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{ "serial": { "$id": "#/properties/serial", "default": 0, "description": "Integer number incremented on every update, by using YYYYMMDDxx (xx each day start by 01 and is incremented on each update", "examples": [ 2021012001 ], "maxLength": 10, "minLength": 10, "required": [], "title": "serial number", "type": "integer" }, "pool": { "$id": "#/properties/pool", "default": {}, "description": "pool related metadata", "required": [ "id" ], "title": "stake pool", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/id", "type": "string", "title": "Pool ID", "description": "the pools unique id in hex format", "maxLength": 48, "minLength": 48, "examples": [ "69579373ec20f2f82d2dc2360410350b308112f2939f92a" ] }, "country": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/country", "default": "", "description": "3 letter country code as defined in https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html (alpha-3)", "maxLength": 3, "minLength": 3, "examples": [ "JPN" ], "title": "declared pool location", "type": "string" }, "status": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/status", "default": "", "maxLength": 3, "minLength": 3, "description": "the current operative status (see examples).", "examples": [ "active", "retired", "offline", "experimental", "private" ], "title": "pool status", "type": "string" }, "contact": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact", "default": {}, "description": "Optional contact information.", "examples": [ { "primary": "email", "email": "help@demopool.org", "facebook": "demopool", "github": "demopool", "feed": "https://mydemopool.com/xml/poolrss.xml", "telegram": "demopool", "telegram_channel": "https://t.me/coolchannel", "twitter": "demopool" } ], "required": [ "primary" ], "title": "Pool contact data", "type": "object", "properties": { "primary": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/primary", "default": "email", "description": "the pools prefered communication channel", "title": "primary contact preference", "type": "string" }, "email": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/email", "description": "valid email contact address", "title": "email address", "type": "string" }, "facebook": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/facebook", "description": "a user or page name", "title": "facebook account", "examples": [ "demopool" ], "type": "string" }, "github": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/github", "description": "a github username", "examples": [ "demopool" ], "title": "github account", "type": "string" }, "feed": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/feed", "default": "", "description": "RSS feed URL", "examples": [ "https://mydemopool.com/xml/poolrss.xml" ], "title": "RSS feed", "type": "string" }, "telegram": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/telegram", "description": "a telegram username", "examples": [ "demopool" ], "title": "telegram account", "type": "string" }, "twitter": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/contact/properties/twitter", "description": "a twitter username", "examples": [ "demopool" ], "title": "twitter account", "type": "string" } } }, "media_assets": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets", "type": "object", "title": "The pools media assets", "description": "Media file URLs and colors", "required": [ "icon_png_64x64" ], "properties": { "icon_png_64x64": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets/properties/icon_png_64x64", "type": "string", "title": "Pool Icon in PNG file format 64x64 px", "description": "PNG image with exact 64x64 pixel size", "examples": [ "https://mydemopool.com/media/icon64.png" ] }, "logo_png": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets/properties/logo_png", "type": "string", "title": "Pool Logo in PNG file format", "description": "PNG image (should have less than 250 kByte of file size)", "examples": [ "https://mydemopool.com/media/logo.png" ] }, "logo_svg": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets/properties/logo_svg", "type": "string", "title": "Pool Logo in SVG file format", "description": "(shoud have less tha 250 kByte of file size)", "examples": [ "https://mydemopool.com/media/logo.svg" ] }, "color_fg": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets/properties/color_fg", "type": "string", "title": "Pool primary color", "description": "RGB color code.", "examples": [ "#AABBCC" ] }, "color_bg": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/media_assets/properties/color_bg", "type": "string", "title": "Pool secondary color", "description": "RGB color code.", "default": "", "examples": [ "#C0C0C0" ] } } }, "itn": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/itn", "type": "object", "title": "ITN verification", "description": "A proof of ownership for an established ITN pool brand.", "required": [ "owner", "witness" ], "properties": { "owner": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/itn/properties/owner", "type": "string", "title": "the ITN pool owner public key", "examples": [ "ed25519_pk1..." ] }, "witness": { "$id": "#/properties/pool/properties/itn/properties/witness", "type": "string", "title": "the secret key generated witness", "examples": [ "ed25519_sig1..." ] } } } } } } }