# Flight JS Snippets for Sublime Text These are [Flight JS](https://github.com/flightjs/flight) snippets for use with [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/). ## Installation Install using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/), it's called `Flight JS Snippets`. ![How to install](https://github.com/cameronhunter/flight-js-snippets/raw/master/docs/install.gif) ## Usage Tab triggers exist for all of the snippets, you can also list the available snippets using `⌘-⇧-P` on OSX or `ctrl-shift-P` on Windows/Linux and searching for `Flight`. Use `tab` to move between the placeholders. ![How to create a component](https://github.com/cameronhunter/flight-js-snippets/raw/master/docs/component.gif) * Component and Mixin API (tab trigger: `flight`) - Component (AMD) - Component (CommonJS) - Component (Standalone) - Mixin (AMD) - Mixin (CommonJS) * Test API - describeComponent - describeMixin ## Completions * Component API - attachTo * Advice API - this.before - this.after - this.around * Base API - this.attributes - this.select - this.on - this.off - this.trigger