!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !% !% Description: !% + Run the Monte Carlo sampler of the ParaMonte library given the input log-target density function `getLogFunc()`. !% Output: !% + The simulation output files. !% Author: !% + Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin !% Visit: !% + https://www.cdslab.org/paramonte !% !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! USAGE: ! ! -- Comments must begin with an exclamation mark (!). ! -- Comments can appear anywhere on an empty line or, after a value assignment. ! -- All variable assignments are optional and can be commented out. In such cases, appropriate default values will be assigned. ! -- Use ParaDRAM namelist (group) name to group a set of ParaDRAM simulation specification variables. ! -- The order of the input variables in the namelist groups is irrelevant and unimportant. ! -- Variables can be defined multiple times, but only the last definition will be considered as input. ! -- All variable names are case insensitive. However, for clarity, this software follows the camelCase code-writing practice. ! -- String values must be enclosed with either single or double quotation marks. ! -- Logical values are case-insensitive and can be either .true., true, or t for a TRUE value, and .false., false, or f for a FALSE value. ! -- All vectors and arrays in the input file begin with index 1. This is following the convention of ! the majority of science-oriented programming languages: Fortran, Julia, Mathematica, MATLAB, and R. ! ! For comprehensive guidelines on the input file organization and rules, visit: ! ! https://www.cdslab.org/paramonte/notes/usage/paradram/input/ ! ! To see detailed descriptions of each of variables, visit: ! ! https://www.cdslab.org/paramonte/notes/usage/paradram/specifications/ ! &ParaDRAM ! Base specifications description = " This\n is a\n multi-line\n description." ! strings must be enclosed with "" or '' and can be continued on multiple lines. ! No comments within strings are allowed. !outputColumnWidth = 25 ! this is an example of a variable that is commented out and ! therefore, its value won't be read by the sampler routine. ! To pass it to the routine, simply remove the ! mark at ! the beginning of the line. outputRealPrecision = 17 !outputDelimiter = "," outputFileName = "./out/" ! the last forward-slash character indicates that this ! is the folder where the output files will have to stored. ! However, since no output filename prefix has been specified, ! the output filenames will be assigned a randomly-generated prefix. !sampleSize = 111 randomSeed = 2136275, chainFileFormat = "compact" variableNameList = "variable1" ! Notice the missing fourth variable name here. , "variable2" ! Any missing variable name will be automatically assigned an appropriate name. , "variable3" domainLowerLimitVec = 4*-1.e300 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values. domainUpperLimitVec = 4*1.e300 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values. parallelizationModel = "single chain" ! "singleChain" would also work. Similarly, "multichain", "multi chain", or "multiChain". !targetAcceptanceRate = 0.23e0 progressReportPeriod = 1000 maxNumDomainCheckToWarn = 100 maxNumDomainCheckToStop = 1000 restartFileFormat = "binary" overwriteRequested = true ! FALSE, false, .false., .f., and f would be also all valid logical values representing False silentModeRequested = false ! FALSE, false, .false., .f., and f would be also all valid logical values representing False !mpiFinalizeRequested = true ! TRUE, true, .true., .t., and t would be also all valid logical values representing True ! MCMC specifications chainSize = 30000 startPointVec = 4*1.e0 ! four values of 1.e0 are specified here by the repetition pattern symbol * !sampleRefinementCount = 10 sampleRefinementMethod = "BatchMeans" randomStartPointDomainLowerLimitVec = 4*-100.e0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values. randomStartPointDomainUpperLimitVec = 4*100.0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values. randomStartPointRequested = false ! DRAM specifications scaleFactor = "2*0.5*Gelman" ! The asterisk here means multiplication since it is enclosed within quotation marks. proposalModel = "normal" ! or "uniform" as you wish. adaptiveUpdateCount = 10000000 adaptiveUpdatePeriod = 35 greedyAdaptationCount = 0 !delayedRejectionCount = 5 !delayedRejectionScaleFactorVec = 5*1. !burninAdaptationMeasure = 1. !proposalStartStdVec = 4*1.0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values. !proposalStartCorMat = 1,0,0,0, ! 2-dimensional correlation-matrix definition, although it is commented out and won't be read. ! 0,1,0,0, ! 0,0,1,0, ! 0,0,0,1, !proposalStartCovMat = 100,0,0,0, ! 0,100,0,0, ! 0,0,100,0, ! 0,0,0,100, /