* * PHPPE Core - Use as is */ /** * @file public/source.php * * @author bzt * @date 1 Jan 2016 * @brief PHPPE micro-framework's Core * * @see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bztsrc/phppe3/master/public/source.php * * This is the nicely formatted and commented source version of PHPPE Core * * NOTE on unit testing: redirects and methods with die() cannot be tested * with PHPUnit. This does not mean they're untested, simply there are many * cases which are checked through PHPPE\Http::get() and not directly called * from test classes, see vendor/phppe/Developer/tests. Also note that * Developer extension ships with it's own PHPUnit compatible unit tester * class, so you can run the tests without phpunit.phar too. */ namespace PHPPE { define('VERSION', '3.0.0'); /** * Extension interface. We declare it as a class because * implementing event handlers are optional. */ class Extension { //function diag(){} //function init($cfg){} //function route($app,$action){} //function view($output){} //function filter(){} //function cronX($retCode){} //function stat() function __toString() { return get_class($this); } } /** * Add-On prototype. */ class AddOn { protected $name; //!< instance name public $args; //!< arguments in pharenthesis after type public $fld; //!< field name public $value; //!< object field's value protected $attrs; //!< attributes, everything after the name in tag protected $css; //!< css class to use, input or reqinput, occasionally errinput added protected $conf; //!< configuration scheme /** * Magic getter to implement read-only properties */ function __get($n) { return $this->$n; } /** * Constructor, do not try to override, use init() instead. * * @param array arguments, listed with pharenthesis after type in templates * @param string name of the add-on * @param mixed reference of object field * @param array attributes, listed after field name in templates * @param boolean required field flag * * @return PHPHE\AddOn instance */ final public function __construct($a, $n, &$v, $t = [], $r = 0) { //! save arguments, name and attributes $this->args = $a; $this->name = $n; $this->fld = strtr($n, ['.' => '_']); $this->value = $v; $this->attrs = $t; //! css class name reqinput for mandatory fields $this->css = ((!empty($r) ? 'req' : '').'input').(Core::isError($n) ? ' errinput' : ''); } /** * Init method is called when needed but only once per page generation * constructor may be called several times depending on the template. */ //! function init() //! { //! \PHPPE\Core::jslib() to load javascript libraries //! \PHPPE\Core::js() to add javascript functions and //! \PHPPE\Core::css() for style sheets here //! } /** * Field input or widget configuration form. * * @return string output */ //! function edit() {return "";} /** * Display a field's value or show widget face. * * @return string output */ public function show() { return htmlspecialchars($this->value); } /* * Value validator, returns boolean and a failure reason * * @param string name of value to valudate, for error reporting * @param mixed reference to value * @param array arguments * @param array attributes * @return [boolean,error message] if the first value is true, it's valid */ //! static function validate( $name, &$value,$args,$attrs ) //! { //! return [true, "Dummy validator that always pass"]; //! } function __toString() { return get_class($this)."(".$this->name.")"; } } /** * Filter prototype. */ class Filter { //static function filter() } /** * Client class, this is used to store client's information and session. */ class Client extends Extension { private $ip; //!< remote ip address. Also valid if behind proxy or load balancer private $agent; //!< client program private $user; //!< user account (unix user on CLI, http auth user on web) private $tz; //!< client's timezone public $lang; //!< client's prefered language public $screen = []; //!< screen dimensions public $geo = []; //!< geo location data (filled in by a third party extension) /** * Magic getter to implement read-only properties */ function __get($n) { return $this->$n; } /** * Constructor. Starts user session */ public function __construct($cfg=[]) { Core::$client = $this; //! start user session if(empty($_SESSION)){ // no way we could test this as session is already started when unit tests reach this // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart @session_name(!empty(Core::$core->sessionvar) ? Core::$core->sessionvar : 'pe_sid'); @session_start(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! refresh session cookie if (ini_get('session.use_cookies')) { @setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), Core::$core->now + Core::$core->timeout, '/', Core::$core->base, !empty(Core::$core->secsession) ? 1 : 0, 1); } //! destroy user session if requested if (isset($_REQUEST['clear'])) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart //! save logged in user if any $d = 'pe_u'; $u = @$_SESSION[$d]; //! keep user object, but clear preferences $u->data=[]; $_SESSION = []; $_SESSION[$d] = $u; //! redirect user to reload everything Http::redirect(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! override autodetected timezone with a fixed one if(!empty($cfg['tz'])) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->tz = $cfg['tz']; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } /** * Initialize event. Collects information on client (language, timezone, screen size etc.) * * @param array configuration * * @return boolean false if initialization failed */ public function init($cfg = []) { Core::$l = []; View::assign('client', $this); //! set up client's prefered language $L = 'pe_l'; $a = ''; $d = []; //! get prefered language from browser or from environment if (empty($_SESSION[$L])) { //! user preference if(!empty($_SESSION['pe_u']->data['lang'])) $d=[$_SESSION['pe_u']->data['lang']]; else { $i = 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'; $d = explode(',', strtr(!empty($_SERVER[$i]) ? $_SERVER[$i] : (getenv('LANG') || 'en'), ['/' => ''])); } } //! this can be overriden from url if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $d = [strtr(trim($_REQUEST['lang']), ['/' => ''])]; } //! look for valid language code //! only allow if language is defined in core or in app foreach ($d as $v) { list($a) = explode(';', strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $v))); if (!empty($a) && (!empty(glob("vendor/phppe/*/lang/$a.php",GLOB_NOSORT)) || $a == 'en')) { $_SESSION[$L] = $a; break; } } //! failsafe if (empty($_SESSION[$L])) { $_SESSION[$L] = 'en'; } $this->lang = $v = $_SESSION[$L]; $i = explode('_', $v); //! set PHP locale for the language setlocale(LC_ALL, strtolower($i[0]).'_'.strtoupper(!empty($i[1]) ? $i[1] : $i[0]).'.UTF8'); //! load dictionary for core Core::lang('Core'); Core::lang('app'); $L = 'pe_tz'; if (Core::$w) { //! Detect values for Web // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $d = 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'; $c = empty($_REQUEST['cache']) && !(empty($_SERVER[$d])||$_SERVER[$d]=="API"|| strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[$d]),"wget")!==false|| strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[$d]),"curl")!==false); if (!isset($_REQUEST['nojs']) && empty($_SESSION[$L]) && $c) { //! this is a small JavaScript page that shows up for the first time //! after collecting information it redirects user so fast, he won't //! notice a thing. if (empty($_REQUEST['n'])) { $_SESSION['pe_n'] = sha1(rand()); //! save redirection url Http::_r();$u=$_SESSION['pe_r'].(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&'); $g = 'getTimezoneOffset()'; $d = "var d%=new Date();d%.setDate(1);d%.setMonth(@);d%=parseInt(d%.$g);"; die(""); } elseif ($_REQUEST['n'] == $_SESSION['pe_n']) { unset($_SESSION['pe_n']); $_SESSION[$L] = timezone_name_from_abbr('', $_REQUEST['t'] + 0, $_REQUEST['d'] + 0); $_SESSION['pe_w'] = floor($_REQUEST['w']); $_SESSION['pe_h'] = floor($_REQUEST['h']); $_SESSION['pe_j'] = true; Http::redirect(); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['nojs'])||isset($_REQUEST['n'])||!empty($_SESSION['pe_n'])) { if($c && empty($_COOKIE)){$t=View::template("nocookies");die($t?$t:L("Please enable cookies"));} unset($_SESSION['pe_n']); $_SESSION['pe_j']=false; $_SESSION[$L]="UTC"; if(!isset($_REQUEST['nojs']))Http::redirect(); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd //! get client's real ip address $d = 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'; $this->ip = $i = !empty($_SERVER[$d]) ? $_SERVER[$d] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $this->screen = !empty($_SESSION['pe_w']) ? [$_SESSION['pe_w'], $_SESSION['pe_h']] : [0, 0]; //! agent is user agent $d = 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'; $this->agent = !empty($_SERVER[$d]) ? $_SERVER[$d] : 'browser'; //! user is http auth user $d = 'PHP_AUTH_USER'; $this->user = !empty($_SERVER[$d]) ? $_SERVER[$d] : ''; $this->js = intval(@$_SESSION['pe_j']); } else { //! detect values for CLI $T = getenv('TZ'); //! this should be a symlink to something //! like /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London $d = explode('/', $T ? $T : @readlink('/etc/localtime')); $c = count($d); $_SESSION[$L] = $c > 1 ? $d[$c - 2].'/'.$d[$c - 1] : 'UTC'; //! no IP for tty $this->ip = 'CLI'; //! query tty size. If you know a better, exec()-less way, let me know!!! $c = intval(exec('tput cols 2>/dev/null')); $d = intval(exec('tput lines 2>/dev/null')); $this->screen = [$c < 1 ? 80 : $c, $d < 1 ? 25 : $d]; //! agent is a terminal $d = getenv('TERM'); $this->agent = !empty($d) ? $d : 'term'; //! user is standard unix user $d = getenv('USER'); $this->user = !empty($d) ? $d : ''; $this->js = false; Core::$core->noframe = 1; } //! set up client's timezone if(empty($this->tz)) { $this->tz = !empty($_SESSION[$L]) ? $_SESSION[$L] : 'UTC'; } date_default_timezone_set($this->tz); } } /** * Model that supports Object Relational Mapping. */ class Model { public $id; public $name; //! this breaks PSR-2, but required to exclude table name from sql protected static $_table; /** * Default model constructor. Load object with data if id given. Id can be * a property value list (associative array or object) as well. * * @param integer/mixed id/properties */ function __construct($id="") { if(!empty($id)) { if(is_scalar($id)) { $this->id = $id; $this->load($id); } else { $d=get_object_vars($this); foreach($id as $k=>$v) { if($k[0]!="_" && array_key_exists($k,$d)) $this->$k=$v; } } } } /** * Find objects of the same kind in database. * * @param string/array search phrase(s) * @param string where clause with placeholders * @param string order by * @param string fields, comma separated list * * @return array of associative arrays */ public static function find($s = [], $w = '', $o = '', $f = '*', $g = '') { if (empty(static::$_table)) { throw new \Exception('no _table'); } //get the records from current datasource return DS::query($f, static::$_table, !empty($w) ? $w : (!empty($s)?'id=?':''), !empty($g) ? $g : '', $o, 0, 0, is_array($s) ? $s : [$s]); } /** * Load, reload or find a record in database and load result into this object. * * @param integer id of the object to load, or (if second argument given) search phrase * @param string where clause with placeholders * @param string order by (optional) * * @return true on success */ public function load($i = 0, $w = '', $o = '') { if (empty(static::$_table)) { throw new \Exception('no _table'); } //get the record from current datasource $r = (array)DS::fetch('*', static::$_table, $w ? $w : 'id=?', '', $o, is_array($i) ? $i : [$i ? $i : $this->id]); //update property values. FETCH_INTO not exactly what we want if ($r) { foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] != '_') { $this->$k = is_string($r[$k]) && !empty($r[$k]) && ($r[$k][0] == '{' || $r[$k][0] == '[') ? json_decode($r[$k], true) : $r[$k]; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Save the current object into database. May also alter $id property (and that only). * * @param boolean force insert * * @return boolean true on success */ public function save($f = 0) { if (empty(static::$_table)) { throw new \Exception('no _table'); } $d = DS::db(); if (empty($d)) { throw new \Exception('no ds'); } //build the arguments array $a = []; foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] != '_' && ($f || $k != 'id') && ($k != 'created'||!empty($v)) ) { $a[$k] = is_scalar($v) ? $v : json_encode($v); } } if (!DS::exec(($this->id && !$f ? 'UPDATE '.static::$_table.' SET '.implode('=?,', array_keys($a)).'=? WHERE id='.$d->quote($this->id) : 'INSERT INTO '.static::$_table.' ('.implode(',', array_keys($a)).') VALUES (?'.str_repeat(',?', count($a) - 1).')'), array_values($a))) { return false; } //save new id for inserts if (!$this->id || $f) { $this->id = $d->lastInsertId(); } //return id return $this->id; } } /** * Default user class, will be extended by PHPPE Pack with Users class. */ class User extends Model { public $id = 0; //!< only for Anonymous. Otherwise user id can be a string as well public $name = 'Anonymous'; //!< user real name public $data = []; //!< user preferences // protected static $_table = "users"; //! set table name. This should be in Users class! protected $acl = []; //!< Access Control List // private remote = []; //!< remote server configuration, added run-time /** * Check access for an access control entry. * * @param string/array access control entry or list (pipe separated string or array) * * @return boolean true or false */ final public function has($l) { //check if at least one of the ACE match foreach (is_array($l) ? $l : explode('|', $l) as $a) { $a = trim($a); //is user logged in? //is superadmin with bypass priviledge? if (!empty($this->id) && ($this->id == -1 || $a == 'loggedin' || !empty($this->acl[$a]) || !empty($this->acl["$a:".Core::$core->item]))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Grant priviledge for a user. * * @param string/array access control entry or list (pipe separated string or array) */ public function grant($l) { foreach (is_array($l) ? $l : explode('|', $l) as $a) { $a = trim($a); if (!empty($this->id) && !empty($a)) { $this->acl[$a] = true; } } } /** * Drop privileges, specific access control entry or the whole access control list. * * @param string/array access control entry or list (pipe separated string or array) or empty for dropping all */ public function clear($l = '') { if (empty($l)) { $this->acl = []; } else { foreach (is_array($l) ? $l : explode('|', $l) as $a) { $a = trim($a); //! drop the ACE unset($this->acl[$a]); //! drop item specific ACEs as well foreach ($this->acl as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, strlen($a) + 1) == $a.':') { unset($this->acl[$k]); } } } } } /** * Initialize event. * * @param array configuration array * * @return boolean false if initialization failed */ public function init($cfg) { $L = 'pe_u'; if (!empty($_SESSION[$L]) && is_object($_SESSION[$L])) { Core::$user = $_SESSION[$L]; foreach (['id', 'name', 'data'] as $k) { $this->$k = Core::$user->$k; } } else { Core::$user = $_SESSION[$L] = $this; } View::assign('user', Core::$user); } /** * Route event. We handle login/logout actions here, before routing * decision is made. * * @param current application * @param current action */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart public function route($app, $action) { //! operation modes if (!empty(Core::$user->id)) { //! edit for updating records and conf for widget configuration foreach (['edit', 'conf'] as $v) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$v]) && Core::$user->has($v)) { $_SESSION['pe_'.substr($v, 0, 1)] = !empty($_REQUEST[$v]); Http::redirect(); } } } //! handle hardwired admin login and logout before Users class get's a chance if (Core::$core->app == 'login') { //! if already logged in redirect to home page if (Core::$user->id) { Http::redirect('/'); } //! superuser's name $A = 'admin'; if (Core::isBtn() && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { Core::req2arr("login"); if(!Core::isError()) { foreach($_SESSION as $k=>$v) if(substr($k,0,3)!="pe_") unset($_SESSION[$k]); //don't accept password in GET parameter if ($_REQUEST['id'] == $A && !empty(Core::$core->masterpasswd) && password_verify($_POST['pass'], Core::$core->masterpasswd)) { $_SESSION['pe_u']->id = -1; $_SESSION['pe_u']->name = $A; } else { //! *** LOGIN Event *** Core::event("login", [$_REQUEST['id'],$_POST['pass']]); } if(!empty($_SESSION['pe_u']->id)) { Core::log('A', 'Login '.$_SESSION['pe_u']->name, 'users'); Http::redirect(); } else { Core::error(L('Bad username or password'), 'id'); } } } } elseif (Core::$core->app == 'logout') { $i = Core::$user->id; if ($i) { Core::log('A', 'Logout '.Core::$user->name, 'users'); //! hook Users class' method for non-admin user logouts if ($i != -1) { //! *** LOGOUT Event *** Core::event("logout"); } } session_destroy(); Http::redirect('/'); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * HTTP helpers. */ class Http { private static $r; //!< url routes /** * Generate a permanent link (see also url()). * * @param string application * @param string action */ public static function url($m = '', $p = '') { //! generate canonized permanent link $c = Core::$core->base; $A = Core::$core->app; $f = basename(__FILE__); if (empty($m) && !empty($A)) { $m = $A; } if (empty($p) && !empty($A) && $A == $m) { $p = Core::$core->action; } $a = ($m != '/' ? ($m.$p != 'indexaction' ? $m.'/' : '').(!empty($p) && $p != 'action' ? $p.'/' : '') : ''); return 'http'.(Core::$core->sec ? 's' : '').'://'.$c.($c[strlen($c) - 1] != '/' ? '/' : ''). ($f != 'index.php' ? $f.($a?'/':'') : '').$a; } /** * Redirect user. * * @param string url to redirect to * @param boolean save current url before redirect so that it will be used next time */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart public static function redirect($u = '', $s = 0) { //save current url if ($s) { self::_r(); } //get redirection url if exists if (empty($u) && !empty($_SESSION['pe_r'])) { $u = $_SESSION['pe_r']; unset($_SESSION['pe_r']); } //redirect user header('HTTP/1.1 302 Found'); $f = basename(__FILE__); header('Location:'.(!empty($u) ? (strpos($u, '://') ? $u : 'http'.(Core::$core->sec ? 's' : '').'://'. Core::$core->base.($f != 'index.php' ? $f.'/' : '').($u != '/' ? $u : '')) : self::url().Core::$core->item)); exit(); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /** * Application allowed to call this in special cases, but normally won't need it. * This function saves current request uri in session for later redirection. */ public static function _r() { //! save request uri, will be used later after successful login //! called when redirect has true as second argument. @$_SESSION['pe_r'] = 'http'.(Core::$core->sec ? 's' : '').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } /** * Generate http header with mime info for content. * * @param string mime type of output * @param boolean client side cache enabled */ public static function mime($m, $c = true) { //on cli this will most probably report an error //as usually cli action handlers have already echoed output by now if ($c && empty(Core::$core->nocache)) { @header('Pragma:cache'); @header('Cache-Control:cache,public,max-age='.Core::$core->cachettl); @header('Connection:close'); } else { @header('Pragma:no-cache'); @header('Cache-Control:no-cache,no-store,private,must-revalidate,max-age=0'); } @header("Content-Type:$m;charset=utf-8"); } /** * Query routing table. * @usage route() * @return array of routing rules * * Register a new url route. This method can handle many different input formats * @usage route(...) call it from your initialization code, extension/init.php * @param regexp mask of url * @param class in which the app resides * @param method of the application action handler (if not given, default action routing applies) * @param filters comma separated list or array (ACE has to be started with '@' or PHPPE\Filter\*::filter() will be used) */ public static function route($u = '', $n = '', $a = '', $f = []) { if (empty($u)) { return self::$r; } $A = 'action'; $F = 'filters'; $U = 'url'; $N = 'name'; //! standard arguments if (is_string($u) && !empty($n)) { if (!is_array($f)) { $f = str_getcsv($f, ','); } self::$r[self::h($u, $n, $a)] = [$u, $n, $a, $f]; } //! associative array elseif (is_array($u) && !empty($u[$U]) && !empty($u[$N])) { $f = !empty($u[$F]) ? $u[$F] : []; $a = !empty($u[$A]) ? $u[$A] : ''; self::$r[self::h($u[$U], $u[$N], $a)] = [$u[$U], $u[$N], $a, is_array($f) ? $f : explode(',', $f)]; } //! mass import from an array elseif (is_array($u) && !empty(current($u)[0])) { foreach ($u as $v) { self::$r[self::h($v[0], $v[1], (!empty($v[2]) ? $v[2] : ''))] = $v; } } //! from stdClass elseif (is_object($u) && !empty($u->$U) && !empty($u->$N)) { $f = !empty($u->$F) ? $u->$F : []; $a = !empty($u->$A) ? $u->$A : ''; self::$r[self::h($u->$U, $u->$N, $a)] = [$u->$U, $u->$N, $a, is_array($f) ? $f : explode(',', $f)]; } else { throw new \Exception('bad route: '.serialize($u)); } //! limit check // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (count(self::$r) >= 512) { Core::log('C', 'too many routes'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Get controller for an url. * * @param string application * @param string action * @param string url * * @return [application,action,arguments] */ public static function urlMatch($app = '', $ac = '', $url = '') { $X = []; if (empty($app)) { //! url routing $w = 0; if (!empty(self::$r)) { //! check routes, best match policy uasort(self::$r, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($b[0], $a[0]); }); //! check route patterns foreach (self::$r as $v) { //! if matches current url if (preg_match('!^'.strtr($v[0], ['!' => '']).'!i', $url, $X)) { //! check filter if (!empty($v[3]) && !Core::cf($v[3])) { $w = 1; continue; } $w = 0; //! chop off whole match (first index) from arguments array_shift($X); //! get class and method $app = $v[1]; $ac = $v[2]; break; } } } //! if there was a match but failed due to filters, //! set output to 403 Access Denied page if ($w) { $app = Core::$core->template = '403'; } } //! load detected values if no application given if (empty($app)) $app = Core::$core->app; if (empty($ac)) $ac = Core::$core->action; return [$app, $ac, $X]; } /** * make a http request and return content. Unlike cURL, this will follow cookie changes during redirects. * * @param string url * @param array post variables * @param integer timeout in sec * * @return content */ public static function get($u, $p = '', $T = 3, $l = 0) { static $C; //! check recursion maximum level if ($l > 7) { return; } //! parse url if (preg_match("/^([^\:]+)\:\/\/([^\/\:]+)\:?([0-9]*)(.*)$/", $u, $m)) { //! validation and default values $s = 0; if ($m[1] != 'http' && $m[1] != 'https') return; if ($m[1] == 'https') { $s = 1; $m[2] = 'ssl://'.$m[2]; } if ($m[3] == '') $m[3] = ($m[1] == 'http' ? 80 : 443); if ($m[4] == '') $m[4] = '/'; //! open socket $f = fsockopen($m[2], $m[3], $n, $e, $T); if (!$f) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart //log failure Core::log('E', "$u #$n $e", 'http'); //give it a fallback in case ssl transport not configured in php return $s && strpos($e, '"ssl"') ? file_get_contents($u, false, is_array($p) ? stream_context_create([ 'http' => ['method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => http_build_query($p),],]) : null) : ''; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! construct POST $P = is_array($p) ? http_build_query($p, '_') : ''; //! send request //! we are using HTTP/1.0 on purpose so that we don't have to mess with chunked response $o = ($P ? 'POST' : 'GET').' '.$m[4]." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$m[2]."\r\nAccept-Language: ".Core::$client->lang.";q=0.8\r\n".($C ? 'Cookie: '.http_build_query($C, '', ';')."\r\n" : '').($P ? "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: ".strlen($P)."\r\n" : '')."Connection: close;\r\n\r\n".$P; fwrite($f, $o); //! receive response $d = $H = $n = ''; $h = '-'; $t = 0; stream_set_timeout($f, $T); while (!feof($f) && trim($h) != '') { //! parse headers $h = trim((fgets($f, 4096))); if (!empty($h)) { $H = strtolower($h); if (substr($H, 0, 8) == 'location') { $n = trim(substr($h, 9)); } if (substr($H, 0, 12) == 'content-type' && strpos($h, 'text/')) { $t = 1; } //! follow cookie changes if (substr($H, 0, 10) == 'set-cookie') { $c = str_getcsv(str_getcsv(trim(substr($h, 11)),';')[0], '='); //c[1] is undefined on nginx when clearing the cookie @$C[$c[0]] = $c[1]; } } } //! handle redirections if ($n && $n != $u) { return self::get($n, $p, $T, $l + 1); } //! receive data if there was a header (not timed out) if ($H) { while (!feof($f)) { $d .= fread($f, 65535); } Core::log('D', "$u ".strlen($d), 'http'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart else { Core::log('E', "$u timed out $T", 'http'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd fclose($f); return $t ? strtr($d, ["\r" => '']) : $d; } } /** * Calculate hash for routes and others */ private static function h($a, $b, $c = '') { return sha1($a.'|'.$b.'|'.$c); } } /** * DataSource layer. It's called DS and not DB because class DB is * the Sql Query Builder shipped with PHPPE Pack. */ class DS extends Extension { private $name = ''; private static $db = []; //!< database layer private static $s = 0; //!< data source selector private static $b = 0; //!< time consumed by data source queries (bill for db) /** * Magic getter to implement read-only properties */ function __get($n) { return $this->$n; } /** * Constructor. Initialize primary datasource if any. Called by core. * * @param string primary datasource uri */ public function __construct($ds = null) { //! initialize primary datasource if configured prior module initialization if (!empty($ds)) { //! replace string $this->db with an array of pdo objects @self::db($ds); //get primary datasource's name if (!empty(self::$db[0])) { $this->name = self::$db[0]->name; //! get current timestamp from primary datasoure //! this will override time() in $core->now with //! a time in database server's timezone. This is //! important if webserver and dbserver are on //! separate hosts without time synchronization. try { $t = @strtotime(@self::field('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')); if ($t > 0) { Core::$core->now = $t; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (\Exception $e) { } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } /** * Close database connections for all datasources. */ public static function close() { if (!empty(self::$db)) { foreach (self::$db as $d) { if (method_exists($d, 'close')) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $d->close(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } } self::$db = []; self::$s = 0; } /** * Diag event handler. Look for sql updates. */ public function diag() { //! nothing to do without database $d = @self::$db[0]; if (empty($d)) { return; } //! apply sql updates $D = []; foreach (['', '.'.$d->name] as $s) { $D += array_fill_keys(@glob('vendor/phppe/*/sql/upd_*'.$s.'.sql',GLOB_NOSORT), 0); } if (!empty($D)) { echo "DIAG-I: db update (".count($D).")\n"; } foreach ($D as $f => $v) { //! get sql commands from file $s = str_getcsv(file_get_contents($f), ';'); @unlink($f); //! execute one by one foreach ($s as $q) { self::exec($q); } } } /** * return database instance for current selector * @usage DS::db() * * initialize a database and make connection available as a data source * @usage DS::db(pdodsn) * * @param string pdo dsn of new connection * @param pdo optional: any PDO compatible class instance * * @return pdo/integer pdo instance for query or selector for this new data source */ public static function db($u = null, $O = null) { //! query PDO instance if (empty($u)) { return !empty(self::$db[self::$s]) ? self::$db[self::$s] : null; } //! initialize a database and make connection available as a data source $S = microtime(1); //! create instance try { //! get username and password if it's not part of dsn if (!preg_match('/^(.*)@([^@:]+)?:?([^:]*)$/', $u, $d)) { $d[1] = $u; } self::$s = count(self::$db); self::$db[] = is_object($O) ? $O : new \PDO($d[1], !empty($d[2]) ? $d[2] : '', !empty($d[3]) ? $d[3] : '', [\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, \PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => 0]); if (!isset(self::$db[self::$s])) throw new \PDOException(); //! housekeeping $d = &self::$db[self::$s]; $d->id = count(self::$db); $d->name = is_object($O) ? get_class($O) : $d->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); //! to maintain interoperability among different sql implementations, load replacements from //! vendor/phppe/*/libs/ds_(driver).php $d->s = @include @glob('vendor/phppe/*/libs/ds_'.$d->name.'.php')[0]; if (!empty($d->s['_init'])) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart //! driver specific commands for connection $c = str_getcsv($d->s['_init'], ';'); foreach ($c as $n => $C) { if (!empty(trim($C))) { $d->exec(trim($C)); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } catch (\Exception $e) { //! consider failure of first data source fatal Core::log(self::$s ? 'E' : 'C', L('Unable to initialize').": $u, ".$e->getMessage(), 'db'); throw $e; } self::$b += microtime(1) - $S; //! return selector of newly created instance return self::$s; } /** * Set current data source to use with exec, fetch etc. if argument given. * * @param integer data source selector (returned by db()) * * @return integer returns current selector */ public static function ds($s = -1) { //! select a data source to use if ($s >= 0 && $s < count(self::$db) && !empty(self::$db[$s])) { self::$s = $s; } return self::$s; } /** * Convert a string from user into a sql like phrase. * * @param string user profided string * * @return string sql safe, formatted string */ public static function like($s) { return preg_replace('/[%_]+/', '%', '%'. preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9\%]/i", '_', preg_replace("/[\ \t]+/", '%', strtr(trim($s), ['%' => '']))).'%'); } /** * Common code for executing a query on current data source. All the other methods are wrappers only. * * @param string query string * * @return array/integer number of affected rows or data array */ public static function exec($q, $a = []) { //! log query in developer mode Core::log('D', $q.' '.json_encode($a), 'db'); //! check for valid datasource if (!is_array($a)) { $a = [$a]; } if (empty(self::$db[self::$s])) { throw new \Exception(L('Invalid ds').' #'.self::$s); } //! skip comment lines and empty queries by //! reporting 1 affected row to avoid errors on caller side $q = trim($q); if (empty($q) || $q[0] == '-' || $q[0] == '/') { return 1; } //! do the thing $t = microtime(1); $r = null; $h = self::$db[self::$s]; try { $i = strtolower(substr(trim($q), 0, 6)) == 'select' || strtolower(substr(trim($q), 0, 4)) == 'show'; //! to maintain interoperability among different sql implementations, a replace //! array is used with regexp pattern keys and replacement strings as value //! see db() it's initialized there. The array is specified here: //! vendor/phppe/*/libs/ds_(driver).php if (is_array($h->s)) { foreach ($h->s as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] != '_') { $q = preg_replace('/'.$k.'/ims', $v, $q); } } if(!$i && strtolower(substr(trim($q), 0, 6)) == 'select') $i=1; } //! prepare and execute the statement with arguments $s = $h->prepare($q); @$s->execute($a); //! get result, either an array or a number $r = $i ? $s->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : $s->rowCount(); } catch (\Exception $e) { //! try to load scheme for missing table $E = $e->getMessage(); $c = strtr($E, 'le or v', ''); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ((/* other */(!empty($h->s['_tablename']) && preg_match($h->s['_tablename'], $E, $d)) || /*Sqlite/MySQL/MariaDB*/ preg_match("/able:?\ [\'\"]?([a-z0-9_\.]+)/mi", $c, $d) || /*Postgre*/ preg_match("/([a-z0-9_\.]+)[\'\"] does\ ?n/mi", $E, $d) || /*MSSql*/ preg_match("/name:?\ [\'\"]?([a-z0-9_\.]+)/mi", $E, $d) ) && !empty($d[1])) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $c = ''; $m = '.'.trim($h->name); $d = explode('.', $d[1]); $d = trim(!empty($d[1]) ? $d[1] : $d[0]); list($D) = explode('_', $d); //! look for engine specific scheme $f = @glob('vendor/phppe/*/sql/'.$d.$m.'.sql',GLOB_NOSORT)[0]; //! common scheme if (empty($f)) { $f = @glob('vendor/phppe/*/sql/'.$d.'.sql',GLOB_NOSORT)[0]; } if (!empty($f) && file_exists($f)) { $c = file_get_contents($f); } //! if scheme not found. Only log pages and views missing in debug runlevel if (empty($c)) { if(($d!="pages"&&$d!="views") || Core::$core->runlevel > 1) Core::log('E', $E, 'db'); throw $e; } if (is_array($h->s)) { foreach ($h->s as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] != '_') { $c = preg_replace('/'.$k.'/ims', $v, $c); } } } //! execute schema creation commands $c = str_getcsv($c, ';'); foreach ($c as $n => $C) { try { if (!empty(trim($C))) { $h->exec(trim($C)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Core::log('E', "creating $d at line:".($n + 1).' '.$e->getMessage(), 'db'); throw $e; } } Core::log('A', "$d created.", 'db'); //! repeat original command $s = $h->prepare($q); $s->execute($a); $r = $i ? $s->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : $s->rowCount(); } else { Core::log('E', $q.' '.json_encode($a).' '.$E, 'db'); $r = null; throw $e; } } //! housekeeping self::$b += microtime(1) - $t; return $r; } /** * Query records from current data source. * * @param string fields * @param string table * @param string where clause * @param string group by * @param string order by * @param integer offset * @param integer limit * @param array arguments * * @return array/integer */ public static function query($f, $t, $w = '', $g = '', $o = '', $s = 0, $l = 0, $a = []) { //! execute a query that returns records of associative arrays $q = 'SELECT '.(is_array($f)?implode(",",$f):$f).($t ? ' FROM '.$t : '').($w ? ' WHERE '.$w : '').($g ? ' GROUP BY '.$g : '').($o ? ' ORDER BY '.$o : '').($l ? (' LIMIT '.($s ? $s.',' : '').$l) : '').';'; return self::exec($q, $a); } /** * Query one record from current data source. * * @param string fields * @param string table * @param string where clause * @param string group by * @param string order by * @param array arguments * * @return array record */ public static function fetch($f, $t = '', $w = '', $g = '', $o = '', $a = []) { //! return the first record $r = self::query($f, $t, $w, $g, $o, 0, 1, $a); return (object)(empty($r[0]) ? [] : $r[0]); } /** * Query one field from current data source. * * @param string field * @param string table * @param string where clause * @param string group by * @param string order by * @param array arguments * * @return string value */ public static function field($f, $t = '', $w = '', $g = '', $o = '', $a = []) { //! return the first field return @reset(self::fetch($f, $t, $w, $g, $o, $a)); } /** * Query a recursive tree from current data source. * * @param string query string, use '?' placeholder to mark place of parent id * @param integer root id of the tree, 0 for all * * @return array of data */ public static function tree($q, $p = 0) { //! return a tree array (childs in _) $r = self::exec($q, [$p]); if (empty($r)) { return[]; } foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $i = isset($v['id']) ? $v['id'] : -1; if (!empty($i) && $i != $p) { $c = self::tree($q, $i); if (!empty($c)) { $r[$k]['_'] = $c; } } } return $r; } /** * Return time consumed by database calls. * * @return integer secs */ public static function bill() { return self::$b; } } /** * Cache wrapper. Allow multiple options * and fallbacks to php memcache. */ class Cache extends Extension { private $name; //!< implementation private static $uri; //!< cache uri public static $mc; //!< memcache instance /** * Magic getter to implement read-only properties */ function __get($n) { return $this->$n; } /** * Constructor. Called by core. * * @usage configure it in vendor/phppe/Core/config.php * * @param string cache uri */ public function __construct($cfg = null) { if (!empty($cfg)) { self::$uri = $cfg; $m = explode(':', $cfg); $d = '\\PHPPE\\Cache\\'.$m[0]; if (ClassMap::has($d)) { self::$mc = new $d($cfg); } //! if none, fallback to memcache if (empty(self::$mc)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $d = '\\Memcache'; if (!class_exists($d)) { \PHPPE\Core::log('C', L("no php-memcache"), 'cache'); } //! unix file: "unix:/tmp/fifo", "host" or "host:port" otherwise if ($m[0] == 'unix') { $p = 0; $h = $m[1]; } else { $p = !empty($m[1]) ? $m[1] + 0 : 11211; $h = $m[0]; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd self::$mc = new $d(); //Core::$mc->addServer( $h, $p ); //$s = @Core::$mc->getExtendedStats( ); if (/*empty( $s[$h . ( $p > 0 ? ":" . $p : "" )] ) || */ !@self::$mc->pconnect($h, $p, 1)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart usleep(100); if (!@self::$mc->pconnect($h, $p, 1)) { self::$mc = null; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } //! let rest of the world know about us if (is_object(self::$mc)) { $this->name = $d; } else { self::$mc = null; } } //! built-in blobs - referenced as cached objects //! this should go to init(), but we serve them as soon //! as possible to speed up page load // } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // function init($cfg) // { if (!empty($_GET['cache'])) { $d = trim($_GET['cache']); switch ($d) { //! inline PHPPE logo case 'logo' : Http::mime('image/png'); $c = 'vendor/phppe/Core/images/.phppe'; die(file_exists($c) ? file_get_contents($c) : base64_decode('R0lGODlhKgAYAMIHAAACAAcAABYAAygBDD4BEFwAGGoBGwWYISH5BAEKAAcALAAAAAAqABgAAAOxeLrcCsDJSSkIoertYOSgBmXh5p3MiT4qJGIw9h3BFZP0LVceU0c91sy1uMwkwQfmYEzhiCwc8sh0QQ+FrMFQIAgY2cIWuUx9LoutWsxNs9udaxDKDb+7Wzth+huRRmlcJANrW148NjJDdF2Db2t7EzUUkwpqAx8EaoWRUyCXgVx5L1QUeQQDBGwFhIYDAxNNHJubBQqPBiWmeWqdWG+6EmrBxJZwxbqjyMnHy87P0BMJADs=')); //! Stylesheet for PHPPE Panel case 'css' : Http::mime('text/css'); $p = 'position:fixed;top:'; $s = 'text-shadow:2px 2px 2px #FFF;'; $c = 'rgba(136,146,191'; die('#pe_p{'.$p."0;z-index:1998;left:0;width:100%;padding:0 2px 0 32px;background-color:$c,0.9);background:linear-gradient($c,0.4),$c,0.6),$c,0.8),$c,0.9),$c,1) 90%,rgba(0,0,0,1));height:31px !important;font-family:helvetica;font-size:14px !important;line-height:20px !important;}#pe_p SPAN{margin:0 5px 0 0;cursor:pointer;}#pe_p UL{list-style-type:none;margin:3px;padding:0;}#pe_p IMG{border:0;vertical-align:middle;padding-right:4px;}#pe_p A{text-decoration:none;color:#000;".$s.'}#pe_p .menu {position:fixed;top:8px;left:90px;}#pe_p .stat SPAN{display:inline-block;'.$s.'}#pe_p LI{cursor:pointer;}#pe_p LI:hover{background:#F0F0F0;}#pe_p .stat{'.$p.'6px;right:48px;}#pe_p .sub{'.$p.'28px;display:inline;background:#FFF;border:solid 1px #808080;box-shadow:2px 2px 6px #000;z-index:1999;}#pe_p .menu_i{padding:5px 6px 5px 6px;'.$s.'}#pe_p .menu_a{padding:4px 5px 5px 5px;border-top:solid #000 1px;border-left:solid #000 1px;border-right:solid #000 1px;background:#FFF;}@media print{#pe_p{display:none;}}'); //! serve real cache requests default : $c = self::get("c_$d"); if (is_array($c) && !empty($c['d'])) { Http::mime((!empty($c['m']) ? $c['m'] : 'text/plain')); die($c['d']); } die('CACHE-E: '.$d); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Set a value in cache. * * @param string key * @param mixed value * @param integer ttl, optional * @param boolean force use of cache, optional */ public static function set($k, $v, $ttl = 0, $force=false) { if (!empty(self::$mc) && (empty(Core::$core->nocache)||$force)) { return @self::$mc->set($k, $v, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $ttl > 0 ? $ttl : Core::$core->cachettl); } return false; } /** * Get a value from cache. * * @param string key * @param boolean force use of cache */ public static function get($k, $force=false) { if (!empty(self::$mc) && (empty(Core::$core->nocache)||$force)) { return self::$mc->get($k); } return; } /** * Clear cache. * */ public static function invalidate() { if (!empty(self::$mc) && method_exists(self::$mc,"invalidate")) { return self::$mc->invalidate(); } else { // fallback $c = !empty(Core::$core->cache) ? Core::$core->cache : self::$uri; if (preg_match("/^([^:]+):?([0-9]*)$/",$c,$m)) { $f = fsockopen($m[1], $m[2]>0?$m[2]:11211, $n, $e, 1); fwrite($f,"flush_all\n"); fclose($f); } } return; } /** * Initialize event. * * @param array configuration array * * @return boolean false if initialization failed */ public function init($cfg) { //! remove Cache from extensions if there's no instance return !empty(self::$mc); } } /** * Assets proxy. It will use memcache if configured * Also takes care of dynamic assets and saves their output. */ class Assets extends Extension { /** * Route event handler. Will look for images, css, js application. * * @param string current application * @param string current action */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart public function route($app, $action) { //! proxy dynamic assets (vendor directory is not accessable by the webserver, only public dir) if (in_array($app, ['css', 'js', 'images', 'fonts'])) { //! helper function to specify mime header and minify assets function b($a, $b) { Http::mime($a == 'css' ? 'text/css' : ($a == 'js' ? 'text/javascript' : ($a == 'images'?'image/png':'application/octet-stream'))); die($b); } //! let's try to get it from cache $N = 'a_'.sha1(Core::$core->base.Core::$core->url.'/'.Core::$user->id.'/'.Core::$client->lang); $d = Cache::get($N); if (!empty($d)) { b($app, $d); } else { //! cache miss, we'll have to generate the asset //! remove language code from core.js url. This "alias" allows per language cache foreach ([Core::$core->url, preg_replace("/^js\/core\.[^\.]+\.js/", 'js/core.js', Core::$core->url).'.php',] as $p) { $A = 'vendor/phppe/*/'.strtr($p, ['*' => '', '..' => '']); $c = @glob($A, GLOB_NOSORT)[0]; if (empty($c)) { $A = 'public/'.strtr($p, ['*' => '', '..' => '']); $c = @glob($A, GLOB_NOSORT)[0]; } if ($c) { if (substr($c, -4) != '.php') { //! use file_get_contents and 10 times longer cache ttl for static files $d = file_get_contents($c); Core::$core->cachettl *= 10; } else { //! use include_once for php with normal cache ttl ob_start(); include_once $c; $d = ob_get_clean(); } } if ($d) { $d = self::minify($d, $app); //! save it to the cache for later Cache::set($N, $d); //! output result b($app, $d); } } } //! no asset found by that url header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } //! not a real asset, but no better place if($app=="passwd"&&Core::$client->ip=="CLI") { echo(chr(27)."[96m".L("Password")."? ".chr(27)."[0m"); system('stty -echo'); $p = rtrim(fgets(STDIN)); system('stty echo'); die("\n".password_hash($p, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost'=>12])."\n"); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /** * Asset minifier. * * @param string data * @param string type, 'css' or 'js' * * @return string minified data */ public static function minify($d, $t = 'js') { //! check input, return output just as is if type unknown if (!empty(Core::$core->nominify) || ($t != 'css' && $t != 'js' && $t != 'php')) { return $d; } $d = trim($d); //! allow use of third party vendor code if ($t == 'css' && class_exists('CSSMin')) return \CSSMin::minify($d); if ($t == 'js' && class_exists('JSMin')) return \JSMin::minify($d); //! do the stuff ourself (fastest, safest, simpliest, and no dependency required at all... and only 70 SLoC) $n = ''; $i = 0; $l = strlen($d); while ($i < $l) { if ($t == 'php' && ($d[$i] == '?' && $d[$i + 1] == '>')) { $j = $i; $i += 2; while ($i < $l && ($d[$i-1] != '<' || $d[$i] != '?')) { $i++; } $i++; $n .= substr($d, $j, $i - $j); continue; } $c = @substr($n, -1); //! string literals if (($d[$i] == "'" || $d[$i] == '"') && $c != '\\') { $s = $d[$i]; $j = $i; ++$i; while ($i < $l && $d[$i] != $s) { if ($d[$i] == '\\') $i++; ++$i; } ++$i; $n .= substr($d, $j, $i - $j); continue; } //! remove comments if ($t != 'css' && ($d[$i] == '/' && $d[$i + 1] == '/')) { $i += 2; while ($i < $l && $d[$i] != "\n") { $i++; } continue; } if ($d[$i] == '/' && $d[$i + 1] == '*') { $i += 2; while ($i + 1 < $l && ($d[$i] != '*' || $d[$i + 1] != '/')) { $i++; } $i += 2; continue; } //! remove tabs and line endings if ($d[$i] == "\t" || $d[$i] == "\r" || $d[$i] == "\n") { //! add a space to separate words if necessary if ( (($c >= 'a' && $c <= 'z') || ($c >= 'A' && $c <= 'Z') || ($c >= '0' && $c <= '9')) && ($d[$i + 1] == '\\' || $d[$i + 1] == '/' || $d[$i + 1] == '_' || $d[$i + 1] == '*' || ($d[$i + 1] >= 'a' && $d[$i + 1] <= 'z') || ($d[$i + 1] >= 'A' && $d[$i + 1] <= 'Z') || ($d[$i + 1] >= '0' && $d[$i + 1] <= '9') || $d[$i + 1] == '#' || ($t == 'css' && $d[$i+1]=='.')) ) { $n .= ' '; } $i++; continue; } //! remove extra spaces if ($d[$i] == ' ' && $c!='\\' && (!(($c >= 'a' && $c <= 'z') || ($c >= 'A' && $c <= 'Z') || ($c >= '0' && $c <= '9') || $c=='%' || $c=='-') || !($d[$i + 1] == '\\' || $d[$i + 1] == '/' || $d[$i + 1] == '_' || ($d[$i + 1] >= 'a' && $d[$i + 1] <= 'z') || ($d[$i + 1] >= 'A' && $d[$i + 1] <= 'Z') || ($d[$i + 1] >= '0' && $d[$i + 1] <= '9') || $d[$i + 1] == '#' || $d[$i + 1] == '*' || ($t == 'css' && ($d[$i+1]=='.'||$d[$i+1]=='-'||$c=='-')) || ($t == 'js' && $d[$i + 1] == '$')))) { ++$i; continue; } if($t=="css" && $d[$i]=='(' && (substr($n,-3)=="and"||substr($n,-2)=="or")) $n.=' '; //! copy character to new string $n .= $d[$i++]; } return $n; } } /** * Content Server. This is the default fallback application if * url route failed. */ class Content extends Extension { private static $dds = []; //!< dynamic data sets /** * Constructor. Common code for all Content actions. * * @param string url */ public function __construct($u="") { //! check cache $C = 'd_'.sha1(url().'/'.Core::$user->id.'/'.Core::$client->lang); $data = Cache::get($C); try { //! cache miss, look it up in database - only primary datasource if (empty($data['id'])) { DS::ds(0); if(empty($u)) $u=Core::$core->url; $data = (array)DS::fetch("a.*,b.ctrl", "pages a LEFT JOIN views b ON a.template=b.id", "(a.id=? OR ? LIKE a.id||'/%') AND ". "(a.lang='' OR a.lang=?) AND ".(ClassMap::has("PHPPE\\CMS") && @get_class(View::getval('app'))=="PHPPE\\Content" && Core::$user->has("siteadm|webadm")?"":"a.publishid!=0 AND "). "a.pubd<=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND (a.expd='' OR a.expd=0 OR a.expd>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", "", "a.id DESC,a.created DESC", [$u, $u, Core::$client->lang] ); if (!empty($data['id'])) { Cache::set($C, $data); } else { return; } } //! check filters if (!empty($data['filter']) && !Core::cf($data['filter'])) { //! not allowed, fallback to 403 Core::$core->template = '403'; return; } //! set view for page Core::$core->template = $data['template']; //! load site title Core::$core->title = $data['name']; //! load application property overrides $o = json_decode($data['data'], true); if (is_array($o)) { foreach ($o as $k => $v) { if(substr($k,0,4)=="app.") $k=substr($k,4); $this->$k = $v; } } foreach (['id', 'name', 'lang', 'modifyd', 'ctrl', 'publishid'] as $k) { $this->$k = $data[$k]; } //! get page specific DDS $E = json_decode($data['dds'], true); if (is_array($E)) { self::$dds += $E; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (\Exception $e) { } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Default action. * * @param not used. */ public function action($item = '') { //! as this could be considered as a security risk, this feature can be turned off globally if (!empty(Core::$core->noctrl) || empty($this->ctrl)) { return; } ob_start(); //FIXME: sanitize php code eval("namespace PHPPE;\n".$this->ctrl); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Get dynamic data sets into application properties. * * @param object application instance */ public static function getDDS(&$app) { try { //! special page holds global page parameters and dds' $F = (array)DS::fetch('data,dds', 'pages', "id='frame' AND ".(ClassMap::has("PHPPE\\CMS") && get_class(View::getval('app'))=="PHPPE\\Content" && // bug in php-code-coverage, marks unchecked in middle of an AND expression... // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart Core::$user->has("siteadm|webadm")?"":"publishid!=0 AND "). "(lang='' OR lang=?)", '', 'id DESC,created DESC',[Core::$client->lang]); $E = $F?json_decode($F['data'], true):null; View::assign('frame', $E); //! load global dds $D = $F?json_decode($F['dds'], true):null; if (is_array($D)) { self::$dds += $D; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $o = []; foreach (self::$dds as $k => $c) { //! don't allow to set these, as they cannot be arrays if (!in_array($k, ['dds', 'id', 'title', 'mimetype'])) { try { $o[$k] = @DS::query($c[0], @$c[1], strtr(@$c[2], ['@ID' => $k,'@SHA' => sha1($k), '@URL' => Core::$core->url]), @$c[3], @$c[4], @$c[5], View::getval(@$c[6])); foreach ($o[$k] as $i => $v) { $d = @json_decode($v['data'], true); if (is_array($d)) $o[$k][$i] += $d; unset($o[$k][$i]['data']); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Core::log('W', $k.' '.$e->getMessage().' '.implode(' ', $c), 'dds'); } } } //! set application properties if (!empty($o)) { foreach ($o as $k => $v) { $app->$k = $v; } } } } /** * View layer. */ class View extends Extension { private static $hdr = [ 'meta' => [], 'link' => [], 'css' => [], 'js' => [], 'jslib' => [], ]; //!< header items and js libraries private static $menu; //!< system menu, populated by initialized modules private static $n; //!< templater nested level private static $c; //!< templater control structures context private static $o = []; //!< templater objects private static $tc; //!< try button counter private static $p; //!< templater default path for views private static $addons = []; //!< list of initialized widgets public static $e = ''; //!< last expression to evaluate public static $C; //!< php expression cache /** * Initialize event handler. Register basic object in templater * also copy meta and link tags from configuration */ public static function init() { //! register core, user and client to templater self::$o['core'] = Core::$core; //! register default meta keywords if (!empty(Core::$core->meta) && is_array(Core::$core->meta)) { self::$hdr['meta'] = Core::$core->meta; } self::$hdr['meta']['viewport'] = 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0'; if (!empty(Core::$core->link) && is_array(Core::$core->link)) { self::$hdr['link'] = Core::$core->link; } //! add core.js with language code in name. This allows separate client side caches //! also give it a high priortity; jQuery has 00, so core.js should have 01 $js = 'vendor/phppe/Core/js/core.js.php'; if (file_exists($js)) { self::$hdr['jslib']['core.'.Core::$client->lang.'.js'] = "01$js"; } //! try button counter self::$tc = 0; } /** * Set default path for templater. Used by Core::run() after appliction class determined * * @param string path */ public static function setPath(&$p) { self::$p = &$p; } /** * Register an object in templater. * * @param string name * @param mixed instance reference */ public static function assign($n, &$o) { self::$o[$n] = &$o; } /** * Register a new stylesheet. * * @param string name of the stylesheet */ public static function css($c = '') { if (empty($c)) { return self::$hdr['css']; } //! add cdn stylesheet if (substr($c, 0, 4) == 'http') { self::$hdr['link'][$c] = 'stylesheet'; } else { //! add a new stylesheet to output $a=@glob("vendor/phppe/*/css/".@explode('?', $c)[0]."*")[0]; if (!isset(self::$hdr['css'][$c]) && !empty($a)) { self::$hdr['css'][$c] = realpath($a); } } } /** * Register a new javascript library. * * @param string name of the js library * @param string if it needs to be initialized, the code to do that * @param integer priority (0=jQuery, 1-9=frameworks, 10-=libraries) */ public static function jslib($l = '', $i = '', $p = 10) { if (empty($l)) { return self::$hdr['jslib']; } if ($p < 0 || $p > 99) $p = 99; //! add cdn javascript if (substr($l, 0, 4) == 'http') { self::$hdr['jslib'][$l] = sprintf('%02d', $p).$l; } else { //! add a new javascript library to output $a=@glob("vendor/phppe/*/js/".@explode('?', $l)[0]."*")[0]; if (!isset(self::$hdr['jslib'][$l]) && !empty($a)) { self::$hdr['jslib'][$l] = sprintf('%02d', $p).realpath($a); } } //! also register init hook and call it on domcomplete event $i = trim($i); if (!empty($i) && (empty(self::$hdr['js']['init()']) || strpos(self::$hdr['js']['init()'], $i) === false)) { self::js('init()', $i.($i[strlen($i) - 1] != ';' ? ';' : ''), true); } } /** * Register a new javascript function. * * @param string name of the js function with arguments * @param string code * @param boolean if code should be appended to existing code, true. Replace otherwise */ public static function js($f = '', $c = '', $a = 0) { if ($c) { //! add a javascript function to output $C = Assets::minify($c, 'js'); $C .= ($C[strlen($C) - 1] != ';' ? ';' : ''); if ($a) { if (strpos(@self::$hdr['js'][$f], $C) === false) { @self::$hdr['js'][$f] .= $C; } } else { self::$hdr['js'][$f] = $C; } } } /** * Register a new menu item or submenu in PHPPE panel. * * @param string title of the link * @param string/array url or array of title=>url */ public static function menu($t = '', $l = '') { if (empty($t)) { return self::$menu; } //! add a new menuitem or submenu if (is_string($l) || is_array($l)) { self::$menu[$t] = $l; } } /** * Load view from cache. Called by Core::run() * * @param string cache key * * @return string cached content or null */ public static function fromCache($N) { $d = Cache::get($N); if (is_array($d)) { //! cache hit, we are happy! foreach (['m' => 'meta', 'c' => 'css', 'j' => 'js', 'J' => 'jslib'] as $k => $v) { if (is_array($d[$k])) { self::$hdr[$v] = array_merge(self::$hdr[$v], $d[$k]); } } return $d['d']; } return ''; } /** * Generate the main part of the view (that is, without html header and footer). * Called by Core::run() once. * * @param string template to use * @param string cache key * * @return string generated content */ public static function generate($template, $N = '') { //! we should check cache here, but it's already handled //! by Core::run() because this code never reached when cached //! clear validators $_SESSION['pe_v'] = []; //! if controller cleared template name, return empty string $T = ""; if (!empty($template)) { $T = self::template($template); //! if action specific template not found, fallback to application's if (empty($T)) $T = self::template(Core::$core->app.'_'.Core::$core->action); if (empty($T)) $T = self::template(Core::$core->app); if (empty($T)) $T = self::template('404'); //! fallback index page if even 404 template missing if (empty($T) && Core::$core->app == 'index') { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $T = '

PHPPE works!

Next step: php public/'.basename(__FILE__).' --diag'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! wrap generated output in a frame if (empty(Core::$core->noframe)) { $d = self::template('frame'); //! failsafe frame if (!$d) $T = "
"; //! replace application marker in frame with output elseif (preg_match('//ims', $d, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $T = substr($d, 0, $m[0][1]).$T.substr($d, $m[0][1] + 6); } } //! sort jslibs in priority order before stored in cache asort(self::$hdr['jslib'], SORT_FLAG_CASE | SORT_STRING); //! save to cache if (!empty($T) && !empty($N)) { Cache::set($N, [ 'm' => self::$hdr['meta'], 'l' => self::$hdr['link'], 'c' => self::$hdr['css'], 'j' => self::$hdr['js'], 'J' => self::$hdr['jslib'], 'd' => $T,]); } return $T; } /** * Load, parse and evaluate a template. Called several times * * @param string name of the template * @param array view variables (see assign) * * @return string parsed output */ public static function template($n,$v=null) { //! merge extra parameters if (is_array($v)&&!empty($v)) { self::$o = array_merge(self::$o,$v); } //! set http response header as well for special templates if ($n == '403' || $n == '404') { @header("HTTP/1.1 $n ".($n == '403' ? 'Access Denied' : 'Not Found')); } //! get template content $d = self::get($n); //! skip parser if it's empty if (empty($d)) { return ''; } self::$n = -1; self::$c = []; //! parse tags return self::_t($d); } /** * Get value of a templater expression. * * @param string expression * * @return mixed value */ public static function getval($x) { if (!is_string($x)) { return $x; } if (isset(self::$o[$x])) return self::$o[$x]; if(empty(self::$C[$x])){ //! evaluate an expression for templater and return it's value //! security check: look for variables and let operator if (strpos($x, '$') !== false || preg_match('/[^!=]=[^=]/', $x)) { return self::e('W', $x, 'BADINP'); } $l = $r = ''; $d = $x; //convert expression to php commands $L = strlen($d); for ($i = 0; $i < $L; ++$i) { $c = $d[$i]; //! string literals if ($c == '"' || $c == "'") { $r .= $c; ++$i; $b = ''; while ($i < $L && $b != $c) { if ($b == '\\') { $b .= $d[$i++]; } $r .= $b; $b = $d[$i++]; } $r .= $c; $l = ''; } //! variable and function names if ((ctype_alpha($c) || $c == '_') && !ctype_alnum($l) && $l != '.' && $l != '_') { $Y = 0; while (substr($d, $i, 7) == 'parent.') { $i += 7; $Y++; } $j = $i; $b = $d[$j]; while (($b||$b=='0') && (ctype_alnum($b) || $b == '_')) { $j++; $b = isset($d[$j]) ? $d[$j] : ''; } if ($b != '(' && $b != ':') { //! special variables in foreach structures $v = substr($d, $i, $j - $i); switch ($v) { case 'KEY' : //! the current key of the array/field name of object case 'IDX' : //! index in interation $r .= '\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->'.$v; $i = $j; break; case 'ODD' : //! for striped output $r .= '(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->IDX%2)'; $i = $j; break; case 'true' : //! for convenience case 'false' : case 'null' : $r .= $v; $i = $j; break; case 'VALUE' : //! the current value of the array element/object field $r .= '(isset(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.'])&&isset(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE)?(!is_object(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE)?\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE:get_class(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE)):"")'; $i = $j; @$c=$d[$i]; break; default : //! get the value if(@$d[$j]=="."&&isset(self::$o[$v])) $r.='\PHPPE\View::$o["'.$v.'"]'; else $r .= '(isset(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.'])&&isset(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE)?(is_array(\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE)?\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE["'.$v.'"]:\PHPPE\View::$c[\PHPPE\View::$n-'.$Y.']->VALUE->'.$v.'):(isset(\PHPPE\View::$o["app"]->'.$v.')?\PHPPE\View::$o["app"]->'.$v.':$'.$v.'))'; $i = $j; @$c=$d[$i]; } } //! check function names against allowed config. Always allow translations and core methods elseif ($b == '(' && ($j - $i != 1 || $d[$i] != 'L') && substr($d, $i, 5) != 'core.' && substr($d, $i, $j - $i) != 'array' && !empty(Core::$core->allowed) && !in_array(substr($d, $i, $j - $i), Core::$core->allowed)) { return self::e('E', $x, 'BADFNC'); } } $r .= ($c == '.' ? '->' : (isset($d[$i]) ? $d[$i] : '')); $l = $c; } //! for string operators $r = strtr($r, ["+'" => ".'", '+"' => '."', "'+" => "'.", '"+' => '".']); self::$C[$x] = $r; } else $r = self::$C[$x]; //! evaluate php ob_start(); //! save expression for Exception handler self::$e = $x.' => '.$r; $e=error_reporting(); error_reporting($e&~E_NOTICE); try { $R = eval('return '.$r.';'); } catch(\ParseError $e) { $R = $r; } error_reporting($e); $o = ob_get_clean(); self::$e = ''; //! log expressions in debug mode if (Core::$core->runlevel > 2) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart Core::log('D', $x.' => '.$r.' = '.serialize($R).$o, 'view'); //! on error stop if(!empty($o)) die($o); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $R; } /** * Return and increase try button counter. */ public static function tc() { return ++self::$tc; } /** * Format an error message. * * @param string weight (see log()) * @param string module * @param string message * * @return string formated message */ public static function e($w, $m, $c="") { if (!is_string($m)) { $m = json_encode($m); } return !empty(Core::$core->output) && Core::$core->output == 'html' ? "".($w ? "$w-" : '').($c ? "$c: " : '').htmlspecialchars($m).'' : ($w=='E'||$w=='C'?chr(27)."[91;05m":"")."$c-$w: ".strtr($m, ["\r" => '', "\n" => '\\n']).chr(27)."[0m\n"; } /** * Evaluate view template. Reentrant, use View::template() instead */ public static function _t($x, $re = 0) { //! parse a template string //check recursion limit $L = self::e('W', L('recursion limit exceeded').'!', 'TOOMNY'); if ($re >= 64) { return $L; } //check if we're in cms edit mode $J = ClassMap::has("PHPPE\\CMS") && @get_class(View::getval('app'))=="PHPPE\\Content" && Core::$user->has("siteadm|webadm"); //get tags if (preg_match_all("/]+)>[\r\n]*/ms", $x, $T, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //get opening/closing pairs $o = []; $I = 0; foreach ($T as $k => $v) { $T[$k][0][2] = strlen($v[0][0]); $t = strtolower(substr($v[1][0], 0, 4)); if (substr($t, 0, 2) == 'if' || $t == 'fore' || $t == 'temp') { $o[$I++] = $k; } elseif ($t == 'else') { @$T[$o[$I - 1]][4] = $k; } elseif (substr($t, 0, 3) == '/if' || $t == '/for' || $t == '/tem') { @$T[$o[--$I]][3] = $k; } } if ($I) { return self::e('W', L('unclosed tag'), 'UNCLS'); } unset($o); //parse tags $C = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < count($T) && $m = $T[$k]; ++$k) { $H = trim($m[1][0]); $w = ''; $a = ''; if ($H[0] == '=') { $t = $g = '='; } else { $g = trim(strstr($H, ' ', true)); $t = trim(strstr($g, '(', true)); if(empty($t)) $t = $g; } if (empty($t)) { $t = $g = $H; } else { $a = trim(substr($H, strlen($g))); } $A = str_getcsv($a, ' '); $N = $m[0][1]; $M = $m[0][2]; //interpret tags switch ($t) { //multilanguage support case 'l' : case 'L' : $w = L($a); break; //application output marker in frame. It's not our job to parse it case 'app' : $w = ''; break; //include another template case 'include' : $c = self::get($a); if (!$c) { $c = self::get(self::getval($a)); } $w = self::_t($c, $re + 1); break; //expression case '=' : $w = self::getval($a); break; //re-entrant parsing case 'template' : $w = self::_t(strtr(self::_t(substr($x, $m[0][1] + $m[0][2] + $C, $T[$m[3]][0][1] - $m[0][1] - $m[0][2]), $re), '<%', ' 1]; $t = substr($x, $m[0][1] + $m[0][2] + $C, $T[$m[3]][0][1] - $m[0][1] - $m[0][2]); if ((is_array($d) && count($d) > 0) || is_object($d)) { foreach ($d as $k => $v) { self::$c[self::$n]->KEY = $k; self::$c[self::$n]->VALUE = $v; $w .= @self::_t($t, $re + 1); self::$c[self::$n]->IDX++; } } $k = $m[3]; $M = $T[$m[3]][0][1] - $m[0][1] + $T[$m[3]][0][2]; unset(self::$c[self::$n]); self::$n--; break; //conditional case 'if' : $M = $T[$m[3]][0][1] + $T[$m[3]][0][2] - $m[0][1]; $w = self::_t(($a != 'cms' && !empty(self::getval($a))) || ($a == 'cms' && $J) ? substr($x, $N + $C + $m[0][2], !empty($m[4]) ? $T[$m[4]][0][1] - $m[0][1] - $m[0][2] : $M - $m[0][2] - $T[$m[3]][0][2]) : (!empty($m[4]) ? substr($x, $T[$m[4]][0][1] + $C + $T[$m[4]][0][2], $T[$m[3]][0][1] - $T[$m[4]][0][1] - $T[$m[4]][0][2]) : ''), $re + 1); $k = $m[3]; break; //user form case 'form' : self::$tc = 0; $c = sha1(url()); $n = !empty($A[0]) && $A[0] != '-' ? urlencode($A[0]) : 'form'; $w = ' '\\"']).'"' : '').(!empty($A[4]) && $A[4] != '-'?' '.$A[4]:''). ">".(!empty(Core::$core->item) ? "" : ''); break; //date and time formating case 'time' : case 'date' : $v = self::getval($A[0]); $w = !empty($v) ? date((!empty(Core::$l['dateformat']) ? Core::$l['dateformat'] : 'Y-m-d').($t == 'time' ? ' H:i:s' : ''), self::ts($v)) : (!empty($A[1]) ? '' : L('Epoch')); break; case 'difftime' : $w = ''; $l='%s'; $v = self::getval($A[0]); if (!empty($A[1])) { if (!$v) { $w = '-'; break; } $v -= self::ts(self::getval($A[1])); } if ($v < 0) { $l=!empty(Core::$l['%s ago'])?Core::$l['%s ago']:'- %s'; $v = -$v; } $c = floor($v / 86400); $b = floor(($v - $c * 86400) / 3600); $a = floor(($v - $c * 86400 - $b * 3600) / 60); $w = sprintf($l,$c ? "$c ".L('day'.($c > 1 ? 's' : '')) : ($b ? "$b ".L('hour'.($b > 1 ? 's' : '')) : '').($a || !$b ? ($b ? ', ' : '')."$a ".L('min'.($a > 1 ? 's' : '')) : '')); break; //dump object - this only works if runlevel is at least testing (1) case 'dump' : $l = Core::$core->runlevel; if ($l < 1) { $w = ''; } else { ob_start(); $s = null; if ($A[0] == '_SESSION') { $s = $_SESSION; unset($s['pe_u']); unset($s['pe_s']); } else { $s = self::getval($A[0]); } //use print_r in verbose, var_dump on developer and debug runlevels if ($l > 1) { var_dump($s); $n = ob_get_clean(); if ($n[0] != '<') { $n = '
'; } } else { print_r($s); $n = '
'; } $w = "
".$A[0].':'. preg_replace("/.*?<\/small>\n?/", '', preg_replace("/PRIVATE KEY.*?PRIVATE KEY\n?/ims", '', $n)).'
'; } break; //hook for cms editor icons case 'cms' : //add-on support case 'widget' : case 'var' : case 'field' : $Z = $R = $m = false; $w=""; $G = $t == 'cms'; $V = $t == 'var'; //if first attribute starts with an at sign, it's an ace definition if ($A[0][0] == '@') { $Z = substr($A[0], 1); array_shift($A); } $Z = empty($Z) || Core::$user->has($Z); //if type starts with an asterix, it's a mandatory field //or with cms tag it displays value if ($A[0][0] == '*') { $R = true; $A[0] = substr($A[0], 1); } $f = $A[0]; //get add-on type and arguments if (preg_match("/^([^\(]+)[\(]?([^\)]*)/", $A[0], $B) && !empty($B[1])) { //submit is just an alias of update $f = $B[1] == 'submit' ? 'update' : $B[1]; //get arguments array $a = self::getval('['.$B[2].']'); array_shift($A); //name $n = !empty($A[0]) ? $A[0] : ''; array_shift($A); //value (if applicable) $v = self::getval($n); //find appropriate class for AddOn $d = '\\PHPPE\\Addon\\'.$f; if (ClassMap::has($d)) { //ok, got it $F = new $d($a, $n, $v, $A, !$G&&$R); //if it has an init() method, and not called yet, call it if (empty(self::$addons[$f])) { if (method_exists($F, 'init')) $F->init(); self::$addons[$f]=1; } //! cms icon if ($G) { if ($J && $Z) $w = CMS::icon($g, $f, $F); //! we use the (otherwise here useless) required marker //! for showing value in non-edit mode $m = $R ? "show" : ""; } else { //add validators and check for required fields if ($R || method_exists($d, 'validate')) { $_SESSION['pe_v'][$n][$f] = [$R, $a, $A]; } //find out method to use to draw AddOn $m = $t == 'field' || !empty($_SESSION[$V ? 'pe_e' : 'pe_c']) && method_exists($F, 'edit') ? 'edit' : 'show'; } //get output $w .= $m && method_exists($F, $m) && $Z ? $F->$m() : ""; unset($F); break; } else $w .= !$G||$J?self::e('W', $f, 'UNKADDON'):""; } break; default : $w = self::e('W', $t, 'UNKTAG'); } //replace templater tag with output, not using any search-and-replace algorithms $D = $N + $C && $x[$N + $C - 1] == "\n" ? 1 : 0; $E = isset($x[$N + $M + $C]) && $x[$N + $M + $C] == "\n" ? 1 : 0; $x = substr($x, 0, $N + $C - $D).$w.substr($x, $N + $M + $C + $E); $C += @strlen($w) - $M - $D - $E; } } return $x; } /** * Generate html head and script tags at the end, and also flush output to client. * Note that this generates what's outside of body tag. Use frame template * for menus, navbars, footer line etc. * * @param string pre-generated main part */ public static function output(&$txt, $ap="") { //! get output format $o = Core::$core->output; //! application may override mime type of output Http::mime((!empty(self::$o['app']->mimetype) ? self::$o['app']->mimetype : 'text/'.($o ? $o : 'html')), false); //! output header if ($o) { //! look for extension $c = @glob('vendor/phppe/*/out/'.$o.'_header.php'); if (!empty($c[0])) include_once $c[0]; //! if not found, fallback to built-in version for html elseif ($o == 'html') { $P = empty(Core::$core->nopanel) && Core::$user->has('panel'); $I = basename(__FILE__).'/'; if ($I == 'index.php/') $I = ''; $d = 'http'.(Core::$core->sec ? 's' : '').'://'.Core::$core->base; //! HTML5 header and title echo "'. ''.(!empty(self::$o['app']->title) ? self::$o['app']->title : ( Core::$core->title ? Core::$core->title : 'PHPPE'.VERSION)).''. ""; //! meta tags foreach (array_merge(self::$hdr['meta'], !empty(self::$o['app']->meta) ? self::$o['app']->meta : []) as $k => $m) { if (!is_array($m)) { $m=[$m,"name"]; } if ($k && !empty($m[0]) && !empty($m[1])) { echo ""; } } //! favicon self::$hdr['link'][ !empty(self::$o['app']->favicon) ? self::$o['app']->favicon : 'favicon.ico' ] = 'shortcut icon'; //! link tags foreach (self::$hdr['link'] as $k => $m) { if (!empty($m) && $m != 'js') { echo ""; } } //! add style sheets (async) $O = ""; echo "$O\n"; //! display PHPPE panel if ($P) { $H = " class='sub' style='visibility:hidden;' onmousemove='return pe_w();'"; $O = "
"; //! *** STAT Event *** foreach (Core::lib() as $d) { if (method_exists($d, 'stat')) { $O .= ''.$d->stat().''; } } //! language selector box $O .= "
    "; if (!empty($_SESSION['pe_ls']) && count($_SESSION['pe_ls'])>1) { $d = $_SESSION['pe_ls']; } else { //if application has translations, use that list //if not, fallback to core's translations $D = @scandir('app/lang'); if (!is_array($D)) $D = []; $d = @scandir('vendor/phppe/Core/lang'); if (is_array($d)) { $D = array_unique($D + $d); } $d = []; foreach ($D as $f) { if (substr($f, -4) == '.php') { $d[substr($f, 0, strlen($f) - 4)] = 1; } } $_SESSION['pe_ls'] = $d; } foreach ($d as $k => $v) { if ($k) { $O .= "
  • $k".($k != L($k) ? ' '.L($k) : '').'
  • '; } } $O .= '
'; //! current language and user menu $k = Core::$client->lang; $f = "images/lang_$k.png"; $c = !empty($_SESSION['pe_c']); $O .= "". (file_exists('vendor/phppe/Core/'.$f) ? "$k" : $k).''. "
'. "".(!empty(Core::$user->name) ? Core::$user->name : '#'.Core::$user->id).'
'. "
\n"; echo $O; } } } Core::bm("header"); //! output main content (generated earlier by View::generate()) echo $txt; Core::bm("content"); //! output footer if ($o) { //! look for extension $c = @glob('vendor/phppe/*/out/'.$o.'_footer.php'); if (!empty($c[0])) include_once $c[0]; //! fallback to built-in version for html elseif ($o == 'html') { //! add javascript libraries (async) $d = 'var pe={};".$e; if (!empty(self::$hdr['jslib'])) { //! if aggregation allowed if (!empty(Cache::$mc) && empty(Core::$core->noaggr)) { $n = sha1($N.'_js'); if (empty(Cache::get("c_$n", true))) { $da = ''; //! skip dynamic assets and cdn links (they use a different caching mechanism) foreach (self::$hdr['jslib'] as $u => $v) { if ($v && substr($v, -3) != 'php' && substr($u, 0, 4) != 'http') { $da .= Assets::minify(file_get_contents(substr($v, 2)), 'js')."\n"; } } Cache::set("c_$n", ['m' => 'text/javascript', 'd' => $da], 0, true); } $O .= "$d src='${I}js/?cache=$n'>$e"; //! add dynamic javascripts, they were left out from aggregated cache above foreach (self::$hdr['jslib'] as $u => $v) { if (substr($u, 0, 4) == 'http') { $O .= "$d src='$u'>$e"; } elseif ($u[0] == '?' || substr($v, -3) == 'php') { $O .= "$d$a$u'>$e"; } } } else { foreach (self::$hdr['jslib'] as $u => $v) { if (substr($u, 0, 4) == 'http') { $O .= "$d src='$u'>$e"; } else { $O .= "$d$a$u'>$e"; } } } } //load PHPPE\Users' JS library if it's not aggregated already and PHPPE panel is shown $c = 'users.js'; if ($P && !isset(self::$hdr['jslib'][$c]) && file_exists('vendor/phppe/Core/js/'.$c.'.php')) { $O .= "$d$a$c'>$e"; } //! add javascript functions $c = self::$hdr['js']; $a = ''; //! built-in stuff if core.js is not installed if (!file_exists('vendor/phppe/Core/js/core.js.php')) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $x = 'document.getElementById('; $y = '.style.visibility'; $a = "pe_t=setTimeout(function(){pe_p('');},2000)"; $c['L(t)'] = "var i=0,a=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),t=LANG[t]!=null&&LANG[t]!=undefined?LANG[t]:(t!=null?t.replace(/_/g,' '):'');return t.replace(/%[sd]/g,function(){return a[i++];});"; $c['pe_p(i)'] = "var o=i?${x}i):i;if(pe_t!=null)clearTimeout(pe_t);if(pe_c&&pe_c!=i)${x}pe_c)$y='hidden';pe_t=pe_c=null;if(o!=null&&o.style!=null){if(o$y=='visible')o$y='hidden';else{o$y='visible';pe_c=i;$a;}}return false;"; $c['pe_w()'] = "if(pe_t!=null)clearTimeout(pe_t);$a;return false;"; $a = ',pe_t,pe_c,pe_h=0'; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if (!empty($c)) { //! Js variables: pe_i=init executed, pe_ot=offset top $O .= $d.">var pe_i=0,pe_ot=".($P ? 31 : 0)."$a;"; foreach ($c as $fu => $co) { //! make sure init only gets called once $O .= "function ".$fu."{".($fu=="init()"?"if(pe_i)return;pe_i=1;".(Core::$core->runlevel>2?"console.log('PE Plugins',pe);":""):"").$co."}\n"; } //! add event listeners to call init() on page load if(!empty(self::$hdr['js']['init()'])) { $O .= "document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);window.addEventListener('load', init);setTimeout(init,100);"; } $O .= $e; } $s = Core::started(); $d = 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'; $T = !empty($_SERVER[$d]) ? $_SERVER[$d] : $s; echo "\n$O\n", microtime(1) - $T, DS::bill(), $s - $T, memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, !empty(Cache::$mc) && empty(Core::$core->nocache) ? ', mc' : ''); } } Core::bm("footer"); flush(); } /** * Picture manipulation. * * @param string original image file * @param string new image file * @param integer maximum width * @param integer maximum height * @param boolean crop image * @param boolean use lossless compression (png), defaults to jpeg * @param string watermark image, must be a semi-transparent png * @param integer maximum file size for output. Will reduce quality to fit * @param integer minimum quality (1-10) * * @return boolean true or false, success */ public static function picture($o, $n, $w, $h, $c = 0, $l = 1, $W = '', $s = 8192, $m = 5) { //! try to load image, fallback to plain copy if failed $d = @file_get_contents($o); if (!function_exists('gd_info') || empty($d) || !($i = @imagecreatefromstring($d))) { Core::log('W', L("no php-libgd or bad image").": $o", 'picture'); if (file_exists($o)) { @copy($o, $n); } return false; } //! get original image dimensions $x = imagesx($i); $y = imagesy($i); //! limit checks and output format $q = 9; $m = ($m > 0 && $m < 10 ? $m : 5); $s = ($s > 64 ? $s : 64) * 1024; $j = 'imagepng'; if (!$l) { $j = 'imagejpeg'; $m *= 10; $q = 99; } Core::log('D', $o."($x,$y) -> ".$n."($w,$h,".($c ? 'crop' : 'resize').",$j,$s,$q) $W", 'picture'); //! calculate new picture dimensions if (!$c) { //! resize keeping aspect ratio $X = $x < $y ? floor(($h / $y) * $x) : $w; $Y = $x < $y ? $h : floor(($w / $x) * $y); $c = $d = 0; $e = $x; $f = $y; } else { //! crop from the middle $X = $w; $Y = $h; $e = $x / $y <= $w / $h ? $x : floor($w * $y / $h); $f = $x / $y <= $w / $h ? floor($h * $x / $w) : $y; $c = $x / $y <= $w / $h ? 0 : floor(($x - $e) / 2); $d = $x / $y <= $w / $h ? floor(($y - $f) / 2) : 0; } //! create output image $N = imagecreatetruecolor($X, $Y); //! don't loose transparent background if ($l) { imagealphablending($N, 0); $a = imagecolorallocatealpha($N, 255, 255, 255, 255); imagesavealpha($N, 1); } else { $a = imagecolorallocate($N, 255, 255, 255); } imagefill($N, 0, 0, $a); imagecopyresampled($N, $i, 0, 0, $c, $d, $X, $Y, $e, $f); //! tile watermark logo on image if (!empty($W)) { $g = @imagecreatefrompng($W); if (!empty($g)) { $a = imagesx($g); $b = imagesy($g); for ($y = 0; $y < $Y; $y += $a) { for ($x = 0; $x < $X; $x += $a) { imagecopyresampled($N, $g, $x, $y, 0, 0, $a, $b, $a, $b); } } } else { Core::log('W', "bad watermark image: $W", 'picture'); } } //! reduce quality to match file maximum byte size requirement @unlink($n); while (!file_exists($n) || (filesize($n) > $s && $q >= $m)) { @unlink($n); if (!$j($N, $n, $q--)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart @copy($o, $n); return false; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } return true; } /** * Private helper function to generate html for built-in fields. */ public static function v($a, $b, $e = '', $f = [], $p = '', $i = '', $n = '') { return (@$a->css[0] == 'r' ? ' required' : ''). ($p ? " pattern='".$p."'" : ''). " class='".$a->css.' '.(!empty($b) && $b != '-' ? $b : 'form-control')."'". ($a->fld ? " id='".$a->fld.$i."' name='".$a->fld.$n."'" : ''). ($e && $e != '-' ? " onchange='".$e."'" : ''). (!empty($f[0]) && $f[0] > 0 ? " maxlength='".$f[0]."'" : ''); } /** * Load a raw template. * * @param string name of the template * * @return string template string, cached if available */ public static function get($n) { //! get a template in raw format $t = ''; $m = []; $V = 'views'; $e = '.tpl'; //! from cache if possible $C = 't_'.sha1(Core::$core->base.'_'.$n); if ($p = Cache::get($C) && !empty($p) && is_array($p) && !empty($p['d'])) $t = $p['d']; //! on cache miss if (empty($t)) { //! from database if (!empty(DS::db())/* && file_exists("vendor/phppe/Core/sql/$V.sql")*/) { try { foreach ([Core::$core->app.'/'.$n, $n] as $v) { $p = (array)DS::fetch('*', $V, 'id=?', '', '', [$v]); if (!empty($p['data'])) { foreach (['css', 'jslib'] as $c) { $t = json_decode($p[$c], true); if (is_array($t)) { foreach ($t as $v) { self::$hdr[$c][basename($v)] = ($c == 'jslib' ? '99' : '').$v; } } } $t = $p['data']; break; } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (\Exception $F) { } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! from file - fallback if not found in database if (!$t) { foreach (["app/$V/$n$e", self::$p ? self::$p."/$V/$n$e" : '', 'vendor/phppe/'.Core::$core->app."/$V/$n$e", "vendor/phppe/Core/$V/$n$e",] as $F) { if ($F && file_exists($F)) { $t = file_get_contents($F); break; } } } //! failsafe: remove comments and php tags $t = preg_replace("/[\r\n]*/ms", '', preg_replace("/<\?.*?\?\>[\r\n]*/ms", '', $t)); //! save to cache if (!empty($t)) { Cache::set($C, ['d' => $t]); } } //! return raw template return $t; } /** * Return a timestamp. * * @param string timestamp or date * * @return integer timestamp */ private static function ts($v) { return preg_match('|^[0-9]+$|', $v) ? $v : strtotime($v); } /** * Dump view objects. */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart public static function dump() { Http::mime('text/plain', false); print_r(self::$o); print_r($_SERVER); print_r(Http::route()); die; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Some useful tools for file manipulations. */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart class Tools extends Extension { /** * Recursive directory delete * * @param string directory * * @return boolean true on success */ public static function rmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $d = array_diff(scandir($dir),[".",".."]); foreach ($d as $v) { self::rmdir($dir."/".$v); } return rmdir($dir); } else { return unlink($dir); } } /** * Archive extractor (file can be pkzip,gz,bz2,tar,cpio,pax) * * @param string archive file * @param string/array/callable filename to get or callback [class,method] or callable * * @return string content of the file in archive */ public static function untar($file, $fn = '') { //! detect format $body = ''; $f = gzopen($file, 'rb'); if ($f) { $read = 'gzread'; $close = 'gzclose'; $close = 'gzclose'; $open = 'gzopen'; } else { $f = bzopen($file, 'rb'); if ($f) { $read = 'bzread'; $close = 'bzclose'; $close = 'bzclose'; $open = 'bzopen'; } else { throw new \Exception(L('Unable to open').': '.$file); } } //! read archive $data = $read($f, 512); $close($f); if ($data[0] == 'P' && $data[1] == 'K') { $zip = zip_open($file); if (!$zip) { throw new \Exception(L('Unable to open').': '.$file); } while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $zname = zip_entry_name($zip_entry); if (!zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, 'r')) { continue; } $zip_fs = zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry); if (empty($zip_fs)) { continue; } $body = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, $zip_fs); if (!empty($fn) && is_string($fn)) { zip_entry_close($zip_entry); zip_close($zip); return $body; } if (is_array($fn) && method_exists($fn[0], $fn[1])) { call_user_func($fn, $zname, $body); } elseif(is_callable($fn)) $fn($zname, $body); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } zip_close($zip); return; } $f = $open($file, 'rb'); $ustar = substr($data, 257, 5) == 'ustar' ? 1 : 0; while (!feof($f) && $data) { $name = ''; if ($ustar) { $data = $read($f, 512); $size = octdec(substr($data, 124, 12)); $body = $size > 0 ? $read($f, floor(($size + 511) / 512) * 512) : ''; $i = 0; while (isset($data[$i]) && ord($data[$i]) != 0 && $i < 512) { $i++; } $name = substr($data, 0, $i); } else { $data = $read($f, 110); if (substr($data, 0, 6) != '070701') { throw new \Exception(L('Bad format')); } $size = floor((hexdec(substr($data, 54, 8)) + 3) / 4) * 4; $len = hexdec(substr($data, 94, 8)); $len += floor((110 + $len + 3) / 4) * 4 - 110 - $len; $name = trim($read($f, $len)); $body = ''; if ($name == 'TRAILER!!!') { break; } $body = $read($f, $size); } if (empty($name)) { $close($f); return ''; } //! if argument was a filename, return it's contents if (!empty($fn) && is_string($fn) && $name == $fn) { $close($f); return substr($body, 0, $size); } //! if argument was an array with class and method name, call it on every file in the archive if (is_array($fn) && method_exists($fn[0], $fn[1])) { call_user_func($fn, $name, substr($body, 0, $size)); } elseif(is_callable($fn)) $fn($name, substr($body, 0, $size)); } $close($f); } /** * Execute a shell command on remote server * * @param string command * @param string input string * @param string command to generate input string * * @return string command output */ public static function ssh($cmd, $input="", $precmd="") { //! check for remote configuration if (empty(Core::$user->data['remote']['identity']) || empty(Core::$user->data['remote']['user']) || empty(Core::$user->data['remote']['host']) || empty(Core::$user->data['remote']['path'])) { throw new \Exception(L('configure remote access')); } //! we cannot install localy, that would use webserver's user, forbidden to write. //! So we must use remote user's identity even when host is localhost. $idfile = tempnam('.tmp', '.id_'); file_put_contents($idfile, trim(Core::$user->data['remote']['identity'])."\n", LOCK_EX); chmod($idfile, 0400); //! a special case if ($cmd=="rsync"){ $ssh = "rsync -an -e \'ssh -i ".escapeshellarg($idfile)."\' --include-from=/dev/stdin ". escapeshellarg(Core::$user->data['remote']['user']."@".Core::$user->data['remote']['host'].":".$precmd); } else { $ssh = ($precmd?$precmd."|":""). "ssh -i ".escapeshellarg($idfile)." -l ".escapeshellarg(Core::$user->data['remote']['user']). (!empty(Core::$user->data['remote']['port'])&&Core::$user->data['remote']['port']>0?" -p ".intval(Core::$user->data['remote']['port']):"")." ".escapeshellarg(Core::$user->data['remote']['host']). " sh -c \\\" ".$cmd." \\\" 2>&1"; } Core::log('A', $ssh, "remote"); $d=[0=>["pipe", "r"], 1=>["pipe", "w"]]; $pr=proc_open($ssh, $d, $p); if($pr!==false && is_array($p)) { if( !empty($input) ) fwrite($p[0],is_array($input)?implode("\n",$input):$input); fclose($p[0]); $r=trim(stream_get_contents($p[1])); fclose($p[1]); proc_close($pr); } else { $r="ssh: unable to execute"; } unlink($idfile); return $r; } /** * Copy files to a remote server over a secure channel. * This one works even if ssh("rsync") fails but does a full copy. * * @param string/array source files * @param string destination directory on remote server */ public static function copy($files, $dest = '', $opt = '') { if (is_string($files)) { $files = [$files]; } foreach ($files as $k => $v) { $files[$k] = escapeshellarg($v); } $d=Core::$user->data['remote']['path']; if(substr($d,-1)!='/') $d.='/'; $d.=$dest; $r = self::ssh( "tar -xvz -C ".escapeshellarg($d)." ".$opt, "", "tar -cz ".implode(' ', $files)); if (in_array(substr($r, 0, 4), ['ssh:', 'tar:']) || substr($r, 0, 3) == 'sh:') { throw new \Exception(sprintf(L('failed to copy %d files to %s'), count($files), Core::$user->data['remote']['user'].'@'.Core::$user->data['remote']['host'].':'.$d) .': '.explode("\n", $r)[0]); } return $r; } /** * Start a background job * * @param string class * @param string method * @param mixed optional argument * @param int run interval in secs */ public static function bg($class,$method,$arg=[],$interval=60) { $f=[".."=>"","/"=>""]; $class=strtr($class, $f); $method=strtr($method, $f); @mkdir(".tmp/bg"); $pidfile=".tmp/bg/".strtr($class[0]=="\\"?substr($class,1):$class,["\\"=>"_"])."_".$method.".pid"; $pid=@file_get_contents($pidfile); // server supervisor if(empty($pid) || !posix_kill($pid,SIGCONT)) { // server service is not running! if ($pid = pcntl_fork()) { file_put_contents($pidfile, $pid); return; // Parent } if (posix_setsid() < 0) return; @ob_end_clean(); // Discard the output buffer and close set_time_limit(0); fclose(STDIN); // Close all of the standard fclose(STDOUT); // file descriptors as we fclose(STDERR); // are running as a daemon. $ctrl = new $class; while(1){ call_user_func_array([$ctrl, $method], is_array($arg)?$arg:[]); if($interval==0) die(); sleep($interval>1?$interval:1); } } } /** * Diag event handler. Cleans up pid files after dead jobs. */ public function diag() { @mkdir(".tmp/bg"); $P=glob(".tmp/bg/*.pid"); if (!empty($P)) foreach($P as $p) { $v=@file_get_contents($p); if (empty($v) || !posix_kill($v,SIGCONT)) @unlink($p); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * ClassMap autoloader. */ class ClassMap extends Extension { public static $file= '.tmp/.classmap'; //!< classes map file public static $ace = '.tmp/.acemap'; //!< access control entries public static $map = []; //!< loaded class map /** * Contructor. Loads the class map and regenerates it if necessary */ public function __construct() { //! generate classmap file if it's not exists, //! it's older than extensions directory or forced if (!file_exists(self::$file) || filemtime(self::$file)<@filemtime("vendor/phppe") || isset($_REQUEST['clear']) || @$_SERVER['argv'][1] == '--diag') { self::$map = $this->generate(); } //! load it // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart elseif (empty(self::$map)) { self::$map = json_decode(@file_get_contents(self::$file), true); } //! force regeneration if file corrupted and decoding failed if (!is_array(self::$map)) { self::$map = $this->generate(); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd //! register class loader spl_autoload_register(function ($c) { if (!class_exists($c) && !empty(\PHPPE\ClassMap::$map[strtolower($c)])) { include_once \PHPPE\ClassMap::$map[strtolower($c)]; } }); } /** * Check if a class or method exists. * * @param string classname * @param string methodname optional * * @return boolean true if it's exists or at least loadable */ public static function has($c, $m="") { $c=strtolower($c[0]=="\\"?substr($c,1):$c); $i = isset(self::$map[$c]); if(empty($m)) return class_exists($c) || $i; if(!class_exists($c) && $i) include_once(self::$map[$c]); return method_exists($c, $m); } /** * Return class map. * * @return array classes */ public static function map() { return self::$map; } /** * Return access control entries map. * * @return array access control entries */ public static function ace() { return json_decode(@file_get_contents(self::$ace)); } /** * Generate classmap cache for autoloading. * * @return array new map */ public function generate() { //! get list of php files $D = []; $R = []; $A = ["loggedin"=>1]; foreach (['*/*', '*/*/*', '*/*/*/*', '*/*/*/*/*', '*/*/*/*/*/*'] as $v) { $D += array_fill_keys(@glob('vendor/'.$v.'.php', GLOB_NOSORT), 0); } //iterate on list foreach ($D as $fn => $v) { //! load php code $d = @file_get_contents($fn); //! get access control entries if (strpos($fn, '/tests/') === false && preg_match_all("/user\-\>has\([\'\"]([^\'\"]+)/ms", $d, $a)) { foreach($a[1] as $l) { foreach(explode("|",$l) as $r) { $A[@explode(":",$r)[0]]=1; } } } //! skip directories marked if (file_exists(dirname($fn).'/.skipautoload')) { continue; } //! skip if file marked if (strpos($d, '/*!SKIPAUTOLOAD!*/') !== false) { continue; } //! look for namespace and class definitions $i = 0; $l = strlen($d); $ns = ''; //! find first php block while ($i < $l && substr($d, $i, 2) != '<'.'?') { $i++; } while ($i < $l) { //! on php block end, skip to the next if (substr($d, $i, 2) == '?'.'>') { while ($i < $l && substr($d, $i, 2) != '<'.'?') { $i++; } continue; } //! skip over string literals if (($d[$i] == "'" || $d[$i] == '"')) { $s = $d[$i]; $j = $i; ++$i; while ($i < $l && $d[$i] != $s) { if ($d[$i] == '\\') { $i++; } $i++; } $i++; continue; } //! don't take comments into account if ($d[$i] == '/' && $d[$i + 1] == '/') { $s = $i; $i += 2; while ($i < $l && $d[$i] != "\n") { $i++; } continue; } if ($d[$i] == '/' && $d[$i + 1] == '*') { $s = $i; $i += 2; while ($i + 1 < $l && ($d[$i] != '*' || $d[$i + 1] != '/')) { $i++; } $i += 2; continue; } //! check for declarations if (($d[$i] == 'n' || $d[$i] == 'c') && preg_match("/^(namespace|class)[\ \t\n]+([^\ \t\n;{\[\(\]\)\$]+)/ims", substr($d, $i), $m) && ctype_alpha(trim($m[2])[0])) { $c = trim($m[2]); if (strtolower($m[1][0]) == 'n') { $ns = $c; } else { $R[strtolower($ns.($ns ? '\\' : '').$c)] = $fn; } $i += strlen($m[0]); } $i++; } } //! sort list of classes alphabetically ksort($R); ksort($A); //! save new classmap cache @mkdir(dirname(self::$file), 0750, true); $ret = ""; foreach ($R as $k => $v) { $ret .= ($ret?",\n":""). ' "'.addslashes($k).'": "'.addslashes($v)."\""; } //! when running in an unitiliazed environment, there'll be no .tmp directory @file_put_contents(self::$file, "{\n".$ret."\n}", LOCK_EX); @chmod(self::$file,0664); @file_put_contents(self::$ace, "[\n \"".implode("\",\n \"",array_keys($A))."\"\n]", LOCK_EX); @chmod(self::$ace,0664); return $R; } } /****** PHPPE Core ******/ /** * this is the heart of PHPPE, the class of \PHPPE\Core::$core. */ class Core { //generated properties private $id; //!< magic, 'PHPPE'+VERSION private $base; //!< base url private $url; //!< whole url after script name private $app; //!< main page generator controller private $action; //!< main subpage generator action (extends page) public $item; //!< item to work with, usually an id public $template; //!< templater app's template to use public $now; //!< current server timestamp, from primary datasource if available //configurable properties public $title; //!< title of the site public $runlevel = 1; //!< 0-production,1-test,2-development,3-debug public $syslog = false; //!< send logs to syslog public $trace = false; //!< save trace to log messages public $timeout; //!< session timeout public $mailer; //!< mailer backend (smtp relay url) public $nocache = false; //!< skip cache public $cache; //!< memcache url public $cachettl = 600; //!< whole output cache ttl in sec public $db = ''; //!< primary datasource public $noctrl = true; //!< do not execute Content Controller code public $output; //!< templater output header and footer selector public $meta; //!< meta tags public $link; //!< link tags //end of configurable properties public static $core; //!< self reference, phppe system public static $user; //!< user layer public static $client; //!< client data public static $l = []; //!< language translations private $fm; //!< file max size private $form; //!< name of the submitted form private $try; //!< none-zero for update transaction starts, 1 up to 9 private $error; //!< error messages array private $libs = []; //!< list of initialized services and libraries private $disabled = []; //!< list of disabled extensions private static $started; //!< script start time in msec, float private static $v; //!< validator data private static $paths; //!< direcories of extensions public static $w; //!< boolean, true if called via web (REQUEST_METHOD not empty) public static $g; //!< posix group /*! BENCHMARK START */ public static $bm; //!< benchmarking data /*! BENCHMARK END */ /** * Magic getter to implement read-only properties */ function __get($n) { return $this->$n; } /** * Constructor. If you pass true as argument, it will build up PHPPE environment, * but won't run your application. For that you'll need to call \PHPPE\Core::$core->run() manually * step 1: check and patch php * step 2: self check * step 3: load framework configuration * step 4: autoload classes * step 5: determine bootstrap type. * * @param boolean true if called as a library * * @return \PHPPE\Core instance */ public function __construct($islib = true) { //! server time is calculated with (this - http request arrive time) self::$started = microtime(1); /*! BENCHMARK START */ self::$bm["baseline"]=[0,0]; /*! BENCHMARK END */ //! set self reference for singleton self::$core = &$this; //! patch php, set defaults set_exception_handler(function ($e) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart self::log('C', get_class($e).' '.$e->getFile().'('.$e->getLine().'): '.$e->getMessage().(\PHPPE\View::$e ? "\n".\PHPPE\View::$e : '').(empty(Core::$core->trace) ? '' : "\n\t".strtr($e->getTraceAsString(), ["\n" => "\n\t"])), $e->getTrace()[0]['function'] == 'getval' ? 'view' : ''); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__DIR__).'/data/log/php.log'); ini_set('log_errors', 1); //! php version check if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0') < 0) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart self::log('C', 'PHP 7.0.0 required, found '.PHP_VERSION); } if(!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { self::log('W', L("no php-mbstring")); } else { mb_internal_encoding('utf-8'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd ini_set('precision',30); ini_set('file_uploads', 1); ini_set('upload_tmp_dir', dirname(__DIR__).'/.tmp'); ini_set('uploadprogress.file.filename_template', dirname(__DIR__).'/.tmp/upd_%s.txt'); //! self check //! this will be updated by the Developer extension's //! Repository::compress() when called with mkrepo or deploy //$c=__FILE__;if(filesize($c)!=99999||'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'!=sha1(preg_replace("/\'([^\']+)\'\!\=sha1/","''!=sha1",file_get_contents($c))))self::log("C","Corrupted ".basename($c)); //! //! set default working directory to ProjectRoot chdir(dirname(__DIR__)); //! add becnhmark point self::bm("phppatch"); //! initialize PHPPE environment //! load framework configuration $c = 'vendor/phppe/Core/config.php'; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (file_exists($c)) { $cfg = @require_once $c; if (is_array($cfg)) { foreach ($cfg as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } } } else { $this->syslog = true; } //! range checks and defaults $this->id = 'PHPPE'.VERSION; if ($this->runlevel < 0 || $this->runlevel > 3) { $this->runlevel = 0; } if ($this->timeout < 60) { $this->timeout = 7 * 24 * 3600; } if ($this->cachettl < 10) { $this->cachettl = 10; } //! functions allowed in view expressions if (!empty($this->allowed) && !is_array($this->allowed)) { $this->allowed = explode(',', $this->allowed); } //! blacklisted domains if (!empty($this->blacklist) && !is_array($this->blacklist)) { $this->blacklist = explode(',', $this->blacklist); } //! disabled extensions if (!is_array($this->disabled)) { $this->disabled = explode(',', $this->disabled); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd //! patch php. has to be done *after* config loaded ini_set('display_errors', $this->runlevel > 1 ? 1 : 0); //! generated values, not configurable from config.php $this->now = time(); $this->error = []; $this->sec = strtolower(getenv('HTTPS')) == 'on' ? 1 : 0; //! set up some default values self::$w = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? 1 : 0; $this->output = self::$w ? 'html' : 'ncurses'; $this->try = 0; //! calculate upload max file size $c = self::toBytes('post_max_size'); $d = self::toBytes('upload_max_filesize'); $v = self::toBytes('memory_limit'); if ($c > $d && $d) $c = $d; $this->fm = ($c > $v && $v ? $v : $c); //! construct base href $c = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; //dirty hack required when run through phpunit //as it does not call run(), and SCRIPT_FILENAME //won't be public/index.php, //but /usr/local/bin/phpunit.phar if(strpos($c,"phpunit")!==false) $c=""; $C = dirname($c); //! eliminate ./ in some nginx configurations // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ($C == '.') { $C = ''; } elseif ($C != '/') { $C .= '/'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $d = 'SERVER_NAME'; $this->base = !empty($this->base) ? $this->base : (!empty($_SERVER[$d]) ? $_SERVER[$d] : 'localhost'). (@$C[0] != '/' ? '/' : '').$C; //! fix slashes in request if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) { $_REQUEST[$k] = stripslashes($v); } elseif (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $K => $V) { if (is_string($V)) { $_REQUEST[$k][$K] = stripslashes($V); } } } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! get current requested url list($d) = explode('?', @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); foreach ([$c, dirname($c)] as $C) { if ($C != '/' && substr($d, 0, strlen($C)) == $C) { //! cut leading directory // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $d = substr($d, strlen($C)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd break; } } if (@$d[0] == '/') { $d = substr($d, 1); } $D = explode('/', !empty($d) ? '/'.$d : '//'); //! get current application, action and item. //! these can be overriden by url route as well as route events foreach ([1 => 'app', 2 => 'action', 3 => 'item'] as $c => $v) { $this->$v = !empty($D[$c]) ? urldecode($D[$c]) : (!empty($_REQUEST[$v]) ? trim($_REQUEST[$v]) : (!self::$w && !empty($_SERVER['argv'][$c]) && $_SERVER['argv'][$c] != '--dump' ? trim($_SERVER['argv'][$c]) : ($c < 3 ? ($c == 1 ? 'index' : 'action') : ''))); } if (empty($d)) { $d = $this->app.'/'.$this->action.(!empty($this->item) ? '/'.$this->item : ''); } if (substr($d,-1)=='/') $d=substr($d,0,strlen($d)-1); $this->url = $d; self::bm("getconfig"); //! session restore may require models, so we have to //! load all classes *before* session_start() //! PHP Composer autoload support (if exists) @include_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; //! PHP ClassMap autoload $this->libs['ClassMap'] = new ClassMap(); //! register built-in modules (middleware classes) $this->libs['DS'] = new DS($this->db); $cls = '\\PHPPE\\User'; //! this code is tricky. Core defines PHPPE\User, while Pack ships PHPPE\Users. //! we'll use the later if found, and fallback to the former. if (ClassMap::has($cls.'s')) { $cls .= 's'; } $this->libs['Users'] = new $cls(); $this->libs['Client'] = new Client(['tz'=>!empty($this->tz)?$this->tz: (!empty($_SESSION['pe_u']->data['tz'])?$_SESSION['pe_u']->data['tz']:'')]); $this->libs['Cache'] = new Cache($this->cache); $this->libs['Assets'] = new Assets(); $this->libs['Tools'] = new Tools(); //! autoload extensions $d = @glob('vendor/phppe/*', GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($d as $f) { //! save extension path $c = basename($f); self::$paths[strtolower($c)] = $f; //! look for init code. This file should //! 1. set routes if any //! 2. return a service instance if any //! an empty init.php will also load the extension if (!in_array($c, $this->disabled) && file_exists($f.'/init.php')) { $cls = '\\PHPPE\\'.$c; $o = include_once $f.'/init.php'; if (!is_object($o) && $c != 'Core' && ClassMap::has($cls)) { $o = new $cls(); } if (empty($this->libs[$c])) { $this->libs[$c] = is_object($o) ? $o : new Extension(); } } } self::bm("autoload"); //! check arguments if (!self::$w && !$islib) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (in_array('--version', $_SERVER['argv'])) { die(VERSION."\n"); } if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1]) || in_array('--help', $_SERVER['argv'])) { $c = chr(27)."[90mphp ".$_SERVER['argv'][0].chr(27)."[0m"; echo(chr(27).'[96mPHP Portal Engine '.VERSION.", LGPL 2016 bzt".chr(27)."[0m\n $c --help\n $c --version\n $c --diag [--gid=x]\n $c --self-update\n $c [application [action [item]]] [--dump]\n $c passwd\n"); foreach(ClassMap::$map as $C=>$v) if(!empty($C::$cli)) foreach(is_array($C::$cli)?$C::$cli:[$C::$cli] as $d) echo(" $c $d\n"); die("\n"); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } //! detect bootstrap type $s = @$_SERVER['argv'][1] == '--self-update'; if (!self::$w && !$islib && ($s||@$_SERVER['argv'][1] == '--diag')) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->bootdiag($s); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } else { //! normal bootsrap //! Cache hit, not in debug and developer mode $d = 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ($this->runlevel < 2 && isset($_SERVER[$d]) && strtotime($_SERVER[$d]) + $this->cachettl < $this->now) { self::bm("notmodified"); header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd //! load autoloaded classes' dictionaries and initialize the extensions one by one //! *** INIT Event *** foreach ($this->libs as $k => $v) { self::lang($k); $c = @include_once self::$paths[strtolower($k)].'/config.php'; if (method_exists($v, 'init') && $v->init(is_array($c) ? $c : []) === false) { unset($this->libs[$k]); } /*! BENCHMARK START */ //! if benchmark>0 also measure individual modules if(!empty($_REQUEST['benchmark'])) self::bm("init.".$k); /*! BENCHMARK END */ } //! load application dictionary overrides self::lang('app'); //! overall init self::bm("init"); //! if not included as a library, run application if (!$islib) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->run(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } } /** * Run diagnostics and try to fix errors. */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart private function bootdiag($s) { //! we'll need some information from the client self::$client->init(); ini_set('display_errors', 1); //! extensions checks and webserver group id if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]) && z($_SERVER['argv'][2], 0, 6) == '--gid=') { $g['g'] = intval(substr($_SERVER['argv'][2], 6)); } elseif (function_exists('posix_getpwnam')) { foreach (['www', '_www', 'www-data', 'http', 'httpd', 'apache', 'nginx'] as $n) { $g = posix_getpwnam($n); if (!empty($g['gid'])) { $g['g'] = $g['gid']; break; } } } //! fallback to 33 if not found or configured if (empty($g['g'])) { self::$g = 33; } else { self::$g = $g['g']; } //! output UID and GID $U = fileowner(__FILE__); if ($this->runlevel) { echo "DIAG-I: uid $U gid ".self::$g."\n"; } $R = 'http://bztsrc.github.io/phppe3/'; //! if called with --self-update if(!empty($s)){ //! update the core $C=file_get_contents("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bztsrc/phppe3/3.0/public/index.php"); if(!empty($C)) { $c="public/index.php"; echo "DIAG-U: $c\n"; file_put_contents($c,$C); } //! update base extensions @mkdir(".tmp"); $c=".tmp/archive"; foreach(["Core","Extensions"] as $r) { self::$w=$r; $C=file_get_contents($R."phppe3_".strtolower($r).".tgz"); if(!empty($C)){ echo "DIAG-U: vendor/phppe/$r\n"; file_put_contents($c,$C); Tools::untar($c,function($n,$b){ if(substr($n,-1)!="/") { $d="vendor/phppe/".\PHPPE\Core::$w."/".$n; @mkdir(dirname($d), 0770, true); if(substr($d,-10)!="config.php"||!file_exists($d)) file_put_contents($d,$b); } }); @unlink($c); } } //! create self reference in remote config $c="vendor/phppe/Extensions/config.php"; if(!file_exists($c)) { echo "DIAG-U: $c\n"; $r=getenv("HOME")."/.ssh/id_rsa"; if(!file_exists($r)) { system("ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ".escapeshellarg($r)); $d=@file_get_contents($r.".pub"); @file_put_contents(dirname($r)."/authorized_keys", $d, FILE_APPEND); $d=@explode(" ",$d); @file_put_contents(dirname($r)."/known_hosts", " ".$d[0]." ".$d[1]."\n", FILE_APPEND); } file_put_contents($c,"<"."?ph"."p return [\n". "\t\"host\"=>\"localhost\",\n\t\"port\"=>22,\n". "\t\"user\"=>\"".getenv("USER")."\",\n". "\t\"path\"=>\"".dirname(__DIR__)."\",\n". "\t\"identity\"=>\"".@file_get_contents($r). "\"\n];\n"); } } //! helper function to create files function i($c, $r, $f = 0, $a = 0640) { //! if not exists yet or creation is forced if (!file_exists($c) || $f) { echo "DIAG-A: $c\n"; file_put_contents($c, $r, LOCK_EX); } //! change owner and group if (file_exists($c) && (!@chgrp($c, \PHPPE\Core::$g) || !@chown($c, fileowner(__FILE__)))) { echo "DIAG-E: chown/chgrp $c\n"; } //! change access rights return !@chmod($c, $a); } //! fix missing files and access rights $E = ''; $C = 0750; $W = 0775; if (function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid() != 0) { echo "DIAG-W: not root or no php-posix, chown/chgrp may fail!\n"; } //! create directory structure $o = umask(0); //! directory skeleton $D = ['.tmp' => $W, 'data' => $W, 'data/log' => $W, 'app' => 0, 'vendor' => 0, 'vendor/bin' => 0, 'vendor/phppe' => 0, 'vendor/phppe/Core' => 0, 'vendor/phppe/Core/views' => 0, 'public/fonts' => 0, 'public/images' => 0, 'public/css' => 0, 'public/js' => 0, 'app/addons' => 0, 'app/sql' => 0, 'app/ctrl' => 0, 'app/lang' => 0, 'app/libs' => 0, 'app/views' => 0,]; $A = ['*', '*/*', '*/*/*', '*/*/*/*', '*/*/*/*/*']; foreach (['data/', 'vendor/'] as $d) { foreach ($A as $v) { $D += array_fill_keys(@glob($d.$v,GLOB_NOSORT), 0); } } // set .tmp access rights foreach ($A as $v) { $D += array_fill_keys(@glob(".tmp/".$v,GLOB_NOSORT), $W); } //! $D now has all installed files foreach ($D as $d => $p) { if (!$p) { $p = $C; } //! exceptions, dirs that needs to be writeable $x = in_array(substr($d, 0, 4), ['.tmp', 'data']); if (is_file($d)) { $P = fileperms($d) & 0777; $p = $x ? ($d==ClassMap::$file ? 0664 : 0660) : (substr($d,0,10)=="vendor/bin"?$C:0640); if(substr($d,0,6)=="vendor" && basename(dirname($d))=="bin"){ $p = $C; $c=substr($d,7); $e="vendor/bin/".basename($d); if (!file_exists($e)) { symlink("../$c", $e); echo "DIAG-A: symlink $e -> $c\n"; } } } else { if ($x) { $p = $W; } if (!is_dir($d) && !is_file($d)) { echo "DIAG-A: $d\n"; if (!mkdir($d, $p)) { self::log('C', "creating $d", 'diag'); } } $P = fileperms($d) & 0777; } //! if detected and calculated access rights differ if ($P != $p) { $E .= sprintf("\t%03o?\t%03o ", $P, $p)."$d\n"; @chmod($d, $p); } if (!@chgrp($d, self::$g) || !@chown($d, $U)) { echo "DIAG-E: chown/chgrp $d\n"; } } //! hide errors here, symlink may be already there $c = 'vendor/phppe/app'; @symlink('../../app', $c); if (!@chgrp($c, self::$g) || !@chown($c, $U)) { echo "DIAG-E: chown/chgrp $c\n"; } foreach (['images', 'css', 'js', 'fonts'] as $v) { $c = "app/$v"; if (!file_exists($c)) { echo "DIAG-A: $c\n"; } @symlink("../public/$v", $c); if (!@chgrp($c, self::$g) || !@chown($c, $U)) { echo "DIAG-E: chown/chgrp $c\n"; } } //! hide errors here, target may not exists or the symlink may be already there $c = 'phppe'; @symlink('vendor/phppe/Core', $c); if (!@chgrp($c, self::$g) || !@chown($c, $U)) { echo "DIAG-E: chown/chgrp $c\n"; } //! create files umask(0027); i('app/config.php', ''); i('app/init.php', '<'."?php\n//! set your routes here (if any)\n//\\PHPPE\\Http::route('myurl','myClass','myMethod');\n\n//! return service instance (if any)\n//return new myService;\n"); i('public/.htaccess', "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteRule ^(.*)\$ index.php/\$1\n"); i('public/favicon.ico', ''); $D = 'vendor/phppe/Core/views/'; $e = '.tpl'; $c = ""; i($D."403$e", "


\n"); i($D."404$e", "


: "); i($D."frame$e", "
"); i($D."index$e", "

PHPPE works!

Next step: php public/".basename(__FILE__)." --self-update

Test form
Text Pass Num(100..999) Phone File
\n"); i($D."login$e", "

"); i($D."maintenance$e", "

"); i($D."errorbox$e", "
"); i('composer.json', "{\n\t\"name\":\"phppe3\",\n\t\"version\":\"1.0.0\",\n\t\"keywords\":[\"phppe3\",\"\"],\n\t\"license\":[\"LGPL-3.0-or-later\"],\n\n\t\"type\":\"project\",\n\t\"repositories\":[\n\t\t{\"type\":\"composer\",\"url\":\"$R\"}\n\t],\n\t\"require\":{\"phppe/Core\":\"3.*\"},\n\n\t\"scripts\":{\"post-update-cmd\":\"sudo php public/index.php --diag\"}\n}\n"); i('.gitignore', ".tmp\nphppe\nvendor\n"); if ($E) { self::log('E', "Wrong permissions:\n$E", 'diag'); } //! *** DIAG Event *** if (!function_exists('posix_getuid') || posix_getuid() != 0) { self::event('diag'); } umask($o); die("DIAG-I: OK\n"); } /** * execute a PHPPE application. * * @param string application name, if not specified, url routing will choose * @param string action name, if not specified, default action routing will apply */ public function run($app = '', $ac = '') { //! rotate security tokens for form validation, save form name $c = sha1(url()); $S = !empty($_SESSION['pe_s'][$c]) ? $_SESSION['pe_s'][$c] : ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; ++$i) { if (isset($_REQUEST['pe_try'.$i]) && !empty($_REQUEST['pe_s']) && $_REQUEST['pe_s'] == $S) { $this->try = $i; $this->form = !empty($_REQUEST['pe_f']) ? trim($_REQUEST['pe_f']) : ''; $_SESSION['pe_s'][$c] = 0; break; } } if (empty($_SESSION['pe_s'][$c])) { $_SESSION['pe_s'][$c] = sha1(uniqid().'PHPPE'.VERSION); } //! get validators from previous view generation if (!empty($_SESSION['pe_v'])) { self::$v = $_SESSION['pe_v']; } self::bm("tokens"); //! initialize view layer View::init(); self::bm("viewinit"); if (empty($this->maintenance)) { //! get application and action list($app, $ac, $args) = HTTP::urlMatch($app, $ac, $this->url); //! *** ROUTE Event *** list($app, $ac) = self::event('route', [$app, $ac]); //! a few basic security checks $c = $app.'_'.$ac; if (strpos($c, '..') !== false || strpos($c, '/') !== false || substr($app, -4) == '.php' || substr($ac, -4) == '.php') { $app = $this->template = '403'; } //! default template, it's empty on CLI else { $this->template = self::$w ? $app.'_'.$ac : ''; } //! canonize application's class' name $appCls = $app; foreach (['PHPPE\\Ctrl\\'.$app.ucfirst($ac), 'PHPPE\\Ctrl\\'.$app, 'PHPPE\\'.$app, $app,] as $a) { if (ClassMap::has($a)) { $appCls = $a; if($a[0]=="\\") $a=substr($a,1); //! add it's path $p = dirname(ClassMap::$map[strtolower($a)]); if(basename($p)=="ctrl"||basename($p)=="libs") $p=dirname($p); self::$paths[strtolower($app)]=$p; break; } } //! if still no application found if (!ClassMap::has($appCls)) { //! for CLI check if it's a cron job, or fail if (!self::$w) { if (@in_array('--dump', $_SERVER['argv']) && $this->runlevel > 0) { View::dump(); } //! *** CRON Event *** die($this->app == 'cron' ? self::event('cron'.ucfirst($this->action), 0) : 'PHPPE-C: '.L($this->app.'_'.$this->action.' not found!')."\n"); } //! for CGI fallback to Content Server $appCls = 'PHPPE\\Content'; $ac = 'action'; } self::bm("routing"); //! instantiate application $c="vendor/phppe/".$app."/config.php"; if(!file_exists($c)) $c="app/config.php"; if(file_exists($c)) $c=@include($c); $appObj = new $appCls(is_array($c)?$c:[]); View::setPath(self::$paths[strtolower($app)]); View::assign('app', $appObj); //! Application constructor may altered template, so we have to log this after "new App" self::log('D', $this->url." ->$app::$ac ".$this->template, 'routes'); //! Check if page found in cache //! note that controller constructor may have turned cache off //! so Cache::get() will return a null $N = 'p_'.sha1($this->base.$this->url.'/'.self::$user->id.'/'.self::$client->lang); if (empty($this->nocache) && !self::isBtn()) { $T = View::fromCache($N); self::bm("cache"); } if (empty($T)) { self::bm("controller"); //! get frame meta data Content::getDDS($appObj); //! *** CTRL Event (Controller action) *** self::event('ctrl', [$app, $ac]); //! call action method self::bm("action"); if (!method_exists($appObj, $ac)) { $ac = 'action'; } if (method_exists($appObj, $ac)) { if(empty($args)) $args=array_slice(explode("/",$this->url),2); if(empty($args)) $args=[$this->item]; call_user_func_array([$appObj, $ac], $args); } self::bm("template"); $T = View::generate($this->template, $N); } } else { session_destroy(); //! site is down message $T = View::template('maintenance'); //! if no template found if (empty($T)) { $T = L('Site is temporarily down for maintenance'); } } //! check dump argument here, by now all core properties are populated if ((@in_array('--dump', $_SERVER['argv']) || isset($_REQUEST['--dump'])) && $this->runlevel > 0) { View::dump(); } //! close all database connections before output DS::close(); self::bm("view"); //! *** VIEW Event *** $T = self::event('view', $T); View::output($T); //! make sure to flush session session_write_close(); /*! BENCHMARK START */ if(isset($_REQUEST['benchmark'])) @file_put_contents(".tmp/benchmarks",json_encode([url()." ".sha1(implode(",",array_keys(Core::$bm)))=>Core::$bm])."\n",FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); /*! BENCHMARK END */ } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /*** Core library ***/ /** * List all registered libraries (services). * @usage lib() * @return array array of library instances * * Query a library instance * @usage lib(n) * @param string name * @return object library instance or null * * Define a new library (service) * @usage lib(n,o,d) * @param string name * @param string/object object instance or class name * @param string/array dependency, optional */ public static function lib($n = '', $o = null, $d = '') { $L = &self::$core->libs; if (empty($o)) { //! return list of lib or a specific service instance return empty($n) ? $L : (empty($L[$n]) ? null : $L[$n]); } else { //! check dependencies $f = ''; if ($d) { if (!is_array($d)) { $d = str_getcsv($d, ','); } foreach ($d as $v) { if (!self::isInst($v)) { $f .= ($f ? ',' : '').$v; } } if ($f) { throw new \Exception("$n ".L("depends on").": $f"); } } //! add to list if (empty(self::$core->libs[$n])) { self::$core->libs[$n] = is_object($o) ? $o : (class_exists($o) ? new $o() : new Extension()); } } } /** * Checks if an extension or an Add-On is installed or not. * * @param string name * * @return bool true or false */ public static function isInst($n) { //! check for installed library or.. return isset(self::$core->libs[$n]) || ClassMap::has('\\PHPPE\\'.$n) || //! ...available addon... ClassMap::has('\\PHPPE\\AddOn\\'.$n) || //! ...or any other JS only extension ClassMap::has($n) || is_dir('vendor/phppe/'.$n); } /** * Load a new language dictionary into memory. * * @param string class name (extension name) */ public static function lang($c = '') { //! failsafe $L = empty(self::$client->lang) ? 'en' : self::$client->lang; //! expand language dictionary $i = explode('_', $L); //! get translations $la = null; //! workaround if symlink does not exists $c = $c=="app"? "$c/lang/" : "vendor/phppe/$c/lang/"; //! first check as is, then first part, finally English //! eg.: hu_HU, hu, en; en_US, en foreach (array_unique([$L, $i[0], 'en']) as $l) { if (file_exists($c.$l.'.php')) { $la = include_once $c.$l.'.php'; break; } } //! merge into dictionary if (is_array($la)) { self::$l = array_merge(self::$l, $la); } } /** * Log a message. * * @param string weight, Debug | Info | Audit | Warning | Error | Critical * @param string message in English (don't translate it for compatibility) * @param string extension name, guessed if not given */ public static function log($w, $m, $n = null) { //! log a message of weight for a module $w = strtoupper($w); if (!in_array($w, ['D', 'I', 'A', 'W', 'E', 'C'])) { $w = 'A'; } if (empty($n)) { $n = !empty(self::$core->app) ? self::$core->app : 'core'; } if (!is_string($m) || self::$core->runlevel < 3 && $w == 'D') { return; } $n = str_replace("--", "", $n); //! remove sensitive information from message $m = trim(strtr($m, [dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/' => ''])); $g = !empty(self::$l[$m]) ? L($m) : $m; //! debug trace $t = ''; if (!empty(self::$core->trace)) { $s = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); foreach ($s as $d) { $t .= "\t".substr(@$d['file'], strlen(dirname(__DIR__)) + 1).':'. @$d['line'].':'.$d['function']."\n"; } } //! log always stores dates in UTC to be comparable among servers date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $p = date('Y-m-d').'T'.date('H:i:s')."Z-$w-".strtoupper($n).': '; //! restore timezone @date_default_timezone_set(self::$client->tz); //! send message syslog if (!empty(self::$core->syslog)) { syslog($w == 'C' ? LOG_ERR : LOG_NOTICE, self::$core->base.":PHPPE-$w-".strtoupper($n).': ' .strtr($m, ["\n" => '\\n', "\r" => '\\r']).strtr($t, ["\n" => ''])); } else { //! save message to file $l = dirname(__DIR__).'/data/log/'.$n.'.log'; if (!@file_put_contents($l, $p. strtr($m, ["\n" => '\\n', "\r" => '\\r'])."\n".$t, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $g .= (!self::$w ? "\nLOG-C" : "
\n".date('Y-m-d').'T'.date('H:i:s').'Z-C-LOG').': '.L('unable to write')." $l"; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } @chmod($l, 0660); //! on critical message, bail out } if ($w == 'C') { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (@self::$core->output != 'html') { die(strtoupper("$n-C").': '.$g."\n".$t); } die("\n
PHPPE".VERSION.' - '.L('Developer Console')."

\n$p".nl2br(strtr("$g\n$t", ["\t" => '  ']))."\n"); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } elseif (!self::$w && $w != 'D' && $w != 'I') { fwrite(STDERR, strtoupper("$n-$w").': '.$g."\n"); } return true; } /** * Return button number when user tries to save a form. * * @param string form name * * @return integer button number */ public static function isBtn($f = '') { //! we just return the previously calculated value here //! this speeds up things return empty($f) || $f == self::$core->form ? self::$core->try : 0; } /** * Query all error messages. * @usage Core::error() * @return array array of messages groupped by fields * * Add an error message to output * @param string message * @param string if message is related to a field, it's name */ public static function error($m = '', $f = '') { if (empty($m)) { return self::$core->error; } //! register an error message if (!isset(self::$core->error[$f])) { self::$core->error[$f] = []; } self::$core->error[$f][trim($m)] = trim($m); //log validation error in developer and debug mode // if(self::$core->runlevel > 1) // self::log("E", $f . "@" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . " " . $m, "validate"); } /** * Check for errors. * * @param string if interested in errors for a specific field, it's name * * @return boolean true if there's an error */ public static function isError($f = '') { //! check for error return !empty($f) ? isset(self::$core->error[$f]) : !empty(self::$core->error); } /** * Trigger an event. * * @param string event name * @param array context * * @return array modified context or null if not modified */ public static function event($e, $c = []) { foreach (self::$core->libs as $k => $v) { if (method_exists($v, $e)) { $d = call_user_func_array([$v, $e], is_array($c) ? $c : [$c]); if (!empty($d) && is_array($d)) { $c = $d; } } } return $c; } /*** Data layer ***/ /** * Add a validator on a field value. * * @usage call it *BEFORE* req2obj or req2arr * * @param string field name * @param string validator name (will use \PHPPE\AddOn\(validator)::validate) * @param boolean is value required * @param array arguments * @param array attributes */ public static function validate($f, $v, $r = 0, $a = [], $t = []) { if (ClassMap::has('\\PHPPE\\Addon\\'.$v, 'validate')) { self::$v[$f][$v] = [!empty($r), $a, $t]; } } /** * Render user request to object. Validates user input and returns an stdClass. * * @param string form prefix (request name) * @param array validator data (if given, overrides templater's validator list) * * @return stdClass form fields */ public static function req2obj($p, $V = []) { return self::req2arr($p, $V, 0); } /** * Render user request to array. Validates user input and returns an array. * * @param string form prefix (request name) * @param array validator data (if given, overrides templater's validator list) * * @return array form fields */ public static function req2arr($p, $V = [], $a = 1) { //! output format if ($a) { $o = array(); } else { $o = new \stdClass(); } //! php dropping a warning here is an indicator of hack if (!empty(self::$v)) { $V += self::$v; } $R = $_REQUEST; //! patch missing elements foreach ($V as $K => $v) { if (substr($K, 0, strlen($p) + 1) == $p.'.') { $r = $p.'_'.substr($K, strlen($p) + 1); if(empty($R[$r])) $R[$r]=''; } } // ksort($R); //! iterate through form elements with validation foreach ($R as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, strlen($p) + 1) == $p.'_' && $k[strlen($k) - 2] != ':') { $d = substr($k, strlen($p) + 1); $K = $p.'.'.$d; if (isset($V[$K])) { //iterate on validators for this key foreach ($V[$K] as $T => $C) { $t = '\\PHPPE\\AddOn\\'.$T; if ((!empty($v)||$T=="check"||$T=="file") && ClassMap::has($t, 'validate')) { list($r, $m) = $t::validate($K, $v, $C[1], $C[2]); if (!$r && $m) { $O = explode('.', $K); //field name and translated error message for user self::error(L(ucfirst(!empty($O[1]) ? $O[1] : $O[0])).' '.L($m), $K); } } if (!empty($C[0]) && empty($v)) { $v = null; self::error(L(ucfirst($d)).' '.L('is a required field.'), $K); } } } $v = $v == 'true' ? true : ($v == 'false' ? false : $v); if ($a) { $o[$d] = $v; } else { $o->$d = $v; } } } return $o; } /** * Convert a an object (associative array or stdClass) to string attributes. * * @param object object * @param string/array skip list (array or comma spearated values in string) * @param string separator (defaults to space) * * @return string xml attributes or sql query expression */ public static function obj2str($o, $s = '', $c = ' ') { return self::arr2str($o, $s, $c); } public static function arr2str($o, $s = '', $c = ' ') { //! get skip list if (!is_array($s)) { $s = str_getcsv($s, ','); } //! iterate on fields $r = ''; $d = DS::db(); if (is_string($o)) { $o = [$o]; } foreach ($o as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $s)) { $r .= ($r ? $c : '').$k.'='. ($c == ',' && !empty($d) ? $d->quote($v) : "'".str_replace(["\r", "\n", "\t", "\x1a"], ['\\r', '\\n', '\\t', '\\x1a'], addslashes($v))."'"); } } return $r; } /** * Convert a templater expression into an array by splitting at separator. * * @param string input string * @param string separator (defaults to comma) * * @return array parts */ public static function val2arr($s, $c = ',') { //! if input is already an array if (is_array($s)) { return $s; } elseif ($s != '') { //! get value of variable $v = View::getval($s); //! if returned value is already an array if (is_array($v)) { return $v; } //! if not, explode string return str_getcsv($v, $c); } return []; } /** * Flat a recursive array (sub-levels in "_") into simple one level array * this is useful if you want to use an option list on trees. * * @param array input tree array * @param string prefix to use in names * @param string suffix to use in names (if given, prefix and suffix only appended on nesting) * * @return array flat array */ public static function tre2arr($t, $p = ' ', $s = '', $P = '', $S = '', &$d = null) { //! iterate through array foreach ($t as $v) { //! get output size $i = @count($d); //! look for sub arrays foreach ($v as $k => $w) { if ($k != '_') { $c = strtolower($k) == 'name' && !$s ? $P.$w.$S : $w; if (is_array($v)) { $d[$i][$k] = $c; } elseif (is_object($v)) { @$d[$i]->$k = $c; } } } //! get child items if (is_array($v) && !empty($v['_']) || is_object($v) && !empty($v->_)) { //! prefix if ($s) { $c = "\n".sprintf($p, $i); if (is_array($d[$i]) && isset($d[$i]['name'])) { $d[$i]['name'] .= $c; } elseif (is_object($d[$i]) && isset($d[$i]->name)) { $d[$i]->name .= $c; } } //! recursive call to walk through children elements too $d = self::tre2arr(is_array($v) ? $v['_'] : $v->_, $p, $s, $P.($s ? '' : $p), ($s ? '' : $s).$S, $d); //! suffix if ($s) { $c = "\n".$s; if (is_array($d[count($d) - 1]) && isset($d[count($d) - 1]['name'])) { $d[count($d) - 1]['name'] .= $c; } elseif (is_object($d[count($d) - 1]) && isset($d[count($d) - 1]->name)) { $d[count($d) - 1]->name .= $c; } } } } return $d; } /** * Create a benchmark point * * @param string name */ public static function bm($name) { /*! BENCHMARK START */ $d=microtime(1)-self::$started; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C"); self::$bm[$name]=[sprintf("%.6f",$d-end(self::$bm)[1]),sprintf("%.6f",$d)]; /*! BENCHMARK END */ } /*** private helper functions for Core classes ***/ /** * Return constructor started time * * @return float timestamp */ public static function started() { return self::$started; } /** * Check url against given filters. * * @param string/array filters or @ACEs * * @return boolean true if access granted */ public static function cf($c) { //! check filters if (!is_array($c)) { $c = explode(',', $c); } if (!empty($c)) { foreach ($c as $F) { $F = trim($F); $G = "PHPPE\\Filter\\$F"; //! for each filter do... if (!empty($F) && //! is starts with a '@', it's an ACE (($F[0] == '@' && !self::$user->has(substr($F, 1))) || //! otherwise run filter method ($F[0] != '@' && !@$G::filter()))) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Convert human readble php ini value to bytes. * * @param string php ini variable name (value of units) * * @return integer in bytes */ private static function toBytes($i) { $v = trim(ini_get($i)); $l = strtolower($v[strlen($v) - 1]); $v = intval($v); switch ($l) { case 't' : $v *= 1024; case 'g' : $v *= 1024; case 'm' : $v *= 1024; case 'k' : $v *= 1024; } return $v; } }//class /******* Bootstrap PHPPE *******/ if (empty(\PHPPE\Core::$core)) { new \PHPPE\Core(!empty(debug_backtrace())); } return \PHPPE\Core::$core; }//namespace /*** Alternative cache implementations ***/ namespace PHPPE\Cache { //! PHP APC support class APC { /** * Constructor. * * @param string url (constant "apc") */ public function __construct($c = '') { ini_set('apc.enabled', 1); if (!function_exists('apc_fetch') && !function_exists('apcu_fetch')) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart \PHPPE\Core::log('C', L("no php-apc"), 'cache'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } public function get($key) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (function_exists('apc_fetch')) { $e = 'apc_exists'; $f = 'apc_fetch'; } else { $e = 'apcu_exists'; $f = 'apcu_fetch'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $v = $e($key) ? $f($key) : null; if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { $d = json_decode(@gzinflate($v)); } return !empty($d) ? $d : $v; } public function set($key, $value, $compress = false, $ttl = 0) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (function_exists('apc_store')) { $s = 'apc_store'; } else { $s = 'apcu_store'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $s($key, $compress && function_exists('gzdeflate') ? gzdeflate(json_encode($value)) : $value, $ttl); } public function invalidate() { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (function_exists('apcu_clear_cache')) { apcu_clear_cache(); } else if (function_exists('apc_clear_cache')) { apc_clear_cache("user"); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } //! Plain file cache support class Files { static $cli="cron minute"; /** * Constructor. * * @param string url (constant "files") */ public function __construct($c = '') { @mkdir('.tmp/cache', 0770); @chmod('.tmp/cache', 0775); } private function fn($key) { return '.tmp/cache/'.substr($key, 0, 2).'/'.substr($key, 2, 2).'/'.substr($key, 4); } public function get($key) { if (strlen($key) < 5) { $key = '0000'.$key; } $ttl = intval(@file_get_contents($this->fn($key).'.ttl')); if (!file_exists($this->fn($key)) || ($ttl > 0 && time() - filemtime($this->fn($key)) > $ttl)) { return; } $v = @file_get_contents($this->fn($key)); if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { $d = @gzinflate($v); } return json_decode(!empty($d) ? $d : $v, true); } public function set($key, $value, $compress = false, $ttl = 0) { if (strlen($key) < 5) { $key = '0000'.$key; } //! unfortunately there's a bug in PHP 7, mkdir(fn(),0755,true) //! won't set the right mode for all directories along the path @mkdir('.tmp/cache/'.substr($key, 0, 2), 0775); @chmod('.tmp/cache/'.substr($key, 0, 2), 0775); @mkdir('.tmp/cache/'.substr($key, 0, 2).'/'.substr($key, 2, 2), 0775); @chmod('.tmp/cache/'.substr($key, 0, 2).'/'.substr($key, 2, 2), 0775); if ($ttl > 0) { @file_put_contents($this->fn($key).'.ttl', $ttl, LOCK_EX); } $v = json_encode($value); return file_put_contents($this->fn($key), $compress && function_exists('gzdeflate') ? gzdeflate($v) : $v, LOCK_EX) > 0 ? true : false; } public function invalidate() { \PHPPE\Tools::rmdir('.tmp/cache'); } public function cronMinute($args) { $files = glob('.tmp/cache/*/*/*.ttl',GLOB_NOSORT); foreach ($files as $f) { $ttl = intval(@file_get_contents($f)); $cf = substr($f, 0, strlen($f) - 4); if ($ttl < 1 || time() - @filemtime($cf) >= $ttl) { @unlink($f); @unlink($cf); } } } } }//namespace /*** Common routing filters ***/ namespace PHPPE\Filter { class get extends \PHPPE\Filter { public static function filter() { return @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' ? true : false; } } class post extends \PHPPE\Filter { public static function filter() { return @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? true : false; } } class loggedin extends \PHPPE\Filter { public static function filter() { if (\PHPPE\Core::$user->id) { return true; } /* save request uri for returning after successful login */ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart \PHPPE\Http::redirect('login', 1); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } class csrf extends \PHPPE\Filter { public static function filter() { return \PHPPE\Core::isBtn(); } } }//namespace /*** Built-in fields ***/ namespace PHPPE\AddOn { use PHPPE\Core as Core; use PHPPE\View as View; /** * hidden field element. */ //L("Hidden value") class hidden extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field [value]"; public function edit() { return ""; } } /** * javascript button element. */ //L("Button") class button extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*label onclickjs [cssclass]"; public function show() { return $this->edit(); } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; return "'; } } /** * form submit button element. */ //L("Update") class update extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*[label [onclickjs [cssclass]]]"; public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; return "'; } } /** * text field element. */ //L("Text") class text extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*([maxlen[,rows[,listopts[,isltr]]]]) obj.field [onchangejs [cssclass [onkeyupjs [placeholder [pattern]]]]]"; public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->args; $b = $t->attrs; $v = trim($t->value); $D = (!empty($a[3]) ? " dir='ltr'" : "").(!empty($a[2])&&is_array($a[2]) ? " list='".$this->fld.":list'" : ""); if ($v == 'null') { $v = ''; } if (!empty($a[1]) && $a[1] > 0) { if ($a[0] > 0) { View::js('pe_mt(e,m)', 'var c,o;if(!e)e=window.event;o=e.target;c=e.keyCode?e.keyCode:e.which;return(c==8||c==46||o.value.length 0 ? " onkeypress='return pe_mt(event,".$a[0].");'" : ''). (!empty($b[2])&&$b[2]!="-"?" onkeyup='return ".$b[2].";'":'').(!empty($b[3]) && $b[3] != '-' ? ' placeholder="'.htmlspecialchars(L(trim($b[3]))).'"' : '')."$D wrap='soft' onfocus='this.className=this.className.replace(\" errinput\",\"\")'>".$v.''; } if (!empty($a[2])&&is_array($a[2])) { $o=""; foreach($a[2] as $d) $o.="\n"; $o.=""; } else { $o=""; } return $o.''; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { if (@$a[0] > 0) { $v = substr($v, 0, $a[0]); } return [ empty($t[4]) || preg_match('/'.$t[4].'/', $v), 'not matches the requested format', ]; } } /** * password field element. */ //L("Password") class pass extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*([maxlen]) obj.field [cssclass [placeholder]]"; public function show() { return '******'; } public function edit() { $t = $this; return 'attrs[0], '', $t->args). " type='password' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($t->value)). "\" onfocus='this.className=this.className.replace(\" errinput\",\"\")'". (!empty($t->attrs[1]) ? ' placeholder="'.htmlspecialchars(L(trim($t->attrs[1]))).'"' : ''). '>'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { if (function_exists('\\PHPPE\\pass')) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart return \PHPPE\pass($n, $v, $a, $t); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return [ preg_match('/[0-9]/', $v) && preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $v) && strtoupper($v) != $v && strtolower($v) != $v && strlen($v) >= 6, 'not a valid password! [a-zA-Z0-9]*6', ]; } } /** * number element. Note you have to specify both min and max values */ //L("Decimal number") class num extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*([min,max]) obj.field [cssclass]"; public function edit() { $a = $this->args; $t = 'this.value'; $b = 'o.className=o.className.replace(" errinput","")'; $C = isset($a[1]) ? "if($t<".$a[0].")$t=".$a[0].";if($t>".$a[1].")$t=".$a[1].';' : ''; $r = 'return'; View::js('pe_on(e)', "var c,o;if(!e)e=window.event;o=e.target;c=e.keyCode?e.keyCode:e.which;$b;if(c==8||c==37||c==39||c==46)$r true;c=String.fromCharCode(c);if(c.match(/[0-9\\b\\t\\r\\-\\.\\,]/)!=null)$r true;else{o.className+=' errinput';setTimeout(function(){{$b};},200);$r false;}"); return 'attrs[1], $this->attrs[0])." style='text-align:right;' type='number' onkeypress='$r pe_on(event);' onkeyup='$t=$t.replace(\",\",\".\");' onfocus='".$C."if($t==\"\")$t=0;".strtr($b, ['o.' => 'this.']).";this.select();'".(isset($a[1]) ? " onblur='$C' min='".$a[0]."' max='".$a[1]."'" : '').' value="'.htmlspecialchars(trim($this->value)).'">'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { $r = floatval($v).'' == $v.'' ? true : false; //p("/^[0-9\-][0-9\.]+$/", $v); $m = 'not a valid number!'; if ($r && isset($a[1])) { if ($v < $a[0]) { $r = false; $m = 'not enough!'; $v = $a[0]; } if ($v > $a[1]) { $r = false; $m = 'too much!'; $v = $a[1]; } } $v = floatval($v); return[$r, $m]; } } /** * option list element. */ //L("Option list") class select extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*(size[,ismultiple]) obj.field dataset [skipids [onchangejs [cssclass]]]"; public function show() { return htmlspecialchars(is_array($this->value) ? implode(', ', $this->value) : $this->value); } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; $b = $t->args; $opts = !empty($a[0]) && $a[0] != '-' ? View::getval($a[0]) : []; if (is_string($opts)) { $opts = str_getcsv($opts, ','); } $skip = !empty($a[1]) && $a[1] != '-' ? View::getval($a[1]) : []; if (is_string($skip)) { $skip = str_getcsv($skip, ','); } if (!is_array($skip)) { $skip = []; } else { $skip = array_flip($skip); } if (!empty($b[1])) { $t->name .= '[]'; } $r = ' 0 ? " size='".intval($b[0])."'" : ''). " onfocus='this.className=this.className.replace(\" errinput\",\"\")'>"; if (is_array($opts)) { foreach ($opts as $k => $v) { $o = is_array($v) && isset($v['id']) ? $v['id'] : (is_object($v) && isset($v->id) ? $v->id : $k); $n = is_array($v) && !empty($v['name']) ? $v['name'] : (is_object($v) && !empty($v->name) ? $v->name : (is_string($v) ? $v : $k)); if (!isset($skip[$o]) && !empty($n)) { $r .= ''; } } } $r .= ''; return $r; } } /** * checkbox element. */ //L("Checkbox") class check extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*(truevalue) obj.field [label [cssclass]]"; public function show() { $t = $this; return empty(Core::$core->output) || Core::$core->output != 'html' ? ('['.(!empty($t->value) ? 'X' : ' ').'] '.(!empty($t->attrs[0]) ? L($t->attrs[0]) : $t->value)) : htmlspecialchars($t->value); } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; $e = Core::isError($t->name); return($e ? "" : ''). ''. ($e ? '' : ''); } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { $v = !empty($v) ? ($v == 1 || $v == '1' ? true : $v) : false; return [ true, "OK" ]; } } /** * radiobutton elements. */ //L("Radiobutton") class radio extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*(value) obj.field [label [cssclass]]"; public function show() { $t = $this; return empty(Core::$core->output) || Core::$core->output != 'html' ? ('('.($t->value == $t->args[0] ? 'X' : ' ').') '.(!empty($t->attrs[0]) ? L($t->attrs[0]) : $t->args[0])) : htmlspecialchars($t->value); } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->args; $b = $t->attrs; return ''; } } /** * phone number field element. */ //L("Phone") class phone extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*([maxlen]) obj.field [onchangejs [cssclass]]"; public function edit() { $t = $this; $b = 'o.className=o.className.replace(" errinput","")'; View::js('pe_op(e)', "var c,o;if(!e)e=window.event;o=e.target;c=e.keyCode?e.keyCode:e.which;$b;if(c==8||c==37||c==39||c==46)return true;c=String.fromCharCode(c);if(c.match(/[0-9\\b\\t\\r\\-\\ \\+\\(\\)\\/]/)!=null)return true;else{o.className+=' errinput';setTimeout(function(){{$b};},200);return false;}"); return 'attrs[1], $t->attrs[0], $t->args, "[0-9\+][0-9\ \(\)\-]+")." type='tel' onfocus='".strtr($b, ['o.' => 'this.'])."' onkeypress='return pe_op(event);' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($t->value)).'">'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { return [ preg_match("/^[0-9\+][0-9\ \(\)\-]+$/", $v), 'invalid phone number', ]; } } /** * email address field element. */ //L("Email") class email extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*([maxlen]) obj.field [onchangejs [cssclass]]"; public function show() { if (empty(Core::$core->output) || Core::$core->output != 'html') { return $this->value; } return strtr(htmlspecialchars($this->value), ['@' => '@', '.' => '.']); } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; $b = 'o.className=o.className.replace(" errinput","")'; View::js('pe_oe(o)', "$b;if(o.value!=''&&o.value.match(/^.+\@(\[?)[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-z]+|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/i)==null)o.className+=' errinput';"); return 'args)." type='email' onfocus='".strtr($b, ['o.' => 'this.'])."' onchange='pe_oe(this);".(!empty($a[0]) && $a[0] != '-' ? $a[0] : '')."' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($t->value)).'">'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { $r=preg_match("/^.+\@((\[?)[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-z]+|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?))$/i", $v, $m); if($r && !empty(Core::$core->blacklist) && in_array($m[1],Core::$core->blacklist)) { $r=0; $v=""; } return [ $r, 'invalid email address', ]; } } /** * file upload input box. */ //L("File") class file extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field [onchangejs [cssclass]]"; public function show() { return ''; } public function edit() { $t = $this; $e = Core::isError($t->name); return 'attrs[1], $t->attrs[0], $t->args)." type='file' style='display:inline;' title='".round(Core::$core->fm / 1048576)."Mb'>"; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { //! get field name $n = strtr($n,["."=>"_"]); $ok = !empty($_FILES[$n]) && (@$_FILES[$n]['error']==0||@$_FILES[$n]['error']==4); //! copy data from $_FILES $v = $ok? $_FILES[$n] : []; return [$ok, 'failed to upload file.']; } } /** * colorpicker element. */ //L("Color picker") class color extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field [onchangejs [cssclass]]"; public function show() { return " ".$this->value; } public function edit() { $t = $this; $a = $t->attrs; return 'args)." type='color' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(empty($t->value)?"#000000":trim($t->value)).'">'; } } /** * Date element. Note you have to specify both min and max values */ //L("Date") class date extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field [cssclass]"; public function edit() { return 'attrs[1], $this->attrs[0])." type='date' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($this->value)).'">'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { $v = strtotime($v); return[$v!=0, 'not a valid date time!']; } } /** * Date time element. Note you have to specify both min and max values */ //L("Time") class time extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field [cssclass]"; public function edit() { return 'attrs[1], $this->attrs[0])." type='datetime-local' value=\"".htmlspecialchars(trim($this->value)).'">'; } public static function validate($n, &$v, $a, $t) { $v = strtotime($v); return[$v!=0, 'not a valid date time!']; } } /** * field label. */ //L("Label") class label extends \PHPPE\AddOn { public $conf = "*obj.field label [cssclass]"; public function show() { return $this->edit(); } public function edit() { return 'attrs[1]) ? " class='".$this->attrs[1]."'" : '')." for='".$this->fld."'>". L($this->attrs[0]).':'; } } }//namespace namespace { /*** I18N ***/ /** * Translate a string or code to user's language. * * @param string text or code, with optional arguments * * @return string translated text */ function L() { $a=func_get_args();$s=array_shift($a); return vsprintf(isset(\PHPPE\Core::$l[$s]) ? \PHPPE\Core::$l[$s] : strtr($s, ['_' => ' ']),$a); } /** * Returns permanent link with canonical, absolute path. * * @param string application * @param string action * * @return string url */ function url($m = null, $p = null) { //return permalink for an action return \PHPPE\Http::url($m, $p); } } /* to make lang utility happy L("sure") */