[ { "version": "1.5.0", "date": "2024-02-05", "notes": "Add menu options for QAQC, RSSI values for cell modem menu options, and create register/login pages for security.", "features": [ "Add List Devices and Delete Connections for QAQC.", "Add RSSI values calculated from Signal Quality on Station Stats and Cell Modem Signal LCD menu options." ], "bugs": [], "security": [ "Add register and login pages for the web interface." ] }, { "version": "1.4.0", "date": "2024-10-09", "notes": "Re-enable 434 MHz radio restart_on_close, access LCD menu options from terminal.", "features": [ "Add terminal commands for LCD menu options. Use command 'npm run lcd-option *command* to access LCD menu options." ], "bugs": [ "Re-enable 434 MHz radio restart_on_close.", "Add try/catch around SensorGnome 'save-deployment' event listener.", "Remove 'en' label from English WiFi menu option." ], "security": [] }, { "version": "1.3.0", "date": "2024-09-10", "notes": "V2 Sensor Stations with a modem were not initializing properly.", "features": [], "bugs": "update radio instantiation conditional to fix unresponsive v2 Sensor Stations", "security": [] }, { "version": "1.2.2", "date": "2024-08-21", "notes": "", "features": [ "Update npm libraries", "Updated Station Stats menu icons and temperature", "Update icons on Station Stats menu", "Display temperature on LCD for V2 and V3.2 boards", "IP address 5s refresh on LCD menu" ], "bugs": [ "Remove accents from LCD menu", "Remove duplicate languages from LCD menu", "Try/catch on corrupted station-config.json" ], "security": [] }, { "version": "1.2.1", "date": "2024-08-15", "notes": "", "features": [ "Reorganize LCD menu", "Cell network displayed as percent in LCD menu", "Create point-to-point connection", "Update 434 MHz radio firmware through LCD menu", "Display blu tags in Node tables, outlined in blue", "Pipe Node detected blu tags into stats summary and blu.csv", "Switch modem protocol from ppp to QMI", "Add WiFi credentials through nmcli", "Toggle/hide buttons for radios" ], "bugs": [ "Station time in UTC", "Enable upload data button after 5s", "Fix data management buttons", "Persist disabled modem after reboot", "Modify WiFi network profile to auto connect" ], "security": [] }, { "version": "1.2.0", "date": "2023-07-11", "notes": "Initial version for Sensor Station image with BluSeries integration", "features": [ "Update Node to v20.14.0", "Update Linux kernel to v6.1.21-v7+", "Move USB tools to api, streamline import", "Network connection API", "Move cron util to api folder", "Move BlūSeries and Atmega32 directories to hardware/ctt", "Centralize os, system info", "Use NetworkManager to manage networks", "Use ModemManager to manage cellular modem connections", "Create Station Stats menu", "Add Languages option to LCD menu", "Enable/disable options for WiFi on LCD interface", "Enable/disable options for cell modem on LCD interface", "Display Nodes on Blu interface", "Detect tags from BluSeries family", "Display and control individual BluReceivers and BluRadios", "Update 434 MHz radios to v4 firmware" ], "bugs": [ "Multiple radio instantiation", "Made blu tag IDs all caps", "Fix Internet gateway on interface", "Fix blu radio poll interval saving to station-config" ], "security": [] } ]