class BatteryEntity extends Polymer.Element { static get template() { return Polymer.html`
[[getBatteryLevel()]] %
` } static get properties() { return { _hass: Object, _config: Object, stateObj: { type: Object, value: null }, value: Number, }; } setConfig(config) { this._config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); } displayName() { return || this.stateObj.attributes.friendly_name; } getBatteryLevel() { let batteryValue = this.stateObj.state; if (this.stateObj.attributes.battery) batteryValue = this.stateObj.attributes.battery; if (this.stateObj.attributes.battery_level) batteryValue = this.stateObj.attributes.battery_level; return Number.isFinite(parseInt(batteryValue)) ? parseInt(Math.round(batteryValue), 10) : 0; } setIcon() { const roundedLevel = Math.round(this.getBatteryLevel() / 10) * 10; switch (roundedLevel) { case 100: this._config.icon = 'mdi:battery'; // mdi:battery should have an alias of mdi:battery-100, doesn't work in current HASS break; case 0: this._config.icon = 'mdi:battery-outline'; // mdi:battery-outline should have an alias of mdi:battery-0, doesn't work in current HASS break; default: this._config.icon = 'mdi:battery-' + roundedLevel; } } setColor() { const battery = this.getBatteryLevel(); const warningLevel = this._config.warning || 35; const criticalLevel = this._config.critical || 15; if (battery > warningLevel) { this._config.batteryLevel = 'good'; } else if (battery > criticalLevel) { this._config.batteryLevel = 'warning'; } else { this._config.batteryLevel = 'critical'; } } set hass(hass) { this._hass = hass; this.stateObj = this._config.entity in hass.states ? hass.states[this._config.entity] : null; this.setIcon(); this.setColor(); } getCardSize() { return 1; } stopPropagation(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); } } customElements.define('battery-entity', BatteryEntity);