#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2034 # shellcheck source=/dev/null PARENT="$(dirname $0)" [[ -f "${PARENT}"/env ]] && . "${PARENT}"/env offline ###################################### # User Variables - Change as desired # ###################################### CNODE_HOSTNAME="CHANGE ME" # (Optional) Must resolve to the IP you are requesting from CNODE_VALENCY=1 # (Optional) for multi-IP hostnames MAX_PEERS=15 # Maximum number of peers to return on successful fetch (note that a single peer may include valency of up to 3) #CUSTOM_PEERS="None" # *Additional* custom peers to (IP,port[,valency]) to add to your target topology.json # eg: ",3001|,3002|relays.mydomain.com,3003,3" #BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE=N # Set to Y to automatically update the script if a new version is available without user interaction ###################################### # Do NOT modify code below # ###################################### PARENT="$(dirname $0)" [[ -f "${PARENT}"/.env_branch ]] && BRANCH="$(cat ${PARENT}/.env_branch)" || BRANCH="master" usage() { cat <<-EOF Usage: $(basename "$0") [-b ] [-f] [-p] Topology Updater - Build topology with community pools -f Disable fetch of a fresh topology file -p Disable node alive push to Topology Updater API -u Skip script update check overriding UPDATE_CHECK value in env -b Use alternate branch to check for updates - only for testing/development (Default: master) EOF exit 1 } TU_FETCH=Y TU_PUSH=Y SKIP_UPDATE=N while getopts :fpub: opt; do case ${opt} in f ) TU_FETCH=N ;; p ) TU_PUSH=N ;; u ) SKIP_UPDATE=Y ;; b ) echo "${OPTARG}" > "${PARENT}"/.env_branch ;; \? ) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) [[ -z "${BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE}" ]] && BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE=N ####################################################### # Version Check # ####################################################### clear if [[ ! -f "${PARENT}"/env ]]; then echo -e "\nCommon env file missing: ${PARENT}/env" echo -e "This is a mandatory prerequisite, please install with guild-deploy.sh or manually download from GitHub\n" exit 1 fi . "${PARENT}"/env offline &>/dev/null # ignore any errors, re-sourced later if [[ ${UPDATE_CHECK} = Y && ${SKIP_UPDATE} != Y ]]; then echo "Checking for script updates..." # Check availability of checkUpdate function if [[ ! $(command -v checkUpdate) ]]; then echo -e "\nCould not find checkUpdate function in env, make sure you're using official guild docos for installation!" exit 1 fi # check for env update ENV_UPDATED=${BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE} checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/env N N N case $? in 1) ENV_UPDATED=Y ;; 2) exit 1 ;; esac # check for topologyUpdater update checkUpdate "${PARENT}"/topologyUpdater.sh ${ENV_UPDATED} case $? in 1) $0 "$@" "-u"; exit 0 ;; # re-launch script with same args skipping update check 2) exit 1 ;; esac # source common env variables in case it was updated . "${PARENT}"/env offline &>/dev/null case $? in 0) : ;; # ok 2) echo "continuing with topology update..." ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac fi # Check if old style CUSTOM_PEERS with colon separator is used, if so convert to use commas if [[ -n ${CUSTOM_PEERS} && ${CUSTOM_PEERS} != *","* ]]; then CUSTOM_PEERS=${CUSTOM_PEERS//[:]/,} fi if [[ ${TU_PUSH} = "Y" ]]; then fail_cnt=0 while ! blockNo=$(curl -s -f -m ${EKG_TIMEOUT} -H 'Accept: application/json' "http://${EKG_HOST}:${EKG_PORT}/" 2>/dev/null | jq -er '.cardano.node.metrics.blockNum.int.val //0' ); do ((fail_cnt++)) [[ ${fail_cnt} -eq 5 ]] && echo "5 consecutive EKG queries failed, aborting!" echo "(${fail_cnt}/5) Failed to grab blockNum from node EKG metrics, sleeping for 30s before retrying... (ctrl-c to exit)" sleep 30 done fi if [[ -n ${CNODE_HOSTNAME} && "${CNODE_HOSTNAME}" != "CHANGE ME" ]]; then T_HOSTNAME="&hostname=${CNODE_HOSTNAME}" else T_HOSTNAME='' fi if [[ ${TU_PUSH} = "Y" ]]; then if [[ ${IP_VERSION} = "4" || ${IP_VERSION} = "mix" ]]; then curl -s -f -4 "https://api.clio.one/htopology/v1/?port=${CNODE_PORT}&blockNo=${blockNo}&valency=${CNODE_VALENCY}&magic=${NWMAGIC}${T_HOSTNAME}" | tee -a "${LOG_DIR}"/topologyUpdater_lastresult.json fi if [[ ${IP_VERSION} = "6" || ${IP_VERSION} = "mix" ]]; then curl -s -f -6 "https://api.clio.one/htopology/v1/?port=${CNODE_PORT}&blockNo=${blockNo}&valency=${CNODE_VALENCY}&magic=${NWMAGIC}${T_HOSTNAME}" | tee -a "${LOG_DIR}"/topologyUpdater_lastresult.json fi fi if [[ ${TU_FETCH} = "Y" ]]; then if [[ ${P2P_ENABLED} = "true" ]]; then echo "INFO: Skipping the TU fetch request because the node is running in P2P mode" else if [[ ${IP_VERSION} = "4" || ${IP_VERSION} = "mix" ]]; then curl -s -f -4 -o "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp "https://api.clio.one/htopology/v1/fetch/?max=${MAX_PEERS}&magic=${NWMAGIC}&ipv=${IP_VERSION}" else curl -s -f -6 -o "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp "https://api.clio.one/htopology/v1/fetch/?max=${MAX_PEERS}&magic=${NWMAGIC}&ipv=${IP_VERSION}" fi [[ ! -s "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp ]] && echo "ERROR: The downloaded file is empty!" && exit 1 if [[ -n "${CUSTOM_PEERS}" ]]; then topo="$(cat "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp)" IFS='|' read -ra cpeers <<< "${CUSTOM_PEERS}" for cpeer in "${cpeers[@]}"; do IFS=',' read -ra cpeer_attr <<< "${cpeer}" case ${#cpeer_attr[@]} in 2) addr="${cpeer_attr[0]}" port=${cpeer_attr[1]} valency=1 ;; 3) addr="${cpeer_attr[0]}" port=${cpeer_attr[1]} valency=${cpeer_attr[2]} ;; *) echo "ERROR: Invalid Custom Peer definition '${cpeer}'. Please double check CUSTOM_PEERS definition" exit 1 ;; esac if [[ ${addr} = *.* ]]; then ! isValidIPv4 "${addr}" && echo "ERROR: Invalid IPv4 address or hostname '${addr}'. Please check CUSTOM_PEERS definition" && continue elif [[ ${addr} = *:* ]]; then ! isValidIPv6 "${addr}" && echo "ERROR: Invalid IPv6 address '${addr}'. Please check CUSTOM_PEERS definition" && continue fi ! isNumber ${port} && echo "ERROR: Invalid port number '${port}'. Please check CUSTOM_PEERS definition" && continue ! isNumber ${valency} && echo "ERROR: Invalid valency number '${valency}'. Please check CUSTOM_PEERS definition" && continue topo=$(jq '.Producers += [{"addr": $addr, "port": $port|tonumber, "valency": $valency|tonumber}]' --arg addr "${addr}" --arg port ${port} --arg valency ${valency} <<< "${topo}") done echo "${topo}" | jq -r . >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "${topo}" > "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp fi mv "${TOPOLOGY}".tmp "${TOPOLOGY}" fi fi exit 0