#!/usr/bin/env bash #shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2154 #shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$(dirname $0)"/env offline # source env in offline mode to get basic variables, sourced in online mode later in cncliInit() ###################################### # User Variables - Change as desired # # Common variables set in env file # ###################################### #POOL_ID="" # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for leaderlog calculation & pooltool sendtip, lower-case hex pool id #POOL_ID_BECH32="" # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for leaderlog calculation with Koios API, lower-case pool id in bech32 format #POOL_VRF_SKEY="" # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for leaderlog calculation, path to pool's vrf.skey file #POOL_VRF_VKEY="" # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for block validation, path to pool's vrf.vkey file #PT_API_KEY="" # POOLTOOL: set API key, e.g "a47811d3-0008-4ecd-9f3e-9c22bdb7c82d" #POOL_TICKER="" # POOLTOOL: set the pools ticker, e.g "TCKR" #PT_HOST="" # POOLTOOL: connect to a remote node, preferably block producer (default localhost) #PT_PORT="${CNODE_PORT}" # POOLTOOL: port of node to connect to (default CNODE_PORT from env file) #PT_SENDSLOTS_START=30 # POOLTOOL sendslots: delay after epoch boundary before sending slots (in minutes) #PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP=60 # POOLTOOL sendslots: prohibit sending of slots to pooltool after X number of minutes (in minutes, blocked on pooltool end as well) #CNCLI_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/guild-db/cncli" # path to folder for cncli sqlite db #CNODE_HOST="" # IP Address to connect to Cardano Node (using remote host can have severe impact on performance, do not modify unless you're absolutely certain) #SLEEP_RATE=60 # CNCLI leaderlog/validate: time to wait until next check (in seconds) #CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT=600 # CNCLI validate: require at least these many slots to have passed before validating #CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT=15 # CNCLI validate: require at least these many blocks on top of minted before validating #BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE=N # Set to Y to automatically update the script if a new version is available without user interaction #USE_KOIOS_API=Y # Use Koios API in cncli leaderlog instead of local stake-snapshot query to reduce system resources. (default true) #CNCLI_PROM_PORT=12799 # Set Prometheus port for cncli block metrics available through metrics operation (default: 12799) ###################################### # Do NOT modify code below # ###################################### usage() { cat <<-EOF >&2 Usage: $(basename "$0") [operation ] Script to run CNCLI, best launched through systemd deployed by 'deploy-as-systemd.sh' -u Skip script update check overriding UPDATE_CHECK value in env (must be first argument to script) sync Start CNCLI chainsync process that connects to cardano-node to sync blocks stored in SQLite DB (deployed as service) leaderlog One-time leader schedule calculation for current epoch, then continously monitors and calculates schedule for coming epochs, 1.5 days before epoch boundary on MainNet (deployed as service) force Manually force leaderlog calculation and overwrite even if already done, exits after leaderlog is calculated validate Continously monitor and confirm that the blocks made actually was accepted and adopted by chain (deployed as service) all One-time re-validation of all blocks in blocklog db epoch One-time re-validation of blocks in blocklog db for the specified epoch ptsendtip Send node tip to PoolTool for network analysis and to show that your node is alive and well with a green badge (deployed as service) ptsendslots Securely sends PoolTool the number of slots you have assigned for an epoch and validates the correctness of your past epochs (deployed as service) force Manually force pooltool sendslots submission ignoring configured time window init One-time initialization adding all minted and confirmed blocks to blocklog metrics Print cncli block metrics in Prometheus format deploy Install dependencies and deploy cncli monitoring agent service (available through port specified by CNCLI_PROM_PORT) serve Run Prometheus service (mainly for use by deployed systemd service though deploy argument) EOF exit 1 } SKIP_UPDATE=N [[ $1 = "-u" ]] && SKIP_UPDATE=Y && shift if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then subcommand=$1 subarg="" elif [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then subcommand=$1 subarg=$2 else usage; fi ###################################### createBlocklogDB() { if ! mkdir -p "${BLOCKLOG_DIR}" 2>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: failed to create directory to store blocklog: ${BLOCKLOG_DIR}" && return 1; fi if [[ ! -f ${BLOCKLOG_DB} ]]; then # create a fresh DB with latest schema sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF CREATE TABLE blocklog (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, slot INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, at TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, epoch INTEGER NOT NULL, block INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, slot_in_epoch INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, hash TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', size INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, status TEXT NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_blocklog_slot ON blocklog (slot); CREATE INDEX idx_blocklog_epoch ON blocklog (epoch); CREATE INDEX idx_blocklog_status ON blocklog (status); CREATE TABLE epochdata (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, epoch INTEGER NOT NULL, epoch_nonce TEXT NOT NULL, pool_id TEXT NOT NULL, sigma TEXT NOT NULL, d REAL NOT NULL, epoch_slots_ideal INTEGER NOT NULL, max_performance REAL NOT NULL, active_stake TEXT NOT NULL, total_active_stake TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(epoch,pool_id)); CREATE INDEX idx_epochdata_epoch ON epochdata (epoch); CREATE INDEX idx_epochdata_pool_id ON epochdata (pool_id); CREATE TABLE validationlog (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, event TEXT NOT NULL, at TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, env TEXT NOT NULL, final_chunk INTEGER, initial_chunk INTEGER); CREATE TABLE replaylog (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, event TEXT NOT NULL, at TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, env TEXT NOT NULL, slot INTEGER, tip INTEGER); CREATE TABLE statistics (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, event TEXT NOT NULL, start INTEGER, end INTEGER, env TEXT NOT NULL); PRAGMA user_version = 1; EOF echo "SQLite blocklog DB created: ${BLOCKLOG_DB}" else if [[ $(sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} "PRAGMA user_version;") -eq 0 ]]; then # Upgrade from schema version 0 to 1 sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF ALTER TABLE epochdata ADD active_stake TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE epochdata ADD total_active_stake TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; PRAGMA user_version = 1; EOF fi fi } cncliDBinSync() { # getNodeMetrics expected to have been already run cncli_tip=$(sqlite3 "${CNCLI_DB}" "SELECT slot_number FROM chain ORDER BY slot_number DESC LIMIT 1;") cncli_sync_prog=$(echo "( ${cncli_tip} / ${slotnum} ) * 100" | bc -l) (( $(echo "${cncli_sync_prog} > 99.999" |bc -l) )) } getPoolVrfVkeyCborHex() { pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex='' if [[ -f ${POOL_VRF_VKEY} ]] && pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex=$(jq -er .cborHex "${POOL_VRF_VKEY}"); then pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex=${pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex:4} # strip 5820 from beginning else echo "ERROR: unable to locate the pools VRF vkey file or extract cbox hex string from: ${POOL_VRF_VKEY}" return 1 fi } getLedgerData() { # getNodeMetrics expected to have been already run if ! stake_snapshot=$(${CCLI} ${NETWORK_ERA} query stake-snapshot --stake-pool-id ${POOL_ID} ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} 2>&1); then echo "ERROR: stake-snapshot query failed: ${stake_snapshot}" return 1 fi pool_stake_mark=$(jq -r ".pools[\"${POOL_ID}\"].stakeMark" <<< ${stake_snapshot}) active_stake_mark=$(jq -r .total.stakeMark <<< ${stake_snapshot}) pool_stake_set=$(jq -r ".pools[\"${POOL_ID}\"].stakeSet" <<< ${stake_snapshot}) active_stake_set=$(jq -r .total.stakeSet <<< ${stake_snapshot}) return 0 } getConsensus() { getProtocolParams if versionCheck "10.0" "${PROT_VERSION}"; then consensus="cpraos" stability_window_factor=3 elif versionCheck "8.0" "${PROT_VERSION}"; then consensus="praos" stability_window_factor=2 else consensus="tpraos" stability_window_factor=2 fi } getKoiosData() { [[ -z ${KOIOS_API} ]] && return 1 if ! stake_snapshot=$(curl -sSL -f -d _pool_bech32=${POOL_ID_BECH32} "${KOIOS_API}/pool_stake_snapshot" 2>&1); then echo "ERROR: Koios pool_stake_snapshot query failed: curl -sSL -f -d _pool_bech32=${POOL_ID_BECH32} ${KOIOS_API}/pool_stake_snapshot" return 1 fi read -ra stake_mark <<<"$(jq -r '.[] | select(.snapshot=="Mark") | [.pool_stake, .active_stake, .nonce] | @tsv' <<< ${stake_snapshot})" read -ra stake_set <<<"$(jq -r '.[] | select(.snapshot=="Set") | [.pool_stake, .active_stake, .nonce] | @tsv' <<< ${stake_snapshot})" pool_stake_mark=${stake_mark[0]} active_stake_mark=${stake_mark[1]} nonce_mark=${stake_mark[2]} pool_stake_set=${stake_set[0]} active_stake_set=${stake_set[1]} nonce_set=${stake_set[2]} return 0 } ################################# # shellcheck disable=SC2120 cncliInit() { if renice_cmd="$(command -v renice)"; then ${renice_cmd} -n 19 $$ >/dev/null; fi [[ -z "${BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE}" ]] && BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE=N if ! command -v sqlite3 >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: sqlite3 not found, please install before activating blocklog function" && exit 1; fi PARENT="$(dirname $0)" ####################################################### # Version Check # ####################################################### clear if [[ ! -f "${PARENT}"/env ]]; then echo -e "\nCommon env file missing: ${PARENT}/env" echo -e "This is a mandatory prerequisite, please install with guild-deploy.sh or manually download from GitHub\n" exit 1 fi . "${PARENT}"/env offline &>/dev/null # ignore any errors, re-sourced later if [[ ${UPDATE_CHECK} = Y && ${SKIP_UPDATE} != Y ]]; then echo "Checking for script updates..." # Check availability of checkUpdate function if [[ ! $(command -v checkUpdate) ]]; then echo -e "\nCould not find checkUpdate function in env, make sure you're using official guild docos for installation!" exit 1 fi # check for env update ENV_UPDATED=${BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE} checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/env N N N case $? in 1) ENV_UPDATED=Y ;; 2) exit 1 ;; esac # check for cncli.sh update checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/cncli.sh ${ENV_UPDATED} case $? in 1) $0 "-u" "$@"; exit 0 ;; # re-launch script with same args skipping update check 2) exit 1 ;; esac fi # source common env variables in case it was updated until . "${PARENT}"/env; do echo "sleeping for 10s and testing again..." sleep 10 done TMP_DIR="${TMP_DIR}/cncli" if ! mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR}" 2>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory for temporary files: ${TMP_DIR}"; exit 1; fi [[ ! -f "${CNCLI}" ]] && echo -e "\nERROR: failed to locate cncli executable, please install with 'guild-deploy.sh'\n" && exit 1 CNCLI_VERSION="v$(cncli -V | cut -d' ' -f2)" if ! versionCheck "6.0.0" "${CNCLI_VERSION}"; then echo "ERROR: cncli ${CNCLI_VERSION} installed, minimum required version is 6.0.0, please upgrade to latest version!"; exit 1; fi [[ -z "${CNCLI_DIR}" ]] && CNCLI_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/guild-db/cncli" if ! mkdir -p "${CNCLI_DIR}" 2>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create CNCLI DB directory: ${CNCLI_DIR}"; exit 1; fi CNCLI_DB="${CNCLI_DIR}/cncli.db" [[ -z "${USE_KOIOS_API}" ]] && USE_KOIOS_API=Y [[ -z "${CNODE_HOST}" ]] && CNODE_HOST="" [[ -z "${SLEEP_RATE}" ]] && SLEEP_RATE=60 [[ -z "${CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT}" ]] && CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT=600 [[ -z "${CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT}" ]] && CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT=15 [[ -z "${PT_HOST}" ]] && PT_HOST="" [[ -z "${PT_PORT}" ]] && PT_PORT="${CNODE_PORT}" [[ -z "${PT_SENDSLOTS_START}" ]] && PT_SENDSLOTS_START=30 PT_SENDSLOTS_START=$((PT_SENDSLOTS_START*60)) [[ -z "${PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP}" ]] && PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP=60 PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP=$((PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP*60)) if [[ -d "${POOL_DIR}" ]]; then [[ -z "${POOL_ID}" && -f "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_ID_FILENAME}" ]] && POOL_ID=$(cat "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_ID_FILENAME}") [[ -z "${POOL_ID_BECH32}" && -f "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_ID_FILENAME}-bech32" ]] && POOL_ID_BECH32=$(cat "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_ID_FILENAME}-bech32") [[ -z "${POOL_VRF_SKEY}" ]] && POOL_VRF_SKEY="${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_VRF_SK_FILENAME}" [[ -z "${POOL_VRF_VKEY}" ]] && POOL_VRF_VKEY="${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_VRF_VK_FILENAME}" fi # export SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH to be seen by cncli export SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH return 0 } ################################# cncliSync() { ${CNCLI} sync --host "${CNODE_HOST}" --network-magic "${NWMAGIC}" --port "${CNODE_PORT}" --db "${CNCLI_DB}" --shelley-genesis-hash "${GENESIS_HASH}" } ################################# cncliLeaderlog() { echo "~ CNCLI Leaderlog started ~" createBlocklogDB || exit 1 # create db if needed [[ -z ${POOL_ID} || -z ${POOL_ID_BECH32} || -z ${POOL_VRF_SKEY} ]] && echo "'POOL_ID'/'POOL_ID_BECH32' and/or 'POOL_VRF_SKEY' not set in $(basename "$0"), exiting!" && exit 1 while true; do if [[ ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH} -eq -1 ]]; then getNodeMetrics if ! getShelleyTransitionEpoch; then echo "Failed to calculate shelley transition epoch, checking again in ${SLEEP_RATE}s" sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} else echo "Shelley transition epoch found: ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH}" fi else getNodeMetrics tip_diff=$(( $(getSlotTipRef) - slotnum )) if [[ ${tip_diff} -gt 300 ]]; then # Node considered in sync if less than 300 slots from theoretical tip echo "Node still syncing, ${tip_diff} slots from theoretical tip, checking again in ${SLEEP_RATE}s" elif ! cncliDBinSync; then echo "CNCLI still syncing [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})], checking again in ${SLEEP_RATE}s" else break fi sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} fi done [[ ${subarg} != "force" ]] && echo "Node in sync, sleeping for ${SLEEP_RATE}s before running leaderlogs for current epoch" && sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} getNodeMetrics getConsensus curr_epoch=${epochnum} if [[ $(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM epochdata WHERE epoch=${curr_epoch};" 2>/dev/null) -eq 1 && ${subarg} != "force" ]]; then echo "Leaderlogs already calculated for epoch ${curr_epoch}, skipping!" else echo "Running leaderlogs for epoch ${curr_epoch}" if [[ ${USE_KOIOS_API} = Y ]]; then getKoiosData || exit 1 else getLedgerData || exit 1 fi stake_param_current="--active-stake ${active_stake_set} --pool-stake ${pool_stake_set}" [[ -n "${nonce_set}" ]] && stake_param_current="${stake_param_current} --nonce ${nonce_set}" cncli_leaderlog=$(${CNCLI} leaderlog --consensus "${consensus}" --db "${CNCLI_DB}" --byron-genesis "${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON}" --shelley-genesis "${GENESIS_JSON}" --ledger-set current ${stake_param_current} --pool-id "${POOL_ID}" --pool-vrf-skey "${POOL_VRF_SKEY}" --tz UTC) if [[ $(jq -r .status <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") != ok ]]; then error_msg=$(jq -r .errorMessage <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") if [[ "${error_msg}" = "Query returned no rows" ]]; then echo "No leader slots found for epoch ${curr_epoch} :(" else echo "ERROR: failure in leaderlog while running:" echo "${CNCLI} leaderlog --consensus ${consensus} --db ${CNCLI_DB} --byron-genesis ${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON} --shelley-genesis ${GENESIS_JSON} --ledger-set current ${stake_param_current} --pool-id ${POOL_ID} --pool-vrf-skey ${POOL_VRF_SKEY} --tz UTC" echo "Error message: ${error_msg}" exit 1 fi else epoch_nonce=$(jq -r '.epochNonce' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") pool_id=$(jq -r '.poolId' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") sigma=$(jq -r '.sigma' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") d=$(jq -r '.d' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") epoch_slots_ideal=$(jq -r '.epochSlotsIdeal //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") max_performance=$(jq -r '.maxPerformance //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") active_stake=$(jq -r '.activeStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") total_active_stake=$(jq -r '.totalActiveStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF UPDATE OR IGNORE epochdata SET epoch_nonce = '${epoch_nonce}', sigma = '${sigma}', d = ${d}, epoch_slots_ideal = ${epoch_slots_ideal}, max_performance = ${max_performance}, active_stake = '${active_stake}', total_active_stake = '${total_active_stake}' WHERE epoch = ${curr_epoch} AND pool_id = '${pool_id}'; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO epochdata (epoch, epoch_nonce, pool_id, sigma, d, epoch_slots_ideal, max_performance, active_stake, total_active_stake) VALUES (${curr_epoch}, '${epoch_nonce}', '${pool_id}', '${sigma}', ${d}, ${epoch_slots_ideal}, ${max_performance}, '${active_stake}', '${total_active_stake}'); EOF if block_cnt=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${curr_epoch};" 2>/dev/null) && [[ ${block_cnt} -gt 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nPruning ${block_cnt} entries from blocklog db for epoch ${curr_epoch}\n" sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "DELETE FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${curr_epoch};" 2>/dev/null fi block_cnt=0 while read -r assigned_slot; do block_slot=$(jq -r '.slot' <<< "${assigned_slot}") block_at=$(jq -r '.at' <<< "${assigned_slot}") block_slot_in_epoch=$(jq -r '.slotInEpoch' <<< "${assigned_slot}") sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocklog (slot,at,slot_in_epoch,epoch,status) values (${block_slot},'${block_at}',${block_slot_in_epoch},${curr_epoch},'leader');" echo "LEADER: slot[${block_slot}] slotInEpoch[${block_slot_in_epoch}] at[${block_at}]" ((block_cnt++)) done < <(jq -c '.assignedSlots[]' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}" 2>/dev/null) echo "Leaderlog calculation for epoch[${curr_epoch}] completed and saved to blocklog DB" echo "Leaderslots: ${block_cnt} - Ideal slots for epoch based on active stake: ${epoch_slots_ideal} - Luck factor ${max_performance}%" fi fi while true; do [[ ${subarg} != "force" ]] && sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} getNodeMetrics getConsensus if ! cncliDBinSync; then # verify that cncli DB is still in sync echo "CNCLI DB out of sync :( [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})] ... checking again in ${SLEEP_RATE}s" [[ ${subarg} = force ]] && sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} continue fi # firstSlotOfNextEpoch - stabilityWindow((3|4) * k / f) # due to issues with timing, calculation is moved one tick to 8/10 of epoch for pre conway, and 7/10 post conway. slot_for_next_nonce=$(echo "(${slotnum} - ${slot_in_epoch} + ${EPOCH_LENGTH}) - (${stability_window_factor} * ${BYRON_K} / ${ACTIVE_SLOTS_COEFF})" | bc) curr_epoch=${epochnum} next_epoch=$((curr_epoch+1)) if [[ ${slotnum} -gt ${slot_for_next_nonce} ]]; then # Time to run leaderlogs for next epoch? if [[ $(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM epochdata WHERE epoch=${next_epoch};" 2>/dev/null) -eq 1 ]]; then # Leaderlogs already calculated for next epoch, skipping! if [[ -t 1 ]]; then # manual execution [[ ${subarg} != "force" ]] && echo "Leaderlogs already calculated for epoch ${next_epoch}, skipping!" && break else continue; fi fi echo "Running leaderlogs for next epoch[${next_epoch}]" if [[ ${USE_KOIOS_API} = Y ]]; then if ! getKoiosData; then sleep 60; continue; fi # Sleep for 1 min before retrying to query koios again in case of error else if ! getLedgerData; then sleep 300; continue; fi # Sleep for 5 min before retrying to query stake snapshot in case of error fi stake_param_next="--active-stake ${active_stake_mark} --pool-stake ${pool_stake_mark}" [[ -n "${nonce_mark}" ]] && stake_param_next="${stake_param_next} --nonce ${nonce_mark}" cncli_leaderlog=$(${CNCLI} leaderlog --consensus "${consensus}" --db "${CNCLI_DB}" --byron-genesis "${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON}" --shelley-genesis "${GENESIS_JSON}" --ledger-set next ${stake_param_next} --pool-id "${POOL_ID}" --pool-vrf-skey "${POOL_VRF_SKEY}" --tz UTC) if [[ $(jq -r .status <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") != ok ]]; then error_msg=$(jq -r .errorMessage <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") if [[ "${error_msg}" = "Query returned no rows" ]]; then echo "No leader slots found for epoch ${curr_epoch} :(" else echo "ERROR: failure in leaderlog while running:" echo "${CNCLI} leaderlog --consensus ${consensus} --db ${CNCLI_DB} --byron-genesis ${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON} --shelley-genesis ${GENESIS_JSON} --ledger-set next ${stake_param_next} --pool-id ${POOL_ID} --pool-vrf-skey ${POOL_VRF_SKEY} --tz UTC" echo "Error message: ${error_msg}" fi else epoch_nonce=$(jq -r '.epochNonce' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") pool_id=$(jq -r '.poolId' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") sigma=$(jq -r '.sigma' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") d=$(jq -r '.d' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") epoch_slots_ideal=$(jq -r '.epochSlotsIdeal //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") max_performance=$(jq -r '.maxPerformance //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") active_stake=$(jq -r '.activeStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") total_active_stake=$(jq -r '.totalActiveStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF UPDATE OR IGNORE epochdata SET epoch_nonce = '${epoch_nonce}', sigma = '${sigma}', d = ${d}, epoch_slots_ideal = ${epoch_slots_ideal}, max_performance = ${max_performance}, active_stake = '${active_stake}', total_active_stake = '${total_active_stake}' WHERE epoch = ${next_epoch} AND pool_id = '${pool_id}'; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO epochdata (epoch, epoch_nonce, pool_id, sigma, d, epoch_slots_ideal, max_performance, active_stake, total_active_stake) VALUES (${next_epoch}, '${epoch_nonce}', '${pool_id}', '${sigma}', ${d}, ${epoch_slots_ideal}, ${max_performance}, '${active_stake}', '${total_active_stake}'); EOF if block_cnt=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${next_epoch};" 2>/dev/null) && [[ ${block_cnt} -gt 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nPruning ${block_cnt} entries from blocklog db for epoch ${next_epoch}\n" sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "DELETE FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${next_epoch};" 2>/dev/null fi block_cnt=0 while read -r assigned_slot; do block_slot=$(jq -r '.slot' <<< "${assigned_slot}") block_at=$(jq -r '.at' <<< "${assigned_slot}") block_slot_in_epoch=$(jq -r '.slotInEpoch' <<< "${assigned_slot}") sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocklog (slot,at,slot_in_epoch,epoch,status) values (${block_slot},'${block_at}',${block_slot_in_epoch},${next_epoch},'leader');" echo "LEADER: slot[${block_slot}] slotInEpoch[${block_slot_in_epoch}] at[${block_at}]" ((block_cnt++)) done < <(jq -c '.assignedSlots[]' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}" 2>/dev/null) echo "Leaderlog calculation for next epoch[${next_epoch}] completed and saved to blocklog DB" echo "Leaderslots: ${block_cnt} - Ideal slots for epoch based on active stake: ${epoch_slots_ideal} - Luck factor ${max_performance}%" fi fi [[ -t 1 ]] && break # manual execution of script in tty mode, exit after first run done } ################################# cncliValidate() { echo "~ CNCLI Block Validation started ~" if ! getPoolVrfVkeyCborHex; then exit 1; fi # We need this to properly validate block createBlocklogDB || exit 1 # create db if needed getNodeMetrics if ! getShelleyTransitionEpoch; then echo "ERROR: failed to calculate shelley transition epoch" && exit 1; fi if [[ -n ${subarg} ]]; then if ! cncliDBinSync; then # verify that cncli DB is still in sync echo "CNCLI DB out of sync :( [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})] ... check cncli sync service!" exit 1 fi tip_diff=$(( $(getSlotTipRef) - slotnum )) [[ ${tip_diff} -gt 300 ]] && echo "ERROR: node still syncing, ${tip_diff} slots from theoretical tip" && exit 1 epoch=0 epoch_selection="" if [[ ${subarg} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then epoch_selection="WHERE epoch = ${subarg}" elif [[ ${subarg} != "all" ]]; then echo "ERROR: unknown argument passed to validate command, valid options incl the string 'all' or the epoch number to validate" exit 1 fi epoch_blocks=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT epoch, slot, status, hash FROM blocklog ${epoch_selection} ORDER BY slot;") if [[ -n ${epoch_blocks} ]]; then while IFS='|' read -r block_epoch block_slot block_status block_hash; do [[ ${epoch} -ne ${block_epoch} ]] && echo -e "> Validating epoch ${FG_GREEN}${block_epoch}${NC}" && epoch=${block_epoch} [[ ${block_status} != invalid ]] && block_status="leader" # reset status to leader to re-validate all non invalid blocks validateBlock done < <(printf '%s\n' "${epoch_blocks}") fi elif [[ -n ${subarg} ]]; then echo "ERROR: unknown argument passed to validate subcommand" && usage else while true; do sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} getNodeMetrics if ! cncliDBinSync; then # verify that cncli DB is still in sync echo "CNCLI DB out of sync :( [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})] ... checking again in ${SLEEP_RATE}s" continue fi curr_epoch=${epochnum} # Check previous epoch as well at start of current epoch [[ ${slot_in_epoch} -lt $(( CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT * 6 )) ]] && prev_epoch=$((curr_epoch-1)) || prev_epoch=${curr_epoch} epoch_blocks=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT epoch, slot, status, hash FROM blocklog WHERE epoch BETWEEN ${prev_epoch} and ${curr_epoch} ORDER BY slot;") if [[ -n ${epoch_blocks} ]]; then while IFS='|' read -r block_epoch block_slot block_status block_hash; do validateBlock done < <(printf '%s\n' "${epoch_blocks}") fi done fi } validateBlock() { [[ ${block_status} = invalid ]] && return if [[ ${block_status} = leader || ${block_status} = adopted ]]; then [[ ${block_slot} -gt ${slotnum} ]] && return # block in the future, skip block_data_raw="$(sqlite3 "${CNCLI_DB}" "SELECT block_number, hash, block_size, orphaned, node_vrf_vkey FROM chain WHERE slot_number = ${block_slot};")" slot_cnt=0; slot_ok_cnt=0; slot_stolen_cnt=0; block_data=() for block in ${block_data_raw}; do IFS='|' read -ra block_data_tmp <<< ${block} if [[ ${block_data_tmp[4]} = "${pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex}" ]]; then ((slot_cnt++)) [[ ${block_data_tmp[3]} -eq 0 ]] && ((slot_ok_cnt++)) && block_data=( "${block_data_tmp[@]}" ) # non orphaned block found for our pool, set as block_data [[ ${#block_data[@]} -eq 0 ]] && block_data=( "${block_data_tmp[@]}" ) # block found but orphaned and block_data empty, set block_data to this block for now else [[ ${block_data_tmp[3]} -eq 0 ]] && ((slot_stolen_cnt++)) fi done if [[ $((block_slot + CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT)) -lt ${slotnum} ]]; then # block old enough to validate if [[ ${slot_cnt} -eq 0 ]]; then # no block found in db for this slot with our vrf vkey if [[ ${slot_stolen_cnt} -eq 0 ]]; then # no other pool has a valid block for this slot either echo "MISSED: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' but not found in cncli db and no other pool has made a valid block for this slot" new_status="missed" else # another pool has a valid block for this slot in cncli db echo "STOLEN: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' but \"stolen\" by another pool due to bad luck (lower VRF output) :(" new_status="stolen" fi sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "UPDATE blocklog SET status = '${new_status}' WHERE slot = ${block_slot};" else # block found for this slot with a match for our vrf vkey [[ $((blocknum-block_data[0])) -lt ${CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT} ]] && return # To make sure enough blocks has been built on top before validating if [[ ${slot_ok_cnt} -gt 0 ]]; then # our block not marked as orphaned :) echo "CONFIRMED: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' and match found in CNCLI DB for this slot with pool's VRF public key" [[ ${slot_cnt} -gt 1 ]] && echo " WARNING!! Adversarial fork created, multiple blocks created for the same slot by the same pool :(" new_status="confirmed" else # our block marked as orphaned :( if [[ ${slot_stolen_cnt} -eq 0 ]]; then # no other pool has a valid block for this slot either echo "GHOSTED: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' and block adopted but later orphaned. No other pool with a confirmed block for this slot, height battle or block propagation issue!" new_status="ghosted" else # another pool has a valid block for this slot in cncli db echo "STOLEN: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' but \"stolen\" by another pool due to bad luck (lower VRF output) :(" new_status="stolen" fi fi sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "UPDATE blocklog SET status = '${new_status}', slot_in_epoch = $(getSlotInEpochFromSlot ${block_slot} ${block_epoch}), block = ${block_data[0]}, at = '$(getDateFromSlot ${block_slot})', hash = '${block_data[1]}', size = ${block_data[2]} WHERE slot = ${block_slot};" fi else # Not old enough to confirm but slot time has passed if [[ ${block_status} = leader && ${slot_cnt} -gt 0 ]]; then # Leader status and block found in cncli db, update block data and set status adopted echo "ADOPTED: Leader for slot '${block_slot}' and adopted by chain, waiting for confirmation" sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "UPDATE blocklog SET status = 'adopted', slot_in_epoch = $(getSlotInEpochFromSlot ${block_slot} ${block_epoch}), block = ${block_data[0]}, at = '$(getDateFromSlot ${block_slot})', hash = '${block_data[1]}', size = ${block_data[2]} WHERE slot = ${block_slot};" return fi fi fi } ################################# cncliInitBlocklogDB() { [[ "${PROTOCOL}" != "Cardano" ]] && echo "ERROR: protocol not Cardano mode, not a valid network" && exit 1 if ! getPoolVrfVkeyCborHex; then exit 1; fi getNodeMetrics if ! getShelleyTransitionEpoch; then echo "ERROR: failed to calculate shelley transition epoch" && exit 1; fi if ! cncliDBinSync; then # verify that cncli DB is still in sync echo "CNCLI DB out of sync :( [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})] ... check cncli sync service!" exit 1 fi tip_diff=$(( $(getSlotTipRef) - slotnum )) [[ ${tip_diff} -gt 300 ]] && echo "ERROR: node still syncing, ${tip_diff} slots from theoretical tip" && exit 1 createBlocklogDB || exit 1 # create db if needed echo "Looking for blocks made by pool..." block_cnt=0 cncli_blocks=$(sqlite3 "${CNCLI_DB}" "SELECT block_number, slot_number, hash, block_size FROM chain WHERE node_vrf_vkey = '${pool_vrf_vkey_cbox_hex}' ORDER BY slot_number;") if [[ -n ${cncli_blocks} ]]; then while IFS='|' read -r block_number slot_number block_hash block_size; do # Calculate epoch, at and slot_in_epoch epoch=$(getEpochFromSlot ${slot_number}) at=$(getDateFromSlot ${slot_number}) slot_in_epoch=$(getSlotInEpochFromSlot ${slot_number} ${epoch}) sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF UPDATE OR IGNORE blocklog SET at = '${at}', epoch = ${epoch}, block = ${block_number}, slot_in_epoch = ${slot_in_epoch}, hash = '${block_hash}', size = ${block_size}, status = 'adopted' WHERE slot = ${slot_number}; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocklog (slot, at, epoch, block, slot_in_epoch, hash, size, status) VALUES (${slot_number}, '${at}', ${epoch}, ${block_number}, ${slot_in_epoch}, '${block_hash}', ${block_size}, 'adopted'); EOF ((block_cnt++)) done < <(printf '%s\n' "${cncli_blocks}") fi if [[ ${block_cnt} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No blocks found :(" else echo "Successfully added/updated ${block_cnt} blocks in blocklog DB!" echo "Validating all blocks..." subarg="all" cncliValidate fi } ################################# cncliMetrics() { if [[ ${subarg} = "deploy" ]]; then deployMonitoringAgent return elif [[ ${subarg} = "serve" ]]; then if ! command -v socat >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: socat not installed, please first run cncli.sh metrics deploy to install socat and deploy service, or manually install socat." return fi socat TCP-LISTEN:${CNCLI_PROM_PORT:-12799},reuseaddr,fork SYSTEM:"echo HTTP/1.1 200 OK;SERVED=true bash ${CNODE_HOME}/scripts/cncli.sh metrics;" return fi getNodeMetrics getBlocklogMetrics ${epochnum} } deployMonitoringAgent() { # Install socat if needed to allow metrics operation to listen on port if ! command -v socat >/dev/null; then echo -e "Installing socat .." if command -v apt-get >/dev/null; then sudo apt-get -y install socat >/dev/null || err_exit "'sudo apt-get -y install socat' failed!" elif command -v dnf >/dev/null; then sudo dnf -y install socat >/dev/null || err_exit "'sudo dnf -y install socat' failed!" else err_exit "'socat' not found in \$PATH, needed to for node exporter monitoring!" fi fi echo -e "[Re]Installing CNCLI Monitoring Agent service.." sudo bash -c "cat <<-EOF > /etc/systemd/system/${CNODE_VNAME}-cncli-exporter.service [Unit] Description=CNCLI Metrics Exporter After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=5 User=${USER} WorkingDirectory=${CNODE_HOME}/scripts ExecStart=/bin/bash -l -c \"exec ${CNODE_HOME}/scripts/cncli.sh metrics serve\" KillSignal=SIGINT SuccessExitStatus=143 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=${CNODE_VNAME}_cncli_exporter TimeoutStopSec=5 KillMode=mixed [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF" sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable ${CNODE_VNAME}-cncli-exporter.service &>/dev/null && sudo systemctl restart ${CNODE_VNAME}-cncli-exporter.service &>/dev/null echo -e "Done!!" } getBlocklogMetrics() { shopt -s expand_aliases if [[ ${SERVED} = true ]]; then echo "Content-type: text/plain" # Tells the browser what kind of content to expect echo "" # request body starts from this empty line fi cncli_error_code=0 next_leader_time_utc=0 next_next_leader_time_utc=0 leader=0 ideal=0 luck=0 adopted_total=0 confirmed_total=0 missed_total=0 ghosted_total=0 stolen_total=0 invalid_total=0 adopted_max_consec=0 confirmed_max_consec=0 missed_max_consec=0 ghosted_max_consec=0 stolen_max_consec=0 invalid_max_consec=0 [[ -z "${CNCLI_DIR}" ]] && CNCLI_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/guild-db/cncli" CNCLI_DB="${CNCLI_DIR}/cncli.db" unset cncli_error if [[ ! -f "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" ]]; then cncli_error="ERROR: blocklog database not found: ${BLOCKLOG_DB}" && cncli_error_code=1 elif ! cncliDBinSync; then cncli_error="CNCLI DB out of sync :( [$(printf "%2.4f %%" ${cncli_sync_prog})]" && cncli_error_code=1 else for status_type in $(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT status, COUNT(status) FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${epochnum} GROUP BY status;" 2>/dev/null); do IFS='|' read -ra status <<< ${status_type}; unset IFS case ${status[0]} in invalid) invalid_total=${status[1]} ;; missed) missed_total=${status[1]} ;; ghosted) ghosted_total=${status[1]} ;; stolen) stolen_total=${status[1]} ;; confirmed) confirmed_total=${status[1]} ;; adopted) adopted_total=${status[1]} ;; leader) leader=${status[1]} ;; esac done adopted_total=$(( adopted_total + confirmed_total )) leader=$(( leader + adopted_total + invalid_total + missed_total + ghosted_total + stolen_total )) next_leader_time_utc=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT STRFTIME('%s', at) FROM blocklog WHERE datetime(at) > datetime('now') ORDER BY slot ASC LIMIT 1;" 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z ${next_leader_time_utc} ]]; then next_leader_time_utc=0 else next_next_leader_time_utc=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT STRFTIME('%s', at) FROM blocklog WHERE CAST(STRFTIME('%s', at) AS INTEGER) > ${next_leader_time_utc} ORDER BY slot ASC LIMIT 1;" 2>/dev/null) [[ -z ${next_next_leader_time_utc} ]] && next_next_leader_time_utc=0 fi IFS='|' read -ra epoch_stats <<< "$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT epoch_slots_ideal, max_performance FROM epochdata WHERE epoch=${epochnum};" 2>/dev/null)"; unset IFS if [[ ${#epoch_stats[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then ideal=${epoch_stats[0]} luck=${epoch_stats[1]} fi for max_consecutive in $(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT status, MAX(seqnum) FROM (SELECT status, COUNT(*) AS seqnum FROM (SELECT blocklog.*, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY status ORDER BY id)) AS seqnum FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${epochnum}) tmp GROUP BY seqnum, status) GROUP BY status;"); do IFS='|' read -ra consecutive <<< ${max_consecutive}; unset IFS case ${consecutive[0]} in invalid) invalid_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; missed) missed_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; ghosted) ghosted_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; stolen) stolen_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; confirmed) confirmed_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; adopted) adopted_max_consec=${consecutive[1]} ;; esac done adopted_max_consec=$(( adopted_max_consec + confirmed_max_consec )) fi if [[ ${SERVED} != true && -n ${cncli_error} ]]; then echo ${cncli_error} && return fi # Metrics export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_next_leader_time_utc=${next_leader_time_utc} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_next_next_leader_time_utc=${next_next_leader_time_utc} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_leader=${leader} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_ideal=${ideal} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_luck=${luck} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_adopted_total=${adopted_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_confirmed_total=${confirmed_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_missed_total=${missed_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_ghosted_total=${ghosted_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_stolen_total=${stolen_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_invalid_total=${invalid_total} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_adopted_max_consec=${adopted_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_confirmed_max_consec=${confirmed_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_missed_max_consec=${missed_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_ghosted_max_consec=${ghosted_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_stolen_max_consec=${stolen_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_invalid_max_consec=${invalid_max_consec} export CNCLI_METRIC_cntools_cncli_blocks_metrics_error=${cncli_error_code} for metric_var_name in $(env | grep ^CNCLI_METRIC_ | sort | awk -F= '{print $1}'); do METRIC_NAME=${metric_var_name//CNCLI_METRIC_/} # default NULL values to empty string if [[ -z "${!metric_var_name}" ]]; then METRIC_VALUE="\"\"" else METRIC_VALUE="${!metric_var_name}" fi echo "${METRIC_NAME} ${METRIC_VALUE}" done } ################################# cncliPTsendtip() { [[ ${NWMAGIC} -ne 764824073 ]] && echo "PoolTool sendtip only available on MainNet, exiting!" && exit 1 [[ -z ${POOL_ID} || -z ${POOL_TICKER} || -z ${PT_API_KEY} ]] && echo "'POOL_ID' and/or 'POOL_TICKER' and/or 'PT_API_KEY' not set in $(basename "$0"), exiting!" && exit 1 pt_config="${TMP_DIR}/$(basename ${CNODE_HOME})-pooltool.json" bash -c "cat <<-'EOF' > ${pt_config} { \"api_key\": \"${PT_API_KEY}\", \"pools\": [ { \"name\": \"${POOL_TICKER}\", \"pool_id\": \"${POOL_ID}\", \"host\" : \"${PT_HOST}\", \"port\": ${PT_PORT} } ] } EOF" ${CNCLI} sendtip --config "${pt_config}" --cardano-node "${CNODEBIN}" } ################################# cncliPTsendslots() { [[ ${NWMAGIC} -ne 764824073 ]] && echo "PoolTool sendslots only available on MainNet, exiting!" && exit 1 [[ -z ${POOL_ID} || -z ${POOL_TICKER} || -z ${PT_API_KEY} ]] && echo "'POOL_ID' and/or 'POOL_TICKER' and/or 'PT_API_KEY' not set in $(basename "$0"), exiting!" && exit 1 # Generate a temporary pooltool config pt_config="${TMP_DIR}/$(basename ${CNODE_HOME})-pooltool.json" bash -c "cat <<-'EOF' > ${pt_config} { \"api_key\": \"${PT_API_KEY}\", \"pools\": [ { \"name\": \"${POOL_TICKER}\", \"pool_id\": \"${POOL_ID}\", \"host\" : \"${PT_HOST}\", \"port\": ${PT_PORT} } ] } EOF" sendslots_epoch=-1 while true; do [[ ${subarg} != "force" ]] && sleep ${SLEEP_RATE} getNodeMetrics [[ ${slotnum} -eq 0 ]] && continue # failed to grab node metrics [[ ${sendslots_epoch} -eq ${epochnum} ]] && continue # this epoch is already sent if [[ ( ${slot_in_epoch} -lt ${PT_SENDSLOTS_START} || ${slot_in_epoch} -gt ${PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP} ) && ${subarg} != "force" ]]; then # only allow slots to be sent in the interval defined (default 30-60 min after epoch boundary) [[ -t 1 ]] && echo "${FG_YELLOW}WARN${NC}: Configured window to send slots is ${FG_LBLUE}${PT_SENDSLOTS_START} - ${PT_SENDSLOTS_STOP}${NC} min after epoch boundary" && break continue fi leaderlog_cnt=$(sqlite3 "${CNCLI_DB}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM slots WHERE epoch=${epochnum} and pool_id='${POOL_ID}';") [[ ${leaderlog_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && echo "ERROR: no leaderlogs for epoch ${epochnum} and pool id '${POOL_ID}' found in cncli DB" && continue cncli_ptsendslots=$(${CNCLI} sendslots --config "${pt_config}" --db "${CNCLI_DB}" --byron-genesis "${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON}" --shelley-genesis "${GENESIS_JSON}") echo -e "${cncli_ptsendslots}" if [[ $(jq -r '.status //empty' <<< "${cncli_ptsendslots}" 2>/dev/null) = "error" ]]; then continue; fi echo "Slots for epoch ${epochnum} successfully sent to PoolTool for pool id '${POOL_ID}' !" sendslots_epoch=${epochnum} [[ -t 1 ]] && break # manual execution of script in tty mode, exit after first run done } ################################# case ${subcommand} in sync ) cncliInit && cncliSync ;; leaderlog ) cncliInit && cncliLeaderlog ;; validate ) cncliInit && cncliValidate ;; ptsendtip ) cncliInit && cncliPTsendtip ;; ptsendslots ) cncliInit && cncliPTsendslots ;; init ) cncliInit && cncliInitBlocklogDB ;; metrics ) cncliMetrics ;; # no cncliInit needed * ) usage ;; esac