### master (unreleased) ##### Geographic Modifications * [#288](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/288) Adding New Providence (Bahamas) district ([@TecnoSigma](https://github.com/TecnoSigma)) * [#274](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/274), [#281](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/281) Run update_data script to sync with the ISO repository. Includes changes for BY, CN, GM, IN, KE, MA, MK, MZ, NO, SS, and ZA ([@swcraig](https://github.com/swcraig)), [@JasonBarnabe](https://github.com/JasonBarnabe)) * [#282](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/282) 2020 Norway subregion updates ([@JasonBarnabe](https://github.com/JasonBarnabe)) ### 1.1.2 (May 2, 2019) ##### Geographic Modifications * [#270](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/270) Update name of FYR of Macedonia to North Macedonia ([@szajbus](https://github.com/szajbus)) * [#267](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/267) Update Moroccan regions and subregions to match the new standard (after 2015), because of the absence of the new iso codes, I used the last two digit of the non-official [HASC](http://www.statoids.com/ihasc.html) codes. ([@kainio](https://github.com/kainio)) * [#268](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/268) Remove UK overlays for Middlesex and Wiltshire ([@manewitz](https://github.com/manewitz)) ### 1.1.1 (May 7, 2018) * [#250](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/250) Add better fuzzy searching when using `Querying#named`. Calling this method with `fuzzy: true` does better with dashes, apostrophes, and spaces ([@raj](https://github.com/raj)) ##### Geographic Modifications * [#256](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/256) Fix Brazilian regions - remove `Fernando de Noronha` ([@guicruzzs](https://github.com/guicruzzs)) * [#252](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/252) Update Kenya subregions to match ISO standard ([@gyarra](https://github.com/gyarra)) * [#249](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/249) Rename Mexico's Distrito Federal and make it a state ([@jtapia](https://github.com/jtapia)) * [#247](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/247) Fix New Zealand regions to match 2015-11-27 ISO correction ([@louim](https://github.com/louim)) ### 1.1.0 (November 7, 2017) * [#231](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/231) Base ISO data has been updated for the first time since October 25, 2014 * [#233](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/233) Revert removing Puerto Rico as a country code * [#217](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/217) Add serializer friendly `to_hash` for `Country` and `Region` ([@zarelit](https://github.com/zarelit)) * [#137](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/137) Add country search by numeric code ([@Envek](https://github.com/Envek)) * [#200](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/200) Add municipalities of Mexico ([@jdsampayo](https://github.com/jdsampayo)) * [#193](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/193) Allow filtering subregions by type ([@aldesantis](https://github.com/aldesantis)) * [#180](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/180) `Region#subregions` returns freezed array ([@j15e](https://github.com/j15e)) * [#177](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/pull/177) Always return a `RegionCollection` from `Region#load_subregions` ([@codeodor](https://github.com/codeodor)) * Various geographic data updates by [Carmen contributors](https://github.com/carmen-ruby/carmen/graphs/contributors). Thank you! ### 1.0.2 (March 13, 2015) * Replace use of UnicodeUtils with ActiveSupport (eikes) * Update data from upstream sources. * Fix spelling errors for French subregions (hugolantaume) * Fix spelling errors for Spanish subregions (nudzg) * Added missing nl translations for bq, cw, ss and sx (brtdv) * Moved translations into locale/overlay from locale/base. Base is only for data from iso_codes. * Changed the official name of Taiwan to Republic of China. * Fixed the name of Vietnam. * Add local files for Bangla language (tauhidul35) ### 1.0.1 (March 06, 2014) * Avoid raising an exception when calling Querying#coded with a nil code * Fix a bug where adding additional data paths caused an error when looking up localized names in the base locale data (seangaffney) * Add Country#numeric_code (stevenharman) * Fix the name of Lima (goddamnhippie) * Add south Sudan Swedish translation (barsoom) * Add Russian translations of Russian Federation (Envek) * Fix a regression in the localization of Taiwan from the 1.0 rewrite. * Fix a bug where empty locale files would prevent access to the base data. * Add a way to ship overlayed data sets with Carmen to allow for differences from the upstream data source. * Remove Puerto Rico from the list of countries as it is a subregion. * Restore the naming of Taiwan after a regression to an outdated name. * Added La Rioja to the list of subregions of Argentina (njacobs1) * Added APO states to US subregions. ### 1.0.0 (April 20, 2013) * Updated version numbering and pushed 1.0.0pre to v1.0.0. * Merged in updates to German locations, via a patch from @leifg ### 1.0.0pre * Complete rewrite. New data source and API. Extracting Rails view helpers into seperate gem. ### 0.2.12 * Republish the gem with Ruby 1.8.7. ### 0.2.11 * Remove Jeweler and release new version. ### 0.2.10 * Generate the gem with Ruby 1.8.7 to try to fix YAML library incompatibilities. ### 0.2.9 * Preserve order of priority_countries in country_select (castiglione) * Add Finnish localization (marjakapyaho) * Update a few contru names to match ISO naming (belt) * Fall back to default locale if selected locale is missing (twinge) * Added Russian country translations (grlm) * Added South Sudan as a country (edshadi) * Renamed Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Libya (mdimas) * Fixed an issue where trying find a country for a blank string would match everything (smathieu) * Added Italian country names (Arkham) * Add Polish, slovak and czech translations (Pajk) * Various corrections to country names (wolframarnold) * Add Chinese counties (liwh) * Add Dutch province names (ariejan) * Add Saint Barthelemy (BL) and Saint Martin (French Part) (MF) (nengxu) * Add Japanese countries localization (bonsaiben) * Prevent Carmen::state_name('NO','NO') from crashing (mhourahine) * Change "Taiwan, Province of China" to "Taiwan" (camilleroux) * Add spanish translation for countries (federomero) ### 0.2.8 * Use a shorter name for US Armed Forces States (cgs) * Added Gujarat to the list of states in India (swaroopch) * Added American Samoa to the list of US States * Added Dutch country translations (Arie) * Added Kosovo to German Translation (Christopher Thorpe) * Added the ability to list countries at the top of the list (jjthrash) * Added country names in Hindi (sukeerthiadiga) ### 0.2.7 * Fix a gemspec disaster. ### 0.2.6 (pulled) * Suppress a deprecation warning in Rails 3 (anupamc) * Remove init.rb altogether and use requires under Rails * Added Indian states and union territories (orthodoc) ### 0.2.5 * Data corrections (mikepinde) ### 0.2.4 * Fixed autoloading under Rails 3 ### 0.2.2 * Added state and country exclusion (kalafut) ### 0.2.1 * Added regions for New Zealand (yehezkielbs) ### 0.2.0 * Merge in Maximilian Schulz's locale fork, refactor internals to better support locales, and update documentation. * Remove Carmen::STATES and Carmen::COUNTRIES constants in favor of module instance variables and proper accessors. * Add a test_helper and remove dependency on RubyGems. ### 0.1.3 * DEPRECATE Carmen::COUNTRIES in favor of Carmen.countries