VariableID,VariableName,VariableSource,VariableUnits,CF_StandardName,CF_CanonicalUnits,Notes,Reference 1,datetime,common,time,,,"Date time stamp, usually understood to be in GMT time zone when time zone is not specified. Ideally, format after ISO8601 as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", 2,longitude,common,degree,longitude,degree_east,Decimical degree, 3,latitude,common,degree,latitude,degree_north,Decimical degree, 4,pressure,common,psi,sea_water_pressure,dbar,Pressure expressed as pound-force per square inch, 5,depth,common,meter,depth,meter,"Depth in meter, usually converted from pressure measurements", 6,temperature,common,Celsius,sea_water_temperature,K,"External sensor temperature, usually water temperature in Celsius", 7,internalTemperature,common,Celsius,,,"Internal sesnor temperature, usually body cavity temperature in Celsius", 8,light,common,unitless,,,"Measured blue or green light on a logarithmic scale. Usually expressed as unitless by Wildlife Computers (light sensor in W cm-2), Lotek and Microwave Telemetry (light sensor in Lux) tags. Also termed as relative light levels.", 9,accelX,common,G,,,Acceleration in the X-axis expressed as gravitational force (1 G ~ 9.8 ms-2), 10,accelY,common,G,,,Acceleration in the Y-axis expressed as gravitational force (1 G ~ 9.8 ms-2), 11,accelZ,common,G,,,Acceleration in the Z-axis expressed as gravitational force (1 G ~ 9.8 ms-2), 12,accelM,common,G,,,Magnitude of acceleration expressed as gravitational force (1 G ~ 9.8 ms-2), 13,accelMdelta,common,G,,,Change in magnitude of acceleration, 14,magX,common,nT,,,Magnetic field strength in the X-axis as nanotesla, 15,magY,common,nT,,,Magnetic field strength in the Y-axis as nanotesla, 16,magZ,common,nT,,,Magnetic field strength in the Z-axis as nanotesla, 17,oxygen,common,ml L-1,mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,mol m-3,Dissolved oxygen expressed in milliter per liter, 18,OxySat,common,Percent,fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water,1,Oxygen saturation in percent, 19,longitudeError,common,degree,,,Confidence interval is bound by +/- this number, 20,latitudeError,common,degree,,,Confidence interval is bound by +/- this number, 34,argosLC,common,unitless,,,Location class to determine quality of Argos position.,Argos User's Manual at 35,argosErrMaj,common,meter,,,length in meters of position error along semi-major elliptical axis (one half of the major axis),McClintock BT London JM Cameron MF Boveng PL (2015) Modelling animal movement using the Argos satellite telemetry location error ellipse. Methods Ecol Evol 6:266–277 36,argosErrMin,common,meter,,,length in meters of position error along semi-minor elliptical axis (one half of the minor axis),McClintock BT London JM Cameron MF Boveng PL (2015) Modelling animal movement using the Argos satellite telemetry location error ellipse. Methods Ecol Evol 6:266–277 37,argosErrOrient,common,degree,,,The angle in degrees of the ellipse from true north proceeding north to east (clockwise) from 0 to 180,McClintock BT London JM Cameron MF Boveng PL (2015) Modelling animal movement using the Argos satellite telemetry location error ellipse. Methods Ecol Evol 6:266–277 21,salinity,common,PSU,,,"Salinity expressed as Practical Salinity Unit, which is is equivalent to per thousand or (o/00) or to g/kg", 22,conductivity,common,S m-1,,,"Conductivity expresed as Siemens (S) per meter, which is equivalent to mS/cm", 23,sst,common,Celsius,sea_surface_temperature,K,Sea surface temperature, 24,solarVoltage,Desert Star,volts,,,"For Desert Star tags, mean Solar Panel Voltage in SDPT_3DSN2 packet. (light intensity ~100 Lux/V)", 25,heartrate,Star Oddi,BPM,,,"Heart rate measured as beats per minute, BPM", 26,tiltX,Star Oddi,degree,,,Tilt in the X-axis, 27,tiltY,Star Oddi,degree,,,Tilt in the Y-axis, 28,tiltZ,Star Oddi,degree,,,Tilt in the Z-axis, 29,pitch,Wildlife Computers,degree,,,Counterclockwise rotation of the tag about its Y axis. This value is given in degrees from -90 to +90 (where a horizontal tag reads 0 degrees)., 30,roll,Wildlife Computers,degree,,,Counterclockwise rotation of the tag about its X axis. This value is given in degrees from -180 to +180 (where a tag flat on its base reads 0 degrees)., 31,heading,Wildlife Computers,degree,,,Direction in which the nose of the tag is pointing. The value is expressed in degrees on a scale from 0 to 360. Magnetic North corresponds to a reading of 0 with a clockwise rotation increasing the value (consistent with navigational headings)., 32,magDip,Wildlife Computers,degree,,,"angle at which the earth’s magnetic flux lines enter the earth’s surface. This value is given in degrees, from -90 to +90 with 0 being completely horizontal to the earth’s surface. +90 corresponds to the tag resting directly over the magnetic north pole while a -90 reading means the tag is over the magnetic south pole.", 33,stomachTemperature,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"Stomach temperature, usually measured by an ingested logger", 1001,frequency,aggregation,unitless,,,Frequency takes only a value between 0 and 1, 1002,percentage,aggregation,percent,,,Takes a value between 0 and 100, 1003,count,aggregation,number,,,"Total number of times this particular data item was received, verified, or successfully decoded.", 1004,depthMin,aggregation,meter,,,Mean depth in a series of measurements, 1005,depthMax,aggregation,meter,,,Maximum depth in a series of measurements, 1006,depthMean,aggregation,meter,,,Minimum depth in a series of measurements, 1007,depthMedian,aggregation,meter,,,Median depth in a series of measurements, 1008,depthStDev,aggregation,meter,,,Standard deviation of depth measurements, 1026,depthRes,aggregation,meter,,,Resolution of depth measurements (e.g. +/- 1 m), 1009,depthSunrise,Microwave Telemetry,meter,,,Depth occupied at sunset. Light levels are analyzed onboard the tag with manufacturer algorithm to determine the time of sunrise and sunset each day., 1010,depthSunset,Microwave Telemetry,meter,,,Depth occupied at sunrise. Light levels are analyzed onboard the tag with manufacturer algorithm to determine the time of sunrise and sunset each day., 1011,depthDelta,Microwave Telemetry,meter,,,Delta value represents the resolution of a transmitted depth measurement after applying data compression. See manufacturer's website for details., 1012,lightMin,Microwave Telemetry,unitless,,,Minimum light level recorded in a given day. Useful for detecting a mortality event., 1013,lightMax,Microwave Telemetry,unitless,,,Maximum light level recorded in a given day. Useful for detecting a mortality event., 1014,tempDelta,Microwave Telemetry,Celsius,,,Delta value represents the resolution of a transmitted temperature measurement after applying data compression. See manufacturer's website for details., 1015,tempMin,aggregation,Celsius,,,Mean temperature in a series of measurements, 1016,tempMax,aggregation,Celsius,,,Maximum temperature in a series of measurements, 1017,tempMean,aggregation,Celsius,,,Mean temperature in a series of measurements, 1018,tempMedian,aggregation,Celsius,,,Median temperature in a series of measurements, 1019,tempStDev,aggregation,Celsius,,,Standard deviation of temperature measurements, 1027,tempRes,aggregation,Celsius,,,Resolution of temperature measurements (e.g. +/- 1 degree C), 1020,sstMin,aggregation,Celsius,,,Mean sea surface temperature in a series of measurements, 1021,sstMax,aggregation,Celsius,,,Maximumsea surface temperature in a series of measurements, 1022,sstMean,aggregation,Celsius,,,Mean sea surface temperature in a series of measurements, 1023,sstMedian,aggregation,Celsius,,,Median sea surface temperature in a series of measurements, 1024,sstStDev,aggregation,Celsius,,,Standard deviation of sea surface temperature measurements, 1025,sstDepth,common,meter,,,"Depth, in meters, when the sea surface temperature was sampled. This value needs to be doubled for a 2000 meter instrument.", 101,PdtDepth01,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 102,PdtTempMin01,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 103,PdtTempMax01,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 104,PdtDepth02,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 105,PdtTempMin02,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 106,PdtTempMax02,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 107,PdtDepth03,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 108,PdtTempMin03,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 109,PdtTempMax03,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 110,PdtDepth04,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 111,PdtTempMin04,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 112,PdtTempMax04,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 113,PdtDepth05,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 114,PdtTempMin05,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 115,PdtTempMax05,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 116,PdtDepth06,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 117,PdtTempMin06,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 118,PdtTempMax06,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 119,PdtDepth07,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 120,PdtTempMin07,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 121,PdtTempMax07,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 122,PdtDepth08,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 123,PdtTempMin08,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 124,PdtTempMax08,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 125,PdtDepth09,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 126,PdtTempMin09,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 127,PdtTempMax09,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 128,PdtDepth10,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 129,PdtTempMin10,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 130,PdtTempMax10,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 131,PdtDepth11,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 132,PdtTempMin11,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 133,PdtTempMax11,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 134,PdtDepth12,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 135,PdtTempMin12,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 136,PdtTempMax12,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 137,PdtDepth13,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 138,PdtTempMin13,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 139,PdtTempMax13,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 140,PdtDepth14,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 141,PdtTempMin14,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 142,PdtTempMax14,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 143,PdtDepth15,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 144,PdtTempMin15,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 145,PdtTempMax15,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 146,PdtDepth16,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 147,PdtTempMin16,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 148,PdtTempMax16,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, profile-depth-temperature (PDT) output in PDTs.csv", 301,HistDepthBinMin01,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 302,HistDepthBinMax01,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 303,HistDepthBinMin02,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 304,HistDepthBinMax02,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 305,HistDepthBinMin03,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 306,HistDepthBinMax03,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 307,HistDepthBinMin04,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 308,HistDepthBinMax04,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 309,HistDepthBinMin05,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 310,HistDepthBinMax05,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 311,HistDepthBinMin06,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 312,HistDepthBinMax06,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 313,HistDepthBinMin07,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 314,HistDepthBinMax07,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 315,HistDepthBinMin08,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 316,HistDepthBinMax08,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 317,HistDepthBinMin09,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 318,HistDepthBinMax09,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 319,HistDepthBinMin10,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 320,HistDepthBinMax10,"Wildlife Computers, Desert Star",meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 321,HistDepthBinMin11,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 322,HistDepthBinMax11,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 323,HistDepthBinMin12,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 324,HistDepthBinMax12,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 325,HistDepthBinMin13,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 326,HistDepthBinMax13,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 327,HistDepthBinMin14,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 328,HistDepthBinMax14,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 329,HistDepthBinMin15,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 330,HistDepthBinMax15,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 331,HistDepthBinMin16,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 332,HistDepthBinMax16,Wildlife Computers,meter,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-depth output in Histos.csv", 333,HistTempBinMin01,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 334,HistTempBinMax01,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 335,HistTempBinMin02,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 336,HistTempBinMax02,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 337,HistTempBinMin03,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 338,HistTempBinMax03,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 339,HistTempBinMin04,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 340,HistTempBinMax04,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 341,HistTempBinMin05,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 342,HistTempBinMax05,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 343,HistTempBinMin06,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 344,HistTempBinMax06,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 345,HistTempBinMin07,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 346,HistTempBinMax07,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 347,HistTempBinMin08,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 348,HistTempBinMax08,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 349,HistTempBinMin09,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 350,HistTempBinMax09,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 351,HistTempBinMin10,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 352,HistTempBinMax10,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 353,HistTempBinMin11,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 354,HistTempBinMax11,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 355,HistTempBinMin12,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 356,HistTempBinMax12,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 357,HistTempBinMin13,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 358,HistTempBinMax13,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 359,HistTempBinMin14,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 360,HistTempBinMax14,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 361,HistTempBinMin15,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 362,HistTempBinMax15,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 363,HistTempBinMin16,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 364,HistTempBinMax16,Wildlife Computers,Celsius,,,"For Wildlife Computers tags, bin definition for time-at-temperature output in Histos.csv", 365,TimeAtDepthBin01,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 366,TimeAtDepthBin02,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 367,TimeAtDepthBin03,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 368,TimeAtDepthBin04,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 369,TimeAtDepthBin05,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 370,TimeAtDepthBin06,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 371,TimeAtDepthBin07,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 372,TimeAtDepthBin08,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 373,TimeAtDepthBin09,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 374,TimeAtDepthBin10,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 375,TimeAtDepthBin11,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 376,TimeAtDepthBin12,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 377,TimeAtDepthBin13,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 378,TimeAtDepthBin14,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 379,TimeAtDepthBin15,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 380,TimeAtDepthBin16,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 381,TimeAtTempBin01,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 382,TimeAtTempBin02,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 383,TimeAtTempBin03,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 384,TimeAtTempBin04,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 385,TimeAtTempBin05,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 386,TimeAtTempBin06,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 387,TimeAtTempBin07,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 388,TimeAtTempBin08,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 389,TimeAtTempBin09,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 390,TimeAtTempBin10,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 391,TimeAtTempBin11,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 392,TimeAtTempBin12,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 393,TimeAtTempBin13,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 394,TimeAtTempBin14,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 395,TimeAtTempBin15,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 396,TimeAtTempBin16,Wildlife Computers,frequency,,,"Time spent at bin during a sampling period (e.g., 1-24 hours), expressed as a value between 0 and 1 in Histos.csv", 397,summaryPeriod,aggregation,hours,,,Period over which a given aggregation or summary takes place. Should be expressed as period in hours beginning at the associated time stamp,