# Copyright (C) 2021 Canonical Ltd. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. name: firefox version: "136.0.1-1" summary: Mozilla Firefox web browser description: Firefox is a powerful, extensible web browser with support for modern web application technologies. confinement: strict grade: stable base: core22 source-code: https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap assumes: - snapd2.54 # for mount-control compression: lzo apps: firefox: command: firefox.launcher desktop: firefox.desktop extensions: [gnome] environment: # See below and also the 'snap/hooks/post-refresh' file for # more details about our hunspell setup. DICPATH: "$SNAP_COMMON/snap-hunspell" GTK_USE_PORTAL: 1 HOME: "$SNAP_USER_COMMON" PIPEWIRE_CONFIG_NAME: "$SNAP/usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf" PIPEWIRE_MODULE_DIR: "$SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pipewire-0.3" SPA_PLUGIN_DIR: "$SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/spa-0.2" SPEECHD_ADDRESS: "unix_socket:/run/user/$SNAP_UID/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock" MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME: "firefox_firefox" slots: - dbus-daemon - mpris plugs: - alsa - audio-playback - audio-record - avahi-observe - browser-sandbox - camera - cups-control - gsettings - hardware-observe - home - host-hunspell - host-usr-share-hunspell - joystick - login-session-observe - mount-observe - network - network-observe - opengl - pcscd - removable-media - screen-inhibit-control - system-packages-doc - u2f-devices - unity7 - upower-observe geckodriver: command: usr/lib/firefox/geckodriver extensions: [gnome] plugs: - network-bind # + all the plugs required by firefox, so that when geckodriver # executes firefox it inherits the correct set of permissions - audio-playback - audio-record - avahi-observe - browser-sandbox - camera - cups-control - gsettings - hardware-observe - home - host-hunspell - host-usr-share-hunspell - joystick - login-session-observe - network - network-observe - opengl - pcscd - removable-media - screen-inhibit-control - system-packages-doc - u2f-devices - unity7 - upower-observe slots: - dbus-daemon - mpris plugs: browser-sandbox: interface: browser-support allow-sandbox: true dot-mozilla-firefox: interface: personal-files read: [$HOME/.mozilla/firefox] etc-firefox: interface: system-files read: [/etc/firefox] host-hunspell: interface: mount-control mount: - what: /usr/share/hunspell where: $SNAP_COMMON/host-hunspell persistent: true options: [ro, bind, noatime, noexec] host-usr-share-hunspell: interface: system-files read: - /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/hunspell layout: /usr/share/libdrm: bind: $SNAP/gnome-platform/usr/share/libdrm /usr/share/alsa: bind: $SNAP/usr/share/alsa /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_FOR/opensc-pkcs11.so: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET_BUILD_FOR/opensc-pkcs11.so parts: rust: plugin: nil build-packages: - wget override-pull: | # Do not use rustup to work around https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/armhf-builds-on-launchpad-timing-out/31008 REQUIRED_RUST_VERSION=1.76.0 ROOT=https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-$REQUIRED_RUST_VERSION if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu fi wget -O - $ROOT-$BINARIES_SUFFIX.tar.gz | tar -x -z --strip-components=1 ./install.sh --prefix=/usr --destdir=$CRAFT_STAGE override-prime: '' cbindgen: plugin: nil after: - rust override-build: | craftctl default cargo install cbindgen override-prime: '' clang: plugin: nil build-packages: - binutils-dev - cmake - libtinfo5 - make - wget build-environment: - LLVM_RELEASE: "16.0.4" override-pull: | ROOT=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-$LLVM_RELEASE # Download the binaries BINARIES_BASENAME=clang+llvm-$LLVM_RELEASE if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-22.04.tar.xz elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=armv7a-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then BINARIES_SUFFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz fi wget -O - $ROOT/$BINARIES_BASENAME-$BINARIES_SUFFIX | tar -x --xz # And cmake-$LLVM_RELEASE.src needed on LLVM >= 15.0.0 wget -O - $ROOT/cmake-$LLVM_RELEASE.src.tar.xz | tar -x --xz mv cmake-$LLVM_RELEASE.src cmake if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then # And the sources to build LLVMgold.so, which isn't distributed in a binary form wget -O - $ROOT/llvm-$LLVM_RELEASE.src.tar.xz | tar -x --xz fi override-build: | craftctl default if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then cd llvm-$LLVM_RELEASE.src mkdir build cd build cmake -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/usr/include -DLLVM_INCLUDE_BENCHMARKS=OFF -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr .. make -j$CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT install-LLVMgold-stripped fi override-stage: | craftctl default mkdir -p usr cp -R $CRAFT_PART_SRC/clang+llvm-$LLVM_RELEASE-*/* usr/ override-prime: '' dump-syms: plugin: nil after: - rust build-packages: - curl - git - jq - python3-yaml override-pull: | if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ] || [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then VERSION=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f1) BUILD=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1) FFINFO=$(curl -s https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/$VERSION-candidates/build$BUILD/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-$VERSION.json) MOZ_SOURCE_REPO=$(echo $FFINFO | jq -r .moz_source_repo) MOZ_SOURCE_STAMP=$(echo $FFINFO | jq -r .moz_source_stamp) FETCHES=$MOZ_SOURCE_REPO/raw-file/$MOZ_SOURCE_STAMP/taskcluster/kinds/fetch/toolchains.yml TOOLCHAINS=$(curl -sSL "${FETCHES}") unset PYTHONPATH REPO=$(echo "${TOOLCHAINS}" | /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import yaml, sys; fetches = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin); print("{}".format(fetches["dump-syms"]["fetch"]["repo"]))') SHA1=$(echo "${TOOLCHAINS}" | /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import yaml, sys; fetches = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin); print("{}".format(fetches["dump-syms"]["fetch"]["revision"]))') git clone "${REPO}" . && git checkout "${SHA1}" fi override-build: | craftctl default if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ] || [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then cargo build --release cp target/release/dump_syms $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/bin/ fi # This is a temporary workaround to including the hunspell content # snap, which would cause breakage in the Ubuntu desktop image build # because of the Ubuntu policy. See: # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1792006 # # The definition of this part is essentially a copy of the # corresponding part in hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-2004 by # Buo-ren, Lin. hunspell: plugin: nil override-build: | craftctl default set -eu apt download $(apt-cache search '^hunspell-.*$' | awk '!/myspell|dbgsym|tools|transitional|dependency/{printf "%s ", $1}') find . -name "*.deb" -exec dpkg-deb -x {} "$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL" \; prime: - usr/share/hunspell # We use the amd64 binary for all architectures since the used files are said # to be arch-independent. wasi-sdk: plugin: nil after: - clang build-packages: - wget build-environment: - WASI_BRANCH: "15" - WASI_RELEASE: "15.0" override-pull: | ROOT=https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk/releases/download/wasi-sdk-$WASI_BRANCH wget $ROOT/wasi-sysroot-$WASI_RELEASE.tar.gz wget $ROOT/libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi-$WASI_RELEASE.tar.gz override-build: | craftctl default tar -C $CRAFT_STAGE -xf wasi-sysroot-$WASI_RELEASE.tar.gz tar -C $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/clang/* -xf libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi-$WASI_RELEASE.tar.gz override-prime: '' nodejs: plugin: nil build-packages: - wget build-environment: - NODEJS_RELEASE: "v16.18.1" override-pull: | ROOT=https://nodejs.org/dist/$NODEJS_RELEASE/node-$NODEJS_RELEASE-linux- if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then SUFFIX=x64.tar.xz elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ]; then SUFFIX=armv7l.tar.xz elif [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then SUFFIX=arm64.tar.xz fi wget -O - $ROOT$SUFFIX | tar -x --xz override-build: | craftctl default cp -R node-$NODEJS_RELEASE-linux-*/ $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/ override-prime: '' mozconfig: plugin: nil override-stage: | cp $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/mozconfig.in $CRAFT_STAGE/mozconfig override-prime: '' # Launchpad builders have a timeout for how long they are allowed to access # the internet (through a proxy) starting from the start of the build. # Since the firefox part takes a long time to build, we need to ensure # that all other parts that need to access the internet (to e.g. fetch build # or stage packages) are built before it (before the proxy authentication is # revoked). firefox: plugin: nil after: - apikeys - cbindgen - clang - distribution - dump-syms - ffmpeg - firefox-langpacks - hunspell - mozconfig - nodejs - rust - wasi-sdk build-packages: - cmake - coreutils - file - git - libasound2-dev - libdbus-glib-1-dev - libgtk2.0-dev - libpython3-dev - libx11-xcb-dev - libxt-dev - m4 - make - nasm - quilt - unzip - wget - xvfb - zip override-pull: | VERSION=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f1) BUILD=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1) ROOT=https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/$VERSION-candidates/build$BUILD wget -O - $ROOT/source/firefox-$VERSION.source.tar.xz | tar -x --xz --strip-components=1 mkdir -p $CRAFT_STAGE/debug-symbols cp toolkit/crashreporter/tools/upload_symbols.py $CRAFT_STAGE/debug-symbols/ override-build: | craftctl default QUILT_PATCHES=$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches quilt push -a BUILD_DBGSYMS=false if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ] || [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ]; then # Build and publish debug symbols for amd64 and arm64 only, # because Launchpad builders for armhf choke (OOM) when # building with debug symbols enabled, even with # patches/mozilla-reduce-rust-debuginfo.patch applied, # at least as of 2023-06-25. BUILD_DBGSYMS=true fi # GitHub Actions is limited to 2 CPUs and 7GB RAM, and # too much debug info from Rust will make gkrust linkage fail. # Same goes for arm64 builds on Launchpad. It seems we can't # detect $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so we assume presence of the file # "symbols-upload-token" means we are running on GitHub. if [ -f "$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/symbols-upload-token"] || [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ] || [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ]; then patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/mozilla-reduce-rust-debuginfo.patch fi if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ]; then patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/armhf-thin-lto.patch fi export MOZCONFIG="$CRAFT_STAGE/mozconfig" if [ $BUILD_DBGSYMS = "true" ]; then echo "ac_add_options --enable-debug-symbols" >> $MOZCONFIG else echo "ac_add_options --disable-debug-symbols" >> $MOZCONFIG fi if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then # Enable LTO and PGO (https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/build/buildsystem/pgo.html) only on amd64 for now. # Linking with gold fails on armhf (error: undefined reference to '__aeabi_uldivmod') and would need to be # investigated further, and running PGO on arm64 takes forever (> 4 days in the Launchpad build environment!). echo "ac_add_options --enable-linker=lld" >> $MOZCONFIG echo "ac_add_options MOZ_PGO=1" >> $MOZCONFIG fi if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH != "armhf" ]; then echo "ac_add_options --enable-rust-simd" >> $MOZCONFIG fi echo "ac_add_options --prefix=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr" >> $MOZCONFIG GNOME_SDK_SNAP=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then # "clang -dumpmachine" returns "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" on # amd64 (at least the binaries they distribute), but what we # really need is "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"; so let's hard-code it. export TARGET_TRIPLET="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" else export TARGET_TRIPLET=$(clang -dumpmachine) fi export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link=$GNOME_SDK_SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET -Wl,-rpath-link=$GNOME_SDK_SNAP/usr/lib" export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link=$CRAFT_PART_BUILD/obj-$TARGET_TRIPLET/dist/bin${LDFLAGS:+ $LDFLAGS}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$CRAFT_PART_BUILD/obj-$TARGET_TRIPLET/dist/bin${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export WASI_SYSROOT=$CRAFT_STAGE/wasi-sysroot export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$CRAFT_PART_BUILD/.mozbuild unset PYTHONPATH if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then # Needed for PGO-enabled builds that execute the built binaries. This should mirror the link paths in $LDFLAGS. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$GNOME_SDK_SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$GNOME_SDK_SNAP/usr/lib" # Ensure the instrumented binary is run against the right version of libssl3.so and libnss3.so # (locally-built versions are more recent than the ones in the gnome platform snap) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$CRAFT_PART_BUILD/obj-$TARGET_TRIPLET/instrumented/dist/bin${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" fi MACH="/usr/bin/python3 ./mach" $MACH repackage desktop-file --output $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/firefox.desktop --flavor snap --release-product "firefox" --release-type release --wmclass firefox_firefox if [ $CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then # xvfb is only needed when doing a PGO-enabled build xvfb-run '--server-args=-screen 0 1920x1080x24' $MACH build -j$CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT else $MACH build -j$CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT fi if [ $BUILD_DBGSYMS = "true" ]; then DUMP_SYMS=$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/bin/dump_syms $MACH buildsymbols fi $MACH install cp obj-*/dist/host/bin/geckodriver $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/firefox/ DISTRIBUTION=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/firefox/distribution mkdir -p $DISTRIBUTION/extensions cp browser/branding/official/default256.png $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/ if [ $BUILD_DBGSYMS = "true" ]; then cp obj-*/dist/firefox-*.crashreporter-symbols.zip $CRAFT_STAGE/debug-symbols/ fi # update the path to the vulkan drivers for the snap environment sed -i 's#/usr/lib/#/snap/firefox/current/usr/lib/#' $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/*.json override-stage: | # Workaround for LP: #2016358: create mount points for the gnome # content interface, while a proper fix is implemented in snapd. # Thanks to James Henstridge. mkdir $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/{gnome-platform,data-dir,data-dir/{icons,sounds,themes}} craftctl default stage-packages: - libasound2 - libcurl4 - libpci3 - libpipewire-0.3-0 - libpipewire-0.3-modules - libspa-0.2-modules - libspeechd2 - libvulkan1 - libxt6 - mesa-vulkan-drivers - pipewire-bin - pipewire-pulse - opensc-pkcs11 prime: - default256.png - firefox.desktop - usr/lib/firefox - usr/lib/*/opensc-pkcs11.so - usr/lib/*/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so - usr/lib/*/libasn1.so.* - usr/lib/*/libcurl.so.* - usr/lib/*/libgssapi.so.* - usr/lib/*/libhcrypto.so.* - usr/lib/*/libheimbase.so.* - usr/lib/*/libheimntlm.so.* - usr/lib/*/libhogweed.so.* - usr/lib/*/libhx509.so.* - usr/lib/*/libkrb5.so.* - usr/lib/*/liblber-2.4.so.* - usr/lib/*/libldap_r-2.4.so.* - usr/lib/*/libnettle.so.* - usr/lib/*/libnghttp2.so.* - usr/lib/*/libpci.so.* - usr/lib/*/libpipewire*.so* - usr/lib/*/libroken.so.* - usr/lib/*/librtmp.so.* - usr/lib/*/libsasl2.so.* - usr/lib/*/libspeechd.so.* - usr/lib/*/libssh.so.* - usr/lib/*/libssl.so.* - usr/lib/*/libvulkan* - usr/lib/*/libVkLayer* - usr/lib/*/libwind.so.* - usr/lib/*/libXt.so.* - usr/lib/*/pipewire-* - usr/lib/*/spa-* - usr/share/alsa - usr/share/pipewire - usr/share/vulkan # Workaround for LP: #2016358 (see the 'override-stage' above). - gnome-platform - data-dir/icons - data-dir/sounds - data-dir/themes firefox-langpacks: plugin: nil build-packages: - coreutils - sed - wget override-pull: | VERSION=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f1) BUILD=$(craftctl get version | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1) SERVER=https://ftp.mozilla.org ROOT=$SERVER/pub/firefox/candidates/$VERSION-candidates/build$BUILD XPIS=$(wget -O - $ROOT/linux-x86_64/xpi/ | sed -n 's/.* href="\(.*\.xpi\)".*/\1/p') for XPI in $XPIS; do wget $SERVER$XPI done override-prime: | INSTALLDIR=$CRAFT_PRIME/usr/lib/firefox/distribution/extensions mkdir -p $INSTALLDIR for XPI in $(ls $CRAFT_PART_SRC/*.xpi); do LANGCODE=$(basename $XPI .xpi) mkdir $INSTALLDIR/locale-$LANGCODE cp $XPI $INSTALLDIR/locale-$LANGCODE/langpack-$LANGCODE@firefox.mozilla.org.xpi done launcher: plugin: nil override-prime: | cp "$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/firefox.launcher" "$CRAFT_PRIME/" cp "$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patch-default-profile.py" "$CRAFT_PRIME/" distribution: plugin: nil source: https://github.com/mozilla-partners/canonical.git override-prime: | mkdir -p $CRAFT_PRIME/usr/lib/firefox cp -R $CRAFT_PART_SRC/desktop/ubuntu/distribution $CRAFT_PRIME/usr/lib/firefox/ ffmpeg: plugin: nil # Not using the ffmpeg snap (which might provide a more recent version) # because it is currently built on core18 stage-packages: - libavcodec58 prime: - usr/lib/*/libaom.so.* - usr/lib/*/libavcodec.so.* - usr/lib/*/libavutil.so.* - usr/lib/*/libcodec2.so.* - usr/lib/*/libdav1d.so.* - usr/lib/*/libgsm.so.* - usr/lib/*/libmd.so.* - usr/lib/*/libmfx.so.* - usr/lib/*/libmp3lame.so.* - usr/lib/*/libnuma.so.* - usr/lib/*/libOpenCL.so.* - usr/lib/*/libopus.so.* - usr/lib/*/libshine.so.* - usr/lib/*/libsnappy.so.* - usr/lib/*/libsoxr.so.* - usr/lib/*/libspeex.so.* - usr/lib/*/libswresample.so.* - usr/lib/*/libtheoradec.so.* - usr/lib/*/libtheoraenc.so.* - usr/lib/*/libtwolame.so.* - usr/lib/*/libvdpau.so.* - usr/lib/*/libvpx.so.* - usr/lib/*/libwavpack.so.* - usr/lib/*/libwebpmux.so.* - usr/lib/*/libwebp.so.* - usr/lib/*/libx264.so.* - usr/lib/*/libx265.so.* - usr/lib/*/libxvidcore.so.* - usr/lib/*/libzvbi.so.* apikeys: plugin: nil after: - mozconfig build-packages: - coreutils - gpg - jq override-build: | craftctl default MOZCONFIG="$CRAFT_STAGE/mozconfig" gpg -d --batch --passphrase "$(base64 -d $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/.passphrase)" -o apikeys $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/.apikeys cat apikeys | jq .MOZ_GOOGLE_LOCATION_SERVICE_API_KEY | tr -d '"' > $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/gls-gapi.data echo "ac_add_options --with-google-location-service-api-keyfile=$CRAFT_STAGE/gls-gapi.data" >> $MOZCONFIG cat apikeys | jq .MOZ_GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY | tr -d '"' > $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/sb-gapi.data echo "ac_add_options --with-google-safebrowsing-api-keyfile=$CRAFT_STAGE/sb-gapi.data" >> $MOZCONFIG override-prime: '' debug-symbols: plugin: nil build-packages: - python3 - python3-virtualenv after: - firefox override-build: | export SYMBOLS_ARCHIVE=$(find $CRAFT_STAGE/debug-symbols/ -type f -name "firefox-*.crashreporter-symbols.zip") if [ -f "$SYMBOLS_ARCHIVE" ]; then if [ -f "$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/symbols-upload-token" ]; then virtualenv venv/ source venv/bin/activate venv/bin/pip3 install redo requests argparse SOCORRO_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_URL=https://symbols.stage.mozaws.net/upload/ SOCORRO_SYMBOL_UPLOAD_TOKEN_FILE="$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/symbols-upload-token" venv/bin/python3 $CRAFT_STAGE/debug-symbols/upload_symbols.py $SYMBOLS_ARCHIVE rm "$CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/symbols-upload-token" deactivate else cp $SYMBOLS_ARCHIVE $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/$CRAFT_PROJECT_NAME_$(craftctl get version)_$CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH.debug fi fi slots: dbus-daemon: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.mozilla.firefox hooks: post-refresh: plugs: [host-usr-share-hunspell]