#! /bin/bash set -e #Note - settings here are written to polar.conf on first run - values there will be used in preference to these for subsequent runs. #Set receiver location and height above sea level here - only required if not using heywahtsthat data. lat= lon= rh= #Set altitude limits low=5000 high=25000 #Set plot range in nm range=230 # Include mlat aircraft? yes/no/mlat - setting to mlat will include only mlat results. mlat=no #Set raspberry pi IP or hostname here: pi=raspberrypi #Set raspberry pi username here: un=pi #Set heywhatsthat.com site ID here - Note that the script will not run without it. If you want to use a new ID, delete any existing upintheair.json first hwt= # Keep data - yes/no keep=yes # Filter interval filter=10 if [[ -f polar.conf ]]; then echo "Config file found" source polar.conf else echo "No config file found - a new one will be written" cat < polar.conf lat=$lat lon=$lon rh=$rh low=$low high=$high range=$range mlat=$mlat pi=$pi un=$un hwt=$hwt keep=$keep filter=$filter EOF fi int=$2 date=$(date -I) PWD=$(pwd) archiveloc=/run/timelapse1090 dump1090loc=/run/dump1090-fa dump1090data=/dump1090-fa/data TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) HWTDIR=$(mktemp -d) if [ -z "$hwt" ]; then echo "No HeyWhatsThat ID found" echo "0,0,0,0,0" > $HWTDIR/12121 echo "0,0,0,0,0,0" > $HWTDIR/max else echo "HWT OK" echo "Processing heywhatsthat.com data:" file=$PWD/upintheair.json if [ -f $file ]; then hwtfile=$(jq --raw-output '.id' $file) if [ ! "$hwt" == "$hwtfile" ]; then echo "Heywhatsthat ID has changed - downloading new file" rm $PWD/upintheair.json fi fi if [[ -f $file ]] && [[ ! -s $file ]]; then echo "Removing empty upintheair.json" rm $file fi if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then echo "Retrieving terrain profiles from heywhatsthat.com:" curl "http://www.heywhatsthat.com/api/upintheair.json?id=${hwt}&refraction=0.14&alts=606,1212,1818,2424,3030,3636,4242,4848,5454,6060,6667,7273,7879,8485,9091,9697,10303,10909,11515,12121,13716" > upintheair.json fi echo "" echo "Setting receiver position from heywhatsthat data. If these values do not match what you are expecting, please check the heywhatsthat ID is correct and that it was generated with the correct location" lat=$(jq --raw-output '.lat' $file) lon=$(jq --raw-output '.lon' $file) rh=$(jq --raw-output '.elev_amsl' $file) echo "Latitude: " $lat echo "Longitude: " $lon echo "Height: " $rh echo "" for i in {0..20}; do ring=$(jq --argjson i "$i" --raw-output '.rings | .[$i] | .alt' upintheair.json) nice -n 19 jq --argjson i "$i" --raw-output '.rings | .[$i] | .points | .[] | @csv' upintheair.json > $HWTDIR/$ring done for i in $(ls -1v $HWTDIR); do nice -n 19 awk -i inplace -F "," -v rlat="$lat" -v rlon="$lon" -v rh="$rh" -v hwth="$i" 'function data(lat1,lon1,elev1,lat2,lon2,elev2, lamda,a,c,dlat,dlon,x) { dlat = radians(lat2-lat1) dlon = radians(lon2-lon1) lat1 = radians(lat1) lat2 = radians(lat2) a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)) d = 6371000 * c x = atan2(sin(dlon * cos(lat2)), cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(dlon)) phi = (x * (180 / 3.1415926) + 360) % 360 lamda = (180 / 3.1415926) * atan2((elev2 - elev1) / d - d / (2 * 6371000),1) printf("%f,%f,%f,%.0f,%f,\n",lat2 * (180 / 3.1415926),lon2,d,phi,lamda) } function radians(degree) { # degrees to radians return degree * (3.1415926 / 180.)} {data(rlat,rlon,rh,$1,$2,hwth)}' $HWTDIR/$i done for i in $(ls -1v $HWTDIR); do max=$(sort -t',' -k3nr $HWTDIR/$i | head -1) max="$max$i" echo $max >> $HWTDIR/max min=$(sort -t',' -k3n $HWTDIR/$i | head -1) min="$min$i" echo $min >> $HWTDIR/min done fi if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then echo "ADS-B and MLAT aircraft will be plotted" elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then echo "ADS-B aircraft only will be plotted" elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then echo "MLAT aircraft only will be plotted" fi mem=$(free -m|awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}') if [ "$mem" -gt "1000" ]; then wdir=$TMPDIR echo "Using tmpfs : $wdir" else wdir=$PWD echo "Using disk : $wdir" fi SECONDS=0 jq_nocrud="select( (has(\"tisb\") | not) or (.tisb | contains([\"lat\"]) | not) ) | select(.rssi != -49.5)" jq_base=".aircraft | .[] | select(.seen_pos != null) | select(.seen_pos <= $filter) | $jq_nocrud" jq_end="[.lon,.lat,.rssi,.alt_baro] | @csv" jq_both="$jq_base | $jq_end" jq_adsb="$jq_base | select(any(.mlat[] ; .) | not) | $jq_end" jq_mlat="$jq_base | select(any(.mlat[] ; .)) | $jq_end" if [[ $1 == "-1" ]]; then if [ -d "$archiveloc" ]; then echo "Using local archive:" datadir=$archiveloc else echo "Retrieving remote data.." rsync -amzht --info=progress2 --delete-after -e ssh $un@$pi:/run/timelapse1090/ $PWD/data datadir=$PWD/data fi echo "Unpacking compressed data:" for i in $datadir/chunk_*.gz; do echo -n "." if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then zcat $i | jq -r ".files | .[] | $jq_both" >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then zcat $i | jq -r ".files | .[] | $jq_adsb" >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then zcat $i | jq -r ".files | .[] | $jq_mlat" >> $wdir/heatmap fi done echo "" echo "Retrieving recent history:" for i in $datadir/history_*.json; do echo -n "." if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then sed -e '$d' $i | jq -r "$jq_both" >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then sed -e '$d' $i | jq -r "$jq_adsb" >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then sed -e '$d' $i | jq -r "$jq_mlat" >> $wdir/heatmap fi done echo "" else if [ -d "$dump1090loc" ]; then secs=$(($1 *60)) end=$(date --date=now+${1}mins) echo "Gathering data every $2 seconds until $end" while (( SECONDS < secs )); do if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then jq -r "$jq_both" $dump1090loc/aircraft.json >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then jq -r "$jq_adsb" $dump1090loc/aircraft.json >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then jq -r "$jq_mlat" $dump1090loc/aircraft.json >> $wdir/heatmap fi sleep $2 done else STATUSCODE=$(curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" http://${pi}${dump1090data}/aircraft.json) if [[ ${STATUSCODE} -ne '200' ]]; then echo -e "http://${pi}/${dump1090data}/aircraft.json - ERR .. EXITING ..." exit 1 else secs=$(($1 *60)) end=$(date --date=now+${1}mins) echo "Gathering data every $2 seconds until $end" while (( SECONDS < secs )); do if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then curl -sS http://${pi}${dump1090data}/aircraft.json | jq -r '.aircraft | .[] | select(.seen_pos !=null) | select(.seen_pos <="$filter") | select(.rssi != -49.5) | select( (has("tisb") | not) or (.tisb | contains(["lat"]) | not) ) | [.lon,.lat,.rssi,.alt_baro] | @csv' >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then curl -sS http://${pi}${dump1090data}/aircraft.json | jq -r '.aircraft | .[] | select(.seen_pos !=null) | select(.seen_pos <="$filter") | select(.rssi != -49.5) | select( (has("tisb") | not) or (.tisb | contains(["lat"]) | not) ) | select(any(.mlat[] ; .) | not) | [.lon,.lat,.rssi,.alt_baro] | @csv' >> $wdir/heatmap elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then curl -sS http://${pi}${dump1090data}/aircraft.json | jq -r '.aircraft | .[] | select(.seen_pos !=null) | select(.seen_pos <="$filter") | select(.rssi != -49.5) | select( (has("tisb") | not) or (.tisb | contains(["lat"]) | not) ) | select(any(.mlat[] ; .)) | [.lon,.lat,.rssi,.alt_baro] | @csv' >> $wdir/heatmap fi sleep $2 done fi fi fi count=$(wc -l < $wdir/heatmap) echo "Number of data points collected: $count" echo "Calculating Range, Azimuth and Elevation data:" nice -n 19 awk -i inplace -F "," -v rlat=$lat -v rlon=$lon -v rh=$rh 'function data(lat1,lon1,elev1,lat2,lon2,elev2,rssi, lamda,a,c,dlat,dlon,x) { if(elev2=="ground") {elev2=0} dlat = radians(lat2-lat1) dlon = radians(lon2-lon1) lat1 = radians(lat1) lat2 = radians(lat2) elev2 = elev2 / 3.28 a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)) d = 6371000 * c x = atan2(sin(dlon * cos(lat2)), cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(dlon)) phi = (x * (180 / 3.1415926) + 360) % 360 lamda = (180 / 3.1415926) * atan2((elev2 - elev1) / d - d / (2 * 6371000),1) printf("%f,%f,%.1f,%.0f,%.0f,%f,%f\n",lon2,lat2 * (180 / 3.1415926),rssi,elev2 * 3.28,d,phi,lamda) } function radians(degree) { # degrees to radians return degree * (3.1415926 / 180.)} {data(rlat,rlon,rh,$2,$1,$4,$3)}' $wdir/heatmap echo "Filtering altitudes" awk -v low="$low" -F "," '$4 <= low' $wdir/heatmap > $wdir/heatmap_low awk -v high="$high" -F "," '$4 >= high' $wdir/heatmap > $wdir/heatmap_high world=$PWD/world_10m.txt if [ ! -f "$world" ]; then wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caiusseverus/adsbcompare/master/world_10m.txt #cp borders_10m.txt world_10m.txt nice -n 19 awk -i inplace -v rlat="$lat" -v rlon="$lon" 'function data(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2, a,c,dlat,dlon,x,t,y) { dlat = radians(lat2-lat1) dlon = radians(lon2-lon1) lat1 = radians(lat1) lat2 = radians(lat2) a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)) d = 6371000 * c t = atan2(sin(dlon * cos(lat2)), cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(dlon)) phi = (t * (180 / 3.1415926) + 360) % 360 x = d*cos(radians(-phi)+radians(90)) y = d*sin(radians(-phi)+radians(90)) printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%0.0f\n",lon2,lat2 * (180 / 3.1415926),x,y,d) } function radians(degree) { # degrees to radians return degree * (3.1415926 / 180.)} {data(rlat,rlon,$2,$1)}' world_10m.txt nice -n 19 awk -i inplace -F "," '!($5 > (350*1852)) || ($1 == 0)' world_10m.txt nice -n 19 sed -i '/^$/d' world_10m.txt nice -n 19 sed -i -e 's/^0.000000.*$//' world_10m.txt nice -n 19 sed -i -e :a -e '/./,$!d;/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' world_10m.txt nice -n 19 sed -i 'N;/^\n$/D;P;D;' world_10m.txt fi ap=$PWD/airports.csv if [ ! -f "$ap" ]; then curl https://davidmegginson.github.io/ourairports-data/airports.csv | cut -d "," -f2,3,5,6,7,14 | tr -d '"' > $PWD/airports.csv sed -i '1d' $PWD/airports.csv awk -F "," -i inplace -v rlat="$lat" -v rlon="$lon" 'function data(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2, a,c,dlat,dlon,x,t,y) { dlat = radians(lat2-lat1) dlon = radians(lon2-lon1) lat1 = radians(lat1) lat2 = radians(lat2) a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a)) d = 6371000 * c t = atan2(sin(dlon * cos(lat2)), cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(dlon)) phi = (t * (180 / 3.1415926) + 360) % 360 x = d*cos(radians(-phi)+radians(90)) y = d*sin(radians(-phi)+radians(90)) printf("%s,%s,%f,%f,%.0f,%s,%.0f,%0.2f,%.0f,%.0f\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,d,phi,x,y) } function radians(degree) { # degrees to radians return degree * (3.1415926 / 180.)} {data(rlat,rlon,$3,$4)}' $PWD/airports.csv awk -i inplace -F "," '!($7 > (350*1852))' $PWD/airports.csv fi awk -F "," '$2 == "large_airport"' $PWD/airports.csv > $wdir/large awk -F "," '$2 == "medium_airport"' $PWD/airports.csv > $wdir/medium awk -F "," '$2 == "small_airport"' $PWD/airports.csv > $wdir/small awk -F "," '$2 == "heliport"' $PWD/airports.csv >> $wdir/small nice -n 19 gnuplot -c /dev/stdin $lat $lon $date $low $high $rh $range $wdir $HWTDIR <<"EOF" lat=ARG1 lon=ARG2 date=ARG3 low=ARG4 high=ARG5 rh=ARG6 range=ARG7 dir=ARG8 hwt=ARG9 set terminal pngcairo dashed enhanced size 2000,2000 set datafile separator comma set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb "black" behind set output 'polarheatmap-'.date.'.png' set border lc rgb "white" stats dir.'/heatmap' u ($3) noout set cbrange [(STATS_mean - 2.5 * STATS_stddev):0] set cblabel "RSSI" tc rgb "white" set palette rgb 21,22,23 set polar set angles degrees set theta clockwise top set grid polar 45 linecolor rgb "white" front set colorbox user vertical origin 0.9, 0.80 size 0.02, 0.15 set size square set title "Signal Heatmap ".date tc rgb "white" set xrange [-range:range] set yrange [-range:range] set rtics 50 set xtics 50 set ytics 50 print "Generating all altitudes heatmap..." plot dir.'/heatmap' u ($6):($5/1852):($3) with dots lc palette, \ hwt.'/12121' u ($4):($3/1852) with lines lc rgb "white" notitle, \ hwt.'/12121' u ($4):($3/1852) every 359::0::359 with lines lc rgb "white" notitle set output 'polarheatmap_high-'.date.'.png' set title "Signal Heatmap aircraft above ".high." feet - ".date tc rgb "white" print "Generating high altitude heatmap..." plot dir.'/heatmap_high' u ($6):($5/1852):($3) with dots lc palette, \ hwt.'/12121' u ($4):($3/1852) with lines lc rgb "white" notitle, \ hwt.'/12121' u ($4):($3/1852) every 359::0::359 with lines lc rgb "white" notitle set output 'polarheatmap_low-'.date.'.png' set title "Signal Heatmap aircraft below ".low." feet - ".date tc rgb "white" print "Generating low altitude heatmap..." set xrange [-80:80] set yrange [-80:80] set rtics 20 set xtics 20 set ytics 20 plot dir.'/heatmap_low' u ($6):($5/1852):($3) with dots lc palette set output 'closerange-'.date.'.png' set title 'Close range signals - '.date tc rgb "white" print "Generating close range heatmap" set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-10:10] set rtics 1 set xtics 1 set ytics 1 plot dir.'/heatmap' u ($6):($5/1852):($3) with points pt 7 ps 0.5 lc palette, \ dir.'/large' u ($8):($7/1852) with points pt 7 ps 1.5 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($8):($7/1852):($1) with labels offset 1,-1 tc rgb "green", \ dir.'/medium' u ($8):($7/1852) with points pt 7 ps 1.5 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/medium' u ($8):($7/1852):($1) with labels offset 1,-1 tc rgb "green", \ dir.'/small' u ($8):($7/1852):($1) with labels offset 1,-1 tc rgb "green", \ dir.'/small' u ($8):($7/1852) with points pt 7 ps 1.5 lc rgb "green" notitle reset set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 1920,1080 set datafile separator comma set output 'elevation-'.date.'.png' set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 fillcolor rgb "black" behind set cbrange [(STATS_mean - 2.5 * STATS_stddev):0] set title "Azimuth/Elevation plot" tc rgb "white" set border lc rgb "white" set cblabel "RSSI" tc rgb "white" set colorbox user vertical origin 0.9, 0.75 size 0.02, 0.15 set grid linecolor rgb "white" set palette rgb 21,22,23 set yrange [-2:15] set xrange [0:360] set xtics 45 set ytics 3 print "Generating elevation heatmap..." plot dir.'/heatmap' u ($6):($7):($3) with dots lc palette, \ hwt.'/12121' u ($4):($5) with lines lc rgb "white" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($7/1852 <= 50 ? $8 : 1/0):(-1) with points pt 9 ps 2 lc rgb "white" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($7/1852 <= 50 ? $8 : 1/0):(-1):($6) with labels offset 0,-1.5 tc rgb "white" font ",8", \ dir.'/medium' u ($7/1852 <= 25 ? $8 : 1/0):(-1) with points pt 9 ps 2 lc rgb "white" notitle, \ dir.'/medium' u ($7/1852 <= 25 ? $8 : 1/0):(-1):($6) with labels offset 0,-1.5 tc rgb "white" font ",8" set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 1920,1080 set output 'altgraph-'.date.'.png' set cblabel "RSSI" tc rgb "white" set palette rgb 21,22,23 set colorbox user vertical origin 0.9, 0.1 size 0.02, 0.15 set title "Range/Altitude" tc rgb "white" set xrange [*:250] set yrange [0:45000] set xtics 25 set ytics 5000 f(x) = (x**2 / 1.5129) - (rh * 3.3) print "Generating Range/Altitude plot..." unset key plot dir.'/heatmap' u ($5/1852):($4):($3) with dots lc palette, f(x) lt rgb "white" notitle, \ hwt.'/max' u ($3/1852):($6*3.3) with lines dt 2 lc rgb "green" title "Terrain limit" at end set output 'closealt-'.date.'.png' set title "Close Range/Altitude" tc rgb "white" set xrange [0:50] set yrange [-500:10000] set xtics 5 set ytics 500 print "Generating Close Range altitude plot" plot dir.'/heatmap' u ($5/1852 <= 50 ? $5/1852 : 1/0):($4 <= 10000 ? $4:1/0):($3) with dots lc palette, \ dir.'/large' u ($7/1852 <= 50 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5) w points pt 9 ps 1 lc rgb "white", \ dir.'/large' u ($7/1852 <= 50 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5-150):($6) with labels tc rgb "white" font ",8", \ dir.'/medium' u ($7/1852 <= 40 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5) w points pt 9 ps 1 lc rgb "white", \ dir.'/medium' u ($7/1852 <= 40 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5-150):($6) with labels tc rgb "white" font ",8", \ dir.'/small' u ($7/1852 <= 10 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5) w points pt 9 ps 1 lc rgb "white", \ dir.'/small' u ($7/1852 <= 10 ? $7/1852 : 1/0):($5-150):($6) with labels tc rgb "white" font ",8", \ 0 lc rgb "white" set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 2000,2000 set title "Low altitude with map" tc rgb "white" set output 'lowmap-'.date.'.png' set xrange [-80:80] set yrange [-80:80] set xtics 5 set ytics 5 set mxtics set mytics set angles degrees set colorbox user vertical origin 0.9, 0.80 size 0.02, 0.15 set label "" at 0,0 point pointtype 1 ps 2 lc rgb "green" front print "Generating low heatmap with map overlay" plot dir.'/heatmap_low' u (($5/1852) * cos (- $6 + 90)):(($5/1852) * sin (-$6 + 90)):($3) w dots lc palette, \ 'world_10m.txt' u ($3/1852):($4/1852) w lines lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($9/1852):($10/1852) with points pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($9/1852):($10/1852):($6) with labels offset char 2,-1 tc rgb "green", \ dir.'/medium' u ($9/1852):($10/1852) with points pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/medium' u ($9/1852):($10/1852):($6) with labels offset char 2,-1 tc rgb "green", \ dir.'/small' u ($9/1852):($10/1852) with points pt 7 ps 0.3 lc rgb "green" notitle set title "Heatmap with map overlay" set output 'mapol-'.date.'.png' set xrange [-range:range] set yrange [-range:range] set xtics 25 set ytics 25 plot dir.'/heatmap' u (($5/1852) * cos (- $6 + 90)):(($5/1852) * sin (-$6 + 90)):($3) w dots lc palette, \ 'world_10m.txt' u ($3/1852):($4/1852) w lines lc rgb "green" notitle, \ hwt.'/12121' u (($3/1852) * cos (- $4 +90)):(($3/1852) * sin (- $4 + 90)) with lines lc rgb "white" notitle, \ hwt.'/12121' u (($3/1852) * cos (- $4 +90)):(($3/1852) * sin (- $4 + 90)) every 359::0::359 with lines lc rgb "white" notitle, \ dir.'/large' u ($9/1852):($10/1852) with points pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ dir.'/medium' u ($9/1852):($10/1852) with points pt 7 ps 0.75 lc rgb "green" notitle EOF if [ $keep == yes ]; then mv $wdir/heatmap $PWD/polarheatmap-$date rm $wdir/heatmap_low rm $wdir/heatmap_high else rm $wdir/heatmap rm $wdir/heatmap_low rm $wdir/heatmap_high fi rm $wdir/large rm $wdir/medium rm $wdir/small rm -r $TMPDIR rm -r $HWTDIR dumpdir=/usr/share/skyaware/html/plots if [ -d /usr/share/skyaware ] && [ ! -d $dumpdir ]; then sudo mkdir /usr/share/skyaware/html/plots fi if [ -d "$dumpdir" ]; then sudo cp polarheatmap-$date.png $dumpdir/heatmap.png sudo cp polarheatmap_low-$date.png $dumpdir/heatmap_low.png sudo cp polarheatmap_high-$date.png $dumpdir/heatmap_high.png sudo cp elevation-$date.png $dumpdir/elevation.png sudo cp altgraph-$date.png $dumpdir/altgraph.png sudo cp closealt-$date.png $dumpdir/closealt.png sudo cp closerange-$date.png $dumpdir/closerange.png sudo cp lowmap-$date.png $dumpdir/lowmap.png sudo cp mapol-$date.png $dumpdir/mapol.png date2=$(date +%T) if [[ $mlat == "yes" ]]; then mlatstat="ADS-B and MLAT positions." elif [[ $mlat == "no" ]]; then mlatstat="ADS-B positions only." elif [[ $mlat == "mlat" ]]; then mlatstat="MLAT positions only." fi sudo sh -c "cat > $dumpdir/index.html" <

Heatmap plots created on $date at $date2 from $count samples.

Plots include $mlatstat



Aircraft below $low feet

Low Altitude

Aircraft above $high feet

High Altitude

Azimuth/Elevation plot




Close Range Altitude

Close Range

Close Range

Close Range

Low altitude with map overlay


Plot with map overlay

Map EOF echo "Graphs available at :" echo "http://$pi/dump1090-fa/plots/" fi echo "Graphs rendered in $SECONDS seconds"