# Test Vector for CIP-0100 Here we give some supporting files, give an example and explain how the [example.json](./example.json) was created. ## Common Context ### Common Fields The context fields which could be added to CIP-100 compliant jsonld metadata. See [cip-0100.common.jsonld](./cip-0100.common.jsonld). ### Common Fields Schema A json schema for the common context fields. See [cip-0100.common.schema.json](./cip-0100.common.schema.json). ## Example CIP-100 off-chain metadata json example: [example.json](./example.json) Blake2b-256 hash of the file (to go on-chain): `7b7d4a28a599bbb8c08b239be2645fa82d63a848320bf4760b07d86fcf1aabdc` ### Intermediate files Files produced to articulate process, these are not necessary in implementations. Body files, used to correctly generate author's witness: - [example.body.json](./example.body.json) - [example.body.nq](./example.body.nq) Blake2b-256 hash digest of canonicalized body: `6d17e71c5793ed5945f58bf48e13bb1b3543187ab9c2afbd280a21afb4a90d35` Whole document canonical representation, used to generate final hash: - [example.nq](./example.nq) ### How-to Recreate This tutorial creates additional intermediate files, these are not required in implementations but are shown here to articulate the process. #### Author Private extended signing key (hex): `105d2ef2192150655a926bca9cccf5e2f6e496efa9580508192e1f4a790e6f53de06529129511d1cacb0664bcf04853fdc0055a47cc6d2c6d205127020760652` Public verification key (hex): `7ea09a34aebb13c9841c71397b1cabfec5ddf950405293dee496cac2f437480a` #### 1. Create the example.json's `body` Create the `example.json` file adding in all available values. Then remove from this document any top-level field that is not `@context` or `body`. This creates a intermediate file of [example.body.json](./example.body.json). #### 2. Canonicalize the `body` Using a tool which complies with the [RDF Dataset Canonicalization](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/rdf-dataset-canonicalization/spec/), create a canonicalized representation of [example.body.json](./example.body.json). One such tool is the [JSON-LD Playground](https://json-ld.org/playground/). Ensure the result ends in a newline. This creates a intermediate file of [example.body.nq](./example.body.nq). #### 3. Hash the canonicalized `body` Using a tool create a Blake2b-256 hash of the canonicalized [example.body.nq](./example.body.nq). One such tool is the [ToolKit Bay](https://toolkitbay.com/tkb/tool/BLAKE2b_256). For our example this will result in: `cc4ab8ead604ddb498ed4b2916af7b454c65ac783b5d836fddf388e72a40eccb`. #### 4. Authors witness over the hash of canonicalized `body` Use the hash produced in [3.](#3-hash-the-canonicalized-body) as the payload for the witness as described in [Hashing and Signatures](./README.md#hashing-and-signatures) for the chosen `witnessAlgorithm`. For the provided [example.json](./example.json), we use the keys described in [Author](#author) resulting in a `signature` of: `68078efeff90970d2320a2bb5021d1aea81bc4907bf33d54fd17989f020719f3f5c4da3dccf7aa61d51c1e6fececd95309c37e7eef331b199cd5f8e78992ea0d` #### 5. Add `authors` and `hashAlgorithm` to example.json We can go back to our [example.body.json](./example.body.json) and now add in properties from outside of `body`. - Adding the `hashAlgorithm` of `blake2b-256`. - Adding the `authors`, including information of our `witness` produced via [4.](#4-authors-witness-over-the-hash-of-canonicalized-body). By adding this information we create our [example.json](example.json). #### 6. Hash example.json To be able to create a final metadata hash which can be attached on-chain we simply hash the content of the file [example.json](example.json) as is This results in: `7b7d4a28a599bbb8c08b239be2645fa82d63a848320bf4760b07d86fcf1aabdc`. #### 7. Submit to chain We can then host [example.json](./example.json) somewhere easily accessible following [Best Practices](./README.md#best-practices). Then at submission time of the governance metadata anchor we can provide the on-chain transaction both the URI to the hosted [example.json](./example.json) but also the hash generated via [6.](#6-hash-examplejson).