# Sublime Text Smart Match Sublime Text by default does not allow you to close parenthesis that are directly preceding other parenthesis. This is the same behavior with brackets and square brackets. Sometimes this is the desired behavior but let's say you have something like this: ``function1(foo)``. If you go to wrap it in another function ``function2(function1(foo)`` then insert the cursor after foo but before the ending parenthesis to close the parenthesis it will not let you even though it should be allowed. This package makes it smarter so it detects matching parenthesis to see if the insertion is allowed. For more information about the issue see the ticket I created at: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5708 ## Installation If you are using Sublime Package Control you can press ``cmd+shift+p``. Then select ``Package Control: Install Package`` and choose ``SmartMatch``. Another option is running the following command (this is the os x version): ``` cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages git clone git@github.com:ccampbell/sublime-smart-match.git SmartMatch ```