#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # SCRIPT: acctinfo # # PURPOSE: Get as much information for a username or domain entered at command line # # as possible. # # AUTHOR: Peter Elsner # ####################################################################################### print < \$listdbs, 'listssls' => \$listssls, 'listsubs' => \$listsubs, 'listaddons' => \$listaddons, 'listaliased' => \$listaliased, 'listparked' => \$listaliased, 'reselleraccts' => \$reselleraccts, 'resellerperms' => \$resellerperms, 'resellerprivs' => \$resellerperms, 'all' => \$all, 'help' => \$helpME, 'useDig' => \$useDig, 'cruft' => \$cruft, 'mail' => \$mail, 'scan' => \$scan, 'skipquota' => \$skipquota, 'skipfind' => \$skipfind, 'q' => \$clearscreen, 'nocode' => \$nocodeblock, ); if ($skipquota) { $skipquota = 1; } if ($skipfind) { $skipfind = 1; } if ($clearscreen) { system("clear"); } print "\n" unless ($nocodeblock); print BOLD BLUE "acctinfo - Version: " . YELLOW $VERSION . "\n"; if ($helpME) { &Usage; } my $conf = Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf::loadwwwacctconf(); my $HOMEDIR = $conf->{'HOMEDIR'}; my $HOMEMATCH = $conf->{'HOMEMATCH'}; my $SERVER_IP = $conf->{'ADDR'}; my $cpconf = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf(); my $DBPrefix = $cpconf->{'database_prefix'}; my ( $os_release, $os_ises ) = get_release_version(); my $IS_USERNAME = 1; my $QUERY = @ARGV[0]; chomp($QUERY); if ( $QUERY eq "" ) { &Usage; } $QUERY = lc($QUERY); if ( index( $QUERY, '.' ) != -1 ) { $IS_USERNAME = 0; } my $HOSTNAME = Cpanel::Sys::Hostname::gethostname(); my $MAINDOMAIN = ""; my $username = ""; if ($IS_USERNAME) { $MAINDOMAIN = FindMainDomain($QUERY); $username = $QUERY; } else { $username = FindUser($QUERY); $MAINDOMAIN = FindMainDomain($username); } chomp($MAINDOMAIN); chomp($username); if ( !($MAINDOMAIN) ) { $username = FindUser($QUERY); $MAINDOMAIN = FindMainDomain($username); } # If both variables are still empty, neither the username nor the domain name were found! if ( $MAINDOMAIN eq "" and $username eq "" ) { if ($cruft) { &cruft_check; } print "Error - $QUERY not found on $HOSTNAME (or missing from /etc/userdomains file)\n"; print "Try using the --cruft switch (acctinfo $QUERY --cruft)\n"; print "\n" unless ($nocodeblock); exit; } if ($scan) { &scan; exit; } if ( $username eq "nobody" ) { print RED "[WARN] - " . YELLOW $QUERY . " has an owner of " . WHITE . "\"nobody\"" . YELLOW " in /etc/userdomains!\n"; exit; } # Load /var/cpanel/users/$username into config hash variable my $user_conf = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::load($username); my $DOMAIN = $QUERY; my $IS_PARKED = ""; my $IS_ADDON = ""; my $IS_SUB = ""; my @SUBDOMAINS = ""; my @ADDONDOMAINS = ""; my @PARKEDDOMAINS = ""; my $ACCT = ""; my $MAILBOX_FORMAT = ""; my $MAXPOP = 0; my $MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR = 0; my $MAX_DEFER_FAIL_PERCENTAGE = 0; open( USERDATAFILE, "/etc/userdatadomains" ); my @USERDATADOMAINS = ; close(USERDATAFILE); # Get all sub domains (if any) foreach $ACCT (@USERDATADOMAINS) { chomp($ACCT); if ( $ACCT =~ m/ $username=/ ) { if ( $ACCT =~ m/==sub==/ ) { my ($sub_domain) = ( split( /\s+/, $ACCT ) )[0]; chop($sub_domain); push( @SUBDOMAINS, $sub_domain ); if ( $sub_domain eq $DOMAIN ) { # Get documentroot for $DOMAIN from /etc/userdatadomains my ($docroot) = ( split( /==/, qx[ grep $sub_domain /etc/userdatadomains ] ) ) [4]; $IS_SUB = "$DOMAIN is a sub domain of $MAINDOMAIN \n\t\\_ " . YELLOW . "(DocumentRoot: " . WHITE $docroot . ")\n"; } } } } # Get all addon domains (if any) foreach $ACCT (@USERDATADOMAINS) { chomp($ACCT); if ( $ACCT =~ m/ $username=/ ) { if ( $ACCT =~ m/==addon==/ ) { my ($addon_domain) = ( split( /\s+/, $ACCT ) )[0]; chop($addon_domain); push( @ADDONDOMAINS, $addon_domain ); if ( $addon_domain eq $DOMAIN ) { # Get documentroot for $DOMAIN from /etc/userdatadomains my ($docroot) = ( split( /==/, qx[ grep $addon_domain /etc/userdatadomains ] ) )[4]; $IS_ADDON = "$DOMAIN is an addon domain of $MAINDOMAIN \n\t\\_ " . YELLOW . "(DocumentRoot: " . WHITE $docroot . ")\n"; } } } } # Get all aliased domains (if any) foreach $ACCT (@USERDATADOMAINS) { chomp($ACCT); if ( $ACCT =~ m/ $username=/ ) { if ( $ACCT =~ m/==parked==/ ) { my ($parked_domain) = ( split( /\s+/, $ACCT ) )[0]; chop($parked_domain); push( @PARKEDDOMAINS, $parked_domain ); if ( $parked_domain eq $DOMAIN ) { # Get documentroot for $DOMAIN from /etc/userdatadomains my ($docroot) = ( split( /==/, qx[ grep $parked_domain /etc/userdatadomains ] ) )[4]; $IS_PARKED = "$DOMAIN is an alias (parked) domain of $MAINDOMAIN \n\t\\_ " . YELLOW . "(DocumentRoot: " . WHITE $docroot . ")\n"; } } } } shift @SUBDOMAINS; shift @ADDONDOMAINS; shift @PARKEDDOMAINS; my $subcnt = @SUBDOMAINS; my $addoncnt = @ADDONDOMAINS; my $parkcnt = @PARKEDDOMAINS; if ($cruft) { &cruft_check; } # We already have the $user_conf hash variable. my $PACKAGE = $user_conf->{'PLAN'}; my $THEME = $user_conf->{'RS'}; my $IPADDR = $user_conf->{'IP'}; my $HAS_AUTOSSL = $user_conf->{'FEATURE-AUTOSSL'}; my $BACKUPENABLED = $user_conf->{'BACKUP'}; my $LEGACYBACKUP = $user_conf->{'LEGACY_BACKUP'}; my $BWLIMIT = $user_conf->{'BWLIMIT'}; my $MAXADDON = $user_conf->{'MAXADDON'}; my $MAXPARK = $user_conf->{'MAXPARK'}; my $MAXSUB = $user_conf->{'MAXSUB'}; my $MAXFTP = $user_conf->{'MAXFTP'}; my $MAXSQL = $user_conf->{'MAXSQL'}; my $MAXLST = $user_conf->{'MAXLST'}; my $FEATURELIST = $user_conf->{'FEATURELIST'}; my $STARTDATE = scalar localtime( $user_conf->{'STARTDATE'} ); my @ResolvedIP; my $ResolvedIP; if ( $BWLIMIT ne "unlimited" ) { $BWLIMIT = ( $BWLIMIT / 1024 ) / 1024; } if (qx[ grep 'FEATURE-AUTOSSL=0' /var/cpanel/users/$username ]) { $HAS_AUTOSSL = "Explicitly Disabled"; } else { $HAS_AUTOSSL = ($HAS_AUTOSSL) ? "Yes" : "No (But see featurelist above)"; } my $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT; #my $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT = "(AutoSSL enabled in \"$FEATURELIST\" feature list)"; # Check disabled feature list to see if autossl=0 exists my $AutoSSL_Disabled = qx[ grep 'autossl=0' /var/cpanel/features/disabled ]; if ($AutoSSL_Disabled) { $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT = "(AutoSSL in disabled feature list)"; } # Check $FEATURELIST feature list to see if autossl=0 exists my $AutoSSL_Disabled; if ( !( -e ("/var/cpanel/features/$FEATURELIST") ) ) { $AutoSSL_Disabled = "$FEATURELIST not found in /var/cpanel/features!"; $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT = RED "[WARN] - Missing from /var/cpanel/features/"; } else { $AutoSSL_Disabled = qx[ grep 'autossl=0' /var/cpanel/features/$FEATURELIST ]; if ($AutoSSL_Disabled) { $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT = "(AutoSSL disabled in $FEATURELIST)"; } } if ( $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT eq "" ) { $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT = "(AutoSSL enabled in \"$FEATURELIST\" feature list)"; } $BACKUPENABLED = ($BACKUPENABLED) ? "Yes" : "No"; $LEGACYBACKUP = ($LEGACYBACKUP) ? "Yes" : "No"; if ($IS_USERNAME) { # Resolve the ip address of $MAINDOMAIN to see if it is pointing somewhere else if ($useDig) { @ResolvedIP = qx[ dig \@ $MAINDOMAIN A +short ]; } else { @ResolvedIP = getArecords($MAINDOMAIN); } } else { # a domain name was entered so we should resolve the IP of that instead. if ($useDig) { @ResolvedIP = qx[ dig \@ $DOMAIN A +short ]; } else { @ResolvedIP = getArecords($DOMAIN); } } my $IPTYPE = ""; if ( $IPADDR eq $SERVER_IP ) { $IPTYPE = "shared"; } else { $IPTYPE = "dedicated"; } my $REAL_OWNER = $user_conf->{'OWNER'}; my $RO_TEXT = ""; if ( $REAL_OWNER ne $username and $REAL_OWNER ne "root" ) { $RO_TEXT = " (Which is under the reseller: $REAL_OWNER)"; } # Check if main domain (username) is a reseller. my @ACCTSOWNEDBYRESELLER = undef; my @SORTEDRESELLERACCTS = undef; my @LISTOFACCTS = undef; my $Is_Reseller = 0; my $ResellerAcctsCnt = 0; my $ResellerDomain = ""; my $vcu_account = ""; my $ResellersAcct = ""; my $RESELLER = ""; my $FOUND = ""; my $ResellerSharedIP = "None"; my @ResellerIPS = undef; my $ResellerIP = "None"; my $ResellerIPS = "None"; my @ALL_RESELLERS = Cpanel::ResellerFunctions::getresellerslist(); unshift @ALL_RESELLERS, 'root'; foreach $RESELLER (@ALL_RESELLERS) { chomp($RESELLER); if ( $RESELLER eq $username ) { $Is_Reseller = 1; # Grab resellers shared IP (if configured) from /var/cpanel/mainips/$RESELLER. if ( -e ("/var/cpanel/mainips/$RESELLER") ) { $ResellerSharedIP = qx[ cat /var/cpanel/mainips/$RESELLER ]; chomp($ResellerSharedIP); } if ( -e ("/var/cpanel/dips/$RESELLER") ) { open( RESELLERIPS, "/var/cpanel/dips/$RESELLER" ); @ResellerIPS = ; close(RESELLERIPS); } # Read all accounts in /var/cpanel/users into array opendir( ACCTS, "/var/cpanel/users" ); my @LISTOFACCTS = readdir(ACCTS); closedir(ACCTS); foreach $vcu_account (@LISTOFACCTS) { chomp($vcu_account); if ( $vcu_account =~ m/HASH/ or $vcu_account eq "." or $vcu_account eq ".." ) { next; } $FOUND = ""; $FOUND = qx[ grep 'OWNER=$username' /var/cpanel/users/$vcu_account ]; if ($FOUND) { $ResellersAcct = qx[ grep 'DNS=' /var/cpanel/users/$vcu_account ]; $ResellerDomain = substr( $ResellersAcct, 4 ); chomp($ResellerDomain); push( @ACCTSOWNEDBYRESELLER, "$ResellerDomain ($vcu_account)" ); } } $ResellerAcctsCnt = @ACCTSOWNEDBYRESELLER; $ResellerAcctsCnt--; last; } } my $TOTAL_DOMAINS = qx[ cat /etc/trueuserdomains | wc -l ]; chomp($TOTAL_DOMAINS); print WHITE "There are " . YELLOW $TOTAL_DOMAINS . WHITE " total accounts on (" . GREEN ON_BLACK $HOSTNAME . WHITE ").\n"; if ($IS_USERNAME) { print "\n"; } else { print GREEN ON_BLACK "\nThe user name for " . BLUE $DOMAIN . GREEN ON_BLACK " is: " . YELLOW $username . "\n"; } # Get home directory from /etc/passwd my @PASSWDS = undef; our $RealHome = ""; our $SSLProvider = getSSLprovider(); our $passline = ""; my $RealShell = ""; my $UID = ""; my $GID = ""; open( PASSWD, "/etc/passwd" ); @PASSWDS = ; close(PASSWD); foreach $passline (@PASSWDS) { chomp($passline); if ( $passline =~ m/\b$username\b/ ) { ($UID) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[2]; ($GID) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[3]; ($RealHome) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[5]; ($RealShell) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[6]; last; } } # Check for missing hash in /etc/shadow my ($PWHash) = ( split( /:/, qx[ grep $username /etc/shadow ] ) )[1]; if ( $PWHash eq "" ) { print RED "[WARN] * $username is missing password hash in /etc/shadow\n"; } # Get IP address from .lastlogin file (if it exists) my $LastLoginIP = ""; if ( -e ("$RealHome/.lastlogin") ) { $LastLoginIP = qx[ tail -1 $RealHome/.lastlogin ]; chomp($LastLoginIP); } print GREEN ON_BLACK "The main domain is " . YELLOW $MAINDOMAIN . GREEN ON_BLACK $RO_TEXT . "\n"; if ( $MAINDOMAIN eq $HOSTNAME ) { print RED "[WARN] - $MAINDOMAIN is the same as hostname $HOSTNAME!\n"; } if ( $QUERY eq $HOSTNAME ) { print RED "[WARN] - $QUERY is the same as hostname $HOSTNAME!\n"; } # Get docroot for MAINDOMAIN too. my ($maindocroot) = ( split( /==/, qx[ grep '^$MAINDOMAIN' /etc/userdatadomains ] ) )[4]; print "\t\\_ " . YELLOW . "(DocumentRoot: " . WHITE $maindocroot . ")\n"; print WHITE "Real Home Directory (/etc/passwd): " . CYAN $RealHome ; # Perm check - make sure $RealHome is 711 - Warn if not! if ( -e ("$RealHome") ) { my $statmode = ( stat($RealHome) )[2] & 07777; $statmode = sprintf "%lo", $statmode; if ( $statmode != 711 ) { print RED " - [WARN] - $RealHome permissions are not 711 [$statmode]\n"; print YELLOW "(Seeing require_files: permission denied errors in /var/log/exim_mainlog? - This may be why)\n"; } } print "\n"; # Check if user is in demo mode my $InDemo = qx[ grep $username /etc/demousers /etc/demodomains]; if ($InDemo) { print RED "[WARN] - $username is in demo mode!\n"; } # Check if bandwidth limit exceeded if ( -e ("/var/cpanel/bwlimited/$username") or -e ("/var/cpanel/bwlimited/$MAINDOMAIN") or -e ("/var/cpanel/bwlimited/$QUERY") ) { print RED "[WARN] - $MAINDOMAIN ($username) may have exceeded their bandwidth limit!\n"; my ($bwused) = qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=bandwidthusage | grep 'count:' | grep -v '_count' ]; chomp($bwused); my ($bwmax) = qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=bandwidthusage | grep 'max:' | grep -v '_max' ]; chomp($bwmax); $bwused =~ s/count://g; $bwmax =~ s/max://g; $bwused = alltrim($bwused); $bwmax = alltrim($bwmax); print "\t \\_ $bwused / $bwmax\n"; } if ($Is_Reseller) { print GREEN ON_BLACK "This account is also a reseller!\n"; if ($ResellerSharedIP) { print GREEN "Reseller's Shared IP: " . WHITE $ResellerSharedIP . "\n"; } if (@ResellerIPS) { print GREEN "Reseller's IP Delegation\n"; foreach $ResellerIP (@ResellerIPS) { chomp($ResellerIP); if ( $ResellerIP ne "" ) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $ResellerIP\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ Open Delegation " . CYAN . "(any IP on this server can be used by " . WHITE $username . CYAN . ")\n"; } } } else { print GREEN "Reseller's IP Delegation: "; print YELLOW "Open Delegation " . CYAN . "(any IP on this server can be used by " . WHITE $username . CYAN . ")\n"; } } print GREEN "$IS_PARKED\n" unless ( $IS_PARKED eq "" ); print GREEN "$IS_ADDON\n" unless ( $IS_ADDON eq "" ); print GREEN "$IS_SUB\n" unless ( $IS_SUB eq "" ); print WHITE "Shell: " . CYAN $RealShell . "\n"; &ChkForIntegration; # check if user is in /etc/ftpusers my $ftpblock = ""; if ( -e ("/etc/ftpusers") ) { $ftpblock = qx[ grep $username /etc/ftpusers ]; if ($ftpblock) { print RED "[WARN] - $username found in /etc/ftpusers file (FTP authentication will fail!\n"; } } print WHITE "UID/GID: " . CYAN $UID . "/" . $GID; my $UID_MIN = qx[ grep 'UID_MIN' /etc/login.defs ]; my $GID_MIN = qx[ grep 'GID_MIN' /etc/login.defs ]; ($UID_MIN) = ( split( /\s+/, $UID_MIN ) )[1]; ($GID_MIN) = ( split( /\s+/, $GID_MIN ) )[1]; $UID_MIN = alltrim($UID_MIN); $GID_MIN = alltrim($GID_MIN); #if ( version_compare( $os_release, qw( > 6.9 ) ) ) { if ( $UID < $UID_MIN or $GID < $GID_MIN ) { print RED " - [WARN] - UID/GID is less than $UID_MIN/$GID_MIN\n"; } else { print "\n"; } # New get quota info from uapi #my ($quotaused) = #qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=diskusage | grep 'count:' | grep -v '_count' ]; #chomp($quotaused); #my ($maxquota) = #qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=diskusage | grep 'max:' | grep -v '_max' ]; #chomp($maxquota); #$quotaused =~ s/count://g; #$maxquota =~ s/max://g; #$quotaused = alltrim($quotaused); #$maxquota = alltrim($maxquota); # Even newer, use whmapi1 (seems to be faster) my $quotaused = alltrim(qx[ whmapi1 accountsummary user=$username | grep 'diskused:' ]); ($quotaused) = ( split( /\s+/, $quotaused ) )[1]; my $maxquota = alltrim(qx[ whmapi1 accountsummary user=$username | grep 'disklimit' ]); ($maxquota) = ( split( /\s+/, $maxquota ) )[1]; print "Disk Quota: $quotaused used of $maxquota allowed\n"; # Check if account is over quota, warn if so, unless --skipquota is passed. # -s human-readable, -l local only (ignore NFS), -q quiet # check if the account is over quota (slq does this, if nothing returned, it's not over quota. if ( $skipquota == 0 ) { open( QUOTACHK, "/usr/bin/quota -slq $username 2> /dev/null |" ); my @quotachk = ; close(QUOTACHK); my $BlockLimitReached; my $quotaused; my $quotaallowed; foreach $BlockLimitReached (@quotachk) { chomp($BlockLimitReached); if ( $BlockLimitReached =~ m/Block limit reached on / ) { print RED "[WARN] - $username is over quota "; my ($quotadev) = ( split( /\s+/, $BlockLimitReached ) )[5]; my $quotaHR1 = qx[ grep $quotadev /etc/mtab ]; my ($quotaHR) = ( split( /\s+/, $quotaHR1 ) )[1]; ( $quotaused, $quotaallowed ) = ( split( /\s+/, qx[ /usr/bin/quota -sl $username | egrep -v 'Filesystem|quotas' | tail -1 ] ) )[ 2, 3 ]; print "($quotadev [$quotaHR] is over quota [$quotaused/$quotaallowed])\n"; } } } if ( !( -e ("/var/cpanel/features/$FEATURELIST") ) ) { print YELLOW "[INFO] - Skipping bandwidth check! Feature list \"$FEATURELIST\" missing from /var/cpanel/features/\n"; } else { my ($bwused) = qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=bandwidthusage | grep 'count:' | grep -v '_count' ]; chomp($bwused); my ($bwmax) = qx[ uapi --user=$username StatsBar get_stats display=bandwidthusage | grep 'max:' | grep -v '_max' ]; chomp($bwmax); $bwused =~ s/count://g; $bwmax =~ s/max://g; $bwused = alltrim($bwused); $bwmax = alltrim($bwmax); print "Bandwidth: $bwused used of $bwmax allowed\n"; } # Check for custom style (Paper Lantern Theme) my $custom_style_path = "$RealHome/var/cpanel/styled/current_style"; my $custom_style_link; my $custom_style; my @custom_style_array; my $custom_style_array; if ( -e ("$custom_style_path") ) { $custom_style_link = readlink($custom_style_path); @custom_style_array = split( "\/", $custom_style_link ); $custom_style = $custom_style_array[-1]; } print WHITE "Hosting Package: " . CYAN $PACKAGE . WHITE " (" . "Feature List: " . GREEN $FEATURELIST . WHITE ") " . $HAS_AUTOSSL_TEXT . "\n"; my $X3WARN = ""; if ( $THEME eq "x3" ) { $X3WARN = RED "[WARN] - x3 Theme deprecated. cPanel UI not loading? This is probably why!"; } if ($custom_style) { print WHITE "Theme: " . CYAN $THEME . " (Style: $custom_style) " . $X3WARN . "\n"; } else { print WHITE "Theme: " . CYAN $THEME . " " . $X3WARN . "\n"; } print WHITE "Max Addon/Alias/Sub Domains: " . CYAN $MAXADDON . WHITE " / " . CYAN $MAXPARK . WHITE " / " . CYAN $MAXSUB . "\n"; print WHITE "Max SQL Databases: " . CYAN $MAXSQL . "\n"; print WHITE "Max Mailman Lists: " . CYAN $MAXLST . "\n"; print WHITE "Max FTP Accounts: " . CYAN $MAXFTP . "\n"; print WHITE "Max Bandwidth Allowed: " . CYAN $BWLIMIT . " MB\n"; print WHITE "AutoSSL Enabled: " . CYAN $HAS_AUTOSSL . "\n"; print WHITE "Backup Enabled: " . CYAN $BACKUPENABLED . GREEN " / " . WHITE "LEGACY: " . CYAN $LEGACYBACKUP . "\n"; my $PHPDefaultVersion; my $PHPversion; my $isEA4 = 0; my $cageFSStats = &check_for_cagefs(); if ($cageFSStats) { print WHITE "CageFS: " . CYAN $cageFSStats . "\n"; # See if /home/$username/.cl.selector/defaults.cfg is present. If so grab PHP Version from it. } else { print WHITE "CageFS: " . CYAN . "Not installed!\n"; } # Check for php-selector (CloudLinux) my $clPHPVer = 0; if ( -e ("$RealHome/.cl.selector/defaults.cfg") and $cageFSStats eq "Enabled" ) { my $clPHP = qx[ egrep '^php' $RealHome/.cl.selector/defaults.cfg ]; $clPHPVer =~ s/\s+//g; ($clPHPVer) = ( split( /=/, $clPHP ) )[1]; chomp($clPHPVer); $clPHPVer = alltrim($clPHPVer); if ($clPHPVer) { print WHITE "CloudLinux PHP Version: " . CYAN $clPHPVer . "\n"; my $PHPiniFile = qx[ su -s /bin/bash $username -c "php -i | grep '^Configuration File'" ]; my $PHPiniLoad = qx[ su -s /bin/bash $username -c "php -i | grep '^Loaded Configuration File'" ]; my $PHPiniScan = qx[ su -s /bin/bash $username -c "php -i | grep '^Scan this dir'" ]; chomp($PHPiniFile); chomp($PHPiniLoad); chomp($PHPiniScan); if ( $cageFSStats and $cageFSStats eq "Enabled" ) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniFile\n"; print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniLoad\n"; print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniScan\n"; } } } my $skipEA4 = 0; if ( $clPHPVer and $cageFSStats eq "Enabled" ) { $skipEA4 = 1; } $isEA4 = &isEA4; my $clPHPActive = 0; if ( $isEA4 and !$skipEA4 ) { $PHPDefaultVersion = &get_system_php_version(); if ( $PHPDefaultVersion eq "" ) { $PHPDefaultVersion = "UNKNOWN"; } $PHPversion = &get_php_version(); if ( $PHPversion eq "" ) { $PHPversion = "inherit"; } if ( $PHPversion eq "inherit" ) { $clPHPActive = 1; } print WHITE "[EA4] PHP Version: " . CYAN $PHPversion . " (System Default: $PHPDefaultVersion) "; # Check for ^suPHP_ConfigPath variable in .htaccess files my $suPHPConfPathFound; if ( -e ("$RealHome/public_html/.htaccess") ) { $suPHPConfPathFound = qx[ egrep '^suPHP_ConfigPath' "$RealHome/public_html/.htaccess" ]; } if ( $clPHPActive and $cageFSStats eq "Enabled" ) { print MAGENTA "CloudLinux PHP Version has precedence\n"; } else { print MAGENTA "cPanel EA4 PHP Version has precedence\n"; } if ( -e ("/var/cpanel/userdata/$username/$MAINDOMAIN.php-fpm.yaml") ) { print YELLOW "PHP-FPM pool detected\n"; } # Get php.ini config info if ( $PHPversion eq "inherit" and $cageFSStats ne "Enabled" ) { $PHPversion = $PHPDefaultVersion; } if ( -e ("/etc/scl/conf/$PHPversion") or ( -e ("/etc/scl/prefixes/$PHPversion") ) ) { my $PHPiniFile = qx[ /usr/bin/scl enable $PHPversion "php -i" | grep '^Configuration File' ]; my $PHPiniLoad = qx[ /usr/bin/scl enable $PHPversion "php -i" | grep '^Loaded Configuration File' ]; my $PHPiniScan = qx[ /usr/bin/scl enable $PHPversion "php -i" | grep '^Scan this dir' ]; if ($suPHPConfPathFound) { print YELLOW "[NOTE]" . WHITE . " - suPHP_ConfigPath found in " . CYAN . $suPHPConfPathFound; my ($UsersuPHPConfPath) = ( split( /\s+/, $suPHPConfPathFound ) )[1]; $PHPiniFile = "Configuration File (php.ini) Path => $UsersuPHPConfPath"; $PHPiniLoad = "Loaded Configuration File => $UsersuPHPConfPath"; $PHPiniScan = "Scan this dir for additional .ini files => None"; } chomp($PHPiniFile); chomp($PHPiniLoad); chomp($PHPiniScan); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniFile\n"; print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniLoad\n"; print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PHPiniScan\n"; } if ( !( -e ("$RealHome/public_html") ) ) { $skipfind = 1; } # Search /home/username for any php.ini files and/or .user.ini files (unless --skipfind) if ( $skipfind == 0 ) { my @customPHPINI = qx[ find $RealHome/public_html -maxdepth 1 -name 'php.ini' ]; my @customuserINI = qx[ find $RealHome/public_html -maxdepth 1 -name '.user.ini' ]; my $customPHPINIfile; my $customuserINIfile; if (@customPHPINI) { print GREEN "Custom php.ini file found in: \n"; foreach $customPHPINIfile (@customPHPINI) { chomp($customPHPINIfile); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $customPHPINIfile\n"; } } if (@customuserINI) { print GREEN "Custom .user.ini file found in: \n"; foreach $customuserINIfile (@customuserINI) { chomp($customuserINIfile); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $customuserINIfile\n"; } } print "\n"; } } my $IS_IP_ON_SERVER = qx[ ip addr | grep $IPADDR ]; my $NOTONSERVER = "[ Is configured on this server ] "; if ( $IS_IP_ON_SERVER eq "" ) { $NOTONSERVER = "[ Not configured on this server ]"; } print WHITE "IP address: " . CYAN $IPADDR . WHITE " (" . CYAN $IPTYPE . WHITE ") - $NOTONSERVER\n"; my $defaultsite = 0; my $TotalARecords = @ResolvedIP; my $ConnectionTimeout = 0; if ( @ResolvedIP[4] =~ m/no servers could be reached/ ) { $TotalARecords = 0; $ConnectionTimeout = 1; } my $ResolvesToDetail = ""; print WHITE "Resolves to IP: "; if ( $TotalARecords > 1 ) { print "(multiple A records found) \n"; foreach $ResolvedIP (@ResolvedIP) { chomp($ResolvedIP); $ResolvesToDetail = &check_resolved_ip($ResolvedIP); print CYAN "\t \\_" . $ResolvedIP . " " . RED $ResolvesToDetail . "\n"; } } else { ## ONLY 1 A RECORED RETURNED. $ResolvedIP = @ResolvedIP[0]; chomp($ResolvedIP); if ($ConnectionTimeout) { $ResolvedIP = ""; } if ( $TotalARecords == 0 and $ResolvedIP eq "" ) { print "DOES NOT RESOLVE!\n"; $defaultsite = 1; } else { $ResolvesToDetail = &check_resolved_ip($ResolvedIP); print CYAN $ResolvedIP . " " . RED $ResolvesToDetail; } print "\n"; } if ($defaultsite) { print YELLOW "Not seeing the site you're expecting (or defaultwebpage.cgi)? - This may be why!\n"; } if ( $all or $mail ) { &display_mail_info; } # Last Login IP if ($LastLoginIP) { print WHITE "Last logged in to cPanel from IP: " . CYAN $LastLoginIP . "\n"; } print WHITE "Has been a customer since " . CYAN $STARTDATE . "\n"; # Check to see if the $username is in /var/cpanel/suspended directory my $SUSP = 0; my $REASON = ""; if ( -e ("/var/cpanel/suspended/$username") ) { $REASON = `cat /var/cpanel/suspended/$username`; chomp($REASON); $SUSP = 1; } print WHITE "Suspended: "; if ($SUSP) { print RED "YES!"; print WHITE " - Reason: " . CYAN $REASON unless ( $REASON eq "" ); } else { print GREEN "No"; } print "\n"; print WHITE "Count of other domains: [" . YELLOW "SUB: " . GREEN $subcnt . WHITE "] - [" . YELLOW "ALIASES " . GREEN $parkcnt . WHITE "] - [" . YELLOW "ADDONS: " . GREEN $addoncnt . WHITE "]\n"; &border; # END OF BASIC INFORMATION (no switches were added) # ADDITIONAL INFORMATION STARTS HERE! (if all or any other switches were added) # DOMAIN INFO (ALIASES, ADDON, SUB) my $SUB = ""; my $PARK = ""; my $ADDON = ""; if ( $subcnt + $addoncnt + $parkcnt > 1 and ( $all or $listsubs or $listaddons or $listparked or $listaliased ) ) { print WHITE "The following are associated with " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; &smborder; } if ( $all or $listsubs ) { print YELLOW "Sub Domains: "; if ( $subcnt > 0 and ( $all or $listsubs ) ) { print "\n"; foreach $SUB (@SUBDOMAINS) { chomp($SUB); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $SUB\n"; } } else { print MAGENTA "No Sub Domains found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } &smborder; } if ( $all or $listaddons ) { print YELLOW "Addon Domains: "; if ( $addoncnt > 0 and ( $all or $listaddons ) ) { print "\n"; foreach $ADDON (@ADDONDOMAINS) { chomp($ADDON); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $ADDON\n"; } } else { print MAGENTA "No Addon Domains found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } &smborder; } if ( $all or $listparked or $listaliased ) { print YELLOW "Aliased Domains: "; if ( $parkcnt > 0 and ( $all or $listparked or $listaliased ) ) { print "\n"; foreach $PARK (@PARKEDDOMAINS) { chomp($PARK); print YELLOW "\t \\_ $PARK\n"; } } else { print MAGENTA "No Aliased Domains found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } &smborder; } # RESELLER INFO if ( $reselleraccts or $all ) { if ($all) { &border; } my $owned_by_reseller = ""; if ( $Is_Reseller and $ResellerAcctsCnt > 0 ) { print CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " is a reseller and has the following ($ResellerAcctsCnt) accounts under it\n"; shift @ACCTSOWNEDBYRESELLER; my @SORTEDRESELLERACCTS = sort(@ACCTSOWNEDBYRESELLER); foreach $owned_by_reseller (@SORTEDRESELLERACCTS) { chomp($owned_by_reseller); print BOLD YELLOW ON_BLACK "\t \\_ $owned_by_reseller\n"; } &border; } else { print WHITE "No Reseller accounts found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; &border; } } if ( $resellerperms or $all ) { if ($all) { &border; } my $DefaultPerm = ""; my $defaultRPerm = ""; my @defaultperms = qw( acct-summary basic-system-info basic-whm-functions cors-proxy-get cpanel-api cpanel-integration create-user-session digest-auth generate-email-config list-pkgs manage-api-tokens manage-dns-records manage-oidc manage-styles mysql-info ns-config public-contact ssl-info track-email ); if ($Is_Reseller) { open( RESELLERS, "/var/cpanel/resellers" ); my @RESELLERS = ; close(RESELLERS); my $resellerline = ""; my @rperms = undef; my $rperm = ""; print CYAN "The reseller " . $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " has the following reseller permissions\n"; foreach $resellerline (@RESELLERS) { chomp($resellerline); my ( $reseller, $rperms ) = ( split( /:/, $resellerline ) ); if ( $reseller eq $username ) { my @rperms = split /,/, $rperms; foreach $rperm (@rperms) { chomp($rperm); foreach $defaultRPerm (@defaultperms) { chomp($defaultRPerm); if ( $rperm =~ $defaultRPerm ) { $DefaultPerm = BLUE ON_BLACK "[DEFAULT]"; last; } else { $DefaultPerm = ""; } } print BOLD YELLOW ON_BLACK "\t \\_ $rperm " . $DefaultPerm; if ( $rperm eq "all" ) { print RED "[WARN] - HAS ROOT PRIVILEGES!!!\n"; } else { print "\n"; } } } } &border; } } # MySQL INFO if ( $listdbs or $all ) { my @USERDBS = undef; my @DBSIZE = undef; my $USERDB = ""; my $SIZEOFDB = ""; my $DBNAME = ""; my $DBSIZE = ""; # MySQL username can only be the first 8 characters of $usrename my $first8; if ($DBPrefix) { $first8 = substr( $username, 0, 8 ); @USERDBS = qx[ echo "SHOW DATABASES like '$first8%'" | mysql -BN ]; } else { @USERDBS = # THIS BELOW FAILS IF DB PREFIX IS OFF!!! qx[ echo "SHOW DATABASES like = '$username%'" | mysql -BN ]; } my $DBCNT = @USERDBS; if ( $DBCNT == 0 ) { print WHITE "No MySQL databases found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } else { print WHITE "The following ($DBCNT) MySQL databases can be found under: " . GREEN $username . "\n"; foreach $USERDB (@USERDBS) { chomp($USERDB); $USERDB =~ s/\\//g; print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . $USERDB . "\n"; } } &smborder; # PostGreSQL INFO my $psql_running = 0; if (qx[ ps ax | grep postgres | grep -v grep ]) { $psql_running = 1; } if ( -e ("/usr/bin/psql") and $psql_running ) { ## PostGreSQL is installed and running my @PSQLDBS = undef; my $PgDb = ""; @PSQLDBS = qx[ /usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datistemplate='f' AND datname !='postgres'" | grep -v '\-' | grep -v 'datname' | grep -v ' row' ]; pop(@PSQLDBS); my $PgDbCount = @PSQLDBS; if ( $PgDbCount == 0 ) { print WHITE "No PostGreSQL databases found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } else { print WHITE "The following ($PgDbCount) PostGreSQL databases can be found under: " . GREEN $username . "\n"; my $pg_table = ""; my @PG_TABLES = undef; foreach $PgDb (@PSQLDBS) { chomp($PgDb); $PgDb = substr( $PgDb, 1 ); print YELLOW "\t \\_" . $PgDb . "\n"; } } } else { print RED "PostGreSQL server is not installed (or running) on " . MAGENTA $HOSTNAME . "\n"; } &border; } if ( $listssls or $all ) { if ( $CPVersion lt "" ) { &oldlistssls; } else { $sslsyscertdir = "/var/cpanel/ssl/apache_tls/"; if ( -e ("$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates") ) { $sslsubject = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates" -subject -noout ]; $startdate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates" -startdate -noout ]; $expiredate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates" -enddate -noout ]; $isSelfSigned = qx[ openssl verify "$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates" | grep 'self signed certificate' ]; print WHITE "SSL Certificates installed under " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; &dispSSLdata($MAINDOMAIN); print WHITE "Protecting the following Subject Alternative Names:\n"; my $SAN; my @getSANS = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$MAINDOMAIN/certificates" -noout -text | grep -oP '(?<=DNS:)[a-z0-9.-]+' ]; foreach $SAN (@getSANS) { chomp($SAN); print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . CYAN $SAN . "\n"; } } else { print YELLOW $MAINDOMAIN . "\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ " . CYAN . "No SSL found.\n"; } foreach $SUB (@SUBDOMAINS) { chomp($SUB); if ( -e ("$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates") ) { $sslsubject = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates" -subject -noout ]; $startdate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates" -startdate -noout ]; $expiredate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates" -enddate -noout ]; $isSelfSigned = qx[ openssl verify "$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates" | grep 'self signed certificate' ]; &dispSSLdata($SUB); print WHITE "Protecting the following Subject Alternative Names:\n"; my $SAN; my @getSANS = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$SUB/certificates" -noout -text | grep -oP '(?<=DNS:)[a-z0-9.-]+' ]; foreach $SAN (@getSANS) { chomp($SAN); print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . CYAN $SAN . "\n"; } } else { print YELLOW $SUB . "\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ " . CYAN . "No SSL found.\n"; } } # Check for pending AutoSSL orders here (uses whmapi1 get_autossl_pending_queue (62.0.26+ only) if ( $SSLProvider eq "cPanel (Powered by Comodo)" ) { print "\nChecking for pending AutoSSL orders: \n"; my $SSL_PENDING = qx[ whmapi1 get_autossl_pending_queue | grep -B3 'user: $username' ]; if ($SSL_PENDING) { my $NEW_SSL_PENDING; ( $NEW_SSL_PENDING = $SSL_PENDING ) =~ s/order_item_id: /order_item_id: https:\/\/manage2.cpanel.net\/certificate.cgi\?oii=/g; $SSL_PENDING = $NEW_SSL_PENDING; print GREEN "\t \\_ \n"; print GREEN "$SSL_PENDING"; } else { print GREEN "\t \\_ None"; } print "\n"; } # Check for purchased SSL's print "Checking for pending SSL Orders (non-autossl): \n"; if ( -e ("$RealHome/.cpanel/ssl/pending_queue.json") ) { my ($PendingSSLOrder) = ( split( /\s+/, qx[ python -mjson.tool $RealHome/.cpanel/ssl/pending_queue.json|grep -A1 cPStore ] ) )[3]; $PendingSSLOrder =~ s/\"//g; $PendingSSLOrder =~ s/,//g; $PendingSSLOrder =~ s/://g; print CYAN "\t \\_ Pending order number: " . GREEN . "https://manage2.cpanel.net/certificate.cgi?oii=$PendingSSLOrder\n"; } else { print GREEN "\t \\_ None\n"; } # Check for CAA records here. my @HasCAA; print "Checking for CAA records: \n"; #my @HasCAA = qx[ dig $MAINDOMAIN caa +short ]; if ($IS_USERNAME) { @HasCAA = qx[ dig +noall +answer $MAINDOMAIN CAA | grep -v CNAME ]; } else { @HasCAA = qx[ dig +noall +answer $QUERY CAA | grep -v CNAME ]; } my $CAARecord; if (@HasCAA) { if ($IS_USERNAME) { print YELLOW "[NOTE] * CAA records were found for $MAINDOMAIN\n"; } else { print YELLOW "[NOTE] * CAA records were found for $QUERY\n"; } print GREEN "SSL Certificates can only be issued from the following CA's:\n"; my ( $CAARecord1, $CAARecord2, $CAARecord3 ); foreach $CAARecord (@HasCAA) { chomp($CAARecord); ( $CAARecord1, $CAARecord2, $CAARecord3 ) = ( split( /\s+/, $CAARecord ) )[ 4, 5, 6 ]; print CYAN "\t \\_ $CAARecord1 $CAARecord2 $CAARecord3\n"; } } else { print GREEN "\t \\_ None\n"; } &border; } } print "\n" unless ($nocodeblock); exit; sub Usage { print WHITE "\nUsage: " . CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " [options] domainname.tld or cPUsername [options]\n\n"; print YELLOW "Examples: \n" . CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --listdbs somedomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists any MySQL databases (and their sizes) as well as any PostGreSQL\n\t databases for somedomain.net\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --listsubs cptestdo\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists all sub domains under the cptestdo user name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --listaddons cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists all addon domains under the cptestdomain.net domain name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --listalias cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists all alias (parked) domains under the cptestdomain.net domain name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --reselleraccts cptestdo\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists reseller information and domains under the cptestdo user name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --resellerperms cptestdo\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists reseller permissions under the cptestdo user name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --listssls cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists any SSL's under the cptestdomain.net domain name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --cruft cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Perform a cruft check on cptestdomain.net.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --mail cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Display mail information for cptestdomain.net.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --scan cptest\n"; print GREEN "\t Scan users home directory for known infection strings.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --all cptestdomain.net\n"; print GREEN "\t Lists everything for the cptestdomain.net domain name.\n\n"; print CYAN "acctinfo" . WHITE " --help\n"; print GREEN "\t Shows this usage information. (NOTE: [options] can go before or after domain/username).\n\n"; exit; } sub border { print MAGENTA ON_BLACK "==============================================================================================\n"; return; } sub smborder { print MAGENTA "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; return; } sub FindMainDomain() { $SearchFor = $_[0]; my $MAINUSER = ""; my $TrueUserLine = ""; open( TRUEUSER, "/etc/trueuserdomains" ); my @TRUEUSERS = ; close(TRUEUSER); foreach $TrueUserLine (@TRUEUSERS) { chomp($TrueUserLine); ( $MAINDOMAIN, $MAINUSER ) = ( split( /:\s+/, $TrueUserLine ) ); if ( $MAINUSER eq $SearchFor ) { return $MAINDOMAIN; } } } sub FindUser() { my $SearchFor = $_[0]; my $UserIsReserved = isUserReserved($SearchFor); if ($UserIsReserved) { print RED "[WARNING] - " . $SearchFor . WHITE " is a reserved username!\n"; } my $UserLine = ""; my $TheDOMAIN = ""; my $TheUSER = ""; open( USERDOMAIN, "/etc/userdomains" ); my @USERDOMAINS = ; close(USERDOMAIN); foreach $UserLine (@USERDOMAINS) { chomp($UserLine); ( $TheDOMAIN, $TheUSER ) = ( split( /:\s+/, $UserLine ) ); if ( $TheDOMAIN eq $SearchFor ) { return $TheUSER; } } } sub check_cloudflare_ips { my $chkIP = $_[0]; # Below IP's obtained from: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips my @cf_subnets = qx[ curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 ]; my $cloudflareIP = 0; my $cf_subnet = ""; my @a = split /\./, $chkIP; my $di = getIp(@a); foreach $cf_subnet (@cf_subnets) { ( $a, $b ) = getNetwork($cf_subnet); if ( ( $di >= $a ) && ( $di <= $b ) ) { $cloudflareIP = 1; } } sub getIp { return ( $_[0] * 256 * 256 * 256 ) + ( $_[1] * 256 * 256 ) + ( $_[2] * 256 ) + $_[3]; } sub getNetwork { @a = split( /[\/|\.]/, +shift ); return ( getIp( @a[ 0 .. 3 ] ), ( getIp( @a[ 0 .. 3 ] ) + ( 2**( 32 - $a[4] ) ) ) ); } return $cloudflareIP; } sub check_for_nat { return if ( !( -e ("/var/cpanel/cpnat") ) ); my $chkIP = $_[0]; open( CPNAT, "/var/cpanel/cpnat" ); my @CPNAT = ; close(CPNAT); my $cpnat; foreach $cpnat (@CPNAT) { chomp($cpnat); my ( $outsideIP, $insideIP ) = ( split( /\s+/, $cpnat ) ); chomp($outsideIP); chomp($insideIP); if ( $outsideIP eq $chkIP ) { return $insideIP; } if ( $insideIP eq $chkIP ) { return $outsideIP; } } } sub check_resolved_ip { my $IP2CHK = $_[0]; my $RetVal = ""; if ( $IP2CHK eq $IPADDR ) { $RetVal = GREEN . " [SAME]"; } else { $defaultsite = 1; } my $Is_IP_OnServer = qx[ ip addr | grep '$IP2CHK' ]; if ( !($Is_IP_OnServer) ) { $RetVal = $RetVal .= RED . " [Not on this server]"; $defaultsite = 1; } my $IS_CLOUDFLARE = check_cloudflare_ips($IP2CHK); if ($IS_CLOUDFLARE) { $RetVal = " <-- CloudFlare DNS"; $defaultsite = 1; } my $IS_NAT = &check_for_nat($IP2CHK); if ($IS_NAT) { $RetVal = " NAT detected ($IS_NAT => $IP2CHK)"; if ( $IS_NAT eq $IPADDR ) { $RetVal = $RetVal .= GREEN . " [SAME]"; $defaultsite = 0; } } my $Is_IP_OnServer = qx[ ip addr | grep '$IS_NAT' ]; if ( !($Is_IP_OnServer) ) { $RetVal = $RetVal .= RED . " [Not on this server]"; $defaultsite = 1; } return $RetVal; } sub cruft_check { &border; print CYAN "CRUFT CHECK\n"; &border; my $maxwidth = 25; my $file2search = ""; my $TheStatus = ""; my $spacer = 0; my $len = 0; my $filestatus = ""; my $TrueUserLine = ""; my $isTerminated = 0; my $termdate = ""; my @temp = undef; my $DNSLineCnt = 0; my $TotalDomainCnt = 0; # Check /var/cpanel/accounting.log file here (for CREATE and/or REMOVE lines) # ONLY MAIN ACCT / DOMAIN is checked print BLUE "From your query of " . GREEN $QUERY . BLUE " I have determined:\n"; my $isActive; my $is_acct; my $check_for; open( ACCOUNTING, "/var/cpanel/accounting.log" ); foreach () { @temp = split(/:/); if ($IS_USERNAME) { $check_for = ':' . $QUERY . '$'; } else { $check_for = ':' . $QUERY . ':'; } if (/$check_for/) { $is_acct = 1; if (/CREATE/) { $isActive = 1; $isTerminated = 0; chomp( $username = $temp[-1] ); chomp( $MAINDOMAIN = $temp[-3] ); } if (/REMOVE/) { chomp( $username = $temp[-1] ); chomp( $MAINDOMAIN = $temp[-2] ); $isActive = 0; $isTerminated = 1; @temp = (); @temp = split(/:/); $termdate = @temp[0] . ":" . @temp[1] . ":" . @temp[2]; } } } close(ACCOUNTING); if ($isTerminated) { ## $is_acct is true if this is the main account/domain print "$MAINDOMAIN ($username) was terminated on $termdate\n"; } if ($isActive) { print "$MAINDOMAIN ($username) is active (according to /var/cpanel/accounting.log)\n"; if ( $addoncnt > 0 ) { print "It has $addoncnt Addon domains\n"; } if ( $subcnt > 0 ) { print "It has $addoncnt Sub domains\n"; } if ( $parkcnt > 0 ) { print "It has $addoncnt Aliased domains\n"; } # Add up the total number of additional domains $TotalDomainCnt = $addoncnt + $subcnt + $parkcnt; # Now add one more to that for the main account $TotalDomainCnt++; # Now count the number of "DNS" lines in /var/cpanel/users/$username and make sure # it equalts $TotalDomainCnt. Warn if it does NOT! $DNSLineCnt = qx[ grep -c '^DNS' /var/cpanel/users/$username ]; } # END OF ACCOUNTING LOG CHECK my $useQuery = 0; if ( !$isActive and !$is_acct and !$isTerminated and !$MAINDOMAIN and !$username ) { print "No data found for your query of: $QUERY in /var/cpanel/accounting.log\n"; print "Continuing search for $QUERY...\n"; # $username = $QUERY; # $MAINDOMAIN = $QUERY; } if ( !$isActive ) { my $isAddon; my $isSub; my $isParked; $isAddon = qx[ grep '^$QUERY:' /etc/userdatadomains | grep '==addon==' ]; if ($isAddon) { ($username) = ( split( /\s+/, $isAddon ) )[1]; ($username) = ( split( /==/, $username ) ); ($isAddon) = ( split( /:/, $isAddon ) ); print "$QUERY has an entry in /etc/userdatadomains as an Addon Domain under the " . CYAN $username . " user\n"; } $isSub = qx[ grep '^$QUERY:' /etc/userdatadomains | grep '==sub==' ]; if ($isSub) { ($username) = ( split( /\s+/, $isSub ) )[1]; ($username) = ( split( /==/, $username ) ); ($isSub) = ( split( /:/, $isSub ) ); print "$QUERY has an entry in /etc/userdatadomains as a Sub Domain under the " . CYAN $username . " user\n" unless ($isAddon); } $isParked = qx[ grep '^$QUERY:' /etc/userdatadomains | grep '==parked==' ]; if ($isParked) { ($username) = ( split( /\s+/, $isParked ) )[1]; ($username) = ( split( /==/, $username ) ); ($isParked) = ( split( /:/, $isParked ) ); print "$QUERY has an entry in /etc/userdatadomains as a Aliased Domain under the " . CYAN $username . " user\n"; } if ( !$MAINDOMAIN and $username ) { ($MAINDOMAIN) = ( split( /:/, qx[ grep '$username' /etc/trueuserdomains ] ) )[0]; chomp($MAINDOMAIN); } $useQuery = ($IS_USERNAME) ? 1 : 0; if ( $useQuery and ( $isAddon or $isSub or $isParked ) ) { print "Checking main domain $MAINDOMAIN ($username) instead...\n"; $QUERY = $username; } } &smborder; my @FILES2SEARCH = qw( /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow /etc/quota.conf /etc/dbowners /etc/userdomains /etc/trueuserdomains /etc/userdatadomains /etc/userdatadomains.json /etc/domainusers /etc/trueuserowners /etc/localdomains /etc/remotedomains /etc/demousers /etc/email_send_limits /etc/demoids /etc/demodomains /etc/ssldomains /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf /var/cpanel/databases/users.db ); foreach $file2search (@FILES2SEARCH) { chomp($file2search); if ( !( -s ($file2search) ) ) { my $filestat = $file2search . " is either empty or missing"; my $fileskip = CYAN "[SKIPPING]"; &print_output( $filestat, $fileskip ); next; } if ( $username eq "" ) { $username = $QUERY; } if ( $MAINDOMAIN eq "" ) { $MAINDOMAIN = $QUERY; } if ($useQuery) { $filestatus = &check_file_existance( $file2search, $QUERY ); } else { $filestatus = &check_file_existance( $file2search, $username ); } if ( !($filestatus) and !$useQuery ) { $filestatus = &check_file_existance( $file2search, $MAINDOMAIN ); } if ($filestatus) { $filestatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $filestatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( $file2search, $filestatus ); } if ($username) { # Check for home directory and others to see if they exist my $hmCnt; my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/$HOMEDIR/$username"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "$HOMEDIR/$username", $dirstatus ); if ( $dirstatus =~ m/MISSING/ ) { if ($HOMEMATCH) { print "Checking other possible home directory locations...\n"; # Now check HOMEMATCH 1 through 9. for ( $hmCnt = 1 ; $hmCnt < 10 ; $hmCnt = $hmCnt + 1 ) { my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/$HOMEMATCH$hmCnt/$username"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/$HOMEMATCH$hmCnt/$username", $dirstatus ); } } } # Check /var/cpanel/userdata/$username my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/userdata/$username"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/userdata/$username", $dirstatus ); # Check main file in /var/cpanel/userdata/$username directory my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/userdata/$username/main"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/userdata/$username/main", $dirstatus ); # Check /var/cpanel/users/$username my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/users/$username"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/users/$username", $dirstatus ); if ( $DNSLineCnt != $TotalDomainCnt ) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN]: One or more DNS lines may be missing from this file!\n"; } # Check if /var/cpanel/databases/grants_$username.yaml exists! my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/databases/grants_$username.yaml"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/databases/grants_$username.yaml", $dirstatus ); my $yaml_json = ( $CPVersion lt "" ) ? "yaml" : "json"; my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/databases/$username.$yaml_json"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/databases/$username.$yaml_json", $dirstatus ); my $dbindex = ( $CPVersion lt "" ) ? "/var/cpanel/databases/dbindex.db" : "/var/cpanel/databases/dbindex.db.json"; my $dirstatus = &check_file_existance( $dbindex, $username ); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( $dbindex, $dirstatus ); my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/etc/proftpd/$username"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/proftpd/$username", $dirstatus ); # Check for /var/cpanel/bandwidth/username.sqlite file. my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/cpanel/bandwidth/$username.sqlite"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/cpanel/bandwidth/$username.sqlite", $dirstatus ); } else { print "Could not determine username so skipping all username checks!\n"; } if ( !$IS_USERNAME ) { # Check /etc/valiases/$QUERY my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/etc/valiases/$QUERY"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/valiases/$QUERY", $dirstatus ); # Check /etc/vfilters/$QUERY my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/etc/vfilters/$QUERY"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/vfilters/$QUERY", $dirstatus ); # Check /var/named/$QUERY.db file my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/named/$QUERY.db"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/named/$QUERY.db", $dirstatus ); # Check /etc/named.conf file my $dirstatus = &check_file_existance( "/etc/named.conf", $QUERY ); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/named.conf", $dirstatus ); } else { my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/etc/valiases/$MAINDOMAIN"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/valiases/$MAINDOMAIN", $dirstatus ); # Check /etc/vfilters/$MAINDOMAIN my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/etc/vfilters/$MAINDOMAIN"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/vfilters/$MAINDOMAIN", $dirstatus ); # Check /var/named/$MAINDOMAIN.db file my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/var/named/$MAINDOMAIN.db"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/var/named/$MAINDOMAIN.db", $dirstatus ); # Check /etc/named.conf file my $dirstatus = &check_file_existance( "/etc/named.conf", $MAINDOMAIN ); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/etc/named.conf", $dirstatus ); # Check for php-fpm conf files my $dirstatus = &check_dir("/opt/cpanel/ea-php*/root/etc/php-fpm.d/$MAINDOMAIN.conf"); if ($dirstatus) { $dirstatus = GREEN "[EXISTS]"; } else { $dirstatus = RED "[MISSING]"; } &print_output( "/opt/cpanel/ea-php*/root/etc/php-fpm.d/$MAINDOMAIN.conf", $dirstatus ); } # Check for DNS Clustering if ( -e "/var/cpanel/useclusteringdns" ) { print "Found DNS Cluster - checking...\n"; opendir( CLUSTERS, "/var/cpanel/cluster/root/config" ); my @DNSCLUSTERS = readdir(CLUSTERS); closedir(CLUSTERS); my ( $dnscluster, $QueryCluster ); foreach $dnscluster (@DNSCLUSTERS) { chomp($dnscluster); if ( $dnscluster eq "." or $dnscluster eq ".." or $dnscluster =~ m/dnsrole/ or $dnscluster =~ m/.cache/ ) { next; } if ($IS_USERNAME) { $QueryCluster = qx[ dig \@$dnscluster $MAINDOMAIN +short ]; if ($QueryCluster) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MAINDOMAIN " . GREEN ON_BLACK . "was found in " . YELLOW $dnscluster . "\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MAINDOMAIN " . RED . "NOT found in " . YELLOW $dnscluster . "\n"; } } else { $QueryCluster = qx[ dig \@$dnscluster $QUERY +short ]; if ($QueryCluster) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $QUERY " . GREEN ON_BLACK . "was found in " . $dnscluster . "\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $QUERY " . RED . "NOT found in " . YELLOW $dnscluster . "\n"; } } } } # Check MySQL users table. my @MySQLUsers = undef; my @MySQLDBs = undef; my $MySQLUser; my $MySQLDB; my $first8; if ($DBPrefix) { if ( length($username) > 8 ) { $first8 = substr( $username, 0, 8 ); } else { $first8 = $username; } } else { $first8 = $username; } # Check for MySQL databases my @MySQLDBs = qx[ mysql -BNe "show databases like '$first8%'" ]; my @MySQLDBsUnique = uniq(@MySQLDBs); my $dbnum = @MySQLDBsUnique; if ( $dbnum > 0 ) { print YELLOW "MySQL Databases Found\n"; foreach $MySQLDB (@MySQLDBsUnique) { chomp($MySQLDB); print WHITE "\t \\_ " . $MySQLDB . "\n"; } } # Check for database users if ( $first8 eq "" ) { print "Skipping MySQL User check - no username found!\n"; } else { my @MySQLUsers = qx[ echo "SELECT User from mysql.user WHERE User REGEXP '$first8'" | mysql -BN ]; my @MySQLUsersUnique = uniq(@MySQLUsers); my $num = @MySQLUsersUnique; if ( $num > 0 ) { print YELLOW "MySQL Users Found in MySQL.user table\n"; foreach $MySQLUser (@MySQLUsersUnique) { chomp($MySQLUser); print WHITE "\t \\_ " . $MySQLUser . "\n"; } } } # Check for postgres my $psql_running = 0; if (qx[ ps ax | grep postgres | grep -v grep ]) { $psql_running = 1; } if ( -e ("/usr/bin/psql") and $psql_running ) { ## PostGreSQL is installed and running my @check_postgres_users = qx[ /usr/bin/psql -t -h localhost --username=postgres -c 'select usename from pg_user'|grep "$username" ]; if (@check_postgres_users) { print YELLOW "PostGreSQL Users Found in pg_user database\n"; my @postgres_users = split( "\n", "@check_postgres_users" ); foreach (@postgres_users) { chomp($_); print WHITE "\t \\_" . $_ . "\n"; } } } else { print "\nPostGreSQL server is not installed (or running) on " . MAGENTA $HOSTNAME . "\n"; } &border; print "\n" unless ($nocodeblock); exit; } sub check_file_existance { my $TheFile = $_[0]; my $TheSearchString = $_[1]; my @TheFileData = undef; my $DataLine = ""; #my $FoundLine = 0; my $FoundLine = ""; if ( -e ($TheFile) ) { # File exists, open it and read into array # open( TheFile, "$TheFile" ); # @TheFileData = ; # close(TheFile); # foreach $DataLine (@TheFileData) { # chomp($DataLine); #if ( $DataLine =~ m/\b$TheSearchString\b/ ) { # if ( $DataLine =~ m/^$TheSearchString/ ) { # $FoundLine = 1; # last; # } # } $FoundLine = qx[ grep -w '$TheSearchString' $TheFile ]; if ($FoundLine) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } sub print_output { my $DisplayName = $_[0]; my $TheStatus = $_[1]; my $maxwidth = 30; my $spacer = 0; my $len = length($DisplayName); $spacer = ( $maxwidth - $len ) + 50; print YELLOW "$DisplayName"; printf "%" . $spacer . "s", $TheStatus; print "\n"; select( undef, undef, undef, 0.25 ); } sub check_dir() { my $Dir2Check = $_[0]; if ( -e ($Dir2Check) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub uniq { my %seen; grep !$seen{$_}++, @_; } # Taken from ssp - Thanks to Chris Dillon! sub version_cmp { # should only be used by version_compare() no warnings 'uninitialized' ; # Prevent uninitialized value warnings when not using all 4 values my ( $a1, $b1, $c1, $d1 ) = split /[\._]/, $_[0]; my ( $a2, $b2, $c2, $d2 ) = split /[\._]/, $_[1]; return $a1 <=> $a2 || $b1 <=> $b2 || $c1 <=> $c2 || $d1 <=> $d2; } sub version_compare { # example: return if version_compare($ver_string, qw( >= )); # Must be no more than four version numbers separated by periods and/or underscores. my ( $ver1, $mode, $ver2 ) = @_; return if ( $ver1 =~ /[^\._0-9]/ ); return if ( $ver2 =~ /[^\._0-9]/ ); # Shamelessly copied the comparison logic out of Cpanel::Version::Compare my %modes = ( '>' => sub { return if $_[0] eq $_[1]; return version_cmp(@_) > 0; }, '<' => sub { return if $_[0] eq $_[1]; return version_cmp(@_) < 0; }, '==' => sub { return $_[0] eq $_[1] || version_cmp(@_) == 0; }, '!=' => sub { return $_[0] ne $_[1] && version_cmp(@_) != 0; }, '>=' => sub { return 1 if $_[0] eq $_[1]; return version_cmp(@_) >= 0; }, '<=' => sub { return 1 if $_[0] eq $_[1]; return version_cmp(@_) <= 0; } ); return if ( !exists $modes{$mode} ); return $modes{$mode}->( $ver1, $ver2 ); } # ripped from /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Sys/OS.pm sub get_release_version { my $ises = 0; my $ver; if ( open my $fh, '<', '/etc/redhat-release' ) { my $line = readline $fh; close $fh; chomp $line; if ( $line =~ m/(?:Corporate|Advanced\sServer|Enterprise)/i ) { $ises = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ /CloudLinux|CentOS/i ) { $ises = 2; } elsif ( $line =~ /WhiteBox/i ) { $ises = 3; } elsif ( $line =~ /caos/i ) { $ises = 4; } if ( $line =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/ ) { $ver = $1; } elsif ( $line =~ /(\d+)/ ) { $ver = $1; } } if ($ises) { return ( $ver, $ises ); } else { return ( $ver, 0 ); } } sub check_for_cagefs() { return unless ( -e ("/usr/sbin/cagefsctl") ); my $tcageFSStats = qx[ /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --user-status $username ]; chomp($tcageFSStats); return $tcageFSStats; } sub get_php_version() { return unless ($isEA4); my $phpUserVersion; my $userdataline; my @USERDATA; # NOTE: If $IS_USERNAME, then use $MAINDOMAIN, otherwise use $QUERY. my $tcDomain = ""; if ( $IS_USERNAME or $QUERY eq $MAINDOMAIN ) { $tcDomain = $MAINDOMAIN; } else { ($tcDomain) = ( split( /\./, $QUERY ) )[0]; $tcDomain = $tcDomain . "." . $MAINDOMAIN; } open( USERDATA, "/var/cpanel/userdata/$username/$tcDomain" ); @USERDATA = ; close(USERDATA); foreach $userdataline (@USERDATA) { if ( $userdataline =~ m/phpversion:/ ) { ($phpUserVersion) = ( split( /: /, $userdataline ) )[1]; chomp($phpUserVersion); } } return $phpUserVersion; } sub get_system_php_version() { return unless ($isEA4); open( PHPCONF, "/etc/cpanel/ea4/php.conf" ); my @PHPCONF = ; close(PHPCONF); my $phpconfline; my $phpDefault; foreach $phpconfline (@PHPCONF) { chomp($phpconfline); if ( $phpconfline =~ m/default:/ ) { ($phpDefault) = ( split( /: /, $phpconfline ) )[1]; } } return $phpDefault; } sub alltrim() { my $string2trim = $_[0]; $string2trim =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; return $string2trim; } sub isEA4 { if ( -f "/etc/cpanel/ea4/is_ea4" ) { return 1; } return undef; } sub display_mail_info { if ($IS_USERNAME) { $DOMAIN = $MAINDOMAIN; } # first let's get the email accounts. my $emailacctline; opendir( EMAILACCTS, "$RealHome/mail/$DOMAIN" ); my @EMAILACCTS = readdir(EMAILACCTS); closedir(EMAILACCTS); my @SORTED2 = sort(@EMAILACCTS); @EMAILACCTS = @SORTED2; &smborder; # Check for suspended from outgoing email my $SMTPUserSusp = qx[ grep $username /etc/outgoing_mail_suspended_users ]; if ($SMTPUserSusp) { print RED "[WARN] - $username is suspended from sending email\n"; } # Check for hold from outgoing email my $SMTPUserHold = qx[ grep $username /etc/outgoing_mail_hold_users ]; if ($SMTPUserHold) { print RED "[WARN] - $username is on hold from sending email\n"; } if ( -s ("/etc/vdomainaliases/$DOMAIN") ) { print YELLOW "[INFO] - " . $DOMAIN . CYAN " listed in the /etc/vdomainaliases directory. Existing accounts/autoresponders will NOT forward!\n"; } print "Email accounts for $DOMAIN: \n"; foreach $emailacctline (@EMAILACCTS) { chomp($emailacctline); next if ( $emailacctline =~ /^\.|^\.\.|new|cur|tmp|mailboxes|storage|maildirsize|maildirfolder|subscriptions|dovecot/ ); $emailacctline =~ s/\///g; ## Strip trailing / print CYAN "\t \\_ " . $emailacctline . "\@" . $DOMAIN . " "; # If v58+, get quota via doveadm command. if ( $CPVersion gt "" ) { my $quotaline = qx[ doveadm -f tab quota get -u $emailacctline\@$DOMAIN | grep 'Mailbox' | grep -v 'MESSAGE' ]; if ( $quotaline =~ m/Error: User doesn't exist/ ) { print "[Quota cannot be determined]\n"; } else { my ( $qused, $qlimit, $qpercent ) = ( split( /\s+/, $quotaline ) )[ 2, 3, 4 ]; if ( $qused == 0 ) { $qused = 0; } else { $qused = ( $qused / 1024 ); } if ( $qlimit eq "-" ) { $qlimit = "Unlimited"; } else { $qlimit = ( $qlimit / 1024 ); } print "[Quota Used " . $qused . " MB of " . $qlimit . " MB (" . $qpercent . "%)]\n"; } } else { print "\n"; } # Check the passwd and shadow files to make sure an entry exists my $upasswdline; my $ushadowline; my $upasswdOK = 0; my $ushadowOK = 0; if ( -e ("$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/passwd") ) { open( UPASSWD, "$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/passwd" ); my @UPASSWD = ; close(UPASSWD); my $upasswdstring = "$emailacctline:x:"; foreach $upasswdline (@UPASSWD) { chomp($upasswdline); if ( $upasswdline =~ m/^$upasswdstring/ ) { $upasswdOK = 1; last; } } } else { print RED "[WARN] - $RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/passwd file is missing!\n"; $upasswdOK = 0; next; } # Check for suspended from incoming email if ( -e ("$RealHome/etc/.$emailacctline\@$DOMAIN.suspended_incoming") ) { print RED "\t \t \\_ incoming email suspended\n"; } # Shadow file if ( -e ("$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow") ) { open( USHADOW, "$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow" ); my @USHADOW = ; close(USHADOW); my $shadowstring = "$emailacctline:!!"; foreach $ushadowline (@USHADOW) { chomp($ushadowline); if ( $ushadowline =~ m/^$emailacctline/ ) { if ( $ushadowline =~ m/^$shadowstring/ ) { print RED "\t \t \\_ email login suspended\n"; } $ushadowOK = 1; last; } } } else { print RED "[WARN] - $RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/shadow file is missing!\n"; $ushadowOK = 0; next; } if ( !($upasswdOK) ) { print RED "\t\t \\_ [WARN] - Missing passwd entry for $emailacctline\@$DOMAIN"; print "\n"; } if ( !($ushadowOK) ) { print RED "\t\t \\_ [WARN] - Missing shadow entry for $emailacctline\@$DOMAIN"; print "\n"; } # Check for .boxtrapperenable touch file - enabled if it exists. if ( -e ("$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline/.boxtrapperenable") ) { print YELLOW "\t \t \\_ Spam Boxtrapper Enabled\n"; } # Check for mailbox_format.cpanel file. Display contents if it exists if ( -e ("$RealHome/mail/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline/mailbox_format.cpanel") ) { my $mbformat = qx [ cat "$RealHome/mail/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline/mailbox_format.cpanel" ]; chomp($mbformat); print YELLOW "\t \t \\_ Account is using the $mbformat format.\n"; } # If a filter file exists in /$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline directory, # Count the number of filters and display that here. # As \_ User Level Filters: nn my $filtercnt = 0; my $ufilter; my @UFILTER; my @ufiltname; if ( -e ("$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline/filter") ) { open( FILTFILE, "$RealHome/etc/$DOMAIN/$emailacctline/filter" ); my @UFILTER = ; close(FILTFILE); foreach $ufilter (@UFILTER) { if ( substr( $ufilter, 0, 2 ) =~ m/# / or substr( $ufilter, 0, 2 ) =~ m/#$/ ) { next; } if ( substr( $ufilter, 0, 1 ) eq "#" ) { push( @ufiltname, substr( $ufilter, 1 ) ); $filtercnt++; } } if ( $filtercnt > 0 ) { print YELLOW "\t \t \\_ has " . $filtercnt . " user level filters\n"; my $listfilt; foreach $listfilt (@ufiltname) { chomp($listfilt); print MAGENTA "\t\t\t \\_ Name: " . $listfilt . "\n"; } } } } &smborder; # Now let's get the MX record and make sure the A record for it points to this server. print "Checking MX records for $DOMAIN...\n"; my @MXRecords = getMXrecord($DOMAIN); my $myline; my $skipMXchk = 0; foreach $myline (@MXRecords) { chomp($myline); if ( $myline eq "NONE" ) { $skipMXchk = 1; last; } } my $IsRemote = 0; my $MXRecord; my $Is_IP_OnServer; if ( !$skipMXchk ) { if (@MXRecords) { foreach $MXRecord (@MXRecords) { chomp($MXRecord); my $ARecordForMX; my @ARecordForMX = getArecords($MXRecord); foreach $ARecordForMX (@ARecordForMX) { chomp($ARecordForMX); my $IS_NAT = &check_for_nat($ARecordForMX); if ($IS_NAT) { ## NAT IP ADDRESS RETURNED! $Is_IP_OnServer = qx[ ip addr | grep '$IS_NAT' ]; if ($Is_IP_OnServer) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MXRecord resolves to $ARecordForMX => $IS_NAT (Configured on this server)\n"; # Check reverse my $ReverseOfMX = getptr($MXRecord); if ( $ReverseOfMX eq $MXRecord ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to the MX: $MXRecord\n"; } elsif ( $ReverseOfMX eq $HOSTNAME ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to the hostname: $HOSTNAME\n"; } elsif ( $ReverseOfMX eq "mail.$MXRecord" ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to: mail.$MXRecord\n"; } else { if ( $ReverseOfMX eq "" ) { $ReverseOfMX = "[NXDOMAIN]"; } print RED "\t\t \\_ [WARN] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to: $ReverseOfMX\n"; } } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MXRecord resolves to $ARecordForMX (NOT configured on this server)\n"; $IsRemote = 1; } } else { ## NO NAT FOUND! $Is_IP_OnServer = qx[ ip addr | grep '$ARecordForMX' ]; if ($Is_IP_OnServer) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MXRecord resolves to $ARecordForMX (Configured on this server)\n"; # Check reverse my $ReverseOfMX = getptr($MXRecord); if ( $ReverseOfMX eq $MXRecord ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to the MX: $MXRecord\n"; } elsif ( $ReverseOfMX eq $HOSTNAME ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to the hostname $HOSTNAME\n"; } elsif ( $ReverseOfMX eq "mail.$MXRecord" ) { print GREEN "\t\t \\_ [OK] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to mail.$MXRecord\n"; } else { if ( $ReverseOfMX eq "" ) { $ReverseOfMX = "[NXDOMAIN]"; } print RED "\t\t \\_ [WARN] - $ARecordForMX reverses back to $ReverseOfMX\n"; } } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ $MXRecord resolves to $ARecordForMX (NOT configured on this server)\n"; $IsRemote = 1; } } } } } } else { print CYAN "\t \\_ None\n"; } # Depending on whether $IsRemote is true or false, we check if the domain is listed in # /etc/localdomains or /etc/remotedomains &smborder; my $IsInRemoteDomains = qx[ egrep -w '^$DOMAIN' /etc/remotedomains ]; my $IsInLocalDomains = qx[ egrep -w '^$DOMAIN' /etc/localdomains ]; chomp($IsInRemoteDomains); chomp($IsInLocalDomains); print "Checking email routing (based on MX check above)...\n"; if ($IsRemote) { if ($IsInRemoteDomains) { print GREEN "\t \\_ [OK] - $DOMAIN is listed in /etc/remotedomains\n"; $IsInLocalDomains = qx[ egrep -w '^$DOMAIN' /etc/localdomains ]; if ($IsInLocalDomains) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN was found in /etc/localdomains\n"; } } else { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN is missing from /etc/remotedomains\n"; if ($IsInLocalDomains) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN was found in /etc/localdomains\n"; print YELLOW "\t \\_ [NOTE] - OK if MX record is pointing to an external anti-spam service/gateway\n"; } } } else { ## is local if ($IsInLocalDomains) { print GREEN "\t \\_ [OK] - $DOMAIN is listed in /etc/localdomains\n"; $IsInRemoteDomains = qx[ egrep -w '^$DOMAIN' /etc/remotedomains ]; if ($IsInRemoteDomains) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN was found in /etc/remotedomains\n"; } } else { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN is missing from /etc/localdomains\n"; if ($IsInRemoteDomains) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] - $DOMAIN was found in /etc/remotedomains\n"; } } } # Now list aliases (if any) my $emailfwd; my $fwdtype; my $listfwd; &smborder; print "Aliases/Forwarders:\n"; open( FORWARDERS, "/etc/valiases/$DOMAIN" ); my @FWDS = ; close(FORWARDERS); if (@FWDS) { foreach $emailfwd (@FWDS) { chomp($emailfwd); if ( $emailfwd =~ m/: / ) { $fwdtype = "(normal forward/alias)"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/\*:/ ) { $fwdtype = "(deliver to $username main account)"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/:fail:/ ) { $fwdtype = "(fail - bounce with message)"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/:blackhole:/ ) { $fwdtype = "(blackhole - discard [not recommended])"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/\|/ ) { $fwdtype = "(pipe to program)"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/autorespond/ ) { $fwdtype = "(auto responder)"; } if ( $emailfwd =~ m/mailman\/mail/ ) { $fwdtype = "(mailman list)"; ($listfwd) = ( split( /\s+/, $emailfwd ) )[0]; $emailfwd = $listfwd; } print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . $emailfwd . " " . $fwdtype . "\n"; } } else { print CYAN "\t \\_ None\n"; } # get any system level filters (from /etc/vfilters/$DOMAIN file) my $gfilter; &smborder; print "Global Level (system) Filters:\n"; open( GFILTFILE, "/etc/vfilters/$DOMAIN" ); my @GFILTER = ; my $gfiltercnt = 0; my @gfiltname; close(GFILTFILE); if (@GFILTER) { foreach $gfilter (@GFILTER) { if ( substr( $gfilter, 0, 2 ) =~ m/# / or substr( $gfilter, 0, 2 ) =~ m/#$/ ) { next; } if ( substr( $gfilter, 0, 1 ) eq "#" ) { push( @gfiltname, substr( $gfilter, 1 ) ); $gfiltercnt++; } } print CYAN "\t \t \\_ " . $DOMAIN . " has " . $gfiltercnt . " global level filters\n"; my $glistfilt; foreach $glistfilt (@gfiltname) { chomp($glistfilt); print YELLOW "\t\t\t \\_ Name: " . $glistfilt . "\n"; } } else { print CYAN "\t \\_ None\n"; } # Here we add the spf record and dkim record (if they exist). my $spf = qx[ dig \@ $DOMAIN TXT +short | grep 'spf1' ]; my $dkim = qx[ dig \@ default._domainkey.$DOMAIN TXT +short ]; my $dmarc = qx[ dig \@ _dmarc.$DOMAIN TXT +short ]; print "Checking SPF Record For $DOMAIN\n"; if ($spf) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . $spf; if ( $spf =~ m/\+all/ ) { print CYAN "\t\t \\_ Pass All (Allow all email! Like not having any SPF at all)\n"; } if ( $spf =~ m/\-all/ ) { print CYAN "\t\t \\_ Hard Fail (Reject all email unless from ipv4/ipv6, mx or a)\n"; } if ( $spf =~ m/\~all/ ) { print CYAN "\t\t \\_ Soft Fail (Allow mail from anywhere, but mark as possible forgery) [DEFAULT]\n"; } if ( $spf =~ m/\?all/ ) { print CYAN "\t\t \\_ Neutral (No policy statement! Like not having any SPF at all)\n"; } print "\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ None\n"; } print "Checking DKIM Record For default._domainkey.$DOMAIN\n"; if ($dkim) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . $dkim . "\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ None\n"; } print "Checking DMARC Record For _dmarc.$DOMAIN\n"; if ($dmarc) { print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . $dmarc . "\n"; } else { print YELLOW "\t \\_ None\n"; } # Add MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR, MAX_DEFER_FAIL_PERCENTAGE, MAILBOX_FORMAT $MAILBOX_FORMAT = $user_conf->{'MAILBOX_FORMAT'}; $MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR = $user_conf->{'MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR'}; $MAX_DEFER_FAIL_PERCENTAGE = $user_conf->{'MAX_DEFER_FAIL_PERCENTAGE'}; $MAXPOP = $user_conf->{'MAXPOP'}; print WHITE "Max Mail Accounts " . CYAN $MAXPOP . "\n"; print WHITE "Mailbox Format: " . CYAN ucfirst($MAILBOX_FORMAT) . "\n"; print WHITE "Max Emails Per Hour: " . CYAN ucfirst($MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR) . "\n"; print WHITE "Max Defer Fail %: " . CYAN ucfirst($MAX_DEFER_FAIL_PERCENTAGE) . "\n"; # Check here if send mail from dedicated IP is set and if /etc/mailips or /etc/mailhelo is # referenced. my $SendFromDedicated = qx[ grep 'per_domain_mailips=1' /etc/exim.conf.localopts ]; $SendFromDedicated = ($SendFromDedicated) ? "Yes" : "No"; my $CustomHelo = qx[ grep 'custom_mailhelo=1' /etc/exim.conf.localopts ]; $CustomHelo = ($CustomHelo) ? "Yes" : "No"; my $CustomMailIP = qx[ grep 'custom_mailips=1' /etc/exim.conf.localopts ]; $CustomMailIP = ($CustomMailIP) ? "Yes" : "No"; my $CustomMailIPText = ""; if ( $CustomMailIP eq "Yes" ) { $CustomMailIPText = qx[ egrep '^$MAINDOMAIN' /etc/mailips ]; chomp($CustomMailIPText); } my $CustomHeloText = ""; if ( $CustomHelo eq "Yes" ) { $CustomHeloText = qx[ egrep '^$MAINDOMAIN' /etc/mailhelo ]; chomp($CustomHeloText); } print WHITE "Send from dedicated IP: " . CYAN $SendFromDedicated . "\n"; print WHITE "Using Custom HELO (/etc/mailhelo): " . CYAN $CustomHelo . " " . YELLOW $CustomHeloText . "\n"; print WHITE "Using Custom IP (/etc/mailips): " . CYAN $CustomMailIP . " " . YELLOW $CustomMailIPText . "\n"; &border; } sub getMXrecord { my $tcDomain = $_[0]; my $rr; my @NEWMX; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my @mx = mx( $res, $tcDomain ); if (@mx) { foreach $rr (@mx) { push( @NEWMX, $rr->exchange ); } return @NEWMX; } else { return "NONE"; } } sub getptr() { my $ip = $_[0]; chomp($ip); my $ipaddr = inet_aton($ip); my $ptrname = gethostbyaddr( $ipaddr, AF_INET ); return $ptrname; } sub getArecords { my $tcDomain = $_[0]; my @addresses = gethostbyname($tcDomain); @addresses = map { inet_ntoa($_) } @addresses[ 4 .. $#addresses ]; return @addresses; } sub scan { my $URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cPanelPeter/infection_scanner/master/strings.txt"; my @DEFINITIONS = qx[ curl -s $URL ]; my $StringCnt = @DEFINITIONS; # Need to define and use $RealHome if $HOMEDIR doesn't exist!!! open( PASSWD, "/etc/passwd" ); @PASSWDS = ; close(PASSWD); foreach $passline (@PASSWDS) { chomp($passline); if ( $passline =~ m/\b$username\b/ ) { ($UID) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[2]; ($GID) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[3]; ($RealHome) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[5]; ($RealShell) = ( split( /:/, $passline ) )[6]; last; } } print "Scanning $RealHome for ($StringCnt) known infections:\n"; my @SEARCHSTRING = sort(@DEFINITIONS); my @FOUND = undef; my $SOMETHING_FOUND = 0; my $SEARCHSTRING; my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ); my $scanstarttime = Time::Piece->new; print "Scan started on $scanstarttime\n"; foreach $SEARCHSTRING (@SEARCHSTRING) { &spin; chomp($SEARCHSTRING); my $SCAN = qx[ grep -srIl --exclude-dir=www --exclude-dir=mail --exclude-dir=tmp --exclude=*.png --exclude=*.svg --exclude-dir=access-logs -w "$SEARCHSTRING" $RealHome/* ]; chomp($SCAN); if ($SCAN) { $SOMETHING_FOUND = 1; $SEARCHSTRING =~ s/\\//g; print YELLOW "\n\n\bThe phrase " . CYAN . $SEARCHSTRING . YELLOW . " was found in file(s)\n"; print GREEN "==================================================================\n"; print RED "$SCAN\n"; } } if ( $SOMETHING_FOUND == 0 ) { print GREEN "\bNothing suspicious found!\n"; } print "\n"; my $scanendtime = Time::Piece->new; print "Scan completed on $scanendtime\n"; my $scantimediff = ( $scanendtime - $scanstarttime ); print "Elapsed Time: ", $scantimediff->pretty, "\n"; print "\n" unless ($nocodeblock); } sub spin { my %spinner = ( '|' => '/', '/' => '-', '-' => '\\', '\\' => '|' ); $spincounter = ( !defined $spincounter ) ? '|' : $spinner{$spincounter}; print STDERR "\b$spincounter"; } sub getSSLprovider { my $RetVal = ""; if ( !( -e ("/var/cpanel/autossl.json") ) ) { $RetVal = "Disabled"; return $RetVal; } my $CurrentProvider = qx[ grep '"provider":"cPanel"' /var/cpanel/autossl.json ]; if ($CurrentProvider) { $RetVal = "cPanel (Powered by Comodo)"; } my $CurrentProvider = qx[ grep '"provider":"LetsEncrypt"' /var/cpanel/autossl.json ]; if ($CurrentProvider) { $RetVal = "Let's Encrypt"; } my $CurrentProvider = qx[ grep '"provider":null' /var/cpanel/autossl.json ]; if ($CurrentProvider) { $RetVal = "Disabled"; } return $RetVal; } sub ChkForIntegration { return unless ( -e "/var/cpanel/integration/dynamicui/$username" ); print YELLOW "[NOTE] * Integration links found in " . GREEN . "/var/cpanel/integration/dynamicui/$username\n"; } sub dispSSLdata { my $tcDomain = $_[0]; my $CNloc = index( $sslsubject, "CN=" ); my $CN = substr( $sslsubject, $CNloc ); my ( $domain, $crap ) = ( split( /\//, $CN ) )[0]; $domain = substr( $domain, 3 ); chomp($domain); chomp($startdate); chomp($expiredate); ($startdate) = ( split( /=/, $startdate ) )[1]; ($expiredate) = ( split( /=/, $expiredate ) )[1]; my $isExpired; if ( $noDateManip == 0 ) { my $unix_time = UnixDate( ParseDate($expiredate), "%s" ); my $time_now = qx[ date -u ]; chomp($time_now); my $unix_time_now = UnixDate( ParseDate($time_now), "%s" ); $isExpired = GREEN "[VALID]"; if ( $unix_time_now > $unix_time ) { $isExpired = RED "[EXPIRED]"; } } print YELLOW . $domain . "\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ Not Before: " . GREEN . $startdate . "\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ Not After : " . GREEN . $expiredate . " " . $isExpired . "\n"; if ($isSelfSigned) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] " . WHITE "- Self-Signed Certificate\n"; } else { # Get Issuer and display it. my $SSLIssuer = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslsyscertdir/$tcDomain/certificates" -issuer -noout ]; my $Oloc = index( $SSLIssuer, "O=" ); my $O = substr( $SSLIssuer, $Oloc ); my ( $SSLIssuer, $crap ) = ( split( /\//, $O ) )[0]; $SSLIssuer = substr( $SSLIssuer, 2 ); chomp($SSLIssuer); print GREEN "\t \\_ [CA SIGNED] " . WHITE "Issued by: $SSLIssuer\n"; } } sub oldlistssls { my $sslcertdir = "$RealHome/ssl/certs"; my $sslsyscertdir = "/var/cpanel/ssl/installed/certs"; my @certs; my $cert; my $sslsubject; my $startdate; my $expiredate; if ( -e ("$sslcertdir") ) { print WHITE "SSL Certificates installed under " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; opendir( ssldir, "$sslcertdir" ); my @certs = readdir(ssldir); closedir(ssldir); foreach $cert (@certs) { my $SSLNotInstalled = 0; chomp($cert); if ( $cert eq "." or $cert eq ".." or ( substr( $cert, -4 ) ne '.crt' ) ) { next; } if ( !( -e ("$sslsyscertdir/$cert") ) ) { next; } $sslsubject = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslcertdir/$cert" -subject -noout ]; my $CNloc = index( $sslsubject, "CN=" ); my $CN = substr( $sslsubject, $CNloc ); my ( $domain, $crap ) = ( split( /\//, $CN ) )[0]; $domain = substr( $domain, 3 ); chomp($domain); $startdate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslcertdir/$cert" -startdate -noout ]; $expiredate = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslcertdir/$cert" -enddate -noout ]; chomp($startdate); chomp($expiredate); ($startdate) = ( split( /=/, $startdate ) )[1]; ($expiredate) = ( split( /=/, $expiredate ) )[1]; my $isExpired; if ( $noDateManip == 0 ) { my $unix_time = UnixDate( ParseDate($expiredate), "%s" ); my $time_now = qx[ date -u ]; chomp($time_now); my $unix_time_now = UnixDate( ParseDate($time_now), "%s" ); $isExpired = GREEN "[VALID]"; if ( $unix_time_now > $unix_time ) { $isExpired = RED "[EXPIRED]"; } } print YELLOW . $domain . MAGENTA " (" . $cert . ")\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ Not Before: " . GREEN . $startdate . "\n"; print WHITE "\t \\_ Not After : " . GREEN . $expiredate . " " . $isExpired . "\n"; # Check if self-signed my $isSelfSigned = qx[ openssl verify "$sslcertdir/$cert" | grep 'self signed certificate' ]; if ($isSelfSigned) { print RED "\t \\_ [WARN] " . WHITE "- Self-Signed Certificate\n"; } else { # Get Issuer and display it. my $SSLIssuer = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslcertdir/$cert" -issuer -noout ]; my $Oloc = index( $SSLIssuer, "O=" ); my $O = substr( $SSLIssuer, $Oloc ); my ( $SSLIssuer, $crap ) = ( split( /\//, $O ) )[0]; $SSLIssuer = substr( $SSLIssuer, 2 ); chomp($SSLIssuer); print GREEN "\t \\_ [CA SIGNED] " . WHITE "Issued by: $SSLIssuer\n"; } # List SAN's print WHITE "This certificate is protecting the following Subject Alternative Names:\n"; my $SAN; my @getSANS = qx[ openssl x509 -in "$sslcertdir/$cert" -noout -text | grep -oP '(?<=DNS:)[a-z0-9.-]+' ]; foreach $SAN (@getSANS) { chomp($SAN); print YELLOW "\t \\_ " . CYAN $SAN . "\n"; } } } else { print WHITE "No SSL Certificates found for " . CYAN $MAINDOMAIN . WHITE " (" . GREEN $username . WHITE ")\n"; } # Check for pending AutoSSL orders here (uses whmapi1 get_autossl_pending_queue (62.0.26+ only) if ( $CPVersion gt "" ) { if ( $SSLProvider eq "cPanel (Powered by Comodo)" ) { print "\nChecking for pending AutoSSL orders: \n"; my $SSL_PENDING = qx[ whmapi1 get_autossl_pending_queue | grep -B3 'user: $username' ]; if ($SSL_PENDING) { my $NEW_SSL_PENDING; ( $NEW_SSL_PENDING = $SSL_PENDING ) =~ s/order_item_id: /order_item_id: https:\/\/manage2.cpanel.net\/certificate.cgi\?oii=/g; $SSL_PENDING = $NEW_SSL_PENDING; print GREEN "\t \\_ \n"; print GREEN "$SSL_PENDING"; } else { print GREEN "\t \\_ None"; } print "\n"; } } # Check for CAA records here. print "Checking for CAA records: \n"; my @HasCAA = qx[ dig $MAINDOMAIN caa +short ]; my $CAARecord; if (@HasCAA) { print YELLOW "[NOTE] * CAA records were found for $MAINDOMAIN\n"; print GREEN "SSL Certificates can only be issued from the following CA's:\n"; foreach $CAARecord (@HasCAA) { chomp($CAARecord); print CYAN "\t \\_ $CAARecord\n"; } } else { print GREEN "\t \\_ None\n"; } &border; } sub isUserReserved { my $lcUser = $_[0]; my $UserList; my @UserList = qx[ /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -MCpanel::Validate::Username -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(Cpanel::Validate::Username::list_reserved_usernames());' ]; foreach $UserList (@UserList) { chomp($UserList); if ( $UserList =~ $lcUser ) { return 1; } } }