var should = require('should'); var logger = require('../index'); var defaultLogger = require('../index').logger; var sinon = require('sinon-restore'); var logged = ""; var oldConsoleLog = console.log; /* NOTE: console.log is mocked in these tests, so any uses of it will be * appended to the variabled "logged". This will include any calls you * make to console.log() for the purpose of debugging in these tests. * * use oldConsoleLog() instead if you need to console.log() for * debugging; */ describe("logdriver", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ logged = ""; sinon.stub(console, 'log', function(str){ logged += str + "\n"; }); }); afterEach(function(){ sinon.restoreAll(); console.log = oldConsoleLog; logged = ""; }); it ("provides a default instance of logger with default levels", function(){ var mylogger = defaultLogger; should.exist(mylogger.error); should.exist(mylogger.warn); should.exist(; should.exist(mylogger.debug); should.exist(mylogger.trace); mylogger.level.should.equal('trace'); }); it ("allows log level possibilities to be specified", function(){ var mylogger = logger({ levels : ['superimportant', 'checkthisout', 'whocares']}); should.exist(mylogger.superimportant); }); it ("allows log level to be specified, and doesn't log below that level", function(){ var mylogger = logger({ level : false});"info test"); mylogger.warn("warn test"); mylogger.error("error test"); mylogger.trace("trace test"); logged.should.equal(''); }); it ("allows you to specify a log level of false to suppress all output", function(){ var mylogger = logger({ level : 'info'});"info test"); mylogger.warn("warn test"); mylogger.error("error test"); mylogger.trace("trace test"); var lines = logged.split("\n"); should.ok(lines[0].includes('[info]')); should.ok(lines[1].includes('[warn]')); should.ok(lines[2].includes('[error]')); should.ok(lines[0].includes('info test')); should.ok(lines[1].includes('warn test')); should.ok(lines[2].includes('error test')); }); it ("allows you to override the default format", function(){ var mylogger = logger({ format : function(){ return JSON.stringify(arguments); } }); mylogger.error("here's an error"); JSON.parse(logged).should.eql({"0":"error","1":"here's an error"}); }); });