%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%% Description: %%%% + Run the parallel Monte Carlo sampler of the ParaMonte library given the input log-target density function `getLogFunc()`. %%%% Output: %%%% + The simulation output files. %%%% Author: %%%% + Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin %%%% Visit: %%%% + https://www.cdslab.org/paramonte %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % clear MATLAB space clc; clear all; close all; clear classes; format compact; format long; % set path to the ParaMonte library %%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPORTANT %%%%%%%%%%%%% pmlibRootDir = './'; % change this path to the ParaMonte library root directory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% addpath(genpath(pmlibRootDir)); % change MATLAB's working directory to the folder containing this script filePath = mfilename('fullpath'); [currentDir,fileName,fileExt] = fileparts(filePath); cd(currentDir); cd(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); % Change working directory to source code directory. % instantiate an object of class logfunc containing: % - the objective function (getLogFunc) % - its number of dimensions (NDIM) logFunc = logfunc(); % create a ParaMonte object: pm = paramonte(); % create a ParaDRAM simulation object pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM(); % NOTE: For a complete list of simulation specifications, see: % NOTE: % NOTE: https://www.cdslab.org/paramonte/notes/usage/paradram/specifications/ pmpd.spec.chainSize = 30000; % the number of uniquely-sampled points pmpd.spec.outputFileName = "./out/"; % only the output folder specified here in the above, implying that % the filenames are to be generated automatically by the sampler. % indicate that this is a parallel simulation on multiple processors (this is required): pmpd.mpiEnabled = true; % run the ParaDRAM simulation pmpd.runSampler ( logFunc.NDIM ... number of dimensions of the objective function , @logFunc.get ... the objective function: multivariate normal distribution );