#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2086 #shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$(dirname $0)"/env offline ###################################### # User Variables - Change as desired # # Common variables set in env file # ###################################### #CPU_CORES=4 # Number of CPU cores cardano-node process has access to (please don't set higher than physical core count, recommended to set atleast to 4) #MEMPOOL_BYTES=8388608 # Override mempool in bytes (Default: Do not override) #CNODE_LISTEN_IP4= # IP to use for listening (only applicable to Node Connection Port) for IPv4 #CNODE_LISTEN_IP6=:: # IP to use for listening (only applicable to Node Connection Port) for IPv6 ###################################### # Do NOT modify code below # ###################################### ##################### # Functions # ##################### usage() { cat <<-EOF Usage: $(basename "$0") [-d] Cardano Node wrapper script !! -d Deploy cnode as a systemd service -s Stop cnode using SIGINT EOF exit 1 } set_defaults() { [[ -z ${CPU_CORES} ]] && CPU_CORES=4 [[ -n ${CPU_CORES} ]] && CPU_RUNTIME=( "+RTS" "-N${CPU_CORES}" "-RTS" ) [[ -z ${CNODE_LISTEN_IP4} ]] && CNODE_LISTEN_IP4= [[ -z ${CNODE_LISTEN_IP6} ]] && CNODE_LISTEN_IP6=:: [[ ! -d "${LOG_DIR}/archive" ]] && mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}/archive" host_addr=() [[ ${IP_VERSION} = "4" || ${IP_VERSION} = "mix" ]] && host_addr+=("--host-addr" "${CNODE_LISTEN_IP4}") [[ ${IP_VERSION} = "6" || ${IP_VERSION} = "mix" ]] && host_addr+=("--host-ipv6-addr" "${CNODE_LISTEN_IP6}") [[ -z ${MEMPOOL_BYTES} ]] && MEMPOOL_OVERRIDE="" || MEMPOOL_OVERRIDE="--mempool-capacity-override ${MEMPOOL_BYTES}" } pre_startup_sanity() { # Check if node is already running, or if stale socket file is left if [[ -S "${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}" ]]; then if pgrep -f "$(basename ${CNODEBIN}).*.${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}"; then echo "ERROR: A Cardano node is already running, please terminate this node before starting a new one with this script." exit 1 else unlink "${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}" echo "INFO: Cleaned-up stale socket file" fi fi # Move logs to archive [[ $(find "${LOG_DIR}"/node*.json 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && mv "${LOG_DIR}"/node*.json "${LOG_DIR}"/archive/ } mithril_snapshot_download() { [[ -z "${MITHRIL_CLIENT}" ]] && MITHRIL_CLIENT="${CNODE_HOME}"/scripts/mithril-client.sh if [[ ! -f "${MITHRIL_CLIENT}" ]] || [[ ! -e "${MITHRIL_CLIENT}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Could not locate mithril-client.sh script or script is not executable. Skipping mithril snapshot download!!" else "${MITHRIL_CLIENT}" snapshot download fi } stop_node() { CNODE_PID=$(pgrep -fn "$(basename ${CNODEBIN}).*.--port ${CNODE_PORT}" 2>/dev/null) # env was only called in offline mode kill -2 ${CNODE_PID} 2>/dev/null # touch clean "${CNODE_HOME}"/db/clean # Disabled as it's a bit hacky, but only runs when SIGINT is passed to node process. Should not be needed if node does it's job printf " Sending SIGINT to cardano-node process.." sleep 5 exit 0 } deploy_systemd() { echo "Deploying ${CNODE_VNAME} as systemd service.." sudo bash -c "cat <<-'EOF' > /etc/systemd/system/${CNODE_VNAME}.service [Unit] Description=Cardano Node Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target StartLimitIntervalSec=600 StartLimitBurst=5 [Service] Type=simple Restart=on-failure RestartSec=60 User=${USER} LimitNOFILE=1048576 WorkingDirectory=${CNODE_HOME}/scripts ExecStart=/bin/bash -l -c \"exec ${CNODE_HOME}/scripts/cnode.sh\" ExecStop=/bin/bash -l -c \"exec ${CNODE_HOME}/scripts/cnode.sh -s\" KillSignal=SIGINT SuccessExitStatus=143 SyslogIdentifier=${CNODE_VNAME} TimeoutStopSec=60 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF" && echo "${CNODE_VNAME}.service deployed successfully!!" && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable ${CNODE_VNAME}.service } ################### # Execution # ################### # Parse command line options while getopts :ds opt; do case ${opt} in d ) DEPLOY_SYSTEMD="Y" ;; s ) STOP_NODE="Y" ;; \? ) usage ;; esac done # Check if env file is missing in current folder (no update checks as will mostly run as daemon), source env if present [[ ! -f "$(dirname $0)"/env ]] && echo -e "\nCommon env file missing, please ensure latest guild-deploy.sh was run and this script is being run from ${CNODE_HOME}/scripts folder! \n" && exit 1 . "$(dirname $0)"/env offline case $? in 1) echo -e "ERROR: Failed to load common env file\nPlease verify set values in 'User Variables' section in env file or log an issue on GitHub" && exit 1;; 2) clear ;; esac [[ "${STOP_NODE}" == "Y" ]] && stop_node # Set defaults and do basic sanity checks set_defaults #Deploy systemd if -d argument was specified if [[ "${DEPLOY_SYSTEMD}" == "Y" ]]; then deploy_systemd && exit 0 exit 2 fi pre_startup_sanity # Download the latest mithril snapshot before starting node if [[ "${MITHRIL_DOWNLOAD}" == "Y" ]]; then mithril_snapshot_download fi # Run Node if [[ -f "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_OPCERT_FILENAME}" && -f "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_VRF_SK_FILENAME}" && -f "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_HOTKEY_SK_FILENAME}" ]]; then exec "${CNODEBIN}" "${CPU_RUNTIME[@]}" run \ --topology "${TOPOLOGY}" \ --config "${CONFIG}" \ --database-path "${DB_DIR}" \ --socket-path "${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}" \ --shelley-kes-key "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_HOTKEY_SK_FILENAME}" \ --shelley-vrf-key "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_VRF_SK_FILENAME}" \ --shelley-operational-certificate "${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_OPCERT_FILENAME}" \ --port ${CNODE_PORT} \ ${MEMPOOL_OVERRIDE} "${host_addr[@]}" else exec "${CNODEBIN}" "${CPU_RUNTIME[@]}" run \ --topology "${TOPOLOGY}" \ --config "${CONFIG}" \ --database-path "${DB_DIR}" \ --socket-path "${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}" \ --port ${CNODE_PORT} \ ${MEMPOOL_OVERRIDE} "${host_addr[@]}" fi