# FatJar FatJar simple API to quick prototyping and portable web services. See **Main::main** sample class for examples. For scripting examples, see the main.js and main.py files under resources, building for scripting instructions can be found under "Building FatJar". Build and coverage status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/canmogol/FatJar.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/canmogol/FatJar) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/canmogol/FatJar/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/canmogol/FatJar) [![gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/canmogol/FatJar.svg)](https://gitter.im/FatJar/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![could not deploy][2]][1] [](http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|FatJar) [1]: https://fatjar-travis.herokuapp.com/ [2]: https://fatjar-travis.herokuapp.com/badgeFlat (FatJar Heroku Deployment Status) Please check the interfaces like **HttpClient**, **JSON**, **Server** under **fatjar** package, added sample **MyEntity** and **MyPOJO** classes under sample package for DB and JSON operations examples Please find the swagger.yaml file as an example for service documentation, you can edit yaml files with [Online Swagger Editor](http://editor.swagger.io/#/) and you can convert yaml files to json to use with swagger-ui [Yaml to JSON Transformer](https://apimatic.io/transformer) ###Building FatJar Building from source: ```sh git clone https://github.com/canmogol/FatJar.git cd FatJar mvn clean install ``` if you want to use scripting engines, you should run the scripting profile, instead of "mvn clean install". Please note that jython implementation adds around 40MB of code to code base. ```sh mvn clean install -P scripting ``` You may run other language examples as; ##### Javascript since javascript engine "nashorn" build in to jvm, javascript example should run without scripting profile enabled. ```sh cd FatJar java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar src/main/resources/main.js ``` ##### Python python example needs the FarJar build with "scripting" profile enabled, ```sh cd FatJar java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar src/main/resources/main.py ``` ##### Scala scala example needs sample-scala profile enabled, and after compilation you may run as ```sh cd FatJar java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar ``` ### Dependency maven ```xml com.fererlab FatJar 1.3.0 ``` grails ```json compile 'com.fererlab:FatJar:1.3.0' ``` sbt ```scala libraryDependencies += "com.fererlab" % "FatJar" % "1.3.0" ``` ### Usage Examples to create and start the server ```javascript Server.create().listen(80, "").start(); ``` Listen to an http method on a path; java ```java Server.create() .listen(80, "") .get("/", (req, res) -> { res.setContent("Welcome"); res.write(); }) .start(); ``` javascript ```javascript Server.create() .listen(8080, "") .get("/", function (req, res) { res.setContent("Welcome"); res.write(); }) .start(); ``` python ```python Server.create() .listen(8080, "") \ .get("/", lambda req, res: (res.setContent("Welcome"), res.write())) \ .start() ``` To JSON and from JSON example ```javascript Server.create() .listen(80, "") .get("/toJSON", (req, res) -> { res.setContent(JSON.toJson(new MyPOJO("john", 101))); res.write(); }) .post("/fromJSON", (req, res) -> { MyPOJO myPOJO = JSON.fromJson(new String(req.getBody()), MyPOJO.class); res.setContent(JSON.toJson(myPOJO)); res.write(); }) .start(); ``` To make an Http request ```javascript Server.create() .listen(80, "") .get("/httpClient", (req, res) -> { try { String content = HttpClient.create() .url("http://ip.jsontest.com/") .method(HttpMethod.GET) .send() .getContentAsString(); res.setContent("got content: " + content); } catch (HttpClient.HttpClientException e) { res.setContent("error: " + e); } res.write(); }) .start(); ``` ### Sample Test Request After Main::main start ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/ response: Welcome ``` ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/Hi response: type "http://localhost:80/Hi?name=john" in your browser ``` ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/Hi?name=john response: Hello john ``` ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/toJSON response: {"age":101,"name":"john"} ``` ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/toXML?name=john response: 2147483647 john ``` Below example creates key value pairs in cache and increments 'number' value by one on every request ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/cache response: {"number":1,"key":"value"} ``` Below example creates and writes to a file under tmp directory ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/file response: file content here! ``` ``` request : POST http://localhost:80/fromJSON BODY {"age":101,"name":"john"} response: {"age":101,"name":"john"} ``` ``` request : POST http://localhost:80/fromXML BODY john27 response: 27 john ``` A database method added, you may find the count, find, insert, update and delete methods under "/db" handler. Please find the persistence.xml file under resources/META-INF for database connection parameters ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/db response: {"id":2,"name":"johnny"} ``` A mongodb method added, you may find the count, find, insert, update and delete methods under "/dbMongo" handler Please find the mongodb.properties file under resources for database connection parameters ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/dbMongo response: {"address":"Elm Street","name":"john","objectId":{"counter":15787905,"date":1479883525000,"machineIdentifier":14269665,"processIdentifier":29177,"time":1479883525000,"timeSecond":1479883525,"timestamp":1479883525},"phone":"555-4343"} ``` Example exception throw method ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/throwException response: {"error": "fatjar.Server$ServerException: tojsonexception", "request": {...}, "status": "500"} ``` Below example will make a request to a uri that is not handled ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/notfound response: {"error":"fatjar.Server$ServerException","status":"500"} ``` /badRequest will return html content, this content is created by the Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST handler, registered with the .register(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, ...) method ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/badRequest response:


``` ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/httpClient response: got content: {"ip": ""} ``` TEA and AES encryption example ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/encrypt response: got content: TEA( clear: 123456 encrypted/decrypted: 123456) AES (clear: 123456 encrypted/decrypted: 123456) ``` Encrypted and encoded set cookie example ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/setCookie response: got content: cookie set check cookie: FAT_JAR_EXAMPLE_APP, it is encoded, signed you may find COOKIE_CONTENT as the content of the cookie and COOKIE_SIGN_KEY as the signed part of the cookie. Decoded COOKIE_CONTENT contains EncodedKey which is clear EncryptedKey_COOKIE_ENCRYPTED is encrypted. ``` Encrypted and encoded get cookie example ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/getCookie response: got content: EncodedKey:EncodedValue1111 - EncryptedKey:EncryptedValue2222 these two are the decoded and decrypted values which set at the /setCookie call ``` Metrics example ``` request : GET http://localhost:80/metrics response: got content: {"LastRequestTimes":[1480449981544],"ServerCreated":1480449737690,"ServerHostname":"","ServerPort":58071,"ServerServices":"/login,/toJSON,/logout,/cache,/toXML,/file,/db,/httpClient,/badgeFlat,/,/Hi,/fromXML,/dbMongo,/throwException,/getCookie,/fromJSON,/aa/logged,/metrics,/encrypt,/badRequest,/setCookie","ServerStarted":1480449738287,"ServerType":"UndertowServer"} ```