name: CI on: # Trigger on open, synchronize or reopen PR activity against the default base branch pull_request_target: branches: [ "master" ] jobs: approve: # Pre-approval step runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Approve run: echo For security reasons, all pull requests need to be approved first before running any automated CI. Validate-Metadata: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Checkout both this pull request and the master branch - name: Checkout pull request uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} path: pull-request - name: Checkout base branch uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: master path: master - name: Checkout ledger na list uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: 'LedgerHQ/app-cardano' ref: develop path: ledger - name: Validate env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} PR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} run: | # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # Debug: # env # cat "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}" | jq . export BASE="master" export LOCATION="mappings" pushd pull-request echo "Fetching base branch '${BASE}':" git fetch origin ${BASE} --depth=1 echo echo "Obtaining PR file change diff:" echo "BASE: ${BASE}" echo # git --no-pager diff --name-status origin/"${BASE}" HEAD > "HEAD.diff" gh api \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ /repos/cardano-foundation/cardano-token-registry/pulls/${PR}/files \ | jq --raw-output -c '.[] | [.status, .filename] | @csv' | sed $'s/,/\t/g; s/\"//g; s/added/A/g; s/modified/M/g; s/removed/D/g; s/renamed/R/g; s/copied/C/g; s/changed/T/g; s/unchanged/U/g' \ > "HEAD.diff" cat "HEAD.diff" echo rm -f fail-location fail-filename fail-subject-is-hex fail-subject-length || : echo "Validating all changed PR files are in the ${LOCATION} directory and are hex and are valid length filenames:" echo awk '{print $2}' "HEAD.diff" | sort \ | xargs -I{} bash -c '[[ {} =~ ^${LOCATION}/.*$ ]] && echo "pass location: {}" || { echo "FAIL location: {}"; touch fail-location; }' awk '{print $2}' "HEAD.diff" | sort \ | xargs -I{} bash -c '[[ {} =~ ^${LOCATION}/[0-9a-f]*\.json$ ]] && echo "pass is hex: {}" || { echo "FAIL is hex: {}"; touch fail-subject-is-hex; }' awk '{print $2}' "HEAD.diff" | sort \ | xargs -I{} bash -c 'FNAME={}; FLENGTH=${#FNAME}; if (( $FLENGTH % 2 )); then echo "FAIL length: $FNAME"; touch fail-subject-length; else echo "pass length: $FNAME"; fi' echo [ -f "fail-location" ] && echo "ABORTING: File change location validation failed" [ -f "fail-filename" ] && echo "ABORTING: File name validation failed" [ -f "fail-subject-is-hex" ] && echo "ABORTING: Subject-is-hex validation failed" [ -f "fail-subject-length" ] && echo "ABORTING: Subject-length validation failed" # [ -f "fail-location" ] || [ -f "fail-filename" ] || [ -f "fail-subject-is-hex" ] && exit 1 [ -f "fail-location" ] || [ -f "fail-filename" ] || [ -f "fail-subject-is-hex" ] || [ -f "fail-subject-length" ] && exit 1 popd echo "Obtaining the latest metadata GitHub PR validation tool:" echo "curl -sLO" curl -sLO echo echo "Extracting the latest metadata GitHub PR validation tool:" tar -zxvf metadata-validator-github.tar.gz echo echo "Running the metadata GitHub PR validator on this PR:" echo echo "./metadata-validator-github "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER}" "$(cat "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}" | jq -r '')" "${{ github.event.number }}" --expect-branch "${BASE}" --no-auth" ./metadata-validator-github "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER}" "$(cat "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}" | jq -r '')" "${{ github.event.number }}" --expect-branch "${BASE}" --no-auth echo echo "Obtaining the latest metadata creator tool:" echo "curl -sLO" curl -sLO echo echo "Extracting the latest metadata validation tool:" tar -zxvf token-metadata-creator.tar.gz echo echo "Running the metadata validation tool on this PR:" echo VALIDATOR="./token-metadata-creator validate" awk '/^M/ {print $2}' "pull-request/HEAD.diff" | xargs --no-run-if-empty -- bash -c 'echo "$1 master/$2 pull-request/$2" && $1 master/$2 pull-request/$2' -- "$VALIDATOR" awk '/^A/ {print $2}' "pull-request/HEAD.diff" | xargs --no-run-if-empty -- bash -c 'echo "$1 pull-request/$2" && $1 pull-request/$2' -- "$VALIDATOR" echo - name: Optional Check - LedgerX Top100 id: ledgerxcheck env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} PR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} continue-on-error: true run: | # run over every file in the diff # check if the subject (filename - .json) is in the ledger file called 'top100JsonList_ep321-337.json # if so output a warning that there is further catuiousness needed (or so) export BASE="master" export LOCATION="mappings" pushd pull-request echo "Fetching base branch '${BASE}':" git fetch origin ${BASE} --depth=1 echo echo "Obtaining PR file change diff:" echo "BASE: ${BASE}" echo # git --no-pager diff --name-status origin/"${BASE}" HEAD > "HEAD.diff" gh api \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ /repos/cardano-foundation/cardano-token-registry/pulls/${PR}/files \ | jq --raw-output -c '.[] | [.status, .filename] | @csv' | sed $'s/,/\t/g; s/\"//g; s/added/A/g; s/modified/M/g; s/removed/D/g; s/renamed/R/g; s/copied/C/g; s/changed/T/g; s/unchanged/U/g' \ > "HEAD.diff" cat "HEAD.diff" echo rm -f fail-location fail-filename || : echo "Validating if files are in LedgerX token list:" echo awk '{print $2}' "HEAD.diff" | sort | awk 'match($0, /mappings\/[0-9a-f]+\.json/) { print substr( $0, RSTART+9, RLENGTH-14 )}' \ | xargs -I{} bash -c 'if grep -q "{}" "../ledger/tokenRegistry/top100JsonList_ep321-337.json"; then echo "::warning file=mappings/{}.json::Subject {} is part of LedgerX Top 100 token list"; echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; else echo "Subject {} not on LedgerX token list"; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi' echo - name: Optional Check - Has been minted on mainnet id: ismainnetassetcheck continue-on-error: true env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} PR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} BLOCKFROST_PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.BLOCKFROST_PROJECT_ID }} run: | # Get the policyid from the file (or determine the asset id) # if it is smart contract based and policyid is not avail...ignore it # call blockfrost to check if that asset already exists # output a warning on this step if it does not exist export BASE="master" export LOCATION="mappings" pushd pull-request echo "Fetching base branch '${BASE}':" git fetch origin ${BASE} --depth=1 echo echo "Obtaining PR file change diff:" echo "BASE: ${BASE}" echo # git --no-pager diff --name-status origin/"${BASE}" HEAD > "HEAD.diff" gh api \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ /repos/cardano-foundation/cardano-token-registry/pulls/${PR}/files \ | jq --raw-output -c '.[] | [.status, .filename] | @csv' | sed $'s/,/\t/g; s/\"//g; s/added/A/g; s/modified/M/g; s/removed/D/g; s/renamed/R/g; s/copied/C/g; s/changed/T/g; s/unchanged/U/g' \ > "HEAD.diff" cat "HEAD.diff" echo rm -f fail-location fail-filename || : echo "Validating if asset has been minted on mainnet already:" echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo awk '{print $2}' "HEAD.diff" | sort | awk 'match($0, /mappings\/[0-9a-f]+\.json/) { print substr( $0, RSTART+9, RLENGTH-14 )}' \ | while read policy; do echo "Checking subject ${policy} with policy id ${policy:0:56}"; if [ $(curl -w '%{http_code}' -s -H "project_id: ${BLOCKFROST_PROJECT_ID}" -q -o /dev/null${policy:0:56}) = "200" ]; \ then echo "Assets with policy id ${policy:0:56} have been minted on mainnet."; else echo "::warning file=mappings/${policy}.json::No assets with policy id ${policy:0:56} have ever been minted on mainnet."; echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi; curl -w '%{http_code}' -s -H "project_id: ${BLOCKFROST_PROJECT_ID}" -q -o /dev/null${policy:0:56}; done echo - name: Check optional validation outcome if: steps.ledgerxcheck.outputs.status == 'failure' || steps.ismainnetassetcheck.outputs.status == 'failure' run: | echo "There were errors during the optional validation steps. Please check the according logs." exit 1