines, nor throw themselves (away) upon stories and tales of generations which have no end, (but) which rather subserve contentions, and not edification in the faith of Aloha. But the end of the commandment is love, from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from genuine faith. And from them that have erred, and have declined to vain words, seeking to become teachers of the law, while they understand not what they speak, nor that concerning which they contend. But we know that the law is good, if a man according to the law converse in it; knowing that against the righteous the law is not set, but against the evil, and rebels, and the wicked, and sinners, and the dishonest, and those who are not pure, and those who strike their fathers, and those who strike their mothers, and murderers, and fornicators, and liers with men, and stealers of the free, and liars, and doers against an oath and whatever (else) is opposed to the healthful doctrine of the gospel of the glory of the blessed Aloha, with which I have been intrusted. And I thank him who hath empowered me, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who accounted me faithful, and constituted me his minister; me, who before was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; but I received mercy, because while ignorant I did it, without faith. But in me hath abounded the grace of our Lord, and faith and love which are in Jeshu Meshiha. Faithful is the word, and worthy of reception that Jeshu the Meshiha came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first. But for this he had compassion upon me, that in me first Jeshu Meshiha might show all long-suffering, as an exhibition for them who should believe in him unto everlasting life. But to the King who is eternal, incorruptible, and unseen, who is one Aloha, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. This commandment I commit to thee, my son Timotheos, according to the early prophecies which were concerning thee, that thou mayest war through them this good warfare with faith and with a good conscience. For those who this have put away from them of faith have been emptied; as Hymeneos and Alexandros, whom I have delivered to Satana, that they may not blaspheme. I REQUIRE then from thee, that, before every thing supplication be offered to Aloha, and prayer and intercession and thanksgiving for all men; for kings and princes, that an habitation quiet and tranquil we may inhabit in all the fear of Aloha and purity. For this is good and acceptable before Aloha our Saviour; who willeth that all men should be saved, and turn to the knowledge of the truth. For one is Aloha, and one is the Mediator of Aloha and of men; the man Jeshu Meshiha, who gave himself a ransom for every man; a testimony which cometh in its time, of which I am constituted an herald and an apostle, I say the truth and lie not, to be a teacher of the nations in the faith of the truth. I wish then for men to pray in every place, uplifting their hands purely and without wrath and without disputations. So also let women with decorous simplicity of apparel,with modesty and with chastity, adorn themselves, not with braidings, and with gold, and with pearls, and with fine vestments, but with good works, as becometh women who profess the fear of Aloha. Let the wife in quietude learn with all submission: for unto the wife to teach I permit not, neither to be authoritative over the husband, but to be in quietude. For Adam was formed first, then Hava; and Adam was not deceived, but the wife was deceived, and transgressed the commandment. But she is saved by her children, if they continue in faith, and in love, and in sanctification, and in chastity. This saying is faithful, that if a man desire the presbyterate, a good work he desireth. But it behoveth that a presbyter be as that blame be not found in him; and that he be the husband of one wife; (a man) who is of a vigilant mind, chaste, and orderly, and a lover of guests, and instructful; and not a transgressor over wine, nor (one) whose hand hastens to strike; but he is to be gentle and not contentious, nor a lover of money; and (one who) ruleth his house well, holding his children in subjection with all purity. For if his own house he know not to rule well, how is he able to rule the church of Aloha? Neither shall his discipleship be recent, lest he be lifted up, and fall into the judgment of Satana. But it is needful that he have also a good testimony from those without, that he may not fall into reproach, and into the net of Satana. And also the ministers must be pure, not speaking doubly, not inclined to much wine, nor shall they love unclean gains. But they shall hold the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. And these are to be proved first, and then to minister, being without blame. Thus also must the woman be chaste, and they shall be vigilant (in their) minds, and faithful in every thing; and they shall not be accusers. The ministers shall be (of them) severally who have one wife, and shall rule each his children and his household well. For they who minister well, a good degree acquire for themselves, and much openness of face in the faith of Jeshu Meshiha. These I write to thee, hoping soon to come to thee; but if I should delay, that thou mayest know how to converse in the house of Aloha, which is the church of Aloha the Living, the column and foundation of the truth. And truly great is this mystery of righteousness, which was revealed in the flesh, and justified by the Spirit, and seen of angels, and preached among the peoples, and believed in the world, and taken up into glory. But the Spirit distinctly saith, that in the last times some will remove from the faith, and will go after deceiving spirits, and after doctrines of demons. These, with a false appearance, will deceive, speaking a lie, and seared in their conscience, and prohibiting to marry, and abstaining from meats, which Aloha created to be used with thanksgiving by them who believe and know the truth; because every creature of Aloha is good, and nothing to be abominated, if with thanksgiving it be received; for it is sanctified by the word of Aloha, and by prayer. These if thou shalt teach thy brethren, a good minister wilt thou be of Jeshu Meshiha, while thou wilt be enlarged with words of faith and of the good doctrine which thou hast learned. But from the foolish stories of old women abstain; and exercise thy soul in righteousness. For the exercise of the body a little time profiteth; but righteousness in every thing profiteth, and hath the promise of the life of this time, and of the future. FAITHFUL is the saying and worthy is it of reception: for on this account we labour and are reproached, because we hope in Aloha the Living, who is the Saviour of all men, and especially of the believers. These teach and command. And let no man despise thy youth; but be an example to the believers in word, and in conduct, and in charity, and in faith, and in purity. Till I come be diligent in reading, and in prayer, and in teaching. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee with prophecy, and the hand-laying of the presbytery. In these meditate, and in them be, that it may be known to every man that thou goest onward. And take heed to thyself, and to thy doctrine, and persevere in them; for while these thou doest, thyself wilt thou save, and them who hear thee. An elder do not reprimand, but persuade him as a father, and those who are young as thy brethren, and the elderly women as mothers, and those who are young as thy sisters, with all purity. The widows honour them who are widows in truth. And if there be a widow who hath children, or children's children, let them learn first to do justly for their families, and to repay the debts (owing) to their parents; for this is acceptable before Aloha. But she who is truly a widow and solitary (is one) whose hope is in Aloha, and who persevereth in prayer and in supplication by night and by day. But she who serveth pleasure is dead while she liveth. These things prescribe to them, that they be without blame. For if a man hath not care of them who are his own, and especially of them who are children of the household of faith, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than those who believe not. Elect, then, the widow who is not less than sixty years, who hath had one husband, and who hath the testimony of good works: if she have brought up children, if she have received guests, if she have washed the feet of the saints, if she have cheered the afflicted, if she have walked in every gracious work. But from the widows who are young, withhold (the election); for these become schismatical against the Meshiha, and seek to marry, and their condemnation is confirmed, because they have rejected their first fidelity. They also learn idleness, wandering from house to house; and not only idleness, but also to multiply words, and to follow vain (pursuits), and to speak things which they ought not. I will therefore that those who are young should marry, and bear children, and conduct their households, and not give to the adversary any occasion to revile. For already have some begun to turn aside after Satana. If any believing man or believing woman have widows, let them support them, that they may not be burden-some on the church, that they who are widows indeed may have sufficient. Those presbyters who well conduct themselves shall be worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and in doctrine. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox in the treading out; and, Worthy is the labourer of his hire. Against a presbyter an accusation receive not, except on the mouth of two or three witnesses. Those who sin before all men reprove, that the rest may be afraid. I attest thee before Aloha and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha and his elect angels, that thou keep these, (precepts,) and let not thy mind be pre-occupied by any thing, and do nothing with acceptance of persons. The hand suddenly on any man lay not, neither participate in others' sins. Keep thyself in purity. And henceforth water drink not, but wine a little drink, on account of thy stomach, and on account of thy constant infirmities. THERE are men whose sins are known, and they precede them to the place of judgment; and there are whose (sins) go after them. So also good men are known; and those who are otherwise cannot be hid. Let those who are under the yoke of servitude hold their masters in all honour, that the name of Aloha and his doctrine be not blasphemed. But let not those who have believing masters slight them, because they are their brethren; but serve them the more, because they are believers, and beloved who are refreshed by their ministry. These things teach and require of them. But if there be a man who teacheth other doctrine, and who accedeth not to the healthful words of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and to the doctrine of the fear of Aloha, this (is one) who extolleth himself while knowing nothing, but is infirm with disputation and questioning of words, from which are envy, and contention, and evil speaking, and supposition in the evil mind, and conflicts of men whose minds are corrupt and deprived of the truth, and who consider that gain is the fear of Aloha. But thou, remove thyself from them. For our gain is great which is the fear of Aloha, with the use of our sufficiency. For nothing brought we into the world, and we know that nothing we are able to take from it. Therefore sufficient to us are food and raiment. But they who will be rich fall into temptations and snares, and many lusts which befool and injure, and which plunge men into destruction and perdition. For the root of all evil is the love of money; and there are who have coveted it, and from the faith have erred, and have made themselves enter into many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, from these things flee, and follow after righteousness, and after equity, and after faith, and after charity, and after patience, and after meekness. And contend in the good agony of faith, and lay hold of the life which is eternal, unto which thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses. I ATTEST thee before Aloha, who vivifieth all, and Jeshu Meshiha, who witnessed before Pontius Pilatos the good testimony, that thou keep (this) commandment without spot and without blemish, until the manifestation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, whom in his time will show Aloha the blessed and only Strong One, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; he who only is incorruptible, and (who) dwelleth in light which no man can approach; whom no man of men hath seen, nor is able to see: to him be honour and power for ever and ever. Amen. The rich of this world instruct, that they be not uplifted in their minds, nor be trustful upon riches which have no security, but upon Aloha the living, who giveth to us all abundantly for our comfort; and that they perform good works, and become rich in welldoings, and be ready to give and to communicate, and lay for themselves a good foundation for that which is to be, that they may lay hold on the true life. O Timothy, watch over that which is confided to thee, and fly from vain words, and the turnings of false knowledge. For they who pursue it err from the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and on account of the promise of life which is in Jeshu Meshiha, to Timotheos my beloved son: grace and mercies and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. I thank Aloha, whom I serve from my fathers with a pure conscience, that constantly I remember thee in my prayers of the night and of the day; and have longed to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy: in remembrance of thee (and) of thy true faith which dwelt first in the mother of thy mother Lois, and in thy mother Eunika, and which, I am persuaded, (is) in thee also. On account of this I put thee in mind to keep awake the gift of Aloha, which is in thee by the laying on of my hands. For Aloha hath not given to us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of discipline. Wherefore be not thou ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner; but sustain evil with the gospel, through the power of Aloha, who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his will, and that grace of his which was given to us in Jeshu Meshiha before the time of the worlds, and is now revealed by the revelation of our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, who hath abolished death, and hath demonstrated life and incorruption, through the gospel, of which I am appointed an herald and an apostle and a teacher of the nations: on account of which I suffer these, and am not ashamed. I know in whom I have believed, and am persuaded that there is power in his hands my deposite to keep for me unto that day. Let the outline of sound words be with thee, which thou hast heard from me, with the faith and love which are in Jeshu Meshiha: that good deposite keep through the Spirit of Holiness who dwelleth in us. Know this, that all those of Asia are turned from me, of whom are Phygellos and Harmogenes. Our Lord give mercies to the house of Onesiphoros, who many times hath refreshed me, and of the chains of my bonds hath not been ashamed. But when also he came to Ruma, with diligence he sought me, and found me. Our Lord grant that he may find mercies with our Lord in that day: and how he ministered to me in Ephesos thou especially knowest. Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And those (doctrines) which thou hast heard from me by many witnesses, them commit to faithful men, who are also able to teach others. And endure evils as a good soldier of Jeshu Meshiha. No man serveth as a soldier, and entangleth himself with the affairs of the world, that he might please him who hath chosen him. And if one contendeth, he is not crowned, unless according to his law he contend. It becometh the husbandman who laboureth that he should first eat of his fruits. Understand what I say to thee. Our Lord give thee wisdom in all things. Remember Jeshu Meshiha, that he arose from among the dead, he who is of the seed of David, according to my gospel; for which I endure evils unto bonds, as an evil-doer: but the word of Aloha is not bound. Therefore I endure every thing on account of the elect, that they also may find salvation in Jeshu Meshiha, with the glory that is eternal. Faithful is the word: For if we be dead with him, With him also we shall live; And if we endure, We shall also reign with him; But, if we deny him, He also will deny us! And if we believe him not, He in his faithfulness abideth; For deny himself he cannot. Of these (truths) remind them, and testify before our Lord, that they contend not with unprofitable words, to the overturning of those who hear them. And be careful to establish thyself perfectly before Aloha, a workman without shame, preaching rightly the word of truth. From vain words which have no utility in them withdraw; for they add greatly to the wickedness of those who are occupied with them. And their words as an eating cancer will lay hold upon many: but one of them is Hymeneos, and another Philetos, who have erred from the truth, saying, that the resurrection of the dead hath been, and the faith of some overturning. But the true foundation of Aloha standeth; and it hath this signature: And the Lord knoweth them who are his. And, Let every one who invoketh the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not vessels of gold only or of silver, but also of wood, also of clay: of them (some are) to honour, and of them (some) to dishonour. If a man then purify himself from these, he will be a pure vessel unto honour, fitted for the use of his Lord, and prepared for every good work. From all the lusts of youth escape; and pursue after righteousness, and faith, and charity, and peace, with them who call upon the Lord with a pure heart. From foolish controversies which are without instruction withdraw; for thou knowest that they beget strifes. But a servant of the Lord oweth not to strive, but to be gentle towards every man, and teaching, and long-suffering, that he may instruct them who would contend against him with meekness, if by any means Aloha may give them conversion, and they may acknowledge the truth, and be mindful of themselves, and remove from the snare of Satana, by whom they have been entrapped at his will. But know this, that in the last days hard times will come; and men will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, boastful, lofty, blasphemous, to their men not obedient, deniers of grace, impious, calumniators, subjected to lust, brutal, haters of the good, traitors, impetuous, puffed up, lovers of lusts rather than the love of Aloha; having a form of the worship of Aloha, but from the power of Aloha afar off: (them) who are such put from thee. For of them are they who creep into houses, and captivate women who are overladen with sins, and led away by divers lusts; who, in all time learning, never to the knowledge of the truth are able to come. But as Yonis and Yanbris stood against Musha, so also these stand against the truth: men whose understanding is corrupted, and reprobate from the faith. But they shall not come further, for their folly is known to all men, as also of them it is known. BUT thou hast followed my doctrine and my manners, and my purpose, and my faith, and my prolongedness of mind, and my charity, and my patience, and my persecution, and my sufferings. And thou knowest what things I endured in Antioch, and in Ikonion, and in Lystra, what persecution I endured; and out of all these my Lord delivered me. But all they who will in the fear of Aloha to live in Jeshu Meshiha, are persecuted. But wicked men and seducers add to their wickedness, deceiving, and being deceived. But abide thou in those things that thou hast learned, and in which thou art confirmed; for thou knowest from whom thou hast learned: and that from thy childhood thou hast learned the holy writings, which are able to make thee wise to salvation, through faith which is in Jeshu Meshiha. FOR all scripture which from the Spirit is written, is profitable for doctrine, and for rebuke, and for correction, and for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect unto every good work, and completed. I attest thee before Aloha, and our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who is to judge the living and the dead at the revelation of his kingdom: preach the word, and stand with diligence in season, and (that) which is not season; confute, and rebuke with all prolongedness of mind and doctrine. For the time will come, when sound doctrine they will not hear; but according to their desires will multiply to themselves teachers, in the itching of their hearing. And from the truth they will turn away their ear, but to fables will decline. But watch thou in every thing, and endure evils, and work the work of an evangelist, and thy ministry fulfil. But I am sacrificed, and the time when I shall be dissolved cometh. The good agony I have fought, and my running I have completed, and my faith I have kept. And from now there is kept for me the crown of righteousness, which my Lord will give me in that day, because he is a righteous judge: yet, not only to me, but to all them who love his manifestation. BE careful to come to me speedily; for Dema hath left me, and hath loved this world, and is gone to Thessalonika; Krispos to Galatia, Titos to Dalmatia; Luka only is with me. Take Markos and bring him with thee; for helpful to me is he in the ministry. But Tykikos have I sent to Ephesos. The case (for) books which I left at Troas with Karpos, when thou comest bring, and the books, and especially the roll of parchments. Alexander the brass-worker many evils hath showed me: our Lord awardeth to him according to his deeds. But be thou also aware of him, for he is much uplifted against our words. In the first defence no man was with me, but all of them left me. May this not be reckoned to them! But my Lord stood with me, that by me the preaching might be fulfilled, and (that) all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered from the mouth of the lion. And my Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me into his kingdom, which is in heaven. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Give salutation to Priskela, and to Akilos, and to the house of Onesiphoros. Erastos remains at Kurinthos; but Trophimos I left ill in Miletos the city. Be careful to come before winter. Ebulos and Pudis, and Linos, and Klaudia, and all the brethren, ask for your peace. Our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with thy spirit. Grace be with thee. Amen.
PAULOS, a servant of Aloha, and apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, for the faith of the chosen ones of Aloha, and the knowledge of the truth which is in the fear of Aloha; unto the hope of eternal life, which Aloha the true counselled before the times of the ages, and his word hath revealed in his time by our preaching, which was confided to me by the command of Aloha our Saviour: To Titos, my true son in the common faith. Grace and peace from Aloha the Father and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha our Saviour. For this I left thee in Kreta, that those things which were wanting thou mayest rectify, and constitute presbyters in every city as I commanded thee. Him who is without blame, and is the husband of one wife, and who hath believing children, who are not vicious nor addicted to intemperance. For a presbyter is bound to be without blame, as the steward of Aloha; he shall not be led by the will of self, nor be irascible, nor a transgressor over wine, neither shall his hand be hasty to strike, nor shall he be a lover of sordid gains. But he shall be a lover of guests, and a lover of the good, and be chaste, and equitable, and holy, and withholding himself from lusts; and careful over the doctrine of the word of faith, that he may be able also to comfort by his teaching the healthy, and to reprove those who are contentious. For there are many who are not in subjection, and whose words are vain, and make the minds of men to err, especially those of the circumcision, those, whose mouths it behoves to stop. Many houses they destroy, and teach what they ought not, for the sake of filthy gain. One of them, a prophet of their own, hath said, The sons of Kreta are always liars, evil beasts, and lazy bellies. And true is this testimony. Wherefore reprove them severely, that they may be sound in the faith, nor cast themselves to the fables of the Jihudoyee, and to the mandates of men who hate the truth. For every thing is pure to the pure; but to those who are polluted and unfaithful nothing is pure; but their understanding and their conscience are polluted. And they profess to know Aloha, but in their works they deny him, and are abominable and disobedient, and reprobate to every good work. But speak thou that which becometh sound doctrine, and teach, That the elders be watchful in their minds, and be chaste and pure, and sound in the faith, and in charity, and in patience. And so also the aged women, that they be in behaviour what becometh the fear of Aloha, and not slanderers, nor enslaved to much wine, and that they teach good things; making those who are young modest, to love their husbands and their children, and to be chaste and holy, well mindful of their houses, and submissive to their husbands, that no man blaspheme the word of Aloha. And of those who are young men, likewise, require that they be chaste. But in every thing show thyself the example in all good works, and in doctrine let there be with thee sound speech which is sincere and incorrupt, and which no man will despise, that he who riseth against us may be ashamed when he cannot say any thing hateful against us. Let servants to their masters be submissive in every thing, and please them, not contradicting, nor pilfering; but let them show their good-trustiness in every thing, that they may adorn in every thing the doctrine of Aloha our Saviour. FOR the all-saving grace of Aloha hath appeared to all men, and teacheth us to deny wickedness and the lusts of the world, and to live in this world in purity, and in rectitude, and in the fear of Aloha, while expecting the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha; who gave himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity, and to cleanse unto himself a new people, who are zealous of good works. These speak, and require, and maintain with all authority, and no man shall despise thee. Put them in mind that to princes and to powers they are to hearken and to be obedient, and to be prepared for every good work. And against no man to rail, nor be contentious, but gentle, and in every thing to show their benignity towards all men. For we also were afore-time without understanding, and disobedient and erring, and were subjected to various lusts; and in malice, and in envy we conversed, and were hateful, and also hating one another. But when appeared the goodness and mercy of Aloha our Saviour, not by works of righteousness which we had done, but by his own mercy he saved us, by the laving of the birth which is afresh, by the renewing of the Spirit of Holiness, which he shed upon us abundantly, by Jeshu Meshiha our Saviour; that by his grace we might be justified, and be made heirs according to the hope of the life which is eternal. Faithful is the word; and in this I will that thou also establish them, that they should be careful to perform good works, they who have believed in Aloha. These are good and profitable unto men. But from foolish disputations, and from tales of genealogies, and from contentions, and strifes of the sophree, withdraw; for profit is not in them, and they are vain. From an heretical man, after one time and twice thou hast admonished him, withdraw; and know that he who is such is perverse, and sinneth, and condemneth himself. When I have sent to thee Artema, or Tykikos, be careful to come to me at Nikopolis; for there I have determined in my mind to winter. But concerning Zina the sophra, and Apolo, be careful to provide them well, that nothing may be wanting to them. And let those also who are of us, learn to perform good works in things which are necessary, that they may not be without fruits. All they who are with me ask for thy peace. Ask for the peace of all who love us in the faith. Grace be with all of you. Amen.
PAULOS, the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha, and the brother Timotheos, to the beloved Philemon, our fellow-labourer, and to our beloved Aphia, and to Arkipos our fellowlabourer,1 and to the church which is in thy house. Grace be with thee, and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. I give thanks to Aloha at all time, and remember thee in my prayers. Behold, from (the time) when I heard of thy faith, and the love which thou hast to our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and to all the saints, (I have prayed) that there may be communication of thy faith (in) yielding fruits, in works and in the (manifestation of the) knowledge of all good which thou hast in Jeshu Meshiha. For we have great joy and consolation, that by thy love the bowels of the saints are refreshed. Wherefore I have great confidence in the Meshiha to command thee those acts which are righteous, but for love's sake entreating I entreat of thee, I, Paulos, who am the aged as thou knowest, but now also the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha. And I entreat of thee for my son, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimos, who once was of no use to thee, but (who will) now to thee, as also to me, be greatly useful; and I have sent him to thee. But thou, as (one) who is my offspring, so receive him. For I would have retained him with me, that he might have served me for thy sake in the bonds of the gospel; but without thy counsel I was not willing to do any thing, that thy goodness might not be as by constraint, but of thy will. But, perhaps, for this he passed away for an hour, that thou mayest hold him for ever; not henceforth as a servant, but as more than a servant, a beloved brother of mine, and how much more of thine, both in the flesh and in our Lord! If then thou art with me a partaker, receive him as mine. And if of any thing he hath deprived thee, or oweth, that reckon unto me. I, Paulos, have written with my hands, I will repay thee; for I will not tell thee that thou owest thyself to me. Yes, my brother, I will be refreshed by thee in our Lord; refresh my bowels in the Meshiha. Because I am confident of thy hearing me, I have written to thee, and I know that more than I have asked thou wilt do. But at once also prepare me a house of lodging, for I hope through your prayers I shall be given to you. Epaphra, a captive with me in Jeshu Meshiha, and Markos, and Aristarkos, and Dema, and Luka, my helpers, ask for your peace. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen.
In manifold portions and in all manners, spake Aloha with our fathers by the prophets from the first: but in these last days he hath spoken with us by his Son; whom he constituted the heir of every thing, and by whom he made the worlds; who himself is the resplendence of his glory, and the image of his Being, and upholdeth all (things) by the power of his word; and he, in his (own) person, hath made purification of sins, and hath sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high . And this (person) is altogether more excellent than the angels, by so much as the name he hath inherited (is) more excellent than theirs. For unto which one from (among) the angels at any time said Aloha, Thou art MY SON; I to-day have begotten thee? And again, I will be to him the Father, and he shall be to me the Son? But again, when bringing in the First-begotten into the world, he said, Let all the angels of Aloha worship him. But concerning the angels, thus hath he spoken: Who hath made his angels spirit, and his ministers a flaming fire. But concerning the Son he hath said, Thy throne, Aloha, (is) for ever and ever, a right sceptre (is) the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hast hated iniquity; therefore Aloha thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of exultation more (abundantly) than thy fellows. And again, Thou in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They pass away, but thou art enduring; and all they as vestments shall become old, and as a garment thou shalt fold them up, they shall be changed; but thou (shalt be) as Thou Art, and thy years shall not fail But to which from (among) the angels hath he said at any time, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine adversaries a footstool beneath thy feet? Are not all they spirits of ministration, who (are) sent forth in service on behalf of those who are hereafter to inherit salvation? Therefore we are obligated to be more exceedingly heedful in what we have heard, that we fall not. For if the word which was uttered by angels was confirmed, and every one who heard it, and transgressed against it, received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we despise those (words) which themselves are our salvation? Those which began by our Lord to be spoken, and by them who from him heard them in us were confirmed, when Aloha witnessed concerning them by signs, and by miracles, and by various powers, and by distributed gifts of the Spirit of Holiness, that were bestowed according to his will. For it was not to the angels he subjected the world which is future, of which we discourse. But, as the scripture testifieth and saith, What is man, that thou rememberedst him, and the Son of man, that thou didst visit him? Thou didst humble him (to be) less than the angels; glory and honour hast thou placed upon his head, and hast empowered him over the work of thy hands, and every thing hast thou put in subjection under his feet. in this, that he subjected every thing to him, he hath left nothing which he hath not subjected. Yet hitherto we see not that every thing is subjected to him. But him who was humbled to be less than the angels, we see to be JESHU himself, for the sake of the passion of his death; and glory and honour set upon his head; for He Aloha, in his grace, for every man hath tasted death! For it was proper to him by whose hand are all, and on account of whom all are, (and who) would lead many sons to his glory, that the Prince of their salvation by sufferings should be perfected. For he who sanctified, and they who are sanctified, are all from one: wherefore he has not been ashamed to call them his brethren. (As) when he saith, I will announce thy name unto my brethren, and in the midst of the church I will praise thee. And again, I will put my confidence in him. And again, Behold me, and the sons whom thou hast given me, Aloha. Forasmuch as the sons have been made to participate in flesh and blood, he also likewise was made a partaker of these very things; that by his death he might abolish him who held the power of death, who is Satana, and set loose them who in the fear of death had been all their lives subjected to servitude. For not from the angels he took, but from the seed of Abraham he took. Therefore it was right that in every thing he should be rendered like unto his brethren, that he might be compassionate, and a High Priest faithful in to Aloha, and become an expiation for the sins of the people. For in this, that he hath suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted. Wherefore, my holy brethren, who have been called with the calling that from heaven, contemplate this Apostle and High Priest of our confession, JESHU MESHIHA! who was faithful to him who made him, as (was) Musha in all his house. For greater is the glory of this (One) by far than (the glory) of Musha, even as the honour of him who built the house is far greater than his building. For every house by some man is builded; but He who built all is Aloha. And Musha, as a servant, was faithful in all his house, for the testimony of those that were to be announced him; but the Meshiha as THE SON over his house: and his house are we, if, unto the end, we shall hold fast our confidence, and the triumph of his hope. Therefore the Spirit of Holiness hath said, to-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts unto the angering of him, as (did) the embitterers, and as the day of temptation in the desert, when your fathers tempted me, and proved (and) saw my works forty years. On which account I was wearied with that generation; and said, It is a people that doth err (in) their heart, and that hath not known my ways. So that I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest. Beware, therefore, my brethren, lest there be in any man among you an evil heart which believeth not, and ye depart from Aloha the living. But examine yourselves all the days, until the day which is called THAT DAY, lest any one of you be hardened by the deceptiveness of sin. For we are made participators with the Meshiha, if, from the beginning and unto the end, in this very standing we steadfastly persist. As that it is said, To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts to provoke him. For who are they who heard and provoked him? Not all they who came out of Metsreen by the hand of Musha. And with whom was he wearied forty years, but with them who sinned, and whose bones fell in the desert? And of whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest, but of them who would not be persuaded? And we see that they were not able to enter in, because they did not believe. Let us fear, therefore, lest, while there is a confirmed promise of an entrance into his rest, any one shall be found among you remaining from entering in. For we have been evangelized as well as they: but the word which they heard did not profit them, because not contempered with faith in them who heard it. But we enter into the rest, we (being of) those (who) have believed. But as He hath said, So I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest: for, behold, the works of Aloha from the beginning of the world were. As he said concerning the shabath, God rested on the seventh day from all his works. Yet here again he saith, They shall not enter into my rest. Therefore, because there was a place into which every one of them might have entered, and they who had it announced first did not enter in, forasmuch as they would not be persuaded; ---moreover, (as) another day he appointeth, after much time; as above it is written, that David hath said, To-day if his voice ye will hear, harden not your hearts; ---but if Jeshu-bar-Nun had established them in rest, he not have spoken afterwards of another day: ---Therefore, yet to enjoy a shabathism is confirmed to the people of Aloha. For he who is entered into his rest hath also reposed himself from his works, as Aloha (did) from his. Let us, therefore, anxiously endeavour to enter into that rest, that we fall not after the manner of those who were not persuaded. For living is the Word of Aloha, and all-acting, and more penetrating than a two-edged sword, and entereth to the separation of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and of the marrow, and the bones, and discerneth the reasonings and counsel of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is concealed from before him; but every thing (is) naked and manifest before his eyes, to whom they shall give account . Therefore having such a great High Priest, Jeshu Meshiha, the Son of Aloha, who hath ascended to heaven, let us persevere in the confession of him. For we have not an high priest who cannot suffer along with our infirmity, but (one) who, tempted in every thing as we, (was) separate from sin. Let us therefore approach with confidence to the throne of his grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace for help in the time of affliction. For every high priest who is from among men, on the behalf of men, standeth over those things which are of Aloha, to offer oblation and sacrifices for sins: and (is one) who can humble himself, and suffer with those who know not and err, since he also himself with infirmity is clothed. And on this account he is obligated as on the behalf of the people, so (also) for himself, to offer up for his sins. Yet no man to himself taketh the honour, but he who is called by Aloha, as of Aharun . Thus also the Meshiha glorified not himself to be a High Priest; but He who said to him, Thou art my Son, I to-day have begotten thee. So, too, in another place he saith, Thou art the Priest for ever, after the likeness of Malki-Zedek. When also with flesh he had been clothed, prayer and supplication, with a powerful cry, and with tears, he offered up unto Him who was able from death to revive him, and was heard. And though he was the Son, yet from the fear and the sufferings which he sustained he learned obedience. And so was he perfected, and became unto all them who obey him the Cause of eternal salvation; and was named by God, The High Priest after the likeness of Malki-Zedek. But concerning this Malki-Zedek himself, we have much discourse to utter, and hard to explain, because ye are infirm in your hearing. For ye ought to be teachers, on account of the time by you in learning; but now ye have need again to be taught those which are the first scriptures of the beginningwords of Aloha; and need have ye for milk, and not for solid food. But every one whose food is milk is not versed in the doctrine of righteousness, because he is a babe. But for the perfect is solid food; those, (namely,) who, because exercised, have trained their senses to distinguish the good and the evil. Wherefore let us leave the beginning of the word of the Meshiha, and let us come unto perfection. Or why again another foundation lay you for repentance from dead works, and for faith which is in Aloha, and for the doctrine of ablution and of imposition of the hand, and for the resurrection from the place of the dead, and for the judgment which is eternal? If the Lord permit, we will do this. But they who once unto baptism have descended, and have tasted the gift which is from heaven, and have received the Spirit of Holiness, and have tasted the good word of Aloha, and the power of the world to come, (and) who again shall sin, cannot again be renewed unto conversion, who would afresh crucify and put to shame the Son of God. For the earth that hath drunk the rain which hath come upon it many times, and shall have brought forth the herb that is useful for them on whose account it is cultured, receiveth blessing from Aloha; but that which shall produce thorns and briers hath reprobation; nor is it far from the curse, but its end is burning. But we are persuaded concerning you, my brethren, those things which are good, and that draw nigh unto salvation, though thus we speak. For not unrighteous is Aloha, that he should forget your works and your charity which ye have manifested in his name, who have ministered unto the saints, and do minister. But we desire that every one of you manifest the same diligence for the full completion of your hope until the end; and that it be not cut off from you, but that ye be imitators of them who by fidelity and patience have become heirs of the promise. For when to Abraham Aloha gave promise, because there was no one greater than himself to swear by, he sware by his own Self, and said, Blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so he waited patiently, and obtained the promise. For men swear by one greater than themselves: and every controversy which occurs among them hath a sure conclusion in the oath. On this account Aloha, willing abundantly to manifest to the heirs of the promise that his engagement is changeless, hath bound it in an oath: that by two things that are not changed, in which it cannot be that Aloha should lie, great consolation should be ours who have fled unto him: and that we may retain the hope that is promised to us, which we have as an anchor that holdeth our soul, that it may not be moved, and entereth within the veil, where Jeshu hath first entered for us, and become the Priest for ever in the likeness of MALKI-ZEDEK. For this Malki-Zedek is king of Sholim, the priest of Aloha the Most High. And he (it was who) met Abraham when he returned from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him. And to him Abraham separated the tenth from every thing which he had with him. Now his name, being expounded, (is,) the King of Righteousness; and again, MalekSholem, which is, King of peace: whose father and mother were not written in the genealogies; neither the beginning of his days, nor the conclusion of his life; but in the likeness (of that) of THE SON OF ALOHA standeth his priesthood for ever. But see how great this (person was,) that Abraham, head of the fathers, gave to him the tenths and the choicest things. For they of the sons of Levi who have received the priesthood, have a commandment of the law to receive tenths from the people, they from their brethren, they also from the loins of Abraham having sprung. But he who is not written in their genealogies took tithes from ABRAHAM, and blessed him who had received the promise. But, without controversy, he who is less is blessed by one who is Greater than himself. And here the sons of men who die receive the tithes; but there he concerning whom the scripture testifieth that he liveth. And as one may say, by the hand of Abraham, even Levi, he who taketh tithes, himself also is tithed. For he was yet in the loins of his father when he met Malki-Zedek. If, therefore, Perfection were to be through the priesthood of the Levoyee, by which the law has been put upon the people, why was there another Priest required, who should arise in the resemblance of Malki-Zedek? For he had said, In the likeness of Aharun he shall be. But as a change hath been made in the priesthood, so is there also a change made in the law. For he concerning whom these things are said was born from another tribe, from which no man hath ministered at the altar. For it is manifest that from Jihuda arose our Lord, from the tribe of whom Musha hath said nothing concerning priesthood. And again: it is more fully known by that which hath said, In the likeness of MalkiZedek ariseth another Priest; who was made not by the law of bodily commandments, but in the power of a life which is indissoluble. For he testifieth concerning him, Thou art a Priest for evermore according to the likeness of Malki-Zedek. But the change which was made in the first institution was on account of its powerlessness, and because profit was not in it. For the law perfected nothing: but instead of it a hope has entered which is more excellent, (and) by which we are brought nigh unto Aloha. And he hath confirmed it unto us in an oath. For they were made priests without an oath; but this with an oath: as he said unto him by the hand of David, The Lord hath sworn and will not lie, that thou art the Priest for ever in the likeness of Malki-Zedek. In all this more excellent is the covenant of (which) Jeshu is the sponsor . There were (moreover) many priests, because they were dying, and were not permitted to remain. But because this (one) standeth for ever, his priesthood passeth not away. And he is able to save for eternity them who approach by him unto Aloha; for he liveth through all time, and offereth up prayers on their behalf. For such an High Priest as this was adequate for us; pure, and without evil, and without spot; who was separate from sins, and exalted higher than heaven. With him there was no necessity daily, like the chief of the priests, that first for his own sins he should offer sacrifices, and then on behalf of the people: for this he did once when in himself he offered. For the law constituted infirm men priests; but the word of the oath, which was subsequent to the law, (hath constituted) THE SON perfect for evermore. But the sum of them all (is)---We have a High Priest who hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven; and who hath become a Minister of the holy place, and of the true tabernacle, which Aloha hath framed, and not man. And every high priest is appointed to offer oblations and victims: hence it was right that this one should also have that which he might offer. But were he upon the earth, he would not be a priest, because there were priests who offered oblations as by the law; they, (namely,) who minister at an emblem and shadow of those (things) that are in heaven. As it was said unto Musha when he made the tabernacle, See and make every thing according to the pattern which was showed to thee in the mountain. But now a ministry which is better than that hath Jeshu Meshiha received, by so much as that covenant of which he is made the Mediator is better, and was given with better promises, than that. For if the first covenant had been faultless, no place had there been for this second. For reprehending them he saith, Behold, the days are coming, saith the Lord, and I will complete with the family of the house of Israel, and with the family of the house of Jihuda, THE NEW COVENANT: not as was that covenant which I gave to their fathers in the day that I took them by their hand, and led them from the land of Metsreen; because they did not persevere in my covenant, therefore I have neglected them, saith the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will give to the family of the house of Israel after these days, saith the Lord: I will in-give my law in their minds, and upon their hearts will I inscribe it; and I will be to them, even I, Aloha, and they shall be unto me the people: and no man shall (have need to) teach the son of his city, nor his brother, and say, Know the Lord; because all shall know me, from the least of them to the eldest of them. And I will purify them from their unrighteousness, and their sins again will I not remember unto them. In that he said, THE NEW, he hath made the former old: and that which is antiquated, and hath grown old, is nigh unto decay. But in the first there were ordinances of ministry, and a worldly sanctuary. For in the first tabernacle that was made there were the candelabrum, and the table, and the presencebread; and this was called the Holy place. But the interior tabernacle, that was within the second veil, was called the Holy of Holies: in it were the incense-vessel of gold, and the ark of the covenant, which was altogether covered with gold; and within it were the golden urn, in which was the manna, and the rod of Aharun that budded, and the tablets of the covenant: and above this the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat. But time there is not to speak upon every one of these which were thus ordained. Now, into the outer sanctuary at all times entered the priests, and fulfilled their offices; but into the tabernacle which was within, one day in the year, alone, entered the high priest, with that blood which he offered for himself and the sins of the people. By this the Spirit of Holiness made known that the way of the holies was not yet manifested, so long as was the standing of the first tabernacle. And this was a figurative representation for the time in which oblations and victims have been offered;-those which have not been able to perfect the consciousness of him who offered them; but (have consisted) in meat and drink only, and in various kinds of baptism, being institutions of the flesh appointed until the time of setting right. But the Meshiha who hath come was a High Priest of good things which he wrought out, and hath entered into the great and perfect tabernacle (which was) not made with hands, nor made from these creatures. Nor entered he with the blood of goats and calves, but with the blood of himself he entered once the holy place, and hath found eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and of calves, and the dust of an heifer, sprinkled upon those who were unclean, sanctifieth them for the purification of their flesh, how much more then shall the blood of the Meshiha, who, by the Eternal Spirit, himself hath offered without spot unto Aloha, purify our conscience from dead works, to serve the Aloha the Living? For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal. For where a covenant is, there is indicated the DEATH of that which made it. For upon death only is it confirmed; because while he who made it lived there is no value in it. Wherefore neither the first without blood was confirmed. For when every precept had been enjoined by Musha to the whole people according to the law, Musha took the blood of the heifer, and water, with the scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled upon the books and upon all the people, and said to them, This is the blood of that covenant which is commanded by Aloha. Also upon the tabernacle and upon all the vessels of the service from it with blood he sprinkled. Because every thing with blood was purified under the law; and without shedding of blood there is no remission. For it was necessary that these which are a type of the heavenlies, with (these) things should be purified; but the heavenlies themselves with sacrifices that are more excellent than they. For not into the sanctuary made with hands hath the Meshiha entered, which is an emblem of the true one, but into heaven itself hath he entered, that he might appear before the face of Aloha for us. Nor that he should offer himself many times, as did the chief of the priests, entering every year into the holy place with blood not his own; otherwise he would have been obligated many times to suffer from the beginning of the world. But now, in the end of the world, once hath he offered himself, that by his sacrifice he might abolish sin. And as it is ordained to the sons of men, that they must once die, and after their death the judgment; so also the Meshiha was once offered, and in his (own) person sacrificed (for) the sins of many; but the second time without sins he appeareth for the salvation of them who expect him. For there was in the law the shadow of good things to come, not the subsistence of the very things, therefore (though) every year the same sacrifices were offered they could never perfect those who offered them. For if they had perfected, they would have ceased afterward from the presentation of them; because the conscience of those who had been once purified by them would not henceforth have been troubled by (such) sins. But in those sacrifices their sins are brought to remembrance every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and of goats to purify (from) sins. Wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith, Sacrifices and oblations thou hast not willed, but with a body hast thou clothed me: and entire burnt-offerings for sins thou hast not required. Then said I, Behold, I come; in the sum of the books it is written concerning me, that I shall do thy will, Aloha. Above he said, Victims, and oblations, and entire burnt-offerings for sin thou hast not willed; those which are offered in the law. And afterwards he said, Behold, I come, that I may do thy will, Aloha. In this he hath done away with the first, that he may establish the second. For by this his will we are sanctified by the offering of the body of Jeshu Meshiha, which was once. For every high priest who stood and ministered every day, offered the same sacrifices, which can never purify (from) sins. But this one sacrifice hath offered for sins, and hath sat down at the right hand of Aloha for ever: waiting from henceforth until his adversaries are set as a footstool beneath his feet. For by one offering he hath perfected those who are sanctified through him for ever. Now the witness unto us is the Spirit of Holiness, when he saith, This is the covenant that I will give to them from after those days, saith the Lord: I will give my law in their minds, and upon their hearts will I inscribe it; and their iniquity and their sins I will not remember against them. BUT WHERE THERE IS REMISSION OF SINS, THERE IS NOT REQUIRED AN OFFERING FOR SINS. We have, therefore, my brethren, confidence to enter the holy place through the blood of Jeshu; and a way of life which he hath now made new to us through the veil, which is his flesh; and we have the High Priest over the house of God. Let us, therefore, draw near with a confirmed heart, and the full security of faith, with our hearts sprinkled and cleansed from an evil conscience, and our body washed with pure waters; and let us persevere in the confession of our hope, and not swerve; for faithful is He who hath promised us. And let us consider one another with incitement to charity and good works. And let us not forsake our congregation, as is the custom with some; but pray one with another; (and) so much the more as ye see that day to be approaching. For if with his will any man shall sin after he hath received the knowledge of the truth, there is not still a victim to be offered for sins; but a fearful judgment to come, and burning fire which devoureth the adversaries. For if he who transgressed the law of Musha, upon the mouth of two or three witnesses, without mercy died; how much greater punishment, think ye, shall he receive who hath trampled upon the Son of Aloha, and hath counted the blood of the covenant of him by which he had been sanctified as that of every man and hath insulted the Spirit of grace? We know him who hath said, Retribution is mine, and I will repay: and again, The Lord shall judge his people. How terrible to fall into the hands of Aloha the Living! Be mindful, therefore, of the first days, those in which ye received baptism; and when ye sustained a great agony of sufferings, with ignominy and affliction; and when ye were made gazing-stocks, and were associated with men who also endured these (things). And it afflicted you on account of them who were bound; and the pillage of your goods with joy ye sustained, as knowing that ye have a possession in heaven, which is better, and passeth not away. Destroy not, therefore, the confidence which you have, for which there is a great reward. But patience is needed by you, that ye may do the will of Aloha, and receive the promise. Because (yet) a little time, and a very little, and He who cometh shall come, and not be slow. But the just by the faith of me shall live; but if he become weary, my soul delighteth not in him. But we are not of the weariness which bringeth to perdition, but of the faith which maketh us to possess our soul. Now FAITH is the persuasion concerning things which are in hope, as if they were in reality, and a revelation of those which are not seen. And for this was the testimony concerning the elders. For by faith we perceive that the worlds were ordained by the word of Aloha, and (how) these (things) which are seen were from those which are not seen. By faith Habel offered a sacrifice which was far better than that of Koen unto Aloha; and because of it there is respecting him a testimony that he was righteous; and Aloha gave witness concerning his oblation; and on account thereof also while dead he is speaking. Through faith Hanak was translated, and did not taste death; nor was he found, because Aloha had translated him: for before that he would translate him, there was respecting him the testimony that he pleased Aloha. But without faith it is not possible for man to please Aloha; for he who draweth near unto Aloha must believe that he is, and that of those who seek him he will be the rewarder. By faith Nuch, when spoken with upon those things which had not been seen, feared, and made him the ark for the salvation of his family; by which he condemned the world, and was an heir of the righteousness which is by faith. By faith Abraham, when he was called, heard that he was to go forth to a place which he should receive for an inheritance; and he went out, while he knew not whither he was going. By faith he was a sojourner in the land that was promised to him, as in an alien state, and dwelt in tabernacles with Ishok and Jakub, sons of the inheritance which was his by the promise: for he was expecting the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Aloha. By faith Saro, who was barren, received strength to conceive seed, and, which (thing) was not in the time of her years, gave birth (to a son); because she was sure that he who had promised to her was faithful. Therefore from one who had failed from old age, were there begotten multitudes as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the shores of the sea, which have no number. In faith died these all, not having gotten their promise, but from afar had beheld it, and exulted in it, and confessed that strangers they were, and sojourners in the earth. For they who these things say, make manifest that their city they are seeking. But if that city from which they had gone out they desired, they had opportunity to return and go to it. But now it is known that a better (one) than that they desired; that (namely) which is in heaven. Wherefore Aloha was not ashamed their God to be called; for he hath prepared for them a city. By faith Abraham offered Ishok in his temptation and his only-born he lifted upon the altar, even him whom he had received by the promise: for it had been said to him, In Ishok shall be called to thee the seed. For he thought within himself, that Aloha could even from the dead upraise: and on account of this in a similitude he was given to him. By faith in that which was to come, Ishok blessed Jakub and Isu. By faith, when dying, Jakub blessed each of the sons of Jauseph; and worshipped upon the head of his staff. By faith Jauseph, when dying, was mindful of the going forth of the sons of Israel, and commanded concerning his bones. By faith the parents of Musha concealed him when he had been born three months, because they saw that he was a beautiful child; and they feared not the edict of the king. By faith Musha, when he became a man, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pherun; and chose to himself to be in affliction with the people of Aloha, and not for a little time to delight (himself) in sin; and considered the riches of the reproach of Meshiha to be far greater than the treasures of Metsreen: for he contemplated the recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Metsreen, and feared not the wrath of the king; and hoped, as one who beheld Aloha who is the invisible. By faith they performed the passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that he might not come near,-he, who was destroying the first-born. By faith they traversed the sea of Sooph, as those who (march) upon dry land; but the Metsroyee were swallowed up in it, when they had dared to enter it. By faith the ramparts of Jirichu fell down, after they had been encompassed seven days. By faith Rachob the harlot perished not with those who would not hearken, because she had received the explorers in peace. What shall I yet say? For (too) brief is the time for me to tell of Gedhun, and of Borok, and of Shemshun, and of Nephtoch, and of David, and of Shomuel, and of the rest of the prophets; they who through faith conquered kingdoms, and wrought righteousness, and received promises, and shut the mouths of lions, and quenched the powers of fire, and were delivered from the edge of the sword, and were made strong from infirmities, and became valiant in battle, and overthrew the camps of the adversaries. And they gave unto women their sons by the resurrection of the dead; and others in torments died, nor hoped to be delivered, that the better resurrection they might have. But others went through mockings and scourgings; others unto chains and imprisonments were given up, others were stoned, others divided, others died by the edge of the sword, others wandered about clothed with skins of sheep and of goats, necessitous, afflicted, and driven out. Men, of whom the world was not worthy, became as wanderers in the desert, and in mountains, and in dens, and in caverns of the earth. And these all, of whom there hath been (such) a testimony concerning their faith, received not the promise; because Aloha had afore contemplated for our help, that without us they should not be made perfect. Wherefore we also, having all these witnesses, who as clouds encompass us, will set ourselves loose from every weight, and the sin which at all time is prepared for us, and with perseverance will we run this race which is appointed to us. And let us look unto Jeshu, who hath become the chief and the perfecter of our faith; who, for the joy that was before him, endured the cross, and unto shame delivered himself, and at the right hand of the throne of Aloha hath sat down. Consider, therefore, how much he endured from sinners who were adversaries to themselves, that ye weary not, nor fail in your souls. Not yet have ye come unto blood in the conflict which is against sin. And ye have forgotten the instruction of him who, as unto children, hath said to you, My son, contemn not the discipline of the Lord, and let not thy soul fail when by him thou art corrected: for whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth, and scourgeth those children in whom he taketh pleasure. Endure, therefore, correction, because Aloha acteth towards you as with children: for who is a son whom his father doth not correct? And if ye be without the correction with which every one is corrected, ye are aliens, and not children. And if (when) the fathers of the flesh have chastised us we have revered them, how much more are we bound to be subject to our spiritual fathers, that we may live? For they, during a little time, as they willed, chastised us; but Aloha for our advantage, that we might partake of his holiness. For all chastisement, in its time, is not considered as joy, but as grief; but, in the end, the fruit of peace and righteousness it giveth unto them who with it have been exercised. Wherefore your relaxed hands and your trembling knees make strong; and right ways make for your feet, that the member which is lame may not wander, but be healed. Follow after peace with every man, and after holiness, without which man our Lord seeth not. And be aware lest any one be found among you failing of the grace of Aloha; or lest any root of bitternesses should put forth the flower and injure you, and many be contaminated: or lest there be found among you any fornicator, or dissolute, as Isu, who for one meal sold his birthright. For ye know, also, that afterward he desired to inherit the blessing, but was rejected; for place for repentance he found not, though with tears he sought it. For ye have not drawn nigh to the burning fire, and to that which may be touched, neither to darknesses, to mist, and to tempest, nor to the voice of the trumpet, and the voice of words, which they who heard withdrew (from), that it might not be additionally spoken to them. For they could not endure that which was commanded. For if an animal should approach to the mountain, it was to be stoned: and so terrible was the sight, that Musha said, I fear and tremble But ye have come nigh unto the Mount of Ziun, and to the city of Aloha the Living, to the Urishlem which is in heaven, and to the congregation of myriads of angels, and to the church of the firstborn (ones) who are written in heaven, and to Aloha the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the just who are perfected, and to Jeshu the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkling of his blood, which speaketh better than that of Habel. Beware, therefore, lest ye be averse from Him who hath spoken with you; for if they escaped not who were averse from one who spake with them on earth, how much less we, if we withdraw from one who hath spoken to us from heaven? Him whose voice moved the earth? But now hath he promised and said, Yet once I will move not only earth, but also heaven. But that which he hath said, ONCE, showeth the (final) changing of these which are moved, because they are made, that those may remain which are immutable. Therefore because we have received the kingdom which is immoveable, let us hold the grace by which we may serve and please Aloha with reverence and with fear: for our God is a devouring fire. Let the love of the brethren continue in you; and kindness to strangers forget not; for in this some who were made worthy, while not perceiving it, have received angels. Remember those who are bound, as if with them ye were bound: be mindful of those who are afflicted, as men (should) who are clothed with flesh. Honourable is marriage among all, and their bed is undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers Aloha judgeth. Let not your mind love money; but let whatever ye have suffice you: for the Lord hath said, I will not abandon thee, nor withhold from thee support . And it is ours to say confidently, My Lord is my helper, I will not fear: what a man do to me? Remember your leaders; those who have spoken to you the word of Aloha: reflect on the consummation of their course, and imitate their faith. Jeshu Meshiha is yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. Unto strange and variable doctrines be not led away; for it is good that with grace we confirm our hearts, and not by meats, because they have not been helped who have walked in them. But we have an altar of which it is not lawful for them to eat who minister in the tabernacle. For those animals, whose blood the high priest took into the sanctuary for sins, had their flesh burned without the camp. On this account Jeshu, that he might sanctify his people by his blood, without the city suffered. Therefore let us also go forth unto him without the camp, being, clothed with his ignominy. For we have no city which is permanent here; but one that is to come we are expecting. By him, therefore, let us offer up at all time unto Aloha the sacrifices of praise, which are the fruits of the lips which give thanks to his name. And forget not compassion and communication to the poor: for with these sacrifices a man pleaseth Aloha. Be persuaded by your leaders, and obey them; for they watch for your souls as men who must render an account of you, that with joy they may do this, and not with groans; for that is not profitable for you. Pray for us; for we are confident we have a good conscience, that in all things we desire to act aright. And more especially I ask from you to do this, that I may be turned to you quickly. But the God of peace, who brought up from the house of the dead the great Shepherd of the flock, by the blood of the eternal covenant, who is Jeshu Meshiha, our Lord, make you perfect in every good work, that ye may do his will, and effect in you whatever is good before him, by Jeshu Meshiha: to him be glory unto the age of ages. Amen. Now I request from you, my brethren, that ye prolong your minds on the word of exhortation; for in a few (words) I have written to you. But know that our brother Timotheos is released; and if he come soon, with him I will see you. Ask for the peace of all your leaders, and of all the saints: they of Italia ask for your peace. Grace be with you all. Amen.
JAKUB, a servant of Aloha and of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, unto the twelve tribes who are dispersed among the nations: Peace. All joy shall be to you, my brethren, when you shall have entered into temptations many and various. For you know that the proving of faith maketh you to possess patience; but to patience let there be a perfect work, that you may be complete and perfected, and in nothing be deficient. If any of you be deficient in wisdom, let him ask of Aloha, who giveth to all expansively, and upbraideth not, and it is given to him. But let him ask in faith, not wavering. For he who wavereth is like the waves of the sea which the wind disturbeth. And let not that man expect to receive any thing from the Lord, who is divided in his mind, and disturbed in all his ways. But let the humble brother glory in his exaltation, and the rich in his humility; for as the flower of an herb, so he passeth. For the sun ariseth in his heat, and drieth the herb, and the flower of it falleth, and the beauty of its appearance perisheth; so also the rich withereth in his reverses. Blessed the man who endureth temptations: for when he hath been proved he shall receive the crown of life, which Aloha hath promised unto them who love him. Let no man say, when he is tempted, From Aloha I am tempted; for Aloha is not tempted with evils, and he no man tempteth. But each man from his concupiscence tempteth himself, and desireth, and is drawn away. And this desire conceiveth and beareth sin; and sin, when it is perfected, beareth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren; every good gift and perfect from above descendeth, from the Father of lights, with whom is no alteration, nor the shadow of vicissitude. He willed, and begat us by the word of truth, that we might be the first-ones of his creatures. And you, my beloved brethren, let every one of you be swift to hear, and slow to speak, and slow to be angry; for the wrath of man the righteousness of Aloha worketh not. Wherefore, remove from you all impurity and the abounding of wickedness, and with meekness receive the word which is engrafted in our nature, which is able to save your souls. BUT be doers of the word, and not hearers only, neither deceive yourselves. For if a man be a hearer of the word and not a doer of it, this (man) is like one who vieweth his face in a mirror; for he seeth himself and passeth, and hath forgotten what (manner of person) he was. But every one who looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he is not a hearer of the hearing of forgetfulness, but a doer of works; and this shall be blessed in his work. And if a man thinketh that he serveth Aloha, and holdeth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, of this man his service is vain. For the service which is pure and true before Aloha the Father, is this, to visit the orphans and widows in their afflictions, and that a man keep himself from the world without blemish. My brethren, do not hold with acceptance of faces the faith of the glory of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For if there come into your congregation a man who hath rings of gold or beautiful vestments, and there come in a poor man in sordid vestments, and you look upon him who clothed in beautiful vestments, and say to him, Sit is here well; and you say to the poor man, Stand thou there, or, Sit thou here before the stool of our feet; behold, are you not divided in yourselves, and become separaters for evil reasons? Listen, my beloved brethren: Hath not Aloha chosen the poor of the world, but rich in faith, to be heirs in that kingdom which Aloha hath promised to them who love him? But you have despised the poor. Behold, are not the rich uprisen against you? and do they not drag you to the house of judgment? Do they not blaspheme against that Good Name which is pronounced upon you? And if the law of Aloha in this you accomplish, as it is written, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, you do well; but if you accept persons, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors against the law. For he who keepeth the whole law, and in one offendeth, of the whole LAW he is guilty. For he who hath said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, is he who hath said, Thou shalt not steal; but if thou do not commit adultery, yet steal, thou hast become a transgressor against the LAW. So speak and so act, as those who by the law of liberty are to be judged. For judgment is to be without mercy, upon him who hath not done mercy. Be you exalted by mercy over judgment. WHAT is the use, my brethren, if a man say, I have faith, and works he hath not? How can his faith save him? And, if a brother or sister be naked, and wanting the food of to-day, and any one of you shall say to them, Go in peace, be warm, and be satisfied, and give them not what is necessary for the body, what (would be) the use? Thus also the faith that hath not works is dead, (being) alone. For a man saith, Thou hast faith, and I have works; show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith from my works. Thou believest that Aloha is one: thou doest well; the demons also believe and tremble. Art thou willing to know, O weak man, that faith without works is dead? Our father Abraham, was he not by works justified, when he offered Ishok his son on the altar? Thou seest that his faith was helpful unto his works; and by works his faith was perfected, and the scripture was accomplished which said, that Abraham believed in Aloha, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness, and the friend of Aloha he was called. Thou seest that by works man is justified, and not by faith alone. So also Rachab the harlot, was she not by works justified when she received the spies, and by another way sent them forth? Thus, as the body without the spirit is dead, so also the faith which is without works is dead. LET there not be many teachers among you, my brethren, but know that a greater condemnation we incur. For (in) many we all offend. Every one who in word offendeth not, this is a perfect man, who is able to make subject also all his body. For, behold, bridles into the mouth of horses we throw that we may make them submissive to us, and their whole body we turn. Also the mighty ships, while the furious winds drive them, by a little wood are turned about to the region which the will of him who guideth doth contemplate. So also the tongue is a small member, and uplifteth itself. A little fire also burneth many forests; and the tongue is a fire, a world of sin, like a forest is the tongue itself among our members; it defileth all of our body, and burneth the course of our generations which run (forward) as a wheel, and kindleth also itself with fire. For every nature of animals, and of birds, and reptiles of the sea, and of the dry land, have been subjected to the human nature; but the tongue no one can subdue; this is an evil not ordered, (and) full of the poison of death. For by it we bless the Lord and the Father, and by it we curse men who in the likeness of Aloha were made; and from the same mouth go forth curses and blessings. My brethren, it is not fit that these should so be done. Can it be that one fountain shall send forth waters sweet and bitter? Or can the fig-tree, my brethren, make olives, or the vines figs? thus also salt waters cannot be made sweet. Who of you is wise and instructed? let him show his works in good conversations in meek wisdom. But if you have bitter envy among yourselves, or contention be in your hearts, be not inflated against the truth, nor lie; because this wisdom from above descendeth not; but is earthly, from the reasonings of the soul, and from demons. For where there are envy and contention, there also are tumult and every thing that is evil. But the wisdom that is from above is pure, and full of peace, and meekness, and obedience, and full of mercies and good fruits, and is without division, and faces accepteth not. But the fruits of righteousness in quietness are sown by them who make peace. From whence are there among you wars and strifes? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members? You desire, and have not; you kill and are emulous, yet it cometh not into your hands; you strive and make wars, and nothing have because you do not ask; you ask and receive not, because you ask wickedly, as that you may cherish your lusts. Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is enmity with Aloha? He, therefore, who willeth to be the friend of this world, hath become the enemy of Aloha. Or do you vainly think that the scripture saith, that In emulation desireth the Spirit who dwelleth in us? But more excellent grace hath our Lord given unto us. Wherefore he saith, Aloha humbleth the proud, and to the humble he giveth grace. BE subject, therefore, unto Aloha; withstand Satana, and he will flee from you; and draw nigh unto Aloha, and he will be nigh you. Purify your hands, sinners, and sanctify your hearts, divided of soul. Be humbled and sorrowful, and let your laughter be turned into grief, and your gladness into anxiety. Be humbled before the Lord, and he will exalt you. Speak not against one another, my brethren; for he who speaketh against his brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against the law, and judgeth the law. And if the law thou judgest, thou art not a doer of the law, but the judge of it. For one is the appointer of the law and the Judge, who can save and destroy. But thou, who art thou, who judgest thy neighbour? But what shall we say of them who say, To-day or tomorrow we will go to this city, or that, and work there one year, and negotiate, and make gain? and they know not what shall be on the morrow: for what is our life, but a vapour which for a little while is seen, and vanisheth and endeth? For instead they should say, If the Lord will, and we live, we will do this or that. They glory in their pride. All glorying such as this is from the Evil. And he who knoweth the good and doeth it not, sin is to him. O rich men, howl and weep for the miseries which are coming upon you. Your riches are corrupt and stink, and your vestments are eaten of the moth, and your gold and your silver rusteth, and the rust of them is for a witness against you, and is to eat your flesh. You have gathered fire for you for the last days! Lo, the hire of the labourers who have reaped your lands, which you have refused, clamoureth, and the cry of the harvests to the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth hath ascended. For you have lived daintily on the earth, and have been wanton, and have nourished your bodies, as for the day of slaughter. You have condemned and have killed the just, and he hath not resisted you. BUT you, my brethren, prolong your spirit until the coming of the Lord; as the husbandman who expecteth the precious fruits of his lands, and prolongeth his spirit for them, until he receive the rain the early and the latter; so also you, prolong your spirit, and your hearts confirm; for the coming of our Lord draweth nigh. Groan not one against another, my brethren, that you be not judged; for, behold, the Judge standeth before the door. The example of the prophets take to you, my brethren, to prolong your spirits in your afflictions, them who have spoken in the name of the Lord. For, behold, we give blessedness to them who have endured. You have heard of the patience of Iob, and the end which the Lord wrought for him you have seen; because that merciful is the Lord and compassionate. But before every thing, my brethren, swear not; by heaven nor by earth, nor with any other oath; but let your word be Yes, yes, and No, no, that you be not bound under condemnation. And if any of you be in affliction, let him pray; and if he rejoice, let him sing; and if he be sick, let him call for the presbyters of the church, and they will pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of our Lord. And the prayer of faith shall make whole him who was sick, and our Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. But confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. For great is the power of that prayer which the righteous prayeth. Elia also was a man of suffering, as we; and he prayed that the rain should not fall upon the earth, and it fell not (for) three years and six months. And again he prayed, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth gave her fruits. my brethren, if any of you shall err from the way of truth, and one shall convert him from his error, let him know, that he who turneth a sinner from the error of his way, saveth his soul from death, and hideth the multitude of his sins.
PETROS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, to the chosen-ones and sojourners who are scattered in Pontos and in Galatia, and in Kapadukia, and in Asia, and in Bithunia: them who are elected by the foreknowledge of Aloha the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, that they might be unto obedience, and unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jeshu Meshiha: grace and peace be multiplied with you. Blessed be Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who by his abundant grace hath begotten us anew through the resurrection of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto the hope of salvation, and to the inheritance which is not corruptible, and not defiled, and not to be consumed, which is prepared for you in heaven, while you are kept by the power of Aloha and through faith, unto the salvation which is prepared to be revealed in the last times; wherein you will rejoice for ever, though in this little time you are afflicted by manifold temptations which pass over you; that the proof of your faith may be seen, which is more precious than gold refined which is proved in fire, unto praise and unto honour and unto glory, at the revelation of Jeshu Meshiha; whom you have not seen and (yet) love, and in whose faith you exult with glorious joy that is not spoken: that you may receive the recompence of your faith, the salvation of your souls. That salvation which the prophets investigated when they prophesied concerning the grace which was to be given unto you, and searched into, what time the Spirit of the Meshiha who dwelt in them showed and testified of the future sufferings of the Meshiha, and his glory which (should be) after them. And all that they searched was revealed to them; for not for themselves they inquired, but to us (and) of us they prophesied those (blessings) which now are revealed to you by them who have preached to you by the Spirit of Holiness which is sent from heaven; for into these themselves the angels also desire to look. Wherefore gird up the loins of your minds, and be fully wakeful, and hope for the joy that cometh to you at the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha; as obedient children, and not partaking again of the former desires which you desired when ignorant. But be holy in all your conversations, as he is holy who calleth you; because it is written, Be ye holy, as I also am holy. And if you call him Father before whom there is no respect of persons, and who judgeth every man according to his works, with fear conduct you in this time of your sojourn; while you know that not with silver which wasteth away, nor with gold, you have been redeemed from your vain works which you received from your fathers, but with the precious blood of the Lamb spotless and unblemished, who is the Meshiha; who was afore-separated for this from before the foundations of the world, and hath been manifested in these last times for you, who by him believe in Aloha, who raised him from the dead, and gave him glory, that your faith and your hope may be in Aloha. Let your souls be sanctified in obedience to the truth, and be filled with the charity which respecteth not persons, that with a pure heart and perfect you may love one another, as men who are regenerated, not by a perishable seed, but by that which is imperishable, by the living word of Aloha which abideth for ever. Because all flesh is grass, and all its beauty as the flower of the field. The grass withereth and the flower drieth up, but the word of our God abideth for ever; and this is that word which is preached unto you. MAKE to cease therefore from you all malice and all guile, and dissimulation, and envy, and slander; and be as (new)-born babes, and be desirous of the word as of milk pure and spiritual, that by it you may increase unto life. If you have tasted and seen how good is the Lord, unto whom you have come, who is the living stone whom men have rejected, yet (who is) chosen and honourable with Aloha. And you also as living stones are builded, and become a spiritual temple, and holy priests to offer sacrifices, which are acceptable before Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha. For it is said in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a stone choice and honourable in the head of the corner: whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed. To you therefore is given this honour, to them who believe: but to them who are disobedient he is a rock of offence, or a stone of stumbling, and they are offended at him in not obeying the word, because to this they are set. But you are a chosen race, who minister as priests to the kingdom, a holy people, a congregation redeemed to announce the praises of him who hath called you from darkness to his transcendant light: those who before were not reputed a people, but now the people of Aloha; upon whom also mercies were not; but now, mercies are poured upon you. MY beloved, I beseech you as strangers and as sojourners, be separate from all the lusts of the body which make wars against the soul. And let your conversation be good before all men; and they who speak against you malicious words shall see your good deeds, and shall glorify Aloha in the day of the probation. And be subject to all men for the sake of Aloha: to kings, on account of their authority; and to judges, because from him they are sent for the punishment of transgressors, and for the commendation of good works. For so is the will of Aloha, that by your comely works you may shut the mouth of fools who know not Aloha. As the sons of liberty, yet not as men who make their liberty a veil for their wickedness, but as the servants of Aloha. Honour all; your brethren love; and Aloha revere; and kings honour. And those servants who are among you, be subject to your masters with reverence; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the hard and the severe. For these are pleasing before Aloha, who, for the sake of a good conscience, endure the afflictions that come upon them unjustly. For they who on account of their offences suffer tribulations, what praise have they? But when you do well and they afflict you, and you endure, then doth your praise become great with Aloha. For unto this have you been called; because the Meshiha also hath died for us, and left us this example, that in his steps we may walk. Who did no sin, nor was guile found in his mouth; who was reviled and reviled not, and suffered and threatened not, but delivered his cause to the Judge of righteousness; and took all our sins and upbore them in his body on the cross; that when dead to sin, in the righteousness of him we might live; for by his stripes you are healed, who had wandered as sheep, and are returned now unto the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. So you also, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that them who have not obeyed the word, by your comely manners without labour you may win, while they see that with reverence and with chastity you conduct yourselves. Neither be adorned with outward adornings of the entwinement of your hair, or necklaces of gold, or of excelling vestments, but adorn yourselves in the hidden man of the heart, with the spirit of gentleness which perisheth not, the ornament of excellence before Aloha. For so also of old the holy women who confided in Aloha adorned themselves, and were subject to their husbands, even as Sara was subject to Abraham, and called him My Lord: of her be you the daughters in good works, not being perturbed by any fear. AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers. But, finally be all unanimous, and suffer with those who suffer, and love one another, and be merciful and gentle; and let no man render evil for evil, nor invective for invective, but, that which is contrary to them, bless: for unto this are you called, that the blessing you may inherit. Who then willeth life, And loveth good days to see? Let him keep his tongue from evil, And his lips that they speak not guile. Let him depart from evil and do good, And seek peace and run after it. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, And his ears, to hear them; And the face of the Lord is against the wicked. And who (is he) who will do you evil if you be emulous of good (actions)? And (yet) if you suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy. And you will not fear them who would make you afraid, nor be shaken. But sanctify in your hearts the Lord Meshiha. AND be prepared to make defence to every one who shall seek of you speech concerning the hope of the faith, with meekness and with seriousness, while you have a good conscience; that as they speak against you as against evil men, they may be made ashamed who have traduced your good conversations in the Meshiha. For it helpeth you (if) while doing goodly works you have to sustain evil, if so it be the will of Aloha, and not while working evils. Because the Meshiha also once died on account of sins, the just on account of sinners, that he might bring us unto Aloha. And dead in the body and alive in the Spirit, he preached unto those souls who were held in sheul, those who before were disobedient in the days of Nuch; while the long-suffering of Aloha commanded that he should make the ark, upon the hope of their conversion, and eight souls only entered therein, and were saved in the waters. After which very type also you are saved in baptism, not while you cleanse the body from filth, but while you make confession of 6 Aloha with a pure conscience, and of the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha; who is exalted unto heaven, and is at the right hand of Aloha, and unto whom are subject angels and authorities and powers. If then the Meshiha hath suffered for you in the flesh, be you also armed in it with the same mind; for every one who dieth in his body hath ceased from all sins, that henceforth to the lusts of men he should not live, what time he is in the body, but to the will of Aloha. For the time which hath passed sufficeth to have served the will of the Gentiles in indulgence, in drunkenness, in vileness, in revellings, and in the service of demons. And, behold, now they wonder and blaspheme at you because you riot not with them in that former indulgence; they who shall give account to Aloha, who will judge the dead and the living. For on this account the dead also have been evangelized; that they might be judged as men in the flesh, and live with Aloha in the Spirit. BUT the end of all cometh; therefore be sober, and watch unto prayer. And before every thing have ardent love for one another; for love covereth a multitude of sins. And be lovers of guests without murmuring. And every man of you the gift which he hath received from Aloha, let him minister thereof unto his neighbours as good stewards of the various grace of Aloha. Whoever shall speak, as the word of Aloha let him speak and whoever ministereth, (he shall minister) as from the power which Aloha giveth to him, that in every thing which you do Aloha may be glorified through Jeshu Meshiha, whose are the glory and honour to the age of ages. Amen. My beloved, be not amazed at the temptations which you have, as that something strange happeneth to you, because for your probation they have been; but rejoice that you are partakers of the sufferings of the Meshiha, that so also at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice and exult. And if you be reviled for the sake of the name of the Meshiha, you are happy; for the Spirit of the glory of Aloha resteth upon you. Only, let no man of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as a doer of evils. But if he suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify Aloha in that very name. For the time is, that judgment shall begin from the house of Aloha. But if from us it begin, what is the end (to be) of them who obey not the gospel of Aloha? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, the wicked and the sinner where shall he be found? Wherefore, let them who suffer according to the will of Aloha commend to him their souls in good works, as unto the Faithful Creator. BUT I entreat of the presbyters who are among you, I, a presbyter, your companion, and a witness of the sufferings of the Meshiha, and a partaker of his glory that is to be revealed; feed the flock of Aloha which is delivered to you, and take care (of it) spiritually, not by constraint, but with the will; not for corrupt gain, but with all your heart; not as lords of the flock, but that you may be to them a goodly example; that when the Chief of pastors shall be revealed, you may receive from him a crown of glory which fadeth not. And you younger, be subject to your presbyters, and be clothed carefully with humility of mind towards one another; because Aloha is against those who exalt themselves, and to the humble he giveth grace. Be humbled, therefore, under the mighty hand of Aloha, that he may exalt you at the right time. And all your anxiety cast upon Aloha, because he is careful over you. Watch, and be mindful, because your adversary Satana, as a lion, roareth and walketh and seeketh whom he may devour. Withstand him then, being confirmed in the faith; and know that upon your brethren also who are in the world, these same sufferings come. But the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jeshu Meshiha, will give to us while we endure these few afflictions to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established in him for ever. To Him be glory and dominion and honour unto the age of ages. Amen. These few, as I consider, I have written to you by the hands of Silvanos, a faithful brother; and I persuade and testify, that this is the true grace of Aloha, this wherein you stand. The elect church which is in Babel, asketh for your peace, and Markos my son. Salute one another with the holy kiss. Peace be with all of you who are in the Meshiha. Amen.
SHEMUN PETROS, a servant of Jeshu Meshiha, to those who by faith the same in preciousness with us have been made equal, through the righteousness of our Lord and our Redeemer Jeshu Meshiha. Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. As He who all (things) which of the divine power are unto life and godliness hath given (us), through the knowledge of Him who hath called us unto the glory of him and of virtue, by annunciations great and precious which he hath given to you, that by them you may be partakers of the divine nature, while you escape the corruption of the lusts which are in the world; So, with this, bringing in all diligence, add to your faith virtue; but to virtue knowledge, but to knowledge perseverance, but to perseverance patience, but to patience godliness, but to godliness brotherly kindness, but to brotherly kindness love. For while these are found with you, and abound, neither slothfulness nor unfruitfulness will stand against you in the knowledge of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. For he with whom these are not found is blind, and seeth not, and hath forgotten the purification of his former sins. Upon this the more, my brethren, be careful, that by your good works your calling and your election you may confirm; for, while you do these, you will never lapse; for so abundantly shall be given to you the entrance of the eternal kingdom of our Lord and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha. Wherefore it doth not weary me to remind you constantly of these, that you may know well, and be established upon this truth. But I consider it right, so long as I am in this body, to stir you up in remembrance: knowing that the decease of my body is shortly (to be,) as also our Lord Jeshu Meshiha hath made me know. But be careful also that (these) you may continually have; that also after my going forth the memorial of them you may observe. For it is not after fables which are made with art that we have gone, in making known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, but as we were spectators of his majesty. For when he received from Aloha the Father honour and glory, while a voice came to him as this, after the glorious beauty of his majesty, This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted; we also this voice heard from heaven, as it came to him when we were with him in the holy mount. We have that which is sure also, the word of prophecy; that into which you do well to look, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the sun arise in your hearts. While this first you know, that every prophecy of the scripture its own solution is not. For not by the will of man came any prophecy, but while by the Holy Spirit led spake the holy men of God. BUT there were false prophets in the world, as also among you there will be false teachers, they who introduce heresies of destruction, and, the Lord who bought them denying, bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many will go after their wickedness; they, on account of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. And with fraudulency of deceptive words will they make merchandise of you; they, whose judgment (denounced) before tarrieth not, and whose destruction doth not sleep. For if Aloha upon the angels who sinned was not lenient, but in chains of darkness shut them in the deeps, and delivered them to be kept to the judgment of pain; and on the former world was not lenient, but Nuch, who was the eighth preacher of righteousness, he preserved, when the deluge came upon the world of the wicked; the cities of Sadum and of Omuro he burned, and with overthrow condemned them, while an example to the wicked who should be he set them; also Lut the righteous, who was bruised with the impure conversation of the lawless, he delivered; -for in sight and in hearing, while (that) just (man) dwelt among them, from day to day, his righteous soul by their lawless works was tortured;- the Lord knoweth how to deliver from affliction them who fear him, but the evil unto the day of judgment to be tormented will he reserve. But most those who after the flesh follow the concupiscence of impurity, and of authority are contemptuous; daring and arrogant, (and) who by greatness are not moved while they blaspheme: whereas angels, who in power and strength are (so much) greater than they, bring not against them a judgment of blasphemy. But these, as the dumb animals, by nature (ordained) to the knife and to destruction, blaspheming what they know not, in their own destruction will be destroyed; while they in whom is iniquity the wages of iniquity shall receive. They repute as pleasure the luxury which is in the day. Blemishes (are they), full of spots, who delighting in their refreshments are luxurious: having eyes full of adultery, and sins which cease not, alluring souls that are not established. An heart have they which is disciplined in covetousness; sons of malediction, who, forsaking the straight way, have erred, and gone in the way of Belam bar Beur, who the wages of iniquity loved. But he had reproof of his transgression; (for) the dumb ass which spake with the voice of man rebuked the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds driven from above, unto whom the blackness of darkness is reserved. For while they speak scoffing words of vanity, they allure with impure desires of the flesh those who almost escaped from them who have their conversation in error. And liberty to them they promise, while they (themselves) are the servants of corruption; for the thing by which a man is overcome, to that he is subject. For if they have escaped from the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, with those very things entangled they are again over-come, their end becomes worse than the beginning. For it had been more tolerable for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, when they knew, to turn backward from the holy commandment delivered to them. But it hath happened to them according to the true proverb, that The dog hath turned unto his vomit; the sow which had washed into the wallow of the mire. Now this, my beloved, the second epistle I write to you; in both of which I awaken to remembrance your fair mind. That you may remember the words which were before spoken by the holy prophets, and the commandments of our Lord and our Saviour (delivered) by the apostles. This first know you, that there will come in the last of the days deriders who will deride, as after their own lusts they walk, and saying, Where is the promise of his advent? for, since our fathers have slept, every thing (abideth) as from the beginning of the creation. Unknown to them is this while they are willing, that the heaven was from of old, and the earth from the waters and through the waters subsisted, by the word of Aloha: those (waters) by which the world that then was, again (was covered) with waters, and perished. But the heaven which is now, and the earth, by his own word are set, being reserved unto fire, unto the day of judgment and the perdition of wicked men. But this one (truth) be not ignorant of, my beloved, That one day with the Lord (is) as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Not dilatory is the Lord in his promises, as some consider delay; but is patient on your account, not willing that any man should perish, but (that) every man to repentance should come. But the day of the Lord cometh as a thief: that (day) in which the heavens suddenly shall pass away, but the elements burning be dissolved, and the earth and the works that are in it be found not. As, therefore, all these are to be dissolved, how behoveth it you to be holy in your conversation, and in the fear of Aloha; expecting and desiring the coming of the day of Aloha; that (day) in which the heavens, tried with fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements burning shall melt? But new heavens and earth, according to his promise, we expect; those wherein righteousness dwelleth. Wherefore, my beloved, while these you expect, be diligent, that, without blemish and without spot, of Him you may be found in peace. And the long-suffering of the Lord consider (to be for) salvation; as also our beloved brother Paulos according to the wisdom which hath been given to him hath written to you. As in all his epistles he speaks concerning these; in which there is somewhat difficult for intelligence. Those who are not knowing nor settled pervert them, as also the remaining scriptures, to their perdition. You therefore, my beloved, knowing this before, keep yourselves, lest, going after the error of those who are lawless, you fall from your support. But increase in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, and (of) Aloha the Father, Whose be glory both now, and in all time, and to the days eternal. Amen.
WE announce to you that which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, and seen with our eyes, have seen, and touched with our hands, that which is the Word of life. And the life was manifested, and we have seen, and testify, and preach to you the eternal life which was with the Father, and was manifested to us. And what we have seen and heard, we make known also to you, that you may have communion with us; and our communion is with the Father, and with his Son Jeshu the Meshiha. And these write we unto you, that our joy which is in you may be complete. And this is the annunciation which we have heard from him, and announce to you, that Aloha is light, and in him is no darkness at all. And if we say that we have communion with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and in the truth do not proceed; but if in the light we walk, as He is in the light, we have communion with one another, and the blood of Jeshu his Son cleanseth us from all our sins. And if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And if we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. My sons, these write I to you, that you sin not. And if a man shall sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jeshu Meshiha, the Just; for he is the propitiation for our sins, and not on behalf of ours only, but also on behalf of the whole world. And by this we feel that we know him, if we keep his commandments. For he who saith that he knoweth him, and his commandments keepeth not, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But he who keepeth his word, in him is perfected truly the love of Aloha; for by this we know that we are in him. He who saith, I am in him, ought according to his walkings to walk. MY beloved, a new commandment I write not to you, but the old commandment, that which was with you from the beginning; but the old commandment is the word which you have heard. Again, a new commandment I write to you, that which is true in him and in you; because the darkness hath passed, and the true light beginneth to appear. Whoever saith, then, that he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness until now. He who loveth his brother, in the light abideth, and offence is not in him. He who hateth his brother is in darkness, and in the darkness walketh, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness itself hath blinded his eyes. I write to you, sons, because forgiven to you are your sins for the sake of his name. I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who hath been from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked. I have written to you, children, because you have known the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you have known Him who (hath been) from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of Aloha remaineth in you, and you have overcome the wicked. Love not the world, nor any thing which is in it; for whoever loveth the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For every thing that is in the world, is the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world. These which are not of the Father, but they are from the world itself. And the world passeth, (both) it and its lusts; but he who doeth the will of Aloha, continueth for ever. my sons, it is the last time: and as you have heard, the false meshiha cometh; and now there are many false meshihas, and from this we know that it is the last time. From us they went forth, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, with us would they have remained. But they went forth from us, that it might be known that they were not of us. And you have an anointing from the Holy, and you discern every man. I have not written to you because you know not the truth, but you know it, and that no lie is of it, of the truth. Who is a liar, if not he who denieth that Jeshu is the Meshiha? and this (one) is a false meshiha. He who denieth the Father, denieth also the Son; and he who denieth the Son, disbelieveth also the Father. Whoso confesseth the Son, the Father also confesseth. And you, what you have heard from the first, let it continue with you. For, if what you have heard from the first continue with you, you also will continue in the Father and in the Son. And this is the promise which he promised to us, eternal life. But these I have written to you, because of those who would seduce you. And you, also, if the anointing continue with you which you have received from him, have not need that a man should teach you; but as the anointing that is from Aloha itself teacheth you concerning every thing, and is true, neither is falsity in it; and as it hath taught you, continue in it. And now, my sons, continue in him: that when he is manifested we may not he confounded of him, but we may have confidence at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, know also that every one who doeth righteousness is of him. And see how great is the love of the Father toward us, that sons he hath called us, and also made us! Therefore the world doth not know us, because that it hath also not known him. MY beloved, now are we the sons of Aloha; and it is not manifest, as yet, what we are to become, but we know, that when he is manifested, in his likeness we are and see him, according to that which he is. And every one who hath in him this hope, purifieth himself, as He is pure. But whoever committeth sin doeth iniquity; for all sin is iniquity. And you know that he was manifested to bear our sins, and sin in him is not. And every one who in him abideth, sinneth not. And every one who sinneth, hath not seen him, nor known him. My sons, let no man deceive you: he who worketh righteousness is righteous, as also the Meshiha himself is righteous. And he who doeth sin is of Satana, because that from the commencement Satana was a sinner. And for this cause did the Son of Aloha appear, that he might destroy the works of Satana. Every one who is born of Aloha, sin doth not work, because that his seed is in him, and he cannot sin, because of Aloha he is born. In this are distinguished the sons of Aloha from the sons of Satana; every one who doeth not righteousness, nor loveth his brother, is not of Aloha. For this is the commandment which you have heard from before, that you love one another. Not as Koen, who was from the Evil, and killed his brother. And on what account killed he him? unless that his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. Do not wonder, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know that we have passed from death unto life, by this, that we love our brethren. He who loveth not his brother, in death continueth. For every one who hateth his brother is a man-killer; and we know that in no man-killer can abide the life which is eternal. In this we know His love toward us, that he gave himself for us; (so) also it is right for us for the sake of our brethren to give ourselves. And he who hath the possession of the world, and shall see his brother that he needeth, and shall shut his compassions from him, how is there in him the love of Aloha? My sons, let us not love one another in words and in tongue, but in works and in truth. And by this we make known that we are of the truth, and before that he cometh we make confident our hearts. And if our heart condemn us, how much (more) Aloha, who is greater than our heart, and knoweth every thing! My beloved, if our heart condemn us not, we have openness of face before Aloha. And whatever we ask, we shall receive from him, because we keep his commandments, and do the things which are beautiful before him. And this is his commandment, That we believe in the name of his Son Jeshu Meshiha, and love one another, as he hath commanded us. And he who keepeth his commandments, is kept by him, and he dwelleth in him: and by this we perceive that he dwelleth in us, by his Spirit whom he hath given to us. MY beloved, believe not all spirits, but discern the spirits whether they be from Aloha; because many false prophets have gone forth into the world. By this we know the Spirit of Aloha: Every spirit who confesseth that Jeshu Meshiha hath come in the flesh, is from Aloha. And every spirit who confesseth not that Jeshu hath come in the flesh, is not from Aloha: but this is from that false meshiha, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and now is in the world already. But you of Aloha are the children, and have overcome them; because greater is he who is with you, than he who is in the world. And these are of the world, therefore the world heareth them. But we are of Aloha; and he who knoweth Aloha heareth us; and he who is not of Aloha heareth us not. In this itself we perceive the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. my beloved, let us love one another, because love is of Aloha; and every one who loveth from Aloha is born, and knoweth Aloha. For Aloha is Love; and every one who loveth not, knoweth not Aloha. In this was made known the love of Aloha towards us, that Aloha sent his only Son into the world that we might live by him. In this is love: it was not that we had loved Aloha, but that Aloha himself loved us, and sent his Son a propitiation for our sins. MY beloved, if Aloha so hath loved us, we also are indebted to love one another. Aloha no man hath seen but if we love one another, Aloha in us abideth, and his love is fulfilled in us. And by this we know that in him we abide, and he abideth in us, because of his Spirit he hath given us. And we have seen and we testify that the Father hath sent his Son, the Redeemer of the world. Whosoever confesseth Jeshu that he is the Son of Aloha, in him Aloha abideth, and he abideth in Aloha. And we have believed and known the love which Aloha hath toward us; for Aloha is Love. And every one who abideth in love in Aloha abideth. And in this is his love perfected with us, that openness of face we might have in the day of judgment; because that as He was, so also we are in this world. Fear in love is not: but perfect love hath cast out fear, because fear is in terror. He who feareth is not perfect in love. We then will love Aloha, because he hath first loved us. But if one shall say, I love Aloha, and his brother he hateth, he is a liar. For he who his brother whom he hath seen loveth not, how can he love Aloha himself whom he hath not seen? And this commandment we have received from him, That every one who loveth Aloha shall love also his brother. WHOSOEVER believeth that Jeshu is the Meshiha of Aloha is born. And every one who loveth the Generator loveth also him who is generated of him. And by this we know that we love the children of Aloha, when we love Aloha, and work his commandments. For this is the love of Aloha, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not heavy. Because every one who is born of Aloha overcometh the world: and this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith. For who (is he) that overcometh the world, but he who believeth that Jeshu is the Son of Aloha? This is he who came by water and blood, Jeshu the Meshiha: it was not by water only, but by water and blood; and the Spirit testifieth, because the Spirit himself is truth. And there are three that testify, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and these three are in one. If the testimony of men we receive, how much greater is the testimony of Aloha? and this is the testimony which Aloha hath testified concerning his Son. Whosoever believeth in the Son of Aloha hath this testimony in himself. Every one who believeth not Aloha hath made him a liar, in not believing the testimony that he hath testified concerning his Son. And this is the testimony, That the life which is eternal, Aloha hath given to us, and this life is in his Son. Every one who apprehendeth the Son, apprehendeth also life; and every one who apprehendeth not the Son of Aloha, hath not life. These I have written to you, that you may know that you have the life which is eternal, who believe in the name of the Son of Aloha. And this is the assurance that we have toward him, that all that we ask of him according to his will, he heareth us. And if we are persuaded that he heareth us concerning what we ask from him, we are confident of receiving already the requests that we ask from him. if a man shall see his brother sin a sin not obnoxious to the death, he shall ask, and life be given to him, to those who sin not as unto the death. For there is the sin of death;-it is not concerning this I say that a man shall pray. For all iniquity is sin; and there is sin which is not of death. And we know that every one who is born of Aloha sinneth not. For he who is born of Aloha keepeth himself, and the Evil doth not approach him. We know that we are of Aloha, and the whole world in the Evil is lying. And we know that the Son of Aloha hath come, and hath given us knowledge to know the truth, and to be in him in the truth, in his Son Jeshu the Meshiha. This is Aloha the true, and the life which is eternal. My sons, keep yourselves from the service of idols.
THE presbyter to the elect Kuria and to her sons, whom I love in truth, nor I only, but all they who know the truth, on account of the truth which abideth in us, and is with us for ever; Grace be with you and mercy and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from Jeshu Meshiha the Son of the Father, in truth and in love. I have rejoiced much to have found of thy sons who walk in the truth, after the commandment we have received from the Father. And now I entreat thee, Kuria,-no new commandment writing to thee, but that which we have had from the beginning,-that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk according to the commandment; this commandment is according to that which you have heard from the beginning, that in it we should walk. Because many deceivers are come out into the world who confess not that Jeshu Meshiha came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and antichrist. Be watchful of yourselves, that not any thing perish which you have wrought; but (that with) a complete reward you may be recompensed. Every one who transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of the Meshiha, hath not Aloha. He who abideth in his doctrine, this hath both the Father and the Son. If any one come to you, and this doctrine bring not, receive him not into the house, and "Joy to you," and " Farewell," say not to him. For he who saith to him, " Farewell," becometh a participator of his evil deeds. Though I have many things to write to you, I will not with parchment and ink; but I hope to come to you, and mouth with mouth to speak, that our joy may be complete. The sons of thy elect sister ask your peace. Grace be with you. Amen.
THE presbyter unto Gaios my beloved, whom I love in truth. Our beloved, in all things I pray for thee, that thou mayest prosper and be healthful, even as thy soul prospereth. For I have rejoiced greatly when the brethren have come, and have testified concerning thy integrity, even as in the truth thou walkest. And greater joy than this I have not (than) when I hear that my sons walk in the truth. Our beloved, in faithfulness thou performest what thou doest unto the brethren, and especially to those who are strangers, who have testified of thy charity, before all the church, to whom thou hast done well according to that which is worthy of Aloha. For after his name they went forth, taking nothing from the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be helpers of the truth. I would have written to the church; but he who loveth to be foremost of you, Diotrapas, receiveth us not. On account of this, if I come, I will remember the works which he doeth, who words of evil maketh concerning us; and these not satisfying him, he hath not received the brethren, and those who receive he forbiddeth, and also expelleth from the church. Our beloved, be not imitative of the evil, but of the good. He who doeth good is of Aloha, and he who doeth evil hath not seen Aloha. Concerning Demetrios is a testimony from every man, and from the church, and from the truth itself. But we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. I have many things which I would write to thee, but I will not with ink and reed write to thee. But I hope that soon I shall see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak. Peace be with thee. The friends ask thy peace. Ask the peace of the friends each by his name.
JIHUDA, servant of Jeshu Meshiha, but brother of Jakub, to the called people, who are beloved of Aloha the Father, (and) in Jeshu Meshiha preserved: Mercy and peace in love be multiplied unto you. My beloved, while giving all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, it is needful for me to write to you, exhorting you (in particular) to do battle for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. For certain men have obtained entrance, who from the beginning were proscribed in this condemnation; depraved men, who the grace of Aloha turn unto lasciviousness, and him who is the only Lord GOD, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, deny. But I will to remind you, though all of you know, that Aloha, when once the people from Metsreen he had redeemed, yet afterward destroyed them who believed not. And the angels who kept not their primacy, but left their habitation, unto the judgment of the great day in chains unknown, under darkness, he hath kept. As Sadum and Omuro, and the cities which were around them, which in manner of them committed fornication, and went after other flesh, are lying under everlasting fire, condemned unto judgment. In this manner also (will perish) those who, in sleep imagining, defile the flesh, but contemn government, and blaspheme majesty. Yet Mikael, chief of angels, when, with the accuser speaking, he contended on account of the body of Musha, dared not bring against him a reviling judgment, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. But these the things which they know not revile; but through those by which naturally as the beasts they are swayed, they are corrupted. Woe to them; for in the way of Koen they have gone, and after the error of Belam for gain they have burned, and in the rebellion of Kurach they have perished. These are they who, in their recreations contaminating, behave wantonly, feeding themselves without reverence; clouds without rain, roaming with the winds; trees whose fruit withereth, and which are unfruitful, twice dead, and uplifted from their root; turbulent waves of the sea, which, by their foaming, manifest their shame; erring stars, unto whom the blackness of darkness that is eternal is reserved. But Hanuk also, who was the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh, with myriads of his saints, To execute judgment upon all; And to convict all the wicked for all their deeds Which they have wickedly done; And for all those obdurate words Which ungodly sinners have spoken. These are they who murmur and complain of every thing, while walking according to their own desires; their mouth speaking portentous things, and extolling persons for the sake of gain. But you, my beloved, remember those words which before were spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who told you that in the last times there would be those who scoff, who according to their own desires go after wickedness. These are they who separate;-animals, in whom the Spirit is not. But you, my beloved, in your holy faith be edified anew, praying in the Holy Spirit, ourselves in the love of Aloha to keep, while looking for the mercy of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto our eternal salvation. And some of them snatch from the fire. But when they repent, have compassion on them, with fear, hating even the tunic which by the flesh is contaminated. But to him who is able to keep you without falling and without spot, and to establish you without blemish, Aloha our only Saviour by Jeshu Meshiha our Lord, before his majesty with joy, Be glory, and dominion, and honour, and grandeur, both now and in all ages. Amen.
THE Revelation of Jeshu Meshiha, which Aloha gave unto him, to show unto his servants the things which must be done speedily; and which he made known, sending by his angel unto his servant Juhanon, who attested the word of Aloha and the testimony of Jeshu Meshiha, and all which he beheld. Blessed is he who readeth, and they who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those which are written therein; for the time hath approached. Juhanon to the seven churches which are in Asia: grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who cometh; from the seven Spirits who are before his throne; and from Jeshu Meshiha who is the faithful Witness, the First-born of the dead, and Head of the kings of the earth, who hath loved us, and released us from our sins by his blood, and hath made us a priestly kingdom unto Aloha and his Father; to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Behold, he cometh with clouds, and all eyes shall see him, and they also who transfixed him; and for him shall mourn all the tribes of the earth. Yes, Amen! I am Olaph and Thau, saith Aloha the Lord, who is, and who was, and who cometh, the Omnipotent. I, Juhanon your brother, and your fellow-sharer in the affliction, and in the patience, which are in Jeshu Meshiha, was in the island which is called Pathamon, for the word of Aloha and for the testimony of Jeshu Meshiha. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day; and I heard behind me a great voice as a trumpet, saying, What thou seest, write in a book; and send to the seven churches, at Ephesos, and at Smurna, and at Pergamos, and at Thiatira, and at Sardis, and at Philidaphia, and at Laodikia. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me; and being turned, I saw seven candlesticks of gold. And in the midst of the candlesticks (one) who was like the Son of man, clothed to the foot, and girded about his paps with a circlet of gold. But his head and hair were white as wool, white as snow; and his eyes (were) as a flame of fire, and his feet were like refined brass, which flamed as in a furnace, and his voice as the voice of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars; and from his mouth a sharp sword of two edges went forth; and his countenance was as the sun shining in his strength. And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid upon me his right hand, saying, Fear not: I am the First and the Last; and who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever and ever. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of Sheul. Write, then, what thou hast seen; and those which are, and those which are to be after them. (This is) the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and of the seven candlesticks of gold: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven candlesticks are the seven churches. To the angel of the church which is in Ephesos, write: These saith the Holder of all, and of the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven candlesticks of gold. I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and (that) thou canst not bear evils; and hast tried those who say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars. And thou hast patience, and hast laboured on account of my name, and hast not fainted. But I have against thee, because thy first love thou hast forsaken. Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works. But if not, I will come to thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick from its place, if thou convert not. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nikolitu, which also I (hate). He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him who overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of my God. And to the angel of the church which is in Smurna, write: These saith the First and the Last, who was dead, and liveth. I know thy works, and affliction, and poverty, but thou art rich; and the blasphemy of them who say of themselves that they are Jihudoyee, and are not, but the synagogue of Satana. Fear not any thing of those that thou art to suffer; for, behold, it will be that the accuser will cast some of you into prison, so that you may be tried; and you will have affliction ten days. Be faithful unto the death, and I will give thee the crown of life. He who hath ears, let him hear what saith the Spirit to the churches. He who overcometh shall not be injured by the second death. And to the angel of the church which is in Pergamos, write: These saith he who hath the sharp sword with two edges. I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, where (is) the throne of Satana; and thou hast held my name, and not denied my faith in those days when my witness was exposed, my faithful one, who was killed with you where dwelleth Satana. But I have against thee a little, because thou hast there those who hold the doctrine of Belam, who taught Balok to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat that which the sons of idols (eat), and to commit fornication. So hast thou who hold the doctrine of the Nikolitu: of it, in like (manner), repent; and if not, I will come to thee quickly, and will war against them with the sword of my mouth. He who hath ears, let him hear what saith the Spirit to the churches. To him who overcometh will I give to eat of the manna which is hidden; and I will give to him the white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth but he who receiveth. And to the angel and church which is in Thiatiros, write: These saith the Son of Aloha, who hath his eyes as the flame of fire, and his feet like refined brass. I know thy works, and thy love and faith and service; and also thy patience, and thy last works to be greater than the first. But I have against thee that thou permittest thy wife Izabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat what the sons of idols (eat). And I gave her time when she might convert, and she willed not to repent of her fornication. Behold, I cast her into a bed, and those who have committed adultery with her into great affliction, if they repent not of their works. And her sons will I kill with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he who searcheth the reins and the hearts: and I will give to you every one according to your works. But to you I say, to those of the rest who are in Thiatiros, all them who have not this doctrine, the men who know not the depths Of Satana, as they speak; I will not throw upon you another burden; but that which you have, hold, until I come. And he who conquereth, and he who keepeth until the end my works, I will give to him power over the peoples, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and as a vessel of the potter shall they be destroyed, as also I have received from my Father; and I will give to him the morning star. He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. AND to the angel who is in Sardis write: These saith he who hath the seven Spirits of Aloha, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that a name thou hast that thou livest, and thou art dead. Awake, and keep those things which remain, which are about to die; for I have not found thy works complete before my God. Remember then how thou hast received, and hearken, and keep, and repent. And if then thou wilt not awake, I will come against thee as the thief, and thou shalt not know in what hour I come against thee. But thou hast a few names in Sardis who have not defiled their vestments; and they shall walk with me in white, because they are worthy. He who overcometh shall be clothed in white vestments, and I will not blot their name from the book of life; and I will confess their name before my Father, and before his angels. He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. And to the angel of the church which is in Philadelphia write: These saith the Holy, the True, who hath the key of David; who openeth and no man shutteth, and who shutteth and no man openeth. I know thy works; and, behold, I have given before thee an open door, which no man can shut; because thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will give of the synagogue of Satana, who say that they are Jihudoyee, and are not, but lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and they shall know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which is to come upon all the habitable world, to try them who dwell upon the earth. I come quickly. Hold that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him who overcometh I will make a column in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more; and I will write upon him the name of my God, and of Urishlem the new, which descendeth from heaven from my God, and my new name. He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. And to the angel of the church which is in Ladikia write: These saith the Amen, the Witness, the faithful, the true, the Head of the creation of Aloha. I know thy works, that thou art neither hot nor cold. Would that thou wast cold or hot! So, because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit thee from my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and have become opulent, and of nothing have need; and knowest not that thou art infirm, and miserable, and needy, and blind, and naked; I counsel thee to buy of me gold, proved by fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and the shame of thy nakedness be not seen; and lave with collyrium thine eyes, that thou mayest see. All those whom I love, I reprove and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will enter unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me. And to him who overcometh I will give to sit with me upon my throne, as also I have overcome, and have sat with my Father in his throne. He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. AFTER these I saw, and, behold, a door (was) open in heaven. And the first voice that I had heard as a trumpet talking with me, said, Come up hither, and I will make thee see the (things) which must be after these. At once I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne placed in heaven, and upon the throne (One) sat. And he who sat was like to the appearance of the stone of jaspon, and of sardion; and the bow of the clouds was around the throne, in resemblance to the appearance of zmragda. Around the throne were seats twenty and four; and upon those seats twenty and four presbyters sitting, who were robed in white vestments, and upon their heads wore coronets of gold. And from the throne went forth lightnings and the voice of thunders. And there were seven lamps of fire which burned before His throne, which are the seven Spirits of Aloha. And before the throne was a sea of brightness like chrystalos; and in the midst of the throne, and around it, and before the throne, four living-ones, who were full of eyes before and behind. And the first living-one was like the lion, and the second living-one was like the calf, and the third living-one had a face as a man, and the fourth living-one was like the eagle which flieth. And these four living-ones, each of them, had six wings round about; and within were full of eyes; and they rest not day and night from saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who wast, and art, and art to come. And when those living-ones give glory and honour and thanks unto Him who sitteth upon the throne, to Him who liveth for ever and ever, the four and twenty presbyters fell before Him who sitteth upon the throne, and worshipped Him who liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Worthy art thou, O Lord, And our God the Holy One, To receive glory and honour and power; For thou hast created all, And by thy hand they are, And through thy will they were and are created. AND I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a writing which was written within and on the back, and sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel who proclaimed with a great voice: Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no one was able, in heaven above, nor upon earth, nor under the earth, to open the book, or to inspect it. And I wept much, because no one could be found who was worthy to open the book, or to inspect it. And one of the presbyters said to me, Weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Jihuda, who is the root of David, hath prevailed. He will open the book and the seven seal thereof. And I saw, in the midst of the presbyters, a Lamb standing, as slain, who had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of Aloha, which are sent forth to all the earth. And he came and took the book from the right hand of him who sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four living-ones and the twenty and four presbyters fell down before the Lamb, having each of them an harp, and vials of gold full of perfumes, which are the prayers of the saints. And they hymned a new hymn, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, And to open the seals thereof; Because thou wast slain, And hast redeemed us to Aloha by thy blood, From every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And thou hast made them to our God kings and priests, And reigning upon the earth. And I saw and heard as the voice of many angels around the throne, and the living-ones, and the presbyters, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, which said with a great voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, To receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, And honour, and glory, and blessing, And every creature which is in heaven, and on earth, And under the earth, and in the sea, And all them which are therein. And I heard him who sat upon the throne saying: To the Lamb let there be given blessing, and honour, and glory, and praise, and dominion, for ever and ever. And the four living-ones said, Amen! And the presbyters fell, and worshipped. AND I saw, when the Lamb had opened one of the SEVEN SEALS. And I heard one of the four living-ones speaking as the voice of thunder, Come, and see! And I looked: and there was a white horse; and he who sat upon him had a bow, and there was given to him a crown; and he went forth conquering, so that he might conquer. And when he had opened the SECOND SEAL, I heard the second living-one, who said, Come! And there went out another horse (which was) red; and to him who sat upon him was given to take peace from the earth, and thus that one another they should kill; and there was given to him a great sword. And when he had opened the THIRD SEAL, I heard the third living one, saying, Come, and see! And I saw, and, behold, a black horse, and he who sat upon him had a balance in his hand. And I heard a voice from the midst of the four living-ones, saying, A choenix of wheat for a dinar; And three choenices of barley for a dinar; And the oil and the wine hurt not. And when he had opened the FOURTH SEAL, I heard the fourth living-one, saying, Come, and see! And I saw a green horse, and he who sat upon him had the name of Death, and Shiul followed after him. And there was given to him power over the fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with death, and with the toothed beast of the earth. And when he had opened the FIFTH SEAL, I saw under the altar the souls of them who had been killed for the word of Aloha, and for the testimony of the Lamb, which had been theirs. And they cried with a great voice, saying, Until when, O Lord, holy (and) true, Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood On those who dwell upon the earth? And there was given to each of them the white robe; and it was told them, that they should rest yet a little time, until should be completed their fellow-servants, their brethren who would be killed as also they. And I saw when he opened the SIXTH SEAL, there was a great movement; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and all the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as the fig-tree casteth her figs, when from a great wind she is shaken. And the heavens were sundered as a book that is rolled, and all the mountains and islands from their places were moved; and the kings of the earth and great ones, and the chiefs of thousands, and the rich and the mighty ones, and every servant, and every freeman, hid them in the caverns, and in the rocks of the mountains, saying to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand? AND after these, I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the winds should not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor upon the trees. And I saw another angel, and he ascended from the rising of the sun; who had the seal of Aloha the Living. And he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it had been given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, neither the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads. And I heard the number of them who were sealed, an hundred and forty and four thousands, sealed of every tribe of Israel: of the tribe of Jihuda, twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Rubill, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Ashir, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Naphtoli, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Manasha, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Shemun, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Isokar, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Zabolon, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Jauseph, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Benjomin, twelve thousand After these I saw, and, behold, a great assembly, which to number no man was able, from all people and nations and tribes and tongues, were standing before the throne and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and with palms in their hands; and, crying with a great voice, said, Salvation to our God! To him who sitteth on the throne, And to the Lamb! And all the angels stood around the throne, and the presbyters, and the four living-ones; and they fell before his throne upon their faces, and worshipped Aloha, saying, Amen. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, And honour, and might, and power, To our God, for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the presbyters answered and said to me: These, who are arrayed in white robes, who are they? and from whence do they come? And I said to him, My lord, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they who have come from great affliction, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. On account of this they are before the throne of Aloha, and minister to him day and night in his temple. And he who sitteth upon the throne will protect them. They will not hunger or thirst again, nor will the sun come down upon them, nor any heat; for it is the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne who will feed them, and will lead them unto fountains of living waters, and Aloha will wipe away every tear from their eyes. AND when he had opened the SEVENTH SEAL, silence was in heaven, as the dividing of an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stood before Aloha, and there were given to them SEVEN TRUMPETS. And another angel came, and stood at the altar, and he had a censer of gold, and many perfumes were given to him, which he should give with the prayers of all saints upon the altar of gold that is before the throne; and the cloud of the perfumes of the prayers of the saints ascended from the hand of the angel before Aloha. And the angel took the censer, and filled it from the fire of the altar, and cast forth upon the earth. And there were thunders, and lightnings, and voices, and movement. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared them to sound. And the First sounded. And there was hail, and fire mingled with the waters, and they were cast upon the earth; and the third of the earth burned, and the third of the trees burned, and every green herb burned. And the Second angel sounded. And as a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third of the sea also became blood. And the third of all creatures which were in the sea, which had lives, died, and the third of the ships were destroyed. And the Third angel sounded. And there fell from heaven a star burning as a lamp, and it fell upon the third of the rivers, and upon fountains of waters. And the name of the star is called Aphsinthos; and the third of the waters became bitterness, and many men died from the waters because they were bitter. And the Fourth angel sounded. And the third of the sun was absorbed, and the third of the moon, and the third of the stars, as that the third of them should be darkened; and they were darkened, and the day shone not a third of it, and the night, in like manner. And I beheld, and heard an eagle, flying in the midst, having a tail of blood, saying with a great voice, Woe, woe, to those who dwell upon earth, from the voice of the rest of the trumpets of the three angels which are about to sound! AND the Fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star which fell from heaven unto the earth and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke ascended from the pit, as the smoke of a burning furnace; and the sun was darkened, and the air, from the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke came forth locusts upon the earth. And there was given to them power such as scorpions have upon the earth. And it was told them, that they should not hurt the herbage of the earth, nor any green (thing), nor any tree, but only those men who had not the seal of Aloha upon their foreheads. And it was given them, that they should not kill them, but torture them five months. And their torture was as the torture of a scorpion when he striketh a man. And in those days men shall seek death, and shall not find; and shall desire to die, and death will flee from them. And the likeness of those locusts (was this): they resemble the appearance of horses prepared for battle. And upon their heads (was) a crown of the likeness of gold; and their faces (were) as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as of lions; and they had breast-plates as breast-plates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of the chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like those of scorpions, and stings; and in their tails they have power to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, the angel of the abyss, and his name in Hebrew is Abadon; but in Javanith his name is Apolon. One woe hath gone. Behold, two woes yet come after it. And the Sixth angel sounded. And I heard one voice from the horns of the altar of gold which was before Aloha, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, Release the four angels which are bound in the great river Phraat. And the four angels were released, they who were prepared for an hour, and for a day, and for a month, and for a year, to kill the third (part) of men. And the number of the host of the horsemen was two myriads of myriads. I heard the number of them. And as I beheld those horses in the vision, and those who sat upon them, (I saw that) they had breast-plates of fire, and jacinth, and sulphur; and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions, and from their mouths went out fire, and smoke, and sulphur. And by these three plagues were the third of men killed; from the fire, and from the smoke, and from the sulphur which went out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouth and in their tails: for their tails were like serpents which had heads, and with them they wound. And the rest of men who were not killed by those plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear; nor repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their robberies. AND I saw another mighty angel descending from heaven, clothed (with a) cloud, and the bow of the cloud (was) upon his head; and his countenance was as the sun, and his feet as columns of fire. And he had in his hand an open book; and he set his right foot upon the sea, but the left upon the land, and cried with a great voice, as the roar of a lion. And when he had cried, seven thunders spoke their voices. And when those seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write. And I heard a voice from heaven, which said, Seal those (things) which the seven thunders have spoken, and write them not. And the angel whom I saw standing upon the sea and upon the land, lifted his right hand to heaven, and sware by Him who liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven and those who are in it, and the earth and those that are in it, and the sea and those that are in it, That time no more shall be; but (that) in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of Aloha shall be completed, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake with me again, and said, Go, take the book which is open in the hand of the angel who standeth upon the sea and upon the land. And I went to the angel, and said to him, Give me the book. And he said to me, Take, and eat it; and it will embitter thee thy belly, but in thy mouth it will be sweet as honey. And I took the book from the hand of the angel, and ate it. And it was in my mouth as sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter. And he said to me, It behoves thee yet to prophesy concerning many nations, and concerning peoples and princes and kings. AND there was given to me a reed, like a staff; and the angel stood, saying, Arise, measure the temple of Aloha, and the altar, and them who worship therein; and the court which is without the temple cast out, and do not measure it, because it is given to the Gentiles, and the holy city shall be trodden down, MONTHS FORTY AND TWO. And I will give my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy, DAYS A THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive (trees) and two candlesticks which before the Lord of the earth do stand. And if a man willeth to wound them, fire cometh forth from their mouth, and devoureth their adversaries. And if a man willeth to wound (them), thus must he be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that rain it may not rain in those days; and power have they over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague as many times as they will. And when they shall have completed their testimony, the beast of prey, which ascended from the abyss, will make war against them, and overcome them, and their dead bodies (will be) upon the wide street of the great city, which is called, spiritually, Sedum, and Metsreen, where also our Lord hath been crucified. And of the peoples and tribes and nations and tongues, seeing their dead bodies days three and a half, will not suffer them to be laid in the tomb. And they who dwell upon earth will rejoice over them and be gratified, and will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented them who dwell upon earth. And after those three days and a half, the spirit of life from Aloha entered into them, and they arose upon their feet. And great fear fell upon them who saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven, saying to them, Ascend hither. And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their adversaries beheld them. And in that hour there was a great movement; and one of ten of the city fell; and there were killed in the movement the names of men seven thousand. And they who were left were made afraid, and gave glory to Aloha. That second woe hath passed. Behold, the third woe cometh quickly. And the Seventh angel sounded. And there were voices and thunders, saying, The kingdom of the world Is of our Lord, and of his Meshiha; And he will reign for ever and ever! And the twenty and four presbyters who were before the throne of Aloha, who were sitting upon their thrones, fell upon their faces and worshipped, saying, We give thanks to thee, Lord God omnipotent, Who art, and who wast; Because thou hast taken thy great power, And hast reigned. And the nations were angry; But thy wrath is come, And the time of the dead, That they should be avenged; And to give reward to thy servants, To the prophets, and to the saints, And to them who fear thy Name, To the small and to the great; And to destroy them who have destroyed the earth. And the temple of Aloha was opened in heaven; and there was seen the ark of his covenant in his temple. And there were lightnings, and thunderings, and voices, and movement, and great hail. AND a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And having in her womb, she cried, and was in travail, and was pained to give birth. And I saw another sign in heaven; and behold a great dragon of fire, which had seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven diadems. And his tail drew the third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman when she was about to give birth, that when she had given birth he might devour her son. And she gave birth to a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her son was rapt unto Aloha and unto his throne. And the woman fled into the desert, where she had a place prepared of Aloha, that there they might nourish her, DAYS A THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY. And there was war in heaven. And Mikoel and his angels to fight with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels warred. And they could not prevail, and their place was found no more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, who is called the Deceiver, and the Adversary, which seduceth the whole habitable world. And he was cast upon the earth, and his angels with him were cast. And I heard a great voice in heaven saying, Now is there salvation and strength, And the kingdom of our God, And the power of his Meshiha; Because the accuser of our brethren is cast down, Who accused them before Aloha day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, And by the word of his testimony. But they loved not their lives unto death. Wherefore let the heavens be glad, And those who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea! Because the deceiver hath gone down to you, Having great indignation, Knowing that little time is to him. And when the dragon saw that he was cast down upon the earth, he pursued the woman which gave birth to the son. And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she was to be nourished A TIME, AND TIMES, AND THE DIVIDING OF A TIME, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast forth from his mouth after the woman waters like a river, as that she might be carried off by the river which he would make. And the earth succoured the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed the river which the dragon had cast forth from his mouth. And the dragon raged against the woman, and went to make war with those of the rest of her seed which kept the commandments of Aloha, and had the testimony of Jeshu. And he stood upon the sand of the sea. AND I saw that a beast of prey ascended from the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon his horns seven diadems; and upon his heads names of blasphemy. And the beast of prey which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as (those) of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave to him his power, and his throne, and great authority. And one of his heads was wounded as to death. And his stroke of death was healed; and all the earth wondered after the beast of prey. And they worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast of prey, (saying, Who is like the beast of prey,) and who is able to make war with him? And there was given him a mouth speaking great sayings and blasphemies, and authority was given him to act, MONTHS, FORTY AND TWO. And he opened his mouth to blaspheme against Aloha, blaspheming his name, and his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. And there was given to him authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation; and there was given to him to make war with the saints, to overcome them. And all those who inhabit on the earth will worship him, they whose name is not written in the book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world. If a man have ears, let him hear. If any man into captivity leadeth, into captivity he shall go. If any man kill with the sword, it behoveth him by the sword to be killed. This is the patience and the faith of the saints. And I saw another beast of prey ascending from the earth; and he had two horns like those of the lamb, and he spake as the dragon. And all the authority of the first beast of prey he exercised before him; and he made the earth and those who inhabit therein to worship the first beast of prey, whose wound of death was healed. And he wrought great signs, as that also he would make fire to come down from heaven upon earth before men. And he will seduce those who dwell upon earth to the making an image of the beast of prey who had the wound of the sword and lived. And it was given to him to give spirit to the image of the beast of prey, (that the image also of the beast of prey should speak,) and to cause that all those whosoever who worshipped not the image of the beast of prey should be killed. And he caused all, small and great, and rich and poor, and sons of freedom and slaves, to have given to them a signature upon their right hands, or upon their foreheads; as that no man might be able to buy or sell, unless he had the signature of the name of the beast of prey, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who hath mind, calculate the number of the beast of prey; for the number is of man; and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six. AND I saw, and, behold, the Lamb stood upon the mountain of Sion, and with him the number, an hundred and forty and four thousand, who had his name, and the name of his Father, written upon their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of great thunder; and the voice which I heard was as harpers striking on their harps. And they hymned a new hymn before the throne, and before the four living-ones, and the presbyters. And no man was able to learn the hymn, but the hundred and forty and four thousand (who were redeemed from the earth). These are they who with women have not been defiled, for they are virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goeth. These by Jeshu were redeemed from men, first-fruits unto Aloha and to the Lamb. And in their mouth falsehood was not found, for they are without spot. And I saw another angel flying through heaven, who with blood had the everlasting gospel to preach to them who dwell on the earth, and unto every nation and tribe, and tongue and people; saying with a great voice, Serve Aloha, and give him glory: For the hour of his judgment cometh: And worship him who made heaven and earth, And the sea, and the fountains of waters. And another angel, a second, followed him, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babel the Great, Which of the wine of the rage of her fornication Hath made all nations to drink. And another angel, a third, followed them saying with a great voice, If any man worship the beast of prey and his image, And receive his mark on his brow, or in his hand, He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Aloha, Which is mingled without sparing In the cup of his anger. And he shall be tormented in fire and sulphur, Before his holy angels and before the throne: And the smoke of their torment For ever and ever will ascend. And they have no rest day and night Who worship the beast of prey and his image. Here is the patience of the saints, Who keep the commandments of Aloha, And the faith of Jeshu. And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, Write, Blessed are the dead Who in Aloha die from now. Yes, saith the Spirit, That they may rest from their labours, For their works follow with them. And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud sat (one) like the Son of man, having on his head a crown of gold, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a great voice to him who sat upon the cloud. And he thrust his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, having also a sharp sickle. And another angel came forth from the altar who had authority over the fire, and he cried with a great cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, Send forth thy sharp sickle, and reap the clusters of the vintage of the earth; for the grapes of the earth are ripe. And the angel thrust forth his sickle unto the earth, and reaped the vintage of the earth, and he cast into the winepress of the wrath of Aloha the Great. And the winepress was trodden (without the city, and blood flowed from the winepress) unto the bridles of the horses, a thousand and six hundred stadia. AND I saw another sign in heaven, great and wondrous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is completed the wrath of Aloha. And I saw as a sea of brightness commingled with fire; and them who had won-the-victory from the beast of prey, and from his image, and from the number of his name, standing on the sea of brightness, having the harps of Aloha. And they sang the song of Musha the servant of Aloha, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and wondrous are thy works, Lord God Omnipotent; Just and true are thy ways, King of ages! Who shall not fear thee, Lord, And glorify thy name? For thou only art and holy and just; Therefore all nations shall come And worship before thee; Because thy judgments are revealed. After these I saw, and the temple of the tabernacle of testimony which is in heaven was opened. And the seven angels came forth, having the seven plagues, from the temple, clothed in linen pure, resplendent, and girded at their breasts with zones of gold. And one of the four living-ones gave to the seven angels SEVEN VIALS of gold, which were full of the wrath of Aloha, who liveth for ever and ever. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of Aloha, and from his power. And no man was able to enter the temple, until should be completed the seven plagues of the seven angels. AND I heard a great voice saying to the seven angels, Go, and pour forth the seven vials of the wrath of Aloha upon the earth. And the first went, and poured his vial upon the earth: and there became an ulcer, evil and painful, upon the men who had the mark of the beast of prey, and who worshipped the image of him. And the second angel poured his vial upon the sea; and it became blood as of the dead, and every living soul died which was in the sea. And the third angel poured his vial upon the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters, and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters saying, Righteous art Thou, who art, And who wast, and just; Because thou hast judged these. For the blood of saints and of prophets have they shed, And blood to them hast thou given to drink For they are worthy. And I heard from the altar saying, Yes, Lord God Almighty! True and just is thy judgment. And the fourth poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given to him to scorch men with fire; and men were scorched with great heat; and men blasphemed the name of Aloha who hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth poured his vial upon the throne of the beast of prey; and his kingdom became darkness, and they gnawed their tongues from pain; and they blasphemed the God of heaven from their pains, and from their ulcers, and repented not of their works. And the sixth poured his vial upon the great river Phrat, and his waters were dried, that might be prepared the way of the kings who (are) from the rising of the sun. And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are spirits of demons, working signs; they go to the kings of the whole inhabited world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of Aloha the Omnipotent. And BEHOLD, I COME, as the thief. Blessed is he who watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest naked he walk, and they see his shame. And they gathered them to a place which is called in Hebrew Armagedon. And the seventh poured his vial upon the air; and a great voice went forth from the temple, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE. And there were lightnings and thunders and voices, and a great movement, such as was not since men were upon earth, as this movement so great. And the great city became three parts, and the city of the nations fell; and Babel the great was remembered before Aloha, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. And every island fled, and the mountains were not found. And great hail, as of a talent (in weight), was from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed Aloha from the plague of hail, because the plague thereof was exceeding great. AND one of the seven angels who had the seven vials came and spake with me, saying, Come; I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot, which sitteth upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and they who dwell in the earth have been made drunk by the wine of her fornication. And he led me into the desert, in the spirit; and I saw a woman sitting on a beast of prey which was red, full of names of blasphemy, (and) having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and golden with gold and precious stones and pearls; having a cup of gold in her hand, full of pollutions and uncleanness of her fornications the earth. And upon her forehead the name was written, Mystery: Babel the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jeshu; and I wondered, when I saw, with great wonder. And the angel said to me, Why wonderest thou? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast of prey which beareth her, which hath the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast of prey which thou seest, was, and is not; and will ascend from the abyss, and go into perdition: and they who dwell on the earth will admire, they whose name is not written in the book of life from the foundations of the world, while they see the beast of prey, who was, and is not, and draweth nigh. Here is the mind of him who hath wisdom: The seven heads are seven hills where the woman sitteth upon them. And the kings are seven; five have fallen, one is, the other not yet hath come: and when he hath come, a little while it behoveth him to abide. And the beast of prey which was and is not, this is an Eighth, and is of the Seven, and is unto perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, the men who kingdom not yet have received; but authority as kings one hour receive with the beast of prey. They have one will, and their power and their authority unto the beast of prey they will give. They with the Lamb will make war, and the Lamb will overcome them; for he is the Lord of lords, and the King of kings, and they who are with him (are) the called and the chosen and the faithful. And he said to me, The waters which thou sawest where the harlot is sitting, are peoples, and assemblages, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the beast of prey, will hate the harlot, and make her desolate and naked; and her flesh they will eat, and herself burn with fire. For Aloha hath ingiven it to their hands that they might do his will, and perform one will to give their kingdom to the wild beast, until shall be fulfilled the words of Aloha. And the woman which thou sawest is the great city which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth. AFTER these I saw another angel descending from heaven, having great power; and the earth brightened with his glory. And he cried with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen hath Babel the Great, and hath become a den of demons, and the keep of every unclean spirit, and the keep of every unclean and abominable bird, and the keep of every unclean and abominable beast of prey. For that of the wine of her rage have all nations drunk; and the kings of the earth have with her committed fornication, and the merchants of the earth from the power of her luxuriance have become rich. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that you be not partakers of her sins, and lest of her plagues you receive. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Aloha hath remembered her iniquity. Deal with her as she hath dealt with you, and double to her according to her works. In the cup which she mingled mingle to her double. How much she hath pleased herself to be wanton, all this give her suffering and sorrow. For she said in her heart, I sit the queen, and am not a widow, and sorrow I see not. Therefore in one day will come these her plagues, death and sorrow and hunger; and in fire she will burn, for mighty is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth who with her have committed fornication, and have been wanton, shall weep and lament and wail over her, when they see the smoke of her burning; standing from far, for fear of her torment, saying, Woe, woe, that great city Babel, that mighty city! For in one hour hath come thy judgment. And the merchants of the earth shall be sorrowful over her, because no man buyeth of their burden. No more (shall there be in thee) the burden of gold, and of silver and of precious stones, and of pearls; and of fine linen, and of purple, and of silk and scarlet; and of every aromatic wood, and every vessel of elephant's-tooth, and every vessel of wood of great price, and of brass and of iron and of marble; and cinnamon and omomun and perfumes, and ointment and frankincense and wine and oil, and fine meal, and wheat, and cattle, and slaves, and horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. And the fruit of the desire of thy soul hath gone from thee, and all those things which are delicious and brilliant have perished from thee, and the merchants of these things will find them no more. They who were made rich by her from afar will stand for fear of her torment, and wail and be sorrowful, saying, Woe, woe, that great city, which was arrayed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and golded with gold, and (adorned) with precious stones and pearls; for in one hour hath been destroyed wealth like this. And every captain and every pilot who navigateth to the place, and the mariners, and all who serve on the sea, stood from afar, and cried, while beholding the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like to this great city! And they cast dust upon their heads, and cried, weeping and lamenting, and saying, Woe, woe, that great city, in which were made rich all they who have ships in the sea, from the preciousness of her! For in one hour she becometh desolate! Rejoice over her, heaven, and the angels and apostles and prophets, because Aloha hath judged your judgment upon her. And an angel took a stone, as a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with force is cast down Babel the great city, and to be found no more. And the voice of harpers, and of musicians, and of singers, and of trumpeters, shall be heard in thee no more. And no artificer, nor art, shall more be found in thee. And the light of a lamp shall be seen in thee no more. And the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard in thee no more. For thy merchants were the great ones of the earth; for by thy sorcery were all nations seduced. And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all those who had been killed upon the earth. AFTER these I heard a great voice of a multitudinous host in heaven, saying, Halleluia! Salvation, and power, and glory, and honour, Be unto our God. For true and righteous are his judgments; Because he hath judged the great harlot Who corrupted the earth with her fornication, And hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And the second time they said, Halleluia! And her smoke went up for ever and ever. And the four-and-twenty presbyters fell, and the four living-ones, and worshipped Aloha who sitteth upon the throne, saying, Amen, Halleluia! And a voice came forth from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all his servants, And they who fear him, small and great. And I heard as the voice of a great host, as the voice of many waters, as the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Halleluia, For the Lord our God the Omnipotent reigneth! Let us rejoice and exult and give glory unto him; Because the marriage feast of the Lamb hath come, And his bride hath made herself ready. And it was given to her to be arrayed in fine linen, resplendent and pure; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he said to me, Write, Blessed are they who to the supper of the marriage feast of the Lamb are called. And he said to me, These my words are the true sayings of Aloha. And I fell before his feet to worship; and he said to me, See (that thou do it) not; thy fellowservant (am I), and of thy brethren who have the testimony of Jeshu. Aloha worship; for the testimony of Jeshu is the spirit of prophecy. And I saw heaven opened. And behold a white horse, and he who sat upon him was called the Faithful and the True; and in righteousness he judgeth and maketh war. But his eyes were as the flame of fire, and upon his head were many diadems, having names written; and the name which was written of him no man knoweth but himself. And he was arrayed in a vestment sprinkled with blood, and his name was called The Word of Aloha. And the armies of heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in garments of fine linen, pure (and) white. And from his mouth went forth a sharp sword of two edges, that therewith he might smite the nations. And he will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and he will tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Aloha the Omnipotent. And he had upon his vestment and upon his thigh the name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun. And he cried with a great voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, gather to the great supper of Aloha; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of chiefs of thousands, and the flesh of heroes, and the flesh of horses and them who sit upon them, and the flesh of all the sons of liberty and of the slaves, and of the small and of the great. And I saw the beast of prey, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war with him who sat on the throne, and with his armies. And the beast of prey was taken, and the false prophet with him who wrought signs before him, with which he deluded them who received the signature of the beast of prey, and them who worshipped his image; and living they were both cast into the lake of fire which burneth with sulphur. And the rest were slain with the sword of him who sat upon the horse; with that (sword) which went forth from his mouth. And all the fowls were satiated with their flesh. AND I saw an angel descending from heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the deceiver, and Satana, who seduced all the habitable world, and bound him a thousand years; and cast him into the abyss, and shut and sealed over him, that he should no more seduce the nations, until the thousand years be completed: but after them he will be loosed a little time. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them; and to the souls of them who had been cut asunder for the sake of the testimony of Jeshu, and for the word of Aloha, and them who had not worshipped the beast of prey nor his image, nor received his signature upon their forehead and upon their hands. And they lived and reigned with their Meshiha the thousand years. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who hath part in the first resurrection: upon them the second death hath not power; but they shall be priests of Aloha and of his Meshiha, and shall reign with him the thousand years. And when the thousand years shall be fulfilled, Satana will be loosed from the place of his keeping, and will go forth and seduce the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gug and Mogug, to gather them to war, of whom the number is as the sand of the sea. And the accuser who seduced them was cast into the lake of fire and of sulphur, as was also the beast of prey and the false prophet; and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. And I saw a great white throne, and Him who sat thereon, from whom from his face fled earth and heaven; and place (as) to this was not found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is (the Book) of Life. And the dead were judged from the (records) which are written in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and shiul gave up the dead which were in them. And they were judged every one according to their works. And death and shiul were cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. And if a man was not found written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the lake of fire. AND I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth had gone, and the sea was no more. And the holy city, Urishlem the new, I saw descending from heaven from Aloha, prepared as the bride is decked for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of Aloha is with men; and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people; and Aloha himself will be with them, and will be their God. And every tear shall be wiped away from their eyes, and death shall be no more; nor sorrow, nor clamour, nor pain, shall be any more; for the former things are passed away. And He who sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said, Write: for these are the faithful and true words of Aloha. And he said to me, I am Olaph and Thau, the Beginning and the End. To him who thirsteth I will give of the water of life freely. He who overcometh shall inherit these; and I will be to him Aloha, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and the faithless, and sinners, and the unclean, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and servers of idols, and all liars, (shall have) their portion in the lake which burneth with fire and sulphur; which is the second death. And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, came and spake with me. saying, Come, I will show thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb. And he led me in spirit upon a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city Urishlem, descending from heaven from Aloha; having the glory of Aloha, as the clearness of light, like a stone of great price, as the stone Jaspon, resembling crystallos; having a wall great and high, which had twelve gates, and names written upon them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. On the east three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations; and upon them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he who talked with me had a measure, a rod of gold, that he might measure the city and the gates and the walls thereof. And the city was set four-square, and the length of it was as the breadth: and he measured the city with the rod, upon twelve stadia of twelve thousand. And the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall of it, an hundred and forty and four measures of the cubits of a man, that is, of the angel. And the structure of the wall of it is (of) jaspis, and the city is of pure gold, like pure brightness. And the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone: the first foundation was of jaspis, the second sathphiros, the third caledon, the fourth zmoragdo, the fifth sardonicos, the sixth sardion, the seventh crisuthilos, the eighth berulla, the ninth topadion, the tenth chrosoposius, the eleventh hyacinthos, the twelfth amuthistos. And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, each of every one of the gates (a pearl), and each of every one of the pearls (a gate). And the wide street of the city was of pure gold as the brightness of light. And a temple I saw not in it; for the Lord, the Omnipotent, is the temple thereof and the Lamb. And the city hath no need of the sun nor of the moon to enlighten it; for the glory of Aloha illuminateth it, and the light thereof is the Lamb. And the nations of the saved walk by the light of it, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and the honour of the nations into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day, for night is not there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it; and nothing shall enter into it that defileth, nor that worketh uncleanness; but they who are written in the book of life of the Lamb. AND he showed me a river of waters of life, clear as crystal, coming forth from the throne of Aloha and of the Lamb. In the midst of the wide street of it, and by the river, here and there, (was) the tree of life, which produced twelve fruits, in every month giving each one its fruit. And the leaves of the tree (are) for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more falling away; and the throne of Aloha and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face, and his name shall be upon their foreheads. And night shall be no more: nor any need have they of the light of a lamp, or the light of the sun; for the Lord God enlighteneth them, and they will reign for ever and ever. And he said to me, These sayings are faithfulness and truth. And the Lord God of the spirit of the prophets hath sent me, his angel, to show to his servants the things which must soon be done. And behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he who keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book. And also I Juhanon am he who heard and saw these. And when I had heard and seen, I fell to worship before the feet of the angel who showed them to me. And he said to me, See (that thou do it) not. I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them who keep the words of this book. Worship Aloha. And he said to me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time draweth nigh. He who doeth evil shall work evil still; and he who is filthy shall be filthy still; and the righteous shall still do righteousness, and the holy be holy still. Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to every one according as is his work. I am Olaph and Thau, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have authority to the tree of life, and by the gates may enter into the city. Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one who loveth and maketh a lie. I JESHU have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things before the churches. I am the root and the offspring of Dawid, as the bright, the morning star. AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY, COME! AND HE WHO HEARETH SHALL SAY, COME! AND HE WHO THIRSTETH MAY COME, AND HE WHO WILLETH, TO TAKE THE WATERS OF LIFE FREELY. I testify to every one who heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, That if any man shall set upon them, Aloha will set upon him the plagues which are written in this book. And if any man make to cease from the words of the book of this prophecy, Aloha will make to cease his portion of the tree of life, and of the holy city of which is written in this book. He who testifieth these saith, Yes: I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jeshu. The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with all the saints. Amen.