import * as helios from '@hyperionbt/helios'; import {Data, fromHex, toHex, getAddressDetails} from 'lucid-cardano'; // These modules are imported from // but elided in the source code of the CIP for space import * as CardanoDAppJs from '../third-party/cardano-dapp-js.js'; import * as LucidInst from '../third-party/lucid-inst.js'; import * as NftPolicy from "../nft-toolkit/nft-policy.js"; import {shortToast} from '../third-party/toastify-utils.js'; import {validate, validated} from '../nft-toolkit/utils.js'; const BURN_REDEEMER = 'd87a80'; const MAX_NFTS_TO_MINT = 20; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 12; const OPTIMIZE_HELIOS = true; const SINGLE_NFT = 1n; const TEN_MINS = 600000; const TXN_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 15000; function getVoteCounterSourceCode(pubKeyHash) { return ` spending vote_counter const EXPECTED_SIGNER: PubKeyHash = PubKeyHash::new(#${pubKeyHash}) func main(ctx: ScriptContext) -> Bool { ctx.tx.is_signed_by(EXPECTED_SIGNER) } `; } function getBallotSourceCodeStr(referencePolicyId, pollsClose, pubKeyHash, ballotPrefix) { return ` minting voting_ballot const BALLOT_BOX_PUBKEY: ValidatorHash = ValidatorHash::new(#${pubKeyHash}) const BALLOT_NAME_PREFIX: ByteArray = #${ballotPrefix} const POLLS_CLOSE: Time = Time::new(${pollsClose}) const REFERENCE_POLICY_HASH: MintingPolicyHash = MintingPolicyHash::new(#${referencePolicyId}) enum Redeemer { Mint Burn } func assets_locked_in_script(tx: Tx, minted_assets: Value) -> Bool { //print(tx.value_sent_to(BALLOT_BOX_PUBKEY).serialize().show()); //print(minted_assets.serialize().show()); ballots_sent: Value = tx.value_locked_by(BALLOT_BOX_PUBKEY); assets_locked: Bool = ballots_sent.contains(minted_assets); if (assets_locked) { true } else { print("Minted ballots (" + minted_assets.serialize().show() + ") were not correctly locked in the script: " + ballots_sent.serialize().show()); false } } func assets_were_spent(minted: Value, policy: MintingPolicyHash, outputs: []TxOutput) -> Bool { minted_assets: Map[ByteArray]Int = minted.get_policy(policy); reference_assets_names: Map[ByteArray]Int = minted_assets.map_keys((asset_id: ByteArray) -> ByteArray { asset_id.slice(BALLOT_NAME_PREFIX.length, asset_id.length) }); reference_assets: Map[MintingPolicyHash]Map[ByteArray]Int = Map[MintingPolicyHash]Map[ByteArray]Int { REFERENCE_POLICY_HASH: reference_assets_names }; tx_sends_to_self: Bool = outputs.head.value.contains(Value::from_map(reference_assets)); if (tx_sends_to_self) { true } else { print("The NFTs with voting power (" + REFERENCE_POLICY_HASH.serialize().show() + ") for the ballots were never sent-to-self"); false } } func polls_are_still_open(time_range: TimeRange) -> Bool { tx_during_polls_open: Bool = time_range.is_before(POLLS_CLOSE); if (tx_during_polls_open) { true } else { print("Invalid time range: " + time_range.serialize().show() + " (polls close at " + POLLS_CLOSE.serialize().show() + ")"); false } } func main(redeemer: Redeemer, ctx: ScriptContext) -> Bool { tx: Tx = ctx.tx; minted_policy: MintingPolicyHash = ctx.get_current_minting_policy_hash(); redeemer.switch { Mint => { polls_are_still_open(tx.time_range) && assets_were_spent(tx.minted, minted_policy, tx.outputs) && assets_locked_in_script(tx, tx.minted) }, Burn => { tx.minted.get_policy(minted_policy).all((asset_id: ByteArray, amount: Int) -> Bool { if (amount > 0) { print( + " asset ID was minted not burned (quantity " + + ")"); false } else { true } }) } } } `; } function getCompiledCode(mintingSourceCode) { return; } function getLucidScript(compiledCode) { return { type: "PlutusV2", script: JSON.parse(compiledCode.serialize()).cborHex } } function getBallotSelection(ballotDomName) { return document.querySelector(`input[name=${ballotDomName}]:checked`)?.value; } async function waitForTxn(lucid, blockfrostKey, txHash) { for (var attempt = 0; attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS; attempt++) { const result = await fetch(`${}/txs/${txHash}`, { headers: { project_id: blockfrostKey } }).then(res => res.json()); if (result && !result.error) { return; } if (attempt < (MAX_ATTEMPTS - 1)) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, TXN_WAIT_TIMEOUT)); } } throw `Could not retrieve voting txn after ${MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts`; } export async function mintBallot(blockfrostKey, pubKeyHash, policyId, pollsClose, ballotDomName, ballotPrefix, ballotMetadata) { try { const cardanoDApp = CardanoDAppJs.getCardanoDAppInstance(); validate(cardanoDApp.isWalletConnected(), 'Please connect a wallet before voting using "Connect Wallet" button'); const wallet = await cardanoDApp.getConnectedWallet(); const lucid = validated(await LucidInst.getLucidInstance(blockfrostKey), 'Please validate that your wallet is on the correct network'); lucid.selectWallet(wallet); const voter = await lucid.wallet.address(); const voteCounterSourceCode = getVoteCounterSourceCode(pubKeyHash); const voteCounterCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(voteCounterSourceCode); const voteCounterScript = getLucidScript(voteCounterCompiledCode) const voteCounter = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(voteCounterScript); const voteCounterPkh = getAddressDetails(voteCounter).paymentCredential.hash; const ballotPrefixHex = toHex(new TextEncoder().encode(ballotPrefix)); const mintingSourceCode = getBallotSourceCodeStr(policyId, pollsClose, voteCounterPkh, ballotPrefixHex); const mintingCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(mintingSourceCode); const voteMintingPolicy = getLucidScript(mintingCompiledCode); const voteMintingPolicyId = mintingCompiledCode.mintingPolicyHash.hex; const vote = validated(getBallotSelection(ballotDomName), 'Please select your ballot choice!'); const voteDatum = { inline:{ voter: voter, vote: vote })) }; const votingAssets = await getVotingAssets([policyId], [], lucid); const assetIds = Object.keys(votingAssets.assets); var assetIdsChunked = []; for (var i = 0; i < assetIds.length; i += MAX_NFTS_TO_MINT) { assetIdsChunked.push(assetIds.slice(i, i + MAX_NFTS_TO_MINT)); } if (assetIdsChunked.length > 1) { validate( confirm(`We will have to split your votes into ${assetIdsChunked.length} different transactions due to blockchain size limits, should we proceed?`), "Did not agree to submit multiple voting transactions" ); } for (var i = 0; i < assetIdsChunked.length; i++) { var mintAssets = {}; var referenceAssets = {}; var mintingMetadata = { [voteMintingPolicyId]: {}, version: NftPolicy.CIP0025_VERSION } for (const assetId of assetIdsChunked[i]) { const assetName = assetId.slice(56); const ballotNameHex = `${ballotPrefixHex}${assetName}`; const ballotName = new TextDecoder().decode(fromHex(ballotNameHex)); mintAssets[`${voteMintingPolicyId}${ballotNameHex}`] = SINGLE_NFT; referenceAssets[`${policyId}${assetName}`] = SINGLE_NFT; mintingMetadata[voteMintingPolicyId][ballotName] = Object.assign({}, ballotMetadata); mintingMetadata[voteMintingPolicyId][ballotName].name = ballotName; mintingMetadata[voteMintingPolicyId][ballotName].vote = vote; } const txBuilder = lucid.newTx() .addSigner(voter) .mintAssets(mintAssets, Data.empty()) .attachMintingPolicy(voteMintingPolicy) .attachMetadata(NftPolicy.METADATA_KEY, mintingMetadata) .payToAddress(voter, referenceAssets) .payToContract(voteCounter, voteDatum, mintAssets) .validTo(new Date().getTime() + TEN_MINS); const txComplete = await txBuilder.complete({ nativeUplc: false }); const txSigned = await txComplete.sign().complete(); const txHash = await txSigned.submit(); shortToast(`[${i + 1}/${assetIdsChunked.length}] Successfully voted in Tx ${txHash}`); if (i < (assetIdsChunked.length - 1)) { shortToast('Waiting for prior transaction to finish, please wait for pop-ups to complete your vote!'); await waitForTxn(lucid, blockfrostKey, txHash); } else { shortToast('Your vote(s) have been successfully recorded!'); } } return true; } catch (err) { shortToast(JSON.stringify(err)); } return false; } async function getVotingAssets(votingPolicies, exclusions, lucid) { if (votingPolicies === undefined || votingPolicies === []) { return {}; } const votingAssets = {}; const utxos = []; for (const utxo of await lucid.wallet.getUtxos()) { var found = false; for (const assetName in utxo.assets) { if (!votingPolicies.includes(assetName.slice(0, 56))) { continue; } if (exclusions.includes(assetName)) { continue; } if (votingAssets[assetName] === undefined) { votingAssets[assetName] = 0n; } votingAssets[assetName] += utxo.assets[assetName]; found = true; } if (found) { utxos.push(utxo); } } return { assets: votingAssets, utxos: utxos }; } async function walletVotingAssets(blockfrostKey, votingPolicies, exclusions) { var cardanoDApp = CardanoDAppJs.getCardanoDAppInstance(); if (!cardanoDApp.isWalletConnected()) { return {}; } try { const wallet = await cardanoDApp.getConnectedWallet(); const lucidInst = validated(LucidInst.getLucidInstance(blockfrostKey), 'Unable to initialize Lucid, network mismatch detected'); const lucid = validated(await lucidInst, 'Unable to initialize Lucid, network mismatch detected'); lucid.selectWallet(wallet); return await getVotingAssets(votingPolicies, exclusions, lucid); } catch (err) { const msg = (typeof(err) === 'string') ? err : JSON.stringify(err); shortToast(`Voting power retrieval error occurred: ${msg}`); return {}; } } export async function votingAssetsAvailable(blockfrostKey, votingPolicies, exclusions) { const votingAssets = await walletVotingAssets(blockfrostKey, votingPolicies, exclusions); if (votingAssets.assets) { const remainingVotingBigInt = Object.values(votingAssets.assets) .reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0n); return Number(remainingVotingBigInt); } return -1; } export async function countBallots(blockfrostKey, pubKeyHash, policyId, pollsClose, voteOutputDom, ballotPrefix) { try { const cardanoDApp = CardanoDAppJs.getCardanoDAppInstance(); validate(cardanoDApp.isWalletConnected(), 'Please connect a wallet before voting using "Connect Wallet" button'); const wallet = await cardanoDApp.getConnectedWallet(); const lucid = validated(await LucidInst.getLucidInstance(blockfrostKey), 'Please validate that your wallet is on the correct network'); lucid.selectWallet(wallet); const oracle = await lucid.wallet.address(); const voteCounterSourceCode = getVoteCounterSourceCode(pubKeyHash); const voteCounterCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(voteCounterSourceCode); const voteCounterScript = getLucidScript(voteCounterCompiledCode) const voteCounter = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(voteCounterScript); const voteCounterPkh = getAddressDetails(voteCounter).paymentCredential.hash; const ballotPrefixHex = toHex(new TextEncoder().encode(ballotPrefix)); const mintingSourceCode = getBallotSourceCodeStr(policyId, pollsClose, voteCounterPkh, ballotPrefixHex); const mintingCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(mintingSourceCode); const mintingPolicyId = mintingCompiledCode.mintingPolicyHash.hex; var voteAssets = {}; const votes = await lucid.utxosAt(voteCounter); for (const vote of votes) { const voteResult = Data.toJson(Data.from(vote.datum)); for (const unit in vote.assets) { if (!unit.startsWith(mintingPolicyId)) { continue; } const voteCount = Number(vote.assets[unit]); voteAssets[unit] = { voter: voteResult.voter, vote:, count: voteCount } } } const votePrinted = JSON.stringify(voteAssets, undefined, 4); document.getElementById(voteOutputDom).innerHTML = `
${JSON.stringify(voteAssets, undefined, 4)}
`; return votePrinted; } catch (err) { shortToast(JSON.stringify(err)); } } export async function redeemBallots(blockfrostKey, pubKeyHash, policyId, pollsClose, voteOutputDom, ballotPrefix) { try { const cardanoDApp = CardanoDAppJs.getCardanoDAppInstance(); validate(cardanoDApp.isWalletConnected(), 'Please connect a wallet before voting using "Connect Wallet" button'); const wallet = await cardanoDApp.getConnectedWallet(); const lucid = validated(await LucidInst.getLucidInstance(blockfrostKey), 'Please validate that your wallet is on the correct network'); lucid.selectWallet(wallet); const oracle = await lucid.wallet.address(); const voteCounterSourceCode = getVoteCounterSourceCode(pubKeyHash); const voteCounterCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(voteCounterSourceCode); const voteCounterScript = getLucidScript(voteCounterCompiledCode) const voteCounter = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(voteCounterScript); const voteCounterPkh = getAddressDetails(voteCounter).paymentCredential.hash; const ballotPrefixHex = toHex(new TextEncoder().encode(ballotPrefix)); const mintingSourceCode = getBallotSourceCodeStr(policyId, pollsClose, voteCounterPkh, ballotPrefixHex); const mintingCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(mintingSourceCode); const mintingPolicyId = mintingCompiledCode.mintingPolicyHash.hex; var voterRepayments = {}; const votesToCollect = []; const votes = await lucid.utxosAt(voteCounter); for (const vote of votes) { const voteResult = Data.toJson(Data.from(vote.datum)); var hasVote = false; for (const unit in vote.assets) { if (!unit.startsWith(mintingPolicyId)) { continue; } hasVote = true; const voteCount = Number(vote.assets[unit]); if (!(voteResult.voter in voterRepayments)) { voterRepayments[voteResult.voter] = {} } voterRepayments[voteResult.voter][unit] = voteCount; } if (hasVote) { votesToCollect.push(vote); } } const txBuilder = lucid.newTx() .addSigner(oracle) .collectFrom(votesToCollect, Data.empty()) .attachSpendingValidator(voteCounterScript); for (const voter in voterRepayments) { txBuilder.payToAddress(voter, voterRepayments[voter]); } const txComplete = await txBuilder.complete({ nativeUplc: false }); const txSigned = await txComplete.sign().complete(); const txHash = await txSigned.submit(); shortToast(`Successfully counted ballots in ${txHash}`); } catch (err) { shortToast(JSON.stringify(err)); } } export async function burnBallots(blockfrostKey, pubKeyHash, policyId, pollsClose, ballotPrefix) { try { const cardanoDApp = CardanoDAppJs.getCardanoDAppInstance(); validate(cardanoDApp.isWalletConnected(), 'Please connect a wallet before voting using "Connect Wallet" button'); const wallet = await cardanoDApp.getConnectedWallet(); const lucid = validated(await LucidInst.getLucidInstance(blockfrostKey), 'Please validate that your wallet is on the correct network'); lucid.selectWallet(wallet); const voter = await lucid.wallet.address(); const voteCounterSourceCode = getVoteCounterSourceCode(pubKeyHash); const voteCounterCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(voteCounterSourceCode); const voteCounterScript = getLucidScript(voteCounterCompiledCode) const voteCounter = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(voteCounterScript); const voteCounterPkh = getAddressDetails(voteCounter).paymentCredential.hash; const ballotPrefixHex = toHex(new TextEncoder().encode(ballotPrefix)); const mintingSourceCode = getBallotSourceCodeStr(policyId, pollsClose, voteCounterPkh, ballotPrefixHex); const mintingCompiledCode = getCompiledCode(mintingSourceCode); const mintingPolicy = getLucidScript(mintingCompiledCode); const mintingPolicyId = mintingCompiledCode.mintingPolicyHash.hex; const utxos = await lucid.wallet.getUtxos(); const utxosToCollect = []; const mintAssets = {}; var hasAlerted = false; for (const utxo of utxos) { var foundAsset = false; for (const unit in utxo.assets) { if (unit.startsWith(mintingPolicyId)) { if (Object.keys(mintAssets).length >= MAX_NFTS_TO_MINT) { if (!hasAlerted) { alert(`Can only burn ${MAX_NFTS_TO_MINT} ballots to burn at a time. Start with that, then click this button again.`); hasAlerted = true; } break; } foundAsset = true; if (!(unit in mintAssets)) { mintAssets[unit] = 0n; } mintAssets[unit] -= utxo.assets[unit]; } } if (foundAsset) { utxosToCollect.push(utxo); } } const txBuilder = lucid.newTx() .addSigner(voter) .collectFrom(utxosToCollect) .mintAssets(mintAssets, BURN_REDEEMER) .attachMintingPolicy(mintingPolicy) .validTo(new Date().getTime() + TEN_MINS); const txComplete = await txBuilder.complete({ nativeUplc: false }); const txSigned = await txComplete.sign().complete(); const txHash = await txSigned.submit(); shortToast(`Successfully burned your ballots in ${txHash}`); } catch (err) { shortToast(JSON.stringify(err)); } }