#!/bin/ash # Install packages opkg update #The package name has changed #opkg install wireguard opkg install wireguard-tools # Configuration parameters WG_IF="wg0" WG_PORT="52536" WG_ADDR="" # Generate and exchange the keys umask u=rw,g=,o= wg genkey | tee wgserver.key | wg pubkey > wgserver.pub wg genpsk > wg.psk WG_KEY="$(cat wgserver.key)" WG_PSK="$(cat wg.psk)" WG_PUB="$(cat wgserver.pub)" # Configure firewall uci rename firewall.@zone[0]="lan" uci rename firewall.@zone[1]="wan" uci rename firewall.@forwarding[0]="lan_wan" uci del_list firewall.lan.network="${WG_IF}" uci add_list firewall.lan.network="${WG_IF}" uci -q delete firewall.wg uci set firewall.wg="rule" uci set firewall.wg.name="Allow-WireGuard" uci set firewall.wg.src="wan" uci set firewall.wg.dest_port="${WG_PORT}" uci set firewall.wg.proto="udp" uci set firewall.wg.target="ACCEPT" uci commit firewall /etc/init.d/firewall restart # Configure network uci -q delete network.${WG_IF} uci set network.${WG_IF}="interface" uci set network.${WG_IF}.proto="wireguard" uci set network.${WG_IF}.private_key="${WG_KEY}" uci set network.${WG_IF}.listen_port="${WG_PORT}" uci add_list network.${WG_IF}.addresses="${WG_ADDR}" # Add VPN peers uci -q delete network.wgclient uci set network.wgclient="wireguard_${WG_IF}" uci set network.wgclient.public_key="${WG_PUB}" uci set network.wgclient.preshared_key="${WG_PSK}" uci add_list network.wgclient.allowed_ips="${WG_ADDR%.*}.0/${WG_ADDR#*/}" uci commit network /etc/init.d/network restart