# GitHub Actions workflow for Baler (BAd Link reportER) version 2.0.4. # This is available as the file "sample-workflow.yml" from the source # code repository for Baler: https://github.com/caltechlibrary/baler name: Bad Link Reporter # Configure this section ───────────────────────────────────────────── env: # Files to check. (Put patterns on separate lines, no leading dash.) files: | **/*.md # Label assigned to issues created by this workflow: labels: bug # Number of previous issues to check for duplicate reports. lookback: 10 # Time (sec) to wait on an unresponsive URL before trying once more. timeout: 15 # Optional file containing a list of URLs to ignore, one per line: ignore: .github/workflows/ignored-urls.txt on: schedule: # Cron syntax is: "min hr day-of-month month day-of-week" - cron: 00 04 * * 1 push: paths: ['**.md'] workflow_dispatch: # The rest of this file should be left as-is ───────────────────────── run-name: Test links in Markdown files jobs: Baler: name: Link checker and reporter runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: issues: write steps: - uses: caltechlibrary/baler@v2 with: files: ${{github.event.inputs.files || env.files}} labels: ${{github.event.inputs.labels || env.labels}} ignore: ${{github.event.inputs.ignore || env.ignore}} timeout: ${{github.event.inputs.timeout || env.timeout}} lookback: ${{github.event.inputs.lookback || env.lookback}}