import import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.* object Kash { val PATHS = arrayListOf() val ENV = hashMapOf() var PROMPT: String = "" val DIRS = Stack() fun dump() = arrayOf(PATHS, ENV, PROMPT, DIRS) } fun path(vararg p: String) = p.forEach { Kash.PATHS.add(it) } fun prompt(prompt: String) { Kash.PROMPT = prompt } fun pwd() = Kash.DIRS.peek() // These functions are called `kenv` so they don't collide with the `env` command that's probably on your path. fun kenv(key: String, value: String) { Kash.ENV[key] = value } fun kenv(key: String) = Kash.ENV[key] val kenv: Map get() = Kash.ENV // // The code below probably belongs more to a ~/.kash.kts, but leaving it here for now as an example // fun gitBranch() = File(pwd(), ".git/HEAD").let { head -> if (head.exists()) { val segments = head.readLines()[0].split("/") " [" + segments[segments.size - 1] + "]" } else { "" } } fun currentDir() = Paths.get(pwd()).let { path -> path.nameCount.let { size -> if (size > 2) path.getName(size - 2).toString() + "/" + path.getName(size - 1).toString() else path.toString() } } fun myPrompt() = currentDir() + gitBranch() + "\u001B[32m$ " prompt("`myPrompt()`")