@prefix void: . @prefix owl: . @prefix wdt: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix wd: . @prefix dbo: . @prefix dwciri: . @prefix dwc: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix geo-pos: . @prefix dbr: . @prefix bigeonto: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix dc: . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism . a dwc:Taxon ; dwc:class "Mammalia"^^xsd:string ; dwc:family "Otariidae"^^xsd:string ; dwc:genus "Otaria"^^xsd:string ; dwc:kingdom "Animal"^^xsd:string ; dwc:order "Carnivora"^^xsd:string ; dwc:phylum "Chordata"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificName "Otaria flavescens"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificNameID "http://eol.org/pages/328614"^^xsd:string ; dwc:specificEpithet "flavescens"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Otaria flavescens"@en . bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated . a void:dataset ; rdfs:label "dwca-arobis-sealsi-v1.3"@en ; dc:title "Locations of seals in Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem (OBIS South America, AR-OBIS, Sub-node)"@en ; dc:abstract "Distribution of three species of pinnipeds that breed along the Patagonian coast of Argentina and Chile. Coastal and at sea locations of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens), fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) and southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) were collected during different research projects developed at Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Information before 1990 comes from published papers. Surveys along the coast were carried out during the implementation of the Patagonian Coastal Zone Management Plan 1992-1996 (Fundación Patagonia Natural and Wildlife Conservation Society - GEF-UNDP). Locations at sea are foraging trips for seals equipped with Argos-linked Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTTs) and Satellite Dive Recorders (SDRs)."@en ; dc:identifier "http://arobis.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar:8081/resource?r=arobis-sealsi"^^xsd:string ; dwc:datasetName "dwca-arobis-sealsi-v1.3"^^xsd:string . a foaf:Organization ; rdfs:label "CENPAT-CONICET"@en . dwc:institutionCode . bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "unknow"^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8353bbe9-573f-4dbd-9099-c2f34c28c781"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "822f5e31-ebd9-4c14-a34e-f2177e6d0ee7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf5b0702-631c-4ec7-b8fe-a12fb853c768"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-4"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd0b5ffc-0272-4c9f-a153-d63c5290958d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-5"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93088c44-2af0-4dde-b331-933d56bb2505"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-6"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf6b743b-a012-4fd2-9eeb-be7729ce013a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-7"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8731f332-a49e-447f-9341-c56a6684ad13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-8"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69bf7fe9-f186-47fb-a571-d5936e8f342b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-9"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd0ac234-9241-4590-b835-28719b4df9a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.202"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.202"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-10"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93ab5a08-fbaf-4fd9-bce0-967e5614f58d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-11"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6619236-ad64-4a66-aa4b-4f4f7ec4f18d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-12"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b0a6a7c-52c2-4a38-8b2a-b3dbef5d0feb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-13"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8825666f-2847-41a5-9fde-b2f0fffc47fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-14"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7cf0e3bd-c7af-4347-94d6-01b14f11346e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-15"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "684ebd32-028c-4267-b26a-5f436c8116bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-16"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9607e335-25a7-405c-836a-94f7903c69ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-17"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f5fc1b2-4f71-4f29-bac5-ab69314327cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.042"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.042"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-18"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a89a864-0030-4acd-af9f-7d4b059a8851"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-19"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99ebb51d-2741-4b8f-8f25-55c35048967a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-20"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94f2bab3-b1da-4381-8669-48b123b30f18"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-21"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17660ee8-cf06-448e-93b2-aba54f0ce01a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-22"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a87e4e2d-7a01-4e97-b6b2-f763b73ed084"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.729"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.729"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-23"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd9a53e3-b992-4bfc-9532-dcb0aa30d94a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-24"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "622a0c1e-bd7e-4d8b-a3ef-0637bded2442"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.715"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.715"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-25"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4951db0e-1797-46f4-adc1-f119d8067113"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-26"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f33a4597-2017-4dd5-8c19-e03658ef5847"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-27"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b657bc3c-da6d-4c1c-9570-4f250942c408"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.466"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.466"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.687"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.687"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-28"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9f0e40a-6d07-4f93-9b05-aec1a678922f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.938999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.938999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-29"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2326349-db6c-4273-9eb9-71ae65516f53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-30"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a55ffb3d-046f-4e39-ac03-b838a1f7eb99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-31"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab44b8f5-e1c4-4ed5-982f-68c6f417caac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-32"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03d23889-ea0b-4d88-8e3d-04e2a18f9b0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-33"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff2c9354-ad41-4eef-98b1-1dee367e2296"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-34"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d02203df-b79f-428f-b75b-ee6bdc52b788"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-35"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b404f72e-cf1d-4c4a-9376-fddacfdfa72c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-36"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8dfe7a66-dae7-4fee-9c74-968c32f16cd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-37"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed54dbd6-3a20-49b3-865a-84909a0b3b63"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-38"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cdb2aa2b-8bd4-420c-b521-5b6cf29ca344"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-39"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6227d184-48bf-4cb0-ae99-7e11fb9b2d09"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.729"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.729"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-40"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be35a56d-4912-4b4f-8f6b-06fc630cf17d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-41"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b55601ae-68e8-41b6-84b5-fa3d92d0274c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-42"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f8d2a2b-8d06-48ff-b4d2-8a6964f4ee34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.924"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.924"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-43"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1fe5b28b-f2f2-485f-bb38-700cbd6b057d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.98"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.98"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-44"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef07e58e-bd85-4cea-872f-6b716b7fe956"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-45"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1ff3dbe-6b75-497f-b1ac-3e7dfb01fb6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-46"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17558fbd-8b39-44ac-be85-557c7d12ab9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-47"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6dc8e80a-c77a-4e6c-b4b4-4a573c01be86"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-48"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc3e7c7c-8b5c-4dff-864e-c1163c2d2644"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-49"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6230a34-6e74-42e3-ba67-9e68ef027a44"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-50"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70c18abb-df6d-4f69-a7bf-27a7a7474c38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-51"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e08d7241-db24-48d6-a7a0-3055802b642f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-52"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "abec389e-52d6-43cf-acd5-15d66deee3af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-53"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15431e5f-08c2-4506-a241-2d374445345d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-54"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "594dc46f-4193-4ee2-b0d9-8a7a0f3a9d2e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-55"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ff99ac9-cb3c-4396-a21f-3d12d9aa2266"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-56"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb4c5b26-d720-4ade-895f-7a001a8da395"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-57"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "909787c9-5da1-4d8e-9312-659518141600"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-58"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cdfd96b1-b4cf-4762-bab8-400c97ac1528"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-59"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd5f7be7-4791-4992-a318-36545d1061fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-60"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "182b3806-66fe-4c96-8a4e-d66b7d13886b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-61"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73c0d517-5a3d-473d-9bdb-0c887e5ff895"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-62"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1dc3c2d3-18c2-49ca-a324-7ebe53336cf8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-63"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdc8ba17-3d50-4dd2-8545-d1fb589a786e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-64"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a79c8f0-9622-4928-b4b3-a02441003228"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.284"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.284"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-65"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80b0278f-5edd-4105-a6c5-559c1e3eb01b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-66"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9f22056-2275-470d-b860-0740121f6247"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.077"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.077"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-67"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52c3faeb-a1a8-441d-a10a-e68baf4187f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-68"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bedef9e-da3e-41b3-b48a-42c277bace6f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-69"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e992fe9-ca39-46d3-9ebd-185037a68161"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-70"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed6598a7-55b0-431f-a74c-8d1917c3a544"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-71"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e06ebd87-4e4c-4310-a1d6-b3697120c46f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-72"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c68e66c-2851-4e87-b777-a8feb04b7bb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-73"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8717df5f-8c7d-4275-8222-2b22f04a8708"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-74"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbe7e975-bfc0-4ba2-9bc4-8c3f27c21020"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-75"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f8b9117-d85a-43e5-88be-6dd71ded4342"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-76"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be1c56f4-ae8f-49cc-b7b5-73da72a35df0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.077"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.077"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-77"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6dcbfa25-18f0-4ab6-9462-0644f8db1d9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-78"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0fc5b561-3b77-4db4-9fdf-a7abac4825f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-79"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a87da62d-b6c7-493e-9fa0-0d860e1bf897"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.541"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.541"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-80"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba0c5812-ba8d-4bdc-97e9-38837ee5b512"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-81"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ee1f180-81f3-48e0-8c32-a4c3645cb260"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-82"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0f93180-47ce-4dc5-a1f9-56cd4a940fdc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-83"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab58f77b-98f7-452c-876a-5b11ed0a95b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-84"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "853810a1-de70-4e62-9251-7a09ac810a78"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-85"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62bcc5ec-d770-4aa0-b2b7-8db087c021fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-86"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "737293ba-1501-4f2e-bbce-53205b9dfee1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-87"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8612f121-ff6d-4e7a-99e1-10caf84c114b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-88"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76913e91-1a70-4f29-90d0-fc645ca8cc75"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-89"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3303460f-c16a-4d35-8f84-11fa3539ab49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-90"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf290f6a-9b58-4c66-b460-c9fe6234884f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.491001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.491001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-91"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26a361f7-6d98-46bc-b204-aa9adfa4bf99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-92"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a996bc87-c0e6-45a2-9a04-66e02d925724"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.517998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.517998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-93"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e777f3b-2846-474b-8c34-63aedf8aca1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.522003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.522003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-94"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee7a1584-dad1-408c-b66a-e5145b66e4ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-95"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0e5aedc-0914-4fca-94f1-6c9ec3f33d6f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.392998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.392998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-96"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae748473-e0dc-4a9a-9573-6f2a89b2e186"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-97"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ec55574-3636-4b9d-83c7-c147bf7ce305"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-98"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18a2aa6f-1d2b-4d49-a298-86ce1e9e9ad7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-99"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04502d72-dc21-4488-bef5-23d5b5e84b3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.555"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.555"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-100"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c63355e-1c35-465c-a3e4-e38fa089456b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.385002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.385002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-101"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ac93128-60be-454d-8324-b2ee284a67cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-102"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cc5acbe-95aa-451e-ab81-34854fb1a49d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-103"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e67ab1a6-018d-485f-aa87-6495f1ffc2e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-104"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "214bfdba-aa75-4a70-8c52-3de3161c8959"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-105"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10b101e5-164f-4795-8505-78feca2026f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.822998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.822998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-106"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5cce7e39-3947-4fb4-ac19-6442545ee3f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-107"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "608727e5-f09a-45db-b26f-c280e1f243cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-108"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bf7112a-3d30-4d59-8fb5-3d080ca23e23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.781998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.781998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-109"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2096a2cb-a1c7-48d1-9e8e-395ed81e1e5c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.555"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.555"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.760002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.760002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-110"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08f271d2-0e92-4307-bc04-bf9deeaf9966"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-111"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0de7f217-970f-4027-a623-0de51f1ef1bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-112"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "abfd0394-c31d-4a2e-8f63-6513789bdd30"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-113"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bec05f60-d67d-48d1-8a3d-ff27b8d7d01b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.615997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.615997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-114"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18c28bae-ace5-46dc-9a03-b0e505be38a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-115"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "514b8bf0-8db6-4f22-abe7-f599d49d80b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-116"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc10ca7c-2e09-4a76-a135-ad019d83c15a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-117"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f7e64d9-f8e5-4269-afc7-e393311cae9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-118"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "332eeb0a-1e8f-4ccc-8f6f-96abf1b69d3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-119"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1e19c09-08c7-4e90-b9f7-20e1066e46a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.912003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.912003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-120"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12a50c0b-c2d5-441c-87e7-d58a84706dbb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.742996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.742996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-121"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79cd44e9-7e67-499a-9ee9-f6503c4c0c2f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.341003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.341003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-122"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d69d1368-04e1-43d5-bca7-3551ae711394"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-123"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d4f6b74-8c15-4e90-843f-4ea73f9a9b13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.564003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.564003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-124"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a96c134d-a26a-4cb5-b697-26de2afb04e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-125"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02b78112-569b-4e6e-b8e4-9267a12b0496"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.338997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.338997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-126"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a243711-eef6-425c-b32f-c7cccc45cf6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.899002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.899002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-127"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43e0b79b-5fc7-4ba3-a168-3cb63d68ca9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-128"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "696b001a-6e9e-4a2a-9f96-79738c1bed00"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-129"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "956fe26c-4845-491e-9a04-7b17ea32df4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-130"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d60a9d82-8291-4337-8f4b-39544aafb749"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-131"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b253fac7-bfba-41b0-bfe6-4788c1add60f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-132"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ebc4768-8cf0-4b95-b86e-7122974ef143"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-133"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f67953d9-0a22-4f58-9399-e20df9deb426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-134"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "698c79d8-c9d0-443d-9401-b9eeedb431d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.509003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.509003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-135"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcd63b5a-91eb-404e-894c-1b7fd0f6dd93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-136"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a1af3dc-118e-4fbc-ada8-fa697e380c76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.604"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.604"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.273003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.273003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-137"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01b387f5-08d7-4265-9eda-cf3dc1409be0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-138"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d448a67-adc5-496b-a565-1c2f2b8d9359"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.591"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.591"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-139"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "318e6262-445a-469e-adc2-2b3e651bb33d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-140"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ecdb8a68-ddcf-4f46-8593-fbe6276d1558"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.511002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.511002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-141"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c84162bb-631e-43d1-b505-9ece2c040bbb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.523003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.523003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-142"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c99fcac7-f331-4fc6-a46c-3cda8f331bd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-143"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2679bb7c-22d3-48a5-aa8b-e0a874c2bd93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-144"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee49b950-dfcd-4dc5-b529-d42bf9360482"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.508003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.508003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-145"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65317f8f-c763-425b-bb71-c98f26dcdcbe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-146"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76245d8a-6a05-4467-8a48-51017835d38d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-147"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a54c244-b3f3-4be6-a0ed-d48f2d45e7ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.422997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.422997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-148"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05a3a421-949b-4fba-82fa-698fb4f45e5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-149"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d786560-b2d5-4be6-849c-0522232e11ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-150"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5122e0d8-b6fb-4e36-81a3-f8228a090ec2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.371002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.371002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-151"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d76e69c-4ca3-431a-b161-2aa49073e4b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-152"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a4d4645-9327-49c2-b219-cbe970c679f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-153"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bad15714-10ec-4020-88bd-8428e149c123"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-154"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74e4cb31-4aa3-45fe-becb-ec6f77e7738f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-155"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1a065e4-3f41-46f3-b0b6-d68f4b579172"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-156"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85680ea1-3566-4351-8196-0719f4927a34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-157"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "547859eb-82fb-4632-a96b-2a392f8a4138"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.534"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.534"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.684998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.684998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-158"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e999c9f-2cfa-4639-b831-576b3e9e0cb8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.690002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.690002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-159"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e311b96c-8e32-49ec-855e-be62a22b427a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.658997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.658997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-160"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0fb4e0f-df09-4a4b-95ac-d914d411f07a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-161"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b0a7edf-754b-4214-88c8-1e61b517c2af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.591003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.591003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-162"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "59653c42-721c-4c14-b757-e34ed70a9a59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.534"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.534"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-163"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88dc06e8-e47e-4116-86fb-5531f2d01898"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-164"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "536eb5fa-79d8-460c-908a-da6b6643bb2d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-165"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b19d6ef-8b64-412f-a078-5616b5f23807"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-166"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f6f1dab-c81b-4a09-ac97-a854decddc71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-167"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1eea8ed9-65ed-4b04-8582-d047cd55a9f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.855003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.855003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-168"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4cefc9b-23ad-4682-9302-3c5a295318fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.897003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.897003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-169"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "566e93c9-ccd2-4cf6-b262-f6831cb3b4f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-170"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e61b3d5-301c-44b1-a666-0b8ad50ce689"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-171"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43a18660-6bf8-46d0-8245-feba5f0d349b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-172"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebf59a95-d7a9-472a-ba55-8ee78786aea3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-173"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1c050b96-6558-4ff7-b81d-b645a4516f6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-174"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c77ca4b2-1de8-4fcf-a933-87e1e20558a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.476997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.476997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-175"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4748edf4-d006-4b7e-b1c1-87be17cfcfe1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.385002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.385002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-176"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "599286f8-d556-4334-8fba-8d95a1e98a49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-177"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "109f6ace-2a41-45b4-a0e7-21e722b4ac68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-178"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a7629b7-eb91-4a9d-8f13-83c622f71d46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.556"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.556"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-179"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e71fcdc5-e9fc-407d-86b3-62faf573ae13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-180"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1325dd9d-8512-40f9-ac7c-e2f115a95bf2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-181"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e649bf2-d689-4da5-8c58-3e249e4c12d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.310997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.310997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-182"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e5472d9-8cab-4d6b-997e-60d50d821e30"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-183"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5b15a4e-99c3-4e89-9c62-06a43ae1bb89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.461998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.461998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-184"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96dce6c1-475c-4de7-8a74-0575e768df77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-185"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ccfdbf3-4bed-4125-9fc6-c3257caeaf2b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-186"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15abfb43-8e8b-40f9-9ba7-882259a4b820"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-187"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "349630b6-89ac-4ced-84fd-7aa769d1e6c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-188"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ba80f5a-e210-4a36-a18a-e1f2cc7bc785"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-189"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad725264-b0f9-4534-a5e1-9b8fe6be8303"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-190"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f59b68db-6bfe-4fc0-9093-9345489c302f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.782997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.782997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-191"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12a746b1-a602-4c3c-852f-a936a605e8be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-192"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3cfbae36-a13b-4f34-992e-196b28ef8ced"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-193"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd7d069a-c107-47fd-8c38-5dcf809474b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.898003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.898003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-194"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "313f548d-60ba-4dd9-b2fd-80c160b91f27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.898003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.898003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-195"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9beb88c-78cf-440a-8e73-1cb3a454f992"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-196"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a760942-b4ed-49ba-b75a-7c32d67d62ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-197"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "783be9ff-1d4b-44e4-8730-dd001febd1b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.814003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.814003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-198"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "178744b0-983b-46a7-8cca-c9bfbb81ea3e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-199"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92f782ad-e099-4c82-aba5-b9b65cc8dde2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-200"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fac0b395-1404-489c-91fb-cc5a4c9f62ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.503998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.503998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-201"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "065bdc55-ace0-4423-b97a-3df5cd8567a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-202"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd51d559-8610-41aa-9812-afef689a7d87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-203"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a49b110b-f69d-4bc0-9ed4-e5ee68f7e705"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-204"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2f10b74-7f0b-4be0-a414-0be12be4fed0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-205"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26fb6cb5-2ea4-4e90-b7eb-a525ec5b97d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.819"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.819"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-206"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e85fa4f-1cd5-4ee7-9129-e770d170b9fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-207"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8cb14a2-5c8f-4b5e-909f-ed869893ad4a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-208"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa70ff57-210f-45d3-9259-4f06c8f4c82c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-209"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8bd27641-6593-4b31-9b31-fe2f1c96d2ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-210"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2bdd8032-65ae-4fef-9871-58d03372a024"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.269997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.269997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-211"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e3db51b-eb28-449a-9c15-f299ddcad527"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-212"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c420d80-cd9f-46a6-b281-af04a13652c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.439003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.439003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-213"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7af19d7-2819-4e10-8b15-64f90ec0289e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-214"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4c14c17-5b9d-4b39-a06e-b3f5f362a07d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.327003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.327003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-215"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52870b0e-4d86-474b-af3b-70a4f96b425c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.286003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.286003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-216"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd97dd2c-e5af-4197-923e-603bfc556796"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-217"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21556b1d-3e84-4bb7-86f7-090849619f57"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-218"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be20c783-7ce6-42c2-a5d9-0008ea00bb4e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-219"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f91fd503-3662-4ff2-80e4-71dd737309ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-220"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b92b7a9e-537a-4fdf-857d-ee7391c5dd55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-221"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9eb0a662-d912-4469-953e-4efa2e51ee9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-222"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a91b2f4-3dbb-45a4-9676-6fc80cfa5e03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-223"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f85e89d-7719-4d5b-b302-0e18d8233cd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.815002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.815002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-224"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d67e2060-69ce-457e-937e-40d6a26714cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-225"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ea73fde-b236-489b-848e-26e6aa3f913b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.591"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.591"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.714996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.714996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-226"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7276a2fa-285a-40ca-9c7e-7e11e7ae59c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-227"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b3c4bf3-5997-4d80-85cb-4d77268be3d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-228"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87b22e5b-bb3d-4893-8038-50028d69de36"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.603996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.603996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-229"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88360999-9b66-4d42-8853-250b9eca0703"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-230"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a246db4-4da3-473d-b5cb-ec13d75f5436"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-231"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5057288f-a46f-4c50-816f-504bd9dc25fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-232"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7132c02c-630f-4fd6-83f3-fee498817f20"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.379997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.379997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-233"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93621e40-e778-45be-8f04-a5d9ac8d7404"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.541"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-234"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c286ff34-e055-4db6-8fee-03786f51e376"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-235"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e31fa023-f53f-49e1-ade7-ab7f12eee0b0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.577"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.577"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-236"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af0f4e0d-a4b9-4bdf-aa53-035ab07e471c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.562"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.562"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-237"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a5ad43a-86e4-42a0-a754-fc088b783df5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-238"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a7e24cd-61b2-4f09-a2ec-1c3af7e9624f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.569"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.569"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-239"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70cf4050-24bc-435a-9528-993f11322770"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-240"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99184515-3fea-48f3-bfbe-8b14c3357290"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.853996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.853996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-241"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc3b0d5b-935b-48f9-9bf1-d175a6cb9a82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-242"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3375d538-d770-4fcb-a00d-6ba114f41358"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-243"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7cf37bdc-6ebb-4233-9360-92f46d99e6b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-244"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50126d22-9007-4567-8493-779797818a66"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.787003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-245"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d12ddba6-011a-4ff1-a593-83c61cd11ee3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-246"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e46eca5-fb49-4665-810d-66b49f201f3d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.559998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.559998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-247"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e6d1003-c929-42ae-94a9-d784bc0ace24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.575996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.575996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-248"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3389e815-a783-428e-86b8-894ed60d5c0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.507004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.507004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-249"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90a2baaa-aeed-4ca5-9b1f-f86b8d0bb95b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-250"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b4f26d3b-21d2-4d1a-85d4-11c9cc014621"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.323997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.323997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-251"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c8c113b-4762-4713-9f2f-345db6d2fd67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-252"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e6f5e07-eedd-46d4-9a38-722dc4db2d92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-253"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9712155-a1d6-4986-a60e-fff9cb13a902"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-254"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fa48d69-e2eb-436c-865f-cf54f773d234"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-255"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "457c3ea7-e0f3-4390-bab0-1786a0226c60"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-256"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bef29d7f-1805-484d-b18c-dc834520319e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.097"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.097"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-257"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77239d0b-30d6-4ab4-a914-cec97541a477"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-258"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2c7e404-d419-49b8-b96c-1745e2671991"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-259"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02958768-efa8-4520-9e8c-4d4a18e183b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.202003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.202003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-260"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79971976-8ee4-49fd-b219-cad556153f04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.773003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.773003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-261"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd8a3f77-338b-427a-95cc-773cf26bdc79"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.188"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.188"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-262"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1091f112-847d-4b9b-b6b9-29e020c25e48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-263"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ec6700b-1b42-4507-8e4f-76f84647044c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.828003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.828003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-264"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f85f49c6-32aa-43fc-9fad-0adde1cba0bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-265"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aa73480c-52f5-41c6-93ea-8d99a6e3703d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-266"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "652940cb-a0f4-44e1-90db-73b4d998c444"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.273003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.273003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-267"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01872ce9-0b05-44c6-905a-b70cff68da1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-268"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7fc98201-7cb6-4703-894b-cb0ac3bd378f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-269"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97f76adc-224c-40d6-8423-23d5ac7cf6a1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.201"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.201"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.757004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.757004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-270"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "171fda8e-f6f3-4ca6-9356-803b4f527df4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.246002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.246002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-271"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9bb413f-56f7-4da6-8bda-f3be1a1a9360"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-272"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1308d63b-cb1c-47cb-9688-1ab27cf2c12d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.260002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.260002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-273"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "668132a8-139d-4ea8-8b2b-0b4622f59185"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-274"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd0fa66a-58ee-416e-b3d9-7ab07ed444d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-275"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb814702-1685-43f1-9ac3-8f19b21629bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.297997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.297997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-276"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0fdd6f0a-7b96-45fa-a001-1bb4c682e56d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-277"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aaedfd6-121d-4b2c-98db-0a2eaf60b771"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.278"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.278"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-278"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18072bf6-6c8b-45d5-949c-e3ee2188930a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-279"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97078ef7-fd91-40c9-adb5-3eacdc4ca964"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-280"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73cdb228-d83f-4811-bafe-5d39d67721b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.313004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.313004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-281"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b85ea6d8-76e0-42fb-8679-1f823d4e46b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-282"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c0ec705-3262-4008-801e-acc5665aa9d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.281998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.281998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-283"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0573553b-934e-4bda-86e7-8a9605106cda"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-284"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "007b538e-8d76-4c78-bb7f-8e144ba04d0b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-285"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30931e73-9471-46f8-ad69-4e55ef37e35e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-286"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eba78f79-e2fd-46e2-85bb-4af752f54354"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-287"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b04588e8-e45a-46ce-b73d-5f8aa22ed182"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.091"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.091"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-288"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1cb77b4f-79b3-4a4e-904d-e8232537735b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-289"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f90121cf-87fe-40c4-b052-b5f8062f71f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-290"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "624533aa-8f40-4fed-90ad-5de0f0bec2ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-291"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc3773f2-d29d-4a6f-9d4f-be501b9d4e0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.106003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.106003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-292"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d24a87f-f71f-409c-8941-93d27220c36e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.089996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.089996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-293"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d564ba07-849e-4608-bc0f-856f96912133"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-294"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5de59555-7228-403b-aa64-297354703dea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.084"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.084"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.037003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.037003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-295"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92cb4ccb-6aa7-4835-9d53-547c573ae09a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-296"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86f93b9f-5a35-47d9-86a1-d87afada860e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.285004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.285004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-297"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96bf5d83-a44e-4bb3-b0df-b08e15f4196c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-298"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72c5ffb9-e7a6-4444-885f-d628a0c2431c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-299"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9928a606-b697-4309-992b-c35cb79496ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-300"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d29e69c-8c30-4ebf-b9f6-bcfaa56c5a76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-301"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7281fe88-9048-46bb-b92f-e55478ae9ea4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-302"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8065fa3b-7919-4230-b263-5482892b4fb7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-303"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48ee25c2-5e28-4bd6-9bd8-3a7b960179bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-304"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "655809d8-d3c8-478e-b385-7ce2f4ae9f88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-305"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72c597de-3944-4f7b-9074-f7e585f47d58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.133003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.133003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-306"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8888e454-1b25-4d07-a9a4-3d4f82a1c9b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.200996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.200996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-307"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb97c1e6-6551-42de-93d0-2a5a43266f32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-308"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b6f5ff4-7b62-480f-852b-bfb50aeae307"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-309"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d9ceb0a-c521-48fa-be2a-a88c04e3cfc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-310"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "36c0e6ec-c306-4902-919f-c5e397ac13b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-311"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "405b9c3d-d878-4212-a752-51921349cc8c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-312"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3e30ca3-bf57-486f-bba8-d698e945feb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-313"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6fca740-fbcb-4f7c-9e0d-3e39d669cf55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-314"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08de4fe9-957a-40d1-97b7-223f141917f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-315"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8d06bfd-11b0-4e40-8ccd-5e043b8559d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.088997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.088997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-316"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7597392f-a326-458f-879d-a8f20b58581a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-317"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c74c3859-8c57-4089-8ac7-1c0a8234b142"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.438"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.438"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.093002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.093002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-318"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "400f5284-bb4b-43e8-a808-d18095e4beb4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-319"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3382b554-bbcf-4200-a509-dae4865a0e2a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-320"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "980f621b-9329-4027-bae1-4b0f424167ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-321"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77cbae58-00cf-4f66-894c-979709252d00"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-322"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b939210-0b21-47db-bb03-0fade02b57ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-323"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e94bd50-21cd-4cea-823a-29ffc5d5f693"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.98"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.98"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-324"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb219796-cd31-44b6-a26e-7b94d921f8ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-325"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1978f7e6-464d-4d5e-96ee-0b1d97ab194d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-326"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c898ec2-6de7-4992-9fed-2f0e1b493a6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-327"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77f120c9-0c7d-49f6-8326-f4c18314458f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-328"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "074ad56c-7b9b-4ce2-aa8f-3d55f5d97b99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-329"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8fbec0ad-0dd9-43d3-b3c1-d41bbb7f6b4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-330"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb7cdbd6-320c-4575-97f5-00f48236d6de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-331"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6641e88f-4c9e-4b23-adc0-8bc6bb15fc65"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.313004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.313004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-332"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a2b4df9-1902-4306-b442-4c12651b9187"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.198997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.198997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-333"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18d8e5a7-2586-4635-ab4c-ced507ecd1e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.075996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.075996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-334"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5aed5aa-6887-4d57-a82e-394a59f456d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.135002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.135002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-335"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "71add30e-4118-4cee-8645-9e49ee1eda15"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-336"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "beba39dd-c747-4d4d-a869-cc46ec42ba10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-337"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "36264c64-8e22-4d77-a668-fafcdf967683"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.902"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.902"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-338"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16320a8c-f599-4ade-9ee4-38483c3b43da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.495003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.495003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-339"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10c8c911-ec0a-41db-8970-a083128b601b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-340"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "509c627c-f3cd-4ea2-9a4c-20ef00c37e8a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-341"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "768245f9-eb5d-45d3-9ca9-c78d1c760461"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-342"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8dc66935-5e9c-407e-969c-5c30b8e857f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-343"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3405c90-13af-4ddd-aeb4-a85eeac6acbc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.452"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.452"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-344"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72100978-3490-4927-9170-28347d2c9948"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-345"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "655d4994-a49a-4036-80f4-b48b84d5a3d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.895"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.895"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-346"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bde3833f-4901-4e76-8b05-643bc0785fa7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-347"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44c5b6e0-a363-4a9b-9074-1c3e8eb3df84"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.868"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.868"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.284"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.284"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-348"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2150ec0e-a4b5-49e1-b108-3ccf5cc91f17"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-349"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d078f00b-8338-4cc3-be47-c3c02d3082e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-350"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d35ad28d-c76c-4e75-9532-a6c2829bd9ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-351"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac0106de-a665-4e28-bc83-af085ad3928d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-352"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9242fd8-afb8-43a5-9ffa-72e8eacd9a67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.028999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.028999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-353"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2b89a44-88ef-43d5-8aea-a4a181d76537"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-354"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3e691e5-e6c0-4e2d-ac93-5fa7af93e16a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-355"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f85f126-4f6b-4a35-8a19-037f16af2788"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-356"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "617da016-01aa-4e15-81c1-890339296353"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-357"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a017cd4-610b-4bc2-835f-96dce749ec92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-358"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee77dcb2-b93a-48d3-ac68-86dbd5390701"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-359"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22001258-4667-4de6-8c55-1678a4a225b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-360"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddc7f7ed-465b-4701-9f7c-674304432c52"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.226997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.226997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-361"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c414bd0-ed41-498a-a666-2bc8008bca43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-362"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "20fd14a9-ec32-4e5e-a495-410c24bca1f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-363"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa89b82e-a93c-44dc-8b5f-3a9df9c62117"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.218002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.218002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-364"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e5edc4a-891b-43f8-8327-61471dbf25f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-365"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ca09f6a-3adf-4c6c-8bfe-1a0b9710e654"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-366"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9aa463c-f44c-4fd6-9735-de29a53aae6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.357002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.357002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-367"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8939f1c6-7a28-4c1f-8161-981c8ab6dcd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.461998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.461998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-368"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e066de2-cb1a-4a47-b9cf-8046ce7a2b05"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-369"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e77dc43f-34c2-4f5c-aa11-d59dedc7a9fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-370"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c9c78cc-349c-444a-bea2-496ac3dcbefb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-371"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "389eb29b-02c0-4e23-b579-773e9dda1c9d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.102997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.102997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-372"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a18deff-ac43-4268-8ad3-f6363863c770"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.216003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.216003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-373"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28b99ae0-a161-438c-88fb-d219488b443e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.031998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.031998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-374"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a67535e-9187-45cc-83a6-908b2f0a3366"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-375"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f559ada-3765-44a1-ad07-5d1a3847eb48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-376"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "feed114d-3bae-4c7e-8c36-f925718a983a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.097"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.097"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-377"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a81e137-8708-46b8-82c8-0786e0e7a31f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-378"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d871eda2-0917-4d46-945b-6839f02c08d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-379"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f845a9bd-f29d-4f1a-8838-826e5fdaad19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-380"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a6b0c06-5729-41ca-93ba-297f5f7f429a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.980999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.980999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-381"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2420223f-a2fa-4552-8ba1-37ea252e7fb5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-382"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5dda9832-aa7c-4170-95cd-6acdaa1b3846"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-383"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e054170d-d7be-4191-94c9-f29b0461b21a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-384"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "596b591d-3457-43fe-9820-9e01bfb88377"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.244003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.244003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-385"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b45b2223-7eed-4040-9916-365992153f04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-386"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "46bc1e73-b51a-4cf8-943d-f4377ac482aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.971001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.971001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-387"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "174d7597-7b90-4007-b14e-7a2e00c32d86"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-388"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ed79d25-15f8-48ac-943c-0109de1538d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-389"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae863aec-1b70-497e-826d-e3361d512dbc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-390"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8452d19-19e3-454b-b883-1bb6da5e266a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.511002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.511002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-391"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee4c18a6-1ab4-4f5e-a93d-cd2707dfcee0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-392"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1eb86bc-634c-41ed-ae76-55428ea768ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-393"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5799b812-3724-415c-a395-a8d18eb0df77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-394"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90d6cebf-a251-4502-bf0b-e9fe422b9ad0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-395"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "107999cf-d86d-44d5-9114-9e09c17eba26"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-396"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "329dc953-6d60-4b9d-81cf-852886422f7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-397"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ec1485b-c51e-4009-b563-04aa5a103cc0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.186996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.186996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-398"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ccf0f41-ad24-4579-97de-64f90350c118"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-399"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3fd29914-f02e-485b-a581-d32fff0d8fff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-400"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfb89f8b-111c-40a1-ab85-8cfd276c2f0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-401"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37bd58e4-71d0-43c9-abfe-b92249030d6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.322998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-402"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "40e55a01-955f-49ef-a245-090bdf1b4040"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-403"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "115d4d18-8ce7-4dd6-89ff-175a6cb1a7ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-404"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9312740a-a1d5-4aa3-8c18-2df923549bb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-405"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f7a6896-0252-4f1c-a1dd-febf34d9e91e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.177002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.177002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-406"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f0f0aa5e-f213-4f66-95ae-9231d08b15e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-407"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbec2cb8-9a4b-4fb1-ae31-76ee52fe7b7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-408"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c678ebb7-7b83-4c45-814f-2f4224e3045d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-409"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "460535ba-d3a4-4649-a6a1-0f94794007c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-410"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "276e3bc7-1be1-473e-b3a8-12f7c814e65e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-411"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39c23894-d77b-4a35-9e76-083e90f7ec21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-412"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d35562c-b5d1-4036-ae0b-f2ea690856bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-413"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "436d3a67-b8b0-4046-842c-6d8a476d5aa4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.184998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.184998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-414"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "578d6e45-31ee-402a-9fc3-e4f08e7c9a4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-415"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d55ba585-5bb5-4f04-877a-bf665c7c9c7e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-416"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b0b35ff-cd12-46da-8723-da8ceba898da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.605999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.605999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-417"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a14a9a77-a9fe-4a20-91af-f98794a1dbdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-418"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61ed0511-b501-4ef4-9b4e-becb57a91f89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-419"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c794604-d720-4168-9e10-ad73cb7b720a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-420"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97e70c0f-c5d6-4fd3-9fb1-ef72f9504259"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-421"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9d5cf04-1b9a-491e-8b5a-35f253077749"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-422"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f1a55b0-5ab7-43c6-acc3-86aa3ba8ee88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-423"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a213d2f-e148-48ce-89c2-976dd1f43967"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-424"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7b925eb-e765-489b-888f-b0cff710c1df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.278"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.278"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-425"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab293b2e-9d7a-4479-955b-d247be1c9cf4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-426"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b50794e4-f6fd-4c94-a654-2da6ccf89bb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-427"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27badf99-5108-4865-a7da-cbd5c5676490"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-428"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33645443-fefd-47a4-b9d0-8cad82fd626b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-429"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7b88c8d-6cc4-4d9d-add4-05ef07d6180d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-430"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ab04dd9-174a-4b48-b9bf-2bd074486232"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-431"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de291c0b-65cc-425d-b75a-39a55cb618e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-432"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a828f7d-779a-4874-82fc-6196a6592f9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-433"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bef3adc-0463-4289-a2f8-b563dd14ab25"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-434"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ca421b0-a95b-45f7-b6b9-8ba2dbc23b4e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-435"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2318f98c-4e1e-4c7d-9399-070f8e30f6d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-436"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44eb178c-26dd-4323-a845-452b6956aa91"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.049"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.049"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.410004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.410004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-437"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "616fc46c-5b90-4256-a80f-16dc7a17db58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.174004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.174004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-438"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19e18733-4986-43f3-a77c-ce8ea7439efd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-439"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb624253-e8ea-4009-8118-514cac20ee55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-440"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c95b4d83-e633-4048-91ce-17ca84b1a260"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-441"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e683157c-e383-46ed-9d9b-9719bb0c79ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-442"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ba9b984-26fc-49b0-8d9f-a788fce7dca5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-443"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00d06f78-43c7-433a-aa65-648f3b504706"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-444"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84f29d7e-e0cf-4485-9e70-5cf66965b3fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-445"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "977fd746-f80a-4548-959a-699f99984b08"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-446"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c3d44a1-8ecf-4ebf-a7a5-92c0ff696879"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-447"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f71f2723-5a8f-416d-a7c3-7dc50c63b5c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-448"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6c6513c-1d96-4d98-86e1-baa21da2d3a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-449"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92780fe1-acf2-4dfe-b76b-b9e8e4b91819"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-450"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b3c7e07b-de67-4d08-8e27-494d4afd1eb0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-451"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a225b67-7281-43d1-8aea-99635d34e4b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-452"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e12e4be-f6e3-461e-9362-4d95f8f58ab4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-453"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e83f461-5b41-4bd2-bcf4-c40262846ee3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-454"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a6cf620-68ff-4d98-858e-5faf7a636380"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.493"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.493"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-455"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04b21b7d-4bf3-49bc-a058-6a9558c3ac54"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-456"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01ac4e7b-bc1e-44ae-b148-b14a582b0df0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.062"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.062"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-457"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d644ca5-d8a1-4b1e-b858-516483f4d26e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-458"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "59c800ff-550e-47e3-9d44-4363261f9a4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-459"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f6c81db-1ace-4896-b20b-293a47b35590"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-460"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed11959f-aaab-4d4c-9071-c28f9af7f1ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-461"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7107fc2-38c1-49e8-b00c-f9395f9a932a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-462"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4d5960b-5782-450d-b905-edc0d9a030c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-463"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96e10f2d-922e-4e95-a837-c51aa51379a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-464"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5acada8-5488-4b46-a669-7c4a25955ce5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-465"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "278c5db7-0985-4b49-aeb6-35cb4f9c7741"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-466"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "590e67b8-7a5a-408a-8e98-4f48651e567b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-467"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "684706b7-f13f-464f-b07d-e9dc05f2fb07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-468"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a5d0ebe-0663-41fe-9ef4-f7a3f08f710b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-469"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37dc2b12-d6e4-433d-ac4c-3b6289a7ffb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.142998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.142998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-470"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebc5487a-ec80-4ad2-ba70-3ce84c5a48c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-471"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b16faa41-c482-4a02-bce1-2d8c1ef959ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-472"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11447df4-329a-4b1a-8a19-62bb8144ee42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-473"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eeaca3f0-e784-46af-bb9b-a473fcf65f06"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-474"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27924b87-c9a9-4798-8a7d-db1a8e86a08d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.868"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.868"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-475"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d5519687-5d94-44dd-b786-7e6963a5eea1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-476"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28568e00-3d05-48bd-8704-00852648db07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-477"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1bfa4c8e-cd45-4942-94d1-77504dd8fc98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.562"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.562"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-478"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2aade97-c522-4217-91ef-c6de72dab089"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-479"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c05bf51d-371f-4856-9e36-1fd1543e56d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.798"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.798"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-480"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b81fcbd2-0b48-4d09-ae31-894288509ec9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.826"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.826"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-481"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47661c0b-f080-460e-b780-4e4b0b8d6ac5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-482"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bdd1c660-d51b-48ca-94ec-5e0af424122f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-483"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca6c42d1-904c-41eb-9a29-9547a9b391b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-484"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "063809bf-9fed-478b-8452-fb37bcddad2d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-485"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d473802f-4d4e-410d-a44a-9508543e0c56"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-486"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea4f3c23-789f-4f37-bfbf-d0c906cc23d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-487"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47fa1160-c052-421b-bad0-01071b5f5035"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.882999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-488"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a0eccad-1bb9-4bbf-9376-e3132b6b3c83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-489"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "560a32cc-4ff8-433a-974a-1d0987f4dbe5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-490"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ccbdc1d5-2d7b-45de-8ffd-b75a66a31273"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.491997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.491997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-491"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7fb69f0-1c94-4e33-9b87-b2d04257ec89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.367996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.367996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-492"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f871de51-4a8c-41d9-a57d-c8212257b518"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-493"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8409163b-513c-4270-a2ed-ccf1e9d48088"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.243999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.243999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-494"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a428c126-9dfa-4bd0-a1f3-6b224755ee4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.382004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.382004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-495"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73482e2c-a3fd-49b3-b0ab-84f51932ba25"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.369003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.369003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-496"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7bdb83f-466d-4f5a-a52a-41422e5c5e43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.202"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.202"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-497"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23becff0-f626-4085-9a02-0c308281c82a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.399002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.399002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-498"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b04e44ae-2bbd-40cb-bce9-b1027650bee4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-499"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91b72445-7e7c-4cad-882c-25a03dd7a6a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.811996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.811996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-500"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edf24e2e-8d62-4b1e-a4bc-05fb8a7e1ed8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-501"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "68209f2a-07db-4bc2-954f-bc90edd82cb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-502"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27cfbd73-8891-499f-b86e-f51833fecba9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.290001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.290001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-503"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26903081-f5b3-4202-8252-f1ec51b5e3d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-504"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91d2f35c-2915-43ef-a8ad-297709376c88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.236"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.236"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.367996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.367996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-505"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "959781b6-6a64-48e1-bf12-ad31a8f60b5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-506"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79b2c6f8-7b5b-41fa-9b6b-d5ea67c68e5e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-507"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d72cfdb3-5c3e-49a5-9bf4-6301222f9a47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.314003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-508"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26991532-2323-4c28-a790-217b6b8b8326"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.337997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.337997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-509"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64047163-cd81-4861-8005-a2ba1bf2d903"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-510"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34b5d3da-7100-4c47-9bf6-fa0155713019"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.343002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.343002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-511"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "026658d7-12fe-4b56-b3dd-3eb4ea62c38d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.964001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.964001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-512"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98fa04ad-ee34-42a0-a142-8733938a3def"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.983002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.983002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-513"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbdae322-4bb4-4b0a-b121-27ac521209bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.156998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.156998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-514"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "66f3725d-1550-4fa6-8a58-74bddf19ad6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-515"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "770eb4bc-b779-4013-b408-9ac7c2a9a23f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-516"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "281b8a6e-578f-4dae-b898-0a84494a48b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-517"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f8fcdb7-1c24-4e93-a6c8-99b72ff0bd4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-518"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6235747-87f2-4279-8408-1e609ec50fec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.203003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.203003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-519"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58574709-9d88-412b-8aee-71c5cf6bd28a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-520"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2b329af-7243-48b7-afaf-6b81c6169030"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.239998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.239998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-521"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a30610d9-349e-43dd-b227-21defa1735ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-522"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a2b09c8-a6f5-47d3-8255-1ddc9cbad73a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.177002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.177002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-523"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39b998b7-7747-4e32-8006-b78d12f21a97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-524"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27dd3510-7689-4959-9f6e-0ca5e868195c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.924"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.924"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-525"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80a900ee-51eb-4d2e-9a33-1ad655210f69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-526"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c12edcc-343a-4feb-a9f5-0fad495a9faf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-527"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee7cfc8f-37f2-44a7-b4b5-3a0202eb07ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.211998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.211998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-528"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "556d1ac5-79c4-4690-b071-5f3296f66532"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.232002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.232002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-529"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d49b4259-6b9f-442c-9381-87c2b00d9191"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-530"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df816eaa-c097-4659-bc86-65da6c618a13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-531"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13ffe25a-06a2-4a65-b3e6-797f4aff3c53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-532"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "defcf67c-b091-454b-b251-96d4a497aa84"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.134003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.134003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-533"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23f2e768-1583-477e-a31c-f3849cafb375"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.993"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.993"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.285004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.285004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-534"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49fbe090-3f20-40bf-a86a-cd1c88c3551b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-535"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a9d53b0-0f74-4461-8676-c8267f73e83e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.288002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.288002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-536"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3bb748d5-c420-4a06-8584-c0b70478cc67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-537"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "598f58d3-1b2a-4b08-b819-e3a7d93f0a78"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.295998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.295998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-538"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9fea6517-8ca2-42a0-8000-d352482ce1a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.309998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-539"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c126588-d82d-4333-bd64-cc8cd4e285fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.288002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.288002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-540"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd983cd3-60cb-4c4b-b149-5e01a94efde0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.342003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.342003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-541"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be4623fa-e65e-45a2-b2d3-3ff6313bd825"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-542"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c0b047-d73e-492d-90c2-2483d525d6a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-543"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9b969e6-2092-4264-88e2-a35bfd9a9092"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.231003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.231003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-544"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5128bc4e-f3a7-40ba-b6ef-4fcde4c15aef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-545"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ade302ae-9bd9-4d9e-ac7b-518e023bff93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-546"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "abe7e578-f6bd-4a06-a40c-eddcb8df5ae1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-547"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7467c76-c2b4-4f27-b686-a46b8acd6fd3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.260002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.260002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-548"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b23dd1e-2a4a-4b0e-8ea6-1bafc419aee2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.365997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.365997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-549"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8cf5c79b-59a4-43cc-a68a-bac96c489b5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-550"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b557b87e-a453-4338-9c81-7833d9ea0c97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-551"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "197bfcb4-09ca-4142-86e4-fa5bcf3d4af8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.848"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.848"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-552"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b62e5ad-dac6-4150-a5ec-43397d4c1881"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-553"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "620401c7-5771-4cc0-aa77-e06b0e8730fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-554"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f021d8d1-cedd-4819-9d06-96b031260605"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-555"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6e3a9cd-1500-49b8-978c-e14a7f293c09"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.958"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.958"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.051003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.051003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-556"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75e8bd29-44eb-4c49-bc5b-c14ae1b028d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.033997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.033997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-557"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0549c890-a216-4893-8195-6b1b2e685fdb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-558"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e84cdeb-376e-41aa-bee3-54b673408d9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-559"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a57b1e93-6059-406d-ba0d-0227c1d467bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.164001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.164001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-560"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6fd795cc-95db-4c1f-8029-d792b6d0a97b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.902"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.902"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.074997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.074997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-561"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6028a2ae-4bbc-4857-8a3b-71dec0ca4ca3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.163002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.163002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-562"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56f4a664-f592-4f89-aaa0-21c794f05ee8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-563"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9829d5d-3d62-46c5-9588-1afc587e567e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-564"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7028822-14ff-4a95-9016-3177b215f7b0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.179001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.179001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-565"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aba3b468-462c-4fae-839f-becef7ac75cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-566"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "35848c0a-fed2-4573-ab00-34e659e5e894"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.805"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.805"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-567"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1566741-f6ce-41e6-ae86-ce43faca9b17"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.889"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.889"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-568"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bde42b7-56cb-4686-8bb9-025aff682e50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.188004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.188004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-569"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "506aa020-befe-4818-81b8-1ea4601b165a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-570"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78aab962-93bf-4b13-b2d8-8b71437f0739"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-571"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0db734f9-4965-4e34-9c38-6974f7f5a533"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-572"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "065a6f8e-c8ab-4831-9ad6-35fa9c782c6e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.226997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.226997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-573"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93f9a2a6-d27b-4456-bc70-ab8467dd0086"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.255997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.255997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-574"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bb3c76b-9c84-4fd5-9273-2488ac8fa8ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.296997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.296997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-575"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea0eea8f-bb69-4c6b-bb46-5dfab8f99533"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-576"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c17b3b11-e7b1-4941-adb4-ef7ebe0007b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-577"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a58c88a-081f-4796-a2eb-cb219c7f8ff2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.144997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.144997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-578"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "805396f7-e909-421f-a8c9-586d08c51f34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-579"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45e7257d-9382-4e1d-ba1c-631cab0a667e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-580"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "daf8194f-cad6-4650-894e-2332cd382f9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-581"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb568c5d-d691-4e19-9d33-182ab8f35b89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.172997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.172997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-582"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d98308e2-8271-4073-b422-621f3bd53406"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-583"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62faeefb-c9de-43f1-94e0-bae8c2b8478c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-584"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5eb5e136-2c65-4545-9d1f-8121c95cf6e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-585"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ad98ca9-0d04-412d-97a2-7813a5671cad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-586"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "449c8216-0669-4af4-82c2-fd19fff0f8ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.084"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.084"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-587"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "302dc958-5206-4cb0-855e-09a894399d50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.212997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.212997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-588"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9517a929-e170-4c7e-b018-7c341190ce45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.902"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.902"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-589"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c204c26e-6f3a-4a38-9814-55f7ec78776f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-590"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c072d123-d9ea-4eff-a8dd-29d848716e73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.203003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.203003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-591"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c78a7b9-35a4-49c1-85d8-b39442b9cab9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-592"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "999d1989-fde8-4cbd-8368-855754372cec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.931"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-593"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aba6ccaa-0795-4831-b4ad-f5a692dfe01e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-594"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eaab61d5-5de1-46fe-b539-b09e442c614f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.128998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.128998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-595"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0599de51-f3bf-4639-a4c9-f6cf65ed708d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.197998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.197998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-596"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b82ad194-c3cd-464e-b455-624dbbdad725"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-597"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9f8e743-a0bc-4173-9bea-93d05deeb34b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.896"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.896"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-598"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7227980-0f9d-406e-bff9-ac74ceb5a512"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-599"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0bf0435e-a462-425e-a1a6-3c8415af68d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.117996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.117996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-600"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6a09e5a-73d4-461b-a108-d67d70fe90cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-601"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79ee8d32-514d-4842-9910-7b1552881fd1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-602"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "095913fc-8d63-4479-847e-898ccaa47fb0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-603"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "57fd03fb-8ef2-4459-bdd2-27e6e34222c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.875"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.875"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.227997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.227997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-604"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e79badb-a10b-431c-855e-f8793d5cb4d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-605"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78951427-6d9f-4fe6-89e5-0a301d38d039"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.202003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.202003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-606"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8499dead-92c4-4578-b0ae-53c96f495bd4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-607"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3dcd6eb-b69c-4fd5-941f-39c4b749ba89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.254997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-608"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43e5caec-c93b-4180-b92e-841921c8a961"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-609"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebb4f0bd-dc07-46e0-a840-ddad2071b5e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-610"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7899bf19-4bfd-4388-842b-52fae40b5592"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-611"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2851f8be-c89a-4575-9e9a-f2e181878c84"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-612"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c91810f3-a348-48c9-baa1-b746ca491d0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-613"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "711a0365-6a39-4309-b372-a9d19b52f141"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.190002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.190002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-614"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e27277d7-f67b-4642-b48e-3351cdb02107"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-615"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b542634-b8ec-4828-a084-f57fa3c4d401"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-616"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1124760-63c1-414e-bbb2-1f6e322b7546"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-617"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9835056e-a9ff-4839-901e-fdd7b5117ea4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.395"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.395"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-618"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1efc4a4-8360-494c-8a85-15db31e6dd50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-619"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a665a690-af35-48cd-9e71-a87f3d498145"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-620"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a18cba0-e839-4430-aa38-cbff32f229ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-621"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3e5cfd0-df83-4933-892b-5f09b0fe9e96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-622"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31d88bec-d746-4454-832b-f70e47280b29"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-623"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d408301-4de2-4fc6-ab09-bd7b54a65ee7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.507"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.507"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-624"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb63f036-0610-4dc3-ac90-b73d36b13327"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-625"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "239e880f-2ec2-434c-b0ba-063a1b4cda46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-626"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e9f3ab3-1eb1-449d-8a66-e7d332055c59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-627"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f36b2499-4bf8-40ee-87cd-6e97c4ab2794"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-628"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0619ab9d-4c1e-44fc-8a4c-c0be95776ce2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-629"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c55c7d86-ff43-4769-8922-7b1ef8a86af8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.231003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.231003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-630"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3119c22f-92bd-4e4f-8388-48f429e55cdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-631"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61b2ac43-fc86-482b-9a5f-9bbc938762d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-632"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "092b7d42-d4d5-4160-b423-3793af9a1409"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-633"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "760b9a57-64b4-436d-ae1b-f04d52f29728"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-634"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9aa7ed38-2870-4bcd-84db-6d9570493b61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.972"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.972"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-635"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c61e5704-5f5b-4748-829f-7825c9cc3cf4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-636"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "868ff3e8-995a-4f3b-b50f-eaa63eec372c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.805"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.805"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-637"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d66380e-f8f2-4c4b-8c69-872bc3e17eb5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-638"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14c55736-a9d0-45c3-b0c3-2a22bc189213"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-639"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bd6745d-1272-48e4-9d60-68b96dcc8d1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.726002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.726002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-640"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2cbadc67-4512-4943-8c25-1e79b1e3a9e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.875"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.875"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-641"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1486157e-e829-4db8-8aaa-269bd01b9854"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-642"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6f4938c-6934-4950-b979-b13b8a47ad06"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-643"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e236789-3e72-43d4-b1ec-3f12f4a068d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-644"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ead605e-68e3-4f45-94d5-0c836086d074"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-645"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94c9e00a-b7ad-418e-901d-cbaf6b90ce62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.115997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.115997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-646"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5ad4784-9de9-4141-8615-770e1f57fbb5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.021004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.021004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-647"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a8a0cf1-0268-4a32-b892-7205bf7493a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-648"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad3c9fd7-da0e-44ee-9d20-4c40ce4cc727"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-649"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "932ae74f-faad-4b72-8774-38b39b6a3695"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-650"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "976acddd-cb50-41cb-b1ec-6f739c7fcd95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.577"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.577"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-651"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ff58a6b-f3db-4cdd-accb-38b9f2a42d1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.821999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.821999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-652"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d2f1cf3d-4a45-4289-930b-c666acc4eff6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.821999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.821999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.003998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.003998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-653"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8dbfccc3-9c2f-4bfb-878b-8679e679d531"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.160004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.160004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-654"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8135014-f457-442a-9249-d58a6846f9be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-655"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f55dee82-3bf0-487a-8adb-57fb3a697184"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-656"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f29431ce-3f3b-4c38-83a3-337084a0afc7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.086998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.086998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-657"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b81ff22-3113-45a7-88cc-f0cfd90aed84"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-658"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5195ebf3-51ce-4b90-be34-12a71aec34a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-659"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50584c86-bbe0-473d-8d32-1e44442ac6d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-660"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9723c32-3de3-49a2-91dc-cf9430d14c75"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.868"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.868"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-661"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2580089-5d69-4475-9e5b-7ce142db4d35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-662"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "191705e8-1f84-4d2d-9689-00d022e85cd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.805"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.805"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-663"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "57452a4a-59a0-4889-a908-04dffedd568e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.060997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-664"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f202af57-7059-4fa0-83df-9140a66408a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-665"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21d63758-07b3-4792-8170-624ce4286646"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-666"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58ef13ad-c358-4307-9a38-fa4ebcc28cbe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-667"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b033f21-656e-4adb-8c57-8e39076b3253"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-668"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d92fd9f-f32b-4fc5-b39a-f5e54c834898"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-669"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d47eb00e-fbf8-4ca3-a933-5339517867f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-670"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e723b10e-e73a-48ad-b5cd-a44f08c2ea51"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-671"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9011968-34bf-4e81-8cca-e2cc02e755f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-672"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "141eefce-aeec-45ca-a3e6-d2c19bd9f30e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.117996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.117996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-673"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "980d2283-1470-4bd2-ad97-517471bb46f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.086998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.086998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-674"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "baf9282a-704a-45bb-95e0-a47d1595951c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-675"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08163d4a-141a-4a41-acd9-9c62046884da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-676"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b8415aa-234e-437a-a584-e2c8b1b4c737"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-677"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7dfe9e12-dc35-495d-b3ff-987531796140"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-678"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14897204-5ccb-4912-8847-9b959ac965e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-679"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b24c42e-60de-4e34-9f5f-c09c22008279"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-680"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c41d6143-25eb-4e64-b095-316a1040bb92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.242996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.242996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-681"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62e4062d-1842-4195-9ad0-bc7a97c55bee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.062"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.062"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-682"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95531e26-d76e-4f4d-ab15-a6e6d9916453"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-683"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d6313a1-a92f-4ec4-b90d-f84b04ea454e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-684"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8db11dc7-ce72-4b15-b421-cf17ebeef23f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-685"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62242a93-6a67-4cec-93ee-61f4765fbf8a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-686"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23044b78-500c-4633-b790-b8680accc1cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.490997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.490997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-687"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44c48802-0349-4a9c-997f-42c97e399a06"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.012001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.012001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-688"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad42bc5d-141e-4221-9c7e-73a683ac88c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-689"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e93351ed-21e9-4f83-8334-bbcc863f10f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-690"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33bbd2ca-525c-4bc8-8797-be9620b3c675"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-691"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30cd3171-3545-401c-9c15-05aec20630c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-692"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fccb533f-9295-4b1c-bd8f-09173d3e359f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-693"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6de27f9e-07d2-48b1-a7c4-2f7a74c356a3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-694"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0e5b000-29a6-4697-8b19-72a69fb6f906"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-695"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38e9c7ec-3ef9-4c78-ba46-8092a53325d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-696"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "938a5ab7-a98a-4121-b714-b91d84cf1b49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-697"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d18b289c-bd5c-47f5-a6cc-4eafbf45d628"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-698"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edc4b70c-5f53-45bb-82f1-21b01821c5de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.050999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-699"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7b0e6b3-632b-4ec1-be99-a9fc2c7be2d6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-700"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ada0f46-b581-4719-b2c8-27a7eb4aafc1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-701"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf3949d9-6a32-43b5-9ce9-22cd96be0903"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-702"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eafff3b6-a3e7-4add-9551-984297affc38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-703"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea283403-d675-4816-a9ad-af8138918b9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.021"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.021"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-704"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d65e9403-5930-441e-ad10-8ae453e0ce25"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-705"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e342f12-958e-4c8a-b6d7-97ee01a8ab4e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-706"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17f32f27-10cb-4edb-abbc-0ca86ec13e87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.448002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.448002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-707"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e80d0776-ef07-4a0d-951d-b54e47d262d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-708"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ea28d5a-ad8c-41b1-9147-e351c8ad2090"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-709"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b7fec43-4ebd-481e-a720-a934c4e00897"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.902"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.902"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-710"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f09cb7f5-146b-4491-b1ba-742a70ac3308"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-711"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75040ee6-7e1f-467b-9bed-2c31c6413702"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-712"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78620445-696b-4942-9149-70f1e85587ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-713"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22e10b18-b7cc-4b73-be2c-85b90d18fffe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-714"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9799e88b-8a77-44fd-9d4e-afd79d12c179"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-715"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bdabb1f9-449e-4521-affb-dce5bead54ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.185997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-716"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f58dd8f-a121-4825-a5d8-c1debbac7668"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.242996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.242996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-717"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d72dfa27-074d-4ba1-8595-892fb8e6ad70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-718"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f5aef7f-301c-4ed8-bce5-d4ac9c7f4835"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-719"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf81f97c-bffb-4d2c-8727-16f27f2875c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-720"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ee0b832-7bd2-4654-ad70-2c88d57159f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.447998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.447998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-721"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0dd809fc-a7e8-4766-a8c3-44f293cd950f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.429001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.429001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-722"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "982eeb2f-4dcc-4a08-adfb-bf35522164fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-723"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54e8536d-406f-478c-9945-baa70c2ee869"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-724"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16bde78a-3899-440a-b1bd-a3a3acecc2de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-725"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1abed26-8dd4-4be5-a0a1-d415e128cbf2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-726"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "637e79fd-f5b4-4ab7-841b-e1acdd7d0c62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-727"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b378f4c1-00d7-4736-9550-24d6caf154e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.476997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.476997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-728"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a25421ad-a1f5-404f-a1d9-a2593280185f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.392998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.392998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-729"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7eae047f-ff47-4860-8ef4-ece06cd9bc39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-730"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ef588f5-6de6-4710-8375-229e7d3ab681"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.422997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.422997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-731"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a910911b-74da-4df6-aefe-25d4dde30692"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-732"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8bd39fce-8161-4ecb-9b0c-cec4dea1e6d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-733"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf0f5acf-6c81-4838-9a73-8524f1f6daa9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-734"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d2e4a68-9c8e-496d-895c-b5ba8510c15b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-735"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2b0150b-6d68-4b10-93df-1c3e4a79bad7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-736"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25a5bf29-af9c-4ed9-bff1-d81b48a1e41e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-737"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c4c906f-208f-40bc-b0f1-d5c80d3367e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-738"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5282d37-c845-4449-9dd1-23309a9b82b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-739"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21969235-b9ca-4134-ad42-71e3712a5465"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-740"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "42ee874c-4fbc-447e-9dea-fabe38406394"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-741"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae0981e0-25a7-4893-aa0e-5e202fc67eee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-742"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11b1c128-7cef-4b99-8be6-882b2bbcb81b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-743"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f57af4ff-790f-4dfc-9341-767c34adfc71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-744"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a90a6b17-0bd0-4d14-b848-e5322b7a7a00"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-745"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21f4a443-837d-49e9-86a1-a895608aa37f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-746"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8914a8db-4a35-483e-be41-bf0289db5c04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-747"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f72cd6d-6891-4f98-8f33-a6b5f6d04005"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-748"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55ab2c66-3286-4cbc-921f-2175190aff46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-749"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00e140d7-ddd9-4d0d-8fc8-d4d988e7c810"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-750"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64f0dbd1-069a-4105-8021-8c286a02a99a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-751"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc78bf0c-f6c0-4d03-b40f-d814a9630e13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-752"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "795a4c6e-aa95-44be-8b79-e0b910a6d11e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-753"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "759b04cc-1b3a-4b02-bb2e-6bccbca1c618"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-754"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bac8baa1-3b00-47cb-88ef-dac91789df43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-755"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc2c0d9d-cc74-4fde-8785-e4895d5b1bec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-756"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a54f6771-e099-44c8-8492-8f841a8f8aa5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-757"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5446e147-d402-4bce-82ab-6918e42aae81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-758"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ccade440-88f0-4b39-b499-774c5d246895"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-759"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d23519cc-30bb-45ad-848b-e869c10c81aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-760"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "effc09d0-7c04-4b5b-8d3c-a2fe9800cbcc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.23"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.23"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-761"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8d1a671-8eea-4d28-839e-6be5e15cb335"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-762"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f16f945-6714-4866-8c9a-f9ed5784ccc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.035"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.035"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-763"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3df50b1-6d57-4abc-84af-b05b4bf58357"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-764"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2decb552-7801-4e74-b750-fe9bdf5aa103"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-765"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8d91607-6e2a-40d4-b4f4-1d5471c1a4fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-766"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "219bd155-7563-4a4d-9c62-d9a8d4981c10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-767"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5abb0012-86aa-41df-99ac-5b436ab0362f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-768"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "763c22a7-71ca-4037-abf0-774edc37d795"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-769"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af1b268c-8257-44dd-a777-739b90262935"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-770"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ef27ada-94bb-45f3-a756-fa87ae63e874"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.146"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.146"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.410999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.410999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-771"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "619cba40-b683-4581-b5ad-e633897c4b4a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-772"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78c17a68-c2ae-4e42-b26c-d072abe6bc30"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-773"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ab40a30-2aa6-4628-ae02-136b5086473f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-774"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6efa6c68-97da-4d4c-95e8-521cdc841b33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-775"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04a71853-8291-4d97-89ea-d7f09baebd81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-776"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ceef29e0-a5ba-4b9b-a310-bbd5743c7c4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.597"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.597"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-777"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c175fae-ab3e-46c9-93b6-bf92aaca1d60"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-778"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a18b377-5898-43be-904b-721b755a83a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-779"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0f177a0-9d10-4d12-9e53-ebc9cd8f2c25"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.544998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-780"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30b149bf-1fed-4b5c-9013-4b508629478c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-781"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e306735-c8e4-429e-9141-ed2b9de7080b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.408001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.408001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-782"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08b442df-3dad-4fbf-9f16-7588298a7ccc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-783"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58ed01f8-3cc5-4e40-a19c-1362bb1dc27b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-784"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e19d9815-cabb-48e7-9216-58f82953ad1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-785"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fe7a52b-fe46-498d-8401-7092b565dd9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-786"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86df4243-a4ef-43f9-8eb8-82a9b942f00e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-787"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5293f159-3207-4ad8-9c7f-02befc892e61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-788"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "737ef5e0-e010-4754-8490-57904421d5b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-789"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd722cc6-3be4-4819-af44-deb765b6e612"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-790"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3fc6749-1a3f-48e2-9e64-4c5bbecb4461"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.409"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.409"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-791"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5063b04-a915-497d-b399-1068376e36b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-792"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12746078-ffeb-4a09-90ac-36f4389878cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.577"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.577"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-793"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6df47196-2436-43dd-99e4-f4c23f74b265"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-794"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "116200f7-7780-4589-9bed-2ead765697d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-795"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33f4c12f-11fb-4770-b137-ae37624adfc5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-796"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d6211c0-d225-4e23-ad0a-f72112a7aff9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-797"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5d7d593-890c-4ba1-b2fa-3d7f4c1cb72f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-798"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f30fdfa1-0cd6-4f4e-93e9-b9e334e823e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-799"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e947c9e-1971-40c2-9f4e-6d1a2bfb8cd3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-800"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe839a73-db6f-499e-87ee-a5f21a508f02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-801"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb2dfa10-c87c-4fa2-a2a4-42df37692615"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-802"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bdcad93-8b40-4b2f-9f78-427eabf8a92b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-803"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0039da3-018e-4066-b58c-aeca26f2de8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-804"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39afaacc-74e3-4a76-b823-771b18157e49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-805"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf06db08-0140-4b32-9f8e-e5758bd36699"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-806"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "097be4b5-7bd2-4155-87d7-b0d4beaf8787"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-807"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95d9f68a-5098-4902-a097-a6cd32a9baf2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-808"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "263ec848-f38e-496c-8f0e-02c6c9bf22e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-809"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e13469a7-85cd-4630-8dbf-3039b11f4540"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-810"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33412929-2eab-483a-b067-6fd292da3c87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-811"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1b11a70-fd71-4fb0-973e-66c381c7f5f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-812"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a22009d5-d52c-4119-a83c-ffd4aa54ffe3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-813"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00a13e66-5729-4a18-8e41-9cc67a63e4ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-814"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e453f86-0544-437a-8139-6226c69e162f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-815"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c1aebbc-79dd-4c54-bff2-0d54051b3ecb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-816"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fbd858d2-c91b-4e94-a047-5bbcf5bd1af4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-817"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5d8d310-7cf3-41dd-b551-9ad4df173aa6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-818"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01801e8d-f099-4116-9705-c0cf58c2758a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-819"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48bdc8b8-550c-4812-86cf-4c2d2feab480"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-820"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c7fcb18-bbe2-4ca0-b988-2ee1f735a77a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-821"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f347be7-dc85-4106-aa54-2c8afcbe9002"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-822"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f8fdd7b-e590-4549-b363-9815731cbef1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-823"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "268d549e-db50-4852-aaa8-e816876cd9b6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-824"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6859c77e-40e0-4f37-86a6-b939d5697953"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-825"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "628bb079-70ee-41dc-88b3-5e85d46f9cd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-826"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12b68387-df2a-4523-bc90-4f1b5797bcc4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-827"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61aade97-fc17-4e41-a107-5c4f264815e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-828"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf8fb6b0-08fe-4a75-99d0-d8371c751aed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-829"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f4b4389-91ae-4991-b82a-7a57ba459847"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-830"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d94ea732-c68c-4014-b39b-731f3c676657"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-831"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5be91aef-b79e-40df-a55d-f0765c4bffea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-832"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "762446c9-bf46-4533-acfd-a7dcb6d16ce3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.451"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.451"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-833"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8030bc0e-6db9-4d2c-96cb-765c1a8f84a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-834"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b3c82e7-aeca-4ad8-8e2f-617cb7a6ba6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-835"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da84f264-5889-4bdf-896d-aba0ed015bac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-836"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f81d666-b710-434c-b980-7432661bd71b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-837"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13a697b4-761c-45e1-aafc-a8453c9ae74f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.292999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.292999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-838"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cad00e13-9bc8-4180-a18c-0f36d8400928"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-839"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "097d2c1d-f19d-4d84-9a9b-d26f8884c7de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-840"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d05848aa-9c1d-476a-9ccd-9d1528b0701e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-841"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b2310a0-67cd-4d6d-9961-212f7875594e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.035"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.035"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-842"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a35ab03-79a3-4249-8a24-b4d9b4e1ea73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-843"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "baa86173-a1cb-490b-8ac7-bfc83f8b0450"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-844"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a1df9cde-b4d5-4f35-8972-8ac4372c35cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-845"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "709c841f-1b5a-4d2a-8f1c-61017e6f99d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-846"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02d7bac2-d3b8-4203-8b47-a7b9b2f94d21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-847"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24a8a786-e0cb-4c24-a86d-8b462ab4e260"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-848"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ecf5ac2-2760-4b01-be4e-f8db978d5232"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-849"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87b10891-548e-4896-aaa7-8ff014e29c38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.241001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.241001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-850"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a644792e-3570-4273-b73d-a1fe0a436197"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-851"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77a78200-1586-4578-a992-533796ab85a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-852"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9bb96f6c-6b8e-402d-a377-6b688ce407af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.465"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.465"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-853"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e906d1b-defb-4d3c-ba15-d129325b7580"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.587002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-854"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d17c9b64-741d-4291-bc16-bc958d87efa8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-855"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5b1e26e-be98-4783-8dde-b35551aef65b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-856"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb492829-4a21-415e-b954-8d079abfc671"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-857"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8844da6c-565e-44d1-ac75-4a93334571c8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-858"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c54f6a1-52c9-4183-bb75-c26f2a887693"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-859"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d24420a-fd43-40af-a7b4-df1e1e49b845"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-860"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c44adfd3-0014-461b-90a8-75bd6d056352"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-861"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14b3b8f9-ea5d-45ca-9fdc-f520fe747172"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-862"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4923185e-7d8c-4cf6-822c-0e75c22908c8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-863"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbe773eb-e096-451d-848a-27da2eee09dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-864"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "704c359e-27ac-4a39-9667-ef469e4e6dcb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-865"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8968398-fe28-40df-9fa4-3fabcf124f1f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.451"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.451"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.493"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.493"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-866"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "81991f85-ee3d-4b5d-8f13-99ba92ea68a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.534"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.534"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-867"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e56eccb3-5be8-4187-9447-db5844225137"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-868"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eff985d9-ef2f-4210-b6dd-020cb0178294"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-869"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8495b20-396e-46f6-a2bb-93f24e32340d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-870"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e8e2d4a-4e29-4fea-ad37-d020411d3921"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-871"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e9c9b33-a992-404c-8fe9-a9c596454fb8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-872"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "185b3e8f-f93e-4bf6-99cb-c2d0504b137c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-873"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2440709-6cc7-4af8-ac36-a210bfda293a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-874"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d791c5e8-3741-43d2-b6c8-389a1be66100"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.875"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.875"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-875"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a75028b-6bbf-4db2-a164-25b838090ec0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-876"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7941e767-9dbe-4971-b162-37c580072456"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-877"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37d0b3cb-3808-4111-9a75-53225c9c3c73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-878"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21476a1a-73d9-48b6-9b6a-6319fa8e2e16"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-879"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a50bb5e6-35e6-46c9-8a9a-c8fe0b074818"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-880"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49a4bbf0-27de-405f-a8b4-ef74f8531ec7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-881"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6eb5976d-e2e1-4ebf-b915-28c6bdde49e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-882"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e4d3db3-300d-4331-9401-43eae6368793"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.784"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.784"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-883"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03945b86-64c2-48f4-bba3-efaf0743d4f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-884"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e475f610-b86c-4dcd-b3a0-d53a2a44a1a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-885"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9d063ce-5dd9-4769-8e65-2f5a8044e2c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-886"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55b1ee73-f9cc-43a5-9156-939b5d841664"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-887"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c881ca18-505f-494f-9284-74ea3b220810"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-888"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17f22e6e-2872-482e-82a0-b00c3a207d7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-889"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78610178-8673-4c21-b5eb-bd89816b3747"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-890"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed70a074-e535-4cee-91f5-53ec401fec37"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-891"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43c0ce51-592b-4196-bd98-d7a106fe107b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.395"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.395"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-892"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2bcfa1f9-c05c-43ff-8b8d-f521664b61a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-893"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e9c3072-3a88-49bc-85c9-0af098debdb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-894"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "07ef037d-c2ae-4da1-b856-63e7a5472292"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-895"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b673290c-372c-4466-86a1-0a9f65659a6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-896"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "419a8ce6-0b2d-4d9c-b5af-916a7cfa0543"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-897"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "474157f2-7b17-4d56-97e7-99da81ff18ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-898"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61b6a2ef-a0b9-477b-accf-47d41ddbbbfd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-899"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11165084-c010-40e5-96d2-a37ae13bb2fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-900"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02a8d182-4615-4295-b3d0-6db93a028810"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-901"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f62f6de0-aea6-49b7-9094-442598ed55fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.021"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.021"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-902"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31a60bf2-0bd9-43e4-98d0-f035526c365f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-903"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "077394bd-819d-438a-be29-777b0a8940d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.729"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.729"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-904"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82ec18ac-72ef-450f-987b-f58c6d148e7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.188"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.188"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-905"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a2515ef-ceda-4738-aadc-3a3997c7add0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-906"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28ccfc42-9504-49ed-9591-753a93c7712e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.563"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.563"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-907"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1c9bbd87-0063-4e6f-b074-34b76cfa372a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-908"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e861c3c-2476-4965-96a3-5d3ef82679bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-909"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e7c0046-1e9a-42c9-838f-382e61569f6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.269001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.269001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-910"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ddb2ff1-9251-4926-b7ad-8b68b3d1895d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-911"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8c351cb-ca3f-46e7-bf2b-af64462a1819"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-912"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87cfde0c-354f-442d-ad80-5a918e8713e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-913"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e429fa8-839c-4980-a786-cb03508aa598"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-914"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f99776d1-4112-4cc1-a14b-c5f46cfa217c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-915"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9195b42b-b255-4f78-ab8f-9f4ff5b7835c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-916"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b033953-0235-4ffe-993e-3ff368429fa4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-917"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55a1be0d-76c8-4a43-8de2-23a90eb4a2ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-918"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78f41634-12bd-4e3d-832b-0542a73e901d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-919"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e6cc2d1-f4cb-4e55-8662-fa3fb4b43da6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-920"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f01543f3-05a7-4af6-8710-5c585f6defd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-921"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f084254-c0dd-4b91-a138-e97517abb7a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-922"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e457d8c1-ab69-4972-ac46-8df0b1207836"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.188"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.188"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-923"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e423efd0-4268-4e76-b6d2-f32a9dabaf44"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-924"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d557f2a-cdef-4840-991a-679a164277a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-925"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bca1eb1-35f6-46e6-a894-36253dfaa11e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-926"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c933f10a-9b67-415b-a6fd-dd0060e8cc6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-927"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48c0c9e1-0b96-4ea6-b4c4-28eb5c3f03ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-928"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8692097-5e8d-4977-83ea-5969a8e67be2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-929"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7370f72e-a894-4515-90db-aa5e3827884b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-930"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8733c91a-4688-4d63-9ac1-a8f2cb87724b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-931"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7a3f1a6-279f-46a3-a515-07aaceba35b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-932"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00cbcab0-63b2-4f42-af64-ed1ee10f22f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-933"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02f16f84-cfa1-43d9-ae35-7c6ad5f1090e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-934"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8db1bb7-1d24-41fd-9cc3-ea2169b8af4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.132999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-935"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79520d20-e703-4a8b-be09-0fbb73f0e37f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-936"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b153315e-2b19-4136-9b29-fa0ca4188907"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.838001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.838001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-937"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "470a717b-7724-4c81-aef1-81394d9f3b87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.714001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.714001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-938"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41e79ea9-c965-4898-97ad-5bd5f96cd269"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-939"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dfbbc7c4-d904-4d0a-be5d-352795ac7710"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.895"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.895"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-940"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "746c0679-5ad8-4b63-a259-79db7f92560b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.903999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.903999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-941"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c414077b-6d2e-47dc-b96a-869120cb0063"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.630001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.630001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-942"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3abb216c-bab0-4637-b011-bf07bf4d8245"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-943"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2799a82-ea32-4358-a480-2e1d21249374"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-944"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a620e214-4d9f-42ba-94ce-ae2ffec504a1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-945"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "033370a3-8b03-41bf-b300-5d27739c82e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-946"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24ab5ef9-c4c5-4e74-a401-e385fde28bd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-947"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd1bed14-8141-4cf1-acb7-99332afa0449"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-948"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21894b2d-2869-4419-87e4-71a004e338ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-949"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c063edd-4244-4151-930c-48bf46641af5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-950"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "591516a7-d593-40a9-9081-f2502aea0e8d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-951"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cea05da7-3953-4022-a98d-22ed4e119940"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-952"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1edaee44-36a7-4f22-837b-0c21cb7c97b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-953"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d041ed8-95ea-4f6d-b251-d759a65f99a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-954"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "81158293-5c2a-460b-a6a3-8583309ae007"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.062"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.062"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-955"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8229efa5-87b0-4085-83c7-9be85a8b33ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-956"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8a0a261-53cd-436e-ab48-ee7fca3acfca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.856998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.856998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-957"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75a01bfc-3069-481e-8bb1-c89b17bff6be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-958"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f6a9f44-ce20-4615-836d-ecc478340ef9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-959"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39b00731-fcab-465d-81b1-c91365b7441c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-960"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d5705e8f-e573-48e1-945f-eb8654c066ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-961"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d701e631-0fc1-4d26-a121-bb77cee04e47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-962"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f33c88b1-3152-496b-9446-cb2df92ccc1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-963"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f5663d4-9c3e-4561-b02f-4d6943931e32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-964"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2165ecb-6e94-40c1-be3e-d7c479abcd12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-965"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d93bd9be-207c-4e58-9fa8-2ba9a30df6ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.514999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.514999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-966"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "620666d3-a748-4b81-93ed-5d34ef3beb92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/2000"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-967"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78504d5e-39af-4afc-b3e2-2254ee532305"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-968"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "920ad2ba-a280-4f9f-9cd5-679085ca695d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-969"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b88eca9-345f-4c3e-a01e-1ebeb1c804ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-970"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3a7f632-2a40-47e3-b715-baf4853bb6c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.894001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.894001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-971"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6652b5d6-e693-4a14-8b8a-751eb21382c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-972"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "241e57f3-da63-4236-9916-ea0c2b10f22a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-973"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72c8b603-b71a-4a54-914a-47ac58b7e63c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-974"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5414d4ec-4ee1-44d4-9048-2a23ba8b9344"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-975"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7a3d012-ed5c-4d53-a0bd-ce015b713956"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-976"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddabd056-103b-4297-91c0-0a0b2d0d4e79"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-977"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9df2448-6579-42f8-82ac-45a83f47ac82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-978"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4de1b7a8-5361-4011-a0b9-67bc3f73da3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-979"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63e938ca-2a2d-43f8-af24-0aaa547d6b89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-980"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f00be80-6a76-4bac-8243-327758241736"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-981"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dde04d77-bdc0-4e31-aee4-433968cc25ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-982"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67f779d9-3b5c-489b-9cdc-6b6016f3b1db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-983"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bff7391d-fefb-430c-b997-29bb2b0ab0cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-984"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4a3619f-40a1-4755-8133-b300b80edcbd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.827999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.827999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-985"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aefdf76-87ae-48f7-927d-0f4452b8db4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-986"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "847c2d14-8ed0-4008-8fa9-34a5b263f3aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-987"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c70ad2e3-946e-4296-9b71-e369527e54a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-988"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "406ad50f-6907-4dfd-9e15-854dd2b34232"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-989"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a9a3ef8-e6c5-4863-a790-5a94399e2f3c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.120998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.120998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-990"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "393426f3-8f88-4d2d-98cf-5fb8b30918b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.597"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.597"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-991"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31fa7fc5-7ca0-4d4d-aa19-f00083485527"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-992"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74d06644-1db5-41f7-80ab-5c5d12e0d9e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-993"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0cae3af8-3296-4341-9e66-4bb1d92a397a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-994"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e691631b-02f2-4b72-a7f0-d692a57edba9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.354"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.354"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-995"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a6fa4d1b-e51f-49df-a0f5-0bec809c8953"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-996"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c4672b-7fd0-48a0-8b53-95686d8f192c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-997"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "acb84265-6646-4d6c-a1fe-99e269a27642"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-998"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "feeb5a13-3859-4a87-9dce-31817c3bb3b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-999"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7cc3dc93-dc24-4d46-909c-1facf2bac622"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1000"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1702f244-75dd-4d39-a760-5340c2ece7a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.313"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.313"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1001"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8d4f02e-31be-4204-88d2-047d94939659"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1002"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04d3f376-5c6c-45ae-afc6-ed0ac67362af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1003"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "314249ec-f1bd-44e8-a81f-ff52bbe0c7bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1004"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77fafe28-fd9a-45d2-8662-1d1f84fd122a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1005"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22a80267-afa6-41a3-9c7d-815ae566e036"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1006"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91c09e5b-7459-45ca-a9bd-be38c91da1be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1007"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fbe83be6-622f-4235-9ba8-4351067fe5c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1008"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa352978-d81c-4d2d-b1ad-fc54c78da868"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1009"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdb28b0d-4424-47ee-834d-a6510d31e7e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1010"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99b935b9-1ee1-4998-88db-a40a625d1b7c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1011"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e83f4660-54a3-4b7c-8df3-6edb19e59f1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.972"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1012"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8aa74c8-d69d-43fc-88da-44e8b11a9d68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1013"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "20d929a2-3d7e-42f3-9dcc-081762201d04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1014"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe9a71f0-2f2a-40a3-886d-642cdcf249b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1015"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9fdd594a-7e18-4f52-9954-847fb405c4e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1016"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b463c3fa-b4f1-416a-bc8d-e496b66c6119"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1017"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d838dbb-22d7-4aba-aad2-258d29ae363a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.368"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.368"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1018"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bae224c8-28cd-4be8-88c2-0fdd1bb5eeca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1019"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af34baa7-a933-4326-bd1e-e0d86b00ae19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1020"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8b4521a-fff2-4045-affd-da7652079fb5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.002998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.002998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1021"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29935815-6ef8-4c2b-a191-d48ad0852ffa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1022"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "adc5db5b-81ce-446a-872d-b007590c67b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1023"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3cd6e4e6-48cb-4146-a78e-e2a9a7b86676"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1024"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "42a973fe-dbbc-4025-8944-08f17200e59f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1025"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dbce4e86-7ba1-4466-9b82-ac0c8f9bc848"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1026"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0767f739-430f-4ee6-8d8a-4badf98276d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1027"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1190d41d-c5c2-46c0-97ed-f54fafc44ce1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1028"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9988b682-9471-4a64-baa2-70f54e0b2f82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.604"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.604"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1029"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e333ade-9679-42a0-ba10-638ff4de3ce3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1030"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "032a79b6-84fc-482e-ad05-42e369a2e7ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.52"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.52"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1031"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3c6639d-4548-4ed8-891c-bf1a9b0d9488"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.465"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.465"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1032"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e65c57a-9dd3-45bf-9d5f-9e990fd64a0b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1033"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61ae1adf-36c4-4e5b-81ce-1079cd0b620e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1034"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d709a031-5d24-443c-8039-01800c293a22"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1035"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0af6e09e-0a83-4b5f-b720-427f2c65ff37"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1036"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7e18e2a-ca73-4a35-a0a7-91e086a03af4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1037"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1dfa1526-481f-4d3d-a24a-ac00f871374e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1038"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "489edb8a-0f26-486f-9d7f-8fb33273f36b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1039"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "068fdc34-638c-4fa9-aabf-7257e94625ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1040"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5dd890bd-c2ee-48ce-bddd-2ff84660ce50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1041"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "448c6691-0240-4d4b-870c-e3dc0b1eff4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.34"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.34"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1042"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a2572b8-2f66-481b-9b48-0528dd331230"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.91"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1043"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c89a0cbb-57c7-4d85-a35b-84edc3559b63"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1044"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e48487d1-8c60-4a0d-8680-178b9135329f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1045"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e9f5119-6155-4997-9641-71021bb1d2b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1046"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a20b51f-2edd-4260-bb13-926c4d129187"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1047"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9e70076-c4d7-4665-964c-09921e67d273"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1048"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33acac1d-235b-4d03-90e0-e29973d1a67c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1049"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "46850e1b-93e8-43c8-9e89-eb52fc2ad551"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1050"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "373f36aa-3bdf-4e2b-9a8d-cb06c9a86d0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1051"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e427c18-4495-4d97-a00b-ed5115bccbe1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1052"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b524da45-2822-4777-98d3-b58981e1b22f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1053"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed0bae3c-5dcd-46c7-a8bf-e84e853001f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.514999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.514999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1054"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "632fb911-65a2-47b6-ac2d-2a17039afee0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1055"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e597b62-36f3-46f5-a4f1-f677156b6d27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1056"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "71803202-8867-40fb-ac02-403dedbfca09"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1057"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17c3f4ab-3ca5-4649-bfaf-d05ec0d34a50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1058"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43ac2517-10c9-415b-ad3f-cec2392c0a1e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1059"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52e4219c-4c7c-44b0-b094-4474a90a9665"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1060"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b335bd1-0484-4ed1-8c21-bde3d74b68f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1061"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d628907-ec2c-49e4-9d8a-e6881d63c1ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1062"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7acb2d9-9f3d-44b4-bfaa-2093fde53ed4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1063"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d164f4ee-a182-452e-ac7d-c4849d8ae304"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1064"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a52a5f9-b77e-43f9-a397-6d3306979027"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.902"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.902"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1065"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10c2d402-890b-4436-8155-417dde76aee2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1066"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6646eb57-6246-465b-8d1a-b5f4a580e128"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1067"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8642d1d5-ad8b-4f88-9e15-bf1abb66c493"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.716"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.716"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1068"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9dba3efe-4c9a-4926-8cee-260f3bcddeb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.23"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.23"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1069"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a77b4f52-658b-4c0a-bdd8-8ff9ba705263"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1070"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5ed8e56d-d688-433b-9cd2-356847dc0042"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1071"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69fa1d6e-2a8f-4044-ab19-f0caf60ffbcf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.348"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.348"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1072"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "049bd29d-9286-4dc5-a7a4-3723a2efc32f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1073"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a65ad7d7-9c2c-4378-a1ca-8b10658b6426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1074"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05e20893-5abc-4d91-a6d4-9ca206af8626"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1075"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d3ee6d4-732b-472b-8c67-7ee577a6cb1e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1076"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b9007f6-3dde-4f42-bd2f-96eb96ede202"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.033001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.033001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1077"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0d563b8-b6e3-4260-bc85-d383bd67ab9c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1078"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65b7bff8-5faf-4eac-a114-acb02188650a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1079"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4bfee851-273d-44c3-8228-94386c4a9c46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1080"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "950c8bf5-90bb-4a33-b557-e1acbafc9a47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.023998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.023998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1081"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b79d1b4e-4768-4230-ac54-7de9b94fd700"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1082"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a98195b2-360b-43c5-820e-0409e29a2e24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1083"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33c1611a-fa84-4edf-96c2-9f47a1901cfb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1084"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "823e0e4f-0511-4e84-9179-db86ec10d3ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1085"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfcbc93c-e4c0-49dd-b903-c416f928acb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1086"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f6d572a-7986-4019-a0fc-bf5f5f15b8e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1087"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf55891f-64b4-488f-852e-f30467c62d92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.479"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.479"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1088"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b52b86e3-53de-4aa2-adf5-c60689b03710"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.438"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.438"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1089"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "345ce6d3-4105-429f-9931-c13c8535bb9d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1090"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a387021-b85f-439a-8cfc-d133217ad4db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1091"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "40b5cf7e-2b5b-431c-a2ec-1ddb698793e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1092"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "086befb0-ed67-4d11-ba0e-ca214981bed2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1093"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bcdfabbd-fa98-4e69-9ccb-5d089d34093c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1094"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c96c9db-9019-4ea9-bc60-4904e8e8682e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1095"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "481a1654-0fbf-4675-91ad-aef9f664c5e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1096"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95bc82fd-fe0e-4eb6-b449-b80fc049df6b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.181999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1097"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "918dd767-7641-403b-8f44-c7188cee89f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1098"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5404d1da-60b3-4065-9ae2-5db833a4fe4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1099"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48482439-7850-414a-b806-233af04a3325"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.255001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.255001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1100"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79243e9b-45d6-436c-a309-77f456fda43c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1101"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51e3d150-4bf7-45ab-8a49-0896c2d68558"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1102"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a6dc75be-6cc9-46d3-b9ce-56e4c52f23cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1103"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "deeed5ab-eaab-4163-91ff-6940296c0328"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1104"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41b834be-36b0-45a0-a8cf-a8fcf60b7b14"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1105"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c1a106a-ed0a-4ff1-a1e1-c9bacef392c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1106"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c37a2b9a-e163-4fea-8ffb-218b461a9048"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1107"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a33161ee-f283-4da3-af19-d573a07b7802"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.895"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.895"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1108"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b8a236a-006f-4aca-9ca2-628712ec0544"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1999"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1109"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53a4807a-5041-49ba-8a7d-ff99f07a7889"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1110"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eba1350b-bffe-4f6a-a299-e556e59f904a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1111"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5fab3937-7b24-47bc-944f-e46dae8b24f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1112"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3773fe22-28d7-44b6-8630-ca506954e6aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1113"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0269f23-1a8e-43e3-a7a4-4653ea1e925f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1114"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d61de203-dbab-4c43-a9f6-f3ec51fdff77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1115"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b3d35a48-9e41-4b19-97a2-76096902c4a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1116"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c80ba20-fba8-4298-b2d7-73d78b28ffd2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1117"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7303d094-f064-4479-92ae-a3c9eb770708"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1118"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80e4a195-1338-47c6-807e-4e3e39e0b895"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1119"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "beb2e99d-e1f8-450f-9ed3-630b0016c1e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1120"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d386078-db72-405f-8866-a5c39fb6e967"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1121"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a69b765f-b6bb-4937-8010-04edfbed2f58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.098999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1122"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e1aba19-75b3-4fbf-99ae-ff0099005de2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1123"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc5384e4-58e2-4d60-ae5e-e4b753db6164"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1124"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a096e473-92a7-4a6d-a0e4-92ff67084014"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1125"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fccf898f-5e6a-4d75-8ae4-f6b33e8596e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1126"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a4fbc42-4467-4e6d-af98-a29b3a1fe473"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1127"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5426c74d-b4fb-4969-82e2-72cab6dd1175"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1128"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ea2d5ed-0da6-47f7-9958-59a292c3995f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1129"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ed7283c-e4ff-49c3-8420-8ace553801d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1130"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "268d38d8-08e8-4212-acd1-13ecd855fb28"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1131"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bae3a575-ec3d-46a9-b283-716ad15e2361"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1132"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "142c6dc3-2c84-44e7-83ab-0059956e9b7e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.903999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.903999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1133"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e10f96a0-7339-4064-94cf-98233d84258f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.007"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.007"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1134"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b46bab4-1e81-4358-b52b-13a1d9fc09e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.938999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.938999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1135"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41c5706a-eb01-442c-a2b4-08eb97e03bb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1136"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "099dcc14-3433-4b66-97b6-a3eec6ab0e52"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1137"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e66284b-f911-43c0-8038-e2e7f859ad6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1138"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e1c1d38-8d5c-40e4-b7bd-38e0c5e7f414"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1139"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65fdba96-18c8-4ed8-8902-a7d473239b69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1140"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d86e6d2-b788-49ab-98c7-a14a427734af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1141"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb6b9e27-4dd8-4548-b503-7dfe52a11c48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1142"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93e2d445-a0f6-42a0-896f-f67138691ea5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.605"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.605"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1143"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db59e7eb-0fd4-4623-af8c-20ff1f29d24e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1144"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62c97d24-7f87-4b48-8636-28eccba563b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1145"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a62d2d6-979d-4dec-beff-f914ba21da60"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1146"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d089c821-dcd0-4c51-a5a2-bac51733ad7f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1147"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d252473-f2da-49f3-950b-ed62d7623b91"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1148"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d4ed48b-150a-4b17-995e-36b7bbc5a183"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1149"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a33fccd-88e8-4389-bc79-2fec0ec6c1e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1150"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "620ce850-f533-40ab-bbee-8985dcc5bd12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.201"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.201"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1151"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e174b9e4-f729-47e0-89b6-f44b5d35fb37"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1152"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cee014ad-86a3-433a-b65b-161727793d71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.09"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.09"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1153"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72088a90-eade-47d8-84c2-722b318f4093"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.448002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.448002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.087997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.087997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1154"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "167b3fca-9d65-451a-8e93-8c466ec56c79"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1155"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18ad9971-e998-4dd1-b586-5b7bce7b23da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1156"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45f5ac88-0286-4b57-b3dc-32e1338939bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1157"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "191b4671-74b4-43fe-928c-5318fcd29145"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1158"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93c68ae9-60cd-4baf-ad77-faef67d546be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1159"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2dbaf84-1133-4cdc-9949-d4880e348f7a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1160"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53b24f0a-8553-404a-9270-a2edcd235920"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1161"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "360c1659-447d-4286-8f35-a3a863892f76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1162"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3ea2fbb-a347-4ae1-b88d-e0c0b1cfdc46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1163"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03a96f80-7632-4fa4-99d7-3df69d6a6c33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.072998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.072998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1164"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79833097-667c-4e9e-9d11-9afbe9bb81cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1165"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86fab8bd-d571-4b26-a7aa-dc7c5d84252c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1166"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dff59a75-caa9-4694-94c0-2e41a3bf2809"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1167"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "919799f8-953e-4ac0-89ab-9b867b0412c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1168"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d211377-0bc0-4343-8312-0c6cbaab67e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1169"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f9a6c22-f6cf-4bc1-8e0c-2663d1ad0d8d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1170"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1e564e4-6267-4a57-b049-56443cad77a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1171"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f79c757d-2c59-4818-8c5a-63a3dc2a9e3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.132004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1172"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2fb0a41-9f68-45f9-aba7-fc2ec6ae4ad0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1173"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53faeff1-b46d-48ef-967d-a7c9dce6c07f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1174"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a20d019-9367-4cc0-8159-cbb7494ebd77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.103996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.103996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1175"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ceda1e47-4347-43dc-9f87-b2910f579026"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1176"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcada464-2c63-41d2-9f5b-44ad2f826d02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1177"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ccbb9d67-5327-4277-aaac-e89ffa76f177"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.347"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1178"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25bd902d-520e-4c0b-a685-635ae5d6e1a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.074997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.074997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1179"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d676c7b-8781-4e6c-83aa-b340fb043f80"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1180"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a77fd2be-8f77-474d-b05f-845c32e375df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.301003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.301003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1181"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63befb5f-21f3-43e8-be5c-66d2df30fad1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.278999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.278999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1182"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48a4bef8-76ea-4134-85d7-d5e0eab7c06c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1183"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0280d3a0-76fd-475e-9503-944f8e9549ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1184"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f6f0a29e-323f-4367-9380-73644d05ff7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1185"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99c0e589-5174-48ab-9724-96aeda5a58ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.120003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1186"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d7e8530-676f-438f-83df-5b208026c858"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1187"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a015236-487d-4c6c-ba21-2933c00ad6ed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1188"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a8a31a0-5fc2-462f-9241-6510d238288a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1189"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75be655b-cd1e-4538-9ada-37077c022710"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.569"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.569"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1190"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "962c1473-690c-4cf5-8cee-1585ac7db664"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1191"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76a80e44-d192-4efd-bdbc-3356328c44a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1192"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4921bf74-7109-43c2-9e82-a0aec9bc563d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.227997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.227997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1193"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88723035-940b-47bf-8306-21f275588ae6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1194"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54104118-648e-414a-b239-4de211e0cec0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.065002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.065002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1195"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01ca839d-fa84-44c3-a047-7e7606be32c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.010002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.010002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1196"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "abb38035-f9e5-4e22-8103-5f955c9a3163"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.412003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.412003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1197"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08d92e6a-66ba-4fc3-9fd3-8bfd22fc5584"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1198"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b6b2a4f-8bed-4607-8d50-a98bb756f515"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1199"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86b9e6a0-b4ce-4b9d-a3a4-260cd4cc826d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1200"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98c41c4d-e0f1-4cd7-97c4-96d0dc1e917d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1201"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38eebdd1-346e-4ca8-a437-d6ddcd3cf62d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1202"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c612039-68c0-44ce-b88c-f333a4115488"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1203"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27caf958-a6e6-4cae-99c8-150b3ee66ee0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1204"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f803d3bc-5d12-4fb2-a003-6a71bde9218a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1205"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ace8cbe-210c-435a-8bce-23d2d5a6030a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1206"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0eae049-fe47-4521-97dd-b6a2fee08e93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1207"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78e91215-b734-455a-82ee-2ba8b3f19da7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1208"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0b299a1-d8f8-453e-b5f9-0d8d4714d113"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.119003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.119003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1209"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfe37a92-ad8e-4a27-bda3-0fd435a12b50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.174"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.174"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.204002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1210"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7c3e1bc-f344-455d-9097-ead0599718c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1211"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f5d64b1-4169-44a1-87c4-c70fbe2de530"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1212"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a22e5f55-a39d-4800-bdca-8be9cd0cc8bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1213"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5993800-9fe1-4dc4-8ab1-2871da5cd055"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.089996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.089996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1214"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b4ac3496-cbc0-435c-a060-d15d1d98779d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1215"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e5b3631-32f1-45fe-9ca8-a345456d5629"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1216"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d203ff66-3db0-4940-9416-50af0724067f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.506001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.506001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1217"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4fe9433-8f1f-4ac1-b684-bcdb6680da88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1218"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41a03ed3-26b0-4d5c-a888-43f483049dd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.889"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.889"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1219"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b90bb64-fbb3-4cba-bff7-f0dbdec331bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1220"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2fec755-5353-4247-ab39-76bb1e67027c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1221"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b76c48af-0350-411d-be43-6113e341f866"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1222"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24112106-8ede-4b8a-b9da-3b67f27b9e43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1223"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82a7d435-fa66-4c9d-99b6-a42ab7b64e4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1224"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38d7fba0-ba4e-4a21-a758-a2fa19cd2383"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.705002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.705002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1225"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4842d55-e4d5-42a5-8caf-fdb8503dd013"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.264"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.264"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1226"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e170d841-ca19-4c97-9730-b272db01e2b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1227"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5efba483-956b-4da1-9cf0-19f2f435d7ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1228"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "110db215-d835-45cf-8c51-5b7ce3833476"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.963997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.963997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1229"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c7ae81d-6246-4d06-9093-54e2a47dcd42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1230"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f6a5ad4-172b-4828-960a-87eabf1ed09b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.841003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.841003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1231"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16c21d80-f242-4652-bb60-48df42ad96ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1232"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b937679-1353-4978-adf0-be04254edb13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1233"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8387d06-9e37-4b6a-97c7-149296591839"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.146"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.146"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1234"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bee33b86-d2e8-48c0-92ac-7b703fa4b01c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1235"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e83416af-37e0-40e1-9a9b-c47e11fdd815"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1236"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03d9456b-0057-40d4-a868-2363d1a6a2e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.356003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.356003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1237"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32aa0410-43de-44fe-a47c-2ee8205d1fab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.577003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.577003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1238"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ca5b5f9-bca9-48fc-acc9-cd20f4f8ff2d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.509003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.509003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1239"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9e0325c-12e4-4033-95e3-a0fb8cf1be8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.531998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.531998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1240"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "070d004c-f730-4242-ae70-746cd6785906"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.524002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.524002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1241"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0475fb8f-e2f7-4d15-ba3f-822e478ec341"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.996002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.996002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1242"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a1bbbe2-fcd2-410d-984a-7fcc9f1af772"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1243"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e52c1a7-facd-47b3-af4a-57d65c50f76c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.948997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.948997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1244"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a45538bc-9f70-45cf-83a8-9ef4aaeb3277"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1245"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "380e9dd6-1f83-48c9-a700-8e2838b36570"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.926003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.926003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1246"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "242a7329-3eea-44c5-9562-1b5f346d9710"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1247"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ec7ea59d-10bc-42ba-ad6d-8927ccc1580d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1248"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "232e958c-4857-406f-bab4-f212763596eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.883003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.883003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1249"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67479135-27f4-47ef-b2d1-2b33b1a45b1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1250"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0e15875-c085-43c8-a2a6-d8516fd9fc4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1251"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aa4002d-2b17-4a0d-bec2-e7150f412b26"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1252"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf5fdd29-cc1b-42c4-b23e-38ee13e8e190"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1253"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "629342cf-49d6-408c-a316-ac21c430ed5c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.848"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.848"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1254"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ec8715a8-722c-4e5d-ba68-2f140cdb4641"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.926003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.926003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1255"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0377909-21ce-4061-b0d9-f3c5bd877e3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.017998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.017998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1256"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbaa3687-350f-471e-8334-75b70347254a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.964996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.964996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1257"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db1124bb-d65f-4459-9fd0-f9bd25a693ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1258"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4aadfbd8-e8d9-420d-90f2-54b7970bed75"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.848"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.848"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1259"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17a119b6-f3bd-4cf6-ae52-8b77d0aa0df5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.181"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.181"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1260"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c85ffd0-cd2a-41a3-b995-030c05bfdb34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.160999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.718002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.718002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1261"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30d5dd1c-7622-419c-9c84-fdad9ed4b42f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1262"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f4f3e9d-0fa3-408e-85c3-86a64ea40561"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1263"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fa6583f-97bf-4f50-aed9-d21fa52d88ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1264"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd5c36d0-1ec2-486a-b60e-a73fd074bde5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.174"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.174"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.745003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.745003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1265"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "728a5554-cf4b-409e-8a06-3011fa711fd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1266"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8625b3e-9ec0-494d-8718-b307e9663552"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1267"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "883fbe3d-bb22-4365-acc3-f2b2d97d1e0a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1268"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "313dc9b9-3da8-4bf8-a948-c5449b74d749"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1269"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c78cd593-6084-4476-a3a4-faf4ab888df9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1270"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b11cb0c-b48a-4ba0-9fc4-37c47da8be0c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1271"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9a060f7-7d2e-4008-9f6e-f80e66e72dc6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1272"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed7e53b0-524c-4cfc-b9d8-a2b88b050ac9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1273"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4fb2062-4159-46d5-abac-5fc39aeb69ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1274"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea4444ea-e47e-4c24-a4c0-d7c63e3b49ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.463997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.463997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1275"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcd76d0b-f807-4004-b6d3-fc84ea63c6a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.449997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.449997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1276"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a76f7ab-ad2a-45c0-9d41-6f8f69882a33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1277"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39ba5064-ff69-497f-a358-9afb1bd41295"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1278"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04be7b22-f8a8-471d-87a5-7dcf83cbcbb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.411003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.411003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1279"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "befe4cf8-e915-467f-847c-7f62a1f0874c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.952003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.952003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1280"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9aad0cd-8493-44bc-9b7d-97d0b9fa1212"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.967003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.967003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1281"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05fb15b5-8d5e-4e67-ac31-16b79490e6d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1282"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a70ebd50-b797-4cba-ad8a-ec3976bb6410"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1283"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c565ef93-18ae-4372-a7b1-2e340098c007"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1284"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62f3f033-56af-4638-a8a1-7443c9cd0476"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1285"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17a6a4e7-dc20-4456-9825-0caa7cc81973"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1286"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32911e7d-cbd2-4576-8849-72d72a71e068"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.005997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.005997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1287"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ff8ac02-7779-4602-8209-58f0219aed8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.977997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.977997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1288"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a04e5409-a97b-4836-a6d4-c88906f7e80f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1289"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "accf227e-733c-40b9-aa81-344a8ecc39e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.454002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.454002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1290"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7dd637b5-5b90-4fd5-9c18-cbb280cf3380"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.538002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.538002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1291"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84d53efb-e0cf-4873-b732-459257098db7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.961998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.961998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1292"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2bb3c25d-3682-4d81-a2c0-41394c93257e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1293"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2351b23-ca18-49e4-8586-da69baeb3bd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1294"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c439374b-8ac9-4582-a802-7f89888b7452"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.547001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.547001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.189003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.189003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1295"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3575574-0a54-447e-a36c-77c1aea6aea2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1296"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49e98ab9-94cb-436a-9f38-57b1a278b2e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.212997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.212997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1297"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4384b64b-acf4-4f0b-872b-f56fde41d8f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.158997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.158997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1298"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f6275f44-7336-4fa1-ada0-2983539017a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1299"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95eb1870-15b3-4f80-967e-f1ae8b56dbab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1300"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1fcffc36-cabc-4ddf-afa1-b06f9d1bbdba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1301"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edc58b7c-bfbe-4ec7-8f6d-e6368a68e076"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.642998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.642998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1302"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38f54200-e81d-4265-9c78-b2f39ff92587"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1303"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3da47de3-b955-42dd-8a9a-50caa2442693"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1304"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb1641f8-4542-420f-b21e-c23276ac19ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1305"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98c89b18-b3cf-4005-9a13-a4ff1a0147f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.236"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.236"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1306"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d08012b-c0c2-45c4-9c47-c255084d517d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.535999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.149002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.149002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1307"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddef87b8-e55d-4969-bb38-9792e7567b3e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1308"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c494888-d889-47ad-834f-c3f5d6ceccef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1309"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ba9112b-9c54-42f4-9aa3-1e38b2e6a039"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1310"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9569cba8-01da-4c0d-ba17-4f2f2b0a7a94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.138"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.138"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1311"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc478b79-5150-41db-b7b4-59e4ab1f7902"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.961998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.961998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1312"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eaaf41f5-199a-4969-bccd-58a17584c6b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.966003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.966003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1313"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c9e1d98-a4bd-4970-b64e-7536a50e1223"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1314"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03b855a0-f507-443b-99db-027dda86e3d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.033997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.033997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1315"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b69f40b-3ed2-4d7f-a898-c2d8320a5717"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1316"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e7bc7a7-e26d-44d3-823d-2cc7dacb7fdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1317"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3383c846-b00b-43be-86e5-90c47b69b729"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1318"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b7d118b-0cce-4739-9135-d2b9bbd362e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.739998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.739998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1319"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0cbf63f9-4584-475e-9a02-38f5c6d9a664"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1320"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e296c97-3410-4ef8-a8f7-3ce9fee44924"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.064003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.064003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1321"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62e15931-96ce-4a65-bbcc-252daab89127"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.116997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.116997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1322"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e8e491a-0c24-4cee-a565-906cd5ed27f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1323"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99909182-1f31-4cf4-a416-e51b529b7502"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1324"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d995ebf-06c4-4b15-a6cc-2996015fd073"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1325"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8c4ce97-c4ab-4adc-a8d9-ecb1601459e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.931"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.931"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1326"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac184922-d2fe-4eeb-9c61-d7ad5bc476a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1327"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab05503e-a9a9-424f-b11c-0c75c2e1a848"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1328"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34c7f02b-0832-4498-b1f1-529d33d3cc48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.899002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.899002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1329"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c6ced2f-d1e9-4c6a-b8eb-b1f13046af46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1330"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80a7c984-d1c4-440c-91a7-3ce2db684356"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1331"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1dfb2650-f965-4aeb-83f6-8c27dbfb54fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1332"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12d37b6c-7086-4a2c-ba03-321c9461b5c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.617996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.617996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1333"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4785507-b0d4-4df1-b26f-db6618b23cbf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1334"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86d02028-73d2-4f23-a054-97cd7f6964e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.407997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1335"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78912fdb-4ed4-430f-810b-02e92f925d98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.427002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.427002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1336"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f84f4ed-6dfc-4182-822a-845786e19627"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.087997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.087997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1337"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87422afe-6f6f-4bb0-91b6-c5698985c138"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1338"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8c07afe-398c-42de-9b4c-97dc075bdc9c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.395"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.395"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1339"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86ee805d-9c76-49f6-b2b4-28dd25227194"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1340"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f5cf92c8-5dcb-4d52-a5db-a6279e7e23e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.952003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.952003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1341"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee199780-3290-4992-b170-7ca6fcd398a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1342"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bcd33e10-19a7-4e01-94e4-f1e6469b3b74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1343"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b236d4b-3e98-4d6b-af33-fea2edbe3fb7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1344"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e88d209a-89e7-498c-a1c1-f7541b33e3f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1345"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a9bc0f6-9bed-4731-8e4c-9bae7db71d98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1346"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b80cad0a-3260-4f69-ad26-71bc3f1b917c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1347"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5ba1b449-3279-41da-bdfa-0f083586dfae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1348"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80d45f28-fe1f-4829-ba94-9f7cf9d1d77b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.313"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.313"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1349"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "114dc1b7-4720-451f-927e-8225d88eaf8a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.966003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.966003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1350"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e870c9fe-7881-4527-867c-c19fef7d6b71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1351"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c8af4ce-d28a-4c21-9c41-e0661bd09b8c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1352"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "424473c1-0b5a-4174-a702-644b009f26ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1353"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67a42567-4d9e-4039-9bb7-b02dbaa373ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1354"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e1f93ea-e702-495c-8710-f3490437d80f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.448997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.448997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1355"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9cb022e-76a3-4e95-ae07-abfc08cfc16a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1356"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22f19e06-bdc5-4a04-899b-54539b897ad4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.059998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1357"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f806371-7ef0-4512-898e-0cbde3800604"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1358"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e069d56a-b5b1-429e-84b2-c7b3bd5a6379"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1359"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c460b70b-d765-4b24-8930-e2f740e12f5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1360"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6baaa387-fc30-461b-8d00-0ecaac1c3483"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.297997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.297997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1361"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc60bf81-8fb9-4bc5-9209-e9baf782e5e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1362"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "362b8421-783f-4267-979f-ff2126ce814a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1363"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4083fa36-a86f-4f20-a443-277680dd9bb7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.035004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.035004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1364"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b9295bf-95b9-4d77-9948-0fbc629b4689"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1365"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d5735e2-4fce-4f77-b73d-4a871e22565c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.077003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.077003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1366"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ca1d65f-bad3-4070-bc13-8dec942bf22d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.018997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.018997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1367"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e05416a2-24cd-4d6c-8b27-e03343f9a8ed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.073002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1368"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1485bf7e-12c7-4e56-a101-b4cacd846199"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1369"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09cebd74-157a-45b6-85bf-e1096ff2cbd4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1370"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26212c90-1819-4eca-80ba-c52455c39b4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1371"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef978a2a-c187-4fdb-ac22-cd06c7512afb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1372"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "568a61d3-fb3b-41c8-a261-ef0911da253d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1373"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbe89310-c20a-4c2f-bd2c-a58a5a001b85"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.079002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.079002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1374"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca229d95-fb6f-45c1-93a7-7450b827d193"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.452"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.452"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1375"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85e0e603-2e08-42e1-b137-ba2bfad435ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.190002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.190002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1376"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ddb4a97-48d3-4226-995a-efe0eb754529"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1377"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "356d18aa-16f2-4ad8-b1f7-0b5f58f2cd9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.243999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.243999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.842003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.842003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1378"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7681d11-2e6a-4dd5-9377-d98549fdae07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.925003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.925003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1379"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "032af3e8-ee78-4d84-b181-ad15dc1ea4d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.435001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.024002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.024002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1380"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ff3003f-3824-42c2-ba23-37bbb4036bf9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1381"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7dc3e4f-c1ee-46a6-8d08-704f865c6fb2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1382"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "735d176c-8a79-4e40-bd15-277e8b6d61ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1383"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49f7dba1-c79f-4368-a4f5-58b5f9cf2bc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1384"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bee52e7-3d20-4bed-a088-6e1194cb93c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1385"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b13d7b3c-46fc-400f-86c8-f0b03c93e625"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1386"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "874ae2ff-b191-4120-ab8a-1f3a74f74143"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.996002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.996002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1387"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3eed8d85-4a1c-4574-a6b0-f88984d3b217"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.061996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.061996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1388"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "551e82a3-dede-431b-b68c-77dbe94cef27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1389"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f9d5549-e8e2-48eb-8242-78a040021099"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.917999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1390"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "411d244c-c32e-438d-a8ea-fd191f09d956"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1391"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "112a4ffc-fa47-40ef-8bdd-c820de3f32c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.767998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.767998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1392"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8a57d5b-6d85-4d95-8c41-08644afc692c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1393"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a55394cd-802d-40e8-976d-41b08acd373b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.948997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.948997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1394"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc73bf03-bc85-4585-9b4f-8b40428aff12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.853996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.853996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1395"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10da7737-ab4f-497b-8d55-4c532507c1d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.226002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1396"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf4ed0d8-daa1-4bf5-86c1-15150d7a2f1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.518997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1397"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be60d305-c48f-4ca4-8753-ab68a8b23bf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.010002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.010002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1398"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f9b2472-c12b-4110-b7fd-15c6c6092cde"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1399"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a35324bf-f169-41a6-ad76-694b1875361f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1400"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e7c16d4-7cd3-497a-9b88-1019dfca9cf1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1401"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb8bb67b-afa2-4b71-ad6c-7b890894c435"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1402"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b08e588-899b-425a-bf53-83897b71036f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1403"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c849e8-aaee-46aa-8fd6-ab53f363c117"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1404"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27d68d86-1a8a-4515-b994-429d9128bfaa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.125"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.125"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1405"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23306ce6-4319-4fde-a876-333c7ba0474b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1406"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ac0f8ed-db1a-4307-8d4d-da47feb937f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1407"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89ea2642-9348-463c-8263-19cb8320df86"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.257004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.257004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1408"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8cd04b9-7d54-48f3-aa84-13f11b05e3e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.230003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1409"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5cbe8da-8b8a-4a6c-b94e-4272a3c04dca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1410"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e18bf26-0ac4-4e1b-8590-9014258e2b45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1411"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df499d6b-f573-410a-bc49-b81471c68d38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.189003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.189003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1412"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d2063ed-c7a4-49a8-be0b-b62f3e149d3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1413"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1738026a-c4c8-4de7-9c2b-1ba537802ab3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.52"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.52"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1414"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc3b072b-faa7-437f-b931-6f15d1b5a20d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.272003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.272003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1415"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "909f0541-f57e-445d-b387-e5d9bb8c4930"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1416"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b6047a7-61db-4218-be13-971918d1bbb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1417"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96d5ea93-279a-46fd-a1ce-0f8ed8681106"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1418"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51d6fd9d-a213-49d8-9e16-78ec7b43d1e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.588001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.094002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.094002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1419"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fafba494-6039-42ce-ad7a-5aef958aca55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1420"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11f363be-b022-418e-9641-eaaaf8ff5e97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1421"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f7ffd8b-b5c9-46fb-8c21-4e039dd50f90"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1422"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4f1846b-fc67-4091-bfc6-d60bf19ce781"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1423"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a668d079-0102-412b-8924-7d13180c2933"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1424"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7aad6296-5011-412e-8f73-db38617bbbaa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1425"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8765c977-66d6-4ca6-a102-4d4416adc3da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1426"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4837a68a-837e-47c6-9819-94452ba6edb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1427"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cdde1257-6b00-47ef-9f40-987d6e0ca4a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1428"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e37e710-1fd8-4c6b-867d-4cb871b5b780"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1429"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e8469c5-548f-4d4b-b690-747ea982cdb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1430"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6756acb4-8ab5-4366-a205-11d4516e6211"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1431"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "efc43f89-ae05-4487-b50e-a4110ee01ad9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.193001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1432"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "beeaa6e9-de39-4a0a-85d2-6d755f806a4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1433"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6be791b-a510-4753-a38f-c36661d09a1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1434"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5fd563e-bfc6-4172-8c9a-f27d17fde96a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1435"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19b38133-0894-4de7-bf91-2c859b8ec504"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.240997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1436"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb0ee8e4-ebfc-4123-8e09-b34c7d74dea2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1437"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5102445b-6601-41f3-b6dd-e44fc19caaab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.138"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.138"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1438"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd563a50-6f0f-4798-af0a-0275993e709c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1439"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "514dc5a8-e7f7-42a8-a28a-9486364eaafd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.788002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.788002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1440"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75fb6609-9bc5-45fe-9596-17db8565aae7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.813004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.813004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1441"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c478a9ed-b25f-49c6-b130-9aae7ad3dcd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.856003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.856003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1442"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9ce22a2-9c40-4797-b646-fa56007cbd85"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1443"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7cc10d1b-c166-4e21-9bd6-107299dc9e0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.968002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1444"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba9ba1c4-503e-4eb4-a839-5a70d4e0beab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.866997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.866997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1445"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6435c85-fa9f-4375-ab59-cf7154b05edd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.758003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1446"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdf59e56-30b2-46fd-9498-ee1eb3bd690a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.730003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.730003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1447"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d64a12e-36cc-4c53-a3bc-316af1aed275"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1448"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae99509a-33f8-41ca-84bf-937e33721a0c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1449"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "361f4706-a3fa-4347-a4d2-bc934d8590a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1450"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5704b482-edb1-433c-a799-3fe02b95b67f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.500999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.121002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.121002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1451"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31a70159-928d-4674-8689-823a0021ee5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.092003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.092003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1452"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da3119cb-8ae3-4ac8-9e9e-1c7696a6a84f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1453"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3fa3ce09-150f-4397-8ff0-07a9e5a2e528"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1454"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72c809e7-93d0-4608-ae6e-c3f3c0271d30"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1455"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed5c22d8-16e7-4621-b6de-ad014f4dd719"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1456"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2b7395d-90af-4c40-a4ad-c083d8f0fdad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1457"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7065596d-7176-4513-b3ec-a63342922095"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1458"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79bcafd7-fbe6-4769-aa16-f666fb20ca8d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.657997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.657997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1459"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94ee6d46-3044-40f4-b60c-0aadd7e5b4a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.642998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.642998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1460"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff212039-92c5-4b4b-91a9-3467190b9bba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1461"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4f66e2e-e808-4cc0-a587-df85c0dba35c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.610001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1462"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff838a6e-4988-423d-a98f-23c3acf4e96c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1463"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aeeec861-dc02-41c3-93be-f48c327df88c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1464"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67ee4ee1-789f-4d96-838a-407787ea4c86"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1465"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d02d51a5-d549-4f9e-a439-f0348d871d38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.232002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.232002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1466"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9af2e004-931d-490c-baad-346d33161c0c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1467"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6ca2485-f4ff-46c7-bcd7-ba59a38b0a37"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1468"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ea2b7bd-a516-42fd-a037-7f2224454a0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1469"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a7515fd-46a4-48f8-9a86-5f8c666ebefa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.560997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.560997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1470"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ef400ec-9c4a-406f-a05f-80e61dcf9be2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1471"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f12ffc78-4ec9-412a-a3d2-50392431c718"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.531998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.531998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1472"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7857eac3-c02e-469d-9d01-138a7d0164ed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.249001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.579002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.579002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1473"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9413af9a-b48a-4212-b804-9451b449a070"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.077"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.077"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1474"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "acfd36f0-8512-4cc6-ac23-c491ad9a1206"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1475"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67fdd7ac-9376-4bf6-a1a7-746b5495a5ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.092999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1476"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84c9c0fc-b71f-460d-93cc-62a4e4d67e0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1477"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4f42f66-457d-4922-a6eb-9b7a8d791ca8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1478"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f95bbf7d-f39a-48c3-9912-7f7eacca0401"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.462997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1479"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b78b125c-a354-4fa3-bbd1-83ebde7d4d87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1480"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26c36cf8-84a7-4207-aa7a-a560ddd7ab54"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1481"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c47b4c0a-b3bc-40b9-82f4-fed7a10a5b35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1482"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "06eed9d6-ee2a-4be8-a62e-f92a9c085ffb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1483"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9e78188-fbbb-441f-9958-f790b27f1f65"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1484"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af599026-5d50-4303-bad1-bc964e808ade"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1485"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "008d098f-5784-4fb2-8357-7f96682d9571"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.000999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1486"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bfcaae0-3a2a-4b38-9833-d8b64dcae04b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1487"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f7ae164-41ff-403e-a724-31581fee89bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1488"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f22214f7-30e6-47c7-9106-1008efb12781"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1489"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c82f687-6856-4a57-b960-2c8ba394bbea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1490"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d07e0da1-3f25-4293-8f11-2817f1f0b710"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.355003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1491"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9524edf3-c2c2-42a9-a740-c98fb979602d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1492"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3839615c-b085-46b7-8f43-65bebc90b4d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.828003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.828003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1493"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3edc0046-e229-412f-908c-4f5cd45664e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1494"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ee8e168-7c15-4b6c-bce5-67342ad1da0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.728996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.728996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1495"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ae2996e-0a84-4435-aebe-05ad2a9c6446"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1496"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96a4ca38-d41e-4ef7-bd2c-056d573132b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1497"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c7dd0ee-06b0-4039-a38c-608224e2bd01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1498"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aee1e217-ce64-4d5d-9e90-fe10ce493149"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.138"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.138"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1499"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93a1c642-4cb2-413e-a298-a8a50c0e7987"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1500"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c214c545-7abc-4ce8-b315-f3b97fc026be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1501"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f142853-5c94-4af1-902d-3753864b67b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1502"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6d88d3d-8779-4bca-a2ae-a46ae45c99e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1503"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6059727f-9fca-4781-869b-9a5da4c9b2eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.094002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.094002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.051003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.051003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1504"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3def653a-be19-455a-a5c7-b21e22ee0e43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1505"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22c3a532-5cd7-4efb-b303-4351abdef3bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.211998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.211998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1506"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "989f26fb-1f18-4bac-b2bc-4c957026a91a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1507"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51568909-f085-4717-9772-409f5dacd365"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.083"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.083"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1508"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14592138-f97a-4e4e-a03f-3861b1a246b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1509"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c80d70ee-205f-4cae-9f53-e1acbd2cd754"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1510"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37d0640e-be09-4ff6-b284-89c63d2c3139"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.495003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.495003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1511"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5956d5a-9a6e-47cf-a0b1-a0067bff81ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1512"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "068eae13-b10d-4e19-a19f-3333ed4f018f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1513"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7201b1c8-e487-4ccb-937d-9e49c6376e7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1514"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a34b6870-be11-40d3-8b31-f1c3285927e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1515"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2c05da3-97c9-4ff7-8b00-381cc18581a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.464996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.464996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1516"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "68c8dae1-1d7f-4476-bf01-576a00f1c74d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1517"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f8c04e1-f4a0-4b0a-a59e-3f05d4aa8e9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1518"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17a72c50-1b8b-4a37-963f-7ec1bbccb1ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.364998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.364998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1519"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "697cd0e7-c05f-4f11-9699-9757ced40b62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1520"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d12e33cf-cedc-43eb-9c5e-eaa0e524db6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1521"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb2b8dc9-6b5f-4fd3-bbd6-4634952d62c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1522"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de57d27b-1ea8-403f-9fe8-ed8ad2dc5663"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1523"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70a08f13-489f-4c42-a472-59a657908dd2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.241997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.241997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1524"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96b552ea-d69f-4c96-872c-e9178b76ccd8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1525"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f5ebc16e-2668-46f0-9bef-1b7e5d647296"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1526"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e652b082-e6db-4fa4-8105-fd5d1be7dd46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1527"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "346c5f55-8e22-4339-b21e-e409fa0fac99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1528"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91f097db-1de3-4be5-ba19-0e679f283f6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.063"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.063"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1529"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d10c8890-543d-48c3-a09c-c469f183a75b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.064999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.406998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.406998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1530"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b149d049-bb71-4cd3-bbbb-85cdaf3360da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1531"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4212d49b-5d54-4828-bdbc-dd7b5ae6b74e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1532"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15549406-b9d2-413c-8c39-f7b4405ed6df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1533"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f57d82b-902e-4ef0-a142-1a30de69e075"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.063"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.063"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1534"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8032af2a-fc8d-4d8b-818f-9a1abfde6a18"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.158997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.158997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1535"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c85226a7-8da9-40b4-8388-05bf6ee44e8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.162003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1536"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "988b882f-fee1-4c3b-a87c-a59f51750a5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1537"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbb28d08-d449-4aed-a194-06e180e7477a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.995998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.995998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.022003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1538"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14e1dd32-3854-45f7-947b-57cf7d59706e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1539"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11eaa480-f265-4b73-a5a0-644660155fdb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1540"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6478f45f-2610-41a3-89be-2cb19c2a0436"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1541"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8b0b782-2c11-4e69-87f5-70784e0b4755"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.556"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1542"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bece63de-32a7-4997-af34-d51ad47d3289"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.934998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.934998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1543"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "255e7e80-7b55-4253-b927-e0fc14952571"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1544"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3df6dd31-446c-49d5-bbf6-a381fb11d412"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.133003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.133003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1545"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c513045-85aa-4f6d-a109-b817c12857c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1546"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d156f1a-cafd-437c-93df-3e727264be21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.171997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1547"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f17092ab-8ff2-459c-8b23-823ce3899287"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1548"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6546b14-421c-410c-9eb0-843a2ae4d9c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1549"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4df3d679-75da-4f80-acd4-130155e6729c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1550"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "383b2808-9396-4d0b-afda-562f63587817"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1551"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b2c3f67-b8c4-431b-97e7-77fa2283b584"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.989998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.989998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1552"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14dd0d38-22b2-4e09-90d8-ac80890f6cc0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.910004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.910004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1553"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72643e0c-b099-4974-8651-976c0d19b3e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.866997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.866997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1554"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc4bb5d5-38f9-44b4-9027-f053b7616305"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.913002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.913002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1555"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd7babf1-6c7a-4ba6-a8ac-babe08a7a6eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.896004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.896004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1556"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13cbe287-568d-4d36-821c-4b3754c84683"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1557"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "338df107-7f27-48e1-9b9f-5d1c7d2f02d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1558"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c880d12-3a10-4038-92e4-5a867382627e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.049004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.049004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1559"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bad5be8d-6961-49e2-b5ec-4f1c7b9c6df1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1560"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1371ee24-e222-499e-adb1-159d9da43708"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.448997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.448997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1561"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b4678a04-69b3-4331-b375-abfaa7a68833"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1562"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dab09b1f-19da-4107-9187-3f51cbc3c873"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.867996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.867996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1563"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b375b165-1537-4e93-80bd-c8f6f9b5aa72"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1564"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c3384eb-3eb4-4848-8d7d-2db551464b52"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.754997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.754997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1565"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3748b54-2ebf-4222-91ba-7f1c1c46521e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1566"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43c90c3c-8677-4fb6-88d4-8c5fa73343d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.368"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.368"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.700996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.700996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1567"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aa7306f9-3df0-47c1-8ef5-e5ca621adae6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.482002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1568"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "173b2cef-cb1b-45ea-a3d0-33985ecb1364"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.413002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.413002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1569"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1367dcc3-19fe-4d66-a1cd-c8a29c7c0200"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1570"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73d4c6d9-9e23-4da7-b2e6-4e9bb0a4e79a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1571"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70f3462f-1fff-4363-9244-272ce575de01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1572"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a0acc7b-d192-4122-9ce5-48ffff7908b0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.354"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1573"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84e65305-04b7-483d-adbe-8da5eb602688"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.268997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.268997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1574"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f301cc5-523b-4f7d-be19-a63152b9e141"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1575"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17ae1ae4-f59c-4ac4-82b6-82d598fa1c58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.088997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.088997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1576"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9da6ef65-70c3-41b2-9d60-b2934494faf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.063004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1577"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6362384e-ee76-4c8f-b3e0-e67497f9547a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.197998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.197998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1578"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e45a8612-c5db-45d2-90d2-5edb72f9ca01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.148003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1579"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd694389-e8d2-4ae6-85ed-37baffba3b87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.119003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.119003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1580"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da67266f-7c99-4ad5-8c08-96993dc4234c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1581"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6287ead2-4137-479f-aea8-a0778d9a3e24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1582"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "521cfa78-2544-47af-b680-cffa5d2b73b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.627998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1583"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3310c9c-79d4-4a59-9cf3-99446cba0a3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.386002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1584"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b4165eb1-1a21-4597-8f9d-2e507db627e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1585"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "60a5318c-dca6-4dd0-8b57-55518907d8c7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1586"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8c8a0ff-5bf9-48e2-84e0-149ad488ae20"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1587"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c4298a0-4959-4207-b963-7d21de127d9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.125"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.125"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1588"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8aaa733-a797-4dac-be04-5537a978c590"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.114998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.114998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1589"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2dbd54ee-b8eb-457a-bc7b-99ed61c33fb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.357002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.357002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1590"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbf805f8-e916-48d1-985c-dd6ec31a09f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.045998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1591"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29472429-d847-43c4-993f-905ab894d5d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1592"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f2bc20a-d954-4ac9-b32e-bf2c24ca804a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.200996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.200996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1593"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2e4d152-f2f4-48f7-b9f7-78bf09fc9e9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.225998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1594"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "749b8310-57b1-452f-84b1-3fb6858c0e5e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1595"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b611b7b9-4ed6-44ee-9cc2-091781d52b05"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.505997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1596"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3dcf87b-63c1-43d1-83e1-ba351450d5f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.464996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.464996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1597"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ef850b6-eb92-4b60-bc4b-86b64f4ca911"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1598"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e44d817-bb89-4563-8fc2-1401124cefb2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.399002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.399002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1599"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2073af3-f105-404f-b8bf-d1b347610482"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1600"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "922977d9-a34c-4bc9-9ef6-94f422e0a471"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.142998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.142998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1601"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "456eafdb-9a0e-4aba-bca7-1d97cc439d5e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.129997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.129997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1602"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ae885f7-22b4-483e-a495-dfd515bfcd6e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.477997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1603"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bc960d3-b944-451e-b590-5571f3487577"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1604"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6750f81-841d-45c5-9824-219b308bba0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1605"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb9ea11a-0803-4e47-bf5b-f3624bd5b835"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1606"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "674d5337-d6c2-44e4-9dd4-c8486972d49d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.341003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.341003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1607"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0dff96a-7a9c-4fc4-8b98-adb812674601"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.263"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1608"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e28d6d8e-f020-4523-b6a0-9ff02afd451c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1609"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed2211f4-7223-44d0-bcbf-f32a3b3e92f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1610"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "baefbef0-a62a-4068-86e4-672b53915b39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.161003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1611"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2a6121b4-3458-4719-aa5f-f2c3fa6883a3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.09"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.09"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1612"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e50f55a6-c0df-46bf-a10c-26a47c5309e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.271999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1613"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84221b92-e2ef-4b2e-93ee-ea2f9cd7af76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.145"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.492996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.492996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1614"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55869f84-44e5-4091-801b-1aae681ef196"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.033001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.033001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.426003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.426003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1615"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7f78af6-fe85-4737-ad84-53d854cf50ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.960999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.960999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1616"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c186b43c-38ca-4801-ba3e-812229458934"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1617"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6b6ea0e-666e-4b90-b8cb-6e74d4986e01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.565002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.565002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1618"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eed8f538-9113-4486-814b-53cb8b2948fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.607002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.607002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1619"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1c995bff-c63d-4cc7-ac6b-f1da6551e27c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1620"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "268bc4e2-c13a-480c-903c-2adfd1ff1596"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.52"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.52"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.603996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.603996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1621"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "890398cf-da12-40b7-9ad3-cc726d3f96fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1622"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5818d068-6e77-407c-a2aa-6fd694dfad42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.497002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1623"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "949087b8-c430-44b8-a3f4-30798bb4860a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1624"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "201f7dcc-691b-429d-a6b0-152b075be235"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1625"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b62de6a0-3f61-4de2-9ad5-2d8165f28376"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1626"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "381d9a79-ab66-459e-ae58-0663cbda837a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1627"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13039207-4dc5-4a62-9b04-5d9a82e63383"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1628"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef712c6d-0f37-41ed-8d7c-322c4976284b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1629"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d319b9b-3ce2-4c5e-89f0-350b52cf15f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1630"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ab0f767-60b0-4e3e-9417-958fa7886834"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.597"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.597"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1631"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c2b81f8-0723-4445-baab-f9385298f8b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.327003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.327003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1632"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b0e54a7-034e-4da0-bd7a-9c91f6b454c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.676003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.676003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1633"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eea2c73a-66c9-4465-a431-8290cb455667"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1634"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aedace94-27e7-480e-a0eb-91285c50701b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1635"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "832b14e0-d2a0-4319-9ea2-b873a9a037f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.619003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.619003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1636"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cab88214-3ab8-4cac-8333-45642e691672"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1637"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52f4607e-79d4-4f1a-8d6e-a7374e7b755e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.067001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1638"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f26b8d1a-3237-405b-9123-cf1565c21427"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.467003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1639"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16d0f5ed-2e9f-404b-899d-f40c6e30bfc6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.299004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.299004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1640"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a166287-d74e-4d8a-88c6-b5f4ff4f1987"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.241997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.241997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1641"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1bfd82bc-223b-4680-afbe-8c85fe376531"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1642"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "951fb01c-71de-4afd-8c30-881150f4ec69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.828999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1643"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5f703a3-f45a-4ba9-a744-01a8021bfb70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.481003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1644"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "327db141-9af3-43cb-9465-8cb8056cf52c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1645"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6ba6163-f67a-4ff3-9690-823c1c90e1c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1646"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "35397a92-ce44-48d0-a8d8-3b153edbb421"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1647"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9dd1c03-dfd4-49c1-bdde-9397db651efa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1648"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8455d71c-eda1-4424-a968-3e72e9453d22"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.757004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.757004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1649"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c71c4e19-06f9-4ce8-abf6-e343b1cbc219"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.658997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.658997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1650"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6beeb10-8713-4413-8c63-2cbf0d5704f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1651"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d520514-5606-4eaa-9506-4e98cd74bf47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1652"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8ba7a05-659c-4a42-b0a4-6bbd6c79f11f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1653"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0db718f-af45-403c-9fb5-5a4dfa900174"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.404999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1654"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13910216-51cf-4e3d-a681-76298331e09c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1655"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca65f562-5968-456e-a48e-59b2e9d17fa7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1656"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73101462-3be5-4181-8bea-a949224ebb81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.217003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1657"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e3f621b-1738-41f6-b223-5a91677333db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.597"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.597"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1658"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a474b95d-9af8-4ccf-b4a5-be900b9bbfd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1659"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab9190ec-f71f-40f3-b58b-82f08d486528"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.479"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.479"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1660"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5764e4b1-fa85-4971-a96d-9692d945df35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1661"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe520c14-2b2e-41fd-9107-ad5f328c5d19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.527"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.569"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.569"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1662"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a034790-b0e4-4af4-9d49-379a0a9dffe3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1663"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26a47fcd-b499-4d77-9779-e573a7dba012"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1664"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e838883a-2013-476a-94aa-1218f70e14fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1665"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69bc2b29-749c-4f28-b30f-8b1da78fc315"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1666"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed0c9b38-f634-445c-9006-1c4aceebe7e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1667"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8a43d98-9cf1-4ab4-944f-479cfa5dbe0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1668"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63ede643-4bdc-4576-8e1b-c67f249361d6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1669"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ed1e4aa-e127-4852-bef8-5c25db034992"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1670"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79754e46-f9a8-4136-acef-3e8e369e923e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1671"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd23c6de-4ebf-4e59-9360-05398c540655"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1672"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98b28a3f-2055-4f2e-bf79-270e1b7dd792"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.287003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.287003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1673"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "182835b9-7b09-491a-a523-3d119b84df58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.605"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.605"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1674"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c92f3420-457e-46d7-bbab-5138273cc473"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1675"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c688c00-9842-41b7-bf1d-4b7531917acb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.478996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.478996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1676"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4ecdb15-cf87-423b-9223-a67365a1b8ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.315002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1677"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "453f4111-ac0d-4b2a-a554-633f57c945ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1678"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6afd230-aa71-4860-aea7-2274682b04e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1679"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfe31a3b-8d20-4a1f-b0c7-c1c23c4e0467"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.342003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.342003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1680"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d509d00-cadd-425f-90a3-79ff1889bfa2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1681"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e4e7cf4-da6c-4173-bd74-044613ed39ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.352997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.352997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1682"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b5d2308-c738-446d-a818-2c1e10184619"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.257004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.257004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1683"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "caf73372-293c-4101-ae58-36bb52743494"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.146004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.146004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1684"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56b8353a-cf72-4f59-96c5-33e467e6ae5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1685"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0f2f0c3-8c92-4695-b316-346bb2db5116"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1686"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ef26ffa-9357-4824-8e0e-8acc1c9df17e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.243"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.243"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1687"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "364c7a38-533b-48bf-b0d3-665bc97df763"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1688"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43b5f4a1-4bea-461b-9e41-ad9abba443fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1689"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8bb2aa4c-78a3-426b-8f83-0918776d804e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1690"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f620e0ff-2843-4c6c-8e76-e8eda0678acc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1691"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "271e3a1a-c21b-4e95-90e2-8e4370e9c08c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.402"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.402"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1692"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2473908e-004d-44f6-85e7-3093ac69e195"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1693"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c951b5b-72f2-4ab9-8617-bfe8b8aab105"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1694"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "001ced0b-3b26-45c1-866d-2560f56ba387"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1695"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b8172a5-c566-4786-b57a-3ec97250958e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1696"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5739714-12ec-4e55-9b04-e848892883d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1697"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea8571b5-f903-4ebe-99e6-dc8061e18243"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1698"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4947f82b-8c20-4a35-9fbf-c58e3c0bf434"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1699"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1ec8d8a-60be-4898-bbbf-348ad82ad4a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.135002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.135002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1700"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c744936-f324-4dd9-b4a4-b50fc263d55b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.005997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.005997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1701"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9982622b-d36c-4aa8-95dc-f5c7124871c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.371002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.371002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1702"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ade18341-42c5-4a1a-bd2f-e1f7e0539ce9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1703"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92afd98e-271f-430a-97fa-2d9fd05aacef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1704"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f0e7d8e-a5d6-4c2f-8283-a450d12860a1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1705"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3c4a404-8f47-4791-b62d-d5eb8ee152e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1706"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b4170e6-6334-43c7-8403-961c8fc72371"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1707"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d15c0e1-f635-4431-8d2c-b3fa47c7def5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1708"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef361dba-df34-4b44-8939-7a1ba1c00d20"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.23"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.23"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1709"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "076370d6-2133-4aab-a2a6-689cfbe7081e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1710"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "973325d1-27e2-4fd0-8b3b-d194947d6a34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.953999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1711"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77707b9e-5c0b-4499-86cf-c90ecd93bf1e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1712"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "849fd062-276b-47ff-8c32-69825a65a6b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.993"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.993"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1713"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e59e385b-5517-4ccf-acfc-5ebc718145a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1714"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b262fc9d-7e5e-4259-aae4-451763bb0c61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1715"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1cf78e2b-ac74-497a-8465-ccb034456396"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.508003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.508003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1716"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce7e8603-1387-44ff-bf75-6f48ada8bf33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1717"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3779a69c-9ac2-439d-ae8e-504822fefd0b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.746002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.746002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1718"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e6f3e87-ae3e-444e-a33e-82910d2efa87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.339996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.339996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1719"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e61b868-ed64-440d-979c-d407c23e6a53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1720"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72efe6af-3111-4a0b-96a0-b7f042a0f46a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1721"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04d9a1d0-eb10-48df-bb00-d75b94365670"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.670998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.670998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1722"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8799323-1a5b-4db5-9913-00ef472760f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.606003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.606003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1723"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aa6726b1-be02-4688-b574-2bbe57ab90a3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.158001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1724"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd2d0dd9-8269-4054-abac-86a961125b9c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1725"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e451321-2979-40ac-ba8c-c91310b28deb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1726"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e82b64e0-746c-4d4c-b291-fbce3f0408fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.18"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.18"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1727"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a0f217da-9899-4cf7-83aa-1743520776ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.731003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.731003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1728"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93a77c44-7c98-4038-9686-5b3f2d28845e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1729"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "133e5e49-a9cd-4509-a77c-3a8e137db31c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.796997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.796997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1730"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b4270f2-27de-4e66-a14e-df4953d5d1bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.397003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1731"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0e4aa25-45f5-414c-b269-3a7f078ea5b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1732"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1be2ecfb-1eb9-4f9d-b9fc-2820145a5ff9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.162998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.162998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1733"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "60bc52e8-3d29-4fc6-8336-33f3d4603624"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1734"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e48e7b5-a236-4399-906a-de981006b664"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.959999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1735"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2dd6c828-6dd5-41f6-ae67-811a3185d987"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1736"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18d63d5d-beaf-4e3a-aad2-ca2b53430160"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1737"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "06bef8ba-5584-4d5e-b368-c980da88d18a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.649002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.649002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1738"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c60cae7-d505-4ca7-823a-978bd3639d29"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1739"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9db742dc-211c-4f56-a735-5c3d2b1331d6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.769997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.769997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1740"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b1ccd5e-8720-4275-968a-a278ece9fb82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1741"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d0202b3-3c13-4579-9603-5631a6ab4dec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.788002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.788002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1742"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddb4324b-f3cc-4004-a787-03482ce38a15"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.589996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.589996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1743"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9540ea0-e01c-47d9-8b31-529df0a7252c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.169998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.592003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.592003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1744"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ab9df54-27af-4018-abe7-47d6249a27ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.649002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.649002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1745"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e15f500b-e6c2-4a47-b020-8729362979c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.774002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.774002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1746"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55b92f24-4be4-4476-bf9b-5aab419d4a45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1747"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfc09917-e005-4f0e-afc1-63b95402984d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.480003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1748"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6927addc-3877-481b-bd84-952fd9387890"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.453003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.453003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1749"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e440b725-a933-49ac-bdbc-7154f9a43350"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1750"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f3e7edf-75ac-43e9-9aeb-7ae741a7b84b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.490997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.490997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1751"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49c1a016-2463-4034-b96c-b9a7334c9699"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.782997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.782997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1752"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4df05979-0f72-4d8e-b07f-b79cec2b6d03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.325996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1753"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33d6d0f7-2eda-439a-acc8-210a68b0603c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.378998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.378998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1754"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a01771a7-8dd5-4869-abfb-73ce0d1becfb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.797997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1755"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f0352af-48b1-48bd-a6bb-75c693404c48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1756"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45b077b9-6fde-410c-9195-5c8b30ae234f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1757"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fd2fba6-3d1b-4241-aa70-97c397a8e580"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.754997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.754997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1758"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2a9a9c7-6e20-4b40-a25f-687d6cb832d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.786003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.786003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1759"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "557bfef6-0691-4d8a-96fb-6a4ac2a3d36e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1760"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e485e88-74d0-4924-b7aa-efff7851bdbd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1761"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3bb14b1-46a2-47ce-aa7c-773c8fc228de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.536003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1762"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e82230fd-0230-4b98-a5a9-8467c97f347c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1763"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d96c0ff-90ad-42bd-a62a-0e475d5a9d62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.510002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1764"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d5772ef-fa7d-4e53-a064-113ea68971b6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1765"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08c70417-fa23-4e79-91bb-cd4d3ac94c07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.966999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.550003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.550003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1766"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34510695-db42-49ea-95af-4f19964deea8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1767"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "570466b6-36ff-44a8-b255-5b011ed36c93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.837997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.837997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1768"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10641267-ea0f-4255-befe-f4bbbc5c37f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1769"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f9501e0-15ac-48a5-8187-b2ce72cc7fd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1770"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0dc76ab7-2bd4-466c-a684-72e1362e5c47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.552002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.552002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1771"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "728db654-5d97-49a3-b058-3ba978711375"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.496002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.496002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1772"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5508ef53-6237-4091-b5c3-91b5a867de73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1773"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef734eae-1814-4185-aeb2-f78436bfe082"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1774"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34245542-cc3f-4c25-8db4-868336e33480"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.478996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.478996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1775"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89e2842d-0e04-44e9-8dd0-be76f68363df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1776"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "062e96a1-8178-453b-8f08-afac5baea078"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1777"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a11e69bf-18af-4e22-8bf2-610164611721"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.489998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.489998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1778"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37c4635b-d121-4ce8-9eda-8d7fd5461581"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.353996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1779"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc0b81e4-1462-489a-aed7-939e086db294"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.856003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.856003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1780"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ccea139-1e1a-4920-baa8-d4c3c5971ed1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.697998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1781"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b85fa1a-bb38-47bd-81a5-df230832ff4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.382004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.382004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1782"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b07ce630-fa7b-4e6a-9140-6c1e9bc37e85"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1783"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6999c5d2-0ede-4dd2-b2f7-67b61c659d1f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1784"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63277c4c-0cb2-43e1-825f-88b7f96838e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.007"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.007"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1785"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c812cf4d-1416-4122-8724-67bbdebe6306"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1786"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f78ac18-a49b-44b6-a065-4fda7c841c87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.159"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.159"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1787"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad13ef53-38c6-4d7d-89c0-35d3674b1482"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.170998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1788"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67780dd4-0981-4f5a-a7df-6ee2afe9005a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1789"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "457276bd-a055-47f8-b47a-7cdf2167e99a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.415001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1790"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d58a5f46-084a-4dde-a20d-ff229048d16d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.727997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.727997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1791"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7b5f0b8-079e-4821-9926-d7074951e0bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.621002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.621002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1792"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d9a6f93-e6b0-40e4-be62-94f59a48d432"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1793"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "564d1286-88d5-48f4-a161-5c1715d91de6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1794"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1cee8e09-7c54-4115-b33f-3ca198ee83d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1795"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c87392e8-8daf-4941-8eeb-0eaa577e0691"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.012001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.012001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1796"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a0a59d3-bba8-4a8a-94cb-75180c20a624"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1797"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e6887e8-92ad-4312-ba40-9959974e4ef2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.586998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.586998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1798"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e65e8476-6729-4618-bdc1-6cf14009d432"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1799"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f49ad497-ce2f-4396-acb1-25d1ab44f879"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1800"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f614aa7-4f29-44b6-b426-bbccb80d47f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1801"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90459d90-38fd-43b4-bc74-7aebd7ee05d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.499001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1802"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd5e5874-9b48-4de9-aaff-dc059f1ec3af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.494003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1803"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8bc414bf-9b26-4cd1-922a-7b0876c83bf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.159"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.159"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1804"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f31886aa-293e-4aec-9840-a6920c805869"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1805"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e4397c9-5fbb-4a29-b972-ecaaebb7ac02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.063"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.063"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.739998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.739998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1806"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d0b091da-e3d6-4ba8-866d-8148e02a084e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.689003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.689003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1807"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "495e7ccc-cb83-4fb2-87da-5ddd4b7bfa40"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1808"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0116d864-7447-4df5-a71a-e5c5fa04995b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1809"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd9b3524-c4fd-4cf7-b668-8522260349f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1810"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5bb2c76f-2692-4102-94f4-4d64d29c51ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.174"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.174"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.281998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.281998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1811"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d58146b-8b31-407b-8990-7c5ccf95f1d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.241001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.241001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.337997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.337997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1812"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf362846-5f23-46b8-9fd4-3adc7c1797b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.614998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.614998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1813"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f25364aa-dd52-406e-89e8-a2c6b5441374"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.600998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.600998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1814"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b91ee9b-a0db-4ae0-9f10-44972dc3db95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1815"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "528c86f5-8908-4db1-8b2f-198f75a3aabf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.157001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1816"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a06ef851-68c2-4073-84f6-c097dbf5445c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1817"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c63ac1c5-8824-4529-bd4c-d02743a76e41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.071999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1818"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5971ddc-90f6-43b1-99e8-13994710ddc4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1819"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47f90fa9-e651-4fab-8768-3d71cd4fdd41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1820"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b54d39a9-982d-44ae-b685-af0212b6b351"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1821"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4563e7f8-ccb4-4230-bb1d-48b99e478666"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1822"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b7fd8b4-8e99-4ddc-aa76-80f841c2d3f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.744003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.744003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1823"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13a2b1b3-8842-4515-a880-98477b148ea7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.869003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.869003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1824"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "526418f5-aec6-47c0-abf4-6b26b40c808e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1825"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bf92932b-c5ba-41a5-b053-d8399f707bfc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.563004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.563004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1826"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0938b63c-99fe-433f-ab2f-71043c9b1c4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.718002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.718002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1827"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db522459-2c7b-4703-99c2-92fabbecdab2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.242001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.242001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1828"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "174bc315-7d21-485b-aafc-fb35301ea242"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.471001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1829"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf77fcc0-6e09-4b0b-9c47-022f9dcbc2ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.439003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.439003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1830"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d98a16e5-6b9d-4972-a3ff-40205f029129"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1831"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27cb2600-9757-4e84-b2b1-8ef4095bf68d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1832"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78c81a92-1c7b-46c6-9680-52678aa027f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.586998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.586998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1833"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a883b5c-83ac-49c8-bb02-9df5053b2fb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1834"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52bf748b-d82e-4a9b-bc92-a4be5a5a499c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.958"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.958"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.643997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1835"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0101ff72-362d-4f48-88f4-9ae3424584e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.727997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.727997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1836"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cba3f9e0-77f8-486b-a8c5-02ff889cd01d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.605003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.605003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1837"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f9108c8-b1b6-4c32-8371-ef7f7af0b8ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1838"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "202467aa-eb50-4491-b2fa-a50690283cda"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1839"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12ea7f06-569e-4800-9826-2c40d188cbf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.875999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.875999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.771004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1840"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8d9cece-b60a-4f6c-ba2d-8b3998d83858"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.889999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.889999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1841"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca27f629-8a5b-439b-95a2-cc26f58b4e76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1842"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "091e8664-034a-4e54-b8ab-123dbb2e3c97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1843"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f0d35695-247a-4f0a-bd07-a94f42a70c39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.035"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.035"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1844"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0cf3129a-2b3b-4cae-ae36-247c3bd23e96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1845"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bad10858-fcd3-4edb-b631-7d39ce06e827"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.229"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.229"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1846"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1fd42e54-e7ee-4f58-813e-9088f149ca1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1847"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c03a1e-f3d7-44c3-a1c0-c3761d0688de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.572998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.572998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1848"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c2ed5ac-5787-42a8-9d5a-e290742804a1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1849"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "212ce5f7-5db3-47ec-968c-4e83e6199779"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.021"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.021"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1850"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "60076737-0b58-4359-b36c-8af09aad2609"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1851"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfb430bf-a10a-4803-8e34-03c2716c70bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1852"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f9b6f6a-b827-44c2-942b-23e490deeb9d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.880997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.880997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1853"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51eeafae-9420-4f2b-921a-3bd2b9ad4a74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.810997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.810997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1854"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b416169-b4b7-4b97-9b2a-fe5a28dba82d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.868999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.868999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.717003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.717003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1855"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1ccef39-4261-47c5-bb49-06485667cd8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.730003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.730003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1856"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbd7157b-d0bd-4df8-bd1e-7d9db3557044"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1857"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d81d861-21c6-4da8-aed5-ef87b451e57f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.554001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1858"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "807e7e2b-08ff-4bd5-b7a8-2ce596bdcfe0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.138"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.138"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1859"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4c06deb-0bae-4048-a290-ed7d0d3669c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1860"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45080aaa-d4ab-4c81-9a9e-8c7502c594da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.213997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.213997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1861"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9082c82-7d4b-4018-8b95-47e46287977f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1862"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e33fcf5-8cfa-431d-8494-644b7ac4a4aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1863"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92bfea14-13ed-4b20-bdc0-87c0323aee71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1864"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f7c21e7-8a25-40a1-bb25-f6b9feee366d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1865"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6d94fbf-5f34-4719-bfe2-0db23a3d40b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.018002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.018002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1866"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d9f99ca-2122-4f42-add4-284589270b2f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1867"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddfc557a-43ec-400a-9d21-e914543b6583"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1868"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3003784-b659-45fe-8a33-ded41399604d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1869"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e783e23-4e0d-4f22-ab7a-f434242bf775"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1870"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dba0ef0b-2746-4dcd-bf14-6a4af859ac39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.089001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1871"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a6d1a90b-64c7-4df7-9449-175ec39f70f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1872"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d318280c-7d12-4f18-9bbd-474549276176"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1873"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ff90ed0-9b5f-4feb-8788-0f19e1b0df1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1874"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0c50298-fa53-473e-ba18-8c5fdbc3d4a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1875"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d42c370-346c-4c75-aacc-afde66b78c53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1876"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f8ea073-893f-4e08-adbf-cf2110ebf74b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1877"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b09e761-db8b-4bc6-8fda-7e14908b5bcf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1878"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "108a98d3-a7bb-4f4d-a131-f5b78eb208fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1879"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d944d93-bab7-4709-b9eb-f84a8c0f0325"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1880"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1c2df33-90bc-4b07-9c36-b5d7b529bd62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1881"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a8a0361-dd9c-4df1-b24e-bdbadaaf4e78"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Campagna C., R. Werner, W. Karesh, M. R. Marin, F. Koontz, R. Cook and C. Knootz. 2001. Movements and location at sea of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Journal of Zoology, London 257:205-220"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Lewis, Mirtha"^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.155663"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.155663"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.129158"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.129158"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1931"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "640"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78d7ee0b-3661-4da6-8c32-6fe77200cc56"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.155663"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.155663"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.129158"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.129158"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1932"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9e95d29-70c8-414f-a516-a0711d5952de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta de Los Loros"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1933"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8676c05d-f4c3-492b-b6c7-ec73c97b9fd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.426388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.426388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.042503"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.042503"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Lobos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1934"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "320"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f0e528e7-0a01-4125-82ab-1174f8938049"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Quiroga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1935"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "250"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf33e900-0bba-40d5-86da-04c5394f03a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Quiroga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1936"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "420"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8fd10037-ac97-4b7e-912a-9cf90e625d0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Logaritmo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1937"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23a1d2da-27ed-4c09-9322-f3520c68055f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Cono"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1938"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10da816a-59a3-4b67-b645-73364f8d065d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1939"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2351"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "40ba3a84-0b0a-4d83-ae42-d2ac6f513e77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1940"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1004"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a4ab9ab-67b4-4d91-8b3a-fddf6b20b21a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.366669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1941"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2064"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8999313-382f-4a03-b53e-b969c4fd2257"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ensenada Medina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1942"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "406"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51ea7a69-c9ba-4317-a2f8-9e7a676df070"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ensenada Medina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1943"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "371"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c121c27c-3fa0-4d79-9c80-1d9b3b6769d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.067657"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.801121"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ensenada Medina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1944"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "367"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09bc8589-1bba-46d2-a58c-f53c898006a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Faro Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1945"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1093"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b02e8f19-f5f1-430b-8685-0a2efd69482f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Faro Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1946"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "778"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3bbd900c-78dc-4cff-88c0-e6617813ef7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.751804"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Faro Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1947"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "924"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6de3b5b4-d226-46ff-86c6-b56260c31ffb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1948"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "901"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5abdf134-5789-4027-aaec-e4165b073c41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1949"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "762"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "020f54de-16e1-471d-aef3-964289ec40ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1950"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "929"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08517787-8b8a-4fb4-9908-53eb93f1b94b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Hercules"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1951"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "192"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d88407f6-642f-49cb-80b1-fe55963f9c62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delgada"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1952"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "600"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f04e0eee-ca16-4d45-8800-1870976185d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delgada"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1953"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "850"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac9b1f8d-23a8-41c6-95f2-9183450b7051"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Morro Nuevo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1954"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "390"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c167e56f-7689-4ae3-8a26-57069d60844b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Morro Nuevo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1955"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "820"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00d713ac-061d-4acc-b2c1-33f993e05e7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Alt"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1956"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4219008-9da6-4be0-8070-472d26b321fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Piramide"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1957"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "962"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21501808-200c-408e-a950-0fdfe3cf6bf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Piramide"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1958"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1137"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bcd2c7fd-61b3-44ee-ac1f-a5963dfe6eac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Piramide"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1959"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1099"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56c2b748-0357-4361-9256-6b79599c7fee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Ameghino"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1960"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45b510c4-9306-4216-b993-603328318646"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Loma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1961"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b1d7876-39ef-45aa-b0bc-0dec74ef0159"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Loma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1962"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "250"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "822ba0ee-6518-4e99-8b69-ac5dd6952c89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Conscripto"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1963"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "569c0ef2-35dc-4598-a66a-2ab664ba25e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.883335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Conscripto"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1964"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "170"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "839854b5-aae7-4bec-82de-280e99ea0279"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Leon"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1965"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1829"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d0824c7-6b65-4cbc-8921-8e1b58596360"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.065525"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.065525"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466154"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466154"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Leon"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1966"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1725"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9db1288b-9445-4ca1-bcc8-7821d2a0b928"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Leon"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1967"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1533"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54bb50c9-ba31-4a84-9a33-2769b407be7e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "LEWIS M. y I. XIMENEZ. 1983. Dinmica de la poblacin de Otaria flavescens en el rea de Pennsula Valds y Zonas Adyacentes. Contribucin Nro. 79. Centro Nacional Patagnico. Argentina. 21pp"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism . a dwc:Taxon ; dwc:class "Mammalia"^^xsd:string ; dwc:family "Otariidae"^^xsd:string ; dwc:genus "Arctocephalus"^^xsd:string ; dwc:kingdom "Animal"^^xsd:string ; dwc:order "Carnivora"^^xsd:string ; dwc:phylum "Chordata"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificName "Arctocephalus australis"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificNameID "http://eol.org/pages/328623"^^xsd:string ; dwc:specificEpithet "australis"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Arctocephalus australis"@en . bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated . a foaf:Organization ; rdfs:label "ANS.INST.PAT"@en . dwc:institutionCode . bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Torres and Vargas (1976)"^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Lucha"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1968"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "10200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d0f635f-29b8-4ea6-9c8e-b2475d3380bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Juan Largo (or \"Piedra Juan\")"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1969"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "3750"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03a8db59-ae97-4e66-b383-816544e731c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Conejo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1970"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "365"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "921425a2-3339-4eac-8fdf-776ed90a1ff1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Pierre (or \"Roca Partida\")"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1971"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "250"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e11a7492-6de0-402b-9df2-6544845efdfb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Pierre (or \"Roca Partida\")"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1972"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "8400"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3ffca46-de6d-4a10-b0ab-5b6f6216defc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Inocentes"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1973"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "372"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15dd1d64-3e13-4297-8ff3-2a04dd1e90b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.166668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.166668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Duncan"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1974"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "12850"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1765df94-0207-4988-bb87-44b39361c76f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Ultima Esperanza"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1975"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67f3f0d1-8a4a-407e-a4fb-b156d990a93f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote W de Virtudes 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1976"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "700"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1b14a91-daf5-4624-9233-f60bc92728f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote W de Virtudes 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1977"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "600"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "adcc05f4-3179-40c2-8ae1-ce2dc25785d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.033333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote W de Virtudes 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1978"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "526742b9-2fe2-48a6-aeda-0f10f41d529d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Diego de Almagro (SE)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1979"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2350"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34259b47-ca54-49ad-87bb-113abffd9f86"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Jorge (Islet opposit to Isla Diego de Almagro)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1980"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "450"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c22720e-c125-4a53-b357-0c86e5e426bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Jorge (Islet opposit to Isla Diego de Almagro)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1981"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10b86cb5-a297-4415-84ea-d08e3b336c1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.158333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.158333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.949997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Piedra Vil"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1982"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "256"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78c723f9-6d93-4e8c-8955-550e251342b0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.266666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.266666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Victoria 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1983"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "199"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3f9e4d8-4b6a-467b-8df5-79d1f188202f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.266666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.266666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.883331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Victoria 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1984"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "79"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ad294d8-c06a-4179-9ea8-72382c761f7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.666664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.666664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Agnes"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1985"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "300"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3199961e-6bcb-497b-838a-1f477d2d8205"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "differents sources"^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.133331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.133331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pennsula Singular"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1986"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "40"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c2957d97-8e56-480d-a6fb-e296ca2a9fe8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.533333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.533333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Rocas Cotopaxi"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1987"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "8000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3581db31-0e2d-493b-bfcc-594c68f9fd03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.916664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.916664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Brazo del Norte"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1988"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a9c16d4-85be-4f31-ba14-e98cfc520d87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Rugga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1989"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94ea1ec5-10a5-49a4-8346-efe57385206c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Baha Andrs"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1990"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "60"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "965242e0-5f8e-453d-a240-f3399fa7f340"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.666668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.666668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote al W de Duque York (West Cliff)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1991"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "80"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e104f26c-158a-4c7b-bdd9-3f346704c010"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.666668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.666668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.533333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.533333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Estero Calvo (seno Asia)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1992"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4854f4b0-6422-4550-aa29-a9cf6fb8725b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.916668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.916668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.633331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.633331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Hannover"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1993"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "60"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a998584c-0c2e-4e8f-a6a6-22b206467d36"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.383335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.383335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islotes Evangelistas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1994"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "10000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5737aed-a372-4a1a-b122-7afc80712296"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-70.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-70.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Marta"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1995"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43eee722-1c55-4d9b-8c63-a38c89ee1b67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-70.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-70.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Marta"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1996"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0310439d-7367-4229-bed3-2a8b167cd480"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1997"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5325893f-2e50-43b9-b415-90689bbfdd90"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.116665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.116665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Golfo Xaultegua"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1998"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8384ac6-d90d-4cf3-b72c-69a48f7dd426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Recalada 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-1999"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03b744e2-57a3-494c-8a5f-e73d52196bf5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Recalada 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2000"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "140"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9423490d-29ed-4345-bd7a-127fcb064622"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Recalada 3"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2001"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ba16064-e17f-49d0-83a6-dceffae1df52"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Recalada 4"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2002"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "160"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a5a2d23-0c65-481b-b45e-f7340f3e9c2f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Wickham"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2003"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "70"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a00f7cc6-aa7f-492a-a177-3a5580ae6a73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-71.833336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-71.833336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Silva Palma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2004"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "150"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16092ae4-3920-4516-9221-de11e18b490a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Ballena"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2005"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33f4e060-a135-4c69-af5a-45713ab930be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Grafton"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2006"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "700"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c02240c6-c45d-4705-9c77-c6891aab1b28"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Noir (or \"Negra\")"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2007"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03e39a8e-4dbc-4623-a8de-c24bcf538a31"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.549999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.333336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.333336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Furias del W"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2008"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "5000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "536a63f4-49b6-4dd9-8b6d-907a1263cbe4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Furias del centro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2009"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d73eecc-c3e6-4668-8c14-d999d125f28c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Furias del E"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2010"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1fae980-0da3-41fa-a664-1440b818416c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.416664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.416664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Espaa"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2011"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6eec1385-9f81-41c4-9d78-eae1cd0848e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.933334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.933334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Gordon"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2012"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "682f16b5-7879-4689-8f3f-6b289d3a5185"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-70.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-70.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Londonderry"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2013"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "400"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac2cb631-9162-4053-beeb-bd4f4d0d8017"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Baha Helada (isla Hoste)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2014"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "70"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70d43e49-aa69-451e-90a5-85a5b94479d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Grande (isla Hoste)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2015"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "60"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ebee39a-e46c-43c0-a80b-b3689cd8a0e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.666664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.666664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W baha Windhond (isla Navarino)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2016"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f3183e7-cf6a-4861-bdb2-79dff6d6a875"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.416664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.416664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Nueva"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2017"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd774d03-68e8-49c2-ac23-e0f104e4092e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Grevy"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2018"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9cca0733-8fa8-4921-865d-0407d1b641f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.566666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.566666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Evout"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2019"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a83f849b-5792-45f3-ad25-0d428dda2f6f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.066666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Falso Cabo de Hornos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2020"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c2ded97-d214-4faa-a484-608699e1e102"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.449997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.449997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Ildefonso"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2021"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "071c2014-0470-4261-8f17-e88eac0476b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.833332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.833332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.800003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.800003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Berneverlt"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2022"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3ff97e3-2250-4b00-86ca-19ab8b500a83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.966667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Cabo de Hornos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2023"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c05a63a6-df60-46d9-8ab5-370423045f3e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Diego Ramrez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "Occurrence"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2024"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "7000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c47da86a-e6db-4431-8c0e-a0351a4e75db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J."^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Notables"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2025"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "116"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdac51f7-857d-4d34-a0b6-129ea7ab7c92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.016666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.016666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Canal Riquelme"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2026"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "29"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4412e394-ae9f-4f5d-b3e6-e9df5f264384"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Covadonga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2027"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "127"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4738505-adcd-4565-8b54-fbc62951d614"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.683734"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.683734"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Western"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2028"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "37"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac426d56-9d53-42bc-b5b0-164ceeb45def"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.683734"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.683734"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Western"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2029"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aa69e99-0689-49b2-9b8a-c6fd7f15f812"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.550003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.550003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Rompientes Strtebecker"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2030"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1879"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ed3a8e0-517a-4dbe-bd33-9dac52236921"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2031"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f00c5247-d148-4c15-b92c-9515ffefccb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2032"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1739"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b4c7d8f-317b-4ce3-b325-ca9caba5ea89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 3"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2033"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "159"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4579bc69-2348-4214-88a0-d30ac8b1a30a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 4"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2034"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1035"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11aca1c0-75b6-49d9-a36c-4c895914f6a5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 4"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2035"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "132"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82ead3e7-6fb0-4fdd-89ef-6bce4387b6d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 5"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2036"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "111"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eee031a3-f446-4ac6-a1f9-593059d76e27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.366665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Vorposten 6"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2037"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "211"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "080664a4-005c-4e65-9b3e-d5bf284f3573"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Kalau"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2038"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "178"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b52bb71a-f01f-4572-a88a-4a6dfb3a22cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.416668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Grupo Kalau"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2039"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "139"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff43f742-08c0-4d3a-8f48-65bdeef5111a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.616665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.716667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Alpen"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2040"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "21"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95f29cfc-94f4-4b09-89cc-a8dbea23574e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islotes Mason"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2041"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef9753d2-dc72-44de-b1a6-2b6ae104543f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.633335"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islotes Mason"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2042"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37316bcb-8f18-4a8b-95b6-065547efb6ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Stange 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2043"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "81"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2fa7f2d0-c9bb-4af2-bb8d-1de1c443282c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Stange 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2044"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "24"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d6f3433-4346-40b4-b815-1e232f8ca0c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Stange 3"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2045"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "45"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6edc2d90-5670-4590-af98-5cac8960e422"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Primero (islet opposite to) 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2046"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4800"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2c6ebc7-cc01-41f0-a51a-79c53ce3c350"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Primero (islet opposite to) 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2047"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c3a9be8-5e16-45ae-b8e0-6a7a691036b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.866665"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.583336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Primero (islet opposite to) 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2048"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4333a5c3-3edc-40cc-b38b-a271994670ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Rameses"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2049"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a7d7b90-b72a-4180-8a3b-6abf434019d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.933334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.933334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-75.166664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-75.166664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islas Van"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2050"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df41035b-641e-4734-8447-d448eb5e0e3c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Europa (entrance islet)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2051"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f171281e-fd4a-4ef3-ace0-38a5709adf05"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.783333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Middle (or \"del Medio\")"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2052"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "29"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a28734c-d745-4bcc-824b-10e963bea985"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.216667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.216667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Seno Europa (grieta, inside)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2053"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "5"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0e87e34-5c54-47a3-9aee-7951eee3e580"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.566666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.566666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Infernet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2054"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1600"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b47fa25-d0d8-481f-8dfe-ebabe8a668c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2055"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e5f268e-3223-4c3e-901d-e852e2a7ba53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 3"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2056"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1000"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62ee3208-81d7-4a4a-a221-626cef5ab2cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 4"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2057"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1300"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aa9ee870-2c35-4155-af7c-81e76468bdd6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 5"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2058"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1500"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28d86fa4-71e5-4e27-bbc2-0f907e65b589"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 6"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2059"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1300"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "59abbfb9-3196-4078-b143-9e31b24bc9ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 7"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2060"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1400"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "131aeac3-96bf-48fa-9690-5af692d7057e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.733334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-74.683334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Pilar 8"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2061"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1400"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5dddff63-8f8d-4af0-b195-f9a435da4b1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.766666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.083336"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islotes Charles"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2062"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "6"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34c16947-91d9-469f-b058-6696c9dd8aaa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.183334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.183334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Canal Brbara (1 angostura)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2063"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "60"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7225f17-ffc1-4390-9e54-6206d95f5525"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-72.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-72.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Canal Gonzales"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2064"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "6"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58bbd2e8-3a6c-405f-a3fd-f63977f6b4b6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pennsula Cloue (isla hoste)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2065"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5316c54-3ca9-40ba-81af-be18e73582e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.333332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.333332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.98333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.98333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islote Vauverlandt"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "XII Regin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2066"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f0b6ffef-3289-498a-b000-6e485b7e83ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Sielfeld, W.; Venegas, C.; Atalah, A. and Torres, J.. 1978. Prospeccin de Otaridos en las costas de Magallanes. ANS. INST. PAT., Punta Arena (chile), Vol. 9, 157-169."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism . a dwc:Taxon ; dwc:class "Mammalia"^^xsd:string ; dwc:family "Phocidae"^^xsd:string ; dwc:genus "Mirounga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:kingdom "Animal"^^xsd:string ; dwc:order "Carnivora"^^xsd:string ; dwc:phylum "Chordata"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificName "Mirounga leonina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:scientificNameID "http://eol.org/pages/328639"^^xsd:string ; dwc:specificEpithet "leonina"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Mirounga leonina"@en . bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2109"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43da818d-fd9b-4c3b-a0b1-660fbe4e0ebf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2110"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f661969a-c9ed-4f73-bfc1-5ef2f7d7edf9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2111"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b18a33d0-6ad1-4492-bea5-b354030b7cfe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2112"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "958e3dd4-d9f2-4e11-8018-236f98891d11"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2113"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99c54b1d-8448-4765-b493-afbab185de81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2114"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9cab1df7-6a4d-494c-9b4b-dcd0879f850b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2115"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "097996af-3c95-4915-9ae7-fba94bfae812"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2116"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2052e4ce-6811-4bef-a1e7-7faf6333e193"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.382"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.382"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2117"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6de1d85a-ecce-4a8e-850d-5d32c2280243"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2118"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3df0b87b-c4ee-4e2a-9cdb-0dc7cdb88f0a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.269001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.269001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2119"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ecc3667-e0ec-4d5e-ba88-0a6c9c4394e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2120"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6068b7df-b6e0-4164-9302-b426896632a1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2121"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15c773af-c5f9-42b8-9af8-47022e12eaba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.125"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.125"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2122"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3f43e68-2844-41ef-83fc-333ee14c13aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2123"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b6eb673-6cfd-47c0-bf20-6da8fd1e84e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.09"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.09"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2124"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b486aba9-1806-4631-b67b-b0f911ad244a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2125"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04f2c2c6-b793-40d9-a185-c8269dc54402"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2126"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e1f7dd5-6c76-41e2-b7a8-220cc2652d8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2127"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd35d906-b9b2-40b3-9d3c-af5b5640527f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2128"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1e86a4d-b56b-4695-b3a5-0050d2b0b490"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.494999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.494999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2129"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad16d0f4-56d2-4c30-bd37-0d906e71881a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.16"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.16"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2130"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b064942-3f6a-4fee-845a-b639de4cb9db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2131"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b62bb288-9a39-4a5c-8edd-7c64ddc52808"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2132"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1dd618b9-a441-4250-8ae3-bcd6d723b27c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2133"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d5273a0-75d3-465f-95b7-26f6ab326dc8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2134"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff3736bd-9fd8-47b4-956b-a7d9760a361f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.02"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.02"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2135"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e20ee569-98ed-47f3-bb53-d81b542d7cfa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2136"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "efe31e49-4675-4259-b4b6-05bf79274e58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.979"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.979"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2137"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5eee2bf1-5ae2-4236-8ac3-347cdeb3a986"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.875"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.875"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2138"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a96ed82-d688-4ddf-b99d-0b03d89ca26a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.466"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.466"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2139"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67766eed-0ec8-42c9-bc5a-c4c399295283"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2140"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cdba8c0c-29dd-4f1a-8167-5e55032c556e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.620998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.620998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2141"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f461490a-e3be-4aed-b719-f74c949a475b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2142"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95043783-d812-4768-81dc-39ecfbedd9cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.851002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.851002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2143"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24f8824d-4191-433d-9f98-0f9ba77220a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2144"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5692669-cfd8-44b5-b888-69222630a006"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2145"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12d19cf9-7239-4127-bd3b-b26371d62f7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2146"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "178ea964-b5d0-438f-82fe-1ab9302ed83b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2147"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4af8f1f8-d798-495e-953b-81fbaa4b953a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2148"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "68551360-6ae3-4c59-b723-69fc98b386ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2149"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e471a9f-2bad-4293-b790-f78e161733c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2150"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b543ac89-a7fe-4a24-a11a-377faf96c7c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2151"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d3c125f-f861-4d8b-9d42-fe194cae810c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2152"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "835bcb9c-4975-4a7c-9938-5a9be2a673f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2153"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a1870520-bde5-486b-b767-7c5ccf258618"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.745003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.745003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2154"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e16dd02-c53f-4a09-8529-77194a7dfdf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.755997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.755997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2155"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b211cff2-3b41-48c3-b936-779bbe3ca23d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.768997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2156"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49348b21-91eb-4f13-85b3-03726f71d8a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2157"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb559d1d-b4c0-4bea-a6eb-27239c1617a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.732002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.732002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2158"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73b387bb-70b6-42bf-beaa-2624b8ceb88e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2159"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2e6bc79-2b96-4d8d-b770-7b6d9a62d658"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.753998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2160"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b5b0d46-07b4-43dd-be70-6862e84124ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2161"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4d1d4ce-bd2f-4189-9bd7-8b543161cb1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2162"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "930c7c86-8fcf-48ba-bc7d-9cf5e830be7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.698997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2163"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2f48199-3c5a-46f6-b0d2-7d0f6177bcc4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.689003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.689003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2164"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbc803f2-1103-4cc4-b3d4-c801ced570dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2165"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4e8aa47-d686-4f31-bada-c9e679f69269"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2166"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "813283b9-c3be-44a8-863d-ef43b9d5486b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2167"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08c9cf01-c9a4-4115-ae05-108b69d77e96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2168"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2544ada-6385-4f0f-936a-ae04ed06612b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.646004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.646004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2169"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca1fa88c-ad76-424a-b51a-61d5d896627e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.629997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2170"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f324674-1eca-46bb-abfb-7171ac15db59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2171"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f0c081f1-c79a-4399-8e77-2f4dae098e4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2172"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a15e6f80-81c8-456e-a5f2-b874370d0a49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2173"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79fc4f27-b497-4b44-8ffa-9894e3622cf8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2174"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1aca2982-19a0-45f1-8373-2a7e0608e38b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2175"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfd14cb5-367e-4d88-9708-1726b67d2c45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.579002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.579002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2176"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8eff9e1-e2e3-4a70-b9b2-f264e579946d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2177"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6d8c131-efbd-4572-9237-052543767843"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.729"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.729"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.711998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2178"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82765ec0-af97-4972-a2f7-ae734bffa0d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2179"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f58160d-db1a-46a0-80ba-eef66ad170ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2180"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "adf3db64-708f-4c7b-93d7-b8cd8f8d85e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2181"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91a96bbc-09b4-495b-932e-d397435d67c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2182"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "707fb661-e563-4408-bdd4-6ef0272b39ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2183"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2360daac-c429-4e1a-931a-eb0b97fb8b8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2184"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4da9c798-cee4-45e0-9653-ea0081bc64cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.615997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.615997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2185"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "156c372d-99c7-4557-9487-dd2acbd1a2fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.687"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.687"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2186"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21b89df0-546a-4d46-ab08-558ded38fdbe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2187"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89af9a92-63ce-4668-adaa-19101325c30c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.660004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.660004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2188"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e50cfea2-dd41-4dac-a15a-1355236acb1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2189"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c44c3523-ab91-45b2-8018-ebafa42108de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2190"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e095f5f9-8dd4-405b-8088-5747fa1651d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.685997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2191"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d55b3da-e0c3-441e-be02-5a2edf96445f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.704002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.704002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2192"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70164f9b-1066-4390-9976-2c3599a0c923"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.728996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.728996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2193"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5f19f33-1c64-45ee-b247-f6f6a38a0439"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.725998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2194"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "36c9feb2-71f1-469f-ac58-cbef321c50e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.713997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2195"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9607485a-f0da-4115-a5e8-e19c0d6e5ffe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.575996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.575996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2196"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf8483fb-207d-43d8-8ed5-68f4b69db6eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.475998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2197"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8389180a-5b39-4ef9-ad86-78a97d28a1f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2198"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e510897-419e-436b-aa4f-aef3b93413af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2199"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "35442c73-cc2a-4518-adf7-71758e5b770d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2200"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb52b2ea-bd68-4785-9600-da0c00179474"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.612"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.612"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2201"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe0e5c8b-fcc5-40f1-aaae-7c149e0d1bd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.644997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2202"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43ced05c-43fb-4cb7-aa49-8933e9ee7c35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2203"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a545004-4861-47ac-b523-723675f17ba9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2204"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "83999053-0ce3-497d-8b54-38e3cb45750b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2205"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9087709-b1f4-4041-8c21-629b5d6b8358"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.468002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2206"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11c44541-eb14-44f2-8390-fe48bc2ad00f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.556"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.556"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2207"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba337e7c-9bf8-4d66-94de-a5c4a5fb8f3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2208"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "049b9cd3-f0e9-495a-847a-b1a1dbe990e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2209"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cad2d90c-d10b-4102-8de9-b69e8aeccab5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.617996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.617996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2210"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7638765-30af-48a3-b41c-75dc76e47997"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.73"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2211"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "931f59c3-cf4c-43af-ac8b-699bb57e1353"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2212"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a12e5515-3100-48a4-8627-0591ed337e94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2213"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6063ba3c-2e2c-4c1e-abc4-a4f933e1cec1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2214"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f4cc10b-d8da-4b56-93d5-475b522f805d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2215"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "203b7441-69b0-4e47-ad76-48ff5483760e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2216"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8db2cea-cd1b-4451-a432-697b17418f73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.662003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2217"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b288423-fac2-405b-9ed8-58fd0a5fa90a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.601997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2218"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e97321b-2504-40fb-ae53-f91677ec6a78"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2219"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c2a7318-e04d-4766-a738-06b8182f394c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.600998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.600998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2220"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b8c9895-eb43-46a1-b8b3-1dac5c70e533"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.592003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.592003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2221"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c5fcc22-1c3b-47e5-a81e-db51acc4e893"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2222"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7516b616-dfd8-461f-8fa0-caaee06b1e2b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2223"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2749bbf4-95e8-461f-82ee-a7d5cb3c27e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.569"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.569"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2224"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22f1108a-fe47-4a9a-99b4-449461077779"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2225"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8db91db-f69d-4688-a102-bf5211946c0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2226"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de4bc9a8-5889-4d55-bacc-dfcbbb7e0da1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2227"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4aacfe12-6022-44ae-8b5c-5ef0df204e53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2228"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac9c44e9-aa3b-4e2e-917d-2bebed2bc37b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2229"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee481705-c8ab-4572-943d-4325ae387e3d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2230"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c306a218-5f73-497e-8631-7ba1529a59c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2231"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc98ce48-f6cc-46c9-bc68-15c07486d8ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2232"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a978e075-9f6a-4414-9304-37c811d7e97c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2233"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd3a4982-14aa-4bb8-9809-6542a670d2d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2234"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bdc8d47d-aeff-412a-b300-31979cb492ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2235"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "851607fc-84dd-4f59-a026-df919e9612fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2236"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ecda016-d2b6-4e08-95f8-312c4c662da0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2237"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b0b9b63-4f69-42c8-81ab-795ab0de32fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2238"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58bb6950-e4e2-4fcd-bf3d-d6c7b441398f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2239"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4cf19ad9-a9ab-479b-91fc-c5eb9bdf7107"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.607002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.607002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2240"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "094b75be-cbc8-4c1f-beec-fbd1fe1310eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.633003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2241"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "783d529e-70c7-41f8-8232-13baf4d4befc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.635002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.635002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2242"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cae6f29-7390-4182-bb4d-752e0b43fbad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2243"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c8ea26a-34bf-4d10-863b-b5a553b5e2d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2244"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5d41030-f4d4-4bfe-abd6-dc961ff12c2d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2245"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04ac8efc-1b90-49f1-8375-eca889ce4c10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2246"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9848c2ac-57d8-4913-88b7-81eb933d3451"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.620003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2247"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9d0ed1a-ab56-49fb-bdca-55f66ecdbce6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.616997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.616997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2248"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c90e2b7-09b3-46f7-88ff-7b2640fa8749"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.737"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.737"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2249"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1e05a13-2d48-4bc3-9541-bee8782877ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2250"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54aaa5ea-be50-4af1-a694-af7334a3f89c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2251"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe8fe9ed-cf6c-4c45-a15e-e5d53db58ee2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2252"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58a00726-8a10-45ff-ac85-c93fe1a6ea38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.632004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2253"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6bda707-6794-46e1-a9b1-da6dfd04f346"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2254"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f17455e-6b90-4c54-9a97-705d348bb8df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.630997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2255"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "668c4f4d-061c-469d-bb28-a1c06f43dbc6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.671997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.671997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2256"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b38d7971-940c-4a73-80db-6c1b7406d295"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2257"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0703b9e2-f6b4-4123-abfb-4c4d4365b450"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.660004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.660004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2258"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b2511d6-329a-48c7-b698-66b4c75f30c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.656998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.656998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2259"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c9eeb64-be6c-4c75-8850-fe64ef7ab7a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2260"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb9ee000-3e75-4c5e-b92e-6bab4d7a50e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2261"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19960358-e30f-4be0-803f-4b71e64fa560"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.577003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.577003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2262"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b80afa0-0ecc-4e34-8d42-3beb42022d5b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2263"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dafd5e12-6fd1-4e9e-8dba-3e5ed75a339a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2264"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "453d4855-3f32-4f26-abe4-e6c368089f82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2265"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3274ce99-b94d-43a9-815d-40f31de14bc1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.523003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.523003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2266"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6598f54-bb3f-4d1e-8a5e-86841da01ad8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2267"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c924a81-ba5a-48a5-a6b8-db9c6205a353"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.535004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.535004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2268"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a0b4b109-ecbe-48f4-8a47-76376985d4ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.552002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.552002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2269"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "23ba90e5-7a5b-4e21-b153-70ee0c2d962d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2270"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9095c01-4482-410c-adec-65d70cb0bdcc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.578003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2271"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a88e75a0-a103-4614-832d-d382bc9cf7db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2272"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65fe0743-83c4-4689-8af5-7c2f6df3a5f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.523998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2273"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eee08dc4-45b8-480c-bd19-6b1430eefbde"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.587997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2274"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0946eb49-73f3-4e64-8ab1-1253dc794238"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.549004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2275"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0376d77-8e77-486d-8ab4-af5f035a04a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2276"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90521523-168d-46e2-9fa0-69e8667e9eb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.559998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.559998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2277"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47db4036-1df4-486a-976f-af5df6f83096"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.450996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2278"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af30e0b5-4402-4695-9f98-3f29466401c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.492001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2279"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f87ba0a1-16ec-463d-b0de-b322abce1bf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.522003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.522003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2280"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b816a0e-8e04-426a-92ee-a52a7fddae98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.529999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.259003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2281"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22ee4acc-bf02-4f02-9c8c-72407b36fe03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.073997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2282"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8dfae0f2-7eb4-460b-99de-d6f1e60ecb83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.647003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.647003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2283"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "baf782a8-ac55-4049-84f5-c2224c067edd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.466"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.466"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.591003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.591003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2284"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "526d6418-335a-464b-a145-e8b9e71335ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.533997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.533997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2285"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ec6bfe4-85da-43af-b6cf-2b350f88df89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2286"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a0b0963-2493-416c-83bc-273c1a227de2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.563999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2287"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a61bc2b-b51f-41e7-8917-6983d627a6f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2288"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bdcac901-3ef1-4490-9c83-8e552a30f724"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.545998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.545998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2289"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65d4e47f-36d2-44fd-b618-ebc27e127cdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.532997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2290"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f99d14a8-c6a7-4b91-8fb7-fa93789b0de2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.619003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.619003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2291"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c52a6fd-9635-4a5d-88e5-5435f3505165"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.555"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.555"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2292"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b45b35e-306c-4dc3-a8e8-e23721110d2e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.568001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.593002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2293"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37559905-17ab-4ef9-9f67-4c2c0859a14a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2294"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f1743ec-36af-4554-84a8-f920db42ae49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2295"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e60e6711-c6b9-428f-93b4-6a69b46b93ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.588997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2296"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11d0eaf8-98cc-4093-9311-20d709d453ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2297"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3682378a-bd01-4a90-95d0-e4cfba5c5f28"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.101997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.101997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2298"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76aa5c2f-f710-47a1-906c-e5530caca8ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2299"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1c5f382b-8905-4846-b2fb-949e4d734749"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.813004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.813004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2300"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6ee5891-9394-4d7f-b9ae-0e4e3414328a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.634003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2301"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "040218ce-2660-45ab-96f4-fd8a32d81ef1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2302"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1cf95249-ebf5-44b0-bfc7-765c54a639e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2303"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bebcc315-0cd4-402b-9d05-30231853296f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.311996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2304"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ce02f75-2405-4b44-95cb-8dc95237917f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.674"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.674"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2305"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9657b8b4-5696-47e3-9203-15ff41dd3408"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.555"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.555"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.338997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.338997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2306"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b416ad4-9609-4cb5-b956-de14481c0a32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.34"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.34"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2307"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab5448f6-04f4-4363-9720-dd892f2446fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.834999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2308"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3b11a3b-6ad6-44e1-b018-2251c029fd69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.521004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2309"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "afee0dc0-ccdb-41aa-babe-4ffbd71cff0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2310"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8572e1c3-e832-4fb7-8ea5-6c3f02321105"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.406998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.406998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2311"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "daba183b-cba0-46a3-b1fb-cefcc543a501"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2312"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b5b4302-9394-4c7b-958b-d9a617b6a263"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.726997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2313"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf3e38b2-bd98-4e20-acc7-89c05adb8a55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.822998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.822998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2314"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b0579ea-c642-4345-8a83-68b4bac377b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.152"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.152"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2315"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18ed9cc5-1549-4b08-962c-e3570cc486e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.825996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.825996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2316"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0b2e617-9189-4786-8582-4a80b3118495"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.824997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.824997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2317"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d60ae493-edbc-4603-90a0-4b3477b17627"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.146"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.146"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.829002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.829002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2318"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79ae4075-1aa3-4800-bbf4-b62b06a7c273"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.824997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.824997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2319"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18554d25-18f8-4679-a7fc-2517e3d912b6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2320"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7769b382-0a2d-4355-8ed4-4edd3ff331c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.815002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.815002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2321"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4da0d14a-3fa6-493e-91a6-dde3bbac3402"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.809998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.809998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2322"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dad6c659-bf89-4edd-93f7-0dc26aefc41f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2323"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92b907b5-5115-427f-a409-eb5aa503afb1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.308998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.308998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2324"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96a7a312-ae63-4d57-b6a9-3744c00ba017"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2325"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d257f7a5-fa47-4d2e-8e5a-be55e85f5273"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2326"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c47c9321-f9a7-4844-8ff0-2b25d2765429"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2327"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4667f3f6-73a9-4e35-962c-3bab9c8f393b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2328"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d51a3f1-7096-4233-87a9-da4041fd0e0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2329"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f19b913-1f3d-4ded-a0f2-69fae0747d0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2330"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bba87f3e-2501-4580-953e-58bfe9fccbda"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.440002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2331"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28e9f652-0d95-4490-a493-3930a61e4026"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.434998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.434998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2332"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c814c7-b4a7-45ff-a053-fffcba67bd36"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.380997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.380997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2333"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0455fcef-5c47-46f3-9ccf-828e0c3be689"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2334"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d3aff90-25ee-40af-afc4-36c85235536e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2335"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6581f2e5-bf18-4b25-b045-19063afac303"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.179001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.179001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2336"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1992ac95-ac20-4f7a-81ef-dab1247c222f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.321999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.081001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2337"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13c6ee4a-806d-436c-935a-f92f4ea37f0c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2338"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87aa9ef0-a5b1-4ae2-92c6-09acda5b8564"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.932999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2339"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c2f0f07d-2aa8-49d5-a670-6b6c7ca06736"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2340"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19330187-ce1f-4611-bea5-2f050f26f228"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2341"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "613c6efe-bc49-417f-870e-fbb79192f1c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2342"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cafce590-f8d2-4364-8ed7-6310f83947a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2343"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b94ad9b-e311-4021-87b0-97568a1d18f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2344"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cd70e8e-3b60-439b-bcb4-8f76b804b911"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2345"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc908692-277d-4b7d-9082-8e68894829d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2346"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85518e5d-3d4f-4d0b-8987-8387ffcde795"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2347"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09ca3164-7244-4795-934f-f9618706bff2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.905998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2348"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "42c32e12-86f3-4d9b-a000-1765778b8c9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2349"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a6d53c1-c9ba-4494-b8b4-279d0cb2d953"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2350"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7bf6a22-84e0-4c48-a790-88662f946abc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.918999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2351"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "669d2523-20a8-45ca-831e-120166078bdf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.838001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.838001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.931"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.931"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2352"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95d1bc73-eec1-46a1-8baa-3cd56244e80b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2353"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b280ca0b-f3a9-482a-b7fe-b098dbcdbfac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2354"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f4fb3ac-6ab7-47cd-ba96-20882f7f9a00"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2355"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca133191-b705-44cd-9718-06f22f547422"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2356"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0e461e5-b6d3-4358-82a9-e93fd1d84e2c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2357"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9aa1cf03-6e7f-42c4-8d69-9814d1ea601d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2358"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09310225-53f4-4e31-8080-6cd6c6f60360"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.919998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2359"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "636a83c5-2a54-488f-992b-7e42edee69c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2360"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "07c99d73-0c15-4bdc-95b0-9a523b7be200"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2361"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "609f8d1f-18aa-4f0a-bb40-6ae9cf79e6da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2362"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c76fc8fd-48e9-404d-8b59-7e6c84630e5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2363"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77bc59e9-7e00-41a6-af68-a2d60eef3e21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2364"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11b8315b-515c-4d07-998f-e5c0c1700afd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2365"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e2bd6ed-46fb-4573-aec0-3f59432fc162"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2366"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "706462ef-927d-4b0e-96ca-66888fa92002"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.943001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2367"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61d07992-8864-4350-9f80-bb54ca6d2175"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2368"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84f71863-c6b9-453e-a74e-2c3214c0bf21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2369"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05198b0a-5d99-4bbe-8af3-9c29bd884eb5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2370"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb9acc8f-bce6-4ad2-b9eb-36ffb1115a8f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2371"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6b99802-be0f-4d6f-a427-87a4134441c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.941002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2372"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b3c244ce-ad5b-4541-8b87-b661a6454541"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2373"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "746ba9d0-2493-4bf4-81b7-3c7cb8fc84df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2374"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2bc8c4d9-4406-43fd-a223-acae89f6f4f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2375"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17015563-2671-4916-bf99-f749fdc3223d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2376"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85083b90-6c41-4437-a3bb-361fe9aca7b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.069"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2377"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d08eae2-76a6-4b72-adff-3ab7b1d8ff21"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2378"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "046784b5-0898-4fc7-95b6-41f475b8c80a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.564999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2379"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "920031c8-baa1-4754-877f-40a8b1b8e372"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2380"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f29e8a74-93d1-45a5-aef6-72207eb7459d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.862"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.862"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2381"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67640063-9e15-4822-8eb7-3bd690f504b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2382"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ba218c6-d26b-41f8-a7ab-a919a7f65248"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.846001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2383"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b037849b-3ae3-4937-98db-6227e5431798"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2384"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0c691a0-8375-40af-a81d-d4f4a8d45fbd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2385"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65b53674-f1e3-4806-ab20-5ef05b3866ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2386"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80ffc416-4eb0-468d-998f-ed637af4bb9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.521"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.521"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2387"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "529a8cfd-db1f-44a7-8dcf-2b052e5f3163"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2388"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d636398-9b8f-40c0-a979-46c2bb138d3d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2389"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ced5c27f-33f4-4d74-9725-27d5158fb123"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.827"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.827"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.596001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2390"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "955e07bb-b8f4-4c62-9ef4-fbafd5d9ca35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2391"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb0ef8c9-7557-456d-94ec-e06ea06f9474"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2392"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "330072aa-2ea8-465d-a582-62cff62895c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2393"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31be7ff5-8594-49f6-8bcc-033a8cdc1118"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2394"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8d89fd9-e6b2-4544-b236-d2425a86aa85"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2395"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "991382e9-9f6b-498c-bbcc-1c3d7d63175a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2396"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b3b541d0-680c-4fb7-b9dc-14112c4a7e9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.574001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2397"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62b5af93-ba48-46ca-8011-58f0b1654573"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2398"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c5de044-895d-4a0c-afcf-645acc537fa2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2399"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "528dbe79-7705-46f9-9733-77b4ce96c099"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2400"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dea39ba1-4c9c-4aa0-bfb6-9be029db0e27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2401"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31dab18c-69c2-4e5f-973a-5f360aa1b6d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2402"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "230ab0d3-4a6c-437a-b22a-cab42519a984"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2403"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26b3e4b4-f85a-47ff-a9e5-02c2315d445f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2404"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ceb58fb-066b-44da-9a3a-0be36d82047b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2405"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c075b665-0bd6-4cb1-9cd3-163e42e290ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2406"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34b4355a-25be-4cf2-98bc-65b88119b27f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2407"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7db508d1-de97-4603-8c92-7fb586f698cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2408"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2800f613-be79-4f87-bbf1-63b74029682d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2409"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8852c2b5-3fd7-4c45-9ae6-50e2cba6ec73"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2410"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfe66e2d-e16a-4b5b-becf-ecf214cf3c15"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2411"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3dadf7e3-03b0-46d2-a3c9-262f149b6a3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2412"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a79b570-05a2-40cb-8acd-dda9cb48908f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2413"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "100c5524-963c-40f3-8f81-292a1166a9b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2414"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de760c73-e17a-4286-812b-58b439cfed93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2415"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0afbdcf7-c181-44bd-b90d-2ea7416c31cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2416"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77ba39f1-7866-40e2-997e-aedd2a496574"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2417"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eed2e096-30ea-4ada-a74d-889b8a9f1b24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2418"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d10e46f8-2081-4489-9e32-ca07919844cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2419"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdc0818e-9cd5-4f49-912a-d83822d9e3c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2420"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f50f05a2-4062-457b-8480-756fffb8c57d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2421"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1e4164b-74ae-4207-b075-dc63b138f5e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.826"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.826"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2422"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "370af41d-0410-4258-8c18-795cbbfeb18c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2423"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6712ea9c-d326-41c2-8437-ac8a2f2c217c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2424"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d63bfd9-95c4-40b6-9c6c-4fac7a6fd034"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2425"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bbfc55a-b6a4-449f-9dd9-9397df252bf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2426"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7e36b26-1ef0-499b-a334-2b9b7dd3beb4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2427"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0080aac9-5098-476d-9acb-61d09b4f3de0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2428"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8067c51f-b1e0-435d-81f1-8bc3d4c1d416"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2429"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e377f294-f332-41b5-a7ae-839d09c66cc1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2430"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3852d8c3-fda9-450f-8944-f2dfa33540bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2431"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aee4588b-4779-4e3a-a8f6-650b8df96d49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2432"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27f49bbd-699e-45f3-a815-262858571b68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2433"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c63242ce-ac3a-42f8-9261-e96374832542"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2434"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b01b579e-4018-4291-b49e-ef680270dfaf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2435"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9de23358-5847-438b-869d-4db1d214ffa2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2436"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e92b0b30-ec36-43e3-be03-9379af665d6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2437"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f813d54-dbca-4b84-92d3-4cd30b432c04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2438"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03bd7751-ec5d-4f8c-bce0-54fb28f5f8ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2439"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7725f36-19f5-40da-80be-fc92650f91c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2440"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a83309c3-4fe5-486e-9646-fce6a9c73047"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2441"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7351079d-6d31-4d50-8446-d999f420bbc9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2442"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e8b1c12-590e-4972-88fb-7bfeecebbf67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2443"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32d77725-0298-4384-95e7-dd42b9a3a0ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2444"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7d4d0e9-0f64-4ea0-935f-ee3c08f5d045"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2445"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbc4cb31-a605-4b0b-ad5e-98622c1c4f2e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2446"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb02aa27-53fb-4f63-ad75-111e01376651"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2447"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "505f5e4e-51db-4abb-8006-f5809a1ca121"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2448"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3fd1e47c-d1c3-4ba2-9190-eaa3a6974da4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2449"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b270b21-bb7c-47fa-81d4-5b327a9c2a02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2450"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d04a905d-4883-48fc-b90c-fb6b891a68ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2451"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b65eb0e0-d258-4a17-80ee-1c107b82d9f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2452"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af26d326-0f9b-4ae4-8b39-4e07a4bd24e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2453"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "914153ad-4046-41df-8198-bb4ed43e802a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2454"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ed45e02-12cc-4da3-a8a3-8e50706d1589"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2455"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4099ca9d-16c1-4d71-99c7-4832be880a83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2456"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "20b2cfb2-b8fe-4db7-afd9-69a8fcdd5d8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2457"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da4872a0-191d-463d-9c65-59a600425985"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2458"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b37b49bd-9b9c-41ab-b4af-f1d8b156bfc4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2459"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9829ccb2-98de-4c2b-9c1b-0004eeb2e839"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2460"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56e51c1a-8db9-41bb-b8d0-8a138b64e146"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2461"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a34d5bf3-da84-4459-a7c6-237604dd1ecb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2462"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a302620-86e1-4e16-98a7-8129e3817a1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2463"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a6f6df4-ef62-4342-945c-262332ef0832"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2464"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7631f36-dc68-4328-83b7-3d94721c3958"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2465"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c35172e2-e480-45d7-9f47-92d20688d9c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2466"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22b0f589-14d9-4633-87b1-6407ecd779a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2467"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e24a9b8-6b34-4b7a-bdf5-18864a782336"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2468"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "128ed246-5bca-42a3-beb5-5f871024f336"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2469"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d02b916b-22cb-4983-89b7-149cd5ed1a89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2470"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8d9ed9e-2d15-4c44-85ce-501bd8bc160d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2471"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2b5d104-619a-4b30-9e06-a860005306a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2472"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb97a637-0abb-404c-9548-48fba75796ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2473"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d09f1420-b025-4150-a0a1-6c63a1a0bdc1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2474"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "356d9219-6ace-480f-9769-336b7c6de86c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2475"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85952549-f202-4a1e-9128-a9e7c4eff596"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2476"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01f443a1-649a-4bcc-bc40-d83439826b33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2477"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55ebb827-cb15-4d71-92e8-b471d2536745"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2478"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19a509af-da03-45b9-9c17-36091ea98936"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2479"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64f7908c-45de-4579-b0a9-2c5a67e88083"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2480"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f9c9a14-2d86-4a7f-bca9-aa1996b142c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2481"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d88e5ed-e613-4eee-a4d7-85018c64fd5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2482"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56bded69-d191-49a5-9845-02a8e6a4704e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2483"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c2f01bc-7651-4903-a0b1-86fe3ebf8bae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2484"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "574eb0db-90f9-432f-ae70-a0077b39f497"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2485"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5ae7c0df-6a69-4c18-a3e4-1b30db718a1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2486"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14a765a4-c916-4516-8f8c-ac6348ae87b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2487"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba64a310-7cd5-4a5c-ab5e-d139cf4971c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2488"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73d87a28-3ca5-4bde-bbd4-0210966826af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2489"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93368e52-3ba9-492f-9862-ab73ccd7d48c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2490"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a51aa863-53c7-4f33-bba9-c80d11e89900"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2491"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e189594c-33fc-4672-9cea-e1553915af2f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2492"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9043e9e-6d89-4c64-9ef2-b60ab89b2f58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2493"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa8a856e-5347-43c3-b269-d1d18ff2b2b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2494"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9323804e-619f-48d5-b5e4-225633be7c94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2495"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4ca9e7b-5642-4eb0-8876-1d8342b3dd31"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2496"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3eef1bc7-106c-48ac-8d13-ae15754a204d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2497"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "723f306d-10ae-479f-919a-7c02a7de450e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2498"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2eb7ad31-ac32-4725-9590-b8c9a22713b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2499"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96aa65a1-988b-4523-a48d-a1eae90462a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2500"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5bda8479-eee8-448a-b445-10cb91b2a387"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2501"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aa5e5dc-eb5f-4ea4-90c9-06d0d17a6f03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2502"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10108a05-a5a2-4b3e-a92e-0a1bdeb0c2b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2503"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dac33169-ad1c-47e0-8015-a52fd326115f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2504"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c6a0f36-ac16-4bbd-a342-961a70807890"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2505"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "815de672-512d-49ac-b9d6-c2570cb6166f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2506"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0cedb42f-26f5-48cb-9afc-ce044107d664"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2507"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33577d78-faa6-4773-982c-c2c8a27a094a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2508"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1534f66-d1ae-481b-88fb-f1a211357bd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2509"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b112e30e-005b-45eb-9d2e-e890a74ad85d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2510"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e9cad85-f30e-4843-9170-063466ad3dd8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2511"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6787ed59-19ef-4c82-91b1-92f5d9692e33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2512"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c64a43f-1043-4335-852a-3ea231c70d02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2513"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33f173c8-d985-4893-9c42-66502c94bfc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2514"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76129d6c-873c-44c2-96d0-304b85ada070"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2515"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbe3bded-c0e4-4af5-a7cb-d8407dfac6c8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2516"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcc6ef6c-5e50-4263-a078-12bf38dd9bb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2517"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3477faff-17b4-4468-b70b-5c60bb6ce8bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2518"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18313df0-9a0b-4103-a263-36778a1ef18b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2519"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "346cdc96-5742-4d26-801d-6a03bb68a6a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2520"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ff58dc9-404d-40f3-83c4-ab79f1b3b695"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2521"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30f31250-3862-4f1e-97a5-7693b03d6ab7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2522"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c360fd6-37c0-43ff-9f61-cb3ff858dee3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2523"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f1960c5-49ea-491e-a3ea-c794552de9fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2524"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc3b8d05-c1be-427f-a96d-bb4ec243b918"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2525"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ffdc3575-8d2b-4059-8e06-ceef64e32661"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2526"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a1e9571-1a00-4748-b7c3-cb9aec4aa3f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2527"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9b621e0-bcaf-4eed-870a-34f648fb6663"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2528"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad7b5739-0862-41ac-9acb-810b53c11550"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2529"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4bb5d00d-b1d8-47c7-bbd1-924be59d0867"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2530"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "436eda31-20ae-4b9c-bd71-f807e335b0ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2531"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82aa0f38-9940-441d-9594-20dd97f27f9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2532"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50816c92-ea19-4eb3-bfa0-103fc0101a93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2533"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a89b8c3-3cb0-4bae-8723-a16f926baee8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2534"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c36f2fbe-a8d8-4569-901a-b311ba2e1711"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2535"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86cf091b-3ded-4a43-9068-dd0259fa0299"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2536"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "891cba47-c400-4b42-a12e-4be0086ad757"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2537"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9c13ff9-ba01-4f71-a288-a18a47987319"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2538"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9d4db4f-d151-451a-86e0-401ec6113554"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.784"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2539"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c5d6d13-6aa7-4e9c-8b1e-7a1b0c6de8bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2540"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "897e02e4-0d91-4f94-9e18-91c5d35caeba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2541"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7d2799e-d302-4cac-a3ef-9ccc19dde08e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2542"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49be9c9a-c855-4350-b7b3-d86ab89bc87b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2543"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56bdbaba-479b-4cd1-b9a8-8fd7159d1cd3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2544"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5ca1a9b1-6deb-4bee-84b5-959603025740"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2545"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d8054f3-3701-4639-898d-5ad51acbeaf2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.665001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2546"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a744492a-76c9-4fcd-840f-e4650ec563f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2547"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a12c3d1-5bf6-4dad-8b48-cd86b2fcbd59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2548"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4ee50fcf-330c-4ba3-ad57-165cfdd97821"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2549"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d03ee82-897e-4f31-bbf0-287a90c480fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2550"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5862bf51-efec-4ac0-92c7-0fb120a2001c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2551"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ebce961-b88d-459b-8ef8-93515685cd48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2552"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61ac90e0-de8e-47c3-957b-626eadb5b304"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2553"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f1bfedd-f192-4084-92e8-6dd039a78d18"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2554"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "359daecf-df06-4e4c-a1e3-73fc0f4511e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2555"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3173ba88-89a0-4982-ad87-4e5753758300"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2556"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0270d69-2a06-4be7-8960-b255d48436db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2557"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "525f43ba-c418-4d75-a7ea-394a97fc9350"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2558"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "958296ed-a5e9-4c11-9aa8-749b332992cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2559"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad50ae5a-fad0-463a-a955-c89bd3511242"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2560"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eab806f5-0a3b-47cf-9ae8-4fee04b3fca1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2561"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "936c9f0b-8f0d-4a74-8c0a-a9068ac43cb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2562"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1843886-9334-43c0-ac76-771219057f48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2563"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e3cbace-8d1e-4750-9301-0167466c3844"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2564"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a36185fc-9de7-4d12-b399-979974985e28"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2565"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "230ab8ca-051f-48e8-82fe-d637b0072359"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2566"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4aa58721-3fe7-4dfc-ab5c-8479d02c0267"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2567"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8472f551-2e3b-4bab-9a28-aff401daf3e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2568"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bea1ca31-1fe1-42f6-93e9-22421f27cd03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.776001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2569"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "335d9bd1-b3c3-4f2d-8dce-bb3adcad1f87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.653"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2570"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92ceab92-c8dd-4273-8476-2f30d8d64ca0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2571"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "57cc7b4c-473b-4ff5-a68c-3087d9ef42f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2572"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c841b62b-bb96-4fa7-b71c-b6bfc2c3b16e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2573"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87f8cf6f-9883-4c57-9630-141575bd8ce0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2574"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e932edb4-cdc2-41c6-ab29-07d0a94f4408"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2575"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e3612dc-4c7f-4cd5-9889-ed29a7d69993"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2576"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62b2af70-18f1-4aeb-b2c7-b1e3517a6835"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.265999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.09"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.09"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2577"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c77696c5-bf52-4777-b81e-b406e2195e76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2578"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee9809e1-12d5-4b08-a41a-79b3459d0500"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2579"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd99b4c2-af36-41b0-b1d5-4775da0d3f40"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2580"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "766e03d5-052e-49ec-b4c3-ca4fa0b6af9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2581"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "972255fa-0558-423e-af8f-a28c51fe7e48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2582"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e7264cf-d424-4e34-a083-39e11185ac9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.480999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.480999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2583"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "759306a0-12c6-41a0-9252-fc1895fff109"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2584"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85bf72c2-d699-4455-94e1-4a1a2f2685e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2585"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ede5dd77-de13-46ef-b45e-5e4a848fc171"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2586"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d57a200-eb1f-45b9-b65a-fe6de205e600"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2587"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "634908b8-be41-4bec-b775-308b03297ed0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.381001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2588"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1993c343-d0bc-459d-8c11-ce698f79ccae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.284"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.284"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2589"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae133503-7726-4702-8bd9-77d8346ac6e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.469002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2590"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "854eccc4-e5a6-4259-a892-34148037ee96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2591"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c29af60e-fd4a-42fd-b3f9-633d81931ad7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.410999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.410999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2592"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79e2c35a-594d-45eb-bf98-2a5d5f98a026"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2593"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82cd2e68-c89d-47a6-b8e6-1bbe7696cc75"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.382"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.382"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2594"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee27f5dc-03fc-4f51-9044-e24878ae3a1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.229"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.229"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2595"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c7ac1c7-2ff5-4495-b683-3bc2d961746a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2596"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9192925-a588-4199-bae4-f451a9ee5196"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2597"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba32a95b-efa9-49d3-81b5-82d2736d88e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2598"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bfb6c5a-c086-4142-ac0d-565344d0262d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.202"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.202"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2599"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "147047ba-e931-415d-bc19-4a4e649191ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2600"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e4e1097-9756-4275-b3b0-e10ceb48770f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2601"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ef2bfb5-504b-48bc-826e-05e95c37c426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2602"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6066aa47-4e6b-4743-b64b-ef6c30d1cea7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.407001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.407001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.192001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2603"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7c45df4-939f-400f-81a6-0f0869ddc3bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2604"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dfca1cfd-5313-4d1e-ab77-39f85d112f76"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2605"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08f086ee-1a80-47a1-840f-785974b1590f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2606"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb757974-fab0-47df-ad04-78e16f1c7da7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2607"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70eaabe0-211f-45cc-9330-32bf37c6f769"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2608"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d2d4639-f5e3-4598-8231-497f7eb3f24a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2609"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb70e102-81a9-4987-a122-824ed3992093"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2610"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d155c5d-4f60-4947-bce0-68a546b903f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2611"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b320c89-7f96-464d-95c3-ab058c809f27"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2612"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4283e2b2-e535-4a3b-83a6-afd21ce11a2c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2613"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "029aab1c-0a17-44ba-b610-f7cbc98af834"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2614"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1187ac12-2055-49a4-b88f-151d31e5186b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2615"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "225f3919-adb2-4a76-a9e5-e78ab2877563"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2616"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54174d02-6167-4ca7-b2d5-1a7fea5ba7bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2617"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d0c7c03-d60f-4d55-ae28-128555aee822"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2618"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d48ba90b-40d4-4ac7-81bb-e9132b63cb07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2619"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5117efc9-d252-4cd4-92e5-81391e42d5a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2620"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b4c9a05c-9050-45ff-bfdb-8be982364a07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.618"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.618"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2621"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db469a35-82e3-4857-9cc1-c2028fddc23b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2622"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be1ed5b0-944a-472b-879c-38638aa981b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2623"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8dda10d9-ef40-4d12-b07a-08fa5717e3ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2624"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72a1f171-35b8-4a45-bf45-d7fecfc00a1f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2625"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f328c6f2-d93e-4cd3-9301-3708862a4b74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2626"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15d2b21a-2fd9-4cdd-b30e-f84ab0c1c90e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2627"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ead2012b-d9b7-4cd1-8158-45d914a3d1be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.890999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2628"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e15a17b-f846-4d2c-a1f8-41c6df0e7d61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2629"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48f32c13-22df-4ba2-a236-3cd1323beeeb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2630"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eab9f0d5-a715-4bc4-a168-7ec24f63ba4a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.616001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2631"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fcea9d1b-9a40-4cdf-8614-c695691dd967"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2632"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "668fc6ae-1e0e-478e-a5e7-fedb700244b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2633"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7bd8d5d-53fa-4360-a00c-7e0a46255688"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2634"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f575e79-a64c-45a9-9670-fed1c28f0337"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.655998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2635"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77709583-9b8f-4c67-94bb-2244a759c286"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2636"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a61a50a1-7301-4664-84d6-0e3975e15f6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2637"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "206abe89-1d81-4e26-90a5-65ff6956f7e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2638"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dee43527-1a51-4749-9a03-18af3f9fd015"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2639"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d12c92da-ab4c-47a5-afec-02589f6a44b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.640999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2640"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "655883ce-e33b-43d9-9b2f-5551de569f6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2641"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "112c0f23-c8a1-4e01-8e2b-e4ff4dbe01d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2642"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd76b3d6-9374-48d7-ab18-a3d6cb87f887"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2643"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "595a495f-6bb7-4ca7-9300-eec7b34868f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2644"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f5262c8-4113-4964-a627-6602b24c143d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2645"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4523e37-bba3-401c-9d22-9e933b799af5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2646"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9b70fe9-3bd0-4de1-8dd3-cdeb4996df11"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2647"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d064d315-3225-4eee-921d-ea09293340c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2648"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54c9b036-56e3-446f-83fd-4a6e584b4bb6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.634998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2649"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fa176fb-e854-4fdc-94b6-56ebbcf5bab2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2650"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "81b66f33-1586-43f7-a30b-7f103da96e1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.618"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.618"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2651"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de50d8a8-5a73-4ade-9d16-4aaa1e5a8278"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2652"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1098ca22-ab55-4726-88af-9a2c4c086556"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2653"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae8e16d1-0219-4d5c-8008-0b9e1f8452b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2654"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dabe59c2-403d-4a26-8d52-a340b4f7e227"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2655"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1912454f-5622-4168-9f7c-4a038c821e2c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2656"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc1053e7-c14d-48ee-a21b-22191f1c1fd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2657"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ae73328-5d40-4e41-9c9f-52924b1b8231"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.306"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2658"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ba58bf5-bd75-43f3-8217-3937995accac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.387001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2659"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37936a7a-8e7c-43bb-bd5d-3e47abbf25c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2660"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c57f3b2-9ae1-4a4c-a7fd-2dcce44447a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.27"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.27"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2661"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "68e67809-7dcb-4a86-8e25-2f998831226f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2662"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ec27d660-dadf-44dc-8dbb-96ee5b76b6ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2663"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96176678-7f76-4015-ae74-536dd6396661"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2664"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "deb7316b-098c-432a-ac05-609bbfc58821"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2665"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b59504d7-0e08-4442-b487-137bad767181"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2666"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d14f232b-98bd-4311-a931-912ebb1815a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.255001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.255001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2667"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0412e130-7a49-4cc1-9085-afffa5565ce1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.34"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.34"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.459999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2668"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a6bb639-3a13-4be8-85b7-617a2b682c13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2669"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e709e300-2468-4028-97a7-23ed498773fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.224998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2670"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56495022-9896-4bfa-a824-8308e78661f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2671"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edb0a431-d341-4b6f-85ec-ad91b5b3e61e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2672"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0395bb45-32a5-4779-a107-96c3087e6688"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2673"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "416f198f-c0fa-43b3-8133-e4d3835c7c66"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2674"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a92b5bf2-78b8-480f-82a0-eb115df4e480"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2675"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b84c3d6-6320-496f-8ce3-4c1dbd74cd72"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2676"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a0bd054-2229-447a-b29e-fd92c5991781"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.284"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.284"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2677"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f397614-baf2-4623-a9c3-6aec2c75c7ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.422001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2678"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41ce4a96-dc40-4dda-87f3-faab2a81c60e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2679"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72739f50-344b-4281-9fd4-70516d59339c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2680"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f99fd188-da36-489b-9775-5a8325091938"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2681"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d4878a5-ddcf-432f-a2f3-0d70438f05d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.019001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2682"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ddba64d9-0649-4cf6-bf3a-d8a35a38fffd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.23"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.23"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2683"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1037285e-abc9-487d-ba15-51c131640d98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2684"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d8ecd8d-b62d-418a-9832-150d0bd4e16e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.173"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.173"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2685"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e8637e4-83b4-4bce-9d01-6ce9378d4f9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.674"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.674"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2686"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8a290a8-d66b-4ccb-bb4d-6c25945745b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2687"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "323ef890-db4f-4781-8100-76c9740c1e96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2688"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "584b2583-5eec-4c35-8635-2f101ad81536"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2689"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7aa3637e-efeb-45b9-9d37-2678c45648b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2690"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "374e9a07-46e0-4db3-9c77-941578b36258"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.116001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2691"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed99ddf0-48d2-4289-b5cf-7010a1321466"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2692"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d3d9bbd-6321-43c2-bac4-363c1c87b81b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.375999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2693"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "529dca51-9037-4af3-9be1-d617256a6dff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2694"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51e37315-08a3-4695-bbc7-3df86c3df377"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.173"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.173"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2695"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e39c2c5f-805f-44b9-ac9f-25a3884b9c7a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.243"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.243"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2696"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3004aa9d-dd73-432a-9c50-092c81eaed41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2697"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "404cec66-4da8-49b0-8c41-187441a8de54"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2698"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bce40b35-963f-414a-a026-f9fbdd492c9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2699"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc118b4e-e643-4c9f-a3a2-9affa4172b7c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2700"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b57f17b8-2a1f-4d01-a53c-5590d17f66eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.09"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.09"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2701"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d311ed1c-bbbb-47f4-a0a5-82c60c13aed4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2702"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ccb8417-786b-4630-9ece-66bb530b7933"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.118"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.118"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2703"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb4537ed-be24-4687-a169-e42f52e12016"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.278"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.278"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.143002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2704"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a113ff1a-bb30-4470-ac1f-57245c7aa7af"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.162998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.162998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2705"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c37643c-e1cf-439b-8e06-46403dbbb3f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2706"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "71334bbf-8613-40e1-afb6-b3a7d3323378"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.247002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2707"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08cd6084-0b63-4f29-985f-0d8d837b82ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.278999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.278999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2708"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "467c8e59-b4cf-4d03-acec-7d14c7bde68e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2709"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b6eb53c-78b1-496e-a46f-5b13d9147e24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2710"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05462d23-c74a-4799-8b40-0cf4ef156957"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2711"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c91bc1b-8bad-4cdb-b3bd-ef0f869723e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2712"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cb38377-2b56-4521-b1cd-0646e66f35a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.841999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.841999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2713"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce3e75cb-80bd-471e-90ba-225c70a7d359"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2714"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32440ad8-a7d8-4e41-8b85-af8421744f97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2715"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfd41020-3e09-45bf-9550-10fa911cf99d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.27"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.27"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2716"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2890440c-c851-4eae-b07a-bc93319a3f8a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2717"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2475c8c9-e98b-4cf8-b1e4-55d9fc16963e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2718"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c234dcb9-d4bc-4ad3-8806-e0130f9f9561"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2719"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4446ce1-a19a-4cb4-928b-b17a775e4fae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.296001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2720"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb2e627e-3d9a-432b-8b59-1cc2cb0f8edb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2721"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85b4b149-1f37-4b55-995c-f8d4882b3c75"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.155998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2722"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c79aa80-cf8d-43b5-8999-5f67abac2c42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.097"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.097"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2723"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ec44a8a-6081-4bab-9b97-f6aa1fb0f445"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2724"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e72fd1c8-3e26-4afe-a447-19bfa9d662db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2725"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7026666-c353-456f-8043-39d50c7775e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.648998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2726"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "077052c4-6d65-4dc3-b7b8-1117fea3e649"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2727"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4283ef55-a303-40e7-835c-518ab88e267f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.324001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2728"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dfa2886a-5dba-4065-9201-f571843ebe31"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2729"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c23cfff4-0f4f-4bf1-8929-274b8ca160bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.964001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.964001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2730"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "66796ec7-40e2-4ad4-8c71-3cde94b09ef2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.028999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.028999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2731"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "926a2670-38f4-4024-aa0c-b394a0bf161a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.007"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.007"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2732"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e3327cf-42ec-409f-88b3-deb1f1323d3b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2733"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef039ea1-6353-454d-b677-ca596c9f899b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2734"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5089c74f-d554-4561-9dfd-d536a1063419"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.254002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2735"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33219ef5-f12f-40d5-9699-318bb3b02517"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2736"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8325adbf-c6d5-4577-b1cd-44c48b3cead8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.231998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2737"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0e59bb3-1d1f-4c52-ab58-fe2fb86b73e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.209999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2738"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fbd165b4-0d9a-4bd8-8d15-f6ccc4a3eaed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2739"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e29f4ca3-385d-4eb7-88fe-e77c6fef0a4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2740"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "118982ec-1612-4cbd-9afd-434a2682c86b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.327999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2741"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e20f67f6-b73d-44a3-909d-67b91cfb5cb7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.16"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.16"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2742"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3204d5c6-beb8-4d22-af80-9b952da60208"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.348"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.348"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.080002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2743"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84576daf-ce42-4a36-a929-f33feac1af01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2744"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2724f34e-740b-4adf-b9b8-eb042b4c9da7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2745"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5aa6fe2c-b3ce-4087-b5f7-95af72985100"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.429001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.429001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2746"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd09279c-575c-47e4-9b30-6f728672e96c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.546001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.313999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2747"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "108fad93-f725-407f-9963-43654a412e33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.463001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2748"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b4a3818-a70c-4485-a4b9-81d447864a6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2749"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3bc7991-a7b2-49f1-9f2a-ad61518dc993"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2750"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dca6271d-7802-4a98-ab7a-81b1fc769a28"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.139"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.139"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2751"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a648b66-91b7-4286-be23-e0f847a95c34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.146"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.146"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2752"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22a48a88-3e57-4e0b-a2f6-91f65c28fda7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.250999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2753"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7e6577e-6eac-4fa6-acf1-8e0aef3a71a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2754"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19f00543-9588-48a3-b4ec-54a33411c22e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.408001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.408001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2755"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9177f323-b75f-450f-9d84-b27ac82f9df4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.967999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2756"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "68512eb0-2726-47d8-b156-8ad8a50ec591"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2757"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "722a97af-8c04-46fe-b071-30b29514ad23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2758"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab1b1630-8c74-4ad4-b8ff-4bb8c121b167"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2759"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df6740f9-4c16-44d6-b0c5-f1a6ab04bcfe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2760"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "250793e7-64c0-43be-8a1b-97a0c469224c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2761"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2bc1775-ac43-4e95-b4a9-15542604e8bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2762"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4085f0dd-656f-4e9d-a528-3942c7559a01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2763"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38a7851e-9dc1-46f9-b4b3-66c64b5496b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.514"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.514"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2764"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "257163aa-c1f5-416f-9e35-cb5d0220f07f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.950001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2765"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d870efe-7940-4b9f-973e-b6d6adcc92bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2766"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7e089f9-7646-4be9-8a4b-8d3d1fd88207"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2767"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4f08550-ffa5-4c6b-90e4-175a66b32f01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.969002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2768"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d933e19-9e51-438a-aae8-6d0d809955ed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2769"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f21a8b6-2052-4031-bbf8-5bd874c511e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.283001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2770"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c51344d9-4af0-40a2-b2db-3ae2bb6edec5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.337002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2771"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a6eea56-d1de-4d31-9432-c1f1873b24c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.402"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.402"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.868999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.868999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2772"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d07df27-1825-42ce-a6a1-0230101fffc8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2773"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d96c7968-1e45-4210-87fe-f889342e81ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2774"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a01d7232-8a4e-4c6a-b8e7-d166575c7e2a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2775"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e35845de-9788-4f21-b130-be8388e3fa66"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.355999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.032001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.032001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2776"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "acd50f32-b666-449b-b8d5-6d297d7f02df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.035"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.035"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2777"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "323e9c1a-c575-42b4-880f-4f4e8c7dd235"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.449001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2778"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4318c872-8517-4a84-bec0-5dca7e69743b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2779"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cdd58b8-4ca2-4196-9608-6dd89a67a290"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2780"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "137a0cf5-df85-4049-8049-3d12ce15a32a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.773998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2781"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "faf036ed-e076-4e8b-9cbb-ca49184c7071"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2782"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82a1e682-85f4-4f71-a63f-c31a7a426943"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2783"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a26bacd0-bc54-4af7-80ef-3dcc1d58d164"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.195999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2784"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d89d36ae-31f1-4772-8faf-438d497dd926"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.494999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.494999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2785"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e175f801-2795-4b6d-82ee-b27657a57ec4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.896999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2786"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "222945a5-7ffc-48e3-a8b5-d7b76564d315"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.209"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.209"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2787"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b303c6ff-ba12-47dc-ba35-b9083665052a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.555"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.555"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2788"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2fcc4511-357a-4efa-8f10-7898973e34be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2789"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2790e4d5-a8bd-47ca-9fe7-1cbf882f6bd5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2790"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8fdcb4bd-b255-4b71-b39d-c057a27b041e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2791"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2689c3e8-d44a-4bc6-bf3e-c3ce402d3781"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2792"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c7d5222-d219-4800-bd47-012f4ccf589c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2793"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7bdd9431-c267-426b-ba54-7ac76afff814"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.674"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.674"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2794"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0fbe5691-fae1-471f-8c4a-8f020bcec419"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2795"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d04fd293-001f-4894-be0f-471b5047c7b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2796"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bab64115-9c59-48a4-bbf3-b87a9822dc81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2797"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "734d42e6-bd36-4d1e-9e06-f33ca3bf46be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2798"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43b7caa6-53f0-4f46-b51d-9b05469d391e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2799"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e70f3911-c5f7-47ff-a6e0-b86da83e67ed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2800"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b02ba77b-5966-490f-a396-5ec1a4f6c53a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2801"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c889beaf-cb67-496f-bd39-084ee08f61bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2802"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8da32cf4-e585-4f25-9fec-d8a4789ab33d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2803"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3b873a6-67ee-4598-bd6b-cd8bab215e71"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2804"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98d5494a-1a9d-4e3f-a652-4e2a18446773"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2805"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "20c72e13-e8c8-4c88-951d-52f11bffb311"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2806"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c4c552a-8d10-4ed6-8b6f-83074319c2b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.804001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2807"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb07af87-4f22-4ef5-b83c-a79a53d62198"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2808"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f826ca75-4e9e-48cd-9df2-0e87c67dce23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2809"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76078eec-5e28-4e5a-bcea-661ec950683b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2810"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "57101d43-3bd7-47b4-804b-933be0c6349e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2811"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "36443cca-2da8-4db3-8098-52fb3e0546d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2812"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f253ad8-7dbf-4db0-accf-3b15b7213244"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2813"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f778c3cf-b09d-4659-90df-22272b56d8d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2814"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "57fcfacc-12a4-4662-80f3-d752e812c861"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2815"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "264f0a3e-e5ac-4570-bdc0-1f9810b199a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2816"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88cc3f51-ad2c-4b06-85b1-fb673f07acf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2817"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4470a37c-c458-4bcb-ad6f-cead2c5590e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2818"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba185d34-8b25-45fd-ae0b-71b41f99e033"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2819"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "744a5225-7b3f-4830-819a-19d859ec4c35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2820"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1575a091-aeaf-47f8-a54a-1940212a7012"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2821"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1be605c8-6475-4556-8922-3955610f82cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2822"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39ff3d60-11af-4f35-a229-ffa4ae485306"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2823"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "082596af-a194-400e-92b6-d41291630ab8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2824"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13397892-1d61-4942-b1cc-bf1790a8846c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2825"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e29ce13b-3ad2-4101-98ba-eea1cfc3689e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2826"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e80dcec-2a60-4c88-acba-dc8b344b3ab8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2827"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b1c7bd0-f24d-4772-8b78-3be188b8697e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2828"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9129006-6789-4d02-92ed-6c29280f93fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.687"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2829"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5eb7f477-3edb-4484-9cae-b0459bf1ed90"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.049999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2830"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e233ca93-0cf4-41d0-aa69-12cd69ba4921"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.237999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2831"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19f65cf3-5025-4017-a663-8002cf0845b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.125999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2832"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d1d7623-9ef5-49c3-b55e-37c0c13a3f5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2833"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88d6f75e-2b25-4df2-bc54-fd1af697e055"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.16"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.16"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.487999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2834"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dffd3c96-5134-414f-ac20-00037a47c2b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2835"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18ad458d-dc8b-45d7-a220-040a14e9934e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2836"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52621be3-90d8-4c33-b1b2-56fdb57a5475"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2837"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1bb1839-5646-490c-ba09-61c0d0dd8276"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.576"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2838"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f2906a7-74e2-4e4c-97be-8550a082282c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2839"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7812628f-1166-40bc-87e5-682a2f910017"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.535"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.535"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2840"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f56d3ce5-2c3a-4217-b683-3ff72658d0ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2841"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4b84e23-24d6-43c8-984f-de9b8a6d2e52"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2842"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5d8b9d4-d092-4ceb-bdcd-dff1a16408f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.911999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2843"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eec3b1e8-e37f-412b-9802-54fd1c15295c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.097"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.097"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2844"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e3909d8-04de-4e95-bf39-c8195df9ed9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.129002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.174"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.174"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2845"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2949472-b335-4801-8953-9307a4733bc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.16"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.16"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2846"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab5e98e2-d52f-4922-a2c2-1108764eda11"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2847"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbd5045d-3ecd-4ae6-bb3b-d9242fed52f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2848"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9f7ce8d-44e5-45ab-8478-82e329ab50bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.978001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2849"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76776aea-a2de-4077-b200-3be31984bae8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.091999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.901001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2850"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab22fc43-44d9-42a8-8d22-1b806fe10cfb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2851"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc56a806-1859-41ef-9bb7-bf537e91f162"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2852"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f18ea6de-518e-4b0a-8728-0d7e5a57354f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2853"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b42c70e5-5e89-487e-9ff7-ff4e94ca8bc7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.060001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.074001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2854"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "472d2ee7-3b18-4710-ba3d-775ec80e6c46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2855"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6a7192a-f60f-4890-a83c-82284a21f3c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2856"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54694e1c-c5de-40b6-97f1-13d6aed5c7ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2857"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f75c37f-a5f9-45fc-aa52-64a69c116021"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2858"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "15bb64b3-d71c-492f-8914-6785220aeb32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.108002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2859"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "618df877-01fc-4f89-a97d-ce34d8128a18"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2860"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b16e836-d53a-4b17-bff9-ca70602eb09b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.049"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.049"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2861"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef89a979-8258-4607-b0b1-8c8655b18694"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2862"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a35e817f-0c3a-4b60-acea-4c57c0d4b612"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2863"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0e160c8-d0c4-431f-8b16-3253b8be9787"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.263"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.263"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2864"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4fc44d3-852d-4018-aaeb-8ac86512913e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2865"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04ec3460-959d-4ba5-bbe3-264e19e5eec1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2866"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11f3c68b-3c73-4dc5-b9b7-a3d99f3d7874"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2867"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7fa65d46-13d5-4102-8a2d-fa1b9adef6e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.979"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.979"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2868"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de6975dc-2afc-4e3a-a591-5e26e1dfe75b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2869"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5534e6d7-1af5-40da-af80-d3ce5f49a86e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2870"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32211e86-c414-4814-b39b-d0c3a76b80f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2871"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3de24260-f428-4ded-91ad-15bd0d981c34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.233002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2872"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "016b7bd0-71d9-4141-9fc0-a856688364a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.278"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.278"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.553001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2873"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54e15652-65d7-4734-a7fa-229285e47a48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.602001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2874"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3709b3f0-a47c-457d-b17e-03e63dafbe8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2875"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7b4d25b0-dc76-442a-aa2a-cb1b126037a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2876"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b526451-80fc-44bb-850d-bdadf08e8a6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.112999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2877"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b49ad651-182b-4916-94da-c8ea55d04ea1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2878"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26dad72b-2524-4497-b6ed-d63ceb588175"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.536999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2879"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34c96526-6665-4dda-b340-b54591709980"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.360001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2880"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "769d6217-f1fa-405d-969c-a82ec9291fbb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2881"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc92f362-e2de-4b7a-8ed8-9999ed22f211"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.310001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2882"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a816eae8-ed10-4486-96d1-51c0201a830c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.084"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.084"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2883"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c323db6-0507-4c9c-b95d-72d45285a76f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.894001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.894001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2884"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cd30aeec-2759-479b-8764-cbab5187245e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.419998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2885"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5bea2595-0bbe-48fe-90c4-63ce0b9d7b87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2886"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d120b20-d943-4034-876f-a3946a6e067d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.087002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2887"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e63ad0e-29bb-4f3a-81ae-fbe1ed1f333d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.945999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.945999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.297001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2888"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e969f515-dbb7-459a-b72a-3fe7370f3bc8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2889"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9395d09-e431-49ab-903c-346306806592"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2890"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "248eca42-7f65-40fb-8247-cdcdc91628d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.097"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.097"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2891"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ebfdaff-18be-4ef5-8e0b-ac80c1b00992"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2892"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eadd0c48-ed10-42b7-aa94-cbbb09b6c806"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2893"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d42b2231-8ad5-4e0a-b6b6-a2592a9b73b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2894"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25df9412-c39c-43ee-8ea9-a01b8fe92bec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2895"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08d5e504-29dd-4479-ab10-b40af050bd3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2896"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29c25c65-3b49-4472-b503-7b4cb6c8b9b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.076"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2897"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30815f30-7e9a-4646-a4ae-e541615be260"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.117001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.483002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.483002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2898"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73eb96ac-0ccd-49a3-bae7-32bcbed95995"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.207001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2899"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0607da8-1b38-4599-8c78-72b1eea929f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2900"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edf2c2e7-5a55-47d0-b054-6fd3a9edab69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2901"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "176745ea-6b4c-4e52-99d4-f7e93d57b4a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.98"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.98"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2902"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a8ee17c9-a08d-48db-b982-f6bc53aad0f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.452999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2903"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b118d5c6-e244-4f29-b680-c1651c20719c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.021"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.021"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2904"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bfa9aa86-2581-4654-9cd3-21f5953217bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.018002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.018002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2905"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17345bea-c6be-4c09-8729-85b4dc20e9c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2906"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cea6c01a-dba4-4923-9f6f-d0990fa8ad59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2907"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ab7b872-f97b-48b5-aeba-c8674889b2f1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2908"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a0956b43-f15a-4ac7-b963-96b0cc18a219"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2909"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da154c6d-756d-4925-9950-afb71b7d060f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2910"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "380246a3-8376-481a-aecc-2aac37430463"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2911"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f27e7d5d-5f59-409c-bf1c-b83a101538dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2912"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c693fbf9-3a7c-4a09-9f9e-7a8d1908b70d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.368999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2913"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6c1e4d9-1ddc-4691-9b6a-e3347cf966d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.368"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.368"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2914"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5b53d29-c5de-46de-9d92-7dd74d8689b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2915"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "46e071a9-d57d-426e-8ada-61982201cd95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2916"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9dca6498-7e8f-406e-a3b7-ecfb8c96c926"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2917"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a90a631-3598-400b-bcde-b50319b22c74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2918"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dae1bffd-5085-4a62-8158-036d38dc947d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.826"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.826"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2919"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99481976-542a-4871-83cc-3da2693bdd55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2920"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ee5b3d0-a6cb-4081-a875-949b741f92bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.516998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2921"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf2d01cc-f4ae-4aa1-8344-1fc7c7744533"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.037998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2922"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3e89441-0813-4df5-985f-9dc438f1bd69"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.049"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.049"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.348999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2923"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0899eb13-cdbb-4f22-b468-2dbdff92a7bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2924"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1740fadd-1eb9-49ce-aeb0-98d2cf64675c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2925"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f529623a-edbb-4e73-94e0-dc8faa66b1d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.002998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.002998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2926"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a94972ee-17f9-4208-97a9-70221cebfa82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.966"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.966"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2927"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88d3ff4c-2e39-4c70-93cb-3f837a2fa980"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.490002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2928"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7a5d7579-e36e-4d4d-9002-741ad3f6b488"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.417999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.417999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2929"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f0bb35b-ae1c-407b-b5d2-7528a471ded6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2930"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f221c6a9-3d5e-4615-8907-3435f829b090"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2931"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "515f3192-e88c-43d1-bfab-7cc2e0ca5ffe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2932"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "274c5e93-1668-4834-8e66-d968ecf266f6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2933"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d9720f1-b3f9-47d7-8457-b00c63ddf044"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2934"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7e3ee53-0d87-4ae7-bdf1-f2d44eb6a970"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.755001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2935"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9167f159-7cf4-4817-b41a-f825ece3435b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2936"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9602b471-f5d1-47ae-b5fc-20fc2101fcfd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2937"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f90b0722-8081-4679-88e2-35870ad1db60"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.560001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2938"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69f3e39f-b993-439b-85ac-e4ea2b9e84d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.589001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2939"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d65a6f48-4495-496d-9fcd-20b599330220"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.236"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.236"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2940"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "daf48f00-3cb4-4a54-8f09-88099108aedc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.219002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.604"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.604"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2941"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1db4485-414e-49bd-8515-1cc8386826cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2942"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5fd7725e-879f-4ad6-a18c-01b79026923d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2943"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c13ae26-5314-4420-b25e-f7b8e1c18dad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.908001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2944"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49d7ac52-1804-4542-aa46-03de533f0868"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2945"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27c91e5f-30a6-4fcb-8ab7-e97da661cd12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.539001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2946"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5567aa1-dd55-42bf-baa4-b726f585597e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2947"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70e45efb-c3ba-4dac-b5cc-4025f8ad1424"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2948"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3f5853d-5f39-4fe3-93b5-b85dd296f410"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2949"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "30a12b29-63b8-4ad2-8350-09225f3d79a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2950"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65a5e474-8a91-46f2-8631-28ba3a181f1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2951"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "766d6bed-4c19-41f3-b2bb-4f897a14f3fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.784"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.784"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2952"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "361bec92-c1a7-4834-9030-85670184b1ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2953"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4719fd0-07fc-4e25-9fcb-9b595494a37c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.887001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.285999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2954"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcfc070c-8ceb-4646-8d80-545f11f7fb94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.131001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2955"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6132826e-10c2-4f12-ab3c-b25d2ba01741"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2956"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44f6908e-5176-45c6-a247-6e8824dabba2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2957"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47521afa-be4d-4ba3-a943-3b36947bff1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.851002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.851002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2958"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8adfd5a-029f-431d-9cfb-027c9282ca41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.575001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2959"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f307a34f-8ff5-4573-86fe-2835b47e9ce5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.805"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.805"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2960"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1f365589-589e-4bad-a2ac-f72e9e2a3d1d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2961"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79e766d2-d326-42ef-a4e6-55b69ca92a70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2962"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb9d2362-87b2-407a-91f9-0fe71bb54be9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.474998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2963"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e137ece1-8f7e-454c-8a04-9d8acad66b9d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.561001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2964"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e37300a-e3b0-44dc-b329-1657ae6c29c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2965"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed9d70c6-3cb7-4307-afab-d6005f86ac39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2966"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "534674ee-6ffd-4b2e-a94c-38e47529832c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2967"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50db3df4-9c1c-46c1-92e9-86596eb24a62"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.446999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2968"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed2cd3f3-1b6b-4f1e-bc19-c66952f66783"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2969"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc587a1e-05bf-4ca5-bbee-9a07d4a90404"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.395"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.395"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.709999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2970"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e835061e-e057-4e93-ae55-2319d78369a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.452"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.452"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2971"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b626676-93da-454d-b111-b2ed47caefdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.285"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.285"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2972"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b162ed9-1782-412b-bd31-6859feb92106"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2973"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65f163fd-a4ec-4751-9d4b-2c933d8a9ae9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2974"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ac13ad7-86bd-42d3-ab18-c6c1f76e4bad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.27"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.27"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2975"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49f4056a-dc11-47ec-8955-ab3d6d151ee2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2976"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9be3aaf-4d7e-4043-a4d5-f639140d3eef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2977"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de432833-cd9d-4416-bc77-79b10c51da5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.556999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2978"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8fc9186-9420-4e1f-b094-e7f19e633570"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2979"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22f835d7-e1c6-4c8a-a22a-9e5b2edb1674"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2980"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a362e3e-8b32-4bf6-b1e0-fbe67347ad63"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.883999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.084"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.084"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2981"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba8f266c-23e9-4e60-b592-34969557c2d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.132"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.132"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2982"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de2da376-0f1e-4528-99c0-48b3616c898b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.819"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.819"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2983"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5117d7c4-2aa4-457d-b85f-80cae2b57e93"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.234001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2984"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9230916c-274c-4935-8a2d-0df6f12a0dc3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2985"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7131c400-e24e-495c-8b4c-78a3ae124e05"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2986"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94b5da0e-e32b-43ff-a7dc-3fc2b250a2e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.585999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2987"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "068cef08-aebd-4402-bf6d-1ae81a3bc764"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2988"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7923164-9343-4ed2-9c8d-6daeb14086f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.715"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.715"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.062"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.062"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2989"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "320ced93-0670-44f6-802d-e519b47d86c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2990"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df1e27bd-5bc0-40f2-b87e-129f33d24b79"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.591999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2991"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "593fbd73-d861-4dde-9c70-4bd57eb102a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.550999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2992"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ac168ae-1d08-48a5-9dcc-56e45f51029b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2993"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48cdcd41-0952-48b2-a08a-1eb944c1a20a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2994"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6acc167-16fd-409a-8753-cbd9e901137e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.025002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.597"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.597"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2995"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "176a3f0d-4994-42df-b47f-2cfde4248c5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2996"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1c745131-aee6-4694-979a-bc3e023d3095"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.966"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.966"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.217999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2997"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8983abb9-8b94-463d-ac73-7b9c1a3196e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.009998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2998"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5190105a-d190-46c0-b9ee-c4c0262c48db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-2999"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7b88d0c-eb2e-4642-beb8-5cb8ce35d11d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3000"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9990cba-49ea-4638-9f7d-2d8f5eac3047"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.141998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3001"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a8693f72-58fb-4cb8-9359-ef71d3d0f9cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.780998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3002"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d4d4e84-70ed-4149-87d9-0228cced1c45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.041"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.041"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3003"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c0d6842-5786-4353-a521-e3f21ed809dd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.021"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.021"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3004"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "535cc7cd-b278-4b18-9e22-6d5136326d01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3005"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee3b4528-47b0-4098-9644-b16513f963c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3006"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "523b3409-723c-4cf1-98ad-8f2595b2923a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3007"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dace546e-07d9-48f4-b35c-719d2d58e4dd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.862999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.036999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3008"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc3151c3-3a7f-4c6b-a14f-4c9667e06b89"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.486"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.486"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3009"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2629ebf1-9d14-4d41-8814-2daad42b9582"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.030998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3010"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f662a6d2-a45f-4dcd-8816-029968d30cc5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3011"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "60f4f178-88ba-4600-89a1-46165500f7d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3012"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00f420c0-9f0b-4e91-9668-fae9a8182426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.424999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3013"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4693f494-06e9-4a08-b74e-fb4109bddfa8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3014"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb1d3c42-b577-4924-8a4d-b87fc02f7c3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3015"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d5e0da1-a030-4edd-843b-a6570e398ca6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3016"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90eaeb82-6038-489e-9efb-31f4059a0ed8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3017"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d557e7c-3bbc-420b-9ce4-939b9d0ee585"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.134998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3018"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbdf9ed3-c208-4635-8abf-7b31adabd425"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.548"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.548"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3019"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4189d7fc-636e-4ffc-8025-9a5f8cd6f25b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3020"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f1e8c1c-2645-4327-8125-944bb1324128"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.358002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3021"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62576c4b-9981-40dd-ba3e-bf2cbb61bb5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3022"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b829f169-41ea-4913-80fa-ab7be451505f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3023"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "479fa809-9aa4-4b0c-96f3-b6848c35c650"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3024"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d959757e-57a7-42f6-82f8-bfef34b238f4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.939999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3025"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "885824fd-3ac3-49e5-ab74-4d2082e751a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.347"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.347"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3026"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce90c0be-36af-47a0-91c3-d3e50b35b25d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3027"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9a57085-05e3-4f5f-9948-b80a5c034df6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3028"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "962e2dc3-0d25-464a-9718-2bb48f900e0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.001999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3029"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1c77cdf-b564-4f51-bc81-f386d6ad50ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.438999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3030"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "335defa1-a9d0-4e38-b5b0-4e3eb346eef6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3031"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82c54e18-0466-4da1-883a-ecf34949bc9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3032"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "446cdeb2-f1b7-4ebb-8a72-b80c69c60e47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3033"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3939ec49-3013-48fa-a21d-74ab40610545"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3034"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c76613b-c786-4abc-8703-ee4cd8f65876"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.457001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3035"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8a4545a-1240-41a1-bec1-8123a1a738ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3036"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a22c4a3-d56d-4591-9d75-65ffddf4d5a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.98"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.98"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3037"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76915713-082c-4106-b46c-eaa688dbd269"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.056999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3038"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6d1e499-5c45-40bf-8ea3-1ec378037c79"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.972"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.972"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.805"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.805"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3039"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c131b8c7-20a9-49ad-b85a-28060704f0e7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3040"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7e797f7-5000-4c49-8b41-cd61ab029370"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.403999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.210999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3041"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a141c4e-5a63-436f-84b0-ab727f61a9d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3042"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c2e852ad-21e0-467f-bcdc-ed9f7b236f58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3043"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2e1007e-6512-4d5e-abcd-a5f07e25ac8f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3044"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbbaba8c-39d6-4992-ad41-76e86b3e7954"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.827"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.827"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3045"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3560d5d-8186-4926-a0dc-a2f2eaa73870"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3046"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2080e0eb-42ea-4fee-bf5b-2a90c67716f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3047"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd05830b-85ae-4031-82ac-e111444c7630"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.681"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3048"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d82d97f4-017a-450c-b77d-06a7c101f432"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3049"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af97424c-923a-4b50-ab40-bc431b3821f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3050"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d2927227-d465-4607-908e-4051f4a5ec55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3051"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09cdf8dc-ca72-4a29-82c9-b1d57e35c0f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3052"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3e3235c-6369-4ec9-a38a-53dccc86e1e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.68"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3053"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6907626-d4f5-4a7f-9195-e01bc7258ecf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.682999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3054"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1438820-f6de-42f3-899b-ac322e1776fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3055"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6c82e0a-2063-4103-bc3d-04c5f3a0e89c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3056"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1cc449f-0c71-4806-b1c4-15175aec6a54"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3057"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d17db70a-cd73-4846-b7f3-0bd19903355f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3058"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "375a7662-faae-4f86-9cac-6be819f8bc4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3059"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b794d2cf-4d44-4f66-9175-620588d6201c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3060"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0913b4e5-f739-4d59-b035-614e4464dce9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.762001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3061"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01e0d3d0-24a5-46ea-b318-807d9b350772"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3062"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd43c162-1b2f-4c86-b1e6-36b5a204fee8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3063"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08e48de8-e4db-4307-8888-5513de73a08e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3064"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ffc2f96-527a-41b2-abce-80ad81aa85a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3065"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67d87e52-7019-4608-b4b1-1fe3d10db503"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3066"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95bfcfb9-8a3b-4cde-8133-f834b55cf7ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3067"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39700fec-bb36-46ad-9ce1-2f84616b5623"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3068"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe238b71-6a2c-4bf5-8bb4-3156a8a1aed3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3069"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb64e94e-a991-440b-8793-c3fc534300e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3070"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "81bdf690-6a6d-4a2b-940f-a0898cd893ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3071"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8abef47f-8497-4f01-9890-3b937a88a4a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3072"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "052b846e-8e69-40f2-b781-610be7302795"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3073"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0bfa57ee-ea57-4b50-8e23-5b72626d6faa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.509998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3074"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d29ea04-c6b7-4ef3-bdf3-1b0cbad5d779"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3075"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2984b082-c492-40b9-838a-3e86d7603e5d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3076"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91d9f9b4-27ad-4d4c-a215-92766cadfa7a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3077"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e49a9ce1-6397-4dae-a2fd-4facbe7f66ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3078"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c08733c3-b9ce-40fa-906a-1b9ca570cae5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.384998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3079"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5a3eef3-8249-4943-82d9-e04aca0cf5b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.395"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.395"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3080"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52d03cc6-cf78-45bd-8c8d-106e51cf9dba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.396"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.396"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.476002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3081"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "596e7f05-5901-4078-8818-ef8faabd9afb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.729"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.729"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3082"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9338953e-4daf-49e2-8831-a62ff9e9f5b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.595001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3083"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "902007b0-0533-448b-994d-1907515d506c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.526001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3084"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6f606a7-e632-49ce-ace8-9ba2bf6514fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.907001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3085"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a0e621e-ffdc-4094-9d5e-20f69d7cd5c7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.830002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3086"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a27ff42-da0f-4237-97a2-85fbbb445916"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.573002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3087"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f12d72f2-56dd-4c17-a028-ff17baaaa6aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.374001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3088"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b96eb497-298f-41a4-bad2-fe32a62eb5ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.245998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.889"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.889"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3089"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74378720-b45a-4850-abb7-295730092e01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3090"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6a3d9ab-c3ce-49da-bb12-5cb45898f5fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.295998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.295998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3091"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da78f0d5-fb9f-488a-afa7-a43495494876"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-53.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-53.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.325001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3092"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95e41c58-8e7a-4ded-b2d0-bb86e265b9d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.058998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3093"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbd2c264-7943-4741-a134-b7786fd863ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3094"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa91f4c9-4fc8-4706-be5d-4a680a9d35e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-51.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-51.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.904999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3095"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0abc167e-f58c-4b2a-b418-34fa1317fc23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.202"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.202"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3096"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e295754-baa0-4277-ae46-ee9ac42ab7f3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.723999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3097"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "95523af0-5669-4b72-9b6e-4e5dfa8e483e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3098"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76eda2fa-cd01-4ba8-9d35-c1f769c07e55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.889999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.889999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3099"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa1ad24f-8ac2-44d5-9d21-81004d517c38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.577999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3100"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "704811f8-6661-4eaf-bfb8-4b5aaee31a4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3101"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18f900c8-a2c5-4241-9256-5bba48d2973a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3102"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2212c5fc-7297-4020-b7a1-9dbca462efd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3103"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00be6570-8e00-4253-9bb7-368630e256d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3104"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38774e93-50bf-489b-bd37-50abe6edfe33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3105"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3dac087a-7b27-40e6-bd18-b28e490abfe3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.715"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.715"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3106"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba2e0be3-34b4-4254-b712-9177fd2fe29e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.831001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3107"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f3baabb-d431-482a-9e87-228d10fbfcba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.808998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3108"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d48cbfa-159f-46c0-844f-8636c5611499"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3109"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99723a9e-df0c-46c7-82f5-c5a9aaaea82c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.620998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.620998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3110"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05194f08-f2ad-41db-8b0c-c45d51bbe178"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3111"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84d2ace1-35e5-4a08-be28-04d507702774"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3112"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bad7098a-08a9-4d64-8c5a-432e4c344681"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3113"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e12cc6d9-7a4f-4dde-9b90-d44a2a2f89d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.782001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3114"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb6ee04a-f3c4-4bd0-998e-d1b924085f33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3115"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac856e21-40fd-42ce-bc09-505d60143a14"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3116"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac88cdab-4fed-416b-a2ff-b047c5b2b3ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.848999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3117"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "559eb4bd-fbf5-4a77-82fe-3a91d8ffeabc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3118"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a24e8d86-62c4-428e-b3d6-b4c4b02f9cfa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3119"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5b7342f-ae5e-43fd-8031-763ecde28928"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3120"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a8e5b118-44ad-4a60-91ff-965b62ad880f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.717999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3121"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "404ff38d-26a6-41b1-9cf7-18294096701d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.798"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3122"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53b2df94-da94-4d38-9c5f-3b421b8de818"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3123"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3d949f6-e4c4-4755-b43b-e65f35956440"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3124"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2bd1e72-210d-469b-80f7-6ba34f6470d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.738998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3125"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7ecae26-a252-4f6f-84c3-3e16cdd9af6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.820999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3126"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7fdc6bda-a13a-4643-bd44-cdc9e04dd8f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.748001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3127"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ad04fcf-1763-45c8-b57e-a0ddf74323cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.771"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3128"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9c693e3-7759-42d8-adf9-8685d32dcb7e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.731998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3129"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c794a63-1c82-4cdd-80ad-1c775500e3b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3130"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e19f9738-b15c-4d53-b6a0-c1275f320094"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3131"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "40f9bc8d-09ce-45e9-a373-dad020b2ce10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.706001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3132"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9aa8ef0e-688e-4d5d-b962-d5ab3957c680"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.778999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3133"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "956639c1-9895-4cb9-b0d9-c0486ef65446"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3134"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48e59af7-c06b-44dd-81e2-04eee7df2f64"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.727001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3135"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b4eef1f-2b40-4d5e-9ff7-27eb37ff2110"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.608002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3136"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d167d6d9-2b3f-44a2-ac29-60af6980f7ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.691002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3137"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "150e989b-9a67-4399-afdf-8f96cf6ed07f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.605999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.605999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3138"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "253555b4-327f-4dc2-8872-2d635050c802"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3139"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2026e872-de8b-41a4-967c-137f69a41728"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3140"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "664b458a-4b7b-42f7-9304-e93b7e46852f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.346001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3141"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0726a78-9617-4ac0-8fb3-dad8f13ad68b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.835999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3142"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43e1ade4-60ad-49c4-a3d5-9121913b5a32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.438"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.438"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.451"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.451"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3143"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "219fb7fd-ce34-4707-94dc-811dd6ad0547"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.441002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3144"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc47302a-cf8d-4f39-b06c-6297673f1a88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.740002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3145"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "026a165b-9dfc-410e-9637-414c984def0d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3146"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dabc3025-62e7-4660-81ae-abace89ccdc3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3147"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa04033d-63d4-447e-a381-849374b7943a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3148"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b47eda0-5087-45ed-81eb-c561c578856c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3149"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc00eabe-1e40-4c22-ba00-5557fc81cfb4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3150"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01ad2409-ed76-423a-989a-f20de32739d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.792999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3151"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16f45f76-3884-4220-8bc9-6f94fb09c89b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3152"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2562873-142c-439f-8aef-174b75a32f83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.737999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3153"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73121be6-6b6b-4c3e-a8c2-830e0acee18e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.679001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.625999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3154"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "300f25a5-de5a-4afd-8d3d-d684fa85e497"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.630001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.630001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3155"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "812230b1-114e-41ca-b9bd-c522a0a49a19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.661999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.615002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3156"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea8ab443-e84d-4632-87d6-9002fa1d2f59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3157"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3d60553f-dc1d-453b-9d6d-4c87ca3ca2b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.683998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.598999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3158"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e9bc99a-ff63-4781-8457-5b88a7bf58be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3159"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f07c2289-4328-4dc4-a6d7-44cef171e740"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3160"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c25bd991-8545-4a20-8a59-5724621e02d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.674999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3161"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9155fdfc-03c6-49de-9a66-ec2b13a35b45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.696999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.626999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3162"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e1a79a6-3810-4735-994f-e9687f950a9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.728001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3163"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97d6313f-35a6-4dfc-8835-ae6a91513d31"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.624001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3164"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d48e868-3afc-4246-9560-bca3912483e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.659"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3165"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ec93f9d1-7dd9-4077-83ff-107e59365f5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.806999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3166"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f29b4aa4-f30a-4cf8-9bd4-cbfab21de39e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.794998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3167"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b045c89-0d97-4328-b565-2587f210788c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.818001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3168"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a642df79-9fae-497b-b062-3d7517aeab8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.785999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.664001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3169"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50ef3866-eb12-4043-a6ac-be445aa13f08"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3170"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3b5ad61-d612-447e-9dc8-78dd08939b41"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.764"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3171"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "effc453e-9aec-4ad7-811f-d9b41546988d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3172"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2161fb04-ac9d-41e1-8a88-a89b95df5f34"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3173"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "female"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d4b5fb0-a12f-49b0-a7ef-9da9f6330bf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., FEDAK, M.A. & MCCONNELL, B.J. 1999. Post-breeding distribution and diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Mammalogy, 4, 1341-1352"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3174"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11b34862-87a8-4fef-869e-59f4f1b1c1cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3175"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a6b8d92a-a07b-4588-8514-2c3b3f4c722c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3176"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8c1cb91-9bac-4307-8489-3b4f3b268816"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3177"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ee8a583-f74e-4432-a8cc-055f1d76122f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3178"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2cf358b8-2b30-49c7-a96e-e0609efc9fd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3179"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b9f7f8a7-a4d9-4da4-8117-7b458ae71a83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3180"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1cdecb3-db58-4cfc-ab79-52ec7c76fbae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3181"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89caa929-d00f-4df1-aa08-041f457f9aee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3182"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72a2df0e-983d-4491-a862-65ff14c07caf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3183"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b43a330c-83f7-4f3c-a892-117fc20c642f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3184"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d25a949f-6485-47ef-8d37-a46072f56a63"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3185"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b8f98339-bcf2-4443-b318-ea91ae6045e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3186"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c327f91-2ef3-4584-9ba3-f15bde39f32d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3187"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d99d1d70-36ff-48b9-aa99-7a89676f3da8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3188"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8744d215-773b-4a0e-a575-099d6bfaacba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3189"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25b087f1-6b08-4238-b0f7-1c031a4549fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3190"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f20b3fac-a638-4760-a172-82d97a97bd48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3191"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b70466e7-3eba-4d12-9dc2-8cac82d2d203"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3192"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4f66ce0-7061-4a58-b53e-5bb792a341b0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3193"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc808ca5-d84f-4746-9a03-8091909331f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3194"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e96a19d-3792-4cbd-b363-06b3741bd02e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3195"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "066b7299-2dc8-44d5-baed-2319a26b09d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3196"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3be5660b-5305-4e6b-9d23-744c868eb53a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3197"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6632227f-65d6-4283-b11a-1f0f4d0c480e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3198"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4bf523ab-7e6d-42c5-a972-7689e349f26c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3199"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdc37e8a-6732-4847-9ca3-0cd18df9b755"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3200"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f277b14-bee5-4e25-af05-6fc469b17904"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3201"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56e6681f-20ad-4f7e-b835-0fd4f4118f12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3202"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "03706187-a48a-47ba-b106-41611014939b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3203"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74b70fc9-c30a-4f04-a187-b0f6ebd9f76d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3204"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "acdc15e3-ad63-43aa-bc3d-444e18ff54c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3205"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "813bfe02-3d77-4cfe-97d7-0048c9b9c111"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3206"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d84f5da8-d59d-4dce-9d42-c19eeef788c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3207"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "46db3032-39ff-4610-a879-9a3bf44e3564"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3208"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ae42229-b7b8-4d53-b780-d2b467f45cd2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3209"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c5d2ae7a-5650-416e-b234-a58af17a9a7f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3210"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ddff484-ba7e-4dc4-8db0-4eea5a6e2a58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3211"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18da3728-751f-48bd-9cf1-db8295c9e912"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3212"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc1d236d-d413-4ba2-939c-99855d6b8c4a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3213"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9074087-c872-4d37-b239-da803c6ffb88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3214"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "527035a1-14b4-46f3-80c0-11e3da907e1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3215"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eeb2ceaa-46b6-46b2-8b94-32a201b28d48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3216"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9211b9c-7343-464a-ae71-d5887e9d86c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3217"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "166054ee-a216-411b-af9f-50e5c4f0e364"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3218"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8bdb30fd-f2b5-4c78-a2ca-ab92bf8657fa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3219"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ed53de3-2808-4bde-863e-61d440dfbfbf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3220"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0e5166d-e0e8-4ada-82c9-3580afd28c88"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3221"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b01d1b03-ede9-469e-b692-ad8ccdeb3463"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3222"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dbfdb511-2ec5-494d-a1d0-894f3969a32b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3223"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3971096a-c073-49ae-a930-bfc323e5e5c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3224"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43c8e4c3-9c83-47eb-a829-f621c051fb44"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3225"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a23af3fe-f762-4a45-8b2b-7c988eefdfbc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3226"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3475e0a-75b9-4289-baef-76015a3982c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3227"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e09fc614-db9e-41d7-88da-d46f7a3016d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3228"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e1bb834-5968-4168-b74f-2dba86a99ad2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3229"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d03b8466-7a69-4a5d-9b8a-e42285335de8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3230"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a699c25-083d-47df-9390-5ba7b0a1757f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3231"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "efdd6509-d0db-4158-925d-afc05a63a769"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-48.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-48.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3232"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63c02493-8087-4ee0-8004-579ed68cc3d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-48.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-48.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3233"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab030e31-6abb-417b-acb5-a41cb82def42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3234"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "afe2b33c-8cb6-43f9-80da-c82bb851c663"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3235"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f88b9e47-b628-4af6-a769-c3c19ace0796"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3236"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a06527d2-dd5d-4a69-aa5b-1bca4e49cad4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3237"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c3242ff-a901-4b95-ac7a-99d0e6eb37cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3238"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "df5c2e71-aa2c-44a5-a960-9f669b8e9e7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3239"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7e8fc16-2bec-4e9c-9aba-8bebc81430b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3240"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18093ff6-9ffe-405a-9349-ac46ece9fca6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3241"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00b71167-27f2-40b4-a2b2-79b44c002f6b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3242"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69bd14f9-0edc-40a0-80e3-dd897b6a053f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3243"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "757ecab9-5592-404c-bf3b-f5b908e12345"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3244"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "800f9f64-8881-4db2-9c59-96e3630ddd0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3245"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "586ce28d-4071-408a-8c4e-4dafdff5688d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3246"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72e9472b-ec51-4ecf-a08b-8a30650dbc81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3247"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80df807d-847b-4d8d-9bd4-b6c53f6c4c99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3248"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdb51469-8341-4320-a6b5-b93bd21e3a81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3249"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c363444-c00f-4cce-98aa-d6f5b48a5e61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3250"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f552dccf-8951-4e24-95c5-9162d887cea6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3251"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c03efcec-ba49-488b-87f6-2623699585b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3252"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "371689d9-6140-4ca4-a058-da9968191ad6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3253"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "067fbcb5-2313-43bf-96c0-00cdd586d015"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3254"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "757a0028-90d6-4901-a2eb-e41ecf63143e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3255"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c5f1e39-914f-489f-abd3-041fd441bdb4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3256"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c42ccff2-231f-49a2-b28d-fab903f2f515"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3257"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d88ba59b-5b0e-43be-b4e9-f3ff0804104d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3258"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "49235719-500b-4216-a721-2bbb2c17d3ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3259"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bcfddfcb-f0ad-4b49-ab66-141bc0d9c11a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3260"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cb5b2bd0-0c5a-4fbe-b396-07b516c8c354"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3261"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d5851eb-6dad-4d4a-8b08-d1f3815be3a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3262"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab51b951-12f6-41f1-9a11-34aa532d0d19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3263"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "902bee3f-dcf6-48b8-8a7e-f8807f787381"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3264"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6c272065-1ac1-4601-a637-cc2ce6088ae6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3265"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "512dc461-0aa1-4f43-9525-da7d67e9cbf7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3266"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aca31bde-14a4-4992-8349-675e68c7ef92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3267"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d465c802-81b6-4f26-8f71-2b552d47e4c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3268"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b021bb20-e2ef-400e-b5ba-a3c03c2397d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3269"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14e9e0cf-2c28-4967-a0ca-56f6a49dc349"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3270"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61aa10b5-e32a-4b7c-809f-708171082444"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3271"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce7057e1-c8ae-40f4-b1fc-74febea346e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3272"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44004696-9598-4cf6-aec4-65c530a9c323"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3273"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a239971a-c41b-470d-8c1c-6e947db267d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3274"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d2b17a32-36ae-4517-8778-1024338db413"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1992"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3275"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43c17ef2-5434-482e-880e-f95d2896d001"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3276"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "876e90e6-8df6-4530-9d07-4723d3e1736f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3277"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7c5e73f-086c-47a5-bdfd-ef0189144fbf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3278"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8cd3c6fb-5a72-4257-87e6-4a88abf3934e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3279"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d215a552-e796-4763-85dc-7f99925f81c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3280"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eebc94d1-0e84-4d3e-87b6-828d03c139ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3281"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad1c3cc6-fde6-48da-adc2-3759a19f9f0c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3282"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "efe803a3-8b88-475f-9f4c-f3f0590274e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3283"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "69cc5064-5a67-488a-8057-d6d53432454b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3284"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b03c1a78-800b-42a9-a6cc-2262d0d99541"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3285"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a60a4b5b-fb77-4e7f-96fb-7082cbe46d99"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3286"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcd4de2d-39bd-4163-9af1-c01e695a3384"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3287"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b70f377-429b-41c4-9862-2873daaa0abc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3288"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "635aed25-7eab-4abc-b30b-0640ba28c928"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3289"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6fb8eda-61a7-4846-99bc-4ec7160dcf4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3290"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8970d312-df38-4f9b-8ad9-51fd2fa5896b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3291"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54a7addd-6a65-4ffe-b0f1-631bb56f952a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3292"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "20060bb7-0ed1-4e2f-af1e-248722e7e098"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3293"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94823707-a7ce-496f-a078-a4abc361643e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3294"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f25fda6-0905-4ff8-91ce-f23edc3d0c33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3295"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6148ba98-c86c-4b91-9867-0aac550ba539"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3296"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a86051e1-1cc3-4865-b25f-957cff72b517"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3297"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdd1d35d-7de3-41de-a824-fc1e92086853"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3298"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9260dfab-6764-4b3c-9d0f-a508665588ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3299"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "adb4ee84-6887-49d9-a9be-6d385b39157f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3300"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8b0648b-bbc9-47f9-b367-587fe1190f24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3301"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db61e460-2364-4fe2-b9dc-b9512202c6df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3302"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67420403-53f1-4ed5-a9a1-06f276b7008d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3303"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f29ba5c-3f6f-428c-a7d4-1589d73f768f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3304"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29e16f98-740e-4a18-ab21-a28ae8e5d6d0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3305"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26b54f4f-22b5-4b07-8caa-76c9b1c5dc1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3306"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ad82004-86fd-448f-bacf-5c9eec28b9dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3307"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73e93882-fca3-4101-a226-ef2b3520fe42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3308"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8226e7fa-f5e9-42c3-8b38-ec91acebcf6b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3309"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "58799442-68ae-42b8-b306-cfff2c132cb0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3310"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b256ad11-6efa-4768-aad0-22b274026301"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3311"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c544f1f-a1d2-424a-b97f-41ed21beb798"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3312"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1ef86e4a-82aa-4d5e-bd8c-9134e52d9dab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3313"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "35e76dcf-b3e3-45d0-a5d9-a90c8e2095ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1993"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3314"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c6a5ac-e982-49bd-b27c-0bc666e7f06a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3315"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9878a9a-8aa5-4b4e-8232-5dcbaa873772"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3316"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e887b9a0-4d64-4057-8f84-1294aba23d5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3317"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0d68dfa7-a170-49d0-8acd-74637f1893ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3318"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34e5c0b7-6691-4d7b-b6f6-df39acaafd72"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3319"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11f46a30-6df8-46cc-bb28-c344f212f627"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3320"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "037450f5-b417-4ca4-9dc7-fbc2eb5da959"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3321"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de91875c-b5ed-4abc-b0e3-c1b2511b9670"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3322"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2bd9118-131d-4b48-ba66-a6f5a093213e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3323"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62ca2924-4bb1-440b-b0e1-455819b62b35"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3324"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96198933-979c-4aa3-aa1c-3079431b7dd6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3325"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a05de2c4-2e3d-46b3-86d3-9d7ab80eeaa0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3326"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a496dfd8-5ef7-42b6-809e-31021b995310"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3327"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5629c403-741b-40c3-9d01-8e55df1a2a0a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3328"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7c7868c-7cb7-4454-b24b-58a7a2a19f44"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3329"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff6bce4c-a69b-4e9b-830b-d899ec8fb86d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3330"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1798db5e-38b7-4af8-86f2-dfc0a9376aac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3331"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1f4c8c9-2a38-40ff-9da4-14c34a47220c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3332"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4703e09e-4cc8-4201-8f7d-217b19b80502"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3333"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f15cfbd4-d045-4dcc-a08d-9b3b0a4f0dc8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3334"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a3faa9b-05ca-4c78-ba59-5b0d054deacd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3335"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4aac7509-9b92-4277-b9d8-44d9f6c11255"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3336"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca4edeab-251e-421a-be43-2c0982c3c04f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3337"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b04eac8-94a1-4819-ab83-f4fd233eeb58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3338"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "07dbd1fb-1467-4c4d-b0f6-6e8934e0d51b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3339"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7dc086dc-ec8c-482a-830b-58dc6a2e9497"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3340"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1cd7972a-cf46-4b37-8a4e-981d9eb62edb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3341"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7eadc4d1-6170-446a-b350-f3cfac70d94a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3342"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4bf5aa49-48b1-4b7f-bdc7-2f3336705bd4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3343"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3461f206-833a-41b7-a84b-55fb2e9fee15"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3344"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f0fb2f7-effc-4295-8626-446175e6bc70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3345"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9fac297e-bf95-4363-bde5-f30f927423cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3346"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9dab9cb0-b101-47e3-9cdf-c6f646f8d4f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3347"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e55d6184-7dfb-4a54-88d9-d8990893bff8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3348"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d47130a4-72e6-4ab5-8f75-0ee3bba9a16f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3349"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e71e02f-4793-4422-bb7c-ad76ffc201d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3350"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a72c2267-b673-4061-b52d-c1b8fef053d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3351"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84aacf9f-b793-4f46-a80e-3273c9a626da"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3352"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d2a417d-4b66-401d-8a0b-9e5949544421"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3353"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "da18acae-73c5-40a3-a020-2ef9cde9785a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3354"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2edc36bf-c31a-40ce-8ee8-2d9b9bdd1678"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3355"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5550e7d1-5bec-4a32-88f6-8fbb4f71a6cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3356"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "863c09a3-a7fe-4c5a-87f2-fb36acbdf0e6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3357"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e6538c3-a276-4709-8159-87c37ebe7180"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3358"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17201663-9112-42fe-9aeb-b0b2526f6ead"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3359"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "716639b7-7dbf-4d72-b0fe-079589f90dbb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3360"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d809995d-4440-4591-a2ad-28ac204ea918"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3361"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e56761ff-aac5-408f-9697-63c54dfc4715"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3362"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6576f36-987d-4b8e-a485-fbc34e258e08"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3363"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63c39058-251c-4d43-87ac-8ca33007696f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3364"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e419c44-0e50-40ff-9123-5541c6b125ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3365"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "40ef0def-4d43-4123-b22b-0cc2d4fd2ee7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3366"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7b3b444-7fb6-4fae-bcfe-9a0a359da7c4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3367"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25ac0065-cf8b-49a0-8bfd-6ad3d612db33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3368"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d6291e7-42c4-434a-bc8f-eac134db2acb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3369"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7be91ceb-fee3-44a4-a6f2-06feedb94bd1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3370"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8edcbb01-58bd-4947-ba8c-57608bc7bb3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3371"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a14c6a13-0e34-4336-88cc-c232eec2da9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3372"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "407b01cb-62ea-4223-8052-3bda71c885eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3373"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29539ac2-4772-4f89-be44-6cecda9bef7d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3374"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79cb6bba-9fc4-4bfc-9004-62c0292bbcbb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3375"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbef46d3-7c34-49f2-b910-b73b06d3d65c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3376"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33e86879-042e-439c-ab92-4131b597edd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1994"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3377"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4f04d33-4eaf-4668-b82a-90f36a9f376f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.299999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.700001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3378"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00049bdc-d4b2-4de1-b68e-7ac3cbede3db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3379"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51a23ee7-074a-469f-9243-290f64c78c32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3380"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17bfda70-342a-4449-a27b-9eaa12aaff10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/01/1995"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3381"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3a6cc7a-0150-441b-b6a1-888defda9552"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S., CROCKER, D.E. & QUINTANA, F. 1995. Diving behaviour and foraging location of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, 236, 55-71"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3382"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "971e0d77-3515-45ce-8cda-e9363d36c40b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.863998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3383"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad062464-9033-4497-aaa2-ffe245510d92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3384"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ed92dfc-92c5-4fad-823a-a03b9a909629"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.223999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3385"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edbe7e3f-205c-4969-aec8-e95906e789ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3386"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "148ba679-9a0f-4723-b012-ffe1a32eedc0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.316002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3387"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "94bad08d-89a2-40ae-8381-fa7c7e771a01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.752998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3388"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e16f770-db01-4c1a-bee9-7e13eab773b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3389"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e73badb7-7361-4b32-924d-dd5e86b95824"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3390"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e53256a-774e-40f8-a2c4-cd600ff67e2b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.507999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3391"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a1f4eab-75a0-4b1e-b0c1-696f009dfe12"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.455002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3392"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55ff3347-c639-4a7a-995b-77723fd3f687"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.106998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3393"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77311ca3-2dd6-47f2-a233-7d99b87d72f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.428001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.013"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.013"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3394"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ded93e08-4062-49fc-ab21-739cb91f72ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.383999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3395"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5ffd5eb-0874-476b-a11a-9cf58f5b5f95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3396"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34b378c3-0a9d-498d-be55-5e8e83213c9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3397"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d2c6619-dd4d-4ea1-8199-8f47e76c5777"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3398"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "50f8a735-94b2-4222-9319-1c426211de5c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.505001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3399"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd64f7b7-7f87-405d-95d4-b0d58efbcff7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3400"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db2fd112-1070-4dbb-92b8-f242db2dd010"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.955002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3401"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e735dabd-434d-49e6-80f1-da20f30aa96f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.078999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3402"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "272e2af6-8b6d-4336-aa2f-dadecc4f750e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.914001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.570999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3403"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3156141-e692-44eb-8a51-dad65f2fe6a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.641998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.230999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3404"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e6b61b7-3632-44c7-8989-a90aa32aa428"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.242001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.242001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3405"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e14163dc-1aab-44e9-9fe6-81bc72d4a5c7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-36.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-36.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3406"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "06cfe98f-c528-4039-8774-6579268ed379"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.562"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.562"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3407"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86ff104d-7e28-46cf-8974-035dcca951ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.095001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.312"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.312"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3408"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab6b4601-41fe-433c-8ad5-90263ca34471"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-36.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-36.825001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3409"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52238f8b-3589-40f2-9ed1-f542988f0053"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-36.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-36.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3410"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "83d61512-4117-4328-9514-f2fb01d011e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.102001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3411"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90c20029-bcd9-4c8c-8081-ac296c7efb0b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-36.958"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-36.958"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.047001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3412"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74f833eb-cb77-4c46-baf9-f91d0f0504a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3413"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7622dda-8dec-40b2-a072-6b5fb5fedde1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3414"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "08ed897d-d43f-4fc7-b531-560b442497ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.376999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3415"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c6783155-605f-4f24-a6e8-444c0a11b024"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3416"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb8523d0-b8e9-4147-a2f7-01f7d641e631"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.910999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3417"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8114c294-a7d6-428d-b0ec-27903cdab4d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.59"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.59"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3418"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5341a41d-0076-40b7-a5dc-dddc8287b6e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3419"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6bce98e-08b6-45f7-b358-daaea098f663"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.362999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3420"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16473ca7-2357-43d2-9f55-61e58b2793d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.049"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.049"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3421"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "977631d4-0374-44e8-a57a-9de9c478399a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3422"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb020a4a-aab2-4d43-b315-1c4d8c3268c2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.266998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3423"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b6ada5ee-0003-49a7-b082-b430a86e8854"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3424"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9d61e18-cbe0-4dd5-8b51-343b49be9c4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3425"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c7f44e38-a6fe-4c2f-bf26-2d0786d62f07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3426"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b351fd80-124a-490e-9c68-afc2a79b6d31"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.07"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.07"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3427"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e775c66-2b46-4854-a9ff-90a0489b30fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.311001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3428"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18a370d4-7fd4-4d8a-a624-30ce340bb113"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-37.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-37.501999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.348"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.348"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3429"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "625b6595-f5fe-4e49-870f-9946589dbe9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.313"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.313"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.118999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3430"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd9b666e-9ba1-4d62-be7a-7ab095d9e33e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.029999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.015999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3431"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f9c0f82-df10-4472-8b36-b14169e45bfa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3432"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3c33d89-7d66-493a-9db3-0a037dea3d54"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3433"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "37b35dc3-ede4-44e4-9593-c6cdc134ab81"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3434"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9f6572f-9c7e-43e7-863b-1a4e1cf7a28b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.946999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3435"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe66e827-38ca-4e8e-8d6e-c7a738a6a544"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.318001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3436"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78195f99-938b-40fc-8105-0920becdadc5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.153999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3437"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74a1f554-2f16-4a8c-8ef9-843e60aabeec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.652"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.652"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.962002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3438"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1234bb1-c91c-4491-a171-f3b21b2b68b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.146999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3439"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbd337f2-636b-462f-8b2f-3bf19e6de57d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.199001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3440"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "729f9290-3f52-4a9a-97d5-e9a5f8df627d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.289001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3441"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe157114-398b-4f1c-b01f-4b9c00453161"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.203999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3442"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d44c708-90ec-4668-91e3-c42dbd2f7530"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3443"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa7a62cd-c364-4e79-b50c-ef84e261ce48"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3444"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e1f2bcf-4b60-4e6e-aaec-8e1324beaadb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3445"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a384324a-50ad-4534-b703-3d6c10e3fb3c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-39.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-39.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3446"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a5a754d-7326-4dc9-a2bf-86adc0cc8330"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.681999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3447"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1f85f68-15ca-4bd7-87ef-990c9553bef8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3448"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4afaf77c-3383-4181-96b6-26e053e4a015"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.504002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3449"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c31806f-62ea-448a-b2d0-464767e55d67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.161999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.055"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.055"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3450"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf2d8d69-014c-455d-8650-8b91899528c8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3451"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5a71b274-2ff4-468f-b6b6-e0fffdc259f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.294998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.056"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.056"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3452"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eab57100-02fd-490d-ab3c-8ef37e2c3519"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3453"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe07c32c-35b7-47d4-a4d4-567c41b33230"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.676998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.202999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3454"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8827bd3-3030-477d-bc2c-913a5bc2911c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.34"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.34"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3455"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e68f4eee-bc57-46bf-8940-76ff0385f908"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3456"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e562778a-34db-4d27-90b1-ae0c57a534e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.970001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.970001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.507"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.507"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3457"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c098f6a-728b-4e27-987d-813b1eb7640e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.662998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3458"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8e9f67d-04c9-4ecd-a2e3-26e94740f41a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.712002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3459"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c71fe2f-b252-4131-9131-a0c055b960e1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.306999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3460"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "634844e7-c81d-48f5-a067-4db1297916ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.388"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.388"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3461"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4caad620-e8db-433a-81ee-2541316736ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.48"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.48"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3462"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6dec7561-0e47-41e0-938b-c349b455bfd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3463"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5dfeb032-f74b-4a50-aa98-a2c5ef0e1584"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.022999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.022999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3464"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d5e054f8-f021-43a0-b14e-8cdec1fa5c9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.414001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3465"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4701927-a21f-4cb8-b4ff-bb807560f197"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.736"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.736"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3466"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ee4b64e-c0c8-4225-85a9-704189dfa6f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.965"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.965"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3467"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e06e987f-0cdc-4a72-a869-4a5c86391bc2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.347"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.347"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3468"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a867805d-0249-4224-98e0-018429b68905"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.277"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.277"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.726002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.726002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3469"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41adba17-6619-4536-92d6-19681314df03"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.893002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3470"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "45a7ac71-5532-4e32-b298-4a0729927c02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.196999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3471"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e80258c4-bfc0-4584-b41b-57cfe4c9f8cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3472"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3bd01cbe-8b37-418b-8dd2-14c447baaff7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.855999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3473"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab9fa2c3-09e6-49c9-bd59-14f630091fa7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3474"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "02478add-a25c-4fd3-ad0b-25220d6298e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3475"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d2d96426-4ba7-4b09-a9ec-199a99cca617"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3476"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "62deb348-4052-401f-8594-8b35498d7f68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.935001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3477"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5db8211b-83da-482d-8f07-7b1f53f95540"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3478"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5ae3a0b1-fec2-4d67-a160-7f6b611e770f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3479"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a55d00c3-3cb8-450b-9c81-97794dde0279"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.699001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3480"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7d483835-13c4-4980-8ddf-d2a733f7483c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.335999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3481"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca5fb54d-b09b-4d29-8898-1e98def607bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.733002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3482"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a2160f9-1726-4e4f-92f7-1c75f6accef7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.814999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3483"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82eb7133-c970-4911-89d8-dbdf0f531993"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.011002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3484"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f020f5e6-810a-4320-9b48-539cfa223722"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.566002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3485"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "934e91cf-b74c-4128-99df-2aed1129ac92"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.521999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3486"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cba3c76f-0ca8-4073-b2b2-cc3d2c3a1f98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.779999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3487"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53e6baac-4c1b-47b2-b2b9-15700eee5d25"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3488"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9c7c65ac-c522-4017-a0c8-7b42544377e9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3489"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12b74128-acaa-4d9c-9dec-6100d033979f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3490"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "786b6732-635a-461e-b024-dffe11466aa3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3491"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "67eb25fd-0976-46d1-bf96-6edb894ae5d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.660999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3492"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "790e746e-d604-4273-b2f6-e6b0c45543ae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.77"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.646999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3493"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ecdf287d-5049-4912-b008-da150ec91a20"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.928001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3494"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d8df9091-412b-4051-adfb-e9e090af3b56"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.859001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.370998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.370998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3495"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "475cd0e5-f7ff-4e50-a190-c449dc2cf512"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.926998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.091"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.091"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3496"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6414b416-bbac-46b6-b260-e35523bd0f8c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3497"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fbe3144f-457a-4ffc-8d25-faab06d906cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.695"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.695"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3498"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1487a139-8149-471d-bbcb-2d95314630df"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.43"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.43"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3499"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6e36ce75-33c1-41fe-aa8d-c1da4fe64489"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.051998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.379002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3500"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31ee50b8-70d7-4bf8-bb7a-dbe6e2999a02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.188999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.987999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3501"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "caeeebcc-16fa-4228-803a-ac59dba1e101"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3502"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3c8d848e-9187-4be3-a82e-8cae3826deab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.534"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.534"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3503"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38cd7649-36ca-4f4b-a444-5076db2fb5a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.053001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.292"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.292"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3504"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c29ea4dd-6819-4006-8c4e-d23c8fa6cef3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3505"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0288652a-d5d4-418e-9b01-0b34e4e90a4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3506"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86437e4a-cb5c-4de4-a10a-1acd3730d75b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.183998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.148998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3507"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c38647a6-7399-468f-bb6a-c82159edce65"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.228001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3508"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dff52519-8417-47f4-8093-f1db8b060fe5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.525002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3509"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c17df3f7-c16b-4ba7-807d-b86729971ce9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.512001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3510"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "96d25a48-b3a4-4051-a88e-718d6b9dc3ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.438"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.438"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3511"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7fade47f-c6c1-4e39-aaec-d6b57d95137f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.394001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.625"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.625"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3512"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d117dc2-e74a-4fa4-8ea3-b2a8c46eb33f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.839001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3513"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7bf7b47-cdd4-4f2b-8bb1-22023b1776a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.819"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.819"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.363998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.363998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3514"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee979fb1-4a53-4949-a19f-b32795850060"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.238998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3515"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5eec9021-16dc-4132-bd58-7fa7b6a6ea4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.124001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3516"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "092cb015-0cae-48cb-800d-fbf0a7f58db4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.007"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.007"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3517"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c0bf1424-376c-4b30-b542-0aaffb4a0968"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3518"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff0d8e8c-32ae-4b34-b6e4-d0f38beeb32e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3519"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0dfee732-641a-47ce-8458-7bd93163ede4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.618"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.618"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3520"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0dfaab98-f9c0-4c92-9e65-532cf32270c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3521"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b8de0aa-1902-4c10-8ab2-709293ce3e58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3522"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "186e7ed9-c2db-4100-8858-27cd733eb9a0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3523"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2a7903b-ae85-431c-9db6-11a6a34b4052"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.942001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3524"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0cc33d2b-0755-4ceb-9f2d-314413325e82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.735001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3525"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8a6bdd2a-03db-4510-9195-fae25eb3c099"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.591"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.591"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3526"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f8972554-3397-482e-a052-3454b176299d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.653999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3527"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0eb92a45-13d5-4829-a5ff-b9432ade9f13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.338001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.5"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3528"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd22ba03-4cf3-4dd9-bf99-70ba5bd7a6a9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/10/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3529"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10dc8f87-80cc-4547-a855-4e99cfa006db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.396"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.396"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3530"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bc06c644-857a-4a47-aef9-2caf141930e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.796001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3531"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9b5c855-d4ae-4ee5-ba10-b9b50d465363"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3532"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6728801c-3d98-40f6-9601-5eb8edcdd5d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.689999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3533"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "77da3d65-5393-46fb-b847-42fedf750a6f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3534"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "16d9f912-3a57-4967-8927-c512e7ce5518"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.453999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3535"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1051ec10-62dd-4697-95f8-bbc71350a986"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.466"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.466"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3536"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fba4b932-9799-479b-b049-4a27188c8654"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3537"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47089a5a-8bb0-423d-9e83-0bad1efff0c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3538"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "798afba8-cf27-4bcb-aa8d-a584a6d74fe0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.980999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.980999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3539"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21ed5ebc-66d0-474a-9cc5-3221788ae309"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.757999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3540"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "866959fa-adcc-49d1-910f-88544edad805"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3541"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "752d3db7-8ad4-492a-96ca-52eba19e11de"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.373001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3542"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73cddc37-cc01-4e3b-81b7-4605b080577f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3543"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2fc8e7d3-8362-4142-940b-426aac394a68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3544"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "931eb3e7-471b-4a3f-bb53-915fdf411d80"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.710999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3545"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3414bd45-43f0-4dde-990b-a743b117c60f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.723"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.723"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3546"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b991a3b-9bd6-4964-8d03-6bd7c7fc3b9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.542"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.542"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.84"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.84"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3547"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f1570af-99f1-49d1-b5c9-56a93a7893ac"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.865002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.790001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3548"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "987dc3a2-dc48-4a16-9f57-0d7e8516b14b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.977001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3549"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51e34d68-caf8-4971-9a7c-6686cde32d2d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.391998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.868"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.868"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3550"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2277f2fd-5b69-455a-b925-3d710c944cd9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.637001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.533001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3551"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dad9be68-91f7-4b44-bea6-a47f37415718"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.171001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3552"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "367718cf-0df3-4376-bf99-42e400a6f24f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.868"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.868"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.235001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3553"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "251152ca-9e5f-4e60-822d-71770576cd96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.622002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3554"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64422ca8-10ca-48ff-8967-71ef9eef889a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.300999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3555"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28cab84d-ff71-4fba-974f-1a16a0d523ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3556"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a396efe4-a30a-4d36-abd6-b492bb7570e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3557"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "18079385-564a-49d4-af0f-156ffc1578cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3558"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9996ec75-7bf9-4f43-9231-b11d463f496a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.164001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.164001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3559"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d63770c8-33af-44f9-9ff4-1384429ff4ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3560"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2ac5621-64c6-45fa-a4d9-d92163e47704"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3561"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebe5528c-21e6-4392-a0dd-5dca13d5b422"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3562"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05b27fba-a5f7-46c8-9b69-1de5a768f280"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.173"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.173"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3563"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9602713f-af70-403e-8978-57b00d736f50"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3564"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "673266ab-e2f9-4b02-9c6f-9a42d1b8d707"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.084999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.603001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3565"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4bc42178-bee4-4cd4-b297-f176126e5fea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.879002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.879002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.768002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3566"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c0ab871-f634-428b-a06d-672ac876edb7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.692001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.986"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.986"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3567"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e118807f-4473-4e4a-abcb-4578de46176b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.382999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.382999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.742001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3568"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a985c03b-1cd2-471e-ae41-1cbf3e682905"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.999001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.685001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3569"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1ccd7ae-86ba-4fe0-8f67-774d1a13090b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.716999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3570"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a478f7a9-c08c-4ad8-9ef3-edd12a248690"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3571"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64828012-819c-4341-a0ad-11344f681215"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.216"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.749001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3572"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56f35590-11e9-4594-80d8-0a790e45cb70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.811001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3573"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d7ebb25f-78f1-4298-9fc6-80b452b8fc22"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.27"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.27"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3574"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6b21ebeb-7b28-4020-bb21-454e0ce3a035"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.178001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.852001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3575"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "051467a1-152a-49f5-b790-8757200ee73a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.32"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.32"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3576"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "328e18d8-2a16-4b82-80d6-8e10a4af4d15"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.021999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3577"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "216a4a6d-58a5-4e30-8213-cd6f4e19faaa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.240002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.208"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.208"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3578"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1f2b7cd-6285-4d52-b4c4-3af69608f2a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.562"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.562"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.396999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3579"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "882360e2-b979-482e-810a-2af4c210fa8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.657001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3580"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4395c93-ecf7-43ce-9d91-98a938b67c2c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.485001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.271"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.271"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3581"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dcf5e3b6-0891-4b4a-8b3f-91a97dac13cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.493999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.493999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3582"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "133f6dd2-6094-465c-9547-452062cd3c2e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.966"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.966"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/11/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3583"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93780ca2-4376-4c39-a7c9-e2b131740b1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3584"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7b8435f-9467-42cc-b6f2-c0633454e353"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.137001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3585"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d6fb0ebf-e7c1-4acc-bd58-a1ff9c8bf72c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.896"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.896"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3586"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93e85add-483b-4e49-b72d-3065a5a323f9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3587"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78025ea4-c6f0-49fb-a30b-1a780d5c2370"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.390999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3588"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26e47271-7e83-44b4-93d4-b120b35f822f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.990002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3589"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d8b07d0-6351-453b-b4c6-e322805af200"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.618999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3590"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fce7925-5201-4825-8b69-e29c9dd61c33"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.330002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3591"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1812d518-87f1-4204-8f30-63d46aedbdeb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.880001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3592"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d07b9b12-edd9-4bad-a9e8-8dac50750653"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.949001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3593"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b5c33798-ee73-4f21-a61d-4a0385b9d2db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.707001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.201"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.201"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3594"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88428154-5d8a-4d66-bc87-a5be8cbdf8ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.439999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.366001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3595"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a97fd74-de0a-44cd-a678-c91e96751e47"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.122002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3596"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae2db2e2-efe3-450e-8731-8d3c10fffbe4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3597"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8cf8c79f-5a20-4ed8-ac0a-05c55fd6a7ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.669998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3598"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a71f3a8-a695-40d1-80d6-7cece66f2c2c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.694"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3599"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2f9c86d-fcf3-4299-b39a-ffd995142c8c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.688999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3600"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d06ac32-9f3b-4df7-874a-e37b81fa0de0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.761002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3601"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89f59422-78c2-452a-8799-79d0488b8628"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.515999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3602"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "71b342f1-77f2-46f0-b352-4b196af361a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3603"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0575f809-7489-470c-bc9c-c38db5c3e648"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.992001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3604"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a2d0bfa-71b6-418c-8e90-e29e25e0d397"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3605"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0af9cafe-f00c-4712-9ce3-b187c0eb3ed8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3606"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44f0fb62-ea81-4f79-8591-e4d477518ae0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3607"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38c50603-40c3-4758-93dd-fe1cf088e6bd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3608"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3fd372b-e0f0-498b-96bd-005f74cf1312"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.817001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3609"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac74e744-e9b8-4ce7-93ae-4ac9e039a75e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.034"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.034"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3610"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "730f8c35-a0c9-4b12-a7c6-d28bada7fd49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.921001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3611"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f862df0d-8045-4e79-a975-64a2efdeb28a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.279999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3612"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e4d801b8-d6d5-4cf0-a584-452eaea06810"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3613"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "25a11a8b-d1f7-4bc4-bf56-d63a6df0aa9e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3614"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1589314a-cc4f-4126-b3a1-1ae32e15c48f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3615"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "493c238a-b28b-4167-8fdf-ac0e3ef7b4a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3616"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf414a78-08ef-47ab-828e-b5ded6564669"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.584"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.584"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3617"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4bdd96e-db17-4f7c-9ded-dd4a857d00c8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.174999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3618"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "59df3511-6035-4f75-98d5-063443239fc3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.313"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.313"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3619"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48197003-8d5d-4f9e-aaf4-52f958f110bf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3620"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6f02260-2848-413e-ab39-537306c6d2cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.609001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3621"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb092575-3b2a-4eb4-af2c-fe8a8ef826fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.860001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3622"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfba1561-ff3d-441f-9a0e-e00e0f877acb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.875999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.875999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3623"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fc4a4b1c-de24-4938-81bc-75c2c08dc674"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.405998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.495998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3624"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f26fc70-adaf-4997-bf2d-b122808119ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.280998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.382999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.382999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3625"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a62b0ff3-098e-434b-8af2-05a36ca7ed95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3626"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0719006c-841f-4ca2-a43c-8da243816190"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.088001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3627"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "669638bf-a8ce-449d-8df9-6ae9fcb105c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.931999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3628"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ca91fe2-5177-42cf-ba1e-b9db6d87c0c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.750999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3629"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aad8514f-aa77-43e5-8a6b-b04036993195"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.473"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.473"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.537998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3630"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d27be554-318e-488b-9cfd-277cdec82496"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.433998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.721001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3631"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bcb76b29-a168-462c-9b7d-899daa617e8c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.431"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.431"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3632"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d89c798f-6a92-425c-a285-85a925b12d68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.105999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3633"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89941afb-9881-4166-9441-6f0652df7f4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.287998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3634"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f39cbba-c0f7-43b9-a995-685adc81a486"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.757"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.757"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.873001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3635"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f25416c-5a04-4991-ad00-30770da7491c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.006001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.532001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3636"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "912f3b1a-0cf7-4f31-9d8e-1c46c6843fb3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.645"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.645"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3637"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b2204d8-c64d-42e2-9ff7-110d633b4a90"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.571999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.262001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/12/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3638"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39883988-8a89-457f-8663-9f770ed39364"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.581001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.022999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.022999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3639"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "088ebc22-1105-4b1c-b2a4-c0e30ed3c663"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.632999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/12/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3640"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "44e8eefc-1eb6-4104-a365-a7d21ba421eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.02"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.02"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3641"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bead329-0f64-4f67-bd33-e83fd59fc349"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.534"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.534"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.558998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3642"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7df0683-0701-4587-8efb-a7cc862fa685"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.789001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3643"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5594aa0a-0bef-41e0-9d46-3eadbf86111b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.054001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3644"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae341a9a-3f2a-40bf-a8ee-b0fad88446ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.769001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3645"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2d2e9ec6-4b9a-4c9f-b83a-cf5b4fd968fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.220001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3646"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "051c5116-3528-42a3-a2c9-aa8ed57858fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.139999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.159"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.159"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3647"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "66c96df4-0dce-4fcf-9917-a844faccc308"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.221001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3648"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5d53fe43-d892-4332-a6b3-4024a25e4826"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.035999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3649"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a9cbe53-ae4e-46d8-a48b-b3afa4d5f595"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.877998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.877998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3650"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1924e91d-be6a-40bb-86f4-9815237e14a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.896"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.896"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3651"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a235d4f-89b5-41db-98f6-bb6eddfbf4b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3652"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f4d19e1-941d-4572-9f0c-71948773ff5a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.136002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.528"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.528"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3653"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33e1da85-2ad7-462c-82bc-cdb8544dcf9f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.605"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.605"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.442001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3654"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1fcc8cb2-e386-4f51-834a-1a1266752f23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.026001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3655"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38cb8d23-37de-4f2b-b522-7abde20f50dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3656"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9aa491de-ad5f-4f9d-a1ee-0c64826bcc94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.582001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.303001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3657"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edae46cc-2fe4-4945-916c-1c5ef8f64c6a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.672001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.206001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3658"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "98e37327-0d1f-45b7-832e-c796d99f760c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.791"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.791"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3659"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "01f0da8d-4259-48bc-87ba-d979005457f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.331001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3660"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7606273b-60d3-40ef-a81f-31cd06dfb6bc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.380001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3661"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "87eb6631-b200-4a99-b43e-fd2ad0ef42db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.252998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3662"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cefbc2f1-10ed-478f-9576-dc7a7de08373"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.359001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.936001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3663"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8373d1f4-0290-45cd-8240-eee09221a622"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.592999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.397999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3664"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3b462e77-718f-473e-a875-b9bcfeb40613"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.185001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3665"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1b46e92-a321-4c6d-a000-a55dd637e510"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.063"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.063"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.445999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3666"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24d7d129-6856-4c43-b05c-2d4063ea3156"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.903"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.903"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.973"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.973"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3667"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ed86e4c-a7a8-458a-a011-071316e2e08c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3668"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e8574bea-274b-4022-8a84-6efca285ab4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.518002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3669"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "034a7ed4-8cbe-4dfa-93c7-10993fbda7c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.617001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3670"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7f52bd5f-34fb-4da6-acbc-c59f3db33bb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.976002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.301998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3671"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78835fa1-dd1a-409c-8719-a3266d2090cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3672"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd968f29-9807-4035-b6ab-f5e2a9fb21d3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.349998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3673"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "018d1feb-d458-4f55-8aa0-a4e45966a714"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.997002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3674"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d24d1c99-972d-41f8-8775-478596af2956"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.168999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3675"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d60f18b2-16d3-4360-8190-5e2cf5838cbc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.007"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.007"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.271"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.271"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3676"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebbd6c0e-5f01-4c4a-85b4-a6f212f0bc0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.613998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3677"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5f9bc808-b586-466e-b2f1-d14c09b67d4f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3678"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a19d445-903b-4a16-960e-da54bf13629f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.508999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3679"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6212b3f5-4fa7-4b01-a75b-1c2fe7b3f70c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.251999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3680"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ceba4981-60e6-4c99-b477-fea748a7b277"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.671001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3681"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4ec0dc2-71b2-41f4-bd52-13a58b62ba3a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.459"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.459"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.759998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3682"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6241af7c-d534-4071-84d5-9f41deafb3ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.189999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.807999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3683"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "249dbf83-65ec-4f7d-be27-62c7bdfa3690"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.984001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.167999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3684"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b1a0f85f-d575-49d3-94f6-11c8687decff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.916"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.916"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.16"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.16"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3685"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e2f5831-4015-43d6-861d-a0c360ce0ad7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.764999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3686"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e2e1a00a-1695-4ae5-9088-36f820921b13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.775002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3687"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "55e2293e-0fe7-4353-8317-a92cb68f2eeb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.125"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.125"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.569"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.569"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3688"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "036621b7-58c3-4cb9-9829-a757e93e138e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.981998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.567001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3689"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6d02e42d-5bc6-43f5-955f-67e2f81b925f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3690"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b7b9e48-b4f1-436c-a24e-0c052fae6365"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.783001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3691"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f5783be-518a-449f-a485-d2395f50974e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3692"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b191ea7f-1c28-4cfb-b2cf-83fe928bf07a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3693"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff8312a5-a005-4bdb-858b-7bbd81c0e337"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3694"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab128245-2f6f-4b66-8ffc-c3ae996f9e61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.416"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.416"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3695"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0b812e0d-8b03-4464-821a-7ae033f5298e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.426998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.257"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.257"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3696"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f500d7d6-772a-4594-a912-e1ed09a7b5ad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.186001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3697"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9db1428e-7db4-4bb7-a747-8aa8de8c4c55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.598"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.598"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3698"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5e60bc82-2bdb-4f02-881e-85e354d38a5c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.952999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3699"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "296bf8f7-05eb-4391-9dad-2b17dd6ddeeb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3700"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d864ccc9-172a-47ff-866f-a762299f4db8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.368"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.368"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.832001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3701"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f52b4c61-8edc-4e4e-962e-9de4830ce44e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.498001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.698002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3702"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "102bd43e-3657-4508-b4e3-d7472289f609"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.849998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3703"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "74e8346f-405c-4d61-a315-bccbea06d748"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.365002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3704"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ffcaef66-acd8-4e33-9755-b680d0aed559"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.403"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.403"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.675999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3705"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4231f97-7719-41d5-acd8-9372f983fb82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.345001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3706"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4413edd4-d1e6-4538-aeb8-47a1a74fab3b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3707"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8cd0e49b-d28a-41fb-a45d-49c4342bf1d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.182999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.436001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3708"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a51f237-d8c7-4643-a389-6178b0ed1fc1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.678001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.341999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3709"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64eceda5-21d4-4892-a72b-bdd208502a7a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.879002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.879002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-53.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-53.176998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3710"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "66ecc75f-1544-4684-bcb8-98d8ef16d330"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3711"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "838cfbe1-e595-4d59-82f7-ccdddbb94974"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.314999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.215"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.215"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3712"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f5d940a7-290f-40aa-86c8-aafa04e8f0f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.205002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.528999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3713"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f03297d6-96c0-4542-af5f-304aa03f1fed"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3714"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7c00ebcf-bd3c-4108-aa9a-34dcaf7dba08"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.882"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.882"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-48.875"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-48.875"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3715"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d448f8c9-5d6c-4523-a10e-f678fc1e4a13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.898998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.542999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3716"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "861dd886-9afb-45ee-8c99-804b75872c53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-45.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-45.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3717"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d7fb14f-ba4c-49ee-afb9-731e7c573b5b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.431999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3718"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e943a0ff-10c4-420b-b6ae-b6bf1c5fb5ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.741001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3719"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0c19336d-4453-4db5-8838-ff987aed732b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.187"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.187"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.147999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3720"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "526ffc89-84f5-4421-a33d-8b2f26a15fc3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.323002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3721"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9d71ae3-68b1-4adc-abae-4ea1c3251243"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.747002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3722"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f320f852-eb97-4012-badd-814009d3bc59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3723"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70b02b09-bae1-419b-93eb-8b0b4609b3e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.888"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.888"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.256001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3724"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "be8d4cad-b5e5-43a0-a5fd-81c91176c4b3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.451"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.451"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3725"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7690b3e2-fefd-4de0-9b22-e98444c83393"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.477001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.884998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3726"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ba17606f-88f8-4f60-88a1-e1f85e182679"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.922001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.845001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3727"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d679f7d-926d-472d-a0aa-dc374e8f174c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.909"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.909"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.342999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3728"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0f2efdd8-22b7-48e3-8ab9-4e6c6e4938bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.237"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.237"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3729"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e96f42bf-3c5c-4500-b688-294e4c3518e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.130001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3730"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "33892b97-6c41-44c7-b127-6f64165f4a07"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.044998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3731"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "996f7232-c7b0-4530-9602-6ebbfa6b27c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.151001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3732"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "46e891c8-209c-4ada-9b12-ee6d4722eb43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.957001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3733"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a9e90b43-d1ac-42ac-b6ca-be3b3426e0ff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.057999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3734"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "db535d0f-11c6-490f-85da-6fbdb930d474"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.956001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.458"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.458"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3735"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb64a61f-dbe2-4a74-be0b-ed2e13a938ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.389999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.389999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.959"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.959"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3736"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f6f6b734-f0a5-4d51-a523-6c67eb9b0298"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-35.979"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-35.979"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3737"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7465f9e5-d8f4-4f4e-be3f-8b67565ead0a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.127998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3738"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b82cc67-679f-442b-84b4-247e9d45bde6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.703999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.082001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3739"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "10eeb0a9-7756-462a-bb20-f3d72ddab007"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.756001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.293999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3740"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5515d8dd-7996-4869-98b4-0098fef32d96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.912998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3741"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7b3f7e1-874c-4d8c-9be9-fddff9e62153"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3742"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "209b8fc5-766b-4546-8d0a-aa5bf49f3346"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.668999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.870998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3743"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ff101e44-3251-4cea-9e4b-503bef1fbef7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.304001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.979"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.979"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3744"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8366e738-b3e6-46af-ac8a-b0d422879e98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.140999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.105"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.105"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3745"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f3575f6c-5e35-41d2-a14c-83d60ecbc596"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.112"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.332001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3746"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0a0847a2-e36c-43bc-a780-85a7b089e944"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.119999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.417"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.417"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3747"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4cdc67d4-53a1-400a-b877-c0050ba90f68"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.104"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.104"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3748"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d53b842d-387c-446a-a098-52186b289d40"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.797001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3749"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e5a24767-3129-45cd-a408-03128649d8aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.519001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.339001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3750"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12827fe9-050f-42c2-8972-1a7308eb8c98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.367001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3751"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4c173f0-6abc-43dd-b07f-d22e44590ff3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.456001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3752"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee3ecd37-a58c-4b67-b753-4d321b4e252d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.016998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3753"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "56a9971b-cd32-4f81-b805-9518e92ee789"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.844002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.043999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3754"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fa88ea9-4ec2-45c7-a738-3db2a6c3a2db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3755"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "262b60c7-7096-4be2-9205-a5006382e18f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.261002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3756"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2f52518a-0d1a-4d5b-b364-ecd317db61f5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.963001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.963001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.275002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3757"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb18782b-1a7c-4c19-a46c-6d8b0bf94022"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.766998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.886002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3758"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1410756-2114-4532-898c-b772bc67ce74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.443001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3759"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b001800c-6624-4d68-aa1a-bf12ed7aad55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.719002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.096001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3760"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d5e9986a-b102-4a8f-bc88-b1ced71f6cb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.758999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.948002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3761"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b23b4e7-dff2-49c1-8802-67d6805ad1a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.786999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.308998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.308998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3762"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "05abd76e-7114-476f-ac6d-b80f736d8ed1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.216999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "31/03/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3763"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bbf36267-3e0d-4c1e-af84-32f6d15cc226"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.334999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3764"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9a12548e-16b1-440e-beb1-7817d84ea1eb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.824001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.646"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.646"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3765"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce037e91-a93d-4c2b-963a-6b18149344ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3766"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d28345e5-ba37-403d-8f05-511615cc6833"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.259998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3767"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48a7b297-87f1-48f1-bd3b-0d2e9ea985a4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.008999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.778"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3768"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ffd5fe4b-0e07-4be5-b729-9e38fa158f23"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.159"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.159"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3769"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a2a6f121-6bb7-4dc2-999a-1e6ce0248d44"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3770"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9f51a9f8-7930-43f4-bb29-2d0f08b3a036"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.356998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3771"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "99ceeebe-7ed1-460e-9f09-98ba0f62423b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.493"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.493"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3772"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5de7ba4a-9153-4426-a6d4-25f4383532c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.353001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.998001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3773"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "24bec963-1d8f-4cd5-919b-5a7f5d5eea38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.085999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.973999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3774"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8b41cb4a-25bc-4c5e-8f6e-3cc4dfdfc5d4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.869999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3775"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84104051-758d-48ac-a45b-fc84047a7a13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.715"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.715"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.393002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3776"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aff9de59-373c-483e-a093-0c264db2d5d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.874001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3777"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11f17f8e-9452-4760-b8c7-4f4176778cf1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.042999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3778"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dd5feebd-2fe4-4a1b-8a9d-3d47f2cf6405"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3779"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9dbcabe9-cb42-4f2e-8520-6726905664a7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.291"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.291"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.276001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3780"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78ae7861-e20e-47e3-b886-df823fa63b6d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.841"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.841"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.777"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.777"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3781"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "61edd1a2-1056-4530-a960-9ad1697a591d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.787998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.418999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3782"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cef1601c-1774-4bac-9bcb-c0a4e404e40a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.014999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3783"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a1749797-ade8-4394-aed6-5988395d6f77"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3784"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf4bc030-b23e-4484-b9a0-1f840dd4af4b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.370998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.370998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.881001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3785"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54352b5c-0b9d-4bc3-941d-77a2714f92c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.460999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.963001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.963001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3786"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "92aeef85-2deb-4972-8e6c-7a84fba0af4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.751999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3787"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf2016b2-318a-44bd-a4f8-40c8a4b5978c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.584999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.23"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.23"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3788"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2830a57b-d60a-4ed7-936a-aaac77df194b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.792"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.792"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3789"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00184aea-4a54-44b2-b61a-f939564690c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.103001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3790"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c22fac8-6d52-4cff-88e9-d68a96587eb9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.631001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-36.995998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-36.995998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3791"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5d971e6-f679-4ad1-87c7-b8b473395de7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.923"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.923"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.113998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3792"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ced763b-ecb4-4ee1-8c47-4dab78d1e59c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.201"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.201"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3793"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70cbd306-125a-40ca-992f-1ec245572778"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.991001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3794"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e779835-bd70-404f-9711-0c6cf1bfdde8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.144001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.263"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.263"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3795"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89ec1423-49af-46a3-b1dc-2f87ec585c70"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.328999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.126999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3796"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53e2dad6-280f-441b-bd95-6fa005287df7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.286999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.540001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3797"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab83fbc0-417f-4074-a883-de0b9bc892f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-37.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-37.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3798"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d818e090-6c88-431f-9673-7834197482d5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3799"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "361f71bf-d7ee-4c3a-a998-411b7680ab9a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-38.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-38.772999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/04/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3800"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e42d5441-0c5f-4e59-846b-0a6cd4c5f65e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3801"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4923114b-8cb7-4e22-900d-3ef5f8b72daa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-39.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-39.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3802"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1634df07-db2c-4784-9c6e-aed6887caedc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.612999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3803"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "07637086-e646-426b-9583-d7898c281fa7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.745998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3804"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "359bb757-00fd-4456-8126-6b725601243a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.867001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3805"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7c646cc-5cea-4f0d-a868-b98221a404f0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.651001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3806"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80b9c08e-9988-46d4-861f-fa27bdbfa11c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.351002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3807"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bd9fa987-0f41-4803-b5fc-f15dfee61831"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.375"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.375"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-40.722"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-40.722"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3808"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c3e5e88c-ccb7-4c03-8ecb-021a8cabea3b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.354"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.354"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.063999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3809"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a1b0ba6b-3a98-4f9d-948c-0787d3620cd6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.049"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.049"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.484001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3810"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1aca0e31-e711-4f15-be24-289dc25cf2cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.411999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.623001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3811"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54f8bfce-9baf-4431-b60e-5ff048ee0c9b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.713001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.993999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3812"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "972b828e-5cfc-4e94-b957-ec7d25374c4d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.027"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.027"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3813"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f36896b2-b793-4cf5-b144-97773dc9db7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.578999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3814"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cc71d2d0-9ff1-4d3a-863f-be7768e1e8c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.133999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.933998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3815"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3299fc50-cd62-4d88-a81b-3ffdce8e6c19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.481998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.212002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3816"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "452ca46e-111c-436a-84d3-b7a0c7a21edb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.450001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3817"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "660fa3b0-d1b1-470d-9253-3fa8f2b18d01"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.398998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.213001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3818"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4e1b117e-b818-4ca3-8b17-51d4074b88c7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.551998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-45.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-45.273998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "20/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3819"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "608b0bac-0686-4381-8aee-e43ef726eca8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.658001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-45.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-45.988998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3820"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "63cdafb9-8742-44d9-8c8d-f9b2ce0a625b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3821"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6881f57d-3c7d-4e67-8443-c52e9814d796"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.644001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3822"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "edab9da8-089f-44c2-8a17-318c1e0c3e04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.813999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3823"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1d10733b-6ca8-4e08-98a0-dec2d851126b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-45.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-45.580002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3824"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e004955-b4e4-46e4-aeb7-7474b2abb3dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.709"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.709"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.467999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3825"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "caa07c87-c5a7-4c5f-bb44-c23c8112243b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.848"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.848"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.470001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3826"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0fbfa8d2-c30c-453c-84b3-362861d40e10"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.513"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.513"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3827"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38b353cf-1069-4505-aa9f-da82358d9700"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.464001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.098"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.098"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3828"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7cf11fc3-6c46-4982-9652-1e70ce8a5089"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.362"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.362"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.801998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3829"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "64ec86b1-9652-4fc1-8454-b13052890855"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.549"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/05/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3830"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b4066fa-ade1-4f31-9c9e-3c215f7fdec9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.046001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3831"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ace19dd8-c9e7-4f3a-b4bc-b3417e113226"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.068001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3832"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c4dec9ca-bcc5-4cf7-9f41-6af09c94d16a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.166"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.166"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.282001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3833"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "85d1bc30-bf69-4b8c-b499-3b9095e330cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.866001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "07/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3834"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4d3b4bfa-be7c-450a-9b47-5265ddc3cb42"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-46.93"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-46.93"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.27"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.27"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "08/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3835"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3deb9a42-38a5-4337-ad72-180f6123d3ce"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.754002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.951"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.951"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3836"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7ab4829-1290-4b96-8dfc-33868d42a6b7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.647999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3837"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2ad7d91-39e5-47ff-929f-3143eaec6b43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.039001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.924999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3838"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e0500ce8-2a06-42d6-bdfa-430368062eb0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.724998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.062"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.062"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3839"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4f90535-a707-430e-ba7c-3728fdd7e893"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.929001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3840"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0184fc2e-443a-4658-af90-9f24847e1891"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.847"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.853001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3841"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "655ee90c-8ff2-42a5-8f61-7ece17c599e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.994999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.543999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3842"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6ac5f27c-c6d2-4259-95a6-0665ca0767cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.214001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.479"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.479"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3843"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e84a707b-6086-4ad5-9c1a-d2778ec754cc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.307999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-41.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-41.522999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3844"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3fb012c7-4f4f-48c7-9e70-0b340e9aecd4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.175999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3845"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dee5c2c3-68ae-468d-96ce-f2486eb4c3d6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.57"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.638"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.638"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "27/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3846"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "13e6f770-1479-41cc-9560-ab0b82361332"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.229"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.229"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3847"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "88ea5b05-d5dc-48ed-91c6-74fea214d426"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.401001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-42.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-42.369999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3848"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90ffaed1-da84-428d-b6fd-d3275dc31a96"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.005001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.111"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/06/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3849"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad8ac685-cb26-415f-9c93-cc66a5ef99f2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.993"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.993"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.344002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3850"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "550c6c11-d1c7-4ea3-9ae0-835ba7e169b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.823002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.530998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3851"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43d2d8a6-b555-4f4b-be39-3bce7eddb86e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.837002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.502998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3852"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "53e5c911-fc19-4666-b9bd-2d2ca8448284"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.810001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3853"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "125f5ffb-a736-486f-82c9-8da54c550395"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.730999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3854"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b7e6ec2a-bc54-45d7-9dd6-4d8992f65c59"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.693001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3855"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e59243f-b8c6-47c5-9b34-f7c847ab03a8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.66"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.66"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.714001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.714001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3856"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fa34808c-fe4b-4f62-99cb-8b3765866432"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.708"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.98"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.98"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3857"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf24261f-1fe4-4816-b9b0-96fb13df3029"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.803001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-45.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-45.061001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3858"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9a79307-4319-4b32-818c-57dde5423e5b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.800999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-44.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-44.744999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3859"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "938350ad-551b-4e46-b285-629bab79c04a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.007999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-43.763"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-43.763"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3860"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c094c05f-bd40-45dd-be40-362c0b899491"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.258999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.227001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3861"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e91bd5aa-9171-4f09-9e83-c497f86a29e8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.191002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.317001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3862"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c8c457b-399c-411c-b0a5-61c840be865d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.876999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3863"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6bea9fbc-2a2a-4de5-a719-4d0a31d8c53b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.834"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-46.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-46.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3864"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86633e81-9c5f-4963-a586-1d92234e07d9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.793999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.421001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3865"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3304ef32-ada6-4f40-9dc0-108fbb360c38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-48.960999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-48.960999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "28/07/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3866"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea36cac8-e967-437c-8085-5bc91d11eba7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.478001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "01/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3867"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c8e08c0b-676e-4590-b7fc-77a4438af3fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.320999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.636002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3868"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "75bbb8a7-9972-403c-bd4b-6f6f9d2ebbf3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.493999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.493999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.109001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "04/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3869"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af7d471a-9909-49d4-a232-b847af55f267"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-49.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-49.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3870"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "70731eeb-3fed-4845-973a-1e49aa17e853"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.101002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "06/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3871"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "43e836c7-5e28-453b-92ec-8ecbd7a5db5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.601002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.629002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3872"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "330217df-84ed-4809-a3a7-e6d5b46b3d98"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.264999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.816002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3873"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "aec83410-e8ff-44f4-8963-4986291a5759"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-50.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-50.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3874"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fd61eddf-c885-4434-bc84-96e7db84feff"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.619999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.077999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3875"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ebbe1fd2-f205-4271-b025-b2267b561f51"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.452"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.452"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-51.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-51.606998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3876"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "41a49a54-e898-433a-8e74-7805c7ef4d55"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.319"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.319"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-52.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-52.897999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "14/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3877"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4af4e0bf-f380-4972-9795-af41a9b09733"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.268002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-54.138"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-54.138"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3878"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26dd4285-f3c8-454f-8764-4237b0e10d7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.915001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.813"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.813"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3879"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a428f330-1660-4d78-b593-f526072ba779"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.048"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.048"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.765999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3880"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "52d9889c-0d6a-415b-b7dd-61ceebd7cb8a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3881"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4fc55859-d4e6-42dc-a41c-e78bb6908130"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.070999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3882"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6471b9d9-62ef-4472-a949-b3562be25eef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.466999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.341"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.341"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3883"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b2bbfae-9c0a-43ff-a68d-10e19fa4abe2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "24/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3884"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f63a2bc3-e10a-4a35-895e-74e499231858"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.971001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.971001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.488998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "25/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3885"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f568e22e-7dde-4098-ba24-78aa3fa451ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.743"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.743"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.377998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3886"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5201efcf-90ad-466a-a6b0-0dee5773aa67"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.372002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-57.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-57.004002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "29/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3887"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2e8592a-b2be-4e14-a9dd-a897567c6ba2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.925999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.643002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "30/08/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3888"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "925dc093-fb32-44d9-839b-5a960721dd3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.412998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.842999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "03/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3889"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f1d0dd8a-1361-4fff-9f57-e364fa5edc14"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.985001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.363998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.363998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "05/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3890"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5f57a7b-d000-424c-8a8c-27845e118d6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.198002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.557999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3891"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "14efeb37-576a-4aea-ac1b-4dc09fd4832a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.195"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.195"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-55.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-55.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "10/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3892"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f65a276-9c63-474a-a1b4-1b5e8b5b36ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.826"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.826"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-56.673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-56.673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "11/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3893"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f6fa3d8-3a85-421f-9d32-b51932264baa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.734001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-58.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-58.172001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "12/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3894"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1b85b2ec-d4d1-4da0-b9ec-e5dd7494339e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-59.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-59.244999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "13/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3895"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "174c4aa4-d1d6-4b84-a625-b021a08bd5e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.771999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-60.632"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-60.632"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "15/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3896"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09ef7a7b-ec06-4f09-827c-076bf12c7da6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.952"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.952"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.462002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3897"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "845f200a-b54f-4454-bdee-6644bc7ac3cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.123001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.743999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "16/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3898"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6fcabf94-f31a-4ffa-9815-054717a37f0b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.432999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-62.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-62.257999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "17/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3899"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "71d9ff1e-1ffb-4be8-8e08-26a2a69ff374"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.891998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.153"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.153"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "18/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3900"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d54741d6-39e8-41e3-9425-1c5bb4462406"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.667999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Patagonian Shelf"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/09/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "CNP-PINNIPEDOS-3901"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "CNP-PINNIPEDOS"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "male"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de915309-57ef-46e2-a591-5b7a1bdac8ef"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CAMPAGNA, C., QUINTANA, F., LE BOEUF, B.J., BLACKWELL, S. & CROCKER, D.E. 1998. Diving behaviour and foraging ecology of female southern elephant seals from Patagonia. Aquatic Mammals, 4, 1-11"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated . a foaf:Organization ; rdfs:label "FPN-WCS"@en . dwc:institutionCode . bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-40.3666"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-40.3666"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-61.983299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-61.983299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Banco Culebra"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Buenos Aires"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1882"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "425"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7429e141-aeb7-4562-b32f-026bfcea0f5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.179169"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.179169"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.888885"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.888885"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Barrancas Blancas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1883"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "619"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f2baa02-5c36-4995-ad2c-0b3adc1c0e1e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.179169"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.179169"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.888885"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.888885"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Barrancas Blancas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1884"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "473"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3890af8b-8af4-4d63-9bf9-82821c6f49c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta de los Loros"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1885"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "296"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "83340602-bef1-4adb-99dc-a38b82c70dd1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta de los Loros"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1886"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "332"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8c9d1171-9e31-4712-931c-49632aa8cb1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.03194"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.07222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta de los Loros"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1887"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "260"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3f744bc-0fdc-420d-aeb9-3a48f28517ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.316669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.316669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ens. de Medina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1888"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "657"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "419106e4-8cee-4971-9a29-e8632242933d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.152779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.152779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.71389"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.71389"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Faro Belen"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1889"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "412"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f498a629-9bb9-4144-84b4-6fe34df6653e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1890"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "487"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7720e428-4af1-49b9-8b5a-275c3a4b70c9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1891"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "560"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a0ef2a1c-fd88-4e6f-bff8-c8e1d42230c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1892"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "711"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ab5d091b-e743-4792-ba68-d163e385707d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1893"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "449"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eb209592-8f0f-46bb-b958-ce4adc13ee1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.1436"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.1436"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Morro Nuevo (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1894"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "937"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe667835-4fad-4a9d-8269-09adf22fbb7b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.872002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.1436"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.1436"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Morro Nuevo (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1895"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1151"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe074776-8eda-4d22-9848-fd700457256c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.166672"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.166672"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa La Armonia I (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1896"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "701"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04e33f66-d146-42a7-b9f6-b29020a84b0f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.8517"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.8517"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.9837"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.9837"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa La Pastosa (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1897"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1758"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fb197017-e5c9-4d01-86b6-acdd4222c1e5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1898"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "900"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "026afe98-8c99-42af-ab71-d6b23f2d5696"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1899"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1075"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e54cf6e8-a3c3-4373-9274-9d7295c638c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1900"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "711"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "166cf31a-c286-4026-a0c1-c84dd85c0df9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.147221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.072224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Bermeja"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1901"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1431"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b172e7d-1bc8-40e7-8558-b92817f1d112"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1902"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2096"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3e2c72ba-e335-452d-a45e-06823534eeae"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1903"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2220"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ea862d9-3efa-470b-8bb6-4b654cf8b74d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.233326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.374992"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Buenos Aires (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1904"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2903"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ad9f3f33-9620-46df-a733-ecdd75c9199c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Colorada"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Ro Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1905"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "267"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "31e37d0a-465b-4834-ba20-cc7281d0aa3e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.316669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.316669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.050003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Conos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1906"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed38ee8b-2a90-4159-bc14-b0d911f06fd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.879601"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.879601"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.714699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.714699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Conscripto"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1907"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "247"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19625927-61ec-42be-962e-3c8de057c631"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.5317"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.5317"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.1987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.1987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delfn"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1908"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "959"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9cbd204-bc79-4af2-b4fb-c24551b66090"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delgada (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1909"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "916"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4a7cb0b6-e37e-4cb7-a154-7a93d7c1be74"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delgada (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1910"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "585"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4b1a1b6-d84e-43cf-b5c2-62fdb3344f2a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.76667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.633339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Delgada (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1911"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "782"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39c95f23-2019-45b9-a99e-19a947d24bb8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Hrcules (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1912"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "368"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "51e9346c-c4c1-4644-856e-7cbba5f0fb94"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Hrcules (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1913"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "326"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ee0fbe38-eaf1-49a8-9e29-dd664af518bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.583328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Hrcules (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1914"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "27"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1d7ca9c-7ef7-4a2d-b28f-c5ed0e7a62b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Len"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1915"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2880"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29856a7f-119c-4251-bd4c-47737ed523ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Len"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1916"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "3434"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "19d364c4-8474-45f4-b29a-2a55384006a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.075001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.491669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Len"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1917"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "5125"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34b03127-c584-4cee-8bd9-a1a95ccadd04"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Loma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1918"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "283"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f9195a72-f6b2-4697-b09f-881bcc167683"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Loma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1919"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "160"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "90f2f2e4-1ba0-4a1f-8fad-a53de324a17c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.816669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.89167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Loma"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1920"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "331"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a11b54a-ed04-4967-b356-c7a612ca6063"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1921"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2433"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eea9a162-3634-465d-ae6e-ab9204f4edbc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1922"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2773"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "65f2ed32-b746-4721-8671-916784a6bbab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.066685"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.783329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Norte (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1923"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "3043"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8ed6107e-665f-4dde-b3a6-04bd875ea2b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Pirmide (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1924"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1438"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4295d8c6-aeeb-408d-94e2-f2f6d1aa9f24"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Pirmide (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1925"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1181"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b2765c41-977d-4943-b364-4c1094be3e13"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.583332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Pirmide (Pennsula Valds)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1926"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1510"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9b4e847c-b21f-41a7-ae96-fcb93a65137e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.433331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.433331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.01667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.01667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Pozos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1927"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "40"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ef775754-7bc0-405c-9974-740be2871728"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Quiroga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1928"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "780"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a0c8afa2-e366-434b-8160-5f4b35ce9952"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-42.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-42.23333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.466667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Quiroga"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1929"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "951"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3ac9dc8d-4dcc-4c55-83fd-6c3dd974da38"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-41.419445"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.022224"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Villarino"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1930"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "102"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "eceb6bfa-6fbe-4eaa-bef7-6549444f0f4a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Dans S. L., E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, R. Gonzalez y N. Garca. 1996. Estructura y tendencia de los apostaderos de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) en el norte de Patagonia. Informes Tcnicos del Plan de Manejo integrado de la Zona Costera Patagnica (Puerto Madryn, Argentina). Nro 13 1-21."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated . a foaf:Organization ; rdfs:label "CENPAT-FPN"@en . dwc:institutionCode . bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.533329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.533329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.316673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.316673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Acertada island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1968"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "333"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "dc3c30f8-5ab0-406d-8360-9aa6cec5c58f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.533329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.533329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.316673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.316673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Acertada island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1969"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "917"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ce76cd4b-6912-41ed-86f8-c84704952c7a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arce island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1970"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "10"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b3fcd9f1-33f1-42f1-a7b7-3e97d153291a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arce island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1971"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "288"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "39517afb-6346-4c4e-a943-70e17e4d10db"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.004169"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arce island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1972"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "43"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b023dbd-3d31-415f-b56d-f22db85810c1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arellano islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1973"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "105"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6cc0eb60-5d36-4921-a98d-778cd7fbea65"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arellano islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1974"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "235"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ed48a7f0-e542-4e11-af27-72843f03812a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.048328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.844719"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arellano islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1975"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "157"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a5936487-17fa-48ad-b33f-f1ebba0ef4ca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.640266"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.640266"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Blanca Mayor island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1976"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "90"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ae14b298-6d7b-4c05-85ef-5e23bce3bfd7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.640266"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.640266"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Blanca Mayor island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1977"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "136"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca9ad3d9-291d-4d00-8a62-18f8e6065b32"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.047218"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.047218"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.845833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.845833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Castillos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1978"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "15"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5de06649-250c-48d6-928d-6fceb3fe2cf6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ceballos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1979"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "254"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a31eefa7-10cf-4d16-9b20-5b48f4181630"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ceballos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1980"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "141"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d527bd4e-1abd-4d89-81f0-cd04576127fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ceballos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1981"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "798"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b0414ac1-ccf7-44a2-99bd-5fd912b2b19a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ceballos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1982"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "113"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b57c1af1-5242-4816-9051-c4d195242285"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.15361"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.360832"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Ceballos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1983"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "841"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a672b47b-551e-4433-b25e-9cbb04e90a5c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1984"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "222"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7542d9eb-b2aa-4bab-b0f3-3829f1596b6c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1985"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "402"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3a58cb09-8c23-468e-81ce-462f468e6f3f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1986"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "461"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "79635137-011d-4c71-809f-669199ae2604"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.033611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.207779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1987"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "375"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "86e58a57-779f-43c6-b09c-d79eaf9cbbdd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cumbre island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1988"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "276"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3ab63e1-bdf0-42bb-9419-612334b6a7e3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cumbre island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1989"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "795"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a7469106-4bb8-4374-9337-3913bb6350ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.59444"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cumbre island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1990"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "384"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fed35022-8e9e-4236-971a-098bb62ef3ea"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.772221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.772221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.64167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.64167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "E Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1991"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "55"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2dfeac93-bbe4-4d1c-8555-15f58ae34a83"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.772221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.772221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.64167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.64167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "E Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1992"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "107"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "af7796fa-f7a3-4973-a10b-16a5ebc9872e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.183331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.183331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "E Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1993"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "18"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "09b5d974-a640-4bb0-999d-62f26c31aca9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Escondida Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1994"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2343"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "364196a8-0b65-4617-a5af-09779358c001"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Escondida Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1995"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "14"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "142dc198-8bdb-4b30-af87-0a89059da8d8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Escondida Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1996"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1315"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "705accc7-b3e9-4517-baa9-f6ffbf4c04fc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721668"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Escondida Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1997"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "221"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "38b2c997-ad16-4e58-aa7f-24eed3d2be02"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.116661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.116661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.933327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.933327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Este island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1998"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "528"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ea7960ed-1866-468c-9991-26756c6b991a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.116661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.116661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.933327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.933327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Este island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-1999"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "108"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f7945d6-26e3-4c4f-afc5-18df4acd7423"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Galiano islands"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2000"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "36"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d08842b7-1e86-4673-b62c-e32131ff51b2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Galiano islands"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2001"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "120"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d58cb5c9-b64f-4671-9d79-4fc8d578c18b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07917"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.405563"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Galiano islands"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2002"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "167"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cba997af-68c8-4010-895f-42d6dceff6a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.077782"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.077782"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.044441"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.044441"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Goeland islets"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2003"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "270a1179-fe34-4b3f-bffa-59765ebd8fcc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.077782"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.077782"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.044441"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.044441"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Goeland islets"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2004"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "18"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3fff027-48be-4d39-9680-ebad09cbe91a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.594002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.380547"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Gorda island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2005"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "020fef5e-f562-484c-b120-76cc070212a2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Gran Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2006"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7dde5120-c052-4fff-bf9a-2eb79898102c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Gran Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2007"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "271"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "beba5748-157a-4cf2-b261-b9fc659ec55b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.133339"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.056953"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Gran Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2008"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "45"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cfdada2f-370d-4235-984a-33d6f6df1502"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.038059"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.038059"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.74472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.74472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Guerrico islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2009"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "480"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdf10bf6-4905-4a04-8cbf-d56e6c3c3455"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.038059"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.038059"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.74472"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.74472"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Guerrico islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2010"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "525"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f4138086-9676-49b5-bbad-60175551bd95"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.052219"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.052219"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.604439"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.604439"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Leones island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2011"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "205"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73db5c34-b932-4170-ba17-31f26579b8d1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2012"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "629"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f06e76ab-da7c-4a44-b469-555dfd0961c5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2013"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "491"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7519d23-81b6-478f-86f9-19db470ab5d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2014"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "876"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f90bda3a-7754-43e4-a87e-94ad10c862aa"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2015"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "174"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "281d7e7f-57f1-41b3-84da-06cf590e7fc0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.07806"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.296944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2016"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "902"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f058ee10-aa9f-4330-9809-7437e81c57b1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos Marinos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2017"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1312"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5fdf34f0-c7e0-434c-a22b-2e24411dbeab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos Marinos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2018"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "118"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "724fa6ec-b8ba-4f72-b678-bd07d3966500"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos Marinos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2019"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "871"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c9a38484-db92-4ca9-bfa1-73b950f4c574"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.283329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.238892"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos Marinos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2020"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "586"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "89ef67fb-cf9e-4730-91dc-84e7dead36b8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Moreno island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2021"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "146"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2c4cac1f-50c1-4e75-8a98-9d4820c0d38a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Moreno island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2022"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6f073314-0717-404f-93cd-cded966f91d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.908611"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.537781"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Moreno island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2023"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "348"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "36498674-524f-4316-b5e5-64bb98bf7ab3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.277779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.277779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "N to Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2024"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "450"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d1e6314f-0025-402e-b6ea-a2a1891aa268"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.277779"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.277779"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "N to Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2025"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "72"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "21b8e791-12bf-4ed5-b31f-76a314a80594"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.816673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.816673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pan de Azucar island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2026"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "105"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17dc5d18-6c81-4eb7-91ad-c159a953da91"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.816673"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.816673"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pan de Azucar island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2027"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "76"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d49762d0-b6b6-4aa1-b6fb-c96a2dcaca8e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pequeo Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2028"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "293"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "11e954ef-d15b-4457-aa90-7ee0424365b4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pequeo Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2029"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "917"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ecb9c2fb-f59d-4742-91b8-5baf68656248"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pequeo Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2030"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "994"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1d89926-124a-4973-a56b-06086006634d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.11945"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.09861"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pequeo Robredo island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2031"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "85"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a4c14c88-3503-4546-bf53-03cb9c907658"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Piedras island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2032"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "683"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2e47d495-ed1e-4bee-ae44-63b26b366bc9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Piedras island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2033"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "32"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6813dddf-fb13-40bd-92c1-13757d549d37"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Piedras island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2034"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "689"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00f9959c-f987-48a8-bd69-21f95f5555fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.261108"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.26667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Piedras island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2035"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "41"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d4bcbf43-0755-448b-bc95-18ef314fde19"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Puente islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2036"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "16"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a3f7bdb2-eab3-4429-aa75-f8c1d9066196"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Puente islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2037"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "319"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f62b4613-25ca-40ef-89a0-ae7baa5fa0fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.040001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.838333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Puente islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2038"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "440"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00b49e35-4dbd-4dd1-943e-340af19252cf"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.222221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.222221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.520844"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.520844"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Aristizabal"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2039"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "271"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "12f1e087-5516-4d69-a2dd-feaecaa0fc30"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.222221"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.222221"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.520844"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.520844"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Aristizabal"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2040"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "11"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "956032b2-6789-4d04-8d06-819f11e4ecca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Atlas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2041"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "60"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7e7ad50f-b2d6-43b5-9d27-72f9b89834e2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Atlas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2042"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "844"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f7c616a-0fa0-4c0d-9289-eeb5604eb36b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Atlas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2043"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "93"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "04e1d1d7-d349-4dfe-8b06-ef50a41bbe4c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.140282"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.219437"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Atlas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2044"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "513"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "287e9a2d-ed4d-44b0-b89c-fca61fd788cb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Betbeder"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2045"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "394"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2b4bcf2a-df91-426d-9905-8fd3f4dac0a3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Betbeder"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2046"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "13"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a19868c5-8a7c-49b0-a1a6-7c519831f0d2"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Betbeder"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2047"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "127"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d9d57389-e3f1-4581-acb3-b2aad4cf6f9c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Clara"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2048"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "25"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9d771c05-633d-4682-a5d7-f4f40091f290"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Clara"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2049"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5b98f221-ed42-438c-8a97-2e875a367e2a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.25"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Clara"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2050"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "268"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "517679f8-52a1-4908-8ade-c3198a7de96e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.599998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.458344"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.458344"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Guanaco"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2051"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "131"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0ee400fa-06d9-42a9-8db3-73fd410b194e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Gutierrez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2052"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "146"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "26e3538f-ffda-4525-a9a2-67f4aa38b78a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Gutierrez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2053"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "124"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a75ca798-003d-4ae8-9a2a-4b008f222134"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.406109"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.266937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Gutierrez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2054"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "106"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fae16a12-7df4-42a5-87f8-286c5a501103"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.804161"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.804161"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.308327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.308327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Lobos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2055"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "146"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4c05c94a-7136-4477-8b37-3f02c4b36a58"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.804161"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.804161"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.308327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.308327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Lobos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2056"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "250"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "115c5867-9a1b-4339-80fa-940a78dd5fbd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Quintano Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2057"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "956"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ca6c37f2-83c2-4d90-b576-caf95070b8b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Quintano Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2058"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "678"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ffeaf06-f52f-4f90-a2d9-6923fd34c627"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Quintano Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2059"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2303"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e1cd0689-d406-4a56-8ebc-f4bb631a0a0e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Quintano Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2060"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "371"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e0fea67-b197-48f2-8be6-ae2382fce449"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.248051"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.700279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Quintano Island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2061"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "2578"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "829c8291-6112-47c4-bd97-b5be86b7be43"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.10833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.10833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.39167"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.39167"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Rasa island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2062"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "610"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f2036a53-12af-4d74-8dae-9164cdd87bca"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Raso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2063"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "607"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "48b85217-5099-4fd7-aa83-71d7f586cf39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Raso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2064"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "35"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "960e0f1b-ccbe-473d-b20c-2fb5bc6f7e4e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.38028"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.226669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Raso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2065"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1261"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8d35ff4f-2e01-49b1-bc28-dc8b87e486cd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "S Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2066"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "403"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c820a1e-d841-4e3f-a388-a2f597ad0001"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "S Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2067"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "12"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "009ea91d-caa9-4ddd-ac45-c93e25a0aa53"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "S Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2068"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "176"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c07cef66-11d9-451e-88ae-90c5cab07395"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.200279"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.40583"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "S Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2069"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "283"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "549d8314-d6ea-4602-8967-eb9abd157cad"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Jos cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2070"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0e90b664-e565-4ca9-89df-5c936b94d16f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Jos cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2071"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "105"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5907c4ce-f9be-4d70-bf64-f64d69212b1c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.51667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Jos cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2072"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "402"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "82bfe801-3089-4ad5-90f8-fa2025808c82"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.622219"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.622219"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.283607"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.283607"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Solano islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2073"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "702"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5795ed3d-60f3-46c3-b895-16bb15913c97"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.063332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.063332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.623337"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.623337"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Sudoeste island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2074"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "775"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fe3a3880-558b-41fa-8a9e-1653b25cb9dc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.063332"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.063332"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.623337"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.623337"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Sudoeste island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2075"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "248"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "00b0b83a-4947-48d8-a606-8960fd94949d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "SW Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2076"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "595"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "5c55ac88-ddd4-4bad-bc7b-0ee01d6017ab"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "SW Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2077"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "118"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9ed2c060-6dc9-4dc2-8d93-7f86a9cc02fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "SW Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2078"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1163"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "93667a31-90ad-46b0-b041-fd9174b3d96f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.18222"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.514442"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "SW Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2079"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1473"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "29204512-f6d1-44fa-91c2-fbac6cae581e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Tovita island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2080"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "148"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97226515-4055-4c33-8f0e-5e48ae672e1b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Tovita island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2081"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "440"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e3acf3df-569a-4f58-828f-9e949a457e39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.120281"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.944733"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Tovita island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2082"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "282"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "60387295-83fa-4fef-bf98-29d7a20bbe87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2083"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "417"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e132568e-8516-4e03-aa94-6c89a9386473"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2084"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "200"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9dd573a1-251a-4be4-bf86-0941651a0080"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2085"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "989"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3108db47-7edd-49ba-a13a-6894404f2588"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.76944"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.656937"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2086"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "35"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "a52dfded-ab6d-45b5-8391-b4e0f6f6b83a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2087"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "279"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4872d74d-1cf0-4080-a28f-e01b5dd2c274"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2088"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "463"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f515574f-b271-4140-8cbe-b526c2954525"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.17667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.519997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "W Vernacci island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2089"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "552"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "335aa733-5df6-4010-9c44-3ee49a21f48a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Reyes L. M., E.A. Crespo and V. Szapkievich. 1999. Distribution and population size of the Southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in central and southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 478-493"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.855"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.855"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.223297"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.223297"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Alicia island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2090"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "17"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e814b7ec-ddb0-4a3d-9bc5-0888f87374fe"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.958302"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.958302"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.013298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.013298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Beagle channel"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2091"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "471"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "de53147d-088c-4bb0-a8cd-b70fef14f52b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.958302"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.958302"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.013298"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.013298"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Becasses islands"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2092"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "238"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "84167285-2530-49e9-9246-3dcc0f7f4367"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.866661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.866661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.150002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Belen lighthouse"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2093"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "136"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f58b6fff-2c2e-4f6d-a701-3a72214e8b39"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.90667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.90667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.736671"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.736671"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Blanca island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2094"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "521"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1907faaf-0200-40cd-ba30-12c84900dfe1"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Blanco cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2095"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "36"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cac7db06-4a25-47a8-b833-ad4c516b654d"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Blanco cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2096"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "55"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1929237b-09b4-4fe7-8918-f448e3798efc"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-52.366661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-52.366661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.400002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta de los Loros"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2097"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "150"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "464b47c4-f847-453a-b3b9-63c599b38fc7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.73333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Caleta Ojeda"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2098"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "17"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "54894ef1-44a1-4387-9512-ecb720c83ada"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.249989"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.249989"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.628014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.628014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cerro Bayo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2099"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "57"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4b9710e7-3e60-43aa-86d4-640e41da954e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.249989"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.249989"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.628014"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.628014"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cerro Bayo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2100"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "898"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9fa871bc-cfef-464e-b188-1edb846df22a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.358997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.358997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.880936"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.880936"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cerro Monte Len"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2101"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "7"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "232b529b-3187-4f0d-a0d2-cd1c4f5de569"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.491657"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.491657"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.78833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.78833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cerro Ordo?ez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2102"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "376"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73612978-35aa-412c-b77c-7c138ac1b1fb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.742825"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.742825"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.03334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.03334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2103"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ffaccab3-615a-482f-b996-368a204ebc6e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.742825"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.742825"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.03334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.03334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2104"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "509"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9e4ce4a1-d550-4bff-be25-60d412bfe53f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.183334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.183334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.616661"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Curioso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2105"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "38"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "4f6a79f6-5c19-41bd-b3df-1814a68182c3"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.840004"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.840004"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.208305"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.208305"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Da?oso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2106"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "600"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "139fff8f-19ff-41bb-9925-4bf3e8ae63ec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.624599"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.624599"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.557404"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.557404"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Donata cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2107"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "240"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "c1de1d7b-d65a-4006-9a42-1d2d35e3e155"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.873299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.873299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.504997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.504997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Estuary SE of Pta. Entrada"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-2108"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d3f8b164-7c2f-4fb8-970b-5293ba68c6c6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.0042"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.0042"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.483299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.483299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Arce island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3902"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e6bb71fb-a710-4756-b5ff-5016f3d87ed7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Ximenez I. and J. Scolaro. 1974. Estado actual de las poblaciones de Pinnipedos del litoral Atlntico de la Provincia del Chubut. Comision Nacional de estudios Geo-Heliofisicos. Centro Nacional Patagnico. 15 pp."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Crespo et al."^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.200001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.75"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo Blanco"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3903"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "28305dbf-d7b8-4572-94b9-71bab8568c16"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CRESPO, M. LEWIS, C. CAMPAGNA. (en prensa). Mamiferos marinos: una revision sobre la biologia de las especies principales de pinnipedios y cetceos del mar argentino en El mar argentino y sus recursos pesqueros: Problemtica Actual y perspectivas. INIDEP."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-44.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-44.900002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.533302"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.533302"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Cabo dos Bahas"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3904"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "177ed94d-2def-41b3-9fc2-d3ec5986bfec"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Ximenez I. and J. Scolaro. 1974. Estado actual de las poblaciones de Pinnipedos del litoral Atlntico de la Provincia del Chubut. Comision Nacional de estudios Geo-Heliofisicos. Centro Nacional Patagnico. 15 pp."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-43.721699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-43.721699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.283302"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.283302"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla Escondida"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3905"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "bb3012b1-96f8-4562-a963-c27e71d18978"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Ximenez I. and J. Scolaro. 1974. Estado actual de las poblaciones de Pinnipedos del litoral Atlntico de la Provincia del Chubut. Comision Nacional de estudios Geo-Heliofisicos. Centro Nacional Patagnico. 15 pp."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.799999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.199997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Isla de los Estados"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3906"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17fb1359-0bf6-4c3d-9f5a-519ac23d8afd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "CRESPO, M. LEWIS, C. CAMPAGNA. (en prensa). Mamiferos marinos: una revision sobre la biologia de las especies principales de pinnipedios y cetceos del mar argentino en El mar argentino y sus recursos pesqueros: Problemtica Actual y perspectivas. INIDEP."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-45.108299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-45.108299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.391701"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.391701"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Rasa island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3907"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f7cccc21-cda2-4277-b8dc-e458cc640a7c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Ximenez I. and J. Scolaro. 1974. Estado actual de las poblaciones de Pinnipedos del litoral Atlntico de la Provincia del Chubut. Comision Nacional de estudios Geo-Heliofisicos. Centro Nacional Patagnico. 15 pp."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.6567"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.6567"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.121696"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.121696"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Faro San Diego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3908"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "84"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6662f79c-e0cb-4029-8bd9-276a1d5376a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.866699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.866699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.233299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.233299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Goffre island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3909"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "34c8b453-c9c5-41af-b24a-a897773e7a8b"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.01667"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.01667"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.916656"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.916656"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islat in front to Punta Medano Negro"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3910"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "34"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b13c9dc8-502d-4434-8ef1-e5707660c496"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.497505"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.497505"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.752831"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.752831"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islet in front to Cerro Ordo?ez"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3911"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "673"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e7f263c0-c20e-45ec-9c42-aba0c5ccd265"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.686001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.083321"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.083321"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islet N of Chato islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3912"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "31"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8e89bc50-f4c1-4275-afb9-c58ca60f389c"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.868301"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.868301"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.165001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islet NE of Despard island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3913"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "32"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "47f2a8d7-8bdb-49db-9572-67e2cad47d5f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.252487"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.252487"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.222328"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.222328"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islet of Cabo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3914"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "52"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "32888fa2-02fe-40b4-a404-db25b85faa61"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.85783"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.85783"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.248001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Islet S of Da?oso cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3915"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "147"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cbc81fb7-72c6-46cc-9e53-a1aa111479be"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.154999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.60833"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.60833"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "La Mina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3916"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "73"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e9ceb7ea-6f43-4453-b494-4808254d62c0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.6367"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.6367"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.339996"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.339996"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Laguna Centenario"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3917"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "302"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9254ea8f-78d3-4e86-9498-335183781eb4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.066669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.433327"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.433327"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Leones island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Chubut"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3918"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "270"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fdc320cf-529b-4af2-aa86-028dd1c7b0d7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.873299"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.873299"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.099998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Les Eclaireurs E islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3919"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "4"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "22fefa64-aaaf-407f-93bd-6aed82a519e4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.8717"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.8717"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.110001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Les Eclaireurs W islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3920"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "110"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b90d4c38-7530-478b-8886-5faf722d05b9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.959171"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.959171"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.873329"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.873329"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3921"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "944"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6a2c8888-afac-47ec-9d6d-9551492093f7"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.808334"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.808334"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.116669"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Lobos islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3922"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "25"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "91337661-3c28-4c05-bd8a-a193615674bb"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.520699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.520699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.694504"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.694504"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Maquenque"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3923"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "515"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "306dddda-f371-4ec0-86b5-0aa995a57757"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.520699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.520699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.694504"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.694504"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Maquenque"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3924"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "626"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "2ebd0321-c566-4f3c-b7db-55065413cce9"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.088326"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.088326"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.271675"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.271675"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Monte Loayza (Sanguinetto bay)"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3925"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "1972"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "9fda3ab4-52ab-4fc8-9a8a-336204a8b937"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.654999"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.133331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.133331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Observatorio island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3926"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "100"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "538125a5-4d13-4979-9ddd-1a0f82582f09"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.91"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.91"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.721664"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.721664"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Pingino island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3927"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "207"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "78ae2dc2-7240-4765-9612-b3e987fa8275"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.526154"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.526154"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.04274"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.04274"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Cuevas or N of Cerro Observatorio"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3928"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "90"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "66392441-5ea4-4f90-9f0d-11ddabf22974"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.526154"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.526154"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-69.04274"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-69.04274"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Cuevas or N of Cerro Observatorio"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3929"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "461"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ea4c6a9-06ee-4b31-bd0b-0726aac41c49"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.631252"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.631252"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.514938"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.514938"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta E Baha Policarpo"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3930"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "116"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "73f9207a-0c62-4df7-aaaa-5ddaa10cb8b5"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-50.351639"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-50.351639"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-68.883278"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-68.883278"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Punta Observacin"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3931"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "270"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "72f4692c-8d67-491b-ae8e-14551e088566"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.12698"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.12698"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.036987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.036987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Puntudo islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3932"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "e209aea0-7a03-4423-b8a9-e258b6bf72ba"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.12698"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.12698"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.036987"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.036987"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Puntudo islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3933"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "302"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "80929ca7-58e4-4aac-8de7-7f95b6462122"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-47.749947"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-47.749947"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.83812"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.83812"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Roca Foca"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3934"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1e8dd236-8806-43d2-b57f-e7cd37871b45"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.974998"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.699997"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "S islet of Hall cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3935"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "3"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "f95b2155-3fae-48aa-818f-7d9618cf5b46"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.720001"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-64.5467"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-64.5467"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Antonio cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3936"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "71"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ac663c41-d312-4c12-8ac5-b4a5c55c986e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.6567"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.6567"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.121696"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.121696"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Diego cape 1"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3937"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "133"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "b28bfd4d-4818-4722-9520-2439928ffa66"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.651699"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.651699"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.136703"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.136703"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Diego cape 2"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3938"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "130"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "d90ee342-1ee6-430d-9c5d-b8ce24082573"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-49.738297"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-49.738297"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.720787"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.720787"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Francisco de Paula"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3939"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "90"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3851d046-3240-48ae-a3c1-f7bf059667f8"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.716702"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.716702"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-63.82"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-63.82"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Juan cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3940"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8887a99b-ae40-4be5-a047-6a7995665a87"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-55.013302"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-55.013302"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-66.300301"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-66.300301"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "San Martn de Tours islet"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3941"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "50"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "17016ed5-2706-4aff-8f6d-b200f4fa8707"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.094799"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.094799"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-67.1922"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-67.1922"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Santa Ines cape"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3942"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "221"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "681b5c66-5866-4fdc-a58b-d1e3187590ee"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-48.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-48.115002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.898331"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.898331"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Shag island"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Santa Cruz"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3943"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "744"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "0bcfec8e-29eb-4fb9-9459-7636fadf32a6"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Argentina"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-54.633301"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-54.633301"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-65.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-65.300003"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Tres Amigos"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "Tierra del Fuego"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Atlantic Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3944"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "289"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "fec6789a-8a5e-4dd4-b74a-112929176e1a"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "Schiavini A. C. M., E. A. Crespo, V. Szapkievich. 2004. Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69(2) 108-119"^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated . a foaf:Organization ; rdfs:label "UNIV. AUSTRAL CHILE"@en . dwc:institutionCode . bigeonto:memberOf . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Pavs et al."^^xsd:string . dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "26/12/1996"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3945"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "88"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "3f064ae0-67ad-40bf-a5c6-01feb7d0ae05"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/01/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3946"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "18"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "76f5c367-1c77-4395-971e-7dec8520afd0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3947"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "20"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "cf8868e2-4d7a-44a1-804d-cada297d60e0"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3948"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "25"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "7ef56819-21b0-40db-955a-2c7c11af9c72"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "23/02/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3949"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "118"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8295ec95-3afd-4a80-9864-06f8814751fd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "22/11/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3950"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "19"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "8f6e6955-13da-45e8-ac09-0b3faa86c408"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "21/12/1997"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3951"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "83"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "97a05477-9bbe-4a68-8a82-ce0bece12ce4"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "19/01/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3952"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "17"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "27f7dbe6-33a2-4629-bd05-f9f2a27bc21e"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "02/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3953"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "18"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ccea70aa-572e-42f6-8aa1-2f5047be3ccd"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location ; dwc:eventDate "09/02/1998"^^xsd:date . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3954"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:individualCount "53"^^xsd:integer ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "1a73c1da-4f0f-438f-b2e6-bae32d2c173f"@en ; dc:bibliographicCitation "PAVS, H. J.; SCHLATTER, R. P and ESPINOZA, C. I.. 2005. Breeding patterns in southern sea lions, Otaria flavescens (Shaw 1800), in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78: 687-700."^^xsd:string . a dwc:Occurrence . a dwc:Organism ; bigeonto:belongsTo . bigeonto:associated ; bigeonto:memberOf ; dwciri:recordedBy . a bigeonto:BioEvent . a dc:Location ; dwc:country "Chile"^^xsd:string ; dwc:decimalLatitude "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:lat "-38.650002"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:decimalLongitude "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; geo-pos:long "-73.48333"^^xsd:decimal ; dwc:locality "Playa Grande of Punta Lobera"^^xsd:string ; dwc:stateProvince "IX Regin of La Araucana"^^xsd:string ; dwc:waterBody "South Pacific Ocean"^^xsd:string . bigeonto:has_location . bigeonto:has_event ; dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation"^^xsd:string ; dwc:catalogNumber "LAMAMA-3955"^^xsd:string ; dwc:collectionCode "LAMAMA"^^xsd:string ; dwc:sex "unknow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "6818aa81-09dd-4f4e-8fa5-cca269372f0d"@en .