----------------------------------------------------------------------------- github : https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown-blog title : Casual-Markdown's Blog subtitle : Simple is the best nav-group : featured, new-3, tags, months nav-width : 320px css-header : background:linear-gradient(to bottom right, #06c, #fc0); color:white menu : Home : ? github : https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown-blog Dark : javascript:darkmode() About : ?page=about.md ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <style comment="additional style"> #header { {{css-header}} } #left-panel { width:{{nav-width}} } #right-panel { left: calc({{nav-width}} + 20px) } h1 { border-bottom:1px dotted grey } .nav-post a { color: teal } .nav-tag a { color: #06c } .nav-month a { color: grey } .post-date { font-size:12px; font-weight:400; } .post-title { font-size:16px; color:#333 } .post-tags { left-margin:20px; padding:4px; font-size:10px; color:green; font-weight:400 } </style> <div id="md-post"> # Featured ## [Build online resume by markdown](20220927-markdown-as-resume.md) >  > date:2022/09/27, tags: `#markdown` > > build blog site by markdown files in minutes. > host on github, or other static web hosting ## [Markdown as blog](20220820-markdown-as-blog.md) >  > date:2022/08/20, tags: `#markdown` > > build blog site by markdown files in minutes. > host on github, or other static web hosting # Archives ### Sep 2022 * 2022/09/28: [Build online resume by markdown](20220927-markdown-as-resume.md) { #markdown } ### Aug 2022 * 2022/08/20: [Markdown as blog](20220820-markdown-as-blog.md) { #markdown, #featured } * 2022/08/10: [Is RegExp readable?](20220810-is-regexp-readable.md) { #regexp } ### July 2022 * 2022/07/31: [release of casual-markdown v0.90](20220731-casual-markdown-v0.90.md) { #markdown, #regexp } ### Oct 2021 * 2021/10/28: [Portable lightweight web crawler](20211028-powerpage-web-crawler.md) { #powerpage } * 2021/10/05: [Develop html application by PowerPage](20211005-powerpage-0.60.md) { #powerpage } </div>