#!/usr/bin/env bash #shellcheck disable=SC2009,SC2034,SC2059,SC2206,SC2086,SC2015,SC2154 #shellcheck source=/dev/null ###################################### # User Variables - Change as desired # # Common variables set in env file # ###################################### #NODE_NAME="Cardano Node" # Change your node's name prefix here, keep at or below 19 characters! #REFRESH_RATE=2 # How often (in seconds) to refresh the view (additional time for processing and output may slow it down) #REPAINT_RATE=10 # Re-paint entire screen every nth REFRESH_RATE. Complete re-paint can make screen flicker, hence not done for every update #LEGACY_MODE=false # (true|false) If enabled unicode box-drawing characters will be replaced by standard ASCII characters #RETRIES=3 # How many attempts to connect to running Cardano node before erroring out and quitting (0 for continuous retries) #PEER_LIST_CNT=10 # Number of peers to show on each in/out page in peer analysis view #THEME="dark" # dark = suited for terminals with a dark background # light = suited for terminals with a bright background #ENABLE_IP_GEOLOCATION=Y # Enable IP geolocation on outgoing and incoming connections using ip-api.com (default: Y) #LATENCY_TOOLS="cncli|ss|tcptraceroute|ping" # Preferred latency check tool order, valid entries: cncli|ss|tcptraceroute|ping (must be separated by |) #CNCLI_CONNECT_ONLY=false # By default cncli measure full connect handshake duration. If set to false, only connect is measured similar to other tools #HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS=N # If set to 'Y', duplicate and local IP's will be filtered out in peer analysis, else all connected peers are shown (default: N) #VERBOSE=N # Start in verbose mode showing additional metrics (default: N) #GLV_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/gLiveView.log" # Log gLiveView errors, set empty to disable. LOG_DIR set in env file. ##################################### # Themes # ##################################### setTheme() { if [[ -z ${THEME} || ${THEME} = "dark" ]]; then style_title=${FG_MAGENTA}${BOLD} # style of title style_base=${FG_WHITE} # default color for text and lines style_values_1=${FG_LBLUE} # color of most live values style_values_2=${FG_GREEN} # color of node name style_values_3=${STANDOUT} # color of selected outgoing/incoming paging style_values_4=${FG_LGRAY} # color of informational text style_info=${FG_YELLOW} # info messages style_status_1=${FG_GREEN} # :) style_status_2=${FG_YELLOW} # :| style_status_3=${FG_RED} # :( style_status_4=${FG_MAGENTA} # :(( elif [[ ${THEME} = "light" ]]; then style_title=${FG_MAGENTA}${BOLD} # style of title style_base=${FG_BLACK} # default color for text and lines style_values_1=${FG_BLUE} # color of most live values style_values_2=${FG_GREEN} # color of node name style_values_3=${STANDOUT} # color of selected outgoing/incoming paging style_values_4=${FG_LGRAY} # color of informational text style_info=${FG_YELLOW} # info messages style_status_1=${FG_GREEN} # :) style_status_2=${FG_YELLOW} # :| style_status_3=${FG_RED} # :( style_status_4=${FG_MAGENTA} # :(( else myExit 1 "Please specify a valid THEME name!" fi } ###################################### # Do NOT modify code below # ###################################### GLV_VERSION=v1.29.1 PARENT="$(dirname $0)" usage() { cat <<-EOF Usage: $(basename "$0") [-l] [-p] [-b ] [-v] Koios gLiveView - A local Cardano node monitoring tool -l Activate legacy mode - standard ASCII characters instead of box-drawing characters -u Skip script update check overriding UPDATE_CHECK value in env -b Use alternate branch to check for updates - only for testing/development (Default: Master) -v Print Koios gLiveView version EOF exit 1 } SKIP_UPDATE=N while getopts :lub:v opt; do case ${opt} in l ) LEGACY_MODE="true" ;; u ) SKIP_UPDATE=Y ;; b ) echo "${OPTARG}" > "${PARENT}"/.env_branch ;; v ) echo -e "\nKoios gLiveView ${GLV_VERSION} (branch: $([[ -f "${PARENT}"/.env_branch ]] && cat "${PARENT}"/.env_branch || echo "master"))\n"; exit 0 ;; \? ) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) # General exit handler cleanup() { [[ -n $1 ]] && err=$1 || err=$? [[ $err -eq 0 ]] && clear tput cnorm # restore cursor [[ -n ${exit_msg} ]] && echo -e "\n${exit_msg}\n" || echo -e "\nKoios gLiveView terminated, cleaning up...\n" tput sgr0 # turn off all attributes exit $err } trap cleanup HUP INT TERM trap 'stty echo' EXIT # Command : myExit [exit code] [message] # Description : gracefully handle an exit and restore terminal to original state myExit() { exit_msg="$2" cleanup "$1" } ####################################################### # Version Check # ####################################################### clear if [[ ! -f "${PARENT}"/env ]]; then echo -e "\nCommon env file missing: ${PARENT}/env" echo -e "This is a mandatory prerequisite, please install with guild-deploy.sh or manually download from GitHub\n" myExit 1 fi . "${PARENT}"/env &>/dev/null # ignore any errors, re-sourced later if [[ ${UPDATE_CHECK} = Y && ${SKIP_UPDATE} != Y ]]; then if command -v cncli >/dev/null && command -v systemctl >/dev/null && systemctl is-active --quiet ${CNODE_VNAME}-cncli-sync.service 2>/dev/null; then vcur=$(cncli -V | awk '{print $2}') vrem=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/${G_ACCOUNT}/cncli/releases/latest | jq -r .tag_name) [[ ${vcur} != ${vrem} ]] && printf "${FG_MAGENTA}CNCLI current version (${vcur}) different from repo (${vrem}), consider upgrading!.${NC}" && waitToProceed fi echo "Checking for script updates..." # Check availability of checkUpdate function if [[ ! $(command -v checkUpdate) ]]; then echo -e "\nCould not find checkUpdate function in env, make sure you're using official docos for installation!" myExit 1 fi # check for env update ENV_UPDATED=N checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/env N N N case $? in 1) ENV_UPDATED=Y ;; 2) myExit 1 ;; esac # source common env variables in case it was updated . "${PARENT}"/env case $? in 1) myExit 1 "ERROR: gLiveView failed to load common env file\nPlease verify set values in 'User Variables' section in env file or log an issue on GitHub" ;; 2) clear ;; esac # check for gLV update checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/gLiveView.sh "${ENV_UPDATED}" case $? in 1) $0 "$@" "-u"; myExit 0 ;; # re-launch script with same args skipping update check 2) exit 1 ;; esac else # source common env variables in offline mode . "${PARENT}"/env offline case $? in 1) myExit 1 "ERROR: gLiveView failed to load common env file\nPlease verify set values in 'User Variables' section in env file or log an issue on GitHub" ;; 2) clear ;; esac fi ####################################################### # Validate config variables # # Can be overridden in 'User Variables' section above # ####################################################### [[ -z ${NODE_NAME} ]] && NODE_NAME="Cardano Node" [[ ${#NODE_NAME} -gt 19 ]] && myExit 1 "Please keep node name at or below 19 characters in length!" [[ -z ${REFRESH_RATE} ]] && REFRESH_RATE=2 [[ ! ${REFRESH_RATE} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && myExit 1 "Please set a valid refresh rate number!" [[ -z ${REPAINT_RATE} ]] && REPAINT_RATE=10 [[ ! ${REPAINT_RATE} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && myExit 1 "Please set a valid repaint rate number!" [[ -z ${LEGACY_MODE} ]] && LEGACY_MODE=false [[ -z "${RETRIES}" ]] && RETRIES=3 [[ -z ${ENABLE_IP_GEOLOCATION} ]] && ENABLE_IP_GEOLOCATION=Y declare -gA geoIP=() [[ -f "$0.geodb" ]] && . -- "$0.geodb" [[ -z ${PEER_LIST_CNT} ]] && PEER_LIST_CNT=10 [[ -z ${LATENCY_TOOLS} ]] && LATENCY_TOOLS="cncli|ss|tcptraceroute|ping" [[ -z ${CNCLI_CONNECT_ONLY} ]] && CNCLI_CONNECT_ONLY=false [[ -z ${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} ]] && HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS=N [[ -z ${VERBOSE} ]] && VERBOSE=N [[ -z ${GLV_LOG} ]] && GLV_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/gLiveView.log" ####################################################### # Style / UI # ####################################################### width=71 # two column view two_col_width=$(( (width-3)/2 )) two_col_second=$(( two_col_width + 2 )) # three column view three_col_width=$(( (width-5)/3 )) three_col_2_start=$(( three_col_width + 3 )) three_col_3_start=$(( three_col_width*2 + 4 )) # main section three_col_1_value_width=$(( three_col_width - 12 )) # minus max width of Block|Slot|Density|Total Tx|Pending Tx + " : " three_col_2_value_width=$(( three_col_width - 12 )) # minus max width of Tip (ref)|Tip (node)|Tip (diff)|Peers In|Peers Out + " : " three_col_3_value_width=$(( three_col_width - 12 )) # minus max width of Mem (RSS)|Mem (Live)|Mem (Heap)|GC Minor|GC Major + " : " # block section use same width as main section now NC=$(tput sgr0 && printf "${style_base}") # override default NC in env setTheme # call function to set theme colors # Progressbar if [[ ${LEGACY_MODE} = "true" ]]; then char_marked="#" char_unmarked="." else char_marked=$(printf "\\u258C") char_unmarked=$(printf "\\u2596") fi granularity=$((width-3)) granularity_small=$((granularity/2)) bar_col_small=$((width - granularity_small)) # Title title="Koios gLiveView ${GLV_VERSION}" # Lines if [[ ${LEGACY_MODE} = "true" ]]; then VL=$(printf "${NC}|") HL=$(printf "${NC}=") LVL=$(printf "${NC}|") RVL=$(printf "${NC}|") UHL=$(printf "${NC}=") DHL=$(printf "${NC}=") UR=$(printf "${NC}=") UL=$(printf "${NC}|") DR=$(printf "${NC}|") DL=$(printf "${NC}|") tdivider=$(printf "${NC}|" && printf "%0.s=" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "|") mdivider=$(printf "${NC}|" && printf "%0.s=" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "|") m2divider=$(printf "${NC}|" && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "|") m3divider=$(printf "${NC}|" && printf "%0.s- " $(seq $((width/2))) && printf "|") bdivider=$(printf "${NC}|" && printf "%0.s=" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "|") coredivider=$(printf "${NC}|= ${style_info}CORE${NC} " && printf "%0.s=" $(seq $((width-8))) && printf "|") conndivider=$(printf "${NC}|- ${style_info}CONNECTIONS${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-15))) && printf "|") propdivider=$(printf "${NC}|- ${style_info}BLOCK PROPAGATION${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-21))) && printf "|") resourcesdivider=$(printf "${NC}|- ${style_info}NODE RESOURCE USAGE${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-23))) && printf "|") blockdivider=$(printf "${NC}|- ${style_info}BLOCK PRODUCTION${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-20))) && printf "|") blank_line=$(printf "${NC}|%$((width-1))s|" "") else VL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502") HL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2500") LVL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2524") RVL=$(printf "${NC}\\u251C") UHL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2534") DHL=$(printf "${NC}\\u252C") UR=$(printf "${NC}\\u2514") UL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2518") DR=$(printf "${NC}\\u250C") DL=$(printf "${NC}\\u2510") tdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u250C" && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((width-${#title}-${#CNODE_PORT}-13))) && printf "\\u252C" && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((${#CNODE_PORT}+8))) && printf "\\u252C" && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((${#title}+2))) && printf "\\u2510") mdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u251C" && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "\\u2524") m2divider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502" && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "\\u2502") m3divider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502" && printf "%0.s- " $(seq $((width/2))) && printf "\\u2502") bdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2514" && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((width-1))) && printf "\\u2518") coredivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u251C\\u2500 ${style_info}CORE${NC} " && printf "%0.s\\u2500" $(seq $((width-8))) && printf "\\u2524") conndivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502- ${style_info}CONNECTIONS${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-15))) && printf "\\u2502") propdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502- ${style_info}BLOCK PROPAGATION${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-21))) && printf "\\u2502") resourcesdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502- ${style_info}NODE RESOURCE USAGE${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-23))) && printf "\\u2502") blockdivider=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502- ${style_info}BLOCK PRODUCTION${NC} " && printf "%0.s-" $(seq $((width-20))) && printf "\\u2502") blank_line=$(printf "${NC}\\u2502%$((width-1))s\\u2502" "") fi ##################################### # Helper functions # ##################################### # Command : waitForInput [submenu] # Description : wait for user keypress to quit, else do nothing if timeout expire waitForInput() { ESC=$(printf "\033") if [[ $1 = "homeInfo" || $1 = "peersInfo" ]]; then read -rsn1 key1 elif ! read -rsn1 -t ${REFRESH_RATE} key1; then return; fi [[ ${key1} = "${ESC}" ]] && read -rsn2 -t 0.3 key2 # read 2 more chars [[ ${key1} = "q" ]] && myExit 0 "Koios gLiveView stopped!" [[ ${key1} = "${ESC}" && ${key2} = "" ]] && myExit 0 "Koios gLiveView stopped!" if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then [[ ${key1} = "p" ]] && check_peers="true" && clrScreen && return [[ ${key1} = "i" ]] && show_home_info="true" && clrScreen && return if [[ ${key1} = "v" ]]; then [[ ${VERBOSE} = "N" ]] && VERBOSE="Y" || VERBOSE="N"; fi; clrScreen && return elif [[ $1 = "homeInfo" ]]; then [[ ${key1} = "h" ]] && show_home_info="false" && line=0 && clrScreen && return elif [[ $1 = "peersInfo" ]]; then [[ ${key1} = "b" ]] && show_peers_info="false" && line=0 && clrScreen && return elif [[ $1 = "peers" ]]; then [[ ${key1} = "h" ]] && show_peers="false" && clrScreen && return [[ ${key1} = "i" ]] && show_peers_info="true" && clrScreen && return if [[ ${key2} = "[C" && ${show_peers} = "true" ]]; then # Right arrow [[ ${peerCNT} -gt ${peerNbr} ]] && peerNbr_start=$((peerNbr_start+PEER_LIST_CNT)) && clrScreen && return fi if [[ ${key2} = "[D" && ${show_peers} = "true" ]]; then # Left arrow [[ ${peerNbr_start} -gt ${PEER_LIST_CNT} ]] && peerNbr_start=$((peerNbr_start-PEER_LIST_CNT)) && clrScreen && return fi fi } # Command : sizeOfProgressSlotSpan # Description: Determine and set the size and style of the progress bar based on remaining time # Return : sets leader_bar_span as integer [432000, 43200, 3600, 300] # : sets leader_bar_style using styling from theme setSizeAndStyleOfProgressBar() { if [[ ${1} -gt 43200 ]]; then leader_bar_span=432000 leader_bar_style="${style_status_1}" elif [[ ${1} -gt 3600 ]]; then leader_bar_span=43200 leader_bar_style="${style_status_2}" elif [[ ${1} -gt 300 ]]; then leader_bar_span=3600 leader_bar_style="${style_status_3}" else leader_bar_span=300 leader_bar_style="${style_status_4}" fi } # Command : alignLeft # Description: printf align helpers useful to handle umlauts correctly alignLeft () { (($#==2)) || return 2 ((${#2}>$1)) && return 1 printf '%s%*s' "$2" $(($1-${#2})) '' } # Command : alignRight alignRight () { (($#==2)) || return 2 ((${#2}>$1)) && return 1 printf '%*s%s' $(($1-${#2})) '' "$2" } # Command : mvRight # Description: move curser x columns to the right mvRight () { printf "\033[${1}C" } # Command : mvLeft # Description: move curser x columns to the left mvLeft () { printf "\033[${1}D" } # Command : mvPos # Description: move curser to specified position mvPos () { printf "\033[$1;$2H" } # Command : mvTwoSecond # Description: move curser to two column view, second column start mvTwoSecond () { printf "\033[72D\033[${two_col_second}C" } # Command : mvThreeSecond # Description: move curser to three column view, second column start mvThreeSecond () { printf "\033[72D\033[${three_col_2_start}C" } # Command : mvThreeThird # Description: move curser to three column view, third column start mvThreeThird () { printf "\033[72D\033[${three_col_3_start}C" } # Command : mvEnd # Description: move curser to last column mvEnd () { printf "\033[72D\033[${width}C" } # Command : closeRow # Description: move curser to last column, print border and newline and finally increment line number closeRow () { printf "${NC}\033[72D\033[${width}C${VL}\n" && ((line++)) } # Command : clrLine # Description: clear to end of line clrLine () { printf "\033[K" } # Command : clrScreen # Description: clear the screen, move to (0,0), and reset screen update counter clrScreen () { printf "\033[2J" screen_upd_cnt=0 } # Description: latency helper functions latencyCNCLI () { if [[ -n ${CNCLI} && -f ${CNCLI} ]]; then checkPEER=$(${CNCLI} ping --host "${peerIP}" --port "${peerPORT}" --network-magic "${NWMAGIC}") if [[ $(jq -r .status <<< "${checkPEER}") = "ok" ]]; then [[ ${CNCLI_CONNECT_ONLY} = true ]] && peerRTT=$(jq -r .connectDurationMs <<< "${checkPEER}") || peerRTT=$(jq -r .durationMs <<< "${checkPEER}") else # cncli ping failed peerRTT=99999 fi fi } latencySS () { if command -v ss >/dev/null; then if [[ $(ss -ni "dst ${peerIP}:${peerPORT}" | tail -1) =~ rtt:([0-9]+) ]]; then peerRTT=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} else peerRTT=99999 fi fi } latencyTCPTRACEROUTE () { if command -v tcptraceroute >/dev/null; then checkPEER=$(tcptraceroute -n -S -f 255 -m 255 -q 1 -w 1 "${peerIP}" "${peerPORT}" 2>&1 | tail -n 1) if [[ ${checkPEER} = *'[open]'* ]]; then peerRTT=$(echo "${checkPEER}" | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d. -f1) else # Nope, no response peerRTT=99999 fi fi } latencyPING () { if checkPEER=$(ping -c 2 -i 0.3 -w 1 "${peerIP}" 2>&1); then # Ping OK, show RTT peerRTT=$(echo "${checkPEER}" | tail -n 1 | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -d. -f1) fi } # Description: Get index of first entry in array matching input string (no spaces allowed in search) # $1 = string to match against, $2 = array to search # returns index in array or -1 if not found getArrayIndex () { local match=$1 shift arr=("$@") for i in "${!arr[@]}"; do [[ ${arr[$i]} = *"${match}"* ]] && echo $i && return; done echo -1 } logln() { [[ -z ${GLV_LOG} ]] && return local log_level=$1 shift [[ -z $1 ]] && return echo -e "$@" | while read -r log_line; do log_line=$(sed -E 's/\x1b(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]|[0-9])//g' <<< ${log_line##*( )}) [[ -z ${log_line} ]] && continue printf '%s %-8s %s\n' "$(date "+%F %T %Z")" "[${log_level}]" "${log_line}" >> "${GLV_LOG}" done } getPoolInfo () { # runs in background to not stall rest of gLiveView while fetching data if ! pool_info=$(curl -sSL -f -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"_pool_bech32_ids":["'${pool_id_bech32}'"]}' "${KOIOS_API}/pool_info" 2>&1); then [[ -n ${GLV_LOG} ]] && logln "ERROR" "${pool_info}" return fi [[ ${pool_info} = '[]' ]] && return echo ${pool_info} > ${pool_info_file} } parsePoolInfo () { pool_info_tsv=$(jq -r '[ .[0].active_epoch_no //0, .[0].vrf_key_hash //"-", .[0].margin //0, .[0].fixed_cost //0, .[0].pledge //0, .[0].reward_addr //"-", (.[0].owners|@json), (.[0].relays|@json), .[0].meta_url //"-", .[0].meta_hash //"-", (.[0].meta_json|@base64), .[0].pool_status //"-", .[0].retiring_epoch //"-", .[0].op_cert //"-", .[0].op_cert_counter //"null", .[0].active_stake //0, .[0].block_count //0, .[0].live_pledge //0, .[0].live_stake //0, .[0].live_delegators //0, .[0].live_saturation //0 ] | @tsv' "${pool_info_file}") read -ra pool_info_arr <<< ${pool_info_tsv} p_active_epoch_no=${pool_info_arr[0]} p_vrf_key_hash=${pool_info_arr[1]} p_margin=${pool_info_arr[2]} p_fixed_cost=${pool_info_arr[3]} p_pledge=${pool_info_arr[4]} p_reward_addr=${pool_info_arr[5]} p_owners=${pool_info_arr[6]} p_relays=${pool_info_arr[7]} p_meta_url=${pool_info_arr[8]} p_meta_hash=${pool_info_arr[9]} p_meta_json=$(base64 -d <<< ${pool_info_arr[10]}) p_pool_status=${pool_info_arr[11]} p_retiring_epoch=${pool_info_arr[12]} p_op_cert=${pool_info_arr[13]} p_op_cert_counter=${pool_info_arr[14]} p_active_stake=${pool_info_arr[15]} p_block_count=${pool_info_arr[16]} p_live_pledge=${pool_info_arr[17]} p_live_stake=${pool_info_arr[18]} p_live_delegators=${pool_info_arr[19]} p_live_saturation=${pool_info_arr[20]} rm ${pool_info_file} } getOpCert () { op_cert_disk="?" op_cert_chain="?" opcert_file="${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_OPCERT_FILENAME}" if [[ ! -f ${opcert_file} && -n ${CNODE_PID} ]]; then if [[ $(ps -p ${CNODE_PID} -o cmd=) =~ --shelley-operational-certificate[[:space:]]([^[:space:]]+) ]]; then opcert_file="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" fi fi if [[ -f ${opcert_file} ]]; then op_cert_tsv=$(jq -r '[ .qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber //"?", .qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber //"?" ] | @tsv' <<<"$(${CCLI} ${NETWORK_ERA} query kes-period-info ${NETWORK_IDENTIFIER} --op-cert-file "${opcert_file}" | grep "^[{ }]")") read -ra op_cert_arr <<< ${op_cert_tsv} isNumber ${op_cert_arr[0]} && op_cert_chain=${op_cert_arr[0]} isNumber ${op_cert_arr[1]} && op_cert_disk=${op_cert_arr[1]} fi } # Command : checkPeers # Description: Check peer connections # Inspired by ping script from Martin @ ATADA pool checkPeers() { # initialize variables peerCNT=0; peerCNT0=0; peerCNT1=0; peerCNT2=0; peerCNT3=0; peerCNT4=0 peerPCT1=0; peerPCT2=0; peerPCT3=0; peerPCT4=0 peerPCT1items=0; peerPCT2items=0; peerPCT3items=0; peerPCT4items=0 peerRTTSUM=0; peerRTTAVG=0 peersFiltered=(); rttResults=(); rttResultsSorted="" geoIPquery="[]"; geoIPqueryCNT=0 command -v dig >/dev/null && ext_ip_resolve=$(dig @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short) || ext_ip_resolve="" if [[ ${use_lsof} = 'Y' ]]; then peers_in=$(lsof -Pnl +M | grep ESTABLISHED | awk -v pid="${CNODE_PID}" -v port=":${CNODE_PORT}->" '$2 == pid && $9 ~ port {print $9}' | awk -F "->" '{print $2}') peers_out=$(lsof -Pnl +M | grep ESTABLISHED | awk -v pid="${CNODE_PID}" -v port=":(${CNODE_PORT}|${EKG_PORT}|${PROM_PORT})->" '$2 == pid && $9 !~ port {print $9}' | awk -F "->" '{print $2}') else peers_in=$(ss -tnp state established 2>/dev/null | grep "${CNODE_PID}," | awk -v port=":${CNODE_PORT}" '$3 ~ port {print $4}') peers_out=$(ss -tnp state established 2>/dev/null | grep "${CNODE_PID}," | awk -v port=":(${CNODE_PORT}|${EKG_PORT}|${PROM_PORT})" '$3 !~ port {print $4}') fi [[ -z ${peers_in} && -z ${peers_out} ]] && return for peer in ${peers_in}; do if [[ ${peer} = "["* ]]; then # IPv6 IFS=']' read -ra ipv6_peer <<< "${peer:1}"; unset IFS peerIP=${ipv6_peer[0]} peerPORT=${ipv6_peer[1]:1} else # IPv4 peerIP=$(cut -d: -f1 <<< "${peer}") peerPORT=$(cut -d: -f2 <<< "${peer}") fi if [[ -z ${peerIP} || -z ${peerPORT} || (${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' && ${peerIP} = || (${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' && ${peerIP} = ${ext_ip_resolve} && ${peerPORT} = ${CNODE_PORT}) ]]; then continue fi [[ ${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' && $(getArrayIndex "${peerIP};" "${peersFiltered[@]}") -ge 0 ]] && continue # IP already added and duplicates not wanted peersFiltered+=("${peerIP};${peerPORT};i") done for peer in ${peers_out}; do if [[ ${peer} = "["* ]]; then # IPv6 IFS=']' read -ra ipv6_peer <<< "${peer:1}"; unset IFS peerIP=${ipv6_peer[0]} peerPORT=${ipv6_peer[1]:1} else # IPv4 peerIP=$(cut -d: -f1 <<< "${peer}") peerPORT=$(cut -d: -f2 <<< "${peer}") fi if [[ -z ${peerIP} || -z ${peerPORT} || (${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' && ${peerIP} = || (${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' && ${peerIP} = ${ext_ip_resolve} && ${peerPORT} = ${CNODE_PORT}) ]]; then continue fi if [[ ${HIDE_DUPLICATE_IPS} = 'Y' ]]; then local peerIndex=$(getArrayIndex "${peerIP};" "${peersFiltered[@]}") if [[ ${peerIndex} -ge 0 ]]; then if [[ ${peersFiltered[$peerIndex]} != *o ]]; then peersFiltered[$peerIndex]="${peerIP};${peerPORT};i+o" fi else peersFiltered+=("${peerIP};${peerPORT};o") fi else peersFiltered+=("${peerIP};${peerPORT};o") fi done IFS=$'\n' peersFiltered=($(sort <<<"${peersFiltered[*]}")); unset IFS peerCNT=${#peersFiltered[@]} print_start=$(( width - (${#peerCNT}*2) - 2 )) mvPos ${line} ${print_start} printf "${style_values_1}%${#peerCNT}s${NC}/${style_values_2}%s${NC}" "0" "${peerCNT}" # Ping every node in the list index=0 lastpeerIP="" for peerIndex in "${!peersFiltered[@]}"; do IFS=";" read -r -a peer_arr <<< "${peersFiltered[$peerIndex]}"; unset IFS peerIP=${peer_arr[0]} peerPORT=${peer_arr[1]} peerDIR=${peer_arr[2]} if [[ ${ENABLE_IP_GEOLOCATION} = "Y" && "${peerIP}" != "${lastpeerIP}" ]] && ! isPrivateIP "${peerIP}"; then if [[ ! -v "geoIP[${peerIP}]" && $((++geoIPqueryCNT)) -le 100 ]]; then # not previously checked and less than 100 queries geoIPquery=$(jq --arg addr "${peerIP}" '. += [{"query": $addr, "fields": "city,countryCode,query"}]' <<< ${geoIPquery}) fi fi if [[ "${peerIP}" = "${lastpeerIP}" && ${peerRTT} -ne 99999 ]]; then peerRTTSUM=$((peerRTTSUM + peerRTT)) # skip RTT check and reuse old ${peerRTT} number else unset peerRTT for tool in ${LATENCY_TOOLS//|/ }; do case ${tool} in cncli) latencyCNCLI ;; ss) latencySS ;; tcptraceroute) latencyTCPTRACEROUTE ;; ping) latencyPING ;; esac [[ -n ${peerRTT} && ${peerRTT} != 99999 ]] && break done if [[ -z ${peerRTT} ]]; then # cncli, ss & tcptraceroute and ping failed peerRTT=99999 fi ! isNumber ${peerRTT} && peerRTT=99999 || peerRTTSUM=$((peerRTTSUM + peerRTT)) fi lastpeerIP=${peerIP} # Update counters if [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 50 ]]; then ((peerCNT1++)) elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 100 ]]; then ((peerCNT2++)) elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 200 ]]; then ((peerCNT3++)) elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 99999 ]]; then ((peerCNT4++)) else ((peerCNT0++)); fi rttResults+=( "${peerRTT};${peerIP};${peerPORT};${peerDIR}" ) mvPos ${line} ${print_start} printf "${style_values_1}%${#peerCNT}s${NC}" "$((++index))" done mvPos ${line} ${print_start} printf "${style_values_2}%${#peerCNT}s${NC}" "${index}" [[ ${#rttResults[@]} ]] && rttResultsSorted=$(printf '%s\n' "${rttResults[@]}" | sort -n) peerCNTreachable=$((peerCNT-peerCNT0)) if [[ ${peerCNTreachable} -gt 0 ]]; then peerRTTAVG=$((peerRTTSUM / peerCNTreachable)) peerPCT1=$(echo "scale=4;(${peerCNT1}/${peerCNTreachable})*100" | bc -l) peerPCT1items=$(printf %.0f "$(echo "scale=4;${peerPCT1}*${granularity_small}/100" | bc -l)") peerPCT2=$(echo "scale=4;(${peerCNT2}/${peerCNTreachable})*100" | bc -l) peerPCT2items=$(printf %.0f "$(echo "scale=4;${peerPCT2}*${granularity_small}/100" | bc -l)") peerPCT3=$(echo "scale=4;(${peerCNT3}/${peerCNTreachable})*100" | bc -l) peerPCT3items=$(printf %.0f "$(echo "scale=4;${peerPCT3}*${granularity_small}/100" | bc -l)") peerPCT4=$(echo "scale=4;(${peerCNT4}/${peerCNTreachable})*100" | bc -l) peerPCT4items=$(printf %.0f "$(echo "scale=4;${peerPCT4}*${granularity_small}/100" | bc -l)") fi if [[ ${geoIPquery} != "[]" ]]; then geoIPdata="$(curl -s -f http://ip-api.com/batch --data "${geoIPquery}")" if [[ -n "${geoIPdata}" ]] || jq -e . <<< "${geoIPdata}" &>/dev/null; then # successfully grabbed for entry in $(jq -r '.[] | @base64' <<< "${geoIPdata}"); do _jq() { base64 -d <<< ${entry} | jq -r "${1}"; } query_ip=$(_jq '.query //empty') city=$(_jq '.city // "?"') countryCode=$(_jq '.countryCode // "?"') geoIP[${query_ip}]="${city}, ${countryCode}" done fi fi } ##################################### # Static variables/calculations # ##################################### check_peers="false" show_peers="false" getNodeMetrics curr_epoch=${epochnum} getShelleyTransitionEpoch if [[ ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH} -eq -1 ]]; then clrScreen printf "\n ${style_status_3}Failed${NC} to get shelley transition epoch, calculations will not work correctly!" printf "\n\n Possible causes:" printf "\n - Node in startup mode" printf "\n - Shelley era not reached" printf "\n After successful node boot or when sync to shelley era has been reached, calculations will be correct\n" waitToProceed && clrScreen fi version=$("${CNODEBIN}" version) node_version=$(grep "cardano-node" <<< "${version}" | cut -d ' ' -f2) node_rev=$(grep "git rev" <<< "${version}" | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -c1-8) fail_count=0 epoch_items_last=0 screen_upd_cnt=0 test_koios # KOIOS_API variable unset if check fails. Only tested once on startup. pool_info_file=/dev/shm/pool_info [[ -n ${KOIOS_API} ]] && getPoolID getOpCert tput civis # Disable cursor stty -echo # Disable user input clrScreen tlines=$(tput lines) # set initial terminal lines tcols=$(tput cols) # set initial terminal columns printf "${NC}" # reset and set default color unset cpu_now cpu_last ##################################### # MAIN LOOP # ##################################### while true; do tlines=$(tput lines) # update terminal lines tcols=$(tput cols) # update terminal columns [[ ${width} -ge ${tcols} || ${line} -ge $((tlines - 1)) ]] && clrScreen while [[ ${width} -ge ${tcols} ]]; do mvPos 2 2 printf "${style_status_3}Terminal width too small!${NC}" mvPos 4 2 printf "Please increase by ${style_info}$(( width - tcols + 1 ))${NC} columns" mvPos 6 2 printf "${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC}" waitForInput tlines=$(tput lines) # update terminal lines tcols=$(tput cols) # update terminal columns done while [[ ${line} -gt ${tlines} ]]; do mvPos 2 2 printf "${style_status_3}Terminal height too small!${NC}" mvPos 4 2 printf "Please increase by ${style_info}$(( line - tlines + 2 ))${NC} lines" mvPos 6 2 printf "${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC}" waitForInput tlines=$(tput lines) # update terminal lines tcols=$(tput cols) # update terminal columns done [[ ${oldLine} != ${line} ]] && oldLine=$line && clrScreen # redraw everything, total height changed line=1; mvPos 1 1 # reset position # Gather some data getNodeMetrics [[ ${RETRIES} -gt 0 && ${fail_count} -eq ${RETRIES} ]] && printf -v error_msg "${style_status_3}COULD NOT CONNECT TO A RUNNING INSTANCE, ${RETRIES} FAILED ATTEMPTS IN A ROW!${NC}" && logln "ERROR" "${error_msg}" && myExit 1 "${error_msg}" CNODE_PID=$(pgrep -fn "$(basename ${CNODEBIN}).*.port ${CNODE_PORT}") if [[ -z ${CNODE_PID} ]]; then ((fail_count++)) clrScreen && mvPos 2 2 printf -v error_msg "${style_status_3}Connection to node lost, retrying (${fail_count}$([[ ${RETRIES} -gt 0 ]] && echo "/${RETRIES}"))!${NC}" printf ${error_msg} logln "ERROR" "${error_msg}" waitForInput && continue elif [[ ${fail_count} -ne 0 ]]; then # was failed but now ok, re-check version=$("${CNODEBIN}" version) node_version=$(grep "cardano-node" <<< "${version}" | cut -d ' ' -f2) node_rev=$(grep "git rev" <<< "${version}" | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -c1-8) fail_count=0 getOpCert fi if [[ ${show_peers} = "false" ]]; then if [[ ${P2P_ENABLED} != true ]]; then if [[ ${use_lsof} = 'Y' ]]; then peers_in=$(lsof -Pnl +M | grep ESTABLISHED | awk -v pid="${CNODE_PID}" -v port=":${CNODE_PORT}->" '$2 == pid && $9 ~ port {print $9}' | awk -F "->" '{print $2}' | wc -l) peers_out=$(lsof -Pnl +M | grep ESTABLISHED | awk -v pid="${CNODE_PID}" -v port=":(${CNODE_PORT}|${EKG_PORT}|${PROM_PORT})->" '$2 == pid && $9 !~ port {print $9}' | awk -F "->" '{print $2}' | wc -l) else peers_in=$(ss -tnp state established 2>/dev/null | grep "${CNODE_PID}," | awk -v port=":${CNODE_PORT}" '$3 ~ port {print}' | wc -l) peers_out=$(ss -tnp state established 2>/dev/null | grep "${CNODE_PID}," | awk -v port=":(${CNODE_PORT}|${EKG_PORT}|${PROM_PORT})" '$3 !~ port {print}' | wc -l) fi fi mem_rss="$(ps -q ${CNODE_PID} -o rss=)" read -ra cpu_now <<< "$(LC_NUMERIC=C awk '/cpu /{printf "%.f %.f", $2+$4,$2+$4+$5}' /proc/stat)" if [[ ${#cpu_now[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then if [[ ${#cpu_last[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then cpu_util=$(bc -l <<< "100*((${cpu_now[0]}-${cpu_last[0]})/(${cpu_now[1]}-${cpu_last[1]}))") if [[ ${cpu_util%.*} -gt 99 ]]; then cpu_util=$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%.0f" "${cpu_util}") elif [[ ${cpu_util%.*} -gt 9 ]]; then cpu_util=$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%.1f" "${cpu_util}") else cpu_util=$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%.2f" "${cpu_util}") fi else cpu_util="0.0" fi cpu_last=("${cpu_now[@]}") else cpu_util="0.0" fi if [[ ${about_to_lead} -gt 0 ]]; then [[ ${nodemode} != "Core" ]] && nodemode="Core" && getOpCert && clrScreen else [[ ${nodemode} != "Relay" ]] && clrScreen && nodemode="Relay" fi if [[ ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH} -eq -1 ]]; then # if Shelley transition epoch calc failed during start, try until successful getShelleyTransitionEpoch kes_expiration="---" else kesExpiration fi if [[ ${curr_epoch} -ne ${epochnum} ]]; then # only update on new epoch to save on processing curr_epoch=${epochnum} unset pool_info_last_upd fi if [[ ${nodemode} = "Core" ]]; then if [[ -n ${KOIOS_API} && -n ${pool_id_bech32} ]]; then if [[ -n ${pool_info_last_upd} && $(($(date -u +%s) - pool_info_last_upd)) -lt 3600 ]]; then : # nothing to do, pool info already fetched, processed and under 1h old elif [[ -f ${pool_info_file} ]]; then parsePoolInfo pool_info_last_upd=$(date -u +%s) clrScreen else getPoolInfo & # background process to not stall UI fi fi fi fi header_length=$(( ${#NODE_NAME} + ${#nodemode} + ${#node_version} + ${#node_rev} + ${#NETWORK_NAME} + 19 )) [[ ${header_length} -gt ${width} ]] && header_padding=0 || header_padding=$(( (width - header_length) / 2 )) printf "%${header_padding}s > ${style_values_2}%s${NC} - ${style_info}(%s - %s)${NC} : ${style_values_1}%s${NC} [${style_values_1}%s${NC}] < \n" "" "${NODE_NAME}" "${nodemode}" "${NETWORK_NAME}" "${node_version}" "${node_rev}" && ((line++)) ## main section ## printf "${tdivider}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} Uptime: ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "$(timeLeft ${uptimes})" mvPos ${line} $(( width - ${#title} - 2 - ${#CNODE_PORT} - 9 )) printf "${VL} Port: ${style_values_2}${CNODE_PORT} " mvPos ${line} $(( width - ${#title} - 2 )) printf "${VL} ${style_title}${title}" && closeRow printf "${m2divider}" mvPos ${line} $(( width - ${#title} - 2 - ${#CNODE_PORT} - 9 )) printf "${UR}" printf "%0.s${HL}" $(seq $(( ${#CNODE_PORT} + 8 ))) printf "${UHL}" printf "%0.s${HL}" $(seq $(( ${#title} + 2 ))) printf "${LVL}\n" && ((line++)) if [[ ${check_peers} = "true" ]]; then clrLine printf "${VL} ${style_info}%-$((width-3))s${NC} ${VL}\n" "Peer analysis started... please wait!" echo "${bdivider}" checkPeers peerNbr_start=1 mvPos ${line} 1 printf "${VL} ${style_info}%-46s${NC}" "Peer analysis done!" && closeRow printf -v peer_analysis_date '%(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)T' -1 sleep 1 [[ ${#geoIP[@]} -gt 0 ]] && declare -p geoIP > "$0.geodb" elif [[ ${show_peers} = "true" && ${show_peers_info} = "true" ]]; then printf "${VL}${STANDOUT} INFO ${NC} One-shot peer analysis last run at ${style_values_1}%s" "${peer_analysis_date}" && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} Runs a latency test on connections to the node." && closeRow printf "${VL} Once the analysis is finished, RTTs(Round Trip Time) for each peer" && closeRow printf "${VL} is display and grouped in ranges of 0-50, 50-100, 100-200, 200<." && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} Connections ping type order(unless overridden in settings):" && closeRow printf "${VL} 1. ${style_values_2}cncli${NC} - If available, this gives the most accurate measure as" && closeRow printf "${VL} it checks the entire handshake process against the remote peer." && closeRow printf "${VL} 2. ${style_values_2}ss${NC} - Sends a TCP SYN package to ping the remote peer on" && closeRow printf "${VL} the cardano-node port. Should give ~100%% success rate." && closeRow printf "${VL} 3. ${style_values_2}tcptraceroute${NC} - Same as ss" && closeRow printf "${VL} 4. ${style_values_2}ping${NC} - fallback method using ICMP ping against IP." && closeRow printf "${VL} Only work if the FW of remote peer accepts ICMP traffic." && closeRow elif [[ ${show_peers} = "true" ]]; then printf "${VL} RTT : Peers / Percent" && closeRow printf "${VL} 0-50ms : ${style_values_1}%5s${NC} ${style_values_1}%.f${NC}%% ${style_status_1}" "${peerCNT1}" "${peerPCT1}" mvPos ${line} ${bar_col_small} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity_small-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${peerPCT1items} ]] && printf "${char_marked}" || printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}" done closeRow printf "${VL} 50-100ms : ${style_values_1}%5s${NC} ${style_values_1}%.f${NC}%% ${style_status_2}" "${peerCNT2}" "${peerPCT2}" mvPos ${line} ${bar_col_small} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity_small-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${peerPCT2items} ]] && printf "${char_marked}" || printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}" done closeRow printf "${VL} 100-200ms : ${style_values_1}%5s${NC} ${style_values_1}%.f${NC}%% ${style_status_3}" "${peerCNT3}" "${peerPCT3}" mvPos ${line} ${bar_col_small} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity_small-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${peerPCT3items} ]] && printf "${char_marked}" || printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}" done closeRow printf "${VL} 200ms < : ${style_values_1}%5s${NC} ${style_values_1}%.f${NC}%% ${style_status_4}" "${peerCNT4}" "${peerPCT4}" mvPos ${line} ${bar_col_small} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity_small-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${peerPCT4items} ]] && printf "${char_marked}" || printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}" done closeRow echo "${m3divider}" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} Total / Undetermined : ${style_values_1}%s${NC} / " "${peerCNT}" [[ ${peerCNT0} -eq 0 ]] && printf "${style_values_1}0${NC}" || printf "${style_values_4}%s${NC}" "${peerCNT0}" mvPos ${line} $((two_col_second + 1)) if [[ ${peerRTTAVG} -ge 200 ]]; then printf "Average RTT : ${style_status_4}%s${NC} ms" "${peerRTTAVG}" elif [[ ${peerRTTAVG} -ge 100 ]]; then printf "Average RTT : ${style_status_3}%s${NC} ms" "${peerRTTAVG}" elif [[ ${peerRTTAVG} -ge 50 ]]; then printf "Average RTT : ${style_status_2}%s${NC} ms" "${peerRTTAVG}" elif [[ ${peerRTTAVG} -ge 0 ]]; then printf "Average RTT : ${style_status_1}%s${NC} ms" "${peerRTTAVG}" else printf "Average RTT : ${style_status_3}---${NC} ms"; fi closeRow if [[ -n ${rttResultsSorted} ]]; then echo "${m3divider}" && ((line++)) printf "${VL}${style_info} # %24s I/O RTT Geolocation${NC}\n" "REMOTE PEER" header_line=$((line++)) peerNbr=0 peerLocationWidth=$((width-41)) for peer in ${rttResultsSorted}; do ((peerNbr++)) [[ ${peerNbr} -lt ${peerNbr_start} ]] && continue IFS=";" read -a peerData <<< ${peer}; unset IFS peerRTT="${peerData[0]}" peerPORT="${peerData[2]}" peerDIR="${peerData[3]}" if [[ ${peerData[1]} = *:* ]]; then # IPv6 IFS=":" read -a ipv6IP <<< ${peerData[1]} if [[ ${#ipv6IP[@]} -le 3 ]]; then peerIP="[${peerData[1]}]" else peerIP="[${ipv6IP[0]}...${ipv6IP[-2]}:${ipv6IP[-1]}]" fi else peerIP="${peerData[1]}" fi IFS=',' read -ra peerLocation <<< "${geoIP[${peerIP}]}"; unset IFS if isPrivateIP ${peerIP}; then peerLocationFmt="(Private IP)" elif [[ ${#peerLocation[@]} -eq 2 ]]; then peerLocationCity="${peerLocation[0]}" peerLocationCC="${peerLocation[1]}" [[ ${#peerLocationCity} -gt $((peerLocationWidth-4)) ]] && peerLocationCity="${peerLocationCity:0:$((peerLocationWidth-6))}.." peerLocationFmt="${peerLocationCity},${peerLocationCC}" else peerLocationFmt="Unknown location" fi if [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 50 ]]; then printf "${VL} %3s %19s:%-5s %-3s ${style_status_1}%-5s${NC} ${style_values_4}%s" "${peerNbr}" "${peerIP}" "${peerPORT}" "${peerDIR}" "${peerRTT}" "$(alignLeft ${peerLocationWidth} "${peerLocationFmt}")" elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 100 ]]; then printf "${VL} %3s %19s:%-5s %-3s ${style_status_2}%-5s${NC} ${style_values_4}%s" "${peerNbr}" "${peerIP}" "${peerPORT}" "${peerDIR}" "${peerRTT}" "$(alignLeft ${peerLocationWidth} "${peerLocationFmt}")" elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 200 ]]; then printf "${VL} %3s %19s:%-5s %-3s ${style_status_3}%-5s${NC} ${style_values_4}%s" "${peerNbr}" "${peerIP}" "${peerPORT}" "${peerDIR}" "${peerRTT}" "$(alignLeft ${peerLocationWidth} "${peerLocationFmt}")" elif [[ ${peerRTT} -lt 99999 ]]; then printf "${VL} %3s %19s:%-5s %-3s ${style_status_4}%-5s${NC} ${style_values_4}%s" "${peerNbr}" "${peerIP}" "${peerPORT}" "${peerDIR}" "${peerRTT}" "$(alignLeft ${peerLocationWidth} "${peerLocationFmt}")" else printf "${VL} %3s %19s:%-5s %-3s %-5s ${style_values_4}%s" "${peerNbr}" "${peerIP}" "${peerDIR}" "${peerPORT}" "---" "$(alignLeft ${peerLocationWidth} "${peerLocationFmt}")"; fi closeRow [[ ${peerNbr} -eq $((peerNbr_start+PEER_LIST_CNT-1)) ]] && break done [[ ${peerNbr_start} -gt 1 ]] && nav_str="< " || nav_str="" nav_str+="[${peerNbr_start}-${peerNbr}]" [[ ${peerCNT} -gt ${peerNbr} ]] && nav_str+=" >" mvPos ${header_line} $((width-${#nav_str}-2)) printf "${style_values_3} %s ${NC} ${VL}\n" "${nav_str}" || printf " %s ${VL}\n" "${nav_str}" mvPos ${line} 1 fi elif [[ ${show_home_info} = "true" ]]; then printf "${VL}${STANDOUT} INFO ${NC} Displays live metrics gathered from node EKG endpoint" && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} ${style_values_2}Upper Main Section${NC}" && closeRow printf "${VL} Epoch number & progress is live from node while calculation of date" && closeRow printf "${VL} until epoch boundary is based on genesis parameters. Reference tip" && closeRow printf "${VL} and difference show how far behind the last block is from real time." && closeRow printf "${VL} Forks is how many times the blockchain branched off in a different" && closeRow printf "${VL} direction since node start (and discarded blocks by doing so)." && closeRow printf "${VL} P2P Connections shows how many peers the node pushes to/pulls from." && closeRow printf "${VL} Block propagation metrics are discussed in the documentation." && closeRow printf "${VL} RSS/Live/Heap shows the memory utilization of RSS/live/heap data." && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} ${style_values_2}Core section${NC}" && closeRow printf "${VL} If the node is run as a block producer, a second section is" && closeRow printf "${VL} displayed that contain KES key and slot/block stats. When close to" && closeRow printf "${VL} the expire date the values will change color." && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} A leadership check is performed for each slot. Slots can be missed" && closeRow printf "${VL} if the node is busy and can't keep up (e.g., due to GC pauses)." && closeRow printf "${VL} A large number of missed slots needs further study." && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} If CNCLI is activated to calculate and store node blocks, data from" && closeRow printf "${VL} this blocklog DB is displayed, which includes a timer and progress" && closeRow printf "${VL} bar counting down until next slot leader. The progress bar color" && closeRow printf "${VL} indicates the time range. Green is 1 epoch, Tan is 1 day, red is 1" && closeRow printf "${VL} hour, Magenta is 5 minutes. If CNCLI is not activated blocks created" && closeRow printf "${VL} is taken from EKG metrics." && closeRow printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} - Leader : scheduled to make block at this slot" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Ideal : Expected/Ideal number of blocks assigned" && closeRow printf "${VL} based on active stake (sigma)" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Luck : Leader slots assigned vs Ideal slots" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Adopted : block created successfully" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Confirmed : block created validated to be on-chain" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Invalid : node failed to create block" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Missed : scheduled at slot but no record of it in " && closeRow printf "${VL} cncli DB and no other pool has made a block" && closeRow printf "${VL} for this slot" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Ghosted : block created but marked as orphaned and no" && closeRow printf "${VL} other pool has made a valid block for this" && closeRow printf "${VL} slot, height battle or block propagation issue" && closeRow printf "${VL} - Stolen : another pool has a valid block registered" && closeRow printf "${VL} on-chain for the same slot" && closeRow else if [[ ${epochnum} -ge ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH} ]]; then epoch_progress=$(echo "(${slot_in_epoch}/${EPOCH_LENGTH})*100" | bc -l) # in Shelley era or Shelley only TestNet else epoch_progress=$(echo "(${slot_in_epoch}/${BYRON_EPOCH_LENGTH})*100" | bc -l) # in Byron era fi epoch_progress_1dec=$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%2.1f" "${epoch_progress}") epoch_time_left=$(timeLeft "$(timeUntilNextEpoch)") printf "${VL} Epoch ${style_values_1}%s${NC} [${style_values_1}%s%%${NC}], ${style_values_1}%s${NC} %-12s" "${epochnum}" "${epoch_progress_1dec}" "${epoch_time_left}" "remaining" closeRow epoch_items=$(( $(printf %.0f "${epoch_progress}") * granularity / 100 )) if [[ -z ${epoch_bar} || ${epoch_items} -ne ${epoch_items_last} ]]; then epoch_bar=""; epoch_items_last=${epoch_items} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${epoch_items} ]] && epoch_bar+=$(printf "${char_marked}") || epoch_bar+=$(printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}") done fi printf "${VL} ${style_values_1}${epoch_bar}${NC} ${VL}\n"; ((line++)) printf "${blank_line}\n" && ((line++)) tip_ref=$(getSlotTipRef) tip_diff=$(( tip_ref - slotnum )) # row 1 - three col view printf "${VL} Block : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${blocknum}" mvThreeSecond printf "Tip (ref) : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${tip_ref}" mvThreeThird printf "Forks : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${forks}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Slot : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${slotnum}" mvThreeSecond if [[ ${slotnum} -eq 0 ]]; then printf "Status : ${style_info}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "starting" elif [[ ${SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH} -eq -1 ]]; then printf "Status : ${style_info}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "syncing" elif [[ ${tip_diff} -le $(slotInterval) ]]; then printf "Tip (diff) : ${style_status_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${tip_diff} :)" elif [[ ${tip_diff} -le 600 ]]; then printf "Tip (diff) : ${style_status_2}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${tip_diff} :|" else sync_progress=$(echo "(${slotnum}/${tip_ref})*100" | bc -l) printf "Syncing : ${style_info}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%2.1f" "${sync_progress}")%" fi mvThreeThird printf "Total Tx : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${tx_processed}" closeRow # row 3 printf "${VL} Slot epoch : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${slot_in_epoch}" mvThreeSecond printf "Density : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${density}" mvThreeThird mempool_tx_bytes=$((mempool_bytes/1024)) printf "Pending Tx : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}/${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_1_value_width - ${#mempool_tx} - ${#mempool_tx_bytes} - 3))s" "${mempool_tx}" "${mempool_tx_bytes}" "K" closeRow echo "${conndivider}" && ((line++)) if [[ ${P2P_ENABLED} = true ]]; then # row 1 printf "${VL} P2P : ${style_status_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "enabled" mvThreeSecond printf "Cold Peers : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${peers_cold}" mvThreeThird printf "Uni-Dir : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${conn_uni_dir}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Incoming : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${conn_incoming}" mvThreeSecond printf "Warm Peers : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${peers_warm}" mvThreeThird printf "Bi-Dir : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${conn_bi_dir}" closeRow # row 3 printf "${VL} Outgoing : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${conn_outgoing}" mvThreeSecond printf "Hot Peers : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${peers_hot}" mvThreeThird printf "Duplex : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${conn_duplex}" closeRow else # row 1 printf "${VL} P2P : ${style_status_2}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "disabled" mvThreeSecond printf "Incoming : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${peers_in}" mvThreeThird printf "Outgoing : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${peers_out}" closeRow fi echo "${propdivider}" && ((line++)) LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v block_delay_rounded "%.2f" ${block_delay} [[ ${blocks_w1s} = 1.* ]] && blocks_w1s_pct=100 || LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v blocks_w1s_pct "%.2f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${blocks_w1s}*100)")" [[ ${blocks_w3s} = 1.* ]] && blocks_w3s_pct=100 || LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v blocks_w3s_pct "%.2f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${blocks_w3s}*100)")" [[ ${blocks_w5s} = 1.* ]] && blocks_w5s_pct=100 || LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v blocks_w5s_pct "%.2f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${blocks_w5s}*100)")" if [[ ${VERBOSE} = "Y" ]]; then # row 1 printf "${VL} Last Block : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#block_delay_rounded}))s" "${block_delay_rounded}" "s" mvThreeSecond printf "Served : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${blocks_served}" mvThreeThird printf "Late (>5s) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${blocks_late}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Within 1s : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#blocks_w1s_pct}))s" "${blocks_w1s_pct}" "%" mvThreeSecond printf "Within 3s : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#blocks_w3s_pct}))s" "${blocks_w3s_pct}" "%" mvThreeThird printf "Within 5s : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#blocks_w5s_pct}))s" "${blocks_w5s_pct}" "%" closeRow else # row 1 printf "${VL} Last Block : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#block_delay_rounded}))s" "${block_delay_rounded}" "s" mvThreeSecond blocks_w5s_value_width=$(( (three_col_width*2) - 23 - 6 - ${#blocks_w1s_pct} - ${#blocks_w3s_pct} )) printf "Less than 1|3|5s [%%] : ${style_values_1}%s${NC} | ${style_values_1}%s${NC} | ${style_values_1}%-${blocks_w5s_value_width}s${NC}" "${blocks_w1s_pct}" "${blocks_w3s_pct}" "${blocks_w5s_pct}" closeRow fi echo "${resourcesdivider}" && ((line++)) LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v mem_rss_gb "%.1f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${mem_rss}/1048576)")" [[ $(df -h ${CNODE_HOME}) =~ ([0-9.]+)% ]] && disk_usage=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} || disk_usage="?" if [[ ${VERBOSE} = "Y" ]]; then LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v mem_live_gb "%.1f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${mem_live}/1073741824)")" LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v mem_heap_gb "%.1f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${mem_heap}/1073741824)")" # row 1 printf "${VL} CPU (sys) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cpu_util}))s" "${cpu_util}" "%" mvThreeSecond printf "Mem (RSS) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#mem_rss_gb}))s" "${mem_rss_gb}" "G" mvThreeThird printf "GC Minor : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${gc_minor}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Disk util : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#disk_usage}))s" "${disk_usage}" "%" mvThreeSecond printf "Mem (Live) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#mem_live_gb}))s" "${mem_live_gb}" "G" mvThreeThird printf "GC Major : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${gc_major}" closeRow # row 3 printf "${VL}" mvThreeSecond printf "Mem (Heap) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#mem_heap_gb}))s" "${mem_heap_gb}" "G" closeRow else # row 1 printf "${VL} CPU (sys) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cpu_util}))s" "${cpu_util}" "%" mvThreeSecond printf "Mem (RSS) : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#mem_rss_gb}))s" "${mem_rss_gb}" "G" mvThreeThird printf "Disk util : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#disk_usage}))s" "${disk_usage}" "%" closeRow fi ## Core section ## if [[ ${nodemode} = "Core" ]]; then echo "${coredivider}" && ((line++)) printf "${VL} KES current|remaining|exp" mvTwoSecond printf ": ${style_values_1}%s${NC} | " "${kesperiod}" if [[ ${remaining_kes_periods} -le 0 ]]; then printf "${style_status_4}%s${NC}" "${remaining_kes_periods}" elif [[ ${remaining_kes_periods} -le 8 ]]; then printf "${style_status_3}%s${NC}" "${remaining_kes_periods}" else printf "${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${remaining_kes_periods}" fi [[ ${kes_expiration} =~ (.+[0-9]+:[0-9]+):[0-9]+(.*) ]] && kes_expiration_nosec="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" || kes_expiration_nosec="?" printf " | ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${kes_expiration_nosec}" closeRow # OP Cert if isNumber ${op_cert_chain}; then op_cert_chain_fmt="${style_values_1}" if isNumber ${op_cert_disk} && [[ ${op_cert_disk} -ge ${op_cert_chain} && ${op_cert_disk} -le $((op_cert_chain+1)) ]]; then op_cert_disk_fmt="${style_values_1}"; else op_cert_disk_fmt="${style_status_3}"; fi else op_cert_chain_fmt="${style_values_3}" if isNumber ${op_cert_disk}; then op_cert_disk_fmt="${style_values_1}"; else op_cert_disk_fmt="${style_values_3}"; fi fi printf "${VL} OP Cert disk|chain" mvTwoSecond printf ": ${op_cert_disk_fmt}%s${NC} | ${op_cert_chain_fmt}%s${NC}" "${op_cert_disk}" "${op_cert_chain}" closeRow if [[ ${VERBOSE} = "Y" ]]; then printf "${VL} Missed slot leader checks" mvTwoSecond LC_NUMERIC=C printf -v missed_slots_pct "%.4f" "$(bc -l <<<"(${missed_slots}/(${about_to_lead}+${missed_slots}))*100")" printf ": ${style_values_1}%s${NC} (${style_values_1}%s${NC} %%)" "${missed_slots}" "${missed_slots_pct}" closeRow fi if [[ -n ${p_active_stake} ]]; then # row 1 printf "${VL} Blocks : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}" "${p_block_count}" mvThreeSecond compactNumber $((p_active_stake/1000000)) printf "Act Stake : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cn_value}))s" "${cn_value}" "${cn_suffix}" mvThreeThird compactNumber $((p_pledge/1000000)) printf "Pledge : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cn_value}))s" "${cn_value}" "${cn_suffix}" closeRow # row 2 compactNumber $((p_fixed_cost/1000000)) printf "${VL} Fixed Fee : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cn_value}))s" "${cn_value}" "${cn_suffix}" mvThreeSecond compactNumber $((p_live_stake/1000000)) printf "Live Stake : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cn_value}))s" "${cn_value}" "${cn_suffix}" mvThreeThird [[ ${p_live_pledge} -ge ${p_pledge} ]] && p_live_pledge_fmt="${style_values_1}" || p_live_pledge_fmt="${style_status_3}" compactNumber $((p_live_pledge/1000000)) printf "Live Pledge: ${p_live_pledge_fmt}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#cn_value}))s" "${cn_value}" "${cn_suffix}" closeRow # row 3 margin_fee=$(fractionToPCT ${p_margin}) ! validateDecimalNbr ${margin_fee} && margin_fee="?" printf "${VL} Margin Fee : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#margin_fee}))s" "${margin_fee}" "%" mvThreeSecond printf "Delegators : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_3_value_width}s${NC}" "${p_live_delegators}" mvThreeThird printf "Saturation : ${style_values_1}%s${NC}%-$((three_col_3_value_width - ${#p_live_saturation}))s" "${p_live_saturation}" "%" closeRow fi printf "${blockdivider}\n" && ((line++)) if [[ -f "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" ]]; then invalid_cnt=0; missed_cnt=0; ghosted_cnt=0; stolen_cnt=0; confirmed_cnt=0; adopted_cnt=0; leader_cnt=0 for status_type in $(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT status, COUNT(status) FROM blocklog WHERE epoch=${epochnum} GROUP BY status;" 2>/dev/null); do IFS='|' read -ra status <<< ${status_type}; unset IFS case ${status[0]} in invalid) invalid_cnt=${status[1]} ;; missed) missed_cnt=${status[1]} ;; ghosted) ghosted_cnt=${status[1]} ;; stolen) stolen_cnt=${status[1]} ;; confirmed) confirmed_cnt=${status[1]} ;; adopted) adopted_cnt=${status[1]} ;; leader) leader_cnt=${status[1]} ;; esac done adopted_cnt=$(( adopted_cnt + confirmed_cnt )) lost_cnt=$(( invalid_cnt + missed_cnt + ghosted_cnt + stolen_cnt )) leader_cnt=$(( leader_cnt + adopted_cnt + lost_cnt )) leader_next=$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT at FROM blocklog WHERE datetime(at) > datetime('now') ORDER BY slot ASC LIMIT 1;" 2>/dev/null) IFS='|' read -ra epoch_stats <<< "$(sqlite3 "${BLOCKLOG_DB}" "SELECT epoch_slots_ideal, max_performance FROM epochdata WHERE epoch=${epochnum};" 2>/dev/null)"; unset IFS if [[ ${#epoch_stats[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then epoch_stats=("-" "-"); else epoch_stats[1]="${epoch_stats[1]}%"; fi [[ ${confirmed_cnt} -ne ${adopted_cnt} ]] && confirmed_fmt="${style_status_2}" || confirmed_fmt="${style_values_2}" if [[ ${VERBOSE} = "Y" ]]; then [[ ${invalid_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && invalid_fmt="${style_values_1}" || invalid_fmt="${style_status_3}" [[ ${missed_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && missed_fmt="${style_values_1}" || missed_fmt="${style_status_3}" [[ ${ghosted_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && ghosted_fmt="${style_values_1}" || ghosted_fmt="${style_status_3}" [[ ${stolen_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && stolen_fmt="${style_values_1}" || stolen_fmt="${style_status_3}" # row 1 printf "${VL} Leader : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${leader_cnt}" mvThreeSecond printf "Adopted : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${adopted_cnt}" mvThreeThird printf "Missed : ${missed_fmt}%-${three_col_3_value_width}s${NC}" "${missed_cnt}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Ideal : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${epoch_stats[0]}" mvThreeSecond printf "Confirmed : ${confirmed_fmt}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${confirmed_cnt}" mvThreeThird printf "Ghosted : ${ghosted_fmt}%-${three_col_3_value_width}s${NC}" "${ghosted_cnt}" closeRow # row 3 printf "${VL} Luck : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${epoch_stats[1]}" mvThreeSecond printf "Invalid : ${invalid_fmt}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${invalid_cnt}" mvThreeThird printf "Stolen : ${stolen_fmt}%-${three_col_3_value_width}s${NC}" "${stolen_cnt}" closeRow else [[ ${lost_cnt} -eq 0 ]] && lost_fmt="${style_values_1}" || lost_fmt="${style_status_3}" # row 1 printf "${VL} Leader : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${leader_cnt}" mvThreeSecond printf "Luck : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${epoch_stats[1]}" mvThreeThird printf "Confirmed : ${confirmed_fmt}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${confirmed_cnt}" closeRow # row 2 printf "${VL} Ideal : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${epoch_stats[0]}" mvThreeSecond printf "Adopted : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${adopted_cnt}" mvThreeThird printf "Lost : ${lost_fmt}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${lost_cnt}" closeRow fi if [[ -n ${leader_next} ]]; then leader_time_left=$(( $(date -u -d ${leader_next} +%s) - $(printf '%(%s)T\n' -1) )) if [[ ${leader_time_left} -gt 0 ]]; then setSizeAndStyleOfProgressBar ${leader_time_left} leader_time_left_fmt="$(timeLeft ${leader_time_left})" leader_progress=$(echo "(1-(${leader_time_left}/${leader_bar_span}))*100" | bc -l) leader_items=$(( ($(printf %.0f "${leader_progress}") * granularity_small) / 100 )) printf "${VL} Next block : ${style_values_1}%-$((two_col_width-14))s${NC}" "${leader_time_left_fmt}" mvPos ${line} ${bar_col_small} if [[ -z ${leader_bar} || ${leader_items} -ne ${leader_items_last} ]]; then leader_bar=""; leader_items_last=${leader_items} for i in $(seq 0 $((granularity_small-1))); do [[ $i -lt ${leader_items} ]] && leader_bar+=$(printf "${leader_bar_style}${char_marked}") || leader_bar+=$(printf "${NC}${char_unmarked}") done fi printf "${leader_bar}" && closeRow fi fi else [[ ${isleader} -ne ${adopted} ]] && adopted_fmt="${style_status_2}" || adopted_fmt="${style_values_2}" [[ ${didntadopt} -eq 0 ]] && invalid_fmt="${style_values_1}" || invalid_fmt="${style_status_3}" printf "${VL} Leader : ${style_values_1}%-${three_col_1_value_width}s${NC}" "${isleader}" mvThreeSecond printf "Adopted : ${adopted_fmt}%-${three_col_2_value_width}s${NC}" "${adopted}" mvThreeThird printf "Invalid : ${invalid_fmt}%-${three_col_3_value_width}s${NC}" "${didntadopt}" closeRow fi fi fi [[ ${check_peers} = "true" ]] && check_peers=false && show_peers=true && clrScreen && continue echo "${bdivider}" && ((line++)) printf " TG Announcement/Support channel: ${style_info}t.me/CardanoKoios/9759${NC}\n\n" && line=$((line+2)) [[ -z ${oldLine} ]] && oldLine=$line if [[ ${show_peers} = "true" && ${show_peers_info} = "true" ]]; then printf " ${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC} | ${style_info}[b] Back to Peer Analysis${NC}" clrLine waitForInput "peersInfo" elif [[ ${show_peers} = "true" ]]; then printf " ${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC} | ${style_info}[h] Home${NC} | ${style_info}[i] Info${NC} | Left/Right : Navigate List" clrLine waitForInput "peers" elif [[ ${show_home_info} = "true" ]]; then printf " ${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC} | ${style_info}[h] Home${NC}" clrLine waitForInput "homeInfo" else [[ ${VERBOSE} = "Y" ]] && verbose_label="Compact" || verbose_label="Verbose" printf " ${style_info}[esc/q] Quit${NC} | ${style_info}[i] Info${NC} | ${style_info}[p] Peer Analysis${NC} | ${style_info}[v] ${verbose_label}${NC}" clrLine waitForInput fi [[ $((++screen_upd_cnt)) -gt ${REPAINT_RATE} ]] && clrScreen done