# Example configuration file for YATSM line runner # # This configuration includes details about the dataset and how YATSM should # run # Version of config version: "0.7.0" dataset: # Text file containing dates and images input_file: "examples/p013r030/images.csv" # Input date format date_format: "%Y%j" # Output location output: "landsat_stack/p013r030/subset/YATSM" # Output file prefix (e.g., [prefix]_[line].npz) output_prefix: "yatsm_r" # Total number of bands n_bands: 8 # Mask band (e.g., Fmask) mask_band: 8 # List of integer values to mask within the mask band mask_values: [2, 3, 4, 255] # Valid range of band data # specify 1 range for all bands, or specify ranges for each band min_values: 0 max_values: 10000 # Use BIP image reader? If not, use GDAL to read in use_bip_reader: False # Directory location for caching dataset lines cache_line_dir: "landsat_stack/p013r030/subset/cache" # Parameters common to all timeseries analysis models within YATSM package YATSM: algorithm: "CCDCesque" prediction: "sklearn_Lasso20" design_matrix: "1 + x + harm(x, 1) + harm(x, 2) + harm(x, 3)" reverse: False commission_alpha: # Re-fit each segment, adding new coefficients & RMSE info to record refit: prefix: [rlm_] prediction: [rlm_maxiter10] stay_regularized: [True] # Parameters for CCDCesque algorithm -- referenced by "algorithm" key in YATSM CCDCesque: init: # hyperparameters consecutive: 5 threshold: 3.5 min_obs: 24 min_rmse: 150 test_indices: [2, 3, 4, 5] retrain_time: 365.25 screening: RLM screening_crit: 400.0 slope_test: False remove_noise: True dynamic_rmse: False # Indices for multi-temporal cloud masking (indexed on 1) green_band: 2 swir1_band: 5 # Section for phenology fitting phenology: enable: True init: # Specification for dataset indices required for EVI based phenology monitoring red_index: 2 nir_index: 3 blue_index: 0 # Scale factor for reflectance bands scale: 0.0001 # You can also specify index of EVI if contained in dataset to override calculation evi_index: evi_scale: # Number of years to group together when normalizing EVI to upper and lower percentiles year_interval: 3 # Upper and lower percentiles of EVI used for max/min scaling q_min: 10 q_max: 90 # Section for training and classification classification: # Training data file training_image: "training_data.gtif" # Training data masked values roi_mask_values: [0, 255] # Date range training_start: "1999-01-01" training_end: "2001-01-01" training_date_format: "%Y-%m-%d" # Cache X feature input and y labels for training data image into file? cache_training: