Cordova Plugin Release Notes ==================================== 2.1.0 ----- * iOS: Update to 5.4.1 for iOS * iOS: Fix suppressScan config does not work on iOS [#46]( Thanks lolptdr. 2.0.2 ----- * Android: Add ability to blur all digits in the scanned card image, minus any number of digits to remain unblurred, enabled via `CardIOActivity.EXTRA_UNBLUR_DIGITS`. Thank you Michael Schmoock. * Android: Fix issue where Maestro cards were not correctly recognized [#154]( * Android: Fix issue on Android 23 and above where `CardIOActivity#canReadCardWithCamera()` would return the incorrect value if permissions had not been granted [#136]( Now defaults to `true` in such cases. * Android: Add missing locales to javadocs []( * Android: Upgrade gradle to 2.13. * Android: Upgrade Android Gradle plugin to 2.1.0. 2.0.1 ------ * Fixes Plugin.xml. 2.0.0 ------ * Added more configurations to cordova app. * Added support for Android. * Updated CardIO iOS version to 5.3.2. 1.0.0 ------ * Simplify integration instructions. * Add CardIO library 4.0.0. * Fix deprecated warnings. * Re-arrange structure for plugman support. * Minor cleanup.