{ "title": "Cardano Off-Chain Metadata" , "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema" , "required": [ "subject" ] , "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/entry" } , "properties": { "subject": { "type": "string" , "description": "The subject, a namespace for multiple metadata entries, typically a hash digest." , "minLength": 1 , "maxLength": 255 } , "policy": { "type": "string" , "description": "A CBOR-serialized phase-1 monetary policy, used as a pre-image to produce a policyId." , "encoding": "base16" , "minLength": 56 , "maxLength": 120 } , "preimage": { "type": "object" , "description": "A hashing algorithm identifier and a base16-enocoded bytestring, such that the bytestring is the preimage of the metadata subject under that hash function." , "requiredProperties": [ "alg", "msg" ] , "properties": { "alg": { "type": "string" , "description": "A hashing algorithm identifier. The length of the digest is given by the subject." , "enum": [ "sha1", "sha", "sha3", "blake2b", "blake2s", "keccak", "md5" ] } , "msg": { "type": "string" , "description": "The actual preimage." , "encoding": "base16" } } } , "name": { "type": "string" , "description": "A human-readable name for the metadata subject, suitable for use in an interface or in running text." , "maxLength": 50 , "minLength": 1 } , "description": { "type": "string" , "description": "A longer description of the metadata subject, suitable for use when inspecting the metadata subject itself." , "maxLength": 500 } , "ticker": { "type": "string" , "description": "A short identifier for the metadata subject, suitable to show in listings or tiles." , "maxLength": 9 , "minLength": 2 } , "decimals": { "type": "integer" , "description": "When the metadata subject refers to a monetary policy, refers to the number of decimals of the currency." , "minimum": 1 , "maximum": 19 } , "url": { "type": "string" , "description": "A universal resource identifier pointing to additional information about the metadata subject." , "format": "uri" , "maxLength": 250 } , "logo": { "type": "string" , "description": "A `image/png` object which is 64KB in size at most." , "encoding": "base64" , "maxLength": 87400 } } , "definitions": { "entry": { "type": "object" , "additionalProperties": false , "required": [ "value" , "sequenceNumber" , "signatures" ] , "properties": { "value": {} , "sequenceNumber": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sequenceNumber" } , "signatures": { "$ref": "#/definitions/signatures" } } } , "sequenceNumber": { "type": "integer" , "minimum": 0 } , "signatures": { "type": "array" , "items": { "type": "object" , "additionalProperties": false , "required": [ "publicKey" , "signature" ] , "properties": { "publicKey": { "type": "string" , "description": "An Ed25519 Public key, verifying the companion signature." , "encoding": "base16" , "minLength": 64 , "maxLength": 64 } , "signature": { "type": "string" , "description": "A signed attestation." , "encoding": "base16" , "minLength": 128 , "maxLength": 128 } } } } } }