-- API Reference for UIShelf -- Keyword: `self` Meaning: `self` is the icon which any function was called on. -- 1 .new() Constructor **Description: Creates a new icon waiting for placement** -- 2 :bindIconEvent(eventType, function) **Description: Binds an event to an icon** **eventTypes (args (1)): "MouseClick", "MouseEnter", "OnRemoving", "MouseLeave", "TouchTap", "MouseMoved", "OnNoticeAdded"** -- 3 :setRight() **Description: Sets `self` to the right** :setLeft() **Description: Sets `self` to the left** -- 4 :setTopbarState(enabled) **Description: Sets the entire topbar to `enabled`** :getTopbarState() return `bool` **Description: Returns the current state of the topbar** -- 5 :remove() **Description: Removes `self` from the topbar** -- 6 :setOrder(order) **Description: Sets the layour order of `self` to `order`** -- 7 :setName(name) **Description: Sets the name property of `self` to `name`** -- 8 :setImage(imagePath) **Description: Sets the image of `self` to `imagePath`** -- 9 :notify(amount) **Description: Constructs a new notice object that is parented to `self` and sets the amount of notices in it to `amount`** -- 10 :clearNotices() **Description: Clears all notices that were created in `self`** -- 11 :returnNoticeAmount(): return `number` **Description: Returns a number of notices that are related to `self`** -- 12 :setVisibility(enabled) **Description: Sets the visibility to `self` to `enabled`** -- 13 :returnImage(returnImagePath): return `string` **Description: Based on `returnImagePath`, calling this on `self` will give you the ImageId or full path of `self`'s image** -- 14 :returnOrder(): return `number` **Description: Returns the LayoutOrder on `self`** -- 15 :returnLocation(): return `string` **Description: Returns the location (or side) or the image** **Returns: "Left" or "Right"** -- 14 :returnOrder(): return `number` **Description: Returns the LayoutOrder on `self`** -- Sorry! This documentation is still under construction, but we have covered the most important functions.