# AddLibrary Add latest versions of css/js libraries in [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/), searching for libraries hosted at CDN's and creating a folder called `libs` on the root of your folder, and downloading libs inside there. ## Download manually - Download the files in `https://github.com/caiofsouza/AddLibrary` using the GitHub .zip download option - Unzip the files and rename the folder to `AddLibrary` - Find your Packages directory using the menu item `Preferences -> Browse Packages...` - Copy the folder into your Sublime Text Packages directory ## Settings To edit go to `Preferences -> Package Settings -> AddLibrary` and change `default_folder` setting. Remember, the root of this new path is your opened folder. ## Commands - `[ctrl+alt+f]` or `Command palette + '[AddLibrary]: Search Library'`: Input a term for query libraries with that name and list the finded libraries, selecting the version of the lib - `[ctrl+alt+a]` or `Command palette + '[AddLibrary]: Add Library'`: List some famous libraries to add to your project with your dependencies ## Tips - Run the AddLibrary commands with one or more opened folder on your Sublime Text - Be aware of the version of the library that will install ## License Copyright © 2017 Caio Fernandes Licensed under the MIT license.