# Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd. # See LICENSE file for licensing details. # Easiest way to deploy NetBox. The only requirement is multipass. # To deploy: # multipass launch -vvvv --cloud-init cloudinit-juju-3.1.yaml --timeout 1800 --name netbox --memory 4G --cpus 3 --disk 30G 22.04 # Or from the cloud init in the repo (main branch): # multipass launch -vvvv --cloud-init https://raw.githubusercontent.com/canonical/netbox/main/charm/cloudinit-juju-3.1.yaml --timeout 1800 --name netbox --memory 4G --cpus 3 --disk 30G 22.04 # After deploying, you can get the url for NetBox, that will work in the host computer with: # multipass exec netbox -- juju run traefik-k8s/0 show-proxied-endpoints --format=yaml # It will be something like http:///netbox-netbox # And you can create an admin user with: # multipass exec netbox -- juju run netbox/leader create-superuser username=admin email=netbox@example.com # The response will include the password. You can now login into NetBox with that user. # When you are finished, you can delete the multipass VM with: # multipass delete netbox --purge # To debug possible problems, you can inspect the next log files: # multipass exec netbox -- tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log -f # multipass exec netbox -- tail -f /var/log/cloud-init.log -f package_update: true packages: - jq - gnome-keyring - sshfs - docker.io snap: commands: - snap install juju --channel=3.5/stable - snap install microk8s --channel 1.31-strict/stable - snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl - snap alias microk8s.kubectl k - snap install yq - snap install multipass-sshfs runcmd: - | # disable swap sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0 echo "vm.swappiness = 0" | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf swapoff -a - | # disable unnecessary services systemctl disable man-db.timer man-db.service --now systemctl disable apport.service apport-autoreport.service --now systemctl disable apt-daily.service apt-daily.timer --now systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.service apt-daily-upgrade.timer --now systemctl disable unattended-upgrades.service --now systemctl disable motd-news.service motd-news.timer --now systemctl disable bluetooth.target --now systemctl disable ua-messaging.service ua-messaging.timer --now systemctl disable ua-timer.timer ua-timer.service --now systemctl disable systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer --now # Disable IPv6 echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1" | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1" | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p - | # setup charmcraft lxd init --auto adduser ubuntu lxd - | # setup microk8s and bootstrap adduser ubuntu snap_microk8s - | # prepare docker user adduser ubuntu docker - | sudo -u ubuntu mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/.kube sudo -u ubuntu mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/.local/share/juju microk8s status --wait-ready microk8s.enable metrics-server microk8s.kubectl rollout status deployments/metrics-server -n kube-system -w --timeout=600s # The dns addon will restart the api server so you may see a blip in the availability # Separating addons to avoid errors such as # dial tcp connect: connection refused microk8s.enable rbac microk8s.enable dns microk8s.kubectl rollout status deployments/coredns -n kube-system -w --timeout=600s microk8s.enable hostpath-storage # wait for storage to become available microk8s.kubectl rollout status deployments/hostpath-provisioner -n kube-system -w --timeout=600s sudo -u ubuntu juju bootstrap microk8s microk8s # dump microk8s config microk8s config | sudo -u ubuntu tee /home/ubuntu/.kube/config > /dev/null - | # Install NetBox echo Install NetBox sudo -u ubuntu bash <<'EOF' set -x IPADDR=$(ip -4 -j route get | jq -r '.[] | .prefsrc') # Run docker minio mkdir -p ${HOME}/minio/data docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --name minio -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin" -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin" -v ${HOME}/minio/data:/data quay.io/minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9001" export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=supersuperkey sudo microk8s enable metallb:$IPADDR-$IPADDR NETBOX_HOSTNAME=netbox.internal juju switch microk8s juju add-model netbox juju switch netbox juju model-config update-status-hook-interval=100s juju model-config "logging-config==INFO;unit=DEBUG" # Deploy everything together to try to speed up the process juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust juju deploy netbox --channel latest/edge juju deploy redis-k8s --channel=latest/edge juju deploy traefik-k8s --channel edge --trust juju deploy s3-integrator --channel edge juju config netbox django-allowed-hosts='*' juju integrate redis-k8s netbox juju integrate postgresql-k8s netbox juju config traefik-k8s routing_mode=path juju integrate traefik-k8s netbox juju config s3-integrator endpoint="http://${IPADDR}:9000" bucket=netbox path=/ region=us-west-1 s3-uri-style=path juju wait-for application s3-integrator --query='name=="s3-integrator" && (status=="active" || status=="blocked")' juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials access-key=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} secret-key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} juju integrate s3-integrator netbox # No need for S3 working at this point. juju wait-for application netbox # configure MINIO acces-key/secret-key and create bucket docker exec minio mc config host add minio minioadmin minioadmin docker exec minio mc admin user svcacct add --access-key "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" --secret-key "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" minio minioadmin docker exec minio mc mb minio/netbox docker exec minio mc ls minio EOF final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"