--- title: "Drawing mandalas with JavaScript and canvas" summary: Rewriting a PHP script from 2008 in JavaScript. summary_image: /images/mandala.png tags: [javascript] --- I was looking through my old blog posts when I came across [Drawing mandalas with PHP for my Papa](/blog/drawing-mandalas-with-php-for-my-papa) from back in 2008. Having just played with the HTML5 canvas tag as part of my [Winamp2-js project](/projects/winamp2-js/), I immediatly thought: "This would be easy to do using Javascript and Canvas". So I took a stab at it. You can play with it below. The slider allows you to select how many points you want:
Check out the ~30 lines of code on [JSFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/captbaritone/8vwjn4cx/42/) or [GitHub](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/captbaritone/jordaneldredge.com/master/_posts/2015-01-02-drawing-mandalas-with-javascript-and-canvas.md)