################################################################# ## NATURAL EVENTS VERTICAL STACK ################################################################# type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --primary-text-color: var(--primary-text-color); border: solid {{ is_state('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert', 'on') |iif(state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level'), 'Green') }}; } cards: ################################################################# ## ROOT -> HEADER ################################################################# - type: markdown entity_id: binary_sensor.global_natural_alert card_mod: style: | {% set global = 'binary_sensor.global_natural_alert' %} @keyframes blink {30% {color: {{ state_attr(global,'level') }}; }} ha-card { border-radius: var(--ha-card-border-radius) var(--ha-card-border-radius) 0px 0px; box-shadow: none; {% if is_state(global, 'on') %} animation: blink 2s linear {{state_attr(global,'code')}}; background: {{state_attr(global,'level')}}; color: {{ iif(state_attr(global,'level') in ['White','Gold','Orange'], 'Black', 'White') }}; {% else %} background: Green; color: White; {% endif %} } } content: | {% set global = 'binary_sensor.global_natural_alert' %} {% set summary = states('sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary') %} {% set risk = {'Green':'Verde', 'Yellow':'Gialla', 'Gold':'Gialla', 'Orange':'Arancione', 'Red':'Rossa'} %} {% if is_state(global, 'on') %}
  EVENTI NATURALI - ALLERTA {{risk[state_attr(global,'level')]|upper}}   {% else %}
{{'' if summary == 'unknown' else summary }} {% endif %} ################################################################# ## ROOT -> AUTO-ENTITIES SENSORS ON AND BUTTONS MAPS ################################################################# - type: conditional # CARDS VISUALIZZATE SOLO SE INPUT BOOLEAN NATURAL EVENTS OFF!! conditions: - entity: input_boolean.natural_events state: "off" card: #------------------------------------ # AUTO-ENTITIES #------------------------------------ type: custom:auto-entities card: type: entities show_empty: false card_mod: style: | ha-card { background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; } {% if is_state('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','off') %} div#states.card-content {padding-block-end: 0; padding-block-start: 0;} {% endif %} #------------------------------------ # PULSANTI MAPS CON PAPER BUTTONS ROW #------------------------------------ header: type: custom:paper-buttons-row buttons: - entity: input_boolean.natural_events layout: icon icon: mdi:information-variant # name: Info style: button: color: var(--state-icon-color) ripple: color: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level')}}" - entity: group.natural_events layout: icon|name name: Map icon: mdi:image-off style: button: color: var(--state-icon-color) ripple: color: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level')}}" tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_option service_data: entity_id: input_select.geo_map, input_select.meteo_map, input_select.meteo_iframe option: Nessuna - entity: input_select.geo_map layout: icon|name name: Geo tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_next service_data: entity_id: input_select.geo_map double_tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_option service_data: option: Nessuna entity_id: input_select.geo_map style: button: color: var(--state-active-color) ripple: color: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level')}}" state_styles: nessuna: button: color: var(--state-icon-color) - entity: input_select.meteo_map layout: icon|state style: button: color: var(--state-active-color) ripple: color: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level')}}" state: case: first state_styles: nessuna: button: color: var(--state-icon-color) state_text: nessuna: Meteo temperatura nuvole infrared: Infrared nuvole infrared: Notte nuvole e sole: Giorno pioggia: Pioggia neve: Neve il meteo: Il meteo burze: Burze burze nord ovest: Burze NO burze nord est: Burze NE burze sud ovest: Burze SO burze sud est: Burze SE wwwlln: WWLLN tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_next service_data: entity_id: input_select.meteo_map double_tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_option service_data: option: Nessuna entity_id: input_select.meteo_map - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe layout: icon|state name: I-Frame state: case: first state_text: nessuna: I-Frame windy alert: Alert dpc radar: DPC Radar dpc bollettino criticità: Criticità dpc vigilanza meteo: Vigilanza eumet: EUMET blitzortung: Blitz radareu: Radareu volcanodiscovery: Vulcani tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_next service_data: entity_id: input_select.meteo_iframe double_tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_option service_data: option: Nessuna entity_id: input_select.meteo_iframe style: button: color: var(--state-active-color) ripple: color: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','level')}}" state_styles: nessuna: button: color: var(--state-icon-color) #------------------------------------ # ENTITIES AUTO-ENTITIES #------------------------------------ entities: # - type: divider - type: conditional conditions: - entity: binary_sensor.global_natural_alert state: "on" row: type: divider # ------------- # sort: # method: entity_id unique: entity filter: exclude: - entity_id: binary_sensor.global_natural_alert - entity_id: binary_sensor.download_file - entity_id: binary_sensor.natural_events_meteoalert include: - entity_id: "sensor.*" or: - entity_id: sensor.ingv* state: ">0" - attributes: integration: dpc total_phenomena: ">0" - attributes: integration: dpc total_alerts: ">0" options: entity: this.entity_id secondary_info: last-updated card_mod: # #8A2BE2 BlueViolet o Purple? o #9933FF style: hui-generic-entity-row: $: | .info::before { --color: {% set color = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Gold', 3:'Orange', 4:'Red', 5:'BlueViolet'} %} {% set mag = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Green', 3:'Gold', 4:'Orange', 5:'Red', 6:'BlueViolet', 7:'BlueViolet' } %} {% if is_state_attr(config.entity, 'integration', 'dpc') %} {{color[state_attr(config.entity, 'max_level')|int(0)]}} {% elif 'gdacs' in config.entity %} {% set alert = states.geo_location|selectattr('attributes.source','defined')|selectattr('attributes.source','match','gdacs*') |sort(attribute='attributes.alert_level')|map(attribute='attributes.alert_level')|list|max|default('')%} {{ alert }} {% elif 'ingv' in config.entity %} {{ mag.get(state_attr(config.entity, 'magnitude')|int(0), 0) }}; {% endif %}; content: "⚪"; color: transparent; text-shadow: 0 0 0 var(--color); } - entity_id: "binary_sensor.*" state: "on" attributes: package: "Natural_events*" # 🌍 options: entity: this.entity_id secondary_info: last-updated state_color: true card_mod: # #FFDF00 Golden Yellow #FFD700 Gold style: hui-generic-entity-row: $: | .info::before { --color: {% set color = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Gold', 3:'Orange', 4:'Red'} %} {% if is_state_attr(config.entity, 'integration', 'dpc') %} {{color[state_attr(config.entity, 'level')|int(0)]}} {% elif 'meteoalarm' in config.entity %} {{state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','meteoalarm_level')}} {% elif 'quake' in config.entity %} {{color[state_attr('binary_sensor.lastquake', 'level')|int(0)]}} {% elif 'burze' in config.entity and states(config.entity) == 'on'%} {% set d = state_attr(config.entity,'distance') %} {% if d %} {% if d <= 1 %}Red{% elif 1 < d <= 5 %}Orange{% elif 5 < d <= 10 %}Gold{% else %}Green{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}; content: "⚪"; color: transparent; text-shadow: 0 0 0 var(--color); } ################################################################# ## ROOT -> FOLDS + CARDS - SECONDA PARTE ################################################################# - type: conditional # CARDS VISUALIZZATE SOLO SE INPUT BOOLEAN NATURAL EVENTS ON!! conditions: - entity: input_boolean.natural_events state: "on" card: type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities # CONTENITORE MENU Impostazioni fold card_mod: style: | div#states.card-content {padding-block-end: 0; padding-block-start: 0;} ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} entities: - type: custom:auto-entities # MENU Impostazioni fold show_empty: false sort: method: domain filter: include: - attributes: package: "Natural_events*" options: state_color: true sort: method: name exclude: - entity_id: input_boolean.natural_events - domain: script card: type: custom:fold-entity-row head: entity: input_boolean.natural_events tap_action: action: toggle card_mod: style: | :host { {% if is_state('input_boolean.natural_events', 'on') %} --state-icon-color: var(--state-active-color); {% endif %} } - type: custom:fold-entity-row # 1 group.meteoalert head: entity: group.meteoalert state_color: true group_config: state_color: true secondary_info: last-updated - type: custom:fold-entity-row # 2 group.geoalert head: entity: group.geoalert state_color: true group_config: state_color: true secondary_info: last-updated card_mod: style: | :host { {% if 'gdacs' in config.entity and states(config.entity) > '0' %} --state-icon-color: var(--state-active-color);{% endif %} } - type: divider ################################################################# ## INFO - Da qui in poi uguale per light e picture menu ################################################################# ################################################################# ## BURZE ################################################################# - type: markdown card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} ha-markdown {padding-bottom: 0px !important} content: > {% set color = 'Gold' %} {% set burze = 'binary_sensor.burze_storms_nearby' %} {# {% if states(burze) != 'on' %} {% set alert_type = {'':'info', 'off':'success', 'unavailable':'warning', 'unknown':'error'} %} {% else %} #}
BURZE {{ state_attr(burze, 'number') }} in {{ state_attr(burze, 'period') }} minuti. Il più vicino è caduto a {{ state_attr(burze, 'distance') }} Km a {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.global_natural_alert','burze_direction') }} da casa. [Burze](https://burze.dzis.net) ~ [Blitzortung](http://map.blitzortung.org/#5.11/43.00/13.00)
{# {% endif %} #} ################################################################# ## DPC ################################################################# - type: markdown card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} ha-markdown {padding: 0px 16px !important} # card_size: 4 content: > {#- Nota Ciclo for se si hanno più sensori dpc per altri luoghi... -#} {% set dpc_entities = integration_entities("dpc")| select('match','sensor')|list %} {% set color = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Gold', 3:'Orange', 4:'Red'} %} {% set days_map = {'today':'Oggi.', 'tomorrow':'Domani.', 'aftertomorrow': 'Dopodomani.'} %} {% set alert_type = {0:'info', 1:'success', 2:'warning', 3:'warning', 4:'error', 5:'error'} %} {% set web_crit = 'https://mappe.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/mappe-rischi/bollettino-di-criticita' %} {% set web_vigi = 'https://mappe.protezionecivile.it/it/mappe-rischi/bollettino-di-vigilanza' %} {% set web_dpc = 'https://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/' %} {% set web_radar = 'https://mappe.protezionecivile.it/it/mappe-rischi/piattaforma-radar' %}
PROTEZIONE CIVILE - Criticità - Vigilanza meteo {% for entity in dpc_entities if 'alert' in entity and states(entity)|int(0) > 0 %}
1 else ''}}> {{ state_attr(entity, 'zone_name') }} {% for day in ['today', 'tomorrow'] %} {% set d = state_attr(entity, day) %} {% set events = state_attr(entity, 'events_' + day) %} {% if d and d.get('level', 0) > 0 %} {# ##### ZONA: {{ d['zone_name'] }} #}
{{ days_map[day] }} {{d['info']}} {{d['alert']}}
{% endif %} {% if events %} {% for ev in events %}
{{ ev['alert'] }} {{ ev['info'] }} criticità per rischio {{ ev['risk'] }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% set color = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Gold', 3:'Orange', 4:'Red', 5: 'BlueViolet'} %} {# set color_v1 = {0:'#FFFFFF', 1:'#008000', 2:'#C3FFFE', 3:'#50FFFF', 4:'#508BFF', 5: '#A040FF'} #} {% set color_v2 = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'LightCyan', 3:'BabyBlue', 4:'CornflowerBlue', 5: 'BlueViolet'} %} {% set day = {'today':'Oggi ', 'tomorrow':'Domani ', 'aftertomorrow': 'Dopodomani '} %} {% for entity in dpc_entities if 'vigilance' in entity and states(entity)|int(0) > 0 %} {% set open = (states(entity)|int(0) > 1 or state_attr(entity, 'total_phenomena')|int(0) > 0) %}
{{state_attr(entity, 'zone_name')}} {% for status in ['today', 'tomorrow','aftertomorrow'] %} {% set v = state_attr(entity, status) %} {# if (v and v.get('level', 0) > 1) or v.get('phenomena', []) #} {% if v and v.get('level', 0) > 0 %}
{{ day[status] }} quantitativi previsti {{ v['precipitation'] }}
{% for d in v.get('phenomena', []) %}
{{ d['event'] }} {{ d['value'] }} [{{ d['distance'] }} Km {{ d['direction'] }}]
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
################################################################# ## METEOALARM ################################################################# - type: markdown card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} ha-markdown {padding: 0px 16px !important} content: >- {% set global = 'binary_sensor.global_natural_alert' %} {% set meteoalarm = 'binary_sensor.meteoalarm' %} {% set alert_type = {'White':'info', 'Green':'success', 'Gold':'warning', 'Orange':'warning', 'Red':'error'} %} {% set days = ["Domenica", "Lunedì", "Martedì", "Mercoledì", "Giovedì", "Venerdì", "Sabato"] %} {% set start = as_timestamp(state_attr(meteoalarm, 'effective'),0) %} {% set end = as_timestamp(state_attr(meteoalarm, 'expires'),0) %}
{{state_attr(meteoalarm, 'friendly_name')}}
{{ state_attr(meteoalarm, 'urgency')|upper }} {{state_attr(meteoalarm, 'event')}}
Da {{days[start|timestamp_custom('%w')|int(0)]}}{{start|timestamp_custom(' %d alle %H:%M')}} a {{days[end|timestamp_custom('%w')|int(0)]}}{{end|timestamp_custom(' %d alle %H:%M')}}

{{(state_attr(meteoalarm, 'description')|default('',true)).split('(DISCLAIMER')[0]}}

{{state_attr(meteoalarm, 'instruction')}}
################################################################# ## LASTQUAKE ################################################################# - type: markdown entity_id: - binary_sensor.lastquake card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} ha-markdown {padding: 0px 16px !important} content: >- {% set ingv_entities = integration_entities("ingv_centro_nazionale_terremoti") %} {% set entityid = ingv_entities | select('match','geo_location') | max | default(false) %} {# IF GEO LOCATION START ->> #} {% if entityid %} {% set alert_type = {0:'info', 1:'success', 2:'warning', 3:'warning', 4:'error'} %} {% set code = {0:'White', 1:'Green', 2:'Gold', 3:'Orange', 4:'Red'} %} {% set url = "http://shakemap.rm.ingv.it/shake4/data/{}/current/products/{}.jpg" %} {# set url2 = "http://shakemap.ingv.it/shake4/data/{}/current/products/{}.jpg" #} {% set openmap = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat={}&mlon={}#map=12/{}/{}" %} {% set id = state_attr(entityid, 'event_id') %} {% set lat = state_attr(entityid, 'latitude') %} {% set long = state_attr(entityid, 'longitude') %} {% set depth = state_attr(entityid, 'depth')|default(none) %} {% set magnitudo = state_attr(entityid, 'magnitude')|float(default=0) %} {% set utc = as_timestamp(state_attr(entityid, 'publication_date'),0) %} {# MACRO MAGNITUDE LEVEL #} {% macro mag(m) -%} {% if 0 <= m < 2 %}0{% elif 2 <= m < 3 %}1{% elif 3 <= m < 4 %}2 {% elif 4 <= m < 6 %}3{% else %}4{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% set level = mag(magnitudo)|int(0) %} {% set alert = alert_type[level] %} {# MACRO BOLD TEXT FORMAT and COLOR according to the warning LEVEL #} {%- macro form(data, color=code[level]) -%} **{{data}}** {%- endmacro -%}
{{ utc|timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S del %d-%m-%Y') if utc is not none else 0 }} Un terremoto di magnitudo {{ form(magnitudo) }} è avvenuto nella zona: [{{ state_attr(entityid, 'region') }}]({{ openmap.format(lat,long,lat,long) }}) a {{ form(states(entityid)) }} km da casa, con coordinate epicentrali {{ lat }}, {{ long }}, ad una profondità di {{ form(depth) }} Km. [INGV](http://terremoti.ingv.it/) ~ [Hai Sentito Il Terremoto?](http://www.haisentitoilterremoto.it/)
{# IMAGE AND LINK #} {% if magnitudo >= 3 %} [Intensity]({{url.format(id,'intensity')}}) ~ [PGA]({{url.format(id,'pga')}}) ~ [PGV]({{url.format(id,'pgv')}}) ~ [PSA0]({{url.format(id,'psa0p3')}}) ~ [PSA1]({{url.format(id,'psa1p0')}}) ~ [HSIT](http://eventi.haisentitoilterremoto.it/{{id}}/{{id}}_mcs.jpg) {% if is_state('binary_sensor.download_file', 'on') %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# ELSE SENSOR STATUS #} {% else %} {% for entity in ingv_entities %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} - type: custom:auto-entities # CONDITIONAL ULTIMI {count} TERREMOTI show_empty: false sort: { attribute: publication_date, method: attribute, reverse: true, count: 5, first: 0, } filter: include: - entity_id: geo_location.* attributes: source: ingv_centro_nazionale_terremoti card: type: entities entity_id: this.entity_id card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} div#states.card-content {padding-block-end: 0; padding-block-start: 0;} ################################################################# ## GDACS ################################################################# - type: markdown card_mod: style: | ha-card {background: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none;} ha-markdown {padding-top: 0px !important} content: >- {# Set Last days to show #} {% set last_days = 7 %} {% set gdacs_entities = integration_entities("gdacs")| select('match','geo_location')|list %} {% set alert_type = {'Green':'info', 'Green':'success', 'Orange':'warning', 'Red':'error'} %} {% for geo in gdacs_entities if utcnow() < (state_attr(geo, 'from_date')) + timedelta(days = last_days) %} {% set alert = alert_type[state_attr(geo, 'alert_level')] %}
GDACS **{{ state_attr(geo, 'friendly_name') }}** **Distanza: {{ states(geo) }} km** **Descrizione:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'description') }} **Allerta:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'severity') }} **population:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'population') }} **Inizio:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'from_date').strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }} **Fine:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'to_date').strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }} **Settimane:** {{ state_attr(geo, 'duration_in_week') }} population [GDACS](https://gdacs.org/)
{% endfor %} ################################################################# ## ROOT -> MAPS ################################################################# - type: custom:mod-card # margin: -16px; card_mod: style: hui-vertical-stack-card$: | :host { --stack-card-margin: 8px 16px 16px; } card: type: vertical-stack cards: #----------------- - type: conditional # METEO conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_map state_not: Nessuna card: type: picture-entity title: Nuvole entity: input_select.meteo_map tap_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_next service_data: entity_id: input_select.meteo_map hold_action: action: call-service service: input_select.select_previous service_data: entity_id: input_select.meteo_map state_image: Nuvole e Sole: https://api.sat24.com/animated/IT/visual/3/ Nuvole Infrared: https://api.sat24.com/animated/IT/infraPolair/3/ Temperatura Nuvole Infrared: https://www.meteo60.fr/satellites/animation-satellite-ir-france.gif Pioggia: https://api.sat24.com/animated/IT/rainTMC/3/ Neve: https://api.sat24.com/animated/EU/snow/3/ Il Meteo: http://cdn-radar.ilmeteo.it/italy.gif Burze: https://burze.dzis.net/italia_fulmine_lebhaft.gif Burze Nord Ovest: https://burze.dzis.net/italia_fulmine_lebhaft_gruppi_nw.gif Burze Nord Est: https://burze.dzis.net/italia_fulmine_lebhaft_gruppi_ne.gif Burze Sud Ovest: https://burze.dzis.net/italia_fulmine_lebhaft_gruppi_sw.gif Burze Sud Est: https://burze.dzis.net/italia_fulmine_lebhaft_gruppi_se.gif WWLLN: https://wwlln.net/WWLLN_movies/Movie_of_Lightning_in_EurAfrica_BIG.gif entities: - entity: input_select.meteo_map - type: conditional # GEO conditions: - entity: input_select.geo_map state: Posizione Geografica card: type: map # entities: # - entity: person.caio geo_location_sources: - all dark_mode: false default_zoom: 8 aspect_ratio: 75% # 16:9 hours_to_show: 72 ################################################################# ## MAPS IFRAME ################################################################# - type: conditional conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: Windy Alert card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: >- https://embed.windy.com/embed2.html?lat=42.000&lon=12.000&zoom=5 &level=surface&overlay=capAlerts&menu=&type=map&location=coordinates &detail=&detailLat=42.000&detailLon=12.000 - type: conditional # AM - Region conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: AM Ita card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: https://www.meteoam.it/it/home - type: conditional # DPC RADAR conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: DPC Radar card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: https://radar.protezionecivile.it/#/pages/dashboard?zoom=5.75 ###https://mappe.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/mappe-rischi/piattaforma-radar # http://www.bulkdachecker.com/url-extractor/ - type: conditional # DPC ALERT - CRITICITA conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: DPC Bollettino Criticità card: type: custom:config-template-card entities: - sensor.dpc_alert card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: >- ${const d = new Date(); const dpc_d = new Date(String(states['sensor.dpc_alert'].attributes.publication_date)); var fase = (dpc_d.getDate() === d.getDate()) ? 'today' : 'tomorrow'; 'https://servizio-mappe.protezionecivile.it/#/view/dashboard?x=11.756&y=41.495& zoom=5.8&basemap=BING_AERIAL&appname=BollettinodiCriticità&file= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pcm-dpc/DPC-Bollettini-Criticita-Idrogeologica-Idraulica/master/files/' +states['sensor.dpc_alert'].attributes.id+'.json&hidden=info,minimap&fase=' + fase} - type: conditional # DPC VIGILANZA METEO conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: DPC Vigilanza Meteo card: type: custom:config-template-card entities: - sensor.dpc_vigilance card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: >- ${const d = new Date(); const dpc_d = new Date(String(states['sensor.dpc_vigilance'].attributes.publication_date)); var fase = (dpc_d.getDate() === d.getDate()) ? 'today' : 'tomorrow'; 'https://servizio-mappe.protezionecivile.it/#/view/dashboard?x=11.756&y=41.495& zoom=5.8&basemap=OPEN_STREET_MAP&appname=Bollettino di Vigilanza&file= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pcm-dpc/DPC-Bollettini-Vigilanza-Meteorologica/master/files/' +states['sensor.dpc_vigilance'].attributes.id+'.json&hidden=minimap,info&fase=' + fase} # #hidden=hidden=minimap,info,switch <<--- - type: conditional # BLITZORTUNG conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: "Blitzortung" card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: https://map.blitzortung.org/#5.11/42.5/12.51 # Il Centro geografico d'Italia - type: conditional # RADAREU conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: Radareu card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: http://www.radareu.cz/?lng=uk&core - type: conditional # EUMET conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: EUMET card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 125% url: https://cdn.fmi.fi/demos/eumetnet-web-site-radar-animator/ - type: conditional # VOLCANODISCOVERY conditions: - entity: input_select.meteo_iframe state: Volcanodiscovery card: type: iframe aspect_ratio: 100% url: https://earthquakes.volcanodiscovery.com/?L=12&zoom=6&lat=41&lon=13&minMag=3