--- stand_alone: true ipr: trust200902 cat: info # Check submissiontype: IETF area: General [REPLACE] wg: Internet Engineering Task Force docname: draft-rfcxml-general-template-standard-00 obsoletes: 4711, 4712 # Remove if not needed/Replace updates: 4710 # Remove if not needed/Replace title: Title [REPLACE] abbrev: Abbreviated Title [REPLACE] lang: en kw: - keyword1 - keyword2 # date: 2022-02-02 -- date is filled in automatically by xml2rfc if not given author: - role: editor # remove if not true ins: I. J-P. Surname [REPLACE] name: fullname [REPLACE] org: Organization [REPLACE/DELETE] street: Street [REPLACE/DELETE] city: City [REPLACE/DELETE] region: Region [REPLACE/DELETE] # not always available code: Postal code [REPLACE/DELETE] country: DE # use TLD (except UK) or country name phone: Phone [REPLACE/DELETE] email: Email [REPLACE/DELETE] uri: URI [REPLACE/DELETE] contributor: # Same structure as author list, but goes into contributors - name: Carsten Bormann org: Universität Bremen TZI email: cabo@tzi.org uri: https://rfc.space - name: Jay Daley org: IETF Administration LLC email: exec-director@ietf.org contribution: | Jay provided the **XML** version of the template. That was quite helpful. normative: RFC5234: # REPLACE informative: exampleRefMin: title: Title [REPLACE] author: - name: Givenname Surname[REPLACE] org: (ignored here anyway) - name: Givenname Surname1 Surname2 surname: Surname1 Surname2 # needed for Spanish names etc. org: (ignored here anyway) date: 2006 exampleRefOrg: target: http://www.example.com/ title: Title [REPLACE] author: - org: Organization [REPLACE] date: 1984-04 --- abstract Abstract [REPLACE] --- middle # Introduction Introductory text [REPLACE] ## Requirements Language {::boilerplate bcp14-tagged} # Body [REPLACE] Some body text [REPLACE] This document normatively references {{RFC5234}} and has more information in {{exampleRefMin}} and {{exampleRefOrg}}. [REPLACE] 1. Ordered list item [REPLACE/DELETE] 2. Ordered list item [REPLACE/DELETE] * Bulleted list item [REPLACE/DELETE] * Bulleted list item [REPLACE/DELETE] {:vspace} First term: : Definition of the first term Second term: : Definition of the second term | Table head 1 [REPLACE] | Table head2 [REPLACE] | | Cell 11 [REPLACE] | Cell 12 [REPLACE] | | Cell 21 [REPLACE] | Cell 22 [REPLACE] | {: title="A nice table [REPLACE]"} ~~~~ language-REPLACE/DELETE source code goes here [REPLACE] ~~~~ {: title='Source [REPLACE]' sourcecode-markers="true"} # IANA Considerations {#IANA} This memo includes no request to IANA. [CHECK] # Security Considerations {#Security} This document should not affect the security of the Internet. [CHECK] --- back # Appendix 1 [REPLACE/DELETE] This becomes an Appendix [REPLACE] # Acknowledgements {#Acknowledgements} {: numbered="false"} This template uses extracts from templates written by {{{Pekka Savola}}}, {{{Elwyn Davies}}} and {{{Henrik Levkowetz}}}. [REPLACE]