/* ==UserStyle== @name bStats Catppuccin @namespace github.com/catppuccin/userstyles/styles/bstats @homepageURL https://github.com/catppuccin/userstyles/tree/main/styles/bstats @version 2024.12.31 @updateURL https://github.com/catppuccin/userstyles/raw/main/styles/bstats/catppuccin.user.less @supportURL https://github.com/catppuccin/userstyles/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abstats @description Soothing pastel theme for bStats @author Catppuccin @license MIT @preprocessor less @var select lightFlavor "Light Flavor" ["latte:Latte*", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha"] @var select darkFlavor "Dark Flavor" ["latte:Latte", "frappe:Frappé", "macchiato:Macchiato", "mocha:Mocha*"] @var select accentColor "Accent" ["rosewater:Rosewater", "flamingo:Flamingo", "pink:Pink", "mauve:Mauve*", "red:Red", "maroon:Maroon", "peach:Peach", "yellow:Yellow", "green:Green", "teal:Teal", "blue:Blue", "sapphire:Sapphire", "sky:Sky", "lavender:Lavender", "subtext0:Gray"] @var checkbox graphUseAccentColor "Graphs Use Accent" 0 ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("bstats.org") { :root { @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { #catppuccin(@lightFlavor); } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { #catppuccin(@darkFlavor); } } #catppuccin(@flavor) { @rosewater: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@rosewater]; @flamingo: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@flamingo]; @pink: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@pink]; @mauve: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@mauve]; @red: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@red]; @maroon: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@maroon]; @peach: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@peach]; @yellow: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@yellow]; @green: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@green]; @teal: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@teal]; @sky: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@sky]; @sapphire: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@sapphire]; @blue: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@blue]; @lavender: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@lavender]; @text: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@text]; @subtext1: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@subtext1]; @subtext0: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@subtext0]; @overlay2: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@overlay2]; @overlay1: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@overlay1]; @overlay0: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@overlay0]; @surface2: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@surface2]; @surface1: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@surface1]; @surface0: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@surface0]; @base: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@base]; @mantle: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@mantle]; @crust: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@crust]; @accent: @catppuccin[@@flavor][@@accentColor]; color-scheme: if(@flavor = latte, light, dark); ::selection { background-color: fade(@accent, 30%); } input, textarea { &::placeholder { color: @subtext0 !important; } } body, .collection-header, .collection-item, .grey.lighten-4, .page-footer .footer-copyright { background: @base !important; } .teal.darken-3, .teal.darken-2, .dropdown-content, .side-nav { background-color: @mantle !important; } .teal { background-color: @surface0 !important; } /* slide out nav text & icons */ .subheader, .left { color: @text !important; } .collection { border-color: @surface0; } .collection.with-header .collection-header, .collection .collection-item { border-bottom-color: @surface0; } .collapsible { border-top-color: @surface1; border-right-color: @surface1; border-left-color: @surface1; } .collapsible-body { border-bottom-color: @surface1; } .collapsible-header { background-color: @surface0 !important; border-bottom-color: @surface1; } blockquote { border-left-color: @maroon; } /* code box */ .prettyprint, .withBox, .prettyprinted { background-color: @mantle !important; outline-color: @mantle; color: @overlay2; } .tag, .boolean { color: @blue; } .pln { color: @text; } .com { color: @overlay0; } .key { color: @red; } .clo, .opn, .pun { color: @yellow; } .str, .string, .atv { color: @green; } .atn { color: @mauve; } .number { color: @peach; } p, h5, b, table, th, td, .white-text, nav .brand-logo, nav a, div.material-table .table-title, div.material-table table th, .card-title, .card-content, .container, .center { color: @text !important; } html, div.material-table table tr td, .grey-text.text-lighten-4, .page-footer .footer-copyright { color: @subtext1 !important; } .grey-text, .grey-text.text-darken-2, .input-field label, div.material-table .table-footer label, div.material-table .table-footer, label { color: @subtext0 !important; } .blue-text { color: @blue !important; } .red-text { color: @red !important; } .red { background-color: @red; } /* discord logo on homepage */ img[src="/images/discord.svg"] when (@flavor = latte) { filter: saturate(210%) hue-rotate(-20deg) brightness(82%); } img[src="/images/discord.svg"] when (@flavor = frappe) { filter: saturate(53%) hue-rotate(-10deg) brightness(147%) contrast(90%) sepia(15%) invert(2%); } img[src="/images/discord.svg"] when (@flavor = macchiato) { filter: saturate(52%) hue-rotate(-15deg) brightness(157%) contrast(90%) sepia(10%); } img[src="/images/discord.svg"] when (@flavor = mocha) { filter: saturate(38%) hue-rotate(-25deg) brightness(153%) sepia(6%); } /* checkbox */ [type="checkbox"] + label::before, [type="checkbox"]:not(.filled-in) + label::after { border-color: @subtext0; } [type="checkbox"]:checked + label::before { border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-right-color: @green; border-bottom-color: @green; } /* table hover */ div.material-table table tbody tr:hover { background-color: fade(@surface2, 40%); } /* nav hover */ nav ul a:hover { background-color: fade(@surface2, 40%); } .dropdown-content li:hover, .dropdown-content li.active, .dropdown-content li.selected { background-color: fade(@surface2, 5%); } .input-field label { color: @accent !important; } /* search unfocused */ input:not([type]), input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="time"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="tel"], input[type="number"], input[type="search"], textarea.materialize-textarea { border-bottom-color: @subtext0; box-shadow: 1 1px 0 0 @subtext0; } /* search focused */ input:not([type]):focus:not([readonly]), input[type="text"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="password"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="email"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="url"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="time"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="date"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="datetime"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="datetime-local"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="tel"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="number"]:focus:not([readonly]), input[type="search"]:focus:not([readonly]), textarea.materialize-textarea:focus:not([readonly]) { border-bottom-color: @accent; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 @accent; } /* valid input */ input:not([type]).valid, input:not([type]):focus.valid, input[type="text"].valid, input[type="text"]:focus.valid, input[type="password"].valid, input[type="password"]:focus.valid, input[type="email"].valid, input[type="email"]:focus.valid, input[type="url"].valid, input[type="url"]:focus.valid, input[type="time"].valid, input[type="time"]:focus.valid, input[type="date"].valid, input[type="date"]:focus.valid, input[type="datetime"].valid, input[type="datetime"]:focus.valid, input[type="datetime-local"].valid, input[type="datetime-local"]:focus.valid, input[type="tel"].valid, input[type="tel"]:focus.valid, input[type="number"].valid, input[type="number"]:focus.valid, input[type="search"].valid, input[type="search"]:focus.valid, textarea.materialize-textarea.valid, textarea.materialize-textarea:focus.valid { border-bottom-color: @green; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 @green; } .teal-text, .teal-text.text-darken-2, .teal-text.text-lighten-3, a { color: @accent !important; } .btn, .btn-large { color: @text !important; } .btn.disabled, .disabled.btn-large, .btn-floating.disabled, .btn-large.disabled, .btn-flat.disabled, .btn:disabled, .btn-floating:disabled, .btn-large:disabled, .btn-flat:disabled, .btn[disabled], [disabled].btn-large, .btn-floating[disabled], .btn-large[disabled], .btn-flat[disabled], .btn-large.red[disabled], .btn-large.red.disabled[id="delete_button"] { background-color: @mantle !important; color: @subtext0 !important; } .btn-large.red[id="delete_button"] { color: @mantle !important; background-color: @red !important; } .card { background-color: @base; border-color: @surface0; } thead, div.material-table table tr td, div.material-table .table-header { border-bottom-color: @surface0; } /* modals found in custom chart settings */ .modal .modal-content, .modal .modal-footer { background-color: @surface0; } /* custom chart dropdown menu */ .select-wrapper input.select-dropdown { border-bottom-color: @subtext0; } .select-dropdown li.optgroup { border-top-color: @surface1; } .select-dropdown li.disabled, .select-dropdown li.disabled > span, .select-dropdown li.optgroup { color: @text; } .select-dropdown li.optgroup > span { color: @subtext1; } .dropdown-content li > a, .dropdown-content li > span { color: @accent; } .divider { background-color: @surface1; } .caret { color: @overlay1 !important; } /* custom chart lever */ .switch label .lever { background-color: @overlay0; &::after { background-color: @overlay2; } } .switch label input[type="checkbox"]:checked + .lever { background-color: desaturate(darken(@accent, 25%), 50%); & when (@flavor = latte) { background-color: desaturate(lighten(@accent, 12%), 30%); } &::after { background-color: @accent; } } /* custom chart filter data */ .chip { color: @text; background-color: @surface1; } .chips .chip.selected { background-color: @accent; color: @base; } .chips.focus { border-bottom-color: @accent; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 @accent; } .chips .input { color: @text; } input[placeholder="Add an other value"] { border-bottom-color: @overlay2; } /* HIGHCHARTS "let's hope this does'nt break"-section */ /* all the charts */ .highcharts-graph when (@graphUseAccentColor = 1) { stroke: @accent; } .highcharts-graph when (@graphUseAccentColor = 0) { stroke: @red; } /* "shadow" area below graph in time navigator */ .highcharts-area { fill: fade(@red, 5%) !important; & when (@graphUseAccentColor = 1) { fill: fade(@accent, 5%) !important; } } /* charts background */ .highcharts-container { background: @base !important; } /* map blends in with background on latte flavor */ .highcharts-map-series .highcharts-point { stroke: @base !important; & when (@flavor = latte) { stroke: @overlay0 !important; } } /* graph chart grid */ .highcharts-grid.highcharts-yaxis-grid .highcharts-grid-line { stroke: @surface0; } /* bottom timeline line */ .highcharts-tick, .highcharts-xaxis .highcharts-axis-line { stroke: @surface1; } /* bottom timeline & y axis text text */ .highcharts-axis-labels.highcharts-xaxis-labels text, .highcharts-axis-labels.highcharts-yaxis-labels text { fill: @subtext1 !important; } /* vertical line on graph hover */ .highcharts-crosshair, .highcharts-crosshair-thin { stroke: @overlay2; } /* circle marker on graph */ .highcharts-markers .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-0 { fill: @red !important; stroke: none !important; & when (@graphUseAccentColor = 1) { fill: @accent !important; } } .highcharts-markers path { fill: @red !important; stroke: @base !important; & when (@graphUseAccentColor = 1) { fill: @accent !important; } } /* time navigator on bottom */ /* active time span */ .highcharts-navigator, .highcharts-navigator-mask-inside { fill: fade(@surface1, 33%); } .highcharts-navigator .highcharts-navigator-outline { stroke: @surface1; } /* navigator handles on the left & right */ .highcharts-navigator .highcharts-navigator-handle { fill: @surface0; stroke: @overlay1; } /* vertical timestamp lines */ .highcharts-grid.highcharts-xaxis-grid.highcharts-navigator-xaxis .highcharts-grid-line { stroke: @surface1; } /* time navigator timestamp text */ .highcharts-xaxis-labels.highcharts-navigator-xaxis tspan { fill: @subtext0 !important; } /* scrollbar */ .highcharts-scrollbar, .highcharts-scrollbar-track { fill: @surface0; stroke: @surface1; } .highcharts-scrollbar, .highcharts-scrollbar-thumb { fill: @overlay1; stroke: @overlay1; } .highcharts-scrollbar .highcharts-scrollbar-rifles { stroke: @mantle; } .highcharts-scrollbar-button { fill: @overlay1; stroke: @overlay1; } .highcharts-scrollbar-arrow { fill: @mantle; } /* buttons */ .highcharts-button text { fill: @subtext1 !important; } .highcharts-button-box { fill: @surface0 !important; stroke: @surface0 !important; } .highcharts-button-symbol { fill: @subtext0 !important; stroke: @subtext0 !important; } /* normal state */ .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-normal text { fill: @subtext1 !important; } .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-normal .highcharts-button-box { fill: @surface0 !important; stroke: @surface0 !important; } /* hover state */ .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-hover text { fill: @text !important; } .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-hover .highcharts-button-box { fill: @surface2 !important; stroke: @surface2 !important; } /* pressed state */ .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-pressed text { fill: @text !important; } .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-pressed .highcharts-button-box { fill: @surface2 !important; stroke: @surface2 !important; } /* disabled state */ .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-disabled text { fill: @overlay0 !important; } .highcharts-button.highcharts-button-disabled .highcharts-button-box { fill: @base !important; stroke: @surface0 !important; } /* "Load full data" button */ .highcharts-menu { background: @surface0 !important; border-color: @surface1 !important; box-shadow: @mantle 3px 3px 10px !important; } .highcharts-menu-item { color: @text !important; &:hover { color: @base !important; background: @accent !important; } } /* pie text "shadow" */ .highcharts-text-outline { stroke: @mantle; stroke-width: 2px; } /* pie text */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-data-label tspan { fill: @subtext1; } /* drilldown pie text */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-data-label.highcharts-drilldown-data-label tspan { fill: @blue; } .highcharts-label.highcharts-data-label.highcharts-drilldown-data-label text { fill: @blue !important; color: @blue !important; } /* pie subtitle */ .highcharts-subtitle tspan { fill: @subtext0; } /* pie hover text */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip text { fill: @subtext1 !important; color: @subtext1 !important; } /* hover text */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip-box tspan { fill: @subtext1; } /* hover text red dot */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip-box tspan[style="fill:#F44336"] { fill: @red !important; & when (@graphUseAccentColor = 1) { fill: @accent !important; } } /* map hover text */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip span:not(div.highcharts-label > span:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)) { color: @subtext1 !important; } /* "No data to display" */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-no-data tspan { fill: @subtext1; } /* axis label */ .highcharts-axis-title tspan { fill: @subtext1; } /* hover text background */ .highcharts-label-box, .highcharts-tooltip-box { fill: @surface0; } /* legend */ /* legend title */ .highcharts-label.highcharts-legend-title text { fill: @subtext1 !important; } /* legend labels */ .highcharts-axis-labels, .highcharts-coloraxis-labels text { fill: @subtext0 !important; } /* vertical lines */ .highcharts-legend-item .highcharts-grid.highcharts-coloraxis-grid .highcharts-grid-line { stroke: @base; } /* background only for bar chart legend */ .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-box[fill="#FFFFFF"][stroke="#999999"] { fill: @surface0 !important; stroke: @surface1 !important; } /* bar chart entries */ .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series tspan { fill: @subtext1 !important; &:hover { fill: @text !important; } } .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-legend-item-hidden tspan { fill: @overlay2 !important; &:hover { fill: @subtext0 !important; } } .highcharts-point { stroke: @base !important; } /* bar chart circle outline */ .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series rect { stroke: none !important; } /* disabled bar chart circle */ .highcharts-legend .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-legend-item-hidden rect { fill: @overlay0 !important; stroke: none !important; } /* bar & pie chart colors */ /* color 0 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-0, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-0, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-0 rect { fill: @red !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-0 { stroke: @red !important; } /* color 1 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-1, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-1, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-1 rect { fill: @green !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-1 { stroke: @green !important; } /* color 2 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-2, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-2, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-2 rect { fill: @sky !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-2 { stroke: @sky !important; } /* color 3 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-3, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-3, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-3 rect { fill: @peach !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-3 { stroke: @peach !important; } /* color 4 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-4, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-4, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-4 rect { fill: @yellow !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-4 { stroke: @yellow !important; } /* color 5 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-5, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-5, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-5 rect { fill: @teal !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-5 { stroke: @teal !important; } /* color 6 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-6, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-6, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-6 rect { fill: @pink !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-6 { stroke: @pink !important; } /* color 7 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-7, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-7, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-7 rect { fill: @flamingo !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-7 { stroke: @flamingo !important; } /* color 8 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-8, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-8, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-8 rect { fill: @subtext0 !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-8 { stroke: @subtext0 !important; } /* color 9 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-9, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-9, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-9 rect { fill: @blue !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-9 { stroke: @blue !important; } /* color 10 */ .highcharts-point.highcharts-color-10, .highcharts-halo.highcharts-color-10, .highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-bar-series.highcharts-color-10 rect { fill: @mauve !important; } .highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-10 { stroke: @mauve !important; } } } /* deno-fmt-ignore */ @catppuccin: { @latte: { @rosewater: #dc8a78; @flamingo: #dd7878; @pink: #ea76cb; @mauve: #8839ef; @red: #d20f39; @maroon: #e64553; @peach: #fe640b; @yellow: #df8e1d; @green: #40a02b; @teal: #179299; @sky: #04a5e5; @sapphire: #209fb5; @blue: #1e66f5; @lavender: #7287fd; @text: #4c4f69; @subtext1: #5c5f77; @subtext0: #6c6f85; @overlay2: #7c7f93; @overlay1: #8c8fa1; @overlay0: #9ca0b0; @surface2: #acb0be; @surface1: #bcc0cc; @surface0: #ccd0da; @base: #eff1f5; @mantle: #e6e9ef; @crust: #dce0e8; }; @frappe: { @rosewater: #f2d5cf; @flamingo: #eebebe; @pink: #f4b8e4; @mauve: #ca9ee6; @red: #e78284; @maroon: #ea999c; @peach: #ef9f76; @yellow: #e5c890; @green: #a6d189; @teal: #81c8be; @sky: #99d1db; @sapphire: #85c1dc; @blue: #8caaee; @lavender: #babbf1; @text: #c6d0f5; @subtext1: #b5bfe2; @subtext0: #a5adce; @overlay2: #949cbb; @overlay1: #838ba7; @overlay0: #737994; @surface2: #626880; @surface1: #51576d; @surface0: #414559; @base: #303446; @mantle: #292c3c; @crust: #232634; }; @macchiato: { @rosewater: #f4dbd6; @flamingo: #f0c6c6; @pink: #f5bde6; @mauve: #c6a0f6; @red: #ed8796; @maroon: #ee99a0; @peach: #f5a97f; @yellow: #eed49f; @green: #a6da95; @teal: #8bd5ca; @sky: #91d7e3; @sapphire: #7dc4e4; @blue: #8aadf4; @lavender: #b7bdf8; @text: #cad3f5; @subtext1: #b8c0e0; @subtext0: #a5adcb; @overlay2: #939ab7; @overlay1: #8087a2; @overlay0: #6e738d; @surface2: #5b6078; @surface1: #494d64; @surface0: #363a4f; @base: #24273a; @mantle: #1e2030; @crust: #181926; }; @mocha: { @rosewater: #f5e0dc; @flamingo: #f2cdcd; @pink: #f5c2e7; @mauve: #cba6f7; @red: #f38ba8; @maroon: #eba0ac; @peach: #fab387; @yellow: #f9e2af; @green: #a6e3a1; @teal: #94e2d5; @sky: #89dceb; @sapphire: #74c7ec; @blue: #89b4fa; @lavender: #b4befe; @text: #cdd6f4; @subtext1: #bac2de; @subtext0: #a6adc8; @overlay2: #9399b2; @overlay1: #7f849c; @overlay0: #6c7086; @surface2: #585b70; @surface1: #45475a; @surface0: #313244; @base: #1e1e2e; @mantle: #181825; @crust: #11111b; }; };